Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jan 1876, p. 1

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RUTL Y~AIJ EHPORT Ela . ai te , ,, IKEi IEHCLIIII, L L. l, Be, AOT, LL. 02 isA. Ci. MNiniiLLAN,; Wrj oiotlt un, ýpmý.Cf. àW8hllby, Ontanlaon.ofice fUGOAN - ROIINSON, SOLICITORS IN CIL4NCERY, CONT'EYÂNOERs, . Cana? '"'TaZWi&, TonoieTo, '\Y, b~.AN, . o,, o G. an tXor . A, THJONMA§Ij UNTON, TrOWN OLERK AND TESUBR SUEGO2 'TO'TIE COUNTY GAOLe cy LONDONrs ZNWitby 1Tzmaz, 01.00 pax »sy. _Stabllagm lacoit- GEORtGE BIOWN, tPROPRETOR. rbafrtoaehduges bas bo n ew1y fi up UàmIiI »noVB*04tbroughout sd U. aod.uure bomloditim kdo:iL oromP. e i mp.celuen thalt lLJ&* tind a tho a07rt and canvenlenceofo! wystrons. PB'B AKEM, "PROPRBTcR. Superlor'scm4to.Tai upd wliâth bout la %esasn. , nuiIquari, Cili vilbest fr5Jwdo, Ëlààj6ýD. -Bok BITISH AIM3EICAI HOTEL, ' WHITB y 1? r.ilo, Hanose newlyt renoyated -and ttrnlsbed througbout, and put 1» ftret.elecerfor, ho roceptian of 9.oat& ,,Anonibus toanad' rom ail trains, ïiist.eli sample ooamn., GýI> TRtINK R&MAHWY OTE3L, AT, XEITEy T UTIOI#. WM.oeNILL. -PIROPEIETOR. Parties. aiu ah.on d leavlng borgss vil hawe cmmwdtsk of: nthlr W. AAMU - LAPE daxNZmL,) DilEs.xÂMo RI tooue, vmpeY. WRITE? Agente suated. Liberal'ioduceipeuîs ta SDENTISTe BUCES. , SO-SEI lera. DentlRaanu-undutueî, T. *~d defr le nfoni tei:WiiLy, ug. 18, 1874. 8 ~4pIIIDIh t5héê*ey bacs r C5O the aboe Voil i Iio otel, vli by UM)ER R LUMBERI î~Ua1O*Chth.The __________________or_ have newhy fittefi up and reoavated, sud putL tino thle beet et ordei'fan Oie accommoda. c, i' AKis.. D. Be than a! gues. !The Bar, ich ilis hiaud. Tic uodeueigned havjong en appoLuted EEbn ETHI nortedaon ah lie nomet io lie Gauuty, is vell supplievithi Agent-and aIea Siippiug 9get-ta:Ir. the the ducal bbrande ortvines, liquore, and ci. extensive Loniber dritoft Mesers. Smith & e'<.QI .L Ito5t puinllîsicf the art, gars. Ample enchasod. shed raomansd good Co., et Penelon Palse, bai aponediu caaunec. -iclreatp u tho chespest, aud se gaad as the stablng, box ustahle, &a. Detachod racine lion ii bhis alher promises, su extensive f'sTstdied, viti Gald suad 'Silver. for Commi~ercal traveliors. 'T4t exrutd wtatn, 'by producing ALR &oosaht2hsIa cms-ler Cav! . P.TALO, HILIP; McCAIN. r L UM BE R Y A.R D xur'o navblock, aver Atklasau'aDuug Store, bats b! Toranto. Adjoiu ite Wiitby & lPart Ferry Bail. Kin Pteet, Oshswa. 85 - vy Statian, viere Le kep anuly en TlIMA~DEViUL, T H Ehand a large and c:mpl eiéet..kfLuriber Plafieiniganacbiae, and al kinde aio wori ex- BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR,- QuMal 0I: E00 ý2 ected proniptby, toader. et t . ! MWE'. CORMACK. BUOA U., warPSv. T 9 R-O N'T O. Wity, May %7, 1878. us 2-tf 5W' &I 4auders puoniptly execuhed Themout Eiegsut, Cctliy !and PenfeerLCOX Hotel <p lié Domnion. JON8M.WLOX e JOUXN I TSONIUt rG ID- 'sý kpply po- A I(ARNEgsOH O~P; àa the powlsesoppo*o fala's r1tib ,Ami Ë 6c ho» a uaria:sào'k unibheR une cf nïa ess s hareot pubU,pstr>o,. AT TILE <3LEN MAJOR' MILLJS t e0,000 foot Pino ,Lumber, wellUouaoped. Flooring, 2 x 4 Soaàtlng, 2-inch li k, Foncdng Boards, 100,000 feet of Oak, ýMaple for axles, lo.t quality, Basawaad, 15,0001*i. Square Tiraber, Aul of whicli wilboeola, choap for cash. _Ho wauld aiea beg ta eay that tho Grilt Mill in rnnning,and is doing firet-clas work. Chop -n don. 6 dnoys ia tie woek, for every E. MAJOR, G OOD NBW8 FOR THE LADIES,. A NEW REVELÂTION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DtlESSMNAKING. CORNWALL'8 SELP-IITTING Droesesu dtted -fuainmeaeui'eienh alone witheut change aofa.etltci.11 For sale, vith trou inatuctions, aI -MISS McIiVTYRE'S flAIR DIESSING. AND SHAVIN( salao, Brook StWitibry. JOUN WOLFBNDEN, TICNOD AUCTIONZEEl FOR TEU ..iCaulie. ai Ontario, York &ad Peu sldddse-.Lat , PIb cboace ; uMarban Pa)st-Offiae-Uuiavho.; saleatleaudda the iebhorelticesand ou re8saanable termi Termuca e cl ade suid bisepriuid teaI CIràOwict% Office fer Ur. Carter. GEORIGE CORhstAcI, L UQ3Ù RIÈC114NT, CAIIPENTBE sund Jeiner, (Green Street, WVitby.A large ihsnhnity et-all kicida et lumber coi. pls d dattauodeau eaunabout notice. coffir t e E- -O'DELL, >AT HE R LY, ~OIr ivéla CUrt, TpA Cierk, Iomnlifuélan B. R., Land Aienit, &a., -.