Whitby Chronicle, 28 Oct 1875, p. 1

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THOMAS Dow, l>Oil N>90 N 0A MM, *Yffk4 mt a usifor uie0 a rallner oi on, Mi. AREWICL L &k ,RUTLFD GE,,.;' Notade&PabUo, anvey.' 'Roto, 'ofhltby.a MAMES RUTLEDG]E,B.A J. 1, 4EWELL, L. Ti. B., J&0IRÇ> KESTU GORDO1< CHALE c? KELLER; TTOENE.T-TLAw, 90L IT6OR IF et tnA ENLIIIS, L . B AlIISTiR L1, SL ILORI dui StrMt, Omhsws. BÂBRR'tâtR, ATTO)RNEYAL.AW, 1Ioc, 2roçk ëtruetWbhtby, Ontario, B 4BUISTER, ATTORNET, SOLIO- Iitor, Notai-y Pubic, Convoyancia. Ci- Aoe-Dyron Otr.,et, Sauth otfaot office,, D UGÂ.AN dcRBINSON, SAssma,-ATTOarNvS.A.LAW', SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, COIJVEYAÏVCRRS, de.,,, OFFICE-Provncaul .f'muu-acsBuilding# - COteST ST193i,_TosONTo, I. Deoar q.c, I.G.Rouior, . a. 1IIJfai flUNTON, R- J, G0âceToNrî, M . H, 'S URORXON TO TUE COUNTY OL fi TuY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., 'jr- thoe '. R. O. Il. Li' O#h>esa, Ontario, Nor W W. IL s-., Denaluinomso-Duaai, R5i-at, Wiltiay aveu-MrTsuîome.'istore. Nîti-nue ceti %id1.aMinustered toi tii paînies e x- traction ai teetie. ,% N. _VA limeL. 1),N.o ,ffl T EE H isertoi on ail tht: asà cLos-p Uh as lits apat, 'inaus gond as thi- het. Testh liei wlth Golal s4 t Sîtr Teeti, extruateal vltaaat pain,, b>' proi-n-g local tosaiae. Dental Boomrs-in Cnv. a&n'a ais'block, cvii- Atklno'i iirug Store,. King Bireeo ,Oshîva. 855 TituMA,. DEs'EMtLL, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOII, DUNiDAS ST., Ws'RY, ,RTSMRE1icÂN - f 0NTARrn BOTE - Asaurance 'Comnpany,. CAPITAL,. #400,000. jPETER W4KEM, PROPRIETÃ".& wItb bptfu eso.GnIe« ai *,btl ~ i: A d&'vou ei1bIlhésd OonP>., iK~ao t' 1nds, Bue U rqnRom epMetC ,at.*ea sa as hos' fM&y nyvl -- li àcp lmwd Comnu'ý MEIUAN BOTEL, raa. L. PÂIEBANKslu., (LAT£ 505805 Uori5> Om B~.,rook St,IwUby. N -,ý0 Hfoua. ne*ly rnovit*d and lumnlhM: 9fAiO ,l 7A M ES trdu n and pot na u*-l *e, W rf 4fVé UTi/A N8$UReANCE C'.Tmalrfa lrtcauap.ona «EAD OP=ziOEBROOK- ST., wun'.G TUKRHAYOEL Oounb-y Churbea, 8rmo-Irom aadth Coûtenta# ite atW« s toof n JUST LOSSES PE'OMFTJY PAZD.' Mi. D.idaUMY fana longe Anof Tb* Iu24rlgo0f Ravlng boosappointei go., of-FeDn lle, eSt~ Is .LVMBI3, rlR Y A RD AdioIln yto Yltýh 6P4ny Rail- a& istsn, v*.h beok@e wonatentiy ou of a& kindafor ua2o'siaesamdrti planélng mbcin. a"d ail in"iof vork oz. eoutapramptly j ora 019. OEMACK. Whitljy, May 27, 1575. 22-tf F A-AB That vîii-known faim, lotis, 8&a con. of -Wbttby,, kan"a0 TlE. DONALDSON FARM, Anti aostaiprisent tinldia occupation et Mi. N.:sZ. Coulalue 190 iscies; about 150> ciee-et;ivlung, -autbnldlngi, anti suitable- ofisces; aplenditi aachartiof Slacrea ta extent. Api>'ta- JOHN A. DONALDSOe2, AT WRITBI 60TATLatc. PartmIakfuwg tiI.train andih vfg vim" havaIe Wehl t*eau o f M1i fTgz QB]3'B '0 L TAYLOR dcUcCANN, PROPRIBTC vih e degned desifre laintormtu t Mdthe publiec t s he>' have »b WbOvs'U hus'» holo, vbl hav nai' Ittesi up sud reaovald;snà tin tfhe bste.ofThe Bair hec aibe Énd Cth e>, favol! sppw 1- lie AnuIbrande e via. Hiquais, and gsa. Ample ancloed l.roona sandi itsll«.box tIUS, ha. Dotahèoti for commerefai raveliers. IP.*TATLOR, PILIF McCdI late oS Toronto. yOUNlG'S BTL Kare3tx RAD, Ai, ROBT. K. YoUNG, pRtOPRIETC Reliable informati on îegsrdUglths cor 1->', etc., fuifbeal la Parties ieqnlrlu1 aple acommdation for Hanter , B7rse.The bar anti larder aupp; vui the 0se lquorsansd viande t. fonnd I lu ie 'Ieonry. Nous but obli sud attentive moraînts kept. Commuait iîmbling sud prompt hestiers alv'eya baud. B013ERT K. «-YOUNG, <iov't E ira nOffice. ato.n,1Ot prl 17 roprieb Ma-h2,1978. 