Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1876, p. 3

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nle.s glus Qp8tet, shu , ma w The Pomw~er'a club ci te Aîoé Institut@ have salied Couma.toi lb. sonjeci of tuea culture sande.. & ainst* bran of $tuadin s tural ooleffl reweVlaog a:zor so <ropi lb.Goverumont. A UielUoowu ouapoel oisu. Uated t *e u e goure. ofaibYiobroi outting the aven. iiomwftov wu Umots tthn 1,000,000 mtensi bond. La* wekmi.2. Moe i ont Pcrn@r, off b. ToroutoLt1 Âeylom, commltted eifalde by drow blmpltnthé bay.-l %heQuit. 4wimy off us4 theircomooetitog o or1870 ai Mon on thé lo-b Zone nont. .A sdvent7 Ave year oUld tinj Fiera challenges s a of etbies Onta$o te play a elagie.haodfda and Daa'if/s olsered 50 nts eh. ....hag.........0~S Spring Wheat .....94 et*$oC noatoir, mo. , 'liefw. 9, 40 0 0# Clover...............P0075 a te Timothys .... ..o... - 0 t peau.................. 72o BlIack Bye Peau .... 850 *90 Rye.............. 650 700 Ose............... 850 Hay.... .......ï-......10 1 1 Poitau.............. 8500~400 Bgs .0....... ........ 20e utr............7 9e Coal, per ton........ l 000 Wood............ ....840 #' Pork, por cwi ......... #o 0*0$o8 Chiakena .......f....... 85 0 0par Duak pe pr........... 0c -000 Turkays, par lb ....100 Appt.., par bush......4Ï0 a6Wu -Choeu ............... ffle0 14e Boof, bina quarter. ...160307 Beef, fore quarter .....$508$5 0 .....kin ........... 7c0001. Rid.... ........ q.. 80$4 503 Oulons ....... .........1ilQ0 Turuips ............ ..0e Qj jiei .....t..............16e0090e pport rie mein --ti golu Epphfo Iuoa-rat efu and Cern. iertioeag.."'B, a loeubknowledg.o eof tbe natural lawa hgoyerueb operatieus et digestion and nutrtion, asd v a carefat application ef the fin. p reperteso! weli.sètectod cocoa, M r. Eppe bas povded our breakfaet tables wltb a dilicaally fiavored -beverago, whicb utay save as many heavy doctora' biles." -It fs by 1h. ludictous usee fsucb artioles e! 51.1 that a consitution May b. radually huil up unt! strong enough te resiet svery ton. Sency te diseases. Nundrode of subte tala. dies are fioAtlug around us ready te attack vhsrovsr thoeoin a eak.peint. Wa may escap may a fatal obaft b y kceping our- selves.welnurnuAeu itb pure blond sud a proporly nourlubed trame."-Oivil Service Cotgf f. SolS oniy lu Packets lablled- lots 48', raduesdIsBtreot, asd 70,-Pic caditly Loudon. - Te Co-naumptivee. TheýLdYertiser, a retireS phyuiclan-, hav. lngprofldontially diucoered, whllo a MoS. iaI ieeouary lu Seutharu Ania, a vy@ sipevogotablo remedy for the speed1y ans aa tcuetfCoiseemptiin, Astha, ronchfile, Catarrb, aud ail tbrost and luàg affectone-ahsoa positive sud radical speci- gocfor Nsrvous Debitity, Prentaturo Decay, anS ah PNerrons Cemptafinie,!eels it bis duty te make il knowu te biae ufioring tallova. -Actusted hy Ibis motiva ha vilI cheer!ully sanS (ra.e t charge) tea11 who does Ilei, tha rscipe r vcu repafingaud fuit irectiona for sucsfly