Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jan 1876, p. 4

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aiwrobu,na es frm the n, thb. rk e copniuR la stars ecollc> rZl oblhe md oain but a r.! Thoü thsy 1h. severe Iask. %x9.av~1~t Ilo 0cota, ai Faya soconi. 1putting the àoraôpfraftho b l 'ô Ibm~hé*net, b Duo c "d bt round hie îîeçk, sud h whilo be.remaius be. I;e?.liabat, twO c nergitig froin Ilié Boa, wter frein bis monti lopietwei bleel, wiluib, nl dater lm à*frin lilg [lis laboàura. Jocm. mtly tuake fifty tripe lu mii4él'walee' wo iminutiea; sein. illy .tay ibree. mnsutes, but -aTtedblood rui'heoi'frein o yèÉi, sud sans, wbau tbay eaussd by dotdpromBloti bo!the. (týkNa'il paitsfui lihîbutPesat 4wter are tliE oniy remaedies aud, aflerasshort filie, 1h. la neot retnewst ou divlng. elilugof thébeàseaulamanked. stig otl jiP"satreelties; ouialng lsirm set s btter liplngenns.s 4vr go wi six. nvatmwa asittn.a. j1:vms~; tsvet. ~ pe ronntissu, tIli 051115 le > a iE ls traeen miser. EEEIi5àpill, 1llatitlicy 1nMay avoid h. ,Julssd sog luli, Tlsey are, bow. Ivlgaisdrit1 V ftinseI with a shoert Ktc1ue, cail cf liardlwoosl, asudpoiuted. A look-out or watclitr la lu efncli boat, te ive a inal tla iboe o ndeS' water w4çpp sIgnCr le apparent. TJiosgaofyoiqe4gdîivers divIde lu. tu lire parties, n'it! 'resI fer longer jeoti.Tbeiy go te tueur laboutr fait. m,;. elowtlîs1, 9f cousea, eîsatejý h ticoystearn uip îîuickly >se .poàolllie.useing lthe short elick they carry, wlsi n ecomnagr, to separite thI ein salm l c i, stance. Pied. iuj,4ý.oyLprlikly tocontain s pesc'l, flici ctlreekJueu '>lepu il, arsd1 tu 1-6rwl 4rapear witlîWse161l cs, 'n4Y4i l thlat, 'duiriug thlrso îluteit îrsmILei-ion, lie coild 'diacoveî, nutbiag but oliahs, Tuae fraud las flors sheaoov.reiadounli th~e tick freeiyued on, liii 110~1ci'e baek ô! Ibhe tat. 1(croýed lwlmky, sys a n excbange, "i h- îstnif for a bander; but il gelsas susiinn mssd sris Unt inL ttlt1e ock Ilcyve unilua! *ed a roufectionèr for cfiice.lc ouglît Grant ila saoIsi as munsical as 's et, au1 iLatge wlth rezuankablti akili the soli ' dmroiig'i 'Iltil so0 ganîly round- lme Fsîcalii-,.f we ' gôoltop. 1j' IDIVIEIION COURTS e, TUE CWb.N.TY, 0F ONTARIO, FOR TE IUJI 1876, Whtb.. 3i 3 ij.1 2 i 27,?jhqd*2'rnil r4, "z 07 Csmi'g'n lO 27128 7 le1lu0si, 117 80 lU 19 Gfofl. DARTNELLA, Agents Wanted lu oveu7 TownshluOntario ta ssii tho ed byu. Co. d!I51i4~isîswill be 4eu *Ofls.15agentêWl o1ubasu.r1llm r lu , f avas s. g4n JM41W*U hi& ont lic o iva as raitt a.d P. TENTED, 83 Style a IlStps, ..18 PI A-NO, ORTE S,ý ai lb. celebrated WEDI & C0O.nI4 s1àra7 o ae Il.Lomrest aaf5a fi I.classsInotrment. te