Whitby Chronicle, 9 Sep 1875, p. 1

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.1 - o OIITAI910 BANK , =HOIA.U DOW, DOMgINIONç ANIc H.Il EB T&GYLN C e4ÇCWL k &RUTLu»a Natades puucI, sudCo Omoc Swst 4oor south ot tiz IE .E. JAMES RUTLEDGE,,1 J.B ABEWELL, L. L,. ;JAMISWEIBTIIGORDON, ]'AURISBR & ATTOhNEY.ÂAT.L &Win O ahancery, Co'vm Xtr Public, &o. OMOOloOer.17r. (iIZstare, Brook Stroet, Whitby, O. CÉARLEmg C. KELLER, ATR»TÂATLAw, SOLIOXTO!R toA, Brc0, 0) LYMAN< ENQUliI9, L L. B.. B AhRISTER LWSLICITOR B ARRSTER, ATTORNET.AT- LAI oiletor in Chansuery sud Iiisçbvenl N let"ryPublie &a. Oio-momiJlsa Block, Brook étree't Whiby, Ontario. A. 1 lI ILLANtr kL 'ranodhMOMIllon.) s - Whiby, Ontario, [OflG. ROBINSON, M. A., 41'ORNYSOLICITOR, -COA VEY.ANCIZIR, <1'., 0)rs'.c3:17 TORONTO STIIEEýT, - 14 - TORONTs OWNLEBKCAND TirEÂsunE RoWhib. OJ. GU oNN, M . 4, :.ST3RGEON TÉO TEE COUNTY GAOL '1 IYron Street, Whltby. w nMe Rii,.10. .,,. GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, 11KG. thle oye R. O. H. L, Osiava, Octirio - ENTIST, (SUCCIS. Dsoi-ha W. H. cat DenJLIY otaI Roame-Dundos sttee Wbhby, aven-Mn, Jameacn 's Store. Nit us (Ixîde da»a ochmImulmed rtihe painlees!ex. Inaction cf eeli, Ct NseVARSI, Le.DeP. TJEETH imertet coi lI1he i.lT l~A.ateu principtoscofîte art, a44cspus-uiie clicpeut, ont as geotousthie best, Teetlà illi wii Gaît sndi Silver. 'Tetitxtnactot mitheut poun, by protaoin1 leol annathesto.Dental Roama-in Coi- a'snai biock, aven Ahkiuso's Di-ug Store, Klng Street, Osiers, 13UILDER AN]) CONTEACTOR, DUNDAUS ST., mIiITBY; IW" AU ortiere pneunptly exoctet MÛIN IiOUhl'4s0N'u TJ,'AIR DRLeÉSINca AND SHAVINo LJ..L Saloon, lhrock St., WVbltby. JOEhN OLFENDEN, A GENT FOR THE CELEBIîATED -CX. Seetial Granite. Ah Marhie Woi-ks ofaaiuWofendenDuutiau St., Wiiihy. JOHN ("i5lIERt, Ir ICENSED AUÇTIONEER FOR TEE AU oalition ut Ontarie, TYork ont peet. :RasdcO-LOt 8, 8ti-Concession Mankiani. t oeh Offlco-Uelonvtile. Sales attanted on tha0 shctst notice, and on reaienable termes. Teeau cn etmate anti biles prinieat athe CRRDeuqiea Office fan Mn. Carton. <GBUîRii oUoîiAcK, L "-- MER MEISCRANT, CARPENIER ansut liner, Gree Street, Wliiby. A bauge quautiiy of «b!l kinis of luieter con- sitantl itai iit. k D UATH Fu rals fu - Clerk Division Court Tp, Clerk, Co0mimtsle,îeLr lu ILB. I,,Landl Agentm, &c., &0., Atheuby, Ç(tlaast1' OtaXio. Atitîertv e8t. 2ut, 1872. 8 ,CA ILD. - 0118. CARSN <& liouÂsar, - l'iyslclani, Surgeoan, Accauctîtra, &0c,,tc Wb--Vhtby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 4 LA WOOD FOR SALE. Tihoe usseonlbor liai fer mtale is Mill, uear Utimo, a qusihiy ai four-test Stab A. B. CAMPBEILL. Utica, Sepît. 20, 1878.,8 A RMSTRONG HOUSE, WIIITBY, 'ONTAlIo. LAT£ -dFation asa JAS. 'OWEI F rs'L W.a. McGAW. Commnercial Accamma. f - 35 »CLIN, ONTi * - PROPIRTOR, MECHANZC'S HOTEL ýPROPBrITOB. c, r, BIT. - Ar k Mr. * O. Cot64Jat iuroieZ, a cssan hi M.NILL'.. PBOPIETO:R. Savoral . eddie marit«4. oHorne where ho g i.you Wil1 permi~ ta ow Il atMtçI rsnoosp4~4~ wOL ootsbsho Comay L(a althso i y--for aaIs-cheAp.. Lauda èTail oai WÈi.by, bas buen appalntcda Aao thtoa Bw1 d ivhon inLozadan. -- .Yet bocu délio-pautoibagrhof4ks aaal r th 1JO nôticed that,, for.tho time of .aantti 'akuo ~.ao~k b wti-~~ Roa JUST LOSSES PROMPI'LY eà»~. wlflhave thenoml taknc Pilhi ueBnsdoie zaktdoSok.O~~~tuoiuomr