Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1876, p. 2

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I froqueulli' aI ~ lonoeillaîance fri~im haeno, (Igm ltlquo 'and et a beei'y expansé, and romn-Ibis t* Brô. auîse tere enu boc edbubt liaI stlany =2 orm!nulàs bave been alloved ta go un- i-cbnty Ariutuetcp e h buuit.n mpon tegelab. vctecdth Conel1-1~ ~"eouaIry., eWituesses la eueh, case ehould bpald au jiiroe are at tse pro ,,AUOTIÃ"Nbs ýàZs. snt thi-so îlhat ,xU'ais au a itis ~'O~tIlfbahbrdstock, et the Buru. w9îpulin proppUioq tgte Mount ý_i8WM tà,Pce ing te peerty cf criirnlsbusiness viliu Ieir linfl4, -6t1Ur, .X . el, osnThuunday; Jan,. Auy olier seheme v ýould b. elapeblY 1FA~igarbanks, fulosr : unjget, sud voiuhi ual b. acceptable. 4u~p~gaie otfarcû seê dk ndimplo.ý th 0erty of Tlos. Buîkeo lot 18, EetiafSbol'ruts. con. rqok, Salurdsy, Jep. 15th.- W Gvod o utionoere, -The eltocion otechl i rustbeos vhsici in taktng- place1- to-day <Wodneaday) in excliug more lisen ordlu6ty Inlereat. if-u,_Qe L'ro#tk lua&Uilie Wards ltcora are mierp con. tasts. Ici the North Wes-d e, arew OlqY il50 PER ANNUM. torO&al&e Mie' el le Wm. Jehuston;-ýY. J. lIibansd 3J.B. WPU1by, Thnmday , 4n.18, '18760 Pbval, The Centre Ward isu Aho _______________________fét cnilaea MsrM . Aunes, J. ~~ G. McDougail, ýBallerhyrie sud Mc- Tii, ard!nhlp,-Phaerson, te latter for r-élection. lu navoi8iu L he arendy eomnianced the Qoulhî Iard Mir. Poil opposes Mi. isoau, uart1ng.fo the Wardsnshlp. James Campbeoll., The latter lu iii.. ra- Tberé innotbhug wrong lu dile. Il la thirng hrustée, sud ruad.eue: o! "tie 1% - fut, bougll5 vithiqr oigsr;olMost eoiint usembero o! thuaboard. l81Vr* ' b t thoswluo bava coea. '~- --- vaised lgoot- uMosly betére baud bave OaA?, Occ.-Mauy cf aur renders Who àlWa7 bin the leau# s5aoessficd & se. bave beau compelle le cosumue I"he. aliril e- 1I'prIà. Andi frequonily, IIildnigtiloil"' muet have fait mucre tiien wlté êe Ouphthenlis ea b in yetl with the dieigntlug ommedity betwe.ui two ort liii,,pariles, tlhsoQle wvîh h ichs hsey have beau *nppiied far liro4es ntall Al ot gmn Wi b.e ma mouths past. W. bava ouralyes l1ii 0tg pecolêele»l e, sud ble e. bail tosubitîl le Moky clinueys, an. - ectatiolis. heiancur, s the rosull o! crusted viako, snd lb stoechy stuff that lihlStaetssful comsblualoris. Tise War vas aIl but paimanous. The fauît of clensiip bas niow gene the rounds o! al course lay il théinfas-or quaiity of lie th cunlelpalltléa ô! lIthebuulty-we arliclo ivilspeople vora conpoilodl te meau al lise oui uunlcipalitos, eoiuda. usa. ' since Ihîs imposition o! thé luty ing tlh. lwo vilinr4e aorperatens af Ux- ai fifleeci cents par gallon, Ams-i-ieanii bridge and F ort l1eîs'y, vuîcîs huîcoal oil has beau driver ont af te formlug pitrt of thé townshiîps in wvîli asarkal, sud lia canuumption couacscd tioy iiro iltusteil sared thé, honor (if leosuehaisu il. The result of lie duty_ theflei lilroiigg thîeîr. îprasclaîves iba s uertacroae asmnopoiy. Af lieatoore ILRDhappens, heu, thaI Coipsny wass atonsce formaed, vîici thle gaiétillemeçî vIse iii corna dovu ollhier loasaad or bouglît tUp every rc. tliti. $ear ta repu-aont Uxbridge sud fiur' in Canadla, sud tins coutrolied Poîl Ferry ihave b'olh Al'ead y fil the tia nrk«-stipplyit>g su inferior ail fhe Warden'M. chair vhiîe 1farmerty aI s higli prisé. Thiq le a ul for the~ maombors o! the colitity coruail for thou ont-sud-ont' prolectionlsts tut crack. tovushîlpe. Theo cale. standinig tins, tisé Wéro thora nu dlaty people wonid hé iuaombo-s of lie caîuty satviii l otsupplied vithu a botter article, sud, as ince oi feeing taI lise laim of! u vs are aasured, et a pries mot excoeed-i êae unicpsly hu beu evîloaedirig hwauhy coule a gallon, retail, or '3ý ouý tIsaI liseoffice Aeoluid go tea nv crie per cent les this m' ow .peid. Pro- y *atiular gotntienon laccoririlo! loin lu lusdirectiomn le paying Io p outinary ussAkgQ. Ail stanad up- desriy snd. dlrcrtly for thé fasteriug of Y( on .an éqiiel levai. The ase of thenative indunstrie. îcopîo wilnaî per. f Mrifflo, if t, 1miLtIhemsîvea tpis is- argue ncd m . te t exnoeptilo1.Tisat corporation lisetalbelief that; itàle tW.sansd patriotia ta -sopabratlenjoyod hli our, m ly ta% avery mnu oman sud elhid, ricli * À lralugIt îti learavIsn in ndsd poar liaI birns s gallon o! oll, wv &'Wlî alirtittnh Ipie l may gîvo l trty.llsraa par ceut. ta support a w idtlatet towiniphtcli t May îg ibm mouopoiy. IL canies toa home ta théir lb pro<â#lî ng co«îîog, thie repl'eentatlyoî okps whionasen2led ms not bc dtmpomad F'orc'erlhie rcasnt liead it lu bis V Sc Dyverlooi<., Tise preseul reproenta. power ta make s cbaico for tise benetil o tiv.eofthle cuosi rierthôrn township e! o!fls ecustojuars, 150w ho le eampelled te ltae eounîy, U1r. blofp-irmon, isuaima cre te labo .nmt vint ho auengel sud ta pspy k o f tlité ohétet ail ho oinuil board, lisv- vIsaItIsae ompanly chooe, that eîjoys Co log epreesiétl lfar su Ram la te roropoly ta demard or tilowithonh, oll roven louslco'scland a , ho=m08..ucolieli lasthé courage la rué tise» I olakaot, tuolsitich coifa is. risk o! psyirig tise déty sud baying a w Il lno, ead l i tri a oarl vil be adagad article, Iu thus canuection, we dc I o pl tace tis laa upéwit poibcae - hdi tise facî liat aur cntec.prisiug tawns- 91-0t11,11.W.e hîonid regreltatefind n lar te !8tu bc thea cssa. AXII - oo ing meus, Méeiire;. istai& lrotlicr haveth atîuual tIsé désira Abou dl ha, h le ta ken tIsa rik. They ]have îmi'csed - aL Caiload of An-sertean cil,; whicls lias bel é ilnlut hie position. Nor sionid jusl bcon dlivoietT, snd tlîey are uow u tisa rocbociéconfllu e heltsreevcs Mi Atoe nîossg4t tie lptttyP-rees prspcurcd ta éuîply cu9tolreré 'vitîs 1 la ttr-aegitcneotas.4rouah cscihyRoud article. - - c sudl alilitY sud witli ns 'large an se. FES-r MniEýTING Or TIt Su 111)(1s quaMnauba vithi tisentîatieas hisir Coujs5.