Whitby Chronicle, 13 Apr 1876, p. 3

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Wbltby, Apnil lii,, 187& 6 'e ute .Mgiü qâeo lm E "STADACONA' P!ME ou tlà PZ T INSTIBANCE OOMPAU w4si*by, Ap HEAD OFFICE~, QUEBEd. Finsncial RaoutlO f 14 onthi Buel.. 1noie te 3cst Dec., 1875. Authbese Capital ............ 8Aoooo Sbecribsed Capitd.l.......... 2m( Paffi upCet al ........ of ovrmnsIDePout.CPireI . 6000 Goveemmeat Dépcett, Dé14f.... 0i Tàtal Revnuin Pire Pniln auie bur............*Moapi Total Loouis .............eb Invested undi ............. 106,718 ' Cali ln boa" udDipoui..... 49,198 Otier Aguets......... ......8%8 otlAssets............... oa,7'g4 Tbis Comcpanu isnov estèbllsicdlsa, sud hqBrichéssumi W7 Ag eis 16ly C. NOURSE, Aient, Wi P IM IllE IN5UBACE CO. cousuER ING ANI) TORE STI., Lolmbâxse Ad Chanlng Cross, Lonion. TORONTO, . ONTAB E5?5515E» x 182.WM. KELLY, PRORIBTOR (*LLLEpIE, MOFFÂT &' Co., Agents for Canada 414*ES DA VIDSON', . Ma-nager.. ilarnea«slnst lois bLPIreans effeet. eda the misi resable erus, sud loggis 'cdwîtbiut referones te the Beard in Lou-. 16.ly r1l 0,L 3T 1 The. Rouie on Byron Strict, Istely ocLmpised by Mr. Caldwell-alao roome over the store oconpled by Mr. Win. Johnaton, on Dundus streeÏt-alio the nSfce and hlli&oare lot ad- jolnung the "Clironicle" Offic. Àpply to- HAR MO N Y. MR. E. iA.ROEEINS, 0/ BOston, 1XfL~RA FEVÉDATa, IRECEIVE TVPupils, Teachers ud iAmateurs for cailion connse of Daîily Loooon Uthal lua uoceanary) lu Uic Trheovy and Prneicccot Hannoly.. Batoi upon Abiolute pi-cciples, Mr. Rob. 'bink' systoni teachie ln a ev ,iniments Ibat vhlcb Would requlre ycare te lera by any ailier melbod. - Wbat playore noed Iolete know mentally lie Malorlal to practice sud boy te praclice il, as about nine-enîhi et thc exorcises and sImIis «iven te stadonts are a comploe. ldtO ime, acnd thus yeare are aquander. gslin nIln a frivolous enscution ; vhereao ;a a ev m tonî fthe rigici stady aud practice g ives Atlîtl Exoecution aud a Mental Un. derslsudînu fe usic ace ndereci. - Mr, Roblins viii be hecpy to recelve calli at Para No.1, Royal e oi. j 00T PIO IvED doBALES -N»W SPRING CARPETS WILLIAM GORDON to laspeci lbi s tock- of lircinoeols, Tapestryand Three-ply Cja pt1Floon'Lothî sud Con- homnes, Damasice and Lace C untains, Wiudov Polos, Comnices & Fringings. Au f l c wil i e soldast theloveu pziles. WU. GORDON, Aprl lU, 176.184 Toagi St., Toi-ente. AprilIltb,1616 A SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, CenWaning 200 Acres. oai buildIn spSring dreek, vit leneuy of Trout in h.fi, iearne about 40 oor860 acres 01et stading Timber situata 0 miles tromIc ton eto Godenlciî on a splendid grec-el coacl Tille goci, Tenue easy, sud luîuiudlats posession. Fer lîciticalars apply ta, ALEX. ALEXANDER, Whltby P. O. Alec sgoed Cottage te Lit, on Byron St., llitby. Apply te A. ALEXANDER. Weitby, Apnil 121h, 1876. 4ifa-l DAMLY LINZ TO ROCHESTER. Commeacing on cr about TIIURSDA Y. 80eh APRIL, 1876. NO R S EMANI" (a. ClAWFORD, MASTES,) Wii makia er onguler trips on ibis route, leiviig Cobourg evîny moralng ai 780, andi PoilrelicaIntceic0,010,fer Rochester, con. iieeiigag hre vitI thc New iYork Centrai. Narthîra ceatrai sMud enEallwcys, sud ILiikeOnlanio Shore Division cf lice ]Rome. -Waeretovn & Ogdcnsbangh Ballay for cii points Eset, West sud SetI. ltR29ccsî.