Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1875, p. 1

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i 2 'T fîi~ M V. BTA L9.X È No Y,&u~m~v' f Iç k 7gist'ýoai t f J .an 2,L ,~4.r~ JAMBe of, theGORDON RRI BAT LOION G. YOUNG. CXfiTIILL1.1' ' ~Air1gE~ ?ONT'TL B.>Soiler lu Chianery eut!inusoay, Nata yPubli 'm o fie'MMla' A. G. oULA, (Lat*Ieneiiat! h MMilan.) 13 AlISTIIU, -ATTORNET, SOLiO- L.Ftr )Ottnyublie,, Couve sucer. ci. o~4 1Stet, Southt ai et office, hlgtby, itao cuer-,Bra"ýi ;Too, .7.ueoarq. ., J. G. Rnesceooj, -E. à. rOWN CLERE AND TRXASUERB JLWlitby. Offc-Tawn RaIL Rn. j froua 9 te 1 a'claçk, s UREON O CONTfGAOL, W Wm. MaDeRIEr, eM.fl., l.R.C,., f-"l U'8 nr8IJ4,LONDON, ENG., %.- th l e e' , .i., Osheao, Ontrio. W. A DADIS,, ' qJý y or toW HK.Ce)) "'~~'D.telBaam-Dat!sStret Whiýovr M. Jmesu'oStore Nitrons Oxit auA&rnniigredforthe peinleso ex. traction oai teeli. L.hS C, 7IV. VARS, .D EETH lusertat! on al lb.h as 0 i e aapmIi ieapest, sud as goad sastise et ileli t vlh Geid eut!Silver. vet tree ithal pain, by produciug l oal inmoosil. DonmuRaems-lu Cav-. Ring Street, Ohwea, 85 TOIUX Atà'PIVI 91ILLt BUILDEIC AXD. CONTRACTOB, OAU,41 asters pnosnptiy oxeenltSd JAR REBSSING ANb)SHAVINO GENT ,FR-,LRE CÉ N .ORTE BqLEBRATED ..I.Scetisi Granite, AtI MarMa Warks T'LICBNBE» AIÛCTIOXBBER FO! TEE 0o.J.4Cpun 01 mci il, TorSsand Peel. Reldss.e t , ll CoancessianbMankiasu. PsOffiOM»-UanuJll.. Salua atteoided on the abuesitst Do lc 0,and on rfflaaqe. terme, Terme uaubm=ad tbille pilu tte i CaeoîlczraOMff or Mn. Carter. TLTUMBE ERCH.4NT, CARPENTE 14eudlIner, Green Sîreet, Whitliy. A leýgs quanblîy ofai tde ai lainier eau. UND~T~G~~erIs filysup- 'kpî colantly on lient. À heerse te larne H.E.0DELL, A T MI R.L Y, (LAin ELwjl ': ; Tk ed ", a;ébuhC ompny "1 4ým.L4ob AUO. q * f __ '~T~~ W4zM rDma'ox 2 ~ z8~.83 Tits .& msd eli~4e.bMite. Cm~>sty ~ ~A y ms1,~oà L. O- P .&IEBA Ja. o LAZ EÃ"su u i W tlg ri SMUdtU4 INiUffifypNE col'. rcaIIM"i ,, " Thb 'C Say ftm W*Xi'SY i8 T A?,T10Y.; ~~~~~~XCTÇT 'WMSeeHa&TerW. 'EIL. ,0 V. .4~ . TYLOR & McOANN, PROPBTBETOIRS T- ~, 'r~~I" een eolate The 4d4nu, mtbel*. ai» b nait 4).y, slux eRut! Et.- - GI!Q. co .Co. FIRM FOFA RLI And s. et pussent la 1h. occuation ai Mr. N. !e;. Con& 100 acrea; about 150 leere; dweliug, otbugidlnsed suitable affioua; splendid oncliarci afSacr« es a aent, JOBS A. DONALDSON1 Madi - ovt EndmrtlanOmfce, 187825 I . 18t11. Taronte. T E ISOLATED BISE FI,'. Inew'anoe Co'y Of Canada. oem'J, W WnInrpruspl'g ' 0 FE7-Ov.7ie Tia ç * ~. P TALOR PHHW MIIAN. ST OP TgBIVSION COURTS: lae i'Trnt YO~S ~COUNTY 0F ONTARLO, NONCCE B04, DALTON,, FOR THE TEÂR 7. Bellable information rogaing thb. cau=. ' < ' trY, etc., furnished t perlies iequringlit'- ample accommodatian faur. unters eue1 Whlbhy. 2i iill2if1 li vliiet es I"ai und utlande lba PotPnn 19 2 25' 1 I 1 121 Spatmen T~e ereu! lrdr apiet!Bruglin 4 2 8 2 8 2 2 2 10 faunS in Ihe caUnîry. N9»0Iîebt abllging 5bi . l12 islt IO12 3 sud attentive servant« Sept. Cammanious Brookc . 12 923 11 f16'J 9 161 Steblng au(' prompt 1 b iaill a i on Thorl ..'117Il? 1i 14f 1it RaBt!. K.'ON # m a... i 1211 1 1 1 1 17 ROBERpK. Y tollG.G. R.DARTNELL, 1'rppn tieor. 187.'1 Juior Judge. Delin, 11hApri, 175.10 Witby, Jan. lit, 1875. ' Q UBEN'S ZOTEL, POET O AE eSHAvA, 0NTABIa. VLUBE RPR- FRBL, 1Wm. TAYLO-R, - PROPRIOR.1 HUA Oms-lngt.aarCiuebTamta LAT£ W. B. McGAW. CAPUIT AL, $500,000. Flust-ciase Commercial Accomino. Deposhed wh Goveramear, $67,000 dll9it ril viladjutal i ames vititu y, st!na ORTIE BRITISE&h MEÉCAN;TIE pay aver teehATONEN Hon. ALEX. UMoKEZIE, M. P., FIRE INURANCE COMPANY 1 JORNý MuGRA, J3., President. JOHNMAUGAIiJn.,Sale, anS rellalbe, charges maSerate, prompt Manaer sthleeut l afins. H 01 BGEO.'VULE, Aet cJRIC Whitby, June 2, 1875. n. 23 AP P LE T R EEÉS A ff 0U T 40,000, -AT TUER- HOME NURSERY, Fran tva bt onr yeans ai age, embrecing ail lie lient Venellies. SETH C. WILSON. I.at Nao.8, md Cou. Pickexing, an Kingston Ec.ad: jst Office, Whllliy. WtSTERN ASSURANCE COMPAtiT REA» OFFICE, TroReNTo. CAPITAL STOCK, - 40ao i* 703 louis eicAaIa, ZroszprËbýLmAw., BRo'olLIN, 0N2. -4100 Agent for lie CANADA FARBMS' MUTtYAL INSURANCE COldPANTY, Red dOfc, R'AUsrrand ut CITIZENS' INSURANCE COýP'y, Meutrasl, Fire, Li. sud Gutastes C &PITAL, 20,0. li'l-oklin, Den. 2, 1872. 