Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1875, p. 1

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U~I1Tço~BANK, .............. . Tva 2.25 N, Y. ilhra 1 nthé ~!~#WxJ0.~av'TLU1QE, , 1~4sPubii,'ade o n*Osy. OMOfe doan aauth ci the Bayai 'AURS RTLEDOXB,BA Oéh ' GeaAmonusy. 4 laInTE a '*4 fj" ' I M InpU G, a LI1 " r gtu . rTI A=--cm~&' Oiuing ]~ARmSTM 4'TLÂWOULIOIToRZN se. Skiai. Ã"ah... a.: Toupie~ îiL. Noay Publiecj"0 (La. oneenwod&m eMla ]BtRR1TE ÏTTORNEY, SOLIO. Ibut otapuble ov eiCf. fies-Y1on Stree,South 0 ;t Ofie, -Wlullby,' Ontario. pUGGA k R~INSON, IIARM-983, 1ÂTTO5MYa.T.nAW, BOLrCTOITORSIN OHANCERY, -OliVBYANOERS, ude., OPIOBC-Provlptdial Assurance Buildings C OUaR STEET, TRNO J., DuTogo, 4 C., J. G. Rou.nseors, uM.A. ON LEKAND TREASUBER, T y. h Ofilce-Ton Hall. Houri, Rt -.JGUNNI M. D.9 s URGUON WO aTRE COUNTY GAOL, -Byron StresI, Whilby. Wm.. MODRIEN, M.D. m N.dS.g il UY'8 HOSPITA LLOtz Ji,0ENG., %-Y'the oyeRX.0.H. L 08slla, Ontario. W. AISANSo, B~'l NTIST, (SUCCES- 4M,,oorto W. H. CarS.> Dsulal'Roms-DUud&a Street, WhiIby ovin Mn Jamiou's Stars. Nitroa 0114e0 psdinlisisl.nad ior tii pilules. ex.. erçlô 1t ei. C, N. VARq.'L. D. 8. T BEEH lserled ou al 1th. r' lateal eprincplea af thue art, asieap uthés ciespesl asds ged sb-sh béat.-,Tetih IlieS ývitls GasuanS liver. Teeli extr&ead vithiaul pain, by produclug local sursehheslas. Dents I Boom-in Cov. an's uav block, aven .tkinsonli Drug Store, King Street, Oshawa. 8 TIIOMAis DEVERILL, BUILDER ANb CONTRACTOR, DUNDAs 8T., vanner. m»Ali ordere proinplly oxecuted h-AIEB 1 RESSING AND) SHAVING au. SSaloon, Brook St., Whihby. Jolis WOLFENDECN, A GNT FOR TEE CELEflEATE- tI. ooliai Granite. AtI Merbie Wenks ai Jonathan Wlfsuden, DunSsa SI., Whilby. -jolis CARIERa, L ccNSEID 4tYCTONEER FOR T=E Couâies of Oulanlo, Tan anS Peol. R lda-ot8, eOh Concession Miani . PasitOEo*-Untonlileô. Sales attendSon lie sios'tesl ol.t n urseaulns Tes'nss cen b. omaS. é@Mnd bille pinteS £1 1mh 'V C1asIcoIccz Office for Mn. Carter, Lsad Joiuer, Gresu Street, Whilby. A large quantlt l k U ndS, ailunibar éon- Aatliy à n ionS. UNDERTAING.-Funsrsls f uily sup- p lied AnS attendeS au short notice. Caffine ksplaaonahanhly on hanS. A liseata hir. au liSerai terme. B. O'DELL, A TfE R LY, Clé»k Division Court, Tp. C/erk, Conmimeôsen lu B. E., Land AgonIt, &., &ost., Alherly, Couuty Ontsnio. AlsrrOp.2u5, 1872..5 DRIe CARSSON & BOGART, 'Physiiass, àurgeqo, Accaucaro,, &a., &a. WblhSy, Sept. 8M1, 1874, 40 SLAB WOOD FOR SALE. The subicniben ha.fan-sale ah his Mill, near Utica, a q1tatlly of lour-fuot Sisi -A. B. CAMPBELL. tila, Salut. 28, 1878. -a (I£ALBIoN,). WHITBy, ONTAIO. E. ARMÈTRONG - PROPRIETOR. rIÃŽ' OYAL IHOTEL, vas-rer; ON-r. A, INDSJR. .PROPRIE'TOR. Commodlii.SausPîs-roomaOsni Meute &UI trains. 27 QU91N'i HOTEL, OBSA'WA, ONTrARIO. LATE W R . McGAW. bt'eî-claas Commeorcial Accommto. Saion I'13 - Go 'z B~OTEL, 4t5»00ELI, XONT JÂS. POWELL -PROPRIETOR. FRMR& UsEOH&NIO'S 'HOTEL, B. B. WEBB, PO4PO. BUT ýdUTUL lINSUINCE co>r IMAM OFPZCc, 'r., WEITBY Tmi OomumWr P~t~u1duu C3O~ ~o1Huo~a hf The undenulgaid havfig, bipappointeS exlenulve Lumber 8gmof M u4't". li 100 ai Fonela Fa.l.,saao.ndfucun lion W4llub-Asotiierpeenja an xtenie ~L UMBiS R ,V'- A àRD Adoiulethé ihmby & Part P4nny Rail- wxy Station, wvia.ha k.. eonausty-on hanS ~ = a ag nomIl !Lumnbor Plàeng-achine sàuùfwàidiilna yni-ý ftuted popi, sdr WhitbY, May 27, 1878. 92-tf FRX FOR S"m. Tiatwvel.kuou ailôt 2ô, OrS con. ei Whllby, kuovmu s-. THE DONALD8ON, FARM, AnS as Ahtpicent l inte oocupahlouof Mn. N. Ry. Caltalus 190 acrea;1 About 180 cisari ;d SelUüg, outbulldlngpindsauillable offices ;-RplendIS rchiard f 8âmerinlu ateul. Appiy t»- JOHN A. DONALDSON, Gav'1 Esulgrahln Offce, Msrci 25, 1878. 