ô:WIlI bans dCarlotte (pot oi Bcahistus,) cai)y at 9 p. m., except Salur- -days, veshe vi ilîcevea aI Op m., for Pot IHope direct. Desrs la stock d&o. viilftnd i hee plleapst-and Mcii expedieus routee-~ Boa- lrfut lnfornmainapply t-ý B. OBAWPOID,.Foi-I Hope; C r . F. GILDBRSLEEVE, Kiugston' Apil 12t1, 1870. le Tô,G. sMIT ,Esq., ÙaYor c c Towa Whltby. The Ces'poraîlu cf tle-cvii cf Wbltby havhg mbufiici y. tetIthenIlIfisa * loldorto, thsln etlor a, bounsof Tventy:Tc9u aêci toaidimd sut - la the -Xtion1 ici Whlîby h Pà, Ferry aillva ton niPenny teéLUdsy Il in desirahlu ha a ubito Meeting ubeMi lu bldfor the pu of c'n ldarh5h lll1literatso0 Town ciWblby Wi, thei anciens oulci tlsCfo muet re 111c1y 9 t &Uta caltaPub- lie g. eTovM Hallon Thulrsdij, gth iau t Ithe ur of - *o'cl«oek, P-m., f ltMa y@ oL ce. 1! C'. l)psoyaanTho MeC ,TOM A4 John Bryan, . . ilMaH.A. Plut, Lalo hB , La Alle, Gi Pnl#~,W Z .0.- ~Smith. 11,11 eneesi of ltuab sioicniacirats. IpLara beg ta caihla PeLl4e tt taihie ON Th? mgday v',1,Wc ApiItn, e! for nout il to Thé osd Tra. )ntly adj « by eon Y. due ï7T.1 Tis 116Htel la sltusted la the central tien of the Cty, conuenint b tai vIoti astablishments anid public, buildings, an touriste .end comnuim rasellerslu aiz elijible stuation. The bouse tisa 1 tboroughly re-organlsed sud nifui-nI throaghonut, snd il a tw up ln the M couifntable and faublonable style, equi an y firsi-cîsehou.ln the DomlinW Ledrocens ane!dravlng-rooms are large alry,,anc tue e hat salitary regelations observe&i The large anit convenient ss.mple roc for the accommodation of Commercial1 vollere are comnodtouse. laa4convenil îocaxntohoue fi atu. I OmnaiLusses sud Carniages alvayu ne foithe accommodation cf gueste arrivln1 alfthe triaisandi teamaboats sud 'ais convey ihem te the depots ana vlicrvae Tlîgraph Office inu connection vih1 Roue. TERMS, - - - $1 60 PBR DAI Toronto, ApnlQ 12, 1876. - OIBTO DEBTORS 1I Partisladeblecitte iestate ef E. R. B.. HAYWAR] ari bercby notilleci tht li accoat«s esdi stale, must Le palci on, or beSoue THE lat DA Y 0F MAY, NEX Ai accounte uneattele t that date vinllbe haudeci te i olicitor oSflthe Asalgnee, for collection. Paymeut te Le mado ait tc store Mf Mn- Haywanul, Brooklin whviIs authonizeci te Ëive neceipti.. P DUNCAN McFABLANE, Assiguce. Brookliu, April Idh, 1876. -5 F LOWERS 1 FLOWBRS 1 SEEDS 11 SEED5 III1 Ccii ai Wrii hIk&Brooks' nami door te, Grs &OTan'-Dsj Brocf s., tor ivexq description cf Ployer sud Vegetahle Seecis, Thc hast selectsd a"teaven ofieref for snie ln the Town of Wbitby. Au île siason ad. vcnces, wva dll hapnipsrid te sapply car customoru vlSh a succession of saitable greenicoase andi bedalfng plants. Orderu fo. Prains, Gratfng, or Landi- ses pe Garening, promipiy atsîîded te. 5tlalagtlon guaraneeci. WRIGHT & BROOKS, Agents for Fruit and- Ornamentai Trias. Brook-St. WhlIby, April 11h, 1870. . tf.15 T 0 BUILDERS duCONTRACTORS, TENDERS