uing bis provldentlaliy 4W. covored romedy. UIoea who vlsb te avail thentsol,éso tIhe benofitu efthIbs discovery vithout coul, cari do se by returu mail, by adtlrasslng, wtb staînp, naming Ibis stper, Da. CHARLES P. MAIU 83 Niagara Street,- 1 11.Iyr-. Buffalo, N; Y. NEW ADVERTI8EMENTI y BOMAN GIBBON, GnriComission Merchai and Produce Dealfer, nt gent fonrIMPEIIIAL and CorncnaclÂr UN. IONPFire Inaurance Companies. RATES 0F INSURANCE LOW1 Alun Agent tor the LoanoN and CàNADZAi LoU~AN»DAGEN4yCT OMPNaY. Mouey an- 0cd an rcal i ate, payable from'1OTwo t Twolve yaars, andin eons te euiMpjarties. 93Interest 1ev and ne commissiez chargeS. mortgates bougbl. ' Office aI, -GIBBSON & SPARVELL, ChiaJeaStore, 'Dunda. St., Wbltby. WlitbY, IMarcb 101h, 1870. 12 Agent for lupxniàL and ComuzaclAy, uN. ioN Fire Insurance Companieu. RATES OF INSURANCE LOW 1 Alio Agent for the Lo»oN and CàNADZAN LUAN AND AGE14cy COMPANY. Mo loan- 0(l ofi rcal eitate, payable from'1WO to Twelve yetre, and, in onos to suiMpartieu. 93v' Interest low and no commission chargea. mortgqos bought. Office at, GIBBON & SPARVELL, Chias res store, Dundau St., Whitby. WhitbY, Idarch 15th, 1870. 12 ExT;Bxsvz cREDIT EFALB or THOROUGH -BRED SHORT HORIN CATTLE, 1h. Property ci MRl.-JOHN LITTLE Lot 8, Zth Concession, TOWNSEIP of PICKERING, te bc selS on tb. promxises on, Wedne8day, April 5th, 18'76, aembracigl16 Cows anS Calva., aud four Buiu. Thauaimal. are0e! uperior quality and the pedigree good. Tcasas or SnAm.-Twenty-dvo dollars and undar, cah ; ovor thal antount, &ininontha crudit wili b. givan bY !urnishlng approyod notas. Sevon par cent, off for coin. Sale at eue-Lunch At 12 'clock. t*E The feria la 8 utile. frein Duffiiza' Creek station ni tha G>. T. R., asdIon front Wliby,et wblch places toanra wil meet te trains tb. night proviens sud morning nithéb sala, te couvey parties le sud front the tArin, -. IIIAKS, PfkrnMaroli 14tih, 1876. Acine LAN» AND JIAUIiIITSALT I PLASTEII, WAT IME, COAI. and WOOD 1 Any arnount of wldciîte lb. necriher bas eisaauîly on banS for sale, vbolesals or retail, cbeap fur cash : anS returuinig bhuh for tho liberal -patrenagerecoive for aever. al yaars, bage te ""Y thatasd then at Present accupled ha tgetibeomaIasr- rangemnets are bing mue for largor prom. liegs. Negeotiatiene entere bt on funther spc nU aildhindi o uesaSBlack. sntitb lolud hope.$aasr t aor aeaaou ta be lu a bolier poit on than ever tefur- iîiob coal ai dia very bout quatîys1the loveat poooibleLprices. ;OZN BLOW. Whitby, Marck 141h, 1878. lLlm s nnvàlq GIRL WANTED i &pply aitlte C]EoxIcLE office. Whiîby, Umarh 151h, 1878. - 12 PRESCRIPTroN FBREE' -L'neus i ,oaîbfanOod aS ali sorde rs brougbî onby indiscretions or onces,. Any Drueg;it has tha ingredients. Addrrss DA SDON & CC., Bon 2296, NLv York. Saptember, 1875. ly.12 C)OMMERCIAL HOTEL , OAEWIIoar, JAMES DEWART Geotaeeomuaedatiou, ONT. PROPRIZTOR. lieU14h nlb, MAXE gP& At tàm Tom Uns (Wtby sudPick 3LLIOTT'S tOLD"STÀý 'a* treh 