Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1875, p. 2

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ou thie nu stlng wae l 0 rbut nssrly- 1e vwlAge wý Lffltntutwo..Dôualdson. IamlatWe H& ar itable goodm ]0 for "l.- tÂnaction' Sale-l»m. Thoma iand FocS-J. Oobblodlek. TION SA.LE OF FARM LAI tPow$l'o bcteI, Esooliu, Moic 20tlio+:iat,~e cf late eose m ýirbeukse aaetloneer. EXEOUTOR'S SALE. 0psly cf laI. iiaui Caroj in" ýCrûek, Ncvr. 201h. L.1 a, auctlonee,er - MITION' SALES. orough-br.d C&tde, heavy dira ec9-au Cite, I erkahire1 ats, où Wçnuday Nov., pýûrt ofý r.William Th ONLY "418z50ePER ANNUM.- Wiliîby,,Thîinday, Nov. 1.J, -187T5. WhY tipe Grand Truak Dacn a':Py. Ing la ebonna of 913"-09or lie extenalon, 00 ,iltlÏ a bMnoi 'ta 0ahawa, WAa zualni. - lg Of ROD- Mr- Gibba1 E4 *- 'Giu,,'Mr,ý agi- c,, ced Dr. MeOQilI, wàa appoldted cns t et for Oawin' l forwarding the. movement. Âltogether the resait wa~s meut onceuaglng,' s-. Meetings are le be held in OnkWood i- sn e hThuruday (to.day), sud gt Lindsay, so. te.morrow_(P'iay), fer 4th. purpoae cf leying the detefils cf lthe prq4ooI ofe. 'DS. touston before the ratopayeru 1oithbe îday. Iocelltlom. It ist t-bclixopeda tà ie- Vla, tteudance et botIý pleegs *1111 beauci au the importance eoftth. enterpriae ahonid comnauld,,sud tat tie. epre. lO 'tatlves' eft1he Company willlbo Met r. ir. lu tizat liberai spiritl yhiia oommuuity cf interesta and the future progream ad -prosperlty of the important section cf "country concernaS lu securiog liheu..ne #gfta of éxtenid]râilway communication 24Eh oald beget, hotu. W. publini iu other column a latter freai cao of tl. mont prominoent men iii Mare. rospecting lié formation cf tb. proposed uew coclnty ta lhe nati. Thé wrter, In ývemy positive terma, tlo uas 'as liaI "the peoplo of MNare are dccid]- ediy opposéS le lie propoand change,' anS wonld abjet la i111 te i, oskem- philo ananor." Tic. -people of Nare Se ual blier. that lice caugo would be theRBeeve's.n ilge jX&Mpl1t their malignlity etil h*r moat dospicable maner promng0a -cock andbull atmry- agamaê, e-Rq andl seek te lay itB aternty onth shoulders cf the 'Gkaer: Colath poslly bc a m6ro'degralng dnp 1. AooteuMptuble mesunesIte ssto satab. the eputation of- one. of -ur..m h'onorable suid active- citizen "' -And again, con the s aaeful lander us 10 fr. -Draper sud the. boat accident fabricatio, lite' Observer continue- "Witnoss their wretced farce cf lb. upset boat and the twç phanîcais ding.- ing la ils aides. Tbe ojeot of théir spfleen lunlts boat invention la anolher gentlemaunwlro, eudktina bath th. riung 'uStheltira mg ',' lu al lie cliangea, trnckings ana lradlngo, through whicilite Gagelie bans passeil, 'an an uulucky: investaient and unprofitable speculatioa, il oniy eppears uow la have reaclied the 10'w. est depti of. degredation. Wihheb daily awindling awey'cf ils few; acore s.ubsorIbersi itcannaI, .however, go much famIlier, disgracing the proleasion cf leglitimete journalimai. Il han reach. 4Aà the enS 0of its tetheër, anS appeers ta b. glviug itu lestidpiug and despe rate kiciç. W. trust 'tie wprt4h 1"editor"' of'no wortley a siieet, wijll obtelu, em- plcytient mare lu keepiug witi hin brlnging, up'"ana botter suite la his oapecity an]' oducation', ena thal ba may ennceed botter in; lie Governient berh for which, we undeasand, li i u applicat-as driver ou the Model Fara.- '211litadil, itl, o coe te eer aveunge (enu a n t; çwoagren Oa .nlae 1tiIZp orOlaewlitlium) tend tuat niuély.uiae outof ANe ATTMIîc-r o BirmctDowva Tiiic cantins carfulty isepared article eveny lunsredT'rAteyera in fihe lowu- DRIILLSUËSc.-An allempl (wIich revlevlg ~o poItin eS maageentsîîp wouîsi vole Seai] agaimîsl lecving pi-avidentially prove] uncuccenaful) le cf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~h tI.GadTîa nlafotlétccouaty ef Ontario. ThaI b.iug the buirii iowcc the Dmrltýhcd wcn dis- isan csf raits cas, flise people cf lice scuîic wiIl neyer' covemo] on Tnosday niglit., A yaung i HcwecminI.unîî hi friand. "0iobh a cousonîiug parîy la nepamalion man psiug by i]>ncovemed dlames ln J'Whî liby cf 'ubre-- î7, -icuecicutwiof francicirnorthomo frieude. 1h. building and inslanlly gave lihe ý NIlil)YOf n ciinctiý11wit rpalarm telatliacarataker cf tic. Towoiall. lie0 agitation of AllaiCouuîy Itailway Etilangcmcuî of thc Monîreai "11un, )ilO etei-icc a a g cf tpen etmaw, salur- e-tinp.n-ftisaI cdaIe. \V a isaea -aIe] wiîhîcoal cil, wee faunSplaeSd i en 17ai<einc1i, irifonici îsse of Our resSeris We ita pleai] ta fini] lIaItise suc-una lIeiî]ngidmeswcc whio did ,miot tisont kmow Mr. IH.wsoa cescf 111e sterling "IrishiCathicapaper wer le uildiotlng i ntis Thic ru -unîer fle itle of "ilozuemci" tsat flite (flic oîly Irishi Cetcolie Daily on tie- nate carîy aiscovery of tlie r provent- g4Ieilniiîgnimtl Antan acquireil Ilat rtank aauineîîî) le suais as lu wcriatit, ite en- cd ftic worltofcfle ioceudiamy froin be 44 Brigadier thifliscufaîerctoa amy, largemient. Tics Stre wiIl bc enlarged in arolit fet ntc imn iiiwitlm ia lulisgîsslîd Icf as a ta tbirly-lwc colmma uei and]lifter the a pension unrecoguized aI lIce lime was gacleout ofsi-3c ndi leader ncftisc " Lest 251h met. A weehîy cédition will aiel iasouigaa.Riar iilc Mrsse. -. I eooneye vary 'lmuly hoie ucd, corsmreucing Nov'embai 271h. hmesNiprlabaureti o 01t,itie Grand ITssnk RIlwtîy efleels Tîca Sun s di il]withi inuchs abiiity, ncc-picojc teuinc aglthm l'Y ils nucc li alrisonon lIce imaîrial esc] besides aeinit lcf tthie car- in cf ac. rnusgîy circum.itanhiaî l ccarc- iitisci1tn of Calida." Ilc shows, haw- eut lapias cf lice day, iewayî coutains a ter. evai-, val-y cIearly, esiiutig fuels au] camefilly preparci] eittcmnamy of lie ----o 6.itTiri- - lamuc1atin liii argument, tisaI halent