Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1875, p. 3

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içior J'puitry. f lnglIi r -. I NEW3000DS / __ ~ "'f haaePieasùre lh annQu'ý" cing,,thakte WÃœIl 1,çp.ned -on 'SATURDAX, 'NOVMflER 6TK, foz the slé la laioy anaStapIl ry Gcods, Olothinýg, Hatâ oe hst 1iuil induo ou$tome ,asud te suit thejrenlid times. eh. ay ¶s past fôr a inew- re 1libse1 ' ï b time would be ýpleased oould theyr -40s&hï W Boé-a a- counts tè be ' .anew on-the better plan (both -for, buyer un& s4er> o ýady money. W. bell exoclnsively for Cash,- and Farînrs'Produoe with Juet a barie, p rfit. te cover. ex- pensesý,-,ýWe ýneed no big profit t e af5up rbadebis. NO¶Lý-,-'RetaiL inerohants can .lrny Cheapo9-m Ootobeý make, Ç ur oueislbomsou the benctt of Our' buying <ocde Io,# prie- ed, conu ,qxent hon going te the markcet somewhat late in -the. season. W p garante. Vvery method that we -cauç devise to make our ouetom. ers aboolutely masbo l.deaIng witli us. All gooesmskea in plain-l4 ures anudisrictly one price. F ' " Z nd Groceries in exohange for produce. WhitbY, Novemuber Srdi 1875." Th'orouqbhbpMdCtl Heavy-7draýÇt Hores'- and Coltqs, Berk- sire Pigs; &o. The 5ub"dbier areaetIsnoon to seIli b>'Publie Âuetion, at. hie promies, Lot No. 9 lu the Ord ooucesolon cf Pleker. mll,..a, as flo. yi8 am W,.,alace, - 1 mare,2 Yomr .cldy'U~r*1Q,.aIthésboyeaiMet amebre t ' onc-f tlb, West." fst eau Irsdé Oow iii c*ulP- pure.br»u ClaIes; 4 t0 )tb6d OWS i - opuà bredees, paao; oruhbd HleR Ceo- , ros. 'isesToke iof en 80 Ierib br 'ssud iFat Hogu. g Thumnble Skeln Weflps, e u"w8 esetBob ligh wo ep) 1 1Jç~so Reaper, (ne), Xqa( <twyiCttn Box sud Hors? e J~IIer 'plougbs, (new) - 0 atlI~5iIo Double àZarness 1P1d4fèg a. ails5 I b.); 1 Herse ita 1 , bol; 2aimes sd a mu culturel Fursce$.g ,ýA9r Drill, à sts W 1 i7UeueriFÀkes, Aise 00 ord f olwdî GOEtm Ss aud Poter; MW00BUILhà4'of - Turs~s Ail the aboya propert>' la g r suad viii reliring fronieisqc Saleet 1 0olj>amia.m.Lunch 8.1Il so'ldfirsl .q..U5..WgB"ll, &.qhobeb TXRM5... sjmiaud ser, *Cash; over Ithat s&u*.Ïqa » ii ie li $ Maroh 1875, by par iribn!gapr4f Joint *oteo, luleéresIt ram date if not pald wl1eu due, Pickcerng, Nov.101h, 1070' . Auctioneer. a4 A exS COmiEDy Olt !So 19 STAB 6ÈTZâTg,1. . gnisntalnmetont strictlp pilt mmulnmau r 95 et..R.ervad àst, h'6t0 Ji. PATRIOki Whlitby, Nev. 11h, 1875.- 46 - Dl3IDA8-OT., WHITBY. ~- JOSEPH 4. .B4NDBL, PBbn'BToi. Tbàbos . u enrocenl>'buU.lai ~4~~ u4up lu rsI-lasi Z&Yl. .DN,-Wn" iquons and Cigare; I iroh sefBeer.- ood dssbllng ans an-. closad yard; attentive otiers. EL)WARDNL RQP 'Undel'thè O6ddfefows' laIlI, Wbitby. fx1W AETSEN. CHoîc ~~1O IC4L 9 FOR1870. The Leonard 8oott 'Pub'g COag _ :41a ay~Sg~LN~wYqrk, Continue Ibeir autkorùeod reprints of th. IbINBURGH RZM lONDON QUÂBTE1ILY RCVIW (Con. o.r atve) WEBTINs5+E BEYIEW (LiberaZ), BRITISH QUARTERLYREVIEW (Evan. Coulalnins mauterly oritis andsu =. =s o1s f litb&ý,le treeh And valuble iu Llaaur., 5oled(oand Art;'ç Tho moi! powerfnlmonthly (fa the, English laugue. famou for Storlen, Es asu Sketches, 0f1h. hligheet Uer ymenit. Tens(ineludlng postage), payabt strlotly lu dvance For "uy oune evlew ...4e 00 per aununi For au> 10 eve,. 