Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1876, p. 1

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seeisiccafrecls seasti.vlliaivutkser byth 00 o,é réste. ",*uwPg4 adIscontius tieilees Busin e ÏD-Ired ory, -' or OIÇTAJitIO ANK, IrIOMAS DOW, Comb MÂJIIIE. If la DOMINION BANlK,' WRITBY ÂGENOY, K.-B. TAYLOR, FAREWELL & UT)LEDGE, NoAMis 1WTLZDGB E.CA.y JE ARE WELILi L. L. B., ounmty Crow Attorney. 48 JAMEN'KUITU -GORD>ON, 13ARISTER <& ATTOEtNEY.AT.LAW, 1sollttor in OhAnaery, Oonvoeoar, NotàryPubue, &a. OMfO#a-Owr 1fr. Ad. disoula staore, Brook 8trsett Whitby, ont. CHAULes C. JKELLER, ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN , .h*i5Yýnc eacs.o~Ontg ?iia!4 eL Î "i.l~sud. otsUyB ()MOolufmeroomo ma d N. B.-Orders$.*romi by Ilouer gr.m Proiuptly aftendsd te. - OmnLibânetoansd fram ftshe re Orluila, jin. 7, 1874. 11=9s JOHNSON HOU90, f EÀiT =>IÂKT SQUARE, TO»WNTO Oas LLJO per Day. StaI.Jng 2'uc cDa TB HAMBRIO4UÇ HOTEL, GoRGEu 3ROWN, PROPRIETOR., This 'Irst-elas homse as been, neWy Mi. ted up and renaatemi fhrughout sudi iord.î unlni ..aammdatiloxLU .rep.e tÎioi ffuets. The present proprietor bas spared no pain# or- expexqse in lntroadng lv7 mprovemnnt thaf woatend te the ao, rt sud aonvenlence a1 his patrons. 1ÂNSsSADDLERT. The, sublscrlbu ere st th lu tIé premisesoppolta Ray~s Brilli eican, Hete, Dintias.St., Whufby,i he w¶lceaP natas re i Fw7bn OR SA UnL 0 esÉsu GLEN MAJOR MILLI 600,000 led Plus Lumber, wvaliseasonei Inch Barde, PhIooriug, 2 x 4 Scanllicg, 2n-iilPlanlu, L ANENGLISII, L IL. n, aotnyOhS 9, 100,00iehaiOak, B À tRZTEnAT LW, OLIITOI INONTRIO OTE. Maple for axe, lot quali Oinoesy, Uunveyancer, dc.&oa Sm boa Street, Oshswi (LAr£ 5)AWR5'5.) 1,000fit. Square Tisa Go YOUNG tirIT1I, LL. B., WRITI3Y, ONTÂRXIO. AUloi whildhwilbecsold ebeap foren ~3ARIIISTER, ATTORNET. AT- x.iW, PETER -WàKBm, PROPRZETOR. Hé voulti aise bérta say tut "tbe Séar Pie, cr nCa. ce8 OUan'. SuPsrior accomodation. Table, supplieti Chuîpln1d2s bokrokas StrPblic ditb Ontri, wtIh .t lnuBssean. Genuine hl OPs St ushel. tiylutev kfr ~3lck, roc ~fre'tWbiby, utilo, Cigare, lest brantis. Billard reac. Booms A.G- »ILA, staless anti shedts. 8-ffB. -MAJOR, A. . MMILAN, ~ . --- -Don. iGîh. 1878. Proprtl (Laise Grcénwaati & MoMillan.) BITISII AINICAN HOTEL, -------- ÂRRISTER, ATTORNEY, SLC 'toNtyPubiCuoacG. 1 YOOD NEWS FOR TIM LADIES. f1ce-Byran -Street, Soutli of Post MO (z..rs Bmassas BousE.) WWbH I lB Yr0oN OfAice,0. A NEW REVELATION IN TI TUGGAN & RBODINSON, - - House iaevhy renovaft n uusei CNE0 YESMK -D, icraughsout, anti put in adireî.clfaeu oOrdénrhioar SIENEO .ESM BAlfsISTIen, ATTOIlNilY-Ar.aAW, héroponigus. An omnibus teansd SOLICITORS ~~~~rani ail trains. Pir.h-cla.s sample boonis. I CRWL' EFATI SOLC -TRSIN CIIANCERy, -CORNWALLIS_____________ CONVEYANÀCERs, uÉc., GRAND T1eUNX RA]LWAY HIOTEL, WAIST & SHOULDER CHAI OFF os-rovncil '8suanc BUl(lng8CT T WI .TBYSTTIO.1. Dresses fiffeti frocu méasuremeni ai, COU'IE~ RTvlneiai Meno itdinga A î SY £TIO. iinout esangé fai ttei. J.DnAQ.Cane-.ROBINSONr, aXA, WU. O'NEILL -.PROPRIETOR. For sale, vithi rcsjiustructians,sat ______________ 89 Parlefukigiltrlnu héiorses IS eN T YRBE', TUOMA HUSTvilwMhavé fiecu veil talsén Caro aiflMllhéir TUOVAI IU4TN, rlurnu. -D5ESS-MAKINe SOOMS, vllcnsu. ONCLERII AND TREASUISER, -- --- Agents vantéti. Libérai intincements T WNhlby. 0,,,,,-T... Han.ll. eur, RE QUEEN'S HOTEL, thé Iradé. - -~-~------- --- - - --(LITAr E eCcUx,,) - WlhIty, Aug. 18, 1874. RX.J..GI9N-,- -1.1D. sUBGBON TO THE COVNTY GAOL; 5ROK-TKEET, WHITBY, BOTTOM FR10315 FOR, SByron Stree, Wlitby.- TAYLOR &dc MCANN, PBS(PnIT'RS. B Wns. McDUJEN, MDD, M.RoCi8., Dr. W, J. BJURNS. n-ADUATE 0P TORONTO UNrVER. \J l-YSudMenaber of fhé College of ahsci -nti Songeons. Reitence-at ETS, (SUCCES. ~~Bor ta W. H. Cuad.) DentalReaoms-DuncIaa Street, WblfIy avec Mr. JamesunsStore, Nibrotie Oxide Un de.atimasered for tle paînleas ex- traction ai teeti, CN. VARS, L. D. S. IE Hinsccltid on ail thée lâetprinciples hfule art, -age 0sipasufie cisp est, sud asegooat u i béat, T1eth Olled %wiIlGoiti anti Sibvér, -. Tecîl extractéteil ieut pain, by protincing bocal ania'lIéula. Dental Roorn-in Cav- an s ne locik, aven Atkiieou's Drug Stors, Kng Street, Oshava. 