Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1875, p. 2

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tote a ug QNLY Si 5o PER ANNuMj. WJitIby, Thursday, Sept 0$ 1875. NOTICE TO ItJBSCRIBERS. Postage' on tho CHaoNIOLE Win 1,e paid from the ofl1ce, cf Pub. icai4onu, oômoulcillg frdt Octo. ber. Stibiribertiwill-fi-oni hat datie rosive thir papers Postage prepald. The lnames of- ail subscri- bsr %l areur ut ht date )VIJ 'hbc 8trick off.tlîo hit, and theciraccounts phaced for collection, whlichl wil Cattse expense Ctu d6lattters. Ail m&ubecriptioils arc payable eitriflylic advanec. No deviaition- eau be made (romn the aclvertiî§ed ternis of $1 60 p~er auu, larticular attenion je Cuidtthis notice, a Compliance wvi h viich 'vili S.Ivo ,trýoible alla crlliug, for papers lit thé office of publicatio' n vîi dîne plenis<i riotu the Sir Alexanuder T. Qalt on polilical 1, Affaire. mi' Aleie n ' li ia iilfg itt te thxtle'liunn.n Jaures Ferrier, in roPi>' ,none trolli Ilire latter', irîkiîirgif it tvare tutu, wlietiilurieii' (Sm Aexater) inl'nrbolCe i "nlr'puribici ifé as tir ureniuléu r o n utrentnh i1est inn urîposi. tien te Mrl. T lliiriS hiti'. -n oli. villu ver>' inmny oliirs, t lri m'itiei wli t rt.ntl'ully luinrereiinthet conillunilîir nne 1.riv tîne cunrrut Iiîcnn tIre at. Aiiurniuiertioi -anitd cici Ulü 6tnemo hwo emembers cf au' iruety wire bauod il hir ht t'Csustain I r.Makoni' effor ta car-ny on the <.ovotumeu, vîricîn lue mvuhl Irave hoor Sutéruly unablo Ca- dInlbfilepeulnoni oly 'o mn thre support cf Ina political tiepda. TIeoie yoftirle ur uoooseltateui a breachn un tire fotrme part>'; sllt)hait I Chen baon icin liamlie, XM. Malkcucie %vuunn4Ihavo vrurivoni traie rue al, neel- fispo t. lUa eccepaut>' ir4s ue pigeâa>',nai tir îniitri miest hîntlefarsil bc judged on iCi ow nvurie-ts,,Andmhnet uppanteit rout uny> iiegel lest tirait hiru ebigaalien ivatîMiabgobateiy testons 'SirJolie A. Maudmoalittl iot. M>' ounviticels vefoeonco Ce Chie latter coctigceno>'fi Cthmtvtitistuing Ctre great suri icknowledgotl public services cf tirat geui*tleruran, it la impossibnle te ignore thue cirenîmstarnees8tirai bot CcIis téebeat. 1 egatt iis eleetien lse leader cf Ibe rogniar opposition lu 1aliament as a gruaveo isiaki,mvîiaitonst Caperpetuante Ci, rerac nit ir e Part>', ant musCtul. ruatel>' bau urfler Ca Cire fornmation ai nov barn>'hues orte tire finlaflirereuce cf mau>'of eut- fieuda Cthie so-calet Lilenal rnmte" NVth irefèeneee a iis iesnf ipublic hrn1illo lue suL3s, Iu brie!,CiiiaCt ire tvo - ubjernîs mv moU musC engage Cire 'mos earnrcat attentiojn cf Parliamneut are un- doabtefli>'the erngagemeonts aunl oxpon' ditunre coneurclsd vitîr .Pubic Worano anît tirhe msreruiried tCo provulel'on tIre saine, icuiliug unnder' hie latter' honni, triore r-stljustntit af Cire Tariff. It-llopecting tire iabilities of tire eiutny ho ocks 3wiýh alaruni kni Coir monr-uilons erir'-uqi Mch cfIbre lropesct coutîri> brcfears hlre reaciuini a peint tIirai eau- ' $l' ot hobu nstt But crntire sutrjeet cf Ahtie Paciti E ailva>' lue goens arr ta sa- 111 entirol>' rrdapt thue view'5 elinnuist- (iut'b>' Mn. 1illak r'eapecting iCire acifie 11illv A>ant i ont-elatiiunas mi Bnitilr CchnmbGia prier te lieinilig thre e;v- irumnst; nalaif 1écurîlreascuabi>' Ilorlohatthose Opnioins menrit hrunýirc. fenritble tIreaof' lis coagieor, I * - sirouit ou tCis rîbjcef ciho iin-r bnlort- !nuitfolowr. I1nennidel- ti. propesi. tio~h ierfçetl>- iinsîrons tCl intr hie ciake of Ch iujanse puipuijailour ou tino Paciti oCntir e prosper-it>' cf faut Millions <f peelilo miit cf Lakne Snip erlier shoulîl lue rrosteul, sud thi oiririitical isiteponionce jeopatlizt." Smr Alexanderrlissettrhais hbui lihices UIOanrnre.ien thes af i lu.lnrle ai' Canaa a convitico t CisC Cie ernisînînctiaurof tire VaifcIllalllway's s5 it fInis ime,iunt rill Io for' muat, i .1 yac mîhyrruere èsary ; Itbe> knmv Cire munît ill bhîr tutu iligicufl ndiii 1 unr ui'AttulegLrr'rnn Che moilim u nnrbu igietritut unI linfabal r odila>'Tho'riefanrk ielireneml couan, lu siryà, iks te télIl llitbil Cobmulbis iaif Cthe enîgagpenlit I vins iaîîrel t,sui its fi liîlirnerriliapo4 irno e; Cie ff4ret'enlîi r. '4ealunie n tabaurdoitenut, sund, fatitillu utg~eune, t i iiiieOurrn'îlnn'rue ici ber rtm4inr.t im n heir i.Confer-- jlutirai thr.3rmucliunmn bhue tIrs fur bbéi iujum-ionn'r tu lier ;eue mr'cwula Esîlî rennuin in tIhe Empire, suit sumjoot te Cira Qurieon. Ibm, dose ot causider tirai Iotwonnutembens cf tîre sainie Empire public falili eau h.bcaustîrneiltCeousitail tueire rîaldimpropottioiautc sacrifices h>' Cire greatenlan tir esbs, croc if net ini- r vobvlng ballaiiiconnmu mrila. l'ublie faiCh, Ili hie opinion, fa ici a mach mncre sacnea va>' pledged b Cire public creii or, urnd It le certain tCIra u ouuomîs inicreoieof teint, attonitoitb>' exhaus- fi',o (iatu, 1veniostse.rieusly a[- fieet car position., On Cihe sabjeot cf rovidiuig s revenue ignore tire interesti iuihiOnr felow. suhjets elsevhore bave lu saur rOeeil, poli.>'. Burt as regards ýthe Unltid States, lie 'franll>deotaros hat tIr,>'. enýôginlobe desîaI i Ch tésainepure. lyshts pinit vithir vniirtino>'treat us. Although mac>' voulmi iffen vhtî)Sir1 'Aerandor Galt*asCc Cire -poUlieie vouit pansus viii respoat Cc Che Psi- elie Rala'nsopinions 'vIl hé resit vithn, respect as oeaof Osnnsits,,stfore. Moet steoson. Me vmnulit enitentl>' turt Cea iete'part>' vlhfavanin vlichn bis owvieiws asui-those cf fr. Blake wotut aIr eieata tire gultingprimolpies; That belig tire casé, h la cot surprislug Chhiis ktin lareceived it iirseUtile, fanon b>' bot ti CreGlobe asuithln Le il, ant tIc leading part>' engainsataibotir mites. Misrepresentatiau, Ours'grineralhy, aceurrate, alli able cenlempeirar>, tire H lhten ieus charges lien. Ur. Gibs vitîr iaviug statemi rt lttarkhinsthat 1Ir, vas I"dis. poseilteC question Cire leadership of Sir John A. liseniennalid," 'hat lie was