Whitby Chronicle, 13 Apr 1876, p. 1

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...........reotoryp T ONTARIO B ANX9 WHITBY BRA,1<H, TUOAS )0W Coitb 'U 0,* 1 xION 13A qK, WHLITBY. AGENOY, Hf. J. mACDOWVELL, rangements foi speolal retainor nI Hou. 1fr, Cacuroa,,Q.0., esil Dr. IMoMicbaol, .0. 13ÂRRISBRO, ATTORBYS, SOLI. aios;NotariatPublic, and Oouvey. aneevs. Zotel, *lsltby. k ASTTLEDGE, 33, A., . .PblieLL» . oL.W0 ., r.Id ,oo O auuàrckty rown thtruy. 4 fA TITIR TTW OLICTORT MW -ton, iior B»04, iSyCOi aecr ATON .T LAW, SOLICITOR IN or Onyacer, &a . ian. otr.ol, O.U1 LVM4'< NGLIIL L. il., B ARRIBTE iATTLW OLICI-TOR fl 'xPle &, Oo.veyaO$or, ., h. Bà ilok Brook treot Whltby, Ontario. J)ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, BOUIC. .L.itar, Noter>' Publia, Couvannor. Cf,. tits-Byn j Stnait, Soultab Pool Oafce, Whllby, t3ntýno.___ h EGN OBINT,- MlItltISTERtS, ATTO5NS'-AT.nÂv, SOI4CITORB 4ýN, QANCJi1BY, CON VIjIY44tORB, f.,- O FIOE-roviae44eiorace Builaings C Ma E Tr, TosaroNT, q1 loag ., .G.rassas9, s. a. THIOMIAS IhUNTON, T OWN CLEER AND TUHAStIRER, -~Whltly. Oalic-Tovu EaU. Houri, frain 9 ta 1i o ock. s UBGBON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, - lByron'Street, Whili>'. Wan MOeDRIEN, SlD., M.XC,5., VyY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., '.5te sy>'. R. O.L L ., Oshawa, Ontario. W. AliAMIS, ETS, (SUCCES. -~8 to DITW H. Card.) ~J.L. etalflooms-DundawStreot, W h o ver 1r. Jarfegou's Store. Nitrons Ozide du admitioerad for the paitnîcex o. traction ai 1.01h. ive.N. VAR9, L. D. s. T EETH' iueerted an ail the tesat principles of lte art, aùsïasepctheochoapesa, and au good as the bast. Teth itlel wth Gold and Bilver. 'M@s* ontraolad wthouî 1ain, by praducingK locl~anîtsîs.Dents Iotox-in Cow. ans& uow block, avec Atkinson's Drug Store, King trect, Qsbes, 8 BUILDELI ÂNI)CONTRÂCTOR, *DUNDAU NT., -WlITDY. S*' Alordariprornptly exeoutod Ain ~,DRESSING ADS'TVN JOIIl'<WOLFENL)EN, A GENT FOR THE CELEI3RATED .CScattish Granite., At Mariale Works ciJonAtlsn Wolfendan,DunudasSt.,,Whitby, L M E R O R G E C O R d AC K ,E N B sianîl>' on baud. E. O'DHLL, A TM-E R LY, - Cler kO(vllqn Court,Tp Clark, Cotumlsieor Ina.3. R., Lanti AgitI, ho., &o., Atheni>', County-Ontcnlo. Ati gindti u, 1872. 88 DR9, CARSON & BOGART, t>hysiciaus, sungons, Accoucers,,&o., ho. Wlallby, sept. 801h, 187t. 4 ] ROI3T.'IRÂISÂY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. alrdu&tia1wili honnre)aiflieeUnivrsity 01a iue'snlilegcanaa; Philalîphla UnîIv.of Mo=totueanti, nre8 f aArnn2c Unir. aI Finumylvanle ; E oeCoilege ai- I'euueylvauia sud Lîtreutiateofa Micaulo> r(Plte Unir, cf Edlaiburg, Scoilanti. Cor- nurasnfor the Cot o f o! nlarte.o. fce- coîdwater St., Orilia. Augusi 241h, 1875. ljr- 85 JOLN S. M. WILI500X, Oif *he TownofaiWbitiay, las, bouappintol OFF]CIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDER TIIII NUW ACT,) leon the Caunul>'oaiOouàin. AUlbusiness errisedtl bis cIarge yl lia carefull>' ai- toudedtt.1 -Whilby, Ian,. 141h, 1874. 31Y' THE. DEST HORFtSE>MEDICINE$. AU ci snptouq ai 1h.eliait Hanse 1101- tinas etapooaitetitr ouhianld for saléata t.e Whiltliy Lvr'Sables. iWNo cIerge for etivics. N. RAY. 1CRAW PURSî - Havluog te sant>'for Clo acillhe 1 sti fim inluNwYorak, I viii psy thea igetgst Cash pric. fon cay 'quanutaiCIbiil, Fox, - - HUGE MeBRMIN, - Httaer cul Furriar Wtb',Dec.-lôii, 1878. DEALE-R ILUMBEIR, IUs. onlad a splendid ifôoatai fane -01ean anéti mal e"oitd Luailer. AU kiddsfan ut4r mamiter sAvaisinon boit wbrvu, o in u atar .N Ommedlaoussamplo rooma sud sts of apantmsn$s for bamWqs. N. J.-Ooderlor rmra by ltter or tale. *an 0Prouty ttenidad ta. PB3T. EUBÉELI., Orillie, Jan. 7,1071, ' Popitr T. IISON HOtJSBE XAMT XAUKZT 5QULRZ, TOlIONTo. Tanxs, 01.00 per Day. Stabllug mn So. T HE AM&=IicAx OTEL. Courus a7 roXa, ANDMI' EOT M. SE OBGE BROWN, PBOPRIEJTOR. Thist rst.olas hanse ha.beau newlyi. tedl up sud reuorated throughout and i fords supeiriar aOommodation for thsreoep.. tooget.The prosont proprietorhâ spared no pains or expensa in introducing oery tmprovornu that would tend ta the cmot&doonvoulouooof ai ts patrons. Toronto, July 10th 1874. 