18adToronto.Daln tAp-,18. T E E ISO ATE 31 K ORTH BRITISH & c M ERCANTII F/te insuranceVCo'>'o/ Canada, F/IRE INSURANCE COMPA Ni f Baft'a sd ichiable, chargea noderate, pro: HJCA Orrcz-E isoiatlemeut o! cl"ds. CAPITAL, 8550.00o. GEO. YULE, Ageua. Depolhîd wib Gvermen $UMOOWhitby, lune 2,1875. It ll viistuasbses o-ftietMeAY, sud FAISBANKS - pay tor th<le ehAT ONCE.F .Hou. ALEX. MeKL;NZIE, M. P., Autoton d Commission Roon, JOHNMAUHAY n., Preadant. CH 0I APPLE TREES, A 559 1 i t>9 ,Oaao, HO*ME NURSERY, promn <vo to foui- ymsrs cf aga, embîaeîng ail the bust Variation. SETE C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, Cnt Con' Pickerinug, un Kingstoa Rloujât 0&lie, whlîby. w £STEIRN ASSURANCE COMPANY' ara» IriZ, TORONTO, SU' Ail oi-alauapromupîl>'axeuteti l-...i $<~-a 400,000. JaîlIN htOISINteaoi-aue JOstilHHOLM.4N, BROOKLIN, ONT. EýTAIR DRESSING AND s«HAIG Alto Agetj héCND PUES .L.Saloon, Break St., Whl<by..ufeteCA DA ARES MUTTAÀL INSTRANCrn COMPANY, J<SIlY WOI'INDN, IeS fied 11100 AXTrer; anti - A'GET FOR TUE OELBBIIATED- C.Scttîsi Granita. At Mari,!. Works CITIZENS' ii'iSURaNCE COP-Y, ofiJonathan Waonti,Dndae St., Wbithy. Montres!, Pie, Lite sud Guarautea .5 ON tAllE l, -Depurtmeul, TO ICNSED AUCTIONEER FOR TUE CAPITAL, - $2P000,000. .Li Counuîee o! Ontario, York anti- Peel. - Rasîidance-Lut 8, Sth Couceîîlon Marikits». lroohîhin, Doc. 2, 1872. 12m49 Pont Offce-Uufa.nylhl. Sales sttendod an th b ahti-l ea o,sMd ou ra.ouabus termoi. Teimescesu hammidi sud! bille prluîad at lie'TUMBER dc&SHINGLES ]FOR SALE. OalostzoO 05 for Mr. Carter. L1- Tho iubccrlber Las onubandisud for sule GEOkË0ft OIAstiC, ai is mili usar Utios,liaseCuile's), s-u T MBia MERCIANT, CARPENTER kinde et lumber anti aink!as. Billnuber ,jatJonuGreen Bai-at, Whf ah>. A sv aadr igetqusult>' aifsià kinde of Iuber cou- A. B. CAMPBIELL. atnlon band - -,,, Ta, AuR. 2M. 841f UN BSTALUrq.Funerh up.________su;____ plieti adallendeti ou ahort notice. Coffins kepI oascautu>' on hand. A hesm-se to hlm. T2ARESS, SADDLERY. on libéral ternis. -.H j E - VEL '~ Tho aubiêrfUer dsres te mste thalle H e bac send AT H ER L, A HARNESS $HOP,j .Cierk Division Court, Tp,-CIerik, itthe premnlseoppoito RayifrihAm- ComnIeloner lu B. .E,, LandiAgent.,dc., ho viU keep on baud s superie: stock et -lAthaîl>', Cana>'Ontario. ovouything lu iline cf business, sut will Atherîn S-na). 24>, 1872, - 86 Bell at the lovait prucos.lIa beige te soUicia _________________________ a_ s sarealetpublic patronage. B1A D. Whltby, Peb. 24,84 FRANK TYLER. DRit. CARSNa>-(& IOGA&T 1'hyslolaus, Sur-geons, Accouchai-s, dcc. cc.HEBEA P Whilby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 40 ---- LUMBE1,îLUMBEIH!: SLAD WOOD POÏ SALE, - The nndersfgned te nov lu recelpcf The ,ubacnlhem huefoi- @aie ea-ie MII plendid stock af flui clearît, s'eui cas1omU. near Ulica, sb quantit>' of four-foot sla'ai dlataner; sellaîig at 010 per thousatna feît Wood. AU i huecetLamier fur Ca-peuter ad A, R CAP Husebauta lovait prices. a Stqe t. 28, 1870. BEL . Lumber yard niai voiehops, Whit.y &do leca 9 ~P. E. ilillva>'Ce. 0 t TRtCNG BOUSE, -CRISTdPIIIIIl JOHNSON. (LÀ-ru aLBIor,) WEITBYo 0NTAUIO. E. ARMSTRONG - PROPRIE roii. R OYAL UOTEL, A. IIINDE3, la., .-PPli Tiiron. Com m,>lhoai Bsaonl*roia omnib.,,o ui 1as 1iltu.l>s. 27 QUIENS JIOTEL, eSiAvaiW, eNTAI<j), T'AYLOR et FULLII'R, FROPR'S. LAT'É W. B3. Mc GA w. -- Piet-cIscs Commercial Accommo- dIaian h1. - LOBE OE JAS. 'ow3LL- - rOPRIETOR.ý - Whltby, Nov. 4th, 1874i. tf-46 VAIE AND TRUNKb. LEATHRER VALISES AN SIARATOGA TRUNKs, 4-C., dc., nt WILLIAM TUOMPBON'S, Sadier sud ILa.neîe msker, niOCK-eT., WvITUY.~, TE Liverpoo and Lsiudon and alobe MOMedF&gTY MILLIONS OPDLLARS. OliihrChîcago Fine etiîmtaduAt near- ly.~,00,0aJ arh~lu ilufdté lustse balld Miba oal o.