Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1875, p. 1

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TIIITis UmeI~ - l 1.tu . n..m o Jbo 0 15500k, BrookStreetWlslti ATTOETiY~p D DUGG h R BON, OFlO-PravI, ZfsâÎ ag Build Culm TSTZiÏT, Taoroo T " CLERI AND A4SUlIIÊ wtby. OSe-Tomal.Hou frm9ta 1a'ol. K!vl . .9 M'm. PeMtrDir, Noe xé, J.RCq%-. W~t bu. IjA8X»i~ . sor ta .LH.Calt Wbitby ovr r U.Imsola Stare. Nitrou OZ4 s dusltered for théa palinis..el Imientpricipeuof tii ri &s'O" th 0" , an negood a. ti bs. tilled I 'd l ad Sud51vy Talthb ntrwt.d wthnt ain, by producinl W daI.tin De l1omu.4nCa IfJUMUA»,,BVBUILI, TULER AND CONTRÂOTOE, ~-be~nÀld ~T4, vtUa~ - jî i H-AM ",DESSINGANDSiAviNC XILSaoon BookqsL,,,llyE, JOHN- 'CARTZIR, rioi tIMIiER 1EROnTg*, OABPRNTEIR sud Jiner, Grm Street, Wlsltby. À hoAtlseril,Coauuty 9zQsrlo. Athai, '@tPt. InA, 1872. 8 Ç.14 ~ < l ~~ 01PP oirol. Pla~sisà6.II~a, *Iso*~*.è. WiittUyV1i*iOh,5Idý , 4 i. POWELL ..POREOB I h. , Lý h ,PRPHETE b TCundeiQed reta fiz&rns J~1~d. At t h.e'heaetake , wkwtl fq l I. e' !a a for m au bd ï, eA -- ciao , aeastà,eo. e .e ai 1s.foraeateIu. s tO0 ~ ~ OUGIS ,OTEL, :J T> f- OR .. -, ' e 0P - J8JnQ FioInuanjÇ i7f aada, ý i4biii. w.mssti* sreg r tseLi A= h HaLO Q-5oG Tr2.te p lisd c~~î. C~? A o~~Uao t bot4 bent'b lli~r ntusT lbu.pqnnty. Noue t ab0~ *u aCnîse..ratkiep. Camsu 0 psy ovris .~N ', baud A Bll,17sI YOUNG, ug70 '--i -~~> --WMTAYLOR, P FR RITOR. 77 ~LATE W. I FG W. Lt dato _TI ,H OM E N U R SE liY, Fi INIf8RN'C)OUWPA N YÎ -JFroni tva la tour Yearàof ag,.nbraclug al ý .1 -lisebout VaranlIs. uaoýý icags a4a , prop I., 1 EU~ ISN stdiita 1 aims.- - r Pot ,q,-r- 0QÇO.VUL, Âgu: Boa, it 0Wbl$lsy, Jun4i, 1878, 2 ;W e- W M1F q pSRBNC9I COUPAK c iIAN C@ ~ ~ Ametlon if'OoMmission Rooms, CAPITAL STOCK, - 4 ooo pposite BDisciHetl, Kut, Oshawa. "£NT r Tsamuva aszZA31, liogrlar Sal e e-oy at 0' sC -~~~~ J0.F -OL - aftelioan sud Ie-nln. FirsI sale o'sI *OEHHLIN DnIIooKLIvl ONT. prday, tise lOtIi.UY Instant, at 1 a'clock, ',AIs- Agent for lie CANADA FA1lMERSI .uCulsneîoliei 'o ~ <r sales lu To asudcouutiy couie~ r. -MUTazlNu~Uc~ OepAz4Y uual: For 1'rma; A c., uliy auBSa tgd ffssHpsua. sd itoome, Oshsawa, oralt Ofam ie, btby. svhltby, July lst, 187. , 28 -Mmpm,«nB=i, - }4x PANO. BraolluDeo 21*. -- 1ma4 - INOINO ANDMlGNCAIj AGT TH E M. - £f I F GN, ed Tlg ta anueune Isu hsqwlp Uusertslro liethe istructts u ils plana, me- l IL o bodansd ,prga,,onrau. "ble~ TORON T 0. AloS iugg -s S Cub Prof,. T igUW14 Pl4sslasd.