a b. A L. FIEBA2iKSJa.,lJ. . ke0U'e,, Fae tfi teuntyhoinrabur.es, buskssandverthared halkÊh'tuiu>e 8ns h"m- 0ked0tIAt Thiairas don, lu thehe Moarln ,roor t1i. afuteratlnàxàpît Aln ipt thoayso~h ys eelM ore ta3èuran gcallabo i,,tbg, m aa asmsej t t : urbn. aha ____________________,a____ sali n -h màýkd his a sddu y 0 oïer o ahould t m telpb i*iùtlbid n er ad o ac ad dii.uamaay DUDASSTEETWEIEY. OFFIC!E--Over the Dominion Dank, Mc. __Jan_______187______________- noyerck, yau arc i'wantd.w",a laidNNIE2 ii ax h Tii. ùndcalgn d i ntimato ta tha MUta, roc], St., Whlitby."rtoa. tho hai], y 160ho, 9mu mnEn àw L " B I 1 LUM IIEZ 1 I public# tht the. abvu prèmoie eh e an Bpril lil151h, l8HO SE ii'Lrnawht h aau OHo tu rnod 'aand v mc aw s7 ancfthomilarrna-iul a ~ l ? "h hcave- Boat1L. uars sud C us "Tew0raam ai O N lvi Q LEN nelyItte uP and runaatd.h there't -An a the wustlin officiis 10 5'tAN ,I1 Mot iMayhut h 68ha t he bs iiSn 1"Whain and u " a k oofthes a n t lokedawiad tomrk u shr nuoo natfraqal r Ad: The, unduralgnsd havlng bosu sppalitmd O'n '-1 , epr. .e "Te, W a' of Lag..POYT'P'O T, ONTAd aha uepersli ffcs tn o Ioke e7gae n h a' r ht'a eapoo nie nlsar huh 14 A«ç-sd s Sipl ut- ar the rib uam ati BâdorWhtàmoMay av tWch an gser i. t te r I'ued oid l.g aypheoiDa rkHua i ' osll l m m u, aîchf~ , taujilvo Lumbor ftlxnof M ua a.Smdt h t'a wuk.'IBO>î ers> î,,k în PORT. 1FER RY, IEONT.,Takin la heomelieirard trac'IICalitii.n- On., cf PiennPAUis s ponedin.cauuac.Wh!O10PH A. BAawDth. Tirentt3 per'nrato . lociiteregtaveltnd Ahd a nu tic nlwIth bis othipruilas, su extensive JOSEPHA._BEL.______________%vrateof___________________________ T afisçOmar ii rsaîang - oebi, a taius - - eutER Aco in i oderata chargea. Hul rne O ___ lngas bis gan 1Ha turued, ta sec a Couple Of Police. turning taeo trheb ooaù,ie bfroh audge p .sawnhlsb-.'fr amacra. ~~~~~~1er tat ho spaîttenaeaumomudaplc ornpnIeIirefaa way Stat au, ur erhakuups castantty o aiA i tew\ldhaeIt aEW2ELL LAND, AN])t O c ârld'ndsqeee RtIeo apaire fr , my gg A D n you, an i o ot wmt tue ti oisl Iwe utgigt t oku i akucmain u h s d i n g s d o .*e e a d ri Amb rn d y oEE T , ' E I E , o i i o n - - - - ,k ille d h e ru B i Cy ile l" a d u f s , M a tlo c k , if y o u l l p r o mu i e t a m a r k t h e v e y ,th i n g "f n t m t , a f c n , o s i , t ug t in. ýPlouolng machin. sud a1l klndmof t"e.TYOR&M aoid theS a t ,1StWiJo E E A Â E T 'ou ica ' aath )Lzldhme; en logwt o aYýý o" o Theunerggnd osi t ifor AenSt.,te CnfdéatinbityAsoca. "Why I aonti th0ra finy corn G iuYU wer "Ws'oko GEO. ORAKa-TYORhMCNN RPITOerS.My bl ~e fnaortda.feeato LyeAsoi. a bsdethey are black sud ugiy Tho young men lad tnrned very mcoM.Mtoklvs u u u lfrv. .O9MAC o.dfr andut-the Pkublc that thoy hava takan ' ocs oset sd ccuns od et. As ony ta' vnioo ant ae &W, renevatamnd p con open tw doora2 hn otn t I eah aeu Whtb, ay97 178hâv1te moy oilft- uand rh at, anci ptiy &Iattention glveu ta tha-calleciioa "Get eut 0aMy algiit',-yeasupd I,"TW he tto " ira '6s rut Ina poela tsiif« lct fti.u IR R SAE t the:béat 0order or the accomlmoda- T. osil, AccaunitsanasudMortgags. Saisi the sianj t cf croira'.taluaint 'or t FHo ceste.e Th"arRobboryeb nd..P . W H" w sbr u h t r ARM OR S LE, ien t esta Te BnW hlhi h od.. V' I T E Office ver R. i. Jamasu's, Duuaadst. WThere', noudbtfoa nt knrc ws "Mare::o -ahe 2" cagei.y el"s(,AecenLaoi ttnieia An, o Aue That weUlkuown itam, lot 26, Sud con. of the Sinet trbsd ~iru11lupplled wlth wil, au the it], l " ' "-aMe con_ Whitby, Sept. 1, 1874. arneoDosbtaPretkose M-atifd'éyWi e £ Major "agr.Aml ncoasezIolnadgod1( wl.eAh, 1 ses, I ses,, soidtheo hanter, Willseut auy mare ta Day, thc young counsol. f"Than leeb yter f Srugl nnleatya I TIEibykOwn aLs ONgFARM or m ec l a od ahl su gaeSTrAGE iBETwEEN I sicea e.a oter te cgobibld la e mouth. il knew of the p hoorpilién to nie A n"detael oah THE10.NA.OP.NTAYLOR, h.Doiavo.THE HIGHi- -' [RJÇE She can't tel black tram white,, It WGs no use eillwiug figit; i atalr twzo aebe ulaI.hdlnbeasetsaei~ng~ Cf- -Ani as t presaut iu the accupation cf Mn. tote af Taranto Pe I CA. W MBY & OSHAW ntiammet iasoepoeoi,.rtue s ns, ai lehs'noit a to oatyo ni esi a c. centaiP.eTAY0OarPs;Labout 1NN. foan ay quiuitcy- k r%(red ot W IT-&-SH W . nthermliantuifs shoulde becaseof 1h tmeeaonliedsrati dlae; welling, autbuilltings, ai suitobla __ 1 ý WhV!itevalo. l i 1n v efforita oTWICE A DAY - By theoMark. and h ivouf ere iupa. u, sud 'shift liaerab ry fin ard xa alc' urinsgl Au a uc, N. R njv d Cantains c19 acrsiabouten150' - L 91 entire satisstarfiiiu ibi Pa*ma éttlgmii voant Mr. MailoCk's ee sc . offces steddecara- are otntR EM .patronize thcie nît] 11 nt s-g Leavets Oshawa et 8 a, m.$ sud 20 p. un. ATL FCRUSTNILEI C. blairthe officer liad given lunrebt u fr accident ot0 gulm uoigory I'adbo a a aeleldrb Appty ta- .L~~~~~~~, Fleur anti Feed of tsh(' . 5vasd ILeaves Wilitby a0110, s. n., sud 4, p, u.mmo -thuebikooe11 h o s blaec irs jui titptesicnmatchign r.M lo 's ea trm aipulsvId. JOeNhad receiveti. lhe uaniesidesigbuupenoiihiarn. Iebolona.Pbre 25 cents eale w'y resnbte prices. ui] sue:cents cadiu- "And nuow," raid.Hary p ios lyacslesaarH k fhvug ttleias odnuitaaouny J ON A. D ratONA oLN n deagudh, ,vei StantYOuniiand aud for "1'itCOU Wîlcati 51 att the tiétels,ma i ntpriv ae TIer,? ireo ne ec f trr, ,plhalî uaacseth tal W -m i g n a tie2nO18 7 8c e8 D 6 0 0 T c f 8 1 1 0 E r é s i e n c e s ( m i e nu e n e r s a r e îs t a t a n y mc io t l n 2 "c i s t n io med m n d l u o r h u A n i s n u l r n d o l a t b s . acl25178151Toronto. L<JSTZUILL O REflC Wiitevale, Oct.tti, 1871, 41 Bownville stage; also witii tie Whitby have-painevesi you.ad woth plieinth ta the preinises d iin ho Western Hal ---anti Port Perry PRailway, sud viti lirougli- "epi, l ra saru mak;bu îotpair cf diamonti tomrings." aeaqaaei iiM.Mtak' xui tcf T HR E I S O L A T D 1 1 1 8 K D n d a i S t r e e t , u '-t 1 y p i l e r e h a i s n e L î S T F T U E D I I S I O; N iU i T S a im tai t W h i t b y . T O S H1Psm h m i t y a s S a i o r k ;a r e tp r a s i a i < O h t h a t i s a i l l t ?A n d p t % - a i e 2 " c qe e - a n i n s t n c e Cospea e l ecte norden for W rk. AÀ aovin WlityHOarPPER87 . 10aurymak: y sparve ame pcon td f. sial 'ei 2"D Te plc a acufs,-va iy UpntcmthfnailnH yMt l.arge as ectasock ou an.Repairîng r M O 1F C tDTHE Wi- - pain mIta87. exdb ur angesthi 11 e "Ladau, oStparepl2T h e irolifein ani mie ifc en -Fire Insurance Ca'>- If Canada, dtietas nouahspakeyrsovo iwe"nfrmtin ecivd"tand msp panH,"r uncok's, Ilegent Street.- nigit often Confusiftedoeiilo 'scesbigexm ed lra r JOSEPk A. BANDELL. l.