29 4,yTABIO HOTEL. (LÂru IIAwzso.) WEITBY, ONTABIO. P1B2BERWÂKEMl, PROPB»TOR. SUpertor accomodation. Table, snpplied .wlth batin l season. Genuino liquars.1 Cigare, boit brande. Billard roam. RSoua stable.s ad sheds. 84 BBZTISE AMEBIOAN HOTEL, a A Y - aS, (LAva 10550E 105ez.> WHJTRY, ONTARIO.. Hanse newly renavated and furnisheil throughout, sud put inudnt.class ordor for ho reception of gueits. 'Au omnibus toanad rom aU trains. Flrst-elaes sample raoms. GRANDTRUNK P.ÂIWAY HOTEL, AT vErrI-y TIONca. Wl! O'PLL -PROPIIIETOR. Parties Iskiug thlstrainsnd lesvlng lences viil havetem *«Il tatou cana aotf titair TEE QUMEN'S HOTEL, - (nAvZusxmseun,) BaeCK-sTaRET, WvITRYa,- TAYLOR L& PIcCANN, PROPRIETORS. The uderalgueil boire la Infornalha.in rlendesud lte public thut ite>' have laken the citovo voit knownai ote!, vhich the>' have Unavi> ttrei npPsad renovaleti, ani pot lita teest aof aer bar tho accomnmodia- lionoaiguets. -ruasBar, viit e s aud. sam esi an415.0Counlr, is vel nuprfifed wtn ltse fane-C hrand, oÏ vines, liquar,, cul cI- gas. Ample onclosei steti rootu sud gooti ,ssbling, box ssiic, L&c. Detacteti roomis for commjoercial travelons. J. P. TAYLORZ, PHLTrP Mc!CÂNN., lasie afToronto. SHÂE PEARE HOTEL, CORiR ai aINasaArN roitic ., l'O RO NTO. JAMES POWELL, - PaaP'ieaiîato. FInl-cicamsacomodotilon; lath-roonos, &o. Bourd, el 5U pan day. 10 TORON TO. Tha most Elegant, Cast>' anti Pet-led Hatlibunte Dominion. Tis Hatal aakuawletigss na rival, cutber lu iii management, appinitenis or loa- ils-n. lIltao latter ruospec itIlafforbo ils guestis a tharnaing anti onolstructivo rlav ai Laks Ontario. I The fineil Wateroocape rlev lu Canada. i lias 250 rôonafurnieti viit al lte moidernaitmprovomonlm. McGAW 4V'WINNETT, 411h . Prc.priitans. A RMS TRONU IHOUSE, (LATE ALBION,) WHITÉY, ONTARIO. E. ARtMSTRONG - PIiOPRIETOR. R OYAL HOTEL, vannerY, ONT, A. HINDE, JL, - PROPIIIETOR. oamrnoltotus Sarnplc.rooîns. Omnibus inaeetî al trains., -27 w VRITBY IIOUSE. DUJNDAS-ST., WHIITBT. (mieSt OP POST OFFICEI.) JOSEPH A. I3ANDEL, PROPRIBTOB. Tis.houea lai beau recotal>'baillI, i8 larir anti roome, sud filIal up iu finsi-lasi sty,0. Blit ne@,Linons anti Cigars; fa-saliLagon Boa:. Goal mtabling suif on. closoti yard; attentive ostlers. 46 ÇDOMMERCIAL IHOTEL, CARTIGRac, arr. privata e gta Mty 251h,1872.' Thle subicriber de boas apned a ln the ptaisas apps enicani Rotei, Dni ho wiIl koap oun overythlug1iu hi.gli "abtoowast pr a sharo af public pe FOR SBALE, « GLEN MA, 0.01 Insorauto ~g lqw unIs 0100 for twalv. ni ETIBE AMERICAN aen.fur from nwo t s ratas ofinttaroat, Wltb# &t moderato oh*rgms Brook St.e Çtar, DLS FT. saireostt 0 al.ltiho aStWbtby, where, udauarlar stock aif Of>lbussi, <sad wil a..Hobg ta solicia PUANK TYLER, STE£ OR MILLS 1 600,000 bot Pins Lu lier, veR seseot. Iuth Bearîs, Fboocrig, Sx4 ectau g, 2.lio)iPlanl, Psneing oands, 100,000 aolcobOck, Mai for ailes, lt quslit, Bas 'ooti, - 1 000 IL Square Timbo;, AU aofvitich wMyl salti chiap for cash. Re wouild abco lig ta se>', that thé Grist Mil tae nuug,and li tioinusl.iont. C3hop oug0Ane 6 day s in 1h. watt, for overy Des.lait 187. - Proprielor. GOOD xrEws rdà TIE LADIES. A NEW REVE1ý SCIENCE 0F ýATh0N IN TE CORNWALL'S SELF..b.ITTING WAIST & SHO LILDER CHAR?. Dresses fttati iroini meanuneenni&loua w ithoul ditangea0aià 1 tiich'. Fan oale, vlit iréo instructions, et MIISS Me IVTY RE'S DRE55-MAUNGIaeOOUs, maîrur. Agents vunleti. LiteraliIndlutemeuls te te trade. i WILiilbYAUg. 18, 187$. JOTTOM PRICI1S FOR - COAL AND WOOD! All kinals o a il nd adS.ftýCoasi, coniel- ing oc thae noacratoli Laeaasa, Scrun. taoa, BrioEH, Bloas aarg and tilier culs CHEAP FOR CASH ! Fon aaanlitea ta Ittckamuit snd altera SPECIAL iRA&TES 1 Wood, etro-leesgq, 23 touts per tord abaîtouasaioff noulpia a, endin ly>'ur ortlon, b A. ALEXiANDHRS Wblqay &' Oshava, Çoul anti vod dopaI. wIaitIy, AuqumI Blet, 1875. if-sa L IT 0F TUIE DIVISION COURTS CONT O 'ONTARIO, F'Olt T YEAR 1876. Broitb..a -î1a 12 il Wiatby201 2 j 11 242 11 P r t J' o ry , , 1 2 2 5 , 2 8 5 1 1 4 1 4 1 2 7 Bom~ 5 111, 1121 1111 12 117ni î-is 30 Ia10 1 GEIO. H. DARTNELL, 1 Junior Julge G. YOU*N0 SMITH, I8SSI.JR OF' MARRIAGE LICENSES. LIE WHITBY, ONTARIO. MAJOR MILLS.i T. P. VI HI7E yl a n lte 1411, Octol ýer, 1875, recoin. con- trai ai the Major Mis hil, in le yul le pneparck tla Pc> THE HIGH ST PRICE ion auj quantit>'ofai vietee Uveredl aI Whtevale, HaOmuU luake oern>'effot ta giire anlire satisbacti o lathose wmaa> patrouize ltae mi i lib heir grisiing. Flaur sud Feofhalle hst qualit>', sud ai roaonclile prices, i ÃŽU leo lis tapItcon. stanti>' on hit and ulfq r sala. T. P. WHITE. Whitevale, Oct. 611, '874. 