Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1876, p. 3

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Diokipe p ......... oe (p.rpe Appisu, pu buahel ...40 a0We Oheff ....... ... lj a140 Sftp eklu........ w a01 Rid .... 2Ono ........ ri O Tun pa ....... ...... 0o 194o Cam a ...............150 2 00 upe Po'SCOCOA.--GMAoeIIL &M Coîywcapve.-Th. epseab. oharcterof thi propaaUoibu. rui4rea i$ agenewa favourite, Made aira Iy vth boWzse vater or MU. Iso acp.et le labe(lJàmue EmIs & Co;, Ho1açcohhoOb2Is rot.& sud Caradea ToLoo Te Consemptlves. Thse a4vru«, a retrd ph MW"ai, ha,.- proffletialy dewersa,,wbl1.à a l. alMiassarjr in loutiierAIs ay uimlîsivog.$ble rem.7for tise p.ai ;«rn affectonsI " ~ aVitioelUand radical pc ebmy,?emtureDea and&1 ervos Com te,leeluithilduly to màýe f know to isuferlsg fallowe. flutd yti otive b wUehetul send (fret[ 61eharg) tozah9 lsqOira ,tii recelot 9# rlnumd fudrections for coverdrm ho" Who wiah ta#.vonl wthou t a 1 o by retors: mail, b 1-lyr Buffalo, X. Y. NEW -ADVERTIBEMENTS. RWAIIWAY e: MEETINGS « Balivay meetiais for th. purpome ef Oie oessiag 1ise tonus byw graung 000 bthée owashlp cf Wbby;fer ti eexten- cou cof tise Whltby sud Port Ferry Rivay te lndsay, viii bé e iliunsfollove : Tovn Hall, Bi-cokiluounBalai-day even- iný ay th, t 7ocloksharp. lepmo a j-m ios' Mcnday evenaa May Otis, et 7 o dlock. Bcsicouue, Asbur, où Friday, May 121h st 7 P.M. ellre*requestesi ta attend. 19 N OTI OBE. AUl acecnte due JOHN ANDERSON are to be palO tise underiegncd baioe the icIt cf Jus., otiserwlse tisey vusl be placed in suit for collecton. J. E. FAREWELL, WbtyMyBrd, 1876., arlaer do COTTAGE FOR SALE 1 Tisat Brick Cottage juset soi-ti of tiie Blrown dh Pattermenifanufecturtng Cos.. Work, with the land &a olnlng. There are on t esimes'a Stable, 'Tard and Soit For fu-ur particulara ap& to J. 3. Y MisELL, Barrlster, ho. Whitby, may Si-, 1876. 19 A BlTZU~CT STATEMENT 01? THE Reepte ana Expenditures 0F 5Tas TOWN 0F WHITBY, for tiie yar enalng Blet Decemiber, 1875. Cash balufretrm1874.. S1J,482 55 Tuzes collectesi. 1798858O L .............------,01i 00 Notes dlmeeuited laclesI. lag ranevaus'*61,600 f00 Q*iVei-meit gi-eut... $,8§()00 Voeaty grant.... ...... 764 60 - 2,655 50 fovernment en acceent mus-plu c distribution fonid........ .........' 5,000 00 Prassedo cf debenturee solO ........... 1,995 00 Miucellaneaus*:: 839 22 BXPENDITURESj9'1'w Debenteres--------2,830.. Interneet on debenturas.. ,8s o6180 00 Notes retired .....e 66,70000 Dîmeunt and stampe n isoe.................. 1,269-2 Street Lampe, ..... 292 87 Pire-.asd vater..... 681 22 Ps-ltins sud stallonery8W2 79 c Cueta.......1,148 19 Stl sut."dide-vake. - 8,020 76 Edusatien , -nladsi lag o^ eiei as......1, 101 salaries............... 1,728 Il detailesi tateuet.... J1,571 fil Balance................. 6,216 81 892.011- 82 We, tise undersignesi Auditar. aftie Cor. pratieneOftiseîawn oi Wiitby, fer tise - - year 17, scor lytisaIthie bave lus ses-i-est botatet e iseceipta ansI Expenditurs fer tisea eai sdng8Snt December, 1875. D atitutisirà&daofÂssi-il, 1876. ROBT. J. yÂENOLD i CHARLES NOURSE,~Adios Statleseni of lise Asmcîà and Liabihitica oftie Corparation aftie Town of Wiiby, on tise et Janury, 1876, --.-1- AS§ETS., --- Cashns ~Taxes uniolleetd,î- 821 02'<y.1.1 ayh Cennty. do. de. 845 00 Governsuent haleuose ef anuc9 dsitilution tientures, values ias s-es-repert et Finance eOmmitt0esof tise 27 oept., 1875,et..« Non residesl taxes un- collected ....... Vauseoet roert Mai-ket 1là? andsi 'wn - - aB........50000 F airOreusi..... 1,200 0 Fis-e Englue sud eppar- atam ......... .... 4,000 O Scisea isume s an ai. tare.