181f ' Tarante. T EM ISOLATED RISE -Pr.L Ah WAff£Mi. PIIuRMM'.IIR Sapeger a amodlSi Table,sp1e icb ]3IIHAUBRICA1I'HOTBL, ~ ' 1" 19 e.'aélv'a~ ("U OB5, tgei a, êlarge EBic WHIT.BY" 9YN TÀIàn r . YQUNO 83oeg lbrngaolnSntu rl0lasYe TO BD AT é'ma vn. Municipal hox f " PhsreIlenegaa 00a mone und Orsiged Seetre ta Inorulp~1I tisa above-vi iov oevbeuIi bave uevlynSIeSdnp&agdSnia., inta tàeb.slOf bmer faotre clà@ uoa tion a uua haawii'i ieaf nsae" .u lie Caniul ii applid isa lhe fineet brnius ai vines lquaoraud ci. pré. , &" enhÏei Z2 m aS good M&l liY" OU " Dtchid roomg fan oamme'eal rvelzea . P.TAYLOR, lPmrLfl'MCCANN. laI. of Torenhe. -YOUNCP a IOTEL5 MONOX EOAD, »ALTaIc, ROBT. X. YOUNG, PIIOPBIETOXI Reibl normation regiedlig tis coun- try, etc., Inraislied la psrties rsquirlig il - ampliaccoMmmodation for IHunterasuld Sportsens. The bar asu larder sup elie wutlhe labest cf Bliqnors anS viande Cob found lu liieaménlny. NOue but obligiu Aud attentive servants kept. CUommodflo stsbling anS-prompt hosiers aivsys on handL ROBERT IL YOUNG, ?'ropnietor. Dalton, 6th April, 1875. 1 NORTE BRITISH MERICANTILE Fire Insupance Vo'>' of Canada, 1FÃŽffi' 1N8U11A NCE COMPANY 1 CAPITAL, BSaa.oao. _DepDoslted With Governuntea.. $671000 Il viiiadjus l i eqes ithant dolby, sud- psy ove: lie euh AT O)NCE. Hani. ALEX. McKENZIE. ým. P., Prealdeul. JOHN MAUJGHIANJns C H 010E A P PLE T R E E S, A il10 V T40,000, -AT TE- HOME' NURSE-RY, From 1w.> lu four yeans qf &go, iibncng ail lie beat Vaietie. SETE C.,WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2na Cou. Plckeri'g on Kingston BosS, oal Offica,Wiby ~7STERN ASSURANCE COMPANY ILEAD OFFICE, TORiONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - 84oo,ooa. AOuT FR raS5UTU ONlAMOi, JOSEPH HOLMAN> BROOKLIN, ONT. Alto Agent for lis CANADA FARMEliS' MUTUAL INSURANCB COMPANY,. HeaS Office, HauczTaa; anS (ITIZENS' INSURANCHr COP'Y, Montreal, Fine, Lie. anS Oarente Departme4t, CAPITAL, -02,000,000. Brooklit, Dec. 2, 1872. 121n49 LÛ BE &SINGLES FOR SALE. The subscrlbsr bhsson hanS euS for sale et his mili neer Utice, liste Cunies), al kmSs of lumben anS shingles. Biii lumbar savu ta andin. A. B. CAMPBELL. J1AItNESS, SADDLEEY. The anhecriber Soufres t taele alha bas dpeued s A IlA R NE 8S6 8HOP , lu lspranei aoppoits Raya British Ain- ena .Ihi Dundas-St., Whitby, vitre lie wiii ieep Oan id s supanlur stock ci sverYthlng lu hi.lisseof business, aud vilS sali ai the lovamh prisas. Ha Segs ta aolicit a share of publia paîronaga. FRANE TYLER. Whltby, Feb. 24, 1874. 91f S H EA P LUMBERI LUMBER!! The undarsigued is nov lun eceiph of a splendid stock ai fins cîsarad, veiliseasan- adinniier; selling et $10 per thonsand feel. Ail kiids af Lumber for Csu'punter sud Houssbuildlng AI lovasl pricea. Lumber .sr uer vonahepe, Whitby& p. P. E. Eauiway Ca. CHRISTOPIIE11 JOHNSoN. WhitSy, Nar,4h, 1874. f-45 v ALIS ES AN]) TRUNKS. LEATHER VALISES - AND SARATOUGA TRBUNKS, &o., &a., et WILLIAM TEOMPSON'S, Sadie n sd IHarnes.Malter, 24 1RROK'1.,vîv dune. asi, 18e.. ~ t TE Liverpool and London and Globe INOURANCE COMI'ANY. 13 MILLIONS 0F DOTTAlS. b *b'Chicago Pins ehimated Anepar. asatdvhot deduetion. sec=rhy uanodhp@ nt festue Sale, sud relalleuc gsmtesrpop laîiment cfcisima. te po GRO. TULE, Agent. FAI~AVKS' j E PROPERTY FOR BAL Tp5 wHÏýtT'E prepýadtps for IÃŽ2Y qusuity aiiet l Spirna Whlitevïie. He Wîiin âe -ereryfe Pâgrbvi ate salaféc hlo 'i' tie Plour sud FieS ofthbbeal qnat, aI rtssenable pneusg, vilialobe kepl c stbntiy on baud anS fer nau. Wbitévale, 0Oct. Oli, 1 T7.P.WT L TST OP TE DMSION COURTS COUNTY 0F ONTARII - FOR TEE T EAlI 1875. Wvitby.. 2li-1îî1î12j1î1î Brougisn41 2 8 28 2 221 Patt2f5 20 25 4 18 5 19; Uxbridge. 111221 11811i 51 912 9 BrocSP. 