141h, 1870.ai, P N0 T I1C E vo min. l thé-. court o! à Niai Piru, -oyr sud Terminer, sud E a41 GW oleiery, wil b. holdenlia thé Coontýv oiOnt ario, ln th. court 1 TOWN 0F' WHITI 1 THURBDA Y, A PRIL 27th, i aet te uroel 1U 'cok' nocm of ail Coronàers, 'Jiustice o et Peae, at othera ooncerned w#ltake notiosinadg, thumsdelvs acoordlngly. NELSON G. BETNOLDE Whltby, MarobIt141, 1676. lT ANUAL XEI Liber Cons rvatil As cia on, SO0U TH TAIL wilbshld et theT Eau. Brool Wednesday, 232n day~ Marck, at the heur one.0,o'~kpMI As busines e of portance' jto cent for eonsideraion largo atte gncoin ticularly raques A. McGILL1'A1 r. n BIOESaBcy. .A Pre.L.0 .80. Jhltby, Mac 141h, 1976. T0 CONTRACTONS. SosIeS tenders dlivered le 1h.heundorsi vil b. reocived up tilt MIARCUI THE 80TH LYSTA, For tbe erection et a brick block et busù buildings in tbe Village ef Port Porry, James Nolden, E% etofWitby sud W Latdloy, Eoq., of iMes. Drawilngs anS specificalions msy b. At ths Archilect's offeiceOsghaa, anS a' W. & P. P. Extension ilawy Complu offices, WhIlby. The towest uer any tender net necesa accaplod. . . R. BARBER, Arehite« 1-lin CaL CAUTION 1 A LL PARTIES ara horehy cani againet fiehlug or trespasslng on pond, on dia 9h Concession -or whl without isave lu vritlng fret bimselt. Trespas&Aes ilibehapreoented vltb utmeet rigor eftIhe law. THOS. HODGSON, Lot 24, Md con, Wbit March 131h, 1876. 1£ "s-i ,~ -ND. r86 ' *he. B, r', 'evforu EL e o'o Pl o La n iper. the.0 iub.1 P tha Corporation etthe Villa'àgCe oort PerryCtaIâ-a meeigte ho hold. aIthe Townm Hall lusai Vilag, on Tuasday, dia Eighteenth dtiy of-April 14ext, Proposa te paso a By-taw or By-lava te &top up anS close as a public streot or blgbvay, that certain portion ci the orignal allov. auce for road betweexr the slnlh asdaeventb concaspions of thb. Tovnsbipoci eciyu Baut o! Lilla Street, i lu le aaid Village d Port Parry, anS to voit 1h. uate lu Thomas Paxton, anS John H. Sangator, K. D., anS te open s.nd estahlieh as a public utret or higbway, in lieu cf tb. laut deecibed road, Ibm foilovlng dsocribed, lanS :-Commoncing on Ibm veut lmut af lot number ninateen, lu tho slntb. concession of the Township of Rouch, at tha distanceao lavon chins and torty-twohiskatrot tho north-wast angle thereofý theu north sevent)'.fonr dogmees eaal parallol teo tho uorth liùitofetIhe lot tvolve chains andi fitteen links ta the veeL limit of the property ef tb. saiS J. R. Sang. ster, M D., dien .outh seventeen degroés caut 'Moutic) oeachrtn, thon aoutb seven. t y-four o.gres, veat Ivelve Chain$, fifleen linkse te e est limit of lbe lot, dieunertb sinteon dogrmes, vest-ons chain te the pI a of beginning. Sud ruad t o b oench n vida. W. MAURICEf COCIIRANE, Villa geaClork, Da'ed at Part Perry,'- thia eigblb -day e! Murch, 1876. 