Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1875, p. 1

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£ w ~1TAEIO Fi ooy. avxr1fay 5tASO,É ,IRei il.',. ta. CBILE ýie "XRlot- 18 TXÊbA4"4kTLÀwmOLTcTOLew ODa nlàrsoea.he S G. Iel'l4SrCNS, AN.R, J. - J, . oIr G-Raaos .a r#RBÜ S lo,TRS'COUNTY GAOL, !UY'S HOSPITAL LOT4DON -liNG., Jthe @ye aR B. .tOobhaa, Ontarto. cor 16 W. IL Cord.) traction cf Saill. C,-. t'as*, 0,-D.14 AC T IEETE tiaated on ai&Uithe ;cm 1esltot pvlipleof thé. art,- schegg as ta heapast, andp <ciiSd ethe Tethcee4 4 ýdtspn$ , n'by proiiutic local n~qjnei etal B. ooms-m ccv.! an.mvbI 5 'o ver Atklnson's Drug Stop~e Ring Sttetiï Oehewa.85 o BUILDEB AND OONTBAOTOB, ve7 58 Al oreruprompli exeontait JUfr t Ot.#lNSON' jOhN qWoxircNET4N, A 011;T 7011 ?H OELERATED Sootilsb Grant, t .AIMeble. Works JOHN CAÈIblllt*, f Polit OfIR06-jni6nville. sals alienied on th.ehorte otlcai'o rsouil.*.rms. Temenc a b.nella bilae-printed at the C*osCLÊ OEcs.tfo-el.C~'t TUMEER ItEEonflX, CXET L sud Jtoiner, Gete'c Street, Whutby..- A large quantlty o itid f lunber cou. plitd-and atlltlded'on short notice;. CoRfno kept cuuStàity on hand. A.hearse toubr, on liberal terme. B . O'DE3LL, * A T U3R L Y, Clark rDivision Court, Tp. lrk, Ce9tmîslpteaî- ýtu B. R., Landi Agent,.tic., &iC,, Alherty, CeuinI>'Ontarlo, 'lenv -t. 9nti, 1872. 8t Dits,. C tt-' N & Ilit;O-j %RT, SUSB WOOI> FOR SALE. The wtîbeeritiesu bas for sala et hte MUi, neaît Ittl, a qtîetity of feux-foot let, Wood. A. ]B.CA.MPBELL. lUdîca, Sept. 28, 1070. - 8 A IMSU 'NGiBOUSE, LaAT»aleS,)J E. AIIMISTRONG - PIIOPRETOR. RO'AL. HOTEL, - f .HINDZ5IS, la., PROPBIETOR. 0oetmôiliaae Satnýoerooms. Omnibus' meute &aittrainso. 2 7 TAYLOR éULER PROPwfs. t-LAT£ W. ». MOQAW Prt-tctase 'Commercal ÂAccomme. dtion I f3 -- GLOB:E :::L;N, - -JAS. POWELL~-.POPITR lit vi iiglb vipntas, .lml go.VMB£ Y Wbltby, Ia>'le, iéa-.01. 0E4O Tmireiinv am, lot!m, gSu con. cf THE tdOIDSON FAM4I And u at i puti ithe occucn o f Ur.* N-se Cetaie 40 sns;abouti&)0 JoHN A.. DONALDION,- Gcv'i Emigratn Osie, Matc 98.1878 mdTomate. ~IBISOLATED 115K the 'Déb~ QI.1E--7-77-1 Tbe~ un4e-slthé leue lctonfcrm UIeL lb. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *ha lavi fcl btiTtc IU E Intethbaal~ u4~ fowliee 4o@ufcda.. T.i Pi . I Boliable nfprmaarethe Coprt .ample vaiammeeaviii mar c lvety eaod IL lae Thebrdpdroiito. ie eedestsatont ne w .a pind e eTY OF ON li vthThRI ~t7OU;nG'S CNTEZ,,ot ut0 atllOUrsdPauotebse saasvnablaprins.vcoam. NOC 3W aîdtON, T. P.en WRITEI,.11 RETK. UTO', Pa-oprielca-. Daitou. 11h ApriL, 1875. NTORTE BRITISs &LbMERCANTILE ýFir insurance Coly of Canada.FIEN8R CECO AYI i'ephsIod wltb Eqivernnr, 6700(l isW viiadjuala)lloss. vltboaut ansd 'a' cyma- ihbcATl 1ONCE. Hon. ALEX. McKENZIE, M. P, Presaient. -roHN MAUIIEAN in., c H 0 10E APPLE TREES, AIlàO0 VT 40,000, -1T TRI- HOM E.NURSERY, Froan lav te tour yaars cf ag,ecnbraclng %il tue bost Vaittes. 8ÈTH C. WILSON, Lot xo. 8, RntI Con. Pickerng, oau gste T ad,'st Offla, WhItby. W28ETEUX Assu8A2ICE COMPAY MAD »OrîIC, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - 400,coo. acier roiv niozrno, ZrosBpH HLABOK ,OT Alto Agent fer lb, ýCANADA FABUERS', NUTUAL INSmRAIIOE COMPANT, Brookitu, Dec. 2,1872. m4 LdIE ML HNGLES FOB SALE The subacrber liaI on banti antifor sale s bI miinear Utica, (ials unale'a), au 'hlds cf luMbesuii ùSbiueL am 1 lmber savu teo !tier. Sutioa, Aug. 901h. A. B. CAMBELL. 