Irish neuva, lu lia.prospecmnn aI Meeing cf the Ontario Legiclature. titat usxpofitaiesuleualnetoiug taelice Weckly we smc oldi (an] tise puib- ovct-caîtrluction cf iaitways iu Can- liçliems arc reliable mort- cf thiir Word) Tice- meeting cf tics Legishcture of ai iote holic cifoche of lIce CanadinI taI wliilnc prcservling ail the chaiacter- Ontario lias been calîtil for Wuedntlday, clas maleoge] by Mn. Puteile-t. H. mIlatntcontribtentoi p tlice axe.ncled 21sjtle st., for flic dospaîcli ef business. nnuppliie a hable ocf licorailwayti lu On- ucceqsa cf tics aily orgen cf Irish ccd -- ___ taric, giving thsir langui, cecl ; cont, Catiollo imteeîtn in Cacnada, thiera will Tfira ToroNTOa Aanota CAss-la hIe per nilo; gnons recnijils, eceipîsi, per e given ta it epecial feu(ticres, nuits] la casa of Miller au]ie tifs nn] th'le mueo; euS wot-iing lper cemtageocf gnos a uow fieldh of circulation, anSa l new Toronta assizes, for lie murder of Mr. recelîsîs. lHeninakes Ibm lite basin f cais of patrons Sncctiption lesflice an] Min. Nans, causai] by scttiiug fine colupanisnuwitîi nelwnyo la thé Amen- Daily Sun, $8; Weenhy, $1.50. imesema. ±o4ioir p%aises -on Yonge.st., 1h. ml.e 1dmn Italea, cuumenating ilion'.of Min- Caîlalian & Meany, publinliers. prisouier was found gnilty cf ma- naseti, Iowa, Wincausiu, Itaine, New 1 s- leugiter aci]flite womsin acquillod. Ilitîupsliire, Vermout, Michtiganu anS The North Ontario Eleciion la be Millerc was sbutetcceii to fourîsen yeam Imdiaina, An] gtves lice folowit. igreeuîîs - Fraîchted. iii flic e Pcitenliamy. - . "" Ms- Patoz-con lias àilu- antice ta The Turisis Troubles, - ~ ~ ~ h lieîu ucmiscg (hiicen of Ihie intention- 1 --'5 apaetM. atisEeta o Mr. Dieraeli, ant th Lord Mayor'. I l -â tnul-Northi Ontario, onu lice grouni], ofbanquiet, epolce ratdier tletmoudittgly cf -c cl - inqialifl cation. Uunlts groticudea pemnan etcu-elc icTnil S - for tlsis pelition ai-c cf a snicicantial troýubles. Sai] lihe Engliïlîs Premier; ...... ~-~ "- claactes-, Mr. Paihenscourse uili Tic forbearance of titi Great 1'owers1 ............-----2074 ci4-s'.ca5i1 scsrceîy mccl wvithlicleappîroval cf hisa imticialy inlemestai] "roSaceS ani ~XinIm-------~ t2,1elfieis.-efinct sucoh asenemeontllcsngengave Maiis- - - 933j 4,5555' 7,18i237 woii ccs imnediitely. Sinca. ben ..... 5st lltisr - i7 case 1c2ii'3.91 thu aeu ie finauciel catastrophe les revivai] ....u.....-----::: i4j6I 0-.31'485 ELECTION 0F MII. ROBINSON. ticestmuggele, andl givei a naw aspeclta ........... 314 031î lai,0:.0 ll eut i-ucnlaucee. Il is impassible ta 'Vit tabe ecwn isa, luproarîln 10 Ticelecionfoc entTomate, on cy liaI ainanmslaucen are criticel, Tho abl shws hut inproorton u Th clctin fr Wst oroto'on but I silîl lave great canfideance luntihe 1fl nic, Otntro lias icaîtlana Seluri]ey lasI, renuto] in lice retîîmn cf foi'iearance of the Powers. Isisgl, cf ailway ta hulIeStaelqnani- Hou. Jalin lBeverley lRobinsoni ly tiche-es.- eli, âul (nxôltting saii cf' oti-tiriî cf Iellimîg nmjotilof 851, avor flice Minis. Bcmniug of a Steamer. liem litn not givesi i lte "tlns) tint tend l atndidate, Mr. Turner. Tiih -ITYPISNS1eII o«vie-y lIlabitaut iii Ottanboi conibute] IeUte was !aiîy ud s erjn-y pîct asn IT ESN IRS- se ch isto aiîway ernmin4s as every elle aonfieccc -r non-colifidence lu the 'lTh stcernsIciî City of Weco wtee hilibiniiet cf Minnesota, of howa, cf Govemument. As suahi il ceag saiîantly j-buci] ta ltse waler's ei]gc oalido Gsi- Wimnaoîinl, tniî very nearîylas mach an accepte]l and: mien up by lice Opposi- veplcn'lcarbanm on Tucsday memning. sVccIy luinabintaul cf lice clii Stete of lioncenadidate, whone tinumpi muet bi co.picanongems an] crow tooi l e i Maille. Titsse Pointe of coinpnrt<ôu u cÃ"dcreni]A decido] ilow tlathi en'0- botitiatm] c nmrii raft, an] 10 lihe nma- f tise hant is !p6phlntloum.=ybe liali] an '14cf thcs acezie Admiuistration. ber of llfly ara supposeS to have nl f îltsiof fi le allegat4on cf excessivQ """1"'prihf] lemathi nf,.,.l i n....'.,r. n ,Faut Northumberland]. sa imalter ef fanse elan ci xplintaion iftaé fe!lunôo f the Or'cui] Truni la Takhing liii. figici-ios f thua hable, wtt luil lhlet whcz on h e iiways od!Ner - - Etasline, siiIl reccipta o! $5,830 par fmlalioneo!Maino, vila eeipla ,of 8lUiipar tiile, tîsose o! Wisconcsin, 'svilIt ecetîîs ai 4,2-24, tanse cf lova, !cithî receipts of $8,280, ansi aveu ticoso cf' Miinisota, 'uttithrecailun a! but $2,- 18, cli pay i-iihcls on titein stocks, tua reasoi Wiy Cattedfian railwmtys do pot, tIse mason wvîy lise GrandlTrui i witIs mceipts o! $6,5618 Per mils does net, uiuel clîsanilia osciglistfan 01se- vîcere tisais latlIc astivit>- cf tliî people as cuessumeni ly Ilie volucmte ofthue ['lialtlét id stccec-ty o!flIse OÇiaunin L elinele e L IcX ex lt wihhî, mandb>' e coacpiamisbsîiwith tle oimteaof lice 'States Ibondelrg on lise Doin;iomn, ain] neeral Anseriean insn ichc traversé nagions wlcse wintorsi are mucai mom. ever. tîcan ise average wiuten cf ilote timaeomidbyUCaadiena nailwaya, tho0mc- vinwnrIeclly rofutles1lth. charge af ah- Somptlin cf tic eun-u ofet hie Grand Trankinle woi-klng éxpqtpsea causeS hy tise igens f et' tii.caut0. O! ls fee -bo fscni4se ample evidesece, anauS rsl tié uggsllen eâ4de-oaal - tape pilar nsappreianIon -inunBgiani ou lis heai, as vielti'usive. Théic fet yield profita, Mr. HOvso:1 e-l4nbutos let the méppeir pof wpklng andlmacagé- montalof-lb. line-tslbssuuprofitable leas- ing «theitliatc'& 'St. La'mrenee Ralyby thé Grand Tmuk,-îbéh mnillIte 0s Wplti lupnvl]eutly inunk lu tk6 oopstut -ofet iaVictorie, Btidgî * hiieloig of , RBufaleo&à Laisxin"n-adtegn a v*nte 'feptià ead egho fie .