- tcansd Tise m t El AI;c Mîy d fect Prof. H. Lub or hetlanted Saav iija zot 2 zm u - b.e uie fr Çoc oléos md - - Whltby, 3u1yjXth, 174 ~ TrhiHoojý#kuolçdgg rvýLeltisor tou.InlualtteÇr espect t a its GE 0RG-E G Ùi-4k1L EY, guiesîs a churmlag sud uaercle- ai LIe.Ossirla k.ERCHAXT, TÂ'IL99iQSHAWA, tUr Tisa fluast Waterspe vvi"in- -j tnvites an etaniuifflou a b Is onaoer PMCGAW hWINETT, o>ielt au udObstl, 0ail5adlancg'uM peu n 1po g g e a Poerot fit, -n-ruA r~r-n-~-,ct HURCE tYlLèeuct ansd irornpt eur. SOHOOL, Hall, Lodde, orne. Cabinet Or. Oshawa. s». Boutinlause.,Seus! stamp fer ciron. Oshawa, July 87lf,16 TMr. dreua DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wasstul~,N43 J I .) T7M. WI*mLé.ox, irirBNES, SDDLRY. LICENOED' ALICTIONfER RTownhp.awlh îin fhe premies apl th Be *«2Brlllsh A2ns-. E p usone ts Arlesu iTtel, Dnssdss.St., Witby, viseru Fge b=e for tdu*.gplop ont Seo vilSeep ou bud asaupeorastock af yura(-' . 's csejhEal i e l.a-em s0il alg59 . p tise, business 0f I tilb lend4 arOpromtMd ýW st tItbu» Satsfctin ia&toES meZpswayr or~gn~eeu bensia 1er sales h. 'allsCm t hl~yObsmvWee k3AEÂTOGA TBT3NKS, th, lm -r: LaZ% AN.I$9- Ja~I4.187j ---4 - N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Z<ý .pa s ~ L i W a A.TOB MILrr04'-- T.~~i W.W-IT il1, Oui tb14115Octaber, 1845 - bat tiaMajor IEM,, vbhottFI prepa"d ! o pay~ 3010100 Stfiesud '#à lin bade ontl4t. aîs> quauti st- cals ttetnti von te oction sz'Owza.( Li HbeÈ. 'A coilection tealZ* er, ffr t Aâ#M 44~r1p Staidord. Oper~a Sangs sàlectedfromis ie the m iiiwth tiai gristin. ta over IR . LJimeson's, Dnudas-et. * ~rs 8isors lts.n in a d a i tihebeoa it ,asd Z1'itySept. 1, 1874. . 86 TP. WMTE. - Wtt1L:DgY Und U.5e -Toxt ,oe" -WHITBV &OSHAWA- euccsv .8o uhl6 IM T'T" AWMNýWKJuX LavsTWICE A DAY 1- Su rN s-oS LU. Son , w Nom~Leve Oshawa at 8 % m., sud 2, p. ni. gl, 80 N T lngIo itZ ioi to Ls Whit Iailtse0isoaIsm, sud a, p.riva sdMo 'iag,. s oj< fly lstr 4eloral metncit eShar acl i tfisls Far, 26 conta osais w&y.SdMrliogabutfU lusai WIll b. ~ ~ ~ rsidences <wisen orders Jaa.f Tuesday, fie tes. a - connecta w Oa"sel.Pul 1.t1$1 tiAi B n ani ian P ar t e - al o w lu theR 1 < S S vnAtWitby, Ma&rechOtis, 1875. . cl-tf cn, atnd'Yossnsa PLAms. Four colie ujsParl¶W ______ asyPianoMuisitlef muent frcertinamomen mt isbe Act aof 00 oration, anid'forithe comi4eration o~ fl ~~»-yOliiigplayerasat of tho pieces bel ehi otiser buun as,. *-- jgii b . withont octaves. Each voL l.: ,75ý fre nisp meeting. brli -IO SE. ' NE . bord.; clatis sud gilt, S.0 err., 41JÈ MitUu-R~ jy_~i~,~ ICwoIEMsiEA. $175' Acolliettunl Danceit Mui. . 75inboards; cloth ai 49- AU>~ Âldescriptions aofishe boit Hors. Mesi-. Gazp»ax oCmixzs. A choie.collection j 141aiqo. ko>st au~ntly on jssud sud for sale ai Parlor Msio; by Ch. Kin'kl. '*I.751 - ~ Jse. -Llv1ysga1.t;'- I -bo"isla;jathâis dg ,.12e5.ý 1Tr'ALE LBPROPEBTY FOR SAZ.1 LtNo charge for advtco. SznnBSa"WÀaames, oa.; JrIL ÂsltId v~s.': ~.i ~~r: -di siwë N. B AY. Peters'Jition 'tise anlýy comiplote cop î'the fui! waltzes as- played I ~ Çiarsh= ,'Orchestra. 88 ia boards; alot] G00"D NEWS FOR THE LADIE S. PsnaiMLo.-clltoniDa St. Peter Ste.., la lie Soulis, Ward. Aloo, I N W-sdPratMsi.