-The fUe ît iVeing ýofthie Si-. go sotenisl officeansd viî hava an équuil preuse Court irili taiks place at Ottawa. the rigil leaïapii-e ta tepoilion. If tise c11 Monday. tr rule lseuîild stihi, prevaîl o! eiectiîg lun - tie turn-hse turu slsouid heghusagau iih "GOVF5sscs11-r,.TEMPsYI',vENT FRoiLAIEnS. Wl thOIihutlelpsltlaeof thé oldeattlovu. -Au Ottawa dapatlisteatlea tl adies tect elitpai-'tiitby mi Pickering. Osis- are hoelbé éligible for emuploycnent as liii aveit weuly'uvo yaarâ <egîs, 11o880880d caiying lerks lu tio. l)artmnets aI tab thé firaI Wsrden, hl ta porson o!flRon. Ottawa. self T, K- Gliis Scoît-hies.hiltie hat o-, ' --I--vo file ige r- enoula uTulseday. 'LIIe brlues v8 as pciueipsua! ofa ranIine chanecter. TlIt, 1>11 for aplpyiug tbie ballo-î SyntATU ta uiniipal i7-iave brouighal est-soude adrelon, ud vuws aigitiy émerumlos'!au ommrnhle._ Sév. eu-ilcohar measrs passeSl n iret ansI -second reasing, Tii Rsiw'Y hExtcnsion' By-Lav. The voting ou t Fé bý-Iaîs- for tue ex. cuioan cf thé XhiLby & l'Orb Peu-i- Illay-t(y Liu<luty hkea lanes o.day (Tiuîsdlay), in lMa tavn o! Limleay, aud tavusipeo! Ope, Pension sud -Maipes. -Tise b9nus eekési for isrora 01080é tour méniciîueliliee s JEb$O,000. Thsa csryiag o!, hué Dylav voulsi un- domiblodlyMaccr-a thelie xtension O! tIse - ieaLiuidsay, ansi vomiS mot fait ta -- $ oflsuzusese-sdvsutagc a ho ie muni- c ipslltlen tateréstéd. 'T'le people O! ialoca101litles will lie vary mach. >bltuded t ho ir.u ou uterecîs if thiy -,Pppoee tie iosérg. Oui- uevs up te th lip lagi moment 'le -of ilie 'Mosten- -;couaug, haraceter andsi <Ies assurance ~l5hby'Ia-w'wllI be cerrieul, --i'!THO' Tonuxo Wrq ITi e l o 11tite -~a umevliteras-y and-fam1w jourutul, 'puuelesbed a hei tereal t, freligion, hOenuied andi prbisblWtIudine'tdene and foeai sreformas," ot vîtîcîs s taiv gel up snd puiblilaçi iy "Tie ,Toronto Wlînoss Puuîblu# ngCO." Mu. -.Robart -ferlSt, Agallua, vas hionglut bafos-tIse Police ÇojjLUa tua 1, anal cemtitlesi 1 ,or riait oh atu-day hlaI ,' upoci lhs charg or tape oft-a littho gili. Tlî. Cllld l, inneMille, tJe vijynia. pes 4~ t0. le diatle of c!hliapisprletoau 4tQ,.... iâro'sdon ligoli whoîe ~tIi.pris. w%$ vas oppIugi. 'Bail Ws ou disd. Thbs prisoner là a Fueuoiuu.u> ,'bot 4lwtyire'm ofa «. TINta" "Ooassei~r. ~:~Io7m~ lectureo-Sulj ecî, Proiitionu ov aI- tttined'.'-at Duiissai' Cnoek, on SEhur day, tetIsaita. Fuite, &0--I-Iglt Mcilriéuulé é e'lliug ile arge stook o!fersil tcash, Custo. moe@bsying caps, cau have tIssu changeS nexl sezisosu ta suit tise styla- frea of ecsarge. X-ss 1IsAcR "S Li-CTURUcsAT UN- suucnsliMI is Npoicen o! as follows by tise - listei uo-l t druirabilo puroducticon wss uk-ivei-éci hpMr-.- J. L. Margichi, lu thue Ousaiv Hall, outhtie cî'cnussg ai -Newais Ys. Thée cruest aîsprocissîiou of lis ausdiencae %vas ûeséseS 1y a unauunione vote of tilanke houeureei huali at le lose, ounmotion of Rcv. T. Dowhiuug, secandosi ly Mu-. D. Wsîika, Tho logical coneistenscy andS forces vus wbicihie leciurei- lauidlovu s apuemni- ses, àni du-ev lis cnuclusions, cosula Lot but amoul lu a poeitive démon- mratiaus lao vary riglitip tialauscesi mid, tisaItise Bible is tisa Worud of GoS. It is easunéslly ta bllopeilishat, et no (listant datc-,'11fr. Margnéli mnsy lue Indues agaun ta faveur mmc tovu vsit lhis oor fruits o!flis billiant inlellea and t hat s larger audience r grûél hie coming." - ~ ml WOO Lorias, No. 117.-TIse foiboviug are lhe officers forlise pu-soult peau' Wns. MeKelrickl 1 WiL Dr. D. -W. Fgra-nqau, D. l Sarapeon Web, ESeoreiâ.Y'. Arthurs-Joixusou, Treserrer. Johnu Boddy, Cislain. Jsmee MQueil, Diioclor of Carem'g. ES. Bais-s, lut Seiorou Coin. Man. Henry MloQuaiS, 2nd cosin. Maur. Phjiibp MoRse, hIcS94 Jahn Byers. 4th 6 Joie Wilson, 11h" BAuLivÂr Onîeas-t.,-Tbsedeusonestrît. lion et Lardàon, onTliuesc1ay.il anur o1 tic apeuing o!flis. Landau, Tiusouu, and Bu-nec brandi o!' lie GréeaI - Was. heu-n uatlvay vai an etisuitetealle eaffair. The nov soaS, ivlaiehiexterds fuota London la Winghsum on tlise souîhein extension o! lia Welligon, Grey, said Bruce buanois, la nôOv opan for trameb. Tua '¶fNOéSTOIe WRse," O! NoTv. 22ssi liris aeàa, lu -Comnplimengeary lerutis Oet-Pro. Egan:-&"This -Goille. mWh, vis t falVisttedKingston, lai; mademdi Ploviniairéputation filal bo is ahhelloto éstibl~iu Isiissfin-luToron. te ase a eutrml'place'oet business. fis succegs ies boeu unutudall3- ansd 1 "tie leslilruil ' uilià dli is esivan'àe. Ilsernnl re bô h1ug0nuïaid meril- uneLst number ébe., The oh Onta Is about tise l>,eIand ppç opvecieu ly fitled up, grouide of 1 sy Suis~ w. knowot éansulaconduetef ln mennuet todesrve, th. tulleet'fpc sud Confidence. PRsEcsrTcaccO.-At e fereveli ssuez bly, beld l Ia e OdélosHahe i nMondlay*eveutng is, Mue. Osi aud Hoilausd, vie arc about te les' WiLby, vèra resopechiîely prosarihe witlu a haudmome gel& walob, sud boo a0compsuied by tua raîuovhng esidress vicis w4 en by thé Mayorehecf Mr. G. Y. Smnith Witbye Jsmuary 1bIb, 1876. Té Messrm.- OSLER AND HOLLAI'D, Acuutauî sud Taller of the Dominiez Bank, Whitby s, 1Ou beaaito! a fév friendi 1pdl oretomara a! lie Domnion Baril 1 beg ta tender you- tliiis-(Nr. bsiez vas; lîere*présauîad by Mr. bMeNacilat viha handiooma goisi vatcli, vii.Mr, Ilolland recaicoul *lokb from Mr. Adam,)-ss a lilgil token et oui osteens sud adlmirahian of you as officera a! said Banb. Dusring your mojoîuro lu Whilhy, yen Lave by youî unîtorun kindnési e! dis. position won goldeu opinious frocu thoe witls wlsam yan husva beori brouiglit ist costcsi d On have aise comtrihuhe to sule asîjoyuieait o! thé Young people o! tliétovu lu a great degreé 6v always beiug ready sudl willing ho do yor shsre o! whatever %ras neccessary teanee coîrsîslisiî tii ijsct. % (Jwill all mse yau froin yànr poste ands ossîr social gstherings, but tust tisat wlueuou'or youc lot snay ha cast 3'îiif fuitusrecarr ciny eyhiappîy sud.sue cosnaudthuaI se yon look upon hiemé usoaeetowu hhey rssy recail to yens found reolloction th asppy limés vo bave spent toegOtlhor in Vhltby. G. Y. SMITHI, Ou bolisai!o! tise couumillaé. M11. QaLEsR RPLIED Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gonticinecîu- I amu 80 taliou hy surprisoa aI hm nost unexpcld ex,,ression o! your re- gard for my asEocuala, Mr. Haollaud, sud nsaelf, tisai I carnet fSud worde la express, ns; I would like, omu- feelings on thie occasion. WVe ccopt vilsplaeurs 'ur handsoma remirdor of lse very pleasant lime n o have epeul amiongat onu,asud I amarreyouthat lie