Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1876, p. 2

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t settle4 i he pleakse sec te $a ah Tasn style, Hor$ ilhle i Pmlsteoslclceap sud lu ticeliet stylo nt thtaHOs<IuLEoM06ceAU asserîmont Te - QOucRnZosE)EXTe. Correspoci. * les ill pic 'ne netice liat tise goum. LwLX 10 Sont ho prose ou WadneacZay apienoogOotiunioationes slould tîlevefore r.ieofi clce not Isaer &han Ttionday is ordler btlscssr piltsatlon tlt sam p~week. ýrh@ Township Bgnus, The rahiway bonus cf 810,000 sslced ftuis, townshilp cf Wiby, uprcad over r peicul cf twenty yauer, Io ad. multteilUy sa inmiquifléant lhiI it wil oarcely s81.4Iluthie way of paesing tic ly-lar. 'rire following Ilathi. ycar- ly rale tiat wouid b. calletI for To'psy tutoeiçt aud slnklng tund nu #8400............ .... ý26J " 000 ...............- 03 S1,000......-.-.--.-.. -168 n*11000-----------.. i1os 1 - " 4,000-----------....2 64 Ta psy Inlemeut alouie 44oo, .....-_.......... l4J 50()0..--....-........ 18 1000-----------86 2,0()U-..--...--......- 72 0,000.è.. . . , 1 OS 4,000 .............i1 44 10,000----------.. 8o0 Tw)uty.ulx conta ou #400, alxly-six Cositeson $1000 1 Whoewotl gmutIe ais s i4erule m rite ho tise entompri«e? Tîho calsiilatiotî lx baïcad uîpon thesas- oepssust <of 1873-$l,lblE,000. This ,you th liassedvalue uhm grewn*le 41,012,31U,; or amn enamasna cf usarly #21U,NU iluiet.year 1 lu 1108 wlsen tisa 116,000 by-law wais pas3eti, the. nlAasssuusit tootl ah ouîy 8019,010, se that jýhie assesaol value ha. actusl>' niers han dloubal tsu seven yeamu. We do0uà A'othia iiail thie nereasi le owinuga loisraillay;but Il aunol ho deuledtl hit t li ralway isa$ don. ils ulsare Ili ie4ing ho isa Vailefofusi.àprty in1à tn hnollp, lirdtm tiosafiguras -rçn.it ley uare given freo lYlcMial s5iiou'aes-lunty fuirl> bc. conludeti thliti, uithitise enameaso lu tie value cf prepesty during tliccurmene>' cf thé lob'-ntuea, tire lewem rate, cf tllarlp. géin rcitinf nuse flousand (dollars, wouid b. eifficeet ta croate a sinaklng fund anl psy off the . tortemul WitlistIce extoll ,ocatlto, wlicls weuld have th i o of foc l erupling tie population of tise owe; aiseoslhordlng a larger su c okl f cusurimptiosu, low much gréaler weuld l eabIsa encrea lunh. vaille of Peopemýin tlu tIsowuship ? A large o ous>ing population ie wics lai wiutodl, nsud amongAol lim lie farmer ansi tje farmarsgýwlfo woid dud au en- liimd naricot for isy, ponltr>', butter, e)gg, applas, stnawberries, csbiage, nilnsi, and fraits and, voeoalsles cf ail klidIs amse ll as daim>' predunco.- Tii. e upreame lu tise population sud asseus- ui4rs of ilue tcwu wouul.d cf course aise- litera th" ffoct cf cihe rwlsc lesseuiug Min~ tatxesi thea townshsip. Tien thora' wcufld i. tise fabilities for a market lu thse lrtrlor for tic piodscf thc front whlii are nott hie.growu om cullivat- Pd., Tiers well li thse advauhage ho env mnilhl ilua uieilsboniieod, cfose- etnrlng tisewleal ýfi-cm tihe orthite gm'lut& thie adrvautagni cf cieap Wood, and cf eiseap Innlier for buiinlg, fer ails, anti for fenelug, andi for the inn. dra t h olur purpeos caof'ti-mrs nuse.. Tiioce are benofls wilîii nnt appeal te the self-in tereut of tie farmera cf 1h, township cf Wiitby ilu hicir alery-tIsy oxporieuco. Net one cf hem requiriug ho imlhi a bai-n Who woà.id notl#&aetIse smousfttof<ifs taxes heu imes aoer lu tIsa Item cf lumiber ahane. TIe Ceon- pany' have aise agreed le give a switch lne the Prcvlsms. Let tlccm do s, As the.> y iMaberetofore doue,, sud koep sp tic réputation et al ÃŽ-tii.Wtbys asthie frlocido 01 progriosuand enliteni lhheaitstli~oCme sud abrcad. HON, -MàyLOoLK ACsXN.-It la now said tsst tlu Heu. Malcolme Osmeron, of wiose iqcvrytioe swcrc very fav. tnrsbl. ftnlcaitons a tew <ayasMince, oo»u4nucs hew, andt lai thics.atteudng hin uqomait approhensive. Ickig »pI IL .Mc]rlcus. 14wq gr êy -vs luy ulog latezt P*UMVIPA v ul.ageor the sowms oring, are aituated the. town1 igdetltui rounds and Spac lngs; ther. the.township oc tbair meetings, U i. ehe ai> * ta are held, and there- the lai, id04 agrioutural fa"r. ake Pl nu.d promisesewer of coùu wiin valt. wlth tuseesurroi l'At~- wonld Det )beWorth cue.half the Mpney' * id s tiey woeqbitlt and eupçoiafly litd up for the. purposes -of an lotel, ad iave aIl thle satry acommoda. tion. . fr. Webb, of the. came place, so000 yeafs ag;o bult a handieme brick bolet0" mid which is l0à 'coniveuientiy 'uSi wll t.d up as le te be found 'In a conutry place. To deptive the. proprl. -store cf beltiithon properhies cf license entailleon the=: great los-a les. whicii tiiey are unable to bear,-and lobs luke a manifest Injustice. And tlie are only a sample e01xany imilit cases liaI could bce euumerated.1Mr. 8. K. Brown, the. member ot lhe cern. mission fren tihe wnship of Pickering, hc!ds extremo prohibition Vews, sud te lis influence lhiiianfair trealusont in attributeid. Isdeed thie parties aggrlev. ad do net hesitate te scoribe more un- worthy motives te, Mr. Brown sud to charge hlm whhh beiug sotuateul by personal and peitical feeling. Tiis w. siiould lie sry to infer bowevei-. One thilng 'la certain, liai te. other two cemmissioners appear te have alîowed, hir. Brown to have hic own way in re- spect te thie reduction cf liceuses iu Pickering. I l Is te lie hoped liaI in bumourlng the p~rjndices cf a colleague tiiey have net forgotten -their duty te tii.public.,lutii. "regulations" p»b. lialîed by the, conimissiouers,it is requir- ad thiat %U liotels sud taverus lu Sontii Ontario sab . leclosef ah teo cl1-ck at nlght, and lie kept clesed until saven 'ciock naeîmorning. While tlii.May work ne haru lu the. rural districts, il will bear very iiardiy on hotel-keepers lun -Whitby sud Oshîawa. Eleven o'clcek at nigit, ntat ter place, weuld bc about as early 'an heur for closing, as ulue o'clock lu tihe country. Tii. arival cf trains afler ton o'clock at niglît, sud tihs conveyance of passen. gers te sud fi-cm the railway station afler tluat heur, are thatters cf nigiitly occuirrence. 