12m49 BEATTfY'S TEDLB,.,- TONGUE PARLORX ORGAN S are illly recommeudet! by Prof. O. H. Ronger, Rev. A. MJellaj, Baltimore, MS; Prof. John G.-owand eRy. . Denier, Washington, D. C.; 0 S. Dysant, Bloosuield lova;' G. W. Rabinoa, Prof. Johuslon, hüailstel puia. eut! Ibonumuda ef atiers ee bleut lu use. SenS stanip for exteudedt! of a tesîl. monials befone bnYing a 'Panlar Organ. Agents vanteS evryviere. Adrise, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. .ANESS, SADDLERLY. F AIRBANKS, Auction, d Commision borna, Opposite Black's Hotel, King St., Oshawa. Regclar Sals eevery alternate aturt!ay' aiternooni eut!eveugFinît sle "'uSel- urd.y, th. lOch jUL Instant, atl1 o'clock, P. mn., Coasigunmeat Solicitet!. Sales lu Townvudt!Country conductet!sas nuue. For Ternis, &c., app7 ai Sale Roose, Oshava, on et Office, WtIitliy. Whitby, Jaly lot, 1875. TN8TRUCTION ON TEE PIANO. .. FORTE AN4D ORGAN. 8INGING AND 8INGtNG CLASSES TOUQIT I MR. GEORGE C. WIGOINS, B.A., Bogetaannuca Ibat be vill undertake lie intruction ai pupile an l.tih ome boSoon, et organ, ou usasanable ternis. -Aime Slugingagd sut!nggclassems- Prof. Wig *ne, Pieait!dVocalist, eut! P 'ai ,Sli thle tleentet!l Vlollieîs oa b.engaged fer Concerts, Soirees, au~ musical Festivals on roasouehle lerna.' 'Whlthy, 3aIy îStli, 1874. 29 GEORGE GURLEY, MERCHANT, TAILOR, OSHAWA, Invites an oxeminatfon ai ils saperlor stock ai Cltis, embracing Englit,FIrenci Scotch anS Canadien Tweeds; DoeklnsP Melbons eut! Cheviots, ilk andsufcy vIsle luge, &o., &o. Gentlemen leasing lhir arders mey t!.- pend upan gtting goat! cbabi, a periacb l, etyileh cul eut! prompt t!elvery. GUO. GURLET, Oshava. Oshava, Jaly 27,1&5. 8 M. WILLCOX, LICENBED Clerk IV/B/O Court TpTCerk liÃ"f.lubr Seainegs ta ste liaI he P OU RE O FOTR or a Irrao, AND DIUR 1BRAN!I ANDISHORTS 111 Cler Diisin CortTpOlerp FlOAMEAL,. &c. IThe suliscriher ofoéra for salaelite iailov. infgnvalable prapertyh lie ofaiWhlt- t .-AU mea et BrIk Cottage wil j acre lai lent!, miuateton the. cerner ai Oree as S t. Peton SIe., la theBouthb ward& 'l-, ai cultivatlan corner' Wellinglon aith- lart! s., North Ward. 4 more oaie OetreSt. sontb afitheb.idencw ai C. Draper, Esq. ;l the RoutWard. Alta 20 acres i ofat! baud, bangcomposeS f ai prt af lot le, 101h con. ai Tavuehp ai MuueY, Ca. iTortitamber.' land!. A eleer and lntlsputabletltl vilflbliegiven ta ail the ebove proerty. For inrthherper- ticuàars pp4y te the avuor. 1 FRAN&CIS CLARX. Whibby, Jauly 1871. 29ti L IVEET. Begs te ta bis hie lnds sud the public tht lieeinties ou lie Livery bueinie aet R&Y'S OLD"ySTAND. Parties ncquirlng conveyauces-covered eut! epen-can be accommodated et a znoment's notice. RICH. PIERDON. Whitby, Sept. 21, 1875. 89 COALAN WOO GEB1~BROWN, PROPRIETOR. nb. AU. w" ti bOnd. W~~te y, SepI.1rle4. T GB BETWEBEN ITB ~OOHAWA, TWIÇE AY Le e. s lis.w st 8Se, M., aud 2,'p. nM. 