Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1875, p. 2

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.r konsn D. ONLY Su jeýPER ANNUM. WhItbty,Tharsday,"Doc. 9,1875. Provesacf tho e ssson. Tisé wouk 'thie sesion uaffily begist.- Tise .i. nothussg - Ccindicabe Ilariy xciisig, No,, 'fnimenbers voue duaposed tagirteiir attention to isii-: - -,usa, la Cir. Xilyreagawisy thse ver i la hbail, eotulti snt be goS ihr9ugIs and the .f£9uoo Profogul by -CJ»bm sas. 4 ~ Nntiting,, iteveL-. il more Snliis.Iy (kutierssen cf tise Lefnalative.A.seinb. ly hvtaao goot iàunaphuulon et tisumsel. 'ea s- iP4rliiacnnary ouatersCe hastain lisepjrocleedissgeiluany- Wsy. Toilo'80 illighi lsestsi . o eirnli-im port- astcri. If tise datiez were f lisciargec vonisibé li Ct deluates and, long reports uft1;"Mcheg r ires hlels tuemiiers love to linger 1P TIiotey iieire toteape te orutoricsl liijîÙsyî c1the _][1u1se 'f Couinions, gaiesisîotielve sahte hurry up Chicl work veulîl ont lochlt ite Par- -liamcntasy deliieratien, or b. acting aceodissg te neeablilised precadeutt L thtisus41le hix sigtmoot, iesover, te session catînot bli ptis ent very long ftftisutise Olrigtînat;isoidaya Taking tise Ministas-il psrogramme hr. in t'O bi, litholu n hie way cf now egilatiosi. And t1ài quite nunecessary tuern isontiti le, Thore are mne gross tasosare, rfoum orothsrwime, ide. ltîndlet. Wn hauve Isiadalitotecnough ci original logisiallois, umeiided actes, afsi *naetnseuitqt'ilsn eri th'-scgain bIs tile- puet, te ineel eirery requirement. Iftisere ha gsiything te ýcompltsof lb io la tise dlrccleeoetoveu-!glsatiots. Wlsal leýviuted le, boit h. flihlatof lie sttt.book vith iaU soteat or blieli, liupt.ibn eti.ott)îssmcl adsaiietrttbion -lt * itublic affAire; carefutuînaendsi lonesty lui denfiag witlh tise revenuîe andi public Stsl .fltlsflnogg te dt7. ,and integ- rty ii tiui cu.Sivis apolicy will lin more lute p ssj'sasd mnieaca- ceptalie tu tecountr-y, tisaistomnes cf Alltfilf i'sîsiîsnent. Tise ls.gitalsti.t îssnsI>rLLId in ths 4'(ieels li imeagne, LutS uuobctiossalle, aisineisas nsak'ig iussvisicu or bise psynhs4nl cf Cnowa witnàmer4, desirahie assild d-muaddl'y Che ubtlic -vuice. Il Lit te be Iopesilisse m lib -o rsoholding ltitck by thse. Goeususient i-s dcaliusg witîs i tis sisiaisr-Ho long a sîiijeet of * ufi.lilled proiili. Tise taking np of tihe queahilssut oicstiptlos sfroni bus- atien, andti ueugi'bg Chus Ian se as Cc do away vîthis li municipal vexation, anti grogsaInjustice Centii. induetuiosis taxpayor, wosti li e a fuior in tise (ieVOeutlcap, ani vould Iinvest Cisc session vith a gzratilying degreus et im-f partance. CtttailmetbIluthe eipendi-i tisse friituigration purposes, andthie citting dowu of tise yearly inereasing costuf Clh. sevousîl (bovet-isment dopaurt- Tinst muelt b. sabjecis cf .conoruy se b Ivnuslutlesnelvcis se te force Ce»;- m olyea ipoiàsuant challenge Goveromeut attention. We shah 8&cou se.is ow tar Publie expeetation in likely Co ho realiz- et litishe pi-actical carrylng cnt cf tise4 1151h, tlsro A ba e lisule. Exemnptions tronam acilen. Tise Towni Cosmessll have: tukon a vas-y Isuojuer Step lu liusnorting bisa Legis- latis-a Se dis uvay vitis oxemptions tue» tax&îlin, Ail Clu.municipalties et tise -- Provinc tie i antiInitel. s-cIrteetIs people shoulsi h arîineil lu (aveu cofaneis a s hlvennent, It ia a mont îîmsjst anti elincxfous poîiiostiorfthes. aw as it uev standls ltaI hrie long clleti for a nenm. edy... Tuehe ovnneut tisaS st ilseif lewirsk te rePeal the exIemption lasuses cf Ca sssuso e iii deserve veII Att Cn iaoIsud -of tise pubi. South Onharibo.- - Soute et durns eompcrrs ive ecur. uency tO,e uidU iaS Iste Hcourahlo MeIcolIs ýCameron làabaliut te he &p. polits aSenator, vlibcl cf course vonGaleu6,voa svaasainl tise réreet- - allen etf Seuts Ontaoiatu tise Ccc- moust, POcéeodinga AgailthWilinson oethie "lWoÀ Dusham Neo." - u liy14CL.K. Machetssic. Q Cos boiat a1 Sonates BlCpsa, -Mai appliefoin *bts ,.Courte ofQueess' Beach for à a culminaI iutnuo against Mr. iisa, oatie Duhani Naiss, for lîbel.-,Alidaits ofHais. 1fr. SlrpsIs ver. -fids, denybng lise hlm lu lto; amaaffivihof MuD. Fluier, Gen.rai flëngr o ianéi O~uo lienk, seiyfng Cieéelsrges09 se taro*' banS vas concoetianr Ms. Sbmpsou bellag se Ite prestI Àl. niue nmas mWasgrauleti. Mf., M.C. Causras ast Hou. Joban illYârti Camna- appesat a. caneel for Mu. 8Bînipson vitisMMu. Mr MP4*ie. Mr, Cauo'hbeIblih.t lis »pspiei ab "a bu las hoca ss u teInasProcid~ent ft4elz.coai. #e tioacl e p*a<ct iatiy ti ' le $~a~i~%-eae pelhasudt aiother but %Îlvewr à P*j*IIAC-aflnster. il,. ire was iret iscoorei la- rroi» the tiird etorey short1y.bop' yan o'oloclt. Tihe Merrywé4.r~ gic. waa Son biçingltit mb se. azrluQ. àdtie r d¶ tl -a ýh the gallant, eirtiou d -the n the flue was qplokly got undler i,and tl.loar parbof the. btild- ,pd. .i4g amouct of the is ;à &*On out-the machin. nu&WaLvelwvs.w 11551* ininseA, STç&6,M0çi, ipi.radfox mt>tq Zgbf-Londoiu nahhlsny, yslcd; atO9jojfûI' ctvered by po4,eo ue~boeuz o; ~OO. Tw. buI14ý uhbloiog ta MX.&MI.waa > juer- A ii isaWstrnl'o$~. Tiser. vas a kinfi cf cucusofý a tew., drutnaed op rub.payere lef t a' -Pr tigh kinericatl hqtel on Friday evon.- iige, the object cf Vwh >b vas t , on5lder the~ adveabumiy cf purhaiIgUic ;bas- Ituproprrty frgmM:. Draper. Thora. t a dozen people atogtisr.