&%6.,4therhy, Oouitp Ontario. t <CCDAR,»; N& BOGART, IPbyslclans, Snrgeon,, Accouchers, &c., &o. Wbllb7, Sept. 8091, 1874. 40 flOeT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. 'Gfraduste wtIrhanare) ai lie Uiveralty ci t 'Qsi a ea' oilae0, Canada; Philladelabis Unv.efKdlcln und srsugeurAmejleau Un' pe 'noiylvanîa; Eu<sele:c College ct Peonetvanla'and LitentisteoUeWMcrofIcy t of thie tnt',of Bld1nburg; Scotlaud. Cor- oner for the'ount ci Ontario. Office- A»«ust 941h, 1878. lyr 86 -ORIIýhIN. AN ÉLot$-1NQ Thé gubeecîberhài-àIgà;oretd on ie pro- laise, 94 latbe naroo; aOt< Witby,a& Q IM î tff ' ' D . C H O -à t é an $hort Notice,ad a eeea>o ens bslagoeumrd"the servies e i at-cisue" Mille,, t gqoulastrict attentian te buinussu PRE SORTPTION FREE' braugt on by iadiscretlanc orexcese 'An I>ruuglst Las thé lin ont îu. Add,tsu DAtZSOX< Go0., Box i2296, Nov r i.i POTDBRSIBBOAB Thii.Hotel-ackuowbedges.ne rival, sither là its insuaglent, appoliitmneats aulacs- lion, u ie bé -aller 'respecl t a.ffords île gueule a aharaxlng and unobetruchlve vev oU Lake Onharla. 1 METhe dneut Watereoapo vev la Canada. It bas 950 Toameu iunhed vith &il Oie modem u mpuaeints. MOGAW & WINNETT, 491! Prùprletors. AMSTRONG flOUSE,- O! lie Town o! Wiitby, iaboon appointeul OFFICIAL ASSIG'NEE, (UNDER THE NEW ACT,) Pou lie Capnly o! Ontario. AUl Lntegs eotrusted tea ii.chargeviii e cerefilUy at- teoded ta. Whitbe, Jan. lîtir, 1874. 81Y MAOR MILLS. T. p. WHITE EST.ABLISHE T t hsol nde l e str-lu L. FAIMI , ceBri FIRE~~0 PNU ANE MPAN Y I ompanyi (hid Copony ah su eiseÉà e ;propot a, .k Sh., WhÃŽiby. 2OYZAL n T.CU'O1P .ArlM,1874, QE 0. T.HAL 'GENERÂI" ÂGPNT tiaji01 Canada. .Books posted andAoipntin ade ou ci tel atention girn ta t h, o af Oflc Note crte m ot~ Whitby, Sept.ý 1, 18%.. 1-19,tn ., - l 'tlo ell a uLafMIrate, puam t isetleen ofCIAucTirONEER &. Wiitby, Juno 2,1875. Y1JL,1AgonI. Q N U R E E CN ' ruie-&ND»1,i7E) 1 0F LIVE.RPOOL & LýNDON. -Aii General Cortisiln Agent, G. YOUNG SMFT MARIAGuE]RLICE,.S, CAPITALL MOLSONS A8AN . A. BAYN Head Office far Canada.-.'] James Street, Mautreal. FO RBES & MUDGE, 1E. H. LAWDER, AgonI Auguet lti, 1875. S TAGE -BETWEEN . 'ls idiiOo.nn ESEQ., M.D. 91&19 8 St. ief Agents. Wbilby. w.HiTrBY& oSýiAwA. TWICE' A DAY 1 Leaves Oshawa ah ani,8 u 2, p. in. Leaves Wiitby ai 10,a, n., sud 4, P. ln. Fare25 Cents ssci va y -Wih salIai slithoho rival redelees(viinon rdera ae rft et any a! tho batela.) CannocLe with Peawa sud Bavuisuvile sntge, aisôwitb the. Wbuîby "nd Port FerryEi lvansd vith Brugi. Wambym a ri 0_ti, THOS. H PPER. WhtyMrh t,1875. il-tf BEATTY'S GNS The. beet nd niost iaetiug parla: argan îueow ini use. No athsu parlar rasu as ever at- lninod tie naine pipularity. Send etamp for circular sud for terme ta dealers. Agents vsuted oeviehre. Addresa, DANIEL P. BEATTY, Washiugton, N. J. W ESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOC ,- 8 400000. mAGENT ioR sauTI Ner or, .TOSRPH HOLMAN, BROOKLIN, ONT. AIea Agent fou the CANADA PARMEjRS, MUTUAL INSUBANcCoUCipA&Ny, Head office, HiauraN; sud CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMp'y, Moutreal, Pire, Lite sud Guaraute. Departaient, (I Ai'E A Lana s,) I Wilb, On tirs 141h October, 1875, resnis cou-----n.- .-i,,,J,. tual a! Lie Major Milleh, ie ho io b. rookbn, Dec. 2, 1872. 