Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1875, p. 3

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W.seli exolusivelyfo ata bare profit o4 Et to.malie up for bad debte., cnbu UhapriniOctober ,frkt rue ng'&ý !ýthewholesale aktsomewbat Jate in the saoon. ire can dirna. te iiàke oüîr'éà. i, AUl goods inarked in plain fig res i ?ffbiodïàe. EDWARD FROSTX Under the, Oddfel *low' 1a11, Whfby. *1 a,èF~îb A aiv ACU TAI COAL COOK STOVES, WOOD ÇOOK STOVES,0 BASE BU1lNEIBS, COAL SCUTTLES, MWSAION STOVE PIPEfà, COR4p~GATED ELBOWS - MADE IN ONE PIE CE, BROOK ýSTREETfý" WHITBV» WtbNpvimb.r$Bn!, 18M745 BOOT NI) IIOE iM1OuJM, BROOKSTET -JO H NAýS A UN-DE R HfAIS THE Largest Stoclç,11 Latest Styles,-, Greatest Variiety, fI'13' Bots Shoes in Town, CASH. cheap for MnsF eit Ovaishoes,. $ 2,pet pair. Ladies Feit Overthoes, - $1 j, o Mens Coarse Boots, $2 00, Worth $3 00O. Ail ci-dors PunctuallY attended. Ropairs neatly donc. Whltby, Oct. 27th, 1875. W'HMITBY JOHN SAUNDEIS. PHA1R-MACY. CHEARP LA MPS ICHEA PR' L AMgP We. are now receiving our Fali Stock of Lampe, com posing new designe in BRONZE LAMPS, GLASSI LAMPS, CHANDELIÈRS,0 AND PAPER SHADES, B, &o., &o. wngte the great derssion in tî'ad soUlieaboo u agro U reduc2tion on former prie( plate 'for 26 cents. Bronzo Lampa witli Porcelait - Bemexuber the pace, J. IL Gerrin' Corner Brook and Du Whltby, Olli Septenrier, 1875. -- LAMPS5 HALL PORCELAIN IRACKETS, e we a re enlablcd to os. IIatid Limnps coin. in Blinde complote for$2 f old stand, S 01. JLOSBIL' ORI SALE. KI N -IÇEL' col, Foruale, hie Shonihoru Durbainn ufl, irLcna~ÀAn:eî,t tî~' O X00' H 1 E F, et" t 121 CelrdF.b.2c,,152;br rk là prortiunced cnpdr t., ail Ocilo. , f 'i lmed î, '. 1 872 ; gît i-y l i'is u~lac, I>' Teaî.hori h veeesm le,î it. 01 O;îJm U, t762), Dain, Siîowi'o,, ~Ji~ i mci, bandbenik. L'or prîtes and teris, upr- 1tontilnfia aclear gail gimle cnurse ofin,. ili- to-e - truetiiin w'iereby cii;one îId ay t.. e WILLIAbpDot'yTON qlir-,' tI hnK4ery ni hiflàfvriteîs litin AîhrI~. P C. mii. cliiià,feu 'n,î;tl'0m cindy. it willas. slici. Oit, 1 msera, bu a faevî)it.. wtpîk mi Il h e T.','lur Atiinli- Oc. ISL, 870.45-li I4('~'> i*'J{ j'ci'iliLet ir ll tlmînool rcca. i,;tige tlttý onu e Tira lis'.o,. fr Uing b. il i'liu,î, thi 1»ar.,Sn. yrtle' Navy Tobacco. id 5m' > bsvo.Ethi' jREIIeD-ORIA FIRST. 'ilenfeupins,nrcep Nt 20 Ilta n ade ofthe Fincst Vi;L- LiP~, .. LPETF4S ginia Lef t A~ * SCOD.- IEjanAP'M S'ICl, J ,Bach Plug Weighls 1-3 of a PTe, esle Aeots o. I *Pound. tii 12 À Colle, dion cf Songe. by Régye, D DsaIks.eti. PrivedO ccautsparIîumier. I) THIRla0. onfe1 r sÊ. Peteýr.' Parlor Musip, Nos. i to 12. A 'The. Imitations Wiigh (l l y CU~ii fny>nMil.Price, id about 1-4 cf a 'Pound te t eltprubrraoî.. oaohi î Ce'.iene do la Creine,N. la. i te f24. T. cah Mg, ai are A lOIIcUcucf Diffleuit iinp Wsl.' Kade frcm 'Cor-Price 50 cns pr bi uber, o 12î Nos. - - for 84, 4 SENDM TID b NEW WINTER SIU N~W1PIIiFA 8HIONA M]MJ I PFOË VIONCLMSTIgo ôo ton'bs. e Aý n te hand und weeke. F .FLUTES, ACORýDIANS-'9 HARMONICAS, go to Ilober-taons FOR MUSIC, Setor Hai-Dime, ntuto ok o lb in1Ogalin, Flute, &.,Musical Worka of evoey iscrip.