8 TIIOJIAIfI)EVERlLLb, J3UILDER AND CONTRACTOR, DUND45SeT., 1'MITUY. L5 "Ail ordue aprenpfly exécutetl JOHN VR013INSONO1S -TAIR DRESSING AND SIIAVINO .LJL Saloon, lieds St,, Wiitby. --JOHN WOLFENDEN, AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED Séottfih Granite. At Maculé Works a.Jnaîltaen Wolieptiéu, Duntise St., Whiy. GEORGE CORJuACK, lange quantihy ofai ahI indi of luculer con- shsutly on lanti. IL.E. O'DELL, A T H E R L Y, Clerk Division Court, Tp. Clerk, Comuuuesiouér in B. R., Landi Agent, &c., dco., Afhérhy, Counny Ontario. Athérly 1SepI. 2uti, 1872. 86 c ARilD. DR.DIOGART, 'hiysician, Sungeon, Accoueher, d&o., &-. Whitby, Sept. 80t1, 1874. 4 S013. IRAMSAY, M. B., L. M. EDIN, tiradoats (!iths houais) of ftli University oi Qseu a lle go,. Cenada; Phladeiphila KJnv. of -Medicîrule anti Songes-; Amenican Uulv. aofeu-lneybvanuuui; LoctleheCollage ai Féns lvnitua andtiLicenfliai ofMicrehlcy 0- aile Juiv, ai liuuburg, Scotlauti, Cor- oner for the Couîty cf Ontario. Ofilce-%- Coltivater St., Oilia, Auguaf titi, 1875, lyr, 85 JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, 01 the Town ai Whtly, l as beau appointei OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDEII THE NEW ACT') For fias Couuhy ai Ontario, Ail business entrustedt is hechange vii le csnsfulp if- tonentet. Whb15, Jan. 141h, 1874, .81Y T RI BEST HORSE MEDICINES. Afldm2arpflans aof %ho bout Herse@Mmdi. élues ke tccnsfanhly nau iasuisd formdasI i the Whiby LMLs Sables. 5r'llaeharge for atice. -N. RAT. Cu JOHUNSO0N, DEALER. IN LUMBE.R,ý W H IT BY, , Haan han i asplendid stecocf ueetlaroi and wvell sesonsti Lumber. AR kintis for c &Ter andbulinsg Erpoeo. The untiérsigueti desfre ta inorm tfliir frientis santhe1public tilaï;tflophave fakén the aboyveiel- kuavu otel, vhicil lIsp have newiy Atedup anti canovaled, and p ut mie Ilshelest ai ortier for fils accommoda. tion ai uesta. The Bar, viaich itis hanti- samestef tnhe Coonl, le veli ýsuppliait itbl the finae bran#s oet vines, liquors,-anti ci- gars. Ample sucloseti ubstiroom kanti gact ehabing, Cox stalse, dce. Defaehed roomi fer cont-érclal Iravahiers. J. P. TAYLOR, PILIF McCANN. late of Toronto. s IAXESPEARE HOTEL, donNEcu or- xcNo ANa)routEBar.,, TORONTO. JAMES POWELL, - Pîopnmzoan. Firut-class accommodtaion; bath-rooms, dcc. Boardi, $1 50 pa-r day. 10 TE - TORONTO. Thé moat Elegant, Caaîlp and- Perfect Hasch in tic Dominion. lThiu Hahel aclsnoviétgeu ne rival, elther usn imanagement, apPaintmenls or loas lieu, là thé latter respect if affartie its glesîs a charmnlng sud unoberoctive view of Laske Ontario. LR Thé fincaf Wafenaicaps view in Canada, Il has 250 rocae uinushe it viiall e modemn imprevemeuts. McGAWdc WINNETT, 4ihf Fncpriefore. A RSTR0OÇG JIOUSE, (LATE ALI&iON,) WIIITBY, ONTAIZIO. E. ARMSTRONG - PROPRIETOR. COAL AND'WOOD All kindu ai Hard anti Sait CORI, cousl iug ai tIs celebrateti Lackavana, Sera Ion, Brisr HUA, Bloesbung sud other coi CHEAP FOR CASH 1 For 5u51tiios té Didkemiflis anti oti SPECIAL RATES 1 Waodti, aelang), 25 cents per Co abafement coff asipriées. Sent inlu p Whiby dc Oahsa Coal anti wao dedpot Whifby, August Shah, 1875. fi.1 0 S F THE DIVIION COURTS 0p Tucs COUNTY 0F « ONTARIO FOR THE YEAR 1878. Whilby.. 8a1l21 1Il18 1 2 1I Brogîs 2 4 2] 4 2 12'2 eolPnn 1~l 18,20251261 5 114 4 C 27l' 14 J 261271 6 18 1512 28 ' 218 71121162 Atény.- j I 171 80 1 0 1 GRO. ff DARTNIELL, Junior Juige Whitbp, Déc. li, 1875.: G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0F' O MÂRRIAGE LICENSES. WHTBY, ON.TARIO. 5mAJOR MILLS. Te P. WHITE theouIl 141h Octoher, 1875, cssumne con ROYAL IIOTEL,!, troloitil Major Mille, vlien hos wil lab WITBro, ONT. T E pICspErTit Pay CT A. HIINDES, Ja.,,- PROPRIETOIR.T E HI ET FR 0 Cocumodione Ssmpbe-nooma. Omnibus fan any qumntity ai viesitiéelivéreti e macesail traîné. 27 WYhitevalé. Hé vil mall esvcny effort t( -gîve entira satisfaction ta thosé who us- TTT~TITBY OUSE.patrecice thé mill vifîtheoir gieiug TBYHOUE.Pleur anti Pes ti iebeat qual, Ran WMai reaseusîbé prlcés, vii ciaoblékept con. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. shatliy an haunt anti for salé. T. P. WHITE. (WEST OF POST OFFICE.) Whilévale, Oct, 511, 1874. JOSEPH .. 3iNDEL, PROPRIETOR.