FWHITB»Z L'OI dm'Suth oeth*1*e Ryal S Qouw u Oaou Atcon"y.4 ÇJHARLhà O. JL;le LflIÂT< Iu¶pLI5, L. à , ~ABRTER ATZAW, sopoiCTOB is G. VOUNG o ifTR, &L. R., Note7 Public &c0ho,.o 0*MJ? Block, IBrook ïtreet WIl*byi tel BF B R . IR ATrTORNY, 80.O t Ontuiro. DUGGA'N hk OBINSON, SOBLICITORS8 IN CHAXCERY,, CONVRYANCRP, d o.O, ITOW LERK AND -TREASUBER, ToI.Whitby. Offie-Town HaIL. HoMrg, F ~tEGeN ~OTEEOONTIY GAOL, Byrn utWbilby. IUY'S iIpBPr A'1ONDON, ENG, kAhse oe 1. 0 ., Ooh&we, Ont"rl. s- t&,D -M. IL Crd.) Wbltby avenMJmsus tr.NtWc Oxîide admînistoreti forib.plnoà e. ttof Ilth ,N.VARS, ]WD.U T19ÉTÉ lnuqrted on"al l th 1ateâ t o1lcpleu 01 thé art, 0 hei the .he "m n. g ond e. the bet. -ooth f11usd wIlh Goldand oBiver. Tuth iextreoted i thbu$ jfaln, by pradudlng lppaJ eueothosla. Dantal Room-In Côi. "'-now'bloci, over Atk1nsnu'a Dru; 8Store, xing SraOhw.85 TItMUDEVERILL, DUILDER AND OONTBÀCTOBR, DW<DitS ET, ,,WUITUY. 93r Ail orders promptly executeci I J'AIEDuESSwNG AND SHAVING 8rs1oon, Brook St., Whitby. JOKhN WOLFE1<DEN,, A GENI' NOB ýTEE C9LEBRATED £-X,8otahQalt.A Mu.Xable Works ot3Onathia ~Woenden,Dunda.sst., Whtby. IIesteîce-Lo$ ,8th' once sion Xarkà jpn. tb. shortest notice, ând on reasaneblet4rma. TpMMxnîcan b. mede » ant ilprinteti et lhe 7 OCuoxiceLa Ofice for Mi. $partir. TUMER 'MEdEÂNT, CAEPENTER LJa&&9IerUron t.4t,,Whltby. A iç ZYÊ,~~t-I4 iki.nd& of lumbor con. a~~2t~. full Bp pied andi ettentietion short notioe.. - Cffin >tPt censtantIy on hanS. à hearse te hire on liberalto.rme. BJ . O'DBLL, -ATH.RýLY, F ClerkDivision Court, Tp, CIerk, tltmslnnlu B. R., Leand Agent, ho., L'o.,, Âherl, County Oataie. iag. CARSON & BOGART, 'Phsisans SugoosAccouchera, ho., ho. Whitby; Sept. SOu, 1874. R B.RAMSAY, M. D., L. M.EDN tirduate tyltis honora) cf thq University o! geeen's Cnllége, Canada; ýFblaelIýhia Uir, ai Mediclnie antid 8 s;4mpa of ,aiPeniylvanla; ee 0, o college of Peéylývanl tend LIéenttate of Mtçraftcy 01lthé Univ.of Ildinburg, SobltInd.,' Cor- oner for tie Coanty.;o! ontanle, Offce- Âiügugt 241h, 1875. lra *GRISTINO AND PLOURIZG. FTise Sgibcrlbea havin; erect&. ou lils pure. ra4s 1Sot82'h he r4'on.ëIWhitby, i F 'mentm, ti'n Iow ý it, 0Ft xenea obtin&berblehaio! paublcpatronage. Fi RESCRITý0Xio]E 'FtOR lithetOy (ÇurT a1SeinsalWeak., - Lnell.,us5Let bsbaoe - a ý i elden F -~ze~loby~tir mIns rmXcese. AnY 10.! Ifs!leuL PORT B. WLI - O EITO T.0.W LB0J5U F .94S XMM BQYÀIM TOONTO. Tzixs, p, er Day. St*bflngm cý T"oon TEE AMEE » 740"OTEZ ted up at tnvtet rougisaut - anti . fards supeir Eacommodallen for ise reoep- tion of gueti.' DThe présent prprietar bas improeminttbà t ould t the 4rt,4d "vudeoe 0 Wà patrons. Toouo ZslM01d17.299 Ã"ONTAIO HOTEL. -' WEITBT, ýONTABIO. Superlor aceomodtihon. Table, auppliet wttb best, à Ils .an. Gonuiu. là iquors, BEIT IHAMEEZOAN HOTL, :WHITB.Y', O N TA B 10 Hanse niy ruteian,& furejubet hirougl a-ut, anS put in,11 Z-ut.ortier for h. ib reitof etguis"u. Am omnibusl a andi rom .ains. rt-lessample zooms. i 7-tÃœA R xUNK RAIWAY HEOTEL, Patlolklug lthe traýIn vinhorsem vihaethtm *eolltaken cofaQ 11her TEE 1QUEEN'S HOTEL, a, Yb ýI & CCANN, PROPRIEITORS. Morend d tble public lIthey baýve ten 1h. Abtive velknown btel, viisi ley bave nevly fti up anti renovteti, anti put into tise bes#t orer for ise accommoda. tien ad tests.TheBIsear-,whicin5 ibe baud. Doot h ounty, ls vol supplioti viti lb, ucatbrani alines, liquorsi and ci. gars. --Ample onolog asti ebéti andig4S stablingi 'bexi 51.11. a.Dotaceebtiroom@ for c9mmerdlal travrellers. Z'. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP MeCANN. 1laIe, o!. Toronto. 1 TE RE'NT 0 MONEX TO iTjENDl oesllbntt ~uiiestaiient~ot 1wotopeT avezth. C»sh A.T ONCE. hu on AHO8ILE, MbKNZIE,1 Â)py to- i. ~ ~uw&z. 1RMSIH AMERIOA2I ]I[ey V8h . ~ Wj 81'f0 ~omp Tise substiro isre tO state thât he A HANERSSHýOP, tu he promiseoo ppoite 4ryl's Bri#tisi Mn- erloan Hatel, ýDuntisa4t., Whtby, wbera. he will keep on, hanS, a guyerlor stock o!t everythlng ta bis lino of bnsrnsaanivl IsoU attIse lo*esIpricos. Ho egst oi a sistre of publie patronage. FBAIf KTYLER. Witby, Fob. 24,1874. 9Ul F oR SALE, AT Iffl GL EN MffJO1 8 TAD l5HDs tre prepared Io celrlsksbil ,MatatluIss 4 -Cmpu t Canada. Isoltatei an uo- = arons po -sureS for Ibre.Yom sor leus t ospo: raIes.- NVORTE BBRITSEh &MECi FIRE INSURAYCE COM P 1SaIe, anti rellable, cierges mhoderato, MILLS 'ul etleuvent off daims. l 1600,900 foot PIno Luber, vl seasonect. IIuoh Boards, 2 x 4 Scantlîug, 2-taci Plenkr, Fencng Bourti,SuaeTsb, » Bassvod, Allof hich viii b. solS coipfor cash. He -wouu ltao . ta say liat lie Griot M ig muning,& santi taa;flrt.class work. Chopjpiug Sous 6 tqian the vook, for evory 151h ýbushel. E.- MAJOR, Deo. lotis, 1878. o1ti GOOD NEWS- FOR TUE LADIES., A-NiEW REVELÂTION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DBESS-8MAXING. CORNW ALL'S SELF-IIITTIG WAIST & SHOULDER CHAR?. D-reuses fited t! firn messu fmèul' ibi wihhout change of a slitai. For sale, c'itb ires instructions, et MIIS>S MoINTYRÉE'S »ES-MEMO EQOXS, WaffBT. Agents wanteS. - Liheral intincements to tIse trade. Wbitby, Au;. 18, 1874. 5 L UMBER 1 LUMBR I 1 1 TIse intdisgneti bavin; been appetateti Aget-sd aseSbippîng Agent-for thse eitensive Lumber finii o! Messrs. Erith CO-, Of Fenolon Fallu, has'opeuei,nconco- lion villi bis aller premime, au extensive The mont Elegas, Costly anti Perfect s. L U M B E R V -H el iri e Dominion. This Hotel aokuoved;os ne rival, elîher lu ltu management, applntusente or loca- Mion, In lie ;latter rpipecl Il affors tisIs guests a obarailo;-andi unobstmncll. vle of Lake Ontario. tu- Tho finest Wateraoape vies' in Canada. It bas 250-roses furnisheti vithi allie modem iseprovomots.. McGAW h WINNEFTT, 4911 Propnietors. ..RMSTRONG HOUSE, (LATE ALBIONt,) E. ARMSTR.ONG- PROPRIETOR. R OYA L HOTEL,- WEIIT-5v4 ONT. A.HRINDES, Je., - PROPRIETOR. Cotumotilous Samiple.rorns. Omnibus meute ail trains. 27 WHIB OUSE. -DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (WEST o 07 POevrI]og.) ZTOSEPH A. BAVDEL, -P1IOFIBTO1I. This bouse bas been necenitly bull, is freuis Lager Bee. oo sebin ati on GLOBE HTE L, BEEooxLIN, ONT Adjotin ite Whtbyh& Part Penny Rail. vay Stetion, vbere ho keeps censtantly ou baud e largo anti complete stock of Lumber of ail kintis for sale, wiolesale anti rtai.- Planein; machine, anS ail kis of vork ex. oraleS promptly, te ortier. GEO. CORMACE. Witby, May 27, 1878. 22-tf JOHN S. M. WH.LCOX, Of lie Town of Wltby, bas beau eppointoti OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, <UNDER T~HE.