'Public meetings sud meetings cf the. corporktiou are sel- dem over hbefor. that luur ; lectures sudl publie entertaiuoueuts invari. ably las luter, sud we havé known the. sitting cf the cuts, ani sessions cf tha couty ceuneils resets luter into the niglît, Surely witii a knowledg. cf tCls(sets the- commissicuers Might have acted a littie morc consîderately lu meeting the publie eonvenience. Tiiey sbotild hav reniembored liaI it was net only the. "regulating" cf 'lhe inukeeper, but lhe accommodationî cf th. travelling public, thatiîad te bc kept lu view. - To shutl up grogger. les, sud do averytiiing te put dowu- vicions drinkiug habits le cormend.- able. But thorr. should bc a littge (air play for thea respectsble liotel.keeper. Andto te ufringe toc rnuciiupon lhe riglîts cf privaI. inlivitlvals, sud <f thie wioe cornmnnily in fact, by suaIs a curfaw law as lii, madIe aud ordained by the thlreo gentlemen wluo, for tiie tima, have the, iipuor te bc appoiuted licence constnissisnors, issun intelerablel proeeediug. Tii.naction cfthie corn- ýmissLoners io cerlaiuly litIle calculaled te popularize the. law, or te wci'k favor- ably for hlie Goverument rouni wli tlîey deive theic auhthomity. Tlîey are caryiug-their puwors te soe xtrema a limit tlîat tie law will become unubear- able. People wili begin te agk tiîem- slves wiether sncb a law sionîd lbe on tic, statut, bock, lu faut 1* alr.sdly becomnes a s'ery qeious question whietli- or it wss tise part cf iviedoitts allow the, municipal rlghls cfthie people le bc legisistced. sway, and placetI st tise Mercy cf nier, appointees cfti. Gev. emnent. Intemprat. Terprance zealots wsut te carry maltera withî a high baud, sud la suris a malter shlow tueur songe cf justic, aud cf rigit, te become se obsecreul as te rentIer them sas incapable cf jixtging sobarly, ai lie vietlm cf intoxication hIsmeolf. Iu say- J. C. Ceuser, publiaier sud adverlising agent, Toi-cule, bas jtest compis-letI snd phacculiluthie readling ruassefcfhlis ov- eraI hitels oet lal Cit>', copies cf thile mark. Il is in tormn ofsu album, is in- lendesi an an adverlising mediumn to ei phaca l i e se sera-si btela, sud in lhii respect is unique et ils inid. He le utui e9gaged.inl geîiug up eue for tue Royal hôtel lu lilaloiru, ulici ul commend.itseaf te the business uses et tise locahît>'. W. are lufammedti laI Mr. Ceuser bas matie special armatuge- meulasulîlu lie celebraheti pîotograplu- ors, Messrs. Notmsu te Frazer, of Te- roule, fer lise exclusivoe nluCaussî cf their Photos for tuis purpese, lieu-eh> securiug tle irsieîf lise lai-gea callIce. ies of our public mas extant. Thue albums arc bouns Inlu alf-Tnrkey ima- -oo racensd are vury beauifull asuireil as substaniàf sud durable. REPAs-z Olé TriaToasusus' LucExsi 13-LÀw-AI sapécial meeting cfthie counail of hie township cf, Wiitby, hald on Monda>' l, lu pursuasu. e lith esî-o t hie eeve, Mr. J. B.'Bakeli, tise by.iaw lmitiug thie umbar o f avai-ns te ceee-mas xepealed. Thia masuthe -part cf wledom, in iairofet hiejudgmeuh ot Chief Justice Harrisons, lu the Bair- mauviile cae-sud tlise-act lîsat pro- ceetiluga isd beeancousmenced te £Iusels iii. by-law. 1h romains allihe option ot thc Licesse Cemisia4nere ho grant furhlser icenose. Asiburu mhcre se man>' pcrodlesl tairearae helti sud threusgh miih tire Ile0 sehûnitravael, and miere als thie hotela bave becs icretetoe, 10mal keph, shouldti sea overlecleed. Hôtl o mcuiodaion id certaiel>' needod ah that pint le meel thie public roqulmaeinîs. bIBUhIAnNT TÂîLaueIN.-Al kinda cf aprlng goada at Pinglea. Tweedl suite - RATe 5'05 Tu'BAiD.-MrM'.M- B3rida' ias on viw ah ia ehu*iste, somne ver>', iaudsreom hs nuadé woerder iv sw*ftthat £ft ititeUitgent psôplo kno* itt te b.suîh. The-Railway By-la* Carrled. MAJOR.iTY-los 1 The votlng on the. rsilweay bonne by- law, grsuting #90,000 for the extension of the, Wbltby and Pori Perry lIailway to Liudssy, took place on YrIday last, anIwthtlefollcwing resut: Nrth Wa ......... 77 ..44, Centre Ward. ** , * 62 26 South Ward ...0.. .. 45 il As socu as thie resuit wce asortaiii.d thée.wasgenera rjoicing' iiitlii.town -tii. OdOfellcwn Band turned 'out and playea through the streetosuad luthe. oe.ing bonfires were Uit aud the nt-- most .uthnslsstn manifestedasithtei. uc. CORSs chieved. A large meeting both of the. friends cf the railway sud ýhe principal oppo. noeto f tii. bonus was alo eld ah tthe Oddfllews' hall, iviiere mutual expres. sions of congratulations were inter. changea, sud some - Mirring speeches delivered by Mr. N. W. Brown, M. P. P., wlio occuppied the. chair., Conseil.o lori; King, Ferguson, Blow aud Harper, snd Mesace. Holdon, Draper and Perry -ail expr sing theuieelves Well pleas- ed witli the good work that, had been accomplishied. Mr. Gibsoù explaiucd the. ressens for bis course iu opposition, sud now that the matter was settiefi was preparadl to take tiiose whom h. o0posed by the baud (here h. crossed tii. platform, and shook hands with Mr. Holden lioartily amidet applaus.) aud te wçrlý with them unitedlv for the. future good of tii. town. IMfr. IL Esttli followed suit. Mfr. 3obp Bengough (who hadl corne froin Tor4nto ho record hia vote in lavor cf the. by.lsw) mnade an excellent practical speech, in the course cf whicii ho cxpresscd, hie astouislimeut tlxt any mou in theo town could be found voting eagainst or opposing saniesslire tlîat conld net (ail te secure the, town sucii great benefits. Mfr. Wm. Cowan, cf Brock, bsviug beon cslled -upon, delared lîimself in faver cf the, extension te his townshiip, aud his wiflingness ho do ail in hie power to furtiior liat object. Telegrame were read fromn Lindsay, Kiumount, Fenalon Falls sud Port Perry, aU withi congratulations on thie succes ht a ud been acbieved. Chic.rs were given for tiie railway mou, for the tewn, Port Ferry, sud Lindssy, audltee i.gthberiug dis- pcrsed. with cicers for tie Qneen. The Railway Bonus Carried lu Pot Perry. MAJOITY, 75 1 Tii. voting on the, bonus by.law -grsuting $20,000 tote iextension cf the. Whitby & Port Ferry Raiiway te Lindsay, came off at Port Ferry, on Fridlay lsst. Thc bonus was carried by the substaulial mjority cf 75. TVie followiug arc the figure.: Divisins Ne.2 . i---------.l7 112 25 17 Msjouuily, 75. Liccuse- -Norlh Ontario. Tîce Licene Commieliouers for lie Northc Ridiug, Ontaioi, gu-anted licenses as feliais : PORT' Pzuuun VuaAO.