Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1876, p. 3

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Take notlo. Shat the above le a Ire. >py 1>1 %-ppaood a~ ,w4J/c e a lkn !nto conlderation by the aaw to theriaepaypw of the cal, Ooiporallon ai 8 he townshipç WhISby, atlhorWng thé raisun« th m, reqnired f or snob boaue 5 Wd to oret ad ma1taalt twenty yOartàasidla «£84 frl bouse.M mi lIsaI nonrsao Ing soald bonsand 10.a f snob purpose, 1*1finee.sumar>. f0 lia corporation- of thi,*Iownulp c0 Whllby tW rahas lie min'of #10,0 ln mainer liarelnallor mentionec sud, whsreaalt.eswount cf ihi exIating1debt etf'th. sala orpoe ato f h ownship> of Whtbyl 09,7ô0 forp cpa'sdnothin, tor lntorest, and theceto a no princi pal sud no lulurest tu areari S, au, *beretuhé In lut-eth l. g mma of 0),lbhas beau paai- luLn U to e gst daY a 17anar 16tneat due, for interasî an sai, isien of $9,750 lntar.st at 1h. ratu or six par cent.- pera ma, iran the. fin-st day of lanuary, 1876; and wVLen-a& the. total amount t bcb 7ials.d aunually by spécial rate f'ou paylug lia. sali dant cf cf 0000 aO nmenest tieenuas-herejuaftai Ei.ovded la $1,100; and wheream th amount cf thé. wiale reteable pVropsn-1y cf liseiîicorporation of thé township of WiLby, accan-cin5, to th. last revisead essessmnentril, le.#08o,000 : and whèreas an an. nilal speelal rate cf 66/100 .,of s seuil lun1h. dollar p on tisé wholc ralsable property 01cf li ad owi. ,wpýofh4fbY. wlllbc neccasary eaud n-aeu-ed for payine I lu el] xunuala talnnenîs af $1,100 caci, lhinuteresI ou and tia principal of 1he uald debbî'cf $10,000 wiîiîin th. poi-ld cf lweuty yeare harein. &Mir innîted in tial Iehaîf. Now I& la bereby canetoidby th. Mui. cipal Couecil of lbe corporation cf th. Tawnsiip ai Wlitby as follows : lut-Tis 4B-%'w @hall coane . mbfarce and eifeut spcn, fn-cm, and aften- 8h, lut dey acf June, 1870. 2nd-mIt shah b. lawfnl fer lthe pun-poses afor.mald for îho Ileeve cf the said o orbyaionof 1h. Tcwnship cf lu , ud ho n-hsby aulian-iz. çd sud m'qufred le issue debsnun-s to au amutnfot exoeedlng lu the whole 010,000, saila debenltures te b. s0 made and secuted liaI tie Ou.m of #500 -cf the Saifi sein cf #10,000 togethor with 1h. interest en the whale senont cf debanlurea oc ta be lsu.d, and ne marc, @hlsl becouno payable le any oeayear thhreafter, and th. whoie cf ltié sali sein cf $10,000 fer which de- boutur-e oaaîlbc isnef slb. mnade payable in twauty equal au- nal lustalmants cf 0500 ceci, payable on the lot day cf Juinl eoach year, withien-est at the rata of six par cent par auuum, payable mon thé whole -pricipal sum r.- malning upaifi on 1h. firat days of Dacambet. aud Juna lunali and evary year, 1he fin-at cf saifi dc. beutureas 10 b. peid ou the lot day -of lue, 1877, andi th.eat thereof e 1he lot day cf June, 1806, 1h, whola principal and Inen-est bcbng * payabe withiu lwïenty yean-s frain the day saifi By-Iaw taes affect. Brd-Th, seifidabeuturcs sallbcré.. spectivaiy sealaf i wlh 1h. seal ofithe saud Corporation of thi. tawuslip cf whlby, anai signafitIs ReavuA, ansd coiuoten-aiguef by its Treasurer, aud shall bear date raspectivaly cn the day ou .whicinIi By-lnw shail tae. ffect, andi shaîl bo made payable ta ltna beater Ihereof.' 