- NEW ACT,) For lie Cosinty cf Ontario. Ail busines enîrustedthie bscharge wvil b. cerefuily et. touendtt. * Whitby, Jeu. 141b, 174. Oly- M AJOR MILLS. Te P. WHITE vill, on the l4th Ocbober, 1875, resorne eau- trol of thse Major Mille, vhon ho vil b. prepared tla pcy THE HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity o! vheat die ve eti et Wbiteyale. e yul malte everyeffort te give enlir. satisfaction t10 lieew o may pctroufîe thse ml-iti Ibeir ritin;. - Fleur and FeoS of lie beal qnality, anti at reaeoneble prices, viii ala ot e t cou- stantly on baud anti for sale.- -T, P. WHTE. Wbilovale,Ool. ti, 1874. 4 BEATTY'SC HU RCH T ECHOOL , Hal, LoS4e, Office Cabinel Or- gens.. Beat luuse Senti tamnp for ciren. lar. ,Adros, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Waabingt6u, N. J. JAS. POWELL -.PROPRITOR. PI5A"' 791Re" o&u.u1 913ST-COnà sÂcoscXOuerîos. A billat.loueti anS eaay 1011db Plana' - ---- chip for Cash, Enquire et 'tIse office o0 *j7IÂlMER'S MECHAIC'S H TELiispaper. FMCAI' TLWhltby, Nov. 9tIs, 1875. 46 BEtOUOHAK, eNTARIO.- -- f.B WEîBB, >- PROPBIETOIR. -FIBNS 'y B4ý uLquars anti Cigare alvys on hn.Acinc omsin ~oa L I v B yt1gular Sales every- sltoeie.t,uÉa, E-ET.- -a!leinoona4evenungFultulsdet- uiety, tise 1lh eJU lY'nsaat, jt, l o4k, ilI'pi. s.;1 OtinÉlg met olboltetia --- Boet'sfr~ bi frIs i dt héi ,iepublo Ssales-in Towu nS ontyçpcodu lia h.sarleFonîie Lvey business Ietià . FrTreh. pl# R&y8 LD S8TAN 1). RSe saaaà OfcWsty ~~ §lb1nlby, J;u1lut5, 1875. F---2 W1ýbyI ,sept. 21, EEO. ~ ~S ~OUO' HTE, -jHORSE' MED1'01N ES.S DAL!È R N, 9 DÀLTÃ" Cconstanll ais an dttirs Je JýBT' L.Y ls yldv.ry ,blt lIB.N OUNçI., PRO PBU3TOBM u-eNzg e tle Rulibl llorellu egsdlthle éo=nI FN.RAY =Pte Jo u Eif nl,1E-WS HOTEL, 1onPd.lnfl~ens *but ob FOEAAOInAEI, ià jmo>* GEOP.YUE WbItby, June 2, 1875. QUEE - INSURANC-E COMPi (r5R EAND LIrE) 0F LIVERPOOL & LOND, CAPITAL, - . $10,aOO IÂ?tiEBO : EDICAL AMyIE MOLSONS BANKT 0. A. BAYNE8, ESi Headi Office for Canada: loi h James Street', Mantreal.' FORIBES MUDGE", ChIe!. B. I. LAWDIIR, Agont, Wii Auguet lOti, 1875. - Livepoot and London.An INSURANCE COMPAN' Louses p itl usof tirtyfiv exceeti FORTY MLONS 0F DOL tue, I8Ol ieng, quitelias sJjusted vithoultieduction. SE Prompt oLmnt ant i Lberaliil in meto it=sesuare liepromlneulif of tua wtalthy C many. Headi Office, Ca d lrenci, Mont 0:GY. C. SMIT Chief Agent for Dot L. AIBANKS,JB., Agent at Wbitl W STERN ASSURANCE COII HEAD OFFICE, TORON!ý CAPITAL STOCK, - $4( ADENT lon BOUTE ONI]MO, Aise Agent for thse CANADA FAB3 MUTUAL INSURAN-CE COMPI Heead Offce, H.uesnTol; anti CITIZENS,' INSURÂNCE COI Moutreal, Firq, LUie anti Gearani Department, CAPITAL, - - $2,000 BrooklUn, Dec 2, 1872. I2 BEATTY'S ýTED GOI TONGUE PARLOR ORGANýS crs recommendeti by Prof. O. H. Huger, A.M. Jelleji B1tisere, Md; Prof. BRolnBay. 8.-omr Waebii D. .; G. S. Dysart, Blooonfiild,: G. W. Robinson, Prof. Jobushon, Ph phia. anti thoosants 01 aliers au lie 1 use. Bond stemp for extentiet lat o: useulals before buying a Parler ( Agents wranteti every*iere. Atidres DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wesbiu;lon, c xH0OIC E -APPLE TREE ABO 0U T 40,000, -krT TE- HOME- NURSER Proma two 10 loir yearso! age, ernbraci thse best Vaehies. - s ÈTH "l. WILSON, LotINo. 