Whitby Chronicle, 13 Apr 1876, p. 2

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a Lif 1f.Inseirsoe l-À. Audieou. Co.-L. Faf rbauise, tia f Wilitby'. *isleUnso fer flstl-- Lot ô, 7Bîîsga- sý 50 PER ANNUM. mrsday, &pril 1-911876. Atition 1Bille. mail] p,11 intoti et TUtu sfic tn as Pupelor style, Qtlec $fVeu ot tiesate; tOstp an nîetiliset st 8yle WLE4 siffe,. las acrtinent To Coi~sptgr. Creîia d uents wjlli h e i tlc tst tIi.etaoec. teLN lI 'Ment 10 pr-eas <su WetIwedaye thefieef -eo,lce net iahen lisa -Tuefu4sy 1tustile e lune pisblicato -Il3snsowek. Comlng Chanes lunlise Cabinet. Tise isînoror e ensling elsangeg ta tise --Dorasiu aiet necistee osflrmnstieu fracsn eliaslss autvee ut Ottaua. lMr. - - Ceiicllsoafbasbrosigisu ne strenghis ho l vieni e ti'ovseinmont a' R oniatf meekus .'flic l5nouien filssis tlIsaI ie <sa% is clonger neiy Pu a smia- lotîrt-y fren tise0lrevicsca et Qlebea, and Ilint evea lis-ff"ilvalhsatsupporters hook - aitlis lit saMtiNateli on ISOpoct upea MnI. Casslon âRA elestr. ,Mu. Laurier,, linleokeel upan ais, 9'r. -C&1iieise's scia. éeeocts5; uie 'Soslâtor Ombre, itlais tîtet, will[repiuasi ltr. Leteliie 9t14. JasI, tu qet tise ofil i etcollecteor et cisettns at QscesUrn, iusitlugune'e nesiguis- tiis iof 1hi4 îsontfaîio e as'onetmaaýSc-.On. sunui, àlllie; s e iesiitroîl, le se. -desitosi cmedod'l aslto salseson -ln aven. 'lI jheisulIgentlemens lunîuoiwen u tenrtail>'cae alsts oennn tIflletsuitrlctisuIf uaet t ltfmns, sud ilenuliado has"ký1esfaIIh imboter icucmn il I iîdsirelo iv'nues. ,,LeItise Comnpany do le Ttsemsetre." sq..1les Comspany' de It lbiseauselmesG, tise>' %01lmais. ioney lsy it,"' le lie lInnte of eemsse ieussienla peeple li gloluîsig or lia. nailma>' Ibonsus. 'lse lcrp inen lusteîsoîa Roeu m aue o611110. d l1jetiîir cii satine>'Ilus tise înrt lit lîse hu t'rtPei'î. lie lîset î61,500 :atîîîîs ifnelwssie lIe gnasing, ina, siglit - ulltoumaiit omotl vn, passesîiger aund abol.x OslOb, &'. Ail lise lionases voteti 111u1a shstl foi, r .kîîl ug tlise#85,'030 - - ts'mns lAl.uuhetalase thse townsis inl - -Viotoria, 6020,000 freuîs ' Port Penny, - -3,i) il to i- i, uî t ilby, 6$10,000t a rustnuvlbif orWhiils, andcib»O,10 - fnc, twnstap cf Reiasi, cc1uln1P sîsl>' t Sli ,010, I'lime lpsýibSîaieq 5-sha a91W, avisehlin lu atise siîaiut espectoul te ho ieaelssiZ., eut>' proalitîe 5120,000. Asis tm Isle (. eutpeteihGcvonameol àillot a1014),suil tIsenro mainussîri>' 6200,- halhtseComupany' il have te 1¶ovitl-4Ã"i' Il lé tsiehaiêtsiuboi a limst naihesay ss,,qtritie stieth ie lire- mtint ietw ue utiaabte ssi iseusis cannot lu ne s¶iao.l,'flueinsllpfsy %vil], lu t'art, lian iinanetfo- 5~tttot utn.1t m-be asuialori,% ls-a>' Md lueursi ti sthaéstalisgIs poipletisusoettise sixteîàso o laisintisay. Iltatou streng a losoal mn likte Mest-. Aistin, fficlihe, FutIon ~tHleiinmvu a ties uoauastiofuumagns alla jcredit ho g' isotteosasis a usssy n lu tissinses. liuhose f tiopnecstany hruge suds grussig ltllhnkfiuens,'ti.eoi'rvlceo> et suait mn 8 elm at eewsitlmgreteful reogigtion, madt ie>'sisosilt ho cheenrecI onii li th ordg, itof ncouragement.-. Wbsee archeu mon amenget curselves mise woul, or coulti liiso uucis? tUndouibtedly blIcy.>ii' la tIs encut luir cavusprofil in vicw u. t uitaihissain, thmt'Iey rageat publie beusetaotons; L tisoy l leh1 0 e os4ognoeasud las. - proeent,, tliey tpen ulp newan uisels eftr Iee, andui ive 'a lupaleste basi. Sia siseiy heIr nstenpnlieo, cssîerineg gooti arouici theissaenosywhonc. -Suchsmin deoserve Wesi et thie uhol.coammuoiîy. j Atil rete nn htCauada mante. Ausd iamp tis> iras It fan bhilocaliIy, an Le viaieoi *10 loufehaue mwena enitàegleti in eulsslse'ggarly basirupt ý raelh*r$, Proep.ect thu e te iw moie a mualis-mnt, il fltieid b>'Mn. Hoatin, a er muîn ir tliteau lhtitie-ithIléfacrail. --Way asoveesceuit a4h #psosonetfcosu. try- hi'Wa 1sô tey 3W-il yetibnje>'thie logitiiexte'rruitseftfet. ote-rR niesd Ipplib'lApirit, aud saiso e b a>'pour etuglt to es i liuskfiii JO le able te avail triflo f' - thle ués'sslofsnot mo ns.s witlt ! b - ni itb>' Ciy irliltIon an iext.umeoa;or inaei t rà nliway oin. tSiilatlasiof &Dy ii he. - K HLL W *u e-,-Oa lIse f r. ?.,W, G00, Pneu a. seeph, i H MUà»"actiri i ère .poteo n fo lue buha ~ou5t~44es tie~êwoffiîi be ltthe Ps poue smade ln the wondl. 'Tisre gee gossel muet b. for lihe benofit èfIï tiiougb fnot for all asite. W. ail Pa tilpate la tih. goneral geod, inaàagros r 'or lessr degre., accorffisg te t accidenstiof <mn pôsition. Théiun Who Wolild tsry tg $top a great pub] work, bomipficiW te lits siglebie a% thse whoio oomsuniuty, bèca. ho hir seli estînot hË hî~e îsblgeît hard& a thtettesoi, eor slgit.> b. osigesjià te se triute hie lit@etoivards 1th uusselsrie lssg, i l uply -a chant. Ho usss CoL rails ln his duiy sM a ggoed itiaonIbI bisu feu7 ýboanies a crime ageit et"' elety. H. acete a woise isa-a leg.il thse-maniges, pari, by isfiitng positii iajstry oison utisers. Ile nbut a CI( open >'Ile .wiieeis et progros,-Wiïôo veny prcs.sioeos is e -oo='ninty ac tnjurleusiy. Wiitby hiarbeun aud iI eirnouadinge may bc more lusuediat ,ybnfiellY tise extension tis any allier portionaof tien cerporatto: but. tsaItishe wlîole tewn wiii receil sn sîndoubteti P>nefit fses it, lta a fa( tisaI aili ccarcely admit et distuisios: Our duty is te sot tise part et gec citiziiop-to do se intetligentty wtt a viow te thso. future practical goodt li deriveti-ansi ot th part ef chr] measaenroase cf population, oucroas .in tise vaine cf pndperty, a botter mai messe>' And- tIse bava e1 WhItby ai important business*coune and si rs- ciass hipping port. The mien irisei appooed ho tusse tiinge ailI'-volc Lagaînsi the bonuis. Pi(£Or e:WOOD AT WtatvAND 08se hAN.