viii La necelveci Ly the unde sîgnici tili Il o'clecky p. m., on THURSDI lice 201h instant, for . hmiction oS a bo THREE BRICK STORE in the Town et Whftby. plans and $spa ficalfns can Le een ou sud afler Monda: tle ieîb insat, aI lihe store cf Messr Thcomas Levier k&do, Wbilby anci aI Il offices 0S1 the architct, Lcugley, Langle B lurke, Toronto. The lovesl on any tender not nicemianil accepleci. JOHN WATSON, Whib WhltLy, Apil 511, 1876. TIS PAPER 19 ON< i'LE In ON. herie ii-isgentsrta ceth INSVty WJGt. Whiljy Mach th,187. ' DepaIT vit. Do Nluih Ovrume t 1 0 001). , l~pne CLdAeOnis tr ioti DOmiO.TEEWHT Thc underulgaici Legs te lafonu the tann- era of the snrnondlng coutry, tlIat ici la la stock a lui- e soniment 01 dulting Boxes, dînais. Turnip Drilla, Herse Rakes, IV esS«ehs, Carte, -Paaniag Mills, Xi'YOla oe,Wifflc.T-ees, Wiceilbarnove. RePPArinl Oe 9ailkindi oxîcuted wyul neua aiacsd derpatcl. THOMAS McOANN. Brock.St. WhitLy, April 411. 1876. lylS5 Wated,-Aa Appnentici e lice Dlck. smililg. Apply le "1 TOMS & NEWPORT, Wlciby, Aprîil5t1,175 FOIR S AL E Ccnlalalng 189 acres ei land, 100 acres cluared sud lu jooci ate of; qutinction. 'Aiteo c oe, aejt aÏsablinfg 90d Franms Houge. Thiu tai asý=dlalily oululde M icscor- ponstica of Port Penny, andislaOns cf ths Xmoet »l1aauaaly aia0 Ptec einthlI country on tIhe -cciScgogLake The oiest not Le si-pase& Por eny luIoc faist gi-owing leva, sud lu ocf le ei grela mrakeis la thedo o(na s a oppogtualy th# wiciontvL. fr aiss iig so deuriable a Pi-e.ny on @"ta s of ~arunî~~,o0. equInse!dovnan sd thi Spt dever a teria of '- 5r wih raui lx per sont. 'IN. fidis. patablu. Possession given imadistely he 9011 Api, instasi. jpSProm, 4w 4aIp oc telumi mmequt And wbereas for s uI cessary for the, aion, of lthe raise the bm doluars,, ad vhereau th. a lng debi céf thc 4of the. iatd to douy.ev thon dlarsrorni n dollars for inte, no Principal ilu dollars for. fatecj -And- îhereas -th6toi ralsed a nnaally, for paying, the tlionaand dollars on, as hersinaft thoasand, two bu And whoneas thé .amn rateable proper, pality-ot the t0w coi-ding to the la mont roll for lb pcand eight bond five fa 048,882 <di AmIvîrese aanue 2 841100 mille in t vwhole rateablo -said. tovu of Wl cessary snd roq thce intoroît, sudà ing fuccd suffciel thce principal c, 'to be hereby. cr peniod of* twenl tler Iimfted f accorifng tb the statble in that i provided « Nov fti uhoreby enso fLipel Coulàcil of t tu ïown of Wlxi 1.That 1his By.law forco andi effée after the lirsti(1 thcusand ciglit bu ty-si i. s >uuci of the ýeniet- sac oprtion ipal, anadiWelve ~et; snd liane lu wrnear, and twelve est fa arrear. 'tai amenai to-be l'y speclal rate, pfid -debt.cf '20 ndiioeret here- provided islatvo dred dollars. 1uni of Uic vicole cf-the Muufcf.