Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1876, p. 1

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BBOQK 8TBBT, WUITBL Terma $1 50O, par Annum, A VBBTIEMET. -AU Avrie mas meamursd ini Nonparel, ma tbugida th. rate of e e.ale, per line, f9M " " " m a -2 lcen t e, p r lin o, eu ho h u b . 1 1 e sids c o U a l S a d v o e t i o m BuaIne-88 Direcotory1 ONITARlIO BANE, ýlliTBY BBÂNIR, -TROUAS DOW, )<DINlION BDANK, WHITBY AGENOY, LAW Cn«onE R. OTAXON, rangements fo1e iosretainer cf Hmn.Mr. 'VAI1ÊlWELL &é.RVtTLE»D, D ARISTRSATIRER 8, OL!- I>cItoi~, m oti-.Pblic, ansud ey. Om*eiraidoor uouth of tbe Royal soIs! *ltby. JAMES RUTL3DGZ, R. A. J. B. PAREWELL, L. L. B, Oouty rown Attorney. de JAAÎES ICEITII GORDON, 1D ARRISTER & cATTORNEY.AT-LAW, 3) Sofflor In dliunsore, irock Street, Wbitby,- ont, * CIARLE C.KELLERt, A TTOBNBT.AT.LAW, SOLIOLTOIF £'.,Chancery, Oonveygàner, &.Caning. LV4IIAl ENGLINIt, -L L. 13, B RUSTER AT L&W, SOLICITOR IN OAChancýery, Oonveyancer,&o., &oIm cous trect, Osbawa. G. YOUNG Smilr-u, XLL. 1.,' I3ARISTER, ATTORNLeY. AT- LAW, BAsollditor In Chancer and Insolvoncy, Notary Publlod&o., &C. Offca-MoMliau's lilopk, Brook tetWbitby, Ontario. A@ Go.DMcMILLAN, <Late Oreonwood & MoMiflan,) BARILISTER, ATTOIINBY, SOLIC. Bitor, Notai-y Public, Conveyancer. 0f. fic--yron Strect, South of I'ost Office, Wbtby, Ontario. D UGN&ROBINSON, IIABRI5TZIS, ATTORNZEYS-AT.LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, OONVEYANCERS, £te., OPFIOE-1'rovincial Agsucrance Buildings Cocxv* TEU.To, TOIIONqTO,. J. DUoosAc, Q ',J. G. RomION, M. A. TilObIAFI IU.STON, T OWN(LM-RKAND TREASUIIER, T Wlby. * Ofc-Town Ral. bourg, from 0 te 1 oclocis. Sl URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, 53Byron SIrest, Wilby. Dr. W. J. BURNS. OPPIicU-Foxltimon hto-CiMcNicîczE Office. sur"BResidenge, aI Mi-. Lewis Houck's. (UY 8 HO0PITAL LONDON, ENG., "'. Le. oye R. O. b. tL., Oshawva, Ontaio. W ADAMS, ~ 'ENTIST, (SUCCES- -'--'soi- le W. H. Canti.) Dental Roomi-Dunldas St-cet, -Wbtby ever Mi- Jornesono Store. Nitrons Olnde don ad -minIsîeretifoti-ie poîhesex- *tracton ef teeth. C, N.ý VARS,- L. D. a. Te ETI nserteti on ahi Ithe "t E'- atesl principhesofIthue art, as Cicoap au lie eheapeel, sud as gond oe 1he bout. Teelb Iilotd i vtiGoîti sud ih-or.- Teeti oxtractedti iliut 1pain,-by pi-cducing local ancathueuo.' Dental Rono-lu Cov- sus usi' block, over Atklusou'a Drug Store, Ring Strest, Osicswoa 8 VOL. XX. TE13 RUSSELL HbUSE, jORILLIA, -ONT. TWi magutlbrick hbelin onou f the larget ouses uortb cf Teronle; It l itt rliST.CLSSHOTEL!1 Comblpu elqee, cenifort sud .c.nomy. It ba' Mp1e accommodation for sommer býl u ooorem"n t db.u eani- beat WOisivos, Im dlàdan diorleuB. E. utations. Cellmmdicu n p ml. r"een.d sûllesof apuerloiet for fanuI1s. X. N. .-Orde-s fer roomi bylimter r let" ismpmptly att.nded te. "ma4bsuesleand trol team"ffre OriUiý, lu. 7,1874t. P RofiTPS r. JOIý SoN 0SB RAsT NAPKE- SQUARE, TORONTO, IInt,$1.00 per Day. ýStabliug in cen- Moneo. -42 AMRCA IOTEL. 0,015NEOFOTOON AND iRONT P'£$. GEORGE BROWN, PROPRIETOR. This fdrst-cIasbouse han been uewly fit. ted up au4 renovatod throughout sud si. tordsesUpQrlor accommodation for the. recep, tion o0 gueste. The pi-sent picpiloer bas sparoïnoopoins or expense in lutroducing eve rmpovement that would tend le the cem,7ttod convenlonce et hie patrons. Toronto, J.uiy itb 1874. 29 ONTARIO ITL WHITBY, ONTARIO, .PRTÈR WAEEM, DROPR1ETO1I. Supirlor accomodaîlco. Table, supplled wlth best lu season. '-<uulne liquors. Cigars> best brande. Billard i-neom. Rocomy stablog and asede. 88-tf AME1RICAN HOTEL, (LATE ROBBON flousE.) WILI TBY,0-N TARBIO. Houas newly rçnovated and turnished througbout, and put in firat-elasa order for ha rerqption et guenla. An omnibus te aud rom al, trains. Firsl.claisssample i-oma. C RA ND TRUNE AlWYHTL AT WHIT*BY STATION. WMl. O'NEILL PROPRIETOIR. Parties taking the train sud Ieaviug horses vil have them well taken care eftli their- returu. au h, l or Concet.,-Soir...,au MU I VIAls on reaeouabl. trMe. The ubcrbor to, reu tatls. Ialh. h.oponod a inuthé pi-amis., op olteRay's British Arn- e-ran HRotai, Dnzdas..SI., Wkitby, vbers ho. wM lk.op on baud asolerirstock et everyhlng La hie lipsetfbutine., and wfl ssii aI lb. lovent p#eeo..Ir. beglte solicil a ahare et public patronage. FOB SALE GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 600,000 teet Pine Lumber, weil seaooed. Inch Bourda, Fleming, - 2 x 4 Sollnag, 2-iucb Pisuis, Fouclug Boardsà, 100,000 feel et Oais, Mople for uxies, lit qnsllly, 10,000 it. Square Tumber, Ail cf vhlclivil bh olotichoap for cash. Ho voui eU ucbegte ssy thutthlb.Grit Mil la ruuuing,oud la deing firiolas van. Cboppicm§ doue 6 tisys lunlice ve, for sesiy E. MAJOR, Proprieter. Pec. 151h, 1878. alti G OOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW REVELATION IN, THE SCIENCE 0F DRES.S-MÂKING. CORNWALLIS SELF-k TTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Dresemfill etifi-cimusosuremeul alone viticoul change of astsitcb. For sole, viti fi-ce instructions, aI MISS McINTYRE'S DRE55-iIAcING OOMS01, WITB- - -------- - - - A g nt. vanteti. Liberal intiocements 10 TE- QUEENS HOTEL, thcetmad. (LATE CoNMEIALl ) -Witby, Aug. 18, 1874. 