Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1875, p. 4

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1876 1t ----i -f i -i I -- 9 j .1 1~ illig isant fwater on -Ibis laru, ill prisig thrsu large Barns,aDrlving Bar, mid about Tonums:ni ttis patel are wa lands This paruIlis aiseo viii ndsrdrait bd wth ile, Toreare &Io a large *u ber of Pins, bMapis mad Ealm labhade' tri, pLanted &Long tbe bordera of theti uuidt arti Ptsoar No. 2. Io ccnipou.diof te e parti of Lefo t umbirs 23 andi 24 inlho St tionelesaln-of et iteTownship et Whith an&ooentaine, 148'ares. Tho. oeil citi farimela c loaj iai~toi f'rt pu] o slàse of-the tari. Çhoe.la a naete aiilin gtchem nof vlro iI acl i a gool erchar4. of Lot, namber 9 il, th. th conceisil ftloTownoihfp'of Whtby. Titsparool. miuae i te Ilae ofAiaburn. Vhop a a goofi ie.n..hl Ftoe rits Houtes, m poil Daru, Stable ana Drivtnl 5usd ermced oil tîé in td- Tileýeï>IsW nilOrcharil coulainfliganuwihor - n ted oice fruit treu, and a gond Z ilte NorthiparLs (A Lots ciumbere 21 and 22 In theiNilnCh 0coneeee1.ioofthe. Townsblî or Wlîltby; Tiiere la a gocd DaeritSet cattis and licboe table, andi agOdilwonU0a nIaer on tItie pàreel ,emamail like atdjoins thei roactl In front of deiten lande, andi theaoil 14 of te beel iîUaIty. PPlACIËL NO,.teTisuuaretel cO"ls1ta ci timati ttpart ni Lot Na. lun hé Pliat cou- s'eueiun A te Township of Hencht Lu the mtîi, coîîusly, coîîuiititii; OPerem. ThLeolu juef gond 4we1IJnq houms un hittie lande. The 0,1 a "it 9ci qulii hcbing weli ntlapled for iiîrunlug ppuei. Tlur olea portion 91 itisiparet41weltilnhermd, tend he Or. t'Il t d tlion il tttiàa nutnber cf vy vrteumlite Fruit r T hor., e ved li anti a elteru itopel Cî pae , na quntcii laLe lonche, Wttt portion nfil. * '.s.ite v . 1o. i le cutpowei 0f a j 0iettn faci,. 1 rIof iLùt lNo. 22 lu the Bigitki con. teceýio1Or lie TownsiSf pciWhity, andi siýitpt i te uloweunufor tout betittîîn !it !0it ril 21. 'TIeVilai eorfIt-cle lie Cc ho East cf tui luodSit attUhua arcel Nut. 1, attd lte Village cî f AsihituluiisCc , ienwetand acîj.itu1 p 16 NU 2. Jttue-itof tiiew tuli. ýlfqntsa luit Q', ua SetuQ l 1uise, C msrch. sneoe nd Muehiica Siae 'J'1- Myrtie Staion r fthe lPout hitlîy p 1'rt 'orry Raioiiiîcl e wu t aftcw ruile of 11turie Noe. 1I titul2, tndite otcr propotry ilMIviltna mile-sîuît a itif. of tit i sc tioon. Tie itms à N i vrio 1S U0F S A4 Tiente preiloseer hsul pay tethe 1Vexdor'e ticllttcru aM te tinteécof sale a depeel t cf Toem par cent, on te aemnunt cf Cme pur. Chate,. Anil em1111eagu au agreemenit for te cosuphetlan ôt i tspurelsece, tnu it wte. lit elle itautitthere4fter sheli pmy eaough 10 nielle wliii îeilînCpoti i nu the day of