for tlie -ae. ONLY Si 50 PBRRiANNUM.>, Whitby, Thnrqdiay, Jan. 27; 1876. TheÀî dJoureot. 'vile ou-n>elof the. L«giuturý of Ontario will, btleaiasserted,take place. Uexl wee4. The. Quien ho Open Pariumant.' Të i'u nuwoiea eiadé $bat. the Quesn w$ opeuPl>rlamerit, lu prion, oit th. 8th iof Iehmréry. TVhe Wardensblp. Whou tiouionibere metfibère Wall vOry ittIe trouble aboutýthlb. Werdon. sLip. Mr. Millior, vhe heU so. long and sa, worlhlly repr;eemod ed l.township cf Piokeriug, Wars eheetoild iy aclamatIon. Tiie bonor wa is ly bestowed, u1pon *geutlainau wlho viii do nu dhsoedit ta thé, position or the Imporsaict iavnslp whtétc ho vrresents, BrlîlshColumbla Rjecis týic 700 haeve, by m ti ciîîeous voté, sndorscd the rpjeeoti c f thé Doninicu offor cf %750,000, and Ihavé dieclîlcd le appeul tb tli insperial (Joveremeut. ir The Choiects' Triai. Tho CUhéîcaut' trialinucuncthoiî Nth te Jécutie Gihenour aborficoce, aaUI1ncCOil a t Toronto, cit Weduesday ltï lest und vas coneel011u n rttidy. r,'rocaca f orthe crowu wage onuduoteit b, fi.. Il. M. Billion, cf Kîngal4oon, auJ the llrjaounerww dél'eudéd hy thé Hlou. L'hu jury rutuuue.l a Verdict-cf eto UnulLhy, ivithjout leavlîig h. box. 8oqUih COntario, Thiu appeatl l in<tlmcase vast arguodl 4biv 0mi ti. uît court on aurday. Preoue , Chiii!Justie Draper, M'.. Jus. liée Bl vIce, -Mu' JustIce blod. TJîè '1,1f vc 'rgu 'vas re atiu1tç by agente on -'plslte) tatersi-keépers .only, and the appéal waéiiussel wlîh 0084. 'Chiei JItué l.per dhssenlng, and lelcing tgt1ià oililiexprvéeuod l u thé ULncon euase, 1.8 Onr frionu afflulic1haea itforfstn- t',' suis' mîiît isafl licol"the cueshi- htieucy 'liaa o î-pà r legal i-épieimch- - 5)ILIit BEILChTIUiN ,CAMES. IýINc 'L'l"Te ilcision ot' Mi. Jutu- tiec (vyiniueatîeg autd fuquallfy- lg Mni. Néoto! his' Ii iu lice On- Uéutto*A.--. Iiithie M nkoka case@lthe dî csietsenu fMi. Justice oWilson, üilest- hig un iiltiaucifyieg nI. Million, vas 1-Prvermed.- h gr».'Iuappeulinluthé Halten Diomnine) cagedismnioid. NuarseVtuosc.-Seyo!fhrc.éd. Blectian 0f Mi. Langevin. li. 11r. Langevin, thé Opposition - aîilllia. licou eclel eoven tbe llovoeurnuont. candidalé%, Mr. Treinbhey, fur (Jiuiui4oix, bh>' us uajouity uof 220. North Rcufrev. liET O F MII. P)ITBLIWHITE. Mr. 1'elen W4t, thé Opposition cci- dIdate for 'Northi Benfrew, bus bée e-edhelà b>' stueantial maleiîy of uupa'de ut! 200, over lie !Iuvonscrn conldidlr, M. Murriay:. Un. Murray %vas lted et thé e l lllon, hehl on -thue 2ud November, 1874, by a siajenity iinuooiei.-Utider thie paîrotsagu of Jincnkliii Lodgiso oddfollovf, à 11r. J. lIat Penny vibl j du'-biei-c hcurý, onu Wisdiioiy evenuu, l e i'tirusiy, et the MasleiéH'uil, 1lInmklisi. Ilubjet, - " Junueyi,~8oithweu-uI ' iuîlîd"A N'if;it le tisé Nfauiuotli Cve"Ky>. Pîuuusfor t,huesufloit fthé ýObîdfél4- lov . M- Pii'" ecîniées sn-eh te- ceiseul inii Vbmy, uucl vilil bereprîatél inth ic uttiiijf intis. lu lé lectunre - ce tht smé s3ubjeCt, ai-id for ile estme ubjeQt, allié Oýdfelhown' Ls'lge Buou, Oe11iessu ai Frite>' s'Velthig -eL Pelbu- --AVe agaîn tlii wotuk eg alLe-' ticnt lathe " ouucmezul of ilse el- lent Compay-a trul>' National oue, in ovsryous. of lb. wor.- 1h t à a leuae Coliiipal7, il.ovimcg aet lie foulosI at'nUOU, u l culitai, ff ud tes- lis-s agent snobhmasM. 0. bloursa, viii lieon grcsw lto pap.ulur faVar lbu bila Juvtz neDAXOhufoCLès.-Mr. cal- Saturdiay,"lthe 29tJinlst., à t 2 'chocis, z-m., Ilu bbc Town Hail. Paret-ic ipig tLbir lhuiJînn la atnd 'ol (Io Weilla LAVsi thein tien. ut thé open. ITAtil & ' JIOTUU ne re erlng liaut-, Iiug toveoù oodit l'cuiprie.. ta ileer ntiibaane..of bein sqtock. Fer- bon$ Y$qlulrnpg ïstorsili do veli to nire thoa O&I e R~Au h ig & Buo-ia areriofenlcg the balanc.eoftboan plahesi crote, butter ssee,.,ai 10 pst éMt. uimeoottulfor .ssb. BYMsrtichle the>' warant, ced pEebe. 4asd no fiunler garantoe. ~ Coater botl, ab j 0au kbos obe t"go w ue hé I3ak, lot litaey a4 th. Outfeel, l Lu very go ande now. , The.Prosu. dent le a gentleman of abilty, experl. once, *&a minans. Thi. Cuider is a traledbaiker of 'vIdeexperlenie.bolli lu thé OIII0ooaniry sdnd uCanada, aud lu Rpit1&fUatheb.fontes andblundersof 1ts tormer exeçusive illias smlià a nclens of good aud profitable business, whieh may grow,.by caref ni managemient, to respectable dimensions in the future. But the puît hletcry of the Bank le Instructive. Xlti chaerter, wua orlglnatly got -pp and carrieci througli a Itoco om- pliant logllaure by a apeoulative lav. oer, wli6 owd auffléienl alauelr ifluence to mnaLle ilm *0 have théin.i ~ ee.The Bank at that lime wu 10o ave avry, ambitious neme: ,,The b ankc cf Canada," or ooiethug cf thut sort, but smornseuible man on< the Committee o' lb. Hoduobjectlod to 'bis, ud the tille vu eltred te wbat it la et presset. ,il iraia à d the lime thst after the charter was oblaiued a very heavy bonus iras demauded by the speclator aforeà à ld as lthe price et whieb b. wéuld arrndsr the coulrol 1of! il. Thisa pra#ed a. formidable* eh. fstable iu the way cf obtuîiig an efficient and respectable diractorate, and for a long- lime, &Uhoctgli subecriptiots were vigorousiily poulied, il sBeuee as if the. wol air wculd coliapse for wqut ci tbis. But il wjas auuouuced ut length. that a morchant in Torontoliadt cou- senteo la aciasPresident, and shertly aflerwardast a sboard had basa con- tilutod. A gentleman, Whoueexpuri. eucesof baukiug lbail bounonfined te mauaging a ornait brauéh iu a country towe was appointed le the responsible îos ocf ceiter. Thé bank opeued for usinece îearly lu 1878,,end baed scaréely ceo'a.nennced eperallous %vlen a numnber cf