84 flOOCX-STREMET, wsItBs, TAYLOR & McCANN, -,PBOPRIETORtS. Tis undersîgueti desire, le infoni Iheir fieuds ondtIhe pubic Ibat Iboy have toison tice abeve vehi icuovu betel, vblch thty have nevly tlttet up sut renovolet, sut put Inbo licébesî ot entier for lice sccomrnod&-ý lieu et guesla. The Bar, vbich la-tic, baud- sonestIluthe Ceunty, la weii supplieti vilb lhe finist hi-antise f vines, liquors, anti ci- gsi-s. Ample onoloet shedi reom. anti «oel sling, box sIalls, &o. Detacha oti e fer com mercial traveliers, J. P. T AYLOR, PHILIP McCANN. laIe cf Toronloý s HATZESPEARE HOTEL, ceUNZI-nOF' auc ANDc TOUX i-TS., TORONTO. JAMES POWELL, - Paororson. PlrsI-ciaee accommodtlion; bath-roms, L-c. Boarti, $1 80 par da'y. 10 TE &W ? nmdn E TROP.0N TO0 Tic. most Elegant, Caetly anti PerfecI TIJUMcO DVBRIL, - oiel ln the Domnion. DlU!LDER AND CONTRÂCTOIR, DUNDAS ST., WIiITDY. CaM AU orderu procnptly executeti -% JOHN if EIINOXYS H AIR DRESSING AND EIIAVING ...Saloon, Brock S t., Whitby. JOlI-N OLFENDEN, A GEXT FOR TUE CELEI3IATED GScottlsh Granite. At Marble Works 4etJonathan Woluie, Dantias St., WUitby. GEORGE CORMIACK, L 'LI3ItMERCILXNT, CAIiPENTEIt 'uandLJoluor, Green Stretit, Wlîitby. A largo quantity of ail kintia of iunhr ceci. staully ou baud. H eB. O'DELL, A T H R R L Y, Clerk Division Court, Tp. Clark, Commlsslener lu B. R., Laud Agent. &o., *c., tberly, Couuty Outarlo. Atberlv StVt. 2uti, 1872. 861 CÀA11lD. DR. IOGART, P'lyslclsu, Surgeon, Accoucher, &., &c. Wlctby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 40 IR OT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EIN. Graduate (wtlî honore) of tho University of Suoeac's College, Canada; Philadelpbis uliv. of Medicine ami l4uv ry; American Univ. 0 o i'usylvaliia; Bclectie voilege of Yeonnyva- sud Licentîsteofo Microficy efthte uiv. et Edlnburg, Scotianti. Cor- ouei- for theCoiint7ef Oulaiol.. Office- Coldwster St., Cri-hic. August 24tb, 1876. lyr-Si JOHN S. M. WLCX 0f lbe Town of Wiitby, ha beau appoluted OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDER TUE NEW ACT,)- Por lbe County e! Ontario. Ail business e t " t. i hrg il ecriul t toddt.~. urewl .crtly Whitby, Jan. 14th, 1874. * 81Y TES HORSE MEDICINES. AU descriptions ofthte bost Horse Medi.. elueikiepIcoustsutly oubaudsud foi-sale aI thé Whtby Llvery Stablea. tnoFe charge for advice. PEALEIt IN LUMBER, W H I T B Y, bas ouL haut a splendid stock et tins dlean anti vahl scaeoneîh Lumier. Ail kinds for carpeulsi- antibuilding pai-poses. Pioreg anti Diesseo ueben olwaoaon baud. Gi-os'. pbeiug nuuig joinlug, gon the prauu$se, vhso enters ai-e pi-empliy exutued fer A0011, sagches, blidâ, &o. * Whlhyé j * ei-. 00.4- This Hoel acisubvietges ne rival, elîber lu ils manaoment, appolulmnents or loca- tion, in the latter rempect il stiords ils giiesîs a chai-ming anti unobstrucîlvo viewr of Lake Colorie. ; 9:AW Tics fluai-t Walei-scape vie'iu Canada~. Il Iliai- 250 roems furnîsicti ith iiilicte modern imprevemeuts. McGAW &WINNETT, 491f Proprieloi-s. ,AnIMSTIIONG bOUSE, (LiTE ALBION,) WEITIIY, ONTARIO. E. ARMSTEION.G - PROPRIETOR. R OYAL 1UOTEL, B OTTOM PRICE S FOR GOAL AND WOOD!1 Ail kinds is t ard sud SofiCeal, consimt- log efthlie ceiebraîc(b Lacksoas, Beia-u ton, Bni-bHlil, Biossburg anti olber cosis CHEAP FOR CASH 1 For quantifies te Elacoaithu and ti eis SPECIAL RATES 1 Wood, etra length 20 cents per cord abolemeul tfumuon priccs. end lu your odrtg A. ALEX±ANDER'g Wbilby & Oshawa; Cool sud vooti depuIs Wiiby, Auguat 8SîsI 1876. tf-86 L IST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS O7 TIE COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR -THE YBAR 1876. _hty.. 8 1 2 1118 1 21 1 frou«bai 2 i4 2 4 1. 2 l'orlPe-ry 20 18 g0 2520 ô 14 14 27 Uzbrdg. 27 14 I126:271 8I18 16 1122 Con'tu28 1151 128 1 12116,21 Beavrtuil d 12 11 20 Aiicorly.. - 17 80 10lOI19 GE 0. H. DARTNRLL, 1 Junior Jutige. Whitby, Dec. 111h. 1675. - S G. YOUNQ' SMITH; iSSuýR 0F MARRIAGE' LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. m AJOR MILLS. T. P. W HIT E wilI, un tie 141h Octuber, 1875, nesurne cou- trol of tics Major Millsevicen he vihi be JUST LOSSES PÉOMPTY PÂ1ý- L. PAIRRAME, in, J.B. BiOKRZL,ý -Rate ofmrucme goloi' Ihâalà émle BMTISHAMEEZOAN CAPITAL,#0,0. ESTrABL'ISED Z831 This eld ,and veR esblibed Cern My esta 0 ompanyin C1a suni-d fer Ibre. yesu rs o a s ull 0w r-aies. L. AIBANR . Office, Brook St., tby. R~IX PIRE INSURANCEC Lombard St. and Cbsrlng Cross, Lon on. ROaTABLISIIRD IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFÂT & CIO., Agenti tor Cauna" JAMES DAVIDRON, - Mana4er. Insurancesiagini lois by MFiele e~t- ed en the mont r"aseable itsims.ad s~es à aid vithot lreterence te lb. Board iu L ,n- ou. LFAIRBANKS. April 121h, 1878. ' it$y T RE11STDACOA11 IRE LrÉiE HEAD OYFICE, - QUEBEu. Finaucial Resuit Of 14 Menthe Buýi- nei t031st Dec., 1875. A uthorlzed Capital------....,l0 Shocribed Capital... ----,00t0 Pasd up Capital------------- 200,q5 Geverninent Depoîlt, (Pire) -8... 