Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1876, p. 4

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É1874. tAN LN oneoit 'r" .'eli Leetures" iupored cf bar- Jrer nce liedan nu. a lady io ireud of hers-mnal s a stars that doul acverîile ehi 4rslen ? Becas it ".es ro ay 4a' 0 a wrI&to bave boeu drink.- là'qogh'to wate hie-hAled d6,ýoKîà,ahafor voui eold? tca Mr- "Four peeket. izifia ay~, ridrt a ,yis ielIsq -in cpteadlrg, but t 4# t *p dreep anisugixte rearages on thi~eanýntry news- îWllfrog wns ths iraI circulat. iback,' and tie anth's breod §11 notorlaus. Wflationiste laver TD BDi )OttsfMaY, a comfertable lieuse ma. Apply to GEORtGE EIIRlt, ~pal leu, 870Ontario Bankt. LINE TO' RtOCIMSTBI ilueîîeioug oul or about 0,1 Ir. 30(à 4 PJiT, ' 'e-r sUA 'Digi R S E MA N," 14VAWVOI i 10 ar,)1 her ire uarips on Ibis route ^Oulr g Ove r ilîîg aI 7:00, sud ilpelak fer ltociaster, con- te Itl t a NoYrk Centrai siiIr8 ^l tEgta Ilsllways, sud 'le SîxoeDviIion of, theitomea, &l O)gdens6bsrgb Rtatlway for au *1Weit aSi Se!utîx. Ne: 'WiliI bave Cisrltte ,pM frte daily aIl) P. ui., excepf Satur. n Ïhoi wll lealse Asl3p tu., fdr drasil. In tusk'4te WilIl fluatialsthe dut oat axpedittous rente ta Bon. yNev York, d&c. ar fnfornion spply tîs- ORÂWFOID, l'ort iIope,, r, C.,V. GUIDB7lSLnEE 111, 187M, * 16 ES7TA TE COL UMN, lerignied la îttutoi r mie tic foflowiug pro- Ro' Hepa torey.aii-aisait, ou 02 'eIeareste, vIfs quarter il Deiiemlsfamily resiidîee. Houms, T wa Story--lard !tr-q-uarter acre-nicoly laid alla emanisntal frocs, centre aDwellg-.istabis sud vood. ytwO gureg of landI, fruit and tlee,-hlyrnu Stroat. s Dwslilng, sultable for aaial )WlY lltted upilsnugsdcntjrt- ei il dore. ~ine sîreet. o Hn viLls out offces 'acre kitl sa bC, ou 6îarr's iî p- lcea of' Mr. D. 0C. Maedonahl., Vlliage Lots, %v>st of Brook St., I Sant' h' ireitu oesblackt, hise. propertîslaiareo dasirably la aesa car hel'eted on very y acoxail paymaent cf cash, sud suit eonvenlmncs of purcisaser. - (E1. T. HALL, Cçsmnxmlslou and general Agenît, ýE-Dutudas St., Wbitby. 111%5 FAIlliIN MARK- DRL SALE' 1 ot Lot 14 lu tisé Sîxtis cons- U- Lnehaf c su( ad urder Log House ia. Wlth. sof iBreohin 'ilway'Station. H. 13. TAYLOR omno 31rW4itby. S1 AMO , 'O P y , RNI1T U RE RETAIU 1 Hanl e'Stý A largi GLASGOW, OH EAP FAREB.! Cabin, trom Whitby - - #61, #81, 01, Intermedat. - - 4l Propad psaeage oertifieates lssuecl at~ lowet rates to ppons wlulxlng 10 brlng ont frieuds. 1For tickets ansd fnrther infornation apply GÉO. Y UI;E. Itxp; end Tel. Office, Wbitby. Whtby,,March 27th, 1876. 1-14 T -HE EA ENGLISH REMEDY-I ' Dr., William ~OfsTalz Àfy A~rt alng SPECIFIO MEDICINE Ouroes ail Nznvous, such as Tnimmoxo, DzISIL ITTI PIIaTN, etcý.,whtsh, lunrnany cases ara prodjsced by over indulgence lu, the- use cf tobacco and alsaollcs pirits: but the Specillo ifdcne la mor;e eoIi y recnxenïeadSAs ansnaillng curé or AIOL WaÂxabo-s lIamnvex u& iwo'rrNev and aess tbêclwjsoc eunce ca MeIt Abuse, as LooyIeitrn, -tYsrmtvitT ssîru, PAns lu TISa AuT, Dnwss ciYVISION PUEa-' l(ÂTunu IOzrnAcSa, andiniy other dseases th4t lead bto fsaàyxr or CON01UMPTIONr sud a Pxxauum i QisÂvi, al eof tsléh, as a ie, are irit cauied b ydqvlaflng frein the patis cf nature and over fuhtulgenes., ,The lipeelfis Mdetie la tethe resit ot a lite- atudy sund many yZaneof exporelsce lu treat- euetessspoffial cilosen. Il particulare l our pamphlet wslch wa deosira tu send teee by maU ta every 0ne. 