121281 14i15' 1810o Tiares. 24 I1171 i 14 1 1 Men., . 261 Is 119Il GRO. H. IDA1TNELL, WhiIby, Jeu. lot, 1875. JirJd A uction tf Commission Rooma, Opposite Black's Holel, Ring St., Oshava. R;guulan Sale. avery' alterna. 8atnrdsy sitarnoon snd ae-isg.Final sale au Sat. nrdsy, the lOui ULY Instant, eh 1 o'cioci, P. M., Couaigumant Soliolted. Sala. iu Town sud Counhry conducted as nenal. For Terras, &'c., apply atISSe Roomi, Oshawa, or aI Office, 'Wlutby. Whltby, July lot, 1875. 28 INSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO. FORTE AND ORGAN. SINGINS AND SINSINSGCLASSES TAUGNI 1 MR. GEORGE C. WIGGFINS, B.A., Bat la ussuno. liaI hi whi nudertake lhinlstrucion cf pupila an lis p lana, me- lodeon, sud-argan, an reasouabla ternis. Aise Sluglng and $ughug Classs.- Prof.'wiggl$, Pianist sud Voast , sud Prof. HLuthé lslonted Solo Violiit oau jus engageâ for Concerta, Soirisa su Musical Festivale on rissonibe termes. Whitby, Juiy lti, 1874. - 29 JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, 0f lie Tovn of Whltby, lias been appointeS OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDER THE NEW ACT,) For lhe Counîy af Onlariar. AU business enîrnsite ahà charge wSiib.casrefusliy at- tendeS la. Whllby, Jan. 141h, 1874. S ly GEORGE GURLEY, MERCHANT, TAILOR, OSHAWA, Invites an exbniination oa i u supanion stuck oi Cloth, smbrscing Engliali, French Scotch sud Canadien Tweeds; Doeskiu, Maltons anS Chariots, iii sud faucy vesl- luge, &C., &a. Geantlemean laaving thein orders nsay de- pend upon galhing good clati, a perfect fit, stylis i uansudpronpt delirary. Oshawa. Oshava, Juby 27, 1875. 81 XV M. WILLCOX, LICENSED A UC TIONEER1 FOR TIE CavE-nY Or ONTÂRIO, AND Township- of Mariposa & U'artwrlght 1" G" ho thank isi nany fiaondsansd 1h. -i>public genersblly for thie lierai patron- aebeshovod upon hini Snning thie pst four Havln nov given up lia businesa of Bailfi, I intaud, in future, la Serote my wiole limaho thie business ai Auctionear, ItCle~ my endeavour, by prompt anS caraful attention tu business, la gin fu satiefaction lu ail who niay fanon me vili their Sales on Colleotung. Bille Sraugited sud Buni Notes fInisi- oS Irea of sharge. Aise ]iillStanipis lways on hanS. Arrau ementse asu Semad. Ion sales &a.. eh thie MOIaitofiRce. WiitSy, Observer Office Prince AibentandÂl lthi Standsard Office, Part Penny. The aubaciber a1fure for sale thee loUa ing valuable propelrty in tihe Town of Wh by:-An excellent Brick Collage vith j ac af land, situated au lis corner aI Green St. Pater Ste., in tie South WarS. Mac ,acre u1 lanS, vel fanced, and lu s higiùah ai cultývahian corner Wellington and G fard et$., North Wsrd. 1 acre on Centre seti of lie resiance di O. Draper, Esq.. th. Stouthi Wrd. A Ib.o20 acrea af goad ban being composeS ai part ai lat 18, loti cc ai Tovnship ai MnrnaY, Co. Northumbe land. A aisOr aud lndispnlsbitotle vifliagiri lu ail the aboya properly. Far funther pi lîcUla-R. pply la tis ovuer. Whith 1FRANCIS CLARK. W .hY, July 1871. 1 ' 21 Blete lu union bis friands anS lis puli tiahob.carnies au lie Liveny buaneusais R&Y'S OL'D STAND Psrties'nequlnlng conve 'a c cvred an apen-can lis accammoyataed es Manient notice. - 1 EICH. PIERDON. Whitby, Sept. 21, 1875.8 B3OTTOM PEICES FOR COAL AND WOOD AU i dssf ai Hansd MS oiICai, cousisi lng aI lhe eelebratad Lackavans, Ocrai tou, Bier Hil, Blosburg aud otier cosJ CHEAP FOR CASH 1 For quantihias la Blacienillis aud other SPECIAL RATES 1 Wood, ezira lengifi, 25 cents. pur suri aboIement off menai pnlcea. Send inu Fat orSon. la A. ALEXANIIER'S Whltby & Oshava, Coal and vupd dapol, Whitby, Aaggusl Sist, 1875. ,' 11.5 K INO BROTERIS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Imporlars, Dealers and Mannisoturereoai&U Kinda of LEATHER AND FlND9INGS, Cash paicl ionr idas, Berbu, sud Lealier. Lealier atretchad. 9BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. gay, 1872. '22 F OUE I BRAN! AND) SHORTS Il OATMEAL, &c. NEW STORE, JUST OPENED. 9ropros= -x oiSA tTu. ffl GIVE A CALL. WM. JOHNSTON. TO THE FARMERS I Plonghs sud Pl,"gi Castlgs, Strav. CutrFanning MOis, Raspers sud Mow. W. M. WILCOX, WM. JOUNSTC Prince Abert, Sept. 241h, 18,M. 89 Whitby Oct. 151h, 1875.'f c ARD i T. H. MCMILLAN, QUEEN Agent for lisNSRNC OMA ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANT,INUAC COPN PROVINCIAL INeuIsAicE Co. ('sEAIL=P) OFFIE~Otaro Lan sud Savin aOF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. "onipanys building-, corner Ring sSSi co slraets, Osaae. Apnil 2th, 1874. 17 F OR SALE, AT TEE GLEN MAJOR MILLS!1 800,000 elet eLuniber, vel sessoned. IhBc"rd, 2x4Scautiing, $-inchi Plank, Faucinig Boards, 100,000feel afiOOk, V aple for aris, lit qnallly, 1,01.Square Timber, Aiwlchvi "Y o ali.the~ ch lu ty iaI tI, Sa iYMa CAPITAL, I J. E. FAREWELL, aue'oe is o ie hgr eal !le French "Cohur vas marreS by sue rtt osoeiawiti-pnedic- a hie w rm clasp of'» gdward Fitzger#ld. tests sud nooturnal vtomplcý4g;y~v in atFtzesdvmSb pely Soil, The gaila Inishman lied .folled anqesio;f ievs-o er a lo elylf riesed.t AnS . o üi v as."yErde Brock St., Wih eFacý,u oeadeei h »'vro eyi eeodý1ýAd é-e_à,;"nm ,o Msy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý 25h 82taFacsd oea-a~eg palier usbnâd's eye s ein ah. Isyipu - rbiýPAmqîa vas, eomip4al out, up wilhin bar Ihnobing. besoin onca ibratusghroisles t bery r bus tibaui& mr. j.should distrea im; anS8 ban ure b epurd' Bu lesmtr s- "'iÃŽat ' bravlyi lie effect 'of ievothh.hé G. Y OU NG S MIlTH., v' Nt . Dukem- iinglerterirs, lest- hoé udilqi rclo ir as' nhbaS ileod' wou.d herolcai-WhatbIs suffe- i« ,a-h 'un- ISSUER 0F An, r1,b inle.p touee h 'ee e.teéi .kn -uisbiby h»igmreo~ohr »alishehlutmieS toh-ren t whaeà 'How teuderly s eatrove la arnie asd m4odbqedi MARRIAGE LICENSES, falv;b-hreiCihlSyo1k ig- ile vusaiibse hs s, as s'ip. t~t WHIBY OyAE . kmnd lady resandi on sSslî'àrn dséied n n ' ý nhW affeo-" res __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ istenwards iatit vwas not ýf, Lard &"DiS h. knov,"-Ie. oýê . i; l io fote u bldr enbettr fo y' vu W BUTCHIt SHOPI ' odýit.' * Duke b-ad apkeh btber, 1"lia- 5 5 f.5a d»' l vuld-av'b.u0mtte toypumli W B T H R S 0 P 1o W ýce larh eS W b e A n,, b-a -adi for bis cp ture ,r , yp o k ; c u S " a u e d e G n là s N E a onno fu ly e xlai ed "L a d y o u n e v é been soutIen withPâmela'h beuty dut'- I Jdo; asudvernit pot, for y fan're'ii nfrunleyugis .ve JUST OPENED OPPOSITE RAY'S HO-. ing b-en abont fsojournip England. precions oné, I voplulonerkilk: bebeeseyvf T E L , B B S T B F , ;" M U T T O N , B e f r e , e v a i n g vlm o a r , l i e i m p s . nncu c e l m e n , s e u n a e t ra*e i U ) Up r o i d l y r e t ô r t - b P O R , E A I , & c &. s o q S F t g e a 4 t o ï n u p pp rtu a ty 'vr y 'n e "h o k ' lm ' ôsi tÃ" u . ' ' l N e o c - 1 'I o u I S r a t é r b . a s I Sl l4ban4iq gI tea " IulUda " Bu am deysrel* >pite ÀTliemeW off avens o ran JOHN L. WATKI, - p etr en o c, nl"pfvu, ~i ayare a r," ,m-e Uu 'andfé ra' taSbaoYmul'ea-l pJnelllîB.atosyeian43thor5havI AUCTIONKER ~ ~ ~ éâd swbnihi - i t l> .~lkin'aty u bp ~ Ât-n' t5i~paéetla Whity, Ot. 1, 185. 