Iota love me ?,,eeaid. 1"1a=ik aabq.d ikvd l$Wd f;;a Y4 .I-r. Ilerclea, hiwn yesmet bis.,.wtl tender fil ht ee fW4 w&. "Do ycn not uude"tantl P" te.9s4. 1,ly hI ave ladyou froin'le' Ir an oa lizwitli'a simle g0s t ue wbtelb, lu i 4l, *eue,, showeil -op awmy l~o tue hcwua aost SoWlowed, the S0 obec sbas *Y$v ' lieri ot sf. 6fied of er &a frs s aitew ides, whicb shQýok' ti I~boa~suIc~fi eatly. Tllg wli aibl appoared absolutely impos. mibi avwek or so befere, wý,eslooslng t1#j ppearance of linpoosibility, -axi tli naît snpealýlloauly -'Iserdulonso faltea'tl. The.> even, taîkeil over the a4ttefr emong thoiesltes wittl a woux- 4oiwhuiel iwas lighlI>' Idierotuglin its * Iut,one traaua iawe'~cii - )oganiond N 4,rnaou carne lato tih rcak. f141-keith 4îan open lualter' i:ber li bud; a letter- of baasînue like appeair. Rnc., bearîiÀW Londoaî pot.uark. It -,*i vhosc corninza li ýn' Jý1s i~ueh drren4d-tmnd 0 fou the of the >Cb,'lcuttp fi e alter Trodetnuisg ave it one g1 ;$Lb.fiîthaatrne'l gotluA wiudoMF, wfth ritAôdd ittler 1$;lia ark. fAce. &t la iatlraerikuabrupt tenininstion ta uy e.Astiltvisiit," lie lassa-d lisrSay. fiOgýthorbýtem, "Bail w>' (mliis 10 in8'nrpturu Iça CJlittnasaris on na pobiibIe b liheo venlanal routô.'ýý 'TIIa&t se eý1' btitwm DU wliat aà ,- ile saipleciaunouucemeuiiaat ss tillacthegeneratnood thait dii>. Thae -t»ewhoWlie d euy-llîlg I 0 'ke colced wretelaedan sd qxoein d *Teiaead of 01a , Cacutfa -farin wonU"ll eacla*Mur. 1laua4 Hoee t hnnorrow. sud tlaierse was ciul>' thisa 4oii lby lu whioh tcwlp e« lanee4 UwFer îunuollî aua asy be4 ilalve, lhe cannoteatily face s jourusy go Calcutte, sud tias followiug twsu$y. fon r bourots uaide thé tâ. fte o!flasi n ~dote» cf hem, So lb vas #rast one *alter aiagçler toqk bis chancease it came pd received bis aswer. What bast &Daaewar wax lotbtelu, resuipove.f< TliaI evening Major Carmlclasel esautereal ito rdinnia's rcoaxu, smok- ing acilgar, lockinu coowbsb exciteal, lu spie ci li s nasang froid. -DyJove-l[" hoe salal. "8iýa ier- faised bient ail, roui Wilson to uittle Ltualy; su Iictere were about a dlozon b. le saker. The wrotclueîl- day Lie laid spelttohi cpon tireenman, nuit the 'Keiaerally cool, satira face "-asa -aoat - baggacr.- Altogotlier, il was ton mtch for 1h. Mfajor lu beer placidi>'. (à "flang itV' lae, brûko fortli. '!1Hn A rOh0îa laugh broke froua Trodeunis's l -à a luph willî a eouud of %sueering têarnesalua 1t. ýý 111 irU l ea aIminu,"'lac sala. "I hasve neyes' aikei ber. If shhss r.s-e lussd lies, men, viat would>' I. ine ? 'Do yon tiink," ho crled flercely, 10hed lie hersolItôtea cu'pplsd Pau. per '" For e% romnent Major Carmiolîsel shared et Mlinal blaïk amazemnent- Th~Pilh wae a nsw phasse of affairs. He liaai not ihonglit o!fliis, natriral As it ,4ne-. Dut lie recovercd limeeîf et "'Zou are vere. fuai a à mau," lie soui, bisesrnesî br.skiug through tbhe olaisu prfedlticruel cf msuuer bs' once. '¶1io refuitealtbese nien- because Rhuêdia nôt love tietn; il ebei1usd love<l ôtus of thiu! ah. wohld bave salu, 