Whitby Chronicle, 2 Dec 1875, p. 1

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rer ur. r Ahi-. illmy,'-Oat. r . mWÀMII L . 13 éivÀ« t ÂWncyS mLI0ITloeTN o itrt uit QïW A. G. MNLI <Lats GreoeuwoM aiIu. BtAgimT1rdBATTORNWEV, ROLITO trWoayPublie, Couvey ai -r. " die-lt-yroo stret', SLuth ofai .et Offlie JaAlRlTElae, ATTORNfl'I.AT LAW, CON VI! A YCL lS, ade.. OFPQI-rou'scaIAseuranes Buildin# CucewrotUe-I. ToccaT. 'J. aoax, . o. 3.G louî,rson, X. A TO l it M 0l1 IlTg tff. T 0" WNOJERK ANP TRF.ASUIUI L'Wltitby. GMou-Tuin BaU. Bour r rom D1 tei oclo.k. - s tUGPO0.q TO TiTji t-OV.qY TTAOI PByron Otrftt, WlàL-by. ~ D ETIS.T. (SUCCES wior ta W. Il. C~ai. Oxiibeealltes o h pils s C. ýN. VARA.L.1 N E 13inset -aon n$l11 ds aaichsaïasthh.cheapt. analsudawgond mse tha testmt h fileil Wlth Golal andl Silver. T,.$b utr"4td wft1îout Foin, by prodicua local anathesia. WDentas Bomsuk-lu Cow. an'a ew bloclk, over A ianoDrng Store, BUILDER AND CONTRtACTOR, Du7(DASST,, WH[TBT. car AU ordue r pmeptly execut.d 'LTAIRDBE88ING AMD SHAVING LjL:, Selooo, Brock St., -Wlstby.ý A GENT FOR TUE CELEBRATED .. geBottimh Graits. t Marbie Worke of Jonathan Woiendea,Dundu St., Whltby. FIORN8ED ÂU4CTIOYERBB FOR TEE LOouaties of, Ontario, Yorkanud Pee. llwdsss- 8,Us oneeqouMarkham. Vogt Omooe- noyIf.Sle tetelo th.éeisrtst tîàed'of rsàoueble terme. Ternm i sue saa edblle pitteat th.e 'OaguowzcueOffice forM,. Cçarter. LA MBHAN T,,CRPENTER ana Jtuerrtn set.Wltby. A large qnsutity 0ai uli 49d#,et lamber con- sluutly oscjaspd p lied sud attended on short notice.' Cofin, XkstcOonteutlY bsudb"'A 'hernie.o iir olberi terte. A, T H ~RL Y, Clerk Divislon Court,p Clerk, CO' ,nserwir luiil. .>'Lrsnal Agent. A&e;. dc., Athemiy, Caasaa:y Ontario. C Ah.rlB P D . n.17.S Fhyataaeaa, no<aaaAccoaclers, &, Whithy, se,^ ,tt,1974. SLÀ&13WOOD POIl SALE. Tia.enlrnubcrilaer hms for d stfaitlaisll nar Ilticu, aaantOb i "a-fo 1 -' Woad. A. fi. AalEî (LauA LiTZ , WIITBY, ON Ii. E. Ârtl.lTftnO - Ll,'iEIG R' OTA L uo-EL WUITDT, ONT. 'A.HI DE, .î. .PROPRIETOIl CnmrrsStttalcroituii, Omnbas, cmeetsa it adi tsa. g Q.-99t1WA, ONTARIO. TAYLOR ce FULLEiR, epROPB'B, - .ATE W. 13. MrGAW. dation 1 3 CT L . PROP .IETORL J'& POWELLiCIAiOSRTL ____ -; , ('PWEITBT, Oli' P.~. ,~ ~~L » Oa~L4400,00. JPEdTERWAE 0>*O, E 8T'A 0L 18 L-ED '183.' 0euslie ~ arei té ud ea 'dskel.ee rie ae Zia ksl u a a u a i " MI A N N T E . prpotarau opàtmefm.* MUTUEL I ;SRACE CO'Y. ý - HESâ» 0171C , Broo St., WHiT, jy. 01 - r A I W 'k~~itU a ? T O I Cod K>udtlW. 'lI4, - PR<PBIZTOM au s~f~f, Z. î~~U54i- Adoei&tieWistby k For erry ul- y8itipaw~er ~ekea eqsistly oc' had ar, atcle ltieooa'Xans douted prospi' aodm "hlb y a'fl7,imi. r 22t That wll.hown faa=mhlot 26, rd cou. of' THE -,DONALD8ON FARM, tl.se nt pement in the -occupation ci Mr. yCont« s190' acres; aboutliNi la. '~; s a, nitahie 1(filcil; splendid archard of! 8gcm inlueient. iJPIY t0 :OHN A. DONALDSON, Gnt mi fai OU. dApraeh 25. 1878. 181 Trnls tL qkISLATIDBISK 'l, ,rthudsussd tis bloh tskeu have-nevly'iieltpddx>osenpt Imt tiss bât ofordetýr fatise ueor1uo tien of ga"L& . ih i s, n-hila ateis.1 ,sýomet lu thse conut,, le eiupfldh Po luew toronoe , yýrjUNG's OTEL, - ONuCK IOAtaI iALTÃ"WI, ,ROBT. IL YOUNGOf PROPBI-ETOR. Rellable liormastions regardscg lise ca>ums. try, etc., fuaisseai ta parties raqniing it - ample accommoidation. tom "Huiniers' su Sportsmen. Thehme sud laraer supniea wit the 1hlest aW liquone anal viande ta ha anal attentive servante rkapt.. ommno'liou a.nbling sud promipt hostiers ais av e n - InEùILK.yoUNGqc, Proprietor. iSsten, litS April. 1875.