Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1875, p. 4

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9 - p- - %dt- à y-. ol MI. %et .1% I Ili5 11 -) Y I I L , hAB"*ê Spl ûdfT Drnwfr earn andthedratmSets Vaý f uuï,y ne ý til eu peased in zmaking seleotionso odfurniture. ~ ew.l]Jidusi*rell w bitfh ôi soti;at EïstdIilébing ow of w < Inso ot f ifquld spcn the Pri o. Dining-roor Extensio"_Tbe- etspro lboile ué oInalit rn Tablnr~sul~spIed e egant caeket 0; p~ aè lwa t rtsýrad s5 I , # rin~las.hn.Ji~t utCsonradawi po lb. hélâ hen yn dltutiOOJe il, u. ~de r eale ivu l cote, 8 ;W'a chrom iug 'Guilme, Ihao filt i ib 0 ovembr 2,- 185. frsl. Touw More lowiu's JoKB.-#1110 UPD AY B A 7R 2 AwI NF baa,", ulenbd, andsèitretch H OLIb tI,ùi00 el as taMer asA socknf eéaa; cakek sw~o ins f tii. etigp a promeuthe s ilr toup io aad. wsgsr tuaI yon stoinrsi sdual ml kpoibo IftIe Ilo rne â lto eièdwll, snb i .y APT dia. noyto late obilâte -O .S E .X V ., Laý1&, ne in ach bad, and ste. - 0i I Y 1 ARG '1 tierL ft8aw, a f at youn;Ak "y foenH v o f teCon ut anee ENo ;"e ta you pi , "netlî ae b;ath APLNfID TÇ~ t'i 14n c y e ofs II ooy ~ la.(1 tehefenira-d&uewone ;ewnaua ll toanvlle ct n oolaspln hern u - i Fle .r ngya 0 iintcifn i fuel urs 6 ody, ord, a 11,,A1w.y l~îereî, wtbhl m tio. c lk . %i') laga uth, dis Ftni 2 Cetga Yrd ANA- - P IIOSO'IT.aûolIn aDryeckedsaberdeenWoein gýreÇathndce opl4sTýr iiyl.*kat anivew wa1or uw sud ho l aiualteL A.OYw lath.? lz wA tlot foaI narply, FralMesboYS, at anD uptCHilDUnN. tAu LaGE g cîr o abjec t, u 0ou the u e esin. )fI sh Ilan' Ifthools enve proe .t fcuei n e aeite, ? eHao at ii. ofer; butinser eN., ey, "My watlNi" he lae I; sud, ASLEDD TCR0 Duu ctarye Is opber1narq% ALS 1nîtl' kl. Yî Iu t h i»sayla bei' rJrTE 01i <9 r WUITPV1 cunbl t lm Ileci writ vas sud P1g hav F R "r-F l PninfnD DLA.kai ANvL-bÂsî.-AniAmeîcazi îîuthIor sayg, "wVliitî hiuk yon Of My beigs on1u e u uorn-uR.by a unote lîir 'coinplinueulu, snd a requnet that IZ wu id bond lier Hot'ig uovels,' as els tei li~ ',ahuiC ei~hu ng'sd hsd n ~Suqelitopsble'0 rePlisor Diîte- DBos. ()n Oftwcnt volirti.. ou a w~ir1.îW~ nt nieZ Thisu wae t'~ctIA cc1î~ç -m~orng-. Thsy n-are rswifri Irqoo4rlrit vei eî9ar1 Wp$le ut, ornoou cfWe srtUintau ou1 hit, iuskinf thoe 0 1Ihave rabbed tip nu> alloWailco for t1ho dentsud 'borne, * lrI~c, tu- i 0t e tIr;al vwas oee volune every nucutesu minutes: a 'Page, iîardlly eiîjushled as yet lu the anist aüfliterature, ýIl éutlraly saades btse oaftieild cf hélb.oaswsworko. I look zuow wvili uvy sud wonder oît tIbat yçfllng WounAu. 11ev %bo WOU411 S stcih tii. had'llbrariai cf tbe ZiOdiglu, if slle vould laite up a faucy ta psti',nise thatbokqal, ul poor Mr'. Jones t b igbot es hait, ouhâesdyo., d $we ' c s w" one i i- u o ers 1,ruedclol lefe 'Di ii.k -"Cnsole 7oiirool vith the ides tat Paste la eTy adl. lolie, awiU stekou saelong au Vie little rà,o4tlwaà ge troubleiome that.0nesGou; stadi ha. oàeber aôpps aranqe. ed '<cQdý in3111ôd Bl, n=t'Am," ta,,ithe quiet reply pt cuI rc o - thee ld lady %vnt tbEïr ueorcouver- es Wýrer' og nt <boss % tus bbrmh, clothln g t up with &eèsjateh -and k add e iirnte BOOT.S AND- SHOES Lai' 0>1 ;, ~rni Whitb$ Dcc. 1~ ', - , U - ,- ! Lu ~ I ~ A. ~ 1 ~ SÛ._i ,a s~Q'tent ofQIoth a jket- lias-just received a large and well as- -ViyCi~..