--..... .......20,000 00 Ilallreasi Stock .....lO100O f00 Notes andas- 'diecut Ontaio Bank, ef visicis $9 000 reffi-ei aInoe.lut Jane .. Due on sccounI, Scooi Df 9rae....Okien.....0 86,216 32 11,000 b00 1,035 oo oe3 cs l,5ç5 00 1,809 24 40,20000U 862,M9917 I 19,00000U l4 74 aunM'scolta - 1,28 B.R. 8. gcSablàaisc S lu distribution100 Debesissi- . s RalIway Bne, ...82,50000 IlaiUmoAs Stock ..10,00000 Pair ' round.......... 40000 Fit" Boue-------...8,5000 scbooehe...,...., 8,001 0 M.asge&Bt Taroa..:::, 4,80000 075,8 S77 ise dried Auditars fer the yeer 1875, cstttZ--th tis bueel a cireçi p.5. Enunc. 10 parc pz, hoso. if Rbeata. wmitby, May Ua, 1876. d1 Dr. W. J. BURNSD., Orncz-3iext door to CwNeElILE Me. w ANTED. TWO APPEENTICES te leeru\ ai Dem-akng. Aime 'e eciset ta "nm SieSdgr or Rave machine. àLpply ta muEs. ROGERS, ~Wstby $.ard-s, 1876pet oylRt CHOICE 1 A. T. Terser baving pnrchueedtise iq §«Y rOrmbOuuad Stock of tise lates Tisa 80,000 Fruit Trees erumreenfftiseVery boat sud ehoceset kindi Apples, 1pears, Pinut es,,Mh. li.Burnu vu. ssoted for ii.collection, 0o tisat th différant imfoeumlabelled esu b. glsranteec No'w is tise #me for thbse ln vent of fi treern ét'What tisey vent, sud be oue e-q tistey get. MAY 2n0, 1878. 2in-11 81O0O 5(VEBTJuD BA S 1T70l Pý PAM!> A PEOP Stp..CJ derlng tise put fes' mentheq, under ouri lu rovd yesmof operas~ uu BnrSOCK Riee rodued te, nominal cesuadpriet lacreaeed, Book containeùg fulinforma, tion eut an application. TUMBREDGE & CO., Besisers h Bi-okers, 19.ly2 Wall Si. New York. HA MS- SONOSI. Thse reotep on tise Steir. Sang ans Oborno-Haye ........... .. e-ýà850 Dont Forget Me, Hsusah. San su Chai-s-Raye ......:..85 Io liether Thre? PSong anddsairo. Esy........ . ; ....-85e âaye ....................... 850 DA NKS' SONGS, Motissi-1IAnisai Mothssi-1ISolo and Cunaitet. a)eko............... 80c Robin, Swest Robin. Sang and Cho. Danke ........1......... ....80 Are Tous veltlng there foi-lie? -Sang ana Chômue. Dànke ..........fio Hark 1I tise VosperBelle-are Chlmlng. tSang and Chai-e. Danks.... Soc 1e tise rooln lu Heaven, dear Matis. or- Song ansi Chorus, Danks,. .80 oc 8TEWA'8 SONG8I 1Lot sot Tisy Heart be Tioubled. Sang sud (harem. Stewart.......... 00 Tise Sang My Matiser sang. gong &r Chorus. Stewart......... so Tel iseI Lave Rer. Sang sud (lise. Stewart ................... s'ec0 Take lie again ta yenHert. Sang &i Chorus. Stewart......... ..... Soc C EN TENNIA L SONOS AND QUARTETS. Ose Haundred Tears Âge. Sang sud Chorus, Ryays .............. 850 One Ruidr ca srs Âge. Quasitet tan Maie Volces ........ ...... .. 0 ldqnilg'Neetis oui- Stes-ry Flag. S'g aud Choarum. Glover ............Soc Mai-cils 'Neat Isar Stars-y Fleg. Qi.10 LUt tise le aus Vees EsseundisQt. fer mîxesi Volcese............ 12e MEMOJi>IL 8ONGS, Scatter Sweet Flewers ader her Gi-ave. Vlanke ......................Soc Wesp 'er tis; Gravs.eof tise Lovesi 1 nec.DanIca--------------.....800. Memorial Flevers. Balsîsi. Mendels- sohn ........................80C Beatisi- Sweet Flowers. Trie foi- Fs- male Volces .......... ........0ec Waep cer tise Graves. Tria fer Fe- msais Voises ..................800 Publlised by J. L. PETER$, New Tai-k, 848 Broadfway, P. -0. Boer 10'3 Station D aud mailess, peet-paisi, en reccipt et marked pries. 19 5 o AISlELS Fresh Giround Plaster, FORt SALE AT PICKERING HAIIBOUiR AT 90oe-PER BARREL, J. H. McCLELLEN. Pickering Hiaihous, Api-l 201h, 1876. s T EA ME R "ICJTY 0F TORONTO..," (Capt. Dita), leaves daily teot o! Yo.