Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1875, p. 4

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TEL, ~1Y Box 2290;NenYork.. ]ýIYLIIIETO ROESBTER Tm *__M ax Dr Tas 7IU8XoNr su n the assai Tewn of là 1 u bt r A l ceo- lw wȎblp of Wbt 41 lylg Seti efthle= w sud e lot evusaiby mýexejîtlous caver. i àn.bres., Tiare are ne i Ois lani, vhith lideofix- lty, volu sltualed, and sur- $£a goo pa sitboard fonce. rset eisSouth-oustslcorn- Fil AROBL fI Lot o te 45idInclusive -n i Lots14 te 20, iacIoilve, ou Z'cor. t.aPrvsLau1iplan al sUbivision lut' Twentvsslx fltthlBroe r ot cou. fe"nof he ownhipý6fWlullby, ln d Mil ddbtY* Éitpare for Thomas ÇMulî, Eiiuire, h; :ohn 8. Dents P L.,Thispantit cotaii. uely ïoeî acres, Ontario street rouatisouog lie cenâtre, sud-ll laq betundfYaslyreets on h ad. It lxfçiced ounlieelBaie Y ý1é(o igmtýadJoutr Sisal, àud s portion of Huron Street. The, Internat olysiy thle Vendors lu Iso*Si will< b. fold.- They being théeassies c1 the mortgadaes ten 112 ana le, and ltA 40< tO 7,'l~u'v se markedl on sauf plant. There are a on s tii.,.Lotir, tiey- are flced fiue eîti ide and on Jhn Mtreel ossîy.Thrilîtereel oniy cithe. 'Vendeora lu LoIs t5,0, 7, 8snd il Ubc l'Alt0IlL IV. Lots 201.1,2Us6, 207, snd 210, . titheoesd pan.Tlituse ti;sors par. ~e jlY fourti.liotuetlorilli te ýeiidrm iill i él lis l'et 201; uqiun ilit-seôt (207) ile teldae eali Funse 1li nu, reiterîlt aI *1pet- eoith. ltJtjV. Lois VA6 ta 92W, iîiiclcsive,, u gaid jflAr u. lriig a bisct-koethindi, boilîifl eni y Huîronu, 1rincems, Station ntI QorênStreetut, e't shuis usisI nt 8t ,iiloive, sasd lie hand mhswus on ,sll plan, beisded'-ou tic Nrth by Lnts I tu 84, Inclusive, on Vie Soth îy Watelon Street, on lb. -West b yutenSret u ailos 6M and '.9, ou t te East by loti 92 and 03 aud ihland laid sut for a rosit or rlgit 1o a ufrn Station St. le tise Qua alsuite i landt laid out ferrIthe rositor rlght t vswy ta h. aCiIQue all as aiewn or haid ont ou ths 551 lau ; on thie lait leeribed land in la tha *ont. It bas uon à the atsone i[nriea fot-nirly,wsrkèd h teGrand Pu 1I-km~ay. It I 1, edby Price.,,Sltioî,Watsou sud Mint Strecto, sa shevu nts lan PARICIL NT. Los ,t ol4 on sait, plan, inclusive, sud tliesportions cf Lots 110; 116, 117' sud 1i8 net teuvaysd te the. Port Wlitby anit Part Ferry Bell- Ci n,&lcLot 146, aud Lot 148 tc, 15 nlusive, Lot, 161, 182, sud 1111 aud tlie pottiens et Lots 144 145 sud 147à West ef sud net tousvayeii te tie sad Rsîîwy. Thssblockt. lafaed ilou S4ot ltsdest and n iuinEastIby the. llailiay. 