41 FRSALE Whit> 'çeli. 2rIl, 107j FL TMA, c -CHEAP 1 cOanpl ANDI SHBORBTS III7 JAMES DEWART - PROPHIETOR.J NE STORE,#' UST OPENED. Gool taumdtlnti-ifi L IVE 1%.y- Beg. t luiein ta fria dat ie public tal t arnisa on te Lirer>' toanoas ut R&Y'S QL:» SîTANýD. Pariesr'qilnring canvea'snesn...cvereudt apon-cisu 5.0aciammodâtte t A momeait'm notice. Whl>,Sept. 21, 1876. 89 'YOUNG'S HOTEL, MaStic OAD, aATON, ROBT. K. TYOUNG, PROPRIETO Rtahloiufa-atoun e.ani the touai- tnY, etc., fannici sAla parties requling il - ample accommodation fan Hamtntandni 2.0çtamen,TIM bar and larder agupualel liqoniau4 viàadi a li fauaIlu letanin'.Noue butt alilgng a attentive Serva t. aI. ornndio, tantI, clpompt hosîloni almc>'s an1 D ahI O pirMo. ___ opposmEA'BET1. _ GIVE A CALL. WM. IOHNSTON. TO THE PARMERSI Ploughs and ;Ploag9i Ostings, Straw. Cuttore, Paunng.Millà, Reajierés and Mow- WM. JOHNSTON. Whty Oct. lSth, 1875 ti42 m NTTO LBÎý A larga quant Of 12 lutanuit, pnivaea As, For sêla,;seareral Toç m Hanses, and, a larga B tanis, eppi>' la Wlitbpy, Fab. 9t1, 1874. Q UBEN'S HOTEL, WM. TA YL OR, 1 rD Assuance-O0ompa ÉýýTABLIS8HÉD -1831 es&:is ed veRpastcm>abit -o Isolîtas d 'aalaâd n NVORTE BRITISH hMIIRCANI FIRE !NOURANOCGoi#pA/ Sciseu anti abîs, ctaigtsmodlerato, prc sattiament oai daims. GEO. TULE, Agi. Wwtb>, Jane 9, 1875. t>,, e Princ Beberthendrtthetkgiare. ïla téèpsy glad, libe'i O e Prnce Aliai, uartîe i j,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 p fiiPr en. -- 0 ain, dinlines, and cald. * W. MI,'W=.ICOX, Pan suddeu theovorsf fuire te hast l bita i an>' Prince Alliart, Sept. 2411, 1872. - 8 brave, 111a101101 ..,~_________ Thea bliok minut', ut sud, ýyvl wonAna illnaeleaaut' nage, thele iltivoics aIa WHEflE lfl~ I rave, Ge icAtp iaiuil> t~as sbl 1drie, §halbond llb. do lam c hange, *b eé a 'Getmad upand wu l bet syle thon a ja> ~ Sels tyle o s aigta, tI»u liai'brassl, Sa>'.l .s els Tapestry al Wool 0thnsou' ai m>' soul 1I1a sha eau> tho car ts.- Oilclothès,ý na uiii b alt-et ats. . -WÏeil l otied, ~~~~ t'CnieLulr Piges. l- ds "Mv Ihi iip"sai Mr tn. Mr- o~Pt dow 331 e tc., ai plugI,"arn couvincei talmy WlLL M -GO~~~ ,~ vawrdlits ynvr'(uilia u M Glaves, yi nd, tlait o i' niadater-. 28Tngo St., 'Toronto, -Mtineà É elt siteyu inver m annyair althe>'Minu ltan yeunao." vsateaboye aewadolistS., wost cude. "iau v hit>'lesite'so ver>' raervad Febrm'ot, 187c. 7 wiit me, Mn. Mlipiaugit?' I arn cou- - * vinceil iteb. s screat vicl sithe y JORN L. WATRIS, villuli>' sud as ieadioaniy teepe frern c.' me," neplieti Phiip Alaôm. AUCTIONEEFI, gk., o. I doua ttint cita bai an>' secret viic ite teepa frein jan." naIInF Ryr lannvIraoyCOURT, "Pardonme. I sae vitlte é 80ai Andl Goueral - Commission Agent, Port lOv-ouOuI>' lY it'oce ha pe- Peni>'. ne. ýI eaulu a moment't l houia - sarnatiug l in al I ga> oraneale says, PyOMAN. GIBSON, sutidaul>'changes Iansd mhé beooes M.D renerveti-reîerveil, ual se muet lu, 8 si. General Comnission Merchant ils igt ay,aseWhlitfense - andProdue Deaer, Ver>' gaod-vcry gead," mail Mrs. '0to. an rdc elr, Munplougha; "but a lady of m>' âge, ant i ry oxperlmiots, vanlurea la sotbler - expenionco ugaibsi jaune. Il iquit. Agoct fo Iiaucicua.sudCncw ~ true jon ara iu love,snd ltatI Iar neua; --4- AoutforlxPltl.L nd omuiacmý lc.bult an ttealiter tanti, I ventura, la taisrir Inuruce onaants. uppase ltaI, exucily hecause jon -are RAÂTES 0F INSUItANCE LOW 1ilolve, jon tua>' haincapable ofsgeoi'ng FA. Aline Ageut fur the Losuers aud CANADaAN thinge laoi tem proper conclusion. Telli LoxN àNrn Aoxycy Camtiàa.q Mouey Iban- me, aller Ibis apparent naeaveoan ltae etd ou rouealts, puyaue roui 'lwo tlapariaIf Gruos Aveliug, dose ilnot lap- Twoive jeans, and itn noms te suit parties. pan flit allé becamas oxoaadiugly gon- ag. r-" Intercet low ansuio commission bia anti attentive Co yen." chaîrgeti. Morigagos bouglat. "Tee, 1 