Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1875, p. 3

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Terkeyu, O«»Se sd Chichens.' Whltby, baec. 22nd, 1875. lu5 GREAT 621W AT -JOSEPýH . rSOE eS STEERS AND gNEIFERS.. Atteslicitatien cf mauy ingueeutial ratepayere, I have causeeted ta AMDn ar #Y a -serieajour represntaý. t lefr 23putyl3eeé. Should'ycu de me the houai 'to eleet me, 1 bave cnly ta Bay tliaII $aù tLw . future s i bave lu thi) paît, foth e ister"iets of the towri. I have11jie houer te be, Gentetue, yar' rectufly, SWilyDcth, lm8M T0TEINDEPENDEZvT ELEOTORS 0F TEE Eleven Lsmbs. Primoe Mot"on sd Park ' Poultry-&l arg supp yl ', TOWN J.,, WHIrB*Y. DUNDAS STREET. fST APULL SuppLy - .fer lie TcioW iby, for 1978. or Whltby. Dee, 141h, 1875. - 5 x mAý,S MATT~B Primo Bem, Ponio-.al, LaMn i JOHN -AXTEBSîC arTUEE ENTRE WAR-D -07 Tm 0%W N 0 F. WI T B Y ~JE ' A VET,$M EN. lôtugil ueguee! that hat rurtientin lu sicgwsi w 4he Speaker or lerl i .i ua otboe bjeet te ti pri vent té ibe xenîi,é'o -voioadtheit'intaticg Iv. inCa lb.hesue af-wr id o e b.szalloàl campal nilb.oe rse»ih bat. âdivan calS tbe spechet tit ienral vas videli Inca au ald the ov. [e Lesý au the Governminul ere the rulers' of -the otion waasrrhtke hanse von a accort or the country a- low the Exeeptive ta sutpend i1Wé oper- &tien of lb. lawepI tb l - Mu4<t é. rMr. - Gbou niotrad for a returi. shoa'.- ing thée'oütlaw *ôàpUalieedmut ai lb. tombuer a apl the coul of @Ach pSI - . caeh'yeae. for lthe1lai tva.0yeau&e lie-C ime lu Cie prafesaon ofeac.tah After tsa ineouesslou-i i notCllehuàa dé e!~Lat.1 iià té m tàherrein. - ixiprovenient of lt.edueetatlzledposi. toy uad proeïedings êti the Cauneil ai lua5.us ,<ý4 t ieo Mir. MeMabosi moved th. -Second reading of lthe BUih leoblige cilice, r in êa$cs vhswc theV ré United viliz dOuU- lies. la bear 4h.eb are of thé exýpo»soq ai certain aoum.r MoXtion oarried a& ý,BO ripIrèS 10 Canmit.e. -The housatbmn wcnlinto OomwItle of supply asdp4ue& iteuâs gndes, bcae!s cFrefube! accouai, sue! bal to - 1 te serice f1574' ýfiutday, D lot troduee!sue! rese! a firul imié. Tihe-discussion ' fMr.Cla&rÏ@'s nIe. ion foi r pnuinq tb. petltlouspresented tb lb. Ha-ospruylng *for a '»striction eflileainus'td bkf iefs AIl aepff, ea;- piçe! the remalbSer cf 1h. essoion.' The. id '-- -FiaDc ?ti TUS PETITIOZ' TO E5TINT LIE 7 y A large noebr e Canadian ladies. Ré jaine! On lIeubsaa1-te petiticu the inLgeltr oil. alicliln of, ail b - salonepspecthlb. rduetion oetlavern i.î iciâ oous itonfr every Clitousane! af 11f r populalioà aD the refuosi of lcences ta shopi whbcbseleanylhlng .81ue týn 11-4ltons. ThoelaldbefoethilfHouuere 1 bronghl e by Mn. Striker, fromn -1,500 - - ladies of ~ell"iIe'; Mn. Mcredilh, frcm t'O '1,547, ladeIesi London; Dr. Clarke sd - Norfolk), frani 741 ladies of Brampton id froni. 