8, 2nti Con. Pickering, on Kin Reati, est Office, Wiitby. Begs to announce tIsaI bshue. airnov Ring St.. a fev donra EAST F nE POST OFFI opjiosite Luks isiov-rcoses, wbure v fond s fuse aobk oI silkasd,.11 b alm ladies a*nti geutlemen, of bis ovu -Strmais iià aluo,~tirllr 'Oshava, July 6th,'15. - BE&ATTY'S JAMIL Aù aAyfs.iu PAIN;TEË AND TEèERcnxui oI4 beinï tabhis- hby ttin; lie natieoatuzr 'FAÀLUABLE ýPIIOpglRTY Or 0 St. Petezilta., iutse Soui ward. sali if lie rultiene al, C. pz,, lie Roulis WazS. ÀAh 6 w acreS ago hen ompasoti of potrtef: lotiS, A dlean antidtlplblbtevlb la t11 lie bove pnoporty, o Iboli à apply la the ovuen - BEA-TTY'S T. ers IB 0 BO _ ,ýi'a e ROYAL ~SURA~IOE, F w L:bdllowe*a&clubaiof fairormre er-, lsVeio' hit - rCMCà . *tovNOrL NS1J5 Co. 0, m .Vemna hi ~~~fl~nd Sa » of utm orm ad dressl 8oi ise lb April OOt, 1874.7.bai on applicetion. >- lseinheii , andi ýa4apting ber.' - -.---~ TsLemr~oîeebIuhtg <*,* self tlalier esaort's lialting gai ; and'as T. HLl4 641 41 Baliy èSet, New York. the' p1ayers ld*okoSét ber, more than GEO. _____ _ Guao mal'.eyes' bala something even * deepor Ihan admiration. ci LAND, COMKISSION,,,Â-ND Thove were.miotmanyOf -the maeon- ilin. visitrant MordauntiHnE i, 5117211 GENERAL AGENT, 0a O S F R SAL etuperb cftha many *.uperb villas, Wet Met. 'Éclu rtë .izN 1TMibet aenvirons cf.eèaohtown2, who e4 ciai caaa w AetorlecnereluleAsei.* ETE net succumibedté,là Bosmà ond 'Vernen; ia ]Books postea ana eccoïnti matie ont. T O'WN OF *W I.B .aw heewr 11fwr0h a e <VIt.Speclal "attention given ta 1th. collection . takedti more upon lie reenit of thçir ' - of Nos, Accounts unsiMartgeges Lot No. Io in Section A., front on-liavel effortsibà tan he moà t carelesti of thorm.7 ~NTIE Ofice vez .H.aaaeon', Dunae. oadcareti b aehnowledge. Tet she >, WhIM Oltby, ver1R184.' ut. w" tmil Lot No. 10 in rear on William st. naw star', eomparatiVely.- It was only, - - Anati tM. 8, iiirear on William éi olu bimofths an abs bail a c als 'AN Y! * ~~~~~~~~~~Section C.*'be aerlbboSoth ratC. JOHN L. WATIS, culte firiof Vernon and Verity, on pronpl* Te property of the Iate ýWiMlam Law bis voyage cf usinas le Englanti; rence. Application tabe Émadtis ethe un. yet, .in Ihese'air,- menthe, as hatbo AUOTI1,0N E FRi , ., o tirigne&i-* cîeveti succes ilsîew wemen 1sobieve Agent.» IIBO CUE, JOSEPE -JONiES, BDIai xeoutors in ge many years., There migit bave 28 BumODDVSO OR, T. STEVENSON, Kinsal.1 aa om .,tsmi e gaeu - -Antiý General Con imieeion Agent, Part ýOr te enseemgfoa i e raceu 1 YEOMfAN GIBBON, grihcanr h aeis~lti o Perry. 20Wbîtby.. tha popular admiration, was' ce aimply 4 N ~. ---- * nalra i e iadilferince ; and yol, as G~YO N S IT ,FLUR1BANÂEAND SHORTS 111 ,lie wénl on thebaveu tziér fdbar* Mer fair face carrneS ail before il; ON. ISSER 0 NEW STORE, JUST OPRNED. but the fair face wau net teh ny I iffi OPPSITEltÂTs ~traction. The paternel Vernon was a 9,0.MARRIAGE HÃ"EE , lrOPOIE-TsRTEL. - millia naire, ant iM is augir wus bis GIVE À CALL. WX . IDNSTON. OUlY ebilti. Accordingly, thé gooti for. EHWHITi3Y ONTARIO. tune of the man wbo won the riglit te ______________be callet iber lever weulti net be a littie ;Q., 9.0. - TO THE FARMERSI tieerving cf snvy, wbich facl mighl 193 st. C 1 J 0OIH N-S O N , Plougis anti Plougi Catings, Straw.posslbly bave asi ti er POPnlarity., Cutters, Fauning Milso, Reapers and,. Mow., As ah. crosseS