Whitby Chronicle, 6 Jan 1876, p. 4

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:sttsrs~,d liarder. 81 turing- CarpaDy. à EStops, --.10 5 Stfop.,1 .. . 1 6stop$, i7e-, PATnNTED, 1873. Stye4 4 ti, . 10 8tyl 8, ý sops, 175. eIt he 04110brte& 1N3 ep1f c'o'm, în AlwayÏ na e ntthé iet,4 f tssîifore s fIrst.qlaiis Instrumnent, Inteulng purcliemers are i'respectfaîly ne- quesatodei tOeCli. end exmina Our lustra. ment. heoor.' bmu ls e aa W re time cus;teewr*byn IA tmtf a- tory. 8eer/:8cond-hand Melodeons 0OU - SALE FROM $60 UPW,&IiDS.'ý Whiby, Nuyvombur 2414 185. 4 13y-L.aw autirorizlfitheli Grand Trauk RltIway Company ta make g branchi Rallway 011 propcrmy of the Carpor- i I euiîefs'q1 by tilîtciiî 01j fthe Coi. tie ttict e oftewu fPle hkrlug 4'ob (rinil Tteuik 1filniy oapsay 5iall L ilitlmenty tr i ,>trnct a , briuclu -Rail. , iloe u Poteatnni is t (i 1WrosUIala- litaIitStl f't4 Ns P) idu17 li t te eUii4' i f tl,' i 'u î.irj tl' sr fflsrCci uy(r quy uhc P1rwile t' ente1 MALo é)ý 17, cri tht ,r buussry oftWi44. Lot No. 17, a ouf. lit cL1ýiii ofrl li au ttil î ulie Jagir- 1net Iiumst.liluî ' ixt'y-elx Jett from i th leu boeividit v îof celi hscii lÏ,relIs-uv. fenIlsd tfattia e sidfrnil 'rMink'Rdi. ocint ,(er oui-*thaprPA-ty lu> roqef cr grade tlise sainl-' ,fu r -ir hits5ul (roffi thé '01- e i e ot 14c. sxli bo dee4eji q tihe crn osi e Iusustsî stçm a 'l-~ eof i4 luginal Limily e16mi>t lt.th6 o i.je a tris,ý a"flly-a iatlilsd fî,be taks- intlos dentlo.btbaCssiulî014114 cerpoar icf tihe Tewnship et Plclcenlug, and lhwl i msInronTh IsdAtO17; a~'iigUtc 22,5, 80trlç cf pickrup. ST «O rp't »r,ý 4.1~& RTS 1 os' r-Me LJNTY OF O NTARIOI POI TEE 4YXAR 1870. - rough *4m4~ rt t'srry 2iS 13820 2610 8112 xbnldgo 122 lusr'ai i- 0,i 1, t ?îii 10 herly.., 1171 I1 10 101 19 GEO. IL. DA1ITNELL, 'hitby, Dc1~X4l ) AgentsW te avery Tawýnshlp ln Ontario Coaosalithe- P Dy M 1.5Mth "oid OrganC. %aGeor#g6 SteesiM-sud Cs Pliii.s speelal inducemensewJiltle given firt.elaes agents sud clubs cf three fourw' ~P!rh~. Anuù uûlbébf toiàstalo lu ayon tiiose firat.elsseargmasü e a .fnih. 1,but au they arc e 0wldely known-. piano Co., recoeved th.' $l awarded ta an>' exîii.ý ana Exposition 'lu 1878. julig dgau *lble rîth 811e 82, Smith vauld cal attention, 'ta SUY "a4or curohes qua ties iae utun>pass.' r orpu sop gves the. le lnstssauent in-labupst înganc fuilhed wiiole. fro;a suy, ci thie ba. 1 pr1,1o liestsont frt. oz; A. M. DARLE'Y, Genenal Agt. OVIsîLVMCf,_%ýJt. .-- iy48 _P~arEn rr Whtbà8lt.a for larpsFrdïè THE0LOD 8TA ND, BROOK 8 TRHEE T, WHITB Y. Go' where- you cannôt fail to be ýPlëated in-moking seleotions of gOod furiturê_.... Pr »s ining'.room, Extêlïsion T'ablesavr uei, Gli Cînce, Picture Frarning in every sty1eý 8oÊe ofnsa1w4s~on, haud, triinmed. to suita". e Çkda qUtppomwte HoéÙo ýcodMsantly in roadineug. WVitby Novernber>24tli ,1876. . ,"- l' IMMENSE 3AUGAIN s II~ 'S.! O~AW*A, In -Dry, Goods and"Wýinter Clothing. -, J3IiVNETS!'BLANKETSt' i-3BBANHWTS il Several Cagefs boughý at BankrUptSalp ut lese than Manu- ~'keUi~>s"~ri~s.Exera Mrie aýd1 'eav r'at. $3,95. A SPLE NDID, STOCK OF w AT wI[ýN,-T E R S ,ALS WVHOLESALE PRICES PILE 8 0F-. È~W AND Y/SÃŽIÃ" 4LE DIi'ES. GQODS! Fromn 20' Cents a Yard. Plain and CheckedAberdeen Wineeys iin great abundance.' Priees qgtisfactory to ail. REA D Y MADE- CLOTHINO An avu~o» aa -àg "Most iMpp-r- t: Mt bearh- theýÀztàrs iputation, deô Ba Intrumen~ts,hy meensoiwhic'ti.q tyqni.tQMn .ALL-,,TH-E -LA TE 'ýIM PR V M NT 8:> pifty Diffeiçnt Styles,.for-.tioParlûr. snd.tha. Chnrah, lthe Bat Meéterial And Wonk 'hip. Quality lndiVolume ef T e Un.quslled. 