branchos were ale o pleniil. Bankers of expùâience ebcok their boate aieoeu after anotlher of Iliese branches oom. inenued buminess, and whon it bucame tnown thlat muy cf Ilium wre put iu charife cf Mon who lied nover Leen lu a baektug office, there were nol wautiug thoxe éwlo predictcil pratlymuch -what biau corne to page dnrîug thé peut year. Théoank froixn thebegiuing presséd ils unies mbt circulation, andi withiu onu year of is comumencement had riearly as many bille loatiug ails whole paid.uî> capital aimourited ta. The iléposîts vers aiea ceusidorable, ,an(l if ils diioautiug blneuse bail been carelnlgy nauaged lhe Bank migbl have lied au unbroken garder cf îroperity. Bua he i.gréat difiiéully was exper- lon1euil, and Il le 1h. greal diffléulty -ln eveij' benk. Wheu once a charter bas been obtaiued sud a Board organized, 1* in comparatively easy luo btain de. p citi and ptuehbille luta circulation. 131 tu leni semé MillIons cOf 111OOeY every ydar con Muré promlsgary edtesf, auid tu long cîly easimuli fraction o1 Il, ln a tankk ituaIrtiqufre 'an unemnînuon ain9uut cf trsitiéd ak4li and ezpurience. Du thIis lément wae uà liansi whally wauling. The, Blank vas coadected with Kgyetuergy anà puslc, and unil thé sgiruig cf last year W frioudo con- gratulatcd tiieelvus on>theé splendid prgesit'had imede. Blt Itherecerane c ér hapbeck lndedc, andl et once hu er' eyoe cf stockbelderq %v cr(i-opéneil te the mîisehievous couuudéthat lIad be a.urmued. 1 Thée y tiîévy cucntarv dirain cfi lest iFebruiary and Mai-ci tlid osriouely ou tIhe Yusourceof ail the. bieko, and thie St. Lawvrùuce wes forcci toslk assistance frarn ils ueigLbhers. The batiks cfthie civ conibitied lu grant il, itig oni seeirity teing givian efand vae lliecud et ils ditiposaI whVliclî proved awply sutYà ciout fer théemérnrgency. In thé négociations theat then teck place the gentluennwha lu now President tcak the leadiig part; endlit is scarcely tee intchi la say tuaI bat for ii the. concern wenild dieu htve gône tb pièces. There wontd of course live. bée eo denger te cruditors and thé public, but stockhélde wonld have loit fer more lîiuvilv tioe tbéy arc nov coing. Thé danger, bovrever, vas tideui ceer. fer lhe Bank provud le Jhive sufficient gond business loft te eneblé ilte oproceced will itis oprrtions wlieu a reorganiza- tien cf ils executive ha& bée effected. Il was évidunt aetlihal luné tuat large Gani;cf maney hbcd bée recklessly lent, aud that a beavy accenet woeiild have te bc mîade et seiné lime cf bail aud doubtfel debts. The uéw kxeaulive baviegbeen le office came menthe, found liemeélve, e short limé ugo, in a peu., lion to inake sometbip ie 1<a eura;to estimatà cf thé position. Thiey have tliefere called thue tcekiioldéru te. gethor, and ieformed Ilirm thaI losges le thé ameunt o! two liundred thousand dollarg bai beeée macle, ed muni b. luis t1eu Ivicethée um they baé ai plieee tov ve cleasl 10,0 of 1h léhm er nin e Io yeats. go d muniaema l nt 0 bal t ana aa io! a ttcsaui n4 lit0but e!fun-. drels o! tionsaculs. If a, largoe]Bank Mek tlihauk o! Monîrsai ver. la hosu se muci as lie St. Lavrence lu propor- lion leIts bueinoslse bul debus vonil amonet la $2,500.000 ue yeer. If lie Ihlsnk o! Toronto lied lest in thé semae a éohc ils osse suoulil bave heen î50,000a ytls. fRad suai béée the case, lie »ineelane auithurinethlie.Lail s'en> pîessnaulreports tecmahlte ostock- bolIers. In banklng,Iba ie he posai- hit>' o! a divieldnt lies lut héeping demn bail Jebti belov a ver>' mal aeriage Tii mentnito!busineesdue leso- eneormeus l'n proportion te profils liot Il lo oly b>'the meut jeilous welchiful- nes cambiced iwhi long trainieg anti *zpenlmnoo lthstprofits eu Le i-daai The Baunk, bowveé, ar vo oberrel, 10 a Lugcedbande Dow, and va wii it ever>' stfase. And theiis le is .t e he ulId o! 1h? fonusn ozecutive, liaI lbongb Il vua>' e ncompoteel il vus honni.- X Nosuci scandale have talion ylfflaz worereramhed lu lie case o! îh a4"CarlieraaleboMeebaniée' Bans,. ân i unmhs. - Thé ia tckhlul siierolsu 'mecut.cf1 il vas b) Wab§ ne action~ ~~ tbetcislrely ail: leiter-l AIéCTROI BEL.P019 WrnrUý.-Mr. 0ycli as pracureti a very 'ânas Bell1 frozuti Fonnilry cf Meniely & Co., West Troy, wh , jolieolutonds prosenlitîg to Al Baaie' Chuirci for the use cf thb. Bebéol h oue aiached, liefore muy yoanm vs. hope la hubsar 1Liiiobces cf suki'zama Higi Tout Crystal 'Cil, manufaclured spoclally fer famlyueo, bou ansiafooit inluhe zparket, 85 cents per galion et S. 7r. ýB. $acilî't. WÂernus's usc'x-tlila ( eveniug, ut Bas otul. Mrf . Millier lias sient eut e lerge-numiben of invita- tions. STIPliinAlY MAOXSTB4TEe ]POU TUE NOeTîn.WET.--Mir. Matthiv Byan of Montreai, and Mn. J. F. Meitold, have icen appoieteil Sîipendhary Magistrales for tié Northi-West. Wzucc AWAICE for' February le a- very îialiccablé numier cf thi rupidly-grovw. ing magazine fer theo cluîren aud young folks. Thé ougravinga are unnuaally fiué. Thé magazine opens vith au' ex- cellent p~iture hy Missffl. A. Nortiam, illustratiineacicrrng Valoullucustary iy Mrs. Mary B. Bradley, "H1oir Tlîy Madi1hUp." -Of the Ivoseriais, "Thc Ceakccg Club, by ElBle Firman, lice editar, lu (nll of deepor v.isilom tien cammnuîy ges le tb. making cf a juvenile slory, vicile "Young Blik," by Mise@Eastman, le dellglilful. In de- piéliug actuel llttlé.chiid-ifo, MiesBEut- maenbas fuv equale.