0,000 GoverumoutEposit ..L.e) - ,) Total Revenue, Pire Premiome, I and Interest------------....82M8,171 Total Losses----------------...68,5 8 Inveiteti Funde-------------$1 894,7L8 Cosi-b u aud andi Doposît-:**" 49,19 Other Assete------------- 59 Total Assets ..............$298,7 4 This Comnpany bas uow etablisbed itoeýf, and bas 21 Branches and 207 Agencies tu the. Dominion.1 l8-ly C. FOURBE, Agent, Whitb-'. Depesit vilh Derninion Goverument 80,- 000. .E-xperienceti Agents licrougiceut lIce Dominion, Rire Risks writtenu a! Adaquate Ratçs. C. FOURBE, Agent, Wh4ty. Wiithy, Mai-ch 71b, 1876. i Q UR E N INSURANCE COMPA NY (PIRE ANDcl ii) 0F. LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL , - - $10,000,00,01 n.iuoce iDICAL AnVuSelU. MOLSONS BARX G. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M . Ilcat Officc for Canada :11i& 1959tAt. James Btreet, Mont-col. POIIBES &' MUDGE, Chief Agenýs. R.-H-. LAWDER, A gent, Whitby. j Auguet 101h, 1875. ly.jSb N ORTUII3EITISH & MERCANTIBE FillE INURANCE COMPANY:1 soa, anti i-chable, charges moderate, prom Pt settlement et daims.- GRO. YULE, Agent.: Whitby, June 2, 1875. 98 w ESTERN ASSURANCE COIPA!4y ovIi-nY, ONT. A. IIINDES, Ici., - PROPRIETOR.1 THE, HIGHEST PRICE CAPITAL STOCK, - S400,0ý0 Csnimnbini Somple-rouns. Omnibus meûsul a ions. 27 w yHITDY flOUSE. DUNIIAS-ST., WHIITBY. (WEST OP POST OFFICE.) JOSr'Efi.4.DAND-WL, PIlOP1IIETOR. Thîis bouse bas been receutly buil, le lai-se sud reom , ont fllloutup ilu drst-cios, stte licl Wlcs, Lîqooru, anti Llgoc; fi-eau Cagar Boer. Goul stablLng anieou- cîseot yard; attentive ostiars. 40 C01I4MEIRCIAL HOTEL, CtAnTRIvuTîo, ONT. JAMES DEWART - PROPRM TOR. C oct accommodation ti-12 L IVEIiT.- Bego le inferm hie friands andthle publie Ibot hc crdies on lice Livai-y businetss 51 RAY'8 OLD STAND. Partie;r3quiing couveyanceu..covai-sa anti epcu-vcau hocOccuunmodoted ut a momentsa notie. RICII. PIERDON. Wbilby, Sept1. 21, 1875. 8 RAW PURS I Milicee or oine oet lïlauges Cash price fran uattyo Mk Coon, Mueki-at, &à. ~ E HUGII McBRIEN, Whitbballer sud Fnriei- ,hly, Dec. 151h, 1875. 5 y OVNG'Si HOTEL, Pencu nean, , ROIl'. K. YOUNG, PnOPRIETOR. Rteliobe iofrmîtiou i-cgirting ho'coon, lryelc., taruiobe t teparties ieqluili ample accommodation for HunIers and Sportemen. Tic. bar anti larder suppliet v tic the beut o! lîquors anti vionds îb bel fennul inlu huaccuntry. Nono but obligiug anti attentive soi-voulu s ept Commotions stbud, utdprompt iostiergalays on 40OBERT K. YOol C Pallon, 1h Apu 181. > opleo À fcr any quanîiîy of wheat delivereti aI ,Whtuieoe. -Hea yul maie every effert te «iv. entir.esatisfaction te ticose Who May poîroniza lice mW iivh tbei-r e tng Fîcur anti Feet oftîhe iest qolityi, anti aI reosouable prices, vIl aise b. kept cou- sltantly on bond anti for sale. Wiilie, OcI .. OIc, 1874. T .WHT,41 K ING BROTHERS, WHITD'V, ONTARIO, Importons, Dealers sud Msuufactunerm cf asU Elnss o! LEATHER ANID FINDINOS, AGENT FOi SOUTH eNIARueo, JOSEPHI HOLM4N, I3ROOKLIN, ON. Also Agent fer the CANADA FARMERý' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMpANy,ý Head Office, bAXrvros; anti CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPlV, Moulresh, Fixe, Lite anti Guai-sule Departîcul, CAPITAL, - - 2,ooo,oo4ý. Broihin, Dec. 2, 1872. 12m49i, s TAGE BETWEEN C aehpaicl forI-ldee,B Iark,sanaLeather. WH iTBY & OSHAWdý1. T.ealber stretcha.:1 1BELTING MAIýE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 18 7 2.22 F LOUE!I BRANI AND SHORTS!111 OATMEAL, &o. NEW STORE, JUST OPENEMD. 1 TWICE A DAY I Lesves Oshava tI8 a, m., sud2,p . Leaves Wbitby aI 10, a. i., sud 4, P. lu Pare 25 ocula eoch vay. Wil cal e a lliche holels, anti ah privae ncsideuccs (vien erders are beftlaI any 4 the, botls.) Connecte vilh Oshsaandu Bowvisuvlaotage -aise iilbthe Wbitb' andi Pori PerryBsifway, sud vitb Brouglý 5W PPoXTE4'5ROTL. ~Wbîby Maicb TII, . HCPPER. 1 Sa ppoTz BTWityMacOt,1875.iif GIVE A CALL. WM. JOHNSTON. TO THE FARMERSI Pbonu 4a Plong h catinest-ai'- cntters, Fanulug Milf, ia&peri anti Moi'. WM. ONTX WhItby oct. l8tb, iS7ý. t1842 M EY . TO LE4D I A large quani7of mouey te lend at loi' Fneoit rmaeiai Forae eiverl u" ,lots, tva Pi-sm. Hougs, suds largo Brick bous. Foi- loi-ms, opply te Wbiby Pt, ObG.TOUNG SITH C ARD 1 T. 1-: »M c 1i ILLAN, Agent fr tlb. ROTAL; INSUR4ICE COMPÂNY, OFPTICB-Out.rio i Lan ~d Svinge Comm âbnuiding, corner Kng =4dSLm April M0h, 17Md.T c HOICE A P P,. .E TRE'ES ABOUT 40,000, HGME - NURSERY,~ Prom tvo te four ys ofet&go, embracingst the best Variables.i SETH C. WILSON, Lot No.0S, 2nd Con. Pickering, cn Kingsboh Reat, et Offce, Wbilby. Begs le anuouce thal bu bas rsmoveiti K ing St., a few tee-s EAST 0F ýTX£ POÈT OFFICE, opposite Loke'a iicow-rocms, vwhere wviBi fonnd %fine stockof sihk sud felI bats toj, badieu andi gentlemen, 0o! bis ovu mmnn fatue. Notais O020cePrince Albert, andat j' fe tndors! Office, Port Ferry. W .I.WILLCOX, Prince Alberti Sept. 24th, 1872. 