0 v S Yafr àba 'But tafol 4ovou Pprmy"e ,'ES-zn le w Th ý oeo o!t heC s liPIM2gs.514'l" p, -Y - -y Itr~9cbautiuuaiusl 1n ec"-rieaw!toyova nSb.penti ,ud kep cieü .'No-t.tonpe riumpei~$'b, L. PSu IIBO 9ti, - Iolo sxsi in ' -  u yl. cvoS a î i gne lb-roui ena h. cot r ' et o"h Ee7 da ov u er u' spy'mri h ige, P amlagiiv bandore ianorailelne 1 ý8Lnd Myt -Pt'bllve ____________________ but e Psneiasud ard coure biiva ysal np a t 1s w vlo vlliha -fr1 was. the 'oIse S 1 rid o uo I FldvK#and priveS if oetoulo'theruleâéaý abee m, nlot yofe,,ov ysuejEde OnW. pitzeaud*eiuw EAS'l~ 0F TùZE POOT Qype'sucli os t a d eP tkei oc ,afreaten w"e ptinta d o hp clos'ea. slith 'Iusdbrôut trng qil 4a le , 13m:p-i IM NC T ' a d nhi e h pllà aI'éat -es o A,I'ah.ud lay 3he fai àsu v.xé o ae though e.sli coauld iie atS Loi W1l li ~nta hie isl ns i hleThse a fl iis~ lTr uss ~ ur ,. .,A h, Nm ahl t in t has au e rn- i i. anala s fr ON. y $1o,0ooo,o MOL8ONS'BANK 0. A. BAYNES, ESQ.,-M.D. l Head OMie 1or Canada:- 191 & M98St. James Street, Montresl FORBMO &'MUDGE, Chie! Aente. B. H. LAWDEB, Agent, Whitbys Angul 11h,'187. iIY-88 JNSOLVENT ACOP 0I189. Iu the Couty Court o! the County. ot Onaoia lu IntbcTif atter of A. C., sud H. W.BareInbens province Of Ontariu,~onTUEBD AT TE Coulqny afQltrlo, k MIlITE19 »&ii0C ru -In: ) li«OVEMBEl nR.l, lb. utd ilndwf M sde t, id'L,... TIoY Flue 3 ,ublio. = 4FIRST-G. S ifLaQ 8 14r )ie bde, aid arried hr oe ciL o' aii;l thaêethf r honeymou twdc b ugo 8- isttyà& nù e-eayiügahaput , i Psivxé-~h~ai tïé w4we7 Prpangm ftfr gVeni-a umogit bW ~Jo nrellvà grh aiti go o ýý 4Ã"rdwtir a doegu w Omnibumn t an4om~ is stamez~rnê ~f r~do~i I~ê~ tb ~ >fi a a àn es th ngh v dVy ipW.Z4'1 sg~à e W .th. iit al dpât ithe lae njs i t.: ad Yoe1 !f. - 1 1 1 ade è1" N.B-_rëî- rPssn 0ài.Ylfl ; 'Well.fôrjmednfigure aciiraguaaidtber rope. latte or tes.,f g n, ýW a ârUý d'awho 'hè sd e agbLo '1 o , b4goamlmes a Âq~O ribse o and e.r heatIa4 emofra W o-hrsèxve'ý4 i54"'E0' tein ta hereower-ywilhbi beu 4 ~ '<T A h a. W"er einaôoduda $ sud'emb oy ti ed" iy E wlb" pleamurntdi ani , eý a mi h da title-Iy na a ed t pam oa u e Offie aer . H.Jiw eeai'i flntSas-u. E ward cfala I~liow cm sp ai hc 'r.îy wfp s'Jo mgl, a welfau ara kised 'tit 'ee2 3iig dhulreu suile b.u Wblit ept , 174i rop words'l>-.i f' l114 iqi rb y f hialy aite;bu o haohapy trag hr Tjea , s 1ddue b *le mutbicSgratofsllp i.ind ssor ho ur hr . ant onUigbto i.mretwe"h'sdte W R TïV» À H W A tac rtee î« it y hu ly, t i a it ; ù >Sq ad à.. <'Lard'h'Eedwardid LeaeOa1a*~atSa m. a Sip.nt ~ A a i$ofè'i a2" , utwhê love nedA 2 uEEUaIIN O TE TOW. -f i 4OWn a e'oi one nn., nd itwithinan auu the jrîî.heUcho ls resideuceaL];B PO (hnoerai eT-'taO a B n.Vê eago Mlewf. 4ohr ooln Ano ti onEdw a ao.reade d mo-l ~ tt otlsl Cnn~l wtl Oîii~ ud Govrrynrip sio sm lnef Atougl s e ffot&ion fôr i'ii.'iaà ndli hpe (;BO su oT.Pe y-4AvsdwthBog. u huluPiea aldpiS e'a psclils'omks. sII-perfec lïfieoely, detrmineun t b tke THSOOPE aos 0da, t d.lv w 0a-,»@ warn, i th a lagia WhibyMari a, 175.114 doce ud ing su uter rilantne-'poit 2a3,uesins tiir. a.. Bravl e _y -. . anles wih sui viatit lia evey ~ad ais bei uei àn"mmutùtlé~abotedlui, lieatve s, faned O, ancwss dllglucd, no gel i4 'ies li ie so e d àr orrel haeï few af feo r a. conifapiot s ersa H E B EST froeioi'Ums tý, i end w i ea#r-e. near ru het Tjo Aogernttye swermiion e odid fothéuffe ~ro'Ïâai cons ie i fo d it lison'bod u atuons nfclraio L e keeùpB offià ,,ttceau- e>,ieam ana" or HO E NE. wysue ir ade8 rinehoutI o. idtteemrloW mno tlerem0gut e te-lentta aptre n t4wos tic oen td i on oftehti nS *3iitÃœ sJart - l t e was rd ng hn. i. bado e eol Fize ld 15on N.fic R A aL. boudr aenyrbenacsoea cuntne; bssugu sdcuagowsuficig u a 'ha WhituitSert'lied174ii. Pt iatreaa- 1 with wornaali NEW resn hnsef, nS lia, i li un' trros or ,hawnsbut ofietlisiat lue dotie.unrn, sd la iaI b. theoy REELTONI TE tervalao! poltcaffacir:s theDuee w..' could d o na n . rdnt a """ 'c'ýwwnsean te - SCENCE0F MIES-MAING.eaouan~ deien , wiiaetbeà or aifuloedo a umsiahsW or Sa on inir'eiv e whloh lers~ays lnlendintenS itaoreliseil.b. enl W. WAST & HOLER CH vo ,e bosin,.er. hrougb a emoiaeeTh an-mpnIII.omboei ucra a ad dadFtg ta froarinuiiîve'oerAu eae h au t '1%,, lw s lresedlfby ail wo ie l cag, - .an without chnge f s ttc. lenafdli. 