otl, ce.lird- itle purtuhacemoney, and alittîl pay te balanoce lunrire eqtual ait .uni li Ymite, andi alait erete altisuthl el-clu. faory ettorliesige wlth power of cale aein- ti suianne claun ,for eeînnlcg te pityntuo f Chts)iminuit lh lcIeredt se efghtI per cent pet' Tic Venulurn oalI haveDune recervei bid. lit eolewili e prepesrmidby theuVon. dore antit hts mutgage iythe jenritasers. . Putor rtClitunaci eilititne of eie muet bc lIon ap iluetihon tC) Nl. .Tohn Auiei, W iîîerîlyliay &. of Sitîue(J, Jeties Wollss, andhMinlun ieh itrluiîetit laI Ctne ftien hu ilr1lgced witre planil cf lit gwlqtey iuay itotan. FAîîEU4 -Rr~&U LlhI>alE, Ve-tlritlie' ilrititrm lVlutluy. .V TO ALE. OF ,R6a/ and Personal Estatc, o ill lisu0' rock, Ili tChé Couutty 01 natn th!-unieejth 'O' desyt c< Nos', 175, att(11lite ituetulcua cst l ue LCthelo Clitiicla ite liuuitt'ni 1 O'slosk, P. M., te fuluwing Rleal alla Peroottut Prcoperey, bu. ii)IuIIIisg t t1h0a caliou0cilise latt it'l C. Ctetey. 1Vi 'uttir Bitu, Ifleijeti'd lltiiy0 ldt(ingr, Bureau, 1 Taiti, 1ltIn (tt3tirs, iihofa, 1 Cntiklîsg itte ant i Iipe.4, i(1 uk 1 lloakiug Chasir, anti a vmnety cftuiter 'i'îr.eVllaga LoltFiudjoittittgl'hme ?tCItalc CthUrt'ýh li tCher- VIllagm o cinuffieieljteek, 'ci a bouluit a Qiuuu.îîue(,f an Arc ceecit.. On conet!f tic, Vilia ioeeLtau lqerectlitiacie mtll-cY Coltage with it cil-htesu ilatuhud. Thiere le a Gqccul Weilini oater unoune1cf Ch ,,ots, at% ntli a cîstruftoi ralstvatur. Aise a bsmiar cf gonl lerrlcg 1-ruit lrees. Thoe ula aClle oni 0;0,01 the - ltot, TEflMS, Oî thCIt nehuid OGoda. Camieu.leur Cid'V.leali tteeThte îîrcheuer ltail p4Y uiwn autheliteime-f masie tus i» Nýeitdom ncrulnch nf-te pulre-haie monny, thu Ctebaate le-_two ttoutlue thlurseuten. clhJPOu P&YuueitOi Ï1110balics cf topur. Il n1oenu Y thQ pnrcitaeu Or pareitacere I hhoe nticleto a rCnveyaucs ti', aoll 01 eose,.tnd uhiit e lot lttto pouseealon. ïuils.r partlenlais anti eonditions oL@aleý - Oay bceaelen Ont applicaton -ta tise nuder. migcel ErtecwtOare i te calit Mchael C. f carey or C to oeunu.Farevoil & Ritltigo, f soicsîne, Wiitiy. DB12*TING, llcure IuiieCreehu, 2doct.,'1875. o1iz i1rIiiImy-GEVEN VRAI 1Lia Comptiny willh pply Ca te Leil. latureof On a -ic mnexil seo, for an AtDtoC ilium tems,80.PUrelsaKe, or landa purtsnauces, anuto tmraintain, man. %go ad worktIbmeAin;sd furn Sîhai Pfl WILI'AX bMULOOR, bollellor ici Applicaute. Toeronto; 97th OC., 1870. IYS Ws voulit cal TeaAli* %it'AmLeaurs t10 le'sNew Ioth od for thbe B OeritauasdMlodnu, as bolng lb. (b1ut worb ai Ukln4;-bisl work le ropnltpg.au elrt Uq, ersof 1$. eis4lw Tete arwbo0 ivs examinait. NEW 0,~ID n mne~q!.a*e~> aseoeung.flfts tiiituzr, on aO~ relodies, Songe 'elsotôfi and ~ rU u t,11Wcei uehnah thattentio!o d6o tbe Mnost - iaru.