'Le es Whitby st I0, a. mel 4, p.n. F 25 cents aewy.,, W! e ea t aulthe hatelo, ant at private resàde ces (when ,onde sare Wi t nuy ai 1h. h tels.)Connecta withiOmhs*a e 'ed Dop, anvllle Otp<e » elso with the Whitby 'and! ré PerrRa«iway, enàdMtliBrough- amm I l atW Ibyk THOS. HOPPER. Whlit , Merch SIli, 187b. ' lt T HO Aid iluosI lie Wl ~1 ýRSE MEDICINES. lC y vo yetut lon e nd o sale t la carge ion et!vic,. NR - >p NEWS FOR TEE LADIES. '-A NIl REVELATION IN TE RNWALL'S SELF-IITTING T' & SHOtILDER CHART. e' dIteSl Irani nesoernent alous change ofaiestiloli. sale, viti ire, instructions, et S'S M cINYT Y RE' S zoS-'MARINîG.Ras RTT sa 'veteS. Liheral inducemente ta Aag. 18, 1874"- 84- ISON HOUSE, C( WAIS -Dreas *ithous F. DE Whiliyý PA 1 T MÂREET SQUARE, TORONTOc. W. G. JPIHNSON,-- PROPRIETOR. TEEas,, $1.00 par Day. Stabling in cou- nection. 42 THIE AMRICAN OTEL. AU i nde ai Haut! eut!Sat Ca, canuis. ing of lie celebreted lkevune, Scrn.n bon, Bier Rii, Blobeerog eut! ater ceaie CHEAP FOR CASH t Far quauttiem te Blacksmlhhs eut! athers SPECIAL RATES 1 Wcad, esira iength, 25 cants par carS abetenient f nusuaipntaes. Bend! in youi ondes o A. ALRXANER'S Whitiy & Oshavwa Coal sud voat! Sepols. Whbty, August 81s1, 1875. 11.86 KIG BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Iniporters, Demlars anS Manufactureraof ail Ri aieDïÙ Cai paiS for Rides, Berk, euS Letier. Lestien treloiet!. £S"BELTING MADE TO ORDEU ON $BOUT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 Cornuilsianer la B. R., Liant! Agent, &o, ha. Alberly, Cennty Ontario. Alnl@%Pt. Sut!, 1872, DRUq. ÇAReONq & IIOGART, PlîYelalaua, SurgeeinsAccoucher., o., &-o. WhIftb, Spé B11,174 SLAB WOOD, FOR SAL.' Tho submonlber bai fou saisenthis Mill, uer Utie, a qUAaalty ai leur-foot Bjlali Wood. Utitsset. 8,8 . B1. CAMPDBLL. 8 W TB ,ONTARIO. ROYAL, HOTEL, vRInzuy, ONT0 îaoot aIltrah.. ' 27 T'hésebseufben lis.oau anS ms! taiorsie at hi$ illi nur ttica, <aI. C l,i Slnd. aitIntuber st!e«d le. 3 lumber sava to aider. tlle, AUR. 201h.84t GLODB OTEL, JAS, POWELL LNONT PROPRIETOR. l aite Optzo1 A HARNEBSS HOFP, in tie promises oppeilte Itey'a Britishi AM- enican Hotel, Dudan.Sl., Whltby, viene hos will keep o ond iantu ~orstock* ai 4ellt thoes rime. e ga ta -mlilcît' a miae.oaipublie patronage. Wblb; e. FRANK TYLER.gî V ALISES AND TRUNES. LEATER BVALISES AND taABATOGa TBUNKS, SadIen audtIlHaro lser, and-i. ERIer. Joue 2, 187 .2111 JOhN S. M. WILLCOX, « Of tie Ta.vn ai Whltby, bas been sppolnw. OFFICIAL *ASSIGNEE, (UNDER TiE NEW ACT,) Fan tia Counaly aiOunlo. Ail boume entruatedt tebie cierge vil ho cenefully et. tended te. Wbt tby, Jan. 141h, 1874. 8bY TE Liverpool a'nd London and Globe IN5SUMAt4CF, COMP4Y' TMILLIONS 0FPDOLLARS ruwnéuip 01mrii posa & utlrwriglL B~ EGS ta lhauk bis many friehandheutb .Fpublic generally ion the libenal patron. rage botovwed pon biaidnrlng lie peut four Il o g nuptebuainessa Cailisitinn, i utrc.dvoem Itvlilliemzy eut!eaveu, bylirompt sud caneful attention te business za give MUi satisfaction te AilWhviaiy iavar me vl)o temi sale. a noCaeain Billadrauglite!t! a uisNote& £naf.- et! Ire,@aofbsuge. Al»a BOl stemps alvays an ha. Arngoementseacu ho m&de for sales &o.. at lte C'saonucEn afloe. Whiby, Obere.r Office Prince Abeil, andat tlb.Standard nAc$, Part Pesry. W.M. WILOOI, PuaeMbeul, Sept. 14th, M87. c ARBD 1 T. 'I. MOMýILLAN, Agent for tie, ROYAL INStTRANCE COMPANY, PROVINCIAtlusN13itANCE Co. OFFICE-Outa Ï Lonaen s avinge compan'0 building, corner Rig ngdt!SIi- doe street s Jhawa. April 201h, 1874.- ' 17 F OR SALE3, t AT TZE GLEN MAýJOB 0000feot Pin. Lumber, veil eaeaOd. Inch Bperus, 2 i4Ssatliig, 2-loch Planik, Fencdu5 Boards, Maple for mile., jet qasity, I5. 01.SquareTme, Ail a u t o .aths iltoash. oinis 4 4 11m a hw*oieeuer O f eu'où dis. u li b 1Lfor ar NEW STORE, JUST OPENED. e MORSTIE AY'g ROTEL.__ GIVE A CALL. WM. JORNSTON. TO THE FARMERS t Plouglis sut!Ploagli Catings, Stuav. Caltera, Feang il, Retapera anS Mov. ans, &o., hi. WU- JOHNSTON. Wiitiy' Oct. 181b, 1875. 