-Mn. Ahex. AlexandeienleOur at anil>' far tisestaterneont hssai oud _sali fer $6 por certiast Osisswa. née aloc asures ns gtisitise differnco bu priec ilsnesghoaltishe year ia one doler pet -centi lu faver cf Wiiby ;-tist alIshse Woodatilesolait eeodollar, ppin tard, hic in Whiltb> tisautCOsana. Tise Vin. deletor, 7per. Confsà, saye, hueis f"*net se,," "uôdan asbeen treai>' bîuglith liena aI $4.50 pen cera tro a ens aud large conhi-ots -have been m 6 'efera trile imiter. At tise beginuu g of tii inIer $5 mas 1iait tor hast jr>' aooa ansi tiselance silice tisason salisais enbc Imen thi e oflgsies." Cuir coutemperar>' must surehy ha in enjuon; atîeruise isoi couli Mr. Guy, sîsotisîr deleien aceai acndavod lits M1r. Alexandier~,bu>' Woodiaht e4.60> iu Wîiîby antiratait ih lu Osiswara ai profil ? Th ise hseeepens et Osisair -have osa I 1lsrneal, ive tesîr, tle go noms neiooiilunthiis neiepapor tha tise>'have booen bluyiag heci ils-y wooc eit 94.50 pesr cord. Thes Vîstdicatos. las anlucomprolisosibîs ira>' etshisfflig- saiJ tioble-shiufliiing--wlihen dealing Railavay Meeting. ThIs. Mayon, in punsante o et nsîî. elîleis pesoated hum for lIsser pnrpoie, lins callei a rmectisng oe t ue natapayrs tise ralwy niiy> eTtîisgte soietiese tisera will -ie siss-s sttsie.Es- tise aî.iî-svait l fsusiiees ti ii Oci- pertlusty essai givo to tiseir 'fe-li htisissen tîsis' néacston otIisaextra- cralilar>' coinoe tise> arc pursuuiin. Lot lissas coisi usopeni>' assind ui' avisi-s tiaisobjections eau hoe ntimerail andto liseeu tîliy u-assonci b-fore lIse M. iahsate'r, ànî sg1aîiii reset for' blittir opisîlout. Agatn e aveclvistal sali-a-o 00iii pwalabl>'11a) 8t) te iliknil tlieul AnotlsenAdvintag. cesisucîiou Initslî t lialiuîsal i(tatil. une>, avisiei aili aise bio es-red b>' lie oxîenblon le Lindsay', muihilie anoiuîun peint etoftlstantage gauqeslfer lise Wiuitby & Part Parry hine. 'fis peuple troam Timunsc, liera, Act Ra.uiýa, anti bise nos-tii aill0l hssgem'bo camespoei bu go Ail lii, use>'nusîil'y peu-I 1-0is inu enieor toe»Islisehe ucty iîun <of wiiby ; tise>' tili hu eacistiiClaCoul. iisrossgl irect, vis Liusasy. JActeés DocetAs,,repertei to la sson et Dr. Dougias, et Qîsoee, thmeenhum- self frein a secondi thear îsindeu etfttîo Mansion Hoaise, Tenante, on hStusis>' atteruntsi, sud wusbmedhy injaresi. lie mas takien te tise hospitai. Tue liN osrsuje <sus attse Most spaciaus, coinfortable, conveniemut. iy Situatoa heôteola inTenante. Il con- tainse aptendiîl suites ot aveu tunisil raocuss, air>' biti-neoot, anti ample dia- icg-reom tonr- ll.e scematihou of giseots. -Rcn llntoshava beau mateie mpiyisîg a s-ocmra>'rdiug neoin. Tise cuisina ie cf tise hast qesalil>'. Tise ceunteous propnieton, lir. Kelly, iaves; -notising unclous ln pneviug for theo ceaintncfthie guelte; ISis anin la e ive tircose seccemmoatiîon ch secandi- chaoprie, se thul thuae visitinglise citl>' miiideltI lie Manson Reuge 4bisgsettsierl. CsaieuCsess-A însotlng oethIlîe dcenir. anus et rc-engasi-isg lise cricket clubs Haotlon Tinetia>', Apu-il 20th. Tie. electien oet liaêns fer tho coinegsos- son wiil hein fait, place. J. 81. ROisUieIsTOsexsisietise sslu e-a ther cisuan, m, speciahl>' in hm. ae> eot sote puiper-enit envoiepea, tisI méti meths hue endi. Four quis-o'efthliea ibimer fian 25 cents, uana nntiscisAtiti of iith atten ton 100cents. Reet IIsie mesrs. W, J. Hlictie &Ce., lsavhssg to, gel s.ld oethiseniqaens by lot ot May', Are;- u>lilbg téhaist cont. Tise>'wanî- o-tf iv sëfitO éteeî~fkioueeiè OÂaREN Baises, spids, ello e", i.i -ý0uoec et ho beetkisti, et Groe u &lise- Npbs' Jmesus. Orose & Maexaas." 1W h" à.Ssafîsale geauianéýwile.ý bau, lisÈteeti all$'l&c., àsud- eeia sar. - aultnï. !iÃ"*ss & P6ea, are opei. ptç~. ffcaret Ye.'usep, sud, have at bave not on the.part cf lthe.Uited, wbe. adian Vissseis iiie latter am u . Utl#o'.- j,, lyexoeidcifroos the use cf sta ny ai 4h. canala 'witthtse Unî1ed aI&e. cd anai tl thit ttut whil6,&rgeso and- n. thel' VeseêI*.with oisfwtbot f argoea, 'O ecarlug frein'Porte Dita'the Hudça river, are* alloiod tapaui thsoughý h i lseniyCasi othe St. Lawr uC*e and, thýueiso m nMontzoal Lothe aL.. iy chiot' Canal te tiie ity cf0Otawa, or ut allier diestinations, or any other Cau- adjttn part, tir.even in bslat, are r o- In tise OhambplisîCanalýte thse Ha son [v son river, is V110 sîsto cof New rk, ,gaud thiti tise lame psrohibttory p le .1obtinls goearlly ia reforesiistatois'e nuse tif tisre nd lotiser calials on- Sncctiug he navigable waters wltj thse te territory of ths Unitedi States ;*bat- e.6ý considering that aven ties.yeàrs4voà pasâd d dsriug 'whloh tise Oaa ia Governinnt 'have been fsslithlfuliy t- iug upon thse spirit of tile treaty, er. re n ttýiîg .tueelise "or" their naine eus s jeyfa ai as fait and urestrieteti an. lier s ethat ,isccrdeslfite their wn Svoseseli, !stsithis lîberuiity having e *lths uo reciprasity aà is ar f the eo .llrîtiitisMinliter st lustg~ox a ~.beis eomgursioated Wii 1witWh e a vîo f 8sert»sniug ,whetiuer ho Goveraenoth ie. UdnWed Statoas aua se etiletoiing te- ectirô Briltih ti t- Canesliu ve-ela thse tie of tiseir can 11B" oe eccorsinsg ote b.21thhsection et ho in 'lreety of Wassie gtoni Sir EdwJ ntere* t lis e1h. hti cf is istiar et Waqliîugtod; wiso is reqises ei e te pregs upoin tise Guversinexît of ho Unitel tldem tise makiug cf Auchs r- rangements as will nt once secnro hie senie privitoes to Canadien vesseil ia tise United -States caiia»-a are acnd. s. â te thse Unitedi States vesÉsin a sn- *~adian canais. 10TintSoîssueuseo0FHasuîety.-Att n- 30 tien ije direcioto efile annanoeiieint of rPo i rfejsser Roishine, in etiser coiuspp. Hie systein. tie resuit of years etf study, may lie said te ho lu ilsdif purecticsu. )tIt is tise euiy eystern whicis, iii a fýw re lesous, eau give eatisfeotory resuit. te tIse average stiadenst. Mr. Piup, ôrIsan. aist ef St. Johsn'se Ciurcli, Port Hcsjýe. spcakisigoe t ilanys, in a letton te thse Tiines; Icaat uay, iwth/ a Icnwlcet of thi,?-gleytr, tisat il weuld clo away- witis-tihe inet todioÙus andi taborîous part of a teaciiert; werk,ad tantsix menthe' ýuition ini the selseels, pls1cee tise pîspil above muany of tise presQnt teadions ; sud suret y ait ýiibtci4lep(e o teselsoreoauglit te bail wiLtiî ulelght auy n systemr, Arnorien or ctiewiào, tipIt w uoillil leseesOtîeir drudgery andi Iesl ýo fer bttur resité; anti noue but tiscie wise have 10 tise beneit eft1tie Prp teeor lsbt'Ujjsiîtcai rsiize the t wonderfal ainsisiicitan sd erfi>cien of1 d thse systens, wiusej iî talionu s by Younsg1 ,pupilei quitis te roatiuly as by adtii.i £augist as -a dait7 arly in tise 80110018,1 1 believo tise pnipils cenitibecuse play.1 9ers. witls one-tird tise ameunt of pri.1 vate legeons tisaitbey Dow have te pssy for, bosisies usakiug II vyrepect bgtlcriuuiciauts ut thein ; ntiI nop isearffiy esiderue Mr. Itebus' assertiona that it le jeet sns inportant for a pianoe or votal popil te kssow ait the scaie,i ma . ir asiaminer, sisso alit crds finaILI tsi1 titîie, anti tiseir preper.ise.4, as; ls 8 ta iisotw tise XU3,0oos ,.% t a ngissge:. 