~rnl4ns of tte Dô. 'i 7nrlp bsral TIleLutIdjs. )M ptal. Peorfurthiusprq)aaa$tq île J1N & . 0>M.- SPort r>emr, Oct. eC, 174. --~ 4 nu- th, DIVIDEND Ne.87 Ch bmeob Yen that a DIII. D 0 F 4 BCENT.uipon the -r. apitastock ofM this. Instuttion bas ý,tisi. 4da be declarita for te current hallMr ang Btuiathàname bvMI»b- -p4.sble' a 't- u Wednes-d 1f , dqa e,e nbu tj. on Thse Tren. ilckao 04 irons Is Cite 101h lluhoetbr l :g GCeneral ?Menager Ontario J3auk. 11 Toirootu, 22nd Oct., 1875, 45 en. Cn 0, 1do U MAFa 10 m Oi wvhichel aîtbe cl-uvd blri, tîîuîc'Iy îî î o illii.4 utîl ptroved l>y tlie hiîîîdî,c's of ftlilht01JliIS ICCOiVCICl lîy ýthe îîloFt'htî~s -It iN ulzll,vl- C-d-dý by - uîaîîy pîroriîîeît l>Ihie'iis> t'Obc the iiost tFOd4ilCc(l loi'the îrelief iaiîd 410)(1 iii offc'îvd bÏ0,ie puîblie', itillI<fU)llC le11( XcIilC of -ovcu* loî-ty ~ wî~ rQ-soi-ti..d 10 inlen-soCl iO t sçl- (olni îis 1 cfIkIét a i spc.cdy cîîî~ iii lic ti( S ellera (.es.lo'C miglîi, liroîîcliiti-s Crouip, iopîgCotîgli, i I171 iiuil &. Ts' 'Soicîîda, Pa ueino.soretl iiost q in flc lif ioan-î, b t i tliii l' lelO ivhe vto of 19-lNte i , IIETi W. rowi.n & l-ONi. Ilita, iicuu Q UIC K lIME. TJWO TRIPSti 1AILV Stisamer Cip T? OFIOONTO>(apC ieit leaves daily foot cf rouge Streot, T c. rocito, aI 7 a. ui.,.titd 2 . , reachea Niag- ara e atel.80 .n., eud Î30 P. iM., Levriton ah 10 a.mi, anti 5 P. in, Cunuectioce ion lIse Fl 1utii lntitu, iiReo ch estmieeur, eAlitany, New -York, lintoc, &eut, &v. Teck. et. .u al l fomttion u fl No. 8, Fsot Burnettla oan~ SurnettVs Cocoaine uiru a te et luti r . Burnett'~s Ooazine lu- o heI(t,ýi -t- eki-t'- Burnet'so coaie Alr41i e t t u te Buïrntt's Cocoaine .l-îîumo lt ' ory 1101- Burnett's Oocoaine Burnett's Coccaine fivemNeL. air tho iLoît. Burnett's Cocoalîne 50enurcno ttpurcoaîe. MERY DAis & SON 4 LAWREi(ÇE, Agf'iirOs610M, uen ofCàmada. JOSIPII USNgýTT & CO., BM014N Prspsi.lccs P OeT',WMITY AND PORT PnÉÈIy IEXTENSION RAILWAY. TiME TABLE N.1. Teskes effect on Monay, Jan@ 7, 1875. TzýaInQ ruti by Toronto turne, whlcb lx twen- ty4twu Minutes alower than G.T.R. tline. GiJeOouo NORTH. ... .. 10-12 arn. 7.22 pn .arri e 1050 am. 8.00 p.. y fl5 0.42 COtY 2: ~Eroouun.. . 7.00 amr. 2.20p.. -Wllt1y Znnctlon, arrive 7.40 & n.,Op.n 'Patorm stations. Trains#stop -o'u s naisony GII $5Hhda., 'Ckifia, Glas8-Wa-and4 Fàncy 60bd8 O f all knids eveiý' hibim in Whitby 4 China Tea Setio, from Ê56té 20 Fanoy Vasîi, frnio «10 s tut40,pu a China Mottoed Cupsamnd Saucet, bom 16c. o $ÏO'tV1 China Mottooci Mugs, Card Basktdu~ nd setOe FANCY TOILYT, SETTS, PROM si -'~,p1II . Lfa4iep,ýal the aboVO having been