70 For an7' thz.. enlewo. . ..10 00 For &1 fUrle evtew .. .1200 For Bhackwood'e Magasins.. 4 00 For BlaOkwoodandl oneR* view............. 0 For Blackwood and, tve. PevIewo ............. 00 For Blackwood and 1hz.. Bevle.............. 1800 Ë ,m*k5woo&'Iaudthe four F LUE.-A dlscoutof tweuly per cent. wiUl b. aiowed&lo olub% 0.1 for mo» sr-, 'qs Thus -+Yurcotis 9_9BlaeIw oor> 0fee1a% . i = ; b. asullo on. ead*orfer 21 80; four copies of lb. foi ur elews sud BlskwodfrS8, use oou. OfciakwlhLrther partlcalrunMa>' b. lied oui application.1 The. Leonand sboitiPublisbing"Co.p 40-tf -41 BlId>'Stroif, New York. Kinç;eOf the Weeldies. THE WEEKLY --FREE PRE88 gofutsEÂR 0OPInLIOÂÀTIOX. Agents Wa7t-ed-Evrywbre. Magni1fIý P ýrùt lt cfh. u lo oeGîven 4w~A1. Conteins Item week lo"week Télographlo Scmmarof1 ew fronxalipt "uof l1h. wold. urreût CanadiatiT011100. we'n Fs<iaM.IMdFimre eIu*ellgne Iuterestiug Commercial orîresponidance. 1Greal Litbrry TieatM Storles by the leadinglio 'Ao the ay. C'ht-hat Fn fr heFamily. toplcs sud vital matters ilu9e interest of-the c<untiy at 4arge. Oorrespondeuce trou aIl parts. Bnli h aud PoreignU7Itellignce.: 51.60 per ann reeof 'Postage. Balance ni 1978Ire. SPLENDID' PRELMrM.' liver>' Subsariber te the WEzzy Pai Pars for, 1876 iii b. presuted wvl b a B se eged b>' aIl rlstob. thé buti ever published ; aine 2220. TWOis Portrait slane ls wrth the Pila. cf oubacipîlon. r Sam ples o paparfre. For terni, etc., 51u-40London, Ontarlo. F ,ABU P10 IS!LE I That desirable Fanm, belug th. North. fuma«4 lt1 libe shah Con. bëa er KckM, -Ounsad, laud la aradtd s ev g illi stan&c ellr. Dlamu Momit poilea Iode sud stable. Tlhe teum nce ae u od.rdair, nd thereâar aboutt 4cr à soresref Stmudink-Tlmber. TBRMS.-Ore.îblrd cash, thébesbalncel iequalaiuf.yiet, i ntoeuaso- per ceulPe 'sa* teseseriglilof f 1 issb, ubiect te àalisuecfi asrs Tenders iii be rueedb>' th, under- slgneud until the, 15 Deceniber next. -Tiesubocrber vii ot blndhliael tot aqeepI the biglisit M, n>' tender..- > îW. H. BILLINGB Thé iýà aaithe roquat est ail ladies -i luntc*n, lutenda tMW ing umemw oirthe lcmsion of - JUVE8NLE IDANCING -CLAS. AMONG.TE OL? TWO CASES 0F ÇORNWALL BLANKETS BOÛdI-I ATAUTION WHIH 'E .ATRlE' SELLJII4G LESS THAN THE MANUFAG- 1TUREA8' PRICES.- ONF, CÀ,dýSË HÈSV' WILE HME >MADE BLA'NKETÉ,$25 Onie Ca8e Etr - Blanket8 CÂLL Â~TD Large - and Havy at ~3.95. *;- * * * - SEE 't'EIEM. AI SPLENDID STOCK. 