1 tlil ile tise làstaa resuIe ts ftise cysteus,t as Itlasififkstly eîîrstîd outinjetise aClisoouis wliaai cvotî il-oiîsipesi. i.te bti:sg psipiýso te a poinst wliBaetliey tan arrange cor-V y fov r fassirvoltes, aesxsrsinc, Io tiîir sastat efsuinle.i iVe give thsa felasaeissg fraise tis a î- îîaia Jfaat,'ee Neuiaq, froîe 1aiusong8t I osssi.icf fic id eiis of;et lis tIllas s îin iRae ef Ur. liiisai s ytesn.0 'h leis igca-les. fte lI tls ll ssoc,,ie l tti e4a--nitaipart (ift îsîaii cn eatiasn, Hise rt ;4tiigî~i liitoe os les. super. fii -n cvery'80110s1, Dn. lui t,ertO, h ilsas 'ia ii Sa11,1 e in s itiaieîesi clliti.of na-1a -ton iisim.at-iisuii audil iflionaîllfor Riny lait t îiîî ieiannîlissa. Assa nov;, aillr going tlsrougii a essarie ofTi ic rt r i PrtiaEeai laî)lîlîlue, w. wnSiî-er .slth isaiisplitity etof ' tt in fenls, «ànf. 1lobbinsk gives a principis te ina c IîOMîan(, whoroiiy ssii tacite are' 55 iinpuchfa.Aglu, tis a s.iiIy te namietO cltise c/ords le overy major asud te usines' k.y, withiot atty Isésitation, le- PC ordinarity, tise wenk et enassy sîseliss' ,b bard ntudy,. 1y a Prnssipie, alwaysi before thse mimd, .Mr. Rabbinestasi ein this (tbiity upôu hic paipi1, in a, fs'w!W ,minutes, aud tisas fit la, tisat, any inc a et a nesosier et peints heotoacises, ile r wert1à le a urneician or a seholsis, fer th raure tissu tise:'eue husndedt dollars' v, cisergeel fontlise iourse, toe sclisprivate bc pupil. -Mr. Rôbiis, does net ehsarp lrfi fer theo tue epevtl sith sWs papi1, but, for Iasse h/icqtteq as(thm, sud teiji.tO oureeveis eî'y ancsutauliisl. icI tIse Pt close- of a sort- course if lesseîts, st W our aiit .totit eiiiy une oveaov ta peesili crsl' witlsiu sa gvon»koy,,bttif sica tise itenirest relaied icuys, cis.lebE play tissait *1l, edeîôwai.îtlsroatgl -v (ho ese(ie 011* sstd tIs;smoeiiethe Xe sho)rt S1sêuï fite 0 î î(es.i tino W. J. Hiekie &Co., enuat b, cettlocidl py tii. fret of Maey, if parties iseleisteel wantto te ue oit., a 7Tisgr, tM. issittrAuts.fa Mr: ,Drapeý. ativtrtisess honse andi prom ises 9hWByxon't., te- lot -aei e-'W th no- - ,ï*faer TliseSteamer aese,îcslias, 9 rn - îil .754 lJaa Mis*,I ~s8g&bx (a $BÀ£-ir asti ig aWel4a.soieCte& .tck ti f l>ri-ag. :f go0o, as ellng cIa) Id l Il. he il sti 10 uft ais t- it fa it ýy ie ýa Ir Wh u.lias Deee us careffil guardlssi rosesud rnoved tisai lieevideace ssu( irisailcasme b. s'ofenzei-baok ta tise Clou tailles u ertior sat 'Il raigisi enqeliv ittto flic suleniai partions oet Mn. Caim lils politiesi.- le 'recorrespondant t oftie *Hamiltet Ttntci enya, Theugis Mn. ]Reor-us milet witiscnies of apposition tram al parts Detftii.Chamben uben ha fliele reading'lisom, motion, by tIse fiiei bail cenelsietia brisif speech h. lis arcinsefi tieseympatIhies et a large ms. j9nity et tiî. senators, Whisemauifosi muets intoreet ln u 31. Campbell*s, cae 'Ho pitinteti lier as vitînliy on ti Street ults one cîsilt ; ne hsomo tg wic aie Ledany riglil tg go, opea te ionr no0 lutomei, ne. aiimony, ne credil, n( auytblug heyead basting proeoti hersol innocent attise cherge isiendet lebsta -ter holi reer asid a s Sitii He polutetilout tisaI for anoeleu] betis aise ând fien huelsanfi iroalsib. le.. to bnee4 lu teirrible aSspense, kueuinb, .nôtîiiiug cf tise ftitusl-.esd he satid thti wvosid lie IlsitlYs arueltytsiboth..- Campbell lied iseen Put to estpet3*epet ditano,,et laIe, fon hie hati net anly boat ciapculèfi to pay &ills aIea, hie couin sel's andi hie ulînessas' expousec, isul these of "Isis ie, hfet. deticgettinti hiel wiluesses. ýTise bille bat been very isesVy, antih lidesi tho soonen the sallol *sas serrangeth ie botter for al -cucertueti. Attersunsééngumeaus abos procodents, fer Sestars i#e duapreces douts, a division ias laiton anti bya vole cfe182 ta 10 lise motion iras carred. O.0neitanson uhsiciswcigied ultis insu ot thiess e dved ayo iras tise kaaw letigo btisiOntario, o eth ie Provinces, bls no Ceunt i ieieh audissolve tie umarnagetigntsnoseaaainmte et thtio.o Thle ciils Mre. Caîmpbellhlisslu ber possessiouniras baen severat mentis atter tise4 lInies sue ivas sicet et f isvinj fied eriminal convvnrsation with Gordon. M1r. Canipheit lied retusedl te bave any- lhuugte do witlîili, sud il le sudersîood hie iees net aeicuuwledge ih. .. .Fer tise paît ireekiso isas lisante theis gallerles efthtie Sonate, ewaitincg witl feveis auxi;ety the action tisai weas taken luis aftions. Nover very lisesltiy sud rabuel lu appearane, lis bas falitiMach silieste came Iserd. Taotlise.wlso have ceeu hum day aflter daýy leulssg ovsr ille nailing oethtie gai- hcéry andti nluiug abueranîsoîuceer whethIectexjtt ied very mnieint-ihss caiiiug oet isu tii-hli as becomne susuos s spectre. lis TiIeI.';ALE VOSAUE5, avilis white toelseatlie Isair hangiqg lssosiety aven 11, give isitu, ceeu tromus u lucre, an ahustsi uuesrthly look, as; lie site heur alter hour, soarcely zuoving s ,muscle, anti gazing iuleus.eiy ai liioso belosv ii, watclsiug evory inove seui lietening ton aven aerti. AsceTRsER"Wt-ieees" FALSE1sice.- Tise Ottawa correspontient oftheii.Mou- treal iVitiies8 telegrapiso tt tisIpapes- on5 Tuesdey ta slcny, ailegoti te lho fluet.ý iug about in faiinbecincies te tise affect tisat Eari Duffenin blsisdsiredtial aisil tise Pisiselpii Exibition, sud lied skedtihie Ps-enlier te put easuasi af $75~,t00 in tise esitmates fte:iat pur- poese, but tisat Mn. Maekenzie issu de- etinai le oses, on ftiegreund Ltscti vole wonl eoafliet ailàis l îr-seuit poli'cy ofif retielisnent. It .LEncay h stlia, on tise be.it autlsirity, tisitt ison, is ualtaise worsl of truthin stlIe stpate- menast, selicis asissspiy an 1db i andoffeîs- elvo rasasrd, hotui as respects tutu aisises attise (iovsunon.Gen oral, or tisa eiolI attl ise 'a, INMiter. (Xsrnr.-id us le fise Montreatl Vt/i- test for gs egcuri-sncy 1o taiso ite-s andi offeugisa .eagaaia Au Hemoret I rtihmasu uined. Tiii: OFltut l Ti111,0 <lTON PI L'OT'S PRO. METiîir a- cxîEîiitSeSiitrea H41t1a-19 AN FuTI wi$*"S*u FJflCS O Titi' WUi551. B3otais, Apnit 7, 1876.