Il"aie. satisfled % midi Sir John," &c. Tisle unfairnd diltecith Ie reverse cf virai Mn. Gibbs nl mSay, as viii' lie faund upan referoirce e Iris speechîn luailer celuzaus. iMn. Gibbse said ,"ire entaisoit tira poliiry cf SirJolie A.lMacdounalit as leader rflir e Oppesitiorî." But,lire aIse adleil, Chaitirhe tirnie insucame ber ehrang-ing tirai -p4licy-for pairuing s pelicy cf eggr'esierrl ir e Doininion as veIl as lu tIre Local Penilaruent. This is winut vas ssiJ, îrev it vrn. raid, sud tire perise iri vhiebu - tire retnai- o e attèred. _ __ _ý_ Licersng of Hawkers sud Pediarur. lt rplui.rs tirat ian>' lersmonrs irivrila- bernil urrîler' tne rruinplrebreunsion tînt resuirtn fofCIre CounCy i mo nt ake cutliceuune se lisykers or' potiers 'ren- causetCire>' er-e renitu la suitlittir, làv i-oquiriug Cie grntiig cf <ucir licoe mimeia cul>' applicable ta rien- r'ebirlenins. il-as beei ourri el b> ' mn cf Chue magistrates ibrraaÀbiaut Chuq ceunt>'-Cirene eing ne ittIe-.coir- bision sut dithenréces cf opinion. TIno Ceuni>' Treasurorliras et euptîr taekcur Cire preper sCeps Ce set tIre natter iglit sut su preteot Ilinnisif suit tire ceunit>'. Mni. Laing lias aitainedt tieoinuion af coueSeCI hat, r'eidemts as vobi as allier-e, aren lianbe te tuke mni literie., unî pub. hiries it un irtircaununs br*i'stbeiereft cf alleC.-uconnuet. A1"rituîrvuTi. SaunCes u-or nnr-r Tirs negleet cf parties viuc have chtile isane rour tîne cerposatien Cc ha>'(Iova. building mnaierial, tig' drainis, &., le a iuitul erne, aIaccidente, VParties eh-. iaieiung thIs priviloeosirounlîlhocuani. pelleit te alîn ail proper precaulloîrar>' messur-es againnit hstrutitigtire stteste'- suit bon tishe evontion c.f ncilunis. Tire negloet te do ce al thie cause' of waun>'actions fbrn taunnuiges agaiesi mnunicipalities befr injuries. Tire tumen is nov tîrateueit mitireîrsu aeun, lu cencequerreen of Cire iegleet cf tIras. digginng msrniralu bu-inn C Inti oi- dit Tabenacle Ieaviug tire saune ex. .peset suit turnirrg eh ben bliùs o f 1he sitevatl. lMr. Draper, iu a reselutien mnoveit y in> I n mMouds>'ovetiiu, gn ing Mn. (ier-dnetire pninolego tir eau- struci nandraiun stcs, ;4Ceo iietrtuet, lire- vinlod tiR rai -n'Gordnuaimulil Ira ircî rerînuibefa brr'aiatage lirai iuilrt accur nuring ils censtruîctiorn. Thris wne right. lu ine," ycrase tira mne ruile Siroml.i irbo nnlneemci, m'iie-li moid lest -te prouer Inrcaution' irc-ilrg laion for thre preteetion or-tliopiihi. CosMnun )r'rnntu unr. 'mAxrett, JOnruniaii Metlnîgliair, . .Ci-illun suI jP. Breen miveoInrngînt Incuire tît ilrryi.nn, Rosme, aoint Dr'. (Iuru n ir î 'rin>' a ls, liirarger]. tire firx'rnr'mmithrtirenine ntonce rît Mt. H'aring, ti.nt of C'All ir, il'turcnlamtiiinmirsml tue otrenir mdili irntiruieninî,o mitli tînt tctistalhntoe ie'autCliii anm'î-n;i.Ifop. tir, lrlrîiugnul Jolin I>it r eecx- atiinraindritPr'or'Pî itins snînnnlanul:tîre priscun-triri iorirrlitculi mini nf tire particspir-iintrmrir; Arirmtndri IirýIIIr.nlnn.couriniteniC'or trial ; "tîu'imerW.;I- "nrnnbeirr t t oint onuiruil. MrL. iarCriirîiil>' Cuovu .At lotira>', proiitoeuin .1.iiIV.nr.(1urSrarrs viloni.mNnjý.n,.- Mi'. Animîn'Johirretomn, et fine tirun of Bliterell & Icmiii8t.in, brrr, me rire plr'rienl to e csîil, c yRrrby hieri Ir-uîrikitrCiip iti tie mloud Catntry.rr îl ei m'ue irl hinu fiIt>'-tiir'enur 'i'> iiie cotgmvdid slieep, iuehîuling mort of tire prier' eves Cire prepeut yeur-ui thCle EaglislîR Ioyal 'Showm, aise about aun tozo euryin>fue Yeatug r-anis, as t îe ue an ils, Cagother' nithit sfev cîmoice Ifenkehite The vicie slnpureui,vouuter-iarnit, vllb le'aovu aintIrs approaering bains sud ilion offeret bfi' sale ai tlir, Mests.- Biroîl &suit Johuestou's annual sale lu Oeiaher. Tire sircpliravo suifferait coin- sidenabhy brain a sen-ore sien vwiai hasteit for thnreé days. Laerueossr.-A match vas playol bc- Cvconie e eo#ritvCmrom-cf tire Il Ifapie lioat" club o! Oshuvu, nd uit rs"lue. bitta," cf Wirituy, on Tuensîs>. It vas extremel>' vlolconioîuot. Tie firi gaie wbick Ceok aunirour snd fibty.five ,minutas te pil>'y, wasIeinmieed in fayot cfIrle Omshava boya. Thre tiree follcwlng gamea vere ven b>' Witby- tmia of theur iu Chue emenkahl>' short Cime a! ivel miautess atdCen minutes, ne specivel>', suittire lait iu82 mnutes. Be3rà ANO Mugie STraa.-Atîenîîee le requasti toth ie advertsenent cf Mi, Allia, unuler tis irat, lu tetr 'colurmus. ,Mis stceis learge ait very omuplète. Hô Iras 86alea nn>'fine asscrtmnent, cf jevehty sud banc>' goada, musical instruments, sapenian- jet gocits, IN ME. Dwnxuo Lorrn at et, Chenusçyere, wvs nept~, sonne, Cpognilpî>r. ia'au ter*n envis ovelookced b>' Chi h e g e r t e r 't a r o o f j 'f e. ana five cnt cf the fne direetors, vit now consitute the Board, 'must bc meinbersofth.oMthoalstOhurch. Ont wernld suppose that snob a controling veice in the management would be dèeoned suffie 'lent, vithent euy furth.t encroachments C stîsfy Cihe Conter. errces and warrant their patron age. It la soarcely just tclthe sharehoidors t instthat thoir fends b. plaood ondez the contrel of clergymen w ho viii no have %the P-îioviding cf 'thou, anadtC virose finaincial management, viiethez rigbtly or wrongly, somne people bave an invincibile prejudioe. In ire financial-statemont laid before the, ohareioldera'there jela au t of cocrpletëoso and au absence cf dotail hat je to ha regrettea.1 A statemeut 0e tti ambun% of stock snbscribed, the calle. made and amount paid therecu, he aecruing interest upon liabilities, aud a brief explanatory report shewinR' Che progrees of the. collige, aud Che work doue, eould ual fail to be regardea as muelir moresatisfactory. The figures given, hiowever, are very. gratifyiig. They slew tire oloege aoC only to'b self-sustaining but witirauan corne cap. able of yieýIding a fair élividend. The sucniess so far~ achievcdl is enccnraging. Lot it be folicwcd up, not by changes of doubtfrrl utiiity cf the aet of incorpor. ation, but by ecourorical, capable, and euightened lhUerai Management, and succesa rvill bc a"Sured]. Northr Ontario and Hon. T. N. Gibbs. lnrtest I'ufer-iation rr îen Norti Oni tarie le l e oeffeci, Crut a requisitior hargel>' signent, 1.inlu ettlatien, nekitui h. lieu. Mn. Gibbs Ca counfr a-ad ne n Canrdidate. SALE OP IMPOrmnTEDS'roei.