424 ladies-of Oven 'Saun, nS,à. 8,220 ladies of Toronto (th. lesteteition a -baleg 268 feeS--long); Mn. Lyon, tram 8m0'lacle. f ito11n -Mr. Robinson, - maux 1,000 ladies af- icington ; Mr. ton;- Mr .m ,- :èm. 4àiladies of Wbitby; 3êUr.:le;k, irons 2600ladies. - ~ ~ o bi aa ,-~h Mr. Pandee, lui -frein 608 pwul r. lion. XÉ1 Wt,,ctoduoed lbhe -ýe,- MulIp >AÉ Mi."T'ne objectaif i. - le bih oi tljpaie -of incarne iran. a - i4u ol~1$7pUggfl~IJ3lcpulelea- a lin, qci&- jo.vait, eiulons voting id mare * Ji-4iýrn Md reve le undeYn lb. buUI - Attorney-Gen- la ea &I in c. a blll bavtug fan ils e - i - objé t4 *,blpbâilIngiofmmesf ram roi ~P.n1xinlsrybui- I.-s p. té1ýP tqai suci nI r. ~ ~ paodcbl saeCathei - ~ 1 n eu.h.Il ouCà lllor te t . I 411 iu @'A éb*ly. T *~étnpcr. kt- tiou cf lhe ssion vas laken np in dis. i iitIe. ppoleted to rivise the. nulas -af i thie Roues. The eouittee on supply - reop9nled--a niphler ai iis vers cou. crer neSl, Te11.'t fiaiene aud cousoldiie-tbc £et$ reapecllng Voter.' ristte ap VI ;ing forthc e IaCon -- ofýb1ritsivr. read a scand lIme, ande Thc issiu, asuueul B idsys, vasi s short cue. Âsneng the notices- of motions vus- eue@by Dr. Clarkeï momnben fer-North Nofc>k -mai - which be mode couic mwesplg charges agalast the effialsaiof ie Division 0Foùrte, vbloh calleS up a *orenisfharp replies fron-Ieesralgenîlernep moàor lepse ucquaiutad vanking i l terts lu question. - Thc Goveaenisill31116 provide or er bregluîrahfon ef bfrllis, marriags, and deai. was cociMâlde and paused lhrough CQenittlie, *olbc axiiedments bàlng - resevved for the, tihird rcadlng. Tva on tira, glerBili "'vere advancd c seinlaonde: bteallov ~o thelpbeng Slsposee! of by Wedueu.- g ay,ad ionnzaly aisentecl ta b the Lientenani.Gaeruor befor. thé cUSe rIse-f or recesa. -'- Tas LaMrNitMUTSEzRS.a.--Enghle Sletectives -ane *bout letwrt for- France ta bring baoi ibe erew ef thé Briùksh Jme ....... $0 1 . ... ......800toc 6PSUI 4....và........ WC 80 hIsn........... 1c@2 Duckspsrpr........ ..$7c0$W0 Appls, ar ushl.. 40 60 era C. p............... Ol4 Nué r 1.3.1v 15je a i14 Ohéertu j ..........li .. tas, nasitCe'i r. ~ y thoroiugh .-iaaeu pate 0cfthe fine as ~ f ted Cocc..Mr. Epps s ptldeëd arbreakfast hbes, wlth a dlielmy-itàvere b'Irnt, vhl eh rn.Y s~ya s. m~y hevp ctors bbl." t la hy the IndiIcIons use cf tuch articles cftdist üI# a onstitution MAY be ~dal ul up until atrang ena'U hta set every tn. deue~ ta iseas. iudreds ctsubile mala. dieuýë orlloatlug sauud us ready toattack whekisver thies l esk pint. We may meaemàny a fatal sait by keepiug or. sales wifôrti&ed with pure bloS and a PEOPI(ueirlhed rsreY-Ovilservice REMIEDY YFREP-We send fro., a sflpan d mursemeas CL self-cmr, for (con. uelle 7Brocitls, Astbina, Caisrnh, d fland Wuy diseae ofthe Throat or Ljwgs.Nervoeue Dblltiy, Prismature De. cay,Weialmns, sad sa4rders breugit ou >yenthful imprudence. ý1 TUTTLE h Co., 78,Naa-st. N. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ÇHMTMA5 BEEF CHAS. SCOTT'5! Di 1.5 Biefand Park 'lu lh. market. - Muttan, Lsmb, miS Paultry. THEOLDiSTANZD, BBOOR STREET.