- FOR BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, HIYMN BOOK Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Books, Stationary, an<VFaney Geedi, of every description, go to Robertson's. Hisestocki all the. depurt; imente sveycompleté. BINDING. Binding, Binding. We biud Books, Maga- r rom 20 Ceflts a Yard. PWn ihoedAed n t njft dàncé FOR =M!N, BOYS, AND CHILYRE N. ALARGE' STOCK" N A~'~ ALsO PLENDÉID ST OCK0F7 TWEE D AND QVEGOTiN FOR THE ýQRDER DOPARIENT. Clothi ng got'up with desPatoli and gootfit Guaranteed 1 BOOTS AND-SHOES!, teè areoerig s a rnÛi1 tdvance ~on -cash. We are bouîîd flot to be un.dersold, Cal and examine Our stock. In each departnienv will be found a large and weIl-séeet.ý ed stock c uew and ,ffiablegds, and prices te :auit the harcfti'm es.h.q a e go Aul Jistock of Groceries constant/y on'I-and, Goods - old only> for cash, nianufacturers' orders and fariners' produce. JAMES' SHEA. Oshawa, October 20th, 1875.ý 44 f) OMI N I ON CORNEIL 0F BRO OK & PUNDÂS STS., WHILBY. Mj ens Overh'at 'K 25 p epair l Have on stock, fiill linos of the. fôllowmxrg .goods, te which "R em rtatK krpiral 1hey invite the attention of 1 j; --n :uri aser1.Rips, Frês of Charge. BBRO C STRE T, WHITBY,, Will- be comete in -a few day i i Linies of > LADIES,' MISSES' AND CyDRN' ALS05 IN -Remember th# KIRK ,is offerg AT ,WHOLE8-ALF-PRICES. ~~00 - - RIJBBE RS RUJBBERS!1 Ladies' Rubbers at 40è cents -r pair. OVEIRSHIOES! OV SHOES! Carpets, - Trench Mernus, Shavls, Fancy Wool Goocls, Beaver Coatingo, vPsxoy Dees ooàie, scarfs, Hosiery sud Gloves, Tweeds, Blseék Lustres, Pigts,, -. Flwers & Peathers, Serge Coatinite Wioeeysj gSIaé$UnÃŽms ,Eibbons k 811k., SeaIskin Cloaking. 1Mlanties, Sbirtings, Bats k Bonnets, Blaukets, Plannola, Ciothing, Veetk, . I:Z FaIl Lines Complete in Every Department. M.& To"persons desîring'te examine a stock embracing the greateet possible varity,,the newest and- noat attractive style, wo would say, we have it. -Aise a large stock of GRÃ"CERIES, andePUBS. Fii!st-elas Miffiners, Press Makers, Mantie Makers, sudTailore. AUl orders exeeutod on short notice. A larg stock o! Millinery and Fancy'Goods just received. ».BUFFALO ROBES, WHO0LE SEINS. 'Whitby, Sept. 8OUx. 1875. L9W$ &POWELL, NEW GROCERY STORE -- :ooo SMIT Begs te intimate te the inhabitýants f Whitby and sur- ronnding district that hoe has 4ened eut in the SOctober 20th, -1875.ý E/gin C.4tb 'KIid K;w Whitb and shawa 48-tf Watchesl /i ace H.Z. Culver, IH. H. Taylor, G.,MM Wheeler, Mat Latin, M. D. 'Ogden,- uctIdFellows' Building, Brôek-Street, ChnsTes Setîs, lfren.o te$20. Faney Vases, from 10 conte te $.50, per pair-. .v W E~ IT B YAIl the above Movemàentsiii ,'Gold and hi=. Motod. upa audS aor,:frB«k5 e $10oac. na, Chia Mttod Migs Cad Bskts sud Fancy qcpoeiuu A New Grocery'and. Provision Store, Slver Cases. Cheap fer ,Cash,!at- 3 NE-'I8.VRT Where lie intends te keep everythini n, tiati line. TAYLOR & BARNARD'S., FANCY TIE SETTB, PROU Sz, TO 8e5, PER SETT. Hoe hopes that from past experience.,and by-strict atten- PatciWthaeaacjwfes tion to businesq, tb meiia ai-ocf public patèiagd. - Broék et., 1next dýer t» Gro e, 4 Me 4.1v pestsa thyivlibe ole h* ep u wite reore. loare oeil and port' T E A S A - S P E C I A L T ~ W h t b y , O c t . , i t , 1 8 7 5 . N s h a '4ad a 2 S o e a i e , a l l i b v a i g b e u r h a d c p e s y f r O r s a a ________________________________________ ani=n for yursovos 1 g puIhsin ewhere. C ash P aid f o utr T g , a nd F mim ers',.P r educe.t es k .I g, Fruits and spices.0o! &H kinds Haffs, Bacn, Lard, Buttcr, A ples,P mi 1~Aci e epcfl5rsiie. PETE R S 17 LA $TYLEbuS rnd, lwpreehal Qda Fdllows, Building, Wliitby, Api-lï8, 1875. 