-Mr- Js I. Davilsen, salit lasI meek, te Mn. J. Il. Kissinger, Clankeviloe, is-, Cvi WmporCei4t Cw-yean l heibore, foui lueifer calmes, oun iapeteit cowandr a bull r-ai t oif an impertet ccv. Mn. Riesingen alEc picliasent an impattel bireier, va->'ear od, roan Megres Bir. roîl & Joîrngten. Tire sanie purchnaser sclilto Cers. Rimbeni>', cf Ohia, Orange Bleseomni, 101h, ber tire eumcf $3.500,- on. cf tire camves parelîsset froni Mn. Daviîseu, i3 cf tire same neeit amil>'. Thc War of Rotes. Thon', ias besu thotieg viii terrible cansequencea hotvon Cire wviies set blumka in portions. of Missie -sippi. A despatch rai Clinten ie regard te tiro itisturbances ut tirai place au Saturta>' îast, tites, Chat tCIre. viies, mense kiîled; tva mretally vauntet suit son- etal atîrers sligliîty. Tee an ivelve negroos ver. kilet suit as ian>' more vounitei, sevoral cf mmiom vii lie. 'Tva ob tins viile mon vie oekilledi mere oi'iiy noutilatet, tiroir hies ireing hesteq ta satus miîi fonce rails. Tis sanagen>' greail>' incenseltirsh viue, suri onal cf CIre negnees, vira vwer. I'onoCcirave heen engagot in it vote Irai b>' tire frienîr, of Cire - tea'I Latter >IesaCehees siae tint font>' negreos voe killeitasuri mmm>' oun- (loci nlaing tIere ecent figbr. TIr. vîntes irolîLpecseinu of tIre owu, sut Cire negroee are sentier-el in aIl miree- Domnier Rifle Associationi. Trie Dominion Itifle. Ascecisation mnatches oponeil at Ottaw-a arrn Tîrosîs>, attr ii Iieair rifle ralugeîs. Thro veau- or vas bavoir-able, the cal>'rawacrik irîiurgas nliglnt mesi.riy mint. 'The ai-ý tndnîce as larnger tiraun arrar>'provi- ens cea3on, tire nuniber cf ou-rire uns year bon ireAhil Comens' Match beiug 1£84 ruaiet 115 barri yeur. Tino Pnovin. ce- e voe almn-cil repnesoutt, mi-i thCie excilpîloofurcfitniish Columbhia, Manito- ira, aud Prnince Elvard lshaul- Onar. le, as xi matler cf course, lad Cie han-g- est reîrrescntlion. Tire Baîtalions aepi'.soueIc-i rnu-Ot- Cava Garincti-Cler>', ûaver'nor-Gen erals F~oot Gist, anth Ie Mettapoli- tani iflllotacialion ; Tor'uai, loti Rcyairr surI Qui-eun Ormun; liamilion, lOtir legianrîl; J3ncekviihe, 4lsi But- talionr tl]amsmy, 42nt LiatCalion: liast- irga 11111. Assoriationi ; Nom-niScatia, 7H411 llrttafiierr; lliiax, 6lti BaiCal- lieu ; QibettrBraion; XWake- fildur Autaxuv Cnrtîny;lormu cl Prinro rftW\Vab ifles aud nniGar-nson 1rtillerv; J'a-Lren Tmnrin1r tlat n sd itir -Biiottnr; Biurlitinreri, ,4th lni trl- loi, 'art rIre Eigiui Iteginieut cfftlaval- n'y, Nu-v Bqnicik. dia frur Inn-t Sieî, aebeen teiesiol frein tino Quee's 'c Knliner for dietrihur- tien b>'11w.lxoClr4 of tirePeace, ni vlie'e dfInar tînt>'usa>b. einainet. ceugflis, clle, sît i0seassnutirse tirent, langes ud cirast wyl aivays pro- vaîl. Cruel coanuptia vilI elairmite victfirir. Tiro e isetue, if attendai teta iu inOr e, e ear'rê'sieeit ri cureit. Tire remet>' is Dr. Wieîar"a Bahlsam of Wilit Cherry. WCa venît cull mmtentinur te S. W. i3. Srniutl's adreritisouent aI Lump goats, und vonl reconanilenit alin vaut cf a gedt, cleap lampa, ta cal snd examine isa stock. AI>PI.Y<rTMEN.-NV... reanc phesat t finait rin utire liaI cf Ofliil Assignrees Chue nais cf Mn. A. Kenn2edy, cf Orillia, appearu far Sinicce. TLPàri.-Mn. Jus. Lainig, of thisCo, goesa iti tirepieket Canadian Cricket euni, te pie>' ai tino Phladelpciia Cenr- Mzotasse. LMNc & SrrmvÂhirrannounce tirs, arrivaI cf -tirir falIsteak, suit havnughaugirl aivaniageosly a gmvs bargalus Ce customeMnç NEtW FALL GOocasjusi arnivei t aIW. Nrrmn F.nx. Gcômu.-Mfessrii. Laves & Powell auto receiving thre. 'final cf their nov fail gooa s nithe. LDomunioci XVrê' GnÀiD sePLisuSiE XCUUsro.e-Autieci. tien la callodteC, tiraeannooment cf nCsai xu xrseiu arnnd ýLaka Si ua., orithe vinsoa guets froua formed, wvici. mugeo, andthe 1h.e Wellingto ýche conmitteý qd by tire-vos excellent lune.& tlÈo Wêllingk, the old Masoul A. ]3arker didt tively.- Tfii.u toastwretir~ Iy respouded1 vards tirs I spaclous A'r wore dotted parties whe hi The drill shedi sParty 'vre osoorseut i n oe.Tiimemberso an sd mout cf the Libersl preseit -vere distinguisi u,lnqofabla.xlbbon. Ar n,, which vwas servod lu l0 hall, and' at viei r Cire hencuirs nicait effec. USuI loyàIalnsudpatriotic an sd, o? curse, hssrti Ca. Inrmediately after. împsny repafredCc Che Iuttiral grounds vine ever vitir htire pie-nie came fromua a iStanci grada, irad beau arrangedifon the rspeaking sud va onccifilled, aseisl ýeacceimoduio i beiug provided for tir a baies, cf viroýn a lange.nuer. wvon )spresent. Caroladua ise beau, Cakeci b tire cammittee 'vira appeareatoteleane nathiug undoun upan their pari for tir propet eepti niof hir guetst- a jproviite nee4 ry Accommodtiion far Cire repartons, Amonget Chose pressat vere-Han. r'. Tupper, Mon. M. C. Camenan, Ho . T. N. Gibbrs, Mca.'W. îMeDongail, M rs N. W. Bravn, M. P. P., George mith Wanituon f tir' a Otarie; Johin illet RBesVs.cf Piceon iug; James 3MeCr'eit, Gen. Miller, hem. lMt. Balues;J aies Gallovay, Seau; Wm. liM nilton, Uxbriitgo; Wm. Millet, Piekeieg; T. P. Whrite, Picker. ing ; S. J. Ge' àen, Dopuy eevé cf -, Pikîhg W' F. ovan, Reeve of Oshrawa; M. idnnB. Armstrong; H. 9 Bretiroar, De aCy Reeve cf erock; sa Lieut.-Coh. But -ou, J. B.. Biokle, Rey.e cf tire Twnshi cf Whtby; Dr,Hunter, Newmai'kt; i. Croire, W. B9. Seantir 1John Duggan, ~.Beuhibe., Lieui.