6norieet lead ii oi, t te-Lrd witr b Fitzgerdlsucceedeu rl. e pthy, snud ornuieraia auopn ute- Fr 5 sal a h wy 1eu - stnctins, o !lier sitai wae s certiain Co èmte Mont.' order enstive f heor lb9 rreata! ueOf . aeedfa is pesa'fu' wiupi, CpRU eit 6,4osethwér.idenieieoï t 4he, Reelhl .11fiuullitysud ecnec, otrpous-he reiu ne Us a fel a0wg, a id, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11111 Db5-M X< B O s WXTB. ate pa aI cneraio aed le cre ot o t b y ang magn ýistal n mo i t le ldîhp ayfafdea mn.' ara= nuniciftiohi lieaffigttonisi'ht 'senS a Bu-inlu a'oY ri ls, snyeo ie swawosiz svni !hmae Bulb te d no-ut etae; ua sn Aeswmanl te-Lilé duema Khoue incine losis im;thogh ie loua wl ene uey lmeot Brd oyletdga!bi e n otP WY n WhbAu.wi oerisierlanf r ima's Sînee, Dahli. Lord a uhua'ierl, e milioednhot lue a g n =&n- Ut 18, 7. Butni.thn dlflucereadto, woSpaak lm'laeae icatra&psiîe asoaed uorbumand TRO HOPEai ea contnierslaiallehli WhTHE AM Er IOAN H OE . ùst oh . w ul 1b p n ited la as i e e i m defrhm rlelaSfienls effor ts uid ava nt ie blw it,, a d bio orTOO danENTaT. ceansn beranS, ie-niofin ta . i iclassuets T fehmel assant sud le aed & ou . , lebl d efenePA- poswz b. ivun baMaa de Genlis, befnwud avfe&pinbiehie sfeîy dtatoe. msnely aakee roniber on GEOGEBBONPRPRITO. ay inl decsin W5 rrieSaI liI ie i Uatzed wioae hsud W05 henlallou aodsa bapier Jiéa utune caulu ThsfREBsT-l oasehsba nwyu-faithenortitu eTa hweri e es ledidhflitou uent b ig hiae Edand sapioe. ebdbS T edupsdientaehhrogilesd .sat owmd al enwrealie nSeanpdliicuur acocelsS-ie ~~~~~~~~rta fodluofracm oainfrterap u out fn rat'irbuavbd li f jat boad 1111 betterimde. mr;ýta t an3- lhei-boaticesc oa nd, f o fptr la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vn spndn eiso xenel uroulga camu amaga iliI i ei vf v.luincnaen a s u, a e ant oiatauei iaIbu wasi ORSipaE Mntl I vudtn aeS.m rs.bhe mruee Ots i' t , pnuld hovaerluiseemi Tes; butv, comfrt'ad covaneucuai he ptron. "Tpi'kohUdfeci onuof h'àll. na pires, disd tane '~.Wu e. Sflueu whe' ls ia aso fdsa Tosoto, uly ~h ~4. 9 " re e Ibs maame 1 ht a o . oret.tho! ref1was ove, l é e mideFitzerald AUdescriptionsofthebéatHorse__e ai. tcrueS, rsglated. "Il l you'rè ii te:Si daner iïtothelea ifnliue bta Ih muIedbrlacnoh A liaI I9sbold marnan ud abay yo;rbad immdialalynneolved ta qit Lein- (1oinF Eptcostant10 n 0Fa YICand butIrcasaleprt en labmyliant i. stlar Hse, w ti e ro, lie r l on u iseliii, anS she asîuabbione. i..) Pubishge.s-a wsrniglsud frnlb, l sb.«affin.",aled as'tin n.sidug. sou 1 teufubyLofongMeSoens wh-sufer "Yo andero, bowaver, ber entrauce waa fbutoig-as h28 rie aW I di-hargeravle miisfan Th s e ugieîof 'pre.tly yo may eurlp rivatie onud tltuklurly a- uîpywf a ioosyeoui su14 ne.aSsutIe N. RA Y.iv boe d s hve m e e Ibl dd ol ied a o u a !imp iseu.Igwli dhu tai ,fo lepnsneo o o nded dy. 1 45 yroaae ddeaN H iisMaeosle esl, u tdgn uanosuestet udb a uead Faia li.1aleurl 11 New YoNEWS FOR- - L s ceasptalie Pbla royal, wouiid unartredo 'ny mamt déert t oinhi, aie ba eonge "ibery; sud l -_____ ___ dihm ofre diecrtinè a nS .u.e o! her wbiste ai l sap i lal ii. No i dmn b liued hu as oalii a g aol r sie t th1a7'ALUAChEndnly élanible sne doing." hi xpunse orhsre hie cap' w maly, e o!J; ne~wtver y rticld geso! valeroshe c Pamlaumby nîratd prdn oi he u.eledobig allaedt o t sud.Her, plal afat hi trseS a ie eworddty evern beoo n thia d fo elanmi ai for thiavl-hpases ,lirpainah -1 liE E E A I1*N T e n