-Acoin- Mr. Draper. ittlan t st al ly isSMr. Draper- Wilpuy tti liglitoat-attention t te' demanda, cf gentlemen appointeti, ta negoci. ewth hlmx on behlfaifetÉle lova la hia fashion. H11ev cati b e r- oognsime auniritthorily tho att for the. torn ii aîéeW a.if-aPpointed omlician gentleimen got togetiser ini bile way? Ta uek hi» ta guve 'a proposition -ln writing for tise saler of bils puepery,' etatissg terme cf paymet-witerho1 viii accept loy» dabOnLUreF, d&0., to soCi a cmsiiite-avlg ts enigin andi autitolty in tise vsy mentiQaed, ia about a. impudent a pisce u4busineas-like proceediug as weecau remember. Ib ut once reminda us efthie laughabi. action efthtie tailors ef Tooley street.' Iu saying Chis, let it net h. ondes. eitooi tiiat ve are u ail oppos<sd te tic proposition of tise purcisase of tiie bar- heur by thse Cor-poration. Thit is a very proper Subject for cquidlerahion. But let ne go tise rigist vay- about il. Let tise Town Council talce action iu tise maties-; or let ai public meeting cf ail tise sapayers o et i.tewnube called, and tise pucceedinga receive tise sanction of tise people andthie stamp ot officiaI anttority. Tise absurtiity of a littie coterie cf isaîf a dozen people tuking it apou tlsemselves te actith ie malter andi deal vit istaia hloe.nd-corssou meeting la only equalieti by tisir pre. sumption. WVe are told tiist tise municipal vice- tiens are t tise bottora of hie thiing, sudl bIatcertain sasp gentlemen via vus hoteliroatt tiiemeclVesupon th. rattepayers ihâve adoptei this usderianti meana ta ring thomielvea Lto . office vile seeking Cc place Mu. Draper ut a disativanage. ,Itl hock. use it. Witis. out Some niterior motive --.ome cou- cealeti purpose tae serve, it in diflcuit 1a concelme sov mess of business habite iraulti place tisemeelves in sîscis a ridi. culons possition Ietore tisais- hovnsen ou hsavo committed Iheinselvea te the-ah- surdity cfBanch-su'nugging pisocoet. Interim sessions. j1usEo5IS i <iu)sJJ>EDAsSYNIS:L. Iatesi» Sessionus eeliseid ti Stis court lion..is lera uts Thursday. hefore» lits houes- Jistge l)astnell,andîtiheufotl- lowiug casee disposesl ut: 0SiiAWA ucuena DEALs- as-i.I Tihe Qicetesvs. Faell aîsd Siecsuy -Honsebu'eaking.-Tua prisousers gel off ou this cias-ge-no tlusioius iutenl being pioveti,- Thse Ques» rva. Farrsell--Assauslt. Puisener founti guiliy anti sentenêe t e nia. menthisn luCliCeistmrapsison. Tihe Queess-va.14ye8-At;anitlg constabie. Puiosoner founti giilhy anti sonC te Contrat prison fer tîselve menthe. Morris, pommuittoti for tise lus-ceny et un ovarcoat ut tha Leeklsaît lieuse, vas arnaigueti andi pleadeti, "-üot gnilty."1 CaseMujqîsuned tt h-day, Prisoner s-e. teiandeti useasil bs cvii reizance. Bunose-D:cAs-.-Joepl MoMaster, a young mue ugeti 24, employti ai; a cierk lu tIse star.ecof Mesant. IHamilton & Cc., vas fountideat iu liii leds-ce» over Si. store ce Suutiay morning. He ha 'sd rotirol bun gooti Isaitit on Sistusday niglîl. Hie ronus.mats, Mu. Hausovar, tise hook.koeeper, slept in te asijoining bcd, huit lIsard ne noie dsring tisa niglît, anti osly on awukiug rat]ss u.o Sonîluymos-ciug îdiascoeret iniece»- panien, vIte vas lunshs-ossg viges-ous healtîs a fav heurs befors-a pse. Dr. E3stWood Wus cuileti in anti prononce. ati tise caussef et Il, apoplexy. Tise deoaseil yeung man liere an excsilictiS uisarueter anti vueaa strieSt tetohusIler. Tise sody vas removedt e tisa G. '11. IL Station o Mcnduy ovcniog te Se cuvoyedti t Georgotovn, in charge of Of tise Otititehoiavuof Etisteru Star Lodge Duceaset vas a inembreoftise Ouder. No CitaNoms 01P GAva.-Somne of our nortiseru ountemporaries busy thseisel. vos ini cincslsting pas-agrupis te ticecof. 10ebtChat il in iu cosntemplation to alter tise gansîgeof lis.Toronto dc Nipisslng Railvay. It la asseuledthtbt tise uni- tar» Provincial grtuge vili be adepteti, tisaI tise-Compsny'are gatting eut lies for tie pupoe,ta;, <&e. We isave tise assuranceofethtie Vice. presIdel CisC, altiscugis lie Company are tak$ng eut' ticns of a giroater langl 4bue necepssyt snd replaciog vouont S-a&ils vith heurter 'iran tissu heustotore, lb is a3,i"Ma e ta uppose taI ay LADias' COLte.-We are pleaisat Sa learistiat lie first ton» c f tisepue- saisI ycar ha beou very suceesfol Plier. u.nov sixty bourder ansd tvetity-five day pupli. olleti. In- some 88,500, againat 51.500 fer bise firet boumi lât etr'.,Thé boum vili close iritis a c0ort, under Cihe direction ,of Mr. ' Torriung$os1 on tise - Wetinesdaày s.vuslng bdetoeiriatmas. Imev 04clovec Hlàuinilescl. -,Tise Mithisel Advisacat cosua acciunt cf lie ticatisîsof a neir Otd. feilole'Ha t biaIplace. Amongat thie distlngulsiet irethren vhio CeaS Pas- au tise ocamion vodthle Dames ofUtr; Jaifray, et Be ii ' sud Ur. Peury, ofth~i vow, Wisas. espetiel ea Cr~sma-b&4ma ost rand chmpluikn t lcsdction éees-.onlem. sud aoliveri tionS. Thora is£ likely ta bc conali6sr. slea pposition int he moierai varda for coati nt thoe."1. bWermott are the, candidates for thé -Mr. Charlea-Robinson i sI.»o forii eevabip, and Mr. N. ater., Pu~xoelection, l ot tht uadrs. for the - ecvesisip. several gentlemen, i.clwlng Le preseut occupant of bishe office, are liisely te offer for the depoty Itlàl unliiscly tit Mr.., Gillespie vili bsopposed fs*ýthe reevouhip, althougit lter, lias bieen onic talk about lb. ZOWev 11É. P orwIUTY. Tiore ha been borne lulk - of opposi. tien to M.r. 1.B,-Bickell for tls.reev.- "ýsbip by the. foymation of aCtiket, bot vwe are tolsl liaS it hue becu droipped. Tiei bsence' 't Mr. Bickell's usefonea. ib tbe Ceunty Couneil woold heualesn P'ot<u*.-G.-The names etiquit. a nuiber>o etlpais are uieutioned a. lîkel to e tr i le I roughL torward by !LeIr fri-ende. First thse iames cof ail tise mombers oft he present couacil for Ibeir proeott poitions, vith Mr. John MIiiu src'e.. NexI Mr. S. K. Brown -and Mr. Johnn Halght for ltse reeveship andi deputvy reoe.ip. Messrs. W. P. White and James, QcCreight, respecbîvely, forrueeye &ani deputy rsevé.. Mr. MeNali, fou dcptity reeve, Mr. Heover for ditto., andi Mu. Arthur Johnston, S.,Macisie sud Jas. Plmer As members cf cenusi. Prices and Purchasers cf Shorthornu. Tii. convention of siertioru breed- crs; in Toronto was wound tup on Pui- day by a great sale cf shortisorne ut tise Crystal Palace. Prlc$p ranged up ho $4,000, Kirkievington Dochos 18th, a roan ycarling iseifer being purohasei by Hon. Mr. Cochrane attise latter figure. Hon. George Brovn icugst severai hei. Mr. Williama Milier bonght n Lady Serapisiun a cf only two moutlîs' old for $950. Thse herdh aold reaiized tIse felowing fig-ures: Craig.......