* Only 82.00 per aenum. D. Lollinop &.Co., Boston, W.havrocired frein Mr. W. H. Ms.ccoîu. Sued Merchant, Guelph, bis Illustralud Seuil Catagceéand Guide for 1870. It is s-ety xceahly gel up aud w. treuld reéommend.,onr realer. vice are lunvettcf fi-es ruliable souda ta seuil for a copy- Mr-. lMrcon's repelo- lion as c eedoaen stands ii, asi oiîcwla hy tbe îeauy lestinionlîlsreceiv- fil 1>7 1dm. W@ nattéeeIluet lie us a1s0 mannficlnriu gBou-Duel for manurea. Nati Ontario Agescultutai Society. At fixe annuel imeetinq of the North Ontacio Agricultural Society, buid et Port Péryan tihe l9i lns., lie fol- Iewivig effiéers were ulecîud 1'ruidcîtMr.Chas. bMa-cl. lat Ve-uM.1.McMay 2~u Vié-u--r.Jeu. Graheni. Treurer-Mr. T. C. Foroman. 1 r*ryM.IL P. Hurman. i Directors- Messrs. -Wm. Batemae, Nfhroi. n .BreHlSgog; J. H. Brownî, PortlPerry ; S. 1. Cliapimen and I. J. Gouil., Uxbridge; 'A. Pilkey oend M. N. Dafooe-Sott; and T. Hl. Gleudieeicg for Brock. Brock Agricultural Society. 1'lee éficers for thé preceot yeen are- Prcuident -Jolie Hart. Vfu--Preident-Wrn. Baird. Tré'e.urer-WmT. Gordon. Sscretary-T. H. Glenîliiieg. 'Dicre--Wm. H. 'Reedie, D. W. McPhaddu, J. Stones, H. Gbendieeing, :j. Joliuson, J. H. Curtin, J. Shouehiouce, jJ., A. Camnpbil cudlJos. Thempion. Reaci Agnicuitural Society. Pre8iden-James Graham. Vice-do-S. Néthirton, jr. Treasscrec'-8. H. Chisitian. Secrtary--Join Clhnisuie. Diuector-T. C. Forencue aud Tues. 'Walker, Port l'en-; Aaron Thompuce. Séugag; Jas. Laing, Jeu. Moffatt, Tues. 1Gestes, 'Thon. Graham, P. Christiu eiln .3. Bryartt, Beach. Tic Mercer wiuî Case. '1ih>eeéral ouines o! thha éxtreor- dicary~ case, vicihuea jusl beon decid- el b>' lhe Ceurt cf Cliancer>' ane as fol. Andrev Meneer, the cducuauect, lied le 1871, leavi]2g au estute worli fi-cm $120,000 to $150,0.blOAs uic ill conhi lie fouel sucoeg hie effects, ibis pioper- ty hocamneeaschiteld luthé Ci-ove, thicol léin-g no légal heir kîteve IDthe euhvritiés. The heusekeéper cf hMr. feu-cer and o con i-bevas bei-e ta liera jsubsequentiy claimed theicpreper. t>', col caims veeé IeO adue ce b. hcalf of othei-cliégçreilarltives. The followiîug ,document puportiug tLe e ibil e! the lae deceaici, wee praulucesi, lhe boeukéeper claleuing 1h01 chie vae munied te lier lhe motterbl a>'ther O'Reiliy, o Roman Catielié priesl, nai 1usd. Tho e ruratloee as tethelb.yll oei muarniaeé vre mail. inthe course o! aà suit lastitutel icy 1he mou, and- beoe opt-osent preiluge lu Chuan- cer>' to'doterrnie, th, validil>'f e! i vil1 sînJ thie logitirnc>ofe! théeu.. Tlhé- ahle'géil vwIisle vitton nupuecil, on Et sep o! papen about Ivo luches b>' ch uhe, andl signed iu peneil. It runi et folleva - "June .1, 1871. --In caue4101111 itil i, ettre my 'son chenl réluici1or béfogo 1"vil bave lime l téukélu>' vill, 1 vieli James; uilisd'Chiorles Tnwin ho havé My eclae4lviieil oeg 'ru>'vite ouIdson. "Aà .cérnmw MincEL-" A gr aI c-se c!dcoulradichor' ri- deuce vas gis-on béfaré tie court. Vice-Chanoelîur I3là s 1 gavé judg- mont Fnile>' in tlie' oen viii came, decauing pquLllvéhey I-thà uinIea Opinion the o, erinco braugil foi-ed larare liai Bnilget- Reiily vu b>' génura tep. utation negerded us lhe viifth! lte .&ndrew Menceur vasteuh-el>' luade- quate, Iliat lié mat-nagéentin thue icparielu regeler of Taronto Goee vs a f orger>', liaIlime ollegea il î as equal. ly aforgoî, andtihiat, the vîole case of the paint waoev ilent>' ami ettemlpl te perpelral i. cguefi-ouI Upen the ilefendauls. M»i:roa!tho Pianos oeil Orgues ccv rmaufaahuut-d yl centrait, veli vihi some vulccta w. bave examîned, bar- i-g a asivucgîyemheiiebed caue, ant vien >'ouask'tiem vcit lime I# Is, t li>'iluuh me, omethiiug;le lie net- havent 1h, hAS v hé lie fei> 1h je niaini>' cul o! respect hé yen for yeur maui> andl ,onsîtet course bihilcrbo laken, andi valeabie services reederel lenfui-hering ofo! areiou Baihve>' piojecîs, liaI promptls me te seuil o fei lices fan publcation len efer- écceothie i-ceunI filuire o! 1he Bonus By.Iav le aid in the extension cf oui- -Biv>leLiendsay'. I111e llegeclb>' dLsopotilpaenlie, acdtiipou Iheir tetemeute belierel by cîboru, liaI 1- vas lie cause cf ils failuis, and Ihcul 1 usil my afficlal influence la thal endt. *Neithun allegatien is Ires. Thé vus vtel-doîn upon ifs merits, ced venulilhavaeicuen bal muy naine nol buemenhuionedinleconectian vithiti. Ils premebers kmcv laia l as iy nué- cen"o! limolr owe uiirepreetuhioîus tJcal hie>' failel, and thuîy vii canlieu> to ai foUmlese tic>' adopt viser Ocuncils sud ceuse lhIi-atérnpbu te orer-noachi the unvar>' muuicipahihiica frein vibci lie>' seeh.aid. The organu o!thie Bail, va>' Cedcpuuy, ln snmitting Ibsir scieme for Extension te lhe vstépa>'cns o! Lieds.>', Marpesa, Ope cnd Pecelon, n eprosléle 10 ohem liaI the o mpscy 1aicel lie Rallwy>'fi-arnWiitby HBan- bourtlePortPFerry. Tiatil vas anucf ltce burt caestx-utéd, vel uquippeit, oeil compltel>' flnislmetiraihways lentth. ceuntry'; thsict Il vs ampi> ciollueu uith Bolling-etocn4 riz -îhtree loco- motives, corne fà rty plaferci ondtlite- ber oars, lvénly box'. cars, passengpr cars, &., &o., &o., andt laI ilvau daing a luge und Paying 'bueluocé. Tiiot Il vvas-ual encernbci-el vith oanorgag& boul an dollar'e! Jeb-acil in fact, Ihat it vas more luthlis lul-reet cf lie doue- try' fi-rn v' hie>' vy ere ceeking aid, than iu lie'furtieraucce cf hter ove iu- tereels. Tie'thtii,7 Ld,' c! liîein awxm, abondane means la extend the Baud. Fûtthbongltit houi>' reasntabie fer lie muleplihietiesoui Là oe ebcie! ticn, a asistin luIls extension. Wben, iovoevnr,-il greilsl>'lleae" ont liaI lice rouà as unfiisohel. lit 'lb. oui>' riollinig sock owuei b>'thié -Company' conejeteil o! . epoor olI niokel>', nucseaI Ieoottiv'e,' Suký . kli% müfi Ma amss Uit, iwa t 1w no Dpaueuy tue J asbvu een 'Obte iipreenlationý au * l-vas tirylu' lits Delitt 10 bwilcPt overy usen 19s b.akin' Misiher Kalc, yor preats) mb thée'Miuisthry. The "1Globe" isud oeetimobeie htlnke4batlei Rosi ;-un' ielhiiok av putin' sieh a hiin;* mb iii cabinet under thenose o! d roined Triai glutomn 1k. Msli or Blaeol, EverythlscgappArs b' vork bhe lrae cf anllcrar, frr nov tieréo la lveryéileckihun gain' rang, an' Lau. elievu, .pà imecerruptiér, lu agin. I Vanci bird our ouldl mimber Mâshhir Gibbs asay-"Give 'cm reûpe enuif, tbs'y'll bang zhieslves." Il loboaa if b.