- Dec. Sl2nd, 1878. lin-5B PORK, MUTPTON AND LAMB 1 Extra qualty for the, Holldays at JEROME SOCOTT'SY - ROOK STREET. lun.b8 GoAS roEA. - 1ay, nme't ls haezty.slx Ai1;=12%, 1e m wa1#trn' beundary of sale!brancira -"' m Grand rnR . 16 g àye~,e>uwpterprn t r for ep l lan- tolucrraei ee et sudtprNo.a t a oro Lf ithe Staw!nship cf PicerKtng, f ial charges suda incururaces lu lieuof theCii.egluai rotS alloasce. I hereby îllertl hzatime abavi lu a truc capy 01as1Ylaw ilended ta b. tolien luta censîdersejen by the Coneunl- of Che Corpor- atien cf the. Tcwusiip cf Pickering, sud whici vlU be passai ou Thursday, lhe ith 4ar...ok ofebruary, 1816. Pickering, Dec. 22nd, 1875a.Pikoln ESTRàY CATTLE I1 Came cae i.premisea aitiii.Subscribér), Lot No. 4, 4th cou. cf, Beach, Cwerln héefr-cue witeansd, red, ith.e lr rd witi s lttie wvite under befl. ' Th e wnhr' le requested Ca prave prapert and tob. thein sway, otierwlsa -etiiW»bet- solS in due course ai 1aW fer payment ciofe- as r TIOTHY O'LEARY", December 22uS, 187. 5 Ontario, Loan &Savin'gs Co. DIVIDEýND Na A DivIdeuS ai dvapaer c@niufon the palS u£peapital cf tuei Institution fer h. cur- renrt-yaeribet uiibte-xal of tenparý cent paranu i; been deciered, anS wilbadnoesud payable ai thuefgecdthe. Cenp mg, udafter the 8r5' day oft nu. ary, 186. -T. IH. OMUl Oa.ý14t hDoc, 1875. - 52 To thc Inhibitants c f Dufflus' Creek mnd Vicluty r 1> I.hava new epened s Betcier's Shap lu Mr.W.; Cuthbart'e wliere mBy Ybe seaen o aiieeoat dis lYe ci BatS, Pcrk, sud Fowl aver cfored ttei Public. gà' Reasanable Prices I Came oue, cameine ailnsd get aoineihing ta Se yee geed. Witby, December Sln2d, 1875. 52 T 0 THE ELECTORS Gr rMr Town of Whitby 1 At tie urgent sollctatiene of a lar g enumben ai liqrate-payersa o Cie 'Town, I1havecnsne aerpevcs k se yeer representative for Reeve. Tour vote sud Influence are respectiully elicit. aS. Net hoving lime Icta.caUi on yen persan- aily,-yee wilpleaee accepi tus as s per- annal canvas.. SioclSyau do me the hener te eleet ime, I shail endeavaur ta doe&ainl my paver, bt u'b dnsdCut Ceencil far the tait lntaresls af tie Tawn oi Wiby. I i4ve lie h io e , Gentlemen, ouvers iectleI91w Whitby, Decembier 201h, 187.2] T 0 TUÉHLEùGý OF TE£ TOWN 0F WHITBY. GEI<TLEMYN: It was not atüfrsi my inten- tion to ha a candidate, for municilibouers thi, yer. At the sclcîtatlan oc many in. finential ratep&yens, I bave, iiowever, been indacedt *O tkl.dM forIth e eveolhi, shoulS 1 bave th. heneor o bein electee' My boat erj q il b. given lpoking cals, anm eting down the iOn b't. serveant, Whltby, Deý. 216t. 5. 