Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1875, p. 3

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* i'ME8-At Whltby, Ont.. oou 2oui ÂInuRs*, at 12-.25 a. ni, .chre. ÂLMOND.-At the reu2defloof hi& m8o, Font H9114 on the olot AUguagtî 6 Sdiu.aa., .eBgolmn, u., sd70 p'ars. nle1deea mn-n ~wa btivO' g t tTpWorth. Yorkshire. .i.- I Mr.a t the s t ets.e talion report 0 ciR. fllU or a, anal tia. of eas of of die ut- l intae in. /ht thea,1abject (I vote, w/i/ci s oscf pans t iSreatory. ýFi ic aver, lu teientJ it' for ail thîe 3. Mrel. HoîSan'a fIe ttuok ta absent - at tîhe lole iesjtonsl. of lias mention n away wlîen out. Bail lie 1place oif baîi. &it/i large mal. 1not tite ex- 'ae dollars lu laveS ia aatîag 1 iaoeessful lu. was csoaecteel, sUI( go us far fr Pea Viicoz, 11, bailmolier e' wttéat, . lioden) wae in oWeveil wnal/er ffor I/e r1 Icow whj-'oL wax a' anot <>rata/n tiua Soffice, or ap O&mu t lîlmieif le ali the power r lliitioîî,Ila11 Dtot aitonS ta il ltaI 01/ar las tse lutora'. ,wart/m aroma, )f Mn, Colili. id uinkinil lu -a, wh ito Ita nue aSMuatly Ile rofarreal istors of te ;ho Nork waa lIti axtent of 111i t/ta goser. lts' retulanks ikêtai taplace ey lsld work. y, ealy and ir alasrving hlld 8 tht /e tien wbetler the tîttorta le hae was lita 'lit0 a ppoint. iý) lt Ilia I/sut On C/r- Qfi vçj i, u i/t ta mr. 'io, Ipl i W l;s rliadt ieha -t/suailteu watg und ratiriing by-'luw for io llunir! ulîiti-trm ta taS/ist Con. /piau4lsil 10 -- a lu 11m /W iiivera min ~lace othe TJ n la zoeral 'w ¶VednesdalagUadtheburical rni 4 brming Odg 80sin (e otber Placesa) flwa vri' lre, iani thedd by itmOhaws brais bai Plsyinlg the Dead March lu Saul. i rêma!ina Wera Cahsiiend te theirI. resting place wlth 81l the honor, af Ore.Tedeeeaxed was tathàer.i laW of car respeoted IOWflbman, M1r. ]B. Powell. SePt. &rd, 1875, George Crilbo aged Wlîitby, on Thur, day, &800. Sad,1870, Be'ry kinn *Rged 25 yearp. ely in WHITBy M4zBlT8. Z OU Weaossc. O"£CE, 1Sept. th, 187,5. VUWha........... 14 t1Il22 spring Wheât ........e 15 @ 0I18f Baflrley............... làîh................. 0 5 25 Peau.................. 050 U 7Ua BlackFYa pesa ........ 00 820 Bye.................. 650l 700 Oats.................. 430 @ 450b 114Y O....=............. $10 12 Btte. ............. 400 50e Bup .......... ......Id 15 Baltr ..............87 (5ac87 40 Wood ........... ....4 00 @ et 6 Park, Per Cwt.......... 7 @ 87 60 Chickens .............. 030 to p r Duaks perpr ......6c@60 Tnrkeys, per lb ....... 0 APPlas, Par busiiel........ 4 Cbeese..1............. 15e(5 17n fleai, hlnd quarter......$ fleaf, fore quarter......... $ V B 1' cuper '8 C .........J -î,L CeoTIt..Thejfi, thhspreparatinias 3ai Itt he chaaten ai favorite Male ai 91unere / 1ta ganeral or ni/lk. Bach - fl a/thbI/ctg 'valet Eprl'i & Ca J-1- #c et in luhe/heciJotasj 'l'hreaidnaadl,'., .'Omcsop0atli/c Cbatuist, 48, Works for D: .troet, sudi170,'iî-auIily. ruS nI b' 4tel/c Pr.pîrîtt/ottq, Hatutin- .1/Icit Town, Londite. T )-M (,-1A -1 T S DI1 t 1; îî I ts ans t/îa causaeiof thitc<iI lngr alipl1ints thîtt 00u aitmfoa4y uIr. oraltho acong.titOî/andtuimpîair ite gen. mc IwOut.ttWlie itae fotl s iHn-I ligasîcîl idasetut//utaîl, It bllottI haernns tmp s. dnisail andiîrphîi U:bl fnair/iig anS rat.' PaLir/ng tliti/aue, 'id tSi/sautes ai/lie vital argons. sp/nal iaftactions, nervoxtd-a ttclgat. M lentt, et'pt/ons, ulact"ri, cegltsr/îies, unIj axhauattug d/iu'chargetitutthenu*e/vas, "tcondndîg la lita toîitttiti/an anti habits 0i the luSivîdual. Dr. Wltai-/r't Compoondl El/tir(ai PllitîaP/uîtes aItti Cali:tY, cîtta/ti. ctivual/aigents-ai t/te gastnit je/ce, antI elttnts Oa itîre hloitl, in abviçnulmu a pîysi. 'olngîcal reine,' y y.p~tAnI)lispros.