541f UA.RNESS, SADDLERY, Thé subscrlbsr decires 10 s&tthaliIha bas epauct e Saie, anti reltabia, chaugesuwmt,epromptI -GEO. TULE, Agent. WhilY, Junot8, 1878.3,2 FAIRBANKS, Auction d Commission Roomes Opposite Black's otel, King SI., Oshava. Rega-lai- Scies ever> allorm'e Satuda> afeti-scon sud.evenlng. Fia-st-sale ou SBat. ordatie t.ii 10chJ L Y Instant, at lVo'aioék, P. ai., CouaignMientsSolloltti.: Scies lu Town udtiCeunir>' continctetias usual. For Tarais, etc., ap t 'sala ltbomc Ochava, or ad Offie, WbY. Whitby, July lst, 1876. - 28 'INSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO. P1 ORTE AND 0204>1. MONINS AND SINGINO CLASS ES MTAC1 Rd. GE.ORGE -C. WIGGINS, B.A., Sagste aunotnce Ibat b. ii Muntaa thc luatruction ýf pupliaon Ithe Piano, me- lobeontanti cgan, onreasonable torm AI» Sling' Mani Snglmg Clauses. Prof. 'Wtg3n, Piaula sd Vclsa Prof. H. Lacý ZlIe taIen t oeVilnu can b. ongagdfrcae, Stues st MusilFestivalsonroauable terme. WhuIùby, Jul>' 15h, 474.299 JOHN S. M. WILCOXr, Di the Town of Wbitby,baa bainu eppe0inteti OFFICIAL ABSIGNEFE, (UNDER TEE N5ZW,ÀOT,) Fer Uic .Counl>v-oOntario.',i tiius tountho. - ,Wbilby, Jàan 141h, 187. 1 GýEORGE- GURLEY, MERCHANT, TAILOROSHAWA, Invites an examInation cf 'bitsuior stock cf Clotho, amhraclgEXngIlsb a nc %coteh anti Canadien .Tveeti; Dashine, Meltens anti Cheviota, nflh' anii fane>'vest. tufs, dbc., &oe. Geuatîsaib leavlng- Ietu r rore s my da. pend upon gel'lng guet ciuth, a perleol fit, styli s t antipronapltielivar>'. GEO. GURLET, Oshawa, Zl>'27, 1978. Ohaa.81 We M. WILLCOX, A HAANESS SHOP, ILICEN8ED AICITIONEERI lu the promises oppoite Reyle Brltisb Amn- erltan 4foSai, DandtiS., 'Whithy, where -ho vii teep ou hanti a superloristock cf eveyhing lu bis lins of baolsinsa,,ant i *11 calaS thelovest prie«s.lHe bage te solicit a shara of ipublic patronge. PEANK TYLER. Wbllby, ?sb. 94, 1871. 9ti ,CH HE A p LUMDER! LUMBERI! Th ndesgetI o S -cep l 1plni ltib« #Ioelae4 eI ase, P.Lnub*w-' yai'ý-mta orâaipe, Whidby Lb Whdy o.4tb, 1874. U 1 V 1AISE ZND TRUNKS. LEÂTHER 'VALISES AN» SIARATOGA -TBUNES, &ic., &oc., AtI FOR T13Z CeUNîT oN ONTAIO, tAND 'r#?wflbblp or Nia ripw & l'a rlwrlgh' 1Hste thanS hi, men friandsanti the 3Public generaiiy fur teé ibers] patron. '&e hecleaveti npon bIns turing the put tour Hiln nv givon up the husiinoas of daiDf I ltnti, nlaiftume, te davote My wlelattur tn th" businees cf Auelloneer, (t vaîli e ni'edaayuur, by prompt sud <'a-etantattoentioSe lninens t. givea fu 'atîsfacSf ioon ai ho;oMa>' hyor me vila Billa ra1ged and LnNotes furniai- 4t ree cf charge. 4l151h Sm u Bampe aivapem naud. 'Atra-s gmenas Caomat e fot cales t&c.. '&t Uic CexVCLE office. WhItby. OUsa ae' - SUce' Prince AtherI, anilthiStanedard 4 1fia. Port Peur>'. W. bf. WLCX Prince AIb..t, Sept. 941h, 1879. s8 ÇA BD 1 Ageut for the ROYAL INSURANCE CoMPAN!, PBovMCIsu, , a-utairor ce. C)!FFCE-Ontexio Louas anti Savingsu Ccmpcmy'a building, cornsrXù adsm coc streets, (Oshawa. KtgsdS. Apuill9th, 1874. 