89' BAILUT Sa» 1IVISTON CUT Anid General Commissie Agent, Port Ferry." ,-7ROMAN GIBSON, General Comission Merohant and Produce Dealer, Agent for IXPERIÂL and COMlICuaEcu Ui ;. ioic Pire Insurance Cempanies. RATES 0F INSURANCE LOW 1 ao Agent for lb. Lexeox audna caIAiu Loàx N» AoziBc Ceirai-r. Mouuy le-0-n et on i-oal celaI,, payable frorn T o tc Tvelve yeors, sud lu sumostb suit parties. ga' Intereat loy sud ne commission cicargeti. Merîgages bougbt. - Office ai, GIBBON & SPARVELL, China Les Store, Dundas St., Whitby, Whitby, Mai-ch 15th, 1876. 12 MONEY TO LEND. Thceundersiguoti ba au y -orount et Mon- sy te Lcud upen Foi-m or Tewn Property, at unususily Loy Rates cf Interest. Leang con be repait inusuis ho suit bei- Several Improvet Foi-ms anti Wild Lands. for sale cheap. Invesîmenîs mateienL Municipal Dehen- turcs, Bonis, sud other marketatable Stocks. For furtber porticuhora apply le JAMES HOLDEN, OfficiaI Aseignea, fibiser, &o. OFFICE-Over thce Dominion Bonis, Me- Milan's Brocok St., Whitby. Bpril tb, 1872. 15 1IGHLY IMPORTANT TO THI? iMUSICAL PROFESSION 1 Giroat Sottes. 1 The Hand Guide for the Piano. The baud Guide le lii. rosult of cnnuy Years' experienco anti study, out is warrant- et 1e gave, at least, six noctls of fthe tedi. sus exerci se pi-aitics of the Piano. Il yulP«v. the lbaud o pure ,ilowine ai- tisc, athte ingers gi-sot idependac and cfrength. Il wiul teach lice fing3i-s te strike upon tio antis. It wili teorh lice baud quielude vile lice fln g rs are employeti en single passages. Il vil bai-h viist or octare motion, anti in thui- compellilug quiet ounlice port efthie fuciounule employati, tend te intensify lice -exrcise andt inereaoc greatiy lice devel- opmeul for wiccithéiiexerciBe Le inteudeti. Vic Guide i. varronledt te it-auy square njand is st once simple anti slroug. od et ol hakesn frec the piano. being swung below vicen not raquireti.- . Sont 10 auy otitrese upon receLpî o!flice mai-led pihec, wilh instructions. ruiCEz. Plain Coi-linge, WainuI Rote-.....$40 Elegoul pilet Coi-linge, liosevoot Reis.......................... 00 N. B.-Teacber- arc reepeclfully luviteti le give Iheru i test as le Ibelir qualification. Apply te Professer G. C. WIGGINS, Whitby, or Professor C. MOTLEY, Boviauville, Soie Agents. Whilby, Jonnary 181h, 1870. 4 p ATENTS FOR INVENTIONS Expetiitiously anti properiy secnreti in Can- ada, lice Unitedi StaIesand Euro p P. lents guaranteeti or ne charge. enifor pi-led instructionu. Agency in operîtion tan ycîrs. HENRY GRIST, Ottawa, Canada. Mechanical Engineer, Solicitor et Patents anti D r oughtsmau. 5 To the Inhabitants aI Duffins' Creei ont Vicinity : I have nov epenet o linîcher's Shop lu Mr.W. Cuticbert's, viiere msy be seen eue o! tics bei-t displaysofo Dcc, hork, anti Fswl en roffare t tec Pubic. te' Ressouablo Prices 1 Coma one, comealal, anti gel something te do you gooti. RLICHARD WESTLAKE. Wicitby, Bacember 22nd, 1875. 62 vyALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALEB. The suhocriher offer. fer sale ihe fley.- iug i-abie pnoperty, in lice Tevn o! Wbil- b y:-A excellnt Brick Ceotage vith 4 acre cf landi, situatati en the cerner o! Gi-cen sud St. Peler Bts., ta tbe South Word. Also, f ocre o! haut, vel teucet, ant inlua bigb state o! cultivation, i-orner Wellington anti Gil- ford ts., Nerh Word, i acre ou Ceixtre St. seti efthlie rasidauce o! C. Draper, in..l the South Ward. Also 20 acres o!gc ini beingecomposet e!f part of lot1810hcn otTovuhip of Murraoy, Cc. Norticumber- lard. A dleax ant inuilspuîabie titl. wilbe given le allihe above preperty. Fer turticer par. licubars opply te the ovuer. FRANCIS CLARK. Whitby, July. 1871. 2911 10Oo ACRE PARM EN MARA FOR SALE! Wes-icalf ot Lot 14 lunlice Sixth conces- sien of Mono.- Oua-hait oleorati anti uder culti-ation. Log bouse, Barn, &a. WiIb- in two miles o! Brecicin. Rsilvay Station. H. B. TAYLOR, 1 Dominion Bank, WhiIby. D AMLY LINE TO ROCHESTER. Commencing ou or &bout THURSDAY. SOt Je APRIL, 1876. "N ORSE M AN.,". (a. ClAvron», MAcE,) Wil isaeber rogulasr tips.on Ibie route laavingCobOurg se~mnigaI 7.80, sud PortHp aI 7 o'plo er Rchester, Con-* uectlug t bes ilb lb.Nov York Ceuti-al Nortberu Centrai sud Erie Rsiwaym, anti Lake Ontario Shoi-e Divisien o!flice Rois Wsterteyn & Ogdensburgb Rsilyay ferai points Esut,;Wosl sud South. RriTumcnco:Wil ave Charlotte (pont et Rochoster) dsihy Mh9 P.m., -except Satur. isys, when as viii les-vo utîap i., fer Port Hope direct.' 1Dealein -ln stock d&o. vii andti slb. cheaestJýn Moe o tions route to 'Boa.1 x gr fui-theiinfor-mation spphy.to- R. CRAWFORD, P'ort Hope, C! ,O.F. GLDBRBLEVE, - Aliti~~o lentth. '<boernJ~ohn," said 1, "Wl chooge among tiionias lbeY lie Aslep" e Bovakiug band lu baud, Dear loIùiid Imsu-veyed thte baud; pi-el tte radie llghtly itepped WhereLilUsu, the baby slpa. SOlye lathoi Uppe . Hie rough ,bandýdown lu alov wlw, WUe dreami or vicisper mode ber etir Aud usklly hao uad"Fol ber 1" We itoopetibeslde lb. trundie beti, And oeeIong ray Oilnpbgbl shedi Atbwa-t Ibe beyisub aes there, Iu sloep se beoutiful sud taux. I sai' on lamnes' rough- red cheek A tear undriei. 