4th-Thoe-a hall b. atlached totahue sald, debetres Coupons for lth. mayment cf interest haif yearly dnring the. currenay cf th. saifi dc- bautures, whbcb Conupoans sohall h. made payable aet1h. Ontario I3auk, lu thé towu cf Whitby, on the firaI day. cf Dacember aud Jane lu sach yean-. - n StIl-The debauturas ta b. ign n issuefi as aforcsai'i shah b. deliver- cd by thc seifi Reeve-lu t1ire, brus- laes, ta bc nameci accoruing ta 1h. r povisions cf saif Act, chaptersd ftfy-uiuse, ta b. by them hcld lu trust. :lsî-Tc couvert the saue ne boiiocy unden- thé cdirection of thec-aaid Sn-odpst h mutrealizcîl inl same chartered muleiluthic Province of Ontarilo, lu tia name of tho "'Whitby_& Port Pan-ny Ex- tension Railway Municipal Trust Accuut," and tb pey the sain eout tb lhe.aaid Company froun lime ho oeîiaîcousîp aiWlitby, be talc. Ba an hneliproposef By-law, an G, f3alnrdaY, tih, Twontieîh deyof 80 May, 1876, allthe foiloewlng places tlnadtownsîip f Whitby, riz: 1 For Eloctcrai flii cN. 1, aI - the, aId Biaclesmtishop lu lime va sauùh.wesa515ntercf lat numben- 26 le the lurd concession cf tle l'a] township cf wiîby ; fcrElectorai DîvianO No. 2, allihe Towuship" Ball in th, Village ai Broollin ; PI fo fa- leetoral Division Na. 8,naIthie sol Ha mns. lunlthe Vjllago of Ashbum-.- Thai lihe votes cf lime clecto-tu halilue takion au this Ily-law, an Saturday, 1he ttcrntietllîday or May. 1876, conmucing nt lime bur of nina O'elock ini flic morîiing, and celoisiiug r ut tehlima omm f ftveo 'clock ic tlita lI aflernomu cf lia cama day, nmîd îl liaI 1h, RaturningOiricers for'tak- W£ ig titi- tti xt, l, tî n c-. u1No divisioin Na. 1. Mr. Willinrn mmi Docw-I for leooral divIion No. 2, Mn-. Il. u T. IlHarp.lo; fan- eIecoracl diviien No. 8, Ur. James J3p46u-,, as ro. quïred thelb. Adct f lhe ?aÀle. Wh ed aI 'the Connïty cf publicaion April, 1876 sud plues votamot tu Ins0i UI, THREE BRICK STORI In thelbTown 01WhJîby. Pians adi 11iin *4ýb so o aaf tar Mon 1 Toma Lwle &Co ',hltby and ua *offices c iahencitecta, Langlay, Lat &'-Burke, Toronto. The. lowea;t an- ny teuttar nel neecai -acceped.- Tii. lime fon - n-eirlngthie e'bave lu iîjMone0d until WEPDNE8DAY, APrIUL at,:z 4T THII SAMUI HOUE. JOHN WATSON, Wl. Wiitby, April 5th, 1876. _]RAILWAY MASS MEETINGS Public Meetings ta discuse tia Railway 1mw, iili lue halfi at thes ODDFELLOWS' HAL 0 ON 'Monday Ev'lg., ihe 24th k et 7.80, p.m; and et the TOWN 11.4 Wiitby, ciu JdîEsdj1 'y'., Ap,-il 2OsI, 18 ah 7.80, P.M. tA1Parties lutereatpd are reepectit requostaf la attend. L. OUCK, J.E. FARE WELL Ciairman Sacrctary ta ë Whllby, Apri 191h, 1876. -td w ANTI])1 i Ou on- about lot MIc, acomfortabîc hi wvth 8rooms. Appiy ho GEORGE KERB, OntaricIi Wiiîby, Aprfilo10h, 1870. 1:- opscl. sday, lesors 'ik the mgl - arily iitby. 10 yBy. 7St,, ILL, cOm. Ouec înlk. £1-17 Pr. W. J. ]BURNS. nIRADUÂTE 0P TORONTO UNIVER- '.J "Iltyana Memben- cf the Collage af Physiciens cn1 Ilurgeaus. Resldenco--at Lewis Houcles. - n-. Dul-ma wili openuan.ofice lu witby on theilat a1 May. Whilby, April l7ti, 1870. 