-. ....$52825 Taylor-------------..... 6,435 Suner------------.....19, u; 0 678,P850 Ou Satuîslay, a-large number cf Cota- voiti Siecp anti Shorb-houn cattle voue soid, in tii. anme place, lhe joint prcperty-of Messrs. Ceuking, Smith, and others. This sale was aise epeued by Mu. L. Fairbanks, wîîo sucoceeded iu seling thse she.p andti I a tfi pies.;, veruging About $40 oaci. SALE 0F-STALLIONS. -A sala of timaugit cuti cher oballions CoSk place ut tise eame lime. Prince cf tise Wsc lirouglit $2,450 ; Time O' Day. 61,000 ; Sir Colin, 81,400 ; andl Donoide, $1,759-bongit Ihy Mu. Jas Wilsons. Mu. H.L Jeffrey peucisaset Maggie, a Clydt-edai. filly for $800. Tis a ction- eserse or tovuamunn, - Mu. L. Fair- bans, fr. Page. andi Col, Musir, et Whiitby & Peut Peury Extension Rail- way Company. SPECIAL MEETING. A secial gencraîs meeting of tise steeklisldeus vas helî inýtheis Com- passy'e offie.p, Wlihby, ou Saturday iush. Tise immeduaheoiubjeel vus tonrItie pus-pose et paseing aLby.issw reguîating tise nanner et calling spec'ill eust meetings, sttliug ime cf holding annu- ai mueeting, uumiss- anîlqualification cf directes, &o. The Chir asr uetaSsa iy Ms. James Miohia, Viuepesislnt; Mu. J. J. Boss, Soceary. Tla' notice convcning the meeting liaviug bis e ns-ad. Tjisa y-lîv vue sulinitteti aud, aut hieinstance cf Ms-. Drupes-, reeti clause iy clanse.. . On tise reading efthCie firat clause, Mu. Draper- founti funilC ittîs tie verding et'tuse by-.Iiwlconlentiag liat provision ahonît lie mudete iercin feu the csslicg cf meetings, othiervise than by tise Boas-t cf tinecteus, andti iat power sieulztilbe given IIte stoekheldors fou tii-t purpnose, ouhido tise hourd. Tisa provision o e lu y-luv limitiug lise numier of tiructous la nine, four cf vie» te foîin a quorem-vas aie oh- jecelet, Mu. Draper arguieg in fuser et five te lic a quorum, andI enbmitîing tIsaS ire shoulîl b lie.heumber for tise trausaction oet isuesq. Mn. Sites-iffIReyolds said ieh.appeas-- eti ao a steekliolticu holding 38,000 stotis, te protest~ aginsltie puoceeti- loge generaîly, as lie isut previoualy doue, on hie groundtir, lie allageti, cf tîte ihiegulihy oetChie board um consoitut- Titeliy-lav vwas adopteivilSolit ameudmnt-tiie qualifieation fou dlP rectos- leing placei ut $2,000. Annuai; meeting ta h. beldi su Feliruary. FATAL ACCruxNs.-An employe of lise Gr-andi Trank B. B., naînei James Nenom, feu fso»tise bridge in puocces cf construction ai Duiffi' CreeS, un tise 8Ols ulte-, anti recoiveti injuries vieli es-iuiateti feSally au Mentiay last. One cf lis. tiigis vas huaiscu sud he peer tlionv was othieuvie son- erely injuteti. Hie vite came fs-cm. Port Hope te abend bil», anti Dr. Tueker- gave. hlm every noeces- sauy surgical, uttentance. A fracture efthlIe siuilis elppasetitla-bavebieen the iminedisaecase oft-is s ti. -IpaeMoeîsia". PUBLICATIOS.- oe.oattise iatiumelst ciseapeaê_t hoi eusitâ, asidt vîhal =ie cot -sterling veutis muy lie isat tue»J. L. Peon. e atvin u her colonisa. Peters',"Musical Mouthly "-Peter. "HIfousâholti Melidiem" sud- Creme de la Cnee»" sue blert anti cioesa magazines cf tise 5usd pubhiaiee. A dingle number cf itier i. vos-h u viole SuAitea Tàaons-Fcr àa potfil, 'awit~si, ntig.hleuiîygerment eurleM-Oiava,$,alea lie lest. -H.l bl aiurgiesloekôotmeny fini anti super. fou -it--atiisiepatterns tia sec» ta have been mest carefully selecteti, at ianltàs atisaction la B*zun.L-Tse atibesatuthle Bay viii isalta axaur in &a-cf lise -Wesley&U Mission nt that Place, os Frliay aflr- nocis sud eeniug oet bila eels, in tise_ satne lioae occupiei toer tise ervwées tÊe omalby ;any wosu ro t akr any oftorta to. nu e .oi"toa zeduce.the. presant ratés of harbour iollg. on iey froighis oomiag from pssïta gortlI of 044si. mûor ic show. New is the. time for thê Tow Ceun- aUltu taise the. neepsry actionfor thé, clearing of the. snoifrom the sidwalks. pose willi býý eutiu fore, or htif- the présent by.law b. îoui&defoieor measure eil b. f ioce ,ub'.iltlkb. ELECTIONS reàdy'priubed, sud printedl te order atthe CuanscLe office. Be.. teroing effioors forwàrdiaig Ballot papers wil have tii.» printe4 with thse Ubmos despafeb. Fon, TxalCNEL~oi-e Laughuin, Wyness adarIf.tu. ed respectiyclÏ tou, rs w>Ie u nine months, wee aken; boli~ Grand Trunk sitation, for the, Central, prison, by High Coustable Bryau on Wodnoa- day morning. XIRàs (ons » Hhnnsxr A:ýPsxsswre. -Attentionîi i.directed btôii. promin. ont annoeneet undertiis hesaofi Mr. &Mrs. L. Aluin in other columno.1 Their stock je large and complet. lu1 every departmnt, andl vetl' attractive. STAMPINCS PATTNSN-MrBO. Alun lhna added to tihe Ladies' deparimeut latest styles of American stamping, vith à large variety of pattertis, aiea a fine stock of Berlin wool and fancy wool work. Tise words "Golden. Tongue" but poorly express thse ricliness of ton. which emibates fote iInterior cf a besutiful organ case, upon which is in- scribed thse Dame Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, Now Jersey. See thier columns of this st*. Bz ia sr, To-DAY. 'Ti& madnosa to negleat a cough or cold, howiver slight. Consumption may follow, tidtlîngh Dr. W i8lar'8 Bal4ar of Wild Cherry has frequently cnred hia mncii dreaded diseuse, il lmost invariably cures the primary diseuses of the. tiroat, lungs and ehest, visera cther reméodies fail. SPI.EKDII> FAxw tiY AUorîo.