-_ __________ Thishoua. bas lésu rsceuîtly luihf, ile JING BROTHERS, loire sudrcomy, sud fltti uplu itirul-ieas wHi-T-BY, ONTARIO, etylU. Béat Wie, Liquars anti Cigare; trlu Lager Béer. Goati itabling cutns- Icuparter., Deales anti Manufacturer.aifai ehesei yerd; attentive aetbers. 46 Rneo COMMERCIAL HOTEL, LEA THER AND FINDING$, CAIsTVulosT,-ONTcash puiti foc Hides, Barai, anti Leaflier. CAITWRGII,' NT.Leshlr etrétcet 0 IMM U 0 Vs, wwAU'I' - ROuvRIETJJ R.j Gooti accommnodtion ti-12 ,leg ta in bis fileuSe andthfispublic lu.t ha carnes Ou île Llvery businetss af R &Y'S OLD STAND. Parfies. 3urnl-crveacs cvdanti opsun l canmtaetha moment'. RICH. FIERDON; Whltbp, spt. 21, 1875. 89 Havngeaa fency for ane fciseIarpest lircus in osv Iw Mlnkpa-th h' Cashi pricesfor ayqatt Cou, Muakrit, &ae. - UGE McBRIEN, Hafler anti Fur'r Willby, Déc, 15th, 1875, rir OUNG'S HOTEL, ROB I oNOae .l!OAaDALTON, ,OT.K. YOIUNG, PROPRIE TOR. Uselle lufrmàtian regardin te-on ry, etc., furulsîcIt eparties hqilecn- ample accommadehonfor Hun'er. aud SPectsméu. File bar anti bardera îlt te beef te lst OU ti lu ai anti *Lands boe tnaI h*country. altin anti Attentive servants kepO t. oaobus stlilng éitirmt ,iIf"' td - IIDEE ILYoUNG, j Dalton, M AÂpt1875.8, ritr tir- BELTING MADE TOF ORDER ON~ . SHIORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 2 F OUE! BRAN! AND S3ORTSIII OATMEAL, dco. NEW STORE, JUST OPENED. teM orrcz aÂ's sRseZ. m_ GIVE A CALL. WU. JOENSTON. TO THE FARMERS I Plougiansd lougi <lisingsSfraw- Calfers, Fînnlng Mii., Reapers anti lLw- ors, dc., d&c. WM, JOHNSTON. - - f142 m OZYETTO IuEND I A large quîntlf of monep tebItia Ktloy Forsele, seeral Town 'lot., tva Freme Houses, anti, a large Brick Hanse. Far terme, mAppyt G. YOUNG SM9ITH. Wliiby, Pcb. 9til>187. C ABD 1 T, X.. MeMILLAN,. Agent for thb. RoyaL INSUBRANORco0mpÂNY, ~. AIE A2iS, r.. 3 B.Bu[KRW, 01.- e gan ma home very anenul saa 14T DA ra wo fllý J. B. B ICXEL . It V mIuL !n hIfthe lit courte we bsqi-;"May I go down ou thwen~ginwâ sù NT1TO4 T'!1Cý X s Sof lu r.a la liait careful ad Weau mace its nmaes happy a -oi 'Rte o Isracegols ha 2 cn s iaaridatoaie inw te isvme ful ndtiair trueitbsns b wUi ~ in, " u 2" 'The OwgmJ aaiuA m ritit 1,'u vi nsure 100 for tw lve outis. statirSlo r Vâl hra aoUsm w th I wUl ~in &Uzat ig y mu êo t. eildl d M r. Woi rd s l * " r h e tiýý iith A K E I O A Nud fe c ai chargC e i N at s ,yi. ~ g îi e o ~ ~ c r s a w i f r b l y le L t 7 n ~ h p fcll u g o s. a nh e, ' oa d a Ç n . BMIII5~ Jo m pj Aio Stempialwîys iu haIf WClnt he evenns b cnre in - b. wumutn t. Gohodemy w l J fVOaneta~ -drughed ndLUI Noes brave a la ge s*iOf Mxioi seicoi. ia IL We can ate saro n he; Sie ihe sf0 Ped sud ieis staig olil ileritey A 811'l? 8OffcePinc l ert,' oalwy n hn.W ei$o v ghuaret OUAMg th seing eyes, antGo hole# u moy fC, - eaw; ', bMn-rhit ah ,wi Pstin b eaur W. m.defoWIlCOX We eau fien or.hers and lons hms e f. H e t bv 1" ex .iit snetobo eros ae ch c  PA88000 0 Princ A bert Sq ând2 t ,1 7. ~  d~the ti dsdW e u nshln&bee rfmig rotu .tM d , sa 4' gn. YeA s O , a rýxa « - lI w - Pl df nt frdakit e x.- ' dck t ofui oPIwcdoftr dngt'1 .ua.~* a T A D L Iu l B D :5 3:, ~ ct shan d dooi ~ iug a nd e pearle, *iiyf aceS * ,y4, ani a Ch. A I T sl sAbL lihsd, . b o~J H . W T K S e m s a e ca h o h r n r .t rne. H ob e b il- te t m ho us dra w ing. 6 l er ln O ot be »koofAnd-wtn aabtheb w-n- foop &rà tw onswe of, '-af flicoenmorefwhio - Pr Pjw, t a.s s o a Prs fau ' i n A lbet , Su e 2 a, 89 , - T> ick n d oc , aîîd u from u l cr u'Otý, a heei d woneed rates.Gênera Commision A ent, P rt W. ay reaftle c lose t e suiugs 9 -r hat? Mas poara yonuti g I& wif, MthO 1 le ie ci ciactetok i cam ci de it Thsou s d o ,FsabIiiBANKS, 3i., F Ery . - From hddthpoe v l a e iqd. n for lcran seb a i iief eif o psonb t h y are much ofdler.ad, n d absr soc tg ac fce rk S -A,Whl JOt GIBSONov, - ath ýrObout bi l. d Pr o tmoent tthuh lirubutyaoefrmte and , af ed Paretiir&Angr. lieliai hardbei fal yc'e 01d n oonagiaffecion fte fahoe ad iii. . lsga e mafeuh p7Hw.'o IX t FIuAl INu '6À 1cA 'rê U T O E R L I & - fC ,WIC CICEnOandaA2àar yoeaures y mte lwa, you are 'too.hhat hasoclisoo w h ouiatigpaiin h oi i n Lobad t. adCcelgCrsLadî. eealCm isin Meoat a thl ufo e m er abute nc b lir. iey bndad paoted n uor for*fli oayr to w sta Stir theler bnvuf l,l ,~ rn iglta n m adn,;oe A'trle Lakuphain <wti mgioaf bafecttie udaafetuetht yon fio b ida anyaehnrt ae m aR DIVSIO COUTDdwIN 1782.e'oofheinkanarct- inclfarnteeet. o sund Pr hroduergor euDteaier;ylo myognkrpuoin a thses=rngnfaaltie, heywasd u wenyforicse on t omcviyarietinofi raes AaGghtlyomisin ot nsayrapfumbleet lesng cr i nhbedi Agnt fr anda I sanin pt iehatiintir iewie' Tc unehnaase vero det , icoaiW tha ern e li e lrat a the anlem JAME D L. IBON . aIq age i .. AentrY. r tF. atiCMIELALU. lna ie spokenti atavo t a raise bnoif hrd -ag ay -lu bfie Th auag ,u b eprbnet r a nhlliyL fy, ~ ~ ~ q Insracesaglus lue y irear efet. I tireenurmomCentnes.