1-17 HOP AN]) BWELLING FOR SALE 1 Part cf lots No. 17 ad,18 in the, second tsar of tic lot double Range castIai Brecle stre, lunlthe Town af WIimIbli baing part of lia estete oaihla eGeo.. Poat ; sud is. thie property et pneent occnpied by Misa McLnîyre, as a millinery siap, ou Brode-at. Tan-ms modarale. For initier information sppiy ta G. YOUNG SMITH, Banrîisten-, Whiti Whilby, April loti, 1870. 2in. MANHOOD: tb. 1-17 HOW LOST, HOW RE STOR ED i JusI:pichhlaheai, a naw elilien cf Da. CVLVERIWELL'5 CELI- Wal an- B n EasESSY On tic radical, curme (witianl Medlicine) af Spemehorrhcum on- Seminel Weaknuss, ýIurolunta-y Sacîluai Lassa,, Impoteucy, Mentai andi Piyeical Incapacity, UIpaclimeuta ta Marn-iage, etc.; aise, Cansumptlon, E pilapsy ced 1Fits, In- dugnc rn sexeal extravagance, &c.. in a nlcceseahad enveiep, ouIv c The le laratacuetio-, in titis admir-ale Eaeay, cdean-i7 damacaînatas, frou a thirt7 yean-s'aucceful p-aciîcc, liaI lic alarening caîleequences aicf l-abuse May ha radicaliy cured wiltaouî tie daîgen-ous un..oaiuternai Medicine ai tic icaife ; poiî.tiug eut a mcde ai cuir-ici <me-ee iînpla, certain amid eaffeetutil, by Mnigcf w1ii every suffere-, no matter wimmî his condition mnay ha, May ha, mnay cure imeaif ciaaply, prbvatlhy, anid radicalp. I28'This Laetnn-c sionla ha in tie hands cf ion-ry youci and aven-yman in the land. Seul under acal, lu a plein euveiop, ho any cdclress, pasi-.paid, un rcaipt oa ix cents an- lwa post stamms. Addn-ass lie pulhers, F4. DRUCMAN & SON, 41 Aan-St., New Yon-k. Pesh office Box 4680. ly-17 p U3ILC, NOTICE 1 Public notice la hcrcby given tiaI tic Colincil af the M anîcipal Clorporation of the Towvnship ci Pickrmuig ut its ni-at meeting, oe bc held lunlthe Te-wneibip .h-all, in the village of Brougham,, ou atum-day, flac- 2Oth 1ay tq/ lIuiy, meaf, untenloîucssiîîg eiuylaw tho establieli tle Bie n-ced lmtween Lots No. 1idmad 17, ln tho lir-ttacnccssimm aoflice Township ai Plcktririuwviere il is now trccvellcd. HECTORI BEATON, Clark af rickering. Pickerinmg, Urd April, 1570. 4n1 T ENDElIS INVITED 1 Tendes wilbe received until- THE 2Oth D.iY 0F31A Y, NEXT, r'turnishlng Bridge piaule et go0mucbpar iouanld feet, ta b. dil vared aet he folio-w." g iplaces, riz.: D. Macnab's, Clareciont; 3. K. Irown'a, Lot 17o. 11, 8zrd Con.; P. Bl. locrer'o, lotNo. 28, lIed Con.; S. J,. Grcu', reuwood -, and David Brown'a, Lot No. 0, 8th con.-lUne. PlanJçto ho 16'fret long. luichas -tide, and ta ho af good aound imer. Tenders ta bc sent to S. J. Green, Grecen. Çood P. 0., or ta IHector fleeton, White. Tio lowetat or auy tender wul not neces- arily boaccopîed. HECTOR JIHATON Clark Tp. of Piciering., ckering, O8rd April, 1876. 