1 Faotoryud Wireràonie, Cor. 6tbýùLnd Oôngess S8 a., ].)TltOIT, Moign £Uatablihod Wu1850.) ,'Agent%-W&n"ed in Every . .. ea' CLUH~WABREN ORGAN COM,1TITMC. Th.Htll lutdluti sta oto o l Uenein sudhiysud ti .e bouteàanithy egcntalort'.io toot Cnei tath Thlae aestablihmenbtsand puie ns, forth sp oidtoisteo an ommercia trsa'slers i are Mons , i sancn. 4The hoato nsba -mliussTheCana e always ad afr tii coinmoateilargf g u ed a r n d t h e b y t ai l i i i . e gn s a n d s e ou a b a . u I a b e n e ïeegrp db. *)hlouneçteon with b ois thaas mudtino TEàc"s-rM, ers, aeV- 6 6- andcoER Dloa. o OôRý mEel BO3YS, AN])' ýcHILDREN. A. LARGE STOCJ< ON HAND 1 *ALSO A SPLENDID STOCK OF TW-EED AND OVEBCOATINGS!1 FOR-THE ORDER DEPARTM ENT.,- - C1thi~g~tup Itlî dcsputch and good lit G ar-t ee BOOT'S, tAN D SHOE We atre. offéring -nît aL sinalli udaîce on eash. We are bouId anot toh înoruld:Calil tu~d oeiiine 0o1i- Stock. i flt e&i partnîeîi± ,wjll bc'fouind nilaruge and well-select- ed 0âêkbtew an dao:able goods, nue, pies ho suit A fuli stock of GroBeriés constant/y on Iiand, Goods sold oul 'y for co,:anftt re&oiers and fearîners' produce. "--"' AMES. SiEA, O~sbîîwîc, Decea~bbr' l~lbhî, 1875. Boots 51 nd h o.es! s 4STOCK -COMPLETE IN ALL LINES 0F LADLESY' -MISSES' AND CHILDRENS', ALSO, IN MENS' BOY8,S - y'oIYJTH Reniember that KIEK4s.ffrn AT WHOLESALE PRIOESi. ftJIIJB».J3¶RS !'-iRIJBBERS! i'~s J? jI.alýqo,'ERubbersah, ,49?cent~ peu pair. OVERSHIOES! OVERSHOES! Mous' Ove aoeit $1 25pepa. 'Rip&rlx of Chrg.1 C KIRJKx The Britih A mer/c'ati Commercial Col lège, - T R ONI O0 Ws*ië establifilied in 1801, anjl iirow the most popular.n xesieshc ithe Dominion foi theéTtVtîction qf Yimunq M en, Msfdd1e-aqed Mei, and Boys, in coiniercial brandies. -Specimil -fttention is given to the scienceioi 'noàaeeepiug as applied ta every depa.ttmeaat of Trade and, Commerce; alsio ho PRACTICLPEI!NH1, O MECAL ARITELMETIC, COMMfER.. CIAL LAW, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, SPELLING, &o., Its graduates are conipotent scouuntst, aüdaro souglit for by niercliautesud 'businensmesa, mn waut of 'help, froin àeh parts of the Proince.. IKie' Then reyne vacations. Studeuts me>' enter.at ny timo with equail ad. vantage. Remiember liais ie a full course commercial schcol, an conuected with farty oten ocated at Montreal sud lthe pincipal. cities of tihe 'ited States. Terme roasonablo and lowezr thanios tia.thellier sah lasini tire Associationa. Any person oeedingtiroir naine sud add>'ess ad sncb ung lix oients ini sta mp', wil recoive by retrnu mail a place of Ornamieutal peu n aiiip, specimens cf Business Pleumauclaip and Circular.n A TEACHERS GLASS WILL BE3 OPENED DURINq THE HOLIATS aIt very low rates. 