kindly sélinge whielî you ssb asv wpxpraesed mwards ne vii ever resmain green tin nu- mremory. TVue compliment wa are sure vas weli doservad by bhsyouug gentlemen, wia dîîriugthis'réaldauca iin Wuilby ecemue greal public faverites. MUnninOUs S S.ULT-DIÂTH aOP TUE VICT rM 1 Mr. Nelson Mille, of Hamil- n, who ivas se uiurderously aaîauted )Y tié inuMcoouel i vii abuicher alifa, dicd au Sunday morming. Me- ,onnail vas e tenant eofMr. Mille and vas lu arroar for rent.'A lsudhord's rarant 'iras isened and axecnlod hy ýailili Sih. Meconréll's vifa woul sivu t la msarketl sud tld her u-is- sud, iris, after lsoariug the particri. iré, said tisaI ha would lb-c hlm. At eo mains tilns lie sliarperod isis kîsifo, e tîlatle o! wisicis is Il inels,.put il p lis steeve, ansd drove ssp hto Mr. 111es' hanse on George mt-sol. Tisa i-er caine tr thse front gale ta ses Me- sunneil, aussiafler s fév romarlce iConneîl elabbed 1IsIni au thée gsouider cid face. Mc. Mille tucued round ta issa t1ie isonsasud feil ; àMConoîl sar stabbed histn luliéstamacis sud rers allier places wiiile lia vas pros. ldeliberaîeiy wviedlie hlood frous te kuifé on iqs eiécv-e, anid eoolly alked âwaý.. Balif! Smnitissud De- tire Macphserson veul lu puirsurit o! nsd arcestOci Iini in Imrianoue. .- slin arreeted lie saisIh liIe vastaci teacis Mr. -Mille lsow ha bisare lim. I.Uponlisis persaon a iifo sud a se-8 ver wè-e e ound. ItIConnelIle snol p Iciushmau, as at firaI reported. buta ism sceau-Edinburgi, Sootîsîtî. Domînibu Electionm. sécfi,%%iy.-Mr. i3cuoil, lie Opposi. iicandi-laIe, lis beauelsc4tod for I iaîiihly by s mnajou-ily o! 157. l NouTri lIRrsceuî.-Writ retluî-ed sy Je 3Iiegistrsi. Nomination ou tise i4Lt o Cccii.EcvoIX, - The nomination las thue carnly ai Cbarievoix labos place ou tisé 15th sud lié polliig-on tIsa 22nd ilist.M1 Tise bail Wacku. 'l'îe Ccoditosoallia Hall Wai'kt met 01or \\'ciuîeaîlsy sud finve heeîu in sessioni up tn lest uilîit, avhen vo belisve a motlicueut uses au-riî'ed nt as follràws. Mesc. Whitelsp, of!theSu-m o! Whte. Iep, Paurîsu- & Kelly, of Spîringfield, Ohilo, arld liuriscs, of tîcus 5crm o! Sweet, It3-raes & Co. o! Syrarcuée, puclcaré tise wlcolc- estaliishmnt, ircalucliug busiid- icaget, stock eanî, sasets foc tise suni o! ell,ti(uib le pcsid ono-lial! lu aise pear and tse oliser lialf in tva yeuu"a fucin date. TIhe essuployesui w, su-o gied ta icarus as-s ho roc-sire lueir vairea lu fr11. A suiedîiscg ,o!' hi e c]litors is-ilI hoc clleS et an c-srly day la ratify lhIs arrange. ment. Mr. W. P. Cowau vWas appoint- ed k9sugnee, sud Mesare. T. N. Gilbba sud& L. 1-. Les o!éhuava, sud 11fr. Fairman ai Moustréal, vers oelaSlu-in spedtors. Tise people o! Oshsawa vill ha glaSbit carîs Iel atwre le iikoip ta lus resurmod lu s very fsw veebe. Oelca- A (uýTictt-Nuîc-su'AlRuu. - -A greal luevepapér is soon ta lia shartesi, viici wiul have réel amhsadom for lIe ré- oIers. 'This jsaper je ta hé eaîlisi. aS. in Rame Ilim yees, sud vIilliseth organ a!fliaevbooeCelliolie vas-id. J1k forcohavé Cardirial@supan ite éditorial foc u ad hie nuncioe e! tise Bomari See atllie Courta o! Erropa-,will aet as Ils corre9poudanhe, htrausmitliug te Il raeUtlarly tise nava a! théir ospilaha.It lu saisi tisat tie toué allihe mevpapes Il ha modes-aIe, lut it wll bchédevoted li te building rip o! thse failb. The Calliolie Chnu-cb le evldausty aveking la aà buovIalgéo! 4.1u0 facI IlinI the Ssily mevepapoèr le eupeaediug lIse pulpit, anS pu-opomsa hompioy mre of: ils talent 0 ici heorganizelion o! a grat jusaiicesilarprise. DIATéER CUyéIooe ]'utaacleé sué ar roportesi froun Trenton, N. J., visare Iva reilcoade hava heen figlitiug fou-ltae possession o! e pieco o! tracb, vhsoîs ana wishod ta cross. TIsa ouneiept fpomèesusu for eaiccu. limé by Imetrpissg a locomotive an I-liétraok, vhieli vas ouip u-émôvstl ta sHlow trinm ta pass, 4e tf bis hir fueally took ailvanlugeofo tîsis, séizeri théelu-scieari eau se tie engluéemoiraS, lare il pas li i u-og, s'nusg au angine ou il, uvhich le - nov cai'MIidQdon ans-ii-riicadesi Tiîis t l 1e luI s u:eis auiic -vhicli plc ea seNiagar river cin bath msidom. Tise abject cf sururoo>e9sig8 pal lascieha b sie«nd bp 1ev 4j TOWN PROPERTY. Mr. Harper reporteSl fronit his coin- milIe.reeonmuntg paymenl o! se. caunulea! Mesmse. Dumkicy & Wemtlako, $6.25 ; Win. BDarnes. $6;, Jua. É1ow, #11.25 ; S. Grass, $3. Tlsey aiea re- pos'Los thé fittinu up o! lie Laek.îîp aI a. coat o! $13. Thalseavsnteeu peusons unS tion couftned Ihrcein ataI snt of six cents per meuti. Report adoptes). COtIIIT 0F sasVISuON. M1r. King reparled ou tie saveas )etiiionm thtIsetoosi sofersesi, recoin. rn'cding resincîlon of tex au Ofiifei- an-s' ulis, ta amaunt o! $2650, and ce- sching pelitiona o!f1leaare. Wmn. Rati- 3on sud Josephi Naviury M r._Piii, meoe'si..A ir. Kveruou __ydi ameudlmenîta triké bnt thé clause dé- Snsting tIsé tex on oddiféliosvs'liain. Yease, Meseu-s. Draper. Fergnson, Hatei audîlPisuip. . Naya, Messis. Blowv, Harper, King andi Tiomissn. Lait, ou tise casting vôoeof tisa bayour. Report adoptasi. r.Xl'tNaITUutu. ON STitEETs. Mi-. Draper reportéSl fron tise Corn-- initiean streete, recotiumendiu»]g psy. muent of lise folloviugacousuls, ta ociun Bell -Dundcîs sîreet, U19.50) ; CeDIra Vas-d. $12.501; South Wair, e412l lisses Lino, 6.50; IBrook streét, $1275; Nocti Ward, .72-tolal ,7212ý. Aiea thst lié Iceasurer psy accauinîs of Meacre. Grésé & Macnacitan-$I2.p9 onai ratio!f'ing hiseéf oa!he Ilus te o! tIese ama-clsargim. tIsé amouut againsi tic soe-ral appriopr-iations. licpari adoplîss. FIucusAND OWATEIi. Mr. King ropuirled frosu tîsacomiti. lac. Repart recammeusîdepamnt o! accounts a!fbMessrs. Hatlai& Bro. $56.16 i; MeArclie sud Campbiell, $2. aisé the digging oi s veli in lis easeIeu-u Part O! the tovri as soon- as pracllcable, sud tva vells iin thsoSoutIs Ward. .Report adapteS. GOVltiEsuscs-T AID TO TIIZ EARBOI5. Ou motions o! Mu-. Hatlî,s, coudeci hy Mu. lie-Ipe-, a petition la Hie Ex. cellency lihe Goverrar Gênerail in Cou. cil wae adopted, apking fou- a greul for 'Nlsitby heu-han, viti lie viév e! mak. ing lise saine a Herbour O! Refuge fou- tise lau-gar css o! rassoesengageS lu tie thîrougi luadaeofthliéLabos ta ruu ta in stress o! vesîher. Connol adjému-nemi at miduight. ExTRaAoORDNARY lissiNG LAW SUcT.