purohed . xpressly o présente, tliey vl eo chesp ana ihursr~.l1seol-n eOxaine fIor yonrselves before purchasing ols4where. ~ Aise ox~ àan, a llsortment of oice Teno, Family'Grocenjea, Fruits andSpoao l ldane&on Lard, Bnuer# p1 ota OYSTBBIS, bust brtud, alwýays ou handa., GIBSON & SPARVELL'E ip-r,,YIIYloo $ueatle wodal0v se8,Çpi9da ul Apd von sneh tdzéo, HRe neyer bien like the woe ;Dup 'Nor yt Iik4 thée, auxN owx, - , O L DfP LUs ; S ; ý C OtT* y . LIST 0FAUCTI Licnse& or Sou±h Iding og,0#fiioh "ii~~ OnMt"o, and separate Munioipalities inte latter. Tamices Digby, Jr Cinrenont.... son th Ridiug . Oct.26 . th, 1976. 1an e lby Jr,. ï,- (jaremont . rlg.... ...... Oct. Bétit, 1878. John à, ~s Port Pern .N ri...n... Oct. J. C. Pllkey ...Santileld7. . NoretEuinî -Ot.~&,-88 Ruoas.BweI . -Iuia.....Brook........... Nov. 181h, 1875: - hmîsH itshCanutuglan,... Brook........... Nov. 1lCh, 1675.- Anhtny Stool, Zephr,.,....... .Son#t, e............DcSh17 JC. NWidtlifie d.: Thhcrdge - Nfh.li Dec. 8h187 John P. Qos.....Stnffvie ...Nomti Riding .. Da. 24th, 1875. John R. Page,..... ntte New Yark, South -Ontario,.: Jan. 12tii, 1878. Thornas Pocher,. Markham,. .Brook ..... .... ....Pceb. jst, 1876. L. Fairbatnks, Jr Whitby..... .... Southi Ontaio Pb sI 8 NI XKa ......Oshawa. ý........Southlldn neS,56 D.nIc L15 . ... Thoruti ..........Mas....A- Bept;-2o. 1876.' E .Cniieron .. ienverton ....... T t......... ...' 22, 1876. C. Moore... ;.......Orillia ...........do .:........91 Jb chtGil & C..Asliburn .... ......attTiuig Ot aC,1878. 1)ouald Rî. Thrsh..........Tor.h ................1d 186 T. H. Wdoh.. ......nc ....." 19. 1876. Win. Goron ......SnuseIrilnd. rook................10, 1876. LIST 0F PEDLERS FOR TRE CO. OxiÇTAJIO. A. E. Mackenie, Port Perry_.Onu hare, Couny, NOV. lOCh, 1875. A. H.' Margai,.. Catiiiigcnn .On Font, cutîsy, Nase. 21st 187,5 John hara...........( Oa fouit............- 21@,t Aprxk 1876. James Briggç .....rooklin .........I1 hors,........... Sth May, 1876. WM. LAING, Co. Tzeasurer. Wlîitliy, Oct., 1875.- - 81. TO.Mm-S & NEWPORT MANUFACTUREJRS 0F C AR-RU1ACES8 %4 L inI DUNIJAS STREET, W.RITIBY, ONT. h1ave now on hand, ready ýfr the, road, -affrst-class assOortmeîît Of Single and -Double Buggies whioh for strength, iight 8s, Style s/1d Iiuiîh, obé Also on litnd, dand for sale cheag, several Lad's, Phoe. tons, nice azîd light ot ýthe latteqtland most approV-.&étr1ý. Parties buying Carrnages will ýfind it decidedly to theiî nuhentegu b eOxamunce Dor Style antines belote purchanesewher,. Evîie Carniage moii l lauarranteu huue of the b et uaterial and vorkMauaehip, andite guarattnee<l Crs cire ati.çtfactiotu Cc Cite buyer. (LiL)'All wiiI be Sold at ýcost. Al work warrnn1dA - Witby, August 21h, 185. TOMS &NEWPORT, WhiLby, Ontario. H? >--.