\ 16 NORTH BRITISII ih -MERCANTILE 'Ire- Insurance Cq'j'of Canada.1 FIRE INSURANCE .COUPA N Y! CAPITAL. Sàoo.ooo. t!'poriled d ibliîsvIiilameno1 $6 71(101 t milI adi ltal losses sitiout dels>', sud '4y over ie'cma'hAT <ONCE. Holà. AUX. iMcKLeNZ1E, M. P'., WtO lMAUGRAN, Ja., il 0 OC E APPLE TREES, A il o ii'r 4:I,ouo, -AT vi£- HOME.tNURSERY, Prom tvota four yermsaifago,emibraciug ail -the besi Vurletias, SETST C. WILSO.N, Lot No. 8, Zual Cou. i'heirng, on Kitatan Roaa i sh.0ce, Wiltby. i{ETBN ASSURANCE COXMN HEAD»OarIsosTcaawie. CAPITAL STOCK, - S40,oo. AoZsT FoasaUTI raalos, .I'OSBVPH HGLM4Ný, BBOOKCLIN, ONT. 4sf... andl r1alM, chares modei.ste, promplt GEO. YULE, Agent. Wtitby, Juue 2, 1875 .4uction d Commission Rooms, OppoiteBacsitl igSOha. Hegia 1r Sales every alterna'. Satnrduay .fteranounand rievetfung. Vinai suie oùa Sut- arday, the lUth .) UL Y laastaat, et 1 u'olouk, p. ii.,Couiguen:Suiited. Saleas i Towzan ud Coutry conalucti as isual. For 'Terns, .ÃŽ4., Uaappyntst alie lti'olus, Oshawa, or at OfÃ"ce, Wkutby. Witby, JuIy jet, 1875. 28 INSTRLUCTIOI< ON THE PIANO. FUTADOROAN. SINGINO AND SINOINO CLASSES MTA1T MR., GEORGE CI. W1IOOINS, B.A., Ileg ta annonnes thet h. Whll ndertuke the instruction of. pupis «Qi themipteno, rue- lodean, sud organ, on *eauonle terme. Aiea Slngilng amal Slngizg ClUmwe- Prof,'WieiJ ,PinaWet anal Tocaiet, and nrf.H L h o- têtalented Solo VialIniet eaun hoengsged for Concerte. Soirees, anâ Musical Feelveieon rbawanble terme.' Whltby, Jnly lIb,184. 29 JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, 0f the Town of Wbltby. hlm ben axapintud Aiea, AgentfrtiaCNAAARR' UUTUAL INSURANCE CPAT OFFOIAL ASSIGN , I fT>.Tnn a.masen., aclor Resal Offie, HxzA=1x; sud OTTIZENS' INSURANCB 'Cor', CAPITAL, ,OOOO Briaoklin, De&,! 82,12usd! LU ERhSfNLSFR'AE Tise sisbscrlberliss onu baud a for"sl nt h~ Illmnoir Ut",ca, lt. Cnurele), a& -klude i fnniber Msisa sinle, Billicmber uwn ta arder. 4.w B. CAMPBELL. utica, Atg.m. hUSti HAISSADDLERY. The. snbscrhbu deelmsta state tisaIh. has opened a, .A mHAR N B S8S HO-P in tise promisesl oppoite Raye BiliefiAns- -i-su 4tel, J5cn u-St., 1Whitbýy, seere a.'y seul koeep oan sua cuperlol' tock af 'veyhhsg iatbis lisse ai bafsss, sud s'ill ;.li ai lb.e loisipyicee. Re beq g 50slii sbà of.' ipublic puti-oiage., t~ltyFe. 4.87.FRANK -TYLEJI. IIEA p ýUMBEI1 -LUM13EIZ iaulraiguei t anon' lu reca-pt aoS a vsuialîat amt i tf illee learenl, uvll aeaaaaa - il,'arSsi-r; setflik at Si U pur tiainrî tifesi 11 iitio of aLaiberaaafor Carpeutur aîad l.au'asbaitiaiaaetrutbaa.wsim-ae. Lainamae5fyard ceur seomatsaps> Wlalhyh P. tF.i. lalway C'o. CI11TUIîIR JOHaNSON. Vlitby, Nov. duh, 1874. i-d VALISES AIND TIIUNKS. LEATHEII -VALISES AND» SIB.RTOGA TIIUNES, & m &., st WILLIAM THECMXP8O N'S, sadier aud anes'ae, For the Couuty ai Ontario. AUbunes entrnsftcd ta hie charge wllI ie osefnily At- ttnded ta. Whitby, Ji<n. 14th, 1874. M1y MERCHANT, TAILOR, OSHAWA, invites aunexamiinatiau cfih. i uperior stock of Oioths, eînbiai M'gllsb Pinc scotch.asud Canadullan weàs; Doeklis, Mltons an&l Cheviots, sllk sud- fuucy vest- GentleMenél leavlng thelr' oïders' may de. pend npon'getaing gond loth, a perfect fit, stylisb cut anal prompt delivery. GEO. GUBLEY, Oshawa. Oshawa, JnIy 27, 1875. 8i- W M. WILCOX, LICEN-SED AUCTIONEER FOR TISE COUNTY OPi NaiMal, alM EGS as Ma-fll;rlposa &Ilartwrlgli' BESt tanl hie mas friénai. anal the Bpuic teaeruiy ifa- the tiierai ipatrou- &go bestowefupan hlm dning tihe peut four Tllving nov «hran up thse business ef 8&!tIîff, I1litenal, lu future, ta devote' ami' v .hni.'timne ta. the business of Aunioneer. le vil ePii4h s'eisvaanr, bsnprompt anal ,-reful attention te husnese, tn give fui tsfatinte aal sha mn>'lafrrme selîl rlasin Sulisor CoLlecting. ' muas !iughlreal and' Bluak Nouts Sarni- anl (noa- aofcharge,. AIse 11111 Stamupe slvsys n) aud. Arnaaaf$aeaaua easu ha-madie for rsaleil i-.. aith 15 îiiausrcLr office. Whlthy, Ohseiee ')ffiaie Pehnaee Ahart, Ch@ ls.Starudaea 'iuc., Part Perry. Muce Albert, Sept. 2- W. 187. 