Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1876, p. 3

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?o ....... ... .. 00 72 Pok at Peu.... 0000960 RY ............. l alS Butter .............2 o Coel, 0 7 0 6800 Woi .»...........4 0 ou Perris, gex-ev........7 50 @ 0O,, Oboes ar ............ so1 Tuzeyt,4 51z.'. .ï;... 0006 Appes pr uùl .....,.. 400o5 1e 14oe propoes f nsl c'ocas Mr BP'PS J,, Thas thIe alidebeuburos'lai s1*8pro lded or breakfas, tb4sw Il milv edtoh a& i dellell avedt 1.verage, W elh ma unan ed JtStcCopnas] miv u ~y vdoci I' l, t gIl i teabbéet rcti Ïi nf bL the; clous use cf1sObaticmles cof diet lhl loigtr*ai ozaoe: ta &costution m&y ýb.a'-4asly bufit g atne cf thi 6 e llotbueh uputil îtrono enmmil c resâat everY, 404.- dev9 deoeiray te jsùn _'bave bIe1015. dredged the spaoe btenthuI ti ,ac mlg area1ndi nu roady Wtack sO~ha v ,waver-thorâ insa-w.al rlnt. We May 11 lr l adHrbu aadeptl y aeMni&ltlolatýy opn ur- departiere .0f 1vessesîs drawilfg ndes fà mslWU. wLIîtl.fadwitlIipure blont d aavwaer; prcperly uôuriabed fram.-Oiaîfl 9*tei--icAsitshaU l iehave pnovieit uil Géaamr. Séci cnIyjaPiekets labebio- eclisuiceofet he ful deîth of! olua ots cf as Il<ps&Co., Hoaopetlclisin ff:ýou Ilh aoulli of thliasrbtiur te 1 foust, feTamde.4e th, sud170, Pic- b ltajd a areledem heedtacampa * edilly London. aluaie.ytisel up th tlune outi asld Enalrfin e hl v Te Consumnphives. i crawlu21olueetofwatea- ihall have eu, * ~transe jute and departure tlcerom, 'w aiflhit antci elallannsl from Ihir Ti, ativertiser, aretiredplhilau, hav. etftte labur 1'ee aer tîl. lug revslshisiy dsceeret, wllea M *l- Anditshall have enecieit a LlghiaOU, leAl £isie lun Sontherux Asie, a very neafletha plcrs ced shail have lîravidec sipla vsgetble redy for tle speedy and htile o(iflt1sforthc s$âme ý L ý A~an ns s lin ve t a ilitw fo aunaeîcure .eofConstau ies, Astiana, calltRl do the R aid arbourad h B eôllCatarrhllasudail -tiaronand lumur, iiaillsi or haUlt therean, 'a Waceoc affeetlon$,-also a positive ani radical speci- Wnreýitoîiî: aitiaSteitsn Elevator, the Il fia for NervauDebllltZ, Prernature Deoy, igsta bo uhtantiai sud well alcici for sud aIl N s72aus Ocmp dlnte, teels h hhim duhy t'19i inIu iibouc.eandtatebave ample cap, te, makes it .icnws te bî is ulteriiag felloat,. for cut ingtlegceast Ilfiy thaneani bul Asuluat*d by liais motive h i cleullly Aud A@hal have « ote fr gond <feues cfcharge) tea à watia leire it, the ConciliO ett unien C ieraiuCr -reelpefor preparing, sait full directions for 1onhpo ikrnaBnjaitco suesîluyulîigl 1 spro-ideuillylis- l 6l s(ntuiI, exetuted iay the saIt covereti rernedy. Jiause atho ais ia vail à ' -, o r sblu hm fuis ait o f&a bhemmsslvms of hm benae oth is discovery Iluî ýn YIOs M u wioulI cou, taa tido seby relaru îuail, by mntsi, tint for kceîîng the Ligiatlieuse1 staidsng, wtl elanip, narinqgibis Laver, Aly lit ci itaring 1tue easos of Lake a Das. CHAULE S P. MARSHAL , ticn tonsILpenioit 0f tiirtocu 3-ans fraun * 811 N$egra Streel, ilveu-y of the Raiit