$ ubad;f llfq~~&ajsfflq JE4 s LATION IN THIE gl, Lii~~~e 1ulfat, arao wmn "lý4 Èk, .- PaTxzs* PABLor 1SXcïVo;L L Our late id cltivtioncorer -eninema SCIENCE 0F DBESS-MÀKiiiQ;* ,auJ bout Piano Musia af moderato dil - - -~;culty. $8Sla baarda; Il glit, .- t ar1,uh od. lAs,' ___LA Cisaxa DELA Carma. VOLS 1 I >, ~ . A20- 5 OBNWALL'S SELF-kItTTING A allsctanaf Choice Piano Music, h Oi~au~sls~Muray, a. Nariseba jyozij SHOJLDlI.HARTetc. This ladi In~PM~t1L'~IMJ .Dresse& fittes i rom messurent alan. luintise market. Bachs, $8 la boards, in ta ail the aboya property. For ilisrpr.j itlsouî change ai a stiigih. * gilî, @4.*mu tlaulru aply Catisa vuet.~ a.2f For sale. with f ree instructions, at B'yvss oaa. v~<i Wbt~~ ~~ FRANCIS CLAilK. MI8SMc1NTYRESCVemsWiZLlîlsinnai10.* $-WQ; tIoitau, $2-50. AUlu ahif pap ;- a v it n MéZAuer'sS ONT~AS. Fus Il u, 53.50 Wzaaa'Bs PuIAOWaai<. Fnl gilt $6L Malles!, poat-paisi, on receipt af price. L- Des-gmta luforsu hua ftlendssud tise pnbýic ,tis h o curies oms thise1.very busiuesa t oecau ho accosusodated at s mosua1'as O;TTO*-?m Foa A COAL- AND WOOD. Ai lakndsf airdasoSit Coasi canss« iug ai the celebrates! Laeksvana, tScra Fan rqusutlttos ta Bbscksmitisand oth ta Waadcilse lcgmtl, centsper- cors! *batement off uai5ý prices. Bond ini your A. ALEXANDERIg üq -~ al snd vood iepats. KING BROTHERS,- - WHITEY, ONTARIO, tmnuvo, M U&tWS.&ma AK. .u....... au a . i o O S F R S A L E . SAgents vantes!. -Liberal luducents ta lise trado. , -, '* ýý- - -, s; ý Wiitby, Ang. 18, 1874. 84 J GENSON JICUSE, FAOT SMARKET SQUARE, TORONs-O. W. G. JOHNS(,!Ç;, -- -PROPlIETOB. Tanise, 61.00 pur Day. Stabling sus con- -ucoliqi- -t s -s -42 lIEAMBICAN HOTEL. GEORGE DROWN, PROPBiIETOR. Thisfirat-clasi n. iibâ ' evwy Si- tes! up aud renovatus! tirongisout, and sf- lords snîler a 4c6md* ai4 itpXthe recep. tion af guests. Thse prusent proprietor ha. spires! muapains or arpme in u ltradnctng every lmpiofemsnut tiWtiwbuld Aelld ta tisa comfart ans! cous-enisuce of hia pattons. Toronto, Jnly lotis 1874.- 29 E S 1NFE '0 . NS 0F A VICTIM. C.. Pubîlâed as a varutng ans! fattise banefit of YouuwMac ans! otbers visasuifer iasNROUDEBILITY, LOS0F MANHCOD VITAL POWER, ée, Is-mg bis ruies of éell-Cure, after mnuci s'suifeén and ex use,- sud sent free on receîvin ga stamp for returu postage. Addres, NATH. ANIE LMAYPAIR,. 0.Boxl58,Braoklyn, Now York. ôOm-27 V ALUARLE LEATHER AND> 4t1. Cash pis! for Rbdes Balk,&hé.: Leathet attotches!. ta-ýýLIN MA) TO ORDEI ON ?.fsy, 1 2.- 22 NiEW STORE, JUST OPE1]1ED. G,-CAlL W-M. JOHNSTON.