-Sa,î Iglai- Saes ever>'altei-a'e aturci Afefîaaand ua evenlug. Fluet saie on sa ni-day, tha lOti -.ICL VIntmant, at 1 ocde, p. M., COluelgment Solloitesi galec in Town aaad Coniar>' couductoalo Il sua,. or 1't'.-i.s, c, pl~ it Sa] %Vletby, bol>' lot,'1875. NSTiUCTION -ON TEE PTANC FREAND OIlAN. SINGING AND SINGING CLASSES TAUGNI MR. GEORGE C. WIOGINS, B.A. 10e0ic taannounce limaI hoe ollh nudotai the ln;uetnotl01ofpnpits on the ppiano, mg lotion, anal organ, on rcneomîabla tenui Also Sinjlng sumd %Sing Clases. yib H Laîs.tho lehno ooVaii all i , la>' 1 , 1574. OHN S. M. W]LLCOX, Of tii Town o! Whitby, bas bain appointei OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE (UNDER THE NEW ACT,) F'or the CeunI>' of Ontaio.Ail bueine.i enti-ustat ie icharge viil e cai-efuil>' st landesi te, Whbyl, an. 11h, 1874. 813 GEORGE GURLEY, MERCHANT, TAILOR, OSHAWA, Inivite§ au izaufastien oaiie.',su per-l stock cf Clothos, emhracln ugfii rel Scotch sud Canadien Twesds; Doookîlus Maitoni sud Chevieti, milk anti tano>' rae Gentlemen leavlng thoir orLr --m- he pend upen gel>lug geeti clt, a partact fit, stylisi outand prompt dalivar>'. GEO. GUERLEs', Oshawa, >' 27, 87. Oh 8a.a W. M. WLCX L/CEN8ED AUCTIONEER i'OIt TE 0011> 1? iONTARIO, AND Townsblp of AMaiipo-sa & C~artwright B G 0 hn hi. manv faienim andaithe ega -.,1, uo hm um îL te put four Eaving nov i-iran up tho business o! B'<1115, 1 lntend, lu future, ta devots my rhole Cime te <ho business cf Antionor, îtvailga ni> en.heavour, by promupt sud -araful attentinu le bauineus, ta gir. full astidtn te allo-ha ma>' faror me vith theur Salas or Coil URni. Blls draau«hted anncti iiLauk Notes fuî-uleh. ed ui-ee cf charge. AMen 13i11Stampai a!vyî on baud. ArrsujOmelate can be made for sas d&c.. -t thie elmercLt office. Whftby,'Oboeer )ffloe Prince Albert, sudal the Standard lOfaie, Peu-IPer->. W. M. WILLCOX, 'rince Albe-t;-S..pt. 24th, 1872. 89 C AR D 1 T. H.' Me MILL AN. Agent foi- th. ROYAL INSUTR&NCE CObMpANT, PROVINCL lu KutcCOc. n ( 'I --Va' reLOauand taiIg CMPacnly'i0hallIiig coaauer Ring ant i Sf m co atreeti, tîI)lnasoa., April Cti., 187-I. 171 AT THE GLNMAJOIn "-1,0eeitPin. Lambar, ven smesoneti. Incit Bosi-ds, 2 csntllng, 2-luch PIanh, Fenofug »ste 100-M00 Scofa!05sk, MAPle for sxlei, laItqàUsty, 18,00IfL $qusre TIebi, 0A 1 o vlciu il h. "c Ple.h. -Has'teh«althaïa a.. -a.&.& rOR., .~45n Apn~ Poe. WIDS Mb Fo q it 0 a FOi tel,$moez Tovn làtir tva pramea Hcbiu, &bd'% large 'Brick Hôte -For tonna, apply to W hltby ah. 9 th ,3& 74 . 7 1 M N TO LEXD, The undariguaha* any at n a!Mon '@ end ppoLarm otanoee* Loan ,oaa b. epsfaidumajuopzait bar. eS.varal ImPrOved Parmiftd WIId Landsa .ma4e~f~.1dDebon. tures, Bank, su*d other nusket't ,eStocka. U=i ELBlf, OFFZO»,-OVer tbaDmnombh c ,Ma']S rokSth WhI18,72- - -, *--- g "'w-b w-k-i-4.,rW ORS. ~ -'-- - AgotloîhaCo k5 t ueifaAsoci. L Iy bt b iti o 'Ofroansce 1odgfuathstaIdait Dano Béeabbtha o a b p ug rà nd'the h& ad of, e * 'T o on ofur bas- a noth r 2 ýlghtsi ng W n ow ,tb tI' t h î r f r î . , ,L S t o " 'a d . -m- ~ è u o r o A h i b u t h o i aj e r y h a fi l 'a u h f rv n o w , h a m B a y , a h sbgt o nxfoualy. Will flot Mon-'Patu, l T . PR . W H I T E Zci t t.'~ ~ o tÀ o n. uu,, -e~ R i i u l fhebeuî of'-wom n. -And môthr sud lot lr thek hlu for jidi td # e t a s o n o f th e ba h .ao L t strô< X u m d m e , h a v e y u n o llll d r go u s a t là a g h t 2 " vi, otie itliOoobr0 180.reum on- >o r X. K. oui but edowedby li-: fi ahk'on'laiel attue qui- I atmnothm nk. rast o2c1-,isn w i rai o1 the al r 3 E wheu hOum l! hnon ltb, Sep; r, .4 * aie ai en.