é vire rite, Thîis p ut. mei umind liaI 1 vas askin' widh Mistbor Pare- veII ti. cher day. H. va. týllii' me aIl about Mubb u i rt rail. vyfor vbié ho baslice ectiruot, (A'faix Ilis leithecoulbractiu' Ibet agrees widi hlm veli, for hi looka bit. bier nor ho bue dunt hie lest'2 yesrs.) Well, hé vas tellu' me, as 1 sed, abnut' thie fine eouinticry, au ses, lie, "lTinu, tia ralerodi a isjit tie tintg-a lion- tineyus roote-vuan granid lici uniin' lie Pussifick vidi tb. Atlanitick." "Bu, Misthbr Glbbs aivays sud," Pesl ; "but vhat about utilisin' lie floine vahher sîlirethbua "'Dou'tiyon rimiieber yen wanted thlie ethr tirebs'brougil lu ?" "O0, yiî, tie wveher shbretobus 1" siz lie, Il"htia v oul in luelb. le av tie lekahan file. Buetune oursilvos, Tim," siz lie, (wiukie' vury novie' ike) "lb. kuetinyns rendislie thluig. l'y. bin tiraugi tué ceuutbry sdcc, au' no hellior about the lay av lie land, au' "-"'Gel a fat contirach, il .-But, uebockliis, (an' I tipped Ihlm thie wiuk agin'> John A'à pliu vas ltie riée van aftiîur Il." Wall, inisîher editier, itl is bat another exemple av tcov a man's epininis chaugou swlhie lihercae. 1 v as glad te se the couety coucail électid liaI dcélt, honesl man, Johin Miller, for Wardiu.- The dcc doe thum créit. Whal yull lie blagnard ,&Gazette," widlî Ibm durty insulta about drinkie', say ltîis ? 'm lovld; lis- thur Miller à a givin' a grae bihg cuppec- ielirely, ile houer urvlbhe kusiun. Faix, 'Lis limslf thal lias tic. open baud, ae* gond ibéralliart. I meehît Sey liaI I liko lie ibtyle an' looksavo th. consil. Tlîoy're lassoa gotd faces emeengst thim, Grée an' Brawe as thay u ra' av vaious complexshutns. '[beyý caeWt go reng widhli te Write mr nl thé rite place front Port Perry ; tiay hie s goed Whéeiler thal 'Il muku oru keep tie sîrea road ; a Smith ta tire the wlueel lu kase av uccidinl; Ewors eneif ta iconld l inty av usque. bagb ; a smart Rowland liaI eau puy back an Olivr-eveu la Oliver Mae hiiself-at an y ime ; a noble hokin' follow from Easht Whihby liat eau Lick bisi match anywhre ; lbey have gel e Saint, a Harper and the tuei av Roacs; lots av Macks, an' w Ivth l bilt Docliers lu the ceunthry, auu' why victn't lhay btio fine Jookiug body av' min vidi sU lies. advantigés an' tlhinqgsie thai-cfavri, au' tva dollars ae day an' tisane milidgé ? Ontario lieu o rite ta be prend ar its soues, an'*lias a rite te expéct grand bhinga front a corebinauhen av se muchi iabiliiy, wnrîit, an' wisdirt. An' Jet mue tellyez. tI i je ne fietiiry. hy tne) menneur of inaenel Hoidever,. mebie yez will îay 1"benumig lc laI iîanducm idope, an' vu'JI 'uebe clxt> w&ek 'lJîev the cnl juvnp.." I'm moighly wall plazeci to se. Ihiot tIc cei-le lier aékted inle apsi i jusii au' fairpiey lourde Misîlîsi. Brave, an' ber giron hue hite sale for SonthiOuheario. Blinie il shows thaI ionest mie yl somutimés cîci in é thie.ove ie upihé av lie iews delays, an' tlicie a candydate cees taesa smalh dhrop cf liii usinai corgzial, cf wbiskey and part vins. jurn' elooksîn lime, lice jadgea viii tae.aosinmible viev or lie meiblier. Bad cesa ho siehi a mac. mnurtbere kin 1v o s veu pivint a mue frn lakin' a wee cibrop te vol bis whisle. Mialier Farewell may nov îuy cf polihicku, as vas wencé soit ho a mach greler man in liiIhnry- -'farcveil to ail me greaheuse." Bet Vie colîts ? Thero's thé rab i An' thé bts ? Tbee'u tva reuq. Isn't tiare vuepini' at' vallen' and naeeue' ov teeti amougat theo mienvise teck the bets, but wud'I te.thie clrik- à .e' gave thé ode c-rin the Brovn icrue ? Mition Brove eau nov gay le nisîhier Movat ce' hie whileweuhin' bill tuaI lie Ibenku lhim for nahhin', an' lbu cau (if lie ikes) spi ilethie eye cf lie voIlier vagtail a, th. Oshawa Reform- er, vice seil lie lied no riglit tle salmue, au' lbet's al h.e rsyllier li. irrhi. Wiiin' yen iih inlemie ail, I arn, miellier editor, Yr turne---1d, Be ev elicair, miîîelee cf !orneî ineéhing a oeiloeilappnored. A peti- lion ta ti c Gorerument praýying fer ftilier euh t thueMfiland Raelioadlnom Orillia te idlanut Bey, vec elgueulby lue Geuneil, A 1yluv puspil Sp. painting ec au imunicipal ofliceru, and nudlucieg t e salai-y, ail round, except asueauor on I cauncil. Auiditans, James Bilcisie on%, Metie Sullivan ; Assosuer. Miclieul 0 Donueil ; Collector, C. E. Elewull; Li ense lInpectai-, W. Bitlhle. .