-Tlie splendid fari», known as "Tiie Donald. son Farm" andi for some year# pat rentedby Mr. N. Ray, io advertisod for sale by auction, on Wadoeaday, 22a4 imot. [Sec advb.] GaORZEoNWOO0. Y. B.-Thse tolavwing are theisesof tise eleeteti officers : P. MeCs-eu, W. M.; T. Harvey, D. M.-; E.* Dunlop. See'y ; T. Wilson, Trou..; R. W. MeKittrieS, Chaplabu; J. Fergu- sec, D. C. ; G. joues, J. G. ; W. Ward. ou, O. a.; Committec, J. Asiameon, laC; J. Jônes, 2uti; J. B3. Atiamean, 1r; E. Lupton, MashaI. Muf. YousrAi's CONCaUs.-Remembeu Mu. Youman'i Concert on Satuutiay utund Wednesdtay uexC, STrevts AND HAaîuwasia-HaZC d ]Brotlser'a tise igit place for stovos anti hardwvare. Splendid eutlery anti plat. Baa& o Peer S»nith's Holiday an. nousucemexit. GIFT-s3ooxco for Cisc holiday. aht Rob- orhson's. Nos-hern Items. Bzcavttzsoî.-A public »sehing ha heen calleti by tic eeovaetfTuerais ho ake loto cociteration tise schemeecf lise proposeti uev ccunny. BASA-Nsrv Burtoot.-A subtantisi iitge isa een erectoti acucas tise Sesonu. Tise Cousshy Couneil of On- tarie gavethie littoral sain, oet#5500ta- yards lise verk-a pnrely local ee.- What de tise. visafanor separabion anti a New County say leChils? Puesident Gran'. Message. In Preiitent Grant's message te cen; grass he eceommende tise coinlete sep- uralion cf Chus-c hund iStute, tue. non- etarias Publie Scisoole, taxation cf al property except churcis edifices proper ansd bnrying groundis, tise reunoval cf p0.ysiny, sudtopéeety resmlase specie paymeat. Toarsstintis latter, lie ouggeselie restoraSion cf tise former du utines anti ceffée. Inréfreseta Cubais affira lie President dec. isot commit himacif, but osyo ho in auxions te eee peuce ostaliset. neHowisveer, istimahes that if tleisensurgeuts vere auyvuy snccesstn ie h. vulti not b. slow Ce ""0eaniatisir deeclarulion of indepeuideuici Ootdamitlss' Hait. Siniek sales, profita amali, This ie the ouoM 0 t GOLDBMITHB' HALL. Mu. James Joinston in muking large additions te is aîready fine stocks at vatchos antijevelry suitable fouriseli- day*,presenta. H. Sasnose. plendid sets un brigli tiud,.coloro jevelry. Cisains, bracelots, rings, locies, oin u- greul varloty. Since, Mr. Jlostan firat oommeuceti bualues -u- Wiitby, ina 1807, ishaI achange fotue thlon littla sisap vitis tise euy iigi ouantor la tié preaenljiiautmame vel fitteti up, o.tab-, Bobinent,isnown s Gas.suffs'rr ALa. Mr, Jaistotenutoee geot dincitas- .Uilhiug«, for iimseît sighsu réputation 'vwhbch lie iasesince vortiuiy maintais. .-Pd, by lte pueblly o lits delinge; It ia pleasiog te- les tisat iibusinesslias grovis ap'ael vi lis"bis eflterprise, ad $bat, uav, as éiseelfore, parties la vant of a goat varranteti articleviii go la Goitiamitie'Hill ta be sulteti. Hie cisaraeter is a gurante. tiat lise goodi are o na nsho reps-ese. Turans CanauxMua d ut> vwrzr llés'x.Gue1pis, Doc. 6.-Tire.eclorot mon, nunset Chales Jackson, Jeremia Ganses, sutdPrnk Ge. j- ver. e 0g. e ,ý*lbieta-day, 15e Cire farir 1 aning beeiscomuitteti an a cisarge et eom»iltiuig a rape ou onsvmn isaa", Mary Brown, aget flfty-afx years, it the tovosip c Pool lest veis lie ltter ftratltufptoirepeon a daugiter of lie siti Mary Broînt The Bravne us-e vile Wornon.1 -Oitg, Doe.- 2-etu yaer poor piasta aave £poa40, h»,ba&, siocsted lIk.isr bedgjs.fea eboing burui4. hopua qqL giu an sÏOmounit ot the38ýriie.' atastrpe: speake of Fatr Muphi, iii the. foUôý'v. ila ,tii atiart1eybrieoêleaç stniaclOW asss f t. -côxunilj and the. affections of those ta whom bat was botid dbli3teeof religon sud race;' Hie intellficteal .ndovwuta vere'rnz* perier totisoseof thegenëiâtty' cimen, an4,4 maende goor use .fthb lis si-, Ages 1.cf a curetai ttrsiala'g -iù 1lhoie.4 velopm.ui. "As apulpit snd platform ormt. aie4n ot many; espal., Okp,#i; thongh, of course, many voe oppoaad, t b tiiews va wich i. 4bly a&VOeate4, her ore freew lindos "ho contilIle fanit viti lits eauld, yet coura mutiner of expouading thomb .;R liait bot latoly takan charge of the. editarlal Tun~an h e Tieqru. WiWae#-. 1 lin oghouorably held bybise laie ~~~fr ~ h "lr-u i.culurpe -sud easy kgrace o bs style,eo ind it e- tlammUi regard forthe -feelings cf his )0 i aca Kl a uiiolie prouand teohrc.&lrguo oiichbelanged, is premasture deat ie b.gsevere loas, vbil. by the.mix- cd o unaityb, toiWhicW his leetsfes iud public addreseiou metiy occasions, asu, cthadimade hinkoov,is losa, wii be universalIy dpiored. The Gilmour-Clement Case. Mr. Clement w"asbrougist botore the Police Court& on Satuuday, 41ter tise exainination, 9f several Wlüi'asee case vas remsanded la 'Wedaesdsy. Âmorsgst the. vituos0es exsrnined ver. tise fatiser of lise douX girl, Who amengat other evidetie.gave lihe foliowing: Il psined me a great ilalte fiud Ilat Mu. Claenot and my dangisier cooked toether of a moruing; tuis occured on two or three occasions'; it was explain- ed te me tisat Mr. Clemenle iad Cet go ot early; I did not like hie ch*raoter, @e I tolti my girl that I had, héard Chat Cieents bil beon a vcry ba&- mun»; I told hier tIsat, b ecause I tiiought -it vue îigit that I should do so ; after seping Liem tegetîser ofaà morning, I remon- strated vith Mr. Clements ; I sav hat ho was quite a fallen man fron hie pro. fessions, andl I aneit drnk on hlm ; I drew hlm aside and toid hiLn. and lie tbanked me ; I reonirkod thaïaitîe girl vuws noS -iookiog se veil as aie bati lok- eti one time ; she did not est very veli, 1sud blushies andi changed celer viien I ramsrhed tisaI Chat vasthe case. A Competing Point. f Wooduteck Ueview.] The Cont! of Oxford lms paid fro» 350. 000 te 8200,000 more for freight In'oesyear Chue thie County 01 Mddlesex, snd why ? 