- tPlauglie --an ns!Pongi Cantlugr, Straw.j Cutters, Fanlag Mils, Iteapersaniud rMdwsi po, &o., &c..i -WM. 3OHNSTON. ,Wiltby Oct. 131h, i875'ý if-42 Q UER eNSURANCW/- 0F LWOêL kDON. qAPITAL, --$10s-000,000 à. A. SAYNES, ESQ., M1.. Boa! ffice for t6nuad: loi& 1luSt 1u0siltis, 875. l4 irhilte neslng ASauth rue>' dduoee! si iAlUsko1,a&tE~risls TOWN OF WHII'BY. Lot No. 1a su Section A., front an -Grasel' Ross!. Lot No. 10 la reïraun WUblàraMt. Lot No. 8, an Brook St. And! Lot No* 8, -n test ou WIllam Street, Section C. ; - 11- Tise pro p cmt>' aitise lite William Law- ronce. AM y«ton Ca h -=acle ta tise un- dersigusi- -. À EP-JOE, }asa.Executors Or f0 -- YEOMAN GIDSON, RPODT. RAMSAY, M. D., L.M,3)N Gras!uate lwith oori) oai ibé, Univ-ersity of Queen'a College, C psdfi, Phisdelpi rUnis-, ai Medicine as!Ir, %2neua oftv a enusylva . o lUage af Penslsansa sud - -i- ;oMicofic althe Unis-, ils!- liud. Cor- oner lorthSe County taria. OMfce- Coldwater St., i's. Àagust24h,187~i - lr5 -~ ~ ~~~t Rayba4lbensfor frosu Tva ta T Tvouty yOas, at lav rates of lateroot, vIlS. ont &auionsc, ans! At moderato changes. Pris-at. Funs,ta Leud.ai Appby la- - 3 EB. FAREWELL, - - soicitor, Brook St, wisitby. G -OU, MBi&M jTiH«ýoi L 0FAGE Il Ç - MÂWB MOEE eLW J!s ofSof WEITDY ONTARIO. sutomomi, ..ecsyoet55'4Y -- tise bac, - o-,R. j -D ~IS4O r E'aN~ia vou-om- SAzrc UOIOER & Toteuseeusan aer manoegud te.S I iabr pri Ans! <loeai Cosusulilo»n Agenit, Port ko v cQu= PuuPas bs, TIhen rem ______________ treugth ai 11mb s-ailBeautyqf Oasupliso,luo --oily 9 -28e. ow 'Parfs- eossuitiig PispMga-sof Timoto>n ' I~~~~ v~~il fii.d hlm Pafét r iecIiébe asd'irt-taig âger---y in ery patllouuiar» Brodieiila e- -wus I Xlng St'ýa lovdoar.-ai J. L. PETERS, 813 ]ltaadway> NY AGIIAPMIIODESCRI1PTION DOMINION 0F -'CANADA AND ITS PROVINCES Mgn Newfouudland, lie Nbrti-west Terri. taries, Anticosta ans! Lab-adar, vitis au Ap- redxcontaiun' g tnfornatton aI esp-caa l rest t a th e£ M igrant a d a Tale o Routes, A Msuiful book ta $end ta frieudu le tise Ols! country. PRICE, 5o CENTS. Senstfsce aon lbcc>f a! Price. LOVELL PRINTING h PUD'G Cle., DRY (IOODS A." GROCERY In orsbsr ta meet tise grawing vanta af tise locality tise subacrber bas beeu ladluces! ta opeon buainess in tise aboya lino. A Large and well Selectecl Stock -4-l i -e udaity 0 ta atlieau be purcelaintavu orcity. -GIm n ua cail, jndïe for yonrself, aud if yon dan be as. eli euites! asusevhere patronize home tIade. D. MCI3RADY, mons8Ssana iCorpore Sano Ans!lay. >oaqeribe yonr alment, bioy long cuirn;, giv. your age andpmet bualssis isaecInf IIVEI 00O URED IN 'S i M0NJÉH8 - - 4iwL3ui- Y" oit,« Diia for la, Snaisla fate uisr'tlsè .yanugg fi, foir ama D aiy V Icolat'.G uar dlian. dàrk abus! buwg upon lie p su isa of ,ea li l i 1 m * - * ~Claude Rebella, ana le vas blsieveLa te I Daiy Vitor sa it i e 'front w1»li e b a*cOlsi, y nial ,mn Of theq vrl, p e h ds . d a f i b e r p l e s s a i i L c o t a ge .b i o e 1 » i w i o eObnd n i i s d s t t s t r h e eé h s ic- little N ew E ugl sid village ; - ud as er u-ans! r a is out t hfe b r'lgt e so f f " ele à eo ye. -wauderod'across tise moadow.lsnd Daiay's lue, g Vw fot ai lset , and. rested upnlis-te Dlyko tsIam. eryouias-leersd o pr fa a ountry, cinrali, hey :lD aos!ber astatn, auy iaoos hreus! l y,and aitvhs ets, and,' dropig ber- had u.,iDdjy sokea i;:but o lier lie as ti 1 o d 5ip o 5i l r a m , s e so bib ed 'a o n d . e v er g n tw a s u n s! i s uà a d .lis f aitW ,as.