- TIse COua!Justiceofo!Cape Colony, Senti Africa, bec glven a deelmiocu lu a lavenil o! au unpreeesnedbli. Kuruger sud Sehalkvyb for damages te raputatuon. A gaine e! forfeils vea in pprss ah Seslbvyb's bouse, and mism Seiaikvyk, e prehhy daincal, in. eus-ced tise penalty a! heving le bise aveuy miner arom, Sic bisseS s doser pgrsoue, bus, elappeul lie eserla- hou- puoceFs vlan ehe came la Kruger. lu 1h, raery naît round oh forfaits il do- î-olved ou Krmger ta bias Misasebcaik. vYI le relusesi. Thsa maIe Sciatb. vy thsereupan denouncas Ks-ugcr sa Smunieri Htentot. Honco lise suit, viaici rasulteét ici efarliimg damages fou- the plaintiffr Tisey manage their kiesimg péu-±riarmsmathervise lu -The' Manchester (zuarduiait slstes liaI tIse irumeur gaine' currency lihaI Roiu msashp yQueen, Victoria vWEI open tle corning sesion e! ýPiliamectin l "0 w*eea'în i ivlvr lu TIM O'DA,ýY. The Lumber Trade. Tuaielason lusnenus reracieci a periasi vhen 4L becomea passible te calculate ivith s)me degi'ee o! cscîsiuîty tisa pro. ductuvt rosa o!ÃŽlIse facest crop lu tise iumbe îug dietrict o! wlicb B3obesygeon ia tise centre. Ilta squite aafe ta eap thuatl teaprodutction.tliiiseasor vii l hé sa large by one tisird ne 1h vas lal aeason, vics, il soulti ho noteul, vas 'nu""cialer tien the production o! tll' tisute proviens pears. Tisé crop af 1875-6 vlil) prohshly aearcely equal the hlsf ofltiiet a! 1873-4. In facI, tiare je littie mare lummeriug cdoue tua pyeau- tissu sucias la absolrtsîp uicssatel tise uap supplies ou 10 cult burut tituser. The la k crop viii he very sralanisd tisa Oul' manufactrer o!square limiber te amp éxtont is Mn. BoyS, via viii get ont a good ra-ft. Wsgés are very 1ev, ai S solibeviae lte ie a! ains, visel ravisions are aI a vosprésreau- ablie pnr co. The iuxnbarhug this sasser yul b la oua cheapiy, but uolvitsstaucl-1 ing 1b14 il is doubîful vitler thtè laga 7e gh-e a profit urilese tiere le aui umnprovesuent in tisé Albany markcet.j Tise prospecte for t;uineaimier ara bettér, tIse Englisi deimandle eisowiîug saiuso! activity, aud usices mlingi btgier, but aven lu ihis article o! pro-1 lucîjor lie luiebrmun vii i doél if1 lue cen bolS lita owu, auil cocue oui wilîs c4 srely intorest an hiescapitual.1 The sea4ou, seofer, bas mol beén un- favorra )le, sud slioiitamourne aI once ths draving vanSd spaedily catchs up) ta ti e makers, for tlué béavor mes-c dowsan si m .be a es 5alifroc-en baril, sud tliiseraassiyl lic splendid. Buob.c Iiud., EI -o iler Explosion lu Iceleud. itsctIéitLEn-NcES u as'THEz VICTIX8. hso Lisi ( Dublin) Times, Des. 22. 'day mouring a erurible ex-pie- sus-ced in lise lovulard o! CCenébeltweeu Beugas sud dea, CoiutpDovu. lu vas viti mliucioly u-emulhm, six S Ive tamales hsviug met vilh eali. Ou lie country roas )vtavnardm ta theo village o! rir, anS short a mile treun ti& es-I Roafi Stetion, onthie Bel.'- Counuy Davri Railvay Lire, usis ou lie lefI ide!fhuérassi r. buovu for- lie lal lvweuy Lcvxs-y'aSorilciMill. lihe mili va. iri fr11 aperalien y lise ballai exploded, killirig sans, as etaleS. SAXES 0Os"stua OiaAo. siaeaiare as taliove - Mclroi, mrriSaged tirIr. 'as s vi!cNnda igit lildu-en.. s'Mcîiroy, his son, single. tavausori, mau-uied, aed Iifrty, vite euS. bwveu chilreri.: au, macrried, sged tiirhy-one, vife sud one cisilsi. .rnoht, agesi fous-beau. Ser Bu-pan, ageét fourleen. lasy AnuiMcKee, foutp peau-s leavec a bushausétasd f vo Yeste è - allan attende( maIes aé insatd Greoomsc Groomsc fast au tiers etc a sntcr pea-s as When pasterds eight Pen Tiair - Heur1 four, les1 Anduéw John S levés a v J. Bra leavem'aw Jorn jL Alexali Mss.M .of liga, chiuds-eu, Ms. l o! agé, éhildu-ar. voie disco éhlmneyo h. liedb bouse,eci] off, and c cblsnne. sabéila Scott, tbirly-tanu- ears, leeves s hushnansd three ovoria,:a voAtthle footoet he beau vieeling.il Ieble 's lu benk*vevypd lne à chctàuâ . at 111mà î ;f tuuit pallO ooJ6ri1I Dê a Wbe. Cobi af *sne6i h1i D5< s 1 <llfayhr.A~n eolnshlle4 good underst hi. l9get beht tb put hie cma theadsi itsof both parties, td ehe i b t ron iber. de ssed te kilt, aUý la, :uf ti be ZPosatater.Ona*U i Wiq pelally caieulabout hiesiur e, ebeceediuýly badl tai an~d -noé u'oade artl , cufs and wrist.b nds. ne bail [or thatDr. Christie, ;ýth cithare cf bis.011 ged te <lv.' tbe darlin' a ride, b. ,v >riands, disclaimed asy rewponsll>lIity B 'kilo, intendin, of eci eta stop in willî a it ortion of' th. speeh. *The AUsssjlrnmy> Powell, bç the way. ad second parteof the discours. vas devot.d Th' vall on a Prldiy-('Tls sed tual t, io anattack on the. Roman CathojiasOf F'ri &y if tbe moml onlua y day o' Ithe Iotins Province. Mr. lInnhlugton bs~it weïk) au' Suiday vastii.day lnflnded ta mû. aadistinction ly designati gtae'eaappoluedfor ýsi ldiscoursi Ultrainoutanes *a theobjecte cf his Ho te a letther so3erdinly le the lad hostility,,but lhe kuows, o' ouihttecf0 la hiarnvltlni her <o taiothe know, ase wellas vo do, thhi$thore je ne il vo, anWle rit anotlier ai thesania sucli distinction in point cf feéct, aud tin»toi Ms.--, {tven'ldot tellu nu thal the Roman. Qtholica, cf Ibis, Pro, ne oes) hie weshervcrnnabout" hW vinies are àa unit inu hébll alltd'their wa bun', Iu hie hurry et the. shtcre, se practice.