Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1875, p. 4

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F&uK*y.........OMhsw. . JI$T 0FPIEDDLERS Mackenzie......ortHwa.. ,e Brlua .... Breokll. . hltby, July, 187i1k -the Au4a'I profCvUin@ c t mai.ua., JI~ ~ ~ ~~~u s ~plto eetuae I200,000,- of whem about wothrde are ClirîOt. u~nit and Jew, aud about one-third ,ahotnetans. ýIù e 3evare numer. 'Icadly 11w lean I itlicnou.Maliçnmta populatiodî4 -aui n 1h. towus taking Mostar, te o pital of lte district, as an exampîe) tha Christian populations bar the folowing ,poporulf t thd Mahometan: OuI ofta joint 'popuhat- ion of tabout 8f, O0la bMottar ltoe.er. cf Greek Catihollea 3,500,ý Roman Cathlillp1,440 (niaktug.& -tot4l Christ. i4àpoplaton 15,00)as aga nst 2,*000 .1ah.IomePus, al oUh s aut 400. A. population gsuconstitit cd 1, of coursq ual val! calcae to t bc con. tea d nder Irr4hometan rnliý, sud it la sud hitas boeenfor a long ' fine restive and uueaqyDiBut hore î'c oîher regautos for Lii restivenc.0s. Tho province of 1]Josnht, lu vhiclî Illerzego. ,vnai@a, ituatiël, la atîw,'Ound(e lou two aibei b C ite Ausîritîn froutie ', aud is 1likelte flice soutît bty mc¶uenegt'o,, 'aheretee 1 t iaothc'r dI!, oïteuleà aud wlrlile rli con- Wte a bf< Servia, mails n) of like vrelgioug lem etfssud vli, altitougli noiualiy nùler a tirilit protetoratc, ejoys a n emui- i4depenfleiît politio-al 6onîttlutlun sud soir- euverî'neeut. 'rite Christian in- habitants of theme ' Acjaîiug disiricis, provinces asôl talesare îtoally «In .yaapathy wittLtheinsurgeuts lui Jlerzegovimîa, and.l this gives lu Ihit isurrection uilte lutter anilîiport. suce IhAt otiîurwise 'toild uel bu donc tu Ite geogïaphical imensions or itu numbor of the pàople. Tliey are al more or lets suatbject ta Turiin doui. ination in reltilos uattersand te ano. flions$oftmèii,,tu, t.uLdtiiope wh'h-are 811tia'ely nuerlte Turkislidomtintion al-a opprenged hy ecuormous ;taccs, A. remiht loarefS1 ofthelita lxeg, Ivlieh were a4eitly întnhu'aiîle, lut elleved la bui tlint umeditîte cause of 11x înthreak whsieli !ïnow nttruîcting go îuuch allen. Ail cf the greît Poersart uwtre thut tinisCotnditien of affaira Canot last 'niuelîi jttugr; tlfilet 'urkey MusI eventually' fea ôpieute. because site cannot aint#ain hergoefiiilunxoney, belutg borne iowvu by enormons IlMt, being altuflitme a borrower, sud tInte beiii blgcl.ta resorl la taxation, wàâIh lier, Provinces caunot bear. When ahe breaks, wht l s to becomne of lier Europeau provinces, i% a disturb- lng quoeton couerniug w4icit Ansîria« sudl lnsîla are extreily jealous andI watchiflof eaeb otiter, sud titis jeal- ou.>' formerly. involved France andi Iul an. They, itowevaer, do flot seemn tob0-ocunldin flic te alittis lime-France being occu 10ie n me- building herseif, aud En finý i under GlOAdtoue's Admaliisratfan,t itavlug beeu villidravu frout active lulerven lion lui conilueutal troubles. lul l ite place of lte Ivo lst mentiones nations we now finitlihe Germniu empire ain active participent lu consulations e- atln *la "Tiitioli cpitions" sud te ob1ac, of power'onu tae Continent. Itunsia han foi' novrai geeratIona bail lir oye 'on what lier lote LE'Mperor ciîlled the '-Pick înan'a