-3a, ulig rdeadte wan ýf flouïoa qȉTmaek eou- ELECTION 0F MIL. i'IEUItS. Urn. Farris, thensrccentliy inreated meabor, ice- hecu re-ehactoed -b>' a majomil> cf 1125 avec- lts Oîîoiion candidacte, Mn. Cochîrane. Succrsnsvuc, DaEn I IUiCTtNO,--hl Sîtaniff Reyuoh'h s vvey nucceenfa in'u Ii. short trip seer hoer hîuuclbng tube; enafon lice baggeil aiglit lira]- ive. cf whlcihî cere splendid buchîn. Thec Shîr- iTf roports lcesph eai] iii0tusiathenw Ia-wusiips o! Galway and Cvu]ei bacli cf Baocygeon, wlers lie krillil hin gaina. Ho van accompanbed by Mr. Weoolly. 010 of lise hualithIics, vor>' pecuhiari>' farine] actera ; tîscy grew Soyna sut le lefI sida a! tics face instoail of upvarde I risa lie fmautau, lu thesoardicamy way, au] tirs qîilea a c-cm QuAc-ncsiîY llvrn-ws. - Tise Leounard getl -Puiblhing Ca. cocîlcîne thcei acalhori:-id reprints of 1Blaclîvoci]an] the u le--nhadi]g Q;caterly Reticwn. Tice later conain aelny crtcisme as sulmmarlon o! ail tisaI is Imeslc- end valuablo lun Lilereturo, Sciencn aud Art. l3lachewoei"'bt halie Se.vad repisteliou et belmg the most poworfuil mont lhy in lhé Enghiait languaga, ansinl faînions fan Ils i a~re, essaya au] ik lcies c i higient llterey menit,'No oee ith* Preténniona la anu acquaiahauce villi îeý literature oft lii.dayvulW héC rii lies.- publication . e drh. for Municipal Ehections. Mn. Gibson authonizeïs t s îte liaI héo il net ho a 'Candidate for e- ehlsi10 1h;mayoraîtY". E thiales ho han had 6icaa«iuo! câuànli.mettons., meny e! oui' bonI hownomAu .*ppérle hava Uittle aSdiblton for-,municipal bon. '-ours, 'and wouid rati ilik.th.Salies' tien aubjéot t liselren 10 lice' Aînoy. aee CfflCMW Whal s eleage - from thie ierce contents !fismer e-aya?ý. ÂAusîV'S CcXEiii'Sud Sensatioin Troupe are billeS le eippouir aI ,hhç05l- feilows' hall on monday 'nigll; thefC appesi- et Os1la OUô Sael urda>.' T%û lloe mbraces Iwelye star enliais, a&'fs h1shi suoken e-f veraeas-tlian Trouble wiîi tic Msïlnye. A goueral 'atreai la feare] iu tle Mlsysu Penineula.' Traaps have bien telegnaplisi] fan ta Hoag Kong. Trîc CalomiliOffice pabliaucens espali- es cauu11cing tlisaItle BriihPreni- demey et Peai, whisi wan'besiegsd by Mahayans, wcng relierai] on Nov. 6th. Capt. lunes xvas kille] ta au unsaccese- ful atltace- en a neiglcboucig stociae. For ducse arareor wedi]ing anS allies' lreucite, go tc Taylor & hBar- AccorN*ÂzI;*x-McarelinlancutIotîiems reqcîirbng bocks wirilteu up, an] accuutsuade Goct wil fini a must reliable pamhy in Mr. Wm. Doualdean, wh'ose advi]ccesmenl appeare lu cther -Mr. Yaumau'n grah concert lu Osh- awa takes Place On Mavlnda>' evening. Mr. Youcaic'n pcpnltri.y, sud chsorus cf cn u ncîc-cî c'ie, ta beomssicl on thie occasion, sauhi] onurs lia a buaper hanse.ý We are îlnased ta learn tiel "i ean la hitby lias hargel>' encreas- e]. Ma. WILtIAcÀni iroins's SALE o! hioraen, cathie, Btock anS laphoemenhe, ou 24th1 is. will bu welWorh allend- iag. The lermemade. it a sient Sale luasmuoli- as lié p*sprietor la leaving for lie Oh] Country. W. arn in eceipt cf lie New sud Populsur Song nuitted "SzyzveGRAr,"l pablisin] by S., Tcersv,' BrqdWeville, Ont. Prlcs 80dm. Sample copy meut ta suy adtîresou réonipI cf lOchs, b y the, publiahion.- Tus Winirni Rouez.--Thla 0nnqàw, hôtel, minc.Sitely West cfïlie oi Office, ha. ýbeau uewy hauicl - ,far-- Mm. lleuSeht. 'Gae' winom, iquona anal cigamsnS lie n uWhitbrtoî gel 1mai lager heer. -1fr. Bandelwilî 49 taund an attentive aad.obIigiug icosté Zzavi' SitmxCccccONic Iavc.-trrvine, euivicted at'the Toronto' assizus- of, lie mnslaui;htei, af Mr. Bonr-e, linsbeu seuêqeed"to fourteén yem urite-Pei- tisutiutry. »8>tTiI or DR. ]3niAv"ae-'-nv. w urttht they civ utMpqn lipJ2voselin l cor o .putmQeYý their own pocket 1by'thé ifterfueh 'ofthe debonu s inqued i u YMa rTii.whola aa1enavpn~ asemption theàt tii. dàk1iôp iûeu~3 in Pta$ment of t s englue, beink boa1 by the. Om'hawa Ioani Socety (ili. wbr some mombers o! the couneil are aso r 40o'dOrs) the transaction zust loos ily have beau la job." f Hem lan whal '.ft..'RBonald,. Whono 'thé enginseand t whom tii.debeutuÏ weehanded fil ayaient, neya, a] front whii It will be7soen how uttez groui3less in the. charge brouolht agait gentlemen whose position su ad repût tion niiould bav'e ,beenau ueient shield thiem fronm the. nilignant abs oethe siauderer: To',ihe e ditor o ffiaReformewr 1 P DAz Sia: In Friday'él14b. azraqphapl)s, quota ,froui yc paper, thet son a eorrespcudent hi &ppeared tesay et freu& wu oinr front the salnecfthe "Dtur.n te tl Ontaro Loan 5 ty bacnse snome tic Caunocillors had uhsme'ilaIerint- liaI institution. Ijoth a grosi error and uanfopuded, unjnat i flection. Letm4 tell youtýbatttrii neyerai moniéd ntitaudous tb find oc the bout I catild do with the. debeutçri I tried bard te kit the.-par mer's Loi Society,-T 0 ~,w ~oui, ô monny, tota te.t4e t nom. vpluat.o Tl!ey would not tauch them a et a pio. Tho cnliy party I could gel give me a bld was John G. Mne donald, cf tie London & Canada Loi Agency, Torcntoý who would ouly off 07J cents, on-th.e dollar 1cr lhem. 'TI Ontario 'Society, affnred 681 withi knowing snythin r about this offer, au I closed. with tl rui; thinkiug I hi donsebotter then rom aay otiier par1 lu Canada. Ând[ wien the. sale cf'ti Euginn was madi afier the great 11ghi ing thait had frtao b. gone tlirongh.bi fore ilwes effnct dwhiche verybadyi Oshawa so well k owR, ual a sul in tl tQwa krsw whero hhene debenttomes wer ta be sold-not aeue myseif-tiiey ver simply sald tolthelii.lient iiiddei It is very unjuet in yûnr correspondet ta throw eut sucl4 uujust efletions 0 lhe counicil w oiu ail well know we: sa scropuions ini exaoting the boat bai gain and]tle boat' machiin they p osait IY coul] for the whole peoplè. lko uothiing whatevor about the article i question, ouly wbat I saw in the Glob of yesterday, and'I 'canuat lot il pas without raising nmy voice againat Who I know ta be a Most . njust au] untru, reflection. I hope Mr. Editor, T'on will be kim enougi to'flnd roqm uinyourdmirisui for the-above. Vary. respectfally yonzs, John D. Ronald, cf the Chatham Steam Fime Engin4 Workn. Chatham, Oct. 28Uh, 1875. CONTEzsTzu Er.ecots,-The Quebec Court cf Rsview lhan confirmed the Secision of Mr. iJustice McKay ds. iniseiug lie peltiisu againsl 1h. meturi aI Mn. Deviu fýr Centre Mtontreni. The Court aise cufli-méd lie Judge- menuusealing atm] ]tnquauifying Mn. calgIsiniz for Argeutenil, au] deciaring Mmf. Jodoiu's elaectian for Çhcambly valSe] cad tiat gentlema.n disnuali. Il is probabticlat the trial of nl the conteste] local nînctiaus lu QaeIc will b>- posîpomîn] nulil thc lose aI the ses- sion now munîcicg.:Sudeliacourse hies beau adoîutnd in tle Hochelaga Counlî case. Nsaw Fsîucr.