-Tsvrms--J. v.* Tiomupon, W. B. McGau, Chiarles lait, D. B.- Denison. Siope-Heur>' Charlhes, H. A.- Bîack. .Rs'acsx Tewesiu.-Tsvemns-Jqlu Hocleritigi,, 'George Homek, W. H. Park, E. Tanner, R. ic-Rau, lPcher HoI. UximutanaxTowuNseupr.-Taveruea-An-, tIi-cmBrowen, James Toddt, John Sanu tIers, George Coumatîs. UxBuuooZ VIL.m.Gz.-Tavcmnaa-J. A. Wells, Johsn Bascoin, J. S. Clyna, Fred. Clulun. Slîop-J. W. Bemman. Bsocic Tomsnp.-Tanerus; - J. A. Campbîell, James Wiufiehd, John var- cee, E. lien (condlitioualhy), D. Camupiaul, G. MeDougaîl, J. Leshie, J. W. Bell, J. K. Br-own. Sisap-Caphaiu Sinclair. TtusoisauTomzeeuea.-Tavei-ns--Angue MeKisinon, Armstr-ong & Canning, M. C. Coiran, Williama Adameon. Slup- John MeRac, Cusomoicauna- Tizue.-Atheuhion le dliracledto tahei.annucemaut et Mr. Turner ini cher columua. Finuu.-Tie dmtîihiurusuel contents et Mr. Benjamin Halniclc, lot No. 8, du-at concespion et Picker-ing, mai-a dabtre>'etI b>' fine on Saturdla> eveniug hast. Losa $1500 ; insuied in Insolaled Ihiak fou- REMI) ROERTicurssneiradrertisment iu auethier celuwu. Tlicre if; aometliing in il cf lutereal ho every ose. Whiiby sud Easat Witby Union Agri- cultural Seocity. Thé Spriug showofet hile Social>' use liel inl Bi-cokliu, Tinmsday Iasa. Tîsera meme fort>'anties lunail, cf ic-sesansd blnle. Tse iretier w.aseaxhi-cinai> far- oi-able for the saseon, sud lie show conaequenll> ira quita suceassini. Be- heu me givo e h Blood ti lliion-iat, W. Clbmk's i"Wrmaub."; 2nd, Allacu Ray' *High. landi Boy." SIcilion, Satdh.e or Carnages--lut, - Wrn. MKezie'-; 2nd, Jonathîan Poi-tee'u "Ifemnan"; hrd, J. B. Poir. eli's "Heur>' Clay." ,Tiiree year citi dranglut Col-bl, B. Tiree-year olsi generai purpooa Colt 13rooj Mare, genamal purpse-lal, J. Heron ; 2nd, W. Dunu ; 8rd, W. Young. Drangil luioaci Mare-lat, W. Smith, 2nii, G. Bicieeîh; 1rt, Weatlcke Brocul Mare, sadi. or carriag-lit, 3B. ekeli. Tme*yearüld Colt, ssdile cm cai-ri- cge-icI, W. Young. -To.ycsr.old Colt, goneral-purpoe laI, Herbert Speoscar. Draught Stallon-lsh, Jonahan Por- tcr's "Scctiand's Glur>"'; 2aïd, Porter's "Couquemr"; lird, Jas. Thempscs'ea "Glancer."' Causclian Daijt$sha--1î Peler MeDemmil'e -; 2ntI, Lewis; Smlhi's "Lord Noeiri>." ' - -Tma-year-oid Colt, dranght-st. Jas. umaWet Whitby.- Agesi Durham u lu-ot, Jnio. Dry. aes - 2nd, Vns Roeu; SBrd, James Tmc-year.ald Dur-ham Bull-lai, Mr. Blow brought up the. report cf the e'ommsitweon~stracts, and on MO- tien the council went lntc commnittee thereouD-iiMr. Robson lu the chair. - Report atated Iluat ithe commlttee had purehased a quauity of broken clone fro cmhe county gaol-that 40 cordes had been plaeed ou Dundas creet, east, 7 ýcords, ou Brook shmct; nortb, sud that there remained 16 corde maore te lie draw n>uDunda street; aloo that ý45 rodeabi, dru b adtbeen cons;tr=eted On2 Dundas stroet lu tii. spgiu'gy part of lie road, sud that the tender cf Messrs. Gross i& Maousetan for nails ha d been acceptcd., The.fllowieg Appropriations were reccmmeuded : Brook-st., #600; Dundas-sI., 0800; Base lin., 0200 ; North Ward, 0400, Centre Ward, #400, SouthiWard, 8#QRsuad payment cf ase- count cf Meurs. prowu &; Patterson for a rond scraper. 1fMr. Ferguson sâd Mr. Hauusm con- sidered the appropriation ou Dandas slreet-which streel had been hitherte neglected-not enough, and alecthie appropriation ferthi. norh ward toc small, but would acespt it on lhe score cf cconcmny. Report kdoptcd. 77RE A"> WATRE. Mfr. Hlarper brougit np liie report cf tie commnittee on fixe sud water wlich wae considered in eommite-Mr. Blow iluthi.chair-sud adopted. The. recommcndations were-George Hall, fer cleaniug hose, $6.50 ;- Mr. Blow, for ceai, $27.64; $125 'for fire brigade sud $40 ho ciief cugineer. On motion cf Mr. King, seconded iy 1fr. Long, tie report cf thse chief en- gineer was referred otehie committe. ou f r, sud water with instructions ho report at next meeting. Ou-molion cf 1fr. King, seconded by Mfr. Blow, lie bille oftcust in tii,, suit cf the Corporation vs. Liseembe were re- femed fi) tic finance commnittee with liii, instructions. FINANCE. Mfr. Gibson rèported frein the. stand- ing coiumittee ou finance, sud oui mo- tion tIeoi. eil wout iut committee thereon-Mr. Ferguson in» lie chair. The report talail tluat the. ccmmitteu bsdt j-ecived petîhione fi-cm J. J. Hase atl Tiios. W. Robinson, askliug for s rebats of taxes on accouiil cf over-. assesmau, but lia thie conucil iad n power to lsk. action in ltce malter, sud liaI 1he cases should have beau brougit befors lthe court cf revision. Tlîey re- comnxded tIse encreasse cf lhe tewn solicitors salary te $100-to commence -fi-ou lirot January sud ba payable quarel; and thaI account3 cf Jas. A. Capiell, $7, aud R. Suow, $11, as retummung olicers on bonus by.law vote be pa Mmr.K ing, Mfr. Ferguson sud 1Mr. Hlannam, sud otîser members of lie coucil boe.teatixnony te tie large amonul cf work doue by the town solicitor for the. amaîl psy mcived. Report adopted. GRuANT TO MATOU. Ou motion cf 1Mr. King, seccnded by Mr. Gubson, Itue sumn ef $150 was order. ed te be placed ah tie credit cf lie mayor, on accouat cf lis disbursemants for charitable purposes. Mfr. Haunaiu sud 5Mr. Long desired to reduce tiie ameunt te $100, sud moved au ansendmneut- te thaI cifeect, wliioii was subsequeully wiîîurawn. PUINTINO. Mr. Roiecu hrougiit up lie roport cf lhe prinling comnite, wiiel, was adoptei, recommendiug paymcut cf accounts cf CHILoNICLE sUd àGaZettC. INDIQENT 'LIEF. -M. Hanna;uns-epreldfi-ain hua Relief commithea, recommending psynuent cf acceunt of J. Woo-islu, 82, -for necas- asries ftrnuiehscd indigent ou ordcr et Dr.