5 or THE Arus merican itotel (flay',) r in lh. Tawn cf Whlthy, on et th.e>hour ai.On. c'clock, p. M., by Cie àaiS Master, liau pone l ià. fowlng ràiuàblé F'sr.i sltual lb. a e! owu sip of Pickerin ' sud heingcmpedf ', Hast all a" oig7, iun tg Caces. don S.nmi tlkrlgcead The nifinlesitu don the ncrth Towu cf i by, eaiclh p lacuae a marieta forl pain snd proauce. "Atout - niuey.AIve sre fusiS land are cleered ing Honse, # flCtlà eedranie Ba=e. oeamFrame 8alep. a.a4 usane a a cvstable, sud emaîl Log Dw9ll. mng Hanie, -couveulent ta he, barn, suitable for cçgupatlen b1 a tarin servant, aise a besices enai ushés lu thegardn. Thee, l in abrick BSciacI Hne oW2thin a few »de o salaS tarin..Thei.oiainlapart tu" - " aj~sad ila., u la eo pas weillwamflU a living eprlug sud creek llowiàg- ihrarlhthe ;Nrthà.We.tpart cf . ThemiaiS d will b. selS subjecita othe le af th* enant no* lu poseeslcu whlch univres on th111h day ai November next, 18 0,ai ,h tiîne tie purchaier siail b. entitieS ta esseseiton. Tii. rentaI under Cie sald lau ni#M50 per anuum, sud the purahaeerwill lU entitled toa aproportianita part thereof tidm ithe date ai tie paymeut of 1he. wble et bléperchas. u.oy.,ý Tiie vendera wM u aly b. obligeai ta fur- ulsh'a Refflotira abetraci or a capyaof the saineé, sud wll net ta obligeS ta furulsi any -deede ual lInbsireustody, arcepienof the. "Mie. The. Purebseer shallat the. tima cf saie psy SaWu a dapoeit oftotn per -cent. of hie purcisse mouey to the Veudere or thelr Solicitor, and éhil witblu oeu eti of the day4tsai, p4 &b,bIaanof théiesaia pur. chase Money, vitheni lutersat, upea jry. muent $lèe siS balance Che purchiseer e» ' nh&etherCond&1tl s el slere 4h. stand!. ing conditions ot the Court of Chsncery. 1Fer fusilier particularesud gonditions ai, sle apply ta A. G. MoMlla,'Barrlstar; Whitby; Farewell &nulaBritr, WhitbL; sud W. D. Ebiiells, Selitor, Taronan.;sd the undersigued Master. Datea, 1Uth of Der., 1875. j 1 GEO.AH.DABTNELL,-' A. G. MOILLAK, 1 Master. Veudere, Beiciter. msn-cl CHANCERY SALE[ ;Or- FARM LANDS TOWNSHIP' 0OPTHORLAX. Puroeant to a decresuadSonder of the Coeurt oi Chsncery fan Outario, lu s suit ef DAWSON,'vw. DA WBOYI there ýwiU be cold b y Public Auctiet athCe Qeeeh'u Ratai, lu Cie VILLAGE -OF CANNINGTON, Ceihnty of Ontario, on Thursday, t14e 6th day of Jany., 1876, nt Twolve e'clack miou,ý by Ma. Lzvx RAni. BiAsN, Lectianeer, lu cee parcel lie follew. mir Farzn proprty:- The West.bsli of lthe Nati-hall cif Lot No. 17 ii lie lot concession ai Cie Town. sip cf'Thorah, in.- tie Cuty ai Outatle, cautainiug 50 Acres, more or lees; about lhirtye-Sve acres are cleared, tie neuainder le lu bush, cantaining ma ple anS beech. Tiers lu a log boause aibout SxMit., sud a goýa well cif wter. Tii. landus&u et four meefrein Beaventien, asud six anS eue-bal miles frein Cauninglon, s& statieh aon lie Toronto f& Nipislng Railway. The. puichaser wil be reqeired, aItihe tiue ai Sala, ta psy Sawe ta 1h. Veudor, cr hen Soicitor, cue-lenti ai lie purose maney, sud viiu ane -menti th.realtar execete a StAtetary moitgage an th& land fer #1,750 oi the perchas. .meney, p y hi lu savon yesrs frein date cf sale, vIi luter. est aunafly. aI i ptcent. le b3 cemput- e5 train day cisale. nS a ;sepsy vichin lie saiS meuth -a9Oinsufficioul, viti saiS #1,750, ud the.saiS ane-leti, lthe balance of the saiS purchaae meney. The Vendor will hoca etthe expense