-uoimicnls, raisins nc, alec spifadi]fiish anS fresi oynlers et Peler SmitIî's, Oi]dfelîown'n Building. PETER Bîirniîpayn caeshnfor pcaltmy. For fiue watche n l ai or ailvez canas, go ta Taylorý & Bemnard'n. Misîs FAaQuzcAespN's VELvET Fc.cWYB PAINTING.-Mise Faî-quiarson's boanhi- Euh worm cf art lu velvol fiowem paint. imcg dessmvé tb b,' betler kaown. Théy certaiuiy appear to b!e' deservedly np- pre.ialod -wlorree exiiesed. .Tic foIîowiug la th. tribale paiS tina by lie Ottawa au] Te-roula press lun nlié- ung thein at liceretieut exhibitions "The worîi] cf eýchanment opened oe ns by tiose ddiglibful womks of art i-n hthy cloned by somtling wlcich bringe us bcck ta tho wcrld af feahit>', thaugi sy a dlowery peliz.i Miss Farquemsnn of Whilby, slîutn lie gale on as, for ber collaction cf ail painting on velvet is lie lasnI atiieparmaenl. Thiamont- icauhifui style cf painting le tilustrated ny a serles crf Sosigus womiéd in osn exquisite lente and far beonds. ay. hing w, coula] have imaginéS. The while veivel maien lice noftest ana s urent af ground-wori la lices. fairy- ika piclares."-Ottiaapaper. Mie;s E. Farquierson, WVlitby, lias a nlperb collectioni cf flownne, peints] in cil ou white volvîl. I111d very seldoin uc have sceanythiug imo beautiful, either lu dsnigu or in fiini, and we alto lIce "liberty cf sngglslig te tuis -oung lady, Itat in future, sie nhcauld ave thteso very beautiful aad valuabîn womie o!f'art frimeS and guazéd ; lu- ei, iv nigicts hhey eloul] lave been n lihe Éne arts geîlery, wiore lîcey wouiS b.e more lu théir Iran placé anS ciglt db goad service ln oocupylag space on lhe walîn, tlpresqpt taien up -y saine frigilfal dauba. Mies Farqa. harson hes elna naine nietches o! birds;' &e., doue on white výlelvt la mi, wiicii ame naperb ; lu tact, lîey arnoquel ho. caay fine steél-plaet eoliaga. W. ýl hopa ta son marceof tis lady's mark.' -Torocto paper. Il i b ti t' i rr ATival a! the Prince o! Wales aet The Prince et Wâlhea lanldS et Bomn- bny on Monde>'. Hie recaptian vas cf thé msn~ethuisstic cheracten. - GeeuiLac-iNapier et Magdala, Sir Phiilp B. Wodeiotina, Goernner cf Bombay, -Heu. Sir IM.,R"step Chii. utcadiéîyoles nld iug the,-civil, militai-y, asdmunicipal anlioritica, acccmp4mnlnS by navelyý natrve p ccn n hiefs, met sudý vnlomd hoTtleecfWacaon -is lendngifroc 'tO-~-erein, Aller ienvigti nyih 'ecge -a-'ieDock'- ~iurd li& Muni11tly ,cf -Bomba>' ';duersse f" elce.! 'tThe -7 plied biffe, li614s'hlclu-.band hie 4?cii<O *ie-mo5ér" & Le'<ui"Gerneý pWtUôuHeser '-Ibo rôôps- aud,,pole pr;af.rved VWrfci ordor wviile the.-long pmicnsleidrWIed tirugithle etreets. Orer 200>é07spdlatrineS lb. roule.- A LAàdrptVLITE -*Olgld net conhain lie maes cf lenaigu>y-'VyrlOckias 1ael- he' the- put,"" c»oLheeef..m'tli caci ru turulug, ffcer siail doiivdn. the gbt box umed 101th. clerk of theé nicipaflty., buc Thés. shall bb 'prdmeïved 16r fturne' rra. 'use, epd it.illaub. tie utiy -of-th ;ar- cierk t1* hsve* ready let iaimsU masy bottn'e aslier. are wardc or. eloctorel divisions lu théeaiuaiclpaltty.d ~ Péna4' fOozi.tbtip1lU'ice01l00 - In tes case cf lie lerk'a neglect tomnpply e kn ballot boxthtù'tii per 'jb&4% s it siaklb. the, _d7 ttbé ret 'nutiig offier'forthii t prociure cne '10w net miade, sud ho' may inutis erder upo te. thé treaïuror -cf the aiuuicipa*tyfor -ýt ,the conte inamred. -Tii. trenu ÃŽle boanS topsy lb. amount cf tlb. cider. sec. 8, Where a poill'i"reoquled the.>Clerk of lie Muuiclplity shail forlhwiti cause 10 be Vriàted etýthle' a'expénso of thçe' )uutcpaiity, pue.a a inbt suhi'f"alo.me as nhail bé' ld auffioient for thé parpoeeaofthi. lée- re tionr. Eaiot-papers âaeR coultu in-te: the names cf the. duly uoaiiuateil candi. cf dates, arrangé ehpabe l7 t lu orderof ti h éerarÂé, i4formât thle seobeduls to(t.,44h e.- sec. 4, smaclathat eV ypoling Saci 'ÃŽlace shall have compjmnawee lut lu vctera imey mak Ieir yotes- du PSé4 the Clorkimuet, sicé thel eeose divisioni an hem a ýpropén place provi4ed eS - "' S , previdea liaI lthe Clark 'n. shail deliver 10 every lietuiznà'gOMoer, 'y neoénmary ballet papoesPrepared te oprennly for Ward or Elecloral «Div.i W_ ion fer whici he is tesoI. The 6&erkl an mueta lsQ aupply n pseha fe rnarking bal 0 e, et.,-asn7treetWrn. ,utiý Ofieriscompellesad keop sai utmatomial for tin cauveninat une cf ai votera.- -y sec. 6, Requires '-liaI tle Clîrk è le &Ubefor. ti-opening of lii.