Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1875, p. 2

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-J. obesa. eash' fo .lreofsed g Par fi' g*odtbe laken là exhlig. "W 1k. 1 a' 4 & Tu té rti fyeOf1tise towu et Whltby Totisst!teps-or tfhe townuofWhltbl .-L '~iraus Mr; blfsrgach'i 1Leture-ý Cli4sl.sl7 sle-A. G. UMeMihlan. »lvlelson rls-C, Ontario. Ooalectoety-3T. G. blCDoîili, Toyo forer li olda,F-J. G. Ysfcfugul. * iots aud sloos-C. Kirk. 1'rtce rAdtîccifor thoieloilays-0. Boys' beiglc-H$4tch & ]ro. Argand col stovà_-Hatcli à lro, -' Slver-plalel vare-Hatôb & Bso. QMLY Il 50 PER ANNUM. Whlby, Tbiirsdy,- Dee, 16, 1875. Adjourument ôf the Houe.. The uîtario Légisature'wllladjom for lise Iolldays ou Wedinaday, Deo. 22u., sud wllI re-assecuble ou 1the Thuntday Aelr New Xet<day, Wisers s. Obta iHoilday Supplies. A. ruai of hioliday advsrlseing liei w oveoymruue inuei of tise space ordîn-' arly devoted te other readlng suatter. In lice auneroue aunosueemssto 'of se mou>. gooâthin5 tise,àlane.reader of tise poiper tisaI eau faul -a. Le Intesested. All wll enasly learu at a glane. wiere ta oblain thloir iollulay supplies cheupeat m sîd beit. TIi. insuwvIs advertise are tisie moen whe' have l-teeî-l5ht kinul cf 40 g otisl l, vWho do Dotl ear competi- lion, sud whc areune t shamed o t e tlhuquality Qf vIsaItise>. affer for saie lîdeî'go tic test cf luspeetifon. Tié avanicions moey.gs-bbes- vienwants to Maie.cent per cnt ont of a vorthe- loe.article feus.le chiallenge ltho ligt oi ,ubio coupettion sud do.. not ad- vertise; Hô éin sure -lo be as smuch- b.- 1,usd tlse jge lIn the qulty, .I>le, sud lineof hi4 'good, and. lu 'everytblug olies, shlin a scvertlalg. Pstronlze * the e n euwbo advsstlse. Inuthe large aýray presd befors oui readers Ibis v)ek ne oueed b et-aI alois as tu -whore to btain tise bot sund cliespeul of 411l kindâh of holiday supplies. No New Counties. * Frow thie stahomànt cf HoI. Attoimey-Genersl MovuAt lunthe Hcuse on cnWd4ay, il appeaus thaï; no leis. - tis ,le b. bpenilul i i hrespect tL4formation cf novacounties Ibis %Oeulou. *!sls ii; i put a damper upon the" io.ts, 0( te aodats di thie- Con- tepae-new oocunt>. cf "Coucilci i ng" Thse following Ie thse question puit ÙsM. Novat sud hie ver>' dcflitle ro 1 tthie sunie. gr Ray. asked w]4»tter ie Geveru- ianest duiing tossioltnuell 1 ni*Juoe éa.geserai measWure vithir,- spfll 00pe enpy fratiouï, or ai-' 10'pv. elhe elsa ln l eethliea. f! ,b r.in respect tea uy particularfor- Ur. Moat-It ile net h. Intenion ofth overussent duîluglii. sessio le ltulceco sy mejunie îvfîh respect* .te pol<oquuttem, or Ins respect ho an>. parfloülAr formation, sud lise Goveru. 10111 appuise sàwy prii. elegisia- _*I1smol Coqitted for ial. *z-À14pasaJ la1mants§14 cson - * iot vlhUt1h. 1eauI ie soutragtedy,> oeoupled the .Police,-Court, Toronta dnr1atgý Weanooeday and Tisu-aday cof V-s w .. Alerherlg -iseldu1 As tg bMu, O'Ponovâis t cnildate bkt lhe mayoÏralty,vse no positon to state po*1llvely ho willoo.In.loil lasi veesk vsers e uly gtvlng don ta the general elpeohahlots, hit for -_sins years back h tilked abot-thst %&. '0'r vould maies a good Mayor ; tii loug exporienencs ueil matti tiat lie couid be depeulded npcî charge the diuties faihfnlly.' Tl certainly