beliave ltaIte îlte cane ; but 2y Of Office ut, I stili feel thasI oha is uaadlessly resanv- job GII3SON .t SPÂIIVELL, ca i yuleiaut limes. I arn aune I arn iby Cliais Vos Store, ual so mt ber." ugli. DosLagS, Whiit>' "I repeau, iii oui>' jour faut>'." Wlilby, Mancha ilLa, 1876,.1 fiWil yon seat au axpiansîlon viit - - a't5- ?" easd lte lady. K ]ING BROTHERS, "TYes ; you are bon ntardian." "But 1 am noua ber Jreeo, mhabit WHITBY, ONTARIO, Pbilip; anti î arn-ual lu litin>'dea Importens, Dealer~s aiad Manufacturer$ of aIl pnttiag impertinent questions t u Kinde ofaiIp a t, a squiet hiol tlamena'2" LEATHE AN FIDIN S, "To yan > cm n>'veds'in auj LEATH R AN FINDNGSwsy yan tiint :fat."y b¶T. Cash paifa for Hidee, Brt, aud Leaiher. "1I arn frail I have affenilatiyau, Leather ctretcitad. Mrs.'Murlaugit. - "Fran t7yeyou vax me, Tour inareas- t y 1 Eg BELTING MADIE TO O1'DEhl ON iug susp icions, oxciteopginot my yard, SHORT NOTICE. ana preuosteroos. Why do jeu - fot * May, 1872. 22 haro un explanalian yul ber, if jan t' -- -_ _ tank tlit sheBlaol-uses .OU P Wby do c * JIGHLY IMPORTANT TO THE aeltorbe.Ioi Youtha youareintôerale.IfI PROFESION ers nai s careînlvwoma, ifI I vre nat g ret uce; Te0a. uiea jiist persou, I ehould do rny boant lan Gret Sccea !TheHan GudeinduceGracie la break wit jan." 49i for the Piano. "lBut site hue givan me tan promise." ThesRand Gido is te recuIt ai msny were a national man. Tan are uotiaigpi yearî' oxperten ansd stady, and isewarrant. of lte kiait, anti eita bas s riglit ta vitit. ae<>irwbnpmialuecsiallvs Soua execie oprac-tie of 1),e Piaiao. da cli poi>'. I taio e hti & ' It wul itre.tisobanit apure .stawi ac- .matie rsnu Iknwyau lok upan iib , u i ers goro9aI indeacnd n, s etin extetil, ai your auarny. p and i ebenttli. tcîîîîu Lot if be suiposedti lti I ar-nt leausl, It willtouctheanla ateatik pon I an a loyal ans. I wiii do uotiîing te lte onde. P Il will béacthh aud qoîctude viile ltae inpetie ydir masrniage viit an>'y ard, d Iligiroair oaaloysdoa sagl pssaes, but I assure jeu I nitonlilbo rer>' glati I wil test-h wrjot or octavsenotio,snd iflFlitegavai jon up. 1 am sntrr>' I hava ti lu t1ilsisompelliigquiet on fllittart nt tlhe sîsokou 60oitraugl> aO I Ihave, but jon * foctin atl eploetnd tal inieusiby hava pocitivai>' dnivan ina ta do go ; for AI the excrcee nd iaaerea.,o grcttltedevet- jour pepta eluyo Gâe l -opmcia bor wtaicla ihe, exrcisee i aeutilefa. uPeptC juos'a Gaa au 'lte l)oGuide is warusnteila ofat un>' square n ehoaase jon dura ual exorncise il at iao, su'd isut onace sirenil-ansd sîrang. lawards- ltersait, bs acompiaioiy Onît- no ie a tatt.,ia ram thouiauo, boing negeti me ; anti nov ho caneîni, for I gwnug below wheia taat roquirea. heur lier footniapls onîside tha doar." w ibu 1 Sent £o uuy sddres upan receipi bci tae Wien Grâce.Avelingu oail lte Di munkoi paice. wilh instrutiolns. tiawirag-noomti wbicli targuardian, - 'fiC5.Mre Marpiaugit, aud bar laver, Pbiilip p Pluita Cagtinge, Walnnl Rode.... 64 00 Alio, hll bon aannvencing, site bud Elogant plutot Cac;iioge, Rosowood îie loislolubahvlarua- a t "Eoa.......................... 60 te, (113 ebt oh ih edo.0 'ta v vileil at antI excited faces. . i N. 3.-Touchers are noipeclbulllu gil, clgauho lu giveteom a lest us tagthem qufification. Sb'lae uea picsasulleatM LPl)ly1tgratitha ta leautitui, eh senfai natter e l' rofesîor G. C. WIGOTNS, Whiiby, or titan duzziing. h far Professai C . MOTLEY, llowmaunvillo, "WViy, vital t itemalter mtjon ga z1ý_ Sale Agents. twa people,2" ello suid. "Yen urene ~ab ju Wlaitby, Janoar>' 151h, 1878. 4 quiet as mite, tougi vi t>'hie prai'arb ý1n nu>'. quiet as mica," I do flot tuov, for 'w p TETFORouINVENTIONS thoce lithlo animais appear tlamina lM mats a rer>' greal baai fnoise fanr --Expodiiously andi properîy necnre inluCo. tsz. We[,ula ed2 adlaltse United States and Europe. Pa.- "How ara jon titis evaning, Grâce 2" tannsgitaraîaieod or no char geo.Sentiba-usfdo.rllm piluleatsr. lo.Aen> u pnain "Inuvit a a srange voice jonspeat, ta HENRY -GRIST, Pitilip V,"J Mectauta EnlacrOttawa, Canada. "Not nI ail; il is jean fane>'" e sud Dancglian. Solicitor ai Pateunq "Banarl>' 'u aire ual aras-a yul me 2" and ]araugtsm&n 85 "No ; vty stoulai I ha crase viilav To tt Inhbutats a ~ M2 INSURANCE COMPA.