the lawn, Ibis even. DEALEIR TN LUMBER, os,&.i&l.lg, - ber thin, vaporous, wbite tres A;e~s - Wl!. IQENSTON. sweeping the graso, with tbe suggestive Uy y-8s W H ýI T B Y, Tbithy Oct. 131h, 1875. mtfistiness *wbieb "Wau ieculiar ta ber lattire, anti wbiob suiteS se well lier' - Eu onhanti a aplenidt stock of ânue clea - purely pallid i, ber Oriental brown ant wllsesentiLube. Al uns Or BOTTOM PiIICES FOR eyes, upoaised te ber oecort (for ab carpenter anti building proses. oFlooring and Dreed Lumnbar elwayu on- we.5 that extiat's.rarity,, a ,tdarley Globe8 baud. Gross'e plaing mili adjoinîngo blonde), *tbe playera who glaicedti to. * the preuiises, wheie ardrs ai pronpl OA L AN D W OO D warde ber, glancetitowardtbe man epcIl ifor timers, ,asei a, &c. * an almost savegoeuiof ai i.- Whitby, 201h Nov., 1875. 4-fIn - spite of hie Crio and. poverly, * ___________ AUl Iintia cf Harti anti SofI Caal, consiat. tbey, *ere beginiug te envy Walter. 'ein yersiog the celebratoti LackawanaScran- Tretiennie, the eligibles 1 How Coulati VLII. ALISES AND) TRUNKS. ton, Brier Eili, lilosaburg andi other ces.ll they fnil te do se ? She was nÃŽever iu. btno~- '~ HEAPFOR CSH I dîiereut tehîce. Her goutîsuesa te- tl last luCse' O CS wartis bic had almôat beceme a suni- leriy LEATHE B VALISES For quantîuies to Blaclith anti others jecl of woutier. Ho wae ual a band- faljut-SPECIÂL* RATS 1 ilmeman, merely talianti derkfaced, re'.AND 'Wood, ezi ra lengfii, 25 c ente per nord poassssing scarcely a geoti feature but trel. batemeut off usuel prices. senti l your is e m lpucholy e. Tbey were a rSARIATOGA TIIUNXS, odesto grand Meeture., bowever, tIsse sye- miôin. A. ALEXAISTDEfl'S saol anti deep; looking as if thoy wqero bY, Ont. &0., &c., et Whitby & Oshawa, p ssion, anti ire, anti regret, ubtiuedb WILLIAM THOMPSONIS, *Cnal antiwood depots. lu their iarknes-tb sort OÈ,eyes, lu WhN ý1itby, Augnat Ilst, 1875. tf-86 fact, to work upon a womau's sympalby Setier ent i a-x4ess Maker, - -antitouchb ler beert. O.C-S. WHTY. A A R * 1 Hew people ball dîsenssedtihlb.poora WHITY. - CA RD -feilow, anati lb. trauge eioleswbicb Do .Jue 24, 1874. 26t1 A Clergyman, while residing in South were rufe coueerniug4shim. He bld ' -~ - Anerica, as miusieuery, discovereti a sale beeu neo eanai ccfst oses1 - ~ant I al rernety for thse Cure of Ner.,ns ea1ie' hhiel osl IzN<ollOTES Weakuesi, Early Decay, Diseese cf the a fewyearsago. Ho baS. squautieîed t ,o T'. Kuinr anti Seminai Organs , and the whoie a fortune, people aaid ; bis.reekiea8 ex. - traino dioi brought on by buneful travagence bad been almoat-a proverb ME'I WHITEY, ONTARIO, and vicions habite. <Great nombors have bis very Cirtll i tis ctory, anti nota aübeen cureS, by Ibis noble remedy. Prompt. v~pein n lir Importers, Dealers anti Manufacturera of al d by a tiesire te benefit the efflicteti antieyponetoe ihr onfortunate,-Iw'Iul senti thseroceipIfrpo Iltwas douect aitien-Beden," seliS 7iten paring ant us'ng Ibis medicine iu a sealetiMjrCamealwo uwlng aery. !IFP PÉrALA5I ~ evelope, banyone wioh needs it, F+ee of tim; anti. everybetiy, came te Mer. LEII 1H1fl ANDVU FIIYUJIYUO1 Cnharge. Aiirosi, REVD. JOSEPH 10. deout Hougewilb tho resI. Holleda tee CeipiiINMAZi,0St atiD, Bible Rous,NewauaeiwiiaFebm -Grr Cspolfor Hities, Derk, euS Leatier. York City. 22 ausn fame wasever euecf those raoa 5 eatherAtrEtchti. - - ly roug et fnoir. tables. IHo was a e aiBELTINO MADE TO ORDER ONSAE TEN gootabaht, tee, that Gerard, geai s 2.SHORT NOTICE. ho wes. UseS ta it, I suppose' ' o IA My,57. 