- 4 O t Ssaüds!by thsI abc utas stise suros! Chat b. hsd neirar been1gn-ty. u i ai1 village grave-yard;--as u sly sb .hýionsy-,sot, nuwarthy ofai ls nana sýud sent in rk béf e.xnade -grave, liad itia.Ihrl~-hm ieu iwi, or. cf Daisylà motiser. ta <k-il.leIlnt lir isemaisvis '. lu early 1Hie, Mns. Victor lias!basen lada.. orhber. - e-Ho iiiii uses! tao vory lussairy that wealtli coulul -Anchiorage, tise plantation Of Claude,. iuiili buy,;.but..shortly sîter liermrrae a1anb ' la' ttaed'uppueasi-. LOe wils Adama Victor, a large Ilastan sçà,ncoft ï' s pounlfla n goo tf n m e r cia n t, s ud t h e ' b i sils o f h b ei " y n i t ie , S ta le af i h t s C à i,6 lin . tFo , b to chLDàsy, troubles had canusipan yoýýars,,îbo-pisa.- bas!,been ilsolsoue- daadv u b ei: th ic k a n e f a t . l a t i s a l as. a lie r ' ile a s ! a i ti s e b e ll a s ; ,a n d , up oa tlie à li a s , a s £ 5. linp audd pjelty. With a.<seautl daitb of Cliaudo's, fither il lias! b.eeu uskes incame loftlier, o.5-e' as! r.m ed'frora - eft to hlm,; iud ie lsà tmprovt eil u_. The 1.Boston ta a Rmsl ,village iu Vermon't, su"anaadded ta ilss.auâtia sd-Camns- kaa le aud hasi devoted ber day. ta tis eaduca- "farts utilit vas aanuis!ered tliafinesî t de lion ofaiebr dauliter-pinaiô i b 8s. :tiai famiù au m m . V icolatw uasconn tet s il s sam orae *ý * a b0r* ! af tha vealtisiesýt familles of lise Sauts; - sThe i soýI lý -i--mw I,,t -otw iseau but i nana baâs hi evew aougit aMd, close; sud'Dais7 Vuctor, navO trs Wipi b;ice sfiin adfa iousainguo adenhtsIbtg contetti tao ke ontiflier arneilt poa alovely vasaiegteu- 'ansd Daisy'a expenses. In4the des-o- enerel4, tisa large ho d, udgariu < r> box St tin f hr s.glster sevas moretisputhie seluung sua as it .ssk aï s 5 ae- S r e p a i s ! ; fo r a t t u h e i i n . t e s u t u r e e s . , Ev e r s ud a n o , i e r 1 ' o e i o a tue:adposaessing a besuntifale ac0.e. ye. vonîs! b. tunssdwith su e'pect. ousare ib and suezqiita efigre, ïortsi u ao outeoua.u lrogssr-s e iss.:da istertotabe prendiad,bdler.:Wjlchtise roas! -pprosched lisems.tisa~ avery action ammoit vas oua of des-o. elas, malerfae luhon Wkisplas tioto ber maier. reA lier Iceugs aiisath runA But aorrow came upon tise cottage aSpptbahsg. irss borne. M. Victor as summones! 