* B t Lord EdG ard'drow bak. iolo hoÏ le h1co et.,l 17-ata Sh lion n o tae t f1 eru o oite oadfaoaso a;~ lih ý14' t Cn t ntoaday, n i ehavetnot notfo &ad rvof r m i slftf J gAve T Enc IIre sslea Tfo et oe v o a - v lon a h zol , o blm e G rlch houdg i e ie ile i oner Ï ,1 0 9 id fth rfrslu , by yo cois RI E 1. E,* v>tb he jee nv xo t i e shor"t'j s ade- Fîc ura si Pea cf t e heat q usl ty, su Ln daoW hitb af îo s. rn6 dis cétiof n î . Y o a e a h e it ut, a K a , m oi eP r ;t . out, ld éÏ b fol nly 1 fo a , utl nhn nti or, sha uée nt Wfl m ImBY h hLî,nA W- A o. prs d« 'u i e nt f le bcrc. "noadNàyo-i er âihv o-te.ila tis adu,ýt'u ë T. pii= a W HITy, effo r at en o (te rqio armee 4 sa t su c s e sa'maiehas a a d nt for oasm n Irî m a , su ae e y o tu a od lti ug fi le ri i .fo n f va en ýC» eOo L :h aveewbe<layeior i#eekL asdethé terM an on t h a boho ! pn l an I i ri sht al, t.isfa 81 ~ î ae) Cncteonthmhateani ove o he ouuWhosd hMtat va fuy l as me "Nt ife'1nproaseee veoomeaie way 0 1 1. ~ ~ i h th i : ri t n . « e B ov u a 1 ii t , a , M .,w mth 2t i n. tt y L e p u e e s d e a p trofo'ot v s o "u t , r d a un b te s, m n i u a n u k y n , ~ o a i o ' l a t _ _ _ _ - su o h e be t g u u y , a d o r" btV SUd Io,. a.Ugin/-q at led L i't e ure! flu i boif ut v m d1D o t l if J 0F ,lâ rc o .w l Ig k p c n ar HOs a h a 4 p .ERl a u. o d e u se uticuta hcm t i. o l a o qa iutauceein tue qara ibter ho ioh e ile mp n se u ; h s wo a li 161 < >11.8 n i fo ra e.W it , Mae h,17. he G v r e t, onasl î Uuîte d en"A of tiseadm t L ed."I nu t et ma e o aaiapedh 0ri à,c. hereoie e el tatth bavnsar vem Ile" sthé aiüd oaed]ue Px ~ C O U N T Y F O N T A Rau j »e «t avil! har e p r elaod u l b. lie o vin i o mi h îai t b e n v as r b k u ofrvpla é ama px. in sth 187 . T P.W M T , r sid nce (w ea ri e « lot I sufi c s t os tpaoiugo atar ent herO ; tAM a ir, ora pavement sudu eav eonta.ile boa d ý do O ut. FORhe Tt@EEhoeYwEABi87Z. a lov r o h e cour aI n dE et i t * a r y o a it, vlth aypcr, î o !d wsoth t yigbt, i lît ntth iub ites 0ue r se 1fl1a d or ;7i p O S E E I I E . A tie i n t at Lord e m r a lkciy ef otives ,.But:u ie h r oto l ake e. »W:- ay3 g 0 k Lim a l t 1ba d f d i s. a akod th n o e anh rqujter ii ne aak y n 0a o u Wll t an th e Whîh. ii i g ~i jîî tnm . cn tsniy s HdsdOPR.i t 0iie D iehn t romtpoli to l! yoffas ile e itu g a u dsre ii . fra an orup Tm4 I2 8 '2'21 Wt 4by Llchort ab187. thevrn t streets waeua 1arirp e "Wliyn ded? Ani otra meii LE Port enry,29 [5120 25 ~' I ~511928 E.Nocha Un Iivoi tb itesdut or&yenla 'an"I wss thé iMat"o tig BrO ck. . 12 25 N T1AI I D8,tV I1hè N - RWeA Ythatthanhe te gasTsud lie1 policeetlt yonîPars Th OR THE TZA 175. ' no becomaedIte. A i ae a $cf tI go face v rlt ieny f i g ay nels s ieursa t i ons; rbut my'zaort sno ufrEs me" a ine ad îpt~~~~yu re o brCwQuflcgo i i a M it vlil nt ako me 2" ee t o aylglu. e il mt he ii:, sud l i n pl GRO.HOES E DARTNELL, , manlik ys "h skd gfn cctn ol-r ou feton !*d h- îol lu f o u d e.- - ! g e r gl fe ie t h d, fu llsa ite y e n fn g ti c ier l dnt Iii. a s t- n g a ne co u- ato w e d o r o thr 2 A g é é e ftgnt alm P Wlruiy an.4 2s8,21875.210 Âthe W by ier Staleser . fen a ril," ilntu o od uh htoh Uxrige I 21 s 5 1 91 9rN car'efo avie.adcs:, b avkmâ e, ceig a- latis ud ginle laspet fti nt i1en,* Besthégiaét oiaesutvr'pn e Y iP E T YFT hSoErS I NCa0 D7 1. M K I G kpa i g a u k a t e I., i .tir b u fl a y ofe it h sa s e n g i p o e i p ' eil I l a g s o t.1 t -n g W rtes.o. ono b o d y M a s VÀ 1 U ~ 3 E- no cn oam , ren lere a pdes otrhuis , o. A o mp o far ey gamrr n e ssiu sof T on s tmura'Iea I t a n ds reo tv iiAt t e k sieM eran-fludugru a g h nnfigrio anhd fo.n-ie ' li i t I li DôyutaMyFace Ai sea, - for Somsiap Ti.c s ribroes o. LDrT eIL oiv C R W L' S L->T I ii r e ve o r sn tex.od i t'inet 8Meiliat te re ti