à OF' LIVERPOOL & LONDON CAPITALI -- i0,000,Oi sàx s MKEDIeAL Auras MOL80NS BANK 0. A. BAYNES, ESQ.,1 HocaOffice loi. Canada:301 sIc l2s James Street, Mouiroal. FORIiES & MUDGE, Clii Age E. H. LAWDEB, Agent, Whutbyý AugoitlUth, 1878. 1, STAGE EWN WHIrB-Y &O8HAW, TW5ICE A DAY 1 Leaves Oshawa at S a, m., aud 2, p. m. Louves Wiby at 10, a. in., anti 4, p.n Fareo223 touts oaciva>'. WSUil ai aut ath otels, sud st pniv nesileuces (viten orlons are boit aI soi lhe totale.) Caoecîs vith Oshawaj Bowmanville stage; aiso with tle Whi cuti Port Penn>' Railwav, sud wyul Brai &m aü t hity.THOS. HOPPE: Wihilby, Marait i, 1875. 1 1BTBBN ASSURANCE COMPjI HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - 8400,0 .zAET ORausaUU Na IcASIa, JOSEPH HOLL.21, BROOKLIN, O. Aloo Agoni for ltse CANADA PARI MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 1lîtaîti Offce, HAMLTONS;,sud CITIZENS' INSU1tÂi.CE COMPI Moutroul, Fire, Lils aud Gurantes Department, CAPITAL, - - 02,000,0U 13noaakliu, Dec. 2, 1872. c m 0 1cRE A p PLE T R EE E A RIO 0 U'r 40,000, -AnTusI-, HOM E NU RSERY, Prom two to lotir youreof aigo, eznbrucing, the beat Varletioi. SETI! C. WILSON, Lot No. 3, Cxd 'Con. Pickering~, on Ringsi Road, Dct Office, Whitby. Begs ta announce that ho bai ?omoved Ring St.. a iew doors EAST OF THE POST OFFIC oppoite Lukeo eshow-rooms, whore will bound %flIne stock af stlk and boit huis1 ladtes and gentlemen, of hies awn mar factnre. te' Slraw hais colored and aiaterad shapo. Oshawa, Jnly Oth, 1875. AND TRUNKS. LEATHER VALISES AN SARATOGA TIIUNE &o., ho., ut e WILLIAM THIOMPSON'S, titler aud Haaitea Makon, BuaOX-ST., vanner. Jue 24, 1874. 2( 1\JONEY TO LEND. The unlasnaguan a a>'amount ai Ma e>' la Leuti upon Paamon Tavn Prapent>', unuindi>' Loy Ratai ai Intoreat. Loans tan lia repsil ln u mmmto suit lic raones. Savanal Improvol Farina sud Wid Lani bon scie chasp. Iuvestments mals lu Municipal Dolie lunes, Bank, sud othar martotatale Stock Fon buntenparticulsiappl>' ta JAMES HOLDEWNI - Offitia Assigne, Broten, ut OFFICE--Over ltae Dominion Baut, M Mllan'i Brook St., Whilby. Bpril 9th, 1972. Ç ARBDI - -T. H. MCMZLLAN, Agcnt fon lia ROYAL fISIRANCE COieAXNY PEtovINOIAL IssUatÂs ta. OFFICE-Outaxio Loan a=4 Savini Comaifnys liuilding, canner Rinig ant i Sm co cîneete, siiea; Apnil tith, 1874. ALUABLE PEOPEETY, FOR ÊALE Oua>' 10 loaaai 1ev Thae-unhsoiber of5ern fonsale the folIo,1 nlots, tva Frime ing valuable poropsilin the Tovu ai Wl 3ic, HOU" For byn-AnexeUsut Brick Cattage viii i cor ofisiud,,eiimtusnta auo ousr of Green ain >17KG BlUTFI. St.'Pater StI.,,itll Southi Wand.- Also, y&cmi ai1l=nAwem <autel, anti ua 11<1 stat af tuitivellon, corner Wolllngion sud >eu bord s.,-Naorti Ward. * dreaon Centr St oftlliai lithenassdoe c f C. 1Piapeir, sq, th1 uh ~am Wr. Absu20 acres aigoodli N TARàO-11 he. 'eIn co sel aiSactef lo 18, Sill ou hfi fi, th e oepropent>'. Fan funtihér pst a.. 5 ,5.. ~, ' Ïiaà.app1>t-telstrvr. s a-a 0' WMIblcJt uIs . -rýcl satisfactiou ta au wI ý=y kavorme wIu1 -hi Siior Colle .wte 331.drunghîeâ ana liotés LUrui. ad frtee aicharge, $Jso 3Bill Stai t. luýS ou h:aud. AÂrrsgemeuîs tan bh a"edafor salas &o.. 1 - se'vone TIME TABLE No. 18. The mmenot sha vu. goùe,; Pbilip Alloan turueil ta Grace burniedi>', Sbud < Tatas affect on Weduesia>', Dec. 8, 1878. 'ttaen ýastati,I"o al taI a evowloaket th Trains non b>' Torouto lime, vitic It e v ou hâOlve an 2-~ i 4-twu minutea lave titan G.T.R. time.I"Tas ; i. il ual prett> 2" d -Il"Who gave il you 2l ruaisaN ao sxamr. - "1f>'deaa>Pilplphbùu Ilil." IWIiitb>'%acutionu...depart 10.50Qcm 'IM M P " - w - té Whuthy ................. 11.00 u:m: Ir ca=naI isacal tle nane 'ofltae ni. Broolll............. II11.20<-msjiveller,2 but.'hieiitop v as lu Ragent , Manchaster .............200 1sbn 0# Ill.lokllà--- - Pzints Allient....... ..... 1210-a&M- "eaaabaecausa h suppolw-h fa"a. or iPort Penny 0 .......... arrivae19,15 &.M. ed saine oua taI givea ityou., MAI ruan oaO sUTE. - - "Bon oua - efnlean,0ayou île. r Po)t Ferry.... dpart 6.00is.anuELmeas oh@sie ka, e .i eopîdi>', JPrince Albtert............... .6.2 , 0 tiràna; maman pavai dve ivaoa Macatn................... Oloavilry. Tita> are toc, fond -of -~Brblju...........700 a.m. .,-utind compl' 1- ýWitby .......... . 