0- t o 18 ow tady. ÀÂcolegI 1eeêIeiîc N Ptrtperu..r 2Ninbrs for 0,L NEW 0S,ýAELq lit, y Petera' ilauerettes, No.., 1 to 18 nov LFIMON PEEL, TBÂOÃ"O POUOHES, Con tà o'rÀ & Cllection 01el-E asy »esCITRON: PEEL. î PBES O Mune. rsc', 0 cntsperNum»ror Th bstauortment f Fa4c Candies fo'r the Holidays" 3rg ét à oe e 4 f C rem ' de Ins Cremue, Nos. 1 te 25P E E ,Ëi o, ýüà c750 baihd les. ber, or 12Numbers for%4. ' ,H~ l t*< .s'erl~yetU.Bond 59 cie. for a Bamnple CeJYy of I L 4~f T L icl t' " ~ eýther ohhe above, and if 701 810are INE r-1%ldVt ubagll. iir-CABIET FACTO . slp untyoui moncy. FLJRNi E&OM ____ WXÂ Rôro U"dress, et.ibr. J L.~ETES, THE OLD STAND, B0(K <9TIIETï WHýITBY.. o$Meinfth$n-in 5 roda, . Go where yp-u 'cannot fail, t beý gr'e pleased hi making seleotç> s ofigood fuiare., îtds th as te ens Sana in Corpore SioS plni ProrD i n t t romSes ilatb "4q [j-et.-1qew Désigna well worthyï',of hspection,, ata tonishing low pleandmu n4 ?rcej. 'Dimnng-room 1t itension Tables-a Veýy, superior Wd ud ce article. sscid cthe- ltOCrnices, Picture ,Franiing à in every style. :Some, ýpluoes; but, fi ' 1ne Chromes and Egaig o ae as'llicçy 8 cou!l vsat tiec i 5gai. luns owil te anlie r briudai drees, snd la sie@ lnots a4rooping wiiew%, whicb, --lu al its bae~;funerels lu foetrp.ii lIspringe and ilirec sutUume,'hs buffiloiV-sand biosgoimieri, sud ilion car. . &Coffins lvysou! ,hand, trimme p li-er grav'e vithlits siitumn laves.' .Rus o4ul nrsdne Whe4aoirubs and flowers, whiolî 41,17. yearly ibloom aocl ln im e' low lier. - 911ha Wsb,1 Nvme -grivio, lma fit mblein of the sud,- of 1o 7 hais (1 hu lii laapinooee, sniob AS hors was. 'j~~l'onc yers Isgo, imeocf uswere T 0,if BA VOU JIAPIElzEe _ý hlU 1110 sth f i»uOot ch iilci. --Vor ima S i E a W' H I T BY C HW hod %ul, w re litwore Pliero, ana ~Deecîime your aliment, 11ev long siîtledîg, IatndR litisvore mors reniiy ta doe good give your age sAnd prenent business; negleet 4Jetîtisgfov thiepitt fl t'oticeys Ilisunov cneasms a mnlerable existence, or au il) e ow ada a8,éli èay. 11'ina, fo no w, ob:xu imp c:dwballesOVER800 CUED IN 8MONTES 1 G IB SO N i -wliioli io iro lghtibi andti ttr amyyer lng'cof thoflily of' pilcing, otîr hopris 'iitmi-, Tic rTmaar" or Éilher ssz,sa guide Have just received:the la liotn thne ffic,à ie ertI. vreo! vital importace oticthi, youiig, designeci sokc rokra, Tel ye'" ago l)ally Ir um wré forparencts as tycii.tc o rcer n m1 br cp spyfuîiyg ofcltier cof heecc sent pi'spcld c ecp !ý uCiiSoesdFce w1ihoccirciA, licl uimver liesbrokem by 01rleP01#'IChapSoendF cyT th Ah.