- BogarI. Account oriered tealia paid. On nuoion et Mr. Blowr, secendled b>' Mfr. Çkibson, rasolvesi tiat lise May'oi, ileeva, sud Mepsru, Ferguson, King sud lhi mver contiluta theso uit cf i-e- vision form thse rsaut yeau-. Counili adjosîmsed aI $10.40, p.m., ou mnoion cf Mu-. King. Becfou-d Phougiing Club Heu-se Paim. The. ploughing matchs advertie-i ho couseocf aI I3cIfoi-d, on Fnida>' lant, ditI net talie place, iii conseque-nce of the mhucs cf tise grtundl. A lai-g, numiau cf euh-elait beau made, anti li-cr as a - goodl>' numaber et plouglu- men prenant. Tîce showr cf sîghliiens antI bulle mas excellent. Ahi htue ar-- rangementsuoethle committecannd thie caurteaus aeccetary, Mr BeytI, mure carild cul wivith le boni of aatisfaction le ail partie a,,sud-thie deciien cf thie judges appeared te ment mithi ganeral alîproval. Tic foliowiu le Iste Impea-ted Duauglil, aged-6 eaulnes- laI, Stare>' & Weal, "iilesi-t cf Oak; '2nd, Clans. Tu-sun, IiSeellislu Lad"; Brd, Wm. Arrmetuen, jr., "Joealie Banker.' Tii-ee.year-ohd Imported-3 estries -lIs, Simuon Iestie ; 211.1, Qeinnie Neigicawautiem; tird, John Fame;ett. Canadiats Draught-cune enlm>-Juio. Famacît. SaclidIa or Caurriage-two estric- luI, Robai-t Chai-k, "Warrmsnbia"; 2ud, Juco. Peiner, "-Royal George." Roadetems, siemu luinsi-nesa-one onty-Siuan L'catie. Two-yesr-eid -Sadloheor Carniage- oua atry-Jua. Bai-lia>. ',- Smespslakea for best hiorse ouitics gion-WVasl & Sci-cys I"Heant et Oak." Durhain Blle-f-ca entri-e--lal, It-asi- & Rolpi ; '2ot, T. P. White; Si-s, George Miller. Geuerah Purpose Teame, shows in las-ns-six entrte,-onhy cne prize, lot, Win. Cowia, Pickering. Judgas ou Hean>' Hrss-J. Scott, 'tIc Fafsa; IRoberh Ciaiforsi, Sear- bore' ; Joseph Graham, Ma-kiaus. iigit Horses-Lafayette Badgamoe, Scambero' ; Jua. Sîcgi, Whlbaale ; Jus. MeCreighîl, Box Gi-ve ; Wm. Brown, Scerboro'., Os Bllui,-Robert Milue, llmcug. arn; James MoCreighît, Cherrymeod; Hieux>'JenncuýaVitorisSqae $Zazma or BmÂuaG AmecxLINsDSA.- EsmI>' on Saturda> mos-iug hast, lui-g. lare mers aI mark u inas>' sud est. tereti fourhouaes, goiug imb liedroomsý lu theu- search fer moue>', uhicima eppsauhnl> their principal cbject. The>' entered lie direlîhigaet P. Nicalla, G. M. Bei-ram, P. Senuat, sud Thos, 8Sd- dler. lu tieIcoîsses cf tise frettwIo île,>'get nohhing lut saine hoose change, but Mm, Saunaet mas raliem'ed et $60, sud Mfr. Saddler cf asilvér match. The buarseir- son,-1in, Mr. Sad.- dIer'e boome, lut tire late le take- an>' nucans fer thier captume. -Iulie, otiior hioupes lb,>'- mrs sot -soeenb>' sn> cf cf amalboys h Js. MoDermott, D 0 at, Josua Dobson, Ja~.Bs~y Loren Foster, Ja L I.David' n. simon Alcocok, cuNcol Hia Lordsip, in adrsngt. grand jury, 'saidthial, judgig rousthe calendar pîaced *before hi x erdties iUpon the present occsea ILweld be' very igit. He cougr 'ulted, leiu upon there boing cul>' éhre cases on lie -caleudar, ,sud lies. je Obcf a grave charaotar. Hre fered rifly te lie duties :wiech le law ~pcsed upon grand juries, sud ho he ~iecusions cf ste in varions quautrs- uParliameul, lu periodicals sud lu th ~press-with reapeel te ccontinuanc cf tih. grand juy yseus. He wss n qinl favor cf a change until somethiiugb tter had been providedo sna dia net tliuk anytbing baller wculd b. bit upon forsous. lime le coma. Tii. sytem o as publie pro. secuter md beau Sugg.esI a ; ha did net Ilhluk tle experlenca cf o lhem countiis preved tli 11ud worked satiefactori- y, and, il was hiable te pçcuiiar abuses which did not exil lun okr grsud jury syslem. Tiie ligitness et, the caleudmir, Migit ne doubt to sous. exteut be aI- Iributable le hcse peatiuncf the law for summsnry trialbefore lie ceunI>' .sudge. But ennmakiugal sllowance for tIsaI, il wss extrem.lI' sstisfactery le knew tiat Ibis large ý.Ud popuicus ceunI>' wassso froc trousý crime.' One would have snpposedil liith prevail. iug deprssion, caussng di4lress amongst mssxufactnrers, cf wihý tliiicoucly isd a large BiB-r, would be likely te atM te the, criminal calandar. Il was gratifying, liever, tao flud', as his lcrduslip lisd leamned fromIls. couuty judga, liaI Outtre was nsi morasse cf crime upon huaI secounit. Il spolie weil for lhe maiansd lusw.ubiitug people cf tha ceunI>' cf On!tario, antI ho trusîcdilîslin sucli s state cf tliings would long conitinue, lu regardi te lie particula-cimlues on tlia c4seudar, thora were twc of iarceuuy suç one'of par- miltiug a lrisoner to escape, sud te whist constitîted crimes!cf tlii kitid, Itis lordsiiip made. general rets-ronce. The change l ia lawm, peruuitting somae cases thoc lietled b>' tic judge itni anme beforea ijury, was nazI refer- rad, t ase was al8c th, Csiniual Justice act, doing say wiîlîthlia -juconvenience sud exptusete hosuitors, slnd wsichsilà was ha lie iioped wcnld*uave thue cfect cf igcltcsing lite expeueý of pi-oceed. legs to both Parties. y11s1. tr.Iship mtIe specisi referenca b oie 0suihject cf aulîinistering extra-jutiieial onthis hy uagitrates--the scautlal stmetittttts causad tier>', sud Ilt h 0ange i hue lave now uuaking sncb a pes-al offesice. Aise te lhe change iluthe law providin g for tie paymuant cf expeulses (If crimi- ual witnesses, wbjclc lue pouiid(red te beas change decidetI>luntise riglit dirco. ticu-pointing ont the liardsllip aud bts- justice cf thie former sys emi, compol- ling wiîneses who woe dischargiug their dut>'tu hoher coun~try, te buisi- 11,dm owu expensAs. Ro idesirasi strcngiy t t iproseusposn magielmates iow muci thie silccesfuul.werkiug eto ii. setldepended upon l ýir diacrption snd judgment. if nuitratesent tIowsi trumuper>' cases foi- riats wtuld proveosa liehet c lould prove a failuroansd would hsave te iemcdified. H. lîstI airesdy lu his expericncelisatI complainte nlosU luis le'.andi mon- tiotued tuiatin uNomhutierland sud Durhamu, wliere only five