Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1875, p. 4

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1' J~ flf-i, &ULOIQ lB Y 'r ô~x~ s i YID59f - 4C o- x-egK556 ov'e. Tlise Ut 4~<beau reeee&I1x. ulli, le large snd rooly ,ni~a ltW'ed pta ibas' - rush Liai Eer ' b.c utelnÈ ai deuiL yard; stieive cillera. da - The beeîlçf klb B3eud îasU AIpiT-e. timenalî. - Addreî,An lEL . IEAT TY, Wu4libgtoss, X. J, Iteilwai ot.Ç44Asid vil-taithe next uslu oftheLeIurus e aro, apply feran Aem, le recell)tu sC 'eane.preseaxi outotand<sg - - Soeead I Mest ig F lf # efl.aupsy sud till ieu thereo e uev »«e fer u crueedamoasst ;fr *$ s#î raide ai kde&U.is aid e9141:1101si Esllvy, sud, for other PCX., Port 2'ope, 201h Otp188. 46. t n~et& wantud evtiyh ml rfaie.. to, N - £XÏYWahig -hreeai nefor tstng the, Myrie'tlvyTobaco. it is Made<è of the Pinest Vir- Each'Pliig 'Woighui 1-3 of a Pounîd. - THIRD. The Imitations Waigh OnIy. about -4. of a Poidd1ý to eaoh Pl'ug, and are ,Made from Oom. - mon Leaf. Nouae (Jenulae unIsse e0snsîped <Je, if, 187u., --- e hm.48 T 0 L E T! ON EUCLID STREET, WHITBY. Apply te-- Wlîitby, Oot. 20th, 1876. JB. POWSLL. 11.48 BEA~'TYSÀ13BÀT ~Cl1d(L, fU, odg.Oiice Cabinet Or. gsrq Ilet t îijie tarut> for circon. -~ li i1dcs~, DANIEL 10. 1IIÀTTY, Wrî-rliîgtou N.J. [ytANO l"011 S&[1.,E A brillisxît.tuiii(suad eaAy Soueda Pilis clieip forc (Jase, Iaqlre et the omoice01 thalepiper. Whitby, Nov. ofiS, 1875. do & IV trtceePAIN'PIlltAND LleT- Tif Ilîi'bIt ran 1111d siîanthlng te bsea--n ssî;e by eîrlrceminig the umanufactuarer, DIANIEL V.TIIIATTY, Washinîgton, N. J. N O 'N1CR Couîipo Ota-ic, i Io heraby givei tisat Tc wxr r- . f ,th e Court of General Seoeloiaq ef tht l'oe and Couaîly Court lu, S'ad fo.r lihe GOUNTY OF ONTARIO, willl e boUlon lan(the court Hou,, lunlise TON 0 F WhL-ITBY,- Tiie8daV, Dec'r. 140t,;1SÈ5e et thé Q4 . e of Twelve oclcsk¶ sicc, cf à,lls ii uetieo f the l'eac., Cerenere, l7n.eue, aud aii ethorns ceaîerned, wtil tek. utlqe~td go meueivrs accord. - NIILSON(G. IREYNOLDS, -Shent! fCo. o. lieriT' Once Wlulllyo ,11h, 1875,47 B E ATT Y îWEN TONd'UE" Poror Orgmn are ekeih simlisnt cîsiclsiiai lftalaug rgan 110vwilu- s FoPr tise Clauelu, Sabbath Seol, toLoigrr 'or Perler îhey haive o ns. perler ihreughit t aîls,'rld. We challenge any naaxcfsturoctc eqeal them fer iveet. seau sand Volumse citons. Where w. hav, unoasie<twwli alov Any oui wishlug tc buythe agets adiscounts Agente %.antesi m'verehre., SBond talnp fer it cf: teiti. MeulA"ucirculer cfiis wcsuderfaImu- U l pse.enon îususim. Addrai, ÀfrUt 7 .BRA.'"TY. Washligton, X. J. - Agent. Wsuî.d lu uî'ory Tôwonh in Oulmalo toielilthe amisr IseMdLOrgau Manufactur. Spoolal lldi4ntoti 'ilil1 b. given la firt-eaeuet u-cusof tises cd, but ues "~ eléy nwi gre~iatte . lui C. eeledlb ont l id e itd la su1 exhi * zu or,, gve an ii. ai e9s, ImsA à ebmriu4. aste 5etWbti sib!'uîefÃ"afo hii* p0 e~gu ècl ebut - JNO. D . J. ADMS. J G,1CT IBEED Yî OiL nidc pîpcsso ssli('b l)l'ovvlials tho' 4hIndî'hé îjf tcsstieonmnlý,ts reediard lh cdged hy mhxîy proÈihient phyiCiehus to Iho tie inost reliablé preparal-ition cver hin-'ý tro<luced for the reélief aîîd acl:eo e reîlt, 0 - t;oînpuasis SqIîCt!