poseessions iu Europe." ,Autria (aud nov; (Iertnany> cannot afiord (a tley thinkit lasec l'l01UnI npaver aggraudized hy xnuch more territory in Europe. Neilier lees Eaglarîd vaub ta setc ny increase of Oial iBussian îpower which i&jenuse lu g litemrit Asia, A.111hoee huitge conîribute to "ive lbh. revoilttbe petiy district of ]Ierza. govina' roomepltons; impotante, for il miglît Iad la sganerai, revoit in the norîlîtimu provineen of titi Tuùrkish in-ut pire (n ERnroe; sud that'generaI revoit -ikigtl recipitate tlit .iidmomberment ofturkIey for wlich suoeare tnxiously walllug, but whleh noue, are quite pre- ý areSte meût ilttis lime. Aiistria, _Iussin and Geruuauy -have literefore joind iuiilevising the plan ientioneil yesterltiy,' aud againti tis umorning-of lnduoiug the TuiÈkmisît (.overmuen l lot ltezp ryto pscify lice insurgent by Peaceablona nsu-and teose, dou4llees, lavoir. flhe promise ofeomo concessions -on'te score of slf-gavornmetit, taxes sud rellÀ-ion, sud tter reforma. Tihis Maysatlfy lte'inaurgents ; but il ia emy fses thal if belraya h, weakness et the Turiia Govermtent, sud in oui>' asr stponemnent, of the- inevitable iday wbenteatan power..whieh lhsn been camplgýin urope" for ho many ~drd yarn util se~ss utcAsi. '~tomontattétivo to bta is -e onrecord was ho wc~on 11is shop in hall tu haut." 0Te as ne *ýrAlAtiCn -ê~ y. çvha put. tpô,n lis office oboi-' 'syn a single lîilg, eau h o lid itý Ile0 kiio% n for s vwifu., ti0aid tàô. lUe ,iî.,, ciing spare. e4t te at h:ig*ab hto nad e41a w v Çt o slae adien. $3 to à0 adAy gumalad Uprtlilse la r ,&M writ e ulty De DR. MBLL &00, (P. 0- DuI. Ironn teio-d MARS THE WEAK STRONG. T'he Peraviian S17),a ,'otert- cdl Soluion of tgo rotoxide of lil.», 1$ 50Coi>biuiid as tu lîat, thec ch» acter of (l i bument, (13 eaily dlgfestesl «ultr.i lf' weltle t1e blood as tt imlîphst' fowd. .le fàereaseuthI/e qranit g of 3Nàurte's <)îî'n 1 aliftî . fient, Ira» lt tte lood, <ti&< cures "la thous<nî 'Itis" olitpliy bil'oiii- vopî.g2;, linvlgoi-iiiiîîg and 7taliyt h e ,81tem. l'lie e- i'icejt i vfazed b1,00u1 per- iiake<lese cer e,', Ai'of the bodly, raliqdamnageis andI u'ste, seaî'eltîlln Ot imoîrbld seere- lions, and leaciïî,o nothing for discam ta10feefl vpit. Thiis htto secret Of» the Ivoîr- dep'fîd sîtrceqssof t/ti neittedly 1 ctr'inçI Dyspepsht, Mi- or Coia- plant, J)topisy, Chrouilc ]IMaZr- Cilis autd Foyers, .1leunorit, lOMS of C'ostltntltoiiil 'Vigor, Dlscames Or' theIti lunc4 ittit itut a«Ilse18C 0 11(-iqiilngj a liadifitil he fic ood, aor «c- e'omîpamiel d b li/t _or a loiv sifleoIie i t/e sstelm. citnfi-ce fi'on, ,Ilcoiol in »«nu foi'>», oits û e'iî,geee$aie ual fol- liwd bil rrrespaunrgreac- lidn, bt f re lpeî'iatiîtt, fi.. i/jelid «11 ,aî-s cf tte iecm amîýl dailciii:l iiuiron <Con- h'alad.sle been. cli rilqee' bit teîae of tiis reinedy, 1ira:»j fi-eak, e.cktll. sfJe~t/crea- titrî'u, tu s(romg, lîc«itiy, andi litt (Ilid.'< Ca» îot ri'tanbly les. if «te Ioa give it ca trIai.. 9. e thtI c«dboitio lias pERU. VIAPI GYRU P blis, » elitaglass. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprielors, 4 V. .'I ItaiYic, ota an,,. r.v »motUUU s OLliu Q ii UX I tlE. rlu\O i'nS DAILY 8teamner CITY OFi 'TORIONTlO ICapI. Dilc) lettvei dîil>' foot of Yangu, etreul, 'To- ronto, at 7 a. ni., toid 2 p. m., rîmuees Nlng. a ut 0.3Q m. itýa.tti 4,30 1p. n., Luuwitou ntl .iandl 5 P.nM. Cuonnections' for teP il, uffauluo, CIevc,'anll( Ioepslem, Atny awYemkL, ]3î,.utyr, -1., &c. 'ick. ets and mli ilnfrnaion ct' No. 8, F'ront ,Street. 3 ul 27 *$3 )' 4. MIL[IY, .'geutI. Burnetts Cocoa~ire Burnetts ocone Burnett's 0. ooain 18 stut ~uauiuuu- u tl. Burnett's CDocoaine Burnett's .,Cocoalne Allumttwa Ch. ireoIitt &t-iti. Burnett's Cocoaine, 5' '"'d 'cr s'm'it 1 p iteu t r. BERurnetts & O cARNE I. tut a ieoL, W.Q Agent fte. Deminon et Canada. JOSEPHSBURNETà ê CO, >DOIN Propaislea'i. pWITNHI'lTBY AN» F9111 Piiu EXTECNSION RAILWA.. Tamkca efteut un Monduuy, Jim> 7, 187û. TXrains run b>' lamto t lie iit en' ty-Ivu riules ,lowr Iha=nG.T,lt. huas, 'Wttby Juncticat, deptrt 9M,2 eu. 840P.m. Wlb...........9.85 s.m, &45 p.m. Brookil...... 1955 a.ni»!05 p.ma. PrincheuAbr .. ... 10.45 a.i. 7.48 p.u.' Port Pair>'...armive 1150R..800 P.M. iPormt Ferry-...deprt 8.00 a.m. .25 p. iPrince AiberI ....-(1.09 u.mt. 1.1l p.iut.' *K W»&U.m ..te - ,8.211 a. L1.45 P.. ..# .....l . . o»,.m. UtS ... Myrtile .01..,........ 042 e. .2.07p.m.> iii. 1720 a. DPtif2. p.=. 'Wlmlby Juneluon, arrive 7.40 &.m. b.06 m SouthOatwo. eb.1aIWO7, FOR .TL CeQNTMFÂ QXO, On Os oot, beuty, ov lm, M. On fo.... .......lp.,27 .1 hoee...........Sfth Mwy, 1876. W LM4NG, Co. Tregsure;. Furnituro! 1Furniturl,>! ,,.! -No'w'is the time to -buy goê d. ehecaopi Furniture. H,ý,aving boughtýout the buoi4uessla ty carried on by ,James H. Éaxno, we. t*1 34O ppr i##4 iiy 3 his many friends to give us a eau, .u.~~asx~ that we are prepared to do as wéeiI y hèithe fuatu, as ir. 1- 1-a-a-e n - ep4u- -4 Ti LL& JOHNSTO-N.] Orders. by mail promptly att#ended -to. JJNDERT AKING.-Theoiyfist class Establishmnent in the County, wheie funerais are fui- ly suipphied" Wvhilby, (Jelober lst, 1878. TILL &- JOHNSTON. 1 140-ly LARGE 'ST.OCK 0F CLOTHS IS NOW COMPLETE. AlltheNove*ltie*s of«the'Pee ~- Ai theSeasàon! Pient IN' GENT&' FURNISH-ING- HATS, CAPS, &c., &o., -A A.-P B ROO K GOODS, IRI1N G LýES. STR EET, W HITBY Il (Next Door Northi of Dominion Bank.) BOOTS --AND SHRGESa- ---~tot THE t SUBISRIBEIR HAR A FIIRSgT -CL A SSSlTOK 0f Ladies', Gents', Misses', snd Childreùs' B3otý4sb hzes wflii ho i determined to sel FOR CASH at the ,tilTIyn.q pricea Leavu yotn' omdturs. Can'l he beal for a perfect sud eaiy-4ttmg bo. lzcpairs as natta!. April 128th, 1876. FREDERICK Brock-St.,. Witkif NE ALEi WHOLESALE & RETAIL IJEALElI IN GB OCElliES, l 7 NIE S AND IQJEYORS SIMCOE-ST., OSHAW4i, ,IAS IIEMOVED TO FAREWELL 'S ËËýô -000-- AGE4NT FOR DAVIES & 13R0.'S Celebrated XXX:Cream-Ale. & Porter.- CHOIOEEST BRANDS OPOIGARS AID'T0jBÂC(ýAL- WAY& IN STOCKL t9 THE TRA.DE SUPPLej-IED:. AU Osiiawa, Mardi 2-4, 1875. .181f OBGAN& d MELOTYLO4' Ii'ANS THE,,MNWUDGE & YA WOD WtQF1- MANUFACTURE rHE CE 1U&TBD ,4.IjBRIqAN ORGANi stylo 5, i Wanut Case, $140, in Resonant Case, with Carvinga, $160. Style 15, in5VWalu casie, $150,~( Style 7, ifi Repenait Case-, $17U5 M.same C-s0" viit<.ma4U Àn Atlo cf Black Waluut, psnneiled,, vith xv»z. gi ~Lo0r ýboards, conts.unigail boWetiaoe~e1, nsd olgn!'flnishe4, aeeording tà rioe., AJJSO, YARWOOD'S "çi nË ob S5tyle 4, $150; Style:Ou$~.