- licprtty fae tatwashiingif fîeant ler ilen aapnadnlipp. saîowdgoPr eti o te1os - aonb î tr ,ani us-chrm u Piraraw l ne. Bt gns a l hwtl aboatdi feathar Btale he u lic20h f fic ati eulsngcrakfa es A 0FINSOTIN, L W.saa orli slg a ,anifret vcwii ir. Emni w dea- a fiebr shitaak abouoe st ale deaithont ïttirey ehtt she Board l'sec .ake thoiek'nxdrrkeyes clopatisfor therlofu ahe foxAn uAm eri.an 1,ay ai flic patient rasesion f T erôons andh bd. pi 2i, ~ Aet hlb' ae payable atn, anti aher-iketi gay anantremc lc e.27 i li ucasnb tcmpws le flrn _________ 1O.I sudi ante echartes nset; blut ornfnnaeperabth yen, ie. " uaial ouainygr orte oyre i)ulio f b foré flu1 ardelegate crektâ, b nti bar h fie Br.H ASBANCIE COMIN 18.adPoeDae. nti uiow, w i n giava bénelooking father, wth slweiotate, ase e odtiviolnty.Il uaf i seemeti fa be immi. h aveb e e FiauiaLRES ît i 1MonFThe&icd00.,, litb oueyyugcant of oete'anse your rmeyo oan lim as lu eteullice a ao-bid éentn oitahee o fie m a a ien Agecl e n ap tl... .....anada 000 i bee u ati s il proba bi l ing Ter u i 8110m2 geubr hly u d a ans i f a n er n a t ]~\JO EY luibissiate monî alle monli. D fIehantifIaItook e coti an trem.eaiatflibpowr ai peec, ant d-anti il Englnti egréa JAEHEVDSN aar Goenmnhpst,(ir .,:SLEDayu sp poemua and gto ot tlltem irdvisagéutîy saitilu fliré or foridryn lua g athe Vclty i ti~ O Aoengn Dpef Lie . 0 ~ Tetfr g " ndCmmem N he'rty fc ht a iig etaguan et yor k c iwu l>i h com s a6é, 1e r ôhih ae 2 o! paretial 7th nvltin rak y 1tG, TotaRvn e, Pgirs ent P Fre ame wau iNFieIluati révivéca miniafereB t bave foaig ethr B t lie ofF bray b to l'aou netbl n m ri unaedi neonas actahe tmontu "I d n rk owed ar Ag ea " re li ti br ké t n etI earmveeon Opandu ililassaériesie tcarc n m et naRayr e surc d itnt eree t......... in Lon- RAT ES t iup n SPen N oCE 1'Oer-ty afh ebacl igra a"Ilioped my Th o dle s arhe.not ail réco.veréri pet, a laf. a tf ursé weach d ndn Totl. ases .............. A(ENY o,&ý%. M ae a ne eot. flîtî,ter may cge t lereon ,f bu e ort ha b t li l nof x on lic ondeti or îl- e 27mina, Bet-arhehé re g l d a m l Invesiéti Pundu... ........ii tbyén î ra on rea i estaelpa yblusne fomta cu t e or ce n lu lain aver y precarons ae, sal01e, ati l ié wau se nt ub rothé r ii fatly n lier eaf c abot erst i f e nit i ioepat 011c A r sls,1............59 T8' oclv eulueandinsmot tihprie, ab;butail or ef you go. yBut andou a help yon m galti onfleand eeti a lihe r ot eonvlsfioscreefnruct. Dnring r-onfl&UVlol wor8,. Litr Buk nti allier maa noetatblasoka. t 111ficlitI tres wcéknspr- aIs elepfime ubut very prerWal va-t e hrcf s Thi lary sta blON" IoE&LeI s, Frfuiue sniucuas plto ne, o erly alemeaterri e my de. Agnes spoe un shtiterrau le ani r n bteaindginerou dci t.o m anti oa 13itif aYonncetiat sayfYat oucpr-vuluoigns-er wole bame, ntitscev i cuinian.tand noli wug I cavtemcoufoosomefimhee ordcrBlow ,lierctwliosopopahér O FFIC E-O-FF I E ,rerB IBeS xuuouN S a uk, Mc- aday W i dpou i e pm a kies en uI tht. e reai w cr S e edry, in li, D et. w eke ele c me ery quet, a t o n - theé w n~~rii China 1e72.to 15 "n po see d m undi I îver da cx. uru t 1 rngaéoner maceonf é gae loi tp aiatemandhé w nt les. m suli caminf n o uA N EW31 5 t0D e, 48 P A E S , e a n ti u i n g m e S a y I pa p e, w lî ne y e a ns e ti i n g r t u a i d r e r b tif u a e e n 1 1 sfh to a i p r o e x e i s efo d a lie ré f o r a th é te r o r iBa s s ~ j N i : 1 cgavtilutrtt87,Wî5 Ipo Avo,- t anr pîs un -,Hoihano la ha har rieti w Thefa aeîe st ter, in h l lin.bise.ut ifueprot îe bu hm a s liésn A 5ho eiCpi a .,.. . .. . ..a-O, o n Sh T OCK SPECU L5T OI S - is i r nnz18ae76k.I i . I i ls g i utl br2u a