12M49 t- - WHITD3.Y, ONTAIIIO,. prepard tepay ____ E.ARMSTRONG -PROPRIETOR THE I611EST RICE BJJT-Y9TcEDL(IOLDEN * te: any quautity of vient dêlivereul ai TONGUE PARLOR ORGANS -are bicily YAL jo eviimi veyefr reouinended by Prof. O. H. Hunger, 10ev. HOALRO T E L, ieetRe saisîrllias. evia mfot 'Ay M OeY, Bablmore, Md; Frai, John e P- ptronze.he mll wth heirgrising ay É. owland, Bey. Il. Damner. Washington, ispZBON.Faîn Fe ediioftth br grqeg. D C ; G. S. Dyeart, Bloomfiiîd oa WRITuv, NTPlou su Pee a!1h. eetqnahîysaul~:G. W Rbinson, Puai, Jeisnenladb eA. HINDES,,Jn., -PROPRIETOIR. e esnbe ucs iiaise e pi cou- pnsdioead !ahrn i el1 Comaodiaus $ample-rooino. Omnibus hu.ya sdsdfrsi. - use. Senul etamp fou extonded ueO t ftesti- ri sttlunhat -miette au tuains. 27 T.P RT.muasLfr uigaPra ua,_________________ lhevaîe, Oct. SOi, 1871. 41 Agente wanted evryviere. Addreee, wsro a sav 01.1 - DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wse luglan, N. J. ONEI oi IFE 11 WTBY HOUSE. BEATTy's CERCHÀ HpEI C DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. SCRCOL, Rall, Lad go, Offico Cabinet Or- c Describe yen: ailmrn ow lo wbng seoiz gens. Beh bInuse. . gn"Ltainp for clucu. tgîve youu age sud prosont busiuese; negi bar.Auldese, DANEL Y BEATYnov mene a miserabie existence, au (vsrorlarcr'rz. Arsbic, N. DN . B sY arlygrave, don'l delay. i JS.2'HA.ItADE, BOF1IsTe. _ ___* OVER 300 CURED IN 3 MÃ"NTIS Tusboue i. ben scetiybie PIANO FOR SALE I A P P L E T R E E S, aiater Many yenre af euffering. isr e sud rocm uddîd pl ret essA billîsut-taneil sud enauy lIon Piana, A e0 0 [U 'r40,000, ai Vitli Inporiaue te Lie yaung,'desîgr sty1e. Beet -OLqosadCi ara;- ahnp fou Ca6h, Enquira at Licoffice oft 'qUBn-c1. 'crrsa. N»Cru o Creurpu fresi Lager Bee.Gadsabbn sal 0 Iis paper. T--Porparýente as1 vol. PCO-SMPI alaedyar; ltelie alIrs, 46WhMlby, Nov.f9h, 1878. 46 HOQME N U R SE R y eitier e1 th.ee sentpradanrcite Prom - '_. Y 1ýrA CUBE GUARAN-TEED L.OB HOTLf Fom to t tou yeus ciago emracig aun thns, istessnffectione arisiug fuc G LO B EH O TEL FAIIÂK ' Lebi alt u gobaig indiscrelions (gnoranceofa!Naturai Lave): E R ONLIN, O N T SETH C. WI"LSON; Married or Single veai vision, SMN Aucté17tf ommAalo Ios ef neuve force, decay UB&. POWELL . PROPRIETOR. Aato omBInRoom8, Lot Na. 8, 2.4 ~Cen. Picering, au Kingston WuEilAad vainooS ysep 1I55T-CLUAÇ OOXODATroy. Opposite Bbsck's Botai, Ring 6t., Oshava. EdilOfeWob.tî'eiic*, SPERMATO REA, c, o __ EEEEffirxNLISToanONLT 5ÂFEty. FAHNI' HOTEL, afterucon îsud ove=nn. Pîrat sale on Bat- RM n"a, thie lOth JULf Instant, âaIl 'clo, To11secouem anansvMW3'epux.by ma3eaX*1 ma »ROUGRAN, ONTARO. P. ra.I CoenignuànalSOlicltZd. - Bege te annouace.liaI ho bisremoe o hacascai-a y alsnd#»a Salon b In Twn sud Country aoancted auRing SI.. a l oirarAOHSLEDD.30 .B.WB,.PO IE0.usuab. ýFor Toi e,&a R5itmbat Sale EAST i'PTI-E POST1ýOFPICE, IO - OACUIEPLIIEPNEBS Oy 1yrasI Beel Liquors sud Cigare aivwapu on baud. Booms, Oshawa,oanal Office, 0" k'e ieghav of ibACQU it o oplx6 oosite Luke'e, , ow- 0oa, re l<hoany £Ge. MachWilt1875 14 Jnly l.t, 1875._8 98 an&3cl t' haa s aufr ________________________________ -ideoL eténn t 1eov au "Parties cansuling Puef. Egan, of Tarantc factue. .1t , 1 - vý il dnd hlm pertectiy siable sud thuas L.î ERy. MT , EB EST 'Stra'1w haIs calared sudallsred lu wortby in cveuy pauicular" Brockville Be ebaje. .Wve caudily reammend lie sffiicled ~ I~ H R EM PC NE.Oshawa, July th, 187$. t 9 apyt t i or relef; ho le etrictly lien Dgto ilefriand smlLepublie t ' f'JT. PRLO ana sBeaver. t -ýiât ho býrulon ou lie Livore'busineis ah AUildescripticmons thle bout Herne Medi- JBEJACI ..1 3ORGANS Rt.hiaeteadeevne i od AY'8 OL STAND.oekeuitcoustsanthyon bandsuad-forusule et anlroetalsssPAINTER AND LET-ýReiw Penoa Ouaugbse addre.Aiir 0li ýAND te WhftLLlrery Stables. TEE RICon, fnd samethiiig toi besadvan- Biii. Pes Patie eqlrngcaveaueecovored sud*IWlo charge for#a&vrae. to by addneeefag Oie nanuftsure .Par. J. Y EGAN, TarantOI-Ont aPen-u ho aocoinmoulst6d et s ioneot'u BRATY. DANIEL PF. BZATTY, ,WmwsiiaaN. J. N. B.