11.f42 i 1'NSURANCR COMPANY (rozAsa Âlin) OF LIVERPOOL A LONDON. CAPITAL, - - 10,00,O , iSAUKEiLs 1 EDIOÂLADvmzza MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYNE8, E8Q',, ma Reaat! ffc"for Canadar 291 h 1os St. FORDES d& MUD<*E, Chlef'Agents. S. .LAWDER, Agent, Wbitbjt Augaît 101h, 1976. IY-8 BEATTY'SPARLOR la'us.. No otbsr parla orpu bu eveu aI. talued the, famé ppulèîriîy. e mm utam for circular and for terme ta elr. gzt waated «"rhmoe." Aurm, l- DANIEL P. BEATTY, Weahlagton, X.. j. A ClergYmawhll e idlagfa South Amerlos, as udii*ioaery, diseveee4 amae and simple remedy for the Cure cd Nervous Weekness, Baly DeayýDise..of the Ualaq ad -DnJaogeatebi 1Thie i bt!d apà, fardssuap ian ai gc eparet!ne everyiin comiant s Toronto, sb.claae liese lbas hoan nevly lit- it! renoved- tinouglian sai. crtar aeccamiodahlaion rtheO rscep: onte. The proenau proprietor bias pains or arpene lin iltroduciug 'revemnutblat voaid e$ teh ut! convenieuceofai bispatrons. tnl 10th 1874. 29 C ONFPiESSIONS 0F A VICTIM. Fa 'ieS as a varmnug sut!fionthie benefit afI oua gmen e!alliCera via enffer ironi NERiVO S DEBILITY, LOS0F MANRO )D, VITAL POWER, etc., gving bis ruies$)f elf-Cure, alten mach sullerig sut e ape ne'su!sent fre. an eoivina eampia rtua potage. latdressN AN9ILh YFAR, P.. B,,xisaB»rAraeyu, Nov Y rl:. 6 m- 27 VALU1ýLE LOTý FOR SA L E TO UIN 0F WHI1BY. LtN7..lOin ection A., iront ou GravaI Lot No.' 10 ta resu on William St. Lob Na. 18, ou Brook St. AnS Lo No. 8, in roar ou William sîrece, section C The pro perty ai lb. late William Lav- ronce. A picetion ta b. mnaS o the . u. Sersigned. r JOSEPE JONES, Basa= T. BSI¶VEN O,Rjnoale.IXculOre i O a YEOMAN GIBSON; 29 Wïiitby. IROBT. 4AMSA, M. D., L.-M. EDIN. IGreduabe (tivIbbaons) af tb. Unilversity ai Qoen's CaIbeqe,, Canada; Philadoîphia Uni,, xa Mdiaine anS 8=0'1 Amencau luntv.e01P syivna; , 1a Ceiege of PennuylveasdLiceublabe ai Mlcrodicy ci thée-Uni of ai Einbung, Scotiant!. Cou- onrfrt e Counyaf Ontario. 0Mb.- Angumt 241h, 1875. lyr5 M ONET TO LENDI Repayeble by inetulments for frani T" o Tventy yesrs, at lam rates aficineneslf,'vith. out canimualn, sma et m'oSear geo. PrIvaI. Funde te Lent! Apply ta- G. YQiUNG, SMITH, MARR AGE, LICENSES, WgITy, ONTABTO. AUCTI NEERf &o9 &o. And General ,Comn"loin -Agent, Port Perry. EAST 0 H OS FIE Brook Bt., whiî6y. "I~~ M7 70711,17~i~"i LA T. 3u S'GAT6611 NTE. eggreen d'idIuÇ ut!s"ù rP Act' ewise. And eriugther l " aivè, aeuthle grcat.buaoineii'af'1 elay. ommencesz-Il fti4,conbatac 11>ir e"t! da;kahQtiug 1as eue'gtcc ~ et ïh'ýpeilztds0 c sàIf theadestin of aptepn!at u cdi val au Grantlioeeteu f. not eliaotiag.1 lias declaret! lulemental iabiliîy eV to keetlhé sbcré, "'eut! in ancbscî position hohint h.e canea, couveri witb allier like good.for.n thisge cf,1 Twoeheurs the aruovy coulat las Thon the ocoresa auoanxiousiy eut! ce ifully reokouet!. The Hionoaurable Cy yi enderet! uuahioyediy hîappy1 lb. acquisition of lh, elaborata cig case proeotet phlm 1Y the fair han ;fof Lady St.,bMaur, vlio looks, liovevt oulhlitphcased. ,y"Grant, Grant 1" se. atIs, irnpatier and eu!sornqwbe peremptoril "Crne, ttnta byour dtuy t" Grant ecivaucea eiavhy froni bahi tha scouas as Lady St. Maur opens t] dàslcet canîainiug the bineaneut!go ,cinclet. "My cousin selecte! tbf. pul fer me. Bo I bave devolvet! on, hi the etdition al pl eas aneo fo , ue e t il," ahi.e expiains, net qaite I>att "Han. Grant" (eu t!'fabs slg] stress on lie final varda), "let me i tuoduce you to the enoesefa competi rae. Mr. Grant Leicoater-Miss Ti bet.", Grant lites' bis bat, boys 'bis lia eut! raieea it agalu la ýbava lis elgi meet flut--setiu the. paroe'white nmu lin t!uess-s boaquet cf viid forgel-ni note ; sut! eddenly ohivion,, of-is d teumaination, resalue, vovunoftaopuos. the bracelet, hé 'bekes it aUliesitsting] fronq Lady St. Maaur'e bauds, Zà Sposi ively oeeaet! h. daty iipuset! ou hi r by e grattoe na,îvoluntery, "May potitbon 2" Grae.holde ont lberbaftd.: Ta hi it i. eimply gettiug th. prize "Forge me-is. Howfunpy 1" nia oxclein se the jevell.t! bhýeesm are clespet!c lier vnlat. ."Funny 2" Grant looks again et tû speaker. "Why tnnny, ot ail attribut cêNot lu thernielves, ot course, Grae. lisitates, a litti.e shyly. 