12-4in UCTION SALE 0P Mis ellauooui Personal -Pro crty 1 Thor M beha oldL by Public echou st Raa' t/ah Ameri n Nlotei, IN TRIE TOWN F H ITBY, 'FRIDA Y, M3 17TH 1876, for Note! board, aIlcf llaneoeusprep. orty reogigt r. M. o. ichutoud coin. ris/ a nti o! Pria coke, LIank Kaseoko la e Note Ca 2 oz«eeoe paint", anS br ng Inut me8, Rarors, B rueottoos, Jaceplane, RokvellilSav, Stamping M ilis, Fitin Ra, rolling Unîe -i Tri s, aenlemnaCloî anS anS /ol-e! L anSdGent&' U-S1el g, Termu,- &eh. Sale at 2 ao, ,Pu Auctionser. WhllbyfMarch 4th, 1R76. Su1 Depeuil vilh Dominion Gove@ruinent $50,. (10. Experionced Agent. threugbeui Ibm Dominion. Pire Risk# writien ai Adegzcale Bates. Whitbyr, March 7ih, 1876.AenWtb TU un PAPER n» 0w uru w,., n eç ---o--a---- , 1) [RE1 I"RlI"N- F]RO0m M1JSINEs s Tewhole 'Stock to be sold at CO0S T 1 In conýequence of Mr. Watson's (Wh is owner ç>f the preniises we now ocoupy) intention building zýew stores and paUling down the old one, present o4ýupied by us, we arc forced to' MI N r I, IS ro ( dispose of ci cx l: BY THE' I c Fir4i of April Next Vle, th refore, after this, date -will'se: the whcýle et our stock, iueluding a "ROCýERJE S, general stock of CIR CKEBYY GLASS WARE, WINES AND LIQUO]RS, t' filZ24 1' il ou ynoUuXr C bu t mikrs. - ols,-I ia oot' ,- &% ') New Gooda just received, inOhlrnOs adPamul ri tou Cheap Harne8s, Trunks, Whfpa, apd La8h48, I SOufre le catlte, attenion oft he public te lte tattai-»0' timeduilag, lteé Plot div. yearahavé I beoahi. eteoffeiR Hru of U 644 expiosaialoIw a prie. s.euIbis SnDg. My expeuses beilighl I euc i t. No more _lyisb on botter Hte! aS uli.Cony WwliSdapea lndncomnîs,-î hat ta vbat I aa flci Cî u Is Ycars, cge. .- - -12 IT IS TOO BAD Mnost fewer would SEEDS, &c., &c, Parties . who intend buying goods for Cash will finàl a saving of TWENT.Y PER CENT. by purchasing frc m us, as the whole stock must pesitively be sôld by the time mentioned, Wle would respectfully requsst persons Who h4teoverdne accounts and notes on ou.r books Whevtiingnrata.u~.,,~ Jto eaUl at once and settle the same, as we are, determined.. F ARM TO RENT 1 -The Fart lataly occupiod by Mr. N. lay lot 26, rS oun. Whitby, Centaill 190 aores-160 cleared and under cutitin- geod Route and Buildings, lange Orchard, U.Eiilaituated, immiilaely enteldo .E.GIBBS, Oalzaws Ont. Oaawle> , m, ae. te -have the bu+iesso! the flrmý wound np tis -spring. 1Whitby, Pobni THOMAS LAWLER & Co. ~~~~1 Ti. Il. -~ . Of at Ur fE sp Cr Il ci Importers of Sheif andI Heav Hardwar VhitbY, March 8th, 1876. 1876. SPRING STYLES. Co Co .CO, 187( Coc r Co ODD FELLOWS' HALL, WHITBY.- E. FR~OST ÏREA T CLEARANCE SALI and Sho es Boots FOR E1I3IRTY~ At Auction LOWES &POWELJ Wb.'ebn tua f1876.t 7 CtY-r'IERAS'1 'CUTTERS TUE LÂBGEST AND) MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Cuttrs,8leghsand Carriage4q M.