-sgel cfr uiaath, wlie now, gase A CR1L'AANEDIniChina snad Fsxmey I ôancnmctloouk arocctd them asid say I"thoy ia thos ilitresing affectionsieamilng fromn lu Chimie, Stomue iir - iii 81 -iîcre, l 50mb temlls 1lereî'c illciîcso 01Naturcîl Lcîwe) ln thÀi~nle ols cîi gclllg îad ! arrlefl or Single10cc'ak vision, SEU1INAL lu Piarlout t'l 9;nlovo'c L1(lgiid'19halOfW!EAXNIiS1trias of liv, focec" lrcay 0cfIn lu 010 iipther la grie-icu tlo the te ro OcInllooci, wccclc niemo,i dzspeîiol, pains in S viti ng -arritif thie filwtlisc, or tie -ccin. tics icccck, SPRf1ATO Ilc,&. c pslniotlip' lof! s hler or aietir ;yeti iERRNES cc-ccrcr l.t LYSc.rtY. e-ah caoW algut pisoe csîcssii s dci1, liard 'wl»ie lt imi imsliny a bouat, NwOIîI clireiUy FA N CY G 01O D -h îreircrphercieîcoî'y 0ol îim YeAs Toccecurc aier Iýy iml ieand $1.00 sud IiCme seîs aao. adatli.Il - - à oes Toty1 ciîtw pcî îmiyhpy ANOTInIIISPLENDID 13001( 1 'aicu. l-itra Lo spot len a lchappyft "IoW Ttc ACQUIcicIPLU31P'NES14O iOF iiib, GIBsom & SPARN-EL haVe ail lic ufu i ôulwivfriend'patîce, uhave loft ctrengtlc cf lîncb und lleaiuty of omplexion, Teast'robacco, sud ail kinde cf i 0111Y te ice iiicory f ihappyv heure% pitci -el 'Fiel eocccultlng 1Prol. Egan, of Toronto, lice besi brande aiwasaon baud. nciîi goIue, aRuI h i Raisl suce f SAP. wil lirudIlîlci pei'Iectiy reliaicle anud truci- The higmest rnarket priecepolit arilon andculijeu lovo,lilk. worthy ici ov-ry pqrtîcîlîr" Brcrkvilla Re- Hoga. Oas, Simasl Fes, Mairo- est ~corder. I - -' e *""'. .ws cacicldly rscoinmend the afflicted te 11mcvwmtcrvfp: o siî u.-ltilavcc.y pply t9 hl ~forete; ho la strhctly lion.- - easy te acqtlre. but vec'y diffiouit ta orable tsud Onfidnii i» f hi. transaction" - Whitby, Dec. lSth, 1M4. lomn, R peoifltar triokof opesoli or man.Napccuis Beavr.. îco~. ciuci iuitlltcgis mrs nivscsal.If -inle sgeutlecn cescrvicmg 01 ail uocid- iwr an nohin lamornniersl. lfonce -aci tloroighiy reliable. A4.cciocc wn lipok. rot rnl -011iSrOu1'filiais 'sud nwcvielo. Pîsase acdreus l CV TT 71 D Aqciulaoenes,' wê i catiflua soaroely 13110Y. J. Y. EGc'N,'T'oronto,-Occt. uI SITuIuIIT BhJ ose twlio lha. ccci)lits favotirite word, ]liii N. B.--etAthe alcove Friseextracti,. f rpetuilformula, hii tittratie actien, csgtinimeaning getnro-i1ti rioka aglît.GoNov. 241hcaa1878. ro11by whmeriyiing, sand, icy net h--------c.---Gowee T ailor'g rig eorr,,otad tlimc, jext tleiraposibbo - RO 1. G A N s1aloi to abol i huowr.' 'W tocm oos cccl kcîow - filiGEORGE 0G - uvery mterck 2-suaitilteestlmore fnlnr "Yccimkoow" limte riicdle SUPEIIIOR CUTTIN' .tor#4,t-' o oey sentenceP - Wîho, tooinluA Large Stock cof Fie Cloti tikc,.to [atiýr ticuen lias cucul c'îffered froin Tweeds..