27 ODELL & TROUT, Toronto, John.ston '8 AWARDED Self- fiakiný, Reaper. THE. PIRST PRRIZE. At the Provincial Exhibition, Torontp, in 1870. We aller ta aur customers for the carniug t-arvet3t, two dis tinct Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the litest and Most useful' inprovements of the day. JOHNSTONS SIN GL'E SELF-UAKING.RFýA PKII -TRE "RING -OP RE'." The universal succes8 of this Machine, both i iclosely contee cd trials and in tie bande cfthie imers, warran us in sayi ughhet.as a Self-Ra- 'ing'eîpi~"Iîcnîîr, b las owme-godpýofnu ,d leigadefeét'. and bas met with more ausoouand bs s ilure. lisn henetofore offeredto, the Imble. -CAYt, JUJ 9WER 'Re wee Aiwarded the Finit Prize diilo manufsctured in the Province; ndwth Our recent- :usprev Inglyr chiliIen .iai t.e n pppnic ihcme~ offor theéb.t Mower ta t ho Fariner fcr 1872, hit in thae for- descriptive-catalogues. MANUFACTURER%-OF CALRIAGES Af ~at the Prcvin. te Ieadinig Machint.s éin4., wl urh.sitat-* irg Machines, vo are tiudiced mind, thst vo DUNDAS STREIET, wHITB'yOT fia-o n-tv ~n an<ka Lr~e tc~k ofCariagsBujggies, and Sléiglhs, Cutters, whièh for st re aud finish celanat bo xIl.ed - 4i ilf bé sold -at cé . l' w rirrte-d - Toms k WPORT,, es ~J Ver 5A.N.iAV T 0H0N 0 -, 4 utabi. rPr further part 49 ORGAN cols, à NEW 1L~VEN B RG AN S NORVILLE has 'theta-Spleùdid Instruments-and'. wHi soîl them st prime that will surprise yau. If ydn ever'expect ta' bny ne, now i.bhe'tine eu.tgvêêasl.oo uig qd sa'iiu cf lacks, aI wholesale prises, ta close ont the lot. -lacks, Wsîchee, and'jewel.ý ry' neaIl and pramýptly-Éepafred. ~ ,~ 81 Opposite bthe Past Office. 'YUST R E cEiV ED A DOMINIONWRROS A are and Select ýStock -of, Cloth5 an"dTl i'~ * FASHIONABLE TAILORgINOd -AT - DOMINION FI RST-OLASS WAREROOMS. -AT- DOMINION -WAREROOMS.O 11sTYLviiISI-I DOMI.NION Have on hand, at their Merchant, Tailoring EstablIishmeýit, B:ROK SR-EET, WHITBY; A much larger and. better stock than -~al, embracingal THE NEWEST CLOTU8 AND TP"INs. For ýgentiomens' Clothing; and as they are giving their wholeL ýatteniion to*the Taiaonng business, they are in a position fo& i i MIL-LEI,3 AT- WAREROOMS. LOWES & POWELL. Whuitby, Sept. 8th, 1875. A. & Ji R. PI 0-IE FLIRNITUIRE IlFIJRNI-TIJRE! Now is the lime to buy good andlcheap Furniture. Ha'vxng bougli out' the business lately camred on by James H. Samo, we take'this opportunity of inviting his many friends to.give, us a eall, and ýwe ean assure &Ul tia.t we are- préÉalredÊto do as well by' them lu -the ýfuture,. as Mr. Samo has doÉe in the ýpast. TIL &JOHNSTON. Orders :by mail 'promptly attenïded to. clase EstabIisbxnent in the .Cou.uty whêefuerais aef *TILL & Whibby, 'Octaber'lit, 167. JOHNSTýON. j t, 40.ly I~ZQZ~A2BLE BOOT ÂN~D SIIQE 1~WORIIJM, J-o BROOCK, 8 TAEE, WHT 0 HN àSAÀU NDE 4 ' ' Greatest.Variety, 0fBoots! aïd'Shoes.in Town,'cheap'for -CASH. Meii' FeitOvershaes, - $120 i riar -Lâdie's Peit dverslioes,- $1 -loi do. e 8 1 éoarië 'oo $', worth $3-00. Ail ourd 9piunetually àtxdd Rpisietly ddhe. Ti ared pÏrcparition, ah sbo proprictors. I sak o l Cýdgcd by nany prominent physîians to I 1I à*,he rnotý reliable prepa ration ever in- troduccd forthe reief - nd.,- and la offcreid to'the publie, Of. over forty years. Whcn hacorted ho in scanson it sel- IomI fails to cifeet a speedy- cure -Ii the Most severe casesof Couglis, Bron chitis, C ro u p e h o i g O u h Inilue nza, Astlima, OoYs Sore Throat, Pains orSore- nesis lu the Chebt ' and Side, Liver. Oomplaint;,Blc'edingi at tho Lunga, &c.