Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1875, p. 3

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l9eat C rit »A,- uthezmla s 0 rat &Bdjo30lain tualIhoix li.srty cupport ahoul e an seanrd tirig.,,Pott, Franco. né IFrench Agsimbly la nov engag. dla'eleotlng mv.ty-lv. Ide mmbra ~the Benabe liteIy erganlaedi The em bhlles bave, redurned lhe, oat. #irlty cf thocs. eleotcd ýsO .feir.,M l a e 'thei.elder. of lie *,Gcvermwnl,, iougi l ection, a.ud tbcugb ncmlnaled twl wv a oeoafùl,, ad bus viti- la ealdbc, be diolpu~ed ab lh. resul. Thora le intena.orello4meut tironghout thiVeonuu ir lb. afatre-ati lie cpu test i l tpe.d ho have considérable affect on Zlb. t,.nc leoton ofD"rnties loe .Aaeombly, soonto, e oma u .A. fiey oSU ow la'I ii eyanGTe only way thallS eau ba solvedlfa for tie public tae&ea sud tse for -lcnele.T. & B. vculd peltyct le allantionte totheir ,âlg as4eli aucrtad stook cfERiglu suiead for tbôo"deoirlàg a obeap' * W"~o, butin very way nélluble saý 'tongauýL ppo-ect tlie-keepr, vculcd untenlstion ho thiesmovèiȏnt osIloo 'W., M. Avery. N7orooney could b. better lavetted thban lu eue cf their vatcor.. '7Tira. thâb tiey have aold are glvDag entlre satilfticu, sud bboy are aàeflls#thom i ntueh pries te plaue thero 11v ithit: o ali. ÂýAlo alar stock cf other «coda a ultable for ho i! daypreeae. haoauotb. asurpaaeed both. la quallty aud ebsaopneaL A atrictly caab ystoro. Orb ' Uneà0 ad a st, gays liaI ho isaffered from 'dyspepsie, more th"n twenîy-i.v. yeara, but liaitire. vealia' nueof. the. Pruvian Syrup (an Tron houle) bac beacfittod hlm nocvondor. foly tisa b cinhardly p 'uae hl- self cf Iéiiircliti, and people'whokicnow hlm m areaonfabed at the- change. Deeouber, tie, vif# cf -Mr. J. A. Shaw, of a a htj «RIBY ABKBTS. - cuncxcuz Onnaca, Dec. 161h, 1878. sprintgWiiet...... 96ca el Où1 Bialey,Nco.a,.75c;X o. 900 0$0 65 el"ver .............. 0008625. k Tlmothyl, ...... ...... 08000082 ]POaU.i... i........ ....700 33.lack MoPe0.WCOS Zye ...... .........6500700 ...................me gay ......001 potatoes .. . ýMo0 Egga ..........*:.-0.& Butter.. e..............i7e 0 20a. * Wood............. ....400014450-- Piïk,PeoevtW.......Id25 a 7 00( Chlekeiia ..85 a00operpalr Ducka prpr ........600 600 Applce, pas hchai - 40 0600 %Oie .........leOd Beof, fore quarter...... #$@os50 Ridespk.......... ...0 0 5 '0 Oniona ....o Tun.. ....... 2 î0 00& Coxrisxrer- aëme*ble cbaracter cf tiI.preparo oréS wil s general Lsvcrile ila vit~btiing ater or millk. -~e~le î Worka for P*e aaMpc Eatn roasuda d~d*VW-ono. >y"" i tI..Weatond Ire@, a simp aam, fr Con- - ser ,Lc~ma, starnh, TUTTLE d; go., 78 PiSMeam-t., . NEW ADVERTISENMTgï; rniiit:b;D Cïi OT ;à ' Io =ftnio1 - - -le. ~k, E- COa, i IN OBDEB-WTO M~.AX CLEARANCE, OF THEIR ý-DR YGOD S S TOCK ARE NOW .OMRBNG GREAT BAILGAINS TO mrm afle, asIJwUu. uada a0W étable, mad bu Lojb»wol. tus Houma, oonvemiiittbthoharu, uitable lor occupatlinbp A £ta= saiûnt, :"ca- Seaul Orahard cmllnn good fruit trea, boalide. ocumi bu aglaii.gardon. tThere in a rd01btilloboo Houa.'iti a oy roda o asIil Lare. The. SoUI. part Clay madpart aandy loam, sud fa ueo4a- ture land. The.»Milland l e atieb a suigmplgad cor.k bowlng hku th ore 01pa oLt. 1 lb -lasseof the, bmsaM-t nov in mesaon whIéh' dM . 