Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1875, p. 4

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j ~41 Y Jým p 8t 7. r Company' INU CântVrved Cieo., arqs Stl , 4 Nope, ** r4ý1 tioph, 110 1I A N OJOITi , pst oi l nLe t tnté LotAsat 1tfire SL ,.maXntriii.'lt. lîiitomîlliijtssu R ie r h jt<C liilly ré. tite-3sto -lu~l zl it tXiptJ<iitv<lu mrt. Itolor, buyl,1g oea Ne o tu" jlm rx-3t~r' sot ah iiSot tas (,1 iiit)tot.t btîn'turgthefrolits te fmu Y lI SALE $60 M sU t1WARDS. F Iti M'TîGE, Âiurtt.uhX.~vrYwl.re nalo orkcmatle. tou, N, J. Trree Itossns for L'slng the Its j. Made of theo Fincet Vir Éacoh Plug Woighs 1-3, of al ~1o înfitiitious WOigi OrOoly aboutt 14 of a Pound to each Plù,arnd are K~adô from Conv Mon L»afn, (lf-Jitoroîutuost~ f>t~t, ItS, lOTi - . liu-48 B3EA'U1T Y' S ýTII]>Ù2 u rQXGUE l'AP Il OlI -ANS airn I.hltl eeouust y l'cor. 0. 1-. llunger, . V., A A.1eJeU., fltiloro, Md ;-lrof. .John Rittwsct,,P1rof. ,Tltt#on, 1'lltdal. 1,hîc sit tsiont-nxtsds uf nietq stin o b#Aui; t- es.Hnd sttusp for eost)ikdtod llm i t ttn rtu)ls âbqt'mr lstyinga ist, t-lt>p Organu Agbli,4 s ssejs-iofoywl ore., a4ir1t4tï 1)IA4O tFOR1 'flE A on..y ttttt-ii iallo chom fo: Cwl, 1,1quivo o lt.1 oflb:o iits il 0. - - i -i rfixgi l,ALOl lasge byad.dttrenllg tb'naunfa 1ei-r, MMIZLF . ll, ATTY, Vhntt ni mkïkb ing lastrumin Atdre .4, - ~rT~;Ã"L ibo cf thneî 5à.. - I ~1a1s lai favoî MAKES THE WEAK,4TfiONWÏ of Atse~, jrd b(fds4ssd1' gîhtj b, Toniufiinr/»qt,«u ~q4,d <nd t'iqlI~cd Fiàl jper- es rsercry; part o l<boduy, 1ftvoust«m I, MM Xe 10nis~jfo 2'htila he se scret of itt-uoir- d1el-fil siîeses off hin reilieu!;11im crtgDyspepn C...'ý Cni-* plantDrosyChoui~l.)ar DLes.oer <if fit Zui ys a" coini bder ]s.aolCit t a, dst t ir ;ftla aei.1eafre fl.boit a le J'Ili ~ ct 15 .1110 leu wa k. ntoýric a,;t~'n p i ~r bi r.'nd i; woîîn ,ýf!c 1that cadi bn"(o lut ciPE-RU. VIA N GY R",Z«ý içna lneô &dziW SE111 W., FOWLEi S ONS, Proprietors, Ne. 1 lKIitois Place, Blit>u1. RI3IO AND FLOU<RINO. Tis, Silbseriber haviug eraoted on IMa pre. mni6,,,, 3i 2inlatho dta con. of Whltby, a ftrst-c1v ii, iCh &Il tino atuil improve. moentq. Là lîow prrpsr<ll ti , ec< ilta Un h;i cio dunelliveaninnubh' Trm, iis~ii, *~std ti s ervc.e,out <n t>rt-ciavii Hopim' <y itrict attentioîn to businesi tu î (IffiierIOIl N ÃŽ e 314) WI Droughi2eilt lise tinoltîgeeUc'îne s-iAndy DVJSON & CO)., Box 22JO, Noty York. N 0( T 1<C E oili hebyRiven't m tt midInilot IticyfCausawii! , t tàënext i i;î- otrLgéos qlOntsrio tpiy for anuAct 1 ud % io e sin lieu thitot iO d 'de o au laereissed amotint ; or oataqslB' lRV a el.lt-v 'I'owrisnii(l Xjti i; li i aid ut tho e t4 j3 eLwuy, i.iutLtttUî<x ýr pilv poser. Burnett-ocae lat tr i <t' Surn~sÇoiii (..JMI Il~LL O ~%JeV~LlI5S8 I. imot an AliiolIle 'alli. Burnett's Oocoallne- 1,F t4ives Nw LI sira te ia BrfFeWs99an lL(~îi e PEaIY DAVIÃŽ SON &LAWRENCE;Lî AgmtefIbr Dominion ef Canada. IT 1Y .AND poliT ppSRiOy ý,ï-TABLU No. i~kaeston Wodeseday, D à.7 *hîyJ lo nhtb ueou....dcepat t 1.50 atns. ~>or~ont dejsri4.00 an. Susumit.... . .610a-u Ummiv 5P1tfcrîiçtations. 