deoeurte by the Coi 83 $qg6raStret, ation of I kcruug te tue sait Comapany, ll.lyr Buffalo, N . Y. 4. That titis tly-la t shoti corne dccc s atot<i aceffect on the Ouieetix(<la October lla Year etftur Lord, ane theus NEW ADVERT£ISE!1IENTS, eilit l unitrelansudRoenty-six. i. Thtthlevetcofh4te'qu&ned ec cf the cuur.IclPalit'Y et the Towvnsip etP (~~g~19W onEthe firet day fî OI, 5 b500uth nr (,I.) 1870), VV forthlit purpose , ePOoshah hbe apeneit, sOring ta laav, an that day, t-.u..i& ace Fresh Ground Plaster, 'loklt leaien . 111 pin u- alon Eo. I.sAt Austina ShOaLCL l, lsteu Rl 1u s9ald Township, aud Aus I4caay 113 lu ?OnS ALEi AT hbu ampoiated te sol ae llctuninig Oeilcer tua a Ir, Mùng $ub-dîvlcsh.ou-a, Intice11T Psnna KIut Kloale, lensalitTews ailt]Jnau 11cM Is asrehy appolrtun PICKERIN _ IIAR OUR "sot lasItetunu iigOficer thereot; ilu icI Suh.dlvlelcn lNo. luinie Orange HiaaII,6 h celon lu sald Townahîp, and Ebouiezer1 AT ircii la hcreby appîiitcdte at au Itturu afiseor thereat; Plu polllg uh-ivlioo N. Inbthe Teorarace Hall at DualUn Lrock, sait TowuaiîP, udalla ifes Ltobn llien.r 90o P ER BAR REL; Soit ane s Itetue1,li Cle ho Inpalnmdiv No.enuier %updlîgTowna atCI ,ro ingh n i lu adTownship, sud ec J. IL. MCCLULLEN. Deaton le hcnsby aîpimontei ta ea tu t Plekein Hrboui Aprl 2et, 186. iug adlier tliareot- intiiluSub-divsibu1 Plcksrlig Haronu, Apil 261, 1670. - s l blicttHalllt Clareuiomt i l Township, aud Thomias Dunu la iurebyi & UR1,BANK.poloi tu- ÜAit ossîtsturnluig officer Iheot; ONTRI BAK.1'0nlg suu)-i-muvoln No. 7, lu thes i'omupersîr - - all, ut foub lo t tesaid Township1,a Dalit 1Gibaltals srei ppointed ta ct DlVI DE N D No. 38. lRetnruaNo. n th ug e all Nuiagsue th adTownship, cnd John W. Wouch luenehyarilIslta ac Rtai Ituiiu fica Notice le hereby giveca, tlat edIlduda îy' î iung Sul)-dîvision No. , n1Bel 1 ýa ivden 0 JY' 80101-'Ose lu Raid Townisilpand J four pet cect., upen lias Capital Stock Of Mcuuuhaue le hsehy spiiOLutcd ta act as 1 111e lnitltutlan, bas liais ta y heéh dlclarèd tt1iiuIg oanie1r thensot. for the current hall year, sud tîsI thes mre PaSsecilslt Aprîl, 1876. wlll be payable a thie Bank sud aci li Branches on andO citer .Tiaursdaey, the firet JOIIN MILLER, day of Juns cexI. : Tho Trenetfer Bocks il ho clcsdi fron o tue 1711 ta the Oîsi May, bth days inluh- ia-e. Notice is &acsegiven Ithatï- IECTOR BEATON, The Annuat" Meetinig Townshi.p Cher] cf lIe teckbaldierm, for lhe lection o! Dir. TIti. idi t le t-ncopy cf a lirouoscî(l 13 e4tors for Ilé enmlng Year, vilIl e beldit aw watihcwaili ho takeu luto csuiîedenitiou È théflscklog lReues lunliaIs ity on liii teucil ettutmlluicipal Corporaionq tifs lTOwuahlp cf Pickernug citer ans uont -- Tuesda,el3th Dgy of dune next. rpitlea,- t)lnrs tuiriîît li lleVh 'The chair tebcle aken st 12 o'slock, iutoeu,,111114 01, oitthirlctîiîo f II'ciiniîN, A. D, u187 preosasly. oande leBorî,it the liou, ilio3,tind placo e ;uOixe fi- aiklitîihe votes oftus uflectors tia oi By odr-fth lwili bhud. - .FISHER, IECT~Out BEA'ON 'O .utarlo