15- PAIICItL VIL. Lots 122 te 189, lnelusive, (ef 278) sand these prtions af Lotsi 119, 120, 121, 140, 112, 143, 272 274 sud 275 halIai an sd net eouvoyed te thi. ..id lallwaIY. TbiiParcs-Ile gfenced sud bonudleil on the lIst by Whitby Street, * 0on th. South by Watsn Street, alll on the, West by the. sald Railway. PARCEL VIII. Lotis 249 te 268, nlciive, on the. ssld p lan, exept Reh pôr. tiens efi2M asd 269 as have been cou- ve ed te the saisd Eallway. Tuso par. celmbounded on the. East by the. Rail. waon the Norths by Grand Trnk St.,sud on hie Weiot b y Station Street .0<1 lot 248, sud im fsnced on these isides; It lies lmmnedistely te tie East Of O'Neill'sTavsmn; i% opîy oethle above ,nentlonsd p Ian showiîîg seveisi gparce!a -vîlLbe preil qeec i te stisue et th0e sld sale. 1'AnCÈSL Ne.111, iresiditely Northfet lb. Grsand ronk Hislway, sud tls bounideit entie W est by Brin-k Street, the. re- iuhiinF1 eree arc Seuth of and asd. stto o h aid Railway. Th re 11 oviii be sold subiset te the. r U et tii.prchaser te close i orny ovfi the treetg lait ont eon the sais Th i i rùhnsîers mslail sttii. lime et esîs îaY, dewn htell Per cent. of the porche,, iinoney, forty per cent wîthhî O 5de y. efthte sale, wilisut Ite iAt healance 1 n oeyesr freinltheay et sale,, iti interest fronitbe day etosale, et 8 par cent, te <o iered b y tatuîery rmortigage upen tise preuiseee. Tiie purchasers te have 1h. otovihin lhe »aîd hiirty days cf ekot- Ing te ps lo,. bal nlucash iustead et 9 ieg a usrîgage Ilseretor. Upoîs pvikynteut o et ti stpu-ctîae mn()ecy md exeâtcutoof et heo merlga urelsiet ofeach Parcel wili bs ent ted te rZ fioTiyalice anîd table loIto pesere- 'Dier ilb. as -ieeinveil bld ou euýt-I et the. parèae. lpteil by theMaster. Tic Vendors ýw1U net b. beunsl te pro. dic. 81Y 0ethle deeds etsIiiIlisir liesses. 8ie1-nour te bredoce asny abstraets excep t *Reg<erars a issîraqîs Or copies et theseusine. TheIUeOrtgagço vilhi. prepared by tise Ven. duros Slîciters aItishe expennea e ,pur.- tissera. Tasthrc n §are lie Stand- ileg Conditions nithie Court of Chantr,. Tenders for ail or sîly of tlîe bove arrelg wiili e rot, lveil by tise Master up tea(Se day FuîîPaprticuiers msy lbc obtalned frora Marnera. W. H. illilugs, D. Ormais. ton, of Whtbv ; eors. Smth & Bac,' To ant inad froul ti. Master. Dated t(bis 10h day of Octoberý 1875. 0. H. DARTNELL , W. iH., BILLINGS, Vendr.' olictor. 48 ISTERN -ADVERlTIHB, AND WEEXLY LIBERAL. Th 01set VSillyýesn8 lasU iliuopen. tée gente. mIbche Ã"aiuterj ryiiàaii blalr -LriaI. L rlgsTuan De-s Algents vented.ý DRU CAUtERordCo0., Londen, aro R&1LWÀt 0p CANADA. L g nttops te Liuitsay. . w- . M la .-..s p . t t PalamborW ' Lakegehth. 0 P-u IMtsed ...10 P.M. ,thirom oruiIa 1 Lidsay Et-SU pus. -iyll mat.. bar regular trips on tifs rente loed n~Cobourg avy nmimng et 7.80 auJ ieort o'g aItg o'checkf or ihceter, con- nocttog7tbe#rs -w$th ths New York Central àid MEAS loaatg&Il'0pelg aI essi, an sd Maumunzn5 .vii les,, CharloIte ( ofe nohse) alI 9p.M., except Sal 575g vian aie vl?'les,. at 2 p. ni., directfo Port Hope dIrect. SThis la lie ahorteal aud quicksst ronte lS' Orvego sud Waîemlowu, via, Lake Ontario Shore llsllroad tramn Charlotte. Deale'r. 