'fihe ipacifie. Meuiline is sold by ail grsté e 1 per package, or six package% for 65 or wiH be sent by miItoeù recolpt of tise money, by aldresoalitg G1A w1ndsOIy Ont. te* Sold lu Wvittbv by 9. W. D. SMili~, Jas, flyxiie and ail tlrsîggimts, Northrop & Lymian. Toronto, wisolosalo agents. 7 G0N MUDGE T luE & Y A RWOOI) Manufacturing Csimpany, style 5, ' 4 Stopse, silo14. Styleo15, t5 Stops, 50. Stylo 7, (3 Stops, - -17*. Styla 9, 7 Stopse, - -190, Styla 1l, 7 Stops, . 200. Iu 1lcsonian and Walut crved cases. cases regiatued 1874. MELODEON OJIGANS' PATENTED, 3873, Ilylo 4, 4 Stopss, . Style 6, Il Stops, 160îl.' Style 20, 6 Stope, - . 16.' Style 8, 0l Stops, - - 175.' la haudsome Rosewood Cass. PIANO FO]RTES, ofth flceclebratcd WEIIER & CO'S. incie alvaye on sale attie Lovoot ttas fer s Iutcudiug purcisasusi ara- respcrtfully e- qupsted teccli and examtine our ýnstrn- n4iate ieforo buyiîîg eiccwcicre. ýVe âme niaklng largé rocluctiona te Caii andj Short- finie (.utolaeî'a bxyiîîg direct froin 4110 tac, tory, AUJ INSTRUMENTS WA.IIIANTED 1 Several Second-hand Melocleons FOIR SALE ýFROM $60 UPWARPS. FIRDItInUDq, Witby, Ns-enier 24th, 1875. 48 MÂBA LANDS Pr:i-'pT Q ,A rmsa.itJ.I 2 .jIr lu 21hcauamuen,200 sce a.. sonth.isall Cf lat 18, li Stix onioial, 1111 seros. Aaut six miles tion Athom~Ral -W& wyStation. R' l. ai. Wlxtby. MfDLAND EBILWAYOFGàxD T, M E -T ,. Z J3 Gala g NOM fhram -Port lapi 40toLldsy. *Bavertan sud Orilla. 'Lesa'Port Hope- * '- T 'T' 10l..OOn.iIa..5~pm Go oma4i~u tà Pefekrborodt 1Iaeiâàl - Mail...110 P. iM. jMxd.. 7:l0 p. mi ogigSeth frein Orlla fa Lindoy reaol'aind Porttlopa, ,* Leava Onilla- Mail .... 12:80 p.,ni. Ar P1t.1ope 0.81p.m.ý * om~ingSouPati' frein f.tla6d.-, 4f~c..8:45 a.n.jMil ...2.15p. ' -Oùunets wlf ithaheNlpissmitailvar te siew assortment of cest 1101Q and Suvor Watclies and Uhauis o-, handl.- Wool and Fancy dD4rtmen~t coMplçte. AUl orders for En lsh. and' Aiierican Periodlicals and N;ewspapers proppy fille. *We axe ioW in a position to supply Prize Books for $ohel1i at hall price,- andw0felel t1hit we, can give good satisfaotion. Soicîting orders, &o. LEWIS ALLIN. IWcRIE'S 4TSFOR STYLE AND PRICE DEFY COMPETITION 1 As they are frorn the Americàan, Man-- facturera end not Canraian malce, they ar'e a mnnch superior artie1w THE ONLY_'ONE WHÃ"O13UYS DIRECT FROM BUFFALO I 0:1- The- Gents' Furnishings -are as umttal, not tebc beurpassed. he IlCENTENNIAL SHIRT ", Centenniui Cutffa and Collars, sample of whieh are te bc hewn at Philadolphia. Also thelicCnt enniaiHat." fF MoMilant's Block, Broek St., Whitby. 