hBank, - Gesral Masager. - Toiwnshipi Cicr Toronto, 1 utOTICl, 1870.above l In tuse oply cf * Toant, SmI pri, 176.18 Biy-u<&y lacse-i hy ilî c olitcîl ofthtitioorn - - tliofcî irW;o rîtîpo! Pickerng igctxtl'a I (Ilioy siCAlmni, c6, ituaeit n i traeua are lieuet: r o 'cqiirec to taesntice tiîst ty afit eieta rotftIîII)yiuî9 tr inhve iiii t)y-iuwa r aîîy par tiIotIfqîrb iiohea tîsiet orsieia fliatiie for' tht îrîrîîîso t ile ocf Han Mobetys Rt îporior Ctoe<f CeuuaitionLaw, lit Tiîroutr dirgtetrntil of salaitSipirior <Courts ot-x ilCIT 1Y.- F TORONTO , Miuliarstif the folôis-lasOcnai-îrsîmriz T &vs VIîu-uIvtutiua or Iîrli %e-il]li0 toc iste i bu It Dox), la- yfn f pgs. lilrdi i tht 1failft. Aîîîi tiko noicue thtt rtîreîto, st 7 a. Mn arrives Ah Niagara at fcocli tîî-, oteso ui01,thi. litinti a îla n.-, an.mclLewltac at 10 a. am. Cam. lta olai.Vilie 19-30 V., t. 5il.)Or. tran sd I îsloeontîe Fas DcBuffalo, Rochsteri IIECTOCIZBEATON, Albsny Cevlsut,NerryorkPliladeI1u)ila, Tuwillp 'Clork t, TIcksets nd al information At 8 1ron t -- Strîsî.D. MILLOY, Agent. rT0 FATIMEIS AND) LANDOWiEîIS IDOMINION riLOUR I&.rED STOItE. Dl)o ijot ant to 10toý1i-rt>' oney CHARLES PENI'IYLEOION Doge le neliy Ils friandsanset ustounere lIhai le le Dowtpreparet te sîîplty leuotr ana, Fcio? othe Best t utlity, aItle loeosl living prices. meburt Cana, Ciaop-Fecd, Bran, Short, Oct. cAaICraîket Wimt, Peao,, Qale, J'o- tatees, &o., at Wlialesaie amnt Retail. Cheappr fief flue Clîcepe8t for Cash. At lie Detiiioui Fleur axaIleedStoreo CrobYmsBlock, hàst dca:, Dutas Street, whty. CÇÛAS. 1'ENNyLEGION. -- Whltby, April 241h, 1878. *1 IOlusl TfO LUT, Two-storeýj Housa, 8roemns, j acre of gar. dec, mmlil ablé, an Brook St., zaar.îhe taiway Bridge. Poosession, lut May. Apply le, MR. T. LAWLERI. Whutby, April 901h, 1876. 1 (Rec-payable hy iostitlmcilag To hinaje umnn for yoriielf or tir ytiur Ksoin ? To hiuil oLb1ou110or a haro ? Tt fr-ire, cciur, uldn1rîu or otllic-ime iuîî. îixrove roir landl? To îay aif a Morîgitgi au utter Mi)ts ? Or fer au'y etiier porpose ? If You, I te reduiecîl trns of tic Ctiut, us uICMAuiNT Lii.ixANI) S-AVINCS o,%iai~r anvlilju s mijadle niao îrîîîc 10 l , jari 010uiig Icliut ts'e;ilyyar-uii tny otals ffinfcililicettiol dilîitaes lierîtofene nmit'qilletl hy mIJy Conimiîay lii the Pantinj. Tlîo IliglîeIri ruco io!for goci1 Mortggeua Forfiirtleinlformantion uplIy te ~J. lHERBlERT MASON, Or la Manaoger, Tocrnto. 1"AIIEWELL & 1LTLIIDGE Soliî'itîîu-, lVlîtby. EXECUTORS'NOTICE!, Ail croditers et T HOMAS BUR-NEIAM, Thé Suheoribér bas ecienei a store aon sumi. late sflthýe Towcmhý, lpetwhltby, inoth a»e Street, MCe ue ualo tie dion tuinllhi day ocf Ma r at, ar m'-quir r o s H A. WV A i Theloos no o pmpille T. 'W. Glbb 'a Hardware Store, Te25th Day of ftfy, next, W ore eh* le prex e. Ocexecte ordfer - for dréesmmklng U 01h. steStyle sudPagh. ta soenn ta bB. le. Cauîrjpbe!, ]Breokclun, one Ion - Chlllrs'i $nlle-Laîes Ucudercbeotl ilthe Exccuots ; o ta David Ormaieton, eti Ineec. Al crters Intrrusteat te lezCaro ths The Townu cf Whitiy, lu île County cf 19 ecrefuly And pronaptly sitendedt p Otarie, Solicltor for the r exsutors ai the -miss WALSH. cstate aut cffecrtiaf tle etutVTliernacDure. Oshawa, Aprl 2th,1876.