-Cal. R. L. Deuison, clin A. Macitouehi, J. J. 0 Faoy, E. S. Pip r, J. E. MctDougall, E. >Wragge, B. HiutCi, Heur>' Sîsliee ,r setn., J. T. Nuu( a r]Josephr Danite, J. i Ingliai, Geanr Ellis, J. N. Blake, J. R F. Wilson, Win Wilson, James Duffe>' iJosephr Bicker4taff, Tarante; Bey. J. Carmiclisel, Bon. Mn. Campbrell, bon. Mn. Robinson, !Markliam village; H. r Tan., G. Digby, Concilmen, Nov- amarket village; Jaies Spteigirt,Warden cf lire Coul>' «iYoransd Reeve a: Mankiram i vlafe ; Mectar Boston, Wiievshe ; Han.- Davidt Reesar, Senalr; Dr. Roit, Johnu Langetaiff John Duncan, ýRaboni Manair, John Girsaun, James Genmley, Jaunes Tranu. Wi. Arnmstrong, Robert Millet, Mark- Sirani; Heur>' Duncan, S. T. Haumr. sItoe, Douglas@, Jaohn Leaiti>, Jolin Watson, John Dicksan, York; Elia Wood, James Humpiries, Geo. Cimier, 'Wm, Brovn, T. 'A. Milne, John A. Higgiue, A. licCreiglit,ý W. Raipli, Jr., Scarirr' B . Mile., Jcohn Carter, Unionnilie; G. C. Grass, Geo. MeGilli- ivray, Tires. Mcedy, J. Farquhanson, Wiritby; Jolie liwteu, W. Bosil, Johnm Smuith, W. Simuit, R. Metiersihl, Est Wiiby ; J. M. Gneeeveeit, Wiuy ; J. Cuttîbent, Dunfin's Creek ; James Ruitri>, Victoria Caorns, &o. &o. Tire Tcronto prAse vas nepreseultdb>' Mn. Richards cf tIre Glaore, Messrs. Hanten suit Bayt cf tire Mail, Mr. Dedniekson of tire Leader, sud Mn. Tircmpsoe (Jimuél Brigga) of Cire National; sud tIre local pressb>' H. 11. Carson, Mark' hum Ecoeiemist, asotW. H. Higgina af Tait WrrITu CHisuNeIOEs.' As willbeh senu rai Cluenames here vas quite a sprinkliug cf promineni Refermons in Chue gsthireng. TIre lciri as akien b>' Mn. A. hlarIn. or, vhirelua boy appreptiate vnnds ln- traitucei- lion. Dr. Tuipon, vire vas neceiveit vilh licheora. AfCet expressiug tire pleasune lie felt in attressieg sa large suit intelligent a beo>' of tire people cf Ontario, liereefereaitCctCie absence cf Six Jolie Macdotnaldt vhieih.oregnûeno, suit vliièhrlie sait a'ecanseit by cir. cisatances avenr iel Chat gentloman irad no contral, sud mate ht impassible for muri te attendt. lisenterai t aisoies lenegîliinCaa scampatisen of Cire nota cf Cthe adumnistration cf Six John Mîrcîce. aIt suit tire muner of contuctiug tire Govmoini b>' the present gentleman in p"eor-.Il vas ne secret thai viren tire 'lg iIfrn. Smr John Macdtonaldt hauriote te e sala cf office Ca his snccosson lire raslrrned Ctire cane cf Cire Iattec Cire inieresis ci s counry> mhose praspocia ef futrue pros- petit>' ve rsiriris;ev cauninies in tire civilizel weni i iai. Lt vas no aecret thaC with tCie visest taniff thrthait beeu krrîunnn ini CarraIs for mauy ycars, ual an]>' vas arilsurinaliteficît tarient ite aun rnnusl etiurpins, irai sasueccosui Irail bethe C great urenastite cf union Alrich hl irainby mieniirouglit about by tIr e xertiorre of Cire Liberal-Causer- ratineo pirrLt Ire laCe Goverumneut hîsit ris lîcusit tan-vide liberahi>' sui efficleuily ocut ef tre ipublic revenure ber aIl tire grenît publie services cf CIre ceeu- t>' Cte reexteet cf iluii-hen'milliens. (Cros)Ho foît tirai tirefiunreIrait come vhire it vas perlîsamare itu- perCant te tIre people ofcf anada Cirsu ut su>' ime lu hir history Chant tino> pause astein carefulli>'hCire ncord af Chie past Govenument, set compareait cloral h itiChat cf, tire preent. lie claimoit creitit for Cire Liberal-Causen. natives far maing effecteit Canfoiten- atioan d fan Clirebenefits nvlici hait resuiteit frai hat great measure. Tire màanyi Zen-vb, vinen ocesunion vasý au acceupliied faeot,.thougirCi.> ey e opposeit it befoné, àirnedînittCh. Uniornte In cxyegotConfédera. liôo btman>'meeChers 'f h. Cabi- net ver. lu fanon cf senug oureoc. notianr Wth Che i 1otier Country;- end evein Mr. Blako vra resady Ce advoe a chafLen the 15 ,mdc& ,...ise. a. to migns ifleuéaty haie beraeQ-'xpeet 01, Ce continue vitheut 'iutermuption.for Atmany yoars, burtlire (Dr. Tuppet ha h lm id tew otae. vi Che, tioughtfulmenon fOanaaâ, n n Ibâkàà At tls question D as il'vo it toc often lsahuoqte look at snob que nu Cos-lin th. ighit cf extroma partisai sh1p, t ndspsuidenthy cf Party fée ~.ing, were beginlngtCe ask >Ciioselvi a- ,wa lWaC e t Chat, la eleudlng Cii.cor ie' merciai 'horizon cf Ciicountry?1 the. net some cause for l-t conneetf with tCie publia misnans, goment, cf Cl affÂîrs cf thre' eotntry?"- -Hi (Dr. Tul le par: did net lntond Cc sayothat the proi li eut ceenmoeroiaý depression in Canai a0 vas ontirely ..duotCc th ire m ag a. mn uf thre pesul Goeramnt, la wouUsaytha threvas noetsep. the Otiie prosont Administration coula adog e aiculâted Cc briug about * tire deproý SI sien, tirat Ciiey had net adopted. Th laCe Geverument bronglît forward Pacifia railvsy poliey whieir woul ebave,1irougiit maflions inCa Canada i ,Y stiinuiste its prosperity sud openu re Cire country se Chat millions of Che Pc, le ulation cf Europe would have gene int ,it; but viien, after unCold difficultiei '0 t shd arrsnged matters Ce hat a co r )r psny ef capitaliats vent into hemi it £cet for tire purpose of obtaiuiug Ch mcuey ta carry out Chat pdlicy (t wirich al parties ru h. country ver bonnd alike), Ch. Opposition of the diý veto se faithlqss Cc Cire rue interests SCanada thaC il comblued ithiluth enemies of Cire country outside cf il r, Ch. Northern Pacifie Bailway (Jeu pil sny, to prevent its being carried oni new Cire candeur Cc admit it) viren Mi f Cartvright pade Che meustrens miE statemeut hat Che rise cf h. tide c our pres'perity lisd stopped, aud Clii a her. wss a tiefit whicli weuid requir I'i it te come te Parliamient sudsaek it t 1,ta% tire people in larder Chat it iuigi ho ahi. Ce meet it aud tire publie eti *peudiCure cf Chat year. Mr. Cart Wrighrt said Ch. deficit wra Ctwe mili ons. Tire Globe ssid it was tlirred, hi lu an article vhicir appeared on the 20C] July. it hsd Ch. candeur Cc Admit tha the Cve millions cf taxes hie nev "Pb fanm" Goverurnent placed on Ch * sirulders cf tire -peeple cf Canada ii *gratitude fer tire confidence Chey lirai piaced lu It vas lot tC eset a deficil Sbut te provide for Cire exenditure cf Ch :f =oi yeur. He uext criicized tir ocrm f construction of tire Pacili Railvay by tire present Gevernmeut He arraigned