ts bsfore bu log q"sberf. Weý ira tu k~Jlre rditions ta Cash md. hort. notamero a ln regt tram tb. fac. ?014 ~~181~-y en PRÃ"M $60 JPWAi]R DS FRED MUDG ]R TO PflICES FOR CABINET FACTORY AINDý FURNITUR,:WAJ ZR w he. on/ fuAa not,,ure. to be rBjl1did Ir1our, Drawing REkÃ"m aniýcIBedioom Sets, biew Desigus well worthy of iii leotion, at astonishing ow' prices. - Dining-roomù Extensiof ~Gido4aio~Picture Frarning in every style., Borne fine Chromos aud Engravinga for sale. > -i aIlits-raâ'és 'sj ùirais fuily suppùtd,. 4poek f£ gaef skf cafnalwpâys 01 'lsrq4tri imea c u utoms e& wefl appÈoinîted Hôaeiàtan4lyin rosa-iee?- W ;TILL. - Whft>y, ~ovelIibs± 41b 18715. Wàffl llI& E TO RE 1.-- GI û-N &SAREL stock of~C th eisy ;b4 1ass a s 'o ~ed,#:d cheapest lu g ett.;m rated Lackawaue, seraun- tolrlrUU Ilessburg sud ther coala CHEAP FOR CASH 1 il'aî quantitieeM llacksmi9l ansd o*sr SPECIAL RATES1 Wooir#ra dngh, 25 rnIs percord ab o.ae ff àuual prices., Seul, lu yur orderR te Wib&Oabiawa, !Whltby, August 316t, 1875. t.8 A *C1,ÀR D 1 A Clergyman, while reidiîsg lu South Acuerical as naleaienery, dlmovsred a sais sud s5zjmire iwsy lot the <Cure eofiNervgua îWsaknes, Early Decay,, Dîsesse eft1h. traie eo diiordera ruhto 7baneliil ~dee ~ eeProm, ahd~a~. tt or md yAdsR ta 'ýQe the aidteS sud unfortunats, I Wlll aefid thé recel t for pro. parlngandI ualng ibia medicine lAsased onvolope, a5oïssï4iy ~ ee~ INMN Station D, Bible ous, 'New York City. 22 2VePellvIatt8te?,a Protecf- Iran, la 80 oilibin e s o alv tise cl6racter of det alient, us uia ie lu a -s tihe sillplcat Idoi. 19 liisc>'asics tiee 1satfty Of ,Naturc's Oee'u 1I' ta zing Adyes ira mu tihesblooel, aned c ré<Àrim iirfT'Jrp~ liair~~e $uP m. Toet ricil auc sita ixeelblooi paîr- Meated everu Part of tihe bodyt, rc-Pail'ilug cdamages andi waste, setireling of morbiei sacra- ions, ancaiel0png,"Atijnjq for dl sease Io fe *1- o ,al- > l This id tise secret of tise won- devitacé fil sis4f «Us rémedu lta ct;rlttg ZDYsPppa, LIVer Com- Plaint, ' Dropsys, ChronlDic. 1.-. rl5oeBEo-lflsbTvpUsfIetuÃŽ ChIIig an« Feve#u, Iumrs .Loss of Constl 1'on i ýor, Jflidor Fmile, Complaints, and ai lle!seaoglalili iii Cemplcd tiilby debility oi' a tlu st aies of tido tegcf <un.*icù1,gfvco c ll<in Ï-E r<eî'gs ot jt raîsi ,ew btleejzio, o,ii îvealc, slecily, tnsffcriil1cre flires, to 91*tà',g#. allsèye auel lueppi l m"de>i enseWolitiuu; aie itaieo fvateata.. Sec tha cadi îôtlà hlad PERU. VIAN SYRUP bl im »the riZass. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Preprielou, lIe. 1 lUiltola Piae, 1Restai. SOLO fmonials. ASiareas, DAeM F. PBEAT. 