8 P RIÏN G HUGH MoBRIEN, Hatter, &a. 18768 Gar'den Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Hfoes. Genuine White Lead, ýLinseed Qils, Putty, &C., &é. &'ROSS Glass, &M:ACNACHTAN, Whity *-BROCK -STREET, WHITBY. WlibApril liti, 1876. OBEA T CL EA RA'NCE 'Now isI Furnitnre. fRa H. Samào, we ta a 0 pi and wec in the future, ai *TILL- --Co JO .HNSTOI4.1 Orders by mail promptly atne UJND TAKING.-- The only first- class Establish ~ent in the Couity whcra ftunerais are ft4ly Supplied. Whitby, Octobî r 1sf, 1873. Gowhere you cannot fait to bi pleasled biý making seleotions of good furniture. Sple ndid Parlour, DxawngRooMm ad BedroQm Seti Naw Deia ge wll worthy of inspection, ai- astenishbug 1. w pces. DÛ ing-room Extension Tables-a vMrysuperior article. Gui Comiices, Pietura Framiing inu every style. Soe fine Chromn ana Engravings for sale. T ]LSrT D SiTKWi<I Isi3 Ti ~ ~ ~ ~ t LL c JON TO u il sbraces ueralg fuflY supplid, A stock-, of elegant osakets., TIL JCNT oýffisalways on 'i ,trmd te suitOtistemers, and a weil appoiuted Z01Y Hearse constantly lu readaineas. ic A D. 00- thil liuin0u ustomers for fthe liberal man- Der in w hcl the)y hava snpporte our past efforts. b serve thein, w have confidence i soliciting their continuedl pat- ronage t s our present iùýc-eased facilities will enable us te give gre ter satisfaction, and would, mosf mspectfnilly, in- vite tliei.- attention te fie fact that we have nov ecived our stoc: i of .Spring and Summer Dry Goods, cemprising a fMi as5oktment of al. fie leading aiticles of flhc TRADE 'suit. able fer first-class business. LAING & STEWART, P.S.-BIeiid 'lunce. sBrook Street, Wiby. Whitby, March 21st, 1876. W. J. IIICKIE & 0.Os Beg' toannounce te tha Public flic arrivai of flicir SERINO 161- SALEl 0 F Boots and Shoes! At Auction Prices ono $ 7,000 WORTH 0F BOOTS AND SHOES, To be sold without- reserve1 Parties i want of Boots and Shoes will fiud ths a rare epportunity te purcliase cienp fer Spring wear. R.ememnber the place, at KIKSBOOT & S HOE. STORIE, Ontario Block, Brook Street, Whitby. Whitby, April l2th, 1876. 1 GENT'S CLOTHI NGI AND FIJRNISHJNG GOODS1 For Superior Clothing suitable for Sununer weax try the Cl othing Store and Merchant Tail- oring establisnment of 1JoEI3sMT 1-"4EmJ R (3-TJS OMT DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A GOOD FIT'AND STYLISU QUT WARRANTED!1 Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kinds, inoluding Shirts, Hais and caps, Um'brella,_&a, W4itby, July,, 27th, 1875. fD CHO-1CE WINE84J PURE L IQUORs at WHioI, E SA.LE and RE TAIL to suiit the HL: DA Y D E M AN -UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. TRY, EIED'PERB1GK NLÂLEil's, SIMCOE STREET, '0S IlA.WÂÀ. AGENT 'FOR PAVIES & BIO.'S Celebrated XXX CxËeain Aie & Porter. OHOIOPST PIRÂ?<fS 'O CAR TOk'BACCOS ,-- WAY&lNýý$0ocgS 0F DRY GOODS. Haviiiîg decide t t adeît te CASH SYSTEM arc prepared'te effer sucli unducements as wil amply repay these wanting C-: I JA-:ED-C 0 OnS. A feNw Leadirg Linos GOOl) PACTO1IY COTTON AT GOOD WASHING PIIINTS AT GOOD xýHITE COTTONS AT GOOD ]4LACK LUSTRES AT 8 CE NTS. 9 :i 10 i 25 t and other things in proportion. A fresh lot~ of G'roceties. H. & Co., having to get rid of tlie Liquors by ýhe lst of May, will seil thein at COST PRICE. 