- -e1ti cthi le boet pîraral/alkt twli fotc un -Cura. Prepîral frot)111tîttu Put-e Ine aio 'THECANADA BEAU. Thile aclcgicluilî'ltaiae/ireprîl Ilici i s Ioit /t/iHsIjy f/t/t/ flir u/, /îî ChliiZ t t/orentititi i, lyleýs/ral pntot Ia g/vas <lie ilaîr ftol ty altttiii growatit l'ut rnesîs gneyîu.,-us< tltilmiand mi alier t//se msis t lientordu i tlp Genultit a san sGrane taslong îeli-a ln 'lt/ait etamatts 9vulunloarticle ftr Dctee/îtjg t ti infà. Il blis b htilug/il>' cOmm,îtîlatta ndI lî y eaoîillttîoîChistt anS PltYg/î/uns onievî'ry î'aueîry. rincit bttît laqeclosel 1in<ui cahoarI bo]t iurriUjndltly a fiîî"lv augcavcul uiriîp. per, tam ittg a ittualtate totitîrîa îandit niaiil ait, avec,'Ladi/s',rsiuig Tabla. P'rc ce cnts pec p/oc/tige. 1tE111 'e liy D A V 1s et1.s()N S0eotatretircors tntaî simuplean mirue maOus i sa hl.-ut'efuir Cit sumpilon, i Oi'Iit/a, Asîhîma, /'aiti-ti, Cerofulat"(an,' a(mlsastfiîteTîtroîtu or Lings. ervitut qDt/)ii/t,', Pt'etnatirt'lt cai,', W kn8s.- anSaIl1 disondars broaglit o b,' ,outhuîtl imp~rudentce. TUTTLlý & Cii., 7é3usst.î .Y NEW' ADV E r1S EM E IVTS. C r B A N 1< PLEASURjE EXCURSION 0 Ni -utMünd La/ta t'/ugiug /îy tae shlltl/i stta. fli or VICTOîiÂt. lexcurslion traîin mni lt-ave S'i WiVtIl,' t 780/ut. ni., sitarp, fuir Poirt l'arc,',(11 whître te Party will g o 01ardîtclthetisture. ' ar. A en îlete t-reu/t of thie Lake wIl ha Made lifýýijie aunpprtuityrare/y ofet-. t3dOf IOWIJ th I)(,tur-gtuetaaury ai/jI o Inuit>- he ai/itm, tf itstlOi th«t shor, -Am l tin-/ql bhag/va-n lat Waaiî.- ijtrlj Illa 'ifor aiîîex îcnlm ar 'îties wIl brin 9tîtair owîî Praviuionîm. Ifol watrwilî - lie pravitla on honnI iteSteamr 'i/ckeit,,01atîit; et/iulit aIet- taft. îuilyItria Au tht, itîital,. dr/a/ni/ttt/, gai youc tickets t-ticy,- Ta i liatî ilita iü,i,0. '<. u1ES HJliI-' Mfanuî<uuuliii iirC iel UNION C EMETERY.1Ihie t N; ltîtituttit()fiiL,(7-4ti i hatata-c un., tif WcduIaiVO 01it liiv gittittiifat Ilf 2211(l /itt.,;îuu t/ri, f/utAt afie itut(îtr/o it liî[1atid sav/ttgs Ca., <tli.Ca.l S/tM tof XMi- 1Alhi, ii/thititl l' ii;am-, t-cc Ür 2l-/t8, mhtu-i J'latin ai<lia gnitud ill/ifIt. Ail pliif ýias icostf utitiiitg tire 'ltiu3 811('< i bî iiltla a'a /îî ijtt/a î'aîenî'tery,ms/(tul ' t4cal.lu tliiNCto -i;li.jtic tt/ty litare i- t . il. Oh CUXNT ONTARIO. HÏawI<eîs & Pediers' icust UPINION OF COUNSEL. I /47 'j imiti hi,' i-oit' I/r itea 'ML 'ok 011 ý "Itr'V etermanied ta grant lb.Li Ai t..ib, ullvJtILu eIILs as Dollars l dbetuesofth sjaCo.Consisi g f ltlo Ortj~luerr to carry ont the $a lt laEDCTONLWIld d se  etd Ob ffl t - lI ha necassar,' Ior find uff DUb'- used a hgi d clni oise eetrs recitad DEPÂETMENT.......I he th" d*a nuli t o01 issue debesnra lto l te'ooks sein both Higli and ConMMon -Sohools. Âny CJassi. "ilwherbaaît Thlre' e tou *dDa"s. cal book flot on hand we wil supply on olle day's notice, and at CityV j. Three Hnundred aud D ol I f ha ralsed annally by speclal aefor v . fr .ucs .' payment oi the saiSDeobeniras and i. 2nd. ISTTrONEnY...8ltable frOffceand FancySa &YI terest. 0A.nd wharaas the aiono i the whole rate. tionery of the finest quality ; Copy Book ', Blaiik Books, and Inke of au able property of the said munncipaliîy kinds : Pens and Holders, Blotting Papelr, &, irrespectîve of au,' future1 ar.aeya ru. the sane, and alo rr pe,tive ,of any 3rd. Ohurcli Organs, Pianos, Melodeons, Violins and îr r nvetaent ù the Concertinasby the very best Makers. h raiater m enti ned Or an ,' part L a e s W o k B x , W r t n thereof, accordtng ta the last revi'sed - 4th. Sewig Machines,Lais okB x ,Wrtn Assassuient Rol0f the said municipal. Desks, InkStns&c ity, belng for teyear Oua Thausiaud AmeacanFsi&Cak Efght Endred and Saventy-ava, was Sth. SîLvER aWÂRE-Engliasb and A eian utDighes, Ck SieHundretI and Sevelxty Thouand 1Bakets, Ta Sets, Card Raceivers, NapkinBigute Coolers, Table Knîvas, mui unr d nltifty.llve Dollars.Rns Bte And whareais the existing dt af the sa/S Forks and Sp.ons iu great. variai,' and ver,' chaap. nuuicipiality is for rincipal the ums Oh Gold and Silver Watchcs and Chains for~ Ladies and Gentlemen, Fittelean Touud allars, and frin.