e nùknaw s'as2"tie ee in.T elms' e t ietem P mis h a t. -Anhi ei, n urot, ot87 ge.loh - Geo, gend tdes oug i l ibe lYoangcfthat, i linet ll ws f reig caded i i lime ','wil ou en o ns " wyh ici puld Pee8Rt. lA<aSoNEWs.d. AieREvlhutchn e f5 TI OXc IN.HE u , neigib oiod cf Linc on ofInn , a nos etts ic bingt essect, aslough e r niy nobtl pro tlc I " ic butsepea- i ve - y Vca etLsU de u fn cîd, sud Olu A LE.hsst rS alN E, vPî Rse I sru ti AM I - ly n pr n s i' o t way o voie e ho wasitî im o d; up d acI ec-omig s t e inc ant as -so uota ha dy . inn cen Lordustud.,o p Waid.ni*mscie on-teCanrireiSt.anMeie tS-ofM" hon assuToly sRIEstndroynityWilt- lf. il e c ilvalon ce ne W iing o salteouru avcen mai talod an usltso eu o ath e t e r li s fc o t a usia d ea . bly myi . t er f l ie yotins! ao Adeo for c li r s eoui c hari e ucc cr foC r CO RNWL IEîg.. kIT, ut i s gnyr th e 96sy ' ng10 gie , seo faf 1>'h as atoftheé su ond c wbs t eB p e t e, s ud t she rpes atod it vi ere e! T o .*il ex e ! n rn rck Ct e or h u mi r. ge t a t t . L b r i l d Ce ARn e T , s aaao , e , su e" E o s d like t i n s a u a r Ioiland ompoeaed on at offlond d8,sloti, con.themugi hof st "h yme mogi4 nd s i f r? aE d w t1>' oui debtart w ih Pr li or e fnr en a dD. t fthd fo auema t Jo i L n dn wil da k, m rky i ghît f. o id h l * hck egýto , e u b . - u d ta n g eat* i>' per -n Rt. Peter Rt .. lu theiSuthiîiamd2-issudfse nadychAhebuta [t"Yen.c' n dd o w t nai e ta l ta ' 1 h a m e M ay Or o la d a F Rne ,andCin Ca h t etK. themone ai hic ciase oauiCosud& Inn toet ids uaf be qnu,,etroied * befrf m y n en oe ac m n i poui>' o , W ck loyror*teraoraeha shorticucrt ons Cedtregsi. moigtervlie ta e t nie face l ,ysi te stheidfilô-o e prd n c ho eîlion j D r a p e r , B i G E R G E B R O N , R O P I E T R u tu t A ue S t , rIe a n i a n re l o n g fi e d p e i al a a s ai t toem n n i a o f s R eo ou a t ere t a d p er p f e n a r e d - it a e u d ea I th e blig tittbc e n in d e h o A U ,c n-20ulacresl lakfc ar cf erah ad ,n ! d lali g.io ne x h n al TuhDE fi- 1Ai-chu ho o basbee nov>' ITB . mI n r ed t iiclb. roula. l h -sn 'ele o n g omalti e asud odra ierSlîc d freig abernadst l u Aa falie uj>.t-oî conxudaîou or ofeîecp: onnid ictoi da8,vlliimpnilcou." aid su nut-b cicke. c bio ve ofTn rà ip ofMura, o.Nothmbr. Agnown e g eit . T ii. rso n popiotr teha, b u "1believe yen spenk IndIone"déo 'iasu pa n - I Ah e t hat I coud lprpnisi l age nd, m i thed aidltap tlc rpi ep rade.s l ntode n tnsln ak uk iltfudhm C hYslmniu h hnb.-sdI mgetyp rdbom e&to 28 tat c alea n l)ttie le-wi hn elna,,s st v t1,187. line a I bn hoean i casne o to îtaus ue e n cal! d so vo y oni- eIf a lotrfd, iv as f oud ya4d t I o wet yon dandyuma - 011 he bov Prperv. or urt r a y84 pioveot beauatovoailaobatndg<youi for vhich vas 8o R c -ar e - ctutot suactnvnlone c.luis aîres. dst inarneha sfrede Le îsa ya at>,fo t-ngHenii-ain he eIiii u e; aeiqgid mani FRANC ST CA ND I sma f h anloe anrsiannd unîn- e en ri la " p n dian lbth e t fasli' lie a tt e d . , ,o osiit, s e bonm e both o e ýI tY r y 8à.2 T oi-enta, luI>' 10oulaho1874.çn29oingly.0 C O N E O F-I e r' n l i uNcn v y s a'AcNeD sF R O NT__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _> _ t a thui h e éa k ' , e d r et i n l , tb m o i u es. " d; t e I pr o o v e a p e J ' l arf I Im e n t ol t a e s ri ncnb com osj£ emu' ldbmA îfhrtlut sncbisl ia, bu-o faias c e o tj e - aima i u sa ald r i e l ardonmbuthai>'clark, v P, notic.GElONRFE SBSROWNS OP A ITIM sa.raQu > omcîe l>'ti.tiuît n itt a elotapie hia ait>'. prer i >' ht f oast vi isshh I a > kfreep h ' j ii ti " e t IDlnlaaulaetS tt asevtp',-abna y cnrs-aloyn g1 min ' t e 187 . 