8LL9X T. H. MecM IL L AN, -Agent for the ROYAL INUR.xNC oMPANT, PEOrIsCiliL NiSUnaII.CE Ce. OFFICE-Oario Laaai anal San*nge Corupaaay'a lauiding, ea-uüer Rinagisud s-i. an, areets. fsass April Gti, 1874- 17 Fou SALE, - TR aaox-r,,senrit. (ILÈN MAJOR; MILS' T 13IUolsBoards, T and r r Flooeig LIvepoolan Lord»on and Globe 2 x4dScsutiUng, Iase tllcourmfse e* Mapie fa«axsai ltqnlty, excMalFORTI MILLO .0OLLARS. Bavod OleuaWsyOiiFre otlmwatsatprmr. ~1900 i11. qur.Tmber, I~,U,aree ~ sq4ta ufiqh.Alieli wsa'n.a s ~ - I t ~ OFVtCE.'.rOvezMseDeeuiuieeijemic,141 MiDt.!~ Brogle 8ivWi4tby1 r la a a 15 - ~ - i . '. - wri% oiuthe 'or rl, n187&-»=v» COU.-'biba'et.-Z84. for a ' lu n n i y ai v i u . ' ei v s 4 t W Hf l T B V ý & e 6 4 4 , A W Floursad Feslof!'tise beet qusîli>' an1 al.iLaves Nwhthyu 1,a . nIp s utre n.e'rcea.*viii. lb.k0pt con- IPare 25,coeucli yb stauitlyon hanalanl oreae. ' t.1al *l u-aIte-oel;'anl t ria .Bôwymanu aftage;,abso viii -he. Whithy sud Port perryRalsar,>sud viuh lirongh L'8 0F NKDIVSIMCQztS 50 ailut.1 ' y THOS. HOPPER. FRTUE 'MAR 1874. lee~ .a~n ,j H,' il S MEDICINES. - ~ î1s IAu aeierlpteiofaithe hast IHersa- Mai -n~~-lg'oigkepu nstuntly'ou huialand for aaleua Brocji 'ssn4î 1 82 2 22in 2 Pi!trtP-rry 129 520 2) 4 3 .51928 .t' o charge for adie. Usclariage a il 221 '131'5tSf I 812 flzU ;N.-I liark...:112ilS .' 1416 91Pid, 101.5 f ' - Thm b 1I 19i.. iS I q 17 ë O NEWS FOR T E LADIES. GEO. I. DA RTNELL, - W'}it.>, Tu. .î 175 Jnir ndA.INEW RBETELATI0N IN' THE \rALUABLE PROPERTY 'FOÉ SALE; The suharicniror Oansale tha faslo 9w. 1aa1Z vainuable Ppprty. in thée Towna.ofSWlsit. h.V:-Ata excella-ut Brick Coatuage vith j acr ni l'anal, atuateai on tise cerner ai Green anal s St. P'eter St#.. l inte iSouths Wanl. Ait".j xof laund, wel) feaceil. anad in a high citite aaf ciltivatisîn, Cornaer Wellington anal Cii- forai It., Nnrth Watrd. 1 acre ona Centre st. .aastl. of tse realdaue ai C. Draper, Egaq.. mi tise Rouî Wsrd. Ais, 20) sre. of gond aud. haing comnposed of part ni lot 18, iamth con. ef Township oflluimy. Ca. Nortisumber. A dlean anal 'indisjmtalltitla viii h. given ta ail ils. saove property. For lurtiier par. tlanrapply ta ithe ovaer. FRANCIS CLARK. Wbltby, Jul>' 187. gti L IVE RY. lUP9g ta on rbis--frlsaide'analth b. publia that ho &arrieton tishme vr>' bislnaat u&Ys OL SAND. Parties rqirintg couve'aci-ee ana open--can ha accanmodutea ts a ment'e notice-' IlICE. PIERDON.- Whjtbi, Sept. 21, 18. 89 j BOTTOM 1PRICES'N FOR1 COAL AND WOOD! An il iaisoetHamdansd SoCtCoul,'consista. ing of the telebraleti Lachuvans, Scren. tan, Brner HMi, Blosabnmg anal other coeai CHEAF FOR CASH 1 Faijusutities ta Blucoisssthu said ahers SPECIAL RATES 1i Wood, ertre leuih, 25 cents per caral abatemtent off UlpriceS. Sena inl yonr od o A. ALEXANDER'S - Whltby h Oshawva, Coul suai ood depots Wlaliby , Auýgnt sstye, 187é. ' 1-86, KI>G BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importml, Dealers anal Msnuactuiers ofai l Kinde of j¶IEXCE 0F DRtESS.MUAUNG. f>CORNWALLS SELF-IrITTING WAiST,:& SHOULDER CHART P Treses fluleai from nmeasumement &siota viciantt chanuge ofai a iilah For suie. vins free inAtructions, ut MISS 31 eI NT Y'PtE 'S DlIE58-UtAKIo eBooms, sestrux. Agents vanteal. Liseral tuducements la thae Irale. 'Whilhy, Ang. 18, l1874. 84 JOHNSON ECUSE, EAST MARKS? SQUAREK, TeORONTO. W. G. JOBEStaN, - PROPRT.ETOR. Taitis. 81.00 per Druy. Stabling lu con- nectidn. 