Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1875, p. 4

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dayugblt A WOMLauiumed Doeoty il uwdrtomestram, wu.. mn by rwlodgers, Who noti,e& thi- pouce.: alvnmanthsand'al*tken 'to t'ho sno place and i old. Tb- Li wor. trieil Ori Dgmnbe q4, i 18 -A Rate, itbo Iacke villiais, waa lo t of y l rnilng 'BtatA'S vidond," md B ur6o was ouevicteil, hAnged, sud- The effeet I>iwiuûed ipon ilifipublie b y this horribl iu1sir nd- tlitit of 'ukig"wo 6diled to *the liio t arouities c« w1iolI h~umau floasa are o.psblê. Astouiuhmnet fAnd, terror ~rt. 'throngb tbi connnniniky, kouiioholda ggtherro t4eir members wlbtu-daors- boioré dluk; workmnie walked Jhome ftot ther nigts_ toil in, gopas ifi fear of leig wsývylsid. The fcts w.vee pjaliuig nough; b ut a thousaild oxagtiations aiil Inventionis fitlJd the air, siulintonn fil fiui Vergal excitoepx Firom the Mièicacope to the Woodplle. Vi te o iy ta Dotro&t fatl1er pur. - eh aSed a mierosacope for. iîii on, à, boy of ten, patteil the lad on the ,miouder P ..My mou~, take - t.bis uioroscope and 40 enoi and otndy the béantes of na. taro." e . The boy kft a Il ,th aittufBclente for t44t, aind lie teck eue i grent interest and improvedl so1!aiJly bat nt the tee,É tale, ti< whieli aven'1 ijettors saft mjunt Jiftke ftoma ronialis. Tiinug too cil n ttis ldi, %1eho 1uired: OàDid you ever Io k at%?lleeBo Llrouhg a micoscpe ?" 11 don't thlik 1 overtdU," oe Ilea, '* Vell Yu ustiugouh tp g ethe thIng John 1 "lùV exclaimed the fatlier,,olikiteg 1dM head st the boy c âroYosStii. table. John subdiied for a ninuie or tyo,( aiud wlieu his, mother piassed thée oe' argunid, ôerybodyaud, i"Thank 7cm, 1100," Protty soon tho ýyouùg studeut, ~ <iêiring.to xnollîfy hisofither, tisked;-ý n l'Fatberi, did yon aer 1ok a t a toad L hr ughma lotro8opo ?"2' *Iii wii aUc wftb you ifter stpper," l roplIed th~ parent, scowing At the boy. 13 Jolin w 0u rather diuappointed at hiB failure o ta ronoe entlhusianm, and just »~ thé stroWberriewere bing puisaedL ,round, ho emaarked: ooiatg "WOU) yon jusit (ugbit tolokaa itiaWber once t1irouiqh the zieroa- 10 cope I They look jnoê like warts,'thoey (10, and ýon thiuk yon sMe bugs mri.n *U~awra r' uaid lii mzotlier. th 'iJO, y 1 'warned bis flather. "V1,they look wors'n flici' liea4s l,1"r, li'otoutao the boy, who imagined that A thoy doubteil làV foiffor lii-' " Boy-!" 1, fithii fft 1e1r, mixfng a miotiorn for John to le&ve the tttbIo." John loft, and ià Acon fas à WaS eouvenient for Ilt to do se, the ffthûr- usortaildish lad to thoi waglh.vonin in the basoinent,boiedhu rIn, anfd maid: '-, Oexy'son jinw-othi t ieiros$eQpe, itudIyou ta~k'e 02 axe udgo out n Mfidy t ho beauties ô0V ht 11 II dPile!r If thoat boy continues ta foel the way lie t(DooI ntl Preflent, lieiwill becoî tnpAa VA1NAT. YuAa OLDB UCKr.