~ 1M U bheir ss Whieh they were fôrtiltét enoug t btai and whi ch they are offering at.lesse than the ordi- Anl are 4b.di&lly «invlýitéd ' oxamËine these gooa. ýNhfth'- Jino 20, 1875. A LARGE [SP R-.ING LAING,&' STEWART. NgYW!S8TKOOK F DRY GOODS AIIRIVED A-T WJ. HICKIE A Fresh &COe'S. Lot of'Groc eriesý and Choice Liquors, Which will be sold cheap for cashi or farmers' produce. W Iitby, A pil, 187i.-' 14 t+~ALTON .&00. H11ave now opened!.up a Large Stock of Seasnabe Dy GJobds, con isting of NEW -DRE SWSGOOD S, NEW LUSTRES, (Oelebrated Brands,) NEW CLOTUS & TWEtEDS, NEW HATS & CAPS,-- SNEW MILLINERY GOODS, NEW MANTLES, &o., &c. ELIOf li &WAWU EN (Labo Simmtons &Clou IM P E oY OA~B*AET D ganC.) 1" ru z 1-4 LT '1 N di 12~ De. tIc heur 18. mvii allez '1~oJ 14. Milea~ 15 Exhut wamm 18? Ile-bu 17. Semniz lumu 18. 'Adver rant, 19. Trare .... 010 150 or te X, oun CliÏk Whitby, Nov. 17 187&. T'HE GREa1 ENGLISH REM EDY 1 DR. GBÂY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE cures.-anIf ervous Dlsienics. auch as TIypmorw4, Ddbility. Pbgelsé1tln, 'etc., wbuh nrny-cases, are roduced by over indulgene in th e sc f tobaco md aalco- houec spirits -but "the -SpecifiaMedicine le are e"pec(Î.1yrecoïmmendad a~na1 ing cure for setutuxl Weakslepsi sper- niaiorrheu . lmpoteneryq andl Aildiueaes tt foow aséquence of Self .Abnàe a Logi a e m aory, .UntverualLaai 118e, Pain , lu Ihê Batk, Dianes. of Vislon. Premsitture Old Age, ana many other.disses thait lead to lnaaaiy or ('.ansnmpt.ton andI a Preina'ure. Grave, &U l cIwhlcb,-as- 'ale are lIrt ai aued by deviating &;omthe padi cf nature and ow indulgence. The Specifle Medicine la the remlt of a life-Stiy anaI lnany yeara f pp-erlenc.(n treing thee apeciàiai iaes. i2Yu1partiO- iiî*ou rehy m e tevehrycno. e The Spe'd Medicn IdoltI by all Drug- glai a pi~r aekge, orset, pac age. for &S, or.wl Pe t b-n.alô. récôip cfthe mnoy, by addreésaig WTLLIÂM GRAY k CO., Windsor, Ont. 13- Sold lu Whitby by Jas. H. Gerrie ,Co., andI James Byrne andI by ail druggiata swerywhere.. Northrop & Lynien, whole- taie agents, Toxonth. 47 CUSTOMS »RI?&RTMRBNT, } Ottawa, Marcb Sat,_187lf AUTHO1IIZED DISCOUNT ON Amemican Invoices until furtiier no- lice, 12 per cent. B.S.16 nujiasoe o tonis -l c s,0. O. lu-A? bem Teh BI K if~ 't A L lte Ter Cnt T1 -t. i oie Cotr &o-., C' Phy 'i-s 'O 54 '-'I O 54 o 2 GIRANDICOMBINATION ORGALýNS. FITTED 'WITH THE IIEWL17-Ii4VEtTED SCRIBNER'S PATENT- QULFIGTBES, Aw invention haviug a anoat inportanbhaig ntefureepato of UeS Instruments, b>' meneof - Witiehthe uaOitT' or volume cf toue (s ver>' largel>' increaeed, aud tite qualit>' of tone' ýreudered Equal to that of the Beat Pipe Organs e, th . o'Cpait-Y. Our celebrabed "6vox Celesbe," Vax Humana," WilCaz atn,ý "c tave Coupler," the chtimmiug "Celle". or - Claiontte" 'ýStops ,en Horn," Il Creinona," IlVox Angelet," Il'Viola, Etieria," tand ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTG' Can be obtainea only linbliese Organe i 0:-. Fifby Différent Styles, for the Parlor sudAthe Chureh-, the 'BesIý Material sud Workmansitip, Qualit>' sud Volume cf Toue tunequaied 1 SPRICES, $So TO S5oo. Glhig uadeto rde ~ atet syle. IFactoryansd Warerobôms, Cor. t sud Cougreds