- They are ail Ulîrantanes au' widh the straniofetalily cf ils 'boin' k, i a erise that lhoy net only baivea: riday, our hairop ut the rang ad. r si the teriets of Bome, but, adiere di se upen eich anvilopo an' sent 'arn nu closoly tai their aloig and bishope, vie off. Tihe aserveman, yez May im. r. re inidireand constant commnunic.agi '*etvas greti plased.widl,,tho in- r. lien. Mr. Huntington's atti are, vit shumn 10 lako tha rideocut on Sun. Ir thoreforerallydireclod gaiettho da , an' dhroesad-fine an' dia u'y a ,s violo Roman, Catholice, aud as snob fi hers&i up for a grand day'. in- ara uuderstodby them. Sipeinenud jy lnt. But haro is viiet vasithie in feringthie lenghiste whlch bis ill. lettI'orsfnt t10theie en lady; "If yeti e lvised paînlauce led -him, ha is nov mu s up me shirt bMzums an'tub lia ie tring te expisin doWy ils éffect, aud but ans off me Dolilar, any more sycu : adevolad psrt organe are mailn did the Iset limIilgooever dthé most atnusing efforts ta show hiat eas-" I give lItta ysz word by word. iehie speech wam divested of aui hostilo Au nov, jist imagin tisaI girl'm féeliris 11;ignificance. yer eit I Sha lbu given hlm rip of Plor aur part, va trust tisat they wili 000 50 ;.oul hi l ar an' clame, an, mnccaed. XVé have no desire la fan the. fait, it lseaid, is gain' ta bc married lu burning issno raiaed, sud va have noa lie pririg la s dacint boy thst 1 riat 80 ,idesi that the Libéral party-at lasaI the ver partikier about hie ;asho-rwoman. Eu ýglish Liberal party-shara Mr. Hant. I ij ad a peep iu aI s party lu t1e r ingtuu'e viewm, althongli ho himmifaf. Qd fellows' )bahl lotherxnIe , 'very9 firmad tl4s solhdaritiy when ho a'ffirmod fini loociufi wvasintiroiy. widh the1 that he- would remîgu lis position aifoit a dhremmas au' gelîfi ahains e"the1 risac if ho thoriglit his psrty did flot lad als ;thé" gintlcmiù inicthare noe1 B groo vth ilai m i thèse views. nec tics au' mvallowtailad cans, -an' Lot us nover forget thal Ibis is a frac wh kide, an'tilare liair shinin' widli counitry, snd liat a man's religiaus ile, nd tha dasalin' litas, su' tha mue-1 opinions are his e prso praperty, with ioki' the dancin'. 0, begannies, it vas1 which unobody hias any riglit la interferae. a faIn siglit intixly 1 There vas n pro-1 The Romau Catholicas are a majority in mari ashlori made su' addhiree read, an' Ibtis Province. Tise bnlk of lîom are as if y un ws but tc mca thé airs au' inomi.t virtriaus, iev-sbiding, and sincare, as uns of the GGézette.msu upori thatt ally of ourselvas. Tlîeir public mari eks hum, il vas enuff ta fairly make are as oducated, large-mîudedi sud the 3ats laif. esrau up su' dawu the patriotlo, as sny lu tie lsnd.- Thay do rooi iafiér the cammîttea, emiri'v uot attack um. Wliy sliould wa attack que ltions, whilped out a bran new L themx.? Tioy (lo ual interfere wilh Ouir no" bbok, elboved hore an' elbowedv religion. Wby hould va meddile villi ther , au' iven hmd thé bad inanners tor Ilîsirs ? Wisy, especiallv, ehanld a esioa athé ladies laO a10sida,sasylu' hoie give hard mnies tac thinge whioh they wan edta rapori thé proceediags. l% cherii as scrodl treasure ? Wliy, was thé ioaioiruoest tbing I iver ev- aboyealal, huld a Ministar of the théesllow'm nashion o! hie owu imîport--s Crowo, wba te supp oitahold thé anceasvarepartlar I Hawauted ta i baaeobelweén ail parties sud oreads, chu liaIs iver3botly sw him, note-A charge thé oatchword of Ultramaouatnism boa lunhband, in' lloaoed for ail the i ai their hoad, sud strivé la makis people ver1 lika a plaoy-tsyiu' ta show off I believa tba-, it 18s amanstrons thig.hie nnday cltia. Hmatimpt aet ra- h Everi if it were a mausîrous li it j l e port n' put me is mimd of a lame crip- U thé inherilsuca aofall o! them, sud liat pie yiu' taa csrahat.- lie fairly a inheriasce should met lie exposé i ta imsdrme Mui fer Itiiatovri beorathe à inînl. sthri ugae roo hawsansd allier parts Il Mr. Hluntinglori las doris beore, sui prés ut, for lits foolieli consate, Dot ta i le dotug agniua groal deal of harm sak of iie perti o! speechb, set tlîcm f vili~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a laehedeeesrls .ct ail I n. "That'athé Cabbsgoliead," ripon hinm lu thé fiace o f aur camnmon I lb d amiegiutlenssu vispet ta thée e Protemîanieim ht'. sievae his abilities prell lady on hie ari, h way o! ex. fa sud position to the lighar Imission sud pliunr. W more fruitful Isu cf pnvpsgatiug good. A the lemas eeic' ' ie euldw wili sud fellowahip emong us ail. cauri il, on Monday evonin', tboy nr matl p'tlii lveso'clock aet -nightl I Town Conni .as m uriai u' noîtu', but koep. w: in , t âat quiet attentive gintiamnan, b3 Whitby, Mondai evg., Jan. 10. thé 1 ewn Clark out of bis dacinl bed. hi TheCoueilmetai 8 'elick Prs-Cridr t samethin'bedu ta put a sthap wv nth ayorcin tahe ocidandPros-tht lakind cf wark ? Wiin thé nev ru ontth Maorfi th csir1 udco'unil cames in, I îhruet tuaI halliher lo Mcssre. Blow, Draper, Ferg'ieon, Har. iours viii ho hep' amontot thé otber af per, Hatch. King, Philp, Thompion. -mprc veminte protuised by that sourd six Absent, Messrs. O'Donovan, Fairbantks -MntpeRfomrMihrHnam p sud Camneron. î'm o rta haro saband lin eipin' la vote mn AID TOcINDIGE~NTS. for tl e R?àilway bonns wtth the twin th Mr. Hatoli seporled fraux. thé Reliief brothirs, Mooahers Hbi nnsd Dra- tI Commitée, recominendin" psyment of per, r' wbtn I ciim back I may re- be accaunts ta Messie. Gibeon & Sparveli, hm y i wuemr. ntea $5820; Dr. Gumnu, $4; Jna. Bell, ml iflé me a $18.87; J. luon-, e5.25. Report adopt- eiv edysuîr hhruo lriud, soi sale ciembere alliae nase, sud ils fl glande, are dlaeaedgo liaItlihey v froin lie biod ils liqri.d, sud oe- cira ho thé air ehangem il mb Ã"cou-- lfion. Thiali!e-liquid la naeded la ld Up lie mstem. bri i i.extraeels, a. lie systopa icvejýkeued hy the>,- Te ýrocure, ga!nisa ash udstranehi uing D.PécesGodn îdical govy, vhuich,>110Ae s iSeoIY 5 n h "i u g a n di s , 'C o 'r c tu n g ,t h e s Il c j àDr. PeeesNasal Douche, :je Y- mathesi orescinrigtle uppes av t,' viere tisa cierge conmulaslo Ceules tram.. The ius mtansd imedicimes motét -by drnggiete, soi eu-e lu mediriuem.. gIN>A 'y e au Mu-. Daniet P. ty'manrifacuror ansi piorieho ,r a! Boahty Piano, snd Beetty's Golden; :-t gue Parlas Organe, Wasluicgton, N. c is aivays made vary liberal déduc.. c 2a ni hienistrumeuts la -Sssuday- ros sud otiér «- religiaus purp.osas, vend h lirf ore avise sucli as9 au-e houl one te afidréen hlm in regard ta as flore pr-caslng' eue, as tney ara 1 1ho ha a very, superior sna durableI ruuuisnh. -hliisrsdvérlueit. tleograi tram 1Mbîcgw ceps Ihet fa Btsronsberg, thse bauks-upt railwaye isâoelsaeshproleased->,fromipH.~ tion Ihst b«,viii reun~ uil14s1' ea$ral s pi] lai yc h tet di Fts it s li. aof ticl Au teo (AI but do% né% Mil hac ta unc Mo Mil Enj silo Car iani beii ie o! ma( ofts Icis tise tion die fros draý Past rupt bul, sud lsy Dis apei -sud with and déal Ba Touj Li h ît lieé -aid eas ~1 I a b a U. YY -yI *-utu-Po W " eweuueu gré e t u - e d t u - m I b e d u ty o f T u aIs a r mu cope5te. ,ier - u5v 1hulue ho et iu casa ofwupturo:v'ith iunishmeuî ttese houls have grýât !