-À 4ew days aga Joc ]ndfrott, of Frîtuklij town8llip, was tlouglng in a fIbid neni »)ariugtou wIh h I kented- froni -au o14 pnaln nomea Co, wlwn oue of the nlhovola of hie ploisgb uneairtil ae n- odI titi b1ic1et. Joe hatd ouriaaUty e»ovuffl to, exami1neî the buckét, just as tuay another mxny 1ookw rit avery old ahoe h&~ turne up Ilu au unzpëected pllâcà. but wftl&a %'Dry 1fforent,rêouUt. %Vithin lis hxsty mhlaen. tcnefully wrap. pèéI in par, eaph pioce to ftseIf, wore guldl co1ia l9Ive., ten nd il fifls. a ot oneofo!chah, but plies if tIew, and 811 gsngne. Joe oould count,,but ho @ouId hardly fru8* bigs saieos, for ho In.4q flhcinamount to 68,000.' How the bucket-otamo theïe#, rAnd -liow the ré ltl ls$tbn bcore of Yettru Prattworýea4 in thée- Zaflngowôrtih wooIiu atoy, Beir tho villi&gq o! Dar. U1tak. -Ilé lvet 1 thà, w1fe in a bonewbich once etood in the fifld in whik'L'u* ttwat inù lien ru eltOwa' W A&V iwg a L"a saube died. The Iod suÉpoio eb. -pArt V tIb phti.thrmfy couple Re- nd wllich 'ey probâtl tbe wai bega.-Crâ- a Où' ciop of Newtound. 1 tis ýywjit a mUUon of WaTioy in", who waa hé Uisiyed cts stre DL . .ALb e& CO, <Box nêut)L JAMES MAcK IEa B"Iu'1 . Agent for the County of Ontario. whiiicati bc etciiidby a ti iicIey, regoût to tliis standc- rr() bN y the huuldreds of test miuiials, re3ccivC(lby the praoInetors, ' It is lucknowl- edgC'(l by Inalny promiient JIxysici.m.9 to 1e the mont tehable préparationl ever ini- t'oud Itb iwthe relief and 1r t o»al Lung complainte, 111(1 i,;,ofreircd to tho ptblic, m.-Il tioiied by the oxperience ofover for01ty ycars. wlicn mioi'ted to in ScBoLnOI it sel-' dom fails to effeet a speedy uilII the most sovero cases of (Joighs, Bronchitis, 7opwThoopiig Cough, îuIczAsthmit, Ooldse Sorc Throat, Pains or Sorc- '~ uthe Ohest undSi>âe, Liver -Coiplaint,, Bleediiig glisaidoce, not dry*up a iough, and Icave the cause Llcinde-as ii the case with oéýî, preparations, but ik osei)-sand ecanseS the augs nd allays irritation, Lus r-etnoviing'thc cause of lie comhplaint. 1-'urEPÂlU lu= W. FOWLàerai N8BommO, Mas, -And lool l>y flzu«glktIm nndDcaIeroganmraly. TWO TIIPlS DIILY SLeibruer CITly Ã"0FTORONTO 'C'pt ik> Icaves daily ot of og teT. aL0.80 a. M., la2.x., reqches Niag. at .80a. i.,ati W p. xi., Lewiston 10 il. in n i . m.Councetions lor leaI-110, BuM Cllavteltnd 1Roches~ter Ibnmy, Now l Yikw, ]looL, &o»~. *eTick. auli exi Ihoru on fnt rio., 8 Front y 27, 167.,I Burrien'tIc8 tW P>rùvï,ntg il:o ii&ief, Burnétt's Cocoa!ne Burnets Cocoai;je BLurnett's 0OciZ~lC3ie Burnett's Cocoaine sv bduc. theffatoyIlir Burnett' s Oocoaiie MIWbd the lieltloat. Burnett's Oocoalne IR lnot an .McolzolIc Waah. Burnett's Oocoalne Burnett's Oocoaine. Burnett's CoQaile 50 end 75 conte per oDtitel. PMRY OAV5$ & SON & L4WIREI4CE, MONTREAL, P. 4. A9904 fOr Oominiou of C..8da. JOSEPH 180ANUT '£à CoO OON, Propaieton. calm 011T WHITUY AND PORT PEREY~ TIME TABLE. No. 1 Tld .S .b.vkes unMoua$Y, 3une 7, 1874. Transri by Toronto time, 'which ie twen- t miw =nute 1*e hwG.T.11. time, 'ln 9.5an .5p.m. 10-8a7.88 P.m. pince Albrt.... 10.48. m.7 P ~Port Perry ..arrive Il U00p.m.: eurtery ....depaLrt 0.00 -i.n1.25 p.in. * rinceAbrt .. 6.09Sa. Jr ...... 6.20 am.1.45 ~ * - kl.. 7-0OO'i..m. .26pm. 17 4.10 mn. AI. 2.4s pm. 'Whtby, Juý'T' I87b. iw .L F.uruiturÉ .. >, ý O! - - ! ui I Y e o Now is tke lime to bp.RYgoOd- and eheap Fuiture. - Raviing tôtiglit o Ihe buines' lteply oal-4e4 on by J 'nes H. lam, we take ths opportùnity of mnvitfng lis mÉany friends to ýéive us a cân, ~adwe cnriSX that we aie prepared to do as wl-bfi thei- in th Utre ~s r. az~o h~ one in the ~t TILL& Orders by mailpoüptyatnde o LJNDiITAKING.