'Tze only just struck me as heing pecoliai becaîqse (lu spite cf contrary advfce) have chosen forget-me-nots for in- bouquet to'day." "Oh, fudeed ! Hon' etrange 1 aiea choç. Ibis torget-me-not tninket. 1 onglit te have heen some ôther emblen I believe. Are yoa glet! yen have voi IlDeliglte! 1" ansvera Grae, iu dlean, naturel, omphilatoue, atteni, aukuovu te the cultureS vaica of Ladi St. Menureund Co., eut! vîici 'ougbt it bave ehocket! Guant, but oviug possibi, le isa recent prolauge! interceorie vit] barberons tribes. hie neillier expenienot uer loks liesensationj, as lheprovide bis nv acquafnatnefe vilIztee aut cakes, eut! thesa viande- discussed, asie (cennsgeoualy, canait!eufug th. compea funable paît lie may have te; play in lii malter) It efh. fecela disposet! te res atter hier sbooting exautions, ou vouli elie puefer e valk." ."lI ar noulat ail tiret!, sud I 1evi velkiug. Corne ahougthen. But firs I muat show my prize, b Roeot-Mr Sodley. Ah I1lier, ho-iq." Grant Leicester looks verysilgit wel came as tlie li litbhe caparon walki op, sud lie teels iuexplicebly, unnatox .il ennoyet!, vleu Grae, inet-eet c afmly exhibiting lier aulvine! vrist dellbor tlyntasteus bthe bisele,vlzic] hlied. ciaspet lere-ten minutes ago and banda lie saiea b Mu. gaey, vic examines il vibli Caro sud minatenees "lA custly gift ldeet! V" comî'nt 1hE emali man. '"Au evidenca nutl less o Lady St. Maur's liberai spirit, theu e lier ehegaul taago." " Ib vas not Lady St., Mar choese il It vas Mu. Leicester, val lb not 2" op. peeîiug la tbe gentheman lu question. "lVos: nov are yen rest!y, Mies Tel. bot 2" aays Grnf, uucenmoionshy, ai Grece resumea lieu bracelet. "IRea!y 2 Whet ara yoa off egain ta the. arclîery field? " demande Roeot. "No; Mu. Leicester, vas going la take me a vaik." "lA walk 1" Robent lochs dallons. "Bob Mn. Grant Leiceseru f.the. future possible lord uft h. mener," hoaemileî 'Very kint! cf Mu. Leicester, F'a sure. go, by ahli meane, Guace.. I &allh- bouk te your boy and arave." And, vitr tachber amile, eut! an imme!iatehy' re. preeset! hait-sigh.'he a es hem Sepaul dava the valk, vlicliby lb, bye, f. the identfisel secldoct!oee Grant bat! solitarily puomenat!.t!' lbe puovious a*l'eu 1z.A-g . 4Hdosoh -ee , il.- "Ant! Mu. Sedl.y f., et course, infali., rn,1awofatioasly foOMýr s ~iD &y eriticlem, bolpg favstýrAey jeý Idt 4eAsiI. ,,,â.4# ,. AA li 11Ileoaanot 'spoi ' oe ,2ljiri tri" i8ýg .111, la h *ltere'~iead; a t bAPI merr ' ô et, , '%3 '"" More oleàr1y or nde~ w 'Aslib guter.1 k~ "i~!e la'6 ne. bouquet," 1e says, 1WOî i c oeus 'I auet!lil~V' xpllne Grse, attr 'littl.e uMe. "Shah I get 7ou h ak euidy.' Ai ~wi:ide*.tearso,: e T 1re aDO' Lwnow." ' e.~Gr"~ re t g t il tls a z o r n - l o ug 'i 'i g l ea d ry ',"6J con t v en t o as," eh . e é pifit!, bar. t p f th * vitl 'nvM'aié bte ww tu g- rfea1yfÏltloâwiÏWg li aafntd h" h a miable;' iota set boevr et liera juat on. 'quiit. iaglli wlf'Rbat l polite4w iM~Ri K- spray. thst '*émqzeaoe, -ai lo«sjic iu. 6 I forai " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t, dM.eieer2an'h'sde "ba ,tupid ,drive.1il waa j te the'~ 5l AF >o ,toa zo i ' If n rI h t a e a 'f 4 e aing U~ n i 9 "sThatvwilt do-thenks a thlieput tbriouïgb'." h' 'big, -*eUl. reésod' oowd a .ln nt, the nYosotisO aifully bh1àe-bitton. that fMWd t!lite' big' rece îton rcoms - 1'dhig, £tlt!-drouik 'v"hol.. ltt. 