-Resd Oihe saove Presae extuacts. notice. - t1--t t.NIl 24Oi,1875.l NovC . PIER18N5 Whitby, Sept. 21, 1875. 49 'fNY OLNDR-PBOPERTY PORSAME, M~ ~/ONEY TOLEND. A barge qunuilyocimooey ho lendi at loy U MUG8-OTEL, ilnternet,-puvo ad.Tho subseulber offere for sale tolov. --t .1FeoiS"PesovoulTav OIstaFsi ngviairpntylahi Tovn et Whlt. The ndersigne& e uameunnî a!Men ROCEROD DLPN, IHaiss~'uda aroBrick Houas. For lv --An.excebeont Bik, t - BrickATN, Calan alageorotage viti à acre ey.to Lend apan Frinor owa n;operhy.iks RO~. . OUN, RORIEOR ~5,apply tO> oflsnd, situated on lie colruer.of, Green a$ tuusualev ates ce Intersal. G.PITO.,Y6ÙNG SMITH. $.g»e1tsl ie l , As, LÉ y ~pil uasts a Reloable Informnation regsr&ng tieC oua- Wliitby, Yeb. t ef1874.va7l a' eyain ud i hGi!. SvraiImuveéFnissn.iI Lr try, etc., furniabefi ta parties roquuîng lil. - ' "tr t. ut~Wru>aeCnr i e aecep amIple acaamndatuti je Hualerp sudQURNCS HTLt, etiib eednî> 01. -lB aetuents m~ade ia Minilcipal Debea. 0Vartîiei"Thie bar: sud'larder snp thedouth g, iWard. AIs 2O es201 d ntures, Boni, sud ehen marketahable Stocke yvith the béat 'f liquoaud îvianda to o éi '--'-L,'n tonudin leboio anary. Nou. -bt olg g1 OSHAWA, 0OW TÀ 19 0 ho'cýppcse of éart of bot 1$; O1icon, Po fthier atcuIaris pply to ofb, .Mp .1 c"vasa 00, .Ubr sud attentivesrvante kepî. Comm eue t p cf Munnay, Ca1 N ber- ictbiing And pràampt bltlare alvays on Wil. 2'tYLOR, ôPRIE2TQR* Ac aéand nulaisputaletffle vnbeeiven '1t": JAM , HOLDEN, t tLATE W. B. -McGAW. toaulthe bove sroperty, For i o: terpar. t t 'tOal5Aàg, Broer &o ROBERT IL YOUNG, - . .tttiéaîIeuippfrto tbre oier. - FFICE.Over lie lDominion ank,~Ma. 'proietor. FIrmI-lase Coc à%eo4 ccauVilla c BroL 8,W tb Dalte5,OàhA~L;5s. is dst~4 i r .'r - ~ b 471., ~ W~r1P » urî,Jie oeuua ,ti ael 11 i-.,e Sa ;' ra' 1 1ciuu C. JO HN 802ON DEALER IN LUMB]E WilH hT.13Y, Hao an banda1%sp1lendidetacko -et do and vehi eeasoned, Ltinbsu. Ailinlds esupeoter and boildiirg parpes. Flaouiag sud Dress'ýd lumber, alway baud. Guoes'e planiig tniiil adjaining, the pramisos, vir-re arders are, prou pecuted for doore, soihes, binda, &c. Whitby, 29tb Nov., 1875. VALISES AND TRUNgS. LEÂTHR iVALISES SARIATOGAL TRUN1 &C., &C., ai WILLIAM THIOMPSON'S Sadleu and Hairese Maki, Blidac-ST., Wrcrrnv. Juno 24, 1874. K'G BROTHERlS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Imiportera, Deniers sud M&unfacturcrs af Lands of LEA THEI? AND FINDIN6 Cash paid for Rides, Bark, sud Lethi 93e BELTING MADE TO ORDER SHORT NOTICEi. May, 1872. ýd Slii Tht'çhbhthoý-,at'in ot hi; 000 M oOl Idin'til'hie,09 ad dartedIs'4t y - -lýûj eéà t t hat wl ~ul*yàorontîhstream. bIk ode;Tus é,y hnbeýoj 17 Thutcar ieeinal ui at 1, tbo:shor.,Ayaung knigbl sprangon; 1diiringthat tlime, tF.nýrrow. li a m bsonan eai iesia, t ~oLPinlned,-eealing thoe buaband 'wIl l th , Ove, lout sooélnts, by théo maglaa o ' I1" was a diffianit and dangeraug tauklà ine u orulbtb whattr~weepa t thovelof of Yo=5 , but Love, as theo l(it song says, Ilvii I eIIOW b;WadI nebu t ve si4 osrrow,-andjy hbas hlero r a 1 û a D tth ;" y ,, nadn lu tow m n w8 Pri t in oyour lovye. a,~ sa was thy imuela j lo'a mn-1 irPrenandd aunty l i'B t dis la , ion'alaomyhort vaàso lites roderic o'.anRoth olspedGen6.ý The prieat, wha, liko the ol 0: t la; eva ta his ireast. 'Party,'had 'paid great ateilton th esola.