'brains stop on sg Single Broaehes ana Earings th . ndd(e wis' Orzý4né~a GoId Bracelets, Shirt Stud&, olIenPendel, &o. fg eLangs,1 aber Inivea uD4 Zo, §ýnTa ck fs &ce1n ,CÀ Fruit Kaivea, iii cf'wieh.ve, warrant bo be ýthe fiiest qualityl j~Tý3l GF.' Weq fpýeasLçd- the Èiibfic, upon -iùhýpôiti6n;/ our Stock opIt Ladies' (Ou Pais.o Iiadies' Stkl, Perfuýàmcand Faucy F4anè,' Prosentation Cupe, 'CigatCee Gentleneiým aa d I<s&lor, n4aîcSi grcat valiety, Andi Autograpi Albums smuitable for - mt ul~ Yearr p-q4~s. Blank B6oks, Note Books, Xiâas Statiohcry andi Cards, ~undsy Sch OlIoS îand (arthi? am-11Y 8 à a>ockot È3ies* prayor lBooks B ynniooks, Chnrh S~vics'~n~Cstholc Bibles -n'na Prayer flook. ArND SROOL tOciS. Puem an& Gifb Bocks, A fil stock ef the Books us&L in botli bhe IMgh sud Coianuon Scheols e!, which ve màlcè s ]3ok ixtdiig dette tào raer, andaet MUSaOIC A.ND UiÏCAL INSTBU=flITS. Pianos, Organs, Concerbinas, Files, Flubes, ~Tuning F'crks, Viôlinsi Stringa and Rozin., 8Slwet Music and Music ]Books on hanti, and &Il ordeI,ï fileticern. qidete a.nd'iiit-he proxnptest, manner. Music a ý lo1y tlngtage, A nee au understaud }Teart cfn speak te hosrt by ihtisic, Ei'ven inia foreigu 1lunti. 1F1n*811 tand An ieritan Magaziues and Papers on hand,- anti yeu vill be sable te' sceca oopy of the > nOW edition eOfthbe.Wî,88kly QOBon tod MMI, in tihe Stôre c~'tUPersoxj fR vinugsWitli heitjî" r sbsrotieno n w111 ne. CCivcJ biu4fe fror4, lnow t ip nuary. LEWIS ALLIN'S STOBE, FA NO Y Brook Street, Whitby. BEIRLIN WOOL A NDF O YWOOL WORK I 3eilîn Wool CloÙded and saidéd ijLll U okrs, Flecy Wog Filmarge Mg. Y Wo olj e1ele Eè-broidering - fl Mnileah 8Ià MY, esi, ci.,nSier~n~Pafo~'edCard Boeards, and alarge varity f Cî-dJ3ord ottes f eerydescription, Chenille and Wocl Ood.sdIi wse11, "SnkI' gOss Cses ttomnans andi Slippers. Faney B a igetfdrim 2 ck'tanls8a î alarge, aesortment o! Flower- Vageý, Bouquet Holderm, anti Teilet Oruamenbs, ail very cheap. And we have added to Our .Ladies' Department the latest ~ty4a f AoriiLaSbapig, have a large Varieby ofiPagte W aon at, aundail -orderà prômpjtly'attended te and at the lowg@ât fates 'b? Wilitlhy, December 7thi 1875. Brook Street, Whitby. 60 OLDSMITHIl's HAL L,j fW7TE9~FOR. 'BEL/A BLE GOODS ! S'totck nowý conmp1ete, and selecting--and. importig niy own goodls can offer sup)erier inducements to cssh custeiners ELGIN WÀTCHE-$.. w> Oold andi Sil ver, Làclies' ana Génis, different gXrades ând prices. Very 6i Gohi 1îainc, eplérid Ãœot â it o~ f Coloreti anti Brighit Golti Sotte, Lockets, Chi iru &. &c. 19 Carat Wéddng ltiugs, Nstar.sight andi other, Opptael» Lloietro Plitted Cruels, Blutter Coolorà, SuRax -anti Mîlk li1ow1a, Trayq, Toast~ -1 tak, . 