2WHIT13Y & OSHAWA. But, bowever trne theatcries rusght' LDEN ho_- --___T IEADY I b, Mis Vernion beli uat board thema, Mêl, et least. She liketi Walter Tredeuia, MesSaa.iyoro ao Leoie Oshawa et 8Se, m., anti 2, p. m. perbapa pitiet i hm, anti wes fraukw J bu Pae 2Wcentsael way. mat ,~.5 enougb not to attempt te conceai bier - ~ - ~ . Will eaU eat ail thse bntels, anti et private frieutiahip. Iu a certain girliub, tU~tful a.*,~ .resitieuces (wbeu ortiers are left Jatany cf waY, she exerclueti lier power upon 0 tenoes., Connecte Witi Oaiawia ant il, antiexerciuod til, not au il we. a <'t, Bewmanville l-pblea teWhtys If 1. atPrtosgealnwttIeWtb mon miglthave doue, but toea t Oan-barn mail atety.iw nt lhBoui landi mako hlm forget blieli Me THOS. HOPPER. anti the miafortune whicb sang hlm go < Whithy, March 9ti, 1876. 11.t1 keeuly. But, lu bis excesa o[ wretclîed- 0 _ea leman wse te seif-seoruful te w -. TH ST LARENE DNK. be aootbeti, in upite of bis gratitude. ti e T Even lu bis moal greceful moods a be' à NOTICE il erb given that a spc bohlS a iere guard over bimeif. ! iiieeral meeting of tic Shareholders nf Ibis ' Ho oould net oexpeet more tien a wO.-l Bute in what -Bak wiJl be baltion man's pity now ; yet the lime hallti T O NEso k m ht e lt f / n n x , ïn'e love hall been str nger tho en TO EV URSUFFE R., 1 Iet tbeir BanklngRHa nse Toroteet thse mosaten's. If the reStboped, le: i Del ourailent ho log sffeiug th ne sssin orthe Dominion Pa .ng a a quanticretho sweet, anti ew lbe re giv yox ae ad peset bsinsanti for mestecoathoe tof aI as draining the bitter, te tie drea a early grave, tion't delay. snbohrbsns sray b e bronghbc am- apoWt i gle er 80 UEDIu MNH fore thse meeting. ful o!e passionate worsbip for a Wo- OVR 0 CRE N MNHS1 yorder cf thuBar, au, wbo was s igli above hfai, se à 1Fe Albert, S .-.he laa gentleman 4888ervng aI aIl onfiS. "' ~- - ' - e. - *- o.ecs anS thoroFgbIy reae. -..rupror A lurge qunitit of moneY tla ndset loy' I tboegt Irrtoiwoea Vbs- Rviw.' PIahtiirea iulerest, privaI. . " uIt"!h at;cbt~SntWc oi sâW aXS -l.. Y .E4e i' o * t'-it> p s4 e, iv eralTown , loto -Ivo Fgm e aknowleue* .t tl hatI bv a aI s t 'm t- a ana orntI-Rl OUses,. andi a large BrIck ?rwme ae" - u 0, Bp,-Restri tianWh bffesl Pres xraa - 14h, 178. . * pplya-, G. ~Ili Iwilllellyou-wha it is," sid Freti W1it~',Fb. 11v,187 *' ~ xiikou,- Wbo bail baouOA of-Ili aith.,F - ' ' - LE - ffom lie.fixsl. -k~à '*1 adi. y 0 ML'l.T D' , &0 GmPHà t>cChT1 wF ~ :ns ith bor in bwo. bouma 1004 ber.~ Thà nMriuilhuav ronnt af Mou. -- -01?TEE hew to draw theIie, andi noue of un ta ey la Lentiepn Farm or To-vmsProperty,atl 'D IMTflM 0F ANAD ANaI)uwl tpbyldil hja tagl K'.I unnusulyLow-Bates a! Intereul - ' A jL!i forwardwith Lau~gy and Ferria to-day 4bd, Par Loanicm a .xiPaiilu sumtoasuit ber.' TS PM>NES -1- u aabis wthmeï and wll-say as m'nh M rayera.