17 WILLIAM THOMPSoIIS, -FR- SALE,- -- s aar ant ifRitaeuaa aer, A iiOE-T. avri:. GLEN IMÂJOIL MIE[L . . . .. .......000 w fie lun.Luanh , erviseescneii T" Inch ]ca#rds IN8tJay Un g_0*IWf" mit,% lidt Plank Fsmln bng AvILnmMWaiv,18,0000. eoOfeM"Dek Toa176 14 I d: i' - GRO. R3. DARTNEL L, Wlallby, lot.is, 1876.1 \ALU A BLZ PROPERTY FOR SALZ- The s4sciber -ofersfor sale tb.fchiov. tmg valu-ispr eart>,l1h, Town cI Whlt. hy:--Au téiat Brick Cottage vitb Iacre nfiland, dftheu d.corner cf Green anti st. peter W8the ImSouth IVard. Aise, 1 cf cultiv io Veu ,.611,glmanitiI 4aA c a d -ae ncre rd V, mud ina l gl i f- 'ford ais., Nc't lwar- Iacre6,on Cendre St. south cf ho resîienceom .DrapeFrEsq.. in the qMeI W ,d.Albugo0 acres'ofgootland, cf oaig p ef Murray, Coi Nortitumber. tant. 1 A cle d nnd dipntablollitle aviibe given aua the aboya projaerty. Pot furilier par. tieuar opyte th. ovuar. FRANCIS CLARK. L 1vE]ET. y - Be- Wate 11,7ie bsfrimas nds ut h.public that l hi -easou the Llvery busincusst ER&Y'8 OLD'OT»AND. Partiels te4nirlng ovynou oadd cpen--cau hbcaccommodateiti a amenl'a notice. RICE. PIERDON. Whiîhy, Sý.pt. 21, 1875. -- 89 3OTTO .m PEICES FOR& COAL. AND WOODI1 Ail hindi cf Han ant Sot Coalconsiat. ltg aI the caiebtaîtid Lachavana, Scran- ten, BIe@r HMl, Bloemborg .kéil other coala - CHEAP FOX~ CASH I For qgantitiea te Blacksmts'and ollieru SPECIAL BATES 1 Wood, egitacOngis,'25 cents pet cor& sement cf usj plcs.Seudin upu ordes tô 1 Whltby Lb Oshava .Coal anti Woodi dapcta Wbllby, Açagnut 81st, 187&. tf-n KING 1DROTRHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Isuporters, lsalora atM anufacturisof au LEATHER AND FINDING8, Cash pai for Rlidai, Bark. anti Liater. Lir BELT;NG MADE TO OBDE1e ON SHORT NOTICE. àMay, 1872. 22 LLOUR 1, IRANI AN-D SHORTS1il1 IOATMIIAL,hc 4 NEKW STORE, JUST OPENED. LVW OPPOsrSAit aYBO=EL. '.M GIVE A CALL. WU. JOH~. TO THE FARMERS! tl>ougÎ,u '*na 'PlMmgh oaainge, Ofrav. Cutters, Velng MisRepr at ov. ers, &C., &o.1 WU. JOHISTON. Whltby Ct. i8db, 1878. tf42 Q INS URANC E CO0MPAÀN Y TWICE :ADA I 'LetvesWbltby at lO, ., lati4, p. n Pta-êi centseaahal ,id Pr Pertasvv, anti vilh Btcng &M a i by. THOS. HOPPER. Whilby, Match ob, 1878. l TREZ ]BEST MORSE MEDIOINEEq A4~ l4ltl#onrof tie bhast Herse «Met 2 =e' l nasil'o ad anti for sae s ti Wliby Lîver>' abl. N. RAT. O00D NEWS FOR TEE LADIES. A NEW REBVELATION IN-TI SCIENCE 0F DBESS-MÀKING WAISIT HOULýDER 'CHARI Dreaes fitteti from measurcan ulc vldbont change oi a satoth. For sae, villa free luslrnattons, st MISS McINTYRE'S paas-u4KN0zoome, WHITIT. Agents vantoti. Libéral. inducoeants t Uic trate. Whitby, Ang. 18, 1874.i J OHNSON ECUSE, EAST MARKET BQ5TAEE, TORONTO. Tranas, 51.00 pur Day. Stublingilucon nection. TEE AMEECAN HOTEL. GEORGE BROWN, PROPRIETOR, Tis itia-clau lions. bu basa navi>' U ted np anti renovatedti hi-onglaut anti ai fords auperlor accommpodation for the roc.p- sien cf gueula. The preu proprletet hie sparsil ne peina or expense lu latrodulus every liprovement that avctld tend te <lii comfort "àifconvenience cf loin patrons. Torntoý, Zl IiM10h1874.- 9 ('OFSxOlq. 80F eA VICTIM. ~jPubllchei' -as'a warnlng ssii for lbe boutitcf ouu lIuMadiothasu Who user Item NERVOUS DEI>BILIT! [08ONO ,MANHtCOD VITAL PWR t- gn lita rnlaa cf éelf.Cure, POWER, chset ln anti ulpaue, aidiisent filée on reavtw a fomlerr :osag.Adr.u NATU. ANIEL DPAB,. . cxm,1BrSuhyn, New. TorL S-S V ALUADLE LOTS FOR SALE TOWN OF 'WffIIBY. Lot No. l0Oin Section A., front ounOiea-el Read. Lot No. 10 lu rua. on William St. Lot No. 8, on Break St. Anti Lot Nîo. 8, in roar on Whiam Strest, Section C. The propert>' cf tlb.jlaIeWilim Lav. raine. Application te he matie toe uasn- teraltigd;- JOSEP13 11NES, Baisami t T. STEVPNBON, Klusâelee.