7tk day toung et tlne .the. puhaa.r. vU ib enala1opotiooate parb'thor.otfrorn th. o d tec h. payamnt of th. vhole of tendëàwM o*,b. obligéd to fur. niali a Begtrar' abatrac or a cý'Opltofthe Rmre, and vl nDot b. obUla ofur ali ey deeda n u t ieleustod, orcoplea of tiie The .,Purobseer rahàll,.atlb. týme'oguasie pay domi a depiolit 0f ton r cent. of hlm parebu. mon. tote b Vodora or, lielr .11 toan sawithiZn one rnonth of the Sy Ofl e, psy the balance of the laid purim ment ëf the mafiblano. the pioc&rchia b.h enthted te a Conveyance. The other conditions of " mal aath. stand. izxoonitllcaofte CurtCf hanery., For iurthes paticlea ' oalonaiÉ &ÃŽiiUý , Bulade, arrlatera, Whitby~ su& Wbe O. Ebballs , olicltor, Toronto; and1 the. uzadragued Matel. Datait, ]th o9 Dor.,,1875. Vendora' 9 d4iir. nI OHANOE-RY SALE 0F FARM LANDS* i , IN TEM TOWNSHIP OF THORAH, Parsuant to a acree. and order of the Court of Chancery for Ontario, in a suit of DA WSONvs. DA WSOXS, there NMl b. solS by Publie Auction et the Queen'iE Motel, la inte VILLAGE OF?,C!ÂNNINGTON, CounbyfOzitarlo, on Thursday, the 6tlê 4ay cf Jany., 1876, at Twelve o'clock noon, l>y MR. Lnv FAim. ȈNnm, Aucîoneri, an. on, parcel the follow. hfqPo WeS thélb.North.half oi Lot No. 17; in the 1.tconcesson of the To'wn- Mhp of Thormh, ia 1h. Oocuty cf Ontario contalnng 50 Acres, mors' or lema; abouï thirty.Sive aoresaxan> clearel, tb. remainder ta ia bush, coataning elpà.and'beech. Thereisa alog hotu aabotROS4t., and a good vel cf vatar.The.ali aabout four rnlfrorn]Beoaotq andsix and eue-half from Cann#gbn,attoon hlte Toronto &Niplaalng 1 Rày-- The. purchaaor wii b. requlred, et the. lime cf Bei, te'pay low te the Mondor, or ber Solictor,- onb4-enth of th. prchase money, laid vitin one mout9~tereafler exeete a tttilorymôegàge ha thé lancS for #1 7&, e-cf oehàùo ooney, paable in M 14~ro date 0 of sl wIb ter. ost M>uniY, ïmlx àpar cent, 1te bs'cornput4 eid da.4' ihin $1,750, sud the saiS one-tenth, thé balance of the. purchama money. Tii. Vendlor wilU ho at the expeuma cf the martgage. The. urebamer viii b. et ithe sexomec f the ded. The cher cond tionac sale are lhe For furthqr.pA#tWulars, anS tontlitiona cf ae ap ' tc<eeasors. Coron, Me- Mihal& oldxe, solicitoro, ,Toronto N. F. Pattercon, Boq, feaverton;-andO . C. Kelier, Emq., Canuington. DateS December 11h, 1875. (IBO. H. DABTNELL, 61-Sm aser TO' THE >LADIES!I Again, my friendsansu patronasm&U, Your attention bore I vImblto cmli; The limes being bard, vo se» quiteebheap Each catiof-goode tliaI vo.keep; Expeamas l1ev sproits am.i, Ne credil, but lis sacifrom aIl. MTa tlui v Uo eir «code so low, Asyo*uumy spiorcus6cwoUlknow. - thanli echone for fanerd u, And riuit eFpbuaeul-at ~-Cash Customers Sfor Que ý-Month! THEIR STOCK 18 LAR'BGE AND WELL ASSORTED. 