'n soI. u. in tluhii. lie ton ~tot tlbdyNBoa-dt- For .t oreif ~uapy le C. F.GILDEB8EOrBVE,- --- .Port Hope - Kingasten. 17 MAKES THE WEAK STRONO. Ca 8011111>011 f ttti r0 FiC I1ro,., fa80 su etnbincd las Ioahle- fic rlcaracfte ofaw;alircsst., «s e«sll, <ig1(1<381 et-il da.sunil(ec ufic t- e blood a.,s e sisnplcss food. Z, ie îrcasés hqt/ce izlfty of au.' Otss J'litalizhsig Agent, Iron it- thse blcod tsul vmeu-te- ecvcry pat-of tic-cbot-qI, repalt.lnq <asagcs and l efc, 8CarIcity ouf mI)orbkl secs- 1fions1, à<idîcilaing îtotiîing for_ cUisccse tu feeti upoit. Thifs l ise secret of tli-o» dlesf ut ascees, of titi18,<medy -li. cetring DLYSpepsia, Liver Coin. plaInt, Dropsy, Chroxile Diar. irloea,Bloll-s, NOYIoisiAffectbolii, CUiIS and F overs, lunsors, Los~s cf Constltiflonal Vhgou-, Discasesi of tihe lducys -and llladdoir, )3emualcConîphulnts,* aiusd it lessess orilinctflig ina a bad t-i te of thte bMod, op~ ac-. colpasctiecI bs, cbiit yor- a bec sUds c f thse a sern. klY3 fs s'oint Ablcot, il any foras, its chîcgz-ng effecîa re, not foi- iorwed isy corrcaspdilig .ec- -!I l ro«i ja fsff(icryffsteml, nuid bsitllsct, ccup c:;iJ o;t con- Tlo hcîtîî7as'e icecsccuse- b!î file Use of 11>fs rc-e-dy>Il, frot->îi (0 '-&nc i î tria?. ,L- t~-c cai sotlchci.s PER<J- SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprielors, 'Vu. 1IU3ltola, Pioe, Is.a "") &Y tirb':cnnil-eti U>lîsàLALL. Q UICK TIME. TWO TRIPS DAILY Steamer cITy 0F TORONr'o (C.1't. Dlck> eeves daily foot of Yonge treec, '£o- rot-enta 7 a. M.,, and 2 îî. n., testlies Niiig- aia nh 1980sa.um., sud 480 p. ni., Lewisten et 10 11,. , nud 6 P.--., nn Iosfor tii. Fa l Bnflo, Clevelansd, Rochîeser, MhayNe York, Beston, &v., &0. Tick- et .1d1i ifor-mationîat No. 8, Front Street. JulY 27, 1875, D. MILL0f, Agent. Burnettls 3can -Burnett'; Oos an Burnletl.'s Ccit Burnett's Cocoainêe Burnettfs Gocoaine Seelirs bnlia Iret strenîl.ln BSurnett's Cocoaine 10 fodan l.RîiileI aLusr. Burnett's Oocoalne -le n t s li elle ly. Burnett's Cocoalne fl us w r e hf.- Burnett's Oocoalne Rle tslin, loitîge-t lt -Ifs-e. 50 aeia 75 colitepet- Ositfl4. FERY DAVIS & SON & LAWRENCE. MONTREAL, P. Q. Agouti fir Dominiou of Canada. JO6EPH BIJRNETT & CO, BOSTON, -OIT WIIITBY AND PORT PEREY TIME -TABLE No. 11. Tûke elcî unÃœ Mont(ey, Jnmie 7,-1875. Trains rui y Toronto lIme, ici is tven- ty-tvu minutes siover thssu GT.B.Otuse. WiihlyJnnchion, départ 9M.24n. .40 p.m. W l. .-; 1 c - 9.36 a.ni 6.45 p.ip, Broc - -.... 9M .55 .i7.05 p.m., 101 ..7.24-.M. MsiciasI~ 10.28 a.m. 7.88 p,%» Pslne .i.rt.. -10.88 &.. 7.483 p.!s. Prine Abert... 1043 s.m. 7.58 pan. Porlarr.s...arlv.10.50, àa. .8.00 Pmn. TEÂt-N900=20 eOUrn. PotPry,.. depart 1.00 seln. 1.25 p. 1.09 sàni. 1.84 pu -- '6.20 a.ni. 1.486.m *Suni...... 0.80 e..1.55 pusi. Myrile............ ..42 a.m. 2.07 p.ni. Bokl.. ..........00 #.ni .25pan. Whllby Junclben, srt-i, 7.40 &mn. 8.05 p.m. *Phatform stationis., TranÏ stop on Big. nssonly. - .Gounee$ing aI WhtbyjZnotiou vilt the G. T.R,, aniveit-' etPPrr ille Xa ilr1p"o n l e' - - r~~.y~4).JQh .1, h fi:- .-~3A 23~Y ~'--§~u-;.;- -- '--- -nsi.si(> s -solci.- s~o ATous wwu, Whitby4ugu.1r25$b, ~.oo, ~L~El Q q~z ~, * This Hotelis situaied luthe enh.t~r% f$4e~cn~ mde tiwbesI'esta bl d.e$sIw d pUbleWJIIU fr ~ta - and comnmercialtrava 0 l inc6t qifIh lt1dien been thorougly re-organized a ud'-re4rniabed throughout, and in fitt.d up in the most comfortable and fashiônabls style, squat to any irit-clas houme authe- Dorpýion. ->eqbçdrooms and drawing,4roma are ýlarge, and airy, and the beat sanitary regulations are obaerved. The large and conveniont simple rooms0, for the accommodation of Commercial Travellers. ae comnio&ou, and convenlsutly looated on tho 'drat fiat: On'ibus.. and dariiageà a1*a3ya reatdy !k h d~o moàatonýof guestàa rrivng by ail the teaina and steamboats, ana aise te couvey thoin ta the depetsansd wharves on lesviug. -Gio. KennodyV, formérly of Qlen's Hôtel, Owen Sound, manager Telearaph Office in connection with thi Hous. TERMIS, 8 1 50 PER DAY. Ã"NTAR IO. LADIES'ý CQ)LILEGE lst Term, Sept. 7th to Nov. l5tli. 2nd" Nov. l6th to F' b. 7th. I3rd" Feb. 8th to Api'il 2Otli. 4th" April 2lst to June 29th. A complete Staff of Teachers, Mfr. Torr Cingntelix charge of Music Departmeut. Rteasonahle charges for noard dEucatin. Building and Grounde unequallcd. For Caiendars, address BEY. J. E. SANDEBSON, XM.-A., Governor. Or to J. J. HARE, B. A., Prnipal. Whitby, Sept. 1411,, 1875. 88 Furniture! Furnitu*re!!. Now is the tinte to buy good and eheap Furnituire. IHaving bought out the business lately carried on by James 11.-Samo, we take this oppotunity of inviting fris xnany friends to give us a eall, and we can assure al that we are prepared to do as -weil by them in the future, as Mr. Samo bas donc in the past. wemnest ftve, ne: Hau neyer been like theu o Noyet like thee, aux 'o4x - Tee aud Lquo< Store, DuindasS. Whitliy. T lhe Brfi8ià Ameioàh ommrcia0C01qe T 0OR ON T Ol Was establislied in 1861, and is now thomost pqQÙuia ad, euave1school in the Dominion4,r the Edu~itiàno on 5,VMdi.te 1c,, Bo, n omerialbranches 7zofYoil Special atteution is given to the science of Bookkeeping as applied to every depatment of Traite and Commercéê; aiso to PRÂCICAL PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, GOMMERý- CIA4L LAW, BUSINES15 CORilESPONDEN0E, 8PELLINO,&. Is iâà"î:ÃŽlw bmjatsnt accountants, and are3 souglit for by merohants and business men, in waut of help, £rom ail parts of the Provinice. 