true bils were found sud ffleen ignoredi, the imalter %vas mcade tlue sniject oÈ, preseutuient hy lie grand jus-y, wlio lîiai compiained of tIse expense ineurreal lu seusliug down trivial cases for trial. whichi Rhould have beau dispanÉed cf b>' lie magistrales. Tiie grand jury lsen r4lired sud lie followisîg cases werc proceded witli CRIMINAL SIDE. APLLICATIONs tOu I iSCtiItAUO0F PIISONESI. Mr. MoMilîsu appliasi ý tIse court ho have G. A. Carter, s pris îner ceufined lu thue geol, diacis-get ixtaami cuetod>'. Carter isacl beau con%-ietstl liefora tIse ceunI>' judge of ail ansault ou Piilauder Drake, sud fined $20 auiti cass-lu ahI smleuuting la somne $75, 4àl in édefanît te stand estiniitted usîtl.paid. Tic came itad beau tricd nu ît.th lo f Feb- muary sii the apichicamt hulad rernatnedý coifiued lu gaal inco thathMe, listing n Measate psy tic fi 10ansd ceats. TIsa complainent Di-rae Uas hucardl, ié maid tiat the pmsecneu 1usd umade satle ments ase ho i'ugprppei-T>' h'ie court crdeirad pine o e~c sischîagcd. Alexander Martin, Tlio'ntas Holiday, sud Joisephu Quigle>', threuýyoung fellome frein Osawa, mie ateod cul ou hall, mare armaigued sud pioaclcd" Nol guilt>"' ho au indictilln-t cqargung thuen iriti i-bleui condaiet sud Ittsckiuug tIse "lLokisart Hanse," kept lb>' 1fr. Win. Scott, on tic 2-51h et Dýconlien hast. Mu-. Benlen î,roueeut-c fqr thue Crommi. Thp prsnicrà;ere ri- tsfeuu til b> Mr-, G. Y. Siitli ansd Mi-. A- G. ,LdcNillan. Frein aie statnent et tisa Cmewn coonsel it appesured tIahu erowrtof IlirI> le feu-t>' mou-adriikilsg st Hiuslett'e liotliou Christmssala', ;hIsujuietb-e- fore thie hme for cleeisug, it hsing Sat- in-tia>' ev&ain-g, itibinsailUle othe ohiene3-"Lel ni go np to aid Scottes ands cloes ilm sout." Tliipart>' iscatîc lu> thia prisonre irc onimatIe for Sot'as-Mlahisisud Ile1i.s91u>' gol isîto tise hacll,asakd fer iquar ituntI mer, ra- fused-Ilie bar being cinseîl. Tue>' hhereupon commancad cuffling sud acted lu a discu-temi>' msu er aud uvra ptut ont. On elosisug the t4oou- ase ai tii. euowdî gelbisi leg inaide lt.upi-eashils cloing. Oni iudowat hie idaeofthua deoor wt;thten irakan, asnd aftas-ride tîse chIcsr, ausd missiles weu o aubaequenl- ]y' tii-cm aud lia bar- comn mindoir and windows lu front Oft hie bouse W. G. Sot sou eft hie pi-cpitlret lIse Laekiarh House, swols andi exam'i inetI, asid liaI on lia Batumida>' ieuing named i le heard tise ei-ow mre ceming sud liaI lhe ious.eiras hoeIbcahîscesi. Il iran heu minutes past s aveu 'cicck. Hae hçard lie yelling asIeiutiag sud - as lie croird cemisg up, lia sti-e- client 25 or 80 lu numttar. Holiday sud Martin came min o+c nosd sukad Win W copen thie bar sund gi-ce hem s drinli. H.teldthieunlie uculd u6t do il, as it mas atter heurs. Oue cf them lias said-"lLeh us com4 cut cf tlus damnei club hanse, lisom'esa-e e o- pie's bramne are. knocked eut mi s club." Tii.>'bothi cmmjnceil a sasm apquffieasi ëlgelfoeliog aro undth le hall. Wtuess lefI lie hall le gall lice bar- leader, sud lie mndeira maere broken as lie prisouers mare heav4ug. Witucse iel le chose Ils. doc-nti -ose cf Ilîer shovud hie fotedilu leprevncutIhua dcci- baing cioeat. Oua mndoý ntahe ieade et lie door mas broken, 80 dthe mndoir ah lie other ida iras iokn as uituese wenth le ahut tlie door, a lue (witness) judgab>'ra fisafrcin tico1sta. oe iworetii-ovm. Sair H)Iis>' in lie usi4dlc cfthue rcad ather lice atones liati beau tiroiru. Wiluase k eked thie feot, -aira>' sud .shcutana bari ed' t'hodoor.ý Tire- W" -elling , entai jeensu orne meue dbyhiim ou theRi wire-sereen cf tic bar, se tiro6wn throngi lie wind onîside. tue lreau u gainetS cott. quig w W5 ordered tW e i iciargeul-tie evideise, against iim being zrsgsrded cea ,ineuffi- oient. Joseph Quigle>' was, tien plsced lun tIse wuhtness boex, ansd examiued aseho hic kuowledge cf thiperions wio brokii lie windows. -He said, , ie 'cuol> "hsd "su ides" as ho wuoý did il, lie could! net bell ; mlghl have-said he kncw who did- il whanlise wss -igit. Frederick Inci sud chers were caîl- atI for thie defeuce. The>' dcniad seeiug tie priseners acting disonderi>' or thrcwiug tie missihes st lhe windows.' Mr. Smih aIdmessetI the court for thie defanca, as ditI Mr. Bouiton for liie crowu. The jury breugit lu a verdict cf. guilt>' agahnst Merlin sund Holiday., The prisonema were separatel> eau- Iaencad ho six weeks aschin lutle coune> gaci athbard labour, sud weme severeli' admenishet b>' lis Iodsiip for thbeir' diagraceful conduet. He desired ilte b. distincl>'nsserateod, liaI alihougi lie now passadl a leniant sentence, if auything cf the kintI occummed again s very diffamant sentence wcehd lbe pasued upon thim. As te Quigle>', streug sus- picion pointed le iim-atuough se- quitted, sud ils Iordighip wss not quita sure but tlîat if the tmullu were knowu io was tIse werst. STEALING A WATCII. William Balle>', an Enghisi labourer et 26 or -27. wîs placeulaI lite bar, cliargesi witi eîealing a wslci, lte pnoperty cf 'i. P. Whiite, Esq., of White. vale. Trîe thueft hock place on tuse firàl of Jul>', 187.5, witiethie famuil>' cf Mr. White were absent froin the bouae. The prisoei-husd been working for Mr. White, anti tcca2pedaltlie lime witi the watch whîichi lie sold in 'ronte. Ile was cul>' apprelisnded ,thureç tlaya befoeethe triai. He pllel gumît>', sud was senteuce le otii-ce menthe ah isi-tIlabeur is lie ceunI>' gacl. NO IIILLS. 