17LA AME4RI, O GA N ,YE GIBN&SPmELS.bm GIBBN SARVLL'Cresby LIST 0F A TýTtON]E ER S".'htbfUh,&~5 ILiceused for So-uth Ridùgof On ne, - 1ý th Ëîdïng Of'Ie .I8 ~ ~& IG~ Ontarie, and separate Ufcuicpaitî in the latter, --___ UEN RELDXC. UNCpLI~ ici~EZ~ias JstreepeiieEjrrom $nfa.o u one f-the - HAVIE ON,"HAND AT THEIR Jatula .. Clnr, ....t.So uth iug-..... Cgt. '2ftii' 1R76. PfhmL Poy.SPtrry ...... orth Rlding-Ce.. j th. i,7, ever ip ýmpo syited ôtet.O Ea ..... %anttl-- NothRiin .... t ',which for « er h n ' T âil * , s a li h e oringn8tabli 1.hcnu i de d..-î ..... Vmss 'autguù;.,. lre ' ' J. S.'ROBERTSON, Bookbiader; Stitioner, end dealer in Musical Instruments, f&o. ]Brook Street, Whitby. GNOLDSMORTH'S HALL, Stock now coMplete, ana. seïActing anda importing-my own gooda can offer superior inducements te cs sutoners ELGIN. WATCHES. w a0, Gold and Silver, Ladies' and Gents, different grades and prices. Yery fiue Gold (Ibains, splendid aasortwent of Oolored and Bright 0cM Boetta, LoÏkets, Gem ins, ke.,ko. 1$ Ourat Wedding7Rings, Near-sighîsand ocher Spectscls. EI.etro Plated Cruce, Butter Cociri, Sâreansd Milk BovIn, Trays, Toast flache, &o. 8 Day and 8O.hour Clocha, ly the icat makors. Cali and examine geod su -- JAMES JOR5NSTÃ"N. Practical Watcbqnaker. Goldamiti'. Hall, Whitby, Sept. 22nd, Il ~7O. 59 WHIITBy TEA ST.ORIE CIBN 35 Hhds., Crates) and Cases-, containing the Largest, Best and Cheapoat Assortmnent cf China, (18-Wrand F«ncy od SBY t .-L * ]3sIng~ Mi- Sclbinth1 Stc-,e Any enterprlslng mm c ani makfýmonay MCtoutthisd.tsrstor~frnsf A7 TION $ALE OP Real and Personal Estate, at the Villsge cf DUFFINS' OREIK, Tiiere vil bc sold by Publie Auctiouý by Levi P'airbanku, Auctioneer, at the. -Village cd Dû,ffins' Cresk, in thes.c unly ci Ootaio, Saturday, taé 20e11 4àýiàf Yv.-1875, on them promises .ex10teUic catholic Churcli, A hehour cf 1 q'lck, p. i.,' the foflowlng iRe AndsuP.irsoial Property, b.- ionging talthe estate of tb. lat. Michal :C. Carey. - PERSONÂL PnnPSETY, 1 Feather Bed, 1 Beatead, A quariti Ly et Bsddiug, Bureau, 2 Tables, 1 doren Chairs, l-Sofa, 1 Cookiug Stove sud pipas, 1 ClneOk, 1 Rtocking Chair, and a variety cf 'cherT EKAL ESTATE. Tirec Village Lûts adjoinlng liiiCatholic Churoh iu th. Village ouf n'a Crook, conluinlng bout a Quïirter ni an Arce ach. on oe e cVillaqa Lots tà erected a oe- StereY-Cottage wth Ritcben attached. LOts aud a clstemn for rainwater. Aico a n=WnLstf good berrlng Fruit Trees. Tiieru in stable on'cne of the lots.' ý TBSSFor tiie Hotseiiolaocode, Cash. ^For th. Real Esgtaei The. pureaser sbUiiflpay dovnat ahe iiê ime cofsale tothu Vçndom one fourtii of th. purciies. e ey, sud lii.balance lu tvo xmenths' tiiereaiter, tT»on payinent cf the. balance cf the. pur- ChM iOISe the purchasar or p=rciiaam chRb nt h o a conveyance fteOf .au applé#Sn n B IcMItion- 10 the under- Ciglieêntrs of the, mald Michael C. Mae, or tc Messrs. Farew«U k&Bu*ledge, solictoris, Wiiitby.. Dun'Crair, Seri Oct, 1975. 4 A~ EXCILLTOP.POETJN2TY 150 cf doit-dams Peines .5 THEDJ rom rohu ~hôn p 1. M >ona i. n I. M chu loni E' lm. 17.-Nrt Northc.ii7i P. Gos.ShcunvjNie,orsth O 'cc 41,O Marbhec,-D Oi*~IJans. 121h, 187 airtl4ikm, Jr..'- W ib i lt 85 anir.h r 2.....a a1 176. .do. ~e : m 41IST 0F' sceuzie,.. Thcraii .~;;,.,-. - Cenidngso~. TORECEIVE 4 if Il 't If 'I Il wl 1 -'tbe 80-ysj- 1 RUBBERS AND, OVERSHOESJ Practieal Watcb..maker. b7ri. - soi 1 GOIcluaithO Hall, Whitby, Sept' 212nd. 18 JUST RECET-VED A7 . THE ý B..W. Baymonà, l 11 ýMENSf' O'UT WHITBY. sli GHINA

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