~ ~ ~ ifo'.Powie t hee, '"ar:hng Genofev," rio4 Prederiolc, wineît huLirod Ibrough, tho' hétra Mo AU ts sefofhThou nlyymuagidol,m saorw mae dci "1 hvo waitéd long-for. thyv coiing il,"'ThPe service vas canaInded, ali u t. 4 d t o h r i n i ld inaeaOaf '" H n h , F r a e d o i k l " a n w e r d G n o .' S ie g fr ie d a d j s t k iss e d - ( e u £ Idnglad, lave!1 I1,cannat feva. thandnltla e ho al bo- cheok, when asefeil bektiu a s ato gay "At' Mt fore.hodsa toast ta.night and was cr d;jo thlehall. tÂli bas departod that aoffered like truth,,' My.hhi friérlals -C'f~ gaethon-ou1y tii u,' dthie gong of' i i rjnadunal Ro«ibaLd Seig- Onclo mare'tho wine-cup i.led r y9uO a , fre ,~ .and it as not ilil laie at iit 86 ' ' t -"A. foat-aod I. net bidlden .to it 1" Siegfried aud his friends wisbed - - mutîeîed Fre'deriok, IlThal bodeat me> hostfarewell. the ginght'aeRidé,. iiiI bavé notîoed -oýf -lato that Sir ~With tiuch laiuRhter, the g " Harold blids mleAilu' a avour than moonlêdthbeir bornseand roded A LIIGEND PYir RrIEIE. Vas hie woot. ,I fear meathet my boving tRie steep path leading from lhe ce &.-cousin 'is plotting*tmy. destruction ; but Maoy, were lhe jeets they uttéreda CHA.PTER I. Sfi Harold bas stîlU held my friend." thc Couut, who bade tbem ride a TnII DOUIBLE IlETROTHAL. "As, Frederick 1", conti.oued Gerio- advaucýe,, promising1 ta follow t Par Ti cstl o' 8 Haol Wulea ws'feva, I"I ear m'y fathier la na longer epeedily. your frieid;- for evea now, at this, ban- "Byou: Ladly " cried oee perched upon one of the mont roman- quoi!,laid I hear the -false Count, yo)uy <"led ia a botter lover -than, I liat - tia and ruggeil craga thAt frown. ovor: osn ign ln hti ol c.erWool vraeiùgneh F i te Uim. On wiat crag, or in whicieouxriginhttwud:wl ol vo aeiignd jyea: il lin hilt, matteus Dtt this ca tic. 'Wiat need bas he of a castie?' itrees'sWindows 2'asgr ne teoy; nit le efiliet t oukotat at n cried Canot Siegfried,-'h'bwio will "'iMethinks il la not ninchi«,i tic beginuing ofslire faura-enloncon. tor ti Gstl c Wiled ws rkne nver .0 wtnslmkoraid ? Htit thea Count will ýdo- t; f/t wîl t u r th C stl o W i l e s w s e ck h . lo ts l e tra v e lle r g o h a rm iese n ie , O ie la d y ' s p a rt, if I m ista k e n t. ES1 d i nios omdbl u loY way--sy, mare, gives iim foad and holy St. Peter, I cauid net icip pit ire4in aold 10hieyounger days-'decthat al lQw choose tic pase tie dainel wien' sic fniintedal Si a ol n bisdve n ru s ha d a dford b y the Caste Rath ta hase iooked s if, he baud of-death boee a bold,4 deursma.I near or doanains. i, y thes' onan éne pon lier 1" .t other words, bce iad icvicd black mailý oen fOrlwu el ndteatlts: '1aNma o eeawy o n a l t e p a c el u l n d o w n - r o d , n , w h e r e f o u e , I e a y , l io la a u r e n o n iy l' " . s e n s i t i v e . _ F e a r no t b u t t he C e u n i peasintry-. not te, mentioo tie travol- "iAnci wlat alsweu iaile youu'father2" soeo teaci ber obédience;ë ho ha lors wbo paesed oear tie castle, and for alked Fuderick. waybt tae wemen V" wicm a strict watchvas kapt on th,'Icl"Ho bit bill hp, snd, dinking a deep ,"ýThere, ycu'ro wrong,, Budolf,' battlements ; made 'a nad'enforced, hd cuh f Uhonisi ,wlnel1ewuothat plied Kemnat. I"Methinkse i ama:met absolnto bave on bis rtainrs youeenet filia mife o'er lunda, but yed i3ertha le but badly lamed. ea for. hit1bekevzedebna d that it would ho hetter'fbryoar-kiimaü u ld ne t -hocthe one ta break, diviae,..bimsielf;: and 'haedd.conquorod' ta aýkyourplace asud bave ',you for nows of this inauriage talie,." g o n r o u n d ., ith th e e c é p tio n o f t vo a ns d " i i s r e y uLdy >R ; I -il Sut a e a b i eo f " r e i fi a d if. uPtiy vwitli these kaightsSir- Hauold t iad 'play eo m eyal B une upo y m 1ouill's ae ule et tiy sbit ta a«nII formed, a firn alliance. pa 0mr ueùo Yc l se'wl o âil umtôao 48-f T e a roo or f 8 r H :o] 's ailps l Gm et as esha