~oncdIbythp experîenice. of ver fos'ty years. 'IV1en Irýowte(l to ihi seaisos it sel,, (loin1 fails to effecina speedy CUI'0il)1hthe Most seVere cases ot'Cotiglis, Bronichitis, CrO;.4p, W-hoopircg Cotigh, lîciftlLcnza, Asthma, Colds, Sore ÃŽ7111Ont, 1'aIis' Or Sorc- nes il the Chest and Side, *~ ~ ~ ~ Be Lid,"Ccplit, nt tibe lililigli, &0. )ýitr' u:sleam doelOCiot dr-y ip a Cou gh, niîd leave ,the caise a uid s is the case with nost 1prparations, lîtît it louseuls anzd eleasises the lungcs, and alIays irritation, thus çovg the- cause of the contýh4ih.. SETI W, FOWLn & $00" Ëlb, loro I,ls Andml di-il'y rti,r,4t i '4r~iri lPAwarded the Higlicîs Medai ai Vienna. E. &i. T:ANTUOMNT & CO, (5>pp. Metroîroli.ilu-Mol.) - laiijtrrImportersansd, Dealers ia CHROMOS IND FItIUM, 8TEREOSCOPES AN&i VIE W8, AChane, Graplioeecoper,&SuitableViews, PHOTOPRAPHIC M ATERIALS, We are Heudquirters foi- evarythirg in lise wey of 9TEIIEOS'ITICONS sud IMAGlO LANTTiRZ5, ing Maaîuftictua-erH of thre Micro--Scientiric Lanteru, Stero-Panopticon, University Stercopsican, Advertiscr'a Stercopticon, Ahrtopsicen, SCHOOL LANTEr.N, FAVIIrYLANTEîîN, i'EOPLE'i IANTEIN, : . Bach style betog thse beau o tie clos, -n'tise Markot. Catalogues af Latustand iiSlidee ili directionsi-for uing sent on applcation. Asy eteTrislng meau -cen make mney -5.155asMagie Lantera. e3r(Cttoutt iîsadvertisenient for rcî<r-euoe.gs B3urnett 's Cocoaine ?mrenetthéfie lfremFulling. Burnett's Qoççane, BVrnett'8Qooari 1 % ,14aet Grosuy ls'Escy éùrnett'à Oocoaine lYcaiiie r a» .~iîOdr. Burnett's OCocoaine R-urtiefttaCotoalne Bole Ioi îctaWeuCScalp-Sklu. BurflGttle Cocoatne A ffrmushe ichaet 4inatce. BurnetsCocoalne But , hétt's* Oocoalne Burnetts Oocoalne Mures New Lite ta th. Haie. -Burnett's Coc-oaine,_ Iti.,s Lonestip"e. 50 e* 1 clai per DeCl.. PERNY-11a SON i 80 ' 1UWENOZ - Ageti for Dbmneio, of Canada. JIEPium URNLTT àçUCo., ToR, w AEit YION ID PORT PErRY ~131E TABLB No.ý1. m ahos ufct on lMoadsi, * e ,1875. WF41ns rua by Tarat ntelm, iricia fa Iven- 474tw.>miaules ilover laGL,.lm. w fby 3x4îien, depart 9.28i6.=. ,0 p. ~kL ...... 9-85 &-in. .45 p.m; M ...4..... 10-12 a. 7.22 p>m. ... 1023 s.r, 7.88pm, ce Alb ~..,, 0,48sam. 7.681nm ]Po~ peu -M t 60 ss~1.25 p.m,- IP ..UUebr. 00 .i .rpm Kachser..:*: 6.20 &.Ms.-1.15 pi.. 0 imt ...... (3,080.ar. .8 p.m. Êlrte .... ........42 as. 2.07pj.. B kln........7,00 a.m. 2.25 Psu., .us'. fi. 7.85 0.p.mn. y u1ilas4e7AP wam. 06 p. P*t e$tioia, Trains. stop on sig ~& ha.<Oe~1a41Caescont~ é ai àever exhibiýed l i Whitby PFancy Vases, froni 10 cents te $.50, p Br pair. china;MottoedC=0sasud Saucero,J tram 16c. ta $1. each. chiÉ - t>$ Muge,'- Card Baskets andFicy Goa ~ NENDLESS FANCI" TOILET BETTe, FROM Ozs TO $15, PER SET'T. L- &Ldi e o _, bZUrI46 1en 4ib asecd 'Ïoleûy lÏlàgâi Tiresenhs, hhb- h- sola Orease 13 nd examine for youirselves* before purchasing elsIw..re~* _,,~Isýoon hn1a ù ~assortmentetoice Tets, Fam Grocerles, Fruts ud pics o alkics, RmeBacpLard, Butter, àpL es, Potâi., GISON &SPA 4witby, Dec. l5tli,'1874. '- LIST 0F AITCTIONE] Licensed -faor outh Rid ig! Gf Ontazioý Nor Ontarjo, àiud separate Munièipalitiee in t Jaemes fligby, Jr.1 J.