7.20 at. ments deug Piap. Praylazpaas »P. ?.SSatin. o et e . agalt, helpg enit1aad ta o iiWhilby innttion .ýariva 740'm. .ya :&m:aî nuct o t o= taeoela- LI 'Patonmullios.Tnaussto o uI. ccep a presant fram-a»y geu$1janc.. ýCàne.I ga Wtyuenainhté dvg-flsined eeofée 'te DsOnl>'. - 1 Icanil ual pasaibly bh o oo.ea asilao as -jdes - M Pooil su d lobb4 unalonmlih s to ounle uiaah er oea " elo G.'P. Iloitct asu utu couf tiaweiraY , îa l T witt ieamns or inda>' ?aalo )OUa r~om £0d iSleka«>rlaae MIN éMygéon.-- 40e-taw-' o y Isma anler mmtta ">lc IMitE EOIDE~t"VIEs "Once for-*Il, >Phi!, I sik ypo, itala Yeu, if 'I.thaugh ft V" ý,ý"Nothiu1 "knowthat. oy o 'udiunnaribg jan, dear Plia,:-I uh4Il b.* mail hippy, in keepinug my word. But why ara you se exaating Ton hava neYer oomplaiuod ta me,; but ousy glosming iu jour oes.I. -"11 promisoe at I will neyer ho jasilons ogalu, if Yoe u il auawer me oue. question. R ad you a. swo0lhesnl- before youi became eilgaged 1o' me 2" "Tlon have-noi git te&sait litquai. lion," aho repied. "Yon canôtjusify yourelf lu beiug jealous of lthe pail. 'l do uot ssk yon, whether. I amn yonr farcI ai dooly.love, Phil, W.are ongageti, sud I love-,yon -dearly.. le uot thal enangit for jon ?" "II s agalu, Grace, amn I lthe oui>' loyer yon avorbail ?" "lAn Iirefaseto suswerlthe question." "Periapi you wisb, iu jour beart, te break of lte manage. " ."II do ual ; but you almosl lempi me to say yes. Now fisten ta me, riu. I accepleil yon:Ina p position toettheativica 'If 0mY friands anui 'elatton,P, ubidI1wac ual furuad by thera from my deaision. I yuli not reminil you how muait nicher I amn than yonrself-that wore,,ubgao. ous, Butjf I refer ta tbe question, il ia te show yçn that, froin a worldly point, af view, I amn nat the on- who benafits by aur marniago." "6Grace, I lid mot Ihinkt jon would refor ta my cmparatie poventy." "6Nor did 1 wieh te nefer la il; but your alupid ealousy empois oua ta irriledirse. Yn- aie, jon have iriaë,r.Marplougb, sud oye are irritsting mea."noyo "'Yon wou'I anîwer my question 2 "'No." "'Ver>' well,; thon 1 muet heur my MydoanPhil, -what nonsonse you laik B ear witat misér>' alone ?2 Ton are in hatt, yon have a good incarne, aud jon, araesÏ'out ta xuanry a, I hope, pieusutgel, wba -will nlot impovenich Y01n, cenlain>', by bon marniage. Thon ivhat nonsense yon are taikingo,,wheu yian indulge in remants about your Biser>'. Il il suob miser'sa a.ny men wouid bha glad tae xohange for temr owu position." Ho lookad with a quicit glitler iu hie oyez aI ber, as Ibough bar *ords cou. taineil a double rnaaniug.: Befara ho îould rap>', oha aonîinue4, "«Coma ýta tha pian scig. Yozu aing vory nuolFa baeér ttanyou oeconverse." "&Mn. Marplough, a womau af greal saturai kinduose, but af somovit 10.1> tempor, hearing the piano gaing, andi Phil singing, returuedto thé draw- ing.raoua-;;sud titings hod ramaineil peaceable wheu lthe farci diniier-boli rang, anthetatrio vont taIteir mons oe treas. pastn a, ill the furtiter informa. tion tho reatier reqniros canceruing theo 'arions te witom hli bu beu inirodue. d *Mr. Maplougb vas lie guandian1 ofGrâceAvelang-to latter iteiug, ut te lime of the apeuing af aur storp' aboul ninelman jean ofaI go. Philtp iblm held a emaît Gavennment ap. poinimaul, sud was poaaescod af no lter aneans af incarna hoyani lthe salar' hie drow froin Goverument. Hie engagament ta Grâca Aveiug, rîjo was really riait, va.lthe recuit of Dne af titane camman.place, and Yot1 romuntia,,aveulntiait se allen lhrow- 1 people bogatetio. Tho Ibree, viith j >thora, beiug, lido.honnd upoî lthe 1 3osi af Bnittsuy, duriug a ies.îide aolida>', the probabill>' cf danger itad made ltae couple ait once familiaerviith j sait alther, sud Ibis acquaiutaccship aàving ripeêd imb friendship, aon.J ;agemoni vas ltae reamt. Il iad laged l ibout fiflemu mnout. îîpou ltae day i wheu ]Piilip ut lait wora ont Mno. grluhoptience. Whou the three mot ut dinuer, Grace uas the fircI tb speait.t "il aadeal af suaw liai falien It"tt ae Baia. -«"Yas," Philip nepliail. 