- pol t. dgliver'to eaci Retumning Officer sncb e-a nuaiber of prialsi] directions for the in guidance cf votera nahi. ay ceai ie suffcient, ta tin number cf ab Ieét e tou copies cf nuci-prinlted directions. r. Sec. 7. Requiren lie retamning ttffiôer r. la post up outeide the. polliug place, it and cao lu every campartaient cf the 'n polling place such printed directions; rd and h. lilshaitsee laIhley romain mc r-placardéS nutil lte clame cf lb. poil. b. Sec. 8. Iu tin case of zuanicîpalillea w divided into wardn or electoral divisions n bile clark shahl deliver t-o eaoh etiriiog be clltcer an alpiabelical list cf qualifieS ss volera attomîni] by hie solemn declaration ai under hin hanS,; anS iu cilles euS town de anS lucorporated villages whioi have panseS by-iaws for the purpos., shall Sa excluS. froin lie lIitmach emns as le nIaIt bave been eturne] teho haby lie Ireasurer lu defaull for uat having, paid their taxes ou cr before lie 1411 of èecember peceding the election. S Sec. 9. Iu lie cane cf muaicipalities ual diviSeS ittawardu or ei'ectoral divisions the. abrk ibolial h.the retumu-, Ing officer and sahl provide himmeif with thé uecesnary ballot papama and maleriala, and]ellaîl perfori suci dalles csas are imnposeS upon lie retnuaiag te cificers appointed for wardn and elec- a- 0moai divisions. SSec. 10. The retunng afficer shall imimedialely befome the commencement -of tie poil,,show the ballot box te sucd an are prenant, nu liaI lhey May son 9 tliit il i. empty. Ho muaI tien look Y il, alld plare lis Outii upon il la suci a -manuer ai te preveul il5 being opened- withoul hreakiag sncb as'al; and ho e hli ih pace the box in his view for- the roepoîf ballot papams, and keep il so locked auS seaIeLi Sec. Il aud nubénclin not forth lu y the manuer lu which lhe olection ehal be conducled, île rocorihing lhe naine,1 adminigloriug oeIl, where lie vote la - oîjected la, refusalttaktehîe oath by 1 t voter, &C.j Sec. 12 provides for tic manner of 1 aarking lihe ballot.a -Sec. 18 exeludes aIl persoa froin the b -compartiment while lie voter is aarkingC rhie ballot.1 Sec. 14 pravides lIaI no persan shahl lain a ballot papnr ont of tihe RollingC pIlae ; suanay pran who eonîves a1 -ballot paper anS uaves the» boath wlth.v -ouI moluruing lihe ballot ppertthieC relurning officer liereiy forfeita hism right te vcte et liat eléction. ThisG clause sîso défilnés lie Suty cf thé clerk under arcuaistines vinre a porion actao ontramy ta the express conditions cf tuis clause.7 Séec. 15 provides for cases wiere volera are iacapacilaléd te mark the. ballet 1I papr,-tié mainie aslet perllaieutery elnolioum. ' Soc. 16 énacta liatinl cane a pnmon eE inadvertently Sisftgares or Setraysis w car, allihe close cf lin polI,, shail car-M tify on lin votera' liaI as 10 lie nuaiber cf permens wio have voleS, aigu the sae, anS reluuail 0theîle onon the day ath le election, witi a seleuin declaration attacheS, as provided lun~ forai F. ta tkis Act attacheS.. nc Sec., 21 mies it lhe. Suiy.oflihe o dlemi 10 sadd p thé volesceate i seyeraI pollting divisions anSdéar thie result, next Sa y aftnr eceiving the f came ; anS alno p5et up a settemént élbowing lb. numbèir -cf votes eut for l oaci candidate. - Soc. 2$ eneots, tiat lu came of 'an. 'oquiity ef votes, the Clerk niaIt have aeB ýýqfling vote.-, 'S- PoSec.'28,--provldis' thst iwheiie by 'W 'rea3an of neot, &c., e polliag han becun U lutormupted, the.poli'-ait lýb. opened it tiécJ folowugdayý-p.aed nqo ontinue- le, from -day to dyiâsc Of in1ter r 161 fer four days, until lie électorstlave wl -lwelvc heurs cffre.-*ecesmte t4z poila. zm ,Soc. 2-enacetstin lu cae .inter- 0C rlon cntinues over four deYa,.the-, ol .~clnto-be Seclarod nuil, anS e now pi one 1to W ordine -luUj the-<1 -uunicipchtty Lýeue s raIhee for.1 "Sec. ,5. luIncasebet uo Ireturnî ra 'auylward or eloecoral divinon, or 'cf tii.« elcti on 'havlng beau interrutedla 'lbrotgh any &s, h le. siiade. iSc.2raaté the.-4 el( ~lé 120a ivotd aasi bc e mqairén, in . t1D7, vetoîl.à& - - -ha "04 -86 -provide-'tht àcandidate - may uridémtake thé dutiés of an' agient 'and-be piesen>.ait 1be Toting, "" 'Sec.' 88 empowora, candidates le' 'z hav, aIllb.therighte sud pnlviloeénof c, 'aultcirlznd agents utI eléctions, i- tl lSeo. *87 énacta liaI tSundeateuSd ,, ec. ý8S-eenliaI tnoeection'éiall 4I 1 iil~ wlth the loLLer liereot, 8ne. long asthe spirt of;heÂq.At it a s4% l a .- -- 1> î - ' -- ý1: s ,Sec. 89) previdea ,- ti cipipâc 'bd Couneils sheil ramunemate cl.rks for ru#abie 1dspiî>oa ineurred lu pro. pi ,vldîag ,ballot pApoms,ýzmater"a, etc., r amid rqu>uueiation, _,for'- lime cu lie . dlnabargeé'otl'f syp 1 rtin- lug o&îleem, etc.-. - -Sec: 40 Rtepente Sectionis 109 t0 118 Pl Inçnave t-ié lSmunicipidlIot"o 01 - law. Sec. 41- enaotm - liaI votiug ou, by.-, Iawm, *&o.,- hhnet' b. ,g'ovéed hy t -The slotntains modules hcwiag,,gi tihe fera inuwhich bàlloI Paper are le g, 1 vcèm, çllartioaet Clerha cf ,nuuulcipalitieseaenprocure aIl tho nécésnary forma, oorrectly- printod, anaS cil li 'iarteet notice ai Y4 lb. Ca3ngeacLs offie. ili Foundering cf ie éStea mer Pacifie. ONE HUNDED AND THIRTY 43 LIVES LOSTI1 - I News. han beeu received orfhl ban I of lice ýW0oqoulsiSn.wlnel steasihi piP Pacifia, Ilyf gbétwonn BSan Francisco anSdii British Coluahia epS Puget Sound porte, wilh cver, oin hundmedM AnS tiirty nouls an board. Mont cf lie Peofic'n pasnasogera, were freint Victoria, on their way le S'en Fran- cisco, -anS doubtlis e number cf t Cansdiens meluraig home wnme aaoug cc the loet. 'A 'The Amemiccun hip Meeseuger, , Cap t. J. F. Geikey, froin Sai Francis- ce, -reports pichîing ap, twéoty ailes nanti cf Cape FIetlery, part cf lie pilo-hoane, euS Henry L. Jeu7y, the only 'survivor. Jelly floated on the. pilot.heune froi iglit o'cleck on Tuurchay nigitntil ten o'clock on Salumday moraing, wh.n lho wea pli-k nS ap' by the. Mennenger. Several Imoals were-launobed, but ail faundered. ni jeliy in 10olovirle give fuill paricnlem. M Ho atates 'liéwes n taa bat wlici wl nwamped, .ead witi anoller aua succeede] tainnaeching *part of the pilao.- hanse. The aher man subsnqunntlyA dieS or expomare, anS was cul loone by ai, Jelly. TIe'following la aanistoft1h. fal passengem., tourteau cf t l t Ionen p, mentioned, logelier wilh ton or loi lwelve lu the mtenrae, bning froin on Pugzet Sound], the halancs being froin in, Victoria :-J. Hehi mute and wifn, Mrm. ni Melon and child, N. .0. Victor, G. T. Co Viniug, Frtil D. Hem], C. B. Daviiison tae tnd wifo, A. Robbins, T. Allison., 0.ccl lefaPlierson, Wm. Miaxwell, B. Woocd, j,. John Tanbeli, Vm. Ammins, W. Wil. 