4in.15 B311Cli STRIEET, WIIIT13Y. '£bnc rige begs to infnrm the farm- nif the rc±cd couuitry, that liclic itoCk it lago jj lo- n a Ciasn laCjuie Tuj»jD' Il$, line Rk egan, lrgh, !rte, uatnuing Mille T rI 0MÀ CAN 11lby9APe l4th, 1870, flocS Och pi a Mun town ,"ud whexeao the ~amnnnl ci lin.aut- tng deof thle sali C3opcruivu of thel eaad1 towu; f:-o,-Whlîby t)à *filty-Seyan inusand lwo hu nad dollars for,- princie&I, *nd l welve dollarns,' fr jnterît ; aud thin-a 9 no~ principal-nu enrein- sudlwelve dollarsa fon-interesaI ln-n-crar. .Anid when-eas ll4,tatal.amaunt lW ê raisefi -anuuIl1y, by speclal rate, fo a yifg the selOd ebî cf'20 toad o4iirs simd inItjst tiee-. ou, a'herellnsflan proeiiëa is twb& t-oliendf twb huudred dollars., " --ndc wher-eas lté'cuount oif'he whcle ratcalule prapcn-ly cf limeMuc pelily 0o thIma towngçf'- Witiby, mc- ondgtel1aI neylsed assass- inant ral foier iayeareue liou- Banddaigh.u idued,d seveuly. five is, 948,882 dollars. Ancd wherees an annueal'speoici rate cf 2 14/100 milîs lu th, dollar upon tic Mhoie rlateaule pn-prty aiflth said toawN c iilby wil hane- ceesaau-fanadi requi-cd "for payleg tihe intareat, cedfariig e elule- iegfud ouWient for psying off tcpricipal cfthie said dait la lie hcn-abý'on-atlafiwilhiuthie pe-idcf tweuýty .yeas orain- alter limileai in blialaf, accerdiug la the provisions cf lime stalate l in I tbeineif mmde aud -Naw it la ieraby eactefi by lie Mun- ici pal Council cf tic Conpation cf tictowu of Whitby- 1. Thaitiis Bylaw chail came mbt force andi affect - upan, froun and afier lte fin-st dicy'"cf Juno, oue liiongnnd ei.hMtitundrefl and secvon- 2. Tint il chail lUo lmwlui, for limapunr. pos afomsaiti, for lime enayor cf lima iowmu cf Whitby, andi ho le lmreby autiarlzeti and roquireai ta issue debauturas tlanau. aupunt uat axccediug in lima wiole .-tWenty Iliausanfi dollar., in suma of ual leata - tian oee Ibusaufi dollars ecci, h.ariug interestal atlie rate cf six par ce*t peran-anium, and -payable on thMFln-st day -cfJune, eue tiauscufi aigimI iuudrcd aud niuety-six. 8. Tiihe sifidebeutures sal c h ne.- pectîvely ecaicc4 witin tle cmi cof tiaeIMunicipal Carpaoratiounaiflime towu,,cf Whly, anmd sigu-,ef by tic Mayor &nmuficuteriignad by lihe lime Clan-k ocfi t havofaiWbitby, and Èalal bear date",spM civaly ou lic day ou wicin uist By.law - chahlakc effect, and chah hbo mado payable tle tlcarar tiereaf aItich Ome1taio Bank, lunlime Town cf WiVitby. 4. Thera sallI le attachmed te lie mid debentures coupons for lie pay. ment cf thintmen-ca yearly dnming lima cuurency cf theo sai deluen. lare.. whicb coupons chahli e mado payable et thé Ontario Bank, iu Whitby afan-aaaid, on the fin-st day cf June lu cacim year during thue curreucy cf thii By-law. 5. Tua debenturqa taelue igneai and iacued as eforesai, dieuluebcde. livereai ly scai Mayor te hi-e Trusta.., iobeha umeaias folaws: ouaeluy t-licLieulenauî.Goyerun-r iu Coumîcil, ouaeluylime smld Rail- wav Caompany,cad oue gy tih. ccuncili f the howu cf Whitluy, lu trust ta ba luy Ilmm, unden- the -dii-1 n-ction cf lime Railwey Company, convcrted luto mouey ;Sccondly, te daposit lime amaunt realizeai fncm cuci cale in acmea iecrcd Bank iu lic ProvliceofiOntario, lu lie nameocf lima Wiithy -aid Port Pen-ry Extension, Railtltly Municipal Trust'Accouant, andl ta pRythemcsue out t he lma- caid Company on tito crificate of tins CiLief Engineer of lime saai Railway, bu'manuen-foilowviug, ameiy: cuo- bhaîf thon-caf-wlhan liesalul Engi. neor chahl cert fy le saai Trualeci; titlime celi 'ranccilagracVcd te Lindsay, aid the chier haif tlimoaf wlimn thic aid Engincen- shah cen-- tify te saai Trqstees hbet licenails are laid cn sald aiB-ncb le Lindcay.'