'WY, Washington. N. iJ ý J.EXTENSION EAILWAY, Takeseffec on esday, Dec. 8, 1875. d h!Vraiuno un by tor#oIius, 1saitwmo axlslb. 4 17.1-w., n ',u1 tl tl*, a ...1 !tu.l/'ooi*co4 t'h-n Whitb ....... 1 11.08 ..:::oheîs '. .. ....... -0 tlè .1 ancheter............ 88 6.2 . itu ê5nmî.. ............650â.û; ester ~ rollu................. 5555*à M.op bhin ana Fancy hn p ets. In china, Stone ana Fancy Toilet Sets. In Parlour, Table and »edoom Lamps, InGlss-Frui, k ll rfeDishes. In Goblets, Tumblers and Wine Glasses. In Table Sets-Ail in New Patterns. FA NOY'GO O)DS*FIOR PRESENTS, Iu Cups, Saucers, Mugs, Vases, Toys, &o., &c. Gsssia va.z..haaau kiniofChoie Fainily Groceries, Best Teas, Tobacco, aud ail kinds of Fancy7 Pipas, Hams, flacon, Lard. Qystars of 4e begt hrantlî lwaya oq lbaud. The highest market price paid ini cash for any quantity of Gooit Dressed Hloge, Qats, Small Pease, Marrowfat Peaee, &c. At GIB SON & SPAIWELL'S. Whltby, Dec. ldth, 1874. 51 FASHION4L l'A IL ORIN G Go whêè é cn1 can get a Woi-flttýng_ germent :-To the Tailoing EstgbIiqhnïenft o 'G~Ã"~ GULEV>-OSHAWA. SUPERIOR OUTTING 8H4PFSS THE 1WOURlK A Laürge âtfoki oï f ùie , otlig ; basi English, Seotdh 'sud Canadian Tweeds.r,: Etcellaut OVaercôatingà sud Splenid,' Vest Patterus,; A good ffi uaraunteed. -fTTTV M -, King SIteet,' Gsi sw. GENT'S F1 R l"S, HI C LOTH 1I-N G CX0 0DS - 00 - For Superior, Clothinig suitable tor Stimmer iwear try -the Clothing Store and Merchant Tai- o~'ig~etabisneutof- JO0 E-1 -FEMBIPvG Ti S 0 w ~UND » STREET, WHITBY. A GOQD? FIT AND STYLISH CUT WARIRANTED!1 Gent's Furnishing Goeos-of ail hIats ansd Caps, Umbrehlas, &C., Wiiitby, Jiyý 27th, 1875. 1~obt~ kinds, includling'Shirts, "an d Shoe s J E ~1z~000 *-STOCX COMPLETE IN ALL LINES 0F LADES' ?¶ISSE' NDCHILDRENS', J t i ÀTSO,~IN - 'M~NS,~ BYS, JYOd TH8,' SAý , i-' O VERSHOES, 44N"WHOLESALE P'R1CE8. 7c_R s 13B B ERB ~ 40 ýts per pair. i0VJWSQES! 0VE-ISHoES! i i > 4tc,)ëezsj -QMLs4ýmat $1 25 -p~r pair. e Rmexnbeir~a it îp, ieof. Charge, ,«.k' e ar --l H T ~c mn s a Ont4 io; l NAval. Thomas Pol -L. , Fairbààg Il. . Came C.Moare.. John MaGii Wm. Gord' James Dii John l. W jCil~ C. Win.. John Camr; James r~ James ElBi John Gflig cher,.. Jr... s. n.. & Co.. y, Jr.,. ex. ~ker. r 0F s..: sud. rwefl... su. South :Ridiiig ail Mea~èk Whitby. Thorab .. shburn ... ...nnga..... cieremoul ... Maremont... Port Perry.. Balistfeld. Port Perry .. Part Per.. . ]?EDLERS 1 0 lit do. do.n Wh$tby, Jn 86 T ta the end cc np ie houas sud ai T CoMnu the fi 0 gpeste them i 9ocaîh Ontario, . Feb. lut, 18WO. SoutEld6g. Ot,0e1870. Tborh............S,~1876. uc......... .