l m ake h lm dance w it al 1 reigning w bere he bas , held the i -19ti Th, sroge ofýSr aýdd' Éjsieg Rie, s minstrel I 1'd sauer .'piay a pipe 80log. Wae3 a ýCanttBgid o and labeur teý a beau,. han breathe "Maybe lie'CenI yl remavo vio ield a col esne elit miles eweel mu~sic ta se rougi a brute 1 And before lho br ige ereOimo ie Ce a lion B eadas fero, ,e sweel love, you lhink liaI yenr "'Nay, that Ihdouibt -feor Sieg 'C o u t R e i n a d w a a i erc il l fahh er su d m y w r hy cou sin h av e j in . lov es L ie wid B ert ha m o re th a n veogeful man ; powerful and veuyxih cd togethor ta work mevwrong 2" pale girl." He was iuunensely atrong, loved cruel- "My deareet yredeuick, I know lb!1 "Perhape ho rnaX-ns Berthbia eut( ly, and permltted, neliing ta stand in 0 Oh be ao I tell yen al 1 Oh, Fred- uielrass i ll but Dame. Yel lhe way of bis pleasures, sa hiat ho rcwar otls oeh te wudhoanru;SiHrldI ganied the somewat unpesant sob eri ck oaebils aoc te wudh agru;S:Hri KSl uto teBakRab"free for ever ?" île daughter wl, and wold 'KS qut f "iaBlak Hau ;"fo evn How eay you?" cried Ven Bath. Von RBah ta aveage any sliit a lie kuiglila of tiose cruel sud debanch. - "Lest le oaci diheu fou ever 2" - -: lier." cd hunes admitted tint Conzt Beginald "lLieten 1 The banquet given to-nigiht "I1knownal lie Ca 's min 8, of lie IBlack Hearl vont a luttle- lac i in honeur cf my betrethal witi Ceunt yawned Rudaif;' "but let 4 pusai f r . - R e g i n a d S i e g fr i e d " , t f g t i l d, s u I a r a i Caunot egiuaid vas a tl, iandsarne "Impossible 1 Vour word ie pbedged TicCont may wisi le ride alone man, posecsiog a ewarthy complexion ho me 1 Speak, Genofeva 1-tell me often lie is urnur."- 26 suad n black beard liaI ucacied taois yohave Dol consenteci la Ibis 2" ?*eanwbule, ContSiegfried1 cicot; hie eyebrcws-were rngged and "Consent 4 Do yon tiuk ny lallier riidcn back ta lie castie, but no1 heavy, jntting fan uoaveu hie. flerecae kmeiIviie c y c , ~ t i t t e y o o k d l k e i a s r nst a l e ify Ib a u d t e o n s e n t ?2 H oe u e e t b s la d y lo v c , o r t a sg i b e n e clu sler a g aveu t ey e rauc s of vie s i s p o m s d m b n C an ot R egi- ier casernent. . a g j cluterng vertheoutancs o vew nalfi Siegfried, aud viii keep hie word, Dismenntiog froni hie herse, caverne. Ho 'knew hie looae e thougi my beaut ebanld break." thre the buidle ever a lree, sudj forned y ntureha nspre fa:,and *q shalloct Le 2" cried Fuedeuick vaneed. on <cet te lie' cala, tai cfa isd o rou g mao sud ued. fie Pt' van Bath, passionaiely. -"FIl viii me care ta keep in lie shade, sa as ta cate a nrehae iad 0e. rce ho.nligil. I wilsummon imy friands,usocut iîy lie sentinel-a tiseions p oats a icrasethirrepulivneas., and ve vil bid defiance te CantSieg- caution, fer al lite ecîdieus bînd dra o; Sir Hauold's ather ally vas a veuy fuied aud Si: Hareld. Oh, trust' me, se nuoci vine, in hionour cf lie1 differentmin. Fuederick von oth4>I for your eee sake, Genafeva, I wiil tahlîsi, tint they voee<ast asleep.- r. vas, a fine, bandsomo youn fellow cf do suddare everythiag.R" Having àrrived cloae ofider a sm about flveand-lventy. Hecampiez. -Husfi Fredeick-spen uala nd R window, Siegfried teck sainse gua ON ï vafair as s vomao's; sud, is air My waitiog.wcmau is yooder, 'and nI- and tirew il agaiast the ossmeul. ONhung la golden ringlels dovn tia ougbse be'ogodadnsd falîLful girl, In sanoeut, tie laîbice vas raug hiesindoues. Frederiek van Bath I veuid alt have ber kaovt al cOr sud a, voice--evideuhly a, fernaleî 22 vas a coneummate musicisu, aud sang secrets. Lietea, Fuoderick 1 1 bave s dernnnded vi a s lieue. I - love-songe t h lbalid vneuiaseif plan vîwereby I bape te vin aur porpase Il le Siegfried'," replied tic Cari in tlmaqhoi; impuessive manne:. Thene