- I. For the pan-posa cof formiug ea inle- iug faiIon- lie paynient cf lime aildebentures,- end for lie pan--F posa cf lime payiug lIme intaroal duo thireon, sItimhe rate eferesaai, a reciai n-eof 2 34/100 imille bu thc, dollar, lu addition te- aIl cher rates ahahi lue raisei, lcvmed andi calacted Inluecàityear, on al limae i rateaile pn-openty ln tie sai tcwn of Whilby, during b>cantinaanoe or cun-nency cf lime caai aicluen- I7. Andai Illion-timon- nacted l y lime mai co1IMciliit li te votes cf tic j ciectors cf lime caai tocu cf Whitby, bc lutakîmu on lime praposeai by.icw. où 17oF-liay, tie twcnty-(igittiday of April, A. D., 187.- Hall. For Centre WVan-d, aI bbc Town Fer Souhe ard' et lime building kuown as Iir. Rawc's atone stcre, ocu Richmond Streetl. [Thet th. voles cifltme elealors shahù lia lahen on hlle'y-li o, Friday tie î'tenty.iglt daytoi ý,April, 1876, cammencig etthheaun- a nineoa'clock iu bc maruing, aid :- clacingSIalte houx cof five o'clock lu tfie iaflrnenaned liaI tle. lieharning cfficers for lelciug the Fer North Wont-Hagh Fraser. Fcr CeaIre Ward-Jamas A.- Camp- -For Seniti Waid-ROichan-d uw Tubt lu pursucnce ai lie Adt passecVb lihe Legisllcmnf-c fOutai hitiche 1 yof cfe Han-MjcsTy's r 1igu, mimd enttlèd "An d aPràvide fi on-Vtlug uy Bal- lot on Municipal By-Laws .raqnliuig, lite assau, th le raetyers,bicClik cf ima Condeil of lhe'in-poralocf liha Towcn cf Witby willuallie' houri cf- bweuico o'aloek, noon,-en th-li sday, cf May1 18ýi76, a i t *n rili nu lach Taw±m of Whiluy, ,na tmpeianumie- of votas >given Mas-sid iageluat the Dy- AïWa'in leshéayor- of the Raid Cori aticWf flié eal& Towi iWitb'y on te 7th o il 87, hor A PLBNDID Contaxming 200 Acres..I 0 0 0 & '4 il U If n ' 4 ; l g ~ e k $ * e t o v a l ig rbe r u a h G 6 a sé For particlnr applyt, )- oCA cCottage t eto ýlBy370, t., hi£ ALEXA4ER. Weftby, April 12th, 1870, 4l~1 Bone, cf. the Irowïilp'of Cartvrgà: I the Cowiuty o1Durham, Yeoman Ml t theepiraitiyn aiTwenty Beys altr. [this Noticemake application unto aoZaeus eurn4haza, Epq., lndie af the Cott edj Zfh o~y8 Ontaria, .ta b. lappo ted guardianof Edi11h Bone ana Henry one, at peent of the ownhip aiof rtwrght, formerly af thé. Towhip of Baet Whtby, of Ephruil0o.,late of the. Tanhip f EtWhîtby foresaid, Teamater, aeas. ed, 0 a ied ntstato .1 W, H. BILLINGS, 0.BO . salicitor, &c. Whitby, Ap#illtbfî, 3.76. 26 HAR M 0 N -Y. . AROBBINS, Of Boaton, XT7L LOR A FEW BÂTS, RECRVn-P SSotPupils, Teachers and Aunateurý for a lotcourse of Daily lessons (al 1h4t la nacesar) in the. Theory ailati Praîctice ol Harmuony. Based opon absoluite principles, Mr. iob. bina',syaîistetaches in a few moments that which would require yeast erbay atiier rmothod. t .ea 1 b n What playars noed la ta know men ally the Materlal te practice ana how to Vrac tice it, as about ninc.tenths of the. axercises ana studios giton ta atullcnta are a comllets wate ocl ime, and thua ycars are sqnanler- ed iu .gaining a frivolous executien- wherea. a tew mictha cf the rlght aItudy and pracjticc gives -Artistie Execullon and a Mental UIn- derstandirug cf the musuic rcndcred. Mr. RObbins e-ilb. h py to rèeive calis at Parler No. 1, Roalai HoteL Whitby April 11, 1870. 