Çmut ru -Or te YEOMAN GIBBON, .29 - Wbithy. I DOBT- RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. G ratinate <*1dbh 6ons of the Universil> of Me loa' Collag, Ca-nada; PhIlsdeiphia Un v. f M e tSain an tiS r Am eýZic Pi-nunvivania anti Litentiale cf Mietrofia>' of dle '(mlv. cf Fldinbnrg, Bcotlanti.- Cor- onsr or ',be County cf Ontario. OfiSce- Coltiatir St.,Oula. Angusd 941h, 1874. lyr 86 r-ONE! TO' LEN>DI Rapayble b>' tustalments for Item Tavo te Tventy pears, atIio*a rates of -lnlereit wli.- cul commuson; sud as moiteIs ciarg Privai. Fà o d eLaut. 0F LIVÉRPOOLeLONDO. Ya OUNsmi.TH, -J. E. FAREWELL, - Seiltiior Brook St., 'bVlalt4. CAPITAL, -. 410,000,0 a m a ý Slr ol, l c tr es t. FOEEWS b hWJ13, ChIaiAgn, E. B I4ADEEganiWhltbj.. AugnstbOth, 87L pO AUOTfONýEER; &o. &o. MArrin. Sa» »MSîoi cour, ta A nmbdhelL - mer evcitlnffi . ý iri he'jas WrO SiI, .' euie, -o'tia ý p 1he Cruàains,.- 5h v as_ innlu , sonsie lassi , »0 faM 0f wrtf1u sand.' la-lib that hlir _iirêa wu - infétions ; and Cousin . Phamie, Who fat illier' boude' ,duty "te epr6o6e * LOB? OR8STOLCtP? sucvil*d spirits, often broi tb lm;- yreféible gzggles' in the, 'idal - cf har lWo, - ',« tthe man d<eede f " dolre L'ilokbMi et e hen I tWho reccunta éte. ebue e," sswudexolaico. fed, 1, Mor n , Our e bth baveI.vs*h ;0if al.lassac i iglt'édies,. feresl. nou le vevr the. '4àIis&T ï ih sini ltte )ia .o:m tZn 'thnkMi stars that I1maltI no' vhen "eros-col? ù'thote riv- 'BaiW lteBberison spêered 'me -té #a,- tigV4nde ant'i esisdlcu*vives "baebuffet.-yes, andi 'eavidc i1. yagec e. tome edont shlp' t1U.lie.slks;orï veut havibg grl bafros cf my smn." uporè'k:brls heuiino msro "î'm acure," cried Une, IIhave bean vrok- f ro Sme rs and zivan co prdage cf inuSuaeùgrsiand crew hav ve'prs e peliitent. I folded My bande, andI lipopelesybut for Shose '*ho 'foarleoely begged fôrglvezosa s prettily ns if I . 1lil r bt nibse etureII had*bien lb, Princeps fofSugar candy heira ani stongbaud arenee et-theb. (cet cf the cia wîtch wlacse gin. 'for the tak-ston herta'- indueti, when gerbrusad, oastlce he hail bean ýdcvouriagr Aor tc5e ianCvivtnd d' l brick by-briàk. Did yen evor nrtho rah , nCpushne'29 é ther if lhe iý il ever rtr u tog5c>,'osnPhaémie bau, hucwtt 'e pul '4lut the 'vaes "Na, na; and I dinna want tu hear that tonsanti dasb:lhem hhrasud thithr, I t-a seneels faiytlle, aIl leasing asm if ecl ue 0tne lmlicorIanti wickedneecl Begidos, it'enet ver>' *~ ~ ~ ~~~Xoi godwr. ,ad Theirvntueamueti clIabeu m 1,04c eaé ie s <louai ý, polit.'ele el nalwth dathi>' npoîi lhem, or the nlgbt bidesce>' Una's armes were round bier ueck ina di. thing but the loamling 'oreat 'ôt thic bllow 1 nement. aie sud the flash cf the surs from the'ship in 'tNcebing coul-I be furtber fram =y distresu. Yet, dhough the nmasS 'ourageons togiedaetcogn ,no é ml.ght sîtrink tramsuch an enterprise, il nltdera osn r us heu he bai tte;Lvted. sdtaweaesgi> th y'-otîr soft gmay curle, sud 'kindty - b a glu-a aatotgirl vhn, when Ihere'lktaIne ulefgr.yul va ni ue ite edaidLfie fdhr luhiâ ef. :neyer be anislaken Pfw anything mors forts tu revuns the curvivors of tic wreced nacauny thiin a gond fairy. LeS me ship Fnrttrehire, lnuk an car hercelf, anti wind the 3-arn fr ornilu.ct never fineibod Ircai her prIons dnîy. o or*'tin.si l3ins whc bau not hber f Grçave ling 2 n C atitelina the wvle al about Fa Pa mi' wte, vberaver 'n eri ot is Hauie Robeirts«. Waslie pour firet spaken of, Let namis 14novn. Man>'. 