3Be Y È obueolà peak "He's buts ably, leo," alI Andtiset inmas h. hurrled by. Pale, patient Rebbie'si sugel lace Stili iu bis sloop, bore sufreins troc., "Ne, for a tboussud crowus net hlm 1" He vhiperei, vble Our- eyes vere dim. Poor Diolbail Dck I1oar vayari ion- Turbulent, reelles, idie eue- Ceultih ho spareti? No y, Ho vbo gave Badesaubefrisud hlmtothe grve; Oui y a mnother's besrt could b e Patient ,cuough, for snob os ho 1 eAnd Bo," said JobhnIIvould not dore To toise hlm from, ber Laolde prayer." Tbeu stole we .ottly up above, Anti kualt by Mary, obilti et love. '-Pehraps for ber 'tweuldbotter ho," I mait e John. Quit. silently Rie lifleti up lb. coi-i Ibat la y Acroîs ber chesin l a will wsy, Anti sheooisis eai: I"Nay, love, net tbee,' The while mny beart beat oudxbly. Only one more, oui- eldeat lsd Trusty anai truthfi,lgod auJg gad, So like bis fatber. "No. John. ne I cannaI, wil not, lot hlm go.,, And so we wroto in a courteous way, WVe could net give eue chilti awal; Aud afterwarti toi! ligb er smo Thinking of thaof etwbtcb v.dreameti, Haoppy lu trutb Ibat net oeeface Was inieseti from 11. accustomod place; Thaulcful te work for aUl the seven, Truating the i-est te Oua iu beaven. Paliy'a Plunder. Sho bat iceen cicisteneti Foula, bol Pelly vos ahll a every day usa ge lebi for theicsnne Usnoliy bsi cai-et very li1(111 about ice malter. Poliy suiled lior vebb enoogli vicn abe vos perchol in lice chcerry trec, vatiinglitboaok, or xaoing wtii Dici lhxougb lice mes- day graste see viccb oulti catch anti mounulone ofItbe boi-aosin lice potue But Ibis vos one of Poil y's "blo tadys," w v ir box vd'1reveafeti ils eawdustiuors ilb painful distinct- nese. Tics varm suaicona tbi-anglî thlie vines aI theu olti pareb, viere'sic i-at seehing peos, only siceliing peas, ,hie olicer girls rade by lu carilges ant i iati ieanliful limas. Bbc bat dia- -coi-ciedt Iat sic e teesahelling peao, licollier banda vere bravu insleuti ai white, ttlil icor hou ldn't con, sutd liber nase vouldti ui-nup,-tcaI bal vas iorhconio tribulation ; andtihiou tliero vos lber nine 1 "Polly," sit Bide, puabing bis siioggy iceodti rougi lic open kilcicen vindow, "Iyau book as foi-bru as if your Young affections bat allbebon nippeà in lice but." IIton'l ee vhîy I aliultilbai any oticer vay," sit Poily sbortly. "'Neiher do I," acquiescet Dick it il ciceerful alacrîty. "Wicat's lice malter nov ?" "6Notlîing nev," ahfi-mot Pally, dis, conaalatcly. "lEverylbing is jusl os il alwoys lias been, anti olways vilI bc, I snippoeo,-ooareaud coîrnon. I cau't vax floyers or tlk French; I cou'l even bai-n te pley ounlice piano, lieugic I do se loe musia, anti I'm groving oIt-" ,"Dreau1fti olti," ,iulrpoa.d Dick. "ourtele ssncb omisarabba belvixt andi Teweeu ogo too,-nat ait enougic bch a pretty .big girl, andti tee aitet ho o prelly uitIle giil,-sorl aIficiaves a boty" novicere, svingiug belvesu lbings, liaétio mon IlîsI bIh ont cf lice apple troo andi coultn't gel taeLice «roueti be- couse icisoeil caugict foot on a laver limb.- Thon tlîsi-'e your nese beo; il juet goos looking up oxaclly like s bau- tam clîicken honting a place ta roosh." "II kuov t," respandeti Poiiy vilh diecounaging meekness. "II'rn brovu anti ugly ; I csn'l bave auyiig, anti I never shah be anyboty le the vite vont ounly Poliy Boven." "A beauleons face is vsnily," eaug Hepsibahe iigh, nasaol voice in theo kiciccu. I L IHoar licol nov ?"~ questloueti Dici "by]oy do y ou suppose thal sic. boutd lico ont?2 Couidu'l passibly bave beau icy experience." But Polly vas laetieep in theo Volley le smioe, ond, aflor valcb- ing lier focs in vain for any gleam ofI fun, ho continneti, rnditoliveiy, I il tll en yauviat, Paly; if Yen havent >rnoci chance for onytbing respoctable, Lyounitnow, yod rnigict jein a cirons, sud have yonr narne piinlet Mam'selle Poulina Bovena ; for lice vay yau oan mount o berge ia someticing clupon. -Ticat vos 1tec, mucha. Poliy's nos toai a elili bigic.r olevoion ; sic. dung tho bst of the peas vioc. the poila bo- luaioed, aut faceti &bout holy1 "6Yen juoltoaon, oa, o h ha o Dic o 3weu I I tan'l believe Ithe baya ever eloch ay vaulabout anylbieg ; lhoy't jual as bdave be goati for notiig as not,-ond moal cof lbem are. Be- sidos, I visi yau'd stop tohking ta me." "IWiîev Nov, if ticat isu't juot a folov's luci viccu lieis lrying la bc censooling," mulîcret Dick. Pohly cang-lit np bi-i bonnet ansi bar. ict awnyy cinughu ithe yard, sud'sloug ths uari-ow wiîding ipatb tiawn the hull- site. "Nor let your angry passions tise,"1 sondéate aler inlu epaibsic'c shini lest, anti inemt exasperaling toue ; for, Hepaibuh seemudti taconcider il her mission tb siug itling nmorale tb ail the