0F ,,,W WIN4TER SI4AW-L-1 ýAT WHOLESALE, PRICES NEW AN/J. FA8HIOfi From ,20 LES Vl 1A&LE DRE88, GOODSf Cents a Yard. Plain snd. Bhecked Aberdeen Winceys in great abund ance. I'EADY MADE CLO0THINO FOR MEN, BOYS, AND' CHILD]ýN, A LARQE STOC-K ON H:AND I - AISO A SPLENDID STOCK 0F TWED A ND -'0VERGBTINCS FOR THE ORDER D EPARTM ENT. Olothing got up -h d'pach andgodfit Guaranteed1 _BOO TS ý,,AND SO We are offeriiig .at- a e mal advance on cash., We are bou.ndnfottobe undersold. Cail ana i',xamjne ouxistock. In each department will be foundalar«"iâge and-welselect- ed stock of new and fashionable. goods, and pricesto suit the liard times. A /'ll,: stock -of Groceries constant/y on,fHand, Goôds sold ýonly for cash,. manuWtge&ao4rs-n farmées'produce. Vrr',cdrn IJAMES, SIEA,. Oshawa, October 201th, 1875 . 4 DOMINION WTAIIEROOMSý, CORNER 0F BROOK & DUNDAS BTS., WHILBY. LOWE S &PO W EL L Rlave -on stock, fall linos of the follwgo » d4. to whio'h they invite the attention'of intending1 O Carpete, Frenchi Merjoos, shavis0 , w FS i 3 olGoa#i, IBeaver Coatinge, Fauicy Drees Goode, Eoau1s, Hoie*y suld Glbies, Tweeds, Black Lustres, Prints, 1ow '~A Y. &4hr Serge Coatings Wiuceys, Shoetings, ib~~A51. iS ' Alolf ' Lie opltiaEvr tmnto, "T&prson dsing- to e latnine ,~Ã"<ôi~1i h var-fhit, e8 ' dom dmot~uia4v ~~ pao-eaei.Aie a large stookof WV.E~ *i, First-ols miinýr,- )es'MkesMantde Makers, ana esilors. .akers T~ < AUl orders executed on short no - - - - - - - -.o Millinery sana Faney Geede juet reeeived. t> BUFFALO ROBFES, W!OL S#INSI*,e' LOWES &".POWELL Whity, ept sOti. 81S Fal Stock hi- .,~Now .,Arrived-. - The ehoiceSt deiiste BRUSSELS, T 81Y5 ALL WOOLï JO H N ]q RO ST~ET &Bro., WIEIITBY, o:-o lueJVlwuth. î Slock Will be complete-ii afew d&ýysin ail Liriesf LADIES5,' ,MISSES" AND CHILDREItS', * ALS0,-IN-ý MENS,È'0BOYS, cY BReiuember that KIRUK is offýerinïg' O~U4TH8,' LargestStock, BTH - - Latest Styles, 0f Boots andShoes i n CASH.- Men's Feit Overshoes,- -MnsCoarse Boots, $2 0W, worth $8 00. $12,per pair.. .Ail orders-punctuaily atte: H A MIL TO0N & GOi. Hfave just received- their usual. gnded. 'Repairs nleatly don.., JOHN -SAUNDERS. LARGE R UBBERS AND 0OVER&OS AT HOLESALE. PRIGES. 1IUBSIERS ! ]RUBBERS! Lde'Rubbiers- at 40 -cents per pair. QVERSHOES ! - -Mens, Overehees, àt $1 25 p.>' pair. ~"Remember that Kirk repairsa al RIips!u e F o f ,Charge. c. IR K, Oc tober2Olh 187. El[gin. W atche <s Il H. ýH. Taylor, G. M. Wheeler, mat Laflin, M. D. Ogdeu, W.,H. Terry, Whitby and1 Oshawa. 49-tf E/gin Watches1! i'. Chas. Fargo, J. T. Ryerson, T. M. Avery$ Francis Ruby, Lay Elgin, Gail Borden, Deitor Street. Althe aboveMovernents h tnGô-Iland Sl-veér Cases. ChpfoGalt- TAYLÃ"R & BARNARD'8, Prae4ial Watchimkers sud.TeweUlers, --Brook et., neit door le Crossd fNItm pdaeSoe Whitby, Oct., 181h, , 1875, 42.ly LA TEST A M~fltO,4I~j. Just recee d*nBuffal.Q,1 Iaget. and, Most bylish assortment o ýUa 6STYLP&, FALL STO G AND WI-NTEBýR- :-=qoooD-: THE PLACE TO BU-Y!l i0 0 - FOR -CONCERTINAS, go te Robertson's, FOR VIOLINS, go to Robertson's. The finest, best, and. cheapest stock iu the county foun.d there. FOI' FLUTES, ACORDIANS, HAýRMONICAS, go to Robertson'e FOR, MUBIO, Bheet or Hali-Dime, In9truction Bocks