'yes' to hue, sud Ihere ,wonld have been an end of the imatter. If tlier. ares a thousucl mon ant lier feet to.niliit, it ie * 1u3 opinion sire roula refutes tieaaiahI, fur the- simuple ressoau tha 'it-alie is an hon]cot woiarsuan sd the maineho love-s is- bnu-aitrSaaela sputrply. - Ife dd ~ nI ot liev Ibis, but l sbook - lizeuveîaec R. e wss mly oneof tie 0mauy, after 4a.Il. lim1adonly* ehlared la18[s e i wll tho resI, aud ho oouid- almont tluaak 1Heavaru tint tbe * lo ievwu@e nuoaivicr. RHobaud triec tau à volc1 lier liat'day, fernt - ietrsy liîbrusof, anin udoiug so 1usd beezu more Uihorouizluly wretabed thasu aven. tHe *lied elt lais dooolaition as a forotiste cf edl me whose youwcre -Juet uow. Go dewn tri eraind s> hht oilsai b teI*à l dstiiiz Êwlth bid 5n5ns pstdè ûmi1i il«lparup '-Wrebhiduessà if Vie terp h xe;rn4 Ând wae not wbisenough tf It la Made of the. Pin6st ~4 F é1ac~gWighL'3 f Pound.g abouit 1-4 of a Pound to Miade from com- mon Luat' soe .G10aahninIrles oslamupb4 Ironm'iit he BI(>u- MAKES THE WEAK STRONGO iePemfurqan ,ira, aPoc cet Solutiroj& of tise P,'otox1é1e of' Iron a l gocornb (0 hat 1ca va :rith thse blooul as tise simplicU fott. Il i -crases thee 1uaittity feuà ti te beod, l'airnd Ml'es '"etthouiaand iiLu, 1nlg richil nd vtalzèd-bloodi jer- mntfes c-ve-sy part of tise body, rejpala'î&ag dancsgea andivuaste, searichtilyg- ouci inqrbid sc.r dssebfeed ocpoit. T'hla thse ses--c. ofte vola- dlerfiel sutcessof tis i» eizy it cultitig Dlopeps~,Lac on Chilis sand Pà ni*ar,- liamror, LONSr of Coaastltcîhlosual Vig-or, DLlcraseeciof the IR!clucvg nrd Bhrualdei-, rFeanlôoCoitpln4,uts9 aai ilîleases or'iynsthag fia a bLsfe ofathei> lui bocnl, 01, (c- ccpapmuled <tvdtdtlui. 'a 1o10 fr Ak/lolaoff» Ù&aunyform,its 'cawg½iag cfu-îs ac nlefoi- 01n blIltr>,u : rx o 7 1 le:;i U-r jui<uùs -~ v i A r1 iî R U P'o i c,n r, i eA, SErTiI 11. FOWLE & SC!lisI Pr p'kh aur3, 1 3111t,1% 'ance, SrrLlriii yiI TMI- U ciNaniAflLI. V- BurnietkL ý.-e ocoa(ine Pr-oentA thIe ilaarfro:a lii Burnett's, Oocoahne Burnett's Cà eoaine Iï amt i -c-rsy ,r-rr kitky. Burnett's Oocoafine Lesi-es ano DitSîauariCddr. Burne-tts Oacoaine Afr'ritas tericfstri.' Bürn6tt's Gocoalné Burnett's Oocoa ie BurI-utts ocoalne- Burnetts's Ocoalne .4BurS)ndèt ts: prottile. DAVIS &u I<W afs e Ep Mr ~IYAiON &UWRENP.oQ PORiT WHIITTYÂl»Pdà IT'P M EXTENSI AILW4Y. Taeiftç o iîà , D c i 574 Trains ruaiby Toronto lime,, tylwo nautes eloirer hnGTRtu. Whuilby ................... 110L. Brookhn .......... . 11.90s .i-'- - 11.50 am Prince Albert. ...te Port Peu'>............. ariVe Ila .W .......... (IC.Lut uncuo. .arxave -- - ,si exil'.-' - - * - - ' i am le 1'f7,-rMAaatnmDhaïjre7 WIuit>'~LDtié~1I4, ~W:171 WL LIAM TIL L JOA9iWN.