1K&" There are no vacations. Studenta may enter si any tinie with aqual ad. vantage. S Bemamber this is a full course commercial 'scixool, âud connectad with forty others located at Montreal and the principal cities of the Ujnited States. Terras reasonable and lover then most of the other sohools .in the Association. Any persan sendiug their naine and sddress and ,encloeing six çents in stamps, vQi receëive by returu -mail a piece ot Ornemental penmanshi, specimeni of Business Peumianship and Circular. À TEÂCHERS CLASS WILL BE OPENED DURING THE HIOLIDATS st very low rates. Address, 27 ODELL& TROUT, Toronto. NEW IHAVEN ORGAN CO'S. JUBILEE ORGANS. NOIEWILLE lias them-Spendid Instruments-and will sell ÃŽhcm n.t pricea liaI viii surprise you. If you ever expect ta buy ana, now ia the. time. Be sure te giv. me a cati before buylug. A good assortment of Clocks, nt wbolesalo prices, ta close ont the lot. Clocks, WVatchee, and Jewel. ry nestly and promptly repaired. H. W. NOBVILLE, Dundas Street, 81 Opposite the Po5z Office. ,GENT'S CLOTHJNG, AND TILL & JOHNSTON. IF~U BI $IINU UOODfS Ord-ers by mail promptly attended- to. UNDERTAKING;.' The only first- class Establishment in the dounty where funerals are ful- ly supplied. Whitby, October let, 18l79. FREDERICK TILL & JOHNSTON. NEALE, WHOLE SALE & IRETAIL DEALER IN GIOCERIESý WINE S AND I'I Y CDIE;?/oS SIMCOE-ST., OSHAWA, .RAS REMOVED1 TO FAREWETLL'S BLOCK. AG*ENT FOR DAVIES & BRO.'S Celebrated XXX Cream Aie & Porter. COHOIOEEST BRÂNDS 0F OIGARS A ND TOYBAOC0'S AL- WAYS IN STOCK. W THE TRADE SUPPLIED. £ Oshawa. Mardi 24, 1875. 11 ORGANS d. MELODÈ'ON OfIWGA NS. TRE MUDGE. & YARW'OOD IQ-O, MANUFACTURE THE CELEBRÂT'ýED:ÂMER1oÂ2a OBA2--t - Special notice fs aled taé the follo'wing Styles en- prtces tylè 5, -i - alute.Cage, $140, lu Reson# a Stlél 15, flu WsIniuItè-dé, '$150, inReboà; sse Stylo 7, in ResonantCaseï $175, lu semé Case, nilli Carving,' $185. Styla 9, lu Resonaànt Casea, $190, in same Cswhiàiig,$o~ ,Ail made of Bliick Walniut, pannehled, with evoiving oôbt~igLo~ - boards, conta ining al Ithe latasI improvaiaýnîs, uoatly sud elega&ntly f!uish(1, aceomding ta ,PrIVeý. - -- ALSO, YÀÏýWOOD'S "MELODEON -ORGAN."- In h=dsoxne IRosewood Pian« C ases,' igIyfusêd st tle 4j: $150 ;- Style 6, ý $#5 Style 8, $200. Thase Melodeou.Organs, Paîenled 1 878, are inanfu ed,8soely, by ns, nàetcsiçffiy beproeured from us andoir ÂAenti., Tra4o~rksan~ ases etced for oitr sole use. - n For Superior Clothinig suitàble* for Summer wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail- oring estttblisnment of 10OENI "FEm Rv>GU -TSON,1 DUNI-STIREET, WHITBY. 40I A GOOD FIT AND) STYLIS]â CUT WARRANTED!1 . }ent's Furnishiing Goods of ail kinds, ineluding Shirts, Irats-àanh Caps3, Uuxbrellas, &o., Whitby, Jnl]y 27th, 1875. f8 -J-OHaNSTON'S SELF-,RAKIN G REAPER AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE 1 At the Provincial Exhibitidn, Toronto, in 1870. ,We off er to our oustomèrs for the coming «Ularvest, two dis- tinct Machines, wbich iu stylu arnd construction, embrace the latest and mnost usefuiF improvements' of the