>C. Pilkay ... fUasBoires. Thomnasi]EH. Welshp, Anthony Stepee. T.C iddilfiid,.. Jelîn F. Gogo,.. Johin R. Page,.. ThoasePencher, .. L.. Fairbanks, Jr.. D. sr . Donald Rose ... E. H. Cauron .... C. Moorc...... John' MeGAhI &Co.. DonaldRose... T.ý X. ,WleIh... Wr-a.,>ardon.. LIST 0F1 A. E. Macksenzie,... A. IL,- Morgan. John iCsrr. James Brigg .. Claremout ... Claremort.. Port:Perry... Sainttlold. Manlle.% .... Csinington,.. Zephyr,. Uxblidc., Stouile .. State New York, Marisîsan,... Whithy. .. .. Osawa ... Thorahi.... Cansilugti. Sunderland. South Minsu.. Niorth Riding - NorthsRdig Brock... NIort u............ SouthOuere Brooks~ South Ridiug. Mera ............. Thorah ......... do ............::: South Ridiug ... Tho- th............. **reo . ........... PEPLE RS FOR THE CO. Portrym..-On. liome,cunty, canningoxi,. Ou Foot, cusly,.. Otrisiaa.. ..---ia foot....... lirookîu----------i1lherase....... WM. LAING, De, De Fi Fpul Sep ON'l Nlov Co. r 2etus; 1876i l.15h, 1875. '.Ilh, 175. esbti 87. '.12l 1876. ilut, 1876. ~28, 1876.. 20, 1876. .u, 1876. 29, 1876. lot, 187. 19 , 1876. PARIO. 101, 1875. Suot, 1875. Apris, 2876. 1 sy, 157e. ýreasurer. 81 TOMS- & NýEW'P-RT MANUFACTURERS 0F CARRIACES &SLEU NSH8 DUNPAS STIREET, WIIITBY, ONT, Hfave now on hand, ready foi'-tli a first-class assortutent of Single -and. Double wËhith fr satrenigthÃŽ,lightness,-ty]e -andt -finiâsh, Also ou baud, and for sale cheap, several 'Lad tous, nice and light et the latest aud unost approv Parties buyiug Carniages will fiud it deeidedly advautage ta examine aur Style ansi Price before purchasing elsewl rCarriage eold je w;mated ta Sbe of the -st material sud woiuau gnaraateedtl t give satisfaction te the buyer. <' Ail will be sold ah cost. Ail work warra TOMS & NEWPO Vhib.yi Augcts4 251h, 185. Whitýe road, Buggies, aunot be y Ys Pboe- Bd styles. to their iere. EeYM ihip, sud ir îted. r:,* Outario. 85 - cc C)- Tlisse Hotel is stuated in the central portion cf the city, cei veulent te the wholeqale establishments aud publie builudings, and for touriste and commnercal travollerei. a msnt ebigible situation. Thoose hals been thorongfily re-orgauized sud re faunîhed throughout, and> je fitted up in the o at ecrufortable aud fashionable style, equal toa ay e-lass lieuse in the Dominion. The bedroome and, drawisag-roms oe large and airy, ansi the heet sau"itary regulations are oýuaece.- Thse large sud convoniant sample roome, fothe, seommodationi cf Commercial Travellers, are commodjious, aud conveuniently leiated on tile firsi fBat.acmoatn I)mnibsises and Carniages A1waKis ressly for the sc c4io f gneste arriviug by all the teajus and eteaxuboats, and aise te ceuvey Ulîem u -edepotg an&dwharves on leavîng.1 Gea. Kennedcy, formerly of Queen's Hotel. Owen Sonud, .Mpnager. Telegrapli Office ini coussection 'yththis Iluse. TERMS, $1 - Si50 P1 DAr Furniýture! FurnitUý-e!! Now îs thetime to buy good and ýcheaP Furuiture. i{aving bought out the business lately carried ou by James H. Saino, Nwe take this opportunity of' inviting his iuaîîy friends ho give us a eaUl, and we eau ýLssure al that- we are prepared te do as well by them iu the future, as Mr. Saute lias done in the past. Ti LL 4JOHNSTON. - 00I Ordei's by ýmail promptly attendLed to.. 1JNDERtTAKING.