-O'O NOVANY CARR.IAGE FACTORY BROCK- ST., WHITRY. VERY CHEA?., CALL-& SEE THEM. ELGIN ELGINH 1 ý ELGIN 1 H1 A4~SV~ \YuS oCDa4 Thé fine éti best, and cheapest Watcies made, for the me- ncy, are the ELGIN WÂTCHE 8, -vWiicliéu bo had at Taylor & 'Bar- nard's, la every grade, botla Gold and Silver, Ladies' sud Gents sizes. Aise a large stock et Euglish and Swiss Watchcs alirsys on itand. -<Jiocis, Jeweilery, Silver*are, sud Fancy Goods te suit every laste sud pockct.' Bemember lte place-nexl door bo Gross &MacNacittan'a, Hardware ANNUAL -CASH- SALE ONE MONTH ONLY WHOLESALE 'OUR WHIOLE- STOCK 0F SEASONABLE DIRY GOODS, MJ]LLINERY, AND CLOTHEING. ive bhe 0. M M. HAMILTON Co. - 6 F Warerooms-Al Buildings, 18 9 U-R-7I nanco et -Sp"éciatenlleLpalte 11hinaking cf N~DL EW O,1K PESCBEENS, OTTOMANS,- FANO-Y CHÂIRý, LAMBREQUINS, raade ana put down ini theo bout stylo. JAS. H. BAMO& CO. Marcih 8-e76. I TdUAdL INS URA NDE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE,'. BROCK 8v., WHITBT. This Company Insurea Fa=m Bufidinge, Country Churchos, Sehool Houuasanglthair Contents,- st ratems, u.Low au tise.of sny. wef.csablshd O*zpnylu Canada. JUST LOBSSSPRC)mY ?PMI, L. FAAI K,' Ja., - J.B. BICXELL', *teary. Predn R4tos ei Insurance se Iow that £25 centa wili inunro#100 for twolvo mouthu. 5HAKESPER HTEL, COREREiOFet'LING AND» T~OTM, T'OR ONTOC JAMES POWELL, Pnouu Firat-clas accommodation, baSA r0om, -&c. Board, #1 60.per day. 10 ALALBEAL ESTATE Ni TUE TOWN 0F WHTBY 1 That 'mlnable pnoperty aituied on North aieDundas Street, knowu au the Hcuck Block, on vhich ta crectoS Store, Dweiiing Rouse, and threu othor tenomeuta. Also-That valuabla block (corner lot) on Brook Street adjoining- the CnonzcLr P-4nting Office-being lot* 1 snd 2 Perry's .mThe property niov occupieil by Mr. c;o*Bâýoula.naing about tva acres, wilbÈll anhse, nearuithereadenceo Mr. J. R. Perry. -Abue-Tw-viacant lots, eue North Metho- &eat Church, and ene opposite the residence of Mr. J. E. Farewoil. Also-Vacant lot adjolulng and South of Ont.io Bank Buildinéu. AlaO-The lotveWet fPeot Ofice upon which aro dwaling houee and eerrago showe. Terma liberal-ouly smull aymeut r- quired dowu; balanceinLa5 or 10 yeare, vith interet-to suit urehasers - C.; D BE. Wbitby. mardi lot,176aSula - PUBLICINOTIC.E! Public Notice lu horoby gin that the Council o! the municipal corporation eft4he Townshp oft t theibnent meeting to e h a Idnlthe.ïTwnuhip ], in the village of BreellIn, on FIRST- MOŽTDAY IN APRIL, nant, intends paeg a By-law, teo pea up for public nu--aSitra e4Charliagd Bagot utreats, qn Campbefll Waylaplau of dha Villagéof Brooklin. R. T. HARRISON Clark of Tp. O! iaby. Brooklin, Pcb. 29th 1876. 4n1 N )DAY8. Prices! -F0BOOT 71000 WOR TH To be sold without reserve 1 A ND , SHOES wpi Ki Wbi 'LE TO COM1MENCE ON'&IT- URDAY, FE .26t1z, 1876. Parties« in want of Boots and Shoes R nd this a rare opportunity te purchlase cheap for ring Wear. Remember the place, at [RK'S BOOT & S10E STORE, 0ntaÉro Bleck, Broeôk Street, Whitby. ùtbyp Pobruary 28th, 1878. SIJPE1JOIR HJGH-â TESTI Crystal Light This 011 is manufactured eéspecially for family use, burus with a bright steady liglit, and is the best anîd safest 011 in the Market 1 35e per Gallon, or 5ô-Gallons for. $1.5o.1 A full supply ef Laxnps, Burners, Chimneys, &c., aI