~ LaSGmBev Btos hr td, odLoasi ra teresi <Qup01 ens h*uni aifPiteen Thou- GoIS Bings, Plainan e SlevButshi tdGo L kt ngrt land een Hlundred anS Fifty Dollars, vanieties fron t 21$ 20, Engliab Sets in lins golS wbich we arc selling ai redue- and no portion of alîher principal or iu. ad pnices. And wheraas for pmying the juterait and AIl'so Plated Sets and Jet Goods-a large assortmeuî of Fazicy Goods, creaain au eqnai yaarly sinktug $.tnd &l for alu tesaala uniaiThree Thon- eaud 0olare and iteresi, as hereluaf: P. S. Also a full assortmient o! Faniil,'and Pocket Bibles, Prayer anîd ter menilaned lt-wm reaiaan 1qalH,'n'n Books. annual specii raie of4i5(l00ats ciO L WI LLN a u n i he dollar i tio oau L WIiIN other rates iota lvImed iaach yemr.. Book anS Mus/c Store, B ia / ther for a nact d b ,' the M u icipal 8 lage of Oshawa us foilows . Saptexaber 7tli, 1875. 8ro7tetWîty .. Tîtat it shaîl ba lmwful far the Reeva of the aidsudnulalpalt,' ta cause an,' numrber ai Debentrso h admn r ir;i.paliîy for sumuoraof miheysaideg t .Ota On ndred Dollars eaah ta ha ititde, hut ual axceedlng it he whola aiesi i Thrae Tbousand Dollars, M N uced ihat the said Dehentume- shail h O I IOa I I 0 M S flealed wxttheb sal ai the sa/d Mnnici. pa ouncil, andSlha signeS by the Beeve 2. That tha said Debeuturas shal be psy- able ai iweuiy yea<g aet furihesitfron il. 1lt, day herainafier mentioued for this lIy-Luw ta taka effet, ai the office ofP the Treamarer of this mnincipalit,anS L O X & P O W f shaîl have attachaS tharato caupans for L 0 W E SP 0 W E L L r Ul. 11jt the gala Debentures shall hear in- 4 errai ai sud alter th. rate ai six per A E IE EVN 1 ceni tac aunnuni froni the date thereof, AR E E V N sahir h interaît shahllia payable liaIt yearly o thtle fiait layeoai lite moxits o a uuary and July j eac/ y ar at tha turcs and luterest ai tht rata aforca5 lu b co meo due th re n, an eq tal spe alî T h i S t c v i b e c p e e i i a f w rate ai 492/1000l parts of a utill on theT h i St c l b co p e n a f w dollar, shaîl in addition ta aIl aiher ratesbh arisad, levi,.d and collectaS in caîli year, upon aIl the rateahla praper. iy in the sail]cnunicipality duriug the days. contiitioaîice afthae aid dabenturas or anly oftifelan. 5. Tlint the saidleiaaittoras ahall ot ha tloliveraj ta thtî mid A/fred ilyron- LO'WES & PO'WELL. Deoinil or any a)t/tacpersanarpersanis csn~til th a A.i3. buildinganS Il - Vlitby, Sept. Sth. 1875_.8 tint/I tith as/il bu.iamling and itlN* ittru/îliaîl th<e hoiekeaping potion t/tpera, andtilia hava fiiitiaha-il a soit a abli thier portion thereaiifor t/ta praîter 1 jOTTOM PRICES F'OR '5KRL EHlIIN 85 *ptii/ls. and chal hava given ta this Cor - ex partition a moregaga aif<lie - rerm/ocs, conîl/tioneil ta heattina- voidli t<ha C.OAL AN D VOOD ! $8,000 Offered In Premiums I Nein'tary ltcing c!arriil a n for <rit mitc- ctsîayîratdiiet' y'rai lint- flfîy rasient ptîpilt h. uta inaîructeil Au i tnde ai liard asu Soit Coul, consult- Vilibc ll in tha Town of Guelph, on lteéré/n, fr it l Irtin t/n naxtio, #ettait itg «i tet'elehritttad Lst-kawana, Serin- the initirta héle (- ol ta a s rtait, Ba/ar Hil, Blshbitrg ud othar «tala trîteii)atic sitteiîjcîtty ror 4th, luth, l6th. l7th, Sk.LPT. ad., tent ai r/g/lt t/'ollsitîiîl dotllars. for Inn-. CIA O AS OA Py n1,<tîallvy advanced aunîlot' sacurit,' tilFor iluaitttias ta Blackîînitlis und others OPE. T AL. C macrh ini'uobrance, SEIL-AE 6l. Tintt ti/ hy.law ahal l ke t'fiett nîtl PCIL ITE Prize Listattnd Enir,' Pipera caun h alI ém t îo peratian an the' thirty flitI Wotod, ez/ra lenîj/h, 25 cetst lier rd <t tha Sacrrary's Office,' Gualph, and alna laiteaif ermtîer, A. 1D., t875 tiiatetmattofiusual pr/cas. Seul in yo i roto ttae Sacretîr/es ai othar Social/an Thîit the votes of tha lectons ai h/stti/- rdc's ta titraughout the Province. c/pahity slital bd taitaît pon t/ta' ait/I A. ALEXANDERS Partiesnfot race/vit/g iheir anir,' tickets proposariedîy.law, tOn Ttîeday. tha F/lt/t Wh/chy &Oshawa, pr/or ta <ha Show wil Sud <heat t<ha Wl, dîy fi 1rto<er. A. D . 