10 JUST RECEIVED 40 BALES NEW SPRING CARPEtS RedPectfullY solicita intendi 'ng purciaears r - te inapact.his stadketa Brussoms, - Tapeâtr-y and TIree-ýlY Carpets, Flocr 01db. tandcor" ., ticines, Derasita and Lapo -~ Oui-tains, Window'Polidl, Coruices &Fringimgs. A.lcf a-lci wil h. soid aItithelowcat 'pu-ice. *WM. *GORDON* 134 Tong S. anmta. April iitlm, 1876. *16 T o L E T 1 Tic Hanse an Byron Street, latly occUpýed by Mn-. Cldwcl-aiso n-coma crer ticeallure occutpiad by Mn-. Win. Jolenston, on Bunn5as atreet-also the office ccd hall acre icI md- jaining lie "Cironicle" Office, 4 [ Apply ta-1i April 12, 1876. finýlC BELFORD SPRING SHOW AND) PLOUGHTN'fG MATCHI' taehobcld lon, 1Fi/c;9, Ilie 2;9111 Dm ofApluet wic-re tieawill bc yen-y large prizes offered for campatition for hast ion-cia sud plougi- men. Tic largeet prizes ever cdc-n-ad at he lIeliord Sprimg Sliow. Fan- particulara ac large bille. JOHN HIGGINS WM. llOYD Prealtent. Se. & Tre*e. Beiford, Man-clu201h, 1876. 14 TIins PAPEMiL n-S0NqFnmir.W1TII Whar. Av.n-tising Contractéam ea e nusl E XECUTOUIS' SALE FARM PROPERTY ! Will b.e oid hy Public Anction, on rue8day, 2Oth of dune,'- nexý, ut 12 o'ciack naca, au lic promises,the fol- lowing vainable fan-m propan-ty bahonging tlm the asIate oaltia late RO0BERT WALKERIý .~de, shovels, G ardon \MY~. ?S\~ Carpet,Paper, ýsaid to be £1u Proof and.prée es;-a ectarpet. .-- t Per~sans -os 1 ngwl please note thé ffdt. Importerýýof 1S3ii d Heay Hardware,,^ Whitby, April 191h, 1876." PIETE R S MITH', ilas just -received. at hi s toi d Fellowvs' Buildings, a large Sssortlmei fo IIa OU SE .FLOWERS,- F1IOM -TIE OELEBIRATED GAIIDENS 0F MITCHELL-BRO'S., PORT HOPE. Also, a large assortment of Flower Pots in ail the différent styles and sizes. Garden Seeds of ail kinds' on hand. Special attention paid to the ordejr- mng of Miscellaneous Flowers, SCash, a8 usual, paid for all kinds of Farmers Produce. W. J. HIICRIE & CO., Beg to annouule to the Public the arrival of their O F DRY GOODS. Having, decided to adopt the CASH SVSTEM are prepar. cd b ciffer suce indueuents as will emply rapay tics. wanliug A few Lcadiug Linas : GOOD FAOTORY COTTON AT GOOD WASHING PRINTS AT GOOD WHITE COTTONS AT and Othar tlnnuga in proportion. Afrsh lot of Groceries. *H. & C . havnp o gtrd c the Liquors by the lot of May, wil seil thenm at 08 RIGE. Sie FARMERS PRODUCE TAKEN 1N EXCHANGE. Wlutby, Aprîl llth, 187e. 1 IMPORTANT I 8 CENTS. 9"c 10 4 Four Quires Superfine NotePaper neat wrappet for 25 Cents. Cheapest paper lu - Canada. Good Commercial Envelopes, 90 Cents per Thousand. Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, New Styles. inl Angus Handbook, English Language, new stock. Day's Leap Year Carda ",-Something now. Bocks, Newspapers and Magazines ; Special attention givon, to th'ese Departmnents. Bindingy of ail kinds at City Prices. PÂ&ccue No. 1- Composed of et0 acre, P ~ K t 3. 3more on-i ea beemug part a! lot No. l6,in th~ 8â cou. cà Eat titby, tagelier witb *Bookllen- andiE Dweliig, Banî, wihStenseCe lr RIL House, Goand Orciar1I, andi ul Offices, ap Wlitby, April 111h, 1870. now iu the posscausmon cf M- Wlimx Brn-git. The land la tin a gond shaee0aicaltireI tion and well fenccd. PAuccar.NO. 2,-150J acres, mon-s or lese - " ~ " allaahad onulot Ne. 16, in lie 8th conug0 Eat Withy, ccihtwo-atan-ey Brucea'- two gond Ba,witi shonc Inondations J Roeh Hanuse, Driving 'Renie, Stable, oci M_-- n ainsd Out« Offces,91inlu éxalien crdeas uow ite poîssssicu cf Mr-. Jahp tien-e an-e aiment 20 acres ai waad ianad, af- - naven--falllmug stream, n, euSh.pnoperty lI I salc, andi ufficieultatemaico luarecelti, thmnty pen- cent, aithie purchise money, ~ ~ ( euei o«moiath therealtef T née q7Ir4IJ r S E, lu fi-eeaqical annuel'lnit'a1mânts, with - l- comMU R 1i oax asTI., Ianst at$Gper!déut.;'per atinnu, ta-lie se- TORONTO, Ã"'N-<»TA1RO., oran Panal Na. 2,-Ten par cent., et' tih W1M. KtLLY,';PRORIETOR. ~ s i eiemdtsa~g1 llerewihli to a ea This Hatliolasitumasd li th. central par- pe cent, cf lia wbple-amhunt ci lue lion eft he oityr, qouvebiaul ta lne.,*oie parc as. mauey,* w lthl d moellearé-e-slaliiiu an sd publia liunld-flng,ad aller. O 0 e f 1h gmsuaerci p=h,-1au.tourisasand commerci ai rai-suer. la a ucoal mouay, lt.e su %U6 OG i-hlat ast- eligible sibuein. Tie bous. bas basin etandiu ,a. afirstkcb$eg, cn lusproper~; thougl7 re-orgsulzed sud re-in-uad ,ne ei.t aiglitpet camil'ta li. pay3a ne eut sudus flaSup in1h.'I s Iberon ticlii ci~ua ndaof e- cenirtalile and fasilonabls s tyle; eqeal ta 'caai ie i(ub c a epayable iimAvc uy rlcka iee, utc omlo.The1 equmal anmmusl inalmeulta ut lmieras' aï b=lracn d driuig-rooms are* laige 4ùwd six pen- cent., pé ansmmum, ta ha sécureisa: y 1ai-y, sud Uic- lial ssutsn-y egalalisus ari ma-ge, observed& A' ludatily àta ionn, -tiChe are Anmdaloic ci izueus sml ro on-taa-l oono Omu lbu 12sd,1r8 aas76.s oay B IR 'T Q 3t&tioner, hty GJardZen $ake8, Whit- e L- - Oý-."Lise G~ni41-leyPWh te ê,-&o., &o. Putty, &O., &Ca & MACNACHT. OK STREET, WHITBY, G-ROSS -BIO Wlnitby, April 111h, i878. - u4t New -Black Lustres, New Prints,- New Shirtings. A Choice Selecotion of New Tweeds', New Hats,< Caps, '&C. Whitby, March 28th, 1878., 14 1~~. F0. 16 Fir8t Spring Season, in tue Busin.ess ALL NOVELTIES AND NEIW GOODS'TO SHEW. A von-y -varied assortrnent of.Dress Goods in ongaged pat- Boule desiruable goods to hand thlit sedthedust, uci Cmm.encing ouan- ab the ,Grand Opéra Brilliaulline," and "Grand Opera Alpaca. - THURSDA4Y. 8Otih4pRý One Hndred New Patten-s ie Prnlm f Silk design, sterling value. nE T A I Tn Cents the yard; theâe goods are fuil inaddeo, snd wariatd in ail rsp eIe erf.cly-fat olo ra, nifon-u, a und equ l in m anufacture to-sny gonds * z -- New Sprung Shawls, ncw Spring Hats. Tic business donc wl ORSE3 ine pen ng l in.e F U ha . lisse large and lib an-, en ouri g s ta MI îe. new ' S E M tlore wiîi a stocke lwiae as large s we began business with.