family prooeedings. PoUly only put ber smsll, 'browvubandangi-aciosly aver bar cars anti i-u S.iaylice fuster, dovu vicere the gi-so t resagi-evIb"ï àat close, lbraving deep uicýdeu tiavu te lb. botai aoflice bW, viere Ibie oit stan, spring.hooëse tet, ,giray anti rnasuy, boet lcear, ccli slruam. Sice neyer pansed.unuil as boA dn- cokedthébutoar anai enterathélcebuiM. beig, bafdor, uni-orlnatie Ithouglohiril nîlgic li.UtIle wooten bench ohe hati plact toeliaitsad heeer sanctusry inimany o trotiblesome lime. Sic. austti hier alf*upon it nov. ont brusicetavay lice angry tuai-c fi-rn ber eyea, anti preseuni. slovly lutheîrplace. l)ici needn't have matie f fmi i, ch. vas naPpy, wonisa coigyng a basket anti- a bilndie. T 'il y ' setedt I e ioelv es lu t e sk a d , diireocty in front of lbhe pring.houe door, Ysud begon b lo alk lu coorse, guttural tonee,.of wlîich Polly coulti net uliderstonti eue word. Presently came a socind thol sho conîti comprebeund- tb.eci- of a, baby; anti thon she sw licol il was an animateti bundles whicic lice woman hoiti. The st-ongers woro not pre?,qossssing lu appearauco. Thoir nlelligible words sonnded i-nde anti baad, as if the conversation wero au unplessant.one ;» sud the yonng wsteh. or fanoiedth ie womax diid not seem very tender or kindti theLb baby. 8h. bogan te vonder bai' long lbey would stay, and se kéep beraoprisonor. Afler ail, the mightoulIy be poor travellers ; seecati hall a mmnd la open the door, offer, them some milk-tb drink, sud go on ber way baek 10 the bouse. But juil Ilion Polly's spying e3'es grew sutideuly vsry round, for tbe olti ftman -ung away hie cruloli, with some mullereti sentence puileti off bis gray bai- anti venurablo beard, and walked nowu la lice brook for a dring, neitiier ageti nor infirm, but young, anti deci- dedly villianous lookiug. "O my 1" murmureti Polly, slipping îoftly dowu frem bor post of observa- tion, ond net doring ci-su ta vatoli ony more. Il seemeti a long lime.ticat lice sot ticore sud waitod, boai-ing-smatoces of licol misorablo jargon outside. But by anti y hyeb baby's low, f&tful Ory diet injte silenco, anti aI laBI, tics olier voices cetaetiaise. Ticere vas a eliglît bustle onu îeving about, as; if ticey were prepariug te tieparý, aud Ition lthe tsound of retreating footiltape. Polly 'tboul lier heati anti listeneti eag erly, te 7be surea cltbey wera i-eally going ; 1 hnsevnue ope frôm lier utnes Ilion canliously unlookedtticono "Wby- lboy bave loft 'chtir basket!1 forgollen il, I guess," she soliloquiseti cý osIal objeel gresteti ber view. A Misobiovous wisicIbo theboMalu mlgbt h ave left bis false bai- sud bearti in it floubedti trougb ber îlot. "If bhouly bas, ho shaîl net gel lbomn agoin, anti lifting the basket sice caried it inside th uilding. Il seemeti hoavy enougli *te bolti à gooti many thiugs. Polly raiseti the liti ouriouse asd thon souk f tiowu besid t in uaslouisiment, -for nestleti vithin lay the baby fast osleep. WVhat a place la put it 1 Anti hti thoy really initende oti e oveil t2 Sic. bati fieopportunity tle poudar lthe question or pursus lier (ni-c-igotions; thcora was oasond of returniug stops, rasu ababroly lâme leoclosoelice door andi look il, before tic. l'o for. cignors dome ogain tla liou-olti resliug plae- JPoor polly loanoti agoist lb. damp wall lrcmblîng lu terrer anti perplenlty. Sice bat un tfiugly stolen tbe baby, aouibse dare ê' not reluru il ; for visaI mighl licol cvi!leoking mou do, if b. diseovereti ber ticere, anti bond licol oece batibeen o vitue osuie sprecet. iugs?2 sbe vislieti, fer tic. fiuiut lime in bolie ie, licol lier favorite noek vexe nearor tie lieuse, se licol some one coulti heai- if slie calleti ; sîse wisicat Diok voulti cere. Wicot if liQ droati. fui pair uhoulti sloy ticere for boni-s? Wbot if tbo bob y eliulti wake np anti ci-y? Slie isbndderat, ant iber licart hoat se loudly that sica faucieti il muet ho hordtilrougic lie stone valîs. Outsitie there vas a icurrieti i-coich, ejaculalions of surprise anti mntterin*go of vxalic. Thce two aconseti ci othAr angrily. Polly was sure of sdninob frorn lie toues. Twice lb.y came te lice door, trieti il, anti slîok il violent- ly ; but it was iirn. Tice boby elept quietly, anti Poily helti ber voi- breath lu dealli-like silence, se tlîey tuna avay agoin. Thon tbay hoiti o brief consultation ai-or vicolmuaI hava seem- cd te thern s moot mystarieus disap. pesranoo, since ticey licgit seen ne living Lcrestura noir lice place; anti cenclutieti it by gstheriug np lthe few articles of baggsgo Ihat rernuotthem onnd depoxtiug at a muoh grooter speoti thon 1lbey hati dono bofore. tThey venîticertainly i-etm-n, Polly tjongict, aud sice ialteneti sud vaiteti. But tics vint in the t-ees andtihIe mur. mur of the brook worealal sic aord aiofer thol ; aud aI lasI, sbeeslevly turu- cd lice key tnti cmerged frern ber im- piisemeul. Tic. ýtIle obilti vas etill slnmbico-ig peoeofully in its basket-bat, anti Polly ?cookoti dowu upon il villi ouxiety aud