su f a ti 0uI b n a lu f l . wook a g e îs icianm e , o rs. gea d t - a Su sc ibe N Sapi alN....... ....... ,IIoGEo b s ,0-I land wl pear t a od-iaingr o 10t biss sl r cloak th l ru i n 7 (th H e n sant i H g t a n h ai Me c, a ihséén. lfll 13 I....... 20 0 NE O LEN ken. in okn, la s at ea-elwill ain a nt nnay he Il as ltat g borh e l aihe onudr mî ais junctofspc, i a d u iica. if lpésapé li CO PA Y u 2WllS. cwYnk t h wi nfeflt ur od, ni gf1rt ller tiréati-u_- po t i li ons j u théarsn sat b afh ifia aIe em nt- De- ---ilie tcugled a reain.i. Gopï bef r suentIwahohin butiwhcomabs ah clé c ll w i i a l wIaH - Th MPORTine asay mont o o nH- II ne n li Ager. re l enh flréw en gîf ou é oawh cIsia clani oreswiil mik p ontiru TotalnAgRe,"-lenaie, cldl, "nti teiThlé ta ée hé 1it11dépallngrevidvemelnie nîemp e sthéhenve nd a an Itrnt......e t LSucees I oTI owHns Guder a n ber ili bé véy sraey. Ibar e lle yar he fac e, s recDt ill te re et suftioi n b e mufibt aIl atumpta a bave rui et 1 6,2 . . Ittsh a came h oelt heter c ,b ta'clpkro. utvuis ti,- a lér fthers, sun g, es ac eéss. At firrinea Ie d p ai oer. a lyi tur De os t ib D mi ion G o er m c f6 a, Th H ent f r te p i an su o te su t o pr ese an ihfep u av r cov re ioou Ib ou li fli c ua in so e; - a fe m le an . 00. v e nintiAe nte peaca..exp..i..e819d1c713y, nud j sa nt w i e orr id e riéf reci nr. ou ti- , a alie s word ne r l tlh ely ip ! In rkt lyae sii alie con- a v e ma&ns RT oC shin hn. dtde aIIai L nnteo i ei yi"w a go ii g but w r la cng icii....»» 9,9tn ly o ly saue ne erbout e Pr om ThfQuc n li te ine Riécs ws-tte a Ad qua e uzîa. ua e.rc ircze e ax c lceofturas an o l. Lds ad vI ng l t ha , t f o Ia ri té Snw I P rAnea ý b f r st ac nt i no lu. foflu om mencéméhn failerotode s fi am e ban g ge't ou -80 e Ites....... ... 5,m o salgiva ue atiepur-fi,î t ic b.-11,eir lrete, wibonfB t apstug ue e lér o oita cld 1urug i fen g,'%ers Ocrîi, wiiida accureti bu Tuesù C.oue S, Ii s, ut henent s a t indunictpalDbnc- sces, Edu ntiorshap y athoma wth a rfl5éiY nig 1 I ' edalier the Apr ls, ic aleundnis re i ep lon, t e sulo otl A ' eri ...........7.. euf , hiliy. tundet rann d t h. hIe tbl Soc s tain.d weehnbig liiei " f, n aeeblei " uita fan wee hér l but féctpiapcan flué l Thi Cmpnyha-no etalihel iseh, Friurlte er bclua apete e e ik àtmaraeupoxu atm ge soe - Etmuntd - gén lt i codwa n uate y énîle and as 1 Bauces nd 01cgcutsi salong ?tontl lisofice lu NcwYouo ; slay nplui-w ohefare n h xe ei, somtm s orn i er cemtita éa e op ol c IS thelDominuiflue JMuES quct DE wlil flu ormt'aga qits eirru ta ep Ar aie irbgoadsoo as i îy- a nin g elappéto i Pce et omhr )e ~~~FF C Q :i1acws o cmcn ant i ier- prhy. i ne ye.ufi e foi Lus u- olieak. îeusfoI îé but la Is s u uîle amery uepeak harcr. PC rat IN U A CE c A u lu Ompellur th o téptn le do, luîniu f laounthei flc trin B l lfsud in ierîfteron s, am finds e s isp nu veig I id .et c n'unl u 84 pectedfonction bot emplopsi, tcnd la icxîumifify anti , îîeb a se te3cad a masline ovmfina FleA>/elawanttZ o iiey q arc c n ke , Augil é 'Iwoul t erhae v l al ifet y uu ime 1 Thé e lookrp- pEizabe a th.ul iév W allSt. ariaturs. taye wii paa, wo nver gélven uig h eîdflpoe£intatadonxuo l reviea ora saort lite idfrendba. lii C PT L - $iO ,O , A NWg BclOw wl- 48etPAGuiEScnailî m n p reta evo ethékièda ltor, cou -the ba nihutti ait i ts an- p te atterlIin idn , or hc e te a tko trm lic bcng uelîttl nil, d o gro abrtins Ata.ndof ti eéf- (hbea u E pie 27 S~~14ent favei u eO.dn oupan ncIpHiNF ai îeaTION p e tnceleinienécerl bi n e t i. : wShe franea ca rn cma b t o c, ie b hnga luca scndtinnéti fa anishwliclala 22 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O SlNnr: Knc.AVca akTO nCSECUwiT R iuustnu co .oves, -Iilinyouna luée nu vrytiery, tea dm11 r cotay i it - rokeehlet, h é r bn aedit. O n E w ln ae enfért ~ ~ ~~~~1 ceLntsBA K .