- Thise Hotu l à itusteainluthé central portion of thé -eity, ootin la the wholesle eetihihenîu andi publie buildings, and foi touriese tend commercial rovellere lsa momat, elgible -situation, Thouas -bas bert thoroughly n.orgaàui;rud *mu te.IýIRhie 1tbroîIi ý'tan4li flttet Up in the meet coorfortablc and fsshlonabîe etyle,; ls Matb ây finît-cimes hoesea in -ite Dominion. The bedrooma and dnaeiug.nooms are large andi ry, andthCe beet enitary regulationu are observud. lTe large sud convuniont samplu eroims, for the acconomodaticçs cf Commtercui Travellers, are cemmodieus, anti oeuveniently Iocstud on tihe funut flat. OmniuibnosantI Carniages nalwasready for lte accommodation of guesle arriving by al the tbain. antd teamboste, sud uo o o lvey titeit tethéedepoîs unandviarves on leaving. Ueo. Kentov,-formrry of Qnuqe-Bntel, Ovun Soundi, Manager. Telegrapit Offce lu cennectlon vitiittitis flouse. TE I$1 - 50ePER DAY. 51 Furui'turo!1 FuruiturP-e ! ! NIev is the time to buy good and chleap) Fuirniture. Having boîîght out the business lately cai'ie on by James H. Saio, -sve take this opportunity of inviting his Inany friends to give mus a cail, and we can assure al tltnat M-e are prepared te do as wefl by them in- the fuglwe.- as Mr. Sarno has done in the past. TI LL& JOH-NSTiONU Orc1t by mail promptly attendëd to. UNDERTARING.- The .,only: irst- c1a~t.Estidîhmèlii th-'ounity where fu.nerals are fui- ly supphied. >- ,, .ý 1Whitby, October let, 1878. R REiDE - TILL & OHNSTON. 40-17- [CK WHOLiESALE & IETAIL DEALER IN UROÇERIEýS, WIN$J8 4~1Y -SIMCOEST,, OSIi~LWÀ» HAS RMVDTO F~WL' ~.OK AGENT FOR AI~S&BO' CeebaedXX ream _e~ ter., L Thé;e Briti8h Areon o,,ncgÇI Was establiued in 1861, and is nov the most popular and extensive tiohàool, in thé Dominion for the Educatii of Younqy en fsMiddle-aged JL,,aei"1 is zvnte thé,; oieÉce of Bookkéeping as, npplicd te évery duuutmntoTriadé and Commérée; aise te6 PRACTICAL PENMANSHIP, COM4MERCIAL ARITHM-ETIC, COMMXER.. CIAL LAW, BUYSINESS COBBESPONIPENCE, SPELLINOà,&e. Ils ~ ~ ~ c6 t aqcoutaugp, iu~d are souglit furb xrtat n business matn, lut wan" Ëdtp, fitrialp al ise irovinee. tZ«eTisere are no vanteions. Students may enlta, staýi y turne withý equal tl.- Itmoeember Chi a itfull course comemencial scisool, andi conu8oted vifli fort-, cthers locitteel et Mentreal andte litpnmcipali cilles of lte United. Statea. Tarins zeaaounoîe tand livwer tien meut cf thse etlsr scisools inuthe A'mociaioLio Any pensuon-iuéudiug Ch#iei and a4 lte-!,Spd eunogeing six cents Mn clampe. wW. reculae by- eurn mail a puede,*1 c ti naipenrnaînshl mna0 B3usiness Peumsnship sud