Ï.la,1876. Broc..........."1941876. S'onUs Bldisg..... Oct. 9ou, 1876. Uîrds.........Oth, 1876. tiorth ldIng.ot M"8U, 1876, <,dNrth Edn o.,,111h,1876. NorthB.......... _v42ad 86 Sott c é. 96, 1876. lLo bd, 1878. Onct...... ... . 2eAti, 1876. N ores, icouny... tDc. 1'1876. F OTE C Osny. * 11h saR187. On foot. i' .....t.i 11h et p., -1876. 1 hbostss........... 15h Dec, 187. WU. LAING, CJo. rease. z. làs Hotel la sitnsted lentti. central portion cf the aity, convenient wholesale establishmentsansd publie bulings,,»sud for tounaIs EmmerdiaI travellera is a most eligibie 'sitnâtion. ' Thé hoçtseý,has hougbly rs.organized sud re.fýtrniabed Ihtougsti, asud fa fftted ~hamest comfortable sud fashicuiable, atyle, mqual toansy first-,las lthe Dominion. The bedrocuis and drawinÈzraomùs aue large ry, sud the beat ssnitary regnistions are obaerved. lielarge sud couveniont sample rooma, for tbeý accommodation of ercas Travellers, are, -p6rà nodiôo nsd convenien'o.y located on st esat. nibusansd (3rriages alwapy ready for the accommodation of srriving by ail Ibe teains asud ateamïboats,-Ànd Àso a b aouvey o ise deoansd whsrves ou lesa*ving. so. Kennedy, formerly of Queenta Hatl, Owen Sound, Manager. legrapb Office ie conneotian wIth Ibie Houe. TERMS, #1 - * 50 IPER DAY. Wýiitby ment c pries ar value : Pharmacy S. W. B1. SMITH reivecl anc1 opione-d a Large and Choice assort- înry Goods suitable for the Holiday Season,. The stock coni. ýat- in 'an7>NeW%, icldome aid useflf Articles,, aud splendlid, Frenchi Toilet ]3ottles iii Bevelled Plate Glass boxes, entirely new, Gold, Silvcî aud Gilt fSînellilug SottIes, Parian Marblê Staiuary, Bohemisbû GleS8 Vases, 'Lubin'ý, Atkinson's, BEtimelsalaid the CrownParfumes,, Toilet Se s,- Ladies' C mpanion Get'Dr ,ssing Cases, Necassari s, Jewel Boxes, Fans, Witing Eesks, Walnut, Wniting E sks, Papier Machie, Hair, Too b, and Nail Brushes, Dressing lomhsi, Toilets S nde, Gants' new, Fancy Ti nis, Papiaterra e AlSO 1large varièty of oth 1"ie Cali and Exa] Deebr151hi, 1875. lPey IBoxes, Faxîoy Baskets, Piurses sud Por-tmunnaies: a splendid assortint, extra cheap, Albums, very low, Glove,,Hauderohief sd Collar sets, Chequer Boards, Dominoes, Portrait Frames, Playhîg Carde, Gaine cf 014 Maid, Ink Sïatîds, Ink Bottlas, Scotchwood sets,. É&teafiýsld Trten Ejard Cases, Cigar Casas sud Boxes, Cigar -Stanids and Holders, Meerachauni Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, 18 variaties, Tobacco Pouclie-,, Ninepins sud a -mice collection o! Toys. her goods and novelties3. mine Our' Stock. . S. W. B. SMITH, Late Jas. H. Gerrie & Co. 51 do/w"Ston's 8e/f -/iaking ./Ieaper, A\WARDED THE FIRST PRIZE. A the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto,- in 1870. We.Qfler"to our