-su t h &a- ta-ea , evralIrproe aMd naW -.weMaNefuniani leNatse #Terri.' tir~Ffebaeolbe it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Aa NoMouha mti u uns a ondhuAp hoèrsa wv0k, wilébj4ve fiiowed .dor M, for AeA ~tories, Auticosta >sS Lnb a n Au. lke n~saWow anp h ii aé - Ire, a iother mrktte-SIcis; EuglandtinSeT E» ý&1% F., ~g Forfurtierparticuleraaplyto 'Routes. FFF' '»6 -Toëns ndy F~A. eiôst irseful h oôk a Fend to frieude i i - vist on" 'or ioig am F Offi5 Asiee, Rkei&c. PRIÇE, 50 CENTS-: .4 U y4 '¶h.5u 4fneqs&i 0 ZOte-obinBkMc. $ont ifr'. 5Ioifl1Yç. h7t - ".ý;n; 'Yý r4pTie> bo-eBiokeq Wib", ÀexMn h Me !URU e0, aseegan 1 tiorasdmpuiL- t ll1osamond Vernon wau the voman te do-l To Ibis man of lie world th '~ was somobini almoalsublime iu lbe fec.Itli1k. atchin; soiething sêtarîlin; anS ýdresuatie upon-hse stage, euS hoe.was curions teo âg the enS,- , -A litho eap art frees Ihe est, Walter Tretiennis leansti pon bis orutoh,. watchiegthe"plà -r. Il vas bis 'fate laalni aà , anti"h z-vasbeoomiiug atcustamed ' ta il; but ,tbe shantun-g, eloof beld ils o*n bittmnesa, forcill" Ibet. - IflusiVornon waia an admirable-' eroquel-piayer. e uoelgcfl. uss matiesvory motion perfoot, anti lu lisr suppiewriate vhlle baud lhe mal- Jet. bsoame a taugerous . instrument. 'But aveunase i aiti sob armîiugly scenttie c attention t e er"me,.-ber, thon g bts ver'e nual hollyixect'-ttpoun, lt. 8h. veaodtily Consolons o e! ll figure leauing u nuils omnîci, andthe, tiark eyes wbich fallovei.ber as ahe p aeSteand fre, She vas consolons o!fis man, us vamen-are oflen con- scions o!f pesu e nS shn-was t4k. lu; in lsbt eueaof bis expression, iti a woman'a Irne, quick insigt inte, its meanin. Having, cone tle a de-,, cisian upon, the subjec, sh ie SM momd-ý tim; noe-oetsu ici pet.apis no oeselse veuli baesdoue sgo'li ,But :Miss Vinon bat mauy nover- prvee sh sads ail.dritstroke, wbiebbreugbt berta hbiesitsS'iae S tien, hal! bouSdi; over ber mdl, oabs epoke o 0 im.- 11I am goin; te giveup myplace. te Laura.Langloy," sbs saiS. -'II am, tireà i, aund I vaut b go 10 the lake le ý s00 the new ba. Hl o e haeSvili ,a quick pssure lun is sifle. Cerliuly Ihal vwouli ho boîter than li's standing aloof. H e coulti row, if lie ieultido nothing slse. A curelesu stroke or ' sô mors, anti IMiss, Vernon réendetretiop ber mallol. - "lTake my place, if yen please, Lau. ru." asesait. "Mfr. Tretiennîisi going te tae me tqvu te tIse lake. Ho wiobes te show >ne The Lurline." Theseo fIIe mon leoketi efler ber' viIs ne aligit euvy o! ber companion, au ho licnped acroassIbo levu, viti the vaporons wbite tresu trailin; upon tho gass abis aidei. Whicb or- Ie t. weulti not have carneSd a eruteli also te 'ave been tins fevoured 2 Wbih 0f tbem diS net -imagine se, at leaist, whicb lu a moro reesonabie way et pot- ing ItL. They fouet ths Lurline tinter -its pavillon; anti e dozen.'or se strong,' eheady itrokes too-k hem lutheiscentre of the lake, for Tretieunis liaSt beau a good eersmeUf, aven et 0Oxford ; enS musclevas bis ,sîron; point yet, ln spilo o! lIe cmutci incubus, wbich b. ursed se ofen. *- Re baSd galberait twe or tire ieavy, s'axen.loaved- vaor.hilieu, athsy pliai. ed off, andti M.Vernon -beld thezs'lu ser baud ; andi, when hé resiteS upôn, his cars ta look up et ber, ho wus stmuck witi a trecîny !eucy o!' fber likeneîa hoa them. Zer pore, blonde facs, lber ires> lovelieeso, lb, misty wile trou envol. opin; tise gleaming armasund shoulters -aie miglit have beoauP ntiine lierseif; suS a shiarp pan; sltun hlM ,tbrongh uie eryreeouito'f or heaüty.' 