FIRS T A RR/VA L 0F THE SEA SONI (01 R OU LAR.) Wititby, Febmïary 101h, 1870. ""ing eioso calling the attention of the publie to My large sudg,'."ariedstoc of Fashionable Hats, Gents' Furuishings, &o., -I have laken Ibis method of tohiciting a share of your valu. ahi. patronage. Âs my stock is ail nov, and haviug beon ro- cently purchascd <rom several of the moat extensive Manufactur- ers and Wholle" Dealers, both of Canada sud lbe United. States, I sin propared te show the most complote assortment ever oponod out in Whitby.' As I coLifine my business exclu. sivoly to ils legitimate line, I beieve -I arn better preparod te mccl lite vanta oft tiis community titan any dealer. vho dabbles in a dozen linos at once. I trust I. may be pardouod lin cafling your attention again te 1he tact, that, owing te ttc short period oftlime that I have been in business, m7 goodo must all be now and otIte lateslt ashions, 8e anytbing m My lin. thal you May, n.ed, by giviug me lthe rst call you vill aval yolurselt eoflite ad- vantage et taving th. latent styles te select froin, ana wili have ne tsar of liaving palined off ou yen old goods witich in style aud tashien date baek toe eys of our grand-parents. , Trtrsing yen vill bear me iu favorable considèain e beave te aigu myaelt, wt ra ~ ain e 'Yorswit gratrespect, McMJIasBook IUQH McBRIEN, Brook St., WhitbyHatr&c P. S.,-PIfase de me Lb,. av oCRetuling and Seo tho latent ni6 vety. "TH U M IV E R T." 8 S.w. B. 8miTHF, JUSTT A HE PLACEEST, ily EÂS <nov cm baud a largo aAvaried' stock of Boots at moas 1te ordor aerey dooi *DootLadi.,'GentlemeW Or Ropainlag Sdo on tue abortest notice, and at noms Dvfflté exmine lb.enov stock. WL E lm Some evil disposed persons have beE oiroulating that wc have been smuýggling AMERIW. COAL OIL, which is entirely untrue. We advise th( to ba littie more charitable, as they will find "Lies ha short legs, and are soon overtaken." We Ceau satisfy t most skeplical by callinig at our office, and hope they w~ desist eireulating 50 baseless a fabrication and remember "He who fiteals xny Pursa ateels Traah," Compared %ith my good naine. SNeyer take harsit ineans when love will do the deec TO -THE PUBLIC! We have received another car of TitAus 6 aîgtgeman. ,andl baS &o. siu a Sintoeo stIh ha la boeon ýerralion. Ite-. y relative#silu aiae 'et Ire. liui; arrivaS and tifîy-six li frei na. trd ay. ahlng a sliip. oe. amittubas ien, arts ef onlry Delicate' muSeule et. s.,, rdio. i.Up dose y fur. r die 1auto - ters. ho, Que olî be t; olue liard),, Iltrong if yoti cil as . very ices as ýratio- lpion, Sris.e lhase ielng your tlit frein Àfilîr. à Vhithy, February, 2nd, 1875. 01 Il 1 1 - 1 'l 1- 1 ' 1 1 il f far superior b lite common Canada 011, only 35 CENU] PERI GALLON, CASH, "«that's where the shoe pinches COAI-»i 011 & :Bl:;Zoc).Y PRICES, co.1 -P IR5 1 0 lm : 0 F 'ebruary l5th, 1876. --ono ;Kim 1 ý 1 1 q JUST TUE -PLACE

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