ther gentlemen- in i *hoi would do radit toa lise y sud Who pericape Would liavg more anxisty for lic office Il O'Donovsu manifeste. Ive ahoula like ta osee publie Il callod sdsaucplmathere ai witli somethiig cf the old, spirit a course would not lietnlil evenuhute lu eqriug the rigbt the tight places. - MORE LIGHTÃŽ Il is. nly s3glt tlesait thaèt, ai aboe.vas put lu type, Mr. Su assurcd us hois m !ot solicitor rail,y ; tisahIos i.mply mlic tIse DoinnionBauk, but la uot' ed for etier Mi. Holden or th1 wasy dompauy. He aise -if tiaI it le not 14r. Taylor's lInte be a candidate for municipal hi -alI the positive taementsr the conhuary, sull as ta thaï; gent msklng a personil canrase luo of là office ntwitauding. OTUER CANDIDATEs IN TE Fi W. aiise notice iat 'Ur. BI Mr-. Fairbanks are, respectively, fer th. suffrages of the, eleeters,- sud deputy reeve. ou &Bd *d -fot »*@s e sr ma in theuda- Os. nai. charge of hiidty. Thora wus no bat lsoth lhought or intenion ofcasting àa uer t, a u4:. mpca the ýople of tbe Senthe W.d. Qpoee fihio e il q4t I*Ntladed, sud are ilso well dsatiged thal the remsrbs beln>g,,, yps q &., snb as were called for by aare in =h 4aiu AU Ileo kuow Mr. Rob- whthur inscu will readily believe, s w. do, Ji$ribe aa~'tisaholîe4i> qift.espable o viug suY erpres- language ibat -wu$ not righit sud proper &llu to and eminestliy suitable toe b. ie aud ýas' beeu place. Parluts should remomber that )onovu cbldreu are proue to exaggerate, aud Ét ho haiti usteadof en4ouraglug theXiin lu Iis, it or$, aud lW the dnty of ail wlo have the wolfsre utie $0 ýf dl.- cf e iiildrup £1 boart ta discen.rage iera are the.ýpropeuevity.", Mr. Robinson bas the ho townusinxe of baing> ý'strict disciplinarian. Licition, B3ut lie le noue th* worce for that. And ýe mdcli we kuew-tlio nimbers cf theB.3oard han Mr. cf Edlucation will bogr ont the state- * met-th ian Ico lié came te Whitby mceting& lie lias taken an cartiett intereet in the isoussed ochooloi,-and 'eutaiiod upon himoeii t.Sucl mucla extra labour ln order to ensure 1eiy toe fficieucy Radsuccose. Werc lho tO meu iu etudy only hie 'own persoual case, lie miglit, witliout ineurring any charge of lamity or want of oversi-lit, have per- mitted sxatters ta drift sud shift in th noa the ad wuy,; but beinig s thorougli work- illi lias or, ftuI hlaviug, as woý have Raid, the for tihe mucese of the echoole wholly ut heart, Citor for lie do. not oeeek te spur. Iimsell! hé coc n-gives. bie work ail jiiis lime and st- ào Bil-î.tention aud the benefit cf.his utmoet- ,ers n usefuluoe, HIng said liis mucc, we ztion .1 nùeed scarcely mdcl that, whîle giving eneurs; place t e latbter, we have no sym. made ta pathy with thse iewe of the writèr, and tîem&suswe regret liaItithecolumus cf the aud ont CHONIeurLE slxônluI have been sieleeled astie medinu for doing agentleman, w1ýom *0e0o Ltighly respect as the' EL. IedMaster, %ainijustice. .ew aud *asking Municipal Elections. sereere CENTRE vin»._ Mr. Long is eut as o canidate fer couucillor for lie ttlsutre Wsrd. He ccmee forward os the adrecale o! econ-, cmy.. Bbouidib. eelecteui, sud carry mbt lie counil Ils. saine carefilnes exerelsedlbyhIirlu inte management cf hie owu busin ess, liesvoulà prove a useful member. LATR5T. As ve go to ps-su, a rcquisition to Dr. Gunu sud bils cceptauceocf lieý satne, ccusouiug ho stand for trio mayor- alby. lim beau hsuded lu for publication. DEATH or Tvo WELL KNovwN Toitoci TO Bauaîsrma.