'i son, W. Partarr, A. Lang, Jno. G. } TodS, Jua. MeLanders, Dcc Young, J. chi F'itzgerald, J. Ceudon, C. Cliniiolm, A. Wh Fr'aser, J. 8. Webster, Hunîburl & Bn Rockwell. Troupe Gareteche, Misa A. 1hl Roynoldé, Miss J. Pelmo?, Mrs. li', Mfortier, Mms. Lakson, Edwinu H. cri RelIer. Jas. Lenining. ýMm. S. Stilas hol sud chili]; D. Mclotyre, C. B. Fair-. Un neuin, Capt. and Mm. Persan, A. B. and )way, W. J. Terry, J. F. Johanlon, an( ['las. Sucitli, John Cochran, S. P. vol lloody, T. J. Ternit, M. Suaimems, J. ,, -ehil, John Watson, Win. Welns, Jas. ai H. Webbm, Wm. Pailey; Col. Mae. w vOil, wifé, euS chili]; -R. Hudson, H. la Cline, E. P. Aluins, Thomas Reverly, r iLayseil,-àV. Waldrou Jua. Lee, G.j Gribbell,>Géeo. Morton, 'Jno. McCor- tü nick, Jua. Sapson, Isee Webb, L. by )iapman, euS forty more in lié sîner- NE, âge.th or l'o thie Ediior of lthe Wlby Olironicle. WB )zîa Ste: i I notice la thé lent, issue cf TneE CHeNICEmo tiat the parties inter- nIteS l icte formation of a new connly. wit Orilia as Cauaty Town, bave given noblce o! hein intention cf app>'- îg te Parlesment; et ils next session for an net for liaI parpose,; anS aise of ieaoiiag 11.' Towshcipset Tlioran, feam anS Rama froai tie County of intario. Nov, Mm. Editor,, an far an tfe people of 11cm township are couenu Bdllîey are decidéSly oppose] 10 île mcoponed change, nS woald abject lu fl chnge lin heca0t emplatic men- ter, believiug as tlney do tînt the change rouiS ual be ta their adraulage. I arn etinfied tliaI nely-nlne'.out of every- àndmad cf tie mesideuts -of lis tocru- ;p ivould vote SenS agnint heeving Uie Conl>'of Ontario, il tley hadd tie chane of deiug ne. I tlrusthlaI lic Ifluenhial mon cf lin Coany wili tae ce matler ap anS brnug anche pressure s bear upon Parliarnent that tle Gev- Dusueul will not sanctian tie partition 3r cuttiag cf tis Count>', au] especainlly cc a wrong apen lie people -cf tle avuship cf Mars, wien the.> are de- 3iSedly opposeS ýo leviug this oaty. A IURA. MAN. [fara, Oct. l,1875, Dr. Sage'. Catarnh RemeFdy ane patent meicline Heugû,« got'u' ý-dupe, ltce igincmprazcan] crod;icloiç, 2or is it.rprm.tnd aeb.ping' "campon. Ia ci ramee aw pmeciçus naintaucený nogit'fromthe fqr corneon. thlie erth, cerclie] neveu tîtues acres lie malâ Desami o! Sahara onc lie becks of sunteen camais, aud brougit &cross Jin Atlantic Ocea on twa niips." - Il a- snimpI., ait], aoohing reuuedy, ea srf.ot. Spaoc oranCeamni sud "ColS n tb.hea l " asofor Offensive' 3reahh, Lana or Impairmnlof!thce énsol of Smnoîl, Tieton. Hearlng, NiMery n*-Wele--rEyea, Pain -on,-Proe. mee n h lé ee, vicen canndas n le>' à noý"iecp4p tIY, ýn, by lice-ve Ibrsala ils>' aesk Druggits, ever>'- h&e , ?rlc4-Y en yatn. Sent by nail (poï tpaid 'oun -eceipt 'e! Sityý enta; ~ ~ ~ Lo .-or~eleae o 82.00, pr : iedozen for '06.00. 'Addmess lie rpilz RV. P XEBÇ LAnêâ SÂezeoir CoAL.-O ver'ielt a aillien cf Ions of Nova Scolie coal vas bd ini thlin ie llma eding Ool9bcr EeopzMNsir TS AT x.wix.-Thiré cýPemnncases ý pk plce in .Halifax o Scoas 0 a . bacab, ien expaded. -Âoceordingly a .aaur. tavmug IhiLt euS 14uàview *1 win suhoailî-ý ten 10 you, -eud.1 iqpn il ,wiil gnbet caur approbatoc - 10b rauu [c ta be dkàd-en Ad whici, whicii whilo scmupulcushy_ me. e6th atolbs'nSPo6seê, i iMnSify lie administration of ti.De.. 'arttueut et Public Instruction. anS énder iha wemkln. more effieoaus. -I lu'hapyetunfomm.70U n hat thé ~pia adeteSdarig lutai sion' w- fe-ltthe éttliàec.ut' of6t-u eubt baneii een trownocd witii 7Tie pu seou faor thai. fsat year witI hé Suly -saubriteZ le ou, and yen 'mliib. -càlIed "-,poâ ., ILe grn l ceaa'ry uppliéî1 .r ,- r lad 10 b'. able ho infitbi Yo111,lhel.'lui p ile cf the. daneillcrIffld lier a'ine. f th ' Province ara e àsiitifactory, I arn entisfied liat you *il*:' "e4ôte, Vourselves ta thé per-formancedi ycum upo)rtant dulies ta the. zeai, the 'wla. cmi an] tial spirit of dévotion la our font Greoloan ,;- Sovemalgu which fistingaisheilyoccr .preduheces. 1 Dauestly pm-aythael wilî-tie bt disnugof Divine Providence your labourasm"Y moeurs te epeople of' lii' Province in increese of happinens anS pros- peity. Mondey, Nov. 8th. Ia lise Quebec Legieiatme yeateidny, gr. Lemcdry, Mfonlînüagny, maved, a;nd ur. Ogilvie, of Moulmeel, secoQpdec, tle àdmens iu meply ta th. Lieutenant- rcsvernom'n Speecl. Mn. Joly attacied ce Govemumnent maiîwey policy, anS intenSeS thet bath lie Northhorae in Nortiern Calouization Raîlway wemou l lnite Pacifia Railway chein, uSd were an mach entilleS a taid fnom ceo Federal 'Treadnmy antheGoocgien Bay Brenci cf lie Canada Central. wra. Mouhiaon Cierges cie Revd. Henry Ward Beecien with Aduit- eny--Auuiher Investigation. Plymoutti Churcihlast Fridey. nigit gît dropped Deeccu West anS Mci. Ecaullon frorn Xta. molle.- Deecen West as un e p'mnnenlesl, anS no opposition ras cifeme] ou is parI. Mm. Moul- on,- iwever, wes present with Rager LPryor as counsel, anS wleuthe mes- lutlan.for dmapping hem freinhe maile or continueS aon-etlnndauce was reed, nyon read a prolonl froi N lre. Moni- on, wbii after ,leling lIaI nie ha] tly linard on Thareday eveniug aof lIc tende] action cf the Cbxurch, aud hai o pîsartuviýy te le hoard by lthe 'ommillen consiiemiug lier cane, pro- qsting- againel the proceedings, an] ncludiug as failown :-"My absence an enfone]aone, aciii acanne] by .e crime cf adultery aqmrnitted ly oui-v Ward Beeciier, pastor cf Ibis hurdli, with ou. of is periscionoms, rhieh I know te b. a feal tirongh neclînra confession la me, anS lirougbh e . confessions of Mme. TillacnS irougi tue conclusive evidence of tle ria fmam allter sourcen. I appeer efore this churcli in loyal obedieuce ta ssummonsý which I bave meceived, Sd I ierehy declere my disposition Sd désire ho Slscarge. all dalles Se- tving au me as e memnbar'tinat are saiisleul wilic my knowledge of thé lullery oa.the pantar, -anS l'iafais. 