Ët- IAcTORY AND FRIUEWAEOM TïaébL 'à IALI "--à OCK STREET, WJIITBY. /3-0 where youi c»i t,1ffi1 o bel p1eqsejim*, g 8ec, g*n8 o f -j!fniue. ~S~Jd - 1çin o ana Bedroom St, vI esgns 0 *rty çf inspection,atast.onising-low' Prices. ]Mning-room Exteusipn ables-a very superior > 'd -Ocq L4rices, Pricture Framing mnevery style. Somie fine CjhronÃ6s and Engravinga for sale., In~l 04è ~anIs ;,funerals fnlly uppliad, 4A Sck ofClegant caaleto. C 97nà I#ýs 6n hiAn, trimmed to suit stmrad wWpond Heart3o constantly in readiness. MULTILL Wliitby, 1Novembcr 24th, 1875. î~ WH IT B Y,;CHI N AT E<A S TOR.E'., s 0J3SN_4 SrA R VKELL, Have just received the largesf,lbest'assorted, aiid oheapest à tock côf Crocl<ery ând Glasswyare ever offered in Whitby. Ini China, Stont, and raucy Ton Sots. 1 tu Ohina ~ Fancy Dinnete Sets. Ini China, Stone and Tsucy Toilet 'Sets. In Parlour, Table and Bodroom Lamps. In Glass-Fruit, Cake aud Trifle Dishes. In Goblets, Tumblera mnd WjneGlisses. In Table Sets-.AzM1 iii ew 1Éisterns. liCxs;Sieef Mugà s2 Vases, Tors, &c.; &oi GiwNos4. SPÂBRYýLL have ail kindÈôl* Choica P-ifg j di8ceiies; Best Tess, Tobacco, sud ail kin di of Fancy Pipes, Haine, BicÃ"n, Lard. Oystèrs. of the besti brandes lwsys ou baud. ýZbe highesi market pricç laid iii dash for snyqunttyo ood ]ressed iH6oi , s8Main Pease, Marrowfbt .P"Me, ko.- At Whitby, Dec. lSth, 1874.- 51 FASHIONABLE T IOBN ,Qo where yTou.2au, get a Well-fitting Garment :-To the Taflorlhg Està lbisiment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPE1iIOR -CXJTTING, &MEAPES TE WORR A Large Stock of Fine Cioth ls;,esçt Engisli, Scotch amd- Canadian Tweeds. #>~ Excellent Overcoatingse ýabd Splendid -Veet Fatterni. A good fit Guîîraîteed. GEORGE GUBLEY, 51 King Street, Oshawa. G E NT'S CLOTH I NG A N D FITII SIIJE[NG GOODS F or Superior Clothing su itable for Suininer -wen.r try tho Clothing Store and Mereluant Tail- oing establishmeut of JQEEil~r J E IR -U TTSO01*%T,1 DUNPAS STRIEET, WHITBY., A OOI) FIT AND STYLTSH'CUT WARRAINTED 1 Gcnt's Furnishing Goodls of nlkls, inclnding Shirts, lHats and Caps, tUnibrefia, &C., Whitby, July 27th, 1875. tf-8i Boots an.d, S-hoes gi< 1,b STOCK COMPLE TE, IN ALL ÃŽLINES 0F LADIES,' MISSES' AND CHILDRENS', ALSO, IN MENS,'8,0OY,'0, LYQIJPTH8D' Reiember that RIK is ýoffering, R URBER14,AND OVERSHOES, AT WHOLESALE PFflCES. Ç rj A -I ~ JBBERS! RJJB BE RS! x -J~es '~u~br~at 4Q0 ýcelits per pair, Mens' , si0 à a, W pbè OVEIISHOES! Sat bl 25 -per pair. iha -Iir l--i thftt Kirkrepairs aK ftANT k9R~A~ BOCRINEWB PATX". - qu'eJi ING Ça B8 AU uvýe ti haviifrmoo4 4pirtnbearl3g on the, fùgý iutatimi cf B.ed Istuents, bynibanub whieh thse quâity or voliÃixe'of tons js vry largely incereaed, Md the qualty of ton. rendered; Lq alto tifà îtfo (th e p Organa oi tÊif. me Capacit ï on eeebrated "Tox Celeste, <"Vox Huma, il coi ,Psteà t" "()Ã"- tave Coupler," ths.ehaxming Ilcellq" or "Clarionette" 5to5u, "Gin HRorn," "Qremont4" "Vox Angelet," IlVioila Etieria," &ad ALL T HEir'LÀ1IÉ IMPROVEMENT$- * Cam b. obtained only ini those Organs1 .g>ýFity Different Styles, for h PalranteJrc,>h-Bs, Materisi sud Workmanship, Quality snd_1olume of Tono Uzîeqà Used 1 PRICES, $5o TO S5ooý. ,Faco ry ana Wsrerooms, Cor. Oti ana CongresStsý, DToT ihg (Estzbliohdne85C.) AgentwWanted in Every Cugaty, 4ddxessT CLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN CO., DETR Ã"ýl ï MCft. h1iis Hotel is situatèd' in thecentiral portion of thi.e 6îty, oni'ement ti. *holesale estabWisbmentoansd 'public 1ti!ilinègýsud*ufor tourista nd commercial tr-avellerm jeasmOat elipbIe.situation. 