-Mr. Johu Dnggan, Q. C., Senior partuer eftlb. firme!f Duggaai k Robinson, died lu Nics, lu tbe South of rirance, (wiere he iad gàme fer thes benetf iliIealti,) a fev ulsys ago. Ms. John.- Bell, 1Q. C., expired very guadoni>. on Sahrday moruing, viaile the atteudiug physician vae cxamlniug lis ciet. Boti gentle-men vas-e veli knowua baruiaters, o! long tanding anal large praog.ce. MiR. YouXÀIsius CEILUnN'e CONCERUT ah thes Oddfallow's hall, cou Satnretay cvenung vas veil attended. Tise ver>. pieslng cuannouin irhicîs the ycungsteis acquilhed lliensslves, sud, lie superior ciarater -of te siugiug de influite credit te lis paiustakiug training. MnURaa cDY MMcu»Mrc.-A Part>. cf maskeulminuentersul thé. liuse o! iCa-ies O'Douueli cf Muiouey, Pa., oizeul sud bound hlîm ai cars-yiug hlm out the backw ay.shah hincleued. Tii.> aise miel ils brotier-ln.Iaw, sud sistes-, Ms-. sud Mis. MoAllisler. À enan nameul Fs-suieW6 ' zici, a mouchant 4! lie pace, has Leen Atreotea. HATC11 BisOuzan ha ve a.fulu stock cf Osaa Argand lssoves. Tie>. are supec'lor sud ne deuo itthe bonI heshlng coal-sitee la'the muciket., [Seo T EE Bxwavxe»FOOT .AND MaUrE l'a-osa gir.. a direct .ouhraàditieu te lite report tiatt hh footl md nionhi ulsesoprevsils lu Middleaex.Tiare la ne-,,foundslien, v.9 are - pieased te gerf h usmour. '-,Thues<s~Jb à taluf a' auwsie tnrulablg 0o,s lnbe found - Athe .slubisiruot o1, H. McBs-len. [Seo ILvered at Dufflule Cui4,ou.Oulla Day-t dvrduhnet~ihsiueoiumano', hould ara slarge attondalsoe. - - - Csuay!WISFiLsmz-Bll vos' d&d id W d Mollfer Jouni -Clents n Thssy !e btber ýw 6â,1'uef1, 'a- KArcg& Bailm ahaye ausesort. Thse follevwing is lie luiesh-vhicls wçegire iu addition ta îhê information already eupplied. A.. W. Eivers, Geo4ýsL J'obu, and jas. Holinu, for' reevé. D. Puc-dy, Peter Christie; J. C. Pilke>.for leputy-ieevo. Couceillors, Metsers. Orciard, Dobson, BuÙnler, and Movbri.y. ; PORT PEi<RY. Messrs. Nebi, Cratndeli,'. Wm. Joues and M. Currie for s'ceve. Ms. Biglov sys tIsat h. vl.inet i. aguin a candi- date. - EAST WEITBr. Mn' G uy retire$ for good. Mr. Luko sud Mn. Licie are uxeuiouad for rocre sud depuby. ecuGoo- For thse Island lbe naînes cf Messrs. James Graham, John Adam@s, uud tie preseuh roova, Mr. Patîcu, are meniu-, ea. UXIBRIDGZ TOWNSHIP. le ountitied thueyear ho a seoned - deputy. The candidates are J. B. Eriasby sud J. Bl. Gould, B. Parker, 4 d. Major, T. Todd. Severslochier' naines mouliouod.. uxnIUcnccsaVILACILe. -Mr. George Whciei-, ex-Wardon. i. out vibli au adds-sss, for reeve. Tic pesent reere, Mr. I. J. Gould, viii alo orea candidlate for re-electon. ,TIJORAi! IVilI aise be euilld ho a deputy.reeve, ancd coneequenhly, vo undestuud, b s second rcererientative ho the County Councili hies yean.- Anothor Lie Nailed I Mr-. D. Cameron, one o! thoesiombers for the Souths Ward, sonde us bis folowiug iu correction of anothor fals stateeuet neade in tie Gazette Iset week, cocerulug Ms-. Drapas-. Reo ia aise seul q.copy ta eus- untruliful con- lemporury. To tlîeEdiior of ithe 1ihitby Clroîide DÈsA ises: I notice a sitatemtinth Ie "Gazeile" ho teo effoect liatMs.