-Tiser. have beeu nîenoaus niness -rovseo iere -lie pneseuît eeson lu every brancli et trasie, ansi issmng people of ail sisades anl gnssiIea, but i daubt if tiser. lies isen assy eu ubich ia s bec su teeniy fii' net ossiy lsinloytaî, but in overy eclion efthtle country-cs :tise doavufali tf i'etiaic Daoaiue, propniesar sud lubuielser 0!t he BostonsPifet. Hie case lias p-ecuiî- featineA, iscismate Iit skaiu loua e anis e i isaiters ces- Firqua'sst on tise financial aud comecial Isiar(s.sien outhe is ît-iglisteeu n utis; gotietait foreigi :axehange, drafts, ainsi passeage tares ,t>a scl troins Ineied, whicie IsSallositise profils ot he business oa usariy 5100,600 a yaar. nIe &elas- lisîsi lise Emligrauls- Sasaings anklei, bececce ils Preaitient, anti gave il V/avIaI výer et coufitien.e it poamiessat as s sain repesiteny fer Ils. eànuingofthlisepor, ot hie race. Tineaish ie% influence auss exontidn'b issagnlficea it-opianasyluei ras buulti, anti thon tises cesîtate olsil. draiset tisa eCethtlie people et Boston reo careil for and esîcalocL lu s vrani, Patricks Danoýhtews tise posîl. of lise Iili people of Amserioa. Ta-day lu credi tomrs are - offoresi iwenty contà ; iààthe elaanfor Ibeir mney, ansi 'flck: >ouolîoeis aimoot bautruptinl isine us -.eol- i innaine, Me a ebta- pîio= uesttî arer hrachunidt tscesanti plhare, uti bis busine»*s;igssperintteid. CAtrOW! -sTu) Gti ClZEwmîats-Ouo osf tho gil opanatons et Oraae'o paper m2li,a Wiotgfli; Mals, t ehlsied a severe ai- 1-eit oêaltjw- Dis day - lest 'week, lin- t4hi lte jawa weno sottfon mono than aus hiw T 9t'ie tétiing ph-jyciéuica gave,- s assisis apinfohi îlst 1h. ti e ofus ewiiil"; Ruin, andtithitif e-Alé, yeup- iattsnsoftl de'seMay, b.e x- mdeforemases OfteEtaop e theIbo eslip. llsDoit motirq -- r e o- i e s n r v i s- t*eVvenws1 Mres at tesune toon ai 6 Vch ve *iÙ>àen up;.» Mrt. DowpIgl saisi tirt, bofore thi Speaker is thteichair, lho wisbed tû ."k if tiserýrails were fit tes'- ue. ,Il they -we oj-il fln ousa, is, tiia flotýse W.byuiey lsetild hocsasînveti. Tiiî le21nsfg CEt ailswossiî be lite amun i- 01P41: Jean find5 Tliemoney usa 0ev . returned, a iltise reli luliii'.maousr woulthneY be re-tureeti. , Peter Mi iseil approveti ef the policy efte (lave, ment. Thse mc ise ucarnied, andti li Hlocise w. t int Counittce and te. port'e ti tiseesetution. Mn. Be 1Il. 1tise nteved tise felicu- '%eg em net : "TiaI tise neselatias bo net ne. adeptoti, but ho refres beet te ths Colinittes et tise Wliole for tise parp se of amending tise saine se as le PnQ viJe tisail;tise onrels ne- mvei £rom ]tise Governmnout raitroela saitllis sortd te tiseisigiiesi bidier. fter <IanenZice saallhave beaun giver cf achi leu lion 1e oeil tise same.' sir John L. Matcdonald sais it was tise invarlab 3 cetoin iEngiauf te seli p roporty tfo, whiclsthse Gevensmen iadi ne taniser use te tise ihest bld. dien, jusi as ie Gorerument siouul buy la tise epeu market. This principti was atfilînià , by Mr. Gladistone. la as altcL eJ)riecip le tisI Pinliient ahoulti iav , cen-rd of .sory epecifis trasaction, jint tise nesoltiano proîlas- cd te grivo tise Gorerument a géucsea po-ves' ta disp0os rails. Mr. Wenhmien saiti if tissy offeneal tiserails for salaeu is te prosesît de presoosteletatis hemarktl hey avous gel uothuing er thein. fit. iF1Iau saisi ho aveulil vote ter liii nesolnlieiý. Mn. wallaee saisI if tise railsq were fit for use, tisey sonli be sîsesi lsere timey were. Tisesoi brandi liais ivers purely loae woîkr, 1 sud ie Ontarie ait local roands; vere lîpil ii lotal fîsueis. Mn. Mackerizie ctidlise rmades wie Ivritl apsîliaai!for raissiwens tise Rithi. batuiss)iîiiclîiUse, tise buîîici hisse go- iîsg tusrsli al/eierictn, Unsi sevesai amatilissDea Sing cix or, seveu Tis$è.Hiuep litas dividid cil Mnr. TovUsinotuon. vii ais i osI-yens 817 ;neye 87 mejes-ity for tIse oven- matit, 50. Tise bsîssinjics blons ari>anit uas finie!sc-i cilsiiý hotu HIouses ciiTnORda13. Inui le Sesuitte, Sir EdaisvaniKeuny'e scelt was l-iilc vacatst, hoa laviug isoeu esîseit frein issplacp îlnîissg lave Canseenltive vet4senl. Tie annossticeuitit waas usede hoth iu tise sonate eîî lise Consssi liaiht lis 'cccaiiency wciilàtie1-lsu.se aethlisie o'ciisck lo-dsîy1i Wsaîsestey.) Tht remirs iacil.c Railvay Petit>'. .1r M aekelizie let wet.-I, in Cuas- t iits e (I ut pîîiy, irepuielc thlIe *Pacifie Itaulule>' peut> etfItie tien ment t, sst etsj n iscis cgifisgerhy tohiion as l ta i'eesl]Dr. Titisene c ompiuut - uiat lise Ganslnntiilviensnet îating tise Cumznitîae into ius ceufideusca lu r. lise malter. MIsasîthe fini;t Mielsien -lieut iuteuai thue hlouis se tatil insu Dimsncible 1a commeuce th iseaonkutf )cossebruction lan Britissh Columbia csastsi 1iii, i iuittony ahlfficuities connechcui r Witîs lissa us-vs>' as ovîceme s li:taI, pe-udiug tlieattleuiatulutftise questions ut tisa nuira lslist aeilis, il ins idceial aivi9eýtbile tîsîme soune pris- gm-tata ivit1i ia u-anklaotiîr quairteras ht it ilws prusbillsafitc il A-iselicr lthe iCovéansease isoas!l 1, in aspositionu lai sulsîil iama, rsi aa , Iuo-f cantraictia at tissa itaItai (If as1>-nassissî jol; avmai tisai, iii tse cluta:tlmie, lieh se ULrssssiess w -rec, uaîkiiig itaýi itistoef utting; rails Itita autai sataa lias sas (sruos- ,aalseu al thiii 'a'aat a5. i, evois'.' iaî2suab5.r' oft tis l1uts iasît lis e is tisait lisechiot parnt renuaicsoal - usýuial. 'ruuaucoussîrne- icas or tjiý a' lt.ltasilasisuaienpros. (lut ci nns'sîee eaigrave assaI ia'rasses iirltctkin, isu-1 ilisat lotis tlise Hise said tise coislry dieiire tau teow iu tisa' ueiey ofethlie Covansmel in reLgeaito ts e'salA a tlP.I'n lt ain- net he hri-I-ulýeai ialt teisnuutiaiess oif a leen alei! le a 1eeti.,a'iclana' letlsu- tIlîn ut tise UGot'el-niluti-aîoaucy Mlu airacin et' se muqls gravit>'. WVha t ftise obligstiosis essilsimaalb>'Mn, Mlackeuzio ant iims colia PAeu naeten isCaruair- von sirrangeiZ11îl, and ht is eil pro- poccdti e tel hlîiîs ? hum is tise di seiisSattLiona lu BritisisColnubia tot be wal, msaid i q w i ls' exptidtane lu couneclion avitlutisePacalicasRaihesa>' to bc racotstIiautwgcth is>roolualois ual te lacrc-solse qraite oetitaatisia ? Tis are dtep Jlis t amstidlika e uss've exp)Iisia, aitIîontletaving tise other-n uisinsuhstiini. 'lise impnoeeioc aviii a1se gatlhsieu tl Mr71. I1aclîs-nzie's stateseî'ut la, tisat ho lias net raade up hie miast on tisa sutijeet, anal thtia lie cnilsanoru le cai'eri- io aisence ut paiicy by au eaiseatsexpîenatien oft iali. PasESseyAI' -Rav. A. P. Fia, iste et St. Many'u aWest ed, anti couf pester of U)ubrtigZe, wnse on Wedneedsy evoningiait tise ricipieni et a flatter- in- adatresossavlaparue, seni-aiuiug 6250, -by h1ie tnriceidS ýtise tonnes-parisis. Ou tise fulasving eveaing tilt peuple et Birettun pneasea (i llsai wsi-s anouiser adinesse, :austi asgolîl aifain assai cross -valeiea. e$610. *i'lA ver>' eijoyabltlme masi Apeut ou elat occasion, anadtisa nc-voen, gieutle4ssaas siileïeal ssitalole beau deciteti b>'thes colnneel for lise plisutiff l is e 1M îio-iaasncase te laite an appessi frein Justice Dyk- uasu'decision àc e snraretofthue de- tfosdant ass it vi is m een austeineal le> lte Ceas-t. 