0 00-- NEW GROCERIES, FOR *-OHRI1ST.MASe. Just reeeived in ýail the different limes. ~~4lo alarge Szock, of Fine Liquor#aý 9r~ FARMERS PIIODIJCE TÂKEN IN EXCHIANGE. Whitby, Dec. l5th, 1875. Boots' f 51 and .ýSh-oes- F Ol TUHE HO0LIDAÂY S STOCK COMPLIIITE IN. ALLe LINES 0F LADIES"' MISSES' AND' CHILDRENS' ALSO, IN -, MEN8,'1 OY, dtgYOUTH8D'y ]Reme*m'ber-that KIEK R URBERS AND is offering, Hayejpst receliýed the largest, best assorted, and, cheâ;pést. stock of drockery and ýGlassware e-ver offered in -WhitbY, ahinaf Stone, end ýFmyToa Sots. In, Chintç and Faiiey -Dinner Sets. - rnChinai, Stonpea&Yaacy -ToiletI Sots. l In Paîrlour,, Table andl Be&room Lampo. -, a lass-Fruit, Cake e.adTrifie Dishes., ÉÏiGoblts, .Tuinhlers aýnd,-Wino las., In Table Sets-. AUI in NeW Patters, IrA N O T9 GOS-OR .P RE SEËNTS, Iu Cups, Saucera, Mugi, Vases, Toys, d&o., &oc. GIseON & SPAivEna have ail kinds of Choice.ý Family Grocenies,,. Beet Tees, Tobacoo, sud ail kinda of Fancy Pipes,Berna, Bacon,, Lard., Oymten of biees elbrandi alvays on mald. - f LîniaS AIli e aieyo 1*aving, been purchacd éproe]- yfor Christmas Pro- sent,they vilb h é l ch., .ad jîlieut reserèrve.- Pleapecali and examine for ycnrcéives beforé pnrciasi3ng SIeeyre. - The highest mnarket price paid in cash for any quantity of Good Dressod HEoga, Osas, SmallPesa.,, Marrowfub Poasa, &q,. As. GIBSON & SPARVELLý'S. ITh'e" Times Demand maIIProfit!1 c-, o c-, 'o Conserve your own Interests énd- save ail disputes in accounats by buying NEW, DRYGOODB- AND: OLOTHING fior Cah, Prioduceor'Orders, ~Yor CstQ o.&. pprt respeetfuly request.. *ed by EDIYWAIRD FIR Or$ T The New, Esiabls e4 snow oW Idtr inspection. The constant arrivai of NýewGoods and Latost Patterns and-styles,, mako each day a-=eGAND OPENING DAY!f What is nicer lor an Xms Gift than a desirable Frencli Merino Dres. The fullresof]énX r $fo 4.50, drings in. -New Beaver Jackets for ladies~~~~ jutRcie.I'S.our Show Casalfor ehrigtmas Gooa f1Joie. phine Kidl Gloves, 2 buttons, ws.rranted, whiah means tliat we give a new pair for eaeh paixithlt breks'-ii putting on. EDWARD FýZQ$TI 51 Oddfeilcys' Hall, Whitby. 1Whit by XýMA8 A ND NEW Pharma.cy YEA R'8PRE8EN TS -- M000 -- o VE SHO ISHas just received ,-and -opened- - V ___ _ _ ment of Faucy' Goods suitable for the tpriscs a -great nmany lw-Ilnnm AT -WHOLESALE PRUOES. Ladies' .]Rbbers at 40,centsper pair., OVERSIIOES! OVERSIIOES Mens' -Overshoes, at $1t25 per pair. ' éRmember that Kirk répafrs al C~ K IRiK, Wbitby and Oshawa. NEW . DV2RTIBEMENTS. W #lUIT AND CONFECTIONERY As ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 