customers for the coming Har-veiit, two dis- tinot «'Machines, which ini stylei and constrisction, embrace the I litest and most useful improvements of the day. J01 -NSTON'8Ssi NGLE SELF-B1AK.INO REAPER d triaS n Ing -Reapini mari succo CA laaid ti - ffe ï-thoe ifon deasr>p1 ;/ À Rales, C lu th, banda of tus farMera. w ,tjl'syiegl tTý ami Soel(ak~-' g acief. a pes ed pît$dlsiee~ai met wýiI su ed loetaille.tlitan eeoo ho a theopùbfi awarded the First Prz èIiIo t théPcvn rtn bl in u lohtoq 1570,i'n cMnpotreý wwh mitme4ig5clu lWtho ProvIfito; snd with cicr ecent ipoooes>èeehstt inetijat!on and compsr'on w5f' huampe*ti'-~llti arta u iîclicTý.votigatlon will convinre every unprejudtcod-mind, thst wo iys catalogues. 9 Ioertlh are fr182,bil n làEýY"non~ e M W O D' MA.NUFACTUJRERS 0PF ý-DUNDAS STPmEET, -WHITBY,'jONT. uon hand a la)rg sto'ck of Carnages uges, aknd utters, ~ O whe frstj ufinish cannot beeeld. AZ il,4 ggi1 esldat ýcoat. 'Aliwork warranted. FURS FU118 ! FUR>S REA DY-MADEP A T Whh'by, Deerube lot, 1875. NEW HAVE~ JUBI L r. ,GLOfl PI~IQES 49 ORGAN 00'5. b 1GA N S. NORVILLE lias tliem-S7pIendid ýInetrumenïts-ind' will soul them at prices that wvifl surprise 'Iy oui. li yen ever expecl ta -buy ens, uow is the time. Be sure ta give me a cail before bu ng. à good assortment of Clocksat wholesale prices, 10 alose oi thell oc s' , Wtbs:~~w ry ne:îlYO sud promptly, repaired. H. W. NORVItLE, Duna"'sStreeî, 81 O0ppositethe Post- 01e JU. S T RECüEIV E D -AT flOINION W ARR 11OO1 01 A Large- and, Select Stock Cloths and Tweeds, I FASýHIONABLE TAILORING -AT - 1DOMNION FI RST-CLASS : f, WAREIROOMS. DRESS-MAKI NG. -A T DOMINION WABOOMS. 8~rY~LIsIa DOMINION Whut'by, ]5ec. isI, 1875. -AT- WAREROOMSO.- LOWES &POWE] L1L. PR -I N G L ES, Have on hand, at their Merchant Tailoririg Establishmunt,, BROOK S-TRýEET, WHI-TBY,-, À mucli larger and better stockthan, usual, embracingal THE NEWEST OLOTHS'AN]) TRIMbtWGB., For gentiemensi Olothing ; ana as they are giving their' whole attention to the Tsiloring business, they are in s position t o oit botter than ever. Whitby, Sept. 801h, le75. A. & J. IR. PRINGLE. - 40.ly FIRNITUiRE! FUJINIT1J1E Now is the tâme to buy good' andclieap Furniture. Ravig bouglit out the business -lately'càrried on by James H. Samo, we taike this oppiortunity, of inyiting Jus many friends to *i-e us a eaUl, &nd we cap sur i that we are prepared to do as well by thern W the #m as Mr. Samo lias done in »te past. Ti LL & JOF{NSTON. Orders bymail promptly attended t0o.. e01asA. EàtâblishnÊent-i the: Couxiy ""xfuea are fui- ly suppli ed. : ýW1itby October t,1i878 TN F NENTIONS Expeditoul~y amé opelyseem4in Cani ýAdj