îonafde, t ýla - eommanoémtiet hie liquors aI e vesseaismy beo'tatio- fi6ce'mebes liaIý à en1srrangaent 'lobov -onl élWby i lo 1wueouir5plve nefrsi au punM sst n haavsg tuaiuxe f "icielliaucoonis~ lîubs5s t tries- l'ery Ma etou he beages, eiglhen and dfty w-veejiabie cpm pi seîiy te serve ln the, amy. Thit U lnoîlee» he case hitiorlo inlu4ugan sud<be. iasno- pi'ouaîr bosal- jnstly proud oua-fer the EogilebOCà sptitUlion than thle,'biat Engheasi able te dileca s bcompuliory mlt :tain,,aprend ,position amongtii. mi rey~pvu6cfthe world. 7But h vas beeefamine and miageverma had defflmatad laheglÃ"ricns raceth filad -her logionis,- sud -madea hein co quorors over lhe wvend. Ansi nov,, f lthe firel lime aincaNapplecudiedt et. Helaen ov thel a gs'eet ver a peare about le bursl ýon Europe, En rland looks round; for tieslslwart Oro tisaI lu tisorsands vere o ut-,ho lhrou tise Irishs hililsides, dansi l bob vb cà 116&',-teo- ber ehéý#iirJ!v - '- I é lkc but S'ie fourtisi ins io1. 'Bufleha shortiarns, sud Scotch siueep no brovoosi on lie hulisidea viere in th dayà af yora ware tealha fourifhie hisrdy, eltalvairl Irish pesants. Ti destrayed sud decmmateçi Irish race c more survive -in thé searinnmberm I liip thein uthair boui o! nationial e; tremity. Wisl, tiey miiglut Bay, a! hi Irisi. ho do survivae? Woraa shil Fromha Prima Minislaiho tie humble officiel oethle Goverumeuit, esci ma bnev sud taît viat hoe (Mr. Suulivai niov plaiuiy cxpresd-ié bnav tc feel t le ftlieas îay be lie"pro pect of no raes'uim at ail tronàI elen mare daugerone mtli is lia prespeet i amy recrnite thiGy May obtair inluth lsand vici thou oppression hec fille vith dimaffactonmsuad passions la avory goad cilizon muet doeplare. S theé oevm vas out mince Satuidey lite thore a a a hé-sconscription ii n k lanid, sud avory mari mugt shoulder gîsu; but it vas ual evary livinig tIb iil ealead ansd teet liaI vas rahy mn. Ta make a mer andi a seidie varl having il required s sont sud spirit o! bravary, sud courage an anlisusiasm bhsckad by physical sîreiigli Whlo would tll tiséComrdander o! thi forces te-mor-ow ou thie question o! can seriptian, "lThora are lu aillaur towu hanse!f thouseuda o! tiss dreedlIrish Are they ho iecoae uitél ta couscrip lion? 2If you are straid ta truat lhi [rish nation aI home villa armeas intaï: bande as voirinteers viilyau trust anj more thueIrish nation at our very Joors aucif t! a, on the othor baud. exemp, s Iiadred sud fh!ty or eixly tiouesan Irish lu Bradford amd ,Leédsand e surdred tthonmand IrishlinluLiverpool from conscription, yulli tle Engiiet warkmsn ivia le dravri froin hie verk. soe sud tabou from lbis vifeansd fasmuly, s viclici o! your conscription, wili ho calmy subunil ta Il?2 Wiat wili hoesay vian lié 1008 tia Irish varb. Mari pasmesi by aud exemphed freint tbs îeevy mulot " TisaEnglici veukniari, who vws hegiung ta roentulthe syshain by vbich Ise sausinjustice irauglîltet bis ava door, sud ta b.is ovu firémida, wonld may, I"This eiigarciy tliaIbs rilod avec Ecsglan-aud Irelsudsa m lng muet givé up toraver ile oppression Df Iréland, visicl is endimg by orpros- sirg the vorbunen o! England." (Ap- plarso.) Conscription in Engiand seauut conmsciption amaug a millioni o! fe Irisht race in Englaud. Upon tise sreeshoisiofa! syesr thal senusfated ta se hi- witis evonta a! gigantio impact- mca ta tise world-on lia ove o! suai a sar, sud feeling for visateves concerné 6milions o! lis avurace ou Engtish îil-he (,%I. Sullivan) wouid appeal la ie Ministera a! thé Crovu sud ssy, WbsI ara yen short ta do? Yoru are saut t a a li a edofeuce o! théoi- ce, by compuisory service, a million f the Irini race lu Sotlaud sud Erg. and. Don't you knev va isairhefeel. age are ? Don't yau krov lisal Ilouugi our paver May force a unuforin ipon spic hbe suad a mnusket iciho thiss tuile, tuai Iluese mon viii recolleet thé sechinge o! yonr ovu joumnalsa d- reeil ta thue Hungarisu saldiors o! rancie Josepis, vIser the Tinte suad s confreres lu Landau tlsthliaEm- err o! Austria, ou is way ta ver, iaI tbe Hungariauregimonte lu has cvice varld nover pull, a lrigger for ru 2" (Appiane.) Tisestoacisg the Englisi jarirnale-iema declare- ane acîdresesi ta tiré saldiers o!fItue umîrien Emperor-vouid comaeihome 1coost iu lie year et aur Lard 1876. ýpplase.) Tîserefoelie could mol it feeai in thle coming time tiare 3u'alved uponthe IrishinluEnglard 3w sud serion reponeibiily. Tise 'nialr ar sd, vithin a 1ev monh tk, targit Iceisud hoîv 11111e raiance place-au hie iboclaratiori o! vial waa tcsddi o uesio iAu inciden otcuIesi peie numi ut uo qesionlie ropriéîe I Ringahori ou Fl4sysight,- ala- oun Caleuttathliertbes-day, vho lie eh IgeÃ" insuit." Juehice rilons ruffianriniucuasi MeLouügîtin- ,deblioulgilte ocauvunce ' l5gisllors cf ltse aggorty eýviilently,' hhoih iI-laeae1 laaoli3er *uuffisln o! lèse ueccecsity et ubterfesence in oesgarçiho t o! inanlîing language, os relusled hy -npossiietv, usumes çCcnell, lIsse themessriage 1kw of!the qMahli2mssn s. r. Maddixveeo-m p fac.Iuiilo ly tbééIh ~il~t K1oIne i betu ûlnà4h hehi-.Ihie -vars-dm issead-l-bj ,Buirgin..-ào 1 unell . ou9,p, lu tise ,Mý4UigW ; uq beftbe, i.4-istrate 1y7 is mstilute aviohattan o! Iaiv re,,jneal Wffn-,. ..,.,,a- s-. na .e . ona; s,. suu ilst h icI i4a A t il <I TI au te n1 ksi I ai i tc kf i ig lýeâ of se osf plie criminati cude, Of.i<t'tate ! '5 f-an, a a question liat hliasaced et, ema oLinteremh andi dieussio~ e~ te sevie bhabitul leuency oai cher wisy.