10. ler guarlisu 1usd boon o i U~ i lier naraw houl in tise ciurcisyard; sud ,moutliaabsout liEroe;sufo be-s bua p o o r D a is > w s l o f C; a I fo u t o on y e a r m -t b m o tE ursi o p s ! ;r a n d u pal e i a i. c o u l c h i O t > r.ofage, au arphisa, airnasI friendlesasun rom hlmteliéliug. lier tao eplectIsýisu -tie World. Her mollis-r',ols!serv-an as niah s et a carngo tO "Bt Jauet, bail rematuosi witîli er 0u10meoltishe train ai lise nearot ustioun cottage ater Mrs.Victoria Jeatîsý;,but wlîielsvastonu-miles z ionsAnébarage. asste,a noa arrange um ent for tie future as! beeu T ie carrage-.apprOassies, da alid p ta -ha .t agraoslupon betwoon hbem, 1tlisedoor, aud - u satiser momeont, Ued Tis poar Dsisy Bast lulier boueli. Daià ' founs! lierseif 'lu ii eàâwnarïs pchU&Odtef-a neis, auelgaziusg out upan is e distai* atm., WviiaÉlis sais!, vIisfeeling, Oh- ni c urchyard, wept bitter teasts fanuniss. l i tu s0 gas yon are -hom e ag a in. kihaei hlq at tse sas!lois tisai bas!fanonu upon Pu"nCln! r -- - ildri;5 lier. "Aud 1ta ýget hanse agaiuDaiy csis-i I A aaralag stoP ,stattied bler-; sud but I hope ttia, n!eyorî ie Plo -nve fringatfear-straiuoed lace, she 55w liss gongue l itAuisorage. - aslg à tise villageposinïan enterlun tisalittli i "ludeas!, iiu a; but, I bave, misses!cas af rustia gatle lodirg ta tise 'cottage. -yeuse no ais, Cousin Clande Tl"sPps 1laudiug lu a btter, tise kins!- ols! nd te u rtisifa Mespolie volume sgraPlita mnuBaia!, "Poor littho girl I you muet ashaboglances! inta bis* faie. h orne. Tis not cry se muais! Hore lu a latter for asOnly aslw ow lans lias! nasss! $tuce lses!s stnff -you, andl1bape it bugood news l"., thse reonrofaitisa mastér atthse Aucli Mauis iont 11aking tihe btter, Dsisy fia t s!h agkdt e ad-s n!li vs eoasa!tise iotser- posîman, sud afteT bis departure, tut-u. tagether upon tis e rtodais, loakiug ",antl PmitOl ed il os-et ans! os-r,, vanderiug visa out uposi-tise pioclt lavis.: Claude 'tus!à Bsýà cousis!have is-ittan-ta iser, for tisere ads!been -felllng ofIdia tmaels, ans! ai gitea fthébal vas ber Dames in a bols!, mansissus!- lr o.dsekug a!.fnayilbYi5i vrtigupn ls es-loe. - tise silence vas nnbrboe. Thoén'-elie " o Callng ta Janet, Dais>' shoves! ler rsme!:;-"Dsis'y, I- *isis taielya>u M t< iva t tise biter, aud, ireakiug tise eal, rossi, afmsum lt, na-tiêsr Ova l -him. * fins;- Lirse 6eeumiup. lav ita oyou,-sud 'm-'bo- *"Ancisaage Plantation, Sept. 10. 186. havre fo t yeas iptenade4telllp obât hest tha t Ù - eàtes!you, iSeals iisi tis-in9 in k'sse ior10Y "Mr DzAs Ln7LCousrsr,-. cruel ans! lai-O." "iii "In the. sari-av hiah lias fanoan up. . O, CamnaClans!.fIli fMivaica. n you lu tie d otisof your m o îba, 17 n s!D a siy'c asi .r proaéa l glanés. hed -h deepi>' foui for youi, aud wouîd vuus aibim vilier Isss! to¶e g s.ni ua don Ibimy pen.expresdans of ayuspathi is.yl l n. knov Ï4li tconîs! onomri and!