'is1ýe motuon paps anti noticeetf tpîessl enil hbc enveti an Mn. Beecier's cessisuu -vithiiaa 'fam iays. Tiie tassae wi i rl ergnt e Cnerai Terril et tise Speme Court, tlu elia ett nt l>oughksspsieý, in May neach. , Tianme S-i-cite- î A o TRAIst. --/u. gang ofutIratusîpestosasi 1;«.ew ieressey' Ceu- trIsu train last S bnntiay and allomptati ta tekse pooseselounoethlie engins. A dlesperatti figlit énsuesi, tue traluinsuctis being assisîti - b>' atilcensttiiteen rlnruups ave n l4y maie pisouerosud loîlgedin lugais. 8ieseoetthso officeno ware batl ihcatEil. AIthlIistin, s Caunl>'Assizes tise Grand Jury (le laîeinot afaveur of e Previnicial police I tanc.,andti espiaymanh foir priionos, siahatiuet ta thie necos- cil>' ton botternea4imusodaliton flasisasse p tsoieetien tisatforuiieti b>' lhe acise, ils aan>' ? wiisis asatics are ing aujîrid et Co ~tracts tsar avno tise Laechuine CanaI îleben madue: Messs W. Davis & Son, ot Ottawia, setions 6, 7amstIil;- Mre. .Ciîsrtebois, oet Mon- breal seâtien '5,1 anti Whiitney & ,Dot>', <seu n4', Twdc etI-luesesctoas-6 cuti '1-aartiedti teavie & Son, enabra. by fer lise targelutasesouolf mark on Tise une artaqoletctien le b.cxsbl oit thIlie Conte ial by Grait Ëiiais, 4lued nati t75q,000.' 3csiamrbrse4 e ain ,teenoius ofnt An isorreiosma Las lroked-aéeit i rae mas neued un ouhnsg;ersanaSetS 45055 bridge won, Ia 1849 tire-races w1i'ê rousti, Oliors wizszilng oeeandi Osn. bridge theoohber. In, 1852 Oxford won by s fou In lu1856. Cambrlige won, sud ince. liaI date tise race Las beesi an annuai one. Tise Uiveroilioo moa atlteriatoly -tailt 1861, ivian.tise long erles et vicries etofx ford cdmemneg eti ansi lastes i 1111869, tuinnag iwichs ercitheo naumseof lise'Mornisone, Ho »o romn, D1aviiLine, Wilan, Tiuan atiYanbdooagÃœmoe isouqeeboid ,Words è lt' i oua mo-usn," 11;1870 Mr. G. MMio, Ilan >oltdOxëpas, satesias thse çarbÃŽisge mentor,sud miii tihe b bnilaut Goltie as olnokte5 ne the tables< -anti eorfesié irst iavIIe>'fer Cambridige for-aine yeero. Fon tise siextý four yeas sfortune, tevonedthle tigit bine, lît last ysar tbe Oxoniens, etroketi by J. P. Way, gai' tise Cantabe a tecisinve bealiag b>' ten leagths. Tram lise tact et Oxfordi lavbag six ot lest yenrs- neu lunlisebhat, ->ilires lisaugut certain in lise eayiy part oethtis tnaing usaI lis.>' iouiti uls, but aviioter, as lu etea lise case, tise cuti sauds o ge earoeos. an uhsetiontisera ueo a soft spotlilatheo flones, ue tio net knou, bal oienctiy lise cr<mou iade Ilsein eppearneoustilse Landaunavaler, Cambruige bocaîne a bsot favosurite. As uo -bavo atreity ssit, tise Casîlais avn lis. day. Censbriti2e ha%3iron noir 10 Limes, anti Oxford 17.,- rSaine Whlsoane Truthe, tTisa Satmray llevteza ays :-"Ia- * coanînics -ihrieaofficiel parîly le lie r ushe certain Ainiean institutions 1 liav, net yel beesi edopteti. 11le mentis aviile ta ceusidon tise tenienc>'of tur- àtiser clursin'e uth direction et de- miocneey. Ctis'lr» atsuoriing te Burke, avaislise chisep deaeace et nations. Tise administrations ot public affaira hy igentleme an n>, penisapa, aIse tend la cliiaapness;.' Exsactiy, seys tise Montreai Star. 5 Thmis hai etusys hesu oun conteution. Ilei chsesiter ta entruat thse affaire et Staee lu suen etfisouor andsintuîgrihy, tissu ta taon psaof.ssiouussly polticians, la whioin lise gains et office are au oh- ject, tor ailispeople aviseare above yocruintgfer linge posîcoalons there uil hafouail use hsnenling aftbsndipp- .ag ît iePuiblic cisegt. - COan Ain,' eau conui inhave adcîpheathse pposite pltiu 1111a1 titiiges have couse le Ibis pess Llimatit igestleau, lilse seseo iuli.' c-ci-siiy lise 1aaitstedy Reiew, avili ventureune m public lite. WViy sisenit lse 2 Tisa-te i.; sotlsisis atturactiv'e la AIuauaricaIa paliiic. Fapes-lence baisa sîsown tlsi, . l'siîe mcaare comnotil> natealiu is e senias isicle spublic ras- cale. Wlsy, even Dow, *istheIs.Prosi- deliaiîs noîsiseties s reustatii'O aItishe Court ut St. James a gentlemn olisi-Il standing, te repilace Mnr.Stclientk, chargfes oftiflIe ilocaleiicau thianaclor are hnsîaglit agiiiset tiese tetesman ot is choisie, anti il becessues a questions mlihan thesaioleissus-cal>' se public muass utsulittiesit granrdeur uolseireper ta seni as Minietar le Engiani. 1Tis le m'nhlumiliatilsgtho ven>' lover et slsieacraiia institesieng, net il le but ai nalerat eôoolany. AndsitisaI sorolery aviii iaiosnciia rise ot Cenada s uttise Uuitaal Si-ate, if me do Do nulticîri aI cu caaly d1v.hotise st radicel binai of returas. Wo ar~e fillieg Our puble otil. ceu uitli potiticailshaes. We ans pa>'- ig ysaaaiIýy ismmnseso ii-uctsor tisee sp- postrt fils isassoe oîsîy qsaliilaahiuu ie tisaitisbey fouugitsssaral at ela-c.i)uii. Wu aa uierniinmg paint> ea-vicie atuass- ceai 1teliacuoiianci parsoîsai monit. Se fur lias lise goas tisaI lise v-ny Cabinet is hegfiniiinz te haolivadei b>' isesi %homa gentlaemen are tonstent te Isli et arma' langti. 'l'his wmacs sothiiiig tisera uer le,,ts lian tIse coin- îuenccsoesut of a texneralizalioisoet us pulitia sal te1-O, wevîsiii ultlcciel, ai>' b's-C0iouutiiîaatrouns. If ae ens lt e hagoveriil , laI as b. gomeraiîàalb>' gentlemens, sud let.ls nalensiand tIlat unîerthuis isbeesivise teutiiersile ouly i-nefet upu moral sesniiug, isseabove pensoual reprosots,- et icîl>' honorale, aloepisiag meanuese, avios. av tonal eboendba,' ant ios wilh Dot usine lisameelves in pohitisuet intrigue ton pansonel onde; iigi-mnindia uses, iii aaveorti h m i a sa>'bee- posedt jentfect tonileais. Suals messaet lais. yeere ihavebeaunasl onsopleîal]Y delegai-saita privats lite, tisey aveuli nat veellurn jInatise ihisI et pelite; as tise Yankee siesten esidli, avisnIe mise bincîgiis being -oniitIse tence,"bath sies oethlie rositare tc teeuai>',sund bta>' caienetl ta walktk herelus. Itlei asiint eteneetlsuiake ounr soliiicehseus gia lioci(.tiîse lisit tise ver>' toreuuet sei l is tise countrly ina>' bc atînecteti mbt il, but ave cancet isiveet il, as il s tans, avis au> alufients la oIsen than