'rhes granud jury ehrned No Bille in lte bolowing cases. Vice Queee v8. Brcwitn-Larceny. ie Qucen vs.McCsllcuglc-Assltstiug prisouer te escape. Th Qteeec vs. Jamos McGratan- Lai-cen>'. Tho. larcan>' ciarged in Ibis casa wes lice slealsng cf s cash box sud $150 at Cauningion. MoGattan antI s in named Smith weme bethi restedl -tl ahlem-leoted te bc tmîed b>' the Guuut 'Jutiga, was tc icted sud sen- lence? te 12 moutlis' imprisoument lu lie Centrailîprison. MeGattan remains- sud eut on bail ho bc trïeat aIthe asszes. Smnihwss breugit from prison te give evitlenco againat hlm, Lut the (set cf thie grand jur infuling No Bill siuewa Ihiat lis teshimsu c cei nt have amnonutcd ta muci. PILESENTMENT. On Saturda>', tb, grand jury matIe thie folîowing presenîmeut.: Thc grand jury bsug leave te present biatliaving compîcted tlein duties, bIse>' deaire to express thuirssatiefaction aI the ver>' scual numier cf cages laid bafora thein, andth le euh-re aisance cf an>' cases of s ver>' serions or grave ciarsoter frein lIce caheudar wiici lias lîcen bueugit liafoee hieu. Aise liat lIse>' have visited the commen gaol cf lie conut>', aud have piessure in lestif>'- ing te the gond ci-dem observeiti huereiu as well as te ils gencral cieuulineas. Il je alec oa lter et congratlationi le finud se few prisoners incarcerated tIlere- lu. Tic>' regrs-t Iowever, te fiud several Innatios atill remuining bu lie ga6l. Ti. gi-sud jurera weuld presemit tiat tic prepen sutierities eluculd aI the esmliceat pos?,bhit moment have themce- moved le soeaof tise asyluma cf Oui- ccuuttry, wlicie tise>' wouhd lie more likel>' ho receive tisaI came sud Ineal- ment calculaled te conduce te thjoir counfort anud recever>', wiici tîxir dlaims Ã"n oui- comnson luumanity de- mnd aI Our ownlhusude, Ilîsu ipossible for tiem bu recoive at a commen gaci. Dated ah ttce couint>' tewu Foresîsan. of Wbitby lu thie cunt>'L cf Ontaiosud Provincel of Ont. April 29ili, 1876.) 111e ltîrtiip thauked tise grandi jury ton tIse promptitude willc wîicli %Ie>' had dischangedl the business irougl before Iiîem. Tise helief vhieta lue hîsd expres-1nt athue ops-ning cf lie court, tîsat hini dutias wonld bc hîglîlt, lue waa pleaseite se>' had been weil founded. H1e connd alsn frocs parson al observation spaak as le thue ciesulilese cf thue guiol prre nti thse gond ci-dem whilei sp- p"ies a lbc naitiiel. Like Ite bisî jry l oudship bail alsio luen grcund oetbwentY >'eas' Posaession lie sctieon1usd been breugil. Verdict -for pli J. S~ '. warh for -pUlîm. . C Cameren sud W. H. Bilinga for daft. Clarry ms. RobWeusn.-The action lu this case was ircugil for recover>' of thie value cf a sewiog maschine sud organ-84225. The ceue presenteà some peculur featurfa, collusion and', rend bipg chargeti b>'thieplinïtif onil hie- part cf tIie deteusiut. Clary WUa Su ageut fgr tho-ale of sewing machines suda organe;,gsud acuapîcul a note fer $225 from lthe sefeudaut iu payment of thie wo iterumeuîts. Tii.Inote wus matIe b>'JamesRysu, pyable 9 menthe afler date, frousIsIlot3eb'y., sud wss matI payblete besrer. Chsrry ah frt seke obuonsus hoendorse it, but tie laterrcfuuod le todo so, aud flifusl> Iraded au ergan and a5 cewixî,foîrthie promis. cf mirriage. Sophia Maliews cslJ.ed sud sworu, saisi abe waa lie daugiter of the plain. tiff, Chtries Matiew ;a; lab sc wag 25 T cars cf age lber hast hirthéda>'; tliI ie usa known John Burton for seversi, yeas;s; lIier fatier 1usd kept iclel -aI Broughasm, and, was bailiff efthle second division 'court;-.thiathehé at given up the - hotel in Augnat asat. Wiîness went on te chats hiat aie issi kept the sîefendaut's compan>' for about s yesm, liaI he hadu éngagi le o-mamry lierm;,aie was lunlice famil>' wsy b>' hlm; was in Ihcat condition about six moutis, since ah. firaishecame aware cf il. 5h. told tlie detendaul cf hiem condition sud h.e said lie diti nel believe'it. Sic icust spoken ho hlm hast lu Janunry, he stat- eti tial he wss willing le msrry bier, in enap Wm. Miller teck baek wlcat lia had sàid aient hiem. Burton sasid Miller toli hlm tuaI ho (Miller) 1usd improper intercourte with hem. Witnoes bld Biuro iaI il was not I-ne, andI want- ed bim tb bring Miller ho lie bouse in ci-dom lihaIaie migit meel hlm face ho face. Nitier cf lîseuncame. Crosso.e=amnined b> Mi-. Hector Canm- emon, Q. C., on beisît cf tise defendumut. HatI kept Company' withu tIfendssut tu-cm Jul>' until lest Octoher. Was firet engaged te lie married te iim in April. ilalieved tI i as lie firet blune gie isd itsen engageul b be iarrietI. 11usd been keeping cempan>' witli ussg men before Burton. CoultI net s'ý with liow suan>'. Wouu tI chas>'twelvs-, on six-migil luave -been Ilîrce-nevpr kept count cf lie numbar. The court- sluip wiici commenced in' April lil beau imoken off. Burton limeke il off isecsuse of ateried bohd aboutliber. In Jul>' lie acqusintauce began again. lu Ateguat lice fi-st impi-eperninuso teck place. Burton used le comue te lier fahers lu the sfternoou sud eveniug, sud sta>' tihI midigil sud semetimès latar ; usad te remnain up mihhlm afler tie tamil>' ia goc to bed. Hàul lire brotiiere, ouneider sud oua yens- ger than ierself. Tie famil>' used la ge te lied sud leava them logaetFer. Burton livefl about tiro milea freinlber fathuer!s. Hlem fatier 1usd teltI lier tiat Milleur bildsaid lie saine thiug le Ihlm -thaI hie bidimproper inlimscy mitîs lier- Mmei. Hsuey (sister cf lat mihuese,) sait sic hati apelien ta Burton about hiem ister's condition ; tiat aie hiad bi-ouglut ian sustar to i3,rtcsn',. pics. oe eveutng aient twe menthbe age, sud he InîtI lier tits unless Miller look it iack lie wonld net corne again ho lie bouge ; but that if Miller hock it isck ho irould make il aIl riglit ; liai- ther hiad six cîcildi-en living-hsie girls sud tire, baya. ou crois-axaminalien b>'Mi. IHecter Camieron, wilness saitI aie dîd net mcon. tien le Burjen liaI lier ister aras with eliild. HT ýti-said aie avonîd blair Miller'a bu-aine eut, if evar sie ivefi bt getliber e>'es on hlm. Chai-les Maîbeirs, lie falier, sud plaintif, Saüil lie bil ispoken te tie defeushaul about thi. malter; 1usd toid defeudant tlîat John Miller said lus eou deniesi te iim tisaI lie 1sau>' nimproper leterceurse ihi Sopila, but thast lue hat oui>' esitI ae te aggmavate Thlm, (wltnees.) Wun. Miller sîltIBa>'to; wih- ness fliaI lie iad i rrlinse>' ywitlb hie dauglicer. 