(B IAORMTY The new stock couiss f new and Fasionable Goos, ail markcde c cà n-in ASi plain fiçuresatiltle eny coseal cash prices. Ldies aldu'g spring praises Will malca br reglr trips on l3 I e a r e u g C o b o u r g e s' n - ru a r u u g 4 w lh n o e i e d i tbo s a so n-Im n e l o f g e a n n e fir e I c la m a g o o d , b et l soais e a a t o a a 7 c o k o bsstvalu lulie ow. .1 neting ler. wlith liclNew Yo The d Fellow's Hl NternCentrnalnf ien-a]B Lake Ontario 5hhke Division cf _EDWARI) FROST. aetm &(genuh ail r P ioae..c l s ud ex a m in e o u i stock , a n d co m pa re cir p ric s. 1 4 R an-urausuace; W I eV O C ian-i Rochesl.n,)dgaita9 p. um., axe Pan-t P--y, 4th Aril, l878. 11 F OR SALE BT TENDER. The. Ciercino-w nsed by tha MallhIofl Cengraguin in wbitb7, '0k he 111ieD-'ng anm:Oua-lui euahan campielien of wrllus, ud l filnce inta e roequai amnnal Inalaints, ith minen-st- at 6 per cent par MsUnin.Tenders wM beha aceiva for thawhoi oorr 1Ï h. Churele and on. Lot, or -for tha eli0o1 BOuM sudo eeLot, MA.dyt 25rx, 1876. Tenders rnay lie a.théli rtary, YEOMAN GIBSON. Witby, APril 428h, 1876. 16 F OR SALE 1 Thiat eligible Faull Baidence 'withnj acres cf lanfi, comprisig Garden sud or- cban-âaU,àLaxelUantqacey, ian-mari7 or- Cup ylia laIe Jon Haie; Esq.,silic- ate abolit ana mule eut Of Witby, 'on the Kingston ]RaI' The Hloue. contains Tan ]Raoms besldes. kitchan in remr, wlth good. caliar., Bard'and-Sc&twaar ou'n tme prami- -;also barn stBable. Feor fnntheeParllcalairs enquira ci JOHN TATLQBEu, i Ou the praies. usys, wns 7- Part Hope W*HITBY PHARMACY.- eer Just Recelived'a Fresh Supply of the-Ârl Followinçj- Patent'Medïcines FU cLot 28 dierceGlesntMPurgat isverllt. Twzi Dr.Sagsaant rgatve ollts Dr. PSages Cattarh emhed. Dr. ieeayS NMéral Diouve. Kem-od's meat i aovor i Dsolet ,.Sl- Rheuat icn Nerlga iscve ]3ristfls, Ays, and Channing's Sarsaparfias.; Msrch ~i4 18~8. 18 ê.W. B. 8MITrH, Çgrucr Brook- and Dunda-Sto1., Whilby.; CENTENNKIAL GREI4T CLEAJiAN E SA L E SONOS AND QUARTETTS 1 cime.Rundn-,S Tears Ago, sang & Cia. Ms-hlng !Neathi er t7 n-uB" Fq, Omo& C h e r a l er ... . .. . .. . .hi MriLe g aah u turyF a Qua n dSnh- r h;MOIA 5&G.At,,uction Priees 1 Saila Scea Pown-sc'n-,r Grave. -f S$7,OOa r WOtH OF,, .,OOT3 -'AND 3HOE$ ZI'!E&.'à bo lie ôd without réserve 1In imuiton's Noir Mdt"i& P-aloebec. ÇORN FT. - - - - ~ - u ~~~hConn fi~i~- 1~ivnt of Boots ad Shoes c ACCRDIN. iùd ~1i rare oppi4unityto ýpurchaae cha'p for S9d~~~PeiseleîJt4ÃŽo8Pm'eahg, 5aSgwck.sComplotc e- 6. - 10 CbNdEI~ 1~ L t Rem om ber the plaue,-at « IMet AL 18N, C.wli id bila adllUti n-aoube la E er, C.M.P. JIK8RLEME], 12th, 18786. lg o. Appsy tÇ' îkB M salieSt Dàhafi 141h Marci, 1876. *- RÉAL L&TATE COLO Tic Ûnderaigined hesins ý-f émffer fôrn-sale 1h. foflom* pen-les: ~JCmI-v-m HarniATp 1 1 -- litby, April 1878. 1 A T 1 Whitby, April 19th 1876. S T 0 C K 1 v ýVÀKE NOTÏCE'- 1, PETER SMITH, SPRINC-r OF 1876.- j - Q -P a -n

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