for the .Pianoe Or gan, Violin, Flute, &c., Musical Worksofe every discrip tion, Soto,,Bobertson'o. A large stock of ail on hand.. FOR BIBLES, FRAYERBOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, Day Books, Journals; Ledgers, Books,Stationary, azîd Fancy Goods, of every description, go to Robertson's. His stock ini ail the depart. met 5very complote." BINDJNG. BinýdingBinding. We- bind Books, Maga-- zinesfl2papers, Pamphlts, of ail kinds, at Toronto prices.. J. S. ROBERTSON.. Bookbinder, Stationer, and dealer lu MudsialIntrumets, &o.> SBrock Street, Whitby. GOLDSMITHS -HALL, NO TED Stock now coniplete, and seledting and ùnportinig My own gooa can offer superior luducements to cash customers ELGINj~CHS 1e fin.GolhObapsul.nddaurtsn.utof ColOed à omf RNgso- ÃŽ., ?, cOmn5îW.ddngBiao, Ng Rliato PIstddC ùu, Bller Oomolnugar ai Reo, &o. 8 Day sud 80-hour lolke, by thebas goodi sud p î--..r~ JAME GOldsMihh't Hall, W1a1by, Sept. 2M, 1875. -4 o I m CD lin WÇhftby, Nov. Srd, If15. GMAT U N BROKEN FRONT, PICKERING. The~ Public are Iutorniedthat the whaie cf the growlug weod on the tarn cf the lste MA1rauder Campbell, lots 7 and 0, Broken Front, Tewnship oe!Pickering, - iab. sold by 'Public Auciion, oun Mmiday, thes 15th Dayjof. Nov. îcevt, sale ta commence at 5ôuth-eaat Angle 01 the Bush, at one o'rlockl p. m., -sharp. The Sacomprs-sabout -86 acres of s leidherd woor!re,ous ta th e sale, wocd muitb renioved before lb. let day ci ,zximsor u..-One yese'a edit tram date ef saleviiib. given, b>' purchasers furnlshlugappraved eudorsed notes, bearlug Meen per cent-fulereet. L. FAIRBANX5, B.5S. CAMPBELL, Autone . 1 GORDON, M-.P. WM. BLACE, M. D. Pickering, Oct. 901h, 1875, 44 NOTICE! N OTICE la hereb>' giveu, that au appli. catl2u vilibe imal. b 1he. egisiative ÂAeembly oftheb. Province etOu otano, stits uext 8essnou for lb. paug cl-an Act le erect th. townships cf, TherbMara sud Rame, ilu lb.<Countý ai Ontai;the lovu- shi o- Nrt s SonthOr mlaacbe- du ~, Medonte, Tî, the eutlbaltoftthe township cf Org, andeb. twno61Ozrll inl' teCounty of 5ame; sailb.heownisbl1o Morrsôný i thlDitrict of Mulshoka, imb a ew Count>' formunlclpai, Juiewoanu otberounl~urpaes ,the b. mid tavu Of Omis s coht1!owni. The propoaed new Cauuly le be cflwe& h.Ceunty of Ooucblchlug. Damad aI Orilia, tI is1th ayof Octeber, 187 - * 43-6dm. FHOTHORN BULL FOR SALE. Fqr sale, lb. Shortboru DurbainiBull, OXFORD, CHI EF,- 11] Ices nCalved Pela 951h, 2 7; bred §keor!ge Thomson, Wbiby; gel b>' Duke- aOiebud lbock. Perpniceansd terme, sp- -Pyt- WILLIAM BOULTON, ÂIhetl>', Oct. 18th,1875. 48-Im- hre Reesena forraing tb. Myrue Na vy Tobacco, FIRST. 'It 18 Madeoof the !inest Vir- ginia Ledf. SECdND. Eaoh Plug Weighesl-3 of a The, x Nol mi3 001, 12, le .PRIN G L E ùe ofthe Si Caps,-&o., .V F ILALJ 1 ; - ". t,4, ý 1 - $1 loy ' do. 1 wmtby, oc*. 27th, 1875. OVEIR-SHOES new Stock REMBLE TOR GOODS 'l et' il ý Gola,

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