Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1875, p. 3

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~of bide,-, Futiý ùg~~t i.12--2 6K1 , -. Tý COI NO_! Ã"ý* TheLagest .'D$p>Y of Xmasý Goods IVer mad i %rth Ontàriq GIFTBÃ"O~.me~. eautifid-,andwell àsrted -stock. TOYS 1TOYS 1luérOveron, ont oh-ose fo. ~ iho FANCY GOO0DS !-ý Splendid Stock. J. Se ROBERTSON,, - coktindor, statiônor, aOd dealerliinIluetoal Instrumenta, &a. Brook tr.01, Wbitby. FATAL ÂCCirncir.-À elnccn e' ident ocaurrsd ne' Orilie. À an namcl Baituuol Robinson, 'wile oxce vatiI2g & bank, wa blnisd beneatlt the, falin-eR tb. XHe wam warned by' Mr., Johin Bigan, Retire of Orillas, to boware. The Beeve bafi marcolygene oa bundred ards Whou a Cuy was hourd. -The bank à alnou the. unfrunatei man, kilI. ing bise lnatantly. Tihe deýesed ieave's à wifs with oen eiidrefl to moure bis logo. O' ,Oepoi, the grest 'New York- lawyer. dird a it tCity et paralygse. of the mlemaoh on Tu.c4tAy Ïmorniisj. "Oat- dina) ?foClotkey sdiiniottercd lbhelut uites of the Chureh to hbin. nHlm wife 41.4 two 7ai. go. WVun TH% FIII SGOVERIIMI<T nID NOr 'PuRcuHsz-The Due'de Cases Rive% a réapen wby tLe, French Govere. mnent venîfionet buy lbe Ehediveâ canal shp"g, the fogr of, wav wth Ger- nsany. 1W. notiote that tbm tbe publimber of tbe BRITUÉ lAIRIOAN PRZsoyTERIA&N offiare a v.ry haîodome preminin to aIl submrlbers, oldi, and Dow, wbo emindt $2.80 befors the fiat cf -January noxt. The premiuifl lanet only-vrtluablo, but- Véryaàppropre.to,,boliýn ii beW hanti. fui phetograpb'f Ibm Union General, Ammcm blv'oOf lb. P roobyterian Cburcb helfd a' Montrefi and Eldere. .rbo rticeof tlisepicturet.o92.00. 0cr Pros. byterias uuidermwlie ,ubmcrbonow for thebir bwn 1 obnrob woekly'If mrqthiea pictura .praolleioly for',notbIing. The paper ilmeif requires ne vords cf coin. inondation ab oui bande. Addre'e, -drawèr2,tfTôtanof0. D E A.T H-S GORDON.-At Toronto,,oui the. fret instant, John McGllilivray Qerden, eldemttmeif Willi GordcnEoq., mer. chant, ued 21:biar7menthe and 1e day. Thefoieral teck place frein hie gritudruother (Mis.. ,MoGiiIIvrayes) ro- sidonce, Whtby1on Thodày Jet te il,@ Union,,lbrLi4 grcund, the fdeoral certge etngmocmpanocib>' a.large nuuber o!fnsournng relatives and frionde. The d*ceaedrwas a fine pro: inising Youug nia of' ozgu'ept parte. h.e wam belrethe4 tI*41WbY Young lady, te whom ho 'wam s eagod to b. snarried thiq wtntr. Mueb ,mupathy is fei t th)e sali and bnexpoeeeave' ment.' WHITBY MARKETS. BimoxicLa Orin'o ,Deb, SOI, 1875. PSU wbeat ............0-97 i0.61 08 rsig Wbeait. ....... 9e§@9Il0 lisrlsy, Ne. 1 15é; Ne. M, 0$0 965 Clever.y,............ 00018 2 Taime................00 S8 IllacisByesa . bc a o e Rye .ý................00 Os................ 101j1 ..ate..............855e00 Egu ............90 Butter ................. 17'O 200. Col, prton ..........67 00800 Wood . 0.......... ...:14 00 a 4 Do Park, per cwt..... à. 46-25 09600 7 Cîstekens............... 85 a40o par pair Diseke per p.........5WC006e Turkeys, pt tlb... 10015 A pple, perbumsei...4. i' 00 Chopon....... ... 9O 014e Boet, Iiauid"q5..... .. $ô a 7 Boef, foré, quutr ... #5 g"b50 fie.................7400 @ "0 Outn-,.............. il<0 TuiaipH ............... .10e0 @1%10 Carl................. 5ebo 20eo ra:ant(imieriltog.