'tha oi alad ot flebobqsyfrle Obtauand And, viti Mùà. n utb1 a e te,' o er oiae Nov XLmas - y n, -NUTS, RAISINS, AnS '75, po f*f FdS Oe lfi3 S.. are 'ia FIa& Ã"p sWay. Crefad nh~e Tovulia ay$ OR>tP2zPéDATEB, Asààsbelwï,*<fo an« d chiciét FrsIGo-mW N.B-Stanplng 'donl illthe laloal desigué. - Aboagent for Buttenlok Pal IalieS Fruit of au, preub terno.,- yà.a . T0 E U4DEPZNDENT ELROTdiS, WàbY, Po.'14th, 1M&5 sè4*9ia T OWN 0F WH I TBY. E.,g he &cytionof te lr et I ieg ot -annoonce my URMonB1RIEN as a candidate for the o. ofcef tpayroevoatteraSFmr for lie Tovnbi Whltby, for1878.~ we~,1~.1h 17.5 W*t f "'15-*185 WbtJ.o. 141h, 1875. 51 eN -V.i qlàv l 5 T TE lUxcfOR8- OQWN OF W] candidate fer thi.e ceos comme mulcala e=tln Wenec4 v'g, D'c 22ncli '~ , h7e' tok tu i ési a InrUbr 'Cal> TÃ" THE PLTE~AE~ 0F TE c ENTEWR D 0P TB£ duceS tq cHermysaif ase a caiatea connol= =- && 76li te .nsnug, hprbeleol me, r=y beat £Msv~u i¶ b. soe céurs your laterenta, asdiii adoseatriet ocnoy in 1h. management 1 arn Gentlemen, iiuthe Sciioca f E6-àsfrekl &iUglndlvor li. ee&heobjocbof -*i odernouatrate v 4 of th. Bibi.. At lcorneille lhimac6ure1lM heSo io Rouie, ltaéviiol. vill b. ni, au 'ii are$l thé9l3~fe~ou alyab~. value French Tolt Bofies idi Bevel Plate Glass boxes, entirelyrn Gold, Silver- sud Gilt Smell -Botties,- Panian Marbie Statuar, Boheiman Glass Vases, L ubin's, Atkinsou's, Biaàmelsi a Large anfd Ohoice assord- Holiday Season.- The stock cern- and Useful Articles, sud splendid lled Fuy new, Faaey Baskets, iâng PuniégeaudPortmonnaies, a splendlid -~asgortmniit, extra cheep,- Albums, very 1ev, Glove, Bandaerohief andl Coller sets, and Ciequer Boarde,ý Douainoes,ý the Crown Perfumes, Portrait Prames, Toilet liats, , ; ';1 - -- Ladies, Companions, Gameof of ldMaid, Gents' Dressing Cases, Ink Stands, Y' Necessaries, Ink Botties,' Jewel Boxes, >Scotciwood Sets, Fans, 'Pearl and Tartan Card Casi Writing Desks, Wâlùtnit------Cigar Cases suda Boxes,, Writing Desks, -Papier blachie, Cigar ttans anSHolders, HIrur, Tooth, and NaâI3<ruÉsies, Meersciaum Pipes,,i Dressing Combe, Tobacco Boxes, 18 varieties, Toiets Stands, Gents' new, Tobacco Penches, Fýncy Trunke, Ninepias and a nice colle Papieterrès. - - Tos Also a large vriety of other goods and novelties. eo o A BARREL'0F XMAS CANDIES-,at 25c per 11h., or 5 llbs for $1.00, _- -Owing ta the. great success of£ eur Dollar Case last year -we have fitted uonaning 100 articleiý,4a our PpQ.ILçI 0&E. ýAs theabo<eQ0cds wee el bought for the Xmas Trade eàd a iiig t nivery cleà, sited10elten p'CA.l' ali& ExKrnine Our S. W. B: SMITH, J-JlieJasfL. H. Genzie ~Co. December 1St4 lff85l. ~ It~~J<~>I~ CIIOII3-E W4NE8 -&PUBq LQUORS U ,UWVSUALLY, LOWýPHICES. TMY ~s'imOaO0E -.8T BE E, E i~î In Dry Goods and BLANKETS 1 -BLANXET& 1 BLANK Several Cases bonght at Bankrupt Sale at le s thai - faturers' priées, Extra large and hea-vy at $8 A -SPLENDID SBTOCK OF N EW WINTER SHAWLS, AT WHOLESALE PR ICES 1 A UCiÃ" -MES O- - -ýFIRST NEW ANDI FASHIONA >BLE- D1E88, GOOD6I TOWN1fl' From 20 Cents a 'Yard. Plain and, Checked Aberdeen Winceys iu great abundance. Pri'ces sa-feoyto ail. READY MADE C0LO0THINO- FOR MEN, BOYS, AND OH1ILDREN. -STOCK ON RAND - A LARGE ALSO A SPLEN-DID STOCK 0:F TWEED AND. OVERCOATINGS!1 FOR THEý ORDER. DEPARTM ENT..