1Iýe FAR1ERS PItODUCE TAKEN 1N EXCHANGE. _qS Wiithy, April 111h, 1876. 16 LIST 0F iAIJCTJONEERS Licensed for: South Riding of Ontario, North Ridmng of Ontario, and separate Municipalities in the latter. Deusld Reas E. H. Canirn. Bea 0. Moore ........... Oni John McGill d&Ce.. As Donald Bcs Tho T. H. Walsh... Ca' Wza. Gordo. Sun JamsaDigby, Jr Cli James Dighy, Jr' Cli John L. Watkii .,. Port J. O. Pilkeyý..........ait W. M. Wtlcx '- , Pcri C. Wilson ...... ePr Thomas Tucker... .- LaE Dan. Wha ' Toa Thomas Pencher,., Mar J. M. Pattersen.... Dit L. Fairbanks. Wh: H.a. .lci.' Ath Donald Rose .... Bin Elias Baves.. MAan Joisuston lBrown.. Vill LIST O]e PEI John Carr.. .......*iOsbl James Briggs Brc A.-C. Hnsiaud Nen James lalckveli...,ý l7elits McGcvcmu... John Gilligan .. Duffaît Bras ...1O Duffett Bras... Csb Gpo. Blurten...::Nen- Whifisy, April 4t$ 1876. shava .... eaverton.. illium...... ahbîn fa..... uderland. mement ... et Pery . ntfleld. )rI Pemry.. nt Perry.. caludala.. 'eonte,.. arkiam,... îeniiugton..-. xlhtby . . nvarton ... Mage Uxbridge Sentis Eidig .. Mars .......... Tiserais....... do ........... Soti Ridiug... ThoraS . do...... Blrook . ......... Sentis Ridlug ... Uxbidge ... North iig. Nots Riding ... erfS Bidig .. Beachi............. Scot............ Nortis Ridling.: South Ridiug. South Ridiu .. Sentis Ontario. . Mars ........ .... Brook............ Brook............ Uxbrldge .... ,DLERS FOR THE 00. hawa.-.. m-Resident.. do. .... do. awa .... *aw ...... n-Reeldet .... On fout....... 1 hersa....... 1 herse, County.... 2 herses, Cunuty.. - 2 herses, Cennty... 2 horses, Connty... 1 hofis, Connty.... 1 hsorse, County.... 2 herses. .... LîcaiNsa Expiusaiaý June 28, 1876. Sp.20, 1876. 4 2, 1878. id29, 1876. Oct. let, 1876. "18, 1876. "19, 1876, 19, 1878. Oct. 201h, 1878. Oct. 2615, 1878. Oct. 28tis, 1878. Oct. 28tis,1876. Nov. 111h, 1870. Nov. 22rd, 1876. Des. 2nd, 1876. Dc. lIts, 1876. Jan. 24th, 1877. Jan. 26fh, 1877. Peib'ySud, 1677. Ms 4h'1877. Miar. ltis, 1877. Mer. 10t5, 1877. Mmm, 21sf, 1877. ONTAIRIO. 21st April, 1878. 81h May, 1876. Otis Dec. 1876, I4th Dec. 1878. 151h De.' 1878. lIth Dec. 1878. 201h Jan. 1877. 21sf Mar.'1877. lot April, 1877. WM. LAING, Co. Treasurer. FASHI NABE TAILORING I Go where yo U,1eau get a Well-fitting Garment :-To the Taiioring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, OBH-AWA. SUA'.RIOR CUTTING SHAPES TRE-WORK I ALarge ,Stoco1 dif Fine Clothe ; borst Englishi,SCOtChadCnda TweédB. â. ~oltOvercoatings and Splendid; -Veut Patternu;. À good it Guraiitud.GEOBGB GUBLEY', JIJST T E:BLTT W~E- BRISVS M.TILL. Whlîby, Novamber 241h, 1875. DOMINION ORýGAN CO'Sý IMPIROVED AND REMODELLED CABINET AND .