<VUNTY OFV VNTAI P iBEThboe smeakesneh a ti. h Loaonyaui, Wefosri mas convied liaeifanormaio lete.isrdcagtelen'eotr Whifby, May 8,1871. THE BS bv wrswr otli h eya hyla li hnge folsi fali l lb "I omeanu bsgnlnnsn.sdino ael itlgî~Uo Cu A P I T A L ,H Y E R o. f a u s s o e a n d b e a u t i f u l y a u b l r n t t e c h re. ldt n e t e a e " c e s t h c o s e ; " o t l i I e r o b i g t i e , i i m s s i u a h t 'à eOR at thcir beat ingooti looké, godheart- "6Coaaloug ttle Station.", e"ctie faec o(iay"alelm flsars-i a cnn Ueposlted wlth Governme', $7000ORE EIINS. nes ad Ih p. Mdi f - tpis ~, ît9iît ajust aliass, muat deta~, ani O FF ICIA A 86 G N E, Wiitb~,1g I'TheThe moreametibauls. Httirs aithngss2 iiatodde1igAmagstrale "iudle mI frayei ail, liepeegentlboimamod ----------------------AT AONCescripions a tndbe8t1HrasEMei. saln jes1pastAuudescneiyeasonfsgei"Lit aea, a sérost ie evaing, tRves Itis curt munt tielessiataintpscfffua hue thei'ite asi bIn aimk BALPPBD IISO CUT, Dan 4ole ep ont'fl o a -an orslet"Ohjt ody tsxù h vn l'n LX oEzE .pPart Penny '29 9 8 2a 2,10 the Whitby Livery Stables. tinoanimutant boueti aîip. js si a uk"upon bis ôlaracttnerEioty oht xnueilemth J H oN . E XIA N . ,M c K E N Z i de nt. U T Ilhrcc & o . & o . 1 12 02 W r, 81 ,2 !114 IL N o c a or a vice. A m asO th e o uy aug hter of a w l . " Th u s t s o t e Iju k 1 n rs" Onco rs , Broi 12 2 1 6 9 13s10can5a m at's yonr preof 2" - blunlyly u 1d Maenadent. AUCTIN gEER,s&lc, portUxTidgejf 2411 17til 16 N. RAY-ta-do WmdOv lady, sud Who, in ongag. Ti ters," sad te fIcuer, iluressIebvep.ae *. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " J O N M U H N JMOF C - n B 5 l î 5 B o k o t a r a i. . k 12 5i 1n8h ePe-t '1H7r y M a t lo c k , d i ti u a l l g a h a d s o m a o o k i g E n g lis i a tc h , a v e b e t n i bia e r"g~e c î % ~ . e l H010BPcnh Penny, June 24, 1872. 2 .H. DR-1l,11thon lier oamu, but miaoaCerlaiely, frein aisilieyoun offcer.reae n e assiolu ohme cioece fap rntcid luisis; -issîge - ~~~~~~~~~~~a orldly point af vieu, iras ftrabové, "i teYnofi i e toetit1 e n drti-bn sai ym c on alaksoEatrma ut too - WhitbY, Jan lat, 1876. . i, for is tfablion ad diot pea. s secho " sked Ie ouliemn. Mr aitack sd resgatbt o ae anmvrlat ot ~~ R D - ______________ ~~~~~A NEW IEVELATION IN THE But no difficlty ad been tro mn n le Testyoasgoie r mthe imn.ti Mud tock tut creet i tsll uso i uclrpr flemsigpo JOHMIAtEOANF .lsdy'sslideo;andsi r o ldtake boe arau 10uneaco. ueu a idé o e. n a erymsînd uîent R O B E R T C I E N C E DoEp leMo fIN Gy a e r e a " g c h I n e e t, M . M a tlo c k , bli ai ill q di e u a n n o m o r e . h i a a k i a u g s e n T.P L.EM Rc EMSOFFIAL A5SI NEEaupedaf vagwe, lie7 mreta o aitru," hl e ple. imysett sasu The my ei b wie al okt n opa fîerb A P lP0L .EU T R0E0E0 S , 0 É F I ÇI A L A S S I G N E E , O FFORC A L T SU I GE E E C O R N W A L LS SE L F -I IT T IN G ai it . M ean u bs i , l iy e rs. t, very it taken fr ein th c box ; o ir t g e th r , o t lia case ias m a : l n i s r i h f r t y u o r - h i -ArT n- Aisé, Agent for the WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. The mother oftAnnie Gorng ws ayoe béatlkeaw. As I have beeu tell. mord. Houka boaiptht pahm abe liavnene HC OYLISRNECMA O UYTY 0F ONVT.