-4t. Toeto t 7 a. m arrives et N.sga-t 980caI.m Iîansi Lewlston et 10 a. m nso- neetions r i-this lleBuffalo, Rtociester, Albanv. ,Clevelend, Nov Yrt, Pishladelpisia s.Tkets aud ail information at 8 Fi-ouIa 18 D. MILLOT, Agent. DOINION PLOU i- PFEED STORE. CHARLES PENNYLEGION Bege te neiify bis friendesud custamers -tisat ise nov puepared ta suppiy Flour anai Fass of thaýBeet Quaiity, s t lise lowect living prise's. Fleur, Corn, Chep.P'eed, Bran, Shorts, Oat. meel, CreekesiWietPas, Cate, Po- labos, &o., & a1t leale sud Itanl. C/iape, thit the Chîeapest for Casth. At tise Dominfan Pleur sud Fassi Store Oroby's Block, %ait deor, DundsSet Whltby.St-t CWb,&rf 4ÇHAS. PENNI.GIONq btbApil916.18 T0 FARMES AItýýD LAIDOWNER5 Is Do you want Io borrow money (Re.pcyable by lastgelt) To buy mate zolanàd fer yaurseu ai- for yanr' sonit? To bauds bouse or a brT perovo en, sderlrain or otherviis - poeyoui- landsiroaVs'yoff AMertgaaas etise Oshî? Or or or otherîlebt, ? O-uforan tier pus-pose?2 If yeU do, tise reducesi tes-me Of tise Càx'. ci Pîsiseases-LOÂ5c AlI> S3AVUieesCe"nAoy, visicis se a oreo,, oans te POase- Speisi for goosi Mouigagee, 0151505 apply ta A& a MU se rosepayers olf e Corporation. of the tawn'hi~p Whstby, sathorizisg thle raisin the* tse em requiresi for mach bo4s And wherease i.Cstny'ý agreed ta 'èrect àn,4>iùstai : twenty 'yeara a sidsg ad freiâ L9 ouse ai Myrtie station on re - ing saisiý bonus, ana wher'eae asucis purpose 'i1;lais ecessary, tise corporation of tise towsship ýWhitby ta rais. tseüsuis o 1,o in msauneriserinaiter ulentiori andi whereaia tise amount ofI exieting debt Of tise saisi corp SI ation of tise towssh2ipo! Wlitby '~ 09,750 for principa and nota for istereet, and tiser. is lno prisi ;e pal and no intéest in arrears,:si whereas tise lotereet on these à,suxu cf 69,750,hes been p aid inufi M up ta the frst day- of Januar 101876, and thoisaieleow accrutù t but not due, for intereat on eg snm of $9,750 interest at the ra cf sir. per cent. per annum, fi-, 19 -tise iret day of Januery, 1876; at - whereas tise total ainounit ta1 raisesi aunually isy speciai mite f payissgtie said debt of of 610,0( 4sd interest tisoreon as hereinaff providesi is 81,100 ; andi wierel tho amount cf -the whole rateah. propcrty of tise saisi corporation tise townshsip cf Whutby, accordin to tise last revisei asseesment i-c le $1,608,000:. aud whereas ansa suai special rate cf 66/100 cf miii in tise dollar upon the wlusl rateable property of tise saisi towi ahi p of WVlitby, wll be necessar and reqnired for paying in eqi ennual instalsuonte of 81,100 escl the interest on ansitise priucipi of thesaisi debt of #10,000 withi tihe perioui' of twenty years isereir after lirnites iîn tiset beisaif. Noi itis jhlereby enactesi by tise Mu, cipal Council of the corporationc tise Townsisip of Wlitbyeas foilows lot-This 13ylaw shal corne into fore andi offset upen, fi-cm, ansi sf1 tise lot day of Juno, 1870. 2nd-It sisail bo- lawvfnl for tise purpose aforesaisi for the Beeve cf tisegase Corporation cf tise Townshilpc Whitby, andh si lejehreby autisoriz ed snd requiresi ta issue dehenture ta an amnount flot exceeding in tI wisoie $10,000,. saisi debentures i be gomadse sudý executed tisat th, sum cf $500 of -the saisi suma $10,000 together with the interes on tise whoie amonut of dobentura sa te be issuesi, andi no more, sa beconse payable i ny ose yea: "tiereafler, aud the wisole of Ilg saisi sum cf 610,000 for whicis de hentures shall be issued shah ib madie payable in twenty equai an suai instalments of $500 eacl payable on tise let day cf Joue il cacis yesr, witis intereet et tise rati cf six per cent per anuum, payais) -on tise wisoio principal sum i-i inasining unuisi on tisefirst de3f cf December andI Jane in eaca andi evei-y year, tise i-st of gaiad&d bentures'ta b. paisi on tise isi de cf Jâne, 1877, ansitise lest tisercl on tise lot day of June, 1806, thE wisole 'principal ansi interest heitr payable witisin twenty yene r ior tise day saisi By.iew taes. effect. Si-s-Tise saisi dehentures shah ho c e spscivoly seaiecl with tise soti cf tise saisi Corporation cf tise townshsip ci Wiîiby, andi sigai by ils IieeV., and countersignesi by ito Treaisur andissalbeas udate rcspectively oc lis> day on wisicis tsis By-ins shah téke oest, ansi shah ho mate payable teaise isearer tisoreof. 