~ Pr ao#teiistpck,,bf the aboye cons1istingg f: PT 7~ÇI URSI Ladies' ad Geuemen's GoldT& Stsa. -Trys Silve~~, Fruit Dishàes, BJ ~A Brigt Gold Sets.Bueroors -Molasses Pitehers1 - Engawgenàënt aud Wedaingiingf s, poodnla1eïsa;ecm st 85 flrnunty of c Dýje GIBSON &SPARWELT/S- Single Broaches sud F Lainiâ of the fineat qù*ality, Iflhsonti' and 0dclfeufswî' Ornfi, Goid Bracelets, Neokiets, Cuff Buttons;, Sit stuts, Gold Pens, Peucils, &c, e A\ 0 _çz ,We feel assured1 Childrn's Clips and 3Mgs Egg Stands, Silver Kuives and Forks, Table Spoons, Dossert Spoons, Tes spoons, ýZggSposMutd -SIOOfl, &C , ricc<e FJxlrs, Butter Knives, and * Jrmi Miniý,-;&ailof whieh vo warrant 1idl th f unality of - 0ael F ii& 81 the public, upan inspection, will. flua~ aur Stock completeq Xrnae, Boxes and Baskiets, Ladies.: Satchels,, Perfunied and Fanoy Fansif Preseuta tien E1npo, Cigar Cases, Gentlemeén'. aundLadies' PbrtMo- nnaiés in. grenit vro Photograph Scraps, Anîd Autograpli Mbuiis enuitable for Xma-4 aud New Yearý3 presents, 5TÀTIONERY DEPABTMENT. ,Plain and Fanoy Puper; Blank Books, Note Booka, Kinas Statiouery aud Carda, SuudsY Sehlool Books and Carda, Visiting Cards. E'amily Bibles and Pookot Bibles, E'ray6ï' Books aud Hymu Books, Church Services aud Catholle Bibles Engliali sud American Magazines sud Papers on hand, and you will be able te seca s epy of the mew edition of the WeCkly GLOBE sd anà3.IL 13. tho Store, ahd aIl', lieronusfNvourixg ns witli their subseriptions wiil re- oi-e the ruapers free fromni ow tu January' - LEWISALLIN'S STOR, MISCELLANEOUS AND SCIIOOL BOOKS. Poer n d Gift Books', A funi stock cf the Bookà nsed ain bath thae Higli snd Cànmon BeOo0S of whieh we make a speeislity, Alst1 Ik,. Sistes, Peus a=T Poneile. Book ]3inding don, te order, andat - the lowest rates. MU5OIC ALND MUSICAL INSTETUMENrs. Pia'nos, Organe, Concertinas Flies Fintes, Tnnibg Forks, U'ilins:'l Strings and Itozin. Shoot Music and Music Books on r aud,. aud ail ordeérs filled coin- * pfede and il the icpromptest manner. Musie is a hioly laniage; Any one eanunuderstand Heurt cau speak to heart by inusic;, av e reUe±g uuat &smialladtvance on cash. We are ILNW O N)F4C GLW J' blaufd no 'to-be iisold. Ciland exaine aur. Stock. N OLW R Iii eàh department wil 'be found a large and well-selèct- ed stooQk of neiv and, fashionable gpoàs, and prices ta suit the hard times. A, f/ulI stock of' Oroceries constant/y on Hand, for cash, 1875. manfacures' rders and JAMES SIJEA. 51 arnd Sh oes STOCK COMPLETE -IN ALL LINE S-QOF LÀDIES' i~s IJ HILDýENS', MENS'.1 YOUTI-/&' ~4 B RURBERS -4N»uv-Rgîas nng AT WO~AEPRICES..' I 3îEý u EyBBE BS! I4 ' ý' ùibbers tt 40, cent0 per pair. Berlin Wool clouded and. shiaded in anl colors,. Fleecy Wool, Fingcring Wool, Filloselle Ernbroidering Silk, Aunericanu Shaded Bilk, Linon Flosrî, &c., Silver sud Perfor-ateit Card Boards, aud a large variety of Card Board Mottocs of every description, Chenille sud Wýoo Cord and Tassais, Smoking Caps, Cosiesu, Ottdiuans and Slippîrs, Fancy Baskets for Xmas, Wieket Stands, and 'a large assortinent of Flower Vses, Bouquet Holders, sud Toiet Ornanuonts, ail vei-y cheap.