-I 1i10. DrL.essesittei train massarement siono lady mliii not cld, who bla, itliegly g he for yas, t ansi nklw lemke ut oa lieith0utNUchangeRYnL I. Ocquleaceti 9 . marct haneeîof I.havet h.atqpublialinsberîlegaccidentaice;evitiforceeire knd aoi-mnmoas evyshabeforliîlel the r.y ROVINCIAL IN5URANiJE Co. A DIS-a ,~~For sale, irith free instructions, e a th bal sadt, coesseteutlyt maosI e it î .cesrt ."hae olu taht n c t, og te cpihoroteit.ieaevus arylsn eevyg rom tira b tour years f age, tbracing ail OFFIC-Ontaic Loa9sud avings- - 1 IssY, ixT E' etr lo mr mnanime, lela rber oo lcea sxceluta." ngnghai leaciet flteploa' yden yîjav adtoul bfn the bt Vaniei. O Cpay'a uiling, cor n Ring shey heait ogulithae mglie trmeaIn"H t hicoffcins of tai m isn ' u l in , c r e i g a d S m -b l e t h e y w c o n o e s n t t o b a " I h a v e n o d u il a b o u t lia , if t ie m ile u p a p lrs la d c ai n t a a r i l i f v n c f b s o n y o u " Y n e , L t N S E T H C . W IL S O N , coe es treet t, O s h a w a . 11)r M . W IL L C O X , to s u it ; " if y a n e a u t e m m o r g p i i r s ea p cia r v d n e w e n b c e t u a n i t , a s c LaRO. S, 2nd Con. Pickerng, os Kiingistan April lti, 1874, 17 DaEeS-XAzctNo 0115M, zccRnY. cf buiviug beeeci hie suppart oet ho R t ààteofcr i 'o a rp a pca cati, Qst Office, Wlitbiy. - ' -- - LiCEN E A" Agents montesi. Liieraî inducemenîs cher lu a tinéocf trouble. prove an alibi, il mît sove yen; but lie thiet mas ta be brn1 tt utchehpintni. ______________________ NSED A TIfltIR theHuever" muttito Il yoin Yugel cVer lie matlis . ont evil.teers in genr, mu ah As a bn, atHry îo HUG S I O T E L , i i i . m t i e . t ,s i e l l e w t a s t t "e r a r .1 e i i g ug t i l e y o u r c ie t a i 2 ", a r n o t i r o z h I e i r P r t c s l i u A n c ' a n r u l e s c FO U OTT FOTuo Whitby, Aug. 18, 1874. fr84 mecf'711 oed nw adIýdul ae saisi Harry, me batinomtrecoeresi aitdIrOf mourslapep nlepoe ,"Anenpit "tl ytt MOC OD ATN onhp fMrps (alrrlttrust liaI Yon May nover Inow wmat i is nhurt pncka n bnaver algtrapofin cfle nt ro ltsit n etîe"l ynie in na RBT. K. YOUNG, PEOPRIETOB. EGS te hauk iismuanY friis 1 tsi he THIE AMERICAN HOTEL. j ethea a on tinle - bsAt hi elle nhaer. gapig fte a CA ITAL»SOFCK, 0, 00'r . I pB liyuT isfr h I1( t1 ýjloa aeoo h otpy antent n eAtt pyiensttin lie iras cag; lie os ceetetelias. yo Iteliable information regarding hecou age bsoe gO =drn h e ihterbeyi.e.ar ore éut he r h AGENT POU sorTipubNie ener the ctort epi st-rai fri,. CORNO O u esuAND FRONT O. sooner yon goii - -,te otr" adthuhlermandv aeh ciet AnciTPOR 017TnniÂiie, trY, etc., famnaseti te parties requîrnug ità y~ears.'G O ople accammotiation for Hantons a aoeilwgve p h 1 0!j ; f-EOREBROWN, PROPRIETOR. -'The goot lady isquit. igît. Tiero diat how iutle wmite tealier mien lie The mouHanlsislaeveeyrat 'YOIIdAY, ROOLIN ON. . Di!avin nm givnfuuie tîs v- arnonepeople 50 lruly uretliied. aos hase JAlo AenfIor M>the B1OOCA NADA ON. S porlhthesen. fThebr suade i pl iati lleus ethe uiniae oinehbensontft'lh'ymlI re ulainim otb ale ath f o u nea nd asii o îenyl ALtI ti sc vi gt e1cc Ti is-cash ehs enzel i ho have nover keoun ony real trouble.m a d il t ho ctnmi n e al lt, the accon e sut si eeytona A i s e A g e i f r t e C N A D F A M E R ' m n t i i n Ib io c o u n t r y . N o n e b u t b l i g i n g C i t i e , < i .' ' t e d u p a n t i u t o v t e d t h r o u g o n t a n d d s i f . B u t l a r t u r e l a l i e i n t e r nu e d c o n -i a n i r o h t MUTUAL INSURANCE COMpANY oantiattentive servante kapt. Commotion, 'va e my eîiesëvotr, liy 1,- 1sinid farts anîmer ccmmodation for ta. ecp.versalian. A l cu nob t a rens n l Siecarefuil attentian ta bstiners, ' fu]] tien a1 gueste. Tht preseut prop ton has bislarin mas haret ueanly taeliee ebow,liefnmr ition hin ie iapic uo o ioogywag 11ngad rmptoslesac' o prsBy tiah lime, ar' apànwstatiocet in thie saine wy eltpt ~ to h vnn5ton p se nb ti u g a n tiHp r o m ptNh eatde raaa l u a a t isf a c t io n t e a li t o n a y f %rw -i th s p a r e d n e p a i ni s c u e x p é n e i rdin g o t e y c u o y s t y s m nhie ' f r4mo r i n d g n a n tyh ao ch eu rerpo l c et a h l m Hea Ofice iLicITON aniRlantEthTr Xle anOUoteiu. - , eve luicervement that vaulti tend bnelios ieUopoYoupn le g oiate v iery cande m i g is et ai ii aiMabeut5e ,adtb ey.Avi rp CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'y,, P Boiieol.et retage. ed n likci rtaad y lnne oi 1874. tr2s.'thInerw , coinig i e nc nti iig"yyug'u"poe uaii e ruthv eu r ups Iiaemsnig Dalton__tos lela175ooPrrmetocasa.fccnofihaege.Toronta ee liswhtrialpetar rlie taevuogeapeetgvert Iony faceo but titreertaast no Motreal, rine, Lite anti Gursute Dlou it1p6t 17. e Alto Bill Slamps atways o 10ýi Juy I s174 i tki. osiy. i-gvng Myyun ut, rober eiualii i feu li Department, ~~~Arrangements can e iso nssî- &.-cs.. -- - - - "Hem even la il doue 2" melle eketi, a ostylet Hanry Mtok noee omte etk i Departineul, - ' - '----- -- - - - ---- -- KaItht CicoONICLtoeffice. WIs'iït,i x aoninbody.atisu sButîessi hnresri C & P iT A L , $1872.0 0 0 . F M M T O L P T 1 O fce P rin ce A ib e t, and t t i s' Z O 1N F E S S I O N S F A V IC T IM . r b b in g le ra w i g . N ec s e nrh a ob s o a i l m a b e h r 1 laelryL ig.u e a b n l ai e i o Offi1ce, lPr Perry. C ublihd as a vruing sd tor le "H a il in n e noeoff; tha mt os'aiNsxt mhi youe fce. f o e sintfe hie sebbn to uo SHINGLS F11 200 o A C 1 .M Wiiî90enftfon Meadteswh ufr gdown iota th grave with re Annie, The prosecutr, or, rater,- lis son, tiispote min. was epîaoiia ml bvl ml,î n, IroEkS.nW.Des,.%-11.1 ('-0Xraf-to sucreUpoviensLMcntoy, mcOFilave eqnslho itourcomiltetme as 1nebytrav P r in c e A tb e r t , S e-p t , 2 4 t i, 1 7 -2 , 3 M A N H C O D , V I T A L P O W E , e t c .,e p m r c t Y u w r , t r i n h r v o s M n 1 Y j W U & h v q a l LUM13ER &SUINGE iSALE. Bcing Nati f ofcltINo. 15 anti Eat jof - - -b isrites oSelf-ure, after rnuh o,*,, ! rugta Ever sil lt vnml a ibsuonhegoetc ies udsevr oIs nn R , - s x i n h e o va bcg, lieu g tin os n e plth e g rb u t oh i e Tlot 10 iluthie 5h can. Pceig eladex Ihi'--tfe n e v 8ëhd ia;dnwehrI aefte' hp ad cspitgahn i h obroýn T h e a u s c h o o e r l i a s o a is s i a n t i f r i f oral eAî î p î h o c k a n d g r a i n . - P I IOE P E i S, l y i ; S AL E . t m A c r i n e s a N A TEa- t o u g h . 5 c g o n g m r o u , o n t l o a a iu t r m ' s o p o n u a p i c g p i g t e o b e , o i g h a l ei , a u o m s m n abheml erUia aeaN Meun dean noe on my arn ont canner af wlie establishment, cf ce of lia stolen iaîl. ulsbx tr. kinisoftobe aidelinles Crre'),ai HNR HWEL, Nw or. .' , y16 , Boky rda aeo yam senongli mien, as hie mas taklug a donner cfthIe and tthle suspiciou n islgotc i ai ~ ~ ~ ~ B ilsmu nar tia,(lae eres> al. H NRMO WELL , Th- Neir Ton],. Oq ,ýf,,lo-m-27 tc ave me.mua cfle s pic moo I te pis ulde iy kndato ber at hnte 1 uerr criy Oh o e, T.187O5 . i-The lablscniertyiifs-ro i -s f'i itoir"Whaî lit?" asket Anie. D e I w se, îfle glsa os foropénie allusionsreta huna hoaots. so. te.ntn.AMPBEaeL87., iî-ng atsîsxperiyt 1riis L st Wit . me ;îT 20PRDY-gns aeottord erspecdwti a UhoSionthear m as Mshesi r da rm agn t h u cihepooantctInhul adunee n A. . CMPBLL.