- of Wliftby, co. i t revised ,Aeens. Blars. ai special rate of le dollar upon thce proporty of thce itby vil be ne- 1irod for payfug forming a efnk. t for payiug off lic te sai d debi 3ateci, vithin lthe that behalf, oh Ifmade and uci by tbc Mun- hoe Corporation of tby- shaîl corne into upon, frora and my of June, -one udreci andi seven- -TisaI il shahLe cla wlui, for ltcepur- pose aforesaici, for itie mayor of lice towu of Whitby, aud hoie i lîcreby suthconized sud required te issue debenlunea tc auan ount net excoedfug f inivéiiole tvcnty tboussud dollars, lnuo of net lcii iban one tboueanci dollars each, l'esnfng lunemi aI lthe rate of six pin cent oer aunun, sud -payable on tice Fi et day of Juns, oo ihoneanc i ct ihundrcd sud Crhe saidi dibeutu.-cishah be nes- feecivel soao fic lice .Real cf hMncpalCoporation of lice towu cf-Whitby, eiud cigneci ly lice Mayor aud cou eigned by tihi -anud shaîl bear dat respectively on lice day ounvici h tis By-lav 'Siaîl take effeel, a d shahl' e madle .Payable te lice beoaer thereof aitbthe Ontario Bank, i11the Towu of Whftl'y. 'Tiene dm1 l'o altablhed te lice said debontore couponse for lice psy- ment cf lice iutereàt yesrly dcrng bbc eurracy cf lhe sali dében- turcs. vhfic coupo xîs 3al l'e male, payable aitlice 0Ottiîo lBank, ini Wlitby aforciaiul, on tics fit day cf Jane fu eacb ycar duritg tice cui-iency of Ibis B 1ev. 'Tice del'cutui-es 't 4l'ignod aud hsindi aseaforenai , m@hall bc de- liveroci by end aycui- t lre Truitees, to e .na cd au felleva eune l'y lii Lieunant-Oovirnor ini Connc4l, eue b the iaid Rail- vwav Compauy, a i 1oniel'y lice Cccnucfl of lice tev cf Wicitby, lun !tti- lto e l' y the , uudrtlie di. cectien cf lice Rail ay Company, couvintec iulto me ey ; Secondly, smdi sale ifa seaihartereci Bank ini thc Province -,9f Ontario, lu Ic naine cf ice Witby andi Port Party Extension Bsilvay Muncfipal Trust A3ceutît, clii to psy lice smne eou l lice said Companyou lice c Stflate o e Chef Rugi noir cf th)c RafidRailway, ini maunerfohlevfug Dnimly: ee lipîfîhîcreof vicon lho sai Engi. nier shall certity i4 sic, Tragtees that bbc sai Brancbh le à'doit le Linidsay, and lice teitniai'tice.ef -bon lice said Engiteeionshah cer- ifY te, sai Trustoe i tai lice rails are laid on aafd 13!ai ch te Lindsaay. For lice purpe ' of Irning a sick- icig fumu l or the paymeut of thce Ra i debeutures, ar i for lice pur- Pose cf the paying tio intercat due licen, s etie cafoesiafi,-s apeciai ratecof 2 84/10 millii ici lie dollar, lu addition le ail othen raten shahl'abcrainei , levied sud colîlec infaeacic year, on lliche ratebl ropcrty in lice Raid town of Iisy durneugtI e ceuinuancc or curroncy cf lh( Raidi dtben- .And fil s funlicer et naill ceuncil, thait t electeni of lice uaid to Le taken en the pro on Fniday1 ltheIvon cf Apnil, A. D., 1876 Fer North Wad, at il Fat' Centre Ward, Hall. For South Ward, ai -kuov as Mn. sioe, on Uchino il lice votes cf liceq Le takon on tuis by-la lice ivtenty-aigb.ti d 1870; cominencng a nini ýo~cclldk fWtIhe- -clobfng at lthe heur o lu tice efberoon ; .5 tctrnfig oflficarsIfo, saici votes uhail le- For,-ÃŽenrli Worth-Hîf For Centre Ward-Jai bell. - For Seuth Wârd--m-Ri LY k 4. r,. I. TU Th th: Tics lo tics' TKE N( Loi rcf on affl l'a rsaance-cf t] altune o ni »P -de foi ruaicipal ,By ôf'ice, natopi aisi l'yhie ce votes cf lice cn 'f Wii&y, poechi bylav y-igisAh day e oddfdllbwu' t. tise Tova t'lc Luild Ing ROWe'u atone won, Fniday oy f ,.