«-'-e n1 frst- olss Establisimetin the Oounty Wheie fuxirals are fui- ly Supplied.T %Z J H SY N Whitby, Oolobheslàt, 1871t. 401y' 3 ~ FREEI-CK I~ELeÏ WHOL'ESALE & RETAIL DEAIAER. N. GROCEJ3JES, WINES AlfD - SLfCM-ST., OSHA UAS eIEMOVED ']pO FAREWEIjLýS -BLOCH. AGENT FOR ýDAVIES &,BIRO.'S Celebrateýd X-XX Creagm-Aie"& rter OHIC~~T BAN1~êP ~R8 MD'-,OBAeCCOS AL- lwî tr ), > Sino 'y ~aI~ w egq -1'I. came arx gr ry lo I- HAMr be iewbe U, - ",T "dfDujr das , St., Whilby. - -1 ~~.I-2f .. -~ rf~'.IfJ> '~> Ci' 'eus f h. r - f - r The British, .America-n C m eca QIg Was establishedin 1861, sad jenow the mmeet popula udextensive sohool int1he Dominion foi. he Education. of Yo , i £dl-aedMèj n Boyîs, in commerciulbranches. ' -Specilattetin.vén to the science of Bookkeeping as applied ho every departmeontOf l. e and Commerce'; aisete' PRICTICAL PENMEAN8HIIP, COMMERCIAL ABITHMETICI COMMER- CIAL LAI!, »BUSINESS CORBESPONDENOE, SPE LLINO, -&o. Its graduaI.. are ecmpe$ent accountants,sqd are souglit femiea u business men, in want cf help, from aUl parte of the 1ÉrùVoe.1 la» There are ne vacations. Suet a ne iayteswt qa d vantage. Remember tbis is a full course* commercial - scoel, and counected with ferty others located, at Mentreal and the principal cilles of the United States. Terme reasouable and lower Ilian mosi ttlte other ecoeo>s »n.tbie Association. Any person sendinig Iheir naine and address ad enclosin i cen'ôéts in tan2ps, wilI receive by te Wrn mail a- piece of Ornamentel peunriwahip.' speoimena of Business Penmsnuhip and Circular. A TEACHERS GLASS WILL BB O1ENED DURLING TEE HOLIDATS at very low rates. 27 ODELL & TROÙT, Toron-to. NEW HAVEN 'i' ORGAN COIS.1 ORGA.NS. JUBI L]E NÃ"RVILLE bas them-Splendid Instruments-and wil seil them ai prices thal Wil1 surprise yen. If you ever expect 10 buy eue, now se the ltime. Be sure te give me &. eal before buying. A good assortmeni of Clocke, ai wlàolesale prices, te close eut the lot. Cleeks, Watches, aud Jewel- ry neatly and promptly repaired. H. W. ýNOIIVILLE, -Dundî&s 8ftet, 31 Opposi t 1. PoalOffiie. GENT'S CLOTHING AND FUIRNI SING GO0 OD-S For Superior Clothing 'suitable for Summer we'ar try, tbe Clotbing Store and Merchant Tail- prng establisrnent-of J CDE.W V-J't p CF'UQ"iOMI DUNDAS -STREET, WHITBY. 5Bo*~fUtjC5ùt#~&~fl. Dbp ~8. - r ~Wb1tlQr, Noremb r~2U~ 387k ici. .~1 E~-M~CHAN ~l¶~Whti î 'I f.,hJ fi GOAL SCUTTLE S, RUSSIA IBOX -TOVE PIPFIS, CORRUGATED ELBOWS - MADE IN ONE PIE CE. E BROOK STREEýT, -WRT Whitby. November 8rd, 1875. 2 1-:;?. IP M ý]P Ek 6 Fail' Stock has Now. Arrived,.. The ehoieest designs tobe found in' BRU,$F-LS, TA PESTRY;- ALLWO'OL, AND. U NION WCA RPETS, ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, of the best quality and new-. est Pattern. Lae xCurtains and CuitaLin Materials, Reps,, Damaske, Feits, Feit Crumnb Cloths. O0:> Everything Ijept in thef ho ugeo fumishing line. A Cail is Solicited. Toronto, Oct. 12th, 1875. WILLIAM GORDON,' 184, Yonge.Pt., Toronta.' N EW FAL L GOODS ARIRIVED AT W. J. H ICRI E. & cO.'S A, -LARGE, NEW STOCK New Dress Goods, -New Frenchi Merinos, New Black, Lustres, New Wincies, New Cotton Goods, AGOODFITANDSTYLSHCUTWARRANTED!READY-MADE CLO,'THI:N,- Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kiuds, including Shirts, Rats and Caps, Unibreilas, &c., Whilby, Jol7 27th, 1875. If-8i. J O]N ST OIN'S- SELF'-RAKINGREPR AWARDED THE For Men and Boys.