9 b ui t f oun M a s d the s bo uf eril>'e xhori c o u. c id entliima e o e , o w u d t tn . e b u t kaH O I A O W B t . f l g u a s h o e s i u a i ore a s p i ofe yo t a if nhte h o e torl u ds e i cg o fu brs i - 1 e nd , a s e gt oan, lt e o 8 BOTTO su~t d exp enas, sudatenî fie. o u i a d i. vet s tes> st p e o d 'a r , as n tl " s -oe.. a e e as, e dl . a m te i F r o q bl i m nt ba bc fi u i or conoato frta c ep mnu ditin t se ayluit i ef i nos a. gui-, ad a prb-è c e sse AZ4 ninombsfred ndtepb ie tenofquete T e rnan t ridr u ut f i thtâ of a equan sei int ero,- 'lv o rolai e 'ak r -l !. fi sd is1s oihat iaa1 "s TTAL ABL O L IÇ-lt patr ns oi> t uc bis lactosi oa nue~ d imU ' n suc>' av a tn e s'a s foe a n ia t ' es.o h en1 a iB ut, Ï s'; aitv e fi erd t ha Ibi bi e s, s d s r s i r-in" yepslad, esds' y u al in a th 2"u t f >' l ar ds a l n c r > e v n m n w o c n , a nTorontobsb ud, lu caa ofl " nsi sud874.i e l2k9s r ey ns fGsiM ilte m e qad fr t , a ndbo e e ,, lf Il f tosi . Parie Haqu r s u o f c-ovda ndl, srte a ad cniistnl - I b minutes."n dienr pa erve u iau d, ar haIdnrud us a mede ni et ce. e u t ti L cfvn ,ica -n~- d e v n s vh a leod a butehs'eM on si e k p a s m inu et g , o h -stl o sthii e vsa l vr m es bis b t1 d la k , r tnBierHWLO S A E prisaI Blssbnrgd s sudCthr caleS F R rlued lu-a mfrohbsa thee, eu h oers, haodboatposi esno ua i, tawasebee sou-l t. C H ,E A 8 7F O R8CA S Hlis â tbo fair ati e npl usva g u e aIrsVa u x h a iin For qatfle Ri e Bl FcOUtih u o h ier aisof sudre Rsuuhsu ein ha nela« ado pned a rs ast Ibisace o ma e p i sner lua m evwiliordtue hesuiful amels; vha la CIrco c iy TO W xpné adsefre WHècITBY h as h funi umeh < oh@~<~' a >'<eedLare beu bbjctai rom"eo l i nog W o o d, astm m " t g eaA dhreme , p1 cordasi a re a ,p ea b h o a n d g a vfs e "M o s e r d u g a s i laI t ar a a m l n m e t e i eF o r o e frie n s s, 'o b a cceli m a le> r O A Aid e r s < o R o s sI .L M Y A , . . B x 1 8 B r o ly n e oe i oan s s u r e i d i u t e i . i g l o r t >o 'd e I os - a > ' n r e e a i y a uo m m d f n l!9 a i a n d b i - I s i a c a i u n s m l t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e A. AYAD R SL t o 0 erouilia S. are zs u bt m w r a ko disr lkn ;s ibt nao ti r aid uepressedhon proî etar. k la W h t y c Os a ,L I No 8 on B oo t s tu t h i o u e- a a a o e m h alte B u lb unole W nb egan te se b lu o s h o o d T a w i a o e li r h t h ï t - C ekn d 1 a d a i u dd a p o t s An d L * . , l u r s - o W i ih S î e , * i - e h a i t e s u , d 1 4 s' swn e r u d î n g , e sn o u l i a kd a b l e n te r r i n a e a u" a s ha d s a ele C A T r ly e v a t m i Ba s 0 ' e W L u l b y A u g n i S u t , S e c t I n O . f r i h e r i" Anf i doa l i ere l il us l ov o i liba v o u e b a s i b s o k h u - h o o , t h a c thCai co t hipnt;t ! L Ite W lla L s- i rertOa bou s ubad ,fian s cm tl g o yfe d asei i ho g e c i nsa Tsur.ng ay e b e oru F ae - n h e i i ai 119 ZING atd aksasS r nc. Apbctinnab.d,, toteunrteo fiswho emle ihhet cn ad LehndIbtvoss av inul linodioelren b.dvuo 1y t n WBi rH IT , on T A RJOaTdSTEVE 'noar up s La d et iesteds e o Lir n t "Be eri fls ons I eur," suw ensaisi a te h in u CH A O C S O SFO, S AE E n o r s'l loi-,eh ae ocoe f b lat"niecoinue ute io rleras dago ra ! lb Dn.s Ol ean, t . -a, er Impoî-tri, Deaers ant Mmnuicturozbend féal film - <lia' uasrnoie cd rai ho lu T= -G tON he idi sp tho, ni vouemidt ars al yuse haat ea fIhv sd ia ri a I the es o sud amusa in h- o an l Foqattist luoihl nLier n ang ai.onsemtsli s natagaté, is'as ain,>mine. avsios oia.he bafu Lad aaL--*hile cilo n W o dFIN DIh 2 c nte Sr c R OB . RA B Y M ..L . ED N ad m r r s ectabl~ e îîinro gb hl& ic ns my elointu &fts a le e e tien s g i va tli e