'an a, relif--ti.home oti" eý'o' j< blIy "Il ien't fadet!, ae goy tae, ' said,!sut ,hostems, hen t.pîm'o ve-odntlîv "oi Grâe; Ilyet, frcah saill9, liow long lI t llndneselit 'fluâlly aïchore iu e-~.Muxae will b. deet! before yoarforget.me.not," alndet! aok' behinal he olding Lors, i tome and ah. touched the pre bracelet,. flot premptoffly demanidet taheeri,8s " Mia~l Ho e Living or deat!, we'aliall see whiah or aay aa1hùg eibed to'hoîiill Sforgeme.not prlze-yoars or mie- Obduraîely i attenîive,-Grec.'site i 9lu a f ld ii i li e reasuret! moat- remembered lier corner' l i n ape ai entence aru , eu t very , we.i ~:longeet," returnet! Grant; but tii. r.. res ber eau. 'IJ je ber aUIt'a infro' iioreeb hi mark a o t bu Gre, w io lied mov - dootion to the bride. 'ha p orme' m a a ed i t e ;ne re ite4li> ff. ei li Ia M ue. Selle-M ia. G n tLeiceataîl" do: ugleY :g;rI net. 64eid "ale tt k gt1 li avlny towaudà ttbf.la er r kre-i . -'Io iere any way of .aIimrbing sonaga the. drooping eycs are uaieed, arrangement te Vrilit 2sad ose a a eall, aliglit,fragile, decided' uombody elseth by "Wfliat t ara y onaddicted teo lirnbing ly, pou.. vo-mau, who talkik it p. znfd's bracelet e.algol 1I am airait! your proclivities aie presaed toues, eand lia'evidently.a:v wih lderyd udsnI elaylike. There is à torlupua nr;ervous syelemaltogetlieu Grace'e 'cyard pelli omewliene; but I shoo i reoise pliYsical eut! mental opposite. haeve to e eachfor il." Grace, tesla, -~es h.e ainke furtlier RCAl H nt- "And! there fisno tîrne te seaucli now,"v bgak, nS voudens were may tlie bappy RCADiE a sel t Gre, radiear uegrtfully; for T1Ibrdegro M b e; fou cl i e ias gl, faifr, ' T R a T n idamn sure cousin fa weiting ; aedut! i a benZd amiSat the festive thiong'lie he late, is it fot?" well.enembeed face, or heard, h.ý "Net too late. But" (coldly) "Iif you vell-iemembeîet!aàccents. Onitlie. Neb., ol. obj:ct te keeping Mr. Sedlay flue min- Other people'sa'. nting hie eboen:., bld mt batit t' i z e u t e , I c a n s h o y o t h p â h s m e t o , i t a e e ss o s ; a s , p r e a e a t l y b oa hs t h a t o u 1 t h . 1 2 t1 lm other day." yj h aîi isomebody aek, "Wheré lyouinq ia rLin g But wiii yon be liera some othen J1er ?"aud somebody aIse replies, "Oh: Pelady, voeài day 2" ~~Grant, You kaow, lsaelways unreliable!Wlr80me I shah 'b. aI Leicesterfielda for e He von't be bol ie.lii Iis evenfng egaFyor t th copeo etetableaa o n lest train, probablýy." ot Lua ýb;t Do "cm hr P 1,1a.lys nnreheabl, t Wea that fn. 'The murdered a "lY s ; i t l a s a a b aa r e t t y , p r e t y p l a c e . e t ! i i r u l a r c e r o a . 1 4 4 d C lo u d - 3,Don'î' you think soe2"peeret! I Nol'aven a- golden, obàa ieo!here it "There f. aprett o omething &bout -coula rivet hlm t" tithet 'l.mandar i a lto.day, c é-'ly,' soa eGrani ait soma 'unhmnova individuel oudutts àlier Ti wgoa e LIS- involuiarily, ani!shuilfng again. He lunt the reiresliment.rooi, eund alter- vas uPset loto; 1- is e decade eut! e lostruni aider then varda ind lges ia e promenade., ' bauk-, ve n.re. le 1h15 pretty, viveciaus chut!, vho, déses ~te There if. no sucbery- to-day, *Or . les nd in«h lie er otdities, lie afeela. a chit! atilin ucroquet, for 1h. Lady s81.r' eu zaken îàâm - ',Ï liert-experieuce of the world ; eut! b. bree!, andt!heb.Hanoarabfe'Mns. Dua- a dnii addreees ber acordigly. "lW . may, loy (M u. Leio«eslr's preset, amaet- co au d b de nf adfacov.r sorme mniùtnal' tentes by- nistaîr ofths et amonie) -has ber on IbasiL. Bat] ent!.hy," lie continues., IlAfreedy voe Speciel veakuese in "babies" sat! 'ýper voere Sioux hait- have eâtblialiet h.. . tfot2 blt, "owiah several; cfi er igba e tr 'Yes three: Lonlinese" leughing a owa preperty, are prevat!ing, 1h. gree'ia S c D1e1l11.