42 ITEE AMERIICAN HOTEL. colma aor 'roaoz A" FRONTrsus. GEORGE BIROWN,. PROPRIETOR, This fnxt.clue bons. hue bea.ien el>fit- ted np anal renovaleal tiougiioàt ana l.i lords superiar accommodation for thie r.a- tien of gneet. Tii. panent proprietor ba spareldo ainsà or exp Ine u htroducina- ev "'ipoeusent t Ulvosiltend ta tic cos rt ad'conene i iepatrons. Toronto, Juiy 1(lth8:4. '29 CONFESSIONS 0F A VTCTIM. Pcillished as a vsrning sud for the henedfaiT Men anal athon w seha efer Irans NERVO 8 DEBILITY, LOBS 0F MANHCOD, VITAL POWER, -etc.,rUgn hi-a raies af Self-Cure, aiter sncb .snfleriug aud expue s.,na septî free on eceiviug a ANIliL MAYFAhh,R.0.Box I8,sveoklyn, New York. - m 2 VLABLE LOTS FOR 'SALEý lm. TEE TOWN 0IF WffIIJY. Lot No. sa in Section A., iront on GravaI Lot No. 10) lun ear ou William SI. Lot No. 8, aoiBrock St. Andl Lot No. 8, lu ear ou William Street, Seition C. LEATHER AND FINDINOS, T'hé? propertyo! the sewé a aw Cash palal for Hides, Bans, sud Leather. darefignd- Leutier.stretcbedJOSEPI JO'NES: BIsamh xntr L-- DELTINO -MADlE TO ORDER ON Or b - MHORT NOTICE.219 YEOMAN GIBSOjN, May. 1872. -Wl22y -ROBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. F'LOUe i BRAY I AND -SHORTS j!1! ('ruaaate twitî hennanas) af tise University oS, t OATMBALa A&c. aQlseiti'aCallega-, ><Canuda; Phiadal abia I Uiiv eof Mediat n ami hirgery'; Amefna-sul NtEW STORE, JUST OPENED. Unhv. of Penunyivaajna; Eclaan-tie Collageoi Peauss'lvanita andl Lhaeatiia-i Mlciraaftry i 'OsîuIER A-'& SIerEL. .M-j ofl tlaisr. oSfiitibasrg, Sçotlaud. Coar- aaaror 'he Conty oai Onaaria. Offce- GIVE A CALL. Wal. JOHESTON. Cotllw*e St., irillia. - Anguel UtS, 187.5. lyr 853 TO TH FARMRSI i'ONET TO, LENDI 'Plan)ghoqana l Plnugh Catinos. Strase. aI-s ens, &o., &C. Whitley Oct. 18th, 1875. i4 INSURANCE' OOMPAN Y 0F LIVERPOOLn& L04DOf., MOLSONSiAqNK,.,GA. BAYMUi, ESQ., U.0 Rîai sesStietMo nesi'lo ls à CIOREE MUDeICiiAet AgnmOth'185South' l. Amiieé, s.ialeir ouoey Dimr oa' mae, U uda ShIaOr, ad%,ndhcWhou' Reayhi b nataaeuf or- rom Tva ta Twet tr, tis aen oai uterest,' viii. Privrute FanaIs ta ouen. AppI>' ta- Ma~'25th, 181 JE. PARE WELL, BokSt., .Wtby. G.YOUNG SýMIT-H, MARRIAGE', LICENSÉES' JOHN L, WATKISà, in-ar: sia i rviaxa. cavai,r - Audr Genal CommissionAenPart -King St. aevwdo eA814Tý OP' TtiB-POST -OFFICE, i., 1 Lxu; "ue.1i ft=mie hbie umueplis ail manner mise eea<dueeit Ils a falnearlill 'realsibe ' mn>'pr "0tshaireililfaslndRm ejaunlates, "B>'Javel 1wýel1 dorme of Mise Tulisot,,eh?2" ddresieg MsleBeýdere ,*iso miuddege, drawarq loaer witiiiithe aserveu,faitly,lu is4r lowav hues volée, "Suobhjxbbiions.81*ây- termjfyue .ntilr 4e.Deesere usentiaoer ii se Taboa*'D ase, 1-thoughi i 'uet be A crenisir efoped from ,a cirons. isew Talbot real>' ons> thé ýodest tsn aiceaesh. at"turniug ta triady St. Maur. ,"And wer en ne nt .friglitoned jusinoe, alto 2" aIFrigistened 2'l Her iadyeship simles1 . 'iiaaMi e aibat_ muy. be, ada; but, ada people, or 'tsiug, .neve!r frigisten'-me. nowevar, tliongs inseuïsible ta termor,i 1 ams very susceptible cf calai, sud'itlai gralng alcidail' cislly Imare, tiierefore, we eeh8sage tii ver>' air>' situation for tise more go-niat tespera. ture ai tise drawing-raens.' And sersppiug imer-lace mauttilla roun-i ber siouitiers,amie gildes gmace- mu>'y witi ii lora, followe b>' tise :oimer latriesanal ge-ntlemen, exceptimg Gi-ant; seo, looking amcre gratifina itaan, ha, lia, appeareid for tise iurt bhouri ieeaeîdshie oluter versn-ai ii sipe, ani éuairilero nway froan wheme "Art" la keepin s er court, tu tiae seule temple cf analcire,imlorsea l la>tiie.violet enni- 0 a'-r sky, wlaarrein oe or two strar uare air-a1[y ea tiy spartlig. He amskes isimseli ta a cizar, sud the lun.diett wulks tise grotuis affairai. On, ori, laesaIrelie, tilI appmaolîinse tie aippa-r aaire of a clifi. aaatllianag agsjaa, arc; racky- support, pulls nawa>'aS it, cîgar. i iga a asill, taoliiaiseren and al be lejutire.,il eujoylng tii- frasiraut seeda, seien tise sisirasanin Ci railinca ina braksai o>' iaaqrsiock, n--jaeur' e.i nuse ai a hoerortting. Nearer, and neara-r tie seocn a pjreacises. '*The ieeple.cuîasiapg girl aiariaa," lia- a.pilli-s, aeiiaîg as inalgnaut as if, afuer Inckimg hi.sisn-ly dasor, sore no iuîmc-ar Iti iaaperiutly jtsriped ici by tise TeeR, tise premeut inimniaer. ou bis peece is tise ieeple-cseiaitgirl, tisengi suie isnent juet nas engg4in utisai. queutioriabi.. recreutiori, but trcttitmg quite soberiy an i resapeciabi> aicng th.