-"The, nly first- class Establiihment in l- ue C'ounty where funerals axe ful- ly supplied. '*,«1 l - . JOIHNSTON.1 'Whitby, ýOctobcr lst, 1878. TILL & JOHNSTON. LARGE STOCK 0F CLIO~JH IS NOW COMPLETE., SAil the. Novelties of thw Psen1 Seasù IN GENTS' FURNISHINO GOODS, BATS, CAPS$ &c., &c, AT "A . P B ROOK RNG xL STR EET, W-H ITB Y (Next Door North of Dominion Bank.) BOOTS, AND THE SUBSCRIBEIR SHOESoU HAS A FIIRý,$-T - CL A SS STO0CI 0f Ladies., Gents', Misses', and Childr-els' Boots &,Shçes, which ho. à,determined to oeil FOR CASH at the lowest living " à& Leave punr orderft. Can't bé beat for a perfect and eftsy-fitting bot.- lepairs as lusual.1 SApril 28tlh, 1875. FREDIERICK WILLIAM, BUYRNS Brook-St., Whitby. NEALE, WHOLE SALE & IffTML DEALER~ IN UROCERIES, WINESAND, LIG~ycMR,8 I SI1NWOE-ST.,osaA A RAS IREMOVED To FAJREWELL' S BLOCX.I AGENT FOR ýDAVIES & BRO.'S Ceiebrated XXX Cream Aie & Porter. CHLOIOEEST BRANDS QF ýCItiAII A.ND TOBACOS AL- WAYS IN r'STOOK. M r E TRADE SUPPLIED. OB3haia, Mari 24, 1875. lBtf ORGANS d MELOQEON- OIIGA-Na5 MU&YARWOOWUU Specil noice s oaçýa o lthe wig Styles, anadni style 5-- i aifiâ î~b~ 14O,ý'n I ~nant Cage, with Carvingo, $160. Style 15, ini Walnut 'Dase, 0150, ii leouant Casei w#4I 9iÇin,- $7 Style.7, in Resonant Case, $175, in Cs, ih0rig 1f. f3tyIe 9, in Resonant case, $190, in 8 me case, 'with Cavnu$20 AUl made of ee a nnut IIed twitl i eVolving or ldnLC- Ail are thege good&., Whitg>y, .June 29, 1875. (Liste m p 1 cordia11y 1: LAiNG&STWT A LARGE ;N-:EYY ;,STOCK 'OF: S,-PRNG DF~Y ARIRIVE]) AT W. J.HI1ImEý ooo~s E-f z z & co.,s A Fresh Lot of. Groceries and Choice Liquqrs,r Which,.wiIlbe sold cheap for cash or fanners' produce. 74ty Ap1-185 H4 ALT 0ON&00 ve 110, opened up a~ Laxge Stock of Seàsonable Dry Goo ds, '0.0 481tiixgI Qf NEW PRIESS GOODS, NEW LUSTRES, (Celebrated Bralda,) NEW PRINTS., NEW CLOTHS& TWEEDS, NEW RATS & CARS, NEW MILLINERY GOODS,' NEW MAINTLES, &c., &o. Clkthing made to or41er in, Iatest styles. W TEAS AND GIROCE RIE S. JOHN S TON'S AWARDED THE -FIRST PRIZE 1 At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronto, In 187 0. We- offer to our customers for the comning Liarv est, two dis- tiu ~ àWnes,. which i s1tyIý,,nd, c û trtion,eî brac th'f ttadmotlàfo mp ements of the day. JO'itNsTOMS SINGLE SELF-JAKINGRIEAPER. The hniversal success of this'Machine, 'biotl iný closely contest- ed-trials'snd I the bande of &bo armer@, warran tua in saying that, sý a Self.Rak- ing Reapinc liachille, tL hàaM r. e good poinits ftnd l Iits defédO;, nd has muet with more succosas1 n' los failre. tban bertfr faoï piic.: CAYUGA JUNIOR .»MOQWER 'Re were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Prcvin. ',ial Exhibition, held i Toronto, 1870,in.competition xitbhaI1the ]eading Machinfe rnanufactured in the Province ;-and witb our recint- .imjprbvement., we utie6itat- ir>ly c~~1In~emi igt~o and c9PJparison with 'compeOtirg Machinfes w*0ire sat1'àfled tlÉi"k iicis invoaztigat!ow willconV'it!'ree yup.idioe wgit hat' w off er t1 eboatI hower to t he Ferme fr 87,b u'& iithI tJonnôi, for'descriptive catalogues. BROWN &PATTERSON., W.,H-ITB.Y PH-ARMAC.i SAVE- YUR POTATOE0-S r ]?OATIBJGD-ESTRP-OYER,,. Max4ufactured by O. -MoOallum, hmxnst, &o., LUNDY'S POTATO BUG DESTRtOYIER remedy bau been tuffd with iminense guuooen in western Caisda,,for the, pa breyars, and it bas poe o-.