-*Draper didi not cousuit hie coieagues lunlice Council titis year, ase the. expeudturs of lie mouey in lhe Southa Ward. Tîcere is net a psrtiaie of Irubhinlu heie tlmeut, as. Mr., Draper did conunt wihh Mi. Bilow as weli sscyseif, and vo ail liree did agrce as ho iow sud.viere tIhe mouey ehouluiL e expencled- . D. CAME BON, Whco saReprescn& tbc Town? To' Vie Èditor off/te WAUtby C/ronice.. tSm.u I fous- yen are iitaken about - -M. Dooruniseig %andidate for, lie M&yoratty I? 1lane itfrcin, liaI gon- lIeman U hlieseif thâhatld'motel visi.te' -lca éicaudidahe. >'Mu. G. ,Y. Smitho la ho be tIse ciniuigminu. Mr.'H. Il.Taylor, o! lie Dominion Bani, e-is l be candidats for 1h. contre W-sud, I anc told. - Boeîx-iaving lýis oinion tools o! lie Saine itutIhlon su ai b., ÉaÙsltâyîa thb.eeuc eainterests are nol likely le bo neglecteul. I msy letIci bave mnu df lderuene. h ceuti&ted tl i fil1$1h*ie jcfhtutlislie tis ejroaI'u UÃ"t IV néor beOàfâuu 'bhr1 iietiii ità Wcié[M lias b,o shall be a man Wvi $nt llasnoa, bok sià vinieof anohheer represeUîis u 'htereste, vlchI na>. bo'autageuislle hi mmcl>. respecte tle i. ruê 'interestie of lie lovu. - Toniuly>, WIby, tiju&14, 1M6t.- - & ehlt bua, Jein Bell, Tics Blake, 5 ft SebW ci, lams fl.lTat .,-tib .- Sea8on! meoruey woueu ine ameUm . 0"1muc, audit would bc' for 1Juin te oay Wbýetissrlt *a#-iuffiblaut te pise. tb. prisoir onlMl tiasl. 1%0 .pubieé business before the court, h o yed who elotea ta be t1usd wftholtsàJur before lb. eouutyr j«Mige.- BIs teperi. once vas tisaI lie 1e vas a aluSIts law iu tht. respect, that'lt workedéY, sud ensbied the court te get 'thircunh thse more sorioli cse e selu¶ Auchher eoUtemplatea change lu h law, lie vas glad te notice, nov befoie the. Logistwr-the psyment of cria- mnal wilnesos., This vas au set of jus- tice to, a large portion cf the commun- ity. If as outrageons -to comspei vit- nesses te attendat tbefr own expensa snd ta the negleot of their owu business ho orre théie nhereés o f tbe -public. And lie had uo doublia hâttat bad state of tie lxw had frequently led tasà mlecarriage.of justice. Ho vas Yvesy muahioeed a h heAttoruey.eneral liad taken thie stoer np ; it WUs only rlght, and whaîtIhe counhry-vsute,, sud would lead te lthe botter delectien sud pliiishiment cf crime-sIen if fitdld lesO te additionul expense and lesseeué thse annual surplus .Whichlx go, VVMr- ýmente Wisbed te sbew. Hio idsnr next pointed ont the daty cf tie grand jury te viil the gaol sud make i<nown the stute lu which they fouud it kep, sas well as al cuber cuatters Ilial came under Iheir cognizance, ic their present- meut. COUNTY COURT. Don' vs. nWluUby tt Port FerryR'- Action for lose of siieep illed ou rail- way trsck. Ileserve&. W. H. Billiuge for pîtif., Mr, Falconbrldge for deft. Weduesay, ticc 15th. Court opeued s 9.80. lutliceucae cf the Queeu vs. Robert -Ring, for ai-scn, ,lh- grand jury brouglti l a truc 1bill. bIterinx Sessions. DEEReiu 5110iSNOR JUDOS DuURHAM. Tinrsdsy; Dec. Mt. TEE Rsrz CÂs.