8 Dity and ').Ijour Cleeke, by tue boit mukeri.. CRa.i dzamine, goode and piicss. JM S .Q~T N Practic>a1 Watoh.maker. Oedmjb, gI,\hibSpt. n ,I7.89 ~;J~ i JS<1 T-~EP L A C1 1 -f 2j .. w 2S5d M. MW sI - 1300O'TIAN]),SIOEMAKEli, BIIOCK.ST., WHITBY, 12I4~ rncw on a to4rean4 nraQiur1stock o,£ Boots aitti. Shoe.- Hieealsio 5- okrn t et cvm-- .Viiss-ipion ef Ladies' Lleutlen' ani:Cýiidrcs' weari R" epaitjnig (saon ite shiotest notice, and Rai rstasOllble rtes. A usd1ý b Iîwittd 1to exuril», thr! ncw stock. W biitîy, l)ccnnutlfcî-, 187f't, WILLIAM BURNs, I3rock Street, Whiitby. Are offering Special RrgainsAn '-WINCIES AND!CJJO1jlbS. s Splendid assoÈtmenýl 'f DIth iracIkets, ej FiE-A-DY-MA DE, CIT###O AT Whitb, Deoenber lot; 1leM - fw 14/Z L. if i (j FRIQES- T ~ ~~AMÂCFACTtJRERS 0 CAR TAJ~AGES. 1ïikND SLEIl67-H', 'The SriYikb:Am.àp*a» oômmer,ll Cole; estalieedi TO RO, T Qy4 -Was esalse n1861, aau Dnow the mzitPýoplar ana extenisie shool iii b. Ã"miio~fo~ he~dvcitin yolmy Mo, ,MiddIe.a#ed en;, and C~IOl ïttntibiôi iie n to the qience of Boeklceeping a applied to ervery departntnt 'of Trade and"Coemmercee; aisete PtQIAL PENN&NSIpt COMMEBOIAQ ¶U"T',ùMB~ CIAL LA.W, B3USINESS. -COBBESPPNDENCE, SPELLINO, &o. ILsgrauat~ ae cmpeentaceuntnts ~n ar soghtforbymerehantff and, ~ Sthent.may nterat ay tie wih equail ai ecantge. sfo# Any per6oun undis hir nanie and, adilee andi enclosing six cente in stamps, 'wil receive by returâ mal às piece ei Ornamental pemnýanshi P, specimens cof A TBeIMBO 9OVP.S8 WILL BE OPENED DURING TH1, 1HOLIDAYS £7 ~ODELL- T" Or, Trno NEW HAVEN JUBILEE OIRG-AN CO'S. O RG AN S. NOR VILLE lias them-7+8p1endid .Iustrurnents-and wilI ssii themn t prioes thst wiil surprise -Tou. If yen ever expect te buy oe, Dow 4àMioe. , B.sure to give e iclý,,before buying. À good asrtmont o#-dd&.dat -wbe1ôsaieprics; î oe onet the lot. Clooks, Watches, asud jewel. ry neatiy andi promptly repsireti.N il. W. NOULUX, Dunas Street, JUST BRE CEVlâ YE9P t.T DOiMINIO0N WA4RE]~9~ A Large and, Select, S9tock 6f Gloths -and Twei Deds- l FASHIONABLE TAILPING-,,- -AT- DOMINION WAREIROOMS. FIRST-OLAS8 DRESS-MAKJNG A T DOI'JINION WRROiS sTr-y-LISH- DOMIXION Whit'by. Dec. lit, 1876. P R TNC MILLIEXE~/Y -AT- LOWES &POWELL.. 49 I , t - I FS~: 1LLL 1A N " .~-~' R ave on haud, at- thtir Merchant Tailoring tstablishmeût, B ROOK X ST'R'EE T,- Wfi1M-B *Y-1" A înuch 1a1rgër.tnd.better stock than usual, eèmbracing ail THE NEWEST <ILOTlt$* AND TRIMMINGS. 9 Foi- gentlimens' Clôthing ; aRug as they'aie giving their wholu attention te bhc Tailoning business, thcy anc ini a position te do it botter than ever. Whitby, Sept. Bth, 1875. Ai 4R à0-l FIJRMITIRE!1 FURNITUREI Now is the time to buy, gnod a&i&chea-p Furniture. Having bought out.the buýsi4psýs-jatey?