- romai], net ten yardals front liets alterel pnaait.ion mat thae rock.' Tii. lwuligiî reveals >ta lau an erect. pliant fi.-ure, andi a clouai of auburn imaia'; bat ai tiease items lie truIes litt.- note. -a"Pou ni> wordl, ahe cani ride!1 ,Steady isandi, firin ceai I wiîat'slIi- ipy aaial ber nase vu -Tasibt- 'Chal MisTaibot.' WhIy emplaatioaity triat Miss Talbotl? I muet ack." But, Grant Ihiisbea hie cigur, roiurned ta lise cisigsaanal polonaîtas. sud negleeleai, or fargat ta, put, the intenal. iItre.tit eci>;nl but these bawu an à ara-W-0; CL, no m. asever, 1 think açoad con- test:l ieseant seisethen au. vine ai ýA-number at gaily.dress.d peoe grtiuptu lupioturesque gronude, fors. caariai3ly 'a pla"D'nt elgst.," answea, Robert, orasivel>'. ,: aaYes,tmat>' in sehitedneses,Irsi m ed seili bî ie ';neôatisar o om adm it - ted., Anaiby tise ye. I muet have s bine bouquet." *"Welt tia-e are pientj; ai bineflose- ors in tis gardeuý-nesaphia, conraln- vulua, ael-' iaDon't came for tises." Graci' esys are peepiig eve r -thie heaite ta-viere, close t> Mm. Seau>"ey teudiag-place, a sîtreani is flwing-is me, as il laap. pene, tisai ripples hiarouis. Leicesier. a-oiqs, anal liar., et timer.,fbeeriug anil .aedgy imansektuile oai wlaI' ferget-mne nti. -.1asisoul 1lie à bouquet ci tisse ase Bré aya, pointioag ta th ise huI azure bleasaoma.. ",Wiaî I tise wilai hhings---wepds ?" "Nao. net vusals-tse>' re net sesea, 4nrel>'; anal as ta baing sewlai, tsay von knaaw l"-a L Grue.. sies--a 11- d1e anciy, a lutile cadi>'. gaei fyan meiiiy viel for tleise, c-an pick s as nu>"nasyon 1k ga sy§; ahterai Haubert, itoopiug lnustauîly ,ta.- warals tis treatu.' "NO, ual nose, please..'I eonlainsi ýaaV e i-tyel for tise vnd, ail wea avilis aew,' looking 'jst au if lise>' har imen cryiug. Iliai.te ears-ersOU i aalcw supersitions yen are II' 'Il cannai isalp it. I came fi-nans; lamai ni superaaititian, yen 'kuose, Te- Luarev I misain1me gladI if yen vili -acualIme a gaarl 'uncis. quit. fresis auJ ir>'. Tisere lin ten o'ciock natrikîng. Gia nigist. A gaaal bucici, reies- ber V" 'II chah remember I1" Andl Robe-rt aid rnesember. IMe guthiereul*tise fiaseers eeîly, suai wheu Grae receivel tise bouqisat, a tear-djra; ~f moruing dev wseaugliltering lu sacis ban. oye of tise iomget,mne-nat. (Conauded nei week.) A Favorite Acter'. Misiartune. i.élmatting and enjoying-tise mol evensng 'ir At:.sfesigy q g th ie- r4ib ,iàà r ai ao.p"è0faid Itduugbtrw, haveioth tasen iome- ye frrur.e-ones4oaSir Lucus St. Ma MUnr,. te'tu thse MH6oorable. :Hoiai'[bu dey.' ]Large manoy dbwÏies' tise.Leioesters brougis tkir rective hirbsnlbut thi.e said 'ut ac e nt *ncimuattbiygbvruig 'h.famiiy titeulo4s-th. lndeestate must Pues iti itnicei muleentailt ta aco * uLoi. LaySt. MiùiinaT" t:e 'Honourabie 'Mra,.DndeyuSaully-sapend an. 'or two of tuie ,cumauer,>sxoatlae under,.tbseir ,~ ýparenàts' roaf. Tissn tise old house la y are the arder af ltse day sand nIglîl.É At otimer tiames ansd seawans, lsawever, tise neighbonrhod over wiih te tf 'Leiea.l'ers, à lydoiut ewhalr. sasy la lerasuaa a daili one,. SLa&y St. Maur. in ai Leicestrfasiais: 4uBt now, anal tota>taivent ias du e . lîresenrce of gn.-a; i l le varranah, aundi làpe«eiierali air ni fe'tvitv analaaasîvty ps-rvsaeli.îg tile am-.aioa. H -r lailyoçliâp U. is alise a-ar tmcl> wellilreg*sefl, grauceini. ai syliula, pretriyi. c.'q'seiiiva Vilaaig lictié womrarai liadis momentl'oct(mying a aiae nioiproaumenusan.lhcanui e Slieplx tilairty or tlic'.eabdouîa, boa ne> - - clailala'.