-COMBINAT/ON' z m w - This Company lias recently beeau re-organized'by the addition of three of the most practical mon frein the Factcry of Clengli & Warren's Organ Ce., Detroit, Mich., en-cis faling an active part inu hie ewn part iicular dapartinent, and ara now nxanufaoturin« au OrRan EQUÂL, and in uiauy pointa supERton, toany manufactured iu the United States or'Canada. We faite,Ic.trLui anncnnaing te bur cuetunuera and the trada ganerally that wa have eecured tise riglit f0 manufacture and use, in thse Dominion cf Can- ada, the celebrated SCRIBNER PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, secured hy Lattera Patent in fihe United States, Englaud and Canada. By meanis cf this invention an organ contaiuiug two or thremate cf reade bacomas equal lu volume and power, and far Superior in Qnlilty and Brilliancy cf Toue to an ordiuary reed organ cf six or eighf reods. t:"Our celebratad "Vox Celesta," "*Vox Hutiana," Wilcox P'atent "'Octave Coupler,"' "cle" -or "Clarinet" stops, "Fugle Horn," "lDulcat," ,,iEoline," "lCramona," and Grand Organ Stop, ane ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, can ha obtcined only lu these organs. Twenty-five Dtfferent Styles for tho Parlor and the Cliuxel, of the beat mtferial and workmùauehil? týýk QUALITY AND VOLUME 0F TONE- UNEQUALLED. PRICES-$50 Td s$1,ooo. Factory and \Varcrooinr, Cor. TatnperaucA and Wellington Sts., ]3owmauville. Agents Wauted ini Every Counfy. 1 Ký& Send for -Price Lisf. Address, DOMINION 011GAN CO.,. Botuanville, Ont.. General Agents for Canada for the "Celebrated" Bradbury Piano. Bowmanviile, Mardi 28th, 1876. 14 Cheap Harness, Trunks, W h/p& and Lasheïs, -000 Whitby, lUih instant, 1876. I deaire te calfihe attention cf the public te the fact that at no time dnring fixe pist five years have I beau aile to offer Haruceacof ail descriptions at as 16W a prics as I eau this Spriug. My axpeurea beiug liglit I tan 'do if. No mors' stylisi or hetter-Haruesa made lunflua Couufy. Carli purchascra will find.spacial inducemut,-tbat is what I ara sftax. Caîl andi inapeet. ltespeetfully youra, J. R. PHifLP. I~* Repairiug douc ernonahly. Plegge notice-,Sccond Harness Shop South, naxt to Groee'e Hardware Store, llrock Street,. Establi8hed Twvenhp Yeare aqo. 12 MAMJFACTURERS 0F CARRIAGIES AND) SLEIGHS, PUND)AS STREET; WIIITBY, ONT.' Have now on hand a large stock'of Carrnages, Buggies, and Sleighs, Cutters, which- for style and fl.nish carnet ho exceilcd. (t"Ail will be sold at cost. Ail work warranted. TOMS & NEWPORT, Whitby, Anust 2é1h, 185. . 85Onaro John ston's 8e/f -Rak/n o er AA KU L lAAFr5 I II F 5'T- At the ProvincialExhib)ition., Toronto, in 1870. a We offer to our customérs for the 'coming Uarvemt. two dis- tincL Machines, wiich - 'in styho and construction, em brace the latest and Most useful improvementÀ :of the dây' * viser 6 piano ec ring6 ou If lias given My, fainly the very ]ihest satisfaction. 5EV. J.'