-' Clothing got up with despatch and good fit Guaranteed, - BO0*0T S A ND S H 0-E Sý--! We are offering at a s ma1l advance, on, cash. -e'ar bound not to be undlersoldl. CaU il nd examineôdur efjoek. In eaoh departrnent wili be fonnd a large and'wl-eet ed stock of new and fashionable goods, ana prices to- suit- the hard tâmes.. Good sec Imomnthe oeeof IQU Pol Ry' Forutby eeber riustIxp T TE ELECTORS A fuit stock of Groorie8 oon8tantly -on èk-ad, 'TO)WN 0F WH' ITBY. Goode sold only- for cash, manufactura' orders and JAMES' SHEA. TAIjzLORi6a Sfarmers' prodluce. Osha'a, December 181h, 1875. FASHIONABLE Go where you can get a Well-fitting' Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishment of G.EORGE. GURLEY, OSHAWA. S1JPERIOR CUTTING SHAI>ES THE -WORK A Lare Stock of Fine Clotho , boit English, scoc"h-and anuaisn Tweeds. q*- Excellent Overoatingssuad, Splendid. Vest -Patterne.- good fit Guaranteed. GEORGE UQuJFrkhav CUTT-ERS 1 CUTI E-RS I THIE"LARGEST ANDý MOST COMPLETE STOCK OP Cutter8, Slei4'hs and Carriae8 m. O'DO0N0 V A N'S * CRRIGEFACTORY BROCK-STý*,- WHITBY. YERY OHEAF. CALL & BEE THEM. BE ST,-,-I' CH E A PEKS-T Allihe aolcitatldn, ofrn any al or my »rmessayopir represents- f Deýit3éëv. 'sionld you Soim. thé honior- teolecl mie"l have culy ltum"y liai 1 vil satin ti. lure asihave lunlbhe past, for ltéhebtlutorenta ofthé lova. Iihave theicaor tobe, -. * Gentemen, ycila reafpectfnly, - MAJOR HABlER. Whitby, Dec. 5th. 1875. - 60 Care ne b h. promnises of the aubiber,' Lot No. 21, lue th 51dofn. of Whitby, a two-year 0<1 l fer. The owuer la request- :d e prv rprty, psy prpnso,ancl talc.'M bersva. _ Whitby, Dec. dlii, 1875. 81n'.50 OA SLO ST.- Strayed ftornýtb.premisoa ci the. ubac7ri- .ber, la tNo. 16, 1h con. of Pickering, tbid. caves, two roI, one with witet.ar on t. toreheal, -the othor a light rod, and co wite. AUy porion glv gueah informak- lion au =j=f = recoti r y clURb. CHABLES FULLER, BrouzgharnP. 0. Pickering, Dec. 4ffi ,1875. .io.08in IrLIST 0F THE DIVISION., COURTS COUNTY 0F 'ONTÀ'R1IO, POIR IM TRVAR bM ARGAND, STOVES, "ARGAND ..STOV-ES Iwi1 We .-,believe -the AR&AND to be the :FC bestst-en the market, for Hall, Dmmig Bom, or Sit- Ame -, , -- -ting Roo'm. - Of-rié - HÂTCH &-BRO. OO0OK1NG STOVES, COOKINO STOVES. The - Irn DUike," and "Armstrnàg" areFirt-oassStoes iievery respect. - - Tvhe mas présents. _A1U gopde'g0 '~ed 'Cream A] Umm 1 LU n qd.- 1 YMtby,"]9ec. 1 5th, 1874.

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