professiensi poltiiians. Wenuci lîsal tise Iutis avonsotisaenwise, but as i le ave must accept lb. Wseu ave ma.ies thue trusafeatanes et gonllemnaniints. thie ciie qualiication fer admsinistrativte office, ansi avîscn -ina exact frein dcàOsij- dates for publicemtptoymiedttieseaet evitenase <of inîciiectuat "aiduserai teipecit>', se shall begin ta affen inalsîta- îuseats te gentlemen ta enter public lite andte ho-frultse cffil sernice offices. We halve uot. as et peeople, tekenanais> daci-4ine sp is liss tirectioutlissfan lise uusiappy axperienc estf aur naigi-, bors inicleisstlute soaner us cous-. inuca. tise progressiv'e movemeint fis, hettcr. Wm. M. TuVweeti, acorting Late a Nom Yank Sundeqj Citizen, bas iuvest- cd in rosi estato in Hsvenas cusdtiakein up hie abc lera. A Ruqioiau correspondient of a Ger- man siscet se>'. tIe Czar hies alered lis fariner intention oft ctittg, on accouaI et ths e estaiu et huis leeth. '17ise Political Osi-s ofstire Vicns, reprte lias comlmiesiea oft naet fearfut stnaeîlti.s lauowýàCbrîétians anti Iahatiisuetme sb> the insungants, in: oue case a isola village zàbeing at fine te andti le Iunulmed peroona kilieti. - A hahegreia trecu St. Pehershnng says 'Rmisuil recgu'izes 1the propiaty ufthtis titI. Ewpieiisô, InIdufe, ndilvl i gve official expreussion ho tisI vicu tenlise Esigisi manepalis, illuaiiabty aflen tu. issiue aftie Queea'is proalaîssatiuss in nfrnot u ii A td'w years 'tgo lti e Slabs'o alterne>' et s - nontii,enai ot fil15Vermout, ai- thaugi a man et greai abiiity, wuser>y rpal efthtie baIlle. Ca one occasion tan -tnsprt ýhscimiu;I eso vas callt, Q u 6y>' the aient, bal 'tie alteorne',iii aul-lite gnavjty, kicpti& schaiir. "Mr.a ittm'ssy; lethse Sînate raey to proceesil? Hqulor," 0âpwueredlisp lam>esr; lb e stede>'; - ia satweyssle~aisr - t,lmaî,libe0 a dlcni4otatshf>oùsiJ3pi nous, whoientL ~asLi sdies anti Frenoch aoi iwill b eaatiutd te ,-lie.-Postal uôiont vȐ-'é8tS i 0890OO>f bu- mailegswh 'esp ils ativaulages. uottese-since t iseesblinse4 cg h ucdon bu béen leupneaet. I--ck.5,1, p«o;'uaries 1 a3i s -P-o îst.,7S;Johnt TvÉoker, boarsd 3acl Tàpp,.ieigot, 120. _'J 1- 1 1a unmotloa of Mr. Smsith, secondei -q bMïiHbili&y, &à 1y.-1a*w s bnotgb 'itu -apdpssed, te 'apoint Pathmàstere Feoe"iewers, an.is ountkoepero fb - he pree.a4Yeaa - On - Oua oieoof MiSaiti, secauis by Mr. HEslIiday,- ýkesolved -: Tisat -i Clierk he,-audtis- herosay autisorzeti nui requireci te actis lise- Picke'ring counc litai lise 1 brdgv i;be' l.5h eau., ah t'o*nlUne,lýs lu a dasgeroug state oetir p ir, andihetsPoealgsitsat bas been i îfies i sjad laoto te it.- r .On malien et Mn.-JieuTsiggit, sec a ndeti by Mn. Heeiiayi &s bY-law .a' e pen fan publie use an trUavel.Ca.l &Bagot metreeêts, as laid tiesousal - c(amp 1boil & Way's plan cfthe vllage s Jlrooklia," ueobrangtlutnpeoc f On ýmotion.et Mr. McTaggasw1.sec. endeti by lMn. Ho6litay, Boevved: ThsaI tise Client h, atiuleis ereby suith torizeti anti requirest hoatity tise jseth -master of rossi beat No.- te olecus te be rcmssveti, ait obstrueliono tren Ciseseanti ]agal sireets a is e vllae et Broolin. Mn. J. U1 Smuith oas, socousietiby Mr. MeTagart,.tiaItishe coauceil nos nom asîjounusudcstand iesloursaetinul lise tiret Monday in May', then te mees lu tise -Toautip Hall, at -1 o'cacs p.s siati.* Cetieseitatijoarne't. Pickering Councl. - Saluasty, Apnil Jet, 1876. The Pickereng coancil moi pausun te seijoureusent ; members ssii present; minutes et hast meeting reand anti ap- preveti. Mn. Greens usves liaItishe rossa enter tise Ireesuner lte psy tise trustees af reieot sction No. 4, aveel, tise sum ot $12.07, non-resieulechotltsx due Mn. Browi neves lhîbtishe by-llw la enlIsonsriste ceanicil taue issue tieben- tures btiste extent et six hsesanti dol- tans, for lis purpose of grsaliug s benne te tise Pickernisg Harbour ans Reend joinstStock Comîpany, ho nos neail lise second tint. Cennieti. Mn. Broneave oves liat tie by.laa be sead tlie Iluird lime, sam issedth, s tise neove sign lie canie, andsaicuse tis seel ofthlie Corporation le he attacie Mn. Hoover givae ucico tishav ili, et thlime nxt jeeting oethis counIcil, inoeaftanlotiva ta iutroatits a hy-lau te opthjie original alto Waitoî for resti be" tvvien Lotîs Ne. 20 ) tisu 21, nislur range oet lûlse iso iîsFrisaI ce:ieeRstbn, erthlIe tcswsssiuip et Pitkpr'ing ;. anat tise tics-k ntifty lse-Party or »enîWs In poaesesion f ut cli need ,eiowauesl, a. Mn. tBrown suaves hsiliztte neeve onrelise e nssuren le pay William Pergusun eue dllar, tafor lngas cou- stable et polinus div-ision Ne. 4 . Mn.r a. -riuves tisaItisaheseeve notity Hagis Creiau anti Peler Juhsius- ton le reunose ssi oisernaue 011 lfush neati alloassobaliveu lats 32 ansi 33 lu tîsirsi range ofthlielBsokcen Front cois- tessaien, curtso et iaKintsten nessi, on an latera lIse firet day of Jîae utut. .,n. Grecs isino tiat tiesouncil 510 nais ailjeurs titi Sailurde>', tise 2ttdày ut Maay' ineit. East Whilby Ceuncil. Columsîu, Apnil lirsîl 87(% Tise couscit mat ; memisens ail pres- eu't; misisteset ofmal meeting reati anti cesshirrseet. Lete-s aore ressoineti frein Mn. Blîyaus, ncfenning te hi e tttacout.n tract- trous L. Esîgilis, Enq., resîlcatt insg a cdaitn et Iluagi ImIenr, ftain îilil. ing. a idage nenls th fIlarnuny ; fs-eu tseo. ickell, cinitug dissutgo fer lus ionse imi ttser going user a cuisent; froii J1. Suliei, P.4. essicrnîu sur. vey et lot Ilu in Sus dencessien. ,1 pjëtitin aeuproseutesi, signet by Mn. TueunsE odsîgon anti 93 oisons, preyiug tise counci tet repeal By-lau Ne. 295, eft lia Corponation. On malien tuf Mn. bMotisenîli, second- acd by Mn. Liet,sa b.y-lesn mas iutnutuc- eat anti peasïeil, epoaisg 13y-iat' No. 295. ,On motieon et Mn. Lick, seeonded by Mn.r te. tise neeve gdi-taentosl hIe ondors on tise Iresnnir ta puy RIichsard Waitge the sensof $14.42, iaisdlJaines Claerk lise sans et $4, bing tua tiida, et tise value aofliseir setcp iiiit.tby doge, s;proesabelon.the o cne. e Ou Luotieti of Mn. Mitckauzie, sec- onsiat by Mn. MoKeuzi, tise by.Iain ce appoint ovorsens etfiigisays, Passai- aund osntablier, brettes m itrain vilis gahie-polaltirevenu et fwrolsg -ran. ,The seets are etCoton veivet, Puier en jpeiffu., bouacarousit a wUis% l .fi.ii-fe n-eti laps. AS sa Wseîe,î-hse cuséles avery f Hý%,stingâ Gnssnî1Jut-3'hsuE;oiusriesd the, essudiliiîn'Ofthlie esînti-neosus iissi petit jury roottu iii Bellevillethlie