-aunal, d-ancing Ili ninimxuan aaiiatiat dcii>'(Il anra for Sir' Luca,i i'ta. Lue ra.axiaauun oi br fiie and' aff-ciiaaoaa cri it oila-îleui amuqie- menat, easpaciiaily eat-alaor. asitiln-uîtaed E by àcmroqcsa-t. arcbaf-r, tanal bwnilliarils. TIaesi Ilagrcat insatiution%" tor ti-a pronan oasaf.pociasillligerat.acy Lady Si. M..aar dlaes lier hbar.ly preca-pi andi a-scampi. ta>exienai ascii pup.iairiz.. $11. - *aga8ra, ira" p irlicrîii-i.v -t:is.yeoar. ri Ia.art- far im ae grju;ftzi scim-aceo f le aarlary, aaîalin a ieiu a te arcliauazt lier tîAa ýpaswa'rast ia-ramt, hall, since lsaer r.rriaral rt La'ict-sta-rfiea-iî ,aiueal 2a1 Ile yoluz îaoli.le duiniae viciaiay lu irracîlce witll- bowa ïii arrisws.. To.- aia'.rr1w, naorent'r. iaole lta ilài aec. Swlîen thae rpcuit,#f the pruoiiairag wili le le.ci.la-l by lrizea, li ril #4aalapn ut au eiaiortaie ciipar case.for fathasal ainnu- Ilaa.a. linat, anal foar the iaihAsifesuinilas "Prooi-" a riclisy wmouglaiiracelet,wliicb lau-t arewaaral of t rilt"bassbarncu iia.eu 'and birouglit aiowi ,tu L,ica-i-nfialds i lilas s-a-r>'afta-mnoon by .lier laalysliip'aa cousin, Mfr. Giatt Le'icesater, sona of thae lia.ir preacumplive, aud vislible ini flesy forc)i.niatue perason of tse -insouciant, -inlolpnt, good-lookiug indivialual leasu- 2iaag againiit one of tise veraudais pisse, andAriamiing an indiffereat arche et the.a caiticiciis anal-censures hie juaigment suri tas le iu tiheiatter of tise bracelet are exoitiig.1 Il Blue sud gald " ind>been Lady St. Manir's caucisely 'inaiefinite direction ; wisereby se hal intencled ta bie miller- stoca se wised a baud ai bie enumnel claspeal with an appropriate goldeni arrow. Iustead. af wicsio itabîs z device, Grant's puroisase' revealedai p circuit oftgolai euiwina d witis gensmeal forget-me-nots. ~aOui>' di for a, brides- r aid," pontesiser Isdysi4- : luinser, pretty. vague form in fepeecis.lf Grant shirugs lis uaoulders defliberate. Iy. and extenuates iinseif. aaDcidediy runfortunste as ta ladies' jeweliery. ?Oianl aeilier time lad been elmilarl>' conmmisioned, anal thisen h s for a bridesmajal, andl farget.se.note wstihe requiméaldevlce. Feit cura. h.e uiaing it ail rlglat naw, tac, bine being tise order, but il coulal be changeai, aof -angea, sud to-morrow's tise dasyl" Telegraph or samethiug. AUl tisei grop iangiued. S Bracelet b>' return 'Grant le qnick at suggestione," pronounces tise, Hnourable Cyrit.Dele- wame, a young gentleman ecteemed (b>'a himasel ) asmntrarel>' aaqujck" hanal ast everyuhialg.c Laday'St. Maur emilea again, but P commiaeratingly. - a, Pour GrantlIeI wa's exaeseisreiy f tuillof ycu, but I must pardon your'4 lensit>'. tisebracelet is sunis a senti- t mental one." se murmura, toylug vush tiit giitering issuble, anal heaving a erlil, Verv astouil aigu Of ilenala Vn- 1'aIaftly. Once upon a lime, in thse days crf heli ilîssanoshl aledSybil St. àMaur, .tira-n Syltil Leicester, hai belieter-irhie cl'a- exîrraa'l i, an lair peliv aif. Ha- tipuer lia'1 iaeen. Ih waae but à lelu dAra.oan lihe l10me' part. Sue chaose, 9 i low.'rver. to lipeceaîrlm coneller hlm'a a aa-cip~anal eseunitalpla waasaer. i' iiitanti avqrpceuntripp, engagUeai lu las- bm ln aarinz lie btst tIre. ar Tonr rP IS 1UNl'OaTNATE CaNDITIOII. acting af George L. Fox, vise 00 san>' years boss a New rrite, thon. hue been for a con. tisa pâst a cisange viicis l tato ihss.Wvisabave ou>' seen w tises, visile ta his menIe aose vischave been socatarne m frequenily ieltgepr- s1 are moniufl oeeu f .It is asBadfaci Ibatiseolia sl tise vonaleful pantomimic ics charactetlzed ina for ai that~lis careenisas came tb eèlancsal> end-, A pamragnapi marnme veeks aga, sesiis eutà su of us. prose,M'tisiMr., Fax istricken vilS paralysis of tise hé disasse vas' attribueil ta- Ltices sud ainîments visicis ho during isis priefsuional cereer îrpose ai keepiug the . 'muses ý 1teface mobile, Iu tise ins bismuth wvs mid ta be a rt ngrodient, suai to'the-drug ibuteëd ts sicif. Ti ffugs contradikai, wustruie, >te affection a tise eptia narre îlest an ie a part ai tisepara>'. it la eaW#, produceal y an, different cause.- Tise atate- in.ade b> ou. of' Mn. Fox'm 1i19maete i!