&P#~ lice èucrp 'fine o'clock id liai lice talrinfr tlhe 100 A. -Camp. hiard Snov. lie e~t passei Ly rio in lice 51)1 eigcý asudenîfîheci Yz vtingby Bal- eae ,"lie Clork rp on eof lice on eI lot day of o H ,EU lu thes MENDEU8 IN TED 1 THE 201b PÀ~Y O, M4NEx tbousnd foeeto bée-Ueveredastthe foilo enKA14vis.: D. MacnsIi',-Clsrsmot Bri Lotro. il, Srd Con.;p. Hoee% lot ko; 28,r4Con.83.rin III44;ju4îhi4Bzô' '0"oe lu.. Plank te ealO fL t Ion 4,~ luches thik, sMdate bcot good son ,Touamtebe sont te S. J , Ge véle. 1 - t;n ' The lovei or ay tender vil'nt neai sarilly lboaccepted. HEOTOR BEATON Mlek Tp. of Picfcrlg Pibke ring, 8M Âpài,'17d iii X~~LC~OTICB.1 Publicnotice lu bereby given ibat tbi counil oftheM micpalCorporation Qf thd Twuebiî cf Plckarig st its nnmeedLég tte bc i in the Township Hall, Wu the, -Village oS Bzrougham, o Safîrlday, fe,9POtk Day 9ojMay, nezti anaupesngcby.lsea * to>esitabush tbý sideroad between- Lotis No. 10 aud 17, x the 1it concession of the Towuship c Pickering, whcre it is nov travelleci. RE ÇTOR BEATON, i Clerk of Pickening., Pickering, Ird April, 1870. lin-1B' B ELFORD SPRING SHqOW AND PLOUGHINCG MATCH, to be held on, Friday, thce 2Stlî Day of April, nexrt,' where there Wiii hi very largo prizes offered for competition for boit bornes and ploàgi-' mon. The largeit prizse voroffredaîtthe, Bolford Spniuig Show. For particulans sec large bills. JOHN EIGGINS, WM. DOYD, Proaldent. Sec. & Treu. flolford, Marcb 26th, 1876. t-4 A LLAN.bINE 1 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW,1 CHEAP FARES!' Cabin, fnem WhUtLy --01 5,91 acconding te accommodatio.1 Intinmidiaic e - - #491. Steerage -#- 31. Propsici passage certificates issueci et lowest rates to pensonas ing te Lring out fifnds. For tickets aud furticer information spply Exp. sud Tel. Office, lVhithy. Witb., Msrcic 27tb, 1876. tf-il SONGS AND 'QOARTETTS One liuadrcd Tiars Ago, Song & Co. Voices .......... ................c. Marcbing 'Neath oar Starry Fiag. Song & Chorus, Glaner.......... ..--...3k MarohlngNiti ararny Fag. Quar- Lit th ic Huis.sdVali: em uni. Qu ite M lxed V........... ..î... .. 0 S4tger Swoet Flovens on b er Grave, Danks ......................:...............st Wooporenic(minci of the Lr ved One. ?.0.k 9........ , . ...................... ... e. blomoril Flowers. Baiiad. blendeiisnohn. 30ce. WeU W 0r thce(lravom. Trio for Poniale Scatter SetFoei rofrFemale c Volces .................................. e ZIIER.L Haucltou'e Nov Meticec. Pnice. 751 cents eaiLh CORNERT. Sedgwick'i Perfect Mîticed for theCdornet. 75c. t5edgwek't Compl.ote Mothod .. $1 5.... 0 ACCORDION. 'Ber wch Perfect Methoci for Geruastu Z wo dlo ................ . 75c. seclgwiek's Complote bMothod 8..... 0 Sedgvlek*u Perfect MeIhod for Frenchi Ac- * cordion .... .. . .............. . - 75c, Sedgwlck'î ComploeMoghod».. 81 ---l50 CONCERTINA. Sidvleck's Perfect Method fer Genman r'oncertina ..........................75c. Sedgwiek's Complice Mebad .......... 15 Publialeci by J. L Petens, New York, 843 .Broadway, P. O. Box 103 Station D, sud mailedl. poet-paid, on receipt of the price. March 28. 