187.5, ut t/tel'il- Coîl and wooldaîtpots Secrtary'h Office. l'wn TIr4-T 'lin u-liiinWhitby, Augutit liai, 1875. ti 16 aVesvrliRailts'ayt;wl curry fraiglit Na. 1, nt l-fenry (armiwall's O/hli/t', 0uttMIpassetîgera to anS from <ha Exhi/bition firtti'rStretti.1 J,.î .r. îî.,rtîaç h ra-at tin]gla tara. /iy «pt pintaS (lli.ttritte OGffiver <ha'reut<. E iSG UT., I.H WN I rt Polliz Sti'-i/rsiati No. 2. ut t/te ]. Le 1. eITON, 11. rSWINF,et. C tiitil Citami'ra. andC. W. S/ttis GephSt'crî'ty17. Irali liernaitatiari/ttaît tturnine <tilitar 'TA'NDAD) USC UIJý tlit'ne.i<. lti l'titii, Siiii-di/viti(itNo*.i1) . I ]>J5 olpt.uIlOti3 in1 Jiiht i aon iko irrtîr 'apvtii itu hiarti. l'ie a, = <., 1 N C -H AI\N C E R Y ! irt (ie f/-r th"rc-at. andl in ljtiliiîgS/it- '/afltu/î u/'Biia a. itto <iv/a/on No 4, nt Sni/th & Sonsî Livet" ltu utaha t/ta of-ti hcr <'Itîa'rties S/i'itaa, oud .1I/îi/he1 îî.herenart,<. ahîig ui;dera eau accort t/tain, lîut -e, dt 1itti'i h'<t'îin tîlirr ér urt t. ti litý ail, raiiitt/ig us tha înîtrka-lpria-e. 1)lIISLAS i tu inti/a oa'a là nc t-t -iir/i S ih-Iyotiia [îtî aml lbia 87,<lime lîit a.ift/in "utf A1i oii.dOn ttei t/itay ut N/ii' arlr 1871, titI tuin ii litnei itaCourt if intp oent Ž iid kpt opn i GEl T H E BESI T unafl CoSwy ae ai SWitzrtund JanetyRat- Fi er'l c teN t eIC E . Th e liait Piano muRr et ota i starh/Ta, R a/tail'err/in'tu, Thomaslîanci -ian, .Paters; Elacti Piaita Margaret Cordas, George Curtit, Elizabeth NOTICE. Scitool,'.................tac, t3 125 Giai, Franc/s Garfat, Thomaus Kerr, sud The ett LacSOrgan Ittatruc- Roberat seir ara dafendounti thera wil ha Thealpv leîvat a truc cop a a prî,îîîîamed toc iis"K/nkal's New Matît- tSo w/l ha approbation ai' Zaheus Bu. iy-liwv Iihstî at i ît asSc. a,........P / . 25. hut, Esquire tht Judge ai tht aurragute .. tiai liv tht Cootîcil ai the Corparationai tfTh-a-i.ît to orttCourt ai <hae~an, iOtro(h stat leV//luge ai Oshtawa,<itar ne na on<t X'iaais "Luitden's Sabota etrpeena/ea h lna/aafa 'rom <ha i/rai public'aî/îttio n aieo, irli/cili fur tle Voici't,":......... ce $3 50 Setcn//îa), hi' Levi lairbauka, Auctiauteer, Ir pîirat/ion mas9 attheleia/g/tilt Sti'oaiT/ta hast SingingCelaat lBaoks at Julgas Cftauîbers, Côuci H-ouai, /in<lia aptani/te11r. A. D., 185, îtîltait/tth olir, ara "Fa/r,' Ehoes,"...Pr/ca, GO centls. 'iy ut', litittereit fixaI lac tak/ng thlic :"Sang La/to, ........Pnce, 75 cents. 'IOWN 0F WHITB'Y, oteg tif t/ta lai.tnra /t th oulît w/Iloiîald. "Mua/cal Ch/liit's,(Petala LYMAN ENGLTSH, v atars........... t Piae, $1 t/O ut ttae hatun ai I-) o'cliil, P. ti., 0a1tthli Clark ai Os/iatt. VT/t lat collection ai Churrh uta ta, Srpr. Stti,-lb73 1n3 Mua/ca ta "I)rraslan'a selea- il/th DA Y OF Oc TOBER, 1875, t/ont for Cîturrit and Raine" 1'r/or, 1 50 t> 'f ~~~~ E - ha bst acread milatrh alwe ats n ticniay ritît-u.Jiia/'t. i <i. aria..-. ail Tti --'a Maa-n- fo--- oy . - 1</a Moah. la" <'at-ni' hanr tinea Ituirtd acres rîrarel, t/ta ara 'ir n Wil /l ttit e itio mi t .ts.. - Pir/ar Mos/c .............[tte. ,Ir 1)0r V ent ia well t/m/taraI witt/ihanlwood antI - tîa-ioti Vi ti'i'tru/rilt.Nos . tti9',ow raidy. Pr/a-a ' valuaiIa talar. The cleaural part/ion iutl NESO 1. IENIl.