day. JilNS11N'S SINGLE SELF-IBAKING REAI>EI THE "KRING 0F REAPflS."1 The ulliversal success of this Machine, both ini closely conteet- ed trials an d in the banda cf lthe farmers, warrant n u ain Kba.asgSelf.Rak- iug 'RiÏng M.achine, it ha. more good poitseand leps defect,, ud hba met with more auéces a ad les. failure, than heretofore offered te the pubi1W CAYUGA JUNIOR MOWER We were awarded the Firat Prize and Diploma, a't îlé Prcvin- cial' Exhibition, beld lu Torouto, 1870,iu competiliau with ail the t5iduug Machines manufacturain iithe Province ; sud witb ont-mt-sotimprovaentà, we usahsilet- iugly challenge iuvee;tigsliau sud cousparison witb cempetiasg Machines. ws are satfaflad tbat sud, investigation vilI cauvincue eVery- paprejadiçed minci. hat we eOffeý the beat Mower la fic Fat-nier for 1872, bijil 'i i ie bD-.nifien. LqSend fer descriptive catalàggi a ýa stoe epipes sadElbomis, <Co _b~y, S,ýpt 22nd, 1875. orragat-ed El biri,'mâs&of ou& ieéè', &c. BBOOK STEET,,WMÈ13 ASPLENDID 8TOGK 0E GARLRIAGES AND BUGGIE-S. - Càrnae Factôry, Brock-st., CAL&SEE THIEM. VERY' carEAp:, AIRTVE-D Af. W.' J.J{ICKIE 0O.S. A LARGE NEWý STdýýK"0 F New Dress Goods, New FrenicliM'rinos New Black Lustrsi New" Winoies New Cotton, Goods, IREA D Y - M AD E CGL0 TH- j IG For Men and Boys. A choice asortment: of- G R OOER FaInErS poc AeNi LIQUORSe, (Late Sirni-ous & Cloug Organ Co.,) I MPBO V E D AN û0-Ao*iNa 50 50 -1'1 50 '-2 o s O GIRAND COMBINATION. OIGANS FITTED WITH TE£ NIWLTniNVENTED SORIBNER'S PATENT CtUALFlryING T'UBES, An invention haviug a most imp ortant bearing on the future; reputation of 1Re.d Instruments, iy'means of viiels lie quality or volume of toue la very largeiy incresed, sud tha quality of toue rendered Equal ta that of the Best Pipe Organs of the me Oapaoiy. Our cecabratellIl"Vax Coieste," I"Vox Humna,' IlWilcox Patent,": "dOc- tave Coupler," lhe charmiug Il ell" or IlClarionette", Stops, ."1Gem. Horn," IlCremona," IlVaX Augaiet," "lViola Ethalria," Aud ALL THE LATE. IMPROVEMENTS Can ho obtained only in i these Organs 1 0::- Fifly Dffament Style., for the, Parlor and lhe Churcii; the, Best Materiai sud Worlmaenhip, Quaity sd Volume f Toe Unequallehh 1 PRICES, S5o TO SSoo. Faotory and Wamerooms, Cor. thtiaud Cougmess Sts., DÉTBorr, Michigan. (Established in 1850.1 Agents Waxsted in Rvery Ceunty. Address- OLOUGHI & WARREN ORGAN GO, DETROIT, MIOR, BROWWN à rATTERSON. 1 L L11- .1j BOOT AND snâOeï B'. Ias now to hand a large auùd -iaidstôk!ck-1 ~oT~AND SHOÏE. cription of LaAies, Gentiemens, and;Ohildrensý' Wer. UIEPAMRtiG, doione ôn'tlie ho>rtes~t i A couea]1 iit ed t a u = h OLDP STAND, New Parlor Sets, - New Bed-room Sets,'- New 'Dining-iroo'm-'et And, a.large. steck of4Cane; anqd Wood seat'ChaÊirs, TablesBas, Sofas, Louqnges,, Besstçgds, Cupbôýrds. H-air,, Oloth,ýand .Damafk Lougs S~hs &c &. A:fine stock of New Gilt