1f tbe .y mîgbt fiout on-ýtinsfor ovor un tie soft' summer sueine anti !rsganceo, ÃŽithe Eouvery nipples featberiu lun -beir, wako I A madibehugit oenougs, and haie neered. et il inwartiiy, ,tbe next moment; but it cluug'io hlm, noverthe. Ther baSt beonau.alittho alonýýe tpon them, but, ee broke it aven as, these fancios voro passim; Ibrongi bis mind. 11I vonder if you vill grant me, à favour ?" ubo saiS. IlI venter if I coulti rofuge'one," lis 'oturneti, Irying ta apeak ligihiy- "Try nie, qt leset." - '- --ý "Tel me wbut yen vers tbiuking e wien 1 epoke te you upon. lieecroquet. grona ?"' ihe sait, viti -a tbush a'o hesitant gravity inulber uveet veice. .1 Hie tark face, brigitonod mavelouew ly, and certà inly, uamibre sli a s, o eau eould liglit up with a more sutten nrilliance. B ibait, cereaeuougb te 'bserve hies thon;' but tic neixt -mo- nient, as ho remomberet vsabaS iatreal- [y beau 'lihe subbcteflbis' Iheugëtu, -'tie Did samitié bittornoýi uettlodt pon him. î "ÃI ' 'aspliloa6phlig," ho saitivit aboda'I plilouephF lofiietimoa.u'. I vas erbapu, mà ioali il" Kudihepoiultie!-1 'lith a seif-seornu bich was almoïtl 1er. bî etheieruomn gtollu hIis foet. "A - eaat subJ.et-frtsongbt lrly-7 i i -8h. glacsoilup et hîm quickiy,; %a j arity rmigh habe le tie generai. ever'liaI vas ahe But amnoà the Senl- fous. bà exception te -lhis mata p npluhe i~ for this adoration -vidov, vie bcd before tise ativei but lb. faim facei her olaimi to, bel -anà ds ae coula 1 fui rival. 'Wors bite ber eIortidé, b.er eae ssals io i nraS, andti, ab vei bred ta beiz et arma, tiid netj -But Mms e. otgr èonooelu; gWalt audS osugis et ti secret o! ber frieudsihip, &iî euS, 049di ly, eueeveuiig, in tis Sraving.roc ubeaopenot ber sesail attery., Mise Vernen vas slandtag in.a lit group of lbersaorera, faim aud tcool, usuel, ai dTrëetn -as lao1dng ow a collection o! engravingu et a uit table,"pr", ianlis*id*gln bavards hlmesmuger esn~ c nspanian e. "1I vends,- hovi aur frisuil car boere2" aie said, vith -mà licios inlu <une. 'Iltis.siligular wvitlpeople oa mà eete, evon lu lie besl society." Miss Vernonbehalaafan, teo--a quai 11111. suov-rfrin"geti je-wei of a tbin»g anti as abelurnet sllgitly tovards t] Opeaker, lie littis feu Ënhtetac for inomont, viti an edd treopr. "On. ieanssutiie- of im ever chrbe," venl ou tise vitiow, vil -spii fulmaligniby. "Ev.ryonshacthez -'-I be snol bearil thqIe,"Iluterpa Miss Vemuon, in lie IlSidest of! .1. This vas precisely visI the ansei ris Ilpossible rlte:exclalime, 1"a lu; up uiallcionsly. "Ho i. a pênnilo advelturr ,1t ppeare. Borne Frs.sic mais bl thlm in a tiseraii aiiublf ssarnlà aIBaden. -H. i3auderi tiionsadnt tlle gambling, table4 :i Bay. He i. a reglr-vitl at vert ?-blackleg, don't lisy eall il?2 Bosamonil -Vernon -lookei et hi sbe vas beiun cent matie ber g ýsite-table., ,.,Walter Treneunis zoom. Perapu, u Redgrave lueS spoker pes'iaps, bis 5en5llivr qulck; *1 ail ove'ta, euS, alun; te h it fron a imsat andtig! Tlie g' uP'echnnâ lie iutsfatigble lié oS. flut Miss Verni sentene vitietit a 1< ,ment, C& 'Ia ging os;F undorataud lie wir heaid lie utenlea befc must pardon me far i lytuéboileve lbem, ai lu wio'n ley have you. Sitei atonies ui lion, va allkuov.,1 lu; tisiç." A 1 ,alm sueel eni -r