- 0U- Excllenmt Overc, tire, itithletnu of 'awfîi" andi "Joliy 2'- goid fit Guarcinteeci. îuiiastoues i lite pcth of speolmh, inter- spioroiel itli evo mglier and more ci-51 i' - -fiivA aigris of foly fif corrimpi diction, - . -îiiotaioimshuat tire-fumevor timning-tp, - Rluowhîg lte smiîtcceeve lieitaimoeste -whiigonid t rsSau tiie reflîcocieit -line aroc cl t1i tiq icliorace efti-t Kciii - .lta wllçeh oîr yucutiule givenG N T. 11,4011thot'a io clima people wvue rpe- -tîte ajasliultlide;',Who siay "Gloe g a' GE T alati4lc ff uprse nt Goecja gra. M DGE & Y Ail WOOD -vti l po :~owe- th n social Manufaetifing Company . F JJ R N 1 S H sis ll le , 'Di you over Il' and inidfter. Style ri, 4 Stops, - -$140. fimutiy te Alilstallono, "YoimdontRA' Y 3' Style 10, ciStops, 150ih. ce 1" or it) a voice ci! teprocation, "No 1. style 7, 6 Stops, 175. - and "stireij tint i' To i îcuigc by velce Style 9, . 7 Stccîccs 190, an o mo ucjc accntrilatom'y pec le are Style 1.1, 7 Stcops, 200. Fo "1i ero e or ForpSup erior always lac ai talect urr .T leV'g llesocîalît andi Wclmuîcî Cuîiied Cegç,. titroiîgia tus woric l iiuucilicg aselon-UCtses rc'glsleed 1874. Summer wear try the CI( [Isictrn; snd timir appeslte Ibeir oig salm eto gnoto4and hntult icrlctoritiate cias. M EL DE 0N 0l.GANS oîm stbinfetc lityly pil igutei grcione tare inccesant. 111'- L11.3HM.iucrafiecîtliat ulelcwith -liae- J (D) E1 IST E V -oirth i ore,-ltho favoîtrito tejcicima. tiens were I Y.1 ve 1 ul" lyd coigoi" -'J5UNIYAS Sr - tii - ex c irinnsAInto, tieicsrgou 'of - 0 ad4 Il'uandul B-y 3ngic 1' eforo thon - vo 1badililmtsiud AdlcieiY qîiros whio t0;'ý A GOOD FIT AND 871 ruieiitul -~u ~ icslodiiisin1" cîîud ý Wol5.ltjîis"'witi. thier titraiîmge sid ~ " 1-' 10cisli )oLtllus, til wereécnet menit te -Geut's Purnisbliug (3oc olrfii itîu liarors, but-were imnîly "1-ats and Caps, Uinmrelas, &'C., tri içe of Mpcfith cîci,,iiby tihe speakers. -g iily ny21c 85 Sô- folic]osd,tiîo bleUit of stvccuîing sud htyJu 27,185 îîmcieg bcd woid. i erIhL 'I eis AET 83 ph1atiedlly a habit, e tricL cf tpep AETD 53 iincjmnitlq fer he nmtpeutticmnarc) nt Id '1, 4 Stops, ' -$110. tiun lce " oociiee I ati c CcA Style ;, i Stops, 115t0. tracitetisi'olime illeI'ad G A Sye20, il Stops, 160, g-ccls1,of ' miJ2folly. iStylo 8, 6 stomca, -175. B o o t s A - -- - -'Ii iccslonle sewoodcasCîesc. --cMtrder in NewYork. P A O F RT , Vumiliqg the fve vcarq mimdug hast ofhsclc'icWFBR&C .ncke- IDCoocer, no- issu tican Lws baudreul alwaye oic calu hI ltce LaieRts el nIfor a oiS l lgiit-y-ic iuun cc-'-- grueleor irgt-eiace iitniisiit, utincumr liingn mî fckicemur-.nt arîgpttîe ~s',reojîsîîfdily re- - des-,,eo c niittec'inlutlIe ity of cuectcd te cli -and cxitnine our Instru-I - ?New YelkI )-lzy o! t'ucrip ines lwicMialtni eîtsicuferu hcyiucg clecwtce'e, Wo are not criereloeviug erîucîuuyet of tre sunesluig iet o h a - thlIe extrema ensaly of'tiuplaw, whlle STOKIY. -E - wen ty-four wero sontes8ced te imprison- L N.UETcAIÂNE T CK C M LP ment for lite, and sucre Ihanici ufourflî o f tliin wivre iovoDr bolimglt teO trial,-3oodfan elden il. 01tfl mmrlets, tL]e'.weo e41 3era Scoct n MI éosLADIES,' MvISSIE> 11s 1670 ;4U, b1t1872 *,andh65 in 187à . - PF0BIl WA LU The Tintex 1ciiiarrivuci nt Iho conclu- - iolh1, smn'terre~e aîen-îm. FROM '$60)UP'WÂRDS. - A lion thiif ni; tee tr u .,lima f,,c~i' w 'ro au licé" ohiite.FE1M à çf 1 s'Abert,.......... .609 ,. Maucheat.r............. 2 am ladies' oo eookIdï #M:,.71>- - ~cr ô g.nor i05 Wyli OVERS Q 'bave' io a' ,ic.7.80T..m., ai efor main < ,n Rie1 ige lm movntat$a ýI6Iy d beif'@blonde breà à oe down] AIMISHOMDES, nlysupplied, Â stock of elegant baskets.: ed te suit (instomers, à na- a wefl appointed WM. TILL., IN A T EA S TOQRE.L -:o000:- - .- - & SP ARVELL, à rgest, best asslorted, and cheapest Glassware everoffered ini Whitby. osa Sets.' )inier vSets. à ad Fancy Toilet Sets., ur, Table ami Bedxcoin Lamnps'. lites-Fruit, Cake and Trille filies. [n Goblets, Tun4dlers sud Wine Glasses. In Table Scts-All in New Patterus. s FOR PRES.ENTS,l ;Muga, Vases, Toys, &c., &o. Ikinds cf Choice Family Groceries, Bet Fancy Pipes, Raine, Bacon, Lard. Oysters of Lid iii cashi for any quailtity of Goocl Dressed >wfltt Pease, &C. At ,GIBSON &SPAIRYELL'S. jE Tp4 IL OBING .-0:00 - aWell-fitting, Garmeut :-To the >Estab]ishmenit cf URLEY, OSHAWA. 'G SHIAPES- THE WOIiK1 th;beet Euglisih, Scotch aud Canadiau 7oatiîîgs and 8plendid Vest Patternîs. ,A GEORGE GURLEY, King Street, Oshiawa. CLOTIH I NG ING GOODS l -Clothing stîitable for lothing Store and Mierchiant Tail- E' MII G- TYSODI%- 3TiE ET, WHITBY,- rYLISH CUT WARRANTED 1 ý,s of all kEnds, iucludling Shlirts, f-si rïdShoes! - 000 - -- [E IN ALL LINES 0F, ,S' AND CHILDRENS' 7SO, IN es81' dY.OUTH8I'[ Lat, KIRis offe4 KVD OVERSHOES, LESALE PIêIdE. ~, à t 4c0 cents. pdrî paji. tes, a $125per pair. r th1-'repairs afl 1 Whitby and Oshawa$t cime ~2 ~&ook8Lrast TiDoneas -T. Fa. D. MoI Deima D E. H.-< . . Pli W.* M. 'W 0. Wilsci Thomas ~aI. Mîugie Misiet arge4~fI~i 111,aseVoiConOertin ~ ~ t lbon Boo~elera~ Si~t6i~r5and dealei, hI Fapre~ô~ ýT[ST 0F ATJCTJONEBRS ised for-South Bidiug f Otario, North fix~oft ia c, and separate MunLiaaities- in Poncer. aI, arlhsm ..Drockr.......e.'1t, 187&. tanMks, Jr. Wb.....SoUth E<)nari.... It i7 sy... Oeiaws.......Soth Edhmg Juns 88,1878. lIces.