'nariug witli regard ta Il." Thé vote 4,Ioti canon wan muent' ad nS uy af. rmalirc eThe vote anucunced la, maiS ý.b. unauimns, *bul it la allégeA 'lII iere Ian beau a conimiîtee appointeS rhe Cangregatioal Association of W Ye anSBreeiyu e oquiro on s part ofthb. Society into the tmui fainity of the. nirges âainal Henry rrd Beecher, anS the cammaittee, it saiS, willenten npon lie Sinparge cf dalsaonce iIse Floméence Tillon' sent n ccc- uicatien -4ocitle Plymouth, Ciumch, king the Chai-cii Commissianer for a tter cf Sisminal froin tic. curci. is lt The' -Peel Murder. SENTENCE 0F DEATH.' Henry White, tiecdoboro] man, change] vili- lihe murder oallia vife, et the. Peel Assizes, bas hnen-,fouud. guilt> suS senlened ta eath.on 28r5 Decea- ber. Tic.- perticuarn of thé 'inurder briefi>' are as follows :-Wliitn an] lie vile iveS inu île Townnicp c f Peel, h. beiug naî'ebounng mia.On' thé 1111 c! Auganst lasl thse prinoervwas wenking fer a in narnedPair, ounvIcs fana b, lireS. ' a1ft tiare -about six c'ciaak anS vont t an fiax boa a shcrt distance from Ihem. Hie vife hed been 'ont white-vanhiag anS came home a .nsortl. ime efhen, anS nftem arenging soins household maltera, aIsb vent ta tie bée. Tice>' nîmynStili afien Inn o'cîoci, wvin îso>'started home, acconipeuind by a brotcen- o! Mrs. Whtnnamd Arthur -Smillt 'Vce' ,inlS etSmfic~aaOUt -, iM edraa-it o ie ' icus, about clet-on o'ock. Théy vent home, anS ýt- 'absout 'a quarter'- 1 tveln vnitearose] L?,Pair- at hii residence, vich isnlyu.>- a elert dis- tance froua bis honns, andS to.bi-h unt' ;gel np as is vite,Buana ad fallea in- ta lie vel. PFain got np aI once suiS rau la lice well, getiaog lIerabelons 'WThlte. NVion hé gai lier. lie foua] lier in tie veli, lieci Sowucianis. 'Thom veil van oulyi' -,abouct dv. teest -4eep, anS Faim aud Whcite puiS] ion ont, bal Faimrilsbigevidouca saiS h. coul] esasu>' hiave pahied innont hiaisell. Ou lien 'perscaat - tise timeoliane vas nahicea e ve n tuhîe cihek. An ivqest-waàs haiS aaStlinbody',burinS', bal rseicion haviag"'beeaâraeds.]Il ,*as, eXhuce sud a pont arnasta. exarnînalîca uISl, vian it w'vas lana] tiet sho lia] roaeiu'o] terrible injuries, cof the mail, suoi an coul] ouly>' hâve' 'bien pradaced by violence, White, befone jgaipgtoê $iqýeq eçI.sthecyy, 'àtickat lteé lbl. ho' îl idboy bot ta tauemh il as il vas veuleS thaI even- iag. -Thité., sick lias uot, beau eneu dincen, audit i sa pposied liatit lwen 'viii lisstick,- liaItîthevouadS.onc Seceaed'a baS>' wnre infliited. Th4& iime 'strengthened lie avidkencée as t alIsa some ver>' serions thzWin tadé by hlm a tsw daye piëWousr ardih'ieg- twee 1t - 8aid 8 John Wahkey, for mij er, $2.25; R. Mowli p lieS'to overseer,j fer womk on -road h 85,lu 8th'cou., 27 , evmoer, 892 ;,- womk.'ou 8r5 -cen.,1 M ,m ânté> Iln. hul, 0;'Jen;iermue,'forwercon Fomest2lfulà, 8#45 ;'_Michael Wh ' c- dom, pln4 ýJàqJ #2 JýohziD. -SBpees, for 1 udlidkdo onu ,ti con. aEt M 80 210 ; John Bernés, fc'work- onc road -hotween -lair-8- anS9-lu 7th con., $80 ; E. Major, fer, werk on nortiemu towullue, #54 ; James MnSill, fMr_ buildi(ng',br!4ge -on, ~ ee o No. S, 8190 ; William Ferguzn, for banial af-John McMillaz ,88Thomas' Hôîlbounnfor slamh ýÉe-ièàled bý' doge, $26;Mm. Knox, for.gb"epieilleS by, Saga, 827.88. ' floig AiS lb ,grated te the o ÇF] Par.', fiel 10telie amonut of 81ech per week,ý frcm tlus Sale tltithe Blet cf December- nét : Marlin, Loi, 81 per wéék, ES. Wright, comaissionpr ; Qea. Keyon, $1 per weei,,John Parier, cocai Mr. Hoover moyen liat the coucoU do,- now adjaumu anS stand adjoamneil 1111 Tiarsday, Nov. 181h. ' -, AVicisburg womaen was lryiug marS la gel hem druneen huasband bome, anS en-nie puileS lia along lie atrent, ber wcmds nduSactions, were se tender .liat n citizen halteS anS sei l] WelJ, _ail1 drunkards' "vives haven'I ycur Siépoaii lion." - t 1 n't say.auythiag,eni8. eplien à çehisper; "I've got te cal hl pet nnmo'kte 'gel hlm home, bal wait tilt lié dropsi Inlatle hal-ke- around thon 1"'- - A FLoRmm. BiLL an SALEn.-This ià le sumlty tIsaI Jacob Johnon han nold hus wife Mary A. Johnson te me, Daniel Silan, euShe bas givea hem lwo children, lhe olSeil anS thé yoaagenl, euS I, Danuiel Sieiliman, ian promisl t te taie came cf hum ; andS eobanslae hiavo bedslid sud hur olothhng and ma- ires, and bed cetbtag, and hum tiingn lIeu belno1 hur, Mary A. Johnson. Me, Daniel Silîmen, bas bougil hum for 80. Wilucss, C. T. Lind, Feunin -Tua OSIMENTAL VS. Tmica EFL. Servant, I suppose, aam, I shelluiot lave 10 'wâil et tco table? Lady: O, no, I weul a ilounemeid.-Semyent : I suppose, ma'em, 1I u R ualhave la maie lice beds'? Lady : (surpriseS, but componedly) Comhainly not I Ser- vent (thiukiag lie place will nuit) : An] ýI suppose, ma'cm, I niail not ho ox- peched te enswer tle door I Lady : OI course ual I Then fael la 1 wenh aero- vaut ho loai et, euS I Son'l hhini yen, wil doI 1 - DnnsmLucrcv FIEz AT 'ST. CTA iNccs.-Batarday memuing, lie buildings owned by Moes.- Hunt, Cairns, &I Ca., of thé St. Catharines' Wheêél Workn, luin whioi S.inameit, lie spoken were fia- iesh, woren setroyéd '-by 'tir.. Siuly men have heen lbx-awn ont cf 'empley.- ment. Tan Biuanc'TmcXEin-The prepel., hem Ameic-nwaa nseS edfor debt aet Montreal. Thé nléemer wea 'niecureni -in the canal wlti a large Chinuta hor ýbow anSa&rope ta lb.sIeim, and lie, baâtifbelevqda ha a wunsecure. "Ah aine o'chokei Cinlu*as suapped by the men ou board. Every inch of~ stear anuput on, the propeller taggéd al lié pe, wicb scon snapped, anS hc Accemia8easonce more fiées, ar- iýg tle palie anS lie béedemed Lnaiif ou lii. bani amiS- à cIèouS et ateami. Thn liberated propéller is now on'hem Bucoýw STORM MIeCE asONcLIÉeE Sm1 PeRioff.