ýarried on by James Il. Samo, we take this opportunity o fImviting bis manyffrigudsto give, us kta, that we are 'ptepâréd thfô as well by them in ]ý t'leé fu1treJi as Mr. Samo- has 'done in' the past. MOILY&JO~i1~ .UN DEIRT.ARI.,NG.-- The only frt tss tistaÉlishmenýt m ithe rOoug.uy W14 ie1.~e ly supplied. lL & 1 WrK Whitby, October lot, 1878. JOHTN 1,~~S I TJJ] ~i'J( RAS TK~jff n P wgem ...... .f &f 1&otaimd s r.' ~ ~ ~ ~ ý oeYn 4ýIý~'o '~Me~ 5F-C*e en.s , AT TH~E ODD FELI B-gte -announce 11i _o tby alnd the Public gewt od&ays,i NEW VALeNTIÂ RAISINS, 1 NEW L AYBI RI81Nt/ NEW eltOWN RAISINs, NEW LýOOSE MUSCATELLE CITRON PEEL. - PEE e cver shewn iii Wh1itby. A cal lé epcflyplotd N. B. CJah paidfrFax cs'Ptdie, ".> WXhitby, 8M Deceinher, 1875. <5 WILLI1A M "TLLA CAS NE' ~TRY" JAN D LR N iTLJR E, WAR EROOMS If THE QLD STAND, B»OCKBREE"VHTBY Go where you cno a ôb Splendàid Parlour, .Prawing Râoom a-nd B droomi Setsl New ]?.signs.weUl worthy of iuspection, at astonîeshing l ow Prices. 1)ining-room Extension Tables- a - ery -superior article. Gilt Coriis, Pictin'e Fram'ngieI-every;8"ty05. Some- tal itë branehês ;fu, ' oâ l ,supp ",A tc fel,~ ak~s Coffius always on bandi, trimmedto teunit Customers, anti a eil pi ,e Hearse constantly ini readiness. ,yhitby,. bvsiniier S4th, 1875. - :[ovE~1 W~.' .LLJJJJ. STOVES'!* -STOVES! GROSS &MACNAG.,ý,HTANý -F IAjfDWRE MEROHANTS, WOOD -COOK STOVTES, COAL SCUTTLES, - -1SIÉ ON STOVE PIPESf CORRUGATED ELBOWS . * U.tDE IIýONE PIECE. jBROcK STËErT, WIIITBY. yIitbyP, -;overnber,8rd, 1875i. 45 CLO8UGII&WARH 9RA ~l)' - (Labo - Snlïion ý &Clôugh Ongan Co.j) -IMPROV-E'D! CAB~ I --0 RGANS, I il ~ -lSd) 'z -os ta z t ~' - t~. F. ~ t- - n t» o 15 "4 o '4 ~On4~ W ADBAUIAY F CAXAPA. GbiIgiortlrlromPort Hope tc i44isy, _ue&vei àaýTSi1liA. - - 1- Leav" ort Hcpe- '- jaiL ... 1> la -m. IMx&. 84j.p Going North, 40 Petstrboro Lakefiela. )iiL. lJ.1:0p. n. 1 MiX54.,7PW Ooming South fromnOriia lôLindaji, Peleboro sud Port Hope. 12ail 1Op. mi. Ar Pt Hope 6.30 pan- ,Coming'Scnth from'laluefel-. aiNl~osfor lterbwnrp'sind Oýfl5 -;m tnrdnaeeiiii trai s a-IttiWest. B, .G. TAYTLOR,1 24 * * SnpaLociÇrsLns :printee iaatrctioam. Agéey.li operaffen EE!UiY GRIST,. £tt&awm, Canaeda., F,7,t 14LP"RE. Thtbeautiful bick reg!Tince iita h. known-as the WIL S Oi 7PROPERTY, àt Preiéýâïooè,4ped uby l ELnI~deP Thia place Ià most beautifpfflyl- stutd A towi ni »beai#1y ldout, and .stock- éd witb a dnp ýcollectin 'tcf di-ng 4brabs anti plaiitariai choiee-fruit tee.: --<> _ Inieilng ucaeaaeretDyn npe±the remàsea,ýr 1"J than wlt4tbthtns wbch r-=y b.e, i l.y ennihgae offieo FARMERLL &RUTLEJIGOr, June 14th, 1875. Brit CUSTOMN$ DEPARTMEINT,), O ttawa, Ma=hxc t;IU;l> tice, 1,pW~cet Rt. S. M.BOUCHI]TE,ý 4tf Co-misiolier ci qutlg. Anet the.c 4 I-s t,- -~ e a b T -Ie Si 2E B i t b,' IL on I Cie AV <- if tI~ ninvention havi Ir ý AV 1 1

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