-, l-, rai tualtrI. a goal st. eOf ctivtution, is weIh watcnad eriSItar//J, C. O T/ta haest Magazine futc Ail. md 'd (istanlt ir utt/ta Village ai Oshawt W/fit ,St t h(//- ,lvatî.CIaiP/uti, I'ayerst'o La.ct-/ilmiles. T/are la alsoa agood archard V/i</y, alt 'tî. a73 Crtme de lat Craae' .... .... Pea- yitr,$/ VO) and axcellenit building ou sa/S fam. xvih lC t"ICE tNos. 1i ia'21 naw rnid,. Tite praparty wIlbc it aut Publia Aur.i C'Eaî- -alits cccli. t/on ta ttae h/gtekit iler w/t/i power <o <ha ltim-Oyiîtt n iionu/o a ,. lili/liedandatîniaileti. îost-pail l'y ta/S Real Reprasenticiva mainu ie ta t/ma J. L.1111TILS, fl Bradway N.Y.ýà..ývurllmie uàH.iW.nNOIWILLE, Dundan01o, Street, oe quitt-pric à ntai o h uaiands. itaOpposite lle outOfe t9 -oA posît otaotoioratei.. l liprcenis.noth lyfoc Ia,-aand. A GRANDoT/r turh aset a/Iurt te tahiae c- il-T 10ilaMit inant. o thila,'e ai salaont îa la p <halrtînde bcourtontht re- A r n ie n e w li b i ld a h ale otn a aier w/t/0 ana ati t ramD ..J . - Ieu, ai fs wtot lutereLdat. nvandu - LL- Fî D t , riclSitDn un conliiansai IV AND FA/R GROUNDS, Drilail ut W/i/bylbi 26t/h'ai June - In th a Tow nitni W tl,',on A. D ., 1875. Z 3 R H M o Thutesday, Septomber 9th, f75,Z BReHaMrectai nu tilt) lý)TRailC1ltepr>L11e1iutive. Vatns /1/uies nami uutumenî, willi-T0 lBELET OR SOLD, î)nsî/lil. amîlprizes owartlcil tea sccensful ioul.uuuuu '/u S. 'iu ri/'aBratits Buttîiltîtat//lg/Ie o Park -Lot, conla/nitîg to tuf i)s/îtuwa oil adilti t he îîaîuuîctirof the 'etiar., ieing i/e f/ft double nange weai ai tIti,'. /rork St., Wh/thy, immed/aîel,' south ai A QuadrillaeBand in AllenSauce 1 <ha Court Roeuit. ÀApIt Gaies a pait ut 10:30, a. ni, Dinnar ut 12, TIIMAS DOW, habit. T c c a-.iltc/uditîg /tfîrauanit, Ontario Bank. Te~ '25 cents. Chl/ran unuter 10 ,'ears, lHais. Wh/îlbY, Augoat 24t/, 1875, 8/nefS T e aBrtish A menican Commercial Coilege, W h thy,'A gus 8 t/, 1875. 80 / -~~T O R oBT. hIAMSSAY, M. D., L. 1M1. EDIN, Fi MrOnSL.Wlas ostabihed in 1861, and is now the muet popular and extensive sehool lhraduta lwitb houons> ai ths University'9< 75 Acces, baing part' ai ths Southl jl in h oiinfrteEuaii fYUW21n fdl-dMn n C'canada; P/llada/l ofaLaI 27, un the rth con. ai W//lb,'; about i i oiinfrteEuatuo ou et ideajdMtai sUniv. of Medi-anaann s ur e ;A ne nca i nx ac resun ar good ca tit ai g o Boys,, lacom m ercial branches. Uni, o Penslatnte iectia ollagea atbul 0ngs1goadsater, d&o. For prticulars, atninj < h cec !p sapidt Paduasylvaula anSdbLeent/ate of Microfc da,' t5-Spocial atnio sgiven t h cec fBookkeeing sapidt ail/he Unit, afil dtbnrg, Scetan.Cor- TrIOS, ROB50Oi aven,' departnt fTaoadCmec lot anar sor tht Caunnat iof taia Ofie-àsns Colwte St., Oril/as. nao t Jul 4tt, 1875. Oisr FRACTICAL PENMANSHI, COMMERCIAL lBI.THMETIC, COMMER- - -- - G 176 lr-5 IAL LAW, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, SPELLING, d&o. "OR SALI5IGE G y Isgauaa1r oiplu ucuntanîs, anal are songht for by merchanîs anal F GEORGE GURLEY, bus/tnagsamuen, lu samut o! ba'Ip, froniti parts of tbe Province. o'bures iil ai anSantnp 'n deneunIthsOn. HNT TILROSHAWA, t:îe There are no vacations. StuSenti rnay antan ai an,' t/me with equmi ad. acut E//eladc ' 1vIlc ardencanwlb8/MECHrTTALOvantage. cupl, 1of ext/ale tlts imî, oeuila/nofhssn R eBenben ti is ea fulcourse commeritalisabool, anS connecteS saillifont,' cuio b aeoen HmrEq iretock< aiClot/is, cnibrueig Engàh, luch olOhens boittted at Monineal and the priuc/pal cities of the Un/ted States. tue iegsouiou.uTile a te Wl ycanSclitm aadian Tweeds;, Doaskins Tenms neusoamblaanal lower Iban most a!flte ather ichoola la the Amsslion. 10~~~~~~~ raotsbeids Ktcenlareu, /th aadlaiS'.,dca. es- Apy persan seadiag ibain name anS addres anal enclosing six centa la siaunps, Celuar, HarI andSoS i Waer on t/eprmi wl/I racoeob,' ralau mail a piece cf Ornamenlal panmmnahip, spacimena cf ses; also Banu anS Stable. For funt/ Gentleman lsuvig tii ordeis niai Se. BUainsu emanuhip anS Circuilar. purlianlaru enqn/rs ci Johnt Ta,'lotBEq., on pend upon gettlng good clotb, a panaili, A TEACEBEES CLASS WILL BE OPENED DURING TrIE HOLIDATS i/e preniuiai, or ai styl/it ceut an promnpt Sauver,', aI ver,' low raies. XcGEdcJONES, GEoGUBLETAdeo àugut.27tb. mil0DELL & T'B0Ut T ioù a-- foat-sr t itee ti.uî/ uti u Mi~yt ititt uXi . 