onats, hieybaeltsewn LO O R S A L E r "ls my ut y t afaire anh e s e w 'epdge haôLanstero Hane as cfloselyàvas "- teied ff 1 ,and solS i ner tua Madame." * vatcfedhasid liaI ber reidence"théeE genIE utublem resîleas suld wiolly mier-ta copromiseS ls maes, odes lima Wer.1ryot hen purpaTos. su een Ih bdaile m ulli à tèbnom d*rtimb-oe hc wr ée ouîy pn8o1ttye brid prsesohaim siretd1 ORNWALLIF 'J17-ITDYNG. -* S ie meoaSo hr tieîtn t o etie r aa adprd eus rui . raso i eo LotNo linSahin A, rot n.rael udli Pine. Snteia i sd ntcbidtn LdyLorddFizgEl r- o br elties vet a wel iesu r~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~u Rber. - easantl exie MI bàrsue=ol o mvaba ue tie lie strean'o! e nud Looor1eirero Wlim t loiiug smlèW a t oae Evon lie éMertian Squ a wit rlu h'ie f,e ho t' bwse efforts w m e in cvain r Sections. - e1i-ollie-- tia- --i p nivaleS n ioi' un ondh seavus dremd ual liaI Ibiss wioer n mo îralue, acureder peissiw opnlta e TheprÇtoptycainilae o a Wiillbsu Lw. maeier appoor ae- lcto chmer char ne ittd cbern1h. on am ue o a ou, he Lr dadscpiiy i rt o. alicawtonree lie maS, 0 ios un- f ie r AS ie osum erti e Xo vas ordla er ar vas fonhnalarstrafine oi uta.1,sra usd i JOSEH 3 pnlîysud oqulllli nougi t hae fr nearolu: hed.risnasi-ofgtaexiordsi fr ien ,, anS T. SESOMN' I Y T Ir R FtSa buconwtenadIe hel o! elviyai e vomIS aý i i a abrfuigci anfrlulepl bi Onth.vonsu lan ani lwa Brs l e aooersofltshe fi eta win, r' i UfLéit ndîciy o rià gsla ud I herel! lu elmro, vase ha d , n etion wi aie su Ibsîotaivo belueid ien ofdete ad 29 SSMNN BEO S , WH GDSON t a pi stcnestiont tu e r. a r re nt b a lie o! teý a n iasS eod !neftaPsa on. ~ ~ ~ ~WlB utforcnShcuvdeyr p0adSilure Sa l wodgiug dseuour hm terrmmuiett laibe i,wt oaBonvi ýer- gentswante. Lie -a ----u-ee -tt preauled as a fr issfimn;t oe u calthe musine re , ual a ft possigeorltrialBvas ii , oe o , ialaon bP s Gred hty uate(wh18onre1 aili4. nveii 4c sit on eycaonéaten fao r a, utlaySteetDli. Lordy milil meel, u o rs ho qi rlan tihiblercidas'gnl Canada; il ies vion siee onla ord aZon n ed nlie oguzalo! iead e h ase anSas o ele by 'ehp youejn'grls in FancePhiwas whipered d cli tyocnrvd t lud h h ihwsobyd u o u a 8 T EABIan SrgTery Ar leg an 1h, anm Md ssdthevise tmaefo iene vas nea randh vs.frodlaIli te bésutsud rrile SUn r i PYOvNia;EcNeMTue oT1eao clilo fori ern eta sddesl o l istratcae. Th- griefpasat mdugit sti fr lia dinieeuts o!. Ph- r Peusyrsiesu Lcalise f icoAy onitions for dameh e u G-enllis ed dou An l pove S frile ous aetyav e cu 'Fitzgridelho attepl bi- e c o.b ti aiGh.URa EBiROWN, coPItiad Or upn ilr.ciesfate asakn euat. t o!aofthitezeral humbe eihu.oomah Ibpisosfaea pmpia mutneas ue ana fr ieCout o Otaia Ofie-he ou hibsana; aie foSrnhinho Sea asavoyentas bsber nfat la r aleend s allibaabd uinjusivtifab lie r si odvT5h Orlbu. buuehsbe nwylt at end riur e ". lih en gaerlierbs oo.nt i ai e dn tadmic ave r bar ave h le speard; bt le getur liavadedaie appineso u er. -nS Ibaigavu fi tedup nd enoate thougoutand si tar vofulide&Utmnckery, uaie ban o silpen1ec untrpae oume, an bi n taibereovdhns n amture s fardsOsNpE Y OrcEoNmdatifrt mcp lev huliormrthle pv aier a te r oa m lome tieors saune aeilleral cfareier Slue entereois v lie tion ofguestsilTh liesdiagprisertbasavu offed frdliLordhoES-aIrelan avea- bloomsngrigirl ofuiineteeuvtytlhie Twaeno passh orteeseaiin îtena ih, d.ao aimbranS P maietht-l etameiwiaa er b as bcrait § nbi a e rahvea nhy-fou aie uth teSéI'w th Rvepy ilpeynemen htul o tennd twc a f O. ltia laa a ji ruplan a l isvf..rplrua i i e nigb topetad opisenémng ;bu ocom mie.andion an ah mofdesratchrns. pae. or affmtomntor h. baieda f iAn iey an sorrow ela cicbn er itleonesst piasiovngovie, y.ihi Pnirsie Funda o Lan..Ishepre abue*0tent, but l, adeSth e abloe he ians t-wariti vr oe lgtd 'Thsy ,aouwue ri avin_-'a raiWnà- coloreS prayer meting gt Kéij4esvm, boy niglit ago. -One obîlie salter8, Whuo lieds gbavauce, prayed : - "O0, Lôord I1 laik<lown , p19 y', e- ÏembeS childrou hyat dis obenin', au' mocob'emvwiti.Dy r"e. Tetch d±s- hâts výiSde. p!:il oh al 'bonindini ltb.