ceunt- noom iseus iitliVlsasct-ol ai eticel anti. the jury, montihving santiruli>' iciat ot feircitune. se il* se re-ý e- p. oft Tise breachs ut pnouise icane îu5 uighu lifta sÀlaifa.x, l iinis tisant ar sevensel iuiinreti"gueiiug" hetlers, ls hteraniostoi u lia Saprcnse Court, ultîs a verdict et $1,000 ferthe plalitif;l $120,000 ires clsimei. Tuie votiig-ou lise uebenhaire by-iewr aI sî., maryW o'o ,iç. phiaec1oen Moualus>, tise 8rdAusi, a Tii ot-t i.aocfý poiisteed t-cU gtu,7-Tiser.; aire -600 vetes lu 81. masuy's, au lstte È Flerils hics8,000 whileto avisaJ tlh, Coufotensué>'. - --Tise gnose valua of 7London i.s-sest clown at 2lira2 usittso àiIibts Genenil Qûxba1ldisa.;acceptedl s eleestion d"fi -Itlia*u Uliheâiofe -w > fours mstxb' Sauîog- teass fJitenét'aW es liePfri Buein -Prose sevonel>' cnitieizes fu affosf4As -lte wisn as~ Dtenasli's retnants lantise House un tise, atm - bloring, to oeoth ie t1o,.k ith; sifternoneofutMarch23rti, on the deatcshovelo.uae-aefqîjjiemsptysag libe-: - n oth îsRoyal Tities Bilil, tisaI Bucia's 'oceau drY wuti spoon.sîsièi tati * ooaqnsst t fTaniry lu mwil1 known -cona eànsd as . 'eýté - n hisutout, nrai, and tLe Qaeea'o estîcherspuf te sInoi an mmn aesumaplînoa f tiie tille et Emproas o hut wr ptbe- -.auimes - lutis meutti h. eceiveil as-e sica el oi Ouraowjsplougs. Tise fine passousgertrailss 4éetemiination te mnaisstain- oun Indus irere inssset inbtetlires, andtiIlus ar- s mir. riangesi, a eharge mas metie onWthe Ob- mpm.. . @lruetieu. As encli pomer-w s lard leo DàNA RsuzcTLID.-Mn. Daus'e nemn it isa îreheurs -the sno*'-piousgb atian as Miaboten la Englantibu b- aweaseiIbugutTaaaniie njecteet bV tise*Ù. S. S&nate] cara'van ôÇiassr ýht Ogdcfi' ccii> lises. BUTLER TRIUuteIZuT.-Susers thnee beurns behindtinie. But the euc- ~'ue for Benjamin F. Bler.sys tho, ceasfnuitrilt eimoasirleesai *trains esjew York Trtbunci Thse Senaeebias ca hopiishsedti rouglu an> 'tbiockade :Voted against the confirmation -of lie everlJikeîy ta impedo- an>' rossi. - -Thes ap& -ament cf, Richard, H. Dans a1s_,chqne o ming dow tise montaine mas Miitnisten taengapanti. lb ires r.Mn augetiisssht goiag ùp thid ' Irtise Bous> amia F. Bumire tfigit aggtis lisevillsy cf sait- Ljat. -faeros more Amael ican peoei; iseaven il; lls"Iins pienglingeusth le attuoRplsoro uemilti. bavé'lis4eeredî tôfo t Thb..sornsiatiee îStarîiag ont agein in f<eee ansLthse est Mn. DOasaes isaiedti irangiau lise. teep sueurs mono encoisaterati agitin an eo0ustr)-, as soon asr annuucoil,; as one tise Wasatch rangc ,'sa déep< tlatý-st ef-t' hi.best appoinlusents tise preseit sein. cf Use vIlages lecsb fts Ariins etrâtien hati even matie. îNa neué fs eome cf tise hourscoulti sie onse, tiesaisedti re irouit be tisé'sliht- ha seen. But limns reas no obstrunctiotn; et OPPees tien. ýW. ay notassOQes;0Mnr.- yét tisecars, cirmding aloag -betusen Butler tiosogist oisrule ,ýTisaI per-ý enamisanks as igi as the' roofe s a Soi-, dniVea: eut by an iudignant con- ltnsagl iepascongers. stîtsxaeytrous tise pubieulite hali'oas On Saluayi>',ho 8th, the, train en-- doue su mucie tetiegnatie anti cerript, -ceantenjetl ,a lesifut esaow-oborm on tise nensssnberedsll hhais enculent gruilge, Rcky, Mauntajus, aI Sherman, iasllng andi behohhegll instisaIlien, avas an antil mid nije)si iatpntiay. - ometimes' eppentnaslly te grsctify it.'Tiseresaitt hero iras da 'e thtis rain beingý shous tiaSIousser n. Bulen me>' blaira fron the tlne&. Taken altegeth- -std- e.fors tie celntny,'ha .Isas is- one, Mn., c. gestesa 4iemoing account of finenc avis htise Unaiteti States Sonate, tise sene itou lultüid$tà'ofethle entino Ne doabit Ur. But - er chiuckles aven li&tritp tram Sa Francisco te Des-Moisies. Irluspis. -3u1 lis. nation, centemplat. iisg th is îo f appoicusmoats et rognes ï anCate<a. NiMmciz.s anti inntmpeuiets aviici bise se çma -100 $ars age-Amieiu. ndepenti. Senaters Isave coutirmedti vihul qas once. 200 yoara ago-KiMng, Plhip, (the tien, andtiheir rnjestîoi cf tis, enutito Indian) dafealeti anti sisie ; Habeo nothing buts iusugils Leeti in esame. cru nEgat.80 ssea SicrCINaoî; hMr. 7Fuass. -AI-St. 1Massacre. et St. Barthoîcmoav; Spauisfi Louiis onSalurioy lmea yanag man Armada lprng. - 400 years a'o namet Suasse cierges! W. *. JiIz'witis Pnintiug ibetetet; Iabeilt teicomnug tus sedaction et bis ister, Menria L. Iluecu. 500. yeans aga-Tho tisys at Shsans. Au alterCàt-on eccurnei,. anti Tamenians, tise Tank, ant'ihabcertho Shetne chai Jilsi, irfltiîg e montai l tiiiisepet. 600 yeane aga---Baliol avoinil. JilIch o sisl Sine,. woati- ansd Bruts, Richard 3atan, Thoas-s icig him veny tsenloasi>.'. lae facîs iu Aiquicuas ; HousetfEapsbarg teudeti. lise cse are neol tkueun yet, bat it 70t) yeans age-r-Iiicharc Coeur de Lien appeas laI Jitz titi satiner- Stisue';sud sitaiSultan'et Egypt, measun._ eluler, ,ýns1 susisequenti>' precurosi an is tsedsl aelne10 ien aboriau son on.Ms. Siasus,,noliser 1 ago-'Wiitt-uatise .Couquestar. 900 et Muaria, lias a civil su.it pesn-iins- 7ageinst 1jycsene ge-l1aglu Câpet, ls. Franch- Jusz for thiseuseclatieiset onfar mgitar, sm. 1000.- ysisun ge,-Aifreti tise" itint a taw dayasasa irsetitlusoti crinine uew 1i,100 yoars ago-Charlemague pranexeings aegiasu luisi. jilz W assaIl Ham e - asechiti.- ý1 200 yoans isvailiy but bhusîa ever>' bat uepua- a" ~ aIaisease alî le> t, ia,u-.isg Laeett --ircieri in n ts srse-- vork'il i Constainplepeand ti alasplace. xneu avayrosu a ne wife eandiais,530yer g-Ohd 'Ciacros, Ille livng.ia--t. . roi re(nd-aifs. Siean. r aiuhveby muie:, andtihle Papa aes jjs.scul trlimes ant itestornedeui, - mti-a eulr jatiga amouigidngs. jils avas eeof ,uis, onent luagustise 1,400 yîassrs ago-The Saxoni; livol>' ia isaseut hiZc eineavcry precenieus Bnîtiba ; 0Bains esîsîlises tie rieîuc condition. m iouaenhVandtihîe Visigothis conque&- Spain. i .500 years aga-Tis Roman Tise proisesei cabîci, lu tIse Guit et Empire SIL uving ýleosietetinà pr St. Lwrone wil cos $13,000in favor oet .9apîitl sgainst ,labon begius te '41-10,000. ta fal le opit -ces. 1,600 years ag6w-Tse Tise c-xenseu cif Itie Dcse5t,'of oten lisa s isliug boiter te do tisa toi Traaia Cousmitleeen asaoutî$1,000) ilend. enone Lersead t tise Cîsai-aaux Camneitîce oecr $1,400. z- rneiigie.as pi -s-scutsaue, 1,700 years t a ~ ~ ag-àarctje * lurelluit, iTacitns andi DFAIE op A. T. STasassanuar, Nsu Pluae. 1,600 yeare ago--Jerueelem Yossus MtILIieNALIsn.