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Set Thrh.....as........5,m. 1876., canr .. esaverton ... Thorah .... .. l599 Oll......... do.................do9 187kt oCQf c.., A hurn . .......South lliding . Oot. lsïLl871C, ~ess.Thorah.... Thcrah.,. - ,1,86 ...... auci Brock.. :....... 9D, 187et )igby, -r... <3arennt..... South Rdug C - 2».1878. Ilby Jr... Claremont..... Uxbridge ..... ...c'tij86 f Wati .... Port Ferry. ..i.. North Itiding Oct.'28th, 1878. Saintfleld. Nurth MRiif. cc. Sh 86 P ort Fry Nrh Riding. - Nv.....-176 pt . .. Port Perry.... R5ah.............. «Nôt. 22nde 1876.'. iuk W i ... Leaskdals . cot... .... t ...... De. Ssc, 1876. hale. Toronto,..... ....Northi Ridcn isalOi, 86 [BT OF PEDLERS FOR THE £.00.,ONTARIO. John Carm.... ,Japums Briggé.. -. ýC. Huaý.bzuci Jamesii lwkwcý Felite McGover Johin olligan.l Wliity, jas.[ cf~ o z z o CI) z Thim lelthe w sud cern bccn lime amp iu tht lieuse in sud siry. The Coctneri hie tiret gîceets ai IUle tI Oshawa..........On foot.......* Irolçiuîj1uo-e .......... . mu'e Non,lesiciuntt.... l- here, Ceunty.... do,. ..:: 2 liores, Coanty... doe. ... 2 hersesç, Count... doi. ... 2 liormsuf, County... WM. LAINGI, 2lc4t AprIl, .1876. -141h Dec. 1876. 151h Dec.,1876, 151h Dec. -1876.- Cci Tre-asurer. 1876. 9Hlotl iis sitimatoti-ini the centrai portion, of lime oiy, cogveniesl colesais cstabliehrnctnts sud piilic-iug4hngs, and fer. fonrste nerciai tram'ellers is ais te i-ilhe situation. The boe b las eougiuiy re-orgenizecland re-furuls}aed Ibrotigioul, sud la fitted Emccl cocufortelhe anci fesîionabîs style, equal tle oîuy firel-class lime Dotminionm.The bedro.once mcidrsawig-roz'm a-ae large aud thme ieet eeuitary i'egnulatioîms asmoobaerveti. arge sud cosm'ieiumlsemple roorne, for lihe accomîmoudation cf laia Traveliers, are' cornmodions, and ceuveuieshly located on S flat.' , - nses cimiciCorm-iages always readly fer lte accommodation o! iivinq by allihe teais snc steaumiosis, sud alec 'te convey le dcpclu uti 1wimre'mon Iu'aving. Kennedy, fcrmerly of Qaeen's lIIelh Owen Sound, Manager. ýapli Office in connection 'witlictîcisnonce. RMS, ~- - - 5r FER DAY. - DOMINION IMPROVEru ANI) CA NET THIS CC by the additio Clougli & Wac bie own p- EQUAL. suad United Stahout SOur 0 "Octave Colnp ct" A.