4tis-Tiere chali ho attacheti te thi saisi dehenures Coupons for tils paymeut cf interoît isaif yeai-ly dluring thse-csrreucy cf tise saisiase bontares, wisich Coupons sissl h made payable attise OntarieoBank, initise town cf Whitby, on tte finst days cf Decensuber and Jane is cacis year. 5th-Tise debentures te ho signedl and ssud as aforesaid Bshallbodeliver- 0 cd by tise saisi Reeve te tisses trns. tees, te ho nasued asoriding ta the provisions cf saisi Act, chiapte-OL tifty.sine, ta ha hy theinhelsinh trust, loI-To convoi-t tîse samo mb mcmney undei- tise direction cf tise ssid llaiiway Comansy. 2nd-To deposit tise amoant reaiized in scaechiai-toi-i-ibank lanlise P'roviace cf Ontarisi, in tisenaine of tisa "Whithy & Prt Pers-y Ex- tension Rniiway Municipal Trust Aci-ount," ansi te pay tise seine oat to th saii-IComnpany fi-cm tise to time on tise sentifi-ate to saidti ras- toi-s of tise shief englacer cf tise saisi Railvay Conspay linannes folioving, viz : One liaIft tiercol whea saisi Ciief Ilagiaeshal soe cistify thet -saisi -brani is gi-asies fi-onu ils polis/tof cemmenceafent to tise tcwn cf Lindsay, ansitise ciScs- hall vises ho shah sci-eitity, biset tise rilesi-c laid con saisi hi-ancis. 6tis-For tise pnrpose cf payaient cf tise saisi deheutures, ands for tise purpoce cf tise pepsuent of tise in- tsi-est te 'becoma due tiserson et tise rate aforesaid, a special rata of sixty-siz isundressof a Mili in tise dollar, in addition te ail otiser rates, ha raisesi, hevissi sud colleet. Pd. in sacis eai- on ail tise reteahie pi-cpi-ny in tise siO corporation of tise township cf Wiitby, duriug tise continuanqe or currency cf tise seid debentures. 7tis-Aut il is fui-tiser enactesi by tise said council that tise Votes of tise oielai-s of -tise saisitise corporation of tise townsip of Wisitby, ha tek- sen on tisepropesesi By.law, an Saturslay, tisaTwentietis day of May, 1876, et tise folioving places, in- saisi tôvnsip of Wiitby, riz : For Eilcoi-al Division -No.1, at tise aid Biaoemith cisop in tise soutis-veet uarter of lot nuisher 26 latise tsi-O 'Concession oftise tovsiip of Witby ; for Eleatoral Division -No. 2t;et tise Townshsip Hall ia tisa Village o! Braoklin; - for Electorai Division No. 8,, et tise Scisool flouse lu tise Village of TisaItisevotes cf tise lectors sisailbe talcen on this Býy.law, an Satrily tise twentictis day cf Maey, 187, eotuusescing et; tise hosis-of inine c'sloonin thse muss-ins,. and elogih-,. Tise above is a Irue cpy osf a pr-aoes B 1ev ici h i e -Asken lalo Conadsatio'n b tise Couadcil oet-the, Municipaàl Crprain o0f the, TownsWvl of Pickerin is sr-one mouîl froistisereof Lu th. Wbit, i>Y IMeois-ZI-L?, vich is IPUblication'ia mùad.e'tise tiird day of Pebreervi , s w sud et the bions-,day, sud plaeir.a tei for taking the votes cf the"electors the pel Townuship Clork NOTI-CI.-Tisoe boeoilaa trocpy -et' vyla soitb h ou ftec 'Ey-ayo sd ytomie (audt ise orpo0 T ,,ssl e-0fck0lg n iee dae of pril, 17s sitai sos i- hr reuuliesIta ekssît=s lo5use desiso f pylgtebvsai ui v-issw ai-sur sua Gôod Prints from 8 to 15 cents, Q-xford ' cents, Asnoricain and Qanan Cottous fi ' m 8 cèsgs. We have a ar~ge stock of Fren~chi, YWest of "Canaadien Oloths. 'We have- ail the' Novelties of the season. Our - prices aî closo and stylès Superb. " "'Wo have a large stock of Ohoice Millinery, a first-elas MILLINER Bandi DRESS-MAKER, andi- a'Fashionable TAILOB.,ý WeSolicit an inspection before pnrciiasing 'We feel confident our priées. are sot oniy setusactery but*attractive. Whltby, May 2sd, '1876.