- hulam,full partiuars of thr caim gan itatlng lias arneut tieref, for, sud o OTUSE TO LET, wattaccount îlesalue are s Hn. And'notice le herehy gitan, tlhat fnorn suit Conlsinu e'v n lacrge lico, Gardon alter Ibm Rarne 25ih May, eext, the epeu -=1 ablý o i Sot Wster. Contre f citr -will bse rt l»lt>d' ï i mtrihaî3 lls te m ppy10ietsR of thie gciiiimtoor nPi'the. WMI. TILL. et, 'Ion,,got ti' -arniy ejli tirne NVllby> Aýpr11201 h, 1876. 1 itii7liit th, siCr~-titiLi 01l hietoi Ic isle fCor ttIi- îîrcii i i ca o W INDSO R tsr Ei-s f a of mi dlcribrrrea tJ' I lyFVlyj tVllîue. Desciptié 'Atalýu@for 1870, <f f hit 10nottr O ft thre tIitil)cf tllut iatliine trens, >e,prason e.thlrt loi-er tiuhas at AI] lhrsrrirmi1iî ~, trtr rilIii ycînr, forifrsî.idîastrcen warnosnted time t ite àchani, orir t-i e ,rc l uîninire ?11110 Feihtpr-pjdoncahorder ci af fyilrituîfîaîn,0trîî111tif irittiiî o sli , ltt)sciy llva l ytation, 1. 'a Cdnchei, r Seipotn a e tstaIonce for Catlhglae e ogo i sae;flii cuir ct'le Ex. wa eo ior' vifeî t Jo.vld -- la.- - - toSlirilîr <i IL hxectoîrcvmi JAMES D sOxGALL 1). ORMIsTox ndsrOnt Sler. loreixcuar Apnii 81,1.715- VMtîy, April 1811, 176. _ SrIn.17rg rsia 1111 ty-ýpi 2t, 8. b~Wj4tby~AVzil 101h, 1676. l-)P rg etAN J 101 lx, sole îg the for su( anid whéga he -lount -of theà,i ou the01aid ,Âý, s1l oôr187 le b fi ýS 'd r£ùinflâ1, _1 _8,70 bî - .,uayt - D. . 1 U N. muni- o? s ii per cen t er auumT, frnd wsHc0ks lot o wheea~ te toal n t t~ e ofle i o ice Jeetl te ee anuall byapei> ti'ate for WhiJ-bycrirl lW.,17. hal be 187d imderet4tleron s herinftr HO esa -ein n o f tu60*iile m ho e il ar fltsN.1. u &n h of eal and~sa a. Ie poerye reetoep iuy g îa $1,688,the otaul on rasalllieyshp n]3ol. bave ~ lu the dol a uponIhe'tole apytoeritma, 'an îy ». ral e q auîred a i ia u ef W hitby , April lUth, 187 . 2n Wt 11 nie cf th aid debt O f ;'00 0 wi A H O >t c si perd cftwéeny yarerein.e il e ereby ; ou ïweràss a: cia O f thled by le, Mun eat o lts No. 1 nCl nt e e= >crp.t f th sidcorporation c e f the 3uot ublseane etit noga- bbc tOwnsaiP of Wlby a olowe: - xret, n he on of si utheb tei.! l t -thîe Dlat' shza corne int frce crei th ot edi net cf 1 p-t-torh. uer- a scia tofro60,1n00 clnr o rcmilWas k lna, Iuvcl nr ,B the 2 dI hh b a fi ot.proé lc onunto, Eiee u !Fits,âo bave Mil afrsithefolrue Reecfthe sid l g Pl e rsxe xrvgne c '16o Creb poro c f ue ew ip f i'rce î asald uvlpouy stad Waib. n ejehrb authosrz et ac- ansd requir o b iue lnebeures he bA rate ath , ul iais sdmiti lo la t auu nh lmnt ecedigof th E0e1lerldmnsrees ro1ath, ýeyears'stheesetolpraconcandtht8the.alarmiu )f th woteie 1060,satieet ures1,00 wt n seuncsANi l-aue a b ad cd.: be se maie d texeuty ed t het tie uen ihu.u aneosneo ueu Fir- medicine î tatbbaf.Nw 10 o isiTe; pOWEgot a m sut suma cf $c00 cf thiecosaitionmOf. utpbseanwei