-"By a theraugh kiiowladge ef thse ustursilave Iwhicb' gevern iii. epsrattoeks 0f 41geslieus sA inutrition, and 1,, a caretal application et the fin properies et wel'lealoted cces, Mr. nE Po hen Prpvt4d a ur breakfast tables wtt1 a dllttsly flavored- beverage, vIsici Meay gave n usanIy ièsVY doetoreb .5111." Itsf byýtbe indicionuse et ofsncbarticles et diet IZ tascenetilution May he raduaiiy bult upuntil trong eneegh t te ret, every ten. dtuscy te disette. HRundreds.atsnbtie mala. dieedmeal0tnDg rocInd us ready te, tiack vberever Ibers is a wesk ,cnt. W. May see MunnY sfatal *hat by -koepisug our. sles wel ti fesd with pure blgod andI praperly nouirisbed trarm.o-OCil gtrace Gasset to. RVIILDY 'VR5-osnd tre, s simpe ad sUsse Meaul ciemlfcurs, for Con. en-u-ta, Jiraneitit, Albma, Oatarrb,- Scoluis, âaAanydtgesiftheTroal or "&Y,Woekusud nS mi disrdere brougbt gqu by youtilmprUdonoe. 1_'-1 .C ~TTTLE & C., 78 Nasmu.sl. N. y. NEP-W ADVPBRTIBEMENTS. ABLD 0F THANKS. Min«mis inert thank tate b.uombers eNti gaa,' for-theo ry 7great ex tb5Ye la hinubdlutng tise fie is Tssva Astin tulea NEW &DVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE 0F èHIRBrCLASS FARM IN THE TOtWNSH8IP 0F WHITBY. ThemfSubeeriber boa recelved instructions te seit by Public Aùiton tiat vell Inauru 1fsrm, et proenmt occupteci Sy eontslfi afà6à>iDO acressot land, Seing Lot Nb 21 itise Tird Conesabâ ef tise Townshsip et Witby, led outeldi the cor- pereion ofthlie Town ef Wbltby.. 150 acres cieared, suiS nudor a higis state pt cultiva,- $ion, ths Salance,, say 40 acre-1, veil tumber- Tiera is plmty ea Water on the promisees. Oood, b;tçkCotie8., lrsh-Qlass Orcisard. GecA uàw Outbiuilines-s1 ii'tuly Il miles Irom tise centraeaIt te Townu af Whty- oue at tise St grain, narkmtm fin Canada. Poudession immeAdite. sioeta Ray's Hotel iWhitb'Y$ ONE O'OLOOK P. M., ON Weditecady, December, 2,ud 1875. 'TERUS4Tnlen cset. daovn en day c- sale, anosug) is itho iten peir cent, te make One-third oet tse'purchase mansy, -ta Se paiS lu Thlrty days; and tiseialance in threo e qual sunumi instalments, wth iter. est ut Six par cent. Iuterest ta Se paiS "Fr turthsrpartculmus&app1yte J.G. Wi. litms, EqPr omj .Dulsu EZq Toranto W .nIh, a. bt- Sy, L. PairSban.es, Auctioneer, Whitly., . Auttoneer. Dhty eomber lot. 1875. 50-t AN RI»CONCERT 1Ey Mr. Ycumans' JUVEiNILE GLA SS1 et nearly 150 VOICES, on 5aiurdaji ce ad Wdnoaday Eveninga, l'eu. lUi and l5<1c, in the 044 Fol1ev.' Hall. Tickets only 25 coqs; no hait pries. Smo the attractive progranmdum. Cônoert te commence at 7.80 Whitby, D écember 8th, 1075. 0 T0 TH3 ELEOTORS ;TOWN 0F WHITBY'. At tb* selicitttn eDisany influential ratepayora.'1 bave ezîsnÉted te, agaeoffer My svoemces yeur representa-ý tfva fer Deputy Reeve. Sheuld ju 4e me the hener te eleat me, 1 have o,&iy to say that 1 will aot in the futures I bave in tbe peut, fer thse bat intereets e1 the tewn. I have the hener te h,- Gotiomen, Yom r s epectlnlly, MAJOR HÂRPER. Whitby, Dec. 8Lh, 1875. 60 S2 T BAYEBD i Came ile the promises cf thm subseriber, Let Ne 21 in the 5th cen. et Whitby, a twe-year ld Klier. Thse eveer in request- ed ta provo proporty, pay expenses, and tae her away. Wx. KERR. Whtby, Doc. 4tb, l87. 