remorse iu ber bwn brown cys. Il acemeti bard le Lave sncob a tender littlo orolmte Iboxo alone, -but sice muet ual again loke il beyond lice- reach of those le wlom it belengeti. The open wickerwoi-k caver voultisa- mait tho air froely, seoilia hastonoi il samuliigdavu 1thoraby the sprlng,"1 rezuarked Dic; latin thce- aflenoon,, sho brougicl upa , piteher ci milk for> Hîpslbsh. "-Iltconuditi exaclly > ke a, obilti crying. I huard il tvaorm, hrec Limes, but oouladlsu'e anytlil." Thon Polly's Irauble began af-asic. It was har baby, aboys certan 'of ILy Those people bhaigane ai'ay antiloftg D.read of goiug nuar the, spot batted fiercely wllhher-.rsoefnl 6mpassionlIî forth lb. 111e one left 'me long vithont- food or coi-e :-bnlt. latter couaneretia wusauuXnw wuat; au asu aua wi, wouuu b6 kioti te iL Thon a brilliaul lhaught flasce t rongh, Paly's brain. Sho wvouli take il luLthe minisai-'a ; evury- tbodiy kuci' lice innuter, anti ilflicosoý 3people over came ta bl6kfori' t, ticey -wonld b. sure la bsec af ,il ,licoru. [t vould bca veillcoi-adfor, anti abotiy woulia ever ueeti know Ihat ah.bc at iuytbieg ta do with il.- She drew a Ioeg'b-eatb of relief, anti laid the"rUtile aleeper doivu uPon the- gass vile sic.procooiaeatielaexamine lb basket, te, su if auylhing-coulai ho remavod licat vouli isa eIt ligctur foi- sa long a plgrimage. Untier tbe small quilt, Ibat 'icatisoi-yod for7 a boa,. ve *îau ltilet 'anti a hautsomo ebony case. Ti. tii-st halai only papers, ne cnoney; andth ie case vos locicut, se licolt Polly couia not bai-n ilse oents. But il vos conside-ably iceavy, she toak il vtith the vallot, anti rnninjt dovu tce blill o 1(111e woy, depositot iem lu a bollow slump. Sic replceod quilt anti baby in lb. basket, anti bore it as noar ta lice houas as aic eemeti sale, auti.waiteiipalienîly for lice sun ýto set anthie moon lt ise. .A strange, louoly walk Lt vas thal lice 1liltlo moidan look Iliol nigicl. Ai-ms andi icarl bore a boavy >burden ; but sic. Preesed rioselnîely foi-word nil her destination M-as. roocheti. Sico rocen- cloiteredth ie promises carefully,- thon, ativanoing te lb. stopi, placedth ie basket vicere Lt would ho lu fuil . view, rong t'a bell vigoroualy, sud rau away ail oflylug epeot lcolevon ber ligcl foosotadnover c'Ilaiuod belere. $ic. reiclietiborne almost brealicleas, bui- sic. iad eoarcaly beau misseti. IHpi- bah romnaketi, disapproviugly, tbat il "lwasu't vboleseme te be a volcin' aronth ie gai-tin in lice moonebino ;" licol vos ail, anti Polly ssworei- no- licing, but eh ppeti awoy tle bo.. Broen clumber anti oitiduieas vcieebe-s licolniglit"; anti ben Dick_ relurnoti Iranouen-ant inutho ilage tho u.xt rnorning, ssic 5w at a glane licol bis oyes are fuhllof news, aud, banding lier bosti low ai-or ber, sevlng, Ibat ber- face miglil net botray ber, sho voitoil for lice story luit- vas sure te cocue. A baby hati been left ounlice. miuisîer's door-step, Dick announcoti, a real liv. baby; anti na one icadtheic least idea Lu tho venld whsre il came fi-om, ticougi thcey woro ryig evory way te fluti ont vic brengit . Hepsi- bah exelaimad onai questionctilvilh ber wonltiee slernity, -but Diok conclutie iudiguuutly: "I1 soy il vos jusal ssiome far _any. bodyy le leave il thora, vcen lice min- letex lias ge îany babies of bis ovu, and net sala-y euougc le 'go ical£ vay round beforo Ibis one corne." Polly icatinet licougicl af Ihut before. Il seamadti leber licol sic bsdul licougclofaI anjlicing, lhrougc lie viole misorablo tronsactionuntil Il wosltoe laIe, ondthlico very step batilbeeaulice vory worst oeeabc* couli bave taise. Anti nov theoaffoir hgd become sei cer- plicaot lcolsu.. must ]el il take (ts owu course. 1"O, I con± tellI1I1neyer will 1" sicevicisperedto teriself, over anti ai-oragain, wvile lir iieorl vas vruug vitc visions af lb. direbul priva-, tions lbe minislex's family migbt suifer. Sice grsw lo1'cel liko o vrotched cxim- mnal os tic. tiys veul by anti, ne daim. ont cime for thli 111e feuting. Tic. lalk anti vonder dieti avoy in lice vil- loge, but lice secret presseti mo-o sud mo-o heaviiy upon Polly's seul. Il dai-kenot Iloheboxwokiug bours, auti lianulcîl ber sleop, nil sice titi'ltn notlîin', anti vos juet ipiniuin' avsy," ilepeibai affihfmeti. Mare Ilion once Polly hati- sesicheti tcrongc lie papers of lice oltivalet, ho=gt finti sorno information cou- caringlie Youug strangor; but licey were only notes anti remoxoutia-na- ticing lisat sic coulai ntierclant. Ticen ber tliongicîs lurnet ltlie ebouy case ; sico hadt lifIed il, sicaken it, andtriled rny limes t? open il, anti barcunaes- 't gi-hi v hibe bffleti efforts. Bay' volb isîo rmig, cl . uint cae;i ii c t holiprocians Sevels lict oul iti lieva lie poox minisler, sud moke baby grand anti happy for Sice muet knov ite contente, aset.. citiedti l bol, anti visiteti theold hollav stump oeeday, provitieti vitc tcs ci-e or four rnaîll ikys tlb.