- A choice assortment of G ROC ERl ES-AN D LIQ U ORS. amrsprodluce takeu- lu exchange.: i ~LUII1.&WÀRRIEN IIU1Nc .9 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We ofler to our customers for the comi ng Uarv est, two dis- tinct Machines, whieh in style and construction, eM.brae the Iatest and meet useful improvemnents eof the 'diy.; JOINSION"S'SI NGL;IE SEFLF-RiAK ING REAI>E1 THE I"R]ING 0F REAPEIB/ý The universateuccess of tixis Machine, both iii losely contes& ed trials sud lu lbé bande of the farmera, warrant us i11n s'aying that, sesSelf.R&k- ielg Reapiff't q1-1 basuIorégod 'pointesd legs defects, sud bas mlt vith mor ateea~auI~aiur. bsrt 1 of fiered le lb. public. ,CAYUGA JUNIOR M'OWBR- We were awarded the First Prize and Diplo ma, ah the Prcvin- niai Exhibition, helu inTarante, 1870,iin competition wltb s1ý tihe i9;«eng Machines -Mkn-.sfctturei lu -the Preeiucè,; sud vith. aur recent îpoe iuibedt*t-- ingiyýý;cha11enîge ils-venligalionsndý cbsparisqul vith ceeu s nd ,'rv am ustillfed tisI sucis *nvestigRtlen wiiféeinvince -4vierY Ut'unat'g oSfer the béa oei e,,'te hPFrtme,'fer 1872, bult in D eominion. §W#Bend (w--descriptIve catalogues. 4USTTE%',PtïAQCEfi! ROOTI AND SHÃ"EMÀàB4 x BROCX S1ÜÉTt, .WLYr sa "" AN SHOESB fie 1~o akesto r . , every des- cription of Ladies, Gentlemens, an&',Childrenes';Wear. REPA1RBING--,done on-the 'shortest notice, and'at reonab1é±ates. À -Acall isinvited toexx~l T-he t~ 46-ti ]VPDLA!ND ýRAJWY F CNAD. TIME-TÂBLE. Gong Nort from Port Hope te Lindsay- Peavrtz nadOrlia. Les',' Port Hopý-: Manl.. . 10 10, a. m.1 Mixed ....8.45 p. m. Going Nordi té Peterboro' & Lakefold. iai.11p.in. 1lmixea .... l1o P;. Co=ng Southi from Orillia to Lindsay, Peterboro' and 1Pcit Hope. lic 1230p.'.A tpe 6:30 p.m. mied .... 8.45 a. M. Mau .... 2. .n and fremToron c __ s4lfllook flog Peterboro' andeflii&andi ~ATENTS FOR 1NVENTIONS Pxpeitiousi ansadproperly secuzedin Cmn- ada, the'Unitea States ahnd Zurae; . PI, pritedintrutios.Agency m operatien len years GEISTi, andDsagtnu. F 1 ORSALE, i " That.beautiful brick zeuidsnce in the TOWN.,0-F WHITBY,, kuowu as th. ;WILSON PROPERTY, -at pressai oçcen by B. IH. Lawder, ýPeut- This place in mail beautlfully sltuatud., eujojang the coerefreabilig breeuë froro The Grounds, wb th'le finest initown, are.beautifu]iy laid out, "su tock- ad wfth saflue leimimâlwnsur.i 'vitedto tspec the lt tbe r su e emebt oeg than with the terms.wbicIb may bu knewn by eïqni.rlnget tbie offce of FABEWELL kEUTIADGE, June 14», 1875. slsm Wlt~ Ottawav, March II85t 1574. tice, 15 per oedt; B. S. M. BOUCRETTE,. d ýScetSPebihshlig ., 41 Barclay Stret, :Nev York DR, Q -j ~1 ~1 -j 's J 1 ' 451 OF

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