10e, tt'2 1.have viewed .lth- interest the home of ber "Dei, chitd lie vas my> only one. ohlldu-tbc grup tifitilanch off the coast 1 neyer put myeief in the way of hlen-. of NnAlIhumbelland, on. which slcu'ts the-ta d 1loI'ligbtbouse in which' shé resideti vittu 1ng Sesucb luth s 'lOve tles. I ha. ber parents. What asoeetan b. more, M'Y-fadlîere bonne, te ka.ep naslong, ashe '.dresy-vwhat dweing.pbv smare Wljatea ?: lvi: a n-t slince thon f1 bave bal t6c e Louggtone, au thé rock-ls a .ld on mati>' traubles cf man> in te thini 'cf trijih he igthns inerctd,, J 10 itun. marrvant." atedi that, like the Eddytteoltcannot be' "Onty -one lover lu al peur libe " approaclaeddua-ingspahi of 'bati eather, A and'sometlmes ino 'oommunttatiàùm *ldb-the And Una regardet iher, elderi>' relative ts ta ispocaible 'faorvacee d ogther. ,Ted quit. comnpacqionatcly-. "oor Cousin in"hissoliaaî- towbr, upona -àrok>' lelet, Phiemia, laow I pit y peut", wta ae h ielant irocrns osulps "'Deeti, thon, ig'n' more than, I have ccontinually, Grae'<Darlng ather relat-.vrdn ye.Ilatrte ehr yivs, content wtth ,Uaer secîulon, tvere ee-dn ye' tt aîe ebr 4velline at the ime the fcllovlng incidente vîth yen anti Cyril Shae toiling anti '4 occurreti.) moiling for a gruiging hucbaud-îlac -CHAPTER 1. bailie wau alwayot inel.in'ed to becoved- ilç eus-anti a baker'. dozen ni great, awk- cvRIii £N USA GRANT. waa-<isous anti daulghtere 1" 0f al Ste mercantile firmes at Don.c "But only te have onc lover I Wiay, tice ani terevot ma>',ne n. as ousin Phemie, I should 11k. te have mordee wad hreeiy vu th noat ef Dun. tY t" caoe whers, 'owmer, pet ae oreu- Lord'c sake, lassie 1 vbat wonlsl -aso Bropetedhersfoutieras. fmore yondo with thea " sied, tho old« had dp cid y e s o., te b. 'fuctei e trml s *lady iyng' down ber knitting pins 2 by men cf the saine Ptr.Mp---cautions, it'lashrle ugdstnay. i erol i -far.sigiîtot, claver merchants, nover Uaeuilo i antI pe teo ti ese l -holding baci eshen tIbarewvas'agoct h oknggasoe hemnlpee prospect cf inoreauing thela- gains ; but What a pa-ets>', coquctiel face idt Je. on theo db.. band, nover emharkingA l oteti-ali liglit and gladncca1 Net a hazariton cpeoulalions, andi, b>'their vriuklc cf Cae n t ulhev, net a lino excelentmnngcmet, secrig ofar l:ea--cvabonttho peutingmnouth ; and «Clln -aARmnt serigela.dh gleain cf comiýng triumph visible iu ef iail fnanctal.anrses and panies. the orbe tlint vare.-ay, vhat chai we The acînal beadfcf 5he fia-mvas Mr. el them 2-for manyeabaides vere Ibhe> I.Michael DunUscu, D a steady'p-going ndmrilqud ta hzl bachelor cf coma fifty;five pears cf age,sdetee, amre iqu ill, hn bawr; vhh d se0aOfton boeu boet b dows incist drciu i he'vt sud Înaitiens enger te, accept frawhim abnt blackit; semetimea shining vith ai sat in bis làandeome carnage,;asud a a golden light, liat gave Shacu a beauty P hare in the god-things whichhe on- as raro as il vas tranacendent. joi-odtoltl 1hstlh aillear Cousin Phomia vatche& lier villaà >--aitrtoy-agarn h eewiysdd i- dubiog ait,. 8h. lied alreéc>' divinod 9 fui orcantures, anti via vnt te do- correcllyithat the clament cf coquetr>' , emi -,a*not thoin teàbis nép*hew anti wao-îtrong in Uns'&hoaut. 8h. bail ostesib, paIne, Âchlbldvlineve no5 çen .Insensible of'1h. bulzzcf adl. l stible apruuriîp. héevrmiration* that 'bait arizon as»soealkoti We gay ostensible, because, altheuglih b odc ershoir epu hanilcomo Archi. Duncauscu rode ioncg; andti trough tb. eyalashos thatt devu te tho ýouuting.hcnso daiiy on -restd se modtIcy on beoi acis, vlanc 1h.