-Join Coulin üe- quitted. lu tus6 case the prisouer stood indict. ed for stlcmptiug ta rape a married woman naised William.s, tlie vife of a colored mnu,:residiug two miles north cf Oshiawa. Mr. Farevell, couuhy At. toruey., proseouted. Mr. G. Y. Smithh defeuded the prisoner. Tii. voisu and ber darkey liubaud were eîaMiu cd on behuif cf lh. Crown. Mr. Smith .5ii.1 a YvU Ufil tnAseses vue àwore tuat risewas lu Oshawa ut lime cf the legdoffense. The judge cousidorod that au alibi lied been establislied sud dischurged Coulin. CoNvscrîmD Fou LÂRcEi-.EdwArd Morris vus couvicted cf lie iarceuy cf an overconh from the Lockiart House, Oshawa, sud vas senteccd ta tva meonthe'hlard labour lu the couuhny geol. Mr. Farewell yrosccuteil, sud Mr. Sinith deferddne primoer. Legielature of Ontario. FIRST SESSION THIRD rPARLLk- a MENT. Weduesday. Dec. 8th. Aftersrutuine, .bc.message wae roceived frem insi Honour the.Lieul.-Govss-nor, sekuovi- edgiug lthe Addrcss. Hion. mr. moviat moveul the adop- tien *Phc report o! tie Comuitte. te strike Standing Coiniittees. Ahtlise requesh cf Mr. McDougall, lice namne o! Ms-. Merriek vas adleu te thie privte Bille Couamittee ;- Mr. Day- itou e: naine vas added -frein tie Gev- es-cament side. Aller soins discussion îelatiug ho tise nov contitution of the Public - Ac- counts Commilhce, lie mnion was cas-- led. In epiy ho Mr-. Ray, Hon. Ms. Moval said the Goveru- meuh did net iinlenul during thie session te propose nov ceunI>. formations. lu reply te Ms-.'Robinson, Hon. Mr. Meval eald tlec Govern- meuh were nov negotiatiug for the pur- clisse of the llockvood Asylune aI Kingston. Mr. Baxler moveul fer correspond- once reiatiug ho the Tor-onto Eye sud Ear Infis-asi>. Cars-led.. Du. Macinsion movedl for~ relurssof inquelts lin l 1874. Ho did nol ap- prove o! tic systein by wvilai Counh>. Attorneys oouid inquire Jutethie cl- cuinstances o! inqueshe. Hou. Mu. Crocie s sid thýe cijoat o! thal liad been le correct grave abuses. Afler smie debale the moction vas carricd, Mi. 3ehhune mareul for correspond- anc. seliug le tia disaiiovance o! - Provincial Stshuhes by tie Goverucur- Genes-si, ana l sin luregard; teatlise re. cent Dominion-set reipeellug summar>. triai o! filabbYýMïg'tras- Mu. Lauder moved thie second read- ing of thi., ffiUte amendthie Aduriei- tration cf -Juistice Ad. Ils objeet vas ho lc akes ont o! lieGoresnmeutsisudand thie contuol of municipal adrertismnhs. non. Ms. Woed moveul a six meontis' hIcsl. - Be puîoucsed Ihîtt hie (ovoru- mont vili brlug dovu blegisiation upen tie aubjech . t Aft1er> ldixgdIsussnion, -Ms-. Creigitous movod luincendmnu to t le .Smepdment liaI conulbraienof thle Bih h. defexi*d for lvotw,,,wë. ~in, order liaI lie me un ugin >lu"ase- essàieo! li te f .5S '0k; fer fh eer- once le the, ndevdiosapion. Thivaslltb 41 te8. Tb.awn,,aud meut vas carried ou the sains.division, sud theHowse%djôwn@ed aI 1.;O tLî-m.' - TiursdâandsuI Puls.. Tise princi pai business 'blor. lb. 11oes. ;vase hu oîzsedertion ol thc. Bnq.pplll, severaliemeis o!.f h ver. - - u. -:- -Moeday:Dee lBtis. M.Curule Iccve&tbheoudTaadfondng of bils biUl-teconfer: zuanboo sufuaige. Tic. Hou'-i.dvidead-Yess, 15; Ns>..,- 87. The otier buLsiness, vasof an. unimpertaul eliacter. , The adjourn., meut took place St 5.80.