1 est because they have a competing point at London. By thse construction cf Cth. Whltby Extension Linnsay wouid become a oompeting point for two rsilway.- Cannet tie. merelsauts cf Lindsay osee thc dacided sadiantages cf sucs competi. tien ? How nch moe do they nov puy fer freîglhes than they onglit te iu reusonx? illuy large merchaut look cirer Iisb freiglit account andl give os particolssrs. Thse merclsants are net' alone interested in thie matter bot tbe viole country, for iewer freiglîits miean 1 ceeper goode. Tise Wlîitby Extension thensmane fre» tire. te flue cents a bosiel moto fer grain, and a large sur- ing in titi pricescf comnmodities useti or r nsumed ln various vaya in the coun- Escape cf "Boss" Tweed. W»n. M. Twreedi i. repertedti tabave- : capeti fso»tisa warden cf lise jail anti esiteuiff's officar en Sahurday nigil. ai vus coufine in bu Lotio-sCreset gac wvaiting theso5,900,000 suit agatust ii. Unkuavu ta tiso publie, it seemo teo habit cf tbisecualodian, Wuuden Den- ha», le lako Tweed ont for drives, the "ýBoa" complainieg cf iseatiacies. On Salssrtay atternoon tise tvo accompani- ecd by a deputy keeper. voue ont <riv- i~ 9anti tining, santi fnally halteti aS tCresitiencescf Tveed's son-l-lai, Wseue bis vite wvasaying. ,Tise 'fBoss" asisetiDeisa» holie alloveti a m~ moments primate conversation vils 1is vile. This vas gruntei, ha steppeti mbt an udjeining roc», anti vas seon ne more. This is Deuisam'a steuy, story; but mauy heliove thut Tweed vas pes-miltei te escape more than a week ugo, andti tisaI .tenov ont et h. reaci cf tise luv. -Siseriff Cannar Sas i.sust a renard f510,000 tor tise arreal et Tweeti. IThe bouda giveis hy tise Sherit! fou t4e puapor ant fi ttfui performance cf is duties are 550,000, sud tiseoscf Wurdeu Deuia» are 520,000. MIDLaîco RAILvAs.-WO nuderatanti tse Midiansi Railîuy hune retineedt tiir fýoight rates ta Lindsay. Thisis n doubl lhe effeel cf tise p9pular delermi- nation ta bave tise Wiitliy Extension rillay te tisis point, anti vien lie Ex. týnsio i blt sundtruuniog a turliser roduetion may ho loaketi fou. MuSe Lindsay a cmptlg t point sn mal ativunluges"viii lesecureti. We fustier learn thut Ms-. Hugel, tiiegnatedtivh lise vay Lu vibels Port Hope hue treateti Iis rapeahet applications fou a bonus et 75,000 le assîst in tia extenslin to Iitland City, lu throulcuing, ta remao tis hast affices anti vaukshapi of the 1 ne to Lindaayý on receiing salibemul 1 onus. Tis i yl na doubt hume tise i feet of bringitig Port Hope la ils senses i ise niatter cf tise 576,000, for LiaI iiluage ceuiti net afford te lose tiseiseuti- c usuteus. Fourou part ve sonîli e very gladti tehsve Mu. Hegel fou a ÉeÊilIv.eitizeis. Ho is a iraI-rate felov, neit hu on ery veil under adiversa sýsene , nco s h ing on lise roati. ulthls caqnetlug viiinot l hult h. sftepayens W tiesaiantagea cf geting -ho Wiitby Extesio.-Posi. Thse Whihechsple Mystes-y. HEWAINWRTGHTB FOUND_ QUILTY. London Dec, 1.-Tise trial cf Henry ,aiavrglit sutdils bsotler'lo»s,.in ih Central Crimineli Court, bofare ,ief Justice Coeislirn, lie former toi- ho ktlling oft a -yanng vom"-n amuot uarlel Land ilifa Ocber,,1874. andthle tour as an uccemouy. vas contlodet day. The Juiy rendes-et a verdict tmortier ile h eucsaocfHomn, sud ntidlieS hucher Thomas ;gnilty as an esoy it u liet t h caselia -te ouc ite ra tiog uat uglant. ùsi d. u ovn -as lhe Lotien, Dec. .-Hsuy Winvrigisb, noi usrigueti fou sentence, matie a orS atidren to le eCourt, asserting inncn a is-ne nidenyiag any ca»plielty id >,ttur-merder of lie ionin; Tiacourt,-lien sonieuceti hlm la death. Tliàa.-Wàinvregi va. eAutei4 o q caeijasus, penal, aériý queatitea 0c prodmingd it aIl» lemiened ýtbelr ha scraiepover. Hê Sieil "5hie oalward form àlone. ï id ne Cvisi ta be nisdltae. 6o~siug beauty of Sots, dy ~s$Ocptingý»e utility ot fbasu eliughi it syle. te, par, à4ù tiassinantnsa l reeolé41 - tin ofregt a jUesda i.da -e e Sui aul Mereditis, atCam.- bribdge Cily,Wm. Aisesao nie -one 'papug.eu"In ana'inl" breedl9g wse h~ufits~sLI Onei p1os e prpsev ere vezdfvotie t 'bt the nueee ahomaïestl é t t e same î,bfamtyýhi.OvVl îoq Ià lithîateinoon Di, A. Büiis, y. B., aOf Tionte, ,eàaaabie, paper en-lie tilsegeesot cuIl., lth-teatinr 0ot usilk fanerer pârtorlett epspiaxy, ubortian, andt sbrnaciular evr.A ombe va upouttioeefrom, eâQli Blte aui lis. Provinceà 1ofnOtar", teýr4e-eive reorts a tO Il». oal vay ta remedy Ise ravagea efthtie foot and mentis dia- A resoutie n wvadopted reco mmenti- ing h chsange cf date froUI October 151h te Nov. 1.1, fer Che receplion, cf caIlle ut tise Centenna. An opinion vas expuesea that' the, asseessient et catie sîsnitlie matnie accerding tote vaine apaut tram lie pedigree. A long discussien look place as te vho- ahoulti b. cousideredth Ce beet lireeders fou lb. purpose of recerding pedigrees iu lie stock book, vietier or not il ehonil e thie parties wha couple ani- mais. Il vas decitiet by a vote cf388 te 83, bisa thie ovuer of au animal ut Cie imeotfPartubition sisoulti b, 90 ecuisidereti. In lise evening netiig vas tie. beyend paesing votes cf liekSe anti ap- peinting St. Louis as tise next place cf meeting ut a cerreapouding data nexl. yeuu. Te thse Eciher of thse Whlîiy Chrsosicle. Xnowing tisai yens columna as-e lways open te thos-vie are readv ha vindicato wiat is just antifCrue, 1, tskè lie liberty an behaîf cf lise parents- -andi gurdians cf lis. sciclAns ef loin Street Selisol, eseoiae maeob- servations mate arevp=y ,,uo y Ils. Puincipai e *t vsiisl ealiod «lise Higis 8cin i conspauy vith ,Ms-. G. Y. Smith, ~ inspector, regauding tis sciasiars ot tho first nameti acioat Il appears tisaI botis-tie gentlemen visltei lhe sciscol, ansioenteringtanciodCisere vas a