. itDIN, Barrie. Hamupton, Jan. Sloi.m Ii. Mli. J. ItEESE, merat It affcrdsmela n pleasure in acluxowlcilging the entira satisfacfidun and iihiapprscainssf thse No. 9 Matl5u- sait Piano pur ed froin yen a few day a mine.Very rspecfiollIII Ennloklla uý, J. an. 151h, 1876. PRO)F. J. ItEESE. Tisa Medinum Mathushek wa got frein yon givas entire satiafaction in avery respect., I 1ean unhesitatlnglyrecom- mmnd ite oail de8iringa00d' no. Paster.cf Preabtra Churcis. Oshsawa, Jan. 28rd, 1870. PROF. IREESE,S 'I have funud tise Matisu- slisk as a yc rapresentea ilý-& £rl-eas piano. Many minsciana ha-ve tried il, and. pronunced, il excailent. î Respactinlly, < MBS. B. MITOHEL. fiazptbn, Pais. lot, 1676. MR. J. BEESE, Tise'Mathnsisek Piano I pur- cised froein hn igven entire saaisfac- lion. and, provep iteli a supsricr instrument lu every respect.- I wcuid recunend au te ses tise Mathsssik betore pnrchaalng elsevisere. Youra, & . RT.PEILLIPS.. Ennis1cilleu, Jan. 25th, 1876. PROF. J. RERSE, Hainptcu. * Dai.sa Sra. I hava much pleasure iu adding my I testimony ta tise mnay yen haveaareàay recaived in favor of tise weli nxarited Matisushait Piano pur-'ý ciseadfrein yon receutly. -1 amnwelsalle- fied vils it lu lu every resgct, -and conaid- er, for beanty sud tons, xl la unsurpassed by auy inatrmnent I have yel sean. I Dm, S. O.HILI B, M.D. rFuLL"AGRAFFE, 7-OCTÂVE PROM PIANÇOS frotn etiser raliabla niakers ai, boitom pricea.- Wisoluaia agente for tisa Dominion cf Canada for tise PRINCE ORGANS. Agente vauted lu avery City, Town ana. Cennty lu tise Dominion. NORRIS & SOPEIR, 8 Adeiaida-t.,Euot, Toronto, SOLE AGFNTS. JOSEPH REESE, IHAMPTON. agent in Darliugton, Wiltby .and , Carl- Wright- 7 DJ RY GOSAD RCF STORE AT AUDLEY. Iu erder te meaftisa grcwing wantm et fise locality tise subacriher has beau ludn-ed te open ibusinesa in tisaaboya lins. A Large and well Selected Stock equal in price and. quslity fa any tisat cani bc purchastd lu tewn or city. Give ns a cci. j-age for yeuraeli, and if yeun -eib as Wal auifed as elsevisere -patroniais homne frade. D. MoBRADY, * Audlay. Âudley, N\ov. 241h, 1675. 464tf PRESCRIPIN FREE FORt o is ned uee eia ék nes ea t Mc nised and'i i.rea- Dmggist has; fvia ingrdients.0 Ad!re eeATT uf M ' C ul r e of-0 5 . .V . Septcmber, 1875. Aýgents Wantcd iu overy To-wusiif lu Ontario fa ssi tisa jfamnous 'Priza Modal Organ Manfaotnrý cd bheiaSmsith American Organ Co. andi George Steck sud Co.'a Piano. Special inadnenents will bcp given fa ,ilmaf-clas agonis and clubs cf bre or four vishing fa, purcisase. *Auy nuniher of teafimoniua li favor cf tisose first~ca asorgauaecanhbafumuiàbi- ed, but as they ara mc widaly know-n greaf numbers bavingbeen sa1dthraîI'h CLate G B ARRISTI S OLICIT( J . DnecaN, q. TOt tram 9 fo1 o'f - Dr. V.m. meul * ' > 'Wblby aver I 'OxideUas adr 'tract ion cf tee C, N. Teeth eImcI local anmathe &n'a new bIced RIng Street, C v BUILDER -FrMDE GENT12 * ' GEOI TUMB3ER large qnanfity stfantly on bat A' 'CornmJ sloner -&o., Âtherly,C *Atheriy Sel D Whilisy, SepI. Graduata (wità Ipeen s Coll JOIINSTON'S SINGLE 1THE IlRING The univ'ersal success cftfis ed trials and lunbise anda cf thse farmer E AI1 STOCK 4 £ý ILJ Whftbyi April eth, 1876, 1

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