vithour danger. To-ltI amn ho. "Yeu sigocd fa:rme ta reburo.W f0 acamlîsmens, dde leiregeni rctbd against my vill, la Count newe have yeu 2" beariog and exiraordiuary heauty, bad Reginabd; tc-morrow, aI nid-day, lie C"Wheu my lady Genofev left' aiefo g hi he tsinle cf "hee brns vill came le complote aur nuptiale, sud banquet, ehé, vas net ill," saifit P.Kha on se fa: some catelbrn s "iecarry me haime. Ta-night I have a witingwoman-fcr àhe ; iti vas ' ha Effes "fbtaredeuaca i vathe ,feigned ilnees, sud ta.rnoruow I shall wae allihe casemeut. "Bie met Frý Eeiul w ;" utic î eer ic liag'latake s draugit, distilied frei omeaeriek von Roth at lie peeteru loadi sklu ihtelnc swt h ue herbe. This potion makes a uapid sudoautlethe crag, aud pligbled hieu lu swalo aud iad w ao omd bsenaullernena adiychange came aveu ticse tint te 6hini." ~ salow her cn ors l awaYLinttake il ; lie. lips beso their uuby colon:, "Faine Genofeva 1" mntteued Sie t' lipy did a like. Bot Frederick voni the checks becorne iollow sud livid, thié' fried ; "sud you. my kiueman-1, Rot ieti d onagreat fanît lu lie eyes -cf eyee giazed sud eightiese. Tho blood shah sanswer for tueis 1Yen shall Il E' Si: Harold %VilleJa-bîie vas peaur 1i'reezes in the velue, theIliesrt ilesîlîl, blinI men have nal eahled'me lie BlIs 2.Hie ensIle wss, 111en hune, irnpéegnable ; thie breating cosses, sud lie, lirnbs are Heaut for ncliing 1" but Ilion it vas netig but n gray, cold sud nigid." "Te-morrcv nigil," cootloued t Siieu.covered Lever, pôrehed ou a bar. t"fSuueiy lion woulda'b not poison perfidieus vailiug-voarn, "Von Roi ueo rock. Vainly did. Si: Harold point hyself?" .ie te carry beu off,'! j nt b bilaroung hevenii ai, iysa gcd Il ie bol a semblance- .cf deali. loy R" cried Sýegîried; darg» etveep ound haveudan vshies juilBeors lie sua bas risen agairi, Nature threaten te besiego ycste i atei harveet tino, lie mugit double ycse aa bis fer u r e. r e e ri k e pî e d ti n ~ re s e r s h e s of , s ud lie p a tie n t va k e s c a c ry o ff rny vif e ro m m y a r m s " . isg rfrte rdik lie lveofbi psalie ~refresiefi as fran aquiet alunie. d" Ny, air ; have patience sud I wv lect tui geede;, sud vas cauleohed le keep This araugit, don: Fredonick, I vii li you sîll My- lady iutends lo-.n up n m a l ba d of arm ed 'o iieers ~ a keitt i l i e o nt B g u row m or a t e take n ertain drug vic li a c o o îr .p o p î 'a o x p n s , t ~ r al cî sh a h c am e t l a im i e. b rid e , lie sh a h l l c a u se h e u le a p p e a u d e n d . A I eu i 3 R- thli o n a at op s een e td a p ee, n a but acerpso. Ateve ug hhey set ir: bL dy viii Le laid in lie vaulî teia hris essvodbae< allnfoui, vill.boa: ny b8dy up la tli Ile lIra chapel"yondeu; sud, lu the des o tersd iad hveanuben fmoue abapel yonder, ad lay me lu thc vaulîs. ai tira nigil, Frederick van-,Bah '.o de owr Au eu.afernigliil cncanetalcarry heu avay, and diuectly sic rd ed folvesonmu vat. bit, sud beau ne'sway ln eafety." vivcte, maie heu uis vife." - It-je needlesa te snythiat Cont Sieg. "Butclarliug, dure you bravo al.~,Priincbile a ~"fried iaied Van Roth, for lwa suaits o me2 ekdF"drPi îerdaiat uf eionhte R WitlsB very different ciaraclers are su 9nover "A s ud e "a liaed r limes > mara R ufe ortho1 ht h au bu nguee. Bol Sir Begiuald had ocher Qnck, Frnderick, or lie ime mrews I do ?