badosmall lu lie uo», whicis the firot nameti gentleman ut once attribut. adt C tise iturCanti filCis ofthle sciolaus, tlhing lise», in a set speeahî, hut thsey van. stinking. andti Cat they miglit tel tisoir parents se. Nov, Mu. Eclitor, I hav'e mail.enouiies abocWthebi. rotter ant in oe ut fr» i. obeol autisority tiat lieue vas ne more bis mel lu Chat uo» th is any otor uo» cof tise saine dimensionis, viishie saine number of chlldren, in tise vinter sca- sou, witistise doors ansi vinlows closeti, anti besisitse e o» ieing nos-y badly vantiluteti- Nov, Sir, I kisoi for a fact, thul visen Du. Gnn vihed anti inspecteil tIse scisool, hose av. congru- utatedthie Teacisor ou lie dlean anti isealthy app3arunce et ils scisolars, sov tisen tise great chîange ? Hairetise people in lise Seti Ward hecome se fiitisy, tiat llsey care nothig for lis. cleanlinesourisealti cf Iheir chiltiren, cr ha. some urciu, .vithi a pulcis ou Cie knoeecf ispaute, isadt ie- uds<ity to step btvixt lise vint andt isir nohil- ily ? Be liaSta. il may-tise remurks vara s;uncalieti for us tliey ver. nul- gar. I have no doubta but tise intiviti- nlles a scisolar, linS, Sir, I haire vos-y grave double about hie heing a gentle- man. For no goenteman wouild mais. use aftie expressons he <id hefore a schoei viiero a gueut number et tho uvuolari vere girls, aimoot guovu te vomatilices. Yous ts-uly, - JUSTICE. WiiCy, Dec. 7th, 1875. To the Editor of fthe Whitby Cii s-cie. SI T our retenence ta me in luot veeis's CusaucîcLa i. quite correct. Il is net My lutenticu le asic te se-enter lie cenocil for 1876. 1 amn, cf couse, abligedt te my tieudain tise Seti Word for thoise ttrepeateti expressions et confidence, but foureaosons ontirely pcrsoiieuite myoeit 1 hava hishonghit i incumubent upan me ta reibeme myseif, as far as possible, «lor a lime uM leusîl trot» al nnnvcessury cure sut rospan- aiiiiy ours reapeetuliy, C. DRAPER. Wiitby, Dec. 8th, 1875. Ts-eatlug tihe Ws-cng Discuse. ManyCtime. vomen cuit upon their fa.ssily piysicaus, one' villai yspepos, unother vils trouble ofth. maesS, anthiervils, pain here andti haese, anti la lhii. vy tbey ail present alike ha' theemasîves andto tehir esay-gcing sud indifférenStiocters, saperate anti distinct disecses. -AsuMitýg isee. o b. uci', i. precuibes hie pille ansi pe- lions; vison, un realbty, al Ihese symp- Coma are causoti hy saine uterine dis- -ouder. Whiiee iy sro linsoly able preisape Ce paîliate lie dIseuase fou a lime, 1tisoy ure ignarantcf tise,,caue, anti encourage liseir ptactie until large bils are msade, vises suifeuiaig patients are-no botter la tise end, but prohubly vous ibi Cie deiay, l* ti esstanti coniplicalions matie, sud visici a ps-op. au aiùlclti8 týirectet 40 tise cause, vonîti have ontiuely remavedti îioeby lneitutighoai t e omfcrt lustei cf prolongeti , . eu .- 1-- - Fua»Mas. -Louintia E,-! 8.Clair, BWae jtlens Ca. O;, Oct. 141h, 1872:. IDr R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. T.,- almas~ likeSe Iitroi-le on-' me. I am.i lictter uiready tissai havýo bes for ovor vo yea-s." -Frem Bila A. Sciea', Zaisoîvie, Dr. Pi-c.-1 ra'ti tise meticine medil. As saresit cf'flie trcsl- ment, -IW .ibelles- tissa 1:hava fou tbree.yes. - Prota, Mu.. on .Humillu, Odel,' "6Ds'r Pirce,--Tho. Favouie Pro- script' u ha. dose me goat. ile Io1 Du. ~ ierco's9F niePrescription We Tho WitCy and, Para P.ryyExten. nrote uttironsy7i eeotne krHa pe;ifi, -of De- as, movOâ.4Iîats t,,qpetip f1h pevî iaf CerCige"1>q it- fo11tbpe Ir, flueéanti ater.: for meoved leavb te- introdoce a hy.lav fifeie llsimetofB uni lg Of. Cors anisud j ng pluce for 1876. Con-* iert neisi ls'tvb an Tise building i novu aâs, >ie, Oddfel !'lh&N riswâAr, ui'Ht Fa e lie Beturning Offleer îUthe-Tows all, sud, Jas. 4 Ca ibîl, Returing)ff car, for the 'Centre Wmsad ;'-Ms4. Rove' clone houae, on tise, viii aide of Brocis - treet, andUi bsisadSclilrn Mur. Feri on breugi th ie ;report coaions ,rapectingiiâel, andi, ortanotian, lie aaxeîwa5 ceui in aommite men4î thâU40 at% rJesepis White e pieeed4*28,o lieot oftanerrerot bie-eaen ral t, * tise taxes cf lMu. Joeeiph Webur b. Ta- duce thtie,-sainQ AMOune;,thâaI-hey, finati iliilbi ipossible.to-exempt-tie hanse ofthle Ban. M. ClauSe tram tax.- ation, iuasmuch as on2p honse ha. i-aI- ready been exemptesi frorn tuxation on hua application ;. >auX bisaS having con- ferresvitis fietleva 'solicitor they are cf opinion hat thse JaUges' salaries are exempt tue» luxation. Mu. Tiompson entereti. FIRIC AND vÂTER. Mu,. Ring breught in Che report cf lie committe. ou Fire anti Water ;ý adopt- eti; recommending payment ofthtie folloving asecounts : beo. Cormuki, #41.32 ; Geo. Hall, $22.50 1 A. C. Wil- sen, $8.18; Jno. Bryun.- $5 ; Jas. Clayton, 51.25 ; J. I. Phuilp, 75cta.; J. T. Tisoinpson, 5Octs. Tii. clerk reati a7 ominuniceticsn wici isatjuat jîsen isndeti hi», tue» J. H. Perry, ansi H. B. Taylor, on ba- isait cf tise 0-idfelIewa, aslsing-Cisat heir taxas b. reducoti on accousut eft Cieir as. seesmeuS hsing matie Coo Isligi. On motion cf Mn. O'Dononan, secudeti by Mr.