#5 vas gra ted ta Johua Wah, on in- digent, la cxpeudéd by Merlin Sulli- van. Cou cil ojoerned. Te TUESAY~i, TUE Wocîe, AND> TUB 'tyzax, lb. editor of thb. Bostons Bc- corder scys "We@ea asîunliesilel- iugiy recor nu nitlie Peruvien Syrnp. a prateobeel lotion cf tlb. protoxide of 'Iran taIl e e ai,,lie voru, ansi lb. voaV ha ueg -nchly .vperiainood-Il 'binefcla.Iposmles& Il",'4h. nà iâs aaià m4la by lb p~Is i.e licol efoail ccl speobal comitee60appatnted- for' Ibal purpose, Mn;F. Blekoîl renisrked tIbal e-Oc i millue would report, lu due se iso, and.I it W*91V>i v,ýeti(lie[0 opY.rsov o Tictt inci tte si l4ner éonîpuuy sauxucilcontrol of lie ý*ad the liaihi- îles asve. - ipcfsdsud tbc sse rre p idly decreiig. Ti I affre baphve beeèifiat6tMespre. Bitlf it,"'0 îph i asmoige, vilo are itrcsled llab# fMiland .Rilvay, le seno Il Ilim léB eil bonds aud iteaýk l.the11rebyl flug aunadverse com- p'snyey bpover oôf1closiegn p aur feuil. ThitIealtie las session of' tbe Legia- lahuro thi cliarteý vas gse mended as la en lae b.can~ey ta build brancli linos, orne of vlich vouiti iluaroy the hi-de' f Wbilby ýnd ils Hiarboun ; 5lro la dc acy exli-orîniry oeil nebearil cf liii gu. That the sald imuer cern- panyffour ven4 itaingtho osrnlngs of th. B ai laepeythemuelves enormees rates f inturesti for mcney li.y'soy tioy eailvaeciggla-tiue Comppany- vhîci onuy ile 1itained on the seacai- tieil of the Roatt-viz': lhè'said Bonds vhich îey bavehyptiecaled and vici arei le l buds o! lie Mantroal B3ank anti M . Kathbra, cf Tai-no. ThaI a Bil in buillg filudin lthli Court of Cia&oui-y la reurain lice efongeid cemp ocf four frac fnrtber canînol cf lice BRond oeilho compel them 10 se- counl 14 hle giliathe slclciloro for îles eunings tîcereol, and athérvise Oc. count fer luefir proteulingua. Thol à youn videly eli-culalésl papot lice pullsfilied proceudisicgs ef tue Witty lave co iucil ahewedalda allelempt on tii. pan c f lie sailiCompany cf four, by plaincg linlie hindi of lice Sietlff a vnih of e tecctiou fer $1 12,000-no deuil inheuicig hlireby tla vipe eut thé gecuinél stockhlduna by buyieg ia al Ibeae 'eft h ie casapany. vîcicîs vonli have bu n douécbbtfer the IimelY ac- tion cf ie Tain Duucil il u isluctieg Hon. Ml. C. Cameron lu file a Bihle t restrain ther-the remull of vhiciî vas theus ýdaa o! thce execuice. Thcal icen thossudani hien maltera of a like nature beésme kuave (victht or ticraugli the ageséy o! "lSicerifl Bey. nobde-) te lhe ratepoyenu tlséy voheit dovwu By-la v wich by ils ferma placedI la hishposai cf 1h. Daia cern- pae'y 6 t00epoci au outiay cf about 010,000 vilieut acy spocniîy fer fui-- thér ex edihure anfr lIcrte compeioc o! h l ii; nn. Nov, r.Efuisor, for acether stpeol. me of uobusiness cepacit ly, heesly o! purpo e, andi g.rtlcmcely beaning of thèeA ivay inageoles. Foileil in liccir cff rite oover-reaci und dueceivo the i-at payer.'.lhîey rush avey te Taronte >nu ll heu iuAttornr-y-Geeeral lic effet iat Ibis îcanglity Sîeriff cci tuahhy wd ut out la Liîcuteay anti stucleul Vinet lié i afi aun eentinn-aniî vanul sepize tlle Itv-ici uit déhîsuilerpu issîcusl neder it 1haia1hvas thi-oughi Jis repire- sunîctits ccii inté;rférunce thaie l as lot1, 1-e.,] %. Bush ! T'iic luincol tîxe ii-eh lim hteiiuway schiciuene lices ait- oi uîpnen li on, tlice Atleniiev-Generah -hus',I i irfrmetion Ibis eccesioui lia1 uiffi tlts' in onîtrollin, isii fulinus cf cirli , Iilivim abiril roîsans forthie f.-tilirie c lin 1Bylevanul ihugeul aI thé uenntlv altacks-upan o public oMficé behiieu hi s bock. Yuoîra &C., NELSON G. RIEYNOLDS. Wlitiy, Jau. 251h. 1876. 1An Elapemeet. NovwIYi-k, Jan. 22.-Scîpeninteedenl Walliig, of thec Police depurlinent, lias beîrredlies tiétest eecrecy roganding lie perorn. datainiei by lirn on a tels. gi-cmfru nMontreal, 0Canadaà ; onein tîce wifEo e!Hctor Mackeouzie, au alînactin lady iii tva wéchildi-se; lue chier is Teue H. Brydgeu. the sou of lIce laIe 1 reujulept of thie Qi-ted Ti-urk Beihvay )f Canada. vith vhom lMr. 'Maekenz e lien elopad. Lavyers are buuiiy eon goil le lie case. Tic.'lady vas nul i led-day by ber broîben and ce cifié rcf the Canadien Police. Evrel orai- bas been moule le koép the scandaI ' crel. Brydg s aed th. lady vere regieteqr- ed ut tii Ffi Avenue Holel, viene llîey vonb trockeil by thb.ppeice. Tbey bave bue disciargod uo hIJe Tonbs; file. exairmialien disciaeicg no crime fer vbieb lis y cocii libe Jîsd. It ep luars liaI Mrs. Mackenzie, viii lier hwe tuhili-eand Mi-. Brydges, lefI Monwîeal a fui days ago and ari-y ou in l h s cihy yoesioy, vlienu tley put- up aI the Fifîhi Avenue Herol, wiceie t ey woeé aequéetly feenut by thée Cclr. Couniilor Havé vue cent fer y Mn. Brydge,..ced prcrmptly ah thé C uibi-l Office, iliare hlieluau- inters-le witb Mn. brydges andt Mrs. Meekenet. lRe Ilion seent beforu 3udge BnIrrulIandl procuneul Ive seite Ivo mibea ýfrarn hile place. -A-.Mrn. Hophica vas kilteit, it.i'i suppoeil, b>' her thaniSam'l Hepkine. Hopinse bail a gentruel ho builil a bridge, aed o chint' limoaftet' lineér lue. carnelave vhoee lie mec ere at vonk. Il ic obeervel by them thit heoicail aecnt on hie neci and vas hieedmngz. Withi e suspicion, cf,,viol bail icappecuol thé>' vent te lice ibouso anduJ~n;ilIrs. flop. kinel'iugihlelsonIir face on lie flor nia.aot'bly mutilhlseuoonlitiou. Il vas evilout liaI mieýbal boen taïb-- rvood , .W&dde &oL.ý ucc. é pars. ne;rue, visa tne aeucae u&nes ol thegelemen 'befèr hlim, "fh lh:ie nineiibio! lthâ ouudlQ ould h. .îrunsactid lu a menneur ssllsfaclory to tibuslves andl la the' *oi4 oounly". Hie vas glad Le miel so meuy o! hit ouI coleagues &gain, aud ahi lie gentle- men o! lis council once :mère. ýTh. Cati cf office wuasholien amiu'iaLndto hdm by Ris lionei'Judge Burnbam;- Mn. Smnitht, econdeil by Mr. Bey- landl, ras' e bmare thi-e' uleocommillee cf soren ho stnike the: standing: cern- mittees:. Mr. - Wrighct also roseoand oblaineil -lice flor, aud- ukeel the varden vieli- or ièe. vs tnytiiegbefore the 0chair; io moroit, slecouiil by Mr. -M cRae, tuaI; a select cemmitte boaelucted by hy ballet la select lb. Standing Cocu- mitteus for lis* preseul year. - Thé vanilen appeintei Mous.e.M- Bae and Peseby ta aot as scmciuoers. .1RE5ULMOT iaBALLOT. 