-Tie Steamer Prancis Smith, whici leIt on the up-trnp on-Oct 2219h, was la a terrible gale anS saov 'aloi-m upwandn cf Ian>' bours, on Lakee Sa- peniar. Bshe vas campletnly aheathed viti ice. Ever>' ses, fraie n1t etruci hem. Nothiag bal- thé' couae anS eulengy of lie 0mev - naee] lie vassal. Sule inn pannS soi wn oa irgîl. MýOiTaALCzccnnci.-Â Anev eleclion lu Moutmeal Centre vill soozî laie place, a;nS Mr. Dorlin la alreoS>'in, th& - field. TRi*es FReWmsxE-srFaAuaLs-TO trialsoa!thone engage] lu hi vhiioy fruncin nov gaiug an et St. Louis is'at- hmeetiug anal attenion ou the. aCier aide, especiai>' sinon lIce naines cf soe of tie President'g, relations icavelcans- uuixed-up iii fie ,oatir' -BEIGHAK rYoeiTJNOARassrsi--'In lie Supmelun COur't Oe!>8ait Lakéý dii>', YBghet Yi aa ceéS 10anewer o't ln 0carry1 c;lb -lie averS' lull'aver-et -lbis vie -Anuv, Ehiza Ycung. 'Tia Court pioceedeni ta gire judgaiege forçiugitophon..-Thé ilmegment c!f- t.ll, Cônnt w'vas fti fe Sefendant be i mprisoned' aunlil îlhe uctaol-five buadret dollars and cont. of n-l saIare paid; ofr' reasel b>.' ie Coart.Inu ccordanan vihlie sbove, Manalial Maxwell, arrenteS Brigiani Youmsg 11cm inorning' etthe ltt4er'elil Sleuce, vhere be nov romains in liel ouste]>' o! tie Mamsal. Tismez CccsîiuesccBesu o Drr'nz. -Cincinati, October 29.--An Alloua, Ohio, npeCaial neya g i muney1 'colorez.an vilihin ,*ifé anS Infant, helt linnan anl chthdmen ala'n. vile ti'ynanehalviii-vag.Tt hone toci fine, basruniug lt.eclildi-an l eati. It is supposed idi.a caml b lie ohimdmenoveriurning ihe,iap. rAcxxoNcFRsBityÂcrri FPaanez- MAI Raue-VERDCm, 01200-A, brnchl' "promise o! memnlagé cana yen trieS' thlie London ansizes ou Meunda>', theé -npladntifi'lu es euetan iiah isa ,5a e.i conaiiona of grauasa gra-E tan CUy olr, hsrveétiÉ machina before the P uli. ecray, --lt' imad of thé veybetmterié.1thal cen bepuchea- ?,Tiirdyi îs constructe lu nlth Moit systematidand IlorodkghIy w6rk- ma ie manner,ý. securinwJ nse 0-of management, ligitueze 1of draft, free- '(1M Ircm -vexations, breakages, and- gr~t drablit,~and llnally, by tborough1y instruitng thefr custoters ixfthe usandnaceof their machines. Seven tons cf pig iron arn now-being converted daily into castings for the. Champion. NO ý1ené,than eight car-. loads cf, steel, arrived frprn Sheffield within th. lent week an& twelve - ca. loade more wil be xeqtiired -for this Y ~ '0 mahin.. es. Over 2w0 tons of ipaleble Iron cistings'ivil h. required lthe Champion for the ynar to: come. Fnlly-t000machines wiIlb. Iprued' out for'the-harvest of 1876 and ýWé are7 gled to know thât the -reporté receivedi by the BHal fo'y, would1 warrant tjieWr. iAncre&sng that nnmher. The successi of ie Champion throngout th. world', in the harvent of 1875 wes greeter than ever befc;ie, --Iustffiig -the con- struction', ber. and îet B pringfield, Oh'o, of, at.leent, 40,000 machines for- tAh& hervent cf 1876. Vindictztor Oshawae.' Pax5BYERrsUN UNION.-The*.union of lhe two Preshyterien Churchns in Wbit. by was consammated on Sunday lest under moot favourable oreurpstances. Tii. Rêva. Mr,. Edmondnon. of Colujia- - -bus, preacheil morning and evening-to cro\vded congregations, and a werm felnof frlendnhip exits hetwnen the. sir Richard Saggallay, Attorney- Geonerel in -the prenant Disraeli Gowel,- ment,4iea been'epoifd -e jndge of tii. Sorm or fAppeal, creeted by - uianeAct. In 1868 h. hbld for a short. lime .post of SOMc- tor-Generai under Mr. - Disraeli, and sucended Sir John Karalake as Âttor- ney-General iu April, 1874. WHITBY MARKETB. CIaqaîcuZ Omcu., Nov. 101h,. 1875. Fau Wheet ......... .. olsWel Spring Whnat .........100c@ 05O Bszley,I'No. 1, 850; No. 2, #00$0 68 ....o ...er.. . $500@ $5 2 mty........... $800Q@#S,25 ...a......... ......70U Black Eyn Penn ........90 8à8. ByO........6kc@ 70o Oatsi................. 860 HUy... ...........o10@x1 Potatoeons ............ 850-@ 400 ..g................0 Coal, per.. on j 74 ,Wood. ........... ...4 00u@184 w Pork perwt. 8 7 @ 8 00 Chickeno .. ........80 @ 85c pr pair Duoka per pr...........50 Tnkyper 100 Âpplem1 p er ........40. @ 500 Beef, hiad quarter...$6 a 07 Beif,fore quarter .....5 @ 5 50 Sheenkin .70e @ 75a ýTurnp . ...........100 & 10 Cart ..............i 0 Sui; nut, Con4orting.ý,"By a thorough- know1cdMe cf hèizatn±afli*i which jbvezn 4he cpnrationsof, digçstion ama nutrition, udbv a areüfu aplication cf thii. ine pEoperties of weli.nlcdaco, 'Mr. Ep * anprovided oui, breakfast tables with a delicately fL&vorecd beverage, which'may mave ns many heavy doctors' büis." It in by th. judicious ns. cf such articles of dm1 that a Constitution. piay ýe ýraduslly ut up until trong'enoui tor-natl every t=z- dency t0 dignue. gndreas ofsnbtlà maw deés are :ffoatiný srauud ns ready 10attick vhprever tbere is a weak point. W.- May escape Mau A' fatal shait bY kceping oui,- nelven well frtifiled.%,ith pure blobd azde propery nourished framne."-CiviI Service - I~EEDY 'IÙIE- èùden froe, a iiple aangre peps.cf.elfcurs4oforCou. Lo. cervu eiily rmtr by Wothulimprudnc. TUTTLE &.Co., 78 Nasaau.nt. N. Y. 0 T 1 C E 1 *Notice la hereby given tiiat aSeca Gener-al Meeting ofthe hareholder.sZc u Compeuy *IRlbeiieId nI the COMPANY'S -O F.FCES, - in VWhitby, On Saturday,-, the 4th Day; of Decemiier next, st Twslve O'olock. 'noce. for fo pu- - -'1' t- 'V t] 4 t' t' eé m CI ta an o cal Ca but -' 80 n et Re Pce: Dbo l cul AIE ani Toi ani e hfem Ma pi' I I 1;S But lnat Adi Wli P A che tuin 1 1

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