-Harper, te maSter vas uefeuued tu Cie membera consituhitsg te Court of -Bevision,, antitîsat Sliey report next meating. Carrieti. Mr.' Bbow'-irdovei, seconde-Iliby .'fr Drapier. ChaI Cthe question cf ign velo in tisa Seoth Wes-d, i. refeuroi to thés committee ou Fine andtiVaer uîcng vitis tise patitieus frein Harreu's Cor- uers. Carrieti. Ms-. Bien mevei, lonluliy u.r O'Denovuu, hat a cottumithee cnsist- ing et Meesus. Hscei, ODenavan andl lise- mos-er, c - --ted by tise Town Solici. ter, afemorishizis the Ontarîo Geveru- ment fu aid theCiohisitby & Port Peuuy Extension lluilway. Carricti Mu. O'Donovuu unovedti iat tise Treasurer lie inistructeti te puy 58.50 Cc Chie rpecial censtubles unppeinteti by Cia. Mayor on Hailow'ssen. Carriati. Mu. Ferguacu. secceded by Mu. IHur- peu, movedti haI the Treasmurer deduet from tis, taxes et %s-. Josephs White and Joseph Webb, tise su» etf 62.20 eacls; also tise amoiuit oetalxes cisurgeci to tie Jutiges on hir aalary. Currieti. Mu. Ferguson, socondeti iy Mu., Fair- 'banks, ios'edtChut lie Mayor, Beove. Deputy-reeire anti Mu. Draper, be a cemmittee ta nemoualize' tiseLegisla tlue te do uvay vitis ail exemptionsa cf taxation. t ' - s-na SDEsSTUs-TES. Mu. Blow ireugi t îp tise aniseci cf relief cf the King f&mily, anti alqe Mu. Freat anti hie vite, et lhe Bay, persoa ins indigent circtim9ttiuces. Il vus Ihongbt by inemiseus ofthtie couneil tsut tise Ning' familyshoulti b. sent back le Neiveastie wviser.theycamie tue», ià beiug conoideredtihat Iheir bai no righltri .squatletva lieue nant koept by tise tovn*,ant at Prost vus net a permanent reoident of tic tevu, but un employa aftie Grand Tnunk, b. sisouiti b. Sept up by tise luttes-. s-utc CLAIN ON DUNXLEX AND WviTLAtti. Iu repiy ho Mu. Rinig, tise Ies-k etat- eti thut no unaver isatibebon receivedti l the. application la Messu. Dtukiey dc Westliske as late édamages pid by bis. Sein te John McIntyro, ant imeu- redt Ilugis bieir noglecl. On motion of Mr Fairbanks Che council uijoun- -- -- --.- Whitby Raiivay Extension. iiE5OuI5AL OF TUE COUNTÏ COUSCIL OF VICTOUIA. Tise tcilowing ilathiememerial adoph- eti iv the. Connty Conacil c f Victoria 10 tise Legislature preaying fou aiad .le tise Extension. Ta the Hanorabe 'tise Leglisfatiîre Assembly cf lise Province cf Ontario in Pauliamneni ussembleti. Tho petition efthtie Coulty CnnociLot the county cf Victoria, nov lu session, isumhiy aeeeh : TinaS the extension.cf tise WlsiLby d Port Perryv Extension Bailway ta the tevu cf Laduyvulti h. of greal benefit ta a large section cf tisé Ccunty cf Vic3togis nov Almooitcul aieftrcmn - railvaycosnnicuation. - - -;TsI hy . sait exteansion, a juàneiion - vouiti h. forusedti ah tis ovuýýilt,,Lfit sey will ,lbiêti*iàiaüwauay sov ii facilities tieueby given for communica- tion vbhsthe nortieru sections of, thus Couoty anti of Haliburten.. S That youi-petitioàerGus- appreciating tise ativantàgéi tae e flvai 'rm ieh building, anti compietiot - ofthtie aid SWiiby dc Port FPerry E,4Cenefon Rail- vay i se t ovu etLindsay, havae uh- mitîti a hy.iav taei. eraepayens cf tIse townsistcfMariposa, Opa, Fénelon andthle tovu et Lintdsay, grsîntieg aid by vuy et bonus houtise suidirailvay te lise eztent cf. ouaeisnduedthoisusanti dollars. Tisut yonr poitioneus iseiug avare cf, lia désire cf lia GoveromenS te asuiet railvay onterpubso, iairing four1#s objeel the develapemat of, liseinterîoý.-,dis.,-, tietA -cf tlie-pro v ince, ismblypray tia-tl youhonorable body vili grant snch -ennlay&idtêthflsWitby4 suit -part, Peruy Extpission Bailway Ceipaty, as wîhi1 enejre tise coipletion of theo saiti undertaking Cte he oIn-pfLindisay.. Anti your peliî.icuers seas, ndnty 1beunt 'vii ever pray. RBss-,E. PEUnir Wardien. vnas lot 1h. vouS by tender. 4C Wîf. Medougâil indignan bly cohdem»ý tisa Aterney-(beaeral thM I"ta thicte be edthe j>oilqI v Ie týielu1rQ7 reonetnl.ceala e 'ndotion of t - e, 4sd- illustration?7 ofthleé partisanàhîpý wlsebpuv i vthe pyeawtjo9-Call !tibfrm Atmiiitaiéaso. He-ex.I pËressoti 14. seboniobxsest al lia co>sît, otfan hoeset pofitlclabpI*Betori» ;poli- protestetiaaisd ui~eeis.cne su lise ame of lisé B.fr&pïxàtyotf-thýe ,r Thoerea a asina4s -Pass1ageah tarme between Messrs. FratrHady- u Mactiogali--ho latter--"srcbeized lisem us ,men via hadJgtaated utafa vilage athoruey'a office- aud vio knew noing of tisepltia;history -of lb. country. Messrs. Fraser--anti Hardy vIere netbaekvalrdAngivildtieorbt courteous, launting M&r.MoDoutgl vils hie past inccneist noie$ alat viiis puesont humiliatsng poaltion sie nonnmes etfMUiCameron, sud vitisout; isaolitusry follover. - I Thse resointion.vas egreeA to,%viti un ameudment hy Mu.,,Deooleimbracing a returu cf ,ail correspondeance lielveen Sie Gcirnment ant i il ýCleuko et tihe Peuce on tIse same subjedt. -Tise House. atjous-ed tair sx 'clock. -Tisusday Déec. 2 Bis wve.intreduceti ly ÈMr."Curbie to uliolili tise Grand Jury systeni andi te amendth ie lav, respecting lihe eiectio of members. -la rcply ho Mu. Haudy's motion tor an uiri iis ie ~ P pl- cations mouadmission intCArninsluaSse' sni idiot asylume from each coonty anti ics. retnsod, Hon. Mu. Mowat shateti tisaS tise, several -asylums Were aoveu-, ci-owdeü. ue» a returnuut pubiltiet it appeartrd Shat htl tivt -voure 106 innîstica in juil owiflg te -lacis cf accom- modation iu asylurns. Tise Gom'ern- meut intusudedt o ask tIse Houas during ise present sess;ion to vote fonds tor providing accmmodation for four hon-, dredutiditronal lunutie. Mu. HardÉ»s motion vas tiseu cauriei. - Mu. Hay mo -veti for a reluru et umounte paiti ou Parlis.meut Beildingi. < Tise cOtlcf seping tis buildings un uea pair voulti go a'great vaý-, tovards building 0ev once. The voue unsafe as a repository for valuable publie docu- mente ani a gréa& ruSk vas being s-on visile occnpyiug tIse». The feeling Ciroughoust Cie conntry is Chut neWî buildings esonit be oreched. Tise mo- tien vas caruicti. Mr. Coutte movet Ifor returne for drainage vorka us Tilbury anti Raleigh. Carrieti. Tise Hoase ut 8:50 uýdjourneti. Friday, Dec. Oud. TUlE BUDTiOs. After routine, Mu. Cucoke moattheo - Houe inte Committee ofet Spply'. 