>, "Forget-me-not, end!Riding.gnie. been in Washing f The lesst he beet. Dou't youegre 2" As accusa an opporlanity effare :Indian dalegai ou INo," looking etraiglinto lier eyee. Grec.supolitely escpes . tram liaies' Aseistet! b3'You le I think I profe4he forgetmo.noît" coul9 and vanden< off elone. g n a the s, dle udaslu - ~ ~~S h e d o se s o t m e a e g o b r th e f r t e s l f I cliff-yet, indiretly ud, noosionly, fthe al enofrhe, CHAPTER IV. sedrifintmbits vicinity. She fa net dng assav wihlu view of i, hoever ; as eesite agrssevc 'Y OVER iTH E C LIF F . drearniy dowu ou a fallen tree-trunk, sentet! the Ivo VÉ r,' Great excitemeni I Twelve menthes have elapet, eut! the tilt. e cry-a frfghtaned cry-saddenlyincseqe' o ly early bearne cf another Joue sun are rouees lier. bnrcuteqý uree etrearning through the breekfast.parleur Stigltrm hercyhgith-bulmre. I window of Rose Villa. hind ler il ceres. Some of h. per- t The m orning ieal f ju et o cl de t!; em b uiting D u tleys, nurse and! a l, EmaR R L E F i mi, Gran tpapa Le Garde las betaken h m : telen ver, posib y 1 'I ReELA RD).- T li n sef taha nvepper;AuntBarbre h. jumps up eut! rue listilytblitsl 'iuest )n olf e hi nespaer; untBarbra pot bouesnan are wthe fanerai of h anifolde eut! parsea bier epitolary cor-he spotbNoeifant ,bof1 a respondena. Grae, having recoivet! ever, visible, but te hrieke for Styles, f th. 46b1 y nithr ltte no flveppeu sîeai. Hlp " ara ranicaly repetet!;-eut! getly beloved ! [y ly by, in a stiange, caini abstraction, lobknup, Gd rc oaho aees t auilieheref, ai ae vey nev eut! oreign te- lheu former suede!to ahgljgddoai io e Z L ild restlesnoessasd vivacity, but con. Piec f rock, the bide-Mre. Grant, Rginiut,'of sideret! a v et im pr ve rnet te uupo u Leice ter 1t Colonel ýC tty t1 e by dicerni g Âunt Barbare,, w lo no v E o v h ec i ev li eur !isagre able h . procession. s e rark , blndly,.a e a h.i ca n's the cou- position, G r c . hestiate a fot ta enq afre. b si i t w ee ta tente f he urn rou e envelopes, " b, A illieu adverse feelling a die tth ., sig lt (Ity, fllovet! I se ier. lsana invitation for ext TueeSay of the pour litte oma ns danger. men bringing np i. t e L eiceoterfiold , t e m eet ihe bride eut! I0H old on "P bse al e eout. I ha l al dre se l 'lu b iegroom, M.adMr.GatLeicester 1 a p i amarent, aeut! ing -Yeu lthegrave theyý etYen are fortnate to have retanet juil down. 1'" i, the menbe t! l lia fo il Gree; nS Idont m Anu, springig op the rugget! pth, ve'a ecaely one taking charg e f yo n." as ea y te lier eteaty, p actisd tet a si a o af ce re M ec la icallyG râ ce ta s eeu 1h. m ie a r od roa t, ae h t li er a unaroun d - f th . scane a t svegleceaattie' il!g~dcpe the liait-exhastet Mue. -Leicester. crovd,,etfcivileaz lets hveu eyee tray eue ald iph' 'Ishah leat! yau efalyefiher ap or tit uerai puces .whereof tIie ords, "M. and Mrs. dowu," eh ai! Grant Leicester"' alone reclet ber But uiterup nor do va onit! M s. Ex-press m n.- tgcomprehension, eecepes im 1h. garden'- Leicester auffer benseif la ha led., "I sey, Mick,' - sot!hftiugliereitvitin 1. reti d"Iamn tirry if I ouly loak dovn, eut! are those yen ere , aru r avan rl Ing ith s t h m e rsîde ap 1îetc , eteep t Only lai m e oding te oa , to b. sare; tvhicb Robert Uba gatherêt! for ber the Yen tli sornabot!y coma My lins, b. tlinking I von fi bouquet et devy myosotîs, abe eobbed "mId!t-Mu. L eicester t Oh, Grant! The. prisanar ai eut!n moan, atl aadibly, Il le true, -Grant 1" sha acraamed, leat!iy auda t! smoh a Sth n 1 t lI o y o ld h o a s ot*'s , lo ck d e sp er toly .' " se, speak se, do everything te make me :: alo&1-w >ia e p "ieva',o~t s like h m , eut! th e n tag t 2 A v ol-k o v a, voice la borne on th e - h w i )f G rac 'e lip eitrem ble a s; th . lest vaut! air, a el-k o va stop atv nce e te- ln' )f falle froin theni, eut! eh. covare