-Svalseerspkla oebà"i1 4u~y ;,;- s P a v r a t o iS p a i n , th e r e u l - o ! vh ih i 5 l v o i e a r t i ca l e s pce u a e s s l tl e i n . ý YQ a l a s a I n wB r i 1i j . r& y o M - to l a esltesémen pu-esume onthe., con- ',dieus"and saisithie Association vers de-. u~~ nieIid inuance efolis i an s'-i liàiherauss m - cide ly la av r of a disn uto n ef T h-~ oo e u ebi unal ib , ps " s F p u r ity . I l v pu ld - h ie. b @ t q r ý fo r a h i ice n s a m. I n > e l eln f 5ro m 0Pr u i t I h e h e n p n l e a s f o r t o e p i s a i p a r t i s if S p a in v a s h e as i e c u tta b h e Me . P n s . r , a o î e m b e rb aoe li e d s pimbatlfo a for lier actions. T ie U nited, States aisi the y aem et puting the ;pdwir o! a6n tc1Ou lying ith -the. o ebi stiesi ) ightis se agboos exem ple by in siting gnning lic os .. m ui e bande fa Bci e a w f- - land.r )that Cube be-no langer'aibovwed to e a nd tabing it evay, frgm-,municipai l MOlivisi, tn ans asdmeu -uelisuefi, >coeithle plegue inteada! Ihbe peau ! of uihies, vorbéi ,setiefacloniy lu mnaya thet lie laIe Nepoleon aid sot lie Antilles. Tisearticle concludas by Manhu-esi. Tie -deputeliou tien vili- desiý-a le enter lie , oeufloct wilb Ger. reommeuding tliISpainlie - laId hiat du-ev sud Mi. Mavat prmisedu con. nlsuny,5but dts i £1lu in bisower te pro. sa vill ha habsi accounuabl for aveu-y sisieralian. - srepse .frhray ta b b shilling a! damageda.ta fouagi - ..... -. . Emvperot -H'eubetesanti hie pthe voass by Carliaf asise, viou. daribl- A DcsAPPINT'EscxnWSDING PATY.- mada buova tu the euemy. lame afler s prelimiuary - birsher, lia. A FÂcTlLE55- BasDEzu300wAND Foors- - ,Tie Dominion Bo3ard of Trade vili raimody vaulét ha fausieasy, andi Spain- cNe Bacaî.-Tise Peel Banoser'say:- nettOlv u ie-8his. oulfi mes learr the*dangerf dallying Ou Tueday lst M u. Thomras m -e sudao te18h int witis ciývil vers- Mi3sMargaret -,boti o!"Albin, Thi1curlisng bouspiel-al Hamilton bas wevré ta hava beau mai-ried« :Thesa yod- -'beau postliped until the 201h inst. IMINING AT THeUNDER BAY.-A roeuln ding dinciar-vas heing 'préparait lie- A varaenosa cempany bas beau es- latter froun Prince Ariiur's Lamdiug la guosseiitd ail ans-ivéét, evorybedy seain- hablichoi luW t.'Catharines. a Tronto pape ceuas tishe foloilig dinslihastboat - gosihumeand thh" lu regard t a the vork a I - hia siv r b u ppoin ld ' for th e .- cer ém ny tO The. jury psy b e nrn1ie r c n mins lu tht région. Mining maya imIaeplace as aI isàau, but thiebride- Sesmions, o!thlb.Peace et Cornal, ratier dm1. The Daussu tili beps greoom ld ualet putlilappearane.- smuntuhotalenol1ess aum <au 475Ã". vo r k i n g a l s a i . T i e r a a r a n o w a r n - 'E c i e ue b e g a n t a a s b t h e _ ch e rý - b [ . D e e l t s n s i 0 h y un- Whîi's he-mhler2" Iole'lie 9g1ung ansi Mi. Gldsone his 601h lest veek. - fe f; M r C u ti , h e m n a vl w oi nla t ec m e " & c . A llé s v ati K ýri o em aÀ b o t a a I pre e ul i Boston, uo eed a lu hav. tm e t va yo ng m n er o d spa cheil ' e y. Jo a l rhh an accepte dl ing tée D ire ehr e evy ,ano îler asses - te o k hl p an d , a ler rid lag fr ein ea U te i e p astorate e! B ra n tford C ou m e u , 1 1 1 in user too d îiso y y ll d is - t e p la ce, h y a I l eit -g aI tid in 'g d -t u ha ie g re gas d e l t h u r c. chargé about haifthtie hanuls et lau-éeut vas seeau mainghtracks tavarb -'he Thse é.ramailuoo candidates. fer émployed. 1"17 O R"' in et asatandetili ettimg sun as, -at as-his lare con&r ini Kgshon milihtary-colhege bas beau for tisé pregent, but Mn. Vibband, thé carry huim. Wllien- the-MeSOengeres e- p ostpea ul., ebruary 8th. mallegar, and Colonel Wlson, anae!ftiaruefi vitiaut tha gr-oomnlisebrida vam t e ei ssiso bd rs , a re - x p c e si a hD u lu h i ds c o ri m a h a e i h g r ie f, a ud v o ev e s T h e tr ia l e t 1:"& . B a b co c b fo r c e n - e b r t y , v le i ti nl th o rg il o p r a îo n s v e n g e a n c e a g el u m l h e u- f a it ,l o es . T o mn m y p ic ity i u th o - cor c , 2 bk e d vi i s b a y fb a u d e yull ha resum e s i elad iy for th e i cter. siau s me ever ge l ithi u iecac ofli hm hem beau set, for th,, 816& ist. T hé M r. L é R rey . V ic -Presid u l o ! tisé agai . Th é m r s im pulsive, àôl't e prosecc ting, attorneys, xp e s. tlem - Canada Slver Miniig Company, wys Party passedsmoreveuy uccompl. elves as poiively ei-ài -f hison- - np l a l ie u u m , a n d l t e la s l a g é c e n - m a r i t s y r e m a r b a u p e r t h e y o nn g b m a ' s v i toi c . - tr a c t ta M r . S i g le to n , w v l ia nl g e tin g c o n d u c , s un d p r p a e d t 'e -* n d fe a th e u - , T s i . f a r s e t b l b i i e alomg Veîy wettll ili e work on theu is abiuliie make bis appeauac l hoeman lin tenlisle»as-se1at Sturgori Bay mies. M.trMr. - Psut gi.Taedrsdnosdlaan la tars-anle,enebaaswga &nit K eller b as gen s la th e P ic it i s p s-t p O ! th é p arty p rop sed t a iak e t e bo s îat ft e -leb er , ,, o u es ch arg e .c i a t. e! m e r andl a steam drill, t e t ir angh y ()Ut ofa e b atbarg a»in, eat th s vdding pl acé lan o b u ,i h a t . test the propeu-y o ved by Alle Littlo dinner, sd njoy thèeumoves id be elvmtr i a Pic Silver Minig Cmpany aI tiaItiey calsi uder the circumtance, Gqvemsinmeut lias doideal le redque pise, sd shuhé t ilturri ut as Walluas hsch hey sud. The groom I hat as .penses - qunletes itvihaimmigraios auticipates, slem p vrbe ili heo rec - ta h," ftr travelling aiu Tuessay t, least àzîe-balf. M i. Je ubiis *w- d duuing the c mig summ r, for lie ýaftermoa, founsi him ef ini lia viciiy hoibs position aM Ageul-G oera, but reduiction o! the ares, visici ara Woll o! Bramuptons, and, afler tabing a uight's agente of rè4lusvii lie dlsciaigesi. 'adaptaifor liaI mode o! vorbing. At seep. conoîridesi liat , hosadimaea T ISu e now- tyoihuaje.sandi Silv r I sit a u ngin esu d boiter hav a foo t of him se hf sund resolv asi t a go ba e t u en p p l l kii 4 D m b e r pl ce l lu one of t e lo er hvain s k e lIme y esssg ady's -pardon, a ud b g In ait u Pi l i n . D Td bs» d D un fou- lhe purp.a ý,o! vrbîg a dimousi tab esorama-d--to -fore-astandin Isg eu in T ee bful e- d drsill, isicihiihey irteni dbaring dcvi heu- affecstionis. Aller gthiug e couple à»ce. fiva lîudred feestloer thueie minoea! ie friands ta itercède la hie bbehef bas ye h gone, sd abuit A pril illii he e l re ey feugave im , a d le Ivo D uring lb. Aun -t l ven m eulic o ! k o vu w lehptiso y ~mccc silver te taa st esi d immediatay for Bolton, sd tst yeas ie, UnitedStatese îeportéi le ha si fu c sinking d e;eper. vasé joires tog oller icitie b auid se f 8,468,043 ,potin ds of refi sed - ngar imbo -lo y vd loci. S u ail te ve l l ihant endle C anada. 'O f th e ouire A mn e rc a e- w e l- -p a r t I i s c e u u t u - y e e i v a s i e ue - o u s - l b Tut Tuisxssu DIFD-ICULTY continues - ----*-foi lié above peu'lo.