-A B YN SeSQ, canivncw liSwFILEZu, le wasby m ailng.un fi ge l t é oft gr yarydre He to a ti nniug ou maieoof&nMbé s N. B-Teecli&nCOas., éatuly unlId lene-r wcannti Ie rocédet an is ccusoméi l ngé i e , t ki tip weré il b o- It wasloqg eforelier fther helildormiee bert ros 51 I . h . stI , A g n , i I lb p W f fa ce tîirk ep m is pain a e clpn d aw d w a nn g h e r -iaof t reoai î e u é, w ec h é pinr d elach e di, o w - sar h s ltav é fth e ti c a ugu 10h, 873 -all'nf. onew MYork,. pnttbiy pa rt o f éhlo u r od ,a d g tb r t ut ler d e du ot o ft e sa e Pnfeén 1.C WIGCOMWPANYo ia, nt ouc- a ope. cd e tins indtione arm ieandeo M teise fory anti ficmi 0- - - s1 q enlp Agict pee a n y ltem anc fo ieaI gnée fthrcw ut w en w f e lua t anbe nry ltac ,d v o e ls ieta pe- re em e etlla O R T H B IITIS H & M E R C N TILE Hit y, IM P ORny N13Th, 1870.ie a dr on ere ;b u ne r i dher.éh rale m ari ng re ézé m igîo th fao l er et iy l b e al rhly gi rl, w i hing b a u cake , g o a tiro e " N _ _ Ihuas so lang nyenemrreî&c.as tusy acisi g, inurli grlirondenti leant ouq ta lu wea tnt A y. f" ile sondnoîledin "ndrz i l a- ysectewhte e p o n lié a s etiatimsily epou' the a e nusao n d -ae teri FORat Icc VEN1T IO H nS îde yu i l eryfowror i 1ferwar asea, ssèe rberé ea-s ail u n fodtoekén aid , nti all des t e haieiu. îled tc ord for the Piano. Ie-ar cang oti y t e i e lo cov si ],- e lier , ath ou, g'gî et na lé s ln .Anc uu rédst t Ii h e p r h in -Durdtlul nt rprl cmrei e xraec lo a i, soudhaeneoe h re . canecihong e li lokén ééob s. fab, h pyl ns tlk n f a ta r esu atiéri' sudone.s S a i s s u c e a b l , c a n g s m d é n i é , p r o p t d a , t h é U n h e ti S t e e s u d u r o e .a -fon r a a yr id eî e o u î i a u n a îl t a od - O cu o n t w o rt l a i l in g u p b a n c a f e r d fol îr m eran e p o t ra ti n a sing h é w r d s pu t ON- stl xpeut c d A s loghutt entcas gennetieord n d ielwrSenti- ouel le alat n eoré i wlar, i v ing fraursla soth é 1c ri naflr bm efarvhion. h é fid acf s me .jecf. I Domnin.ete aati ina n sixis. Agcucy in Ilpeain ucceypt n1rrd aut, 1sfwil aanyairie, apslepig lav- lrerelic eré nserola.ti l-day t.att8 't Wir ik8 i ritbpitc ua eR a Juu x rus ra ttceo ie 2 87.23R PI Giano. Le nm igh e ré tpbou efr Ethemnu timweu l w Pon ala heswriuke ti f bc ul frat n t c p y icmsm efo até d ti f e Thé Bhiv n ar s '8Otwl ietehn uftrwa, C asta lc am-oo luotirn iegom oewikeanilsga îaierp essd m t . ofime , by n a nu¶tihoeu op tage Ma-htuuialEngncn, olcilr i laint a ntng lieie bonae, ou a ve aclo d é ueîle er ug tfb ai Iols o theylorg, lPerladinupreatw ih or, î o nai eti Mexi li t o ra ~- I ~ 1 T ECE. A S A N C U E O M l i n i a n d t h el s m o x s g uti apc n rc i s i , s a i o k a l o k a t0e o w n .f r l I i prné . O I c u r c f m n ur0o d n -a ~ ~ A e t W l--b . a d- inih iIe rpneîîp Ray l e dsw i s-ro o t a Oprései li y h ilis uo.Ie o- fléa lafemauf 1 , t er edsas c w e l w s m W h cE, Au OFFiE, Ta0 aN Ta. t ic Inla blte ai ufin o s ' r e k w h e s yt hé an iuc abli s sbe ri fi e l ows"0 nexces "siv epin , Aed stoout bigé eeau f nlié er cque tin Dre. wHe en t r a - th te tr nd.aiong aredhig o1fice sin Nta bckbg l icc lmuin agep inef f hip niwlîsténsug ati H nfigio, at fl er l s L T e ar e-g c CAPTAL STO K, 640,00. ud i eclinthey: néliudlam. he ad no ar as tatIcwllafé ittphetnhobarrar îp is e sp té ed ia eors roseni a h U Es o F , N r . n h b n 'a w l a n S h j ie Ak I t r in " ba d s e ie d es m ni u g 1s y f n dtse' li h a w d e î a wl is e a h l " O N a s s u i b v o o e c i a a t c r m é t u ll r t é r u r é . f I l n - a a g a l s g r i n e s i r . h w c a c a e a i e k n i L u a y p r a i e a a e futcleâ'aree po edo igl asge.ew wAtnoug timawofilface if re th tears tlJat wuLà force3tOOirLIa, ONTsolieamoreapsa-en tena ai wIlssbthe detciest ofet Als Agnt or Ie ANAA PRIuERS iPu lc 'ac rs oaPni l dlie rehucî fro u iel-iy anng Ind b ut Win. moulSetiaorpsé,anti ie misreser MN UUA NSUCE COM PAN Y i ge oti mpoke lerb hani s tonquielttési eort luet reatlnti theeerv1u s eakngsirbu aé bwa t abé fef heua n e w llnamer fo Mofral Pr, it at G arnfe t inot LUAJ lE - pndroite siy oaglicîn rin ; bute ilh tii ndothectaé i v t e u t th e riles ou tico n t, lie cae t becar us i eaeigeil e offie l o se Ifw thv x r is n P c e 8 RI eII t ly tF011 SA l . cutingae rein uthe liert ra n . T i a yw i an a onaflic efn é t p i l a e re a y o! W r a e ou e léf r e l oefie ra (? srMEN -fn u a uoee e t ar n et)ie, aniG0dw e41buiti ler fce l rierb is eh an fyeiaghers et ay h u t aol 9 ec nl C A I A L - 5 ,0 0 00 . Th ecn i te le r is i sale t ielIow. go ug fliad e n a bug n d, wcgr o -m baud tasluh aouf thé i lanis out i, fa impber