1 The ballot resulloîl la favoit e! Mesura. Biceol, Feasby, Gibsoni, McBae, Seag- un, Sbire, Smili an4 Witeher. Mr. Wrighxt gare nolice thotlieo voulilQun le-mrrcî mare for icaru la inîroduco a by.low tea ppoint audilane for lie pi-osent yéan. muoisS. On minofe Mr. Biokeli, the War- don loftthe chiair for baif an Jieur lu ordered la gir. tJîo sélect commihte lime te repentthie standing committe. Warden loftthie chair. Cauncil nsunféi-the vardeîcilutho chai-. rImE STANDflING cOUMITEics. Mn. Wielen préentteil tii. report cf select couimnitlee, recomumeeiling the fellowiug as the standing cernritteom:_ Finance-- Messrs. Biekéli, Smith, Gibeion, Wlieler, MeBa., Wrigt andl Sbire. Etiucalien-bleusne. MecGili, Brewn, Campîbell, Seeger and, St. Jolie. Reaileanti Brige-Mosîrs. Boy lanid, Brethour, l're-ho, Patersen Evers.,Green anud Luke. Cunnby Proprty- Messrs. V'eaicy, Lick, Amey, Harper aud hue. Pintiug-Mstre. MoPhureon, Ghis- lie. Boue, James and Graam. Sou ncoion et Mn. Wieler, seooudei by Mr~. Puasby,.lie report vu adept- oel. -TECOm3iTY Vii. EKAcU. Mi-. Evens gare notice thiat ho voulu on la-moi-rosi'inoeothal lice suit irougict bîy lie Coanny agaiesl thé townshiip of Beach, in respect cf itis non-résident indubteslnegr, bu vibhu. drain, andtis oufr lte appeicntinutof a cnmnillhé hote veutigate theîu ame. Mr-. Wright (sotte voce) Aid te il ou condition tuat Beocli puy lie coite. - NN-1IE5IDENT LAND SALES. Mr.l'aloi-son gare notice thiaI 'be wenld on to-mari-ev, more fer leore bc isnouuce o by-law tcat itliho an le- struction taelice coanty Irocsuror lxi-re- ofîsri-, lil casés cf landls soid for taxés le niake ao nuene tthe hneenurer of uach îuunieipality cf dis cennty, glrieg thie parîlcularu o! sale o!fechi oI- sicovieg amonta!f taxes, qîcantily c! lacd qold, ameuhl roolizeit, expeeces of sale, &o. AtiDITOiLq af CRItîXNAL SSiuarCx AC- VC'UNT5. Mr. Sliire gare notice thst lbuvonhl ce o-moiroi, more' fer eure tlq ap- point lie auditons e! accounts o! cxiÎîi- nal justice. CHANéEcIN TUF. LAW FOR SALE OF. LAND$ FOR TAXES. Mnr. Paterson gave notice liaI bu vaulil, ce la-merrev, more tuiaI ceék o! thé ceeneil uta commctnicale yuii the différent Couny Couecilsthinouglîcet lb. Province, ai-giug upouein em i le- sii-abilily et memeniolig thi. Legiola- hune, praying liaIthue hav respectiug the salé of lande for luxes, ho se amended ac ho gire ésclu munieipaîity lhe coul-cl cf lie sale of ils évn iaeile. Of C. H. Dariclecu and oliieré, rate- payerb a! Thorai. pnoying fan a gi-euh for lie nopai- of Talbot river bridge.- i-. Pahersou. O! coitaienccatpayuns cf Mare te 1h. like eflet,-Mi'. Paterson. Rteport o! G. hRobinson, jr., canteker of Beeventon houk-up, stariug tuaI lice seil lock-up vas greatly eut a! repair. and cu le saary.-ýMr. Paterson. Aceunet o! the carulaker cf Talbot tuicuglt the Oracgetniu yen enlild te Ilîcinepeclul ach e! ilconponetiin aS oa mottier afrighit. 'M. CrggMtoýn canafmnel theie mm be'r'for North Eesei,'Mr. Paiterson, fe;r naieing !tli~ religions question.,'H. sali lIce manuer ie vhici lis: Geverin. meut.Led treateil tie Ortugencen vue inehhe ue nd siabby, ansi bud'oauaed an meneuase lu the nulmboIship"of 'th. vihiter lb.>'dlid hherduty."-"itnglna lihe matter'lanw'ard lun-Ibis va>' ioôkel hiko censulng tie 'commUtte. bèfors céci-USsIDENT TI LAIIR>5s.' Mn.,Patersen, eodlby'n.qs uneein luIis malter, e! vilci giron notice yestenday. After cannl- lng aider members cf 1the eticcil, he électeiltla bring lie malter ep b>' reac- hution, lusteaile!b> 'y.uv doilaccord- ingly' iovolLe I'ent ruue do le al cases' eréeflun maie asi itun ta te treasuren a! each lmueicipalih>', tics cama o! thiepIlchasen. digiption o! the, parc-ul o! land suld, menaI suI for, sel amunaI deducleil fan expenees cf saie. Ho exr-lalued the difficcJbiee viiolu ho founýi luîle evu expenience asau an orller oi ofeesionul mue, arieing frian lie present;muphele nru- burning letseld enblocké, oeilthie ir- reguicnihies viie a aiose lit consequence,' as vel oas lice inconneonience, trouble' ondeilépenseoà t bavieg ta inreatigale tic. ceunI>' reeenrcr's bocks; *,,Môtion'. greetel. THE COUNTT Vff. SEAVff Mr. Evérp, séccudeil b>'Mr. St. Joie, iîrought up lte resohutiin o! vhiclcihe baî 'giren notice ie Ibis mal- ten. He spokoe t lunglhinlefevoen cf thi. motion, aun irf. Grahamn againet, auJ Mn. Wright bailthe l dea t 12 e'cboc heiochie Wsrde lefItue 'Ochair- Ou tiec cecil ueuuming, Mr. BickeU oblaiuedthue flOr. fe cOrToil luD ameudmeel, seconduil b>'Mn. Wicler, that lie treocuren bie authIerxzei and requireil la ste>'thtc sit O! thie lnhtY against 1he townshîip cf roaci' util l tie faJi essicos ; ltaIthue bi-asuer, Judgé Dartnoli sud' James Bairdbeoa&' coin- milles le icietigote ail -miensbocks oeil accocuhe lun:relation te euid suit,' aud report thr-ougihiehé.treaituiei-, ha fie couneil on or before lice fret day of June. exl. Mn. Grahm usain lie amendmeut ap; peorsit tg hte likel>' ta lenaltlanuteces- serT uxpeuse, inalimiiebias nce provision bl lise maelethat Reacli ebeulî ubide the declsion cf lthe arbîbruhors, andl enter mb -'.-,p'r bLande. Mi-. Biekeidil col inteul lth bIs motion shîcuîi confalu anyluicg &butx aritînssitn. Behba* failéi le -r-"a pond la liméesReeral invitations o! luso enI>' ta selehoie malter, bénuîo thc unit. Part e! thé motion o!flihe i-ee.e of Beach.hie claractenizd s abeerdl; lie almitteil Iliene vas éuîmelhing due, aliev.%g iztai lbheiniituil ea gccul fend- etion. Nfitiier be nor an>' mémben o! lie coinucil vanîedile opusic lîis malter uguinst tic. township cf Beach, but lb.