-- tolbe tisa csief source o! anxiely ta COIdNN lIN A PENITEN'TLIERY.-Apeuiý' a Europen ettesmen. Coutratlîchocy teuîieu-y vouîdjo about the lest. place Dnriug e acé e aaminahion cf a tlegram e are prety numerous, but one ould xpeeh ta finul a m a ufaclry clame of yosuueteru-s i one ot, ou cen. so an points se in prety clear. One fa f ba cc coin c rriési ou l, ye l le immi- u- p ec io is th é e ecier »sked ; "W haI lai Austia's proposes- solution o! tie tuton at Columbus, .,, turne ot ta im s mloau-oy P" ud, wastemedishéy difficully viii prohably bcacacephedl by' havé béon thé scènle o! Ibis epecies -of amaverasi 1y'a brigil, litthe eigihpeau- the other pavers, aud liaIta carry il quehlouable industry. It-seeme Ibat aid hey.:,"A' country governasi bzya ont, b ll riaiiihaathe a hé oaccu- foouaeime counlterfeit-tuv enparpece-bu "Woesu i f the bing Ied u î i , vi i l a a p a o r c m els ad b e m e q u iet c aim eci n in e u lsa ie 2 ", "I T ie q u ac ." 4 A n d. if lie atisér poîvara, bath la bring thé tisa aboyé cihy, snd Itieapûblic kmev Ibhe queeaouaae ie, vhe tlen ol pr-essure uéaessu-y ta uinalia tisé iumur- naîîîng as ho -vies-e -Uay carne turnm, bhie rater 2"he.j gante cege aeacive operalions aud ta unhil tiey vaséeiaily traeasita Iý yerng HaCAPuhi DZI CM1anau=Osi-vx- prevént thet Moliammédaus -frou rus- son o!fC0l.-CG. S. Imule, version of the Fr-ank -Brevn onv'ictoal o! museler,> veng-ingtliarnelvas on Ciristians. Thé Pemitarihiny. Upoui baiig literrogeto'l vho, villa everal othirprisoses, es- Prince cfSou-vis sud Monhenegra are lise chisi bold liati. hac¶ beeuvfurnleb. capeS frei St. Taeapb, Ma., ga:on Isevirig a pnoîty bard turne o! il. Ounedilbe coin by certain prisears,,ta pur- Octaher 28ili last,'lhan beu ré-captur. thé on ands, Ilueir peoplearsua cagar case tebacco fos- tiuem., This lad te an sa. Tiere le ne dlue t theecher pris. for - var Ibat tisa restreint laid upon investigation, aud il nov trsns ontthlai ea-. -- - cisei endaugora botb the thsonesansd thé mebiug o! thbe "queer" bas beau gai' tha lives a! tieir ruiers, wisile on the irig du ici tus penitemliary utuder tue A WlfOLE Tovi DxuaOGE»'AnDROB.- aliser Aratris sud Buais, oouuael posse vosy eyee e! tle guars i vilenldile- Eo,-At Qebos-ne, Mo;,on Tbunesay in suds a mariner tisst..it ie quuté appa- co'<ery. Tise moisis fer he ola ér rgit, bu-glasstlbe &a bIlle cf chîcro- et laI no vr vilbo permttes. madesiep i puienrs, sd th.erntai zforin ram-a ,siýu ctou-, wiîb -vici Flue Princes viii no dorbt keep lie employesi vas'eaegar useSt la plating thep druggèaed hie vie leu. Tiay position ia rot an enviable one. That roliboul Ili oléisat. T r-u lie Turkias troaps are saabiug very Dr.. Pisu-ce'is Ploasant Fur 1gatlve d several Iousýas dollars anaesop- itîle. if amy, leadwey in auppréaaimg Pelilt are no campondesi tram cen-cen-éd lia rébellion ileévident fromein ti o! Irataiprinciphos, exîraclesi frei râtis Base Tved lanovw ciedilesi1 vitiha-e i being ciaiîuad as a gréaI vietory, tisaI ansi herba, am ta combina irir eacsci cal ingin Moritreal.- the Trks ehoulsi bave badiy alefestéd granule, scsroaly lberger tiari ammuriîud .iegant-d a uoels et i n tre t force ansd proviined a Band, asumushcatharie p aer as con- ýd he gran ta insi p us pe l ag ort Fo rs ntlMay. Ti ok si h andi n larger pille for sale is ievaco defeal o! lhis urgenta. diS. net drrg-atoeu-a.Tliey are netlonly plans. Il lu -,bolevyesi ltha tracticel -'ents nsoi shoot thiéisolsi ou il artu-Io!fsuit la labo, but hotu- aperehia in e esy 'fou Iba pacifiaéRallvSY tIrougb British has counlu-. uratteuded viti suy gripimg 'pain.. ColuarbWahas e at. ben nL Tlsey operaté vitisoul produciug any Aurilsan oceu"tpotion of Ibe-disselri Cowhiling lu Baltimrer. canstituîtiOnsl diehurbauce. - - Unlibae idTuibisi ,Provinces ceoe sprobahie - - aller eelisu-tics, hep- do neot rudar thie froun 1he nevm ueeeivpsi lâtely. sur. tXPEeaIEsE aOF A 5Haier~pBa ilobovele cabtivé afler opesalian, but, on INSLTE AW03AN URHASR. thé éanlracry, îîey eshtaîli ha parînn. STATUE os- GRTamN.z,- A Colossal INSLTEa WCMAN5"tiCuAsR. eutlY liealîisy action. Beiug aulirely brauze ptalcia otèGiathsu vas unveiled - - vegetahie, no particula e e r e re-d vih SP>raprla coremenies ou Collaea An itoemtirg cse of cavhii'ng un wvile rsiug thora. -_ Greesu ntoIf!the; -id Parliameut lhimare liai; becomé tise subjeél o! $200 Bavard le offaresi by tisé Ps-a- Hupe,ýJiuDghfi, payés-day.-- sncb dlissusion. Mc. T. Bunrglu bas à prielor ho any oua Wia vili detast in A aiaN . uSlsdy aaî a 9 Loinloi écel.Oci Tues- thèse Pelletesuy calomel or-lotîér fou-ce tirnameâi onBLa a a- lay l st M ca D éIt é e M a d ux caliosi on of m e ury , m in rai . p o l is un ur ee b ! î Ji o h no aa B y e ela g a shopping expadition, sud tookesi a insdrurée l agCR Oreythssem0 taB. sve ridoticeel aa oi b Dis-tie- d pesebés:;TieContotet e an a m o i s g u a . S u é s u a l - l n y . T l e y a r s l i v ou- e e a n l y z i , s u d f o u n s i t e > o n a t u se varsshsovu her. Burgiî'e s-euah CcuNEdIOie as'HexceiBUsaa Cprusie ai. - cadîsaiiy rosu rl i t halleS avers' with Ou Satuvciay lest ah ;Dublin lieu-e vas Pt NeoEM KÉ u = sruBons. ouné semiarbe made by heu abarilau conféeonce o! -membas*of!the!Houe of- 55.G. A, SXXEu oueS].-Fiyo segro 'imitation" article that vas oscibited. Commons visa belomg te lIse Haine Ibieves esl tbeh- lyvs la a remsale bau,. says Ms. NMadtax ugn n BI ahpncvninl ge posts e-uBaoe seuN . ee .t 1Daétlusiil su: ore1 i usiddrmgcrii y irneMéins as vakuss simple andi su Mun% Nosv by pnutul iu TUTT '!MensE 'Eudrdp cf 1 tte x cei 5eeAdvet 2'a prof. . Deu rWi for jour hli c, liacie s-ur Ira -xn-voer l and esuaatnt inmarsy la b-i -Wards ver ms -ratitude f me. I baveas pityaicigni, tu-i ttoui, au viti NEW i CHA&S. cf lise aboya F-LOUF ofte best qi ~prie..- FLOUR Co: SHORT PEAI CI Dominicu Pic 'Blck, lBuI Do Wbitby, Jany. 1 ;renders for hebuldnw Tesnders snay - ork, ors--apis, Carpentu, wo-ir Teuden e la. 'ians anais, the bw4 r 'whiîlJàa. È se-milwa-ç91 election cf directi Thé t-anfe--lx fifleesuisys lit - saiMeeting. Whitb-j January, a Society WEDNESDA tc». o1cioek P, as bulasuùj cof l#î Aoti meeting. - -- 1 f i -- --- Èý -

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