- cieer, your lamli., ,"No, Daisy ; isdoua bel.'e oafaifor if iltai" ne. .; but no varda of couselation eau. ýO-yO , v-ss!y a avnddasa!agin tlia1àî compeuaate for lise lousi oftoe WO vomnn un>' ight.:- Yens ago, -visa is P9vJSInd' lhas-e deasly loves!; 60 I vii lpot tfMien, I beasme auidtilm n t hé- sud thiàe 1ui o n by svzmpatietia phrases t ht -z ay ssa s- ' s d ,-w leu a llih o e aïve , fiv e bo . ne iu.'. b tinaease yor grief. Yonrmaîlser r , ât- bim!. ovswýssn A J 1id Yeas,ý lai e re Wa ans! mysoif veto finst.causius, s YOn vbon'i Iboes-es! ,tîàîsid ï nbii. artà no soub sre. aare;> sd inu ont csILd rniIhnevl e od slu Opi boas, vevot mor lilo safersudmate ans! usr'susperior, afficer, as!lie -elsuAsi braier; but as y*lue lia been pasa. Woleus m i, Mas!ni.&aao .easis os! maetly abroas, we bave ndl met aof se-oykzdus.If'hwirXo e rs!girl goj late. Nov, kuaviug tbst yen bave a o en biiseuenue ag u my private ait- gitagetiier 1 hsomse» afyonr ov I ta go la, I vrit. t' t a ron-vas. i jiDg >ithon ; sud Ilise lifred gis foll yon fa coma ta mine, and! chier, . glas! tao --iIis ase liSes My àver IieeIs,- tie lnelless oi tie Anolirage Plan. wisansa spe 8 e6v0- mb-a s~la4li taliaisb>'yourbrglit lie.. Farîuiifeîy mVlatois. Wel, Ireels-!ordersta jaislise, basc. Miy borna ha. flt, beau molestes! dus svss!latiâ; aesiMaster Quas!, i ng t ie ar; sd, retur i g t a i roin s misje o ul ein , expe tin g >0 e z îaff d 10 ra s Europ s fe day sinc, I funs!thattvayeasr, -and! upon psy rolun mrP aIl vass, alesu tise os-ane ...v su Miss-Ra'ymond; o eobler, ",The 0 w m :,okow..-glad o lcarne me ah là-eupan th frn<plan- 5eats., ba.k. totionazandisa.sy, âud pai litle iter ta a rngvtsyqu ip s'dpilu-,u!nw~t ;anetl, ifsbe-i "tu itb Cl à,ynd, di - jse frýornhome. ' 0orI.ela caea-nie irg arue tyf eu> -vborne. -utv ed ota Ibe ae mmatlý- poes.ei dru d dsis,. les-.fo. Nv. ens sa iii e&-frnd; an ÇUUJ'eaia nY Moiirpý Oôa1met , ~ irans 'tita- lry ou. l e w d siala e (1M~yslu buudted 1dollars, visi* el-Is.keà" rus off tla 24* Yens v 'i ,,JUI tl nouh 's D4I s. belles-",bpnbssb':d, - -- - ~ tssu e Mo iw=4ar a t9!4 ire cf- ,, . . Y m lti e,ýas ' nui. - > 110 Apa~ theanotes mtliii etthastold, éwet 012e;'a ThuhaUn h Hni ot;rO&a#)d .oh Lika the' c inioq wse learïwi l ur1uurm Yions 4the munwnkeiatie selseàtlt e «,pieuau .WhU .sisines rmy beisg san& bIata flsy huat. th à Tha sng, tuisang, ftàtdd mset-- ang Igl, ay irsier 1* up hije a golduls chas», ia)e ~link e nti ushbetz ïk I BhlLilear it, I kuow, ,lsen tiiY s eC10 p thad hall lad-ease, thse earth's (drk lan I kkiifse' bot the, usýutisin' 10.a 0 ns! rng.' 94 hg7sd coul i tse aId nsu go -ob cicqgaà ie cliUlden c Md chaùirs 2 A taI tovn. Wei de but gits dov àncd elows 'ser t lbyôis fia sofa, s &Oullb#.,tis 4y #Ehhr atthaô o mt ptopalI-onodig Of41.bu E'A -CUBE GUABANT*ED ~- i~~~ ~~ tiaedol-su feclosiîs arisiug tram h< 't.- sn1d1 nluusssu isé ti ,~'.I sais!, Autlley, Nov- 24tb, 1875. N.O.

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