the Goverumeut arr rait ors te tire public interests cf Canada sud declarrd Chat if Cire late Govera meut 1usd gone te Cire Heuse cf Ccir meus witir sucir a contract as Clun vinici tire present Ministry hlicenu ciuded witir Cie Hon. A. B. Foster they veui<I have beau voted cnt in fivi minutes. He alieged hat Cire Gevccru ment pehicy vas juet sulir as wouid bý dlictstedl by Jay Cook. - e repeintel his objections Ce tire Pembmna auý Thundpr Bey ibranchressud Cire linn frnm Nausimuo te Egquinuiut, and ai leized' Chat all Chie extra expenlituri wvas the price wiîieh Cihe present Gor. ernment were payiirg for heir seats H. condemued the Marine Telegrapl Bill, sud aiieged Chat ite pasca as another biow attire crenhit cf Canada sud vas ene reseon viry Sir Htigi Alisn was unabie te obtain monev fo tire Nortireru Coiouization Raiiway. Ho aliec recapitrnlated hie aruments in flthelieust, ou tire suhjn'cCcf Mr. Cent. wrigts lonin, allegiug hat Cire bar vas net ueeded, And vas caicuistenl Ci lower Cirnadman credit, aud ftîrther ccmpiained tlràt Cire Finance Ninister liadllcaned fourteen ruillionse to differ- eut bauke. Several members cf l'artis ment were influeuced by tire dc.pozit oi money in Cire banks cf wlrichtlrtey vere uirectors, sud similar influence vas brougltit C bear ou sirareiroldeni sud oChers. Ho partieularly referreil te Mr. Senator Simipson sud Mr. Wilketà. le couteded hat Ch. per- formrances cf tihe Reform panty int power hald net beau equslItCc Cîeir promises in Opposition. He ehalleng- el tire Reforni Geveremeut Ce shuow s single measure whicli Cley 1usd paubed tîrnougir Parliant vhnicir had "net heen initiated or pledged by tire laCe Goverument. Tiere esson wiry Che pressent Governmeet had passed mes ures more easily tiran Cire laCe (loven ment vas Chat Cirey had a loyal insteal cf a factions Opposition. lie claimed as mucir credit for the Ceuservative as for tire Refcrm party lu regard Cetire adoption of Cire ballot, ridicnled tire Dominion Election Act se fat as re- gsrded h. adoption cf Cire local fran- chises, declaned hat Cirere worrld have ire'.n- Iu- lvucy -awbutfor1F Cire1 earhe'r rof "an GîIpositieon "in vhnicîi-er ee gentlemen cf distinction viro belongedl at oure ime toi wiat vas called tire Re. forai pstty. He vcuîd ire quit. willing whonever a man botter able te serve Cire Couservative caus-sund couse. qusuthy, ire believed, Cire people's cause -C-han h. vasCo inake -vay fer lrim, sas it vas iris ambition Ce retire into- privato ie. Sanie cf Ciremeasuros cof tire preseut Goverument vers broniglit forvard sud ccntrssted viCirtheso cof Cire laCe Han. SAndfield )Mscdon2aid. He traced at momne length thei progres cf Confederation, thue union ef Sir Johin Maconldl ana Hou. George Brown te carry it -out, tire retiremont cf Mr. Brown ou prsonal grounds, thé selec.' tien of Mn. Y.18. Macdonuald as Pîremier of Ontario, hie chcice- cf tvo lieforni sud tvo1 Couservative colleaguues, aid tirs denunciation cf a Coaition by tire Reform party-virich, 4o said, iroved -ý&haC <lnitism oaased ian.toloe.ii intelligence sud ýjuit uu«dersiandig - sud Chieàsures tnassed by Cire Gov. erament. Mr. "Blake, on~ obtaiuing power,. forme&d a coalition' by takiug Mr. Scott ilaCe hie Govermient. thou gi t 't- a! of r,) tho gronng cnes perseei semuùrasîcu tiel nsd tire' ime vônld come *WII1 n musC lu ail casesbo saorifleed Ce th. transactions vonld be brougbt Ce ligh' ltRblgod.On Ch. formation o! Cire tbaC, would put Chnir antiorstCc Cl ne rat Unitod Goverument Dr.ý Tuppor bunir- viien tire déluge of carteli es- isd rofused tb Cake offiee bacaue bisgeuthomen,in and. eut cf Parliamen in- course lu advocsuing unrion had net dnring tire ohectiencocuteet lu Boul ei- bèeon suetaiud by iris Province.' Ontario vculd be laid bàrs, sud the in les Arrotior gentlorman vl»ohaitgreat in- 'diguatiocio e! in stituenoy aronreed n n.fluence lu Chisc ocuntry, biossolhé cou- tir. deception-Chat haël heon pr&ctiséi 18 ralled Cire Glob>e, hait joinedl Sir John o oSin the peoei. 'meantime ie repest 4d Ifacditoualit Clu ordsr Cc carry outn Cou.- t hat- ire béHievsd a fair <majcnitY0 hé federaticu, but soon left hlm. He 'as -thé'people'-o! Octane vere Co.day i [Ë- seîtei t Cht Mn. Brawcu liedresignsd hie favor, cf tir. Opposition. >Mr. Gi es position Inn the Cabinet, aoC ecause he vithdrew, amdesî.ciees. la vas dissppoiuted Cin not go6!ingCo Wash- Tire proceedings clased withrvotesn 'o. ingtou, but bécanse ra certain section cf hauke Cetirte speakers sud tCa Ct Ut subsenibors Cc he aSr-nimpracticable ehairmnnis vich vere canried vith or àt men, meo f coeidiesa, mou ho vould tCiacstie ceoeniurg. C, ciot olerato differencioo of opien, Who au- would nover argue, but alvaye asert- revuw Council. lis throv up Cire paper, sud expreoeseit tirir1 s diapprobaticu because Mn. Brovn vas 'wnty qnday evoning, id net attscklug everything overy motning. Sep. Bh, 875 te Mr. Brave, Ciereforo, heught il better Sp.6h 85 iP Ca leuve Cire Goveneiment, go baek Ce Tire Mayor' eook tire chair siranti phie newspapcr, andt Coufederation sud after 8d s'lock.. Tirs other member te tierenet go teaCie-. le aleged preseut 'vexe, me-.' 3ov rp '5, tirat Cire. wss uothnigin Ch. voteat Fairbanks, HaprRi rdsys cf Cire Famihy Compact whicir sud Tirenpson. t'- equalled Cire defiacee cf consitutianal c~rscve. le lav viiciras seen in tCie local sud gfrpe te general Goveremient io.rlay. Mr. Mac.- Froni h K. Gordon, ar p re keuzirs vwilgoveruei tire country; h.lissoeccntutlrinciCn 'Y vrais snd spoke for iris Gaveraient iu streot.'- of tire firetpersan: sud, exceptieg M1r. i. uforen J H. iompeon iu fer sw àe Blake, vire, since hoe teck office, irad rces o laigai ihigC it, boeu itevu near Rivieran dur Loupirea15niPs. n- vas suntaunded by incapables. TIre From Stanten &Ysreold, aslCmg r.à, t. mnu ie camprisei thoi proener Gov. a Clint billiard table licenso fer tino rs re mieut did net underîtanit constituîionaî mlainder cf tire Jean. d pntineipmis o e ireaciinery of Goévernn. ASCE art3a. PHUd'.