&nd tu tisa shile he 'gj ~WStern Cit>' sas. <,go ie fet vutis a curions Ici tisepailucticiniof isai la eFreodusan'i Bureau ha ne- laIeènt blaw en tiséeo.m-in n nnmi'er of negmo boys jusp etundÃŽ. M. Foxâi vas-stand. ineamer tise bureau ihan usual, ut bai vw.isa cipei onf,' vas itea said-,langer ,tissu thaeuoe, )expeteai ta oec-. The boy ig a;trucik but isesal ainat M.ý a', fairl>'tdrlving h lun no se -te 1aplio nerv.Tise biosefehlea le hal o u-Ii u Iss ualyei 1a frmita fet s sautS tie have appeatisa as h otninga f tise brai, le ne D, doluhi tb&s -the ,-dueý meo acten as now a.sereek. i4 vlaicli-alsn neyer alloeea ta diidal for fear it veninmata Relativi rinihe. 'ana en, Thé Brs apraperi>' Co aeýUC muaisel - aeep nécosea anhnai aie>' ere put lisrongh thsetriple astli. Anysuployee aml a>prtnting office, vo isaslliaigI> disse. graiiauenrelation ta printingaffice à secrets, seaulai notenl>"bcsecorusa b>' lt retiaran ai the cruft, but vaulal lame' à1 iionntise officee ai once., We a e maeill tas1têmeut bocan'e it smre- t-e uresisappiùs-a ta a comunicatian r isppears -in n newapaaper under a s 8, -'useal signataire seisiclaexcituescas- mnent, anal 'varions parties tmy te fluai ani wisas-itise autiser. L'et ail bc suveal -thistrouble 'o! question'ing.tIse empleyes .oratchsate printing office. - Tise> are "1kuais uothiugas' on'cuai. iointea m tisa. OCn u nb'inutterg the> 'I"lhave eyesaland a, but ne' meaitl," sad if any fasil taolmervé tii ula-, let tisen aý beo pu& t alowuau diesouourabls members ni tise orafi.- t - A FA13rat .-iaeto talls a sters' of a t fir>' 'Pliai, b>' ae 'syltemious Law e of 1hem naturé,. seau can'iesneal to -appumr raat'c'-rWni seaïsas n tise fans ai a faul anal pail'nucsuBaire. Tiso.se ha irajamealber ulurlng tise puiad aoflieu x.;igaise ere'ever eelunlea iroinpar.Ici. ï,pation in tise- blesasingashsie betewed; Ibut ta tias. seo, in aipita ai hum bath- 1 çame apectpitîed sud 'protuc-teal her, aiseatersearda' revealeci ierselfi iithse - aeautiful saidcelésîlal foi-ns viici vue natriatita ber, allcapauniedthis eepg, gracitedal al thLiar -vishes; filleal iheir r i-sse s shweeîtis, rmde lisem hsppy r un lare, anal rictoriausl s euwr. A usé- r) fulsoratmlmught be drasen fron tise ilittle fable. in faveur aifmisosiug Mi. nese anal civitit> ta tise-niait degradad and unhappy. LOOsi AT Hasr.-A clergyman huai Isea dangistens vie vere mueS tWofond.' ofidreissehicisvas a grifta bis. Re isaai otenraprarea tises, but in valu; anal preaoiing aons day on tise duo! pride, h. took- occasion t6-- notice, 1amang,,a tier tlingm, priale in aour. Miten spaaking marne onaiaierble tins. ou tiese ubjeet, h. sualdeni>' aloppei sisort and sia, vus muais feeling and expressIon, "ut yen viii su>',I.iok i hoe. Mygoad frieuda. I do look at haine liii My h etaches." In Ceylon, large upes are naw reguian. 1> o ed ta pullocoauti. Tise. animais -are -importeal iras Acheen -in batches, sud are: msrcied aranltise plntan-e' -b>' tiseir'aviera, vise' let thisenant 'an isire. A âine imflrtat- tecised ta eech cf tises. pelsuliar. laber- ae, and he istlen.isont up 5altea visere hé e rýaid ta select muitable fruit --itis great discrimination, andl'tiu twist thé nuiround asi grond tiLhit fsil ta tise-grouad. Basehsucoessve fan of a nisi le hailed by'thue hala>' vorksr!aisavevus a - jump and a cisuchie ai eatidàfsoe.- Tiac TauNnaSxiTE's DmaxEss-The boy teod neïr a sunhan shbfn, andi bitter tiar e sedse;- se'eyed the yonngsIerfore said ai-bis hair, iand nos. ere reil, Heýleokeaitisa plctnre of distres, tise>'ver>' type afi va.; ve aekeal"seh>r hie unhappsnue.hie voie lcame ud sud 1ev; sud visile tise lad in teaïreates tis tory, va are' aveal. Saflh., a*I bbught a pair ef skates sund notr it'a gau sud thawed." - -A pronsising-yngmhavauof dre or miv years vasa reatung hieleamaus il 'aciloloneday in tisai delibersaema- nen'for selléSi'urcsmof t tis age aie maseseisat reissurkable. Auaihoproeeed- ed witis th.tank. :ieace aupon -the P Useage' Hec-p tii>"tangue irani evil anai ti'lips firnsguiile.!', Kauier Hopeful arawlel' out, .aep-hy- louasimfre-evl-uai-tiy-lip- NEbno 'LvNc n.