'Ho saidti ta cuoly on thue occasione sadtho -nnuai ficancial aluteMeot beeaumatie oteCisý House aince ils eistence, - after tié Houg. lititi hen'lupossession -oflie public accoonue. He voulti malce 14e stalement for 1875 up ta- Beptemberý 80511, as be bcd clone in, 1874. The surplus ut thé. 10th et September, 1875, vue 05,096,876. Ilu-reoerig ail. Cii. surpluslise had purideti ter al posàihio liabilities, incîutiing lise Puovic's i- deiheduie>ps Ce Quéeinlureference le Scisool Lande anti other ltons. Tiere vus a diffeueuca hetvoen tils year's sud la.t yeau's surplus cf 5659,978. Tieuis lis aslee. tisai lait year, tise financial position ofthtie Pronince vas ideîilaly the. aume a. at lamisession, as ho liitd.pueiietifor iabiltieswvici voue due lest yeau bot vicis' bati a beau admittet alhalimo. Tismoirnn et money in dispute belveen Ontario sud Qoebee vue in 1867 ovar 52,50.00,, visicl ha. înceeed aincetha$ lime, antio c i siisOntario vas aubticti to about fire-nintis. Besidies Chia lieue vas Oolarie's shure cf lise library oatt olti Pauliament of Canadau. ine. JuIy laC, 1867, np te September 801h, 1874, there ha been ses'enteen buildings* erecteti aud permanent improiremenia, msade o te emount et 52,206,986. , On impuovementu of tinland 'nanibue streames for thsainse lim e tise expendi- Cure has beeu 5260,000.-The ttal re-. ceipte elice tise BisI et Qicember, 1868,' Cg tise 81st cf Decembet', 1874, voe $19,188,642, andti ie-expenditure for tii. saine perioti for public buildings, Do.ý usision debentures, drainage deentnres, ra-ilwvyadat uliadsrble, -Mu. Merneck moned a s-reoletou lu réference te tb.eIInspeetoauip of Divis- ion Cots, visicis -nave e.opinion tIsaI t~e office ou gittaIs. uhollhet. - AMqtiâtsbyMoBa5for re<nrn' of amonuts paiti tas-trials by juries brougIs up tise suljeet cf trial by - the jutiges, vih ls nti ilolt juries, - viici vas diseue djpp latisatheadjouninant, at Tise Houe.sat ili 12 O'clack c» TnLeaday itigit, la Cominiiteaetf upply, visen, severul items voue diecussed anti Two. Hundreti Colliers KilUcd. A terrible explosion acenreti on Mfou. 'day ut Svii hMdin coilieuy, nesu Bar-i s3ley, iu Yorksire. Il is feareîti htlm more than Ive isundred-ivUes ara e l. LAs-z-Tiecollierybalonig toMegaid, Mitcisel&doC., anti is ang cf lie lâstps lu tise sontheru part eYoukoâirA.-Itàs joineti by underground vewýrSurge vwith , the Edmunda 'Main Cclliery,. wheie- iveélve yeaus ugo yestouday over thiee' hunduoti prsono peulsisoi. The wd;fm extenti for - maisy mioes. Tlsey are- entireiy vouketi it-h safet-y lampa un- der very rigid , discipline, antivere con- sideredesafo-. -AI ix o'ciock Ibis Mcmn- igý "about lhree bundrd mon sd oboye deacendod, anti commeureti vask as nouai. At halt-pueS nine a terrifie explosion ocomsrei. -7be exact position: e6ft Ce expIosiop is a ntp rosenýit' nukiovo, but -tiise Minessra i lfperCe ofthtie pib vere atarCleti by hilond repart follow- oi iy arg, vouwes cf amaS,. an after ,by ddupý -. Phosê io vere able rusisd ot e tpSbottonLbut lise ci rais- ing cage vas di4piaced. Asgoon as passible veluntepra vere o rgâanfzedtel eearcis for lhe diati suddyiug anOt lia. ,iso bail escapeti.Atorengdvs for same timbe, lie voonteera r.Pitte aient uoou thaltibey mol viti preut diffieulty. - Tise? mav »any visa er. alime, but unconscieus. Il is impossible- nov te tell Cie number cf lie iosl. It is teirotithat lise finI report- oe twIo hundreti will be confirmeti, thongis lie managers, cf lie <olliery 1hop 1e 1man;r mayble airei. The operutbves in aa tise coiÏihof atie districtis are on tie spot,-edy anti axioe tedoe aIlps- slible toi, lise relief of tise, suiffees. AUl tise local.ousgeons bave« uloarsiveti. Ai, tiosise U ffve beau reecueotb ue far areoionsiy,.burnetiant i fjureti 5Hnndrctis* cf mon, womezün, sud cliii- -dren are' congregateiaI ishementis etf tie pit, andjtihe disetafigureti bodies dreravu te lis surfaete , e ene la aftie most heurtuouding ciseacter. Tise latest acconuts tonslte Sirith - Cofliery intilosCe _liattheltalr,,number of lives leis a140.'Tise exrplosion vas causet by>carelepu â,lasting operatione.- Auctier disaster'cfa 'similsu characler isueportedto¶tiayin-acoal mine noar PenCylis, lu oûtCiWsles., tçwelve pou- sons ver. killed run t lijiircd. HouammLzx Tssaoas.-AI Clevelandi an Tuesduy tibrnualgWlliausrdeu, au CEngliaimnaniauA1, xexusemefor CoAndrews, dcCe., quafrrllt ii hie vite anti becoming enrageti selseti au sxeti sseltet heu, smvffring her liad fromisberbatiy and ti lervfaebomuf- 1> mutilating lieu. H. eu ve wnt la tie corner of Garten atreet, Ladtiser. assultesi bis siep-tasWblo vill&,shai». mou anti su-ae, eûttsng ber iWsaufeorful mauner., A Ms-s. Bentais, visaattemnpt- cd la interfere vu s *ibdl nure vils tise saie voapone. Bat nm. are boyanti ailbeM, Tise bouse pre- seuts an u aiàpeaace. Tise valle anti cebfilgaare iepotteti vith blots anti pools et gor on tie floos-. Aldets vas arresteti atlociet-si. Tiserea- son ho ginea1for lie horrible ucl fa tisat bis v vise vo a.s-a witovvisea ho marrioti heu, *ssd issaaop-dangisteu ver. stealing hlm out of bouse sadaihome.< Wben quostioncti turther ha salilie visieti te put an endt te se uvbaps,n for they duove-him to il. Great excite- meut puensilehere.- - -Tsera is mach excite-ment ia tise leva cfMaribaro overthe deatls of a beantiful youig lay in- a beasding houa. in tisaI oinr» rm aliortion. Tise Seepor ofthlie liane. issitier amrss-ansd anti au invetigations l isnoirgoing an. ,!The lady vas veuybentifl, 22 yearm cf age,,anti belonued le 8Jeuling. 8h. hai- engagesi -'boas- t hee' ou F'rtsy anti n.ext"afleundioxi was fonuti pantially un. dresseti upon he iloor-ofisor ro.i». TEREXFC Bez. Ex rnesioz.-A boit- eu in Cie vooti block, ssvitg vouha, - Cleirelunul, exploee, severely injuring ton persoasi,,, Ia t vison&0ae t ex- - ected te lime. ýTise building vus alit cauuta. The 1875 vei'e5 rec.eipta liat estlatet ics 52,684,176, bu no& execet been a fuag -1 I ~1 Fi .mL 1

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