Window.,Cornices, cheap. -The'lar gest -and eheapest, stock of eietures e'ýer broulgh t ito t0 à, i of which lie offe.rs at prices that wvil not fai4 ta suit theý times. rs £ù4 tlîhe publie geuoally,that he ie te be fund at the 1OLD STÀ»t,$ andJý.hàn ether <boùght ouI, nor *sold oiýnt, sud inlne, wsýy connecte with WMin TILL, liil LOI 15, r s - Soldin WiIby by3à; Ce., sud James Bymue sud Iiy Q .very here. N orthrop &L L~ sale agents, Toronto. 47 CUSTOMS-DEPAETMBNT, i Oltavs, Meri h21a1, 154. A 'UTIEOIZBD -DISCOUNT- ON Amemian Inveic.es unltil terliar no- tice, 15 per cent. R.- S.M. BOUJCEETT,, 46-tf Ccnunliisalouercf ýnâCusti.. BOOK AGENTS WANTED. -E. /I 'HALE d BON,--Publàhers, 17 Murray t., N. Y., Are uow issuing, te aubscrihars only- -THE THISTLE 'ADDITION, th. only fuliy fllnstra tea Edition et THE WAV-ERLEY, NOVELS of Amrican mnaktieveroferd te the publi. Of the txt, of Sir Walter Sott it in, of cou r e, unne essary t e pe k. Cf thi atle of manufacturae tiie v lune& no v redy MR1 speak for themselves berever seen. i "«Tley have," esys theNewYcrkEeaning Poat, Ilsh bst of ail od qüsiities *ià a; "Atexcediny aunl dtien, a-ern Frty.-eight volumes, avéragig 4M0 pages eah, ad eootaining-nearly tc-thoùuseul illu stra i on ,w ili co p et.th e ser es. T i e volumes iss'nontbly Fourteen Volumes now Ready. P H I E , in l tte x txa ,p e r v o lu mýe 4#L fio HaIt Tnrekey Moroco, gilft4to, 2M9 Address.- CAS. IL DAEEY, Geni Agt Cares E. Hae Son. 17 M r s t., N. Y. FR FOR BALS anaiia et îh> L o L 2in t o Mars. I11 la vwiti u Ivo jm iles a d a ea ft he Vùiage f BWebiin, sdila aitntod=o-Centre rod, hch musbet*een'Orifilana *Boa. r Ie, CI&endI . l' ,e u e m ils from -S h ep er tati ono n th . M dla d B it l ay, flty ac re of ît ia clesred and the, balane la covarad *th god m4xcl timber. A bone ila alec. on f l. rem ses. W211 b. 'sldon eauxç termes. For ail information apply te- Brachin P <0 October 2ud, 1875. i lo4 ESTAE 0F THE LAtE HENRY H-OFKINS.- NOTICE!1 AIl persousiudebtad te the, estate cf l t " -t,"" op igare re- * ueeîed t na ~a 0seime't cf aL ne= f0rh1ith ê ailFrtes haig clia aganatth> ~lddeoêïadre heraby me, qnrdq.r~ppa4liculars 0cf+lte same te GEORGE HOPIUNS, Executor. WTA'TThIWe viii giva en. WA-NTED-.ergetie mon sud -frotiltogsper ay, a opursedin your own neigh brh -t, and la atrltly bon. .rabe. &rtcesrs fre, or smple vorti several dollars.ihat ii ensile yen. te go» ta vorkI.atonce,viPUi.bLeeiil on receipt cf flfty cents ý'AddresJ. 1,ATHÀY &CO0., -419 WaeluitouSret oso.üas P. . Box 2154. 4 EAT MmEET SQUARE, TORONTO. 'W. G. JOBNSOJNI -PRORIETOR. Txams, #1.00 pcr Day. Stblng ,in con- nection. NOTICE. t 1 -1 rE S T A B L- AB G URG J. eeco Teeli su BUI AGX -ftheRarbt »Terma ç% slanl cS CIerk L Wbit., ti GR 0 0 ER-l ES i il A N D _L I'Q--U OS S. OT 'D ý. 1 .--.D STAN- 'l-rr-Tq ir:v

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