rf re on e pend a tiest. s a s h pat o i e ,s k offhe.useduLo o.10in eti onra) utof i n isi* th f a le oi am e F ie th ya u i! ci! ai ha u W n a r 2" mb& ai eue sei e tfre i lt dla tue Rid.fi qior lu tnd eséa inoxtemo id poee -cempsonuta yz cofbions, fauio, at uonh ig ar c SHR aOiCE.d - ai 1ht . nLtv. tdln rg. o ian treetoi-, La-d 'h on mou ernte'anoositIr" BfuMadae udc Galiean toi s li n Bb f., aid The B cfIerL canto ont1 A n g n A s n t $ i , 9 5 t - e S t 2 4 h, 7. ir r s u y i t a s n e u g o ce > ' u F r n c o . i s 'fa m I h atr o s s o e u lio mneR b e v m u e e t d o e i £ h - ly yS5 i d r Illhoave l s o i-signahie oupha e p , a sck lerb nd h e b as u s YVfilm c ae rsD'tc.o BRAN I AND heSEORTB o th lie 1 -i 'a , a mn itb uand sh as eun tic Pal! h eiîL brfs d l vse teo gratil> v 1 m ccaeb ta es ie; bttiLialS i FL%~MEAL, ddc. M OFEYWTO LENDi m>' t b i h rtà con. bIhat thevbandi sek fier lubavLe stars f N E T R E U T O P N D a Le Y in r o c ta d o n t o<~ v I f l a e a ffni > ' n a tiev e cn lson u ti > 'w n o f & n u - ce peaNT RI ,!OS PH JOIS Bs' e i n t rou le y n buthe me- bo. sla h i yb ra- ranc oub -aisli t uala viS, sllhoinegb hymi T. SEVFjSONNlusle.Exeotor. whch te bd reresein n iearig *'e mrcifl, onsiursailaasals'ayaedau in barthetbongfhta. $0, t., tas L I or u'D ales n d R a no iu r ro el lsy he >' etiaitsicifOre toea h at5i i, as en a i m ive, co o l u ier s-peimiAn icontne. l o ap ant bor. Wnd o r al M e rt d "ne 2mW s eIl ti te a GIV E A C A L. W . JO N ST O . e t ca m mie lbn, anti ai m tie S ONha ge . h dg.p a i-dan gd m y a r-i >'. - . -, ifo h a bsv e t e de I f 1dihav e or ci' a e n s m t e e r I i Pivt ud aLni Fil, mdmyncns e bIîe mo vh cai-ed >' eenten e«.Gehdmc de i T O T H E f R M9S f ppI> te-havam ac e a sa - e c oi . a u d . seu-e til a The ' a e i le8 si ns s l i i ' t$ ' . Id - eu- uge-? - lu A o blI> PLE ngh î uR P ug AN I DINe Sas'. - - A lm i s'as lu e e a hurt>' abc w hIreD 'îan ' w>' h ir î u 'i « : « n la ba o gve t c if pes ns ; si- OR.& u M . SoL f.ol I tor m ti ra g as ,' asteniabbilaeru flouSaf b>'thiotieegs&louo.,a i t eu e a he eu- s, adcc., de ,B rk n L s h dcc. - - M sy 28 h h onogren)e, su n vfI Sldhe' - - s'th ut ve uI ag Ib so seée se ci bu îlsa t n ou on . ù'-h-' --igareb i a WLity Oct. ltch, 8. qt en a g eiz an as p - Ouâg , an sI, as' st t L and , or îLe o 'iil . t1 n i U )M ls. a di sl rtie ll ia n , e eern1râ é i ng La n -" e w ' h ij. Y VU n 5M I T H hiera a aio at eafte aoe,7&'fl « ~ - rfetfineyveîe l'din frA hll -h'.lu - t-ýVBLTNGMAE O RDB NGni. f e-ù ': " kOM C 0onbo t in t'-s.ig "if lb. u hu ~ be irb a le up hesitsabutotheisluecf-lier fuureb . Anis IM S HO M MRT R T CY, alvns an tiSUR 0 f "ha4ya l1 '-oô5 -- Iakn as s da em ittmes lC t l, thehaoal e oraL l en I a h S i vb f v r h M ,i 87.a d . C r ]a r donta m siu r, M>' -fr and s i Il o f Mu d aey acé G e ni, 1a h s'a oni si s' sv a aace y u s' vs àe s T i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 rooi'aiarothai csasnos M A R R IA GoLC E N S E S ele soa ei ài yS ce ta l 0- - 1e& R e o>4oi tWe d tT h f ga i âbsw Ftr ldand bav in thetiaccenta of!pe ber vfvaclt= abof bere putinstthe priic ti R u b b e B u e e t PColp W BIT BYt , a. o.s.5 >' .ha - ea ise IL. ghai enl -sa eti'er e fe gfve bis rnhalla lie quit uq appy u09 Augst 4th 185. 1 sn -ýM of wit-wtm 1bav beu a otse A ba LOU 1BR N 1AN S ORT 1-1lyr85 Cgi-et it and I asv lf m ; t e, e s tea. ' a m i l. haïr. Iamsi oaU er ada o Geu ll ierpti<'a>' usèmeùIa F O R H O I I O . WBTC H R H P AbL , & e .a li r p r c u e yo u a g a it r t tir n d i o v " te daw aos A e g ,t e s e « bo a n c h s'asier ; b at.o f i b a O N B Y T O L N D I ay t, o rày rusa uoe !