~h~t.î ý »u iatba, i êyaqingmkeoel ed the baR and potato vint found to b. too expensiveo MA nt iI vn.*.aià j 1iai o -GRANDICOMBJNATION.ORGAN& FITTED WITE -tHBElYELY-IJiVE2NTED SCRIBNER'S PATENT QUALIPYING TB5 An invention havig a most important bearing o 1nthe- futureroputation of Beed Inatrmeënts, by me of. which the qùulty or volume of toune is very Iargely inoreaaed, mad thé,qui1 ton e rendored E7quaI to that of the'BpotPipe Organe of thle ome*caaiy Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," ,Vox Hilnna-""Wilcoxpaten," '"00-1 tave Coupler," the chaxming IlCell&',or "ICIaRionetÏs!1' 8t*op8, GeînB Horn," "-Cremons," IlVOX, Ângplet," Viola Etheria.," nà AIL THE ,LATIE IMPROVEMENTS. Can be obtained only in these Organs1 PRICES, $5o TO 8500. Factory sud Warércooms, CO'r. Oth .and Congress Sts., DETROIT, ichigan. (Establls1iea in 1850.) -Agents Waxited in Every County. Address- CLOUGH & WARREN; ORGAN CO., DETROIT, MICH. JUST RECEl VED WHEL T B -Y O~-I,,ATEA STORE. 35 Hhds., Crates, and Cases, contaiing,, the, Largest, Best. an4d Cheapest Assortment of, China, Glass- Ware, -and.Fancy God 0f ail kinds ever exhibited in Whitby!1 China Tea Setts, from $1.50 to $20. Firncy Vases, from 10 cents tlo $.50, per pair. China Mottoed Cups and Saucera, from 16e. to si1.6o each.. *China Mottoed Mugs, Card Ba~skets and Fandy Gôodn, 9:ý IN ENDLESS VARI ETY 1 FANCY -TOILET SETTS, PROM Si TO $15, PER SETT. Ladies, ail the above liavixig been purchased çxpress1yfor Christ=is presents, they will be sold cheap ana witho4t reserve. Please eaull-ana .examine for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Ufl- Also où han&, a ftîll assortnient of choice Teasl, Family Groceries,- riruits -and Spices of all hinds, 'Hams, Bacon, Laard, B\tter, ;àppos,.Po a- toes, &c. OYSTEBRS, best brand, always on hand. GIBSO1N & SPARVELLS., Whitby, Dec. l5th, 1874. 5 Wpu 3m, XWVXIC X. F ý OL D STAND,ý T'i El, Il.J. MAC] Cierk al itby; Nov. 17 1874, E-NGLISH RE Cuii that folloi Lois 01, The:gl lueO stlid3 treatlngl send fmet ,The ST 9I* SollinWhitby by Ju. H-. Gerzi& coý, âa dJaeis Byne and bsilUdruwilts. ileyhr. &oerop Tymn, i11hole- sa lera gnt, orwito. 17- s ALT, SALT, SALT 1 FOR SALE . To. Farmmrsand others -%aniitng Salt, 1 a=n selling good lean Field Salt, friuhftom ciai~ lot 8Sêper ton, or by car Ioaê to, muft purçbazer. Parmers, cmli and- 3eàýwe y*our ordeïs, you vil neyer buyfcheapez,. Aboazrvin bycar aquaiitity of fnbs ~Amuya3tty Of good, di w - all1or aecep for cash, at =y îo WinWood yardsoeLth calIwelWa Rotal, Whitby; ALFXL AT XAN3YR. Mault, Bxd, 1875. I WATED)-200 Corda Greuwood, Beech âmd Maple, cut this wnter. Apply as above. CUSTOMS DEPABTMENT} P, S. Y. BOÙCHETTE, 4-f Coinissioner ai Cuztomi. 'f~~~~ E TAB SHE D: Parlor Sets, -NwBed-room. New Diut New 1833.) ALSO, In ha~n( Nf i >4 t the * Ter Cm st=n Clé, pj Abt Thé neal E. A] Cou QUI TA ri Fi=s dation2 GTL i AT,:' THE, GIBSON S P A-B V E L,)ý,e

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