% 4nid1 we liave added to aur Ladies' Department the latest Styles cf Anerican $tami)ing, havesa largo Variety of Patterns on baud, and ail orders promptly attended lu îand at the lowesl rates by Whitbyt.Doeeber 711>, 1875. GENT'S MR$. tL. ALUN', Brook Street, Whitby. - 50 CLOrFHING FIJRNISBiING G.xODS1 c-00 For Superior: Clothing suitable 'for Buminer wear try thàê Clathing Store 4ehatal- oring establisnment of JO-IC) El -'eM m/ CT-1 S0N. -, PUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A G"Q9J FIT AND STYLISH CUT WARRANTD 1 Wbilbf', .lnly 27tb, 1876.tfS io C i .aduo st nttm MT S teITana a~~~~ eu hc.H au OVSB0HOEE! OVOZJs l i Mei!Oersoesa1 1 ~ per prair. ~~~i4~ipr -1 O~Krk 'eair' afl isg N W, HAVEN. r ORGAN ~30'5 O1~GKN~ JUBILIE E *~ ~~~~~ NO YéEh s h m S ndid Instru mejtet- an wl el tiiorA* rostht 1 sipr8 ou fyo vr s 1ps t b b' on. cieloeetwI9esî B . .,t cle ont th lo Co.k, À 0as n Jw "Y1 m eaty ad p c npî epaire .. H. W. 14OBVILLE, Duflas-Street, Q51 Oplt. the ?oit Office. DOMINION WTAÛÂIýEROOS,,48I A Laiýge and Select Stlock 'of CIlPths anhdTweeds I FASýHI1ONABLETAILORINO DOMINION -WARIEBOOMS. -AT- DOMINION WAIWEROOMS. STYrlzIiiEi2 DOMINION Whitby, Dec. lit, 1875. Ht0Vve an hand~ at their Merchant Taioam>gýEtablishment BR~OOK STRE ET, WHITBY,- A mauchl arge: -,andbetter stock than usuai1 embracing ail ý T11E IEWEST ýCLOTHiS AND TRIMMINGS. For gentbemeù f' Clothing ; and 'as ýthey ar e gving tiheiîL. whole attention-W 'tihe Tsiloring businessi they -are in a position to, do it -MILISEY A-oos LOWES 8 POWELL. T-jE - SVb St 8tn ove . FITRNITURE! FU-RXTUR Now is the t.ime to buy good dh a Furniture. Býaving bougrt, aut the business l*. cl d an by Jamies H., Sama, we take this apparunt of iiiviin hie many friends togWse us a eaUl, and we cean assureai that we are prepared ta do as weky tliem in the- future,i A.&J. R. PRINGLE. TILL& Orders b'Y mail promptlyý 1-NDERTAKN.-4hi classi Est ,ablibnent in thie Caunty, ly supplied. - - BRàCK '~ST Large'st 'Sock, k atei Notice is hereby giîen that the Midlaud Raiivay af Canada viii at lb. next sessieu of esIIt~ci Ontariolo.~iy fo;aAct ta real IbeLhjresumcueaaijng Second Mort ae Boue., o et i.COMay su o su l ,-tiersof new B u mfe au iucresdan un;fri 1 ziu aUncs -o laws ue7 Townshand Jnn. l 7-tem aid ai the said Baiiway, sd-for cher pur. poses. . - â.&D Port Hope, 251h Oc,185 u ert Burnett's Oocoain,- Burne p~:coaïne Burnett'8 -Oocoalne XIslltUr ! oris si tIky - Burnettis Q ocoalneii __LeavtS île DIM roalo Oor.. TcEC"m"'T MOTED.01, whieh: câi .be, cured, -byr.ar; àud pýà'ejutionl, as hlis e~ praoç,:b the -htndredIg"'Of tetu gT i' e-é1,yj' .p Popi-oî'iô.. - -i. s acknowl- - . édgé4 b. miyproniieiit phygicians Io é_be i ôst t.radùiccdjftr -the- relief nud «.ure of 41l - -- 1aint', * an dis ofered to thlo 'pliue, bi $an ii4byth expetiene ot.o vr frtyèaro. ---When. mro8Ttdo. in,-sd jsl. Tnfueza,.Athma, Oolds, âô*e T1Wo-ai 4,i'or Sore- Llvel' Complamt4, ,31ceding, Coiughi, andbaliv e tthe' caui- eR boh1ind, -as us tho Case êwith xnast prepar.#tions,buti laaex~ aticlanes the " lungs, an.d aillayslfrtatiôn, im thu emvni ~ au aof the com plai*it. - he Burnett Boea UnmOh Burneti Afferds t Burnett JOHNSTON-i -fi RUM I1N:y MoEN j JmUDO R - tn .J Thst besutifulbu TOWN 01 WILSO a e ngth sieatua"e b altiane Wfrei Atii. pâli ae batfaylid cExjàiubo Athafine ciuet fesrsng shb yd tcin& TEATTY'S>N sts wauled overywbisrs in rous, DANtIEL P. BEÂ'TWL4 m- - - pru Que, T ant, Mr.d l ytuf vice iiiD ' < se me J 'abe infcthe bers be . c ereinox Dfitue ,~ l là ae- I F. J. 5AUN DýE S1ti styles. u~S, y c '. P. t- _-D8 ERooMs1 fariea roue Oshawa, Decomber 18th, Boots 71 Tlip M9. ,#ego, QUI ORGAN- ti CE 1 [WA Whithy. Dec. lâti i875. ý'ËCCÏ,: ANID -SEM.Rl 1 r 1 - p

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