h m. Hap il , b wc er O LI E P O & LOi e uie isre t i twny a rei- msandnr i i e r ge s w uil a vo lue a, sud aihi inhat rei teti e r aTîe fr- lu dcenut seu ikiylo eouréa h large t i tiN. )anoi, afnle toniecern imG enaiécad nuitct. " Sc 0 ersucediflaI shé m ali , ot n ali lie fw atmeeher I d w rai s u W b]r $î. Peler Sîs., luhthé SeuIllWerd.lA ihot Yon arainotheanîydeynheurt ybile S T A G E B ET W EE N e en et t bnd ti on féce ti, s dlu s i ght é sa t.tnfloo f, e , n i p ur l s ri o n i îla pra cl ngs(é u udi mg ne a oé éf u fea ce ie mn - ,00h00eb xe 1_1 C PITAL $ 10 000,0 0, s untivalow hn c o tre W iinglo su if m bfarle uda nco e hom i nte." oulither ratvte, ue ut ou bric o t i n -er su r ion oth e l s eeil ca usbe -ea i ctoa , eur. av T WCER ED LA DAY I bI: aedSouth ,wand. A sot20ucreso o t ii u hng he la, " fste Tha e au ll ayw i uawn o e m ate b lav tle b eéhn aproferreih aa inaf h m ae ' antas cwhi p ei u luItn e ploatil o p iasi , b ol i , îaî on, min ts pme lfiver, a unti I d d l nw s i t ler fe t wa i thad w it C cp, eii o. - o t n x m n to f anl uti bis o fli Lea ea hutiy aI 0, , L, nti 4, p.N .. c . - Tfionerforruraler. Tic 'aprees iliesn't in îli.and i e r a î on it cc st m a ~ a, o a ,a ~ , , , l o e d f Paré25 cnts aeh a~ - - - - - - Aciée sudindipufeué tllé lil é giec~cet.""Myown:Age-rny darling wlst as euly a méchà s n-le owhlicwife uheîe egaufe li salicel f i hleIiÇesanti ut privais ta al fia aboyé property. For turther par. Agucec- ; r;)c pi hésifati. 811ie dce fluamean 2" lesktwL ci.oe~ntri NwYrat las H efemu thie liotls.i Cannects vifil Oshawa antil r oak i-.1fa'ntri Nw ôk"ù ,éen &omanvor tge- .faand vlithé waatugh. %PEANCIS CLARK.8n.quictly tttuu, lushe, mighl 'telldiminieliet by ber excitetanswer: afternoon. -qurosatiedoobel an a ti PtPw~efaat ibBrul.W$lbJi 5 29t'hlm havri suce-Y éluew ac ta lave bihavt "Oh, Edmunti, Edmund-ahersi utkeaas THOS. HOPPER. - l111 O lim ; luI lier prcîhy ahesintuni"lIsp aisI pou wore kihicti 11 .Edmunti Mr c b à atesthhuman nature letige, Ihafwe do Wliltby, Mardi ta, 1875. il-tf DORT WHITBY AND PORIT FERRY mare vas prsucing anta curvsting; anti -my hliban4 1" basciangeti very ifflite lulicehs e lifflBiai infan' EXTENSION RAILWAY. gstbéring ber akirt round ber shc saisi: "Who -dii -viawn 2", askedthélieas. thauuunti pairs, but v., do acf remern- A Denvcr piperi ' Veryveil, Bayne. Bring Zuleika t.tuliedi Young man , but lie con1lu' ber any record o! a Roma n Senafor chief , eft ie squS1 H IEnéar, anti pan arn mn u usanti gain no aniver, liiMc. Wpxiard, rou- ty 6acutt-isv wfe for as dy.is C TIME TABLE No. 18. t ngtheac-aul telif llieaallie - ~~~waik home from île satifon." éd frocis ieeop by lais daugiartn'.'s " selo! * ar of r nfe iftmet ! hisJte r 7aks efset ou Wedneday, Dec. S 1875. The man 'beps, à d thea r de cme forard, afd a aseti how -le , a ouiter o!f e l oge ou te grondt f tho le p&wnee tribe ~ T~inerunb~Tarouiarimé, vîjeil le tvén-genhy to he lihfle country sa y rn s saet e-sahu o efadye 1-ai. ad been playing chéokers l ;ytumntsavéwr tilan G.T.R. tinte. fliey approachedthéfiestation she oaa express. gri5f uil-NarWich Bcelletie. AWsenPp - S her father (Mr. Wyniacd), v*ho lived a "Racia. eI never was ici," hoe replLeti. No min, for any condidecable pri d. gosof i sbie A P P L E T E E S, FMN GuÀne x0Isoa . faw miuè: off. i rdmg iowardÉ -if, anti "Didflafi Agnes get My note?" ea2vi1,e ae a imuliatian a inlaim lu A JT40o, wh0, y Junction..... départ i ..-unub hre tomccl $$ No; Agnes got no note," rcplisd, othertf0 le multitude, vithaut dinallyflclieseu.s - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 . 0 0 a m "6 W e i l & 4 n e s " l i e a x ea e d ,s mù i i i n , hl e cr î he r ; ; é ý a n c a f e p ;s e r s g c t l n g b e v l l d er e t i a s f 0 , vh i c h m y b l e v o t t v U n '3 2 a m have pn C m e fo ma' ' yoer'lh ban I b d cl iceho bâd een you ente a fie tra mn lue. yr ""8: ;i bh.a dntflfu--ýwlfe 1 ,I arnexpotlng morne mauesbelreif-uarc Yu - Who5 bu H OM E N UR SERY,.Ianiese................1.0. Lnamdv fMpnt c tp ii e inutsnc i àt4 o Even in the brdest limea dlocks eau. been a Univast Pro ta fi ou parsaiige -.~ ~-l~c Aier........1210 a.m. Me, anti- am came t look affer hUm, laBid, sant lispwerj imashesi, andi near- at ie r bu fi nyeppes1a-b w 'rb file beat Varieties. 