81n.50 c ALVE$ LO8T. Straed frem tbe promisesof the ubseri- ber, lot Ne. 16, 41b. cous. ef Pickering, tbree cuives, twe red, ene with white taron ths forehead, the ther a lght red, and eue white. Auy meona rg neah iuiarme- tien as w ,oa e errovryWlb suttably rw*arded. PLLR Brengbans P. 0. *Pickering, Dec. 'tb, 18m. 58O-in c EDAR AND-PFINEZ À fne laot fCodâai mdpliesfer sale, ou South HllitoetLot NO.- OS, irutise Fiftis Cml ôf tbm Township cifScott. Ternis liserai. APPLEONSUSANN;Aa BW.WN or GEORGE BR04,VN, ou the, pronmises. Wbttby, Dec. Sud, 1875. -40-tn SQUtABE TIMBBEB The nude sanedviireemivo tenders uSn. tii thse Do »CEBER BneIxt. o Te Thonsausdtest squar 1e i Tfer, itxIi lu lmgthaetiSO0and 40 test, equgaiL mbir pieces et ach, to ho deliverd ut port whit- by itis uenlis ci Pmgayune t, -Theloweet or auiy tender bneecenssa y net noes-u sariy accepted. C. DRAPER,' Port Wlitby, Nov. 281h, 1575. 81>49, j1-OUSES AN» LOTS FOR', ALE i TPhé. ou» a Loi (ain ty Ã"arbsy Gre: udanaù 501 gis Broacb id Eh#ine of the 'old Bruce4, 'Neehiets, I Ouff Buttons, IP1e2 We feel as ére4he nblo. uDI Xmus Boxes and B&kuêt- WniigDesis, aies' Companions,- . Ladies' Satobele,, Pefmd sudFancy Pans, Presentution Cnps, Cigur Cases, Gentlàmen's and Ladies' Fortdo{ nitaies it great i'aniety, Photogruph Serspp And Âutogrsph'Âlbmus sitabletôt' Xmus and New Yearspresents3. BTATIONE3r7DEPAR-ZMENT. Plpanna FaneoyPfper, Blunk Books, Nc6o'BooksB, Xrna Stutionory and Carde, Sunduy Sohool Books and Carda, Visiting Carda. Family Bibles sudPooket Bibles, Prayer Books anid Hyinn Books, 'Chunols Services and Catheilo Bibles and Frayer Books.- -,--J ÂRGAND PLATE B ,a Dishes, and.Mugi, CM5OLLANZOUS AND ICHOOL' MBK.- Ischoole of which wc e "e à the le-sest rates. ,, BIUSZc AND1 MUSZO4L ZNTEU5wxg<i5 Piano%, OrgailS, oý sths.~fa 'FlutesgiTuning Frs Vels Stringo=nd Bozin. Sheel Musio and Musiel Books on lsund'and ail onderwfihied.coxn- ppoe and lu the promptest -manner. * Music 15 a holylaugnuge, Any ouiçça, understâad eartcan speak tb heurt by Music, <11Even in &a'foreign lsnd. .-1 Euglish audÀ=erlcan magazkiiei'ned Papars on hanli, an4 you w11le ablet lesae a oopy of lhe neur eition '0f the weeJkly GnoBnad m nu the Store,'uud ail parsons favouring nui their subscripions wiil re- ceive-tho papers frec fromnow tojs<nUary. LEWIS ALýLIN'S STORZE, Brook atreel, Whitby, BERiLIN WOOL AND FANC Y WOOL WORK, I Berlin Wool clouded and shaded l'in l 1orsFleepy Woôl, Fiugeriug Wool, Filloselle Embroidering Silk,,Amenicun ld ,Silk, Llnen Floas, & Silver and Perforated (lard Boarde, anAa U g variety of Çard Board Mottoes of every description, Chenille ana Wool Cord und'Tassels, Smaoking Caps, Césies, 'Ottùfmans sud;Blippers, Fancy Baskets for Xmas, Wicket Stands, and a large 'assortment of Flower Vases, Bouquet Holders, and Toilet Ornaments, ail very oheap.' And we have added to our Ladies' Department thie latent Styles of American Stumping, have a large Variety etof atteme s ohbaud, rend al, ordere prouiptiy steuidite and aI the lowest rates by WIi tby, Deeernber 7tb, 1875. Ii'.EADY MR$.- L. ALLIN,.- -Brook k re4 Whftby. 