cmig- t1000Ton etipeofWiti ths iuo réo t ai 01re et o c imlYe crain a u,4x il~> on te 21leUTouDtcf dtasutare thetui~ym mfî~ e rs im, oper andeffet upn, fom, nd at nor Smalea lis, coitio ay bemn Llu s te e iss uanne moreshah os, m cuencbo enalanply, px al u11u " theratebr, su I fwor fhe e IThusaloos Lu re sholde ly ud toa etor afsaiun for$t0.000 for heio de. ofecor ycu .1mtth u v an l e lat. Piell orporaton isst e Towshipî ofb e -Pieu1 inçr aîue lai envelop, o tcý and Wibetu aes h is beré au - ri. centsor s, cî-el eu eep c si et- modeTpayable in hweuy equal tin peet stampe a end i rst dméta icfue500 éach, Esaddrce la li eoses, fo uc. paaionh ltdy fthei*. B G AN&SN le aal yar, wihh nherésî at nth at ue 41 Âpac ita-Sth ew Si rrý cf six pa e nt,0p ala dnuu p ae oil OfficesBofel-aus86. c ladcay-1 Loau -b ou mlle awel e icipal sum rte ri ihu h ageosueo ner cr. sr f0 f Deuhratih e inOeaofh r iie rtekie onig u o $1000 t a de eryyathe firet feid d- ulic t not ce l implb crgie n end on t ee ha paidaoun ofieblitiday Cno fîte.w h Mi oi ti~roraic a h cer cf oue, 1877sud 1h.nlait m re f llbTc-Xnpoi cuckefeng a ts nex t en, utl- becoemlobeyabld in heTc one ypaHall, lu 1 pin o tlîo ltr aday hcf J ou th896, - iLaecfreaougliabin th ou 4 ol 'Rapid ncipalfaud,00 utrest bhe. feînyut n vr ani h ad lre.a sin y.awtkeSenot l tud ssin albinaw plabi l h Srd-Tlet esa d bnt ure hh b iera -?en osN. 1audel17, tu epocivey salei clth hall cf he Ib n t cnciesstIon aon Ih eoiip o!b eat iruaCopoatlein cf 1elnty*eîipn-cf etsrugwlieotre .wtseed atr U4 nti couuî enedts Tr05Osarcr, Clerkthet Piclerlngi Ir- payable lenhehearerttherof. TEe nDE.RS INVITED SON t-1, ecaiti ebenwtitue ouost fotheae. av- ofasixep cfnheres anu pyaeaPtOfE 0BhxDY4O86. AY, NEX ;î inri1g thes cne rrncfihalsiti de. k.nd ila tnin cf Witbon he ret S. K. Brows, tNOCE11 dCo.P.R t lui y cf Decuber ud June in ahoce p Ia 8 rdCu;SJGe ln and -Tlie deheulore first of ai de- Publicnc e ilaukrbobs 16e tangth i is entues t bc id gnh et dy4 bies the ick sud l aof otionaof th use eedsfo r e s 7,andi she a s ho eeo. tmber. ikengatis. etmet Mt_ cdb îesiiRo- etîe . tenders itae TnI sipJ. Ge n he- Ios tees tho l et d ao riu e, tu 180P6,ortee ilag org atoun aie pr. voisincfpaladiAd - ve5 r nytede aR ollite * rd Th sfa.ine, e ho bytlem olaid an suiyeogceptwe. C sNo 6ad ýi e hby treel.dbyis eeo HECTOR IIEATON andt-T couvier Isune juyte - mcnrey Clerk .etof eru. 111 gunder tîeadi section c tI. oini Pikering, Srd April, 1876. tin-S Rhalwta C ffcmp and ___ __ ___ ___ __ __made__ t'y dpayabe ft the b a montere alze T ENDTER MAIN ED WO K 4t-- lir ba b er tt ank in l sta th - Proinde cf ntrjiaCoupthen s inte j cf atlîofWlitePrt Pf earr Ex. E (LAI DA YO). ,N ef uithe,' u te py ofthe. a i e -t lu Iue siti ompny foun ime t he und fesigtcabege la luforin the farin.