0 -t Perry ............ rrive 12.15 a.m. Hov jufe lhe epesleanidrnn y i i pscg mkla"th dn'îae about cheworhnlyeifopm- gle - s= -, 1~~ once sou'rxc. aid eW-schow soon ficy expeof if." "Thalle quitel ris,"plied Edmund, peti by sirikeo.-RuanprlS LotN TH ,dCb. icke n, igtnPo i Pcrry.............dpart 0.00 m,.n . edistuontti: fram bhis hors.anti vfli a grave face; "bunt befara fie train'uto rW Lot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P ao ,QdCn ikrna iglnPice Albert ...............00 a.m. cuteretifi ttovleAns-mlsareiIcoîe- eerc asyy A viîfi' relafe vas asked if ho titi West. -Wc don'f Boai, ost Office, Whaltiy. MI uciester .. .............0.2,0 a.m. ute tatin lie oIe o atf0 aier ia ràe, îaticfbgTÙm e tua l f5k hats=y .,~e ..........0, 0 .m mclIir frlechnda oreOprtflienaeclvca cer la s r medadîp. wô&eg le o nactiene& at uhaonc folavweti hie derive flieir anye 0 , 4 2 g a-o rh Ieo mr tp l b . y h u m es ti a4el yw Eg ~atin.........0~ Mr,,Wyniarti tayeti a..... 70. .evral minutes lu lin. ou le leaf of!My popckofbock tb ink lic fobovs-a s.'a mn doesa s - îg Bsoanniail lintat lie liasremzat bp.......... m . thîe satioan, anti vhen ho rejainati ler tellAgneewiaihad appened, anc!g'eharsin a gig-lic drives it firufi" th Béet .edar)Y.ein .n .7.85 a.m. fieÉo vas &alokon- ble pale face fiat _ R i e g P- é O A T 0 P P cl, J n ttion s.. .. -1- M V 7. 0 m d e h ie u g h llrs e ah c g iv e a a u tu p oo r B u t y w h o * , sW it talin g - b y O lic i f fM a y OIa0 1 eto 1 C S .- .,o f M w eîte E A S T oo e P O S T -fistationil anti c or f d bgi n g h ,, y . ...u.... gn £5... -- s pi n Si [ ,0 t! o 4 ( E -Ou r h ein opposite Luke'asbavroams, vhsae viii b. - anis midis. steck cf miii anti fait usAi f.i.- a i a-rai crinoline iu the ra ldsa probleanBule- of sfudy. How sicudy. acquiiions a!f ercitory Luto paver. Wbafmnust l'hink aas h.looks t elanti now ? A greater Ili thé pagées a!hiulory, if huss is ta redont ta aura. vo bélieve Ihat sic' a_ Iciphér, andtifat lier. 'dancthe-vorli; but ve fItat,ba bu ot fie Quéen- renta Of o!greatuée, abs dler criniers a ruai - >blé, anti Englaiti lesa a, looking aclaeely ut lie - er ai quéen Victaria,, as converation viii soain usi, frainlber baoks, anti ,a eseso aierlife, it is a- Jy taelié ceapecaheti.- is îaiy gréai chmcacier, uég)es, uar a voniésini t0lie tfiat ai Quéen; ue noaf Seuiramis-or se las iual fie chartu of se génius o!fthe for-mer, sun a liciter Quécus for fltan citiser vauilu ae aice saisi wieely ai mou- 'orîti muet thank flésu ein great, masters. bite liglit lich slins 'lei a bard 4,gltolivo' i 'Victoria bssu a greAt- ,rat béany, ah.mniglit ~gand. A Loo pronoune. Lus monucl, eepecîàlly la 't eb ré,greifsti. Thc le lmrove th fe drssao! ýle ta b. feareti aie cti s of Fjauce. as aililedth fe -minéuily lusoe laltîy Engianti. ta lIai aIe vaketi peu. erraee willi tie Prince day bebare vith ths 3e,vla, bylthecvay, is lier daugîtera. ;moraltie lIiglitéat ru; 11sf anti lir un- -Eegigl, ber dévotion 1living anti teai, anti lion la lir kindreti anti remain ta praise Quéen yen thé gianiées aihec nd-île apléciditi page- eumansatafWindéor aiusýan Emperar, or iu le drivés ho lier famni - St. Paui'e-uayi aen grand pageant a!f-aill stinsier Abboy le lie- pyal sisers, Mary andi wluen all thésé glanes ,froi the pgges of lie- aso! men, lb viill-hé , Quésu Victoria vas a and fihais oIc pauscul ile oràeeal-of lier 0011db prcating influence af -sie, -'andi bore d'a 2ormaus power, vi liaut ýo! herseif or hec aub- Govercimeut bas put a Sduelng iay dénping to persona killeti in fils_ fi tecu lu thé épée ai Das suides. Iah viiiviil a hall. aveetly araunti for feu chio < iI Malle up an 3questeàti t step tirée ý a disi-cloili. acheo in novelflée, lias a the lisrkéspér. Ho le lc"cocktail archiheel.", ce a vArhi one, -landi- enfulemaen in seaclio!f ugli fa lié," vas flic atec gave Iltva oconte Det kuavu to hbuaory Uarylant ituor who- Iaek our licols vith' - aif tomeetid lacke- suterei a saloon ili nigla lai eeli, andi 'ing enciré. Ho tan. a jacket andi 'sent hen 9Maf town anti fS- ýOnosIhlng st WityJnt .R,, eaut sud vest - at 'ortl't ýe for xri4g ad urmg no it cas =be 1 i. ', 1 Wbitby Dot. if.1b, 1875, - t "qz

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