-Port Vila>', Georgia, Nov. 2'.L-Zaisu Brownr, '.o- arei, vaq, grs'etflaiar ler. yeet.arda, dvening iu sttempting ta r*.pe a hlgsy reapectable yonug vaman. ,Nlektioek-" ed oui'&re' of a! o'étba, flf&ie toaly 2f tise Sseriff Iaat 0s1814t sd 12qg, 'h9. ~ :ithe TEd DISGquarP UE >'. "Ga.&cs, daugisten ai Owen analMMry a tue Talbot." Sa tiese meepls-cisasing glrl'c Tork tara parti andl parntuge stoacl recarlpal iu siderabe thse bapllcmal registr>' cf a certain fi.ar- aen saa> parias on tise Seulh Coast ai Ire-app afent :andl, vier e for upsearais cri thre. >'ears anal tatii tisé parents have been> sleeping their ta sce hi set siecpsand for a 11k. peniod theur fanmance ul>' chlaibesu adapteal snder tse roof 1mfrisful. of lier maternai graudiatiser, Mr-. Le etrl Garde, wviss.Engliah, haneme nvutilu enici'v ruile cf tse Manar Hanse ai Leicester.abIi> feld@. ysarm, au aMosti n A tail, lithe girl ai fourteen, vils appeaneal bine eyea, unisianageable wva urn tisé round iair, sasetsing mare tisuan Sspician lad boin of Irish bregue, limiteal book-iesaiug, face. Tl anal nlisuteci national preclivitr for tise cassa legs anal herses ;-s-uah wvas Orace'a bas useal - physieal, anal mental pisategrapli sehn fer tue- Pt ase arlivoal aogotlier.Englioh relu- sa ski tires.l. prprt Tbre.e ara' mouliug 1ha fouud preparatia snd issul, taller prauinen aud iher lu stature, anal proportion. sa>,at stel>' touetildevnisnluaunrer anal se- aluliaug rani, Sisebldleamneal te airaseàa utile, accaSa play' tisepianoa very luttle, aânal luait 8189 vue, aller fesinins eduicational points (in. entîrol.v laiaiigpeint laace) ia diatinct>'ytaid caoa- ment is spieanas>' aeflelent. Mstinjoi Sie ha cerlain>'lésleudemonsinatiro vas'pîsyl than of yore; hast aie exercises bier mnutise a randfalieshebra - gugiugly, anti aciatient. lisa acînalîr isatislitii-rasen mpeeisl call-altise 'quine pe-t, Ranfzer, --ta mteeple.cisage l ceiveai a ç iîa> repreieusible - musuucr nilreudy ne-the acene utA-a. - rotntise Inria-rai impartinir tis pacips et ici-tise clown Rtuctina faîrinelierniai-alfaivaisite ing mtîac- va-îainga secaspati>n ; anal quit. na-aaliee wra of isaving bheau tix prrticnlar a aubstitu v-sa-ine, nanre tissu n>' tiar. tise raas- seacsPF: %-qnent enjanl for critical eyea, li sub- .1 mmn -cit oi slSOckeai - mark : 1liasinl>' un-F'mnm nacio eaven Dtia i lar R8d aifa-zen- muZaiu tise cime in visible frein the Manor lieuse iista ith, w-rantil,, il.. cantees back t. PRose recavre., rilla, sais atyei Par.,L- Gsrtia'c a-i- Wil* letuola.ai reallesice, ani isc-etoseing -& Smy.Pmupo zee'l-nihit pst onu".,auaier's i Iace'ysankei c c-oSk. 'rielala lalan op ta R'obin, île anal iliega. zrnm,.said efn ll' t ise gnc. - minci ai ti -apa Le Garai..- erajeing'- a preinuel A McmI entlaa'ciaa;Rsiopposite ho han lasa aa clii Luni B3arisars, méiuiIrlv absorbin,« i - i tul td' 'reitaaahingiv eanaai 'Gmc'misinu mick. <ôt fail bsu, naît d ietnbed 'ti s iumisé- ler hoess vsa-; senuiot ourinir te mallte a souif-Igth ild, 1 muaduc-t stria, aise. pen,,s eftlgtishe day mIe" ?roncis vindo sanal pssas iuts tisa g4yéi j Tis twiist baaea are deepciiug cevasaîjîa la .nifflit. Asa mime tm-iadà tise:brossi, . :haulaüw velema grav,- saias vece,-,a pre- tnre,' sui mc-e, .meaanrei reoicé,e-caia fras be- a.501 t sund the a<jeiniug«private isnssge,eod ..Be rc-ning, Grâce ym>'o> .Getteveuissg .. giil" Grac. stape, a sa.thé fonce a -thisrep>' "id, is- ,,ri,,, .. ou tis alir aide baud' te sail anal dapprersu leà dislY - Th.s1,0" aront.- h i .1- is bu.ousin . -germin, wi CAUSE ai 1 ýtU, 1 1 .1

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