Circultur. -- p peîeae A TEÂCHERS CLASS WILL BE OPENED JDUýitING-TEE '3-- DTO -' virylow rates. .HLDY 27 OfELL & TROUT, Toronto. NEW -HAVEN ORGAN CO' JUBILEEB s. NORVILLE has them-Splendid Instruments-and wiii sit Ilit iet;shat viii sturprise yen. It vou ever expect Ca bnp <nu@, taowsltH0 lina. Be sure la give use a cal! butors buying. A geol out eoeiçn cf Clockie, at violemle prices, 10 clos ont thhlot. Cloke, Waîehee, and Jewél. ry nemîiy sud promptly rapalîcti. H. W. NORVýILLE, DuniiAesýreét, 81 Opposîi-'thé. Poit Offie.' ~EN T'S Si A wIl style 4, ]60 SyI 6, e176 ; style 8, $200,- TheÉe IMel'odon.Orgatu, Patcnted 1878, are manufaoturéd aolely by ni ând cn n ly be procuréd froin us and our Agents.. Tnadu Marks 'a&dCasaes cit.red&lor Dur osic.. AUl Instruments wanranted for Pive yéars. - Wy~Deoember.~.28rdr187~ F.REE ÉjJéQ MANAGEA. A P;CiýI ý SPKO A SPLEDID ST1- .O W HIT-IY VE]~~ilAP.CALL & E~TfM _ I 1j tic«, sadvertie.s, C- LD t ýL L NEW P-ALL GÂOOE A1UUVED AJ~ TTT J* liIUJÇLE & c0~ New Dress' Goods, Nl;ew Frencli Meriî* -0 New Black L4.stres, Ne w- Wixneies, IREADY.-*MADE CLOTHING 0F s5, For Men and Boys. A choice assortmént of- LM Farmers produce tak-en in exehiange. (Late Shnmoîîe &L Clougli Organ Co.,) CLOTHI FLJRNISHING X'GOODSi For Superior Clothing suitable, foi ummer wear try the Clotfring Store and: Merchant Tail- ring establisnment of r 0OFIm lEmRGUSl* --2*0 DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY. GOQI) FIT AN 1 DSTYLISU CUT WARRÂNTED1 Gent's J'un4sýdng (3oods pf all kinds, ineludiug Sit ats and As.Imrla.&. hitby, .Tnly 27ih, 1875. tf-81 SELF-RAKIýNG'REAPERI -ANIOVD Cii '.5 v o lu- O- w GRAND CMINTOORGANS] 1)Euso5PTION Fx-ETe' a nes ot.4b i4 Ibn Uisaçdsm brouet on byindlsi>tonsor oàeus.- ~2ONew York. 1)ÂTENTS PCR INVENTIONS EzpedJtionsly and properIjr serured'ln Camn. ýte-ýt seedor no charge - e UV e atrI8n.Arc in opermiion. HENRT GRTST, Cttawm, canada.. Mecthanical Engineer, Solic icor of Patents and D.rsughtïmani 8 Thae beautitui brik residence in the TOWN 0F WHITrBY, hnown aà the WIL'SON ýÏPROPE RIY tu P=7et oêccapled byEI. 1Hf. 'Ià'dér, PM enjoynig lte cool tvfraldng ,eezs hom te lahe and bay, wrbfrh pres!ent a bsutl ap aace tram the preniias. Te Grounds, wbleb-are-smong lte fin"a in lown, are beautnlly laid ont, nd tok- ed wUl aà fine collection Mfoehghus andplants, and cholce fruit*treWs. Ité ~ inspg tlp sra améla rssetnfl.. they ' aura tnre 1 aplased, but mot mors » than vith the tterwhkch ay beiknown by enqtg -st aItheofite of, FAR.EWELL & EUTLDGE, - CUSTOM4=»EmMmrtf8ij AUTE EXE DSORIou- A m ettt nylcsuntb ft*Cbs ne. - M . i. BOUCEEM, ECRIBN"ITEDPATENTai ELYING TUBES. n invelition lliulg a môsot important beuing on the futurie