ý LOWS &POWELL. RAJLWAY BY-LAW CARRIEDI M1ajority 103 ! An unexpect4 figure, butii a "ldrapin thé. buocet" -com. pared with t,'îe crowrds now putredasing ROBERTSON'8 cheap Note Pape,. clteap E nvelopes, clseap Blank Boolc, cheap Pocket Booka, and inakdng thei,. ct/wr Spring purchasesfrom Him. 4 Quires superfine Note Paper, in neat wrapper, for 95c. 1,000 Good Commercial Envelopes for 90 ots. Paper Window Blinds, new stock, new Pattern, Oheap. WLIITBY PHARMACY Has mnuel pleasure in announcixig that his Stock is con plete ini every lime. A'splendid assortment of BATH SPONGES, BATH TOWELS, TOILET SOAPS, HÂI TOOTHI AND '-NAIL- BRUSHES, CHAMOISSI8 LUBIN'S, ATKINSON'S AND ýRIMMEL'S PfR- FUMES,, DIiESBING COMBS,,BACK COMBE, Ladies Back Combs-A No. 1 Article, good variety, al j Any article not in stock procuredý without extra- charge. CROQUET-This popular Summer game at very 1()w Base Bails aud Clubs-a large stock. J. S. IROBEtT SON, Bookedller and Stationer, Whitby. Whitby, May 2nd, 1876. . 19 PRO BONO IPUBLICO 1 Clubs supplied at GRAND'BONA FIDE SALe. -----o--- euei VO'e c h'eu lvectou the poils ia for Council Chanibers, Si-si April187e for B -. T. 1U&RISON,~ ,000 '"T__ ownship 01ler1 the 1EI USE TO 'LET. Ceistalang ne even large Boonse, Gar 'e ang sudaStable, aind Soit Water. Centre, a n Town. Apply ta 1- ' ' WX.. TILL. ud WisitbY, April 201h, 1876. ii laitd SBYý-LAW NO ïte A By-haw to authorize ike Councilo in Town8kip cf Pickierig, tb isçui ho &ebertures to thce catent cf k iz for Tisou8and Dollars, for tii-opurpqo S 00 7tsi- Of grautiisg a bontu8 Io 4, Pte is Pickering Harbor and iBid .Johiï1 ble Stock Coinspccîy." ofWhereas. "Tihe Pickering Herseur and RLosA ug Jeint Stock Ceompany" sluuroues te maS'o DII, extensive lslsprovemonts in anud abolit he Hn- elrbeer and proeso f tise eald Coin- pauy, whlch are situcate and linF wit54ls a or lieur thse uunipality oi-thse 2 eu'nslui sie er Pickering. 71-And wissreee Il la desi-eblo, tisat for thic r a a 0e seocurlg the crlyconn]pletionsof 191 tisat thse Corporation a loü1d grant the a h. o h as a bonus lu aid.,or assistancs ail petition te this effect une-ouisl1111y siudy * usliied clsctors ei tise Townsip eofI'ioke hvnbeupreseonted bt Cnnthe tisre. in- Ansd w5.ereas in order te cary u e ~t w tise object preposed his B i<.lw twîi cosul ecselary LtsailMicipcal Car- i'poration to issue its debenturos fer tiese 4cu of suin of Six Tiosnd Dollars, payabsle q#al I annuel tustaimonits, wlthout lateret. s: Assd vhoe-as tise total amosaits t0 be ,e raiseil.cunually by specîas rate fer pstyisg týio deb uner-liio blaw leTsi-o Tliousand Dai. Ancd ihersas tise amonut of tis wsl rateehî Pi-sorti y f tise seul uîiisueility, -c 5 oi-ding 0 iElet revissd essecssuent i-bIs kid tisensof, Was, Tisi-e Milons, sceven isundcrpd su ad sixty-tlsroo tliousaud, sao iundrsded cf hlrty.one Dollars. iz And vieres tisera la ne existlng debt !of tis aid munlclpslity foi-rIisîiple or intoe#t, or Tnya--rcaseoftise sam e 55 Asd vierees tise annuel specisci r-te taobs ta raletInlu ecis ysr, durlug tise leried of tise eurs-ency af tisedebt, foi-tha perposoet paI- i5 les thse deheuturos hereby authocized te ho 01 Iisse, le 2000/575 parts ef a musl in the doUle ' Boit tisireore esatetd by the couneci tise Municipal Corporation efthtie Township, pI S 1. Tiss It sisel belie twul fer tise nos e of thse saisI muulcipallty t0 ceuse tiares dseb. Si- tures of the said Corpo ratin, toË two thoes- se snd dollars saris, ta be made, buslssot boag ~.any interest, thsaid debenlores t10,hcsaid wihteseal oethtie corporatiosncndte ibe be 'agued by the P.eve, sud couuîtei-signed by tisýe Tes r;ansd tisat the said debeutures ohmIl becsoprepared sud lseued, tisat onseofttiei i, esibeome adus sud paya bis on tise lftis dey in of October, ctu o f tise thc esiri-succeeci. th ate n whl is B aw solistalcs te 'Yc;anditise saisi deheutureBs sials hi- made e u abe t thfise lIsoftise Treussarer efthtie e- g5ýP0iftI05, et iBrougham, lu tihe saiti Tow- y$ 2. Tlîettsrtsspu 080eo et suri-ltise eii hideht, 'tise i-sseall bulavl2d, lu uasilitjon tes Il