't-li tio lias-/lic n~ ~~~J 1o tr u/sah lruI 01liiiais'itîîîîî l/t"-i i-rugu:uii ttli'teii ',tlî/eîîs Ait'm Rie13/y.law No. 190 o! lie Cîittîuiy <il ---- 29,-Yrk andii l e/rs. f-W ýt-I'u il flt tut ii4 i .11) co î "T/a opinion .A Caniimeci laitkel d -uî-tutirî fiittI.1 VA(r-i-, tJtttttti utit it Cotut,'Ct nhc/iof Ontlariou ts tLtt mth ii <elt.'d, voauit I' iriti/uîuî<tt/ /t. r lttt,' ittii B,.lamo', andS whutmIiict'p'.. uci<ttiIutti / 'itt hîîîî,Iiu sa'us sWhoaara permatunîci ( u//ua trtititif 'oiuni/t. tsgCounttcasti carry ontlite husitti'1s itifi1aitieit/anttf<ie vi//ageo tf %IillIi', c i Hawksrs andl Fmi/ors w/î/îîuî îi. PMestu/lt- rnIt' îyî iWtrt' censfa, -PstO/ti v-ut it hrrlit. 'Te cu ait Idltti o piti l<uî t/. h, mw i si lrtt/ hugi tjii/.IiîI], tAt,!.) lui ,Cint>//tg oit/tie hus/ies o a ai <i /lums-kt or Ie/ien o/hum 1h, eColignîy of Ouhîii/oAuîgîîa zt lt1>75. Ltu mut tiItuka nultthe ontsle scriiel by ~ < - I-i tte by.iluîw or buli /lh/tt tie P5/a 'îaLy tti-ca/tuv/utjtatsed. 'rlite athitîtrt,'givee u 1>'lheMui//1iIunsttutionîs Ad, un. ulervw/îlcblît ihh.Isiw sass pisaeil,ltiieau ~ ' foiiawpo .Tita Coue/ii er,' (bannI'ty-.i.""5a., mîîy ltinsJeiyluwnifor Liaeutlug, lie- - gulilligantIooveiug Hawkcrs muS I'tt' hputan maudt/tcher ions caru. rylngain ptty trads i i aire iiitbc- C n nag nt caoije)rtiiant-uuî na-ida-utf, iii ilta tCo?-Oat1.arg mo t tfi/ or muia-gos fraut juhîcît t> plIta-eor ti>-. ut hanermta linuses ait iootir uo/tIi -tu,' OTCl' TO CONi'TR<CI'Oi1S. ian/imil earliug or di'awitj g amy tionas rteltigofIt!wrsorh ilag- lVurom or /ufert'/adi/su fc sùe/init' ïii ut O hIt iiitn-ar/sion teituht-m lt/inkibhti-auidtel,' autitocizpn theIl. tk loagie tuft/aeLai//ni. iuuols.-naulotu censing aifliawke'u or pe,' chupînen, T'îai /a î\fEju<j"<' anS alsa allier persans mita go about Lii itR ext, àiu iavoa/ltab,' iut- fronti place ta îpluce ut- tii otha.r iens pogel lto te fîl/o-/ngiqSa/eni:-- hguttes w/t/i gant/ for suis, and mntac Tenderns mn/il bc eca/m-aîl ntil WEDNES. autharisad t/a rcquit/ig ofa tu'netut"Dy t/ug ta2/h layaif SEPTiEM/IERU tx. carryip on a patytrot/e, sncb as Ur cPlans and aseiicatioîns'tilllba ratai,' urabe2.menieror knlOiféielar t or auminallon utthe places prav/ansly taka ont a licansa, if sn oprsaon buSlnat mnioned> an0Tîureidu,'t/ta Sixteenit do,' beamis a parmanent ras/Saut 0oltheai1Sepluinbur naxt. "(SigeS) - By Ordar ~ ~ OAZRON~ ~arfmï P.( Pb cnsta wil , now i of C/t r,' ne. STORE. s~ S ~.. IT WILL -PAY the -1 Pana,' and InitialNote pe thing new, neat and pre# IT WILL PÂY to subE "aere, t&c., atreIeoberateo sanie tyles ofand musie, e roryour agarie«M, ewn. 5to eaUl at ].obertson's for inEvlpes; becaugehe haieëvery. tets, H Pyni and PannsBooe, Haflias Ilsneceve ane stockla ailstyleso!sbifing. J. S, ROBERISONY Bookoellar, Newsdeaîer, S*Ultiousrýmnd dealan ln Pana,' Goodu, tic, Brook Street, Wbitby. ASPLE.NDD4 STOCK 0F CARIRIAGES AND BUGGIES. m . 01)D0NO0V AN'S Carriage Factory, Brock-st., VERY CIIEAP. CALL. & SEE THEÉM. TO AN OLD EIGHlT-DAY CLOCK1 Conte nienu Clock, ilay forti antiqute, Dctscnveui a native rhymc, Whio 4tus thon stand front weak to week Tellinq the causo!ftcm. Long litwe I markeel tly broad old face, And lfistened ta tby tick, And ere I'dlot thee louve thts place ld part witla emery stick. How often fron t ty Corner thère Haut thon looked forth on me, When sitging in my elbow chair Ta/îinge my Toast and Tea; I alwaya .lpve my evenihig moal As 5 o'clock thon cal.s, But more delightfnl do I feel Since I'm'e deali at Woodall'u. Thon knowest that when thon warnest fiv e, 1This warning'a heard from me: Coma Mary girl, pray look alive, And let u. have soi-ne Tea. Woodall, who sella