- Wistar's ]al am doo'-iiotddryup a Cou gh,.*aùd 'Icave the cause bchind, as la the' case wIth' moist preparations, but it loosens and -eleaiises the lpugS, and allàys irrlitatiofi thu'sýréming i~the cause'of the complainti.. 'Ami mId by e.a.m-appy se*r = . *l.Mý ie rs mduxecu 57the meai. J.AAX eoi s t uicl Épj4qnl- 0,ttpihu h 44-tf ognsvne verywhere to cauvese fer - DAIIIEL:P. BEATTY; Washlugtn,'w. 3. BE~ATTY'S P ]BLGNS1 tiotM .i A dàre , D L P .BEAT. ,- TY, Washington,N.3 pATENTS F03nTV'TIN y ", m l anS preperi>' secured in Caa.. e ulaizieiied State.su d Enro.. ,Pa t, entguaantcd or' ne charge. eand for ) nnedIntruct no. Ageno>' in. oporeflea HEN3Y GRIST, ,. ~ Ottawa Canada. Mechancal Engner,Soflcit; ciPatnts adDarn8tsan5 I TNGU" -arlr Crgiina ararankea b>' b =uCnueltaneathoeadi*alor üse Par te-, *"be hav e a Burnétt's C66aine Prooteta eltly Grawth. Burnpett'ls Oo coa!-née- lact orewyn lon Stick>'. Leare ne0Dlsgrcabio OSon. BurnetV ooio Babdnea&efcecan Bu'rnett' 8-,Oocoalne 80to tbe oIrrtated calp-Skimn. Burnétt's, Oôéoain'é -Afonde the RIchet Lustre. B urnett's- Coc~oaine la pot sAlcobolle Wasb. Burnïett's 0C'*oâi6 Burnett's ocoltr Burnett's Cocoalne 50 end 75 caei.pur Dottie.> PUll?»AVIS ASON*AWENL Aemts fOi Domislamof' Ceande. ,,,0XRTWHITBY AND -PORT - RBI .. EZXTENSION 1U1WA1qgj't; TIllE TSL, 1 ý 18: Takes éfecten Wedaesday, Dec. 8, 1875. Trins rau býy T 1 to 0ie, vlc l lsa TRAMN GoiNO -SORE. Wbhtbyi.............. 11»lLf0am, B e di ............. .. U e .ça PrinceAlet,12..10 am. -part Penny. ..........-arrive 12.15 .m TRAIN GOING BOUME Port Fery........i....deant 8.00' a.m. heri ........... .,09'a.m. Manchiester.. ...i,............20 a.m. e5umlt....... -......6.80 a.m. Myrle .- ..........6. 2 a.m. ,, Brokll... ........... .00 ann .At .. .. it. 17,20 a.m.- 'Whitby Junctfen. . ....arrive 740 ,a.zw' *Plitferm stations. Trais stop 'i g nuls ealy. ~ 'Ooanestlng at Wkitby Junotlcu vitli-the' G. T.B., sne snd ves at lPort Perry~ll DAIiIE P. BE t, Weingtà,r. -3. Tbs&bea"utiulbrik reedence lai th Imowu a the wIt SO&N e PROPERTY, Ltrese pjebyH. Lswder, Post fiais pluce la most beautful>' aituated, eunj"g th e col refreebng breeze fromc teéiàdâ wbich pressaii a beautif ni in own, ane beautifully lad eut and stock ed with a line collectionotfifowering ebruLbg and plants, and cholce frait trees lntendlng purchasers amereeepetffl iù vigtlsect hiB3pemse, fh Tley ar s u re t a e p ie e d, b t n t m o re s hu with tii.terme whicb a>' be knewn by inquiring sîthie e0 ce 01 ýFABWET4L d& BTLEDGE, -~~ B a ri ter, W htb y . zuna 1Ath,1875. . 25 1qI3EATTY'JLILS OGAS Agete vintea av er aema3e or tamle. - CUSTOMS DE]PARTME2IZ - ~ Ottawa-gmrl'2gt, 187. f tA.Prent. 1- 3. ..OUCHETTE, 4 tf * Co-m msuonerof Custo mn. Whitb>', 0 OFFICE- T Wm. ne -tr'action cf 1 Teetheixtra locgialalie Ring Street Tffi BUMIDE D JoI tii he hrteat 4 iempxcaa CxacacL B OOK Aezef -YÀflTBD. -l4ýAE tgBON, Publi8heri, 17 Murray St., N. Y., THEC THISTLE ADDITION,' ---ti"4lyullyllUstaIqdEdition ef THE 'WAVEIÇIýEY:NOVELS Whib7, QeI 211h, 1215. '-4.1' I I= WM 1 ý Whitby, Dec. 'lot, 1875. 1 1

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