otetor i-ctes, upon ailtise raeable property .f th ts ald iuiiplality, la oasiyeer durnthts y porloote s uri-esy ofthtie dobt, au equielI if ua iiispOcjil i-ste oet 10Ir,6O3 p 5arts osta mili 1e 3. Tisat tise calsi deontures sisal! ho dé- lives-scîte tise saisi"Tiseiceiucng lOarisoan rg sud lRond Jont Stock Cesussuy."asl ebou M teaeattabla or acislaitisonste cari-y s"u tise o-- Jeets sîbovo rooited lin tis I3y-lsw; subjoct te the followIug toi-mseud condcitios:- 0-Tisat nouse ef-tise saisiisbcuinurcss 051lIeo cle dlivod te tise Picherlug Harboi- andsloc- Joint Stock Comupany, until tise Comupancy if sisalsihave di-scgeul tispaco botween ths pi- seat ieis sic ai-boni- te,&adeptis suffl- aient teaeiscit, et al l imes, efthtie arrvai sud dopai-turc ef vasaes crawing uise i-ct et us wiaton;i v ciAnd~ shlli eleehave provldesi an smpii36 hanlo h uldepui th io si -et ofwut't e. fi-sm thî e ntiso e cs ssbouc- ta tiso W'sîi- houses or Wai-eiouses hereaftir airesuS lui li buiuit sud uinttaned bty tise sad Campîait)y: ýe And sisal aise bave uredged ancS iscîrcsu-c( e tise estranse ta said Ilrbouir, se tisut vecec1e y drawiig uines et fi-stan sauitihave sasy' Stranse imto sud depaîsuu-5re thierefroso, witlc là suufficieut sud suituublecheisamcSi-m tisonouti of tise herseur ta eupci waters of tise Lakes; An A sh ial have sosto..a Lighbtiseou one efthtie piere, aud sisals have provided su' - table eqnilimsusts foi-liseesie:- ;t Alnd shal hava bouit a i'ilc-su-iart ou th 9 il easmiaide et tisee sMai- abons-, sud shah hava, estahllissed or huilt theroon, a Wareiiifoor Wsrebenses rith,. Steain Elevatuir, ts silul inlgs te ho suisetaulial sud wl l itite fet~ ing grain lin uit, sud teaihave ampuo luî<tpsity for ceutsiislg et Icast llfty thouisausi 'busel~ of grain: Andu~Y shaiflhave given, te tise atoeia~ ITewusipetPIskeing,a e sIesfqRiifatoryti Stise sais Counsll, exacuntsd by ths saisi Ceus- poy r a llen upon tise said Coinpauy's R-ai-- boni-sd pro-eety, soeung tis efolie maioteua ee'etull tise aforceaid impi -- meute, sud toi- iungtise Lui-bt hlie u!ssi I bly litup duringt taiseasous f Lake navigsfi tien foi-s poiod o! tisirteos yoars tram tlsý delivei-y of tise saiti dobeutuires by tise Cerper ateien tof Pi-keoilutlotus sais Comnpauy. 4. Tisat tise By-law chais came iute opor~ ation sud tstke effect on tis e liteouti day oa 1i Oteher lu tiseyeeux et oui-Loi-u, oe stisousaudý - iglut isandrosiansu eveicty-etx. 5. That tise votes aftis quehlsi ed ector- t ftisemuuicipality et tise Towushipuoet i'ik, t esiug sdh o b tali on eutise ropsed 53>- law ou tise lu-et day et Maeis(A. S.) 1876, ansd for tisai perpose, e poli chaiS h opoet, as- coi-ding ta law, on tisai day, et aine o'iclu kluà thse ftoon, sud ho kept open usatil tlvq oclckin thie afternocu. la peliss Suib-divif rsien No. i. et Anttols SciseelbKinston Iteati lu Bi-aud Towsip, sud Angus luil.-ca -sci-or lasv appeltesti tct as stetuirnini-ecc-tiscre ai;îsu 1>ollini- Sub-division Ne, 2, in te Term; isoraucce Hais et Sineais, in cciii Towuiiiju Bmd ieslamin Men e serbysu4.eute a We ANN UAL CASH SALE. offer our large and - hoice stock. DRY GOODS, MLLLINERY, AND CLOTHJNG, AT THE VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES. 00:0o GRF OCEAIES AND LIQUORS, TO SUIT THE TIME S. Wisitby, April 26th, 1876. 18 o NTAIRIO IiANJ. DIVIDENtD No. 38. Notice e is ersby givea, that a dividensi et feur per cent., upon tise Capital Stock of this institution, hics tisis day boss declared tai- tise -urrent haIt ycai-, ansi tist tise same suidl ho payable attse Bank sud et its Bi-anches on sud aitr Tbursclay, tise fi-et day of Juas next. Tise Transfer iBoeks vil ho cisei fi-cm thse 17tis ta tise uit May, both days inclu- sive. Nettce s lasegiven that The Annual Méeting of tise Stockisolders, for tIse election et Di- ei-tors toi- tics esuiug ysar. will bciselsi et tise Bahing lieuce in tisis city os Tllesday, l3th Day of Junc next. Thse ci-erte ho takc-u sscI12 ai-hock, nmon, preciseiy lS3y arder ofthie Board,- D. FISHER, Ontaio Bnk, General Manager. Toronto, 21c1 April, 1876. 