cf tie mantgage. The purchaser wull be at lie exp anse af the. deed. Tii. cher conditions cf sale are the Standing conditions ef sae eftCh. Ceurt ci Ciaecery. Fer lucther 'pariiculargs ana canditions ai sale aplytc esr, Cameran, Me- 1iloiel fi dinç, Solicitors, Toronto; N.FP. Pateredu, Esq., Beaverto ;sand C. C. Keller. Esq:i, Cangn. DateS Decemier 111th, 187j. GbO. H. DARTNELL,- 81-sin 1 - Master. ÇHIRIST"g SDAY Iu Ci. Scol Boue, Duffins' Crek, at 2,50, P M. Mr. J. L. Margach wlll again deliver th. lecturethe. object of whlch in ta demoustrate the Divi. Otigta cf the Bible. As the committes bas secured 1h. Sehool Hanse, the. wiele building vinl bo eseci, and aul are imvite<4 te attend. No tickets se. quired tliiilIm, as before.--admisslou free, Doors open aM i'p.m. It le desirable liaI the. audience be seated before the lecture begins, therelare came early sud oblige. M. REED, CHRIS1T MAÀ8 aist?7o'clock. Admssin ~ qa~Pracede tawards MB. Y. H. TORRINOTON,ý RANiD OoNPETIoNEBY J-- G. McDOUGALL'S. JOSEPH RODOER$ & SONS, IYORY 'HANDLED TABLE. CUTLERY, SKATES AN;D STRAPS!j [AGME CLUB SKATES, NEW YORK ýýCLUB SKATES. CFRQSS'& MAGNACHIAN, BiROoR STREET, WHITBY. Whitby XMAS AND NEW Pharm'acy YEA R' PRiE8ENTS S. W. B. S MJ1TI Has just reCeived and opened a Large and Choice assort- ment of Fancy.Goods suitable for the Holiday--Season. The stock com- prises a great many New, Handsome- sud Useful Articles, sud enlendid valne : French Toilet Botties in Bcvelled Plate Glass boxes. entirely uew, Gole!, Sirver aud. Gi Smelling Bottles, Pariun MarbIe Statuary, Bohemiu Glass Vases, Lubin's, Atkinson's, Rimmels sud the Crowu Perfunies, Toilet Sets, Ladies' Companions, Geuta' Dressing Cases, Necessaries, Jewel Boxes, Fans, Writing Dcsks, Walnut, Wnitiugj)cesks, Papier Machie, Dressing Combe, Toilets Stands, Gent.' nev, Fancy Trnks, Papieterres. Faucy Boxes, fancy Baskets, Purses and Portmonnaies, a splendid assortment, extra eheap, 'Albums, very low, Glove, Haudcr-chiei sud Collar sets, Chequer Boards, Domhxoes, Portrait Frames, Playing Cards, Game oi Old Maie!,- Ink Stands, Iuk Bottles, Scotchwood Sets, Pearilsud Tartan Card Cases, Cigar Cases and Boxes,, *Cigar Stands and Holders, Meerschaum Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, 18 vorieties, .Tobacco Pouches, Nincpins and a nice collection of Toys. Also a large variety of other goods and novelties. A BARREL 0F XMAS CANDIES at 25o per 11h., or llb s for $1.00. Owing to the great success of our Dollar Case last year va have fittcd up one -containing 100 articles in our DOLLAR' CASE. As the above gooda vere ail bouglit for the Xmas Trade parties can depene! on having them very cheap, as 1Inltene! la seil thein riglit out. 1;e Cail and Examine Our 'Stock. [December 15th, 1875. S. W. B. SMITH, Late Jas. H. Gerrie & Co. CHOICE. WINES cf PUlR'E LIQUOII8 1 at WHOLE SALE and RETMIL to suit the HOLIDAY DEMANDI 000-- UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. TRY FBE DER