« Malne Pou le riate ImuOnari a nk, rus ersetplae sueudnÇcu lry ateas lkui tes ftîown c hi aug ner cf té . lu sto a, Lot Nasotu1et e Cn tt. iug esd ailway Cecmpeand iJmunarin Boes, lotrNu2, r Con. S. Jerse .en, )y6- - h ceitiy Ia id r nol lzdanadd Re n e t i k lnd e cut i witl freiin il sapet of commec emier-tinamesddapt hoehetaowcnacf insayudin the wo . . rtaHeorASMDann,.Wi cîherhliait whîon ho ehîsîlte aertifyBeak- l tn îeralt a r ye rli e sain ilhhbc â A p 4li i. l 611-Fr u up .c pyot f 1 TE puOrpt- oscvrtté panit cf Ihey Wan ed-Aca Appient c t erlac.1 ttuerteect di liof he sic mtig.Apy siA ysxPuickcfrmi l le W in, dApril l, 187. . d-Til aiye ao h h rtal BYL prcpnrty ineîle saiedco- atrin f OUTY .N. , 0 176 Proeicesipo f t yi , terningeF .B-a boeeu u Ahecountnuandceaor currean cfe ut sc ups o l os <rs saithBi a opb nyuturés, t The ndr4 s Fot s tasud 7 lai he I Von 71Ati ionl he efriercate d tus. 1876. theoJ cessiongcountrya t h h r . seticOfnfil liIe ni v ft nsotéck Wbra , erie astian ud faCusltsn 0 eah ièts yCopaithy iorahion sixsu evnaunip Dris, Co re altes, wlie sad CiiefEnTiaNcrli liasbco ieees Wee b rs e n ifyta popsid -by.chisaoues eiwsea of &Ulsî sud 2xdCusadita Sfron tuda ointle ofcometindcfent nIns s l isix dsudseent asluhb ici stieitownsofhindsaiy, n v eTOMSigAN Olut. lialt from- hod hallro iastLum paioks. sout thefrailsarrcf laonme esai Lohts O sA ul i1. . i township of Whitby ; for Electorâl T T«haýblfc w7 Division INO. 2. saItlc Tofnsiahp 2nd.M at the gsaliroai h'o othe ia Hall in -lb. Village of Bokhn;propriotors of lias adjac -dîntt eu for l ctoral D ivision N o. 8, a llia. su d rat s ci, bn dol las n r c e r 1ba1 IL 1h.proprlébor Solicol Houesein liahe-VIllage o c f hde l ineto ofe adMn e1î Asburu.s a d offeo â. 6pzm e tue sadl Tha tIvtescfIl.déoresa b rue if pie.henin set fothbeuîit Thatthevots o th elct r sbll e & ý b Wdte y oler Partes ai lths taken ou this lly-law, on Saîerday, same or ainy éter prit.; sud tlid sale lu the çvetioli ay-o Ma, 176,such case elal be couducted il u uin. I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~, hi wuitîdyc a,17,tas lhe COUncil siasll oderordemi < couuuaencing et théelheur.cf minneN.FPAEO. o'clock lu the moriug, anti closiuîg &BSO.ýr ut lia.hour of-fivé eD'cock in the Reeve. aftennoon of Il. sarma day, sud NOTICE 15 hersby gv hilat liasaboyé lîsI lthe Ititurniug OffLeers for tak- ByPIm*W Mrll hobrouglil befors tlia.' ocnil ingthlssait votes ha, for cîccloral of Thori, l ias e.Tewju allBe~Vertoü,, ng~wllh a mvisw te lh»ie 11 dlivision iNo. 1, Mr. Willieani Dow; .p45~11~m ni of Ilse. for elecoral divisian No. 2, Mr. RB . s, D ,'876. y' the'2 Ofy 01M T T. Harrison;*,for eeouchl4,ivo iItGEORGÈ -s3aT9' b No. 8, Mfr. James B3alfour, as e r Townilîip Clark. quiret lly t t i màùbo 'ChldrnisCabs « and anmu1"tQrsé,-] Làridrenst h i >an OALL AND E <A M Ei r - Watches and Jewelerdîy4iDepeé.of' Pricee,1 Whitby, April 25th, 1876. WTHITBY PIIARM.AÇY. Has muai pleasure in announci1ïg Ïthat his Stocek is coi plete in1 every line. A splendid assortý.eui of! - BAT» ~ SlPOlGES, BATH TQ3VELS, TOILET SO4PSH * TOOTH .I4ND N AI l BUSHE $S, r W I~ KI S LUBIN'S,- ATKNSowig- AND RIBmMEL'8 PEÈR. FUMES, DRESSING COMBS, BACK COMBS, DRUG8, DYE STUFFS, &c. -Any article not in stock procured without extra Char1 ConerBrW.su DB Sti.Mit, NEW DRY GOODS Valued at FIVE THOUSAND, DOLLARS purohased i THBE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS, EDWAR'D FËOST, being part of the. wholesale Bankrupt Stocks, cf qkh~~&rtàHal4ibueand 14oflAtt Bros., Insolvents, both cf Torontb. EDWAIRIýF40OST, at the Odd Fellowî' Tiùlldige,.