so cliaice a cup, And won such wide ranown, Haa neyer been lilce thteû wausauni, Non yet liktitheiac, D ow,. WOODALL'S OLD COUNTRY, ur nlLqtr tre udeS. hty TitaHotel tua telinhe /ta otrai poation oft'hte City, coiuvanient la the whalesmlae etabliahnete nîssd iUilic buildings, aSd for lotrftrs anS commercial Iravaliera is a Moast alifillasituation. Tht bousa bas been thorougflî, ro-organizealaa afrllîa hogoî and is ftte UP in thetosot camfortable and fahionabla stle, equal la an,' llnat.alaeî "Ousa in ltae Dominion. Thte bedroorna anS drawig-roon are large and air,', and lte hast tanIan,' regcilations are observed. Tht laîtge and canvenicut sample coome, for the acmcommodation of Contnergial Travailers, ara caninodiatîs, anS couvenientl,' loctad an the tirst flai.1 Ounnihutat oud Carriagas a/wa,'î naady for the accommodation of guesîs riviug by al l te teaina andSeamboata, andal lso ta couvey thant ta the Sepolis anS wharvaa on laaving.11 Gea. Kenneady, former/y ot Queon'. Hotel, Owen Souînd, Manager. Telegraph Office in îonneetion wiî/i i/is Hanta. TERMS, - - - $1 50> PEU DAY. il .LADB gel Ag A 1/b, 1d Oýymlgw D tI 'UniaryandSe O" - asihowho, Igrl, &. on b7-tUnefnl and, vicious habits. Greaut umLars -have been auraS b,' iisnoble rameS,': Prinut eS b,' a eSaure ta beneflithe afflicted anS unforinuate, Iw'Mi am a h l~ one. -Paig and uing thismeî ina seali envelape, toa ny eua e ha neejit, .Firee of Chargo. Addrems, IRVD. JOSEPH T. Im R tation D, Bible Ranse, Nlew Iank Ciiy. 2 D myLINE -TO itOCHEsTEIR Camntniani on or about ltlth Aprul. 'i R S - A ' Wlillniaka hanr agulur tiips 'an ihiseonte. - eavingCobourg aven,' inarnng, at'7.80 and Port Hopeaut 9 o'clock for Boabeuter, con- aactig ibera with tht New Yoank &ttna aSRailwa,'s for %11-pointa amui, west, anS sou/b. Returu/ug -i i eavtChariot i au Rocheaster) dcii,ail/ pn-,axeupl sa ~days 'wbeu sh itwll' leava at,2 p. m, direct fer Port Hope direct. Tiis lta he sioÈtanal qalokexi route ta Oswego anS -W - rtowu, vs Lake Ontario Shor alrad i4,biCharlotte. .Dealers in stock, d&c ,wi inS tihs thé lhe,,pes,,a>d niat expeditions routa ta Boa., t An,Àl aç 'York&- Fo fn/anan orna;ppl,' ta 'C.~ ~ I . R.CRAWFORD, 'C .GILaEBSLEEVE, Pont Hope Kingstan. 17 N E W BOO .- TE National Portrait Gallery 1 (CASSEL, l'rrTER JGALPIN. PORTRAITS OF OUR EMINENT-MRN. The R/guit Bon,, W. E. Gladatiote, M. p.. The R/ahi Hon. B. Disnveli, M. P. Tht R/g/i Hou. John Brnigt, M. P. Tho Rgu Hion. the RarI ai Derby'. Tha Architbtop af Cantenhurj. Lard Chiai Justice Cockhuru. Majon-Ganenal Sii Ganjiatt Wolsetle, 1.C. T/ R/g/t Htot. lI a ranioaSitnituhnny, T/ta R/g/i Mon. Ea'1 tumetl, E. G. T/a R/*g/i Hon. Lord Ct/ns, T/ -i. R/g/tHt MnI rGra.nville, 1X. G. H. Ri. Il. it/e Duike o! Camubidge, K. G. Ther ltîuhc1ioaiMstaeuÊt. Tht.' R/ii"t Nion. '-r Staffai-i Nuct M. i. Jtite Watî-tfer , M1-'. P Thta RliiIa--t. Emni Dlil.rit-,I. P. T/iiaiiCatrlyle. W. Il. Smitî, Eu.1., M. 1t. Tha Rau' . . :ti'taht'v 1'Oti,îî,). D. i/ Gt'tace, ftic Doha of Argylt, K.1'., /t otiî/,are main cnrs ttti grapha îw/t/ta i/tgr.:ip/ica sketc/ ai/. Tha ltui3li/ers hliai-oppitrlio '.>Xpeue -lint/o pnodeùction ai a volýue uneqaflt for art/al istbantw/ith a cehabla raco;ti tf t/a liveu ai aur leaSing mnit. T/e wank ttimanssel complote n un asvt- urne and solS oui, b,' sutacciptian. Tehaogenti wl conoitaWhithy about thet iiSepiamitar. July,' ,1875. "I Local Agents W-antedc. -Ais Agenat Wanlesi far Eech Towtn nisd Coenty ln the Vntthtelîmaeu.' Paîtes Seu/c/utg toamcl as agats muît aë, campait,' i/r aptplicationb,' a latter ai ra. - - -:OoOcturnuhagntsionanla Cicala-treanSetipon- Ehnaw ep er puli/eSni/ta itheor otn, iowhtclagent rooatwlas acii P E E l S IT H ieclisjutta ulsht buds iet/tua Itttigues N E WnGROCERy STORE s BONDS $20 andhe IThe Inîustria. Exhtibitin Conipanyaril - - - :oou--.......the.. ursh a g