-houa. affortiet, ant ia hiooet-la ho uset inlucase these Foxlujioely,.ane of tics isys pi-ai-et availablo, ana reveolati au interiar af velvet, on whiih repoeu varions higli. Ily pollsice& UltIle kuives, lancots, anti other insîrument. 6fbsteel. Poiiy garet upon lbern in omozemnt. , "Weil, I didn't suppose hey figea. thce= np lika 1Ibat," she saïiti . - 1--_ ixoir, antideavatedti tahis necle-ies, la' bogling tbcail tic. modicai «enle- man "part af PaUly's plunder,,'- --- Ag-ai-ian Murtier linhc'elaud. ,THEE INTENDED VICTIM ESCAPES, BmT Ris DllRER 15 IN5TANTLY EIE. Mi-. Bridges lice intentoti victini in lice case ta wiccic i'e rober, is lice land - agenlfer same prop.rly near Mitoels' leiu, aopace an tics border belveen Limerick antiClork, and i nt far fros Tipperary. He hati-some lime ago moe imselfnpopular aong a cer.- loin dlais of lb. tensutry by ammpllugt b i-aise rente, by s.i-viug eviollous, anti va-st af ail, by laking a l'éase ou bis evu accanl ef s'pieco of lanti tram *bichinotcci- mon lied besu evieteti. Il vos about eigicteon ma4bsaugo, licl' - ha vaýs fiist sicot ol,- but iculvas -fortun- atoly ouly slighlly woundéà, anti. bsing o mon oa, grat courage, kopt bic «round. in every seuse cf lb. word, oflai-vard, anti aen untier lice prouvisions of lice Peace Preservation.naI, receat coni- penâatian for lice outrage. Ticathe icas beau avare bei- soie, lime af th. danger - la wicic-ho bas beau since exposet, muIy le gathored fi-rn Lthe ladco hah icas net ouly gene about oostoully ai-mai, but hiease sbeen oltendot in gouerol by ao dy gua-t of four arned, police. H. bas, ludeeti, good. piha - face. ieaaou for - bain- cautions. mac lotoý assoilant vo.s a? large, anti voa kuovu ta be somevicexeluin the neigibarbooti, but aving b sinemis-. underotanding belveen lice constables aIoic thieo heborder conies, in sny af vicaih. mîgct be bound, ho h ail net beon, appi-ebenteti by auy of ticern. It vas, on Tbu-iday isst, asMr Bridges vadriving horne .f-orn Mi3cielslovu. vhe-e lishati bost colloctiug renta, tljýt lice next, important altempl au bis 111e vas maie, unti matis unter circnm- stancease opeculior, asta doser-e special remork, evon ln ire1auti. Mi-.fBridgs' vicole paxly, lucluting licd driver thlie car, vas hi-e lu unîbor ; tva -e police, anti aIb est.fou-. cen-led tirs. orftss. Tics vere on lice Queens iciglà- vay. It vaàstmll broai doyiigbt ; but the pari aI tho roa' vhich licey vero possiug vas 'lineti on botc aides by icetigos ticcl enougli te chut ont a view of ooytcing beonthem, sud lb. rosiE itself, toe, just aIticis place dippet sligcly. Sndeniy Ibaro came the re- poart of a gunfi-arnbeobina^ one ofthe ebadges. Thchiarge, wbicc vas pro- bobly inteudeti lai-Mr. Bridges ilseil, st-uok bis drivai- anti killeti hlm. The confuseSonewicich -loilowet is dosoribot in somevical diffeoislt wys-' by hcee vice'beik part in (t. Tcs dr- ing vont on. Bicts camne iu quick succession fi-rn bath aides aI Lice roati, anti Mi-.Bridges vamvondat inlutlie hecit seveiy, if ual falolly. ou. of lice lwo 'ëoualables wvice re w(th Mi-. Bridges n ov sp 1rang -over lice ýhetge brorn vbici the tii-st abatot d corne, anti, fintiug o man -behinati il vitb o', blonterbuassLu bis bond, seizog ;him sud icanticuffoti liim. -Hic cornjianiou, less active or ijs eueipnislng, failed.l maie bis way aior the.- hotge anulice tcer site, -but seeing tva mon bebinti il, fired aI licem, onit recivod lceir lire in'returu. Thce mou rau 'off,- but lice constoble foilovet, ant i scoyer-ottern nicèltering licernolvos- behinti a boy- stock, anti again excbangod -sicote vitc thema, but- la ne purpase. Ou'bi& ratur te-Isaovu parly h. faunti thal neo fu- tber altaci icot been maie, npan tliorn. Tic. casualtias wviciai bat alread c- curreti vere, icowovor, nua lihlt. one ofIh lice i-. atibeou ihinetia fi-igict;, analicer bat been batly vantet, ont, of lice Ibiso remainiug, one anly lied esoapoti sitagothor nurt. Tce-inqus an, tic.unfortunale car driver vas belti lait Salurtay. The pelle vere lu no toubt as ta lice aide aI liceri-aif-rn wbiei lue chat ticat bkillet hlm haicorne, ana4 lbey vere ognally certain Ibat no one aise vas dîscavereathers excepl lice man vb.m lhoy icoti boudouffoti anti securet, anti iu vicase possession a blnderbuas, re- coly dischsrgsd, bot been bound. The .jury, baveyer, vero -unablo b agre.' upon a verdict., Therse had bea goati deal afvlud bait Tburatay sfternoon on lb. higcroati bstweeu Mitcicelstown anti Cari, antho'ra: bd beun a gaad teol of arnake, toc, frein' lice repoateti discborges cfftii-e-arma. ' Il vas Mffoult under aucli perpl.uing ci-cnmslaacea, ta ai-rive st lice exact i-ic. Thcejw~ tho varda-ofaonoucf bsi- nunmr,W net vrWii ta caddie ou ouy one mn lhe crime about wbicklb.hy voi-e inqni-ing, ant l"imitati themsul-es, accorting- 1y,ltte vry'ifé assertion that, th. .i ah had9isen causeti by a enseiot' À RAT bo'a finu Polly, icer Ucp.tnbetceay Thon m-aiun savuer inlice facel ..,b,,. nsb,4shmni.han,. and fearh Àpril 0 mme 1 zor sa 214 Iwhithir. 492U r l

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