'bhoa]bia een thoroughly ro.orgauized and re-furh-bed thrdùghart(L4 a & 18sfitt.d p in the, most coinfortable aud fashionabli style, eqnal tb any rm1ees onse li the Dominion. .Tbe ýedroomý and drawwg*roo-s$.large 'd airy,, ad the best ssnitttry aÈegùatosaeberd. Tih. large snd couveliî4t sample mooins, for the. accommodâation of minmercial Travellers, à re coiniodions, and conveniently iocated on ho first fiel, Oxunibuses aud Carrnages always ready for tis. accomm~odation of, peste arriviug by al lbh tesins and teamboats, sud.mIso te envey them.tolbe. depots sud whiarves onlaviug. deo. Kennedy, fnrmerly of Qneeni's Hotel, Owen Sound, Manager.. Tilegrap Office in connection iith this Hou.. - TErm.s, - -# 1 DU PEU DAI. W',hitby Phar'macy S. W-B. SMITH Has just received and openi men~t of Fuancy Gouda suitruble for prises a groat many New, Handsa French Toiet Botîles in'B'Velled F ste Glass boxes, eutirely new, Gold ,Silver sud GUI tSueBling B tfles, Par au Mari!. Staîuary, l3oh nnian Glas ases, Lut n'a, ÀAtkitson's, Rimmels aind o- eCrowu Perfauuues,- T-oikt Sels, Lad es' Comrpainionir, Gaule' Dressing Cases, Nocessaries, Jew,-l Boxes, Fan1, Wri îng Docks, Wanuul, Wri ixig Docks, Papier Maichie, Hai , ooth, aind Nail Bruihsc, Dm ~s{g Combs, - ToiltlsStauds, Geiits'aie-ai, Pau.,. Trunka, t terres. led -the ;mo a Large and Choice assort- Holiday Seaison. The stock coin- and Useful Articles, and splendid Fancy Boxes, Fane>' Baskets, Purses and Portmonnaies, a splendid assortanexat,.extra o1lieaspi Albums, very Iow, Glovo, Haudlerchief and Collar sets, Cbequei- Boads, Domtinoes, Portrait Framms, Plmying Carde, Game of Old Mmid, Iuk Stands, Irak Bottios, Scotcbwood Setzs, Pearl andI Tartan Card Cases, Cigar Cases and Boxes, Cigar Stands sud flolders, Meersoliaunu Pipes, Tobaucco Boxes, 18 varioties, Tobacaro Potiches, Ninepins and a nice collection of To-is. Âisoa âlarge variety oft other goods and novelties. Sý-«Cali and Examine Our Stoêk. =%C S.- W. B. SMITH, Late Jas. H. Gernie & Co- dâhnston'8 8e/f - Raking Beaper, AWARDED THE FIRST, PRIZE. A t the Provincial Exhibition. Torontto in 1870. We offer to our custoruers for thé- comng lianefit,,,two dis' -ic Machines, which in stylu aud construction, embrace lhe latest andI most useful iprovemn~ts of the dq~., STIRE " RING 0F aAý iS The ~ uieslsuccess of thiw lMâcbhn'~,b~ucdeycnet od-tri i-u-t-4els1I-(ieiO wuwarrant ns inuang that, nesa Solf-Rak- ing ieapi M tachie, i hebs more goodzpoirts sndilesa eetÉ;"aud-htoamtt wlth ;toes~s~~~fireetian h'etof1eoffeId tà t!" &*ni ÇAYUGA jUý4fO.MWR - i sere awarded ,the,,First nd1Dip1lmat4*Wfd clai E hibition, bcld un Toronto,lSo tometin îh Rjeean'ielte % ia4qlp^!red in tbe Province sud wit-b'ýy' i4tT _ u<, hà à atI ingi>' chnIn4,n0eýain d ou firfa,~ - ~ r - ' ' - - - - -- - - - r