0 FOR XMA 8 1875 PýE,,T-E R SMIT H. AT THE 01)1)FELLOWS' BUILIj1NG, Begs to 'announce to the inhabitants of Whitby and the Public generall>ýhat * ia-:stoclr is uow complete with everything for the Nas suýd Nêw Years' holidays, including NEW .LENTIÂ RAISINS, - -JAIR BRUSES, NEW LAYER RAISINS, COMES, (a flue ussortment,) NEW.CROWN RAISINS, ENGLISE TOILET SOAP, NEW LOOSE MUSCATELLE, FIPES-ALL KINDS, ORANGE, PEEL, _CIARS, 'LEMON F-EEL, TOBAtCO POUCHES, CITRON PEEL. PURSES, &ci Thé best assortmeut of Fancy Candiès for the £Iolidays ever mihowuin Witby.. A. caRil respectluy soliciteli. N. B. Cash paid for Farnwrs' Produce, Puty.C Wliitby, 8h'Décember, 1875. 4SMITH. 50 1..' 1'aetoryO ST-OYES We believe the ARGAND to ý-b e the best stove in the market for Rail, Dmn- ing or-Sitting Boom. HATCH ]30 - 00____o 'Go"" ~noEI, WA¶E We have a istock suitable. fWëCiristm mas Presents: AIL goods gUarantéeed 1l: ID '1)W « z I Our Stock being hiy lun botht.Sheif sudRewy Hrd ware. Toîit we invite attention. Coal 011 trnly 80 ets. ýa Ga!iln asi LmsL*erns, &o., Ç4eap at the uoted Cheap Hotwe. W=AI vuA-M ml4wma w du ~j. ,AT T HE~ .y ' ' GTO DS STORE, _T7? B4 AL iI~ doeohug Edr ov uile roteDvuQuleCoo ed itn iers. il gEide rkeDow in lati guow e 't N oo e Pnic SWhttby, Iýovensber' 28rd, 1875. Fuirs We1 'whicli *- t- ç. OaddfoioWs' Hall, Whitby. Fi~ws3~ ~Furs -- 000 -- beg to eau the attention of the se of.ib caudvi tey tthpenid Setsof tn K,- SEAL, OTfTER, PE'RSIAN -LAMB, c, re- have lad made up: expresly -fo'0ri elves, and which we warranit as the Genuine Quality. 8EA L JA CKET6 A ND TIIIMMINGS TO $150,1 W-e ma. A&c- t '&. l- ie this lime a speciality, and buy for cash from the .îw principal Houses liIttontreaL. x'Stock 'f Ladies'Safs Cardinal ]Bossettes, Gentlemens Tics, and the latesl Colrs to hand. * YOUTHS' UNDE11-CLOTHING A $PECIALTY S*OR BOXESA o! bb celcihruled Opera Coar for 25 cents. Wbhitby. Iýovernhor 101h, 1875. B04( BRý Tb HUGH 'MoBRIEN, HATTER AND» FURRIR, WHITfY. 47 N~EYW~ il ANI) 8110E STORE, 9Oppoit UlTateli & Bro., Cutters, M.O'DI0 QV A-N 8 CARilGEFÀCTORY.-BROCK. S E, *WBY.- YERY' GHFA.P C & SEË ThEM. Have on hand, 4t théir -Merohat Tailorng EStablishment, BO'OK STREET, WHITB.Y- , A muoh larger ,àaa- belter stoék than ueual, embraoing al THE NWETCLOTHS AND, TBIMMINGS., For geutléie 'Clôthing; and as>,,they are; giving :thfrj whole attention te thc Tailoring business, tý,he ao ii a positio>n te oÂ~t~ botter than ever. à y J -N -jij Whilby, Sept., 301h, 1876. Ai-l CABINET FAOTORY AND _fURNITURE WAREROOMS,! THE O LD --ST AND,' B1IOCK ST., -WHITBY. Go whore you cannot 'failtob pleased in making selections of good furniture. 1Splendid'Panlour, ' ýDrawing Boom and Bedroom Sets,' ~New Designs weil worthy of inspection, At astonishing loW> Prices- Dining-room Extension Tables-a very superior Gilt Cornices, Pic1ture Fraining in every -style. -Some, fine, ChýomoE; sud Engruvings for sale. lu 1V 1]> la ML i?,1J&6 lm XIMhiG. In ail ils branches ; funerals fuily supplied, A stock of dlegant euskets. coffins ulursys on hanli, lrunned b seulitjustomers, muid h vel appointed Hearse constantly la readinesse Wbitby; Novezuber 24th. 1875. ELGIN!1 z 10 '4 ELGIN -1 ELGIN !! 