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h paiw uvtn to htht h aîketi villalber cousin tonaeol cth lm Swinas onotngli te li v ctaîl. Cpi-il, or auto th e to wu te do soe 0,0t bis cuiones uclehilhâuveu il elicbpping, sbe hadcontrived te oslshe. h@a Isharpio luinh. ba illeo n cf lb.t glauees Ibal fllovet iber whorevcr sho bis a hvory in tat o s.b a l f oh r u i w eut. heur orvetwo mlli a' p e itsfobauBut il vas innocent coquet.>'. Ulia pa-efeoredi>'- asstinapeMi.. insn, thongbt il o bhum te ejolce in ber gravely diacussedth iahm th. c'ate cf beautp and the faveur il von fer br la môea> market, rolateil any bit cf It vas vory pleasont to ho liked 16 goeip ia voltiphse he id-anusec people vIe bail never dtie.moro anti thon rcmenibering orne engage. ta ed tae pi-lwns ivil pasote bne ment, vould, ritde avay again. stop tOte rhu e 1 eilceons But ie nvai cnnlaiud ven bis prett>' culer bunit on is am. tle contrat', le seorotly' raeorredti laI Becidef., at was nct Young men cul>'t il shoniti ho se. He like oil*jai the vbo tidti Iis. Tbey ctecd lu ave cf; fopper>' anti gaiet>' lu viiic OUDng l Graut'c unther obiiling mannor ;b men cf tbo'da>' indulgeti, andti >' f te coulti net bol eoin' that lie the timei vi'a amarchant mighttlb. voula rasant nnv untinefailari> i. found t bI ic dock frein enuriseoOn Mon. reotedt ovai-dse b ansiful girl of de>' tilt csl o on Sttnday ; but lht- iwho lvas <ho sole champion sadti veniti bave jealonsi>' reonte lt if et p otr. ElderI>' ifathers cffa1m- Arduiebcd matie an>' ttempt- ô a. liès, vbip-Il'd0ltesc hn anme au autherlt>' equal te bis 6vn, ovu, looketi Plesauti>' aIUns, anti andi miglit bave regardei a tee Clos. spoke te liai- hindi>'; fez wbo coiti Te. ' 'srutin>' intô tb. bnu;nces te fb ii-m asu si tah. vitdhuar> cf 1he innocntlémilee an entIavour teo ust hum frein- hic own: anti plt-atiiq lockx, lt caat mi tees>'y,t pos.' Se liauasome Afthleý vhe vwu "Loea ," tao vea->'on. ,ou ion * astutu- enonglatoe disoea-n Suis, vont- bis niart IN evu vu>', content' to kalov- -ltIst h. sf. Ani ven ciao talieti cf having mIv.2 faire cf Dtiosango'n -i Dutnanaeie,Il tuas vith no selfi piA ta, tgav popri 'tuaI las nole wvast iar&t 4" or inspire heart-foei ffection. of tc ý4sd n ainetdrivlug a, bargmin s a iiiegt bin ssbtin-e evea; ati hatvif <h ai cfbu et thhnglal srit'uraiy. 8h. vas hiea tvrs>'ce-an d vrll ant h a idýconlis ircshurlp Isbsjo jpusei au 14d- asie,-a anAndme gleais for: 'zté,f à TISEnT ItE5Ctt9, At» 'rs eg cuqUasua Wne Unesbat d tsappearedithil "l'ta lhinking, lad, lIaI if an>' oee' beau le blame forer lb. -hutl. iightI liays'lis yen anti L Aflar gaiiug bh briboaad se long, vc muaI mot pull lb reins tee ligllail aionce; besides,1 bave bul piseilU20myselit 6 eMru. Crfts, '-Shisa)Jigei-fmn antd I ae ' W step round early --anti beiî la>' the upper. 