- Blin up doir failligs erong dat de deb: bUl cau't--budge ÎÉ, an' 'speoially -wduil vo ax, if it ani passible viS i de-e deemier, -dal Dan put a little 'mosth aeonne uta lihe objusuaated pale ou de yalbV& vendu vliat Amý-ggli' an de. beuci praappPsile Dy belububelian- "What's dat yon'seSsayiu' 10 Se Lord 'haut me 2" asieS th e acl, nisiug la o paint afarder. .Naleeming 1cu nolicethe interrup- - lion;, lb. aupplicator continueS : "Giu aur fool sud' ernin' siater more q4isgumnplion, O0 Lord 1lb asesde differ uzueuce slvlxtrijçta r ,ahi' baru de, huzzy o belav e liea. in Dy ioly sanicboary, 'elead a! wigglhum, 'round like aie vas avallaveci a cari. scre,-an"'l'amîn2ehin' dose saietl pro- as viS noiy vinkin',' at de maie an' msiebine- proporiofu oh dis as- sembied ýgsllieriug.. An" o)h ' "Il1'.a àlie I kood--LorS, l'. aûie 1 au* D ou lu Dy lufammae isdom, knows Ineiber doue à 1" shoutad. tie trssluc- aet" maàënbir, 'hô baSnov baoine nearyvilS viti rage. "Dajn'. ual n partiaiot rool lu .I. la lie, ou' 1 iau mssb S. lUès ' WiIihathse. vordsahole tirev hanself oren 'tie'-bench on ltebaci o!f'lh. iknelîng siÃŽtei plngeS ler hands'into le busth. o! laI devadl but indicreet person and lifteci lier ùp bodily. Caufusian' neligued ýsud Sire Sismsa' vaa lai mzauy faces fiel but a moment bfore vre .brigh i vill lb. ope a! HEsavon.. Btto ealvant daco.finolly sepanatea lie females, caimed lliein exciteS eeinge, sud, addressing the relieraS audience lu. an impressive toue, sid :' - "Brodera, il arnbhaler Sot vo Svcii toeoiimpus4ly.Less 'peal ta de frone ah grace dat dan ha, no.moau suai graceful Sixruptiom incar ,'midst, XViii Brudder'ý Joburon pIes. maie de 'ea -u one ah bis povefül. pralina2" ,aSthe appea.s- svaland limely Spiwisa, MirCiuu. -Thie folboving is doubîless applicable toa-great uuauy otier-places hesides Ibati -for vich il vw as vnw iten : , "Su ai condu t, va malulain, isn ot ouly not religions; Il' sÀ ual entlamaly ; il is ual even e- ceul. Naonoe villi lie 'ligitest ides of gaod 4breadiug vauld spit aunlie fl ar o ! s , gentlem an'. bio ue v e u iiitin hlm, Whtliehn eau lie thougit oa! huose vliodo sa ou the floor of GoS's house. Cau liey bave auy adqute Mona -o! vbee they area sd o! wiose ,proneuce lhay are ui? :-W. tiiuk no. Il in isgracefl 1te lina. wviacst tins, sud a sadal e tes, a n a v a dhi i - it i s a oe n sto m v bte l couid anS àught ta lee.ampad ont." A SEÂsoucÂe ruiuol.h.-T-e foliovi;' nàg perversion o! th. celebrated lin.4 fHOrac cu a pplid, ili co- sidEbue lùt, a sn oIe t e westher ao v ehv.ba eau lately subject. The lampanre ighla arly, The air i. reInS mchil, Tht brovu leaf viuiper. saSly Thae leapy soau bei. duaky Fron i ad lie aolamuiclouS, AnS su tising i lie enveleped In a soni, deprasoin' sr ;' 'But tis igu hih ai sly Tial thé year is groving aIS I. thattlie morninks'ng&,bath- 1How'veakis as lilg lu geal'uity if it 'ants virlue. To lie long il is iecessry ta liva loly. HaIfthle discanfort of ur liathte- suit o! getting lireSofo!aurselvea. Ga-esliaesn, ual by the position iar omay ocupy, but by h. way vL hich v. l ilit. -R ig r pushed oos f r la sure l- mi s sa aim : h avever good, as- le bo y Laps liaI ýis bent-bca shiffly. If veC vould build on a sure-fonuS ion lu fried.lip ve muot WIOèur 'sds for their sales rather Ilisu ur im

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