ý r. muent. Whoun ir (Mr. Mnucdougaih) Mrt. Fairbanks explainei tChat Mr. 5s- vent imto arhiameni Mn. Macekenzie Philp's absence hait beau causei thrugh ouf vas writiirg for Chie SarniarSleiold, a Cire destin of a friend virese fulmerailie' at omaîl shoot wuieh Irlir ait nover beeu van sttending. re qucteil. -Mn Mack.enzie Ilrd got inCarso.or'crs a pover hy means net ire most croditare ~ bladtablelcu. li sud irad sunrouudled iiusehi %vitir Chese irautirng teblladtal icne Screainnes. lie characicri4zed Mn. Cari- Refenniug petition cfThempron te C-wi.irt as an "ass,"< sud averred Cirati ie committe ne utine sud vaier. i d haita Sir JhiuRjiseCa coutradiet Chie Alloviug Mn. Goro aptdw Ut siatementimâ'de iry Mn. Cartwright in drain. odnt u ov bhiris budget speechi. "We liait te dis- .TOIiN 3MCWTXgUi'S ÂLLEGED IrJUtrtY. ai enedîtoreuet in onter Ce 55ve Mr. Thempeon brought Chie subjeel 0- eur country" sinlMn. 2rtsdougall. antan Cire notice of tire counicih. ?1 lie next aittackueit Mn. Movat, wiro, lie Tire mayor explained tCiai a petiticun in declarot, Wvas aise endeavornig e cou- irad ireen given hli.iy Melntyre vhicin d4 duci a Gevernment on Cli. one-manlire Irait iaurlemi teMn. Tirompeon. Tire t, principle,lirad infringeil upon ceustitu- latter hrsd forgotten Chie document. e6 ClouaI rigiris, and couldt according te Melutyne elaimed $100 dautuages, for e iris ovu conention vote ta keep iris injuries allegeni Ce havo hein sustaineni c Gavernnnut in office for Cen years if ire by Iris faliing whene tire sidevaik vas t.ssv fit. Mn. Movai vas cahbed a ne- ssid to lie toi-n rip near Dr. Glnne'se r- C'fermer, but lie asoerted hat lie vas su sidence, virile ire drain from tCie Molli- u, li Fsmuly Compact Tony. lie promis. adist chrurcli was ilieging. i'er, Goithrelpng hlmn, C brirng up nexi Mn. Tinempeen, secudfeil by!Mr. Ring, sesson tire question of au snbitanary al-. movei thtiret Mesers. Fairbranks, Harper, nif tation cf ClheiConstitutiion. H. al8ec Frnguson sud Blovwibe appeinteit s 2-promiseit te <la Iis besi Ce brng' about special committe. te enquit. loto tlie r, a fusion ofccfotrtaneof lm sud eqrniity, maCler sud nî.port. eand ceecludlei hy Ceulermng tire ustial Mn. Blow taek exceptiou ta Clue coin itîauke te Cire audience. Hie aise ap- imittes, sud cirngedit as somnetin ea peaied te sucliRî-foruers as Mn. Wite cunniug for Mr. Thcimpson Cc hiave ahi 'd ta jurigni inilepeudeuthy cf Cire questions tlir e uers cf tire CeoCre Watt cff id befu-re tire country. tire cemimitte.. lie auihrd Chat Cire le lien. T. N. Girbs was nerci caiher] malter i' se-ut toe ir, iejf corumittee, 1-upon. by tire cIairîau.auni aon isiug vwas ertCe tire r oLesnf tir. Vrd iun icl ,a reeiveri witlr vigorours reuuonstrations tIre aecidqmrt tcok place. tif weleome. Afler s few preliminary Mn. Ring expneseed iris surprise Chiai I. narlîs as teairis appearsuce upon tirrt Mr. hiIcw, au aid rueclIuer cf tire canu-l Soccasibu, sud nothicg tire preseuce cf cil, sirould cavil snd throw eut inien- Sunany cf iris cl fniennie bnci Cie ad- alieus againsutvirai Mn. Tircpsetu raI jeiuing eeusîiîueneies (Northi sud Sentir douecli perilect good faitir, strîting tirai Ontario,) vhrm iernus as gla taCc irurictirnruines cf ttieaites, on asuneetir n quit. as ready te givo Irir s varia liait icen bbC off qu perpose ii arIen Cc 7.greetiug ns aven tiri' diii iefone, said hia'v, a report froun a disintei'erted 2tîrat Cire LirnshConnerrstive party epecinîl cemrui.tee, urdtIraitirhe irriter -mueqt ire gsiuiug greatviren it couli iwrs not-ons fer ire Relief committee n inrk holdinrg a mneeting of liii presont aC ail.- He (Mn. R.) Irelieveni tirattIre 0kiud ie tire village cf Markirsm. If pýrtnier vhoIreladil ie consrtuction efthCie ýr gave hepe CIitu ire fruture Chie ceneli- cf tlie drain lu luandrivte lhable sud nr tuency, hue Cire adjoiiug eentituency net tire corporation. - (Soruth Ontario) ivoulit ie redeotueni. Mr. 131eo extteck Cire ground tirai lie lookeid forvuird nviCt irpe ta tiraitItre. as no petition hefore tire coinait. of day. (Cireene). Airdt Ie augunei tChiaiMn. Ferguson vas surprîset ai tire Y ut vas not fan cff-fer aitirougir no position taken by Mn. 1Blew, firet eh. r propinet lier thre sou cf a prapiret lie jecting Ca tire carnritteo set Cireur is believedthCie day was net fan distant stating Chat thon. vas no petition te I vircu a general election %vasai aci upon. Tiec rustei tCirai, in future lu hband. Hie did net wisirfer il jusi yet ; petmuutiug parties -ta use Cire streets, Sire irepedthtie gentlemen naov in paver provision Woulddire made te mînko tiren vanhit ie let ahanq a litile; longer, ber ail reepousihie fer dama-es. r they vanted vas repe enougir Ca lang Mn. Fairbanks resentei tCie inrinu- - ilemselvés. (Laughter.) Hie %vas glaul aticu as Ce tire compositionr of tire cour- a tlie people of tire secticn iran au opper. mille., asu rIM. Tironpson playiegc 1 tunity of listening ta Dr. Tupper, sud cuuning. liait litthe te add hiîseîf on theo poli- Mrt. Draper didtal carly sec iris r tical situation teavirat liaitalr'eady wsy in Cire absence cf a petition on a fallen froni Dr. Tupper sud Mn. Cami- ernomihing taugile befone Cire couneil. eon. itespecting wlair aitbeen sait lHe alviseit caution an an sefuienruiry. of tlue Minister of Finance. Nexi Cc UlimaCeiy tire résolution passedt h. CIrhe remier, tire Finance Minliser vas osme cf Mr. Thompooui beiug suirstihtt 1tIre unstimortant mner th Cli o tntiriof Mn. Fairbanks. 3Govoromeet, asu iie (Mn. Gibirs) charg-.ICeL.NOS eed hat tire gentleman wîrolirelîl Cir r DaperistaLNtedtht ieine. )ciffce to.isyluMn. insekeuzies admin. tarnDrar staeptir lis cin- istration iFoulit hby fiant. Mn. Cart i. ttohnn forantoabrepar the a tr ca wriglit ieudthCIe office in opposition tCc )rzuttenttecrts, bt as ire teras aIl Cire vieive ho irait formeriy expreseu. uuraIedtnt~ihC cs i Hie uni àno fceli8iunsluCOLUmoU ii te.firesabsencecf Mn. Pliiip. And afCer a mar vth viaili va aniciiîel-refe'.i' wrds freni Mn. Tirompscu about a e iir fan nut libiohw s ansociieu-ital, uuuei ar icaet tire~~ratngéams tanuretra'irmpusitoncfd va.