1l E XECUTORLS' SALE FARM PRO PERTY 1 1 New Black Lustres, 6PRING., I a Garden' Reke8, Shovel8, ýGer'uineè White .Léad,-Lirise èed Oils,' Putty, &o., &o. 'Glàs s, GROSS &MACN -ACHTAN, BROOK-- STREET, WHITBY. Whitby, April llth, 1876. 16 W. J. HICKIE& O, Beg to announce to the Public the arrivai -of their 0F -DRY GOODS. Having decided to adopt the CASH SYSTEM are prepar- cd te, offer suei indlucemeuts as viii amply repay those vaating Ju8t' BReceitved a Dr. P~roesGo1 Mcedigclcal Diacovery. Pleaisant Purgativ'e.Pelleta. Dr., SaesQttarrl i edy. .Dr. ;Pierlces Naral,,Douche., Keimnedy's, Meèdicaàl'Discovery ., 'h m ,i adNeuralgia Diissolvent. Bristols, Ayers, -And COhanning'sý Sarsaparlls 8.W. er Brook sud Maroi 2lst, 1876. 18 Stock Duada SBts., Wbiîlq. Takinlg- WEHAVE JUST BEGt[N. A few Leadling Linos GOOD FACTORY COTTON AT GOOD WASHING PRINTS AT GOOD WHITE COTTONS AT (3 0OoD s % and other things ini proportioâ. A fresh lot of Groceries. H. & Co., having to get. rid of tho Liquors by the lit of May, wili seil them àt COST PRICEÉ. SIe' FAilMERS PIIODUCE TAKEN 1N EXCHA.NGE. eg Whitby, April llth, 1876. 16 IMPORTANTI Four Quires S uperfine- Note Paper 'In neat wrapper -for 25- Cents. Cheapest paper in Canada. 8 CENTS. 9 id Good Commercial Envelopes, 90 Cents per Thous'and. Fancy Note Paper and Envelopos, New Styles. - -00 Angus Handbook, English Language, new stock. "Day's Leap Year Cards ",-Something new. Books, Newspapers and Magazines; Special attention given to these Departments. J3inding of all kinds- at City Prices. J. î. ROBWRT SON, Bookseller and Stationer, Whitby. Whitby, April llth, 1876. le 41TU STW R.> M 0EI1'V:EID IHamilton& Co's., Wfll Le selci Ly Pulie Anction, ou Tueaday, 2Oth of dune, next, ai 12 o'clack neen, ounlice preises, bbc fel- lowing valuabl a proemlybelonging te ]ROBE RT WAL*KER. PiORCEL No. 1- damposec ef 50 scros,- more or losl heng part ot lot No. 16, lunlice ith cou, o 'EastIhitby, togidicer wyul Dwelling, Ban, viii. Stone dollar; Reet Houe, tieod Orcicarci, sud out Offices, as nov l ic te possession oS Mn. William The ladi h lua gooci stato of cultivallon, and wol fenceci. PAILCEL NO. 2,-150 acres, more or lma, eitnatcd on loi NO. 15, la the 8th con oS BasI Whiîhy, vith tvo-imorey Brick Bouse, tve good ai-ns, vith atone fonadatlens- Booe Houco, Drlvlng Houoe.,,tbe Oncicand, sud Ont 0osiem, aU inxeen ordcer, m" uov lu thc possession Of Mn. John Olcdeftlc. TIc Jane!nli a agooci claie of cltinatllea thone are ahout 20 acres eofvod ana ncver-fafling OtredM,,sud tlle&prpeny -Weil IM&nèêd.ý TERMS 0F SL,..EgPasoil lo. 1 Ton per cent. t*- be ipsj&idev altUnM o s"1e, sud sneclii'te uinite hrevlth, thus-ly per ceati,q t chperdismeney, vit1cn one monlb hîe r. 