ýoliu lImproverîmeut-I OR CxA N coSI lU MOJ)FLLED ORGANS. MPANY [-AS I<ECENTLY J3EEN RE-ORGANIZED iof thi-oc tof time unoutt practicmi mon from time Factory of ri Orgau C-),, D)etroit; Mieli., ech itakiuig ail active part ini cidar dcpiartmcmit, ind cire now ilianufachuî'ing au Organ in nau 'y icoints S UPEIIIOR, tcm uty maniufctimred in the or Cwaaa. lebitted -"Vox Celestcc," "Vo-x 1iluuians," Wicox'uu latout cmr' -'Celi"cc- c IlCluriîaet" IStops, I" Fluglo Horîm," " Du1- - cCrnomm,' amid Gr'and Qîgami Stop, and ail the" late C;aL i-- i (tail cmmoily inu thiicucutOugmîs. Twenýy- Five Different' Styles!1 FOR1 TH'A 1>.ULOIt AiD TIIE CHUICJ{, M11E IDESbT,,IATE RIAL AND WOBRIMANSHIP î-5- QuaOity and, Volume of Tone- Une qualled, P R II CES,1 $50 TO $1 5000. 9ý" Factory and Warerooins, corner-of Teunperance a.nd Welligtou St etbs, Bomanville. Agenits Wa4tedin Eveî'y Couîîty. ~Send for. Yrice List. DOMINION ORGAN Co,, Bowman ville, Ont J;hns 'on's8 e/f - Iki g Repr WVRDED ýTHE.- FIRST PRIZE. At4, e Plrovin(.îi Exlbibition, Totc, i 1 870. We c glerut The uuiver WOmt aits!1c4s- fà à uwred cur ç!îstomers for the comirug kîvct- dis-1 ieW-hieh h lu Btek aîîd cô i ijiu m ae~ RIUNG 0or iIEAFERS." p -- sal succmess 0'f thisMahlebtrnIslyoitt. ite bande of che uari»cCqr'ctvrirnusain saysr~tiat as ao(R asSise,&O 4'hscir in:t ancdlegs defect,- nd:lias cmet-lt arad-qd ý.hçF Et P *Zesnd Diploma,-.it4he ProiU- uhe Province: asnd wfth"oir- Whtby, Dec. lSth, 1875. 51 Lostrespectfýuýlly-:eall the attention of k çep up, with the -times,.>7 a in doing se have been fortu-. nate in getting'a 011010E-LOT 0F A~t less than what they eriginally cost to produce them; 4axd are xîow offering several hundreds of yards at 25, cents per yard, worth 85 cents. TBIMIMNGS TO SeUIT. 'M 1 L j ,DI, e TY Tfhe saine Milliner employed who obtained the First Prize for lier work last year. Cý"Mant1es mnade by Tailors in Germany, Splendid Value. Clothirig»-Ready-made ancl made t» or&-er, on short notice, in the latest styles. and Caps in great variety. ýWhihby, 8th December, 1875. 14 - NWHAVENj cf Gents" Furnishings,'- Rats 50 - Ã"RdAI~'T0O'~. ýN04X 1 fyha tet1r lnd stu ents-ar wl'sell themn at-ËriÃiai wil'urIf you ever expétobi i *mo j the turne. Be sure te give me a caU efore buying. À ýgoodI assertinent of Cloîke, nt wliolesale prices, to close out the lot. Clooke, Watches, aud Jewel- ry neatly aud prornptly repaired. 81 I~~~~». NO VL E a"SBtr:t ,;Have PRIN GLES, c.hadat&ei-- trchaý 1 &&s~~eut, .BROOK STREET, WHI TBY, A mueh larger and botter sýcok thà auusual, embracoing ail THE NEWEST CtEOnhà AlIDr'RIMMfINGS.' For gentleme3is' Clothing;- and as they are giviug their wliolo attention ho the Teiloring business, they are in a position te do il better tîcem ever. A .kPIIINGLE. FIJRNJTURE! FJRNITIJRE! Nw îl meo buy goo (d nd eap -Frurniture. Ilaving bought, out the business lately. carried on by James H. Samo, we take this opportunity cf in-viting bis manyfrieitds ýte ýgive -us aeaU1, aud, we 6n $srýl that we are prepared to do as w'el by thein in the future, as Mr. Samo has doue iu the part. --00- Orders by mailpromptly attended to.. 1JNDETAKNG.frjyýst class Establishment in the County whiére funerals aire fui- ly supplied. 