- ---- --------- - - - -~~ ~ lînît sihlds ~ et.AU lasesof canng eape, lu aroia bet udir hcva atiilos ati ertin eueier-tia tenden.eet aristr va h thob ~ JIII EC N IE Si. Peter-Ste.,iin the S_- -i iAsé, o titi asx o n réimk oe te wrs udretRg n eti eelr -h e ie-ydbritrw xcA f adwelfeic., ih ttemoeye w;ifr s antt, mae me e ords nnereah,'Ani futala of ihicih.hogave-mas mitoien. lu court ah the lime aci o erîg et fcuttivatian, tvorts sr ' sant 1.monts, on att tie lime tia aitsan:Sing aIse, "Ta' nh ,"h rplt. Ms ci ulaaxey, ecoe ie lî.- l' onsermoypincfvw JARINESSSADDLEI1Y. F/BE INSUR'ANCE COMPA NY!1 tond stu3, Nantishsss sCntre iPriuar-rc os"ad1 Soe aTe us *oilus îa e e nouba. MTt Iorapi amry t o ferlecIllI'venoleanet omyti, aicbsiilt iael inocjae Site, andt roliabte, changea moderst, prompt tht Southi tV oe an, uho, bouever, gel dlean off. ho a v ry clase trient;"atearny 1o hsiho oinaif,10 nt_ The subscrisouih alle t-rots]sîs' si-rnaEeg.,e but anececrt. Attireas, eausmoaeeu eseMie andyau ta eatetîe t tie eunient oef daim.. "n cmps(l18 0g on. 50,G. STINSON & <,., hra noynst mn n o ;Ater tIe bustteantid dialnbauce mas self I mil." Ho evenreusiî atlsov anicos hm, ud od Tiaoensubacnoef esnTsbe n eosi ; 1 -1 Oi oPortlandi, Moine, antni thc dort, the lave me have foe tci urh faeia n igîepl'c A H A R N E S S S Hi o0 p , W î î m y , G E O . Y U L E , A g e n t. la n d . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h e r . T h e u ch e r m e n u s l p e , a n ti v e , h o r e m e n ie r e c i la I leh o t a d b e eu M u . s u t A nu n e G a in g u t l is c a . t h oh o i . un he prciite Opaie Ity'eflillal 187.28 A dean il iis- s itl iehogiven Iîn, ALLAN LINE. .lenieonwaic cntne-mntoir aI wiid lie robbeuy teck He sellae mark aI ee it igeasioooai mruei intepeiwsopieRËiBiihAun- ________ta attl te abi, 1r fts 5pr-T pHl ace ;oat, tiereupon, lie "etl the '"Houkea sasilon," asiih i. peieyaniss ltl oîapie erican Hoisi, DandaSt., ulbyiviere - ________ - - iiuars apstly ù,s "--r nden an-lail douec?" ambet Annie Gar. .ui-oics os bu ain on bi u lie illkee onhanti a sayenion stock of AIB NUS' n.lisu prd e alotg p w eh ef," d w b everYthil in ehie into!fbusiness, amut mît F *. ene g aîîy cee d the mont deadly ovitence 1ipreatsILiman3gat lien.H ,iilms hst oeilnt he lwe.t piées Hobelggtapilcimmcityselfs-,anti i I'llelliculsieoisefait cfe -t--se mutai-U-- a thJ03s1i29isato n leefa bi sn c îepcnyeugmriaoflen lo bsbengcn a i ie aîoa iy ochsiNniabatijata Oc(Lp4mi" - fV> - &u OÂPIr ÂL, WCompanyMoR 'ORILIJA, yW. w CA I A , 4000. PThbEii uAZ Mon. i znB a IIbY.?t.I*h,4.- Â Pu iÉ roýn, Pm t hit.. 4 --7 w4w n jetx ~ 1a*s.~~ eii& ~ * to hnd at lo'w azOtToiontkboch myi.ify 0S05,ol ndWu tbusiO o mpany CICZ-bw -...>. Billard Iom . ~Pb J Ui m . a~nA F oR IT 4-à smtmln to. 1 t 7 ik lasé h a nd&hd, -LbilTndgiis o W h NT BI P B ER t ro g ou, n4 p t tM OIla o da O EfOni useat s sudn t fta m rsfr c b iê mnt naa g oh n ; it bThouWou HEADOPPOEI3RO K I., nrn . G R TE2iK EAIWAY OTE, yo ~ O 1I*ai on 7, 8?