te jnfed taes ndEurope. a edorno charge; 8oncl for HENRY eRIÉT, Gttawa, Canada. Meebianloal Engineer, Policitaroci Patents IBEvuATTY B 'S LE TONGUE", Parler Orgaes are ranhad by eminent musicians sthe f5adfr>g ergan niow 'ivuze. For the Chuzcb- Sabbath Sco? oge or Parlor hej bve no su- .n aUfatuerta equlthem- owest- ns.sudvaunietene Wer e bave MUgstswe wI slau anso w e lg la büythe agnts dikcannî. Agents wsntedl Mvbr. Bod et- pfor .niof a i sU m a adfraular oa, ibis vonderfal mu- sicf p*mlngftsrmsnt_ Àddir.ss, DANEL y. BzEÂrTx, Wasbinglon, N. J. Thâtl 6amulL Id sidmnce lunfth. known as the, WFI:L-SO'N PROPERTY:, i pretocuipiebyXR. IL Lawdsr, Post' =obspssz it besnullly 4#nsed... snjoyfng the cool refreïàbg lre6iëeMi, tha ke and bay, wbich present a beautifit appearauce from tbé e euls. TbeGrounds, wbhare smong tbe finet » in town,, tra' bèutifofly hl .out, and, stock-.. ed -Witb a finecolleýctio!fioweriug abrabi. and p4ts, aud eho"e rut trues. -IntebdiDg 7urchasers are -respectfafy iD.. IedoIaIIe reies wth wbicb: ýthy &e, o e Éém ffI"but net =ore go-. thân with tb. Iermiwbicb uiay be kuown. byemniring athee£S -of FAIIEWELIL & RUTLEDGE,. l Àents 9 lvteâ l'everywhere nmales sufeinale... Âddres,,DÂNflL F. ]BEATTY, Wsslg.- Ion, N. jà, FLURL BRAN! 'MND SHORTS fT1Pl O,,ATMEAI,,. &c. NEW ,ý;STORE,- JUST OPENED.- n'oaazrzRA'5 BOTEL. . GIVE ACAL WM. JOHNBTON.. T JEFARIMERS1 I Plonghs sud Plougli -Castings, Blraw- Cuttera, Fanuing Xliii, Reapersansd Mow- ers,&ca. .WM. JOENSTON.- Wbltby Oct. 1B1h, 1875. U.2 'CUSTOMS5 DEP«ABTMEXT,1> - OIIwtvp;M&msh liaI, 1874.. A UTHORLIZED DISCOUN<T ON .tAAIFçnican Ilniceo nt~il.furtber no.- tice,15p ' et - - 11 .M.. BOUCEETTE, 40.11 Çpme9s iCustaas. IýLL 6t JOHN5TUN.ý' ,O13CK TRÉET BAS 4TE Largest Stockeý Latest, Styles,- 0of Boots-and he in 'Town~ eheap for CASH. MWis 'e] vrlie,-ýi2,pe ar ,Ladie'sFelt Ovrshoes,, p1, e o A. G. iMc lte Grei wo ISTER', AI] &etry 4E Onfario. r- AN & ROI U5TESIAT! .I-R 1 '-Pr' teeR. J. H.i Wj. iBU 5 TEN' Osnde Oas h cep local a 'Ss ou anls nsw bloàk, an At Ring Street, a.i BUILDER D DUNDr ST' REÊ-AU erde promi JOHN R~oi -JO L ICENSED cuaties~ Besaedoce-Lo P0o Oice,-tJn Terras coa m large quNtntusy ao astiy on haS ulied and atezîd o u2j!antiy oILTra es. HA E. Clerk DivisionaCo, Comuilasloner hý B. PL &C., Atlaony, Ciîin±y on c ARD. DR%. C<nÀt 111 Wi Phyai mSePtB n, 1A7 R ROBT. RAMS kY, M. W OL xa&niu. n t Bh C de and ,or Mi E c( andI 7--e -tbuonly iuy Mu c i Amenicaa make oe HAMILTON-; Areofferi ng ,SpeiL--a WINCflES-ANP L Splendid assortiýent pfÇ {II- Very, Cheap. w t, - - 7 , 2 ý -, ý ý ý ý : ý- ,-l-i.,,ý-ý

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