>' vantail justice done tie conety, uud the rigitu cf lice ether ltownships-pi- tecleil. H., reminded the cocincil Ihuet tic, reere of Boucha, at h tIcime, admilh- cd liaI tii debt vas ijusîl> lu.andI fie vicie cliffical>' areco tireugi tie position laken b>'tho presenl reeve, wvico wvnc4 .dorépudiaIs. - Re rofer- éd le thie vrtiouslethers wrihtec b>' tic treocurér t heli. neve cf Bea, aed coederniueA the incensisentciiceo lekeb>' lié latter ce tic ficer o! thé ceuncil vhen lb. nepuliateil lait Jicce, vbile b, nov admittéd lot cl Ibre vers "grave double" on tie quesioin. Ho odriseil lhree insteoil cf tlierefèeés, se as limaI lie ccoenMa>' Lé @etld, le case tva coulal ccl agrée. ]Béfering le thie opinian o! Heu. J. H. Camenon, bc uebl bicot, o! course, vas fonuil upon the easeplaced, béfane bim-of vîcici thie coucil bail no imovlcdge. Mr-. Pabtersneéxpresslsbis suipie that onuslcpurecdcouncullor lhIc. lie neere o!flb.he wnship cf WiitbY tiîand hare adeiseil praceoliegs laut Jpue, anil naovwrécommeniliehe vtbiravai cof thie cuit. Ho adviseil arbitrolice ut once, aéd seil thialuicjudgu e ul ry ltée case wiliai o leerrng it te arbitra- -1fr. Bickell diI cet heiero ie arbi- Inetion ihorethue ceuvalls se ean. , Mn. Wright yod t tlenglhinme thé bislcry of lie débî andl Iracel lie viclo motter devu frani tics egincing. He referrel la lb, fatthlaI lie ouitai- feunitlie malter correct in -faoer o! lie ceunI>'; Ihol Hec. bit-. Woodtse founi vîten the dofficièucy vithi the.laIe- Iréasurur vas euhimithéiltota hm, 'e>iu liaI the. peple o!f lARCli dia net vaut litigation and chai-gelMi-. Evens -Wiîli îeeting la l'âtuboozie th. couni>.- Beach. hlie salut, gel ait thie proceesie of lice debeeluros aoeil dail lise bunutl cf thie xpeedtlureofo!thb.moue>,',sul tho neuro, Mn. Evéns, only mule lie questionaà ahbb>'in lié election coin- paige-le ride imb lthecouncil. Ho rouI an ameudmeict îici ho inténdei mer- ing, ta rofér lie motter te narbihration. 1 1 luaà e]ýùèh âSýtreof he >ico>M" f'he direolorei' board '" ofi Wiihiy"'" UNION WITU THE TOWNSUIP BOCIETIES, Mn. Johno De'deu, secaudeil Ly Mr,. Arthur -'Jo1icln dvd;'hal u nuembers o! tuis Séoiely, bel.', lihai ii wonldagà tly*' dvà t-'beuî aih c egcultuFe ln'b.! p t t wore a e q formeil Lelveen lie dliffeenal Apcru nidlng, sud thi >offcrsý-of hum 'Sciety are hsreby:'1nstructe&l'-'ho invite lhe Bards eof BaubBolt eainter bile~~~~~ sirneeîevieviow t' ho ht Mr. Dye ipJ, supporl of thé' res olutien, thallier~ e eto o many faise beldlau his. anil ather.conues; The great abject 'almeëd et vas ta brfeg lagelher as, maiy ne passible oa! lié pnedacm o! lt ie fiuld. su'd farm atoek, se sta 'gire 'firmi'et"s à iii'others au cpottiyof', gaMIng îxpezlouls 'suAd ipapreremeut. Thé Tovnship faire rivai exhibitions soeiof vici must ereetnaily go dovît. Ho tiongil iab yer@ al the oScielies unitudin itc oni, sud e à central eihibitien .t'te. hast Ibrué days hohd-inýpiaceocf a numbet ai smsll accu, lieý,ciject,,they aimeil ai vanld lié more Perfecl> occompliîsed., ý-Mi. Ditvid.on spoklie ifivrr:af Mr. Dryrden' vertou tie malter., Mn. Tics. RaIliilay 'tted thlaï; ho Pickering' Sbciety Waa'in coLtý, 1antibhé vlsheiltho huev I lu ase tbat, - 8IeL ognéol b lihé amalgamation -vit the' Colînty "Society;' wouhldïlth, latteras sumie liaI debt. u'Jolieon aidltit'tlo" Pickerng 6eoretlbd fan more suels than liabl- ibipo, and Mmr. Haiglt stated tlb.'urne. .Mr. Dauliel Halhilay saidIhul bc Townisip c f Whilby-.Soeolybail e surplus ou baud, but tle question oi union bail been diocnu.ed' by Ilium and tiey venu, iviUlinq.tlajoin viti lis' Guty and Pickerng Societies lu ticeh, preseuh condition. Th. e fselution vuasthon amind nauimcusly. Votes o!thanhe vur morel second- sel antelcerlil thole rîcf;gDirsoe and' the Secretary and Vrareq, unrJ tbe meeting adjocrnod. -Leglelabure a! Ontario. Wednesday, Jeu. 19. After routine, Mr. Merrick nuovei liaI lth' report o! lhe Pnivate. Bills Cemmihîee'be. n'oC ?oeeivad, but tbie bbil la oincorpor- aIe the. Orange" Asseciatien o! Wfehcr Ontarie Le referrqd bak i'lih inslrnéý liens te déclaehle preembi. pi-rac. EU. iased ie-mohicu -ou tii grannd Iliat thé Generel Ad' l1tl not. prvide for sccicasées as liaI p! lie Oiwtge Institution,' ancilcnetslia ha -wu cnly jusl that the bill ahaulil, Le passed. Hon. Mr. Meva& muidlie. Govre meuh venu p efect l- t ginlu nserrine tbis bill..Wlen'befoee .Houesle, n fermer coai9 0fr lé aernesâs- sont, huaidea à 'asli' .sre sboulad hé a Vienenel 'ALfer -ncorportion, iWich bail bée' pussl aucilund0er vhclc iliere vu ne diffil]yte ie ù6Orange bady buccmieg incorpnreted. lie egihtie foi aspo I... Inoorporation vas doue ferailicai i&£l d'ol becanse' thc présent, 1mw did ccl covr 111eecae. TJîe policy e! hie (Govera., moent vas cclta ogrant e speciol Logis-. hatien vien e eralUWwvouldsceu-re thé Same reguIt. Mr. Bobinson deuied Ithal lbe upèciai Bihl auked fer vas a pelibical, ene. Thé Govezemeut elil not eow- givo thesaumé rmaison for nefusicg lb.e Bihl as hoy did, on a fermer occa8ian; - If-,bo fuilvasq ual grantuil il vonlilb.hci-ceglit up ery session n i Il as plecec an thé stalute bocks. Mr-. Ba-n raidltheuGeverumeet baa polical cl'ject le re!nsiug lice Bill, and thul lie reselt voulil d*ive lb. Orangernen InaoOpposition., Mn. Laudur saIt icltie'h-policah re-senswhici .fellureil uoei bnlhie Pretmier vastlb.cause o!flthe refcsel o! the spécial bll. Tho agita;tion fan ils passae, oultceror ceose tiIliéth nequeut vas' granîcd., 1h vas neforlu- eate lcatite gîaeste'st op 1poasgiti »on 1ltalie ill cameo-n1Ihe' Camrnissioe ai Pubic Works Who, Walla Roman, Citholié. The Gevrenot, iùsteail oh makieg il a Party questieoncaulil lier. il mode ae open ., ';aril ullew thce members ta voeoas-'ticho thooulit beul. TIcs vhcle canilie refnualýý o! lte bil vlitaI Re'meallotiiô n-i flunce oliait ecPnta sa0lie einel, auJ be'aÉD1Ã"lli l'l.'iu*e avec» 00Of ü l ic u bt' th alt1eprsq, âwvulopeiceuse, not.