-Aiexetiar Taracy destrloyeti anti Hé, alauaeum anti Ponu- titeinsan, tise New Yorak inarchssnt, alen pch esîei- ,86 7.1 ago-AI1 thse .Ni>ns.Iea'attaruocin frein istiiatuîsatiase avofflaba i pesos sud- Christ bore. of tise basavle. He waesi yeetrs et nef, 11 esashslo otisa unitesttecst il, Ceupli.eatio*n em-te likel> le arise 1191 ifilhitt ecapital, hîIilist tisaIshielwetms tise - laillite a& -a Unitedi States eurgyis-lscisus-u isiî tis lare et tIoesisaol e epe thle extradition ssaslisllti'I 51 uG O et lim éxe mc - ies.utWtsuioa s-s prop)esîuuy-Iolaltrs inu New *iants. Ie Titrai Cotincil meelo- 2, 7th M>'. 18(9 PresidiiîîGrnut norinsauscasl nI. I- s ' StLwart eas Socneiunyofthia Tfreaisus-y: oicsa ir1a Marriages, hast a 1:1Wav iaictu pnsiiieitissîlnu one a-isngcaeiluinmecrcanitite punsaslite cîsîul'icoud Deathliac/targcd S50 conteir ii hlslî tise- îliicepreivenelai iis tfrons en- _____________________ laaniurg lise Cabinet. Thr)ugli Mn. Stmu- D E A TE 9 su-t wae ctroriîsIy epposet te sieteesien FIOST.-AtI Whitb>', April t dUs.la-_ s.sînsng lise civet usur, aund look au n-faut ansiughîten et Mary Bien addas .d trost in municipal neftuain Nein uard i ro8t, agoti 3 ireelsa York, tise grealen part of iuis ut.euses epeut lu building up tus -bueine'(ss ieudh S N ER- islerepideaco, 5hz liitstfortune. -can. et Wiby, on F.nida', Apnillth5 Fîsi A BiniL.-Atisiî-psîtîma l*n -Jun H. Us187r6,ei.6 -....I. RE ATco -. - shaveliimg isouse aven L. IL. Warnor'o - s5i'ialierv' etaliuslstîunt. Tise liens. was ouiaupiesi by Tisemas Baile>', avio aas ususisha hosaes cmytiing. L. R. Winmer's seahilan sliop, sud Mes « rs. laîneli .& Co'e provieisi on oe waven u- biret>' destroyat hy lise leunes.-Ail lise proîlani>' ueoounsi >'IMs nRose. cuti evesineuneels inte Lancaster for $1.5001. Tisa homseuslistastock et L. R. Wftrmuen isi $2,500 ; isuee in thîe Western for $1.4)4). Mesers. Powvell & Ca. ls 52,5010 ; insure inlutise Pro- rvincial fer $1,500, assa in hue Weceterii far $5050. Origiu ut tise tins ankeau,, Trhe- Succesetel Piu>aician., iioiithte St. Luiai Globe. Tiiere iahunubabi>'o ne e ho is tise ctumctanity oua so itsasîcstu u th- Isoîlse, tair-epI)Oueg pissisitinj, vio dues bis s-dul laty hotu itus isiiciftandtiut luit patteýnîsta. etly siciila htn 'u3sioians are net so iiuiiuerossistlisethin virbaes uced utentauion, ans inhiselise aimer- hisemusenu t f n,.R. V. Pitresi, efBnt isfla,* ma e>'mll daiim tise reden'saettention Dr. Piertelssaî>'peo tf a elafs et fmeus avio obîtin sucsa by canetulul av eu. iinocl eoffort, nue altecnpbing 100 macis, or cneattug flehie as as te ehilil'.- Tise eîsiy nelialahiplîysdiau in-t-hase dinys etfeeuspiicai.ti tilsoralese ant i gi.- prnessure livinug i>tuhope ualtl"he mais uiso-sntereitcnihe hie anae brsîch ai lise businss.e Such iii hie linei is Dr. Piterce. Fanrlise lenefit et hile reaiters lie liss aiLtei, s "Gamuson Seuee Mcd- isat là]i'iîc-r,' ui'iioi e nit eUirarli rod- iisg by those veisa nea suais a vonts. .WilisetrictaicuiJuin ~~epo tsscoual ekilI, scui'uh egeanti a heg aps, ut cempelcul «iýaq Pioeg mviiiile ubtiece maâkeIis nin tnsliras "isuciolt i4ers." l ' IuCIRCra-eTve erWss'nsi. Via haussme Cusmsaiîtec un Commnence a( suis Vani'à jjoint reoeiutioss noeqncèsling lte rasidant th. appelantlaliné Cîsisis- sioluens le, contî' i is eCher COMMSni- siasiera o t, uatiçbizod i by O rgat li. taini, tb isvestigae* anti aiceýrtatin ou' whet, lisaita tr-euil>'of 'cjpnoc1sl.- tedo fto liemuiluai Iseoe tbt he oçjao tc lise Usitaà ti Siesandtihi. Domnuinsofu Cuala CRUslie tuegecialeti. - - A --BusimtA , vNà ysÃ"vri- 1 -Thc. Rueiàs bave auclsn IillsovIy wisanut gaýbi LtucôveretI %isu ver>' apar. -li.he e for-sugeaeb Ii nslug tarpeàices offeusinel>', anti caa'l Ssaanp.uhsyliaif tu buaruf;tme'Wé1Ivant Ulis reitiaunedti Let Pféitieît Grasib iaýendiyeejfi nehe . ais.ameofGavei. no "lzwr hé uglsehsMelssn WVHITBY 'AËARET8. CIIIoONICLE OFFICE, Àpril 12th, 18761.. iFal W hct .... ..... 5@ 08 Spring Wheat ........ ots 98 Si 00 Barley, NIo., 1, 75c; No. 2, 80 56 (9 SQ 60,, C o v et. $7,803$8 00 ......... 38:00j es 25 Pua ss...... ...... @72é B~lack Eye 1ea ..... t90é a95C Ry ....... .. 650 700. Q at............ 85e Hay .... ..........siô 12 ...........150@G Butter ... ........20ë. C041, per ton.... $7 @ $8 0 W oa.... >4 00 04,60 Pork, par c w t. 5 7 W @ 6 00 ahcsf~;.;. ~ . O perpair Turkeys, per ~ li puI)e,;per 1huiLel . ...'..-.. Chacse............. 2je a 14M l3eef, hind quartr . 8 50 $6 50 lleeftore quarter.... 50 @ 5D'5 Hides .................5035 Onions ................1,00 Tnrnips.i.... .......... 70e e c - C0anots., ................ lZc <20e fortiitg--"BIy a 1t hrabknowledg of t'ho naturail Ies wB hgoverou te. opCration3 cf digestion .a-niutitioni, 11111( bv a careful application cf tlue 'fin. 1 o»te twsLl-seleetecl cocoso Mr. LEpe f?ýas-uioided cur breakfast tables iilia delicutely flavorcd beverage, whrich mxa7 savo us many heavy doàtore'bils" , 18Iti by thse indicions use cf such articles of dMet Uta- scgpstitutio-n, maxjseb rduaUy bnIlt are foeeling aroauf us resdy t., attsk leher.vbt therW is aw4"k poiukL ?,Wo may emcapO as 1 9 iatabf t by keeping our- soilves welfortitletrwithpure liloofd aa properly ueuriehei frsme."-CivilBervice (Jazzette. Eiod oqsly in'Paèkétg labelled- -lJames EPÈS 11C., Eomopsthio Ohem. ,iÂt, 4, TirednedleStretand170, Pie- ca4tff-London.- Te Consunptives. Tho MIvaïtiser, a retiresi eYèioian, bav5. iss' pmovidcnlialy dIscovexe , while a MNId ical M!ÃŽg*iaas -*r - lunthern Asie, avr imple vegetabletetsly for the apeedYsSii Isersacuent Cure c Cëmf eQ5,AathS,- Jironchitis, Catarsis, aud al c lot ndIssi &u ail Nervees CosnpfshItsfi)eilti1s Dnty Àpsailith, rpo0 L The House by Mn. Celg Aprù 1. HA -- a short tans TheorYi Baesd pc bineg'sysuseu wirbci woui die:at ehi the Manlr situtiee gi-se S a8ete of tlc et insgainini a5 fle, month .l es ro e Ib.'ait Mr.BE Respeciuill tasj Bi-essels, tidines aCurte Apil Ilt5, ja -- FARM Cont Gti iissilding cf Trout 10 il acres cf stssd <rnm tas tc-w 5rramel rossiý umnmedlate Pao For pansicul WIsitb>'. APP a WeItby, April A L Connu TH URSDA TeNNO1 (a. CE Wlmake bersj nectung liseralsi NortheuiCe;gtr Lae .Ontariohe 85 Wlerlown & O points Eust, Ws Rioceiser) dan]1 - , tiys. mhen eh Port HE.podre liers îlai e cheapelt s ]M tee, Albany, X« For turtmer in B . CRA on, C. -- Aprii ts, 1 * aQ UI S

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