Ste., DETBaur, IMichigan. ý-CU mae toordr inlatst syle. (stablished inl 1850.) Agont Wanted lu .Every CeunI>'. Atdes- ,NEW-, TEAS AND GlIOCERIES. ýPJOIINSTON'S SELF,--RAKI NG:* REAPER .,AWARDEbD THE FIR8T PRIZE1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, in 1870. We offer to our customers for the coing - ary est, two dis- finc,t'Machinies, which, in stylu and constrtiotjon, enzbrace the latest, and most useful improvenMents of the day. CLOfflJ & WVARIAEN ORGAN CO., DETROIT, MICH. JUST RECEl VE» AT-THE WH 1T B Y' CHI1NA TASOE B y GIB-SON & SIPARVELL,, 35 .Hhds., Crabes, and Cases, containing the Largent,. Best" and Cheapest Assortment of 1. .1 ~l OIISTO'SSINLE EL~RAtNGREAlIR IChiaGlass'-Ware, antd Fane y Goods THE "KING Or REAPE RS.". versai success of this Machine, both in closely content- rtd in the bands of the tarmers, waûrrant us ini saying that, as a Self.Raki- ing Miachine, it han more good points and leps defecls, end has mtt wiLh cess and less failure, than lieretofore offered to thé public. -ÀAYUGiA, JUINIOR MOWER lie were awarded the *First Prize and Diploina, at the Prcvin. ,d.lal Exhibition,, held lu Toronto, 1870,in eopetition with ail the leading Machines xuanufacturcd in'e.Proice; and wýith our recept improvoinentx, we ulihesitat- ingly.;itballnngcriniv.tigat!on and Coanparison w*tith. çmpetirç Machines, we are satisedtba puhi~siLion wil oî nc vr.uniprejtqdsced mmnd, Ibat we o -rthebt Mwrt ieFrnr for 1872, builtinl the Doinio.gVeî for descfiptive catalogu<ea. B ~ X &P T~S VVZ T H Tý ~A: VE PH A R MACY. yO0,UR POTAýTOihs! T. TT NZT7) -V-' ~OA0BUG DESTRXX0yýR. Manufj,ttotred. by C. McCailum, Chemisb, &0., London, Ontario. î JNY'S POTATO BUG De, $T eY1t Tijti medy bas been ,used vilitImmense ons.uceaWesterun Cana> da for the las thire. eearvut j4it epovdu e th'ieït. sud-l Cheapest RenteS>'in the --war .0 -siouesltIfor lte sanie purpose. 0beat sui citeapesî wd estr i hbat 4esbmut(ve peel, thebP- titu Tii.commiasionera et oChta z eteil-ou ovm no*.I~s~ehç >~y4igttqesn"L Several poions were trie ,soineof'hc iâ& th 18POd 'soea q4h¶poisonsuit we sucese-o n~ ~ rql~tloý14sthé market AU 1 Whb 0f [JIl khds èver exhibited in Whitby! China TeaS &tts, from $1.50 to $20. Fanqy Vases, from.10 cents to $.50, per pair. China Mottoed Cupes ad Saucers, from 15c. -to $1.50 each. China Mottoed Mugit, Card Baskets and Fancy Good;4 rIze IN ENDLESS VABIETY I_ FANCY TOILET' SETTS, FROM Si TO $15, PER SETTz Ladies, ali'the above havùîg been purehased expressly for Christma~s presents, they will ho siold clieap and without reservo. Pleaâe cal! and. examine for yourselves before purchùwimîg else'where. IW' Also on liand, a full assortment of choice Tens, Family Groceries, Fruits sud- Spicus of ail linds, Hamkt, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Applesi, Pots-' tees, L'o. QYSTERS, best. brand, alwas on hand. GIBSON &SPARVELL'S. Whitby, Dec. lSth, 1874. 51 ~~ II 1W.-Mx THE OLD SAD [E~3TABLLSH ED 1833.] ,WM. -TILLY - 00-- RIIETOI É New- Prlor ets> New ed-rom Sets, NewDining-r o And 1a~e sockof Cà-ne ani s~~~T ahxTblesr-Ureaus, Sofas, Lounage8' Qeti TX2 .apest iE ie Pffe: 24 tëntion', of ï. 7 . 1 1 1 1 46-tf: , 1 -

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