18 E-ECUTORS' 1JOTIC]t 1 - Alci-editors of THrO2MAS BUIRNHAM, ]Re of tise Township of Whitby, in tise Couusty aI (staxie, vise iedos tise 16tis day e! Mai-oh, st, are requiresi on, or bei-ors The 25th Day of May, next, to simd in te B. F. Campbell, frookHnlse o! th. E xecators ; os-teaDavidi Ormieten, af- lise Tise Tousn of Wisitby, in tise Conity etf etarai ofsescite fte sis ises ni-s-th esnIai-lfe, hs rior tIesalxaTeasrn- h hum, full psictalars oftheir chois gainrt tise octetseofttie saisi Thomas Barssasu, stating tise amount thereot, for, suit an visaI eciount tise sae are iselsi. Ansi notice is isereby gives, tsaI fs-cm sud aller tise sanse 25tb May, seat, tise execu- tar i-l uh at liherty ta distiiuta the assoIs o! tise saisi estate, or any part tisere- et, amengst tise per-sans entitled tisereto,, isaving regard tteaaims ai vblch sucis Hxei-utar bas than notice; sudl-shaH eot be hiable for tise essata, soi- any part tiser. of i se du.tiibated, te mily persoel ai vse shahs, -sacis executor s seali set havé lied sali-ee t, tisetissmen-is dstibtin Ail persans aebiai ta tise saisi Thomas Buai-Is, are requi-ad ta maka immediate" p aymeut .cifthe amount ef ladabted7ýseto; B.P. Campbsell, Broelolé.osle' e iseE.' ecutors of tise eotate *. or ta Darl Orie.W Sali, Solicitar fo-tise saisi Executars. D. ORMISTON, Saoli-,fer Ezecaters,' Whitby, Api-llts'17edsl 7HITBY MÂCHINE WOEXS 1 fi i£i LYrGi-o~S) -BROOK STBEET, WHITBY. TIse ~ ~ ~ .- ssesgsl erta initer hie tas-. D RESSMAKING. Tise Suhecribsi- bas openesi s stars on Bin- i-es Street, O S H A-W A, opposite 'T. W. Glbbs's Hlarti#ars 5tou-a visero she is preparesi toeoxesute ôrderwfor dsessmatig in tise newoat Style aud Peuh. ian ; Ciildren's Suite, Lacliem Unnderclatis. lisg, &c. Ail erders Lsts-ustsiltate heu sas-e wili ho carselly sud promptly attandesi te. Osha,ça, April 28th, 1876. 18 HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED 1 Juet publiises, a uew edition - etâgo Dn. CULZLvn'c Cana. anAs-as Essir an tise raial sue (without medileine) et Spemato-ihoea oi- Seminal Wsaknese, Inroluntary Seinnl Losses, Ira ' Mental sud -Physti-si Inaa it usp ýL.nts ta Marris ge, etc.; aise, Coneumptias, Epilepsy and Fits, lu. dulgence or sexuel extravagance, &c. t_ý-tPrice, lu a seslssi snvelop, osly 6 icnts -Tise iclebi-ated auther, lu this adirsabie Essay, clearly demenstrates, frois a thi.-ty ysars' succesitl pi-acices, that lise alarssa cousequenees ef self-abusa may hos-dially curesi vithoat tise daugerens use et laterna mediçias oi-tise lifie ; peinting eut a -mode of i-us-e etonce simple, certain sudl sifeelusi, hy mesa vsofwicis every sufer.;, ne mnatier visat bis cendition May be, rnay ho, hçy i-a- buself cispiy, privalely, sud radi,,aly. 9ýTsis Lecture shoali ho la tise bande of ovrsy yoatisansi every zmas lu the landI. Sont ussier seal, lu a plain envalep, te any address, post-juaid, on recelpt 01 clx cents or tva post utans. Asidrese tise publisisers, F. BIRUGMAN & SON, 41 Anst., Nev Yerk. Post Offlce Box 4M86.ly-l7 ,6Y-LI.W,/ No, 7, 0OF . 1876, COUNTY OP' A By-Lav ta close up sud -O5dTuBOl50. dispose e! tise RoaO coios THROnAI, Lots sud 7 in tise lut Cos- 1876L-. J eesioua aiThorsis. .Whasreau, liserossiounudsos-ms lo ts clxaans avesnu tIse PliatCoendeedon cf Tisai-ais cbeçome unesayb ae et tise rossi os sud ear original roa4 uilow. suçe belveen tise lot asud md Cosoeeelone, at tisaidiatsulixansi serasn,ha gbes oeaiuap ani onotrolea.. Tls e lof tis Crporation etftise Tov pof Tisai enacte sefao u s- icI. Tlat fsos sud aites- tfine Pia&&pu in$ of tise By-Iâ h e tiiu i ald on asnd arrose Loto 6 anasin lathe muIi ont5csc 8.W. B. 