re~~tto oi Ileed Inti-mCurnet, hbv eane M viicli the qnnlity or oné<ie s v ry largely it> reaàeed, a ntzi tlie' qu lty cf t ons r enjd er ed .qual to that of the Beest Pipe,-Organe oilhemarne Cii-aoit7y. ur colebrated IlVox Cel ste," "'Vox Humiana, IlWiox. Pten t," Oc - lave ('-î!r'Ii lî,-,czC*I3 < Ce,îeîe tops,. "Geana il Eg Cr Ttio-t" ViA ugve&, Vols El-leNTs"sd AIL Ie Laite ly in hPR OVighN T6 C:. Fifty Difféentt Styles, for ýthé 1>ar1or- and thio Chnch, thé Boat Msiîritlui 'Wiukiitncltip, Qualiy iind Voinis ai 'roue Uuequaltd 1h PRICES, S5o TO 85oo. - (EeKttitbialu in 185.) Agents Wantid ia Erery, cntuty. Addtiess- CLOUGIf I & A1RV.IfltG-AN .CO., DETROIT, ICH.- Icy-XZ'iM THE e0IW SAND0 [ S A BI .1,S I, El ). 183. 3. New Parior:-Sets-ý, New,-13e&roorn Sets, New , nn-ý'o A-nda lrgesto C; of Cane-and eatJn1c1F8ý Sofas, Loun'ges,. air -ad baak-Lomes B~OOK AGEI;TS W&1TED. E. J. HALE ïf SON, PubIi8her, i7 murry st., N. Y., Are now issnlng, tu subsiAibers only THE THISTLE ADDITION,> te oplyfnlly lluqtIt.ed 14ýPn et TUE WAVERJMY ôÉLB et ÀMuerlesn eske evtqrof6îîd iCthepublic. 0fl.tt uil,irWalùer 'tt til, of cours, nntemsuryte mie4u (A t ie style . estuifacture te elunes nos, ready - vii epsit fethStÊimve b~sanmaen.' 1~PPNDFourteen Volumes - rpw1 .UZiWL.PpWln ucloth jdlt extra.pervc. SalLTtireyidrcijgiIt*t CHAS. K. DABNEY Ge Cam B. Hale &Son. 17 Mnii i ~ 8 E TATEU P TEE ,LATE r AWARDED THE FIRST- 0141Z-E I At the Proviv~ial Exhibition, Toronto, iii 1870. We otier te our - Custorners for the coming Illice~, two dis- tillet Miinaewhich in style and constructi'on, enibrace the Mta~idrost usefuul iiprîuiver 1neuîs ioith 11 dy. Ï-1 TNSS (~VSlF1ÀM ( I Ali Mie unv~s suecç»s, or 'titis Machine.'i:oîb ils ciosely cozteeL- _d hrmasdbtt ande of lte lanutme warrnn, 1 s- l aifsgIr befr, se a Seli.R k- 8ç~i~buup111 ilahsin, hieittore gird ;sopi.heand -lei difaut .,nud - jass uai viti 'no o-isssad les. Ceunie, titan lisreitîcre offiri4 un (i0w j-tsli, CAYUCIA JUNIOR MOWE R Rle vere -awardecl the Firgt Prize qpncI!)fpltimi. ftttbe Prcvin 'éîuI ExhIiition. heM in Tornit,t. *1870.iri ct niiletitifrê ~i r -sCbtI# , in st'we,, r h< Pslweenste Wf .- l I~ ire 4elimOed thobt m ehinvemeitiujn wil nivi 4i.VflU.evvrnpycý edr~f uu ~jue~e~t M es fo îbeFiinnet rr c 17r butIfin th t. d l#é ctalogues. P  OË T Ë lL IË U j . ' B0¶ NDI~ObAE BIIOCKRISTREET, WHITBY, ~ 4r st~r e eoVs- J lit t t i y pet tbl 1 àla, hl i 1-9'U O'R S. I LL9 - 1 - ý j', 1 - 1 go 1 1 1 - 1 0 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 -1. 1 - 1 W-_ 1 1 'l i)iç, 1 loth 1 eLi T 0 R 0 N T-q LARG E N EW STOCK, GROC"ERIES *.ANýD FITTED WITE TXS NEWLY-INVENTED

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