r-- -k - IAN ÀCTUIfl 0 ASRRJAGE 'S 'AND -StRGS avnoW on haùà 'd aâ'lzlge Stock of Carnages, Buggieg, enei sC0es hc rtl-a4fishS ?eêl& -- ~MIb l. i e sold ie â Are offering Special Splendid asS'ortmp4ent c0-l Iw --f mVery>Gheap. Jrà ~A~~Ar L7~N Wbitb.y, December la,i1875. JTTBILEE 4 iupr i ns pORGAN 00'8.' ~.r NORVILL hla& tlïem-S lidInà irumeùits-anc un. seilllaemn ~nieot lii -wiIl ur~mrial yýu. IIf -y u -everopei1 ao, nov iqijelme ' sue0, iemeaoIlb<re buyiug. A good ssorient- ofloluatliI~ae rie, b lseouhueol ' oÇ Wl chea. andjvel r>' iatly sud prmpîl>' repaiea. * H. W. N OBVILLE. Dundas- Street, Si - - - -- Opsite tise PostI Office. JUST IRECEIE DOMINION ALarge Cloths AT'" WA -RE-R OýXYM-, and S'el*t ýýStock of- >and !Twe.eds I«1- FASHIONASLE., TAILORING' DOMAINION WARIIBROMS. -FIRST-CLASS DOMINION STYrISI-i DOMINION Whitby, Dec. lot, 1875. DRESS-MAKI -NG, WAREIROOMS. -AT--- WAREIROOM9r, LOWES &POWELLt P R IN G L.E'-S Have on hand, at their MerchantTailoripg Estbshme1nt, BROCK STREET, WHT.Y A much larger and botterstocok'tbldauu.,emrcn i THE NEWEST -CLOTHS '; 3 TIM];GB For gentiemens' Clothing ; anid as ttiey are givin4g their whole. attention to the Tailorin- buisiuess, thoy are in a position le do, it, botter than over. Wbiitby, Sept. 801h, 1875. A.& J. R~. PÈlINGLF{il - - Cm 404y. FTYRNITIRE! FiJI,-RNITIRE!l Now is- the teimie to buy good and cligap Furitre. ~Eavg ougitout the 1~sis #~e1y -earie dl on by U'meés Ë. Samo, we take tis poruiro inviting Id mnyfried~ogive us a cà il aud we' 1cai assure ail that we are prepared to, do as -ei ythem in the, fùtùree as Mr. SamÃ"'-hs-done-in the 13alu"' TI LL&JONTN ND».&, KiNGÀ7, Tlie..ouly irst- TILL; & JONNSTON WtbOcýoe s~~-,Ol C) INt~ BOT~DS.,IA- EMNPD I1-R S 7r.4 em or- O1,-J. Et< 1 DAETS FOR nIlinoxTs B,'e -i s1 w Iùïey saerin Ce- adthejUnfted 'States and EUroe. s. priü,îâoructons.Agèney ini per&QvnL ten isem 1 r-LI - ENR77 GRIST, - Oltawa, Canada.. Mechanical Engineer, Sà hicitor of Patents. BEATTE'SBRQT- nov inue For> thé luh8Iah ScIkoui, od$e~ or;Prlor they have noe*ai - pewr out thevorld.W hleg i.s nvolume- of-ih wh-é* be everpwIbere. 5s4 felr Nd -01e-testi- dec proclaciug inalrumeftt Ad&diïii, DAKIEýL Fi BEÂâ-TY, Washington, N~. 3J- T hl autifunIbrîck -,hS nca mue TOWN OF -WEI[TBY, kmmas th. a ýcue é y e.H. LaswderPoit, "Tlus place ls most b«unlqUated. en3<ozig the rCosol g te adba,arih présent a beaatifte in-towa, axe be itquy]ai4 out, QM& acL- lS W It.hsa in ai leeioncff ti5g ~imba - FAREWELL & RUTLEDGE, -Bariaters, Wbitby.. June 14th, 2675. 55' -BEATTVY5S RLRG rNi5I .Aet;jÛ ýwer uaalorlimale. t" ,5ea, D- 2I~B ETYWsig AUTHOHEIZED DISCOUTNT' 0 Auerican Inselôôa :mtil l à tk. î tics,, 15 per cent.- 46-ti Coinjeozer of.Ç C"Mf. BOOKÂGiTWATD . .HALE cd S0N, Pubilahera, 17'-Midr'87St., 1NI, Y.,"- cH nir'Y-S E AV]l&soi T I l mW V RL Eý, ,NrÃ" - %De< luj eaeb,5xt .voltauin c >" tee sn.s Dow -r'- rir -BUILt - -i I post omi large qtu et ., a lied ana Phyd"is ofl. . -r Thie S"l ORIsTr -~- --r. r~r. 1î-~o - T -L IT rir 1 y 1 y