1"I vuegolng t ; ast yen ta go, taeltaethatra, lthe st. E smas's, whono tboy have gaI a nov -c wmody Ibis evenlug, but I félinYon 1 vouldti llikte aventure ont," t "Oh1. ludeeti, jas," abc oaid; I"I amn ievar afralilaf weatiter, anti I adorea sc rut nigît ut a theatro." "lWil yen go, Mre. Marpiaugit 2"' sked Phuip,oivilly enaugt. But no; Marplougit haîd malsuffici.1 mlly forgiven hen vand'c lover leadail ail of goiug le lte thostro viithlaim, mid abs made au excuse.t III suppose, dear guard>', I may van- V As i " mm, WhsoeilGb". fpranlite pgimtism obaer poa. st W55 u sEW( i aw * - - & b ~.t Iha maaîh , ,w lts in aih, villa andudi>,e i.iuthe ilps oe , nihri. uo ft s NeithRr Pillinne%"a... "Rscl " nlilPhul, rushingant ana of lthe eckars. Le's#ëv hlmi ta me," rapliai lthegen- tléman whoa ball beau. kuookad dÃŽiwn-; sud Mo the, men rolaseil Allomn, the alteèr aiti, Look out 1" sud beiug a muait more -powanfnl imnuttanAllait, sud a claver. boxer,- lu a 1ev minutai lthe îlaitonr;vas laid, causale.. lu lite "#Thora la Mycurd," alilltae gen- tlemen. "IIf I'm wauled, 'I tan ha sont for."; A ud sasay ng, lha pù sad ao. By titlimea apolicaman put lfi an appearunce, Whoanhé' vasalitonce lu- fermail of ail btaIat b aÃŽkinplace fres ithe Point of viaw -laid b 'ltae fal. lows whitoalà soizad'Phîitp Âllm. "Titante-lad, baller bo taktola lte >isaion," saidthel .policeman *"Huila liera-yak. up t1' His sculleroti sanies racalloil by ltae violant ehakiug wvitheitaûfficr ail.- minicleneti, Philip Aiiorn colléea bisý lila,, sud eceing s policeman, lha said, "Oficer,. I vue passing vitit a youngý lady, vitan vo vone separaleil, sud Iý w a ooseil by thase mon ai tnocting s goniiornan dovn. -I1arn complotai>' innocent ; but nover anind i ae-wilt you se a aer My lady' " "lGraca-Grce V' ho calicti. No angvan vas reluneti. "Ho tad. no 'oan wiit liin," urgod lthe mn, .Il"Ha s la'y hself ; anti te ituocicd ltaegentleman, don 4bY lais. - self." l'Yon coine along viib me," sai theit policeman; aaod Pbilip 'AUlor, protec-., inehbic innocence ai aven>' clep, wac lt on b lité slation-toae, wlaene, witit., lnu, nhour, ho provad fiielf -s gentle-, man, sud naconion Street brawler.. But, b>' Ibis lime, preclous opporttun. il>' lad hen lest. 1Il uad od ualbe said i itI ven>'oana-af -Pilipïc ascdiates had disappoaroil. Thte polios are, admirable" atievang lthe word of tall ailozen peopie but as ta findlug s moans af sscortaiuing wbo- is rigit sud, vileroug, Itht leau op.Cton ual mua t ii horw . - lu. itliberty', Phiiip neturnoil ta ltae naiglibonrtood oaf lhas litatro, sund madie as possible inquiries; but vititont au' recuit, bitoni lthe.terrible ane tutu Grace itall maie na use aofbtae carriago, [for ltheminu -hld beau, aeking utt.he Iheatra for -limelf sud, M3iss, Âveling long afler aven>' alier vaiticle hail gone. Ring Street bail resumeti il wauîad dull appoairauce. How'ever, vithaltticcunnotil a.- titis. Tite kuot cf moin iaviugz divided Pbiliptram Gracqe, an individual uppliati a propnred bianiltarobief ta ber face, antilai once cita lad aillcousciaucuee,, Activa inquir>' provet iat, a servant- muid ai ans-of ltae apposaisebouses, lut- tructeil lathe wiudow by-thée noise on tha alter sida, sav a tnaop af itinersul mueicuaiis paseiug vhat appeareil ta hor a crowd upon lthe pavernant ; ivitilea a. strange-lookiug, dant man vas caxng an apparenil>' faiuting lady tasà cab ut lthe opposite corner, aud vhicit aI litai t moment tinovo up.- AUl lte girl coulil fusilier tell vas ibis -IthaI litalady vas. placedluib tucb, wvlicit was driven uway. Paili p Allom aniis itoeer daspaîr.I rThe police ver aut once cal la work, anti evr> mtiopowar put lufrtn a rc di on ay. Bol vilano avail. t As for Mrs. Darplougitliban-terror lutj liais recuit of allowing lien wardtol goj la ltae iboalse, onuccom paniail b>' ber. self, vus se grout, thal for somelahours ion life iras absoîniel>' in danger.t -Daîning foniy-eigit houri, usithgn Philip Aliain non Mn. Manplongh knejw a xuomeul's pou. Ever>' effort of ltae wassvu madee la diecover » lthe young a lady', butl viithontavail. 'Largo revunds wore offèeei, butl na lanefiolal. recuIt wae iittuineil; andl lthe ouI>'confant btae 'onaig lover hadl vas thisa-4hau1 if lthe abductlion ball beau effeclei fan btae cake of gain, il would ha impossible la lurn t the youu lady toa acaunt vtitonisomo- trace nf tbe trausaction couuiugidgt9 Ou ltae second eveniug alnltaocat- t aslnopiae, a abdrove npla ta th 1door 1 aud, la ltae nuspeaclhe'deligi- anJ ' i alazemmul af lthe iousaliolti,V noie Gracq Avaiing appautreil upon thae itrecitolil.