'eg Il vas Cousin Phomie's ,lasit.oi hour>' ac for* i,nsu 'onthe te' Comas Jicturnug aveu the firoua gruud, more heedfil lest Una sblit slip tban cautionu cf lier ovu stops, ch. troil en àpic.c ico, 'sud 1.1 ili .nh hforece, Shat oee e lier amides vas dasîcatoti. ýBesidos this disaster, as bi rcivtmt'seons ~nuiic, nt vsunabt'- leavo bot bcd for covea-al veu; nmer wbon she exln ei Stdfor au ans>'citait vas seaybnbut a van'>'elploss itivali.l. :hNeawyit - va.n lIat Uua'a 'esl quailitien sîtene ot. Whao ceulti have hou mca-e tender tu the snffefcr, Phemie, mors careful -Sut '4pr brothjer'@ conforts qhoill nolb. nieglect ti aougathe olid lady'c ilitiso-? Thro vas ne lime foi ozadditg now, or roceiving vistera, c-1 cep& thon, wvIecame vitîh indli>i. qure;andti h. yngdocte,,Bruce Loiiaha was iu attendantée npou0 MusPluiie, thoug ie ho bail eer' tSt a n2,brigiser, awctcr -spacim 2en cf true vomanheoil than Uns, Graînt - Wlîethcr sha ceame te hlmfron the kitolàen, whera, after mny, failuirea, vwhicb h. enîti i anghingly, reheause, ciao icarnoti t eocecidaiihil>'-for the feepre' appetit, cf ber charge, or hoe fouaiti ler seateti vil lier ork or bock becide Miss Ptaemie's coàuda, but 'i-eati 10 starS up iu a moment te nlterlacr piilowe, or procure ber anght cie re- quireti, clie vas alwapo gentic anti cou- ciderate. I Ivwicli tht-y vouli put ne in the poor-house, " mise Plemie frctfutly ejaculatei one day.- "ll'n too sni- a charge fer liais chilti. Sbesgcttiug van nti ,antino ne c eens te sec il but me, liant caunt do anytiaing to aller it." - IMise Una, 'like man>' inexpérenoce nurses," Dr. Lorimer replicti, viShaa grave amile thnt matie hic plaina, sensible fsatnres almosl baninome, "foigctt lat ch. shoulti taka car.e ofherself aevcwll as bier patient." "I amcul>' tiroti," snidUns aili ri 11111e ciga, for sho vas ccuacio;+kof iav iug feit net cul>' vent>, but irritable, aIl day. 'lTreti cf heing ccnfineil te b oua. Yen shonîti se contrive pour dties, as te, have a briai avait evor>' .idy.- Let mie, bcg cf pou t te Ib tis ;" anti Bruce, 'Loriinei voices teck snob a tender lu. dection, thnt Uns binusheti antifoiS e little ah>'of hlm, ags abs replicti thusbc vwoui l>ecyby bis injunollon.- -B ut M iss P h m ie ' coul d. net -ho ý lefI ntil sbc Icllint a dore lu lb. tviligbt aund, Iberefore, ils he quiet boutý be-, fote ber brother 'rctnrfied,' thal 'Lina cous for tbe brik ali the -dectot bail praeorlbed. 8h, cerne -bncinustinte te light1lb. lamp anti 51fr -lb. fia-o ute a, blaze belote Cyrilimatisebis-appearance, auti delighteti Miss Paie vIi tber tony chiseke anti sparkig'iees. Wï [t méei>'the -lresl it tà'ibronglit Unn'is spirite, anttÂnuforiuetithe dm11. sti and. vear>'-gilinte the <a>',-,vivaci- oui croalur. of cld 2 The *d'taiiga at vas wurepealeil Ire. iu n e >'; vit l b ai m e re cu t e'; o ui>'" b a- U n ' . m o d b ecam ie m a e ch a g e - able, anti ho. initIl aoulti 'h. béleloveil 'ysc ohdacp, abstraction that Cyil veul look up frcanbis bock te veuder st ber silence. Evn 'Bruice Lorimer, wo stli pait iebi patient a ait>' vwt, and vewuts linger se long, liaI s agacions Mie Pheritie gusaseiltho trilc roascu, coutld dascera aatrango change lu Une. île> striove la Iw'old bis gare, net vil the sveetshyneu ef cii, lt hald beau »_attractive, but-as if she led sene- thiag te conceal; a.ud vhen spoken te Rh avoulti avaken fa-arn- ber mualuge ÏriSbistart niltia mevr, lhu joie lu ta. coinversation with suc nobegr-neus bhai ta. couiti have fauicieti ch. vas gias "Alrc --,on 'aveil, àMin OGiant-qnite.. ail 2 le _.askati one- day, abisi bnioety vwu aS lia igcest. "Q ie " r I# m er; lr min et <suer. miotPéher.paSenl" Mingbo Froata1 ee-. la veau begiuing ta peesp&aoe the a- monula. She ba&l rather-avoideil Bruce ism Sthe nigit avias le mame sea opcrSainely ta ber risua, but nIe gava hum ou.e-cf -ha violet. a b ail just fouant b ht. p:credlioci, anti accdedta ist ieh tint she avelil retnr tate cbouse *111 Ho lot! bar latt the presence cf ber hatici-, anti holdup acheti te he ailoavei taSo keehelittie flutterng liant! li 1f'i h av e ju st e c .