- The Bouse a in veullu * commit- FANCY GOODS. H&Ving bonuht at hepresen deptesued pin," of. Nw Goodai GR:EAT BARGTAINS. CAML AND SEE GOQDS AND PRICES.1 1WÂA-ii.MI ELGIN and Gold RUSSELL and Eilver Cases 1 GOLD CHAINS,- GOLDINE CRAINS, ALBATÂ PLATE OHAINS. SILNER SETTS, GOLD SETTS, in colcred sud Bright G-old, GOLD MROCHES, GOLD EARDROPS, SOLITAIRES, LOCKETS, SCARF PINS, STUDS, GOLD PENS OHEAP., CHEAP Gift loO'kè,,! TOy Book8. W. save Dono n basA lis te Xmu 1usd., ltse Lages,Oisoleeslsu d Cisop- ust Bloo if 11msudToy Bonisever sievu ln thse Tovwn M Wblby. AWe au1 lb.énov suvais feior 87 lueludlng Hour, BaudsaI hok eGac Waud@'. leabo..LltlhlioihsLIIIIeWUA4.WSkS. Cblidren's Friand, Infants' Magasine, o k., k., Ac. TOYS, TOYS.- No stock ase.xpensive. No stock so clceap. OuToya bave beu purhasd ou tbe Most sulvatageons terumesu PENCIL CASES, viii in soldant'exluavsgantly 1ev rat«s. ICome sud exusulue for yeureo1 AND HOLDEILS, SIGNET AND, GEM RINGS. 18-Carat Wedding Rings,1 -and Keepers. Eieotro-plated cruets, PickleFrames, Butter Coolers, Fish Carvers, Milk and Sugar Bowls, Cake Baskets, Tritys, Table- Desert.and TeI.4 ns Table ana -Desert Forts, ,Call Bela, &.. Desks, Work Boies ip >" Standi,""e'olsuent Vâsesi, Toilet Sets, Speéctacles,--Jet adVlnite oods CLOCKS 0F 1'E BEST 1YANGT YGOODZ,1 A SPLENDID *STOdK. Wouk Boxes, Wultisig Dliii, Poalfolios, Ladfies Cempaniond, Glove Boxes, Col- lau Boxes, &a., Le., J BIBLgZO W. vould due! speelelattentim o on abokiu lu thase Unes, sa fdtihul aDOn- whera ais.*cen sefu a in isa. assortissent -:011- C0NCEUT~NAS, t--t t ~ F~UTES, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, -4 o c» i.- z D o o ln -J o ~pI o ta-, ~ <'b - ~ - s' -J o ~-4.; ~is.,J ~- 4~ 5.-a RIS - '~4~ ~s1,. Ohltfrjf ~ >' -~-~ f~fli I -3.~ ~ I sn5 .~- v4~ lowing lns s~at~4 /for ourseIves DpOOllly for the aaou: -,hl: 1 - -Wbite Oýxford; Zelhyr, Be- LC sÂ#Obd, 1 avRee Dufein, pOttgwashks mn dthe »om wed CUFF s-: Ont'a4"I ,1evib1e, Oaàk fBuaet nfsiae sIr cm- TIES ."asot~Shâapes ani Cl ers, Du&e, BurlingtouMar"hl, Cha ÉpienAtiahioe, King, Sireet, Duke ofEdinburgh, asud 1h., "lIn. mure" manufactured expreosly- fou oursoves, and puoncunced to e the nobbiestel w oru. B 7J-A-C B. in Silk, Elastie and Webb. HANDKER-CHIEF'S in Silk, Linen aàcd Oambrio, G L01V ES: in, Kid, Buýok, KMa Freuldsud Mihts. e Doe, Cloth,ý a lurge Oiock of Mùflers from 80Oots.- to $3, Soaârfe in White sud Poney celer, saahes, Céfs, Iktts, Bocs kiù Wicol- en sud Linen, sud a complet. S#o~ oh Uuda*cotIsisgýai puijies frqm 600, te0$ aplee. At splid e-in 'Studs, Blojove Buttoina,ý7"balu» n, Ou.- féellove'insof 1he beel -quulity, Handwitini Boz.8insjmj f for , régents. LWu en1 u Citron. soaoniug sage. auyM 1 'CxI8TI~B., ISOIJITS.-Bodm, wlu1 e, Waler, Brovu Meal, Leso, Crier, Praire, »rnthY, Azrowuool G. uta.. 'Slta sud rae > 'imel Teu for 4-00. 8LTGA BOT-TLED GOODS.s-Xm -m JAMS.Croes & hy.Gren- ggPuadBlack Currant, as.arp.o Basisrys 0-Btravou, au .Ru- JernELbaiE .av' otBs- bers, pple sudPs AppI.. r Cros Blckeel l'IwCbesrron-w Raeflnc, -Cdes uanTe. beur>., Bhua, T . Gie Capwers. Cuuh, Peu, E ac Mi'e4 UMInlewýofla Pue Arovoo lr. iOJnpr m.Pree GOrsn Ssh.Fsi semi>." for t wor th lonDg. amd rior- Thi of- the -Major Bfféet Tiareo ie soi let i stfock Taybo D- votnai givins Of a do ca Butter, Duhck s] Bye - tgs lm Bwur r -mù- imle Düuka Luke Appsj J. c TeeM Plf~f t j s I. i ,-tt 1 ..

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