1TILL & JOHNSTON. Whitby, October lst, 1878. f Jr. f lu BOOTAN 1IEE O1IJ, BROOK STREET, WH ITBY. RAS THE Largest Stock, Greatest Variet3', 0f Boots aùd Shoes in Town, cheap' fo r \ C-ASW Men's Feit O0 lioes, . $1 20, per pair Ladie's Feit Ove th ces - $1 10, do.ý Mll orders puctually attended. Repairs n.eatly* done. Whutby, Oct. 27th, 1875.4 6HOICE kL uMoQUOIWý at WJHOLE SALE and RE TAIL te suit the 110 Dc-r N Zý IHOICEST BRÂNDS OF, 0I(*ARS A .Lag.e and, well bq purchased iiiutewn or citY. Givaýui - cufi4e r,,youroelf,,a4dig.-ou'eaii be as Weu ami d as glsewhev5 patronlké'ho6me D. McBRAD-Y, ' i & uAmaey. AÂ1 dley, Nov. 24th, 1875. 48-W~ rpA&TNeO ENToINS Ezxpedi#ouly au&géperlý eci1red'Jp Cou- ada, the U14,-' 'es -and :Bur 'l' or~ie r~YearL BNRY GBST, Micbagheerm SUpcnPte ýSCEL~EBAT-, elnuent n iRWm as th~e. W ogsn Sc1el,4o5geP or ÃPWJ# %PY4ýe liéS- jmessaud voluine o!tons. Wbaà e bve -ze agents wsiwiUllow aty 6f. Msbing te buy4be.ýageuta Aieofflt, Aents wsnte&- DÀÂNIIL Fr; BEý'TY, Wis4bngtou, lý;J. To the Inhabitauts of DÙËns' Creek --"" cha'Fênu#opened a Butcher'. Simep .MÇitbm's, vîcere. May 11e seen oeaof ltse 1'-bdis 1ay- f Bee~' ark: mcdFow1 4vsr effere fte lime1 "Publie. "m-Ois a nifePs1e I.Comi one, corne &sl, an gel scrnetimg te do jon - -RICHARD WRSTLAKE. B OOK 'GÉÇTg WMqTED. E? 411:1ALE- d I'- O, p0bIferSs i7 MiIrray St., N, ., Tlýý:CTHI;3TLE' AD)ITIO N, -théenly' f0113 fustrated'Eid1tien cf TH .14À VERLEY 1NOVELS e1 Ameriean make egverofjerod to 411e public. 0Of the tç=t. e-$It VýçrufitiO coure, niqý-ei fïk,,I£'-, bç'style, wil'espiéek fûô~t tbte a1whrever Be. piinted beek-dlear, larde type. ,without.. owig excpen-avs,* egaut and, rà eMýceabWs." . eçkt$-e&iuca teia er ic tt sre.Two Fourteen Volumes urfowt CHAS. IL ».BNEY, Genk&g%., CareX 4~L ~ 71- ~Murry St., NT. Y. Sept.2Otb 187. -89 ag1 Lsd by limeSiit] sud.George,§te ~pecin du or four wismîc ute Wantedl mos. Sgiven 1 tlce I howr ,- te IARRI coeStreet Blocà rEi c (Lat * Whiiby,CG IDUGGI OFFICB- fromP9tol Wm. nt Oxcfe Oas as choit' beat. Tez Teethextra local anusl se s newl King Streel TUI BUILDE cf Jenathan -1eshortesi large qnaxct 'Clerk Di, Conmimmsl Aherl Phyiciaus, whztby, se, UJniv."of Me ÂUdsezpt elùsskept col the WhitbyL1 nNo ahi dis 1~~~~ - - ru t., c M"" 1 - 1 1 1 ' ; 1 - L 1 Y lï Wýitby, ýbk.,'ýOtV 'A Lý 1