'SMITH, Corner Brook ansi Deusisu Sti., Whitby. Whitby, April 25th, 1876. CABS,ý AMERICAN ANADIAN MANUFACTURE, 'rI1w Y Milk Pans, Pails, Strain .ers, .&o., &C. Spades, Shovels, Garden. iRakes, &c., C~bJ~RIEmT Carpet Paper, said te be Moth Proof,- aud preserves the carpet. *-Personls please note the fact.. bouse ,cleanting wil importers of shoif àfid Heav Hardware.- Whitby, April l9th, 1876. 17 NEW- DRY GOODS' Valued at FINE THIOUSAND DOLLARS purchased for THMEETHOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED ANDFIk-TY DOLLARS, juet brouglit ta Whitby snd for sale by EtDWART> FIROS T being part of tise vsoiesale Banicrupt- Stocks of Locichait & Haldmne and Moffatt Brou., Insolvents, bath of Toronto. EDWKRD FROST, at the 04d Fellows' Buildings, wiIl dispose of tise beforementioned stocks foi Cash et Retail, for TWO WEEKS -ONLY, tise entire purchese consistisg in part of Factcry Cottes, Sheetig Pillow Cotton, Shirting, Black Cibte toir jackets, f-es Goouis, 'Lustres, !Grena ze, Shawls, SSsawle1 Blaok Bilks £Paràools, Umbrellas, Ties, Coi-es i lveWieQlt, aeCran,'oir,é,k , itDucks, Denims, Titisss, abl Cltis, Tble(lyer, Atimcasors ToJet (lie, Towelz, Table LinenCas vriPs lvsVes wes ieCohPowers, Peathers, »o11 Ligs sieButn.CeieigtGosorLas.Baok omb,Fr- ges,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LieeLnnHladGniaiCre aiKitn otsCrochetCocttn Thisee Gaods being bougisu on advantageous terme vii be solO Retalsot to exceed l t. acutual original Whoiesaie, Price. In addition ta thse special goode, E. PRO ST bias a capitelly assorted Stock, et populer pricee. 1:rGET THE BARGAINS %Z EDWARD FROST, Oddfellows' Hal, Wlhtby. Whitby, Âprll 25tb, 1876. 18 et Praili No. 1, ]loyali Whltby April 1, 1876. JUST EEIVED4 NEW SPRaNE Eespecttu]ly acilcits latendisg purcisa te inspet bisatock ot Bruissels, Tapeelry aud Three1 Carpels, Floor (Iollss and Cer- tiaines, Desuesks nd Lace Curtains, Window Polew, - C o i i e s & F i i ~ - MA ivhich, vlhlbe coll tet ¶0owest Pi- 134 Youge St., Toi-ou TMO 1>"]M 19 ON PME WlTs ECUORS'SAL - OF 0FJlAËLE FARM PROPERTY Winll hoelo y Pu'blic Autiion, ou1 Tuesday, -2Oth of Juié, n ext, et 12 c'clock noan, on tise premimem, tihe fal. lowing valuable fa=s property balonglng te tie se ate .o! tie t PsxccaL 'No. 1- Cmpomesi of useeorilese, bela sitof lotNO. Ahceu. o1 EastW * tby, togel Dvelling,B ss, itis Stase Ceil Haume, GeadOs-chai-,sd out1 nav lu tise possession cf li. Brighst. Tise land le tisa goeo etaaetfci sud veil foui-ad. PidÈLNe. 2,--150 acres, ma aituatesi ou lot No. 16; in thei East whitli, vitis tvc.starey Br! tva, good Bern,' vitisetone foi Itoot Hanse, -Drlring Hanse,S% Or-ba-s, sud Out Offlces, a in l erder, as ntov in the possession of OlsifisîsI. - Tisa land inin a geasiftate ofoeu tises-esi-e abaut 20 as ocf vec never-fsiliug streais, and thsapp Wall fenes. TEBMS 0F SALE.-For- Parc -Ton per- cent, ta ho peit dowsnIlc sale, sud 'sufâfieut 1 make t tbirty per cent, of!'h. pus-chas vstisn ose manth thereafte.TE lu ire equsi ennual luelalments, terest itaI per cent., par ennuis curedisy mertgage. Fer Pariel No. 9,-Tan 'per cas tune etfsaleamidseougis lierevit] thiry er-cent. et thé whole amoc pu e ,n saey, ithinie mon iter. 0f tise- remAtisdeocf tise meney, the Bsui af $,000 WRJIb 'a"u ag usa lsst i-heige on tise1 izîleret e egit par cent, ta bî thes-eonds- au=the lite e1 thse oié c s e T h a la s e t oe p l a aqai 'assual istalmeuts 'vsth lu AVpjic555UUU madeta the uni J. B. Bit - JOHN D aita W. .j Witby, Mai-cl PER;SM IT H Has just, reoeivýed- at lis store, Feliows' BIldings, a large sortisent of WERýS, CdHILDRE:N'.S 19 OUJS E F L PROM THE CELEBIRATM MI1TCH EL L B RO'S. l" Whitby, Apra 25th, 1876. ýCo'S. Harnilton&

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