orzentswi t firc urs, a o. tc, wh uthepricpa publiaite"'iurthendaDot miset vée th snblaga chanSe lora rautdiug ditrit that o ha op ned nt in thuoSucarg dve iua u js niet /I ecntnue u n tl pip o er n.og aivstagane,' eicasdl., -~~- ~-arr-ore cuteS, but aen thef hae ýfan M A -New (irocery and Provision Store, Bodmy bana u lhWo W 000, $2 000, or 8100,000. - ýG i !r Where ho itends ta keep eVerytbing ini that lie. whïch,7 rdiaily distributed tamElte -band-holers, pro rate, fi la Ibis ban Sistni. le hopes that from past expenience, and b y stict atten- butedbyhy anca. Titepurchamro aahun tion ta butiness, to toril a ahane a! public patronage. with a sutoîl rataloi intenasti aSeS, anS' ln. - coniSeution ai iskiag titis sîmualrate oi T A S C A LTyinteet-hehasa hane i ho vine afInterasi aon the wsalai. an. Cash Paid for Butter, Eggs, and Farmers' Produce. Bach bond partiaipatasIfuru dru-sings ~'A cal la n espectfully solicited. u- hear ntn h h bs Sred, the preinmf, PETER SMITI. anS the bonS canceileai h jrianipi, Odd Fellaws' Buildling, Wlhitby, April 18, 1875. 17 dedanial hibiio, g ampait,' nuyà oi Naew York, te gaven autitonat,'taeinue -these bondas. Theo Leg*ulature of ltse State racognizingt-tht greandtf a '"wiich 'aI -anisa frein the suacosa ttiseenpa ie, sasaments for ldv. yean, anS bas altoso- ferraS oltaer great, privi/eges. BROOK STREET, WHITBY. àabonSbeaaoms n sdi hie VIMesa 1.straclun ect4 wl/b bà& JOH -1N S A U N D E R'S c=&t on a bidn h RAS etTUnSre Largest stock, Latest Styles, G-reatest Variety, Ail Sizes in, Fine- and Coarse LM"es,. LDOIES', MISSES' AND OHILDRN'IS,-VEF»rYsuITABLEý Ailorer pnetaly ttndeJOepHr nely doneR Wb/*y, Apeil 90/b, 2870. New Frenchi Merino .s, New B1aie Lustres, New Cotton Goods, READY- MADE C-LO0TEIING For Men and Boys. -A. choice assortinent of GR OCERI1EýS AND LIQUORs. LFff Farmers'produce 'taken in exehange. WHITBy PHARMACY. We are now receiviug ôou F.,ail Stock of Lamps, composing new designs in BRONZE LAMPS, GLASS LAMPS, HALL- LAMPS., CHANDELIERS; PORCELAIN AND PAPER SHADEe; BRACKETS,' Owing to the great depression ini trade we are enabled to sel the abova at a great reduction on former psce. lland Lampa coin. plate for 25 conta. Bronze Lamipa with Porepelain Shada complete for$2 Ramnttber ltas place, J. H. Garnie's o/S stand, - Corner Brook and Dundas streets, 8, W. B. SMITH, Whilby, 9111 Saîteanbar, 1875. TOMS & NEWPORT MANUFACTUIEIIS 0F CARRIACES #cSLEICHS, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY, ONT. Eliave now ou hand, ready for the road, t first-class assortrneîît of Single and Double Buggies, vhich for strength, Iiglîtness, style and finish, 'cannot be ýxcelled. Also on hand, and for sale cbeap, several Lady's Phoe- ons, nice and light of the latest and most approVed styles. Parties buying Carrnages will find it decidedly to their lmanlage o exujiliaoîîr Sylo ad Pricea before pnrcbasing alsawlîara. Evar, lr/age mal is wacrantt,îl teolie of tha b st tmateriai and workmaush/p, anSdl turateead <o g/va satisfaction ta <lie bnyar. TOMS & NEWPORT, Wl/ait,', Oninnia. i/t/y, Angusi ~ïi/t, lt/ô. NTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE,' Appl1ticadtionl foi- atdmission, C<tle'ndurs, &C., to 11EV. J. E. SANDEIISON, M. A., tb, Auguat 4t, 1875.GOL 82II ....... U 131 LAEl 'O S. NORIVILLE lias them-Splendid Instruinents-and te/i thernai pricas i/at w/il surprise ,'on. If ,'au aven expect tb bu,' ont, is lte lima. Be sure ta g/va me a cal beMore bu,'iug, A good assortmneul tecks, at w/uooei pr/cas, la c/osa ont ltae lot. C/acku, Wualches, and Jewa/. R esp ectf ully w ish es , h is f î s a dA L R E N W S O K 0 cUstomiers to examinehisstcw ih N w De G d, Taste 1 - ! il 'hitby, Atigust 25tll, 185. Il"ý7 JIAVIIIIN cols. W. 1 svMb Aetl6ý - -- . - JOHEAP- LAMPS CHEAP LAMPS ORGAN ri

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