~. .aY- es apotya ape*00=dto fcmnrt ,~ui~ o = Myo _ ly RIIN n lrt re untt) f nne t an t ow V9ýr, é oghtuyaucetalafstut wâtcer ls sudtl he pr.pety o the5steW ll 15A0 e -à*Tde mýagistrat. nom q4uestionet about aicu"lougIt -Matloak Iiodrbt ntri#ar.h ii - AT TUE equai to neyin eaInte ce pion ab maieea 111tn. ,Ilreqinedsomapluck ota1 lroug8 N exg nt io oîib druio r otteu ,evmn hr r aliu~ aée ai., irRITur, - ~~~~~ ~ * ---- oI~N s amî Allr afui momets, e, ' , 'I bi; lIai viroe a e l ad bon Tl gtha ete aatolepic, rner f oucm -ars4 i BJaneT. 24, 1874. Gtf N MAJT.RTEVENSON Kisse trsmirabe-off0, uMns Goulng. I ouueifeunt il lad been laid altern h ld-lot ù o- 0a. ie$c ei-h fie i feto -nidt Jue2,84 8iJOHNSON HOUSE or ta.th P" tisi.I1' wt be -at 'lte teýo6j b-fo= fte o. cag hý - 0 0 ,0 0 0 la n P in . L u m ub e r, v e e s e n u ti. V i t i ,- - -I i i ï f t i ' ê r * Inch Boards, EAST- 27fyl 0 o'i A I mettcafcesorhttohni.' YEOAN inO the otsi oif Mt, lHanielnlIieafternoand iuat la hrg ile e; lam.aaLcw~ui Uverpool and London and Globe 2 x 4 Scsntling, TO m NT .AND DWELLINGFOR SALE. 'i cannai- imagine," rplt nnetfînin nsoirtaco isûsi the annyuartmnnh plca lo aitlmlnlgfIta~Im B, INSURACE COPAKY. - 2.h luc1nI, Firat <uama accommodoaionIrlthe FA "vlwy YOU live davu lu tie Est ie c aelgian îgoc yîefe e leplc pnsr Mialitaa i h xt.A 100,000 Boardaiahcbu VOmmanitY. Suiteu ef spartienta ca - Fitymns aIo btN.4 ule4h Ln'u e om, îmn uepovteillb duco a1 ing hty. hisii thé,nPo Fencing Bearda, e rilhut on the siiorteul noticoe Cicým du. a f each-,aail eare tii theticexcep. mamoinna ofonly be taogta,4to'lavegrptenntuonen dngle ylîatm,îeplis uoiisrbntuthmd.4o na> ATAILD,00 fLE m OakdlaUS ampla rocule fer Commercil a. tus ion ai about 12 anIS acres 6 a antirct- -'yan ero." . - nicurtIatinquiriesJmigit bé mode-. mene MatloCick' m Oal ica-uvus-lg- Losses paid lu course of thirtv.five y taraale io x.d liult, vehs s. sstuti wti to nu n heail mal.Agoiduln-ius "I o'îllk e'Lrpei o nbIimst "W ualnalhe snsiia Flin yC icar stimati t hnear.- 15,000 f&.Square Timuben, vaik pithe 01vl l arl"nýOi hs. ithi atone faumnhation ;.erthrlvlng archard.' ,Ëu ar sm h et, t prin tn- pa o. oncul .. 08, OW de béng iiîy sOfstas AUofhci ilmiibu soit ciesp iardasl, feiunEtensaions 0' Gonoftha u vryaîiea nsta dpnet.fTeogti à baru vihha 1h merda, lie poanwsý use, Mtho édionSFbO ity, Greos, hî a laus ateiuterh lin mintes Con lia remiua ae saliaW nIl.ël',-lnts 'a o B lsn"e t hc sutin 'buan Mlatt .w sailrai lil nier nom,>t 'rompt j~~~ siso Creat Wsatecn~~~1 Rai5y5. Gaotabing 'stroâmin ahtk-ise bano an o vo msie,,ttdy navigation tahie lirne, oa d dil muasht iu;sd5r al l. W lo npu u odoue fÉe Mul ne OSMwTould aou e s i y t e tatntvit tàly n pu'rnk hel i,.hem et*w ea l te artm pwsd mhrchudhoi maei té "Tas.ya,!sa i *Polnnteîre ninugathlgfrt.ts-"~ yeor ihTc rpi.statsof cisitivatlon ag~it ellne,,sud l ofv n e ý e ~oc a samebaye nu ac,Matroal. a t dpi un. pu. a pa.71!,sa rf âp a .«l i t b i g b e t w e e n A vc inn d i xu p s p m e th'lg'aI aeim a 0p1" ypp e s n U n i é ' I m g s 83WR lm a l. te Ipainieus oeki gu.ts-Peiy eclU Ligé,Markt tgo o Fo '*l , ', :az;ONON er2 and ctheiiiclr -te, " vhe trae; bu cas 80 ia6,:~--hi a*l.bl t i -

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