ý *ill dispose of the beforemeàtioneti stocks for Cash aI Bati, for TWO WEES ONLY, the entire purohase co.osting in part of Factory Cotton, Sheeting Pillow Cotton, Shfrtlng, »lack CMesmsr rjackets, rus Goodx, Lustres, Grenadines, hawls, Sghavis Black Bi1ks, Paraols, TlmbrellasTiso, Corsets, Rid Gloves, White Qufits, Lace Curtains, Hoslsry, Sooks, Shlr1sýDeh, Dsnm Tiekings, Tablp Cloths,. Table Cpvers, .4ntimacassors, Toiets Carpta,_Tovels, Table Linons, Coatsi Overals, Panti, Gloves, Veats, Tweeds, Fine'àLt>s lý, xî peatÙiser, Rail Linin~s Braids, Buttons, Chemises, Night Gown-Eri ZaîotjDi.c Combe, Fr1nz- geLesfles ollanda, GMinhszns, itYarn 4itn Cto rochuCto, Sanderces eilngDiaper, T'T& Naqpldnsà, Ploor i ot îî6, &Ï. e Ct These Gootis being bouglit on'advantaeoiis turms viU b. scid Botail not tb exoet he acutual, original Wholesale Price.. In addition te these special gootis, E. FBOST bas a capitsfly assorteti Stock, a popular prices.J 9r G ET THÉ fflkIsj -EDWARDeBOST,, W h itby , Âptil 25th , 1876.O d f l o s' H l , W h 7 . -Carpet. Paper, sa; <~ndop#wef Sio thand Hpet. -W Ë-tbv.ÀhQline ifliknjel Importer~*olfsud ncavy i ' - r Whithv A aai.fl I 040. i es-n PE T]ER S M IT lias utreeive>d at-his >store-, Odd. F -elle Bu IL«na alr e -IdeRtn S c P1ÊOM TÉE eCELEBRATED GARDENS 0.F MITOH ELL BRb')8., PORT 'HOPE. Also, a large assortmienut of Flower Pots, in Merent styl e sé. Garden Seeds of .91l, kinds on hand.; -Special. attention paid to the order- ng l Cf sh as odllanccae F o r alke. f'rmr llou ~~~~'PE E CahsuuM ai e i id f emr îcuc IýcPETER,41 Begto nnunc t th Puli th -rrid f ITH. Ige. for DOMINION WAREROOMS MIL] SP c Vhitby, A] ýardè, renuirif iLINEIRY, ALONGSSME:N A LARGE STOCK 0F RING GOODS ZIPELSVERY CHE4P LOWES &v POWELL. BP-IIIN G, 1'~16 n ake8, Hoe8. W hite Le se-9O is, G s, dbY ril r BR1876 Putty, &. c cMA---CNAHTANa S TREETY TB Beg ta a Nnonet h Pbi h rrvio hi OFSDR INGSOC -000 Eamvngdeaidedl to adopi lrhe;,CASHý SYSTEM are preared to offer sncbi indccnets s il anpl repa thoe wati wi da" A fcw Lcading9Liics:a GOOD FACTOBY COTTON AT GOOD WASHING PRINTS AT GOOD WHITE COTTONS AT - GOOD BLACK LUSTRES AT-. A-fresh lot of Grocéâries. H. Co., having to get ridl of ie Liquors by-the let oLM 'ay, will, seil them at COS2' PRICE. Y~'FARERSPRODUCE TÂKEN IN EXCHANGE. 7hitby, Âpril ith, 187o. 1 IMPORTANT. %or Quires- Superfine Note Papler in neat wrapper for25O t. Cheapest paper ini 8 CENTS.' 9 s, Good ommeria anada., 0Cns e Thuad Fanoy Nota 'Paper and Envelopée, New t yles. Angus Hanibook,) Englisx Language, new stock )ay's Lcap Year Cards",-Soiething new. Books, Ncwspapcre ana MagazineS; Speciai attcntion givcn ta, thee Dep fartments. J. S. IROBERTSýONy Bookseller and Stationer, Whitby. Whutby, April llth, 1870. 