--e4 or an n "ou miuistratiaooulIt afford Ce uave suclu iaviu",g gne faribu, it -1 a -h -ta --beobeycit, s Maunse Miniister; i iCcapacity wvlan sd lre renlt vas tir, sirvey vas; certain Cc itiing tinetu tirein.grounit. madte. Thir ocppanienîs ini Cie pasi Irai]clafimet I# ipnet 'visîr te detnîcl frein amy tinat Ciroy sangirt te elevate-the standardi crédiT Mr. Draper niay daim fur lbaving of publiecnecaity. Mev didt Cie>'try seceireitCie surno>'. lt wasd'as (vinici ta otai. ie (Mn. Guirbs) coulit oniy la Cheu mahu peaint), Cliaug11I mn,.>'stsîî- sa' Cirai if tire Conservativea vee thie tirat I hait au interview îtîr tire Hon. corruptieuriste Clrey iraitboeennepressul. Minister cf Publie Wonhes, ini Stpterniien oit, Cire sa-cailedl Rebcrmeri tirai came laat, vîren t ungeit np on hlm Cire neces- sfter thiera ers thé aptiat sehalars in sity ;,f snriieg Iris Eogineer Cc iospect Cire 'vorlit. (Cheoer nui Laugliter.) Cire atront.le assunerl me hi olomî Whor, ire aslton, versCire firet to ire un- da se, uandiCiati ie youd Setirai pre. seaCet saud th ir rt' to ho disquahifieit per furilities vere given to commence acter Cire net for Cire preventien cf cor- rit iris Port. rapt practicos ? Yeo Cre>' oCnetChose Ih turne eutCirai Chie Engineffre Bse- so-called Reformnera sud not tir.mnuport canelemus Cire Maniant in sîrcng aftie Part>' Cie>'iat tuunel2 , Heo ani, staiing Cirai il voulit require an maiutained tthst tire Liberal-Caueva- outisy af #76,000 Ce placeii lu a posi. tines wer. th. part>' cf pnriîy eut tien te) accomunodte madorn darmerci'. honesiy-trein enemies hriselvosie. Tis report vae maita hast May,. suit. ing Cire jutges. Tire part> ii paver vas rosi t a me iry M1r. Kingefond iltil te'itay hait no niglit te nnrcgrtte.tliom- Mn. Caieto'n's,,consent. An abstract,1 selves tire nameo f ,Reformuers; île auttionizeul b>' Heu, H. S. Muntingitan, Liheral Conne rnst'vêsesvre tire rue Acting kiMirof'e Public Wcrks, was; Reforer ocf tCirprosentta y. -They 'ebto3Lnit fromth ie Depsnnmociî by Mr.i weno a)i lieonmersq, Cire' ctry différence Gordou5 inember fer Nantirontaria,j beiug tirai oue part>' ws Inuaüd thtireasd publisirei in Cire Whitby Gazette ctiiert Oui-but t liei Libiral Conserve-a.sd'Poart Perry' 8ianded,'asud; 1 urnitr. tives ihehieveéito ie Che raltýy ibsnsl stand a ccru,' as Bsent lyn r )uba ec-S.' U1 Wï 1 Ua5S 1555t ue L'US u J04 Ch. key tate Orado CibutrtarheI Town, But te seurs Chat rado 'v -muet have ebeap freigiria, vill proper HEathejin facihities, snd 1ev telle ; nor -mueai veasels be alloveiltaCefounder in oun Haaun, rsqulrng Che services oc a atug andtligbters tagetiiroff ; at ceaIcf frai $60 Ce $100,s I undite ri stand i eue instance Mn.- Drape. <ICan yen expiais vii> almoat énsry airipperasui capti l ding business a ,Wiiby.,Marrant, complamie o! Che tresiment raceiv'eà t aiCie -bauds, cf Che narboun Master.? ê Tour corrneao'ioult, "ATYoung Cocu,' States Cirai ouI>' o on Ivo canascm br r loaded ai, Port Perry. r h have, beau 'Msagieg Director cf tire WhiCby & Pant Fenny Raiva>' for nearî>' iiro qars, ahl have net irearit cf au>' cou- 'ias ire assortis., _ T%'onIt>' cara eau ire lositet ai one r.tdocks ini Pont Penny, an It itely *r'tcorespjniet-if se>'Ciiu mae1 iai A Toung Cca"--to nain au>' ibipper, vthirnof nuber, grain, or îeneîneudW , ha iras haitcauss, Ci comlai. n~,. le up b>' aslcing me ta Cake a lesoin ou$ It centaine tC I hope I shalnoverD mach Self. Lot M1r,,,.Dtaper itiscani hie irook cf lessons, ana I igqIiti vihiing te jain bu in anysr. ,,l on wibI promai. Ch. intereat cf Ue_ ov oen ta oitainiug s grant Cta 's Han. haut of public ieuey-povilece-..Cthe public reap Cire benefltin l 10v artOur Cahis. 1 Thre Railva>' Compan>' hua put freight love tCirhe et payiug rtadutif Mn. Draper yll dthie same tris voahit secune' a largo proportion, if net tho whirle rateocf île Tient waters. As eue of tino largest siippers cf tris section inforueit yen, Mr. Etuton', lu my pros- ence, it cul>' noquineit Mn. Draper te do se Ca secue, Chie traite. Tis aise vomit proucte Cire'exton- sian cf oaïr Bailva>', vhicirnever eau lue proceetet vitn se long as Cirere lesa doari-leck ai tire liarbior. Priape, Mr. Editor, you eau ses ailier onemies tea ur Tovn ici Chose who keep tmaltera lu Cris shape. Tours Cmi>', -JAS. 'HOLDEN. Ontarie Ladies' Colge. ANNUAL urEErirue. . Thc aunumal. geniral meeting cf Cire sirareirnilers a'f Cie ly-ntania Latdies' Coble'ge vaq hebit at tire Callegýe build- ing an Fnida>' hast. Ameegnit Crase inatnlnevr-M.J5 iîin tire presileni; Mn. Water Conit'hart, the nic-presitont; M1r. C . Draper, Mn. Siriff Reynmolds, Bon. Mn. MeDoel, Barrie; Rer. MnI. Sanitersen, gaveno cf tire coliee; Bey. Mr. liste, princi- pal; Bey. Mn. Lieach, Rom. Mn. Matl- item, Messrs. G. T. Smithr, J. S. M. WiiIcox, Jusima hRichartson, J. J. Rass, Geo. Coriack, H. Osler, J. E. Faro- voll, J. R. Philp, Gea. Cormack, Cuilen, Stoee>, Sqaelch, Samuel Beall, A. Aunis, Eck, Almau, J. B. PoilU, J. M. Lemnes, W. W. Caldwvell INie- Clueg, H. Wihcox, &o.. On motion cf Mr. Smith tIre chair mmas iakeu b>' n. Jicîdeaén, anonme- tion cf Mn. Draper, Mn. Rice 'vas.ne- questei tole st as secnej'at>. TIne chair- insu 'rosi tiho annual balance sireet subuitet b>'tire directer as blayas: BALANCE SEES'. Du. Jul>' ilet, 1875. Beal Estate ........$35b9O oo Furniture,............86ý- os Prelimieary Lxpeunses .... 1028. '/j) Alteraiiona Ce Building ....,l269 45 lIntetosit dCeriseica... 410 42 Maupeircld Expenses 23 Stores ounsuit f -2268 Insuatnce, (2 y'rs unsapireit> 159 841 iiuadry'Deoane............. 558 58 Seirool Books on init..... 5894 Total.................. Capital Stock.............. Bille Payab)le ............ Morîgage Payaite....... Sunln>' Creiita. Demninion Bank .......... PToftantlacs................ S4558320 TeANAI-------------'AND ,1LUS$ 2 $45,582 14, 415,8650 2,042 89 20,000 ci0 7,607 59 6396 DitAYt n ncir N o Dri.odExesb ..... Piortaeandci txpner.. Pastiagdsuit Sîsiu' Pniug nit ....v....i..i..... lint oarAuce .............. lin e...P............... SalaieoIBs.............. SBalracoe.............. Talce ................... $102 3 Tilition-----------------......64,61 oc 13oart-------------------..... 5,97 -74 BoAn n dnusu4tationci-y...... 400 O0. concerts-------------------..... 9366 Total----------------....610,992 48 Balance ............ ......1502 20 JOHN lICE,' ScoreCary.; lisving carebuhi> exdmrined tCho aboyé -ncounts;, surdcotupars t Chue vouchers foan ail paymeets 'mate, I fini ttie camne correct. JOHN J. Boss, Mrt.-Draper enquineit viether au>' ailier statameat Clan tiré fareoing vas to e l ait bebar, thé meeting? Mo dit' eot tesîre t teniifse Ccc ciosel>' wirat irait baedoue, batClie dit hot cousiîien Cire atatôenmisubmitted sî±fficiently fnl Ce ' pae Chue shareaoiten le possession cf nIl noqeesary' iaoriàtiu. H'e sav 03,8806 8571 860 -791 8081 5,216 8-28 la ar. riapsssrASUUU5U s ugut lie se ocil>' iiffernene of opinion w'va ete e lire mauner of errbmitCing Ch, state- ar ment; Chat se far as the institution Dr vent it 'vas &succeas. - in Mn. Drajien selmîttethat Cire repor4 of ,submitteh vas correct, viral ho comu- a plained ofvwasthat t waasnot sofll or r- complote as it zuight haiée besir, sud nr- sftex a fev vatitâas toCe . ipraetice cf acononi>' aidtCh. prospective anecesa of >' ih. Celbege mavei-thIe adoption of tire it report. le, Mn. Beall.sscoudéd Cire rslution, se M. J. S. M. Wllox complaineit of. tirs amount of Ch.esocuatnt for prntiag-, sud ospsciâlly 'vith thé stookiroidens being charge it vi h te pnintng of rn pavars cf attoneoysent aoutin tCiré-a & tenesC cf Mn. Holdén. )e Mn. Sith eiplined Cha tCheobjaci 1- vas Cc seurs s tvp4ird V-f virwicr was neceasan>' for thé purploscf Pus le mg a by.lav Ca o nroes tire dirctor>'. E Mn. McCluug cansidened je a ver>' 19siaIl matter Ce bring up, sudithel item e ke pninting ver>' uorate foan iltho anCha rait. b o nstoi. ýo ,Mn. Rice (tire secretar') dtat Chat tle mistake.of intnoducing Mn. Koldsn's Le name la>' vitr Mm. Heo e he is ibamo; Mr. lioltop 'vas absent aI Cire I Mn. llea' teck the 'bpîe respousi- -e bilit'.- He 1mev ncting of the mention à cfirismo, iraving hen awa>' wbien irte cinculaur vene sent put'. But ire r-censideneit ia ver>' suraliprece cf huai- e uss tC e eete. I vas 'vitrlarge mat- Lrtors tre>' ha to deal, andt net thé- ox- peutîtureo.ýf tCvorettineo.lalars lu ici pnintans' ink. He behlieveinuacting ntria as otirer large sud sueaful lu.. agi *utious viii hi ie vas oncnectae& arn; believet bis-sme voalt ga as 11W hefore Cthe pulic as Chat of Mn. NWillccr. Hle ktïewrt at Mn. Wilicom iai anatheir motive-in- mentioniing'>tise aatter, bùC iris vas net -tIs Cime ta notice Chât. Oniside tire 5'i ho (Mn. Mlden) vas tirs largest-stecli boiter, 'snd fho bolieveit ire hait dcens mi a s'11uanthenfanrCiré institution. Mn. Willccz vas38glàiaa'ýb hkow vhene tire tlsing cnigunatedit. l w as a Mcst uuasal thiug te attecpi. otac.tr president cf se>' lustutioni in office, on anybot>'&elob>' senting, 1-ppe.s2 ilsud paveurscfAlttorne>' blauh in M.Chue a0ice le ilisstckhlteur. HMoliitnMtele."0 lu a pre6id'nC ialeiug nÉou n mmhf Ce sot b>' prex>' sud centering aU the pover lu eue ian. Messrs. oCI ung, MoDovoîl1, Leacx andi Draper expressedtChnemenelvps pboas.- od ith the expliasin cf Mn. ]Hohien.. Mn. Câalitit sitncoatt ecaneun>'.. Tire>'expec.edimhnle bezmninàg Chatt Che doutes cf GavenanditPrincipal venlt have hen tircliargeit h ee mac. Tirai dit net Cura cui tebo tire case sud se0 Cire>' ver pa>'ing theosalaries cf île- tva. -He nefennei tthie salaries palidt i auhen institutions set tirougzht Chat- in tis item eue Chausaitd-das a yean miglnt ho sanet b>' a change. --He couit net unteurtandt aieir pâ>'ug es'thons. suit dolas more for Cesciners than tirs> irait ncoi neit aitogetirer fer- tultii. He inssist Cirai-île>' coulit net aford te Ps>' Cvo mon. Mn. Fareveillnemenkeel Chai cirer salaries voeirieuded besa te etuteur'.- Bon. -Mn. Haro afinertadarase, eiaiing Chat tire remares-cf M. coilth- art von o bth unjuat sait unkini-toC hiselfsuit Mn. Suniteran, vire hadl s great itealcf vcnk-Ca do sud ian>' diffieulties e tsanumoucit.-He referruit Ce Cire satisfaction cf lire Visiturs of Cire CclIege, asuit satedtatithe 'vcnk vas Chancughl>' donesanditte .extent 0c.f t ttiri smL'b>'hiaseîf snd Cire gover- nosi cepiaine t C ha C. emanis of Mn.' Caultirad vre bikel>' te place Chou ina fais. Iigiri. "he> irait 'vre- éd hrirCl asuitzoalous', sar>' ait laie, sud Zsir effarts 'vers dssenving mare cansideratici at theJirancds-cf Ch. iieotornd uisaarolders. *Mn. Draper vas saîisfiedtChat Ch. genr.2emeu hiait itone tbe-best. It vas, cf cou.-se,'nctirer question* .wlietirer bath pogi.ýiaus cud nat-ho fillet b>' aune genilens u, asuit saaving effocteit. lien. Mn.- Santenson also replied, cn'nparn hCie Il.ton cf Cthe tuteur in otrnsohoois viitirjose l ir e College. As fan hiteseif ire' nt irehovas fiv. iredol tolars verse afi.'Cire appclnt. Ment iraitbeen promiseat lfr' hat lie siroalit eit b. verso off Chan onci- cuit-h. vas oeorket, asuitbVPci -conu DoC Cake tva itays vacation froua tho ituties. itvas nai s mcaey-mak- iug Place, On a place cf resi bhe l ua be negretiedtbCat Cire 3el-vices 'Weno not- bolier. approcialeit. _- Mn. Heliten gave cretit Ce Mn. Coulthant fer alî,hh atdons, but s iu otrnbesinesrsa Clu.staffirai toe Mrsuce: l etlte a o h Ms-.Fruevi rsizt 'Cnoie a ouCh.- subjeet.andcing havit otice sn sinryutud lu Chqi' ew oe reen oveuail Mracqure l,. rnedb Mn. Smthn,Chat 'tismeeting ad)*our (/l

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