'Thé banue i fv diequal sunual lastalanents, vilhinl- teuail6per ccnt-, Per anaun, to Le se- For.i Paned No. 9,-"Teppin font., nt the lime t alé udigpoughc lbreyfIhta make iltypea-oct.,efthityhoei aanocf the parcumsiney, vithin one monl ihene- aIi th îe tialdrfheý ptrias aoy,the sul a e 55'0 i el]Wdî stand igasafiArsi charge 'on ipnpety inmeiAit gt pe~ et s~aai ÃŽ6tth u ndria eiraithtr.ua suaa, teHsecns&b HOlçWr fx." Enecuto é orlota '"esTe. New Prints, New Shirtings." ]ýew Tweeds, New ERats, 'Whitby, March 28th, 1876. Caps, &C. GIIEAT CLEARANCE ,8ALE eoot, -0nF At Aluction Priees-,! $fOOO WIOIITH C;F :B00OT8,-.AND, 8110E8 To becdwhoter.r - Parties in want of, sn~e ~l ixi ths arae prnutY to purchasecheap for -e'ebe the plaei, at IRIK'8 BOOT 4 Sn9 STOeQ' j- Ontarlo B1ockÉrock'te~ ~ -- b o Coal Oul Lamps and Lanterns, Milk Pans, Pails, &c.,&C'a CÃ"ooed Sheep 8k/n. Mats On/ly $1 75I ý American Coal Oil, 35 cents, Cash; 40 cents if charged A superior article. Importers of Sheit and Heavy Hardware. Whitby, Mardi 2lst, 1876. 18 CUTTERS!1 CUTTERS! R ave alvsYu on'baud a PFl Stock ofvcry. Cuttn coteievmuiaof the -Pcus.toert miri Cutters leighs and, Carrixges, casue f i. atm a t"' n"c""n The undcrsgno& bas instructions to offer for sale the foUIOvIng Pro- perties: 1. Brick House, sloney-aud-a-bsif, en Dunlop ud Centre- relts,, wfth. quarter acnre flanc. Desirable family resideuca. 2. Brick Hou,3e, Tva Sto're-b;-atd sud sot taer-quarter acre--mcely Isfýd ot-htransd ornameats] treei. Cetra street. 8. Framc Dvelling-stablc sud 4c8- shed, neariy two- acres Mf land, frut and orneamentai treei,-ByÈ treet 4. Prame Dtrelling suite ce fora umali famlly; elyfitte-à upl snug sud ccisfort- chie., M5h0 u acre. 'ine striai. 5. Prame Houie, ih ont offices, acre Mf landi, fruit treis, &c., on 8 tars ,fl, op. posits residene cf Mn. D. C, Macdaoaeli. 6. Bit Vlllap Lois, vest of Brck Si., aortb of Ail Suints' Churcb, la one block. AilUicheabove propertioo aro daslnbly- situstd, aslnes osa Le effecled on vpy low terme hy a snUil paymýent of csh, and ou lime te suit coavenlence oM purobaser. GRO. T. HALL, Landi, Commission, sud genensl Agent. OPFICE-Duindas St., Wiitby. March 8th, 1876. .I JAE .SAMO COMPANT FRN ITUR E. Wareroom-Albert Hall M. O'DEFACONBOVAN's. N EEDLE BY Speofal atntion PAUd tethe malag cof VERY CHIEAP. CALL & SEE THEM.. SPRING 0F 176 Fir8t Spring Sea8on in the Bu8ine88-,l ÂLL NOVELTI8madD NEW GPut-TO BHEW A very varied assortmùent of Dress Goods in engaged pat- "' A terns, Stylish, Pretty and dec'idedly Oheap.- Mardith, 1878. Some desirable goods to hand that shed the. dust, such______ the "Grand Opera Briliantine," anad "Grand OpméraÂlps. V One Hfundred New Patterns, in Printse ofSilk design, sterling valne. S-W1VÀ1 T AMERICAN PRINTS P y Ton (lents the ynrd; ýthese gooda are fuil mado, -and warrant.da i& lerü041 respecta perfeotly fast colora, nniform, =ud- equal in manufacture to any goode prodlucein America. iim New SringShawl, nc Sprig Has. T e aies dune viti us sinc opeing n lb Fai hasbeenlarg anc libra g ec ug tO bfl lthe nev tries, fa p*ieon..- bute valu fa tic. lova aIna- h e d Flow'sn Hall, -mbu Apl tih-Y 1876. na a hoes m compare 4sutar p he t14oA-AL lm newFORF OTTOMA.N8 FANCO CITAIS, LAIrBES, i&é vnn tic.Lest utyhd. DOfSM I T H' ELGIN' WAITCH-ES. t fD Cd en A-IL. >1 g- '-I Aprfil 12h, 1876. )CI ly ýre ihi 1 - -Mirch 21st,.-1-876. REAL ESTATE STOCK O:EýI- lm-.A:p ,,ý z "-*-ýo- ë s l"!.l 1 -1 S P R I N G Chifdrens' Cabsý M. -O'DONOVAN-'es 1, 1

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