ICK N E 4L E'S 7 SIMCOOR-STREET, OSHAWA. AGENT FOR DAVIES& BRO.'s Ce1ebrate -,:XXX Cream Aile & Porter. CR0ICEST Dâ--S 0OUAR.S AÂNàTOEÂOCM8A:L- WAYS IN STOCK. tr THE TRADE SUPPLIED. ,g 0osaa, Dec. 14, 1875. .5 N FW FRUIT AZ<D CONFECTIONEET'r o 0f tho hast qulity-for lbe Chnistmnzsd NUTS,- RAISINS, Agalu, FIGS, ORANGES, -: - -or s GRAÀPESDATES,« - he- anS -choicesi Fihe pocurahle: Go sud Each C-a dFruit et aildescriptions. Fres I tm Oyslers, Oc.'Ane a THE LADIEIS U Msy floudsalld patrons a&H, fienlion buee' l hocaMU; IN ORDE]I D RY., GOQD>S m E NW Oe"RING GIý15E4T BAUGÂIS~Y SCash Customerà flor -0ne Month THEIR STOCK I8LRGS, DBL ASSORTED. NEW GROCERIES FOR ORSMS Just reoeived in aULtho difféeont is-- As alarge 6Soc f Finie Liquors. 32e FARMERS PiRODUCE ýTANHEÉni È XCHNGE. Whitby, Dee. lBth, 1875. 51. The, Timés Demand SmIiProfit!I w- Conserve your own Iiterests n e save all disputes i aoceýounts by blyin g MNEW DRYUGODSAýNb OLTK1Gîj Z - for Cash, Produce or Orders, - i Your Custom and Suppor~t respeotflly reques- ed by o E DWA RD .F. 0 ;OT. The New Establishment is now open for iýe4ioI-n.X The constant arrivai of Newv Gooda sand Latest Patternsansd Stylps, maire each day a-GRAND OPENING DAY!i What is nicer foran Xmas *ft than a~ deuirib4e Frenloh Merino Dress. The £u11 Dresa of Ten Yards- for 64.50, fixI'gs in. Newv Beaver Jackets. for ladies just BeoeiNved. I:e ou ShW Case for Chrisinsas oode 1 jose. din NiGloves, 2 buittons, wrr=tdwhick meaua that v.gir. a& nov pair, tr'n pairthatbreaks iu putting on. - EDW&iBp PBOST, ýFASHIONABLE TrA IL ORIN Gowhere you can get a, WeUl-itting Garment :-T!o the Tailoring Establishiment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA, ýUPERIOR CUTTING SHELÈSTÈE ,WORK A Large Stock of Fine Clothe ; beut Engliei, 8Scotch and Jnda Tweeds. t> Excellent Overcoatings and Splendid Veoi Patternsl. Aî good fit Gnaranteed.1- >,lýI -. GEORGE GURLEY, CUTTERýS« dUTTE.RS I1 Cutter8,, 6leighs. and ,Carnages, m. O'DONOVÀNT'S CÂ4RRIAGE, . FÂCTORY:,BROCK-ST;s- WHiTýBY, Whltb,, D GU..11h, 357 AI R G A 1 MUIYGE- Manufacturinig Sty le 5, 4 Slopo, Style 15, 5 Stai Style'7, 6 Stopso Stla 9, 7 Stopsfl- Blyle U, 7 Stops, 1 'Resonnt &a SWi Cas esfm 18ltrs!374. ,MELODEOý -180. - - 175. 90. camvd ases. ARS Style 4, - 4 stops,' Style8, 8-Stops, - Style'20, 6sStops, -- -Style 8, 6 Stapop Iu-h&nAsrme RseOad (ases YEBY CHEAP. CALL & SEE 'T BE STI15 CUAT ARGANDQ STOVfES7 ARGAND N'0 FO0RTES. rHEM. tory. ' A&LI flSTUUMEITS WA E S T 1 8everal eodhn FOR BALh STOVESI R3 We believe the,-AIRGAND fo.-ble the'. best stove in the 'market, for Hall, Diing Room, or.-Bit- f ting Boom. '-H ATOR &BPLÃ". OOOKING STOVES,, OOKING ST(C The Ilfron Duke," and "Armtri are Firat-eClas$tOVýqS inevery-respect., HÂTCH & fe: w lated FOR THE HOLIDA YS I1 A splendid Stock, a - F011 IgMAS BUE?, -FAT, MVTTONiï..,IAL làANDA1D PORE i 1ijTOWN 0F WHITBY.1 1 . . THE. LABGEST -AND MOST COMPIiETESTOCiOP

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