1Wilneas s faisl ihe wils s dammaci scondmel whe deserved te bave tie top oetbis hiead ihown off- said liaI if it ici-teeuli ae il ias bis dut>' la parjure iief te save s girl'a cluaracler. Witneas ad s lame bsck at tiie lime or lceirauld have isudled Millecr. No witueses ici-e calledl for tise defeuce. Mu-. Hector Casueicu matIe an e- quant speechs lu favoricf hile c-t, callinsg attention le Iie tfact tisat Mis Matlieme ias net a yonng girl, but a ycuîug woraau cf exîuc-iesice w ia1sd uitnstîwcclluearbs, sud wirlun iclgilb, pmes-anmcdlte kuair icirte taka care cf lieu-self. He lualstdlîsat so was as ucu llte blame as te i etendant, sud lie denouneesl lie tatiai- for ucl loeking mai-a carefully after bis tIangiiter's con- duct, ins-leatI cf parimitting bier to romain up ithl a young man until after sxuidnigil ;;lhe slso bihameti hlm for is tiageruese in liuinging lia action hîav- ing comnmence([l ti lai-clu, irjien ltis daugiter ws euh> four suonlcegene mithtcliltl. Tic hearsusd juisigu ail>' clanged ltfe juriy, inclining ,ta thce opisuion tisaI bhe îltiutitl was not entifiad ti> recover hietivy daiîuage. Tio juiry tount a vei-- dinht toi- 50. M. C. Causuci-on sud W. IL. Bihliogg fur plaintiff. H. Cauneoortsanti IL.J. Maedoneil for cefeudant. fRince vs. Cale!. ,Action cf coubract. Beach, claimed te i. ewned b>' the rplaintiff.Viîe defenece ias hat lie lautI diatI allelong te Mie plaintiff, sud that thie defeudant 1usd the righut cf enîr>'. Verdict fer plaintif? for $82. Famrewell & BulletIge for plaintiff. A. G.momihIan, for doit. Tis couefidedth Ie lîsîines. cf hie court. Afttirthiejury JuadIm bacs irin lua the ]sot euse on Tuosda> meriug, ls loi-, siip dieciarged lIse oremfaiuiug jua- troa fumthisîatcdanee, helioghheu lia h 1ud slowed paylmesst for hue Sunda' He ulo expi-espot sepreis tnc lue milluer h il lch li e>'bacl i-nefrt.ned hlir d- ubiesi. It wmastrue#. neoisto n leas,,, .un.5 ....ay i Sarc h. bas been iluthi. rade ilu hie-s ' ,caiHty, lia ha, beeuvor>' necesatul, Psl sûtI manugod during that period ho e- e enaus a s cmpelence. sas] _THE AsyLuti-idiots 'a15beiug re-. hics pai-ed,, alered- &c., under, the supamin- teudence cf Mr. F. ýO'Calslgias, cfin Haunilten, Ont., wio le ah proeant stceS- Dig aI lie JRussel Houa.,,Bsud Ihinka mu eh ne tecuble 10 alford cll Ihe informe- nui lioninubic pewelrtatehics. requlring i1hn Thi. action cf lié Liceuae- Commis- Tu sioners for EBsI Simace-Mesars. D. 85 Beaton, Edilar et Orilhi Tinses ; Dr.- i Blackstcck, cf Hiiaodahe ; Wm. Moore ý-1 Kelly, W arden efthli Reformalor>', cel Penehauguisiene; sud 1fr. Curis Mooreiu Inspechoris lieing thoroughly comment- Cel etI upcn juat ucw, 5 licensea have been se, grautedl, 'another provisionsil>', lea>'eum2,p clii friand, Mr. James Quinn, for hic les splendid neir brick iclel. Ail muet ad- mit lie nature cf lie- diffleuit duties, the Commicalouars aud Ispectersail over Ontario are tai-ced sud called upen te pafmutililice>' miglît exercice lIce sitaypower the>'are celied witi, lu a more ihural aud Indicions man- eï- uier,. tian mialtic>' de. One cf Ithe Lt oldest rssidenbs le the lairu, uch as te. beau keeping au holel for over 20 ycara eti (Mr. Wm. Moffaît) has becs deprived un cf is lucense, anetiar eue or lire have dit aiea beau refused. Thora are ne siop iri icanssgranted, thuataveru liceliaa tee tlb le tuemuodpqt aus cf $150.li NeautmarDIvalo I-Mm. Rugi SnIlier- Ttt landt, cf Cu-ilis, Supeinlendeul of Gev- Ov% emumeut Warka lu the. North West, es' mli heave fer "Fert Peily'" sud "BaIlle MI River" near lie tact oet hieRock>' menu- ah laine, as sau as navigation opens on tel the uppar lakes, ha wili lieasccoxunpanied Ui b>' Dr. Boit. Rams>' sud quita a uns de. ber9 ohIe rebust yaunug uecisuies sud Ci others belonglug tle hie tomssund5nu! vicinil>'. ce Nonne ANDi BskICEBnsuns.-Youm OldthI sud esheemad frieutI, Mu-.Reoit. Ferry, W reeve cf lie village, sud irarden Celn- J t>' Victomiis l etking quite haie sud w hicart>'; alu-ead> indications cf a mosal unmictakealile ciaracler of amprove. mel ment luthie times ara observable, sever- lui ai millesud ocher buildings ai-e rejeet- ti cid. Gravenhînrel hsataIlustgoiug hoor bave sai-cal lire nemepaper tealie called 'G "-Thse Ganadiaus Lamtermcu,' Mr. George Murra>' noir cf lie OrilliaPr Erpositer, mn lbectthe Publisiier, succea ta ticesuai entai-prise Scamiame' 24hhi Apil, 1876. r To ithe Ectisor cf ltce WItitby -Cicronicle. ,cli DEÀs Sus: te - Semohmea ip menthe' ago tiare Mi appeared iluthie"Cii-oce" s purs- hi> gu-apu te tise effeet that a nem appoint- abs' maul mould have te lie made in tie K: plae cf lice Hou. Davidi Reesor, Sens- 0Os toi- for Kinga', as liat ion. gentleman lin irai laiouring undor funancial difficul. roe lies. Nethiug more appatr-d lu lie ti public pilus as hota tâion. Senator, dei ahiiougîi l ir as meli kucird Iuml hiewas1h( unable ho meet hisenagagements. AndI mu thate 1usd gatInlto lie affection of tlb, Th St. Lawrence Bank teatth, lune et 1$40,- th( 000 ; 813,000 of wmci mivas drain fi-cm col Ilue Bank inuoe u e nsd -pisced te 1hi hie cradit lilIce Cit>' Bsnk, sud thuenca w] mith $7,000, mskiug $20,000, li-anfarad tra te New York, invested in American tht Sacuri-ties-aud is uci heltI b>' hie et - Hon. DavidI Reesor lu trust< fer hic tIi1 noble self. Tii, 813,000 ian given b> aira>'b>' thue laIe Presidant sud Casiier us cf thie St. Lawrence Bank althiugi se tînt' m liaienn manesi net le du se, aud oce Stochicolders siauld coldtIhein 'uersan- ru al>' reapenaihîle. Tlîc SI. Lamwrence Th Bank, itialem-aed, cesnpoiudad wijaiun tIse Hll. Ditvld Reesor aud is lio dié bi-otiiene fou- laslian livant>' cents lun55V tItheholla. It lsecxtraomdiuary ludectI, ai- 'lîat tIns Troul, mnager cf tlMoudsa- dif ryTimos, the guardian et mercantile uie- wus riI>, altîiongî infommet cf thuese tacts, mu bas uever aveu hiinteil at them. AndI me wist cf Dots Wimsn, thae tlier Walci di iogas 2-Dumb ! Dumi I 1 Tluey bave ou nevs-r uss-utionedth le ver>' tIisgracefuh reg arangaement,witi sainsu deiug -taof ItisineÃŽse hubit ainhul>' mitili e hanscle cf in' Honnorable eulmappiug tîhe uniriy. tIi Hsd some peur