éin helucarr"a le1t.,- - X46feeueen ver. to lbe raisel 10 SIf6in itfeiiil 80 uni wceta>ine& ' jjurvIalon lich ve> a4erïi or placé of nriuicaiüi bonb1l bavi thec.meané of supjdylpi * mcusà Ron. Mr.. MacaugalilMovel for a oîmiýtetu, ainquire m iss4th aminls- hbmion of tIe Cnovu lsud£ dportoent ~fiWthce, ali ve ye0, adt»eti .-2nbOll ue! y..inrrenat 'o improper eanic.Ustioucf a!sle or improper sales of Land toaun>' peneon bal Isisu plaue; Sai vhe&liýAnny ýà Mendmn4et lbe iav vý as necoesary ,la seenre a botter 'adrnixitretion cf lie deitn'h. H. beiorvel if vôfildl'$qeleÃr tiut is a tul ~ e mre accouellug d&purl- met.- The beal publié lande hiti gane ant cf lhe possession o! lhé' Goveru- m1uent, ana yeh vile'tic. teipte vone dinmnishing the expendilune o! the ueparîrnent vas, increumiug. There sheuld, aImAi eveule bé o emiuttee la eiqiei m he i mater. Heu. mn. Fardée. nid the Hocco -abua ottaes srmisea fer fades. If avyihing vreng liasLeen doue th. hou. gecîhlemeri ihontl epýecif> il aud-auk for 'lie rotuirà s,andi f thhy shovol aey. rhiug cf thie bcd, ho ceulil lienauk fon e cernnittoo. . e cqut4zded lias tho ezpeudihnne heoa not been more "ha v as necessary, 'hboughie cecip'ti for thie Iapupar yansbalbeen. exception. eidy small, lu cousequence of 1he, le- pression 4a bruIe. - î 'Aftenr'cse'o4, a har;'n'iberof vate bills ver.' ad acia etoge. Ak 4obe .onplte,- Crowu. lande, aI- rninistration vasthenrsumsldbyHec.- MNi. PardIee, 'vho allege tlat the anoo- lion- amegeteil l a vote olvuatof a confidence in b1%éýovemrnc lans inl &ie deparlminu. af a qmiltee of lie tîlin,s. t ldomo aiepoâïiî-6'thé Goverrumenl lu refèrcuce lto f e an- 'Agemneutaiof on'élfite doparlmeule, Lieue voulil buan eof I.! 4' ý Geverumeni." RH. allsgid hsa'li .iepsrtrnel al been manugeil prompt- iy anil effaluly,-suîdsakod lb. Hanse to vote againsitiih motion. - Mn.,Sinclair mid lthe motion vmsu acusin against tlieCommIloner o! maal.adImiuusbrtiou- a! hie departmeul, -;0 nepoofiioa Lecu advanced. fne bleeile r.-valnatleo! hf ands- bal beeii'k-1c6Mli afi 1ly »ckred utl, aild ho -builiced tial lthe elargesl, m- plieti lu lie motionî.couuld pet be prarel. Elae x,,oevel su oedment, Ieclurneg chat ýa rovlug comntei le licquire 'b tirnany Ioucanda o!fce u l Ci-ove Lands, Dupanlmnee'wus npre. uedented;-bial il vonlil obetrpet huai. nes, ansi ceeu anly b. jushléab>' tii. graresl neceisil>'aniting franc proven miseonduct; Ibal lice management o! sue. <lepirnt -possésodti lJi.oqfi- -cience e!f lii. Hase"anti country.- Mn. Laudor ellageil liaI impropear canicellahione bal bes mule. Re aise elleguil tuai thé siýà Wrhob f the Gar- 'irntiltformer>ly, JI lions. hm beons improeryia"ore 'Mn. ohiuncanlellalhbuldeinuta- ciiarges aiculti hi mule -before ancli a mctian, whilrid4nM blie-urr>'dauger- vnsý precodeul, sud .eulbe soocîled, b>' eny court ofjnUhlce. Mié. Davson' relsrred -le lbé grial resônceia cf-lb. Disbrc' of Algomna. 'Mr. Camerou saidt liaIproper infor- maienu nlilccbe-gotwithoionv ues- tigation. The Public Accaunla Cem-" mittle. lnostigabé the c.accounha o! lie couutiy,l acd-vii>' ioandcoitics man- agen e tIi.t6- 0ravuLande Depoint- mxeut b uv~ iInhlibe atuuer-2 Il this ComamitteuI vere refiue, à vonld'bb aeusl-f7b ights of lthi non l. lcvu44uoiildont Ibat no on. bal venturuil té say lt hemms sioner a! Cravu LIffdb i'b eTu an - icg vroug, oeil sig9'gIi tisaMo- tien -ougit net ho Pau, aslie icquir>' vas uene.ekùi e lreéedonted. -Atler fprhe nus op, Mr. aýnge~ meel 3I%îà biice thie amnn ment, - elcing b#l Whle: lb.heeci- mitte eboult! biugranled. an ecelu cierges, ihWal- tnezpodient ho grat' ti cormlttfee ti6kô ci b ucb a large expense «evould be nçpýesasy ho iurectigate malbers wvicchi veoe cie speciflo4e,& si vas canriel by 150 ti1~ The Houa. udjonreélsta11, ÉÙa. iM. Mr. Paterson gave notice thal be îanild, on lo. mornovw, e n*quire viellier te 8.59) roteil lehéexpendeil on tii. loin lino belveen Tiorai asil Eldea, bild béen paid, sud if nol, vietien It vas still arailaide. COWtTY AUXîXTOUS. Ou motion o! Mr. Wright, oeconded Ly Mnr. MaRae, lie écuncli vint mbt cemmittee, o! Il. 'viole on tii. hy.- ewi forn lie uppintetntf undions-ý Mn. "my in the ebair. On thiecame e! G. H. Griemuon being Mr-. Bickol aÃŽked whothber it vas tcc premalura ta M'ove in thua malter p Tihe uittrs badýth n t Iroported4,-auJ lier e-oId'-liker t eses wbakth ty' lied, dous-e hopu&t"yesr,,before "appaiellagý lnt Vue8, b, eonsiulcred, dne 10 Ab&~ coucili 10knov iWà b, thejita4r 40"sb" s pà mm *m 49" anti 1 »,& SW Uc nke TRUE DEFALCAI 'n. -, e'~ol coneid.1qIl [xpý :1 i j 4 ggiug ý ým 1. "ILBÉ ts tô mae stei% c . t ice of Munile 'Y lIes. caiiM-R of- tie Gave sanction, of a moilkta' ave -liaI purpese au zil s %l adjcurnment, againshhirà o SMornitje, wh Yplace fer vs W lcipul. ne n ~ulter's am Yùaz-Bam Cameoen, CG flakuua, Keet mIl (Mildiée MoRue; Iloi Care(orI Cole, Crohe, son, Preer Ion), Grant, Basag, Sizucla, -Mn. WIUs' brukosmen o division, il b Mr'. Mank's 1 cn suaw ro respectfing dxc cheeie ancdb' Beulleie Bi veroe sverà J Thé amende Insuancee Ci sudereilin Ce lInthe Hci Amecileil Bl lion billve-e auldreael a se vote of 45 te, prieute bhJ.h, i nup ige o'rc Splicplcs, I The syteiz fiunce. o! Dr. -Dïscovery'fea beeorneu emei vely, aoe ih gbov cf pecf I-ce beauty Bci Tic effeche opéraI. sipoi medium cf i soeévat .iel '.-tice rémedy i - hîrse hotles .,hones, or .:tpossiicly ho ru vlier the sy fmiens on vin cure e!fliéese ltce - cerncon fulaisl, Wtt patent agen# Sald b>' Ieila eand have b many jeure a long hiff it0 1 - kinil. WifJh i Poinle'lto- a membat et bileJlb.hé l vers m»ai ic