>' yt e urâl i tharo thý m ' e cbani uo pn t ènaauw c a cf e r plir i n>' t he ore ine N E W f r t T On E , s d 8 e a s i d i t o s U S T O P E N E» P O I T A ' S H . > l a l u t o :s u d t o e- mo i i - v I " à "î hk - t*ha t a , - ' h a t c f f0,1.~~~~~~~~~~~ T E , B ST B E , . U T N, S j n 1d Dod tbr oubh rley u bu- M dmerycr Wer ney ledtu hre. Abyt-h v ut stde .a e ' nI a t Ibth Mc OMtTR u omison nds mdrachre. BeLouirdl, edwI du.,p e d md m osspod Jis ha, up , > ' s -- >ýdio verd --h -- Pc BIaES. F- Ons L. Lena. ".>' chi- - 4e M entiiéteaMîe a1îMon i ,ù a -l a a AA""VOè_ION Ek.E c. s . e m u s 1 9 5 s > ,- .. W ,àd Ln w- M a- -à lbhuld'b,ê 4qtoverM la i.. L t Omnb'aand from taý,tomerrn"6 of chaProrialoA. e IR(JBT> RT:S ÃŽ IE BOSE PORT UER?,GMTI 'TI GO.T.HAL -AND, INU4C OMANUAsiGnrlConlaof*Aoi oilIiia osouhpo trenblin gcuef. at ria mleaeite befsii thes - - - -- - aslates " ifi snob s-pitecus mIr.- na." ,sO dnli "exiiet -basusS'pa-m I à a . W cea., s ith m o k - slom ni ty . l l,~ , OF IVEPOP IO(PNbooiiefly, "Madame," bho xclalmed, "Ne sorce mls acould bdaflUe ~that 'aur Un $311. Ihthala.rniv iJ re-joinasi L; oi, t aIproureà antbear'yca pý hs t l àou =dbac boen - oalgÙi Ùà éZib ClAPITA 1OojBgtentar hlhso vhacclm s#e'ala ie>e.. .. 8h MA. s'ai linie b eia e image a ti>'. tisl e Waeladi (on shudee drice asto-e lu tuae 01-c ea>'y vbat lie>' paiti for. vitu Pep1's mena>': or -nover paisi &I, which amouale ta the camte ,Thiia idouble fi-sud. Pie- îouldlo net hamadle tui.!>'yfer ce oa enryiug lava- andi secuuing pereonal aslrantagc. 'This le a atteîpt at briban>', Preseutg ual ho made for -Ihe purpaseaof kou aud diAplay. This issu ài- hinsio aI uit>', vbieh deceives «wueral 'pncipces aboulI le ,raS lu h. amahkiug of pi-osante. ne ofgfisnot tlobe actimat- s ceït, but raîber b>' the -spirit naompla il, lu Ibis ceunsation 'iosrk hta-okan ofai sc- rlihis asseciaei vith lime worr ofef b.douer, zmay havesa rattracetion. A yard of caution ay ut be sîtogather out oflplace, 'e pi-obab>' boarsi of theppa-_ yman ahom vohap. slip. tm o up-poured la se abun. liai -ho -s'as lo-ced te preteat belngiâregard as'a centipedle. ibei ailits-thobre a a mt la tf boah-ma-kt. W. 515 fnl-sud saisi the imna hiug of pin. sbut s'aaiaetelS b>' female inst the domansi for tuese is lu- ;bie.- . lf u mahieg a pient, regard - is hate tue condition sud va- fthe rseipient. Il ns>' Le &p. w:to e -.a Couit-Wbp teaa au..oiaàbozof niea tooie-lotaa of but not te pranî as ilver o.a camion day labourer, or an à service ai plate te s fihi adae s&arisi a-juilenanigli te az fi-arn. starration. A groul UdoS gobiats sud LigL paiceS Sbastavad ifa quartera viiere a id furnîtuis or seivicesbs' ,'vonl havé bean ucnh mo-o de. In- tbe malter aifvldainz- hoera are certain ruiee ta Le buWe ms-y observa,ip pasalng, bsiness la ye>' innh, ôver- if gettlug $0 Le a nuisance;- tha tuoe- are sowe.,pemeus rMoecli-cmbtunes, s'Le bava nii> tinteS luiLahir mnsa tb. acain o! hsvlng a large maiageuibîs ientis and roIs.- Young mariaipeople soite- aside a, prion cf tShah avu Sfbtbugven aa>'againi kr occasions. m.-The audsclty with wblib Baon arc ai Pieaenloarrysu Leredutnoset extraor- Ou e lg oas!>' the of Ui.= .Fraser an Blanry entèeSb>' baiglmr. Tha>' four bosirome, hrungiag-he out iotue hlau sdaeptying ao, aecuring th. eys 'cf- tLe hp door. - Tboys'Snt dlovn îop sud holpesi tuaielvos te Ilhapgnet &C., deeampn 3caeà ha' hise hund SCasbLs ban place lu the a cvenlng .praviowf, sud [y tua rasala could s! uain. 'ho burgiasidrngged-alar-ge -q -vhlah -Wasin--tbs-ýyard, a11-tiae-l it he-ators fftsi ed nazi osee vise agir4 C*iAiLinyzcz,:.. ' EAST ?THB O~TOles;~ M&e". RIOT' RIDE. 1 CAPITAL strnrtz ý Jt MILLS 1

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