uîuforhuuate sluop- bie zes-per, mils ps-s-hîpR, a sichchy mitéansd Mi large hîs-Ipies fanul>, failei or a inn- Tli dreilti-pmit, anîd effered mîtf, or fift>'ce. th( on thue dollartin leteliment, s moral wonld have licen drawn tceelemu, sud - si cauition hoaIbusin-e mss nte. avoid ta ses luke tcouit)t ferthe ftuure-. Noir, ai- Co uhougît Ise 'rent, matnager cf the nice IL ceunforl:uihe cotupuaition, huesasys neveu- te a wvoid, tih aav, Insi holtI, sys tIlîs a nun Inmocîeut isiUalrit or vota lu tIesa su Seata-ancl I neveu- knei untii yecate ,. ils wtth as mclu; Panaif ho i h a l oxus' mio ý o thcechargie liim lie cîcaretiocfthe e sr foui abain ou bis cicaracler, aud, thé in., lu jkî-y lle ciaracterrcf lice Senal e ilu p tîeratinig if guilI> ssci s mnu, mu -Give us t haarsng. o SMALL STOCK.HOLDER Mi Bn. LAwmnisecpBAueuc 30 on lie -previnom tue -day. The- srks; hrongicutthe elpediticu lesi 5kiliea sud 161 -wouuded. He declares lt the victegy mas decleive. BaguesMa>' 2.-Tii. Selavenle' se- nul o ebatlle Of Sunda>' "Sart ah Mukitsr Pasha mas deféahea and mupeiled ho hake refuge in Gatcake, ad tiat lu fou- <laya' lighting ho lest ,500 killei, wilehe inaurgent -oui>' aht 400. Eugland snd Extradition, WINSLOW TO BE EBELUMASEDI iAY. London, Mas>'2.-Tii. Briliee Gev. unment buiaslfermed the Amuricea ugallen liaI il mli relesse Wilncio D-mari-cm (Weduesay), sud that imo, baer prisoaers--Grs>'. cf New Yerk, md Bment, cf Loulevilleý-hose extra- ,tien l is sc clairsod, miii be released, heu ther terme have exjpirecl. Ai-ý hougi tiis notificatinli.s beau given, e GeVernusant huas net yet fermal>' ephied ta tie Uuihed Stalen arguruent, - ringb ia easence o f Lord Derby,, aused b>'tise recem2t dealli cf hu, obiar. lu addition ho hie argsuneplu 1ready ne0public, tc1uieing £i., epretatio oÏcf h. Act ot 1870, lie uited Staouimas addnead, -as s prece. tunt, a case occiiriing lu lei' - m1iereun siaf -Justice Cockiun r cried -he i-rntIer te France, undar gjm1î5ir cir- iLnstances, upn the mare opli' onfle eo French consul that the pria oser iull ouili e lried for the offence for Isici lie mas extradihrei, th. Cir5ef ustice remarking -ebiter that, ever.. [itt he consnl' s surance h. choehs une decidad ageat he prisener. A eport is cus-reut tha' the Opposition 2tend ablacking lie Govermeul uepOM ha Winahow affair. Gladstoue's Gov; sueant fermal', throngh Alterne>'-, useraI Coleridge, supperteà su inter- eotation cf lhe Act exachi>'the Opposite litaI cf lhe preseul-G-cverunmont.- ATTEMPT neIton A TaAM.-Tia SI. juis Repucbliian ism telegrame dlos.* uiing a liold allcmph,- about oeeo'. look ou lie moi-ning etflIse lotI sta., roi a suatcrn-boud train onthe ussouri, Rasa, sud Texas, ralmrad, y aband of wiemen aBle-Jaciel, a ahicu juet ever tie souliern border et munss, sud un tii.Indian-,Tai-miter>. i&at lietheheegrama ayg.-&For sem ne il has beeu kuomu liat a baud cf Dadabers have infesteduluhe borders, sud ,a ha>' have beeu, leafing about ber- ir--slstions le phunder; lie Company' ieretore sent a small delective force'ho iltci out sud bring lieus ta justico. 'rea cf tliese deheclives meuh smong ae marauders, sud se gained tIseir unfidesce tiat lie>' mer, takén lute âe gang sud lamed lie robbera' plan, ruici iras ha allsck sud ro» he estire un. The deteohines thoen phsnnod for ie arreat cf lie robbera. Sunde>' one flie guai-da us piaca mlteecab miti ie enginea-. The hi-aisniras stepped y h&dispiay cf a ligit. :The rebliera rare in iaitlsg, sund cemmenced te ual up le 1he mail car, but th.guard t lien lue osing bis presience cf iid bi- i train had ialted, fired. his irs thignai-al tom lie fiftWcu mai ianioliar coach-lo rushlcruard. The>' id go, but the marauder. acamîÇred s-a>. The detectives ireut wilh lieu» id the rmed gusmd bdllomed. AiU spered, sud, 1h, Irais baving e i minutes, continuad on ite ra." Asothr telegrats says- IlThe. )bers more comploely repulced, sud' cIual reaci h. cars, Oneu.*skilletI utrîgit, lia a-eecapluredsd tic. minder flet in grat haste. A peRse fellizans sud scidiere lefI Visita early i e mcorning, monted, lu searci cf je cncaped- roubers . An ahtack isul een aiticipsated for neyeraI macles, sudl laseiahs ire placed osa al trains. seo roubera i-e in, lie nicinit>' uer. ie attack iras matie." A ToAsT.-Two important Discover- ý1 Tiie discover>' cf Amerlos b>' ominiua, tandh Dr. Piaîrce'a Golden fediesi Diecever>'y i eeoeniug up tpiankind a ucir continent, the char fcuntain cf besillu, mic i i indispen. ie tae ia fuISenjo>'menb cof lite aud ,a ilcasinga. lu respense tae ie sie en- iment coma lie unadicited attesta. tuel cf loua et thusauda cf graleful aticuts, misavs-e lies reheilved -et àrnie almentathronghisistcrumen- dit>'. Tiueae veicas are limihed le -ne ce localit>', buIt rous eý'ry eil>', vllage0 ad banilat, in -Oui- irsd édemain, a oll strous oethar chues, -sudluthe Wange uttemances et foreigu tenguas, ke th, canfusad murmur cf man>' stea, came ufeiget sud; aheart>' by the. Temuaisi son ai tisa Wlui eeng, May' St Sciceh Houe, 121h, aItp. m AR eare reques N 0 T I CE AIl accounha si-e lobe paid t lel of Jima, cli in suit for côlleei Wlsilby, May' Su cÇOTTAGE Fe Thal Brick C Browas& Pae Wetke2 -withh. on tiseprsse Wahar,& For ffather p& W)iilty, a>' Si A BSTRCT t iReceipts a a- TOWNi fer bise year end easi balance frai Taxsacollecte&. Notes disecunhtes iug renmeak.. SDUlOATIcL p'u Gomen t gi-ais Cout>'gras. ..-. Ganemument on, s Msurleus.disl Pnrceede ofdebr Ntsreire.. Moese-l.eo...... iSislreeIs.. - Note ad -e.. - DrIecon tduati Sotra a.. - Pireetsuad matr.. Educatien, iuiel, usai Scisoci]Hon Salsriess...... detailesaatern Balance......> We, lie underai pematicu of thie Z bar 1675,- certif>'I -abtra f th ie li fore year esdiý IIOBT. J. CHARL[ Sîstemepu-eof tie oft he Cou-pc Witby, cul A r Cash on bmndi.. r Taxes uncellecea, 821 92 (yisll&gay Conl>- de. Gavemnrnsul baise surplus diehu-ilu fuind....... Baac fscif sud t

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