16 G REA T ' espetfuly s liet utend lg înî -" , . o n"Pe ilissSof , e,i. Bruasgels,: Tàpéstry 'àd Three-ply -Cerpes,'Flor Clellis and Cor-, ticince, Da=jks imdLce ,Wdow Pol, AUl et whioh atillbe seld at tiasbawe'stprie. -- WM. GORDONý, - April ltIrl, 1878. 1 64YneS,,Truo B ELFORD SPRING SHJOWA»D PLOCIHNGMATCH,- ta e lie ola OU,. - Friday, the 28t!î Dai1 of 4pril, ne.t, where there wM beh very large prizes offereti for, tomejuehitaon for lest herses madnTlioolh- me. leatprizesevtffr at1h Belford Spring Shaw. Fer Particulars ses large bills. JOHN' HIGGIN S, WM. BOTi), TRIS PAIPER IR ON FILE 'WITso Wbre.dverllaig conltracta ea.aa b»"sosie.- ,FARM PROPERTY 1 WIhosli by Publie Auttion,aon -Tue8day, 2th of (lune, next, at 12 o'clotk neon,-on tlts-preniss, thiefel. lowing -vsiuable tlà=pro ' ylngt ROBEUT W A L KE4U PAstEzL !Xe. I-Compogeeti ai 50 acres, mare or Ies beuaag par cflotxo.i6, lu -ia. 8t1 cou, 01 East luthy, logethen 5with Bwellig, Baen, witiaStan, Celanr; ioot Hars,'Gondi Orcleet, alla ouItOffices, .1s 10,citheIlsesession et Mr. Willisam Brighut. Tlielauti is ins god state- of cultlvation, sud wel feucet. PARtEL NO. 2e-160 ocres, mnors or less, situeleit au lot NO. 15, in tle 811 con et East Whiîhy. aitia Iwo-starey Brick House, turc gondeBarns. wlbh etone foucidallons Itoot Houase, Drivlog Hauie Stablegoi Orebard, andi Ont Omces< fjl ecin n erder, as ucat luntuas possession of Mr. John Oldfoelt. - The lanci is aOot sale of cullivation; Ihere are about I res1of01 Woodi land, a uever-faiing stremn nd thé rpryi atoll fenced. TERMS 0F' SALE.-For Parcél No. 1. Ten par cent. là he paiti dowat t ime ai sale, acd- sufitienb lic maie Ilsrswithi,- bh per cent.cal1the purchases mcney, oesmentI iliereafier. îThalnce un Oe exl zancal instelmeuts, with ia- > téra li er tant., per annum lte ho ae- curt hymorlgage.1 1 Fan arel No. 2,-!len percent., aitlthe ln caf sale, sud enougia tlferéwith te uaake- t", par cent, of thseatiole amouni of thé uue emoneyr-wthia ans mentI Ihere- aller. 0f1Isthe eniainder cf the purchase mns y, théesnmcf.86,000 arili ho lét ont- ' m inais aftri charge on thé propertr ltest aI sglil per cent to hé paya le Ilerecu turing tl ias le, ia wiaowcf de-, ceesd. The balance teho payabblu i6fv. equal aunual -lnataimenta with lubérest ab Six per cent., paer annuia, t ho scuréti by- inortiag. - Made o theundetegnbî J. B. BICXELL Excor. JOHN D. HOWbEN, Eeutn orlto - W. H. BILLIN.GS, Solollor for salti Exo orte - lors, L. FAIR~AarXn - Whltby, Mmrch 201h, 187e. CLEAIANCESALElI ý,Bô -t: - rd AùéAution Prices 1 $Rýfý 7'00W OT F BOOTS AND -SHOE8 TOR rrdU iUedA lu 4 O'JA,.L eLsJel Drve i finalthera rare oppertunity tb purchase cheap for Spring Wear. w, Il T. f I. the, l a &le SHIc i emember IITHi, 1 17 LOWES -WELL ;-ýwant 9 1 1 1 'l ýj l Bé st WhithY, APrâ-10th 1876. l"i STOCK 1 WhitbY, APril 25th, 187r.. a 1-1 m «&:p 1. 1 OF h 0 e s-j *;A, -ý-. ý -- - ý ý il ý,

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