0 r-0 Tbie:finest, hast and"àhoapest Watcbee made' for the mcusy, are lb. ELQIN WATCHES, vhiceau cene'had ast Taylor & B;ýaad's ievory grade, botk in Goldannd ilvor Cases, tn Ladies' anad Gente' sizek, Alec e large stock of Bng. lisb ana Swris Watchecs alursys on hand. Olockm, Jewmllery, Bilverwaxe ana. Fancy Gooa t suit every taqte aua pockot. BÏememnbor1th. plaoee-ne xt door to Gréas & MaçNacbtan's, Harclwarm Marchants, Brook St., W'hthy.. Whithy, November 21r4, 1875. 4&. JCK STREET, WHITBY3 jBOOT AND -SHOE EMPORIIIJM eMauîno tlh Stock Will be complete ,in a few 'days in ail Lines, of LAD[ES,' MISSES' .AND. CHILDRENS', XI ME4~'I8,' ALSÃ", IN r - BOY8,' d- "YOU TH&'B Rmember.rthat JCKIRK is fern B. 3BERS AN» OJTeRSHOES, AT; HLEAEPRICES. RIU BES! ~JBERS Oy gLds ubbers at 40',enits P:erpar ERSHOES! 1OVEiSIHES tMous' 0i'exshoesë, at $1 25 pýur pair.ý BROOK STREET., WHITBY. 1JOIFIN SAUNDERS RAS TUE Largest Stock, Latest Styles,- Greatest Variety, 0f Boots and Shoes in Town, cheap for CASH. Meu's Feît Overshoes, - $120,, per pair, Ladie's Feît Oversuhoes, - $1 10,ý do. Men'sCoarse Boots, $2j0,0, worth, $8 00. AUl orders pmiotuaily atteuded.. cpar al one. Whftby,Coet. L7tis, 1875. JOHN ýSÂUNDER S.'- '4 GOLDSMITH'S .HALL, NTD FOR- -RELýA BLE GG0ID8 I Stock noir.complete, sud s, eleoting suad importing my own gooai can offer superior induncements te essh çustomers ELGIN WATCHES. o, w I o 1- ~J u< w Ct, c,,, D TH E MUDG-E &YARWOOD iManufactssring Custipaity Style 5, 4 Stops, $ 140. stylo 15, 5 Stops,' - 1 50. 01jp7, ô Stops, - '175. I7 9, 7 Stops, - -10 11l, -7,Stops, - - 200. "M esousmut amd Welnut CarreS Casas. (bo eitrd1874.' MELODEON' ORQANS PATENTED, z&73. Style 4, 4 Stops,' 0 146. Style 6, 5 Stops, - 150. Sye20, 6 stops, - 160. style 6 SStops,. -175. l ogbadome Bose*ood Cases. ef thse celebrated WEBER & CO'S. mile- aiw s alousueet the Leset Rates for a fret-alias 5Instrsumntu. intoudtug purchasers are -respectfuliy re- questod te cali sud examine aur Instru. mentes etore 'buycg' eisewhere. Wosre making large redetons te Cash mnas hort- hlme Custemera buyiug direct ftra tbe tac- ALL INSTRUMENTS WABBANTEDI BeverI Becond-;hand MýelbdËbà PRLOM $60 UPWARDS. FRED MUNIE, Manager. WhitSy, Nevesuser 241h, 1875. 48 T EST. LÀWýBENCE BAN&. NOI Ela seobyg von that e speeta tieSisrebisîders ef Ibis Tuesday, the llth ofdan, next, aet thLeli'Banking Honse Wu Toronto, at, tise heu ef 12 o'clock, neon. fer tho.prpse et eenstdernugtlb. propriety e. lysaa tise nezt session e t te Domion pela.t ment for certain am tdouitheM i Incorporation, anà for ise ocs.sdettio'of eu ther business as may be, brougist-b.- fore lb. meeting. fy order of the f card, PORI< WANTED! The und ersislepropas to parcloses rocrk, in.largo or aili quantities. Whltby, Nov. 24h, 1875.,ns4 C J 0OHNS 5ON, DEALER IN LUMBER, 'W H I T B Y, Has ou baso plendid stocf fine dlean, misd veU seasonaUedLupber. AU! Mids fer c= , &a Dïeon. boand.- Oroses epiauing Miii adjoiingu, o0n Whitby, 291h Nov., 1875. ' 49-tf DY00BA » GNOVERY STQRE AT AUPLEY., A £5mç - 0- 0- "'i * r:- r -' - BEST iS CHEAPEST --00 The "lIrou :Dukë," and.,"Ar-mstirong" 9 are flrst-ela,*fs Stoves mu-every 'respect. ELATCH &M BRÃ"Sý e 1 . 'WM. -TILL.

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