lier, verdStha upper cliff valk. Ie lfa Grant, TIi" het lhingc face wf 1h lieu ieude te shul oui the en route tram tbé uailvay.statfon. He Anw-nm o t.enter viaw; but the raecti va mental bat! net, atter aul, dele ouil h Ilstcib. v i t a s io w s f o r t h i a r e v e n g a m o r e t r a i n , " ~S l i h l s e n e t -'clealy eudt! horoughly. Grâec. ecog ies, of course, th' 1 A bat! habit tea Il foi, as va lieve sait, a year aimepproaching eo'nd, uat ifey neeuy fa ot pit! for. ,a Lady EI. Iiraor's sucheryfete, eut! nov unuerve heu. 8h. f. just e.live 10 tb. Sofi earte of Grâe, set! utna iferable, involuuterily dtoerminstfon et sevisig Mus. Leicester. heada nover diu recal, ot alone tht briglt de, bol %an, nseau, euuinng liel! b b. h m euy ecceeding, h rein Itee afiboser vy seh.cam e- bitde n b . uoe t. N ouas are ra ef the bracelet bat! borne a com plotions ing rock. S ho p ah s 1hoe maI lady al ay a b eu ftoi b tl oV»gooa1yflumlynapveid,'thae 1h.e la v a part, anSdlied vilfuily eut!delibera7 latter hedd, are afiot! abov atolen lie freh yughat ltlte he s and aumsar inabe se e, wt el y i h i a u hour, thro v th ro o h l f eu e l . m i e ni t ae v r. osot itseede, sud forget. renouer ariveson te cee. le. 02 F True affection' : âGrn t Leicester at! p ot the w ole r oqauirersa e sliht final effort on0. g a e ei e. The abou !l 'Geoe e. g hmI.Afoli "Ie dai'S aut, qi liýThngeat èI«la, ÃŽU7 edrvIeOiS ba ifllyu w.,e on t utaof r na.ly diehring otieil-"' éé rs rM, o IFn,-hw t in pe it M in d tt! m n n er lt . lh e " m i v u . ?or , p erm it m e tb Ilin isy o n for en. app o a m s aU to te« ly ubdaot" conditiou commedet by ing mysfiep-mothou'." A t n a l B a r b r a . h . s k e t !- n q u e t i e s , 6 t p m o th ie r 1 " . , G r a c e a l a i S e S . 1 O t l a . . l e s t h » e eu!ntlg trte wue'$tfdOn 1h. "Uns. Grant Iiloesl?" U>niadultf fi-Ubjo nuliâ b. fn tat MorlaImn. "Unt,. GMà Iweseter,'erail."~ ln.Oh'-' mmt ebe go0 ta Loic er e y fatio'e ite1 And faheer noi a Wou -as1nin e Su , n -NX l LnieS Doyn. FAilOUS HALF SUER» 110' NIIRDERD IEA.W RZD CLOUD. >,Nov tg. ±tountatiozt eecolvet! liee t h. effedt i l 1th. bod!iem esot$o l is nephev, yung es, from the Rot! Clouci oxplsjiig cf 1h, uceel at i,'iiddod vith',bale. non befng onîthe vay 1 trom ,Laràes)et lie', esti.,i lesupposeS liaI Iligtot11e tva ied' li'nver aidaen thé bndi.- .rgestee Ther es era the culy thinga e harnees. The bodies rateri evefal t!ays, eund fet! enly by papert founi btI th1e mslrt!tet ien f-hiadaRiethIds 'lâvr ry intelligent sinutn 'llie"vbits. liebeel Irtou seeral lime. i i tions,- ea& faterpreten. >ng mea taid-OtIe th mosas of blingiug et Soptember 'ta -breel o. Black RHlaecountry, em Indiens, for whieh ce 1h. gaverumeut pre. elîli 100 hea! of lorses. ut pueva lsaet Rat! Cloud oft1h. discovery cf thie 'OmnEAL 110 IXEICmE, peuple of' Limierick raitier a novel sigit-at ie ie cf.Quentermaster kn Baget.rmie hV' mamory. Ait lb. their beet.,joined ýin But tii, mcml remrk- lie preneuo <f-Mue. lié-e r. -Tey vwere . Ih. Ona -uriviug 'eI' .formet! a cir 'ai.&round! îg culait!., -eut! tièe le ath wi omen that St tears.'- TIi. uovelty Itiacte! an immense in, Who secompanie! assiou o the grave. -Retire pnftoua. wbat sort cf potalcea ae .plautiag ?" '-"Biey yoar houai vonldn't )it! 'plenl bolodoe" we," uebl s<spealalon te onQt-"an aching tootit. ir tiglit boots-a cars gel fate--asot Ita&_ tn banden, but SAf ehionablo, and have 'oed.- tters of-,the alphabet gosstrong.raail'i aaMenay -be sit! pt drunk on eleion - owing ta Mi.effort« le ÀaS eft K.lbeggoa0era Malo -eau.I' gh C'a. ~iomalter. Whet or ldi But whtMù 1 1 1 281 r 1 1 EA THER 1 1 -- 86 1 TAwnQhlný: ne lkfnvlrànoa 2, 1 - -. MILLS 1 AÙCTIONEERI 1 mai 28th, lý2-'

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