-warn Si: Haroidof Ibis devici ou, ressen-î for disiiking Frcderick.. Iu thé -atin v nvrpart. Kuesî vth- o ia oi~ e iem a liu firAt nlaceli alteu vas bs canai earhou e su weu m it _e _ reang m oice a oie,îa~Miy oùa atac ISwiugiRg biniseif da lb.he<ag, ha 1 - WudUe rleva le 1~ t Le castle M"dd ctdý, bef r o Fr c4riçlk l ped i ot t héOie b eà ,ýand s it do'vn a t at Ï liirh'C unt iegfried rode,t o- co u d see k ss s tan n o ac is frien ; i s u uidera-,s u o h c i f .J a l s n I e T h a e o n ; n o v h ià h but, i g e a * e nait ir f _ th;! ; AW iy', ho v now ofi va e -2 ". Up lu tSirb -v , llum ined the plo zu- m0on, round, theur gueste dovu about ou in uiit. bat he Drhie i4uing i b. By ityiug Sie vere Ys o Itwill' as a' re- d- kthe refane <eau, itier 3 heu epa roe eo o- Bepy. e-t had slie ad. ling pue.. Le-, aveb, ied, 1 bat. wle aing oh bid. lack, tire be a au- c i But cf fae" eli.deth is -ottttJt -t venobl"-said 0 Iýo i lie caille'; thoera I vil peak le yot.' r "B'eginsld Siegfried, 1 uetver, rota t a liait ca8lle unlese l itUyOuýr ife. a "Hov, minicu 9" ïciod the 0uat; lx t bîov graviog bisol vihlianger.ý -, ILcane aict fer yen: fzovns, trepiée tBertha, quietly, "fou bave, ivenrM i almeet ta despar ; »And ihey wh'obdel i pair knov net £fs-r.Lj e n Reginahd. Ycu faunj me, vien a glu happy sud ciihouted. 'My <ath vcjrid oct consent ta my mnaru.ying yc cfor ho ueeed your char'soteu ; but 3 Ieved yen. We met in lis dauk fareE by my father'sicastle, and lieue yé- plighled rme-ycu rath, sud persuade me 'to fly viti YOu. FeelliaI 1 vA rta. blieve your fais. yards 1 li >mùrk me, Beginald Sieg-rad, I1soi n, eçft-gil ta id tuuned an n e e e yen: pîeasure. Yen bave plighted yon trouta m ie.. You are my lhusiau and, virile Ilive,n ether sball al yen by that nane : aay, more, voee- dead, I voula conA ta lte; aur vhçn yen dia, I viii dlaim yen e miine R" t (Ceoclîded sne ee.) Dining ane day aI a pa:by in Batl QWunutteued sam'.thiag vhiob caned1 general> muripur of deligbl. A. noble jipan pueseot, vie vas net iuhustrioui '<du the brilliancy of bis ideas, exaira sei, "*Wbst apity 'lis, Quiui, my bay hItba a alever fellav hie ycn shrould, bw av plyer R" Quin flxed snd flashei bieye upan lie persan, witb 'Iis re ply : "What vonid yen: icrdsbip b&sý ipe be-a lo-rd 2" SBE GENlTLEMEN AT Eaur.-It la crue anad covsrhly iu any man le speak tc lie venag under brie owu roof inu manne: liaI wonhd feu ove: diagusei lm,1fflboard under auy ocher. ÀAn yet hov mny do il, alas 1 ond aven go theirvaye aftou il, sslflsbly forgottiu the teaus and lie bltternes they-- have canaed, and seIfishbý oxpecting. if biey nemember it at'ail, Ihat ou their retturn liet ýdomneehlo BiY vil L e vibieut a chaud. Mère lie pity vlren it ila Tien, -iudeed, la lieue danger in the air ; fer tien taooaflen corna deceit, sud bypearisy, and indifference. Aflen the yeîînger Mr. PittI md made his speechin the Hanse of Commons, Sir Robant WaIpole, in a sarcaslie noIe, renaurea-: 'I appuebend lie young gentleen a net sovu alibhis vild en&te ;" te vbiab Mr. Pitt roplied, in a ejider: "'Age bas ils privileges, sud. yaîîmsy bave fit faultas; but lia gentleman affards ample illistnatiou liat I eilI relsia food eneugi feu geesee ta peck aI." Sane are uaisely liberal, sd moe <lbiit e ver làeeta reenb anos deblt.nrtode Beauly la a rock ou virici man maies siipwreck, vii cf thepenneli ba doup il. >G l r y l e e l e n u g i f r a . i Lut t eof very1little canséqui peau i mnu vla largo aniiy. Au Irisi guide tlid Dr. Jsu sou, vbo vieied fer 'a roas;on *eas altrape of the féminine tint "May Laoil vas because vnys hafi lie lait iv1etd." Here le a receipt le got ri acquaintance whose seciety yi luke. If ho le peor, hnih money ;iîfbo ei bc, askblin pou seme. Boti ieness are au] "Hleiho, lieeA, SaId sanme] Irisiman, busihyt ongagect at,oi cherry trees, "lby vhal rigli taie lirese abarries ,ýI nf frmoud," eaid be, "by my rigi sure." - t S"Wiht-parh do pou perfouin great draina cf 11<. 2" saidaf laboure.-I I iad myovntbu vas thie eply. "&Hov do you defloe 'blaci b a t h '? " Il eaid a's ch o olm ast er t a r. BIZLIFF ORD ýIVj.BjON COURT, IVPANYI CAPITALP . '%VMTBY, ONTARIO. TEL,

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