*- W.e vili pas. aven Ibm je>' andi doligit If ltae laveraIff Mn. Marplongh t ttho n.- É appearsuta of ltae ouug lady; hutlite ,0 happinese vueaI oshort dilalion, for apon Piip ackiàkgiOrce 4- it, ail sappenati, she sait iiregreliedtiItl-b tai caulil auitano repiy. . "lMata no reply r' ho- said;- "vby, the vitale mebrocpolition police force ana wuiiing Ion au ansven, siu.d'lt e - ila 'apens ~ --S ar4ih.gvltliasisat'a nonce virose tasioa e a ueild Ha Çpund Grao isl>' yworitgii *ito twig.roem. Howaver muait ite ma sufring, sthe titi ulshow lier Miser>. , "'I tub ual expeca a e jan again," "1Grace," hae sai, I"I have couse la mutke aonslait appea. Witt veul jan iblut aofine, if I voulti rary jon vile jour, ciarste vas so -compno? "h chauil'louve salil yen meea brave, tiiietwr!b,>'mnu.I de su>' liti l immalonlsî toe anov-vitl yenMay, lIit." "Have I'sIneaily becomue inlifferent la you, thon P2" 1- t "I do not a> lthati,sie ropiied. "5But h viii have ne mutuai neenlmiuatlon.l." < 'I amnoa going ta reproaclh you. I1 bave tome OPily o.ae lare lô se>'gsîod. bye, lu asmo0lar hlcod--flbanyaada'" For a moment îlot vas moi-ad, but siteovercamie ber.agitalion mrveWae.- 1>', anti saii, "Cool biod lesiajia sale Iloodi. XVial are jour faluna plane "I'sha louve Eugland.5 "4What1 alin your fatiIro, Pliuh4-t: .meu,'Mr. Alloin." "At,, Grate 1I1wity go colt 2 OuI give, an- romise.- thatl. mme duy sha tio ail, 'sud Lviii Iiiug ni>'elf uàt jour tact." "Thal vonhlie a varn>uadiessopai. alion.",- --At titis points servant cturne t he boan sudallsMau mai dovusali-., *ànting ta sas Miss .veling. - -Site trenubleti. '"Wlii te iteh nams 2" site astia; -Sag miss., 'Tall lienla go awaj-h vili ot saé -Mre. ltàrploagb sav'ithe mèveiuant of-pli - tolaadlthe doon, snd sthe sezdtB-opponluunijy. "ITiis is mjbos,"'she aid, "-and 1 ssni yoirýguardiual, Grace Areling. ÂAoy siranger mita vanta ta sposk it muton, ,ogîl lýa eenbly . - TalilIa insu," nIa continnei ta bte servant, "ltai Miss Avaliaig wll cas him." "Spare mie 13'oied'Gmaee " 1 arn ahent l' jt e r - oSave joil." Thte man eneélitemaian. vauug, mBtliposcassel cf lte remilus tif a lanicomte face;, lut unpan iim thae s'as in airof ar alesgnu, aveu of- leo- - 'Pir, vhit vas ver>' painfil i iu. "1Wiy, jan are the minuWho vas îeartlahtesire vlanva droe p" Cried Ptilip. - oeut1 ",I vuir," hlas eil, mitthitaar of a veb-brad in. Titan, geiùg t lthe. table near viticit Gnsee vas seaied, ieaiot a padebikoaui île lreacl.-pockiet, sud.laid Il ddvn. "No, Gracie," tie scid; "ualt monay." Andti ul ltIeia uai urniaigtliva tlerm nooo, iso Grue cried ont, "Msr. lStync, jan bave coma hore-aaa have legratisi me-at lush, ju'sti> me." b'e'" a alId ta Philip, "tiislady aud I mare engagei a enBsie vas ix' "Baera I ncv ry aviiinl," man.- " wma ban i" a-sater' aI Ian scool, au4lber iaRuWIlib eep upua -Ã"rrncpnoece «<-I alvai li eial>', and as Ida lova tar.-;,14don't b. afrail; I aiti nov4stacson ho Iead),-her refusil î têsésime, sent me alilgetler t6 liehad. 'I have-got-inlo th Iheutres nov: BSelag- ou sud i'r ,rfrîei ejs ma idea of car>'iug tan aff 'acured la m ne,.- Tan knQsv ,oW weli th aÈli'a 1-- ~rtt ad er liealon auratsie bowead-mî ealf as;h rus. I set ber atlibrtyi Ithout tra.t or stipulation.-'Ste yaa free le dé- laonceo iea. Insteati aI doing 'a', île seut tut la-dap' tis monay. 'Ih ould not ouacl a penny aI-it.- 1-lave no* a6ie.dlovn te suahi a MaUas Uta'0ý Pbilip, Aioan reeii. dby,'lt etsv- mor on a'Orae-ea Âveling, ana of t le broiten-davu muialcian,--sucb a léson m a s a I o e iit l os s v a I ne ' t a - tlm . ,- ' .!- holil lier tonun, voalil say nothinA uti ie paienly My' inulta.,1<5>', ér,ý ste siil nothing - "I would hAro manre ier. blintifait- 3,', criaI Stayue. 0.a-' wXillI j etin U affer jeu '1 on- a s lan'io- be repsitivitn yo ui fit?"$-# "1No," ra zplied. StA$nC. Atus, aul su th*tam e haUl hink wol, f Criait 01- ecl, I, J. 12M4 1 1 Ir-rÀr.irqr.iz

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