îv eti a e g a y ," h o Satidt8i, wiicb *111 euiabîs e lut fiîrnicb mp lieue eli, anti la>' b>'a rcenuIe aI iunoe for a tain1 day. Givc me tPaâ, Mi-. Grant, antiUsahl beaner>' appyýfchbov " C>'til Ga-ant'is hp quivered i ail emodien< as be garotifrein Bruce te bis cliater', vho, haîf-clartdt n Iis sn4tiem prop osai, steail iti ber heni iroopang -a ,'littia, anti lit-r beson 'heaviniz in êdaeet oculocien. But ber ca-iaou r -eesi ga-ev paevbsu' Cyril, la' lana-et -- o n s ala in ad t o u s , sa sif it to rtu e d i it - 10 blu tsthe hopris Bruce vas enter- Sainitik anev"erode', "Il caunot ho, Dr. Lorimr.: Yan bave Tmp hast viebes, but-I way net give pyou an>' si.ter." !At 1seut yen vil tt-lme peur - rans?" tic ycung octer plesild, .lu l b c c e t s o f v ou n d e ti fe e lin g , White Lina giauce-ilfia-i aI-hlm anti tacu aSbher brother pitoonstyi asu'if acklngwvia>' a alcomo te se cruel a décisiou. - Cpi-il besitaleti; but viien Bruce i-c. unrgail is vighos, anti Una begnu le finali antilook indignant, lac 'pake chai-pi>'and téi lon>. "Dr. Lorimer, pou - have done my sater more bonour Ihap lIe ticcerva. Sho i. not vortyio. te bili ie 0ofse goeil mut honocurahie a tuan as pou." - (Coutcudi ext wmet-.) A WoazsxWUtruSuraITiMEDIux.-Dr-. E. P. riler bas teturnet! froan a viit te -the Eddyi>' 'metilua. He capsalIant li eleven ayspe o tteniedtit-> ean- cas, anti env a great mumber cf spirite. Ha lbinkstbaî Mir. Huntean, a uister of h. Etdyèî s lh b.mcm vntaifl meiinan haever ccv, but tbe perform- ance la peculina- fingivlng momenart> glimpesas f unerouis ajpsaritions, "VYour oivu pesonal finonds,' tae Deu. 1cr, avare, "viton oeoguaize, corne eyen tîrongi ler. I -oav six spirits ofany inienti ueeeveulng, and shoot baudsa vItli feur. My ovn i breler sbdeet!imèlf 'te 'mie, I thini, tilt>" limes. on.ne,ÉiialIscame eut 'andi tnutid hianseifaroundti ioe for me te viov'lim The spirite avili tune a vie. ln'niplay lunes et pourrognqant, emg songe lun-choius cf tIra. cr four vcices,'aïdti -ll taIt là audible voiese, avhilo the-metim le in'plain ulght cf the audience. If dsh at a cabiuet ar- aaget, sha conlil show fort7 or ilt5' inote ch. thirike. This modaium le the one avbo perforinetimoisi cf lb. romark. ahI. teste tiescrihct! in Olcott'a bocks ýocuaring ,$rough tb. broilicrs; pet Oloît it MnoS mention lier name lu the bock. ' Hei.bncliors, tho>'»y yare jeal. oe cfbiani ptovout -eople laoui g. iig te lier seue."g Tih. lige bronze baHi h si upports Uic-crmoss-otpof St. Pcar's capola eât brn-eaou ensily cutain tlirteau Pennsai Once. Iu summer l&ainter-'. ici. la as hal'as an aven, an-i lu' iinter it neeis ne tve forer b.caonof visitera. Ladias bave au avftàhiyyclly: liane qelhlng lu andti o'f il b>'means fa àlatie; ant, as n enral hng, - they piefer nt te olloa, but te pi.- ode.thirgatemn auccrie in the de- sceul.- Froui i thesquare bov 1 he giltiettiail lochs tle sire cf a pnmpkln.. Ameticans gennhaly go lor , - It ailRver>' aeil ta cof a1'tiles, but wbat are va gelng te dcavIon vs macS vitheeliete laI cftb. izng of B u a-un a : " li[ - G rei t, 0 G l o ti a nd 4e auu QIIZOEI t- tu -1 1 1 lu 47 mh, lem

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