Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1875, p. 2

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Drthet IIOMB Of anY allier railw favarableicali ""le =emý toi irpor, *bu ta wt wàr. &y a Was ici ce aý,iloru _f( - ey- - goL 6, s4bt : at ,si 30 PBR rdn te 1 the work of t tu tr'oali, and beef thl, ANNUM. 1&1>eélpoffi":efo alr 1 '"le diotriet gueceojqfuue flostinsy hounp ficany Compèlling Miller and ohot him va -P. m!' ronder, putting thora in i,,Ong,,mmdaooujnl, ew wu ho rom this, it will lie Beau, and boer'. -After that ho The' Pets mOnth, and thfit côndequêlitly the ita itoeuritieu. with hui teZ CI Doctor wu recolving #Wo Ver annam reS pleteing the trip sho t4brough the - lower ribe suaýýb WldtbY, ThOMSY, SePt- -2, 1875. for mereiy 019111119 'bis' Unie. Ta this baya the Bobé%ygeon Inde eudent thât ted on bis back for ils while. rt-handed. and th , ît ndere(L The Ca bi 11, !P At nille OsCloCk ho beooMe trCnbled Mrl- Patterson, Who lu a lady of re. tain. mi we gilve a most impliatic deuw, Mr ýthe nOwden -Irait Mine, unius il eau with geawed, and nt el.,e lie il F)ieam. 3:r Mand Smith put theý largeý th il ok a *10d JIPPearillnce and manneriii, and Of bauds Out and heput on the irons, and the th Wh me 6vidfnt culture, related ber experîeÉce They said they bad intended liurffl NOTICE To suBecRI]àaRll W&Îýrun !0- etill employed 1 in > theoûlee, or malins for constructing draught of Cod liver ail, en a and dur- mates. an ontlet, mu Moon ralie at one in the Mo ng, go a &id Plis they'confebeed to have murdered tlie five yeais of the time rs', Clow was chained in bis bi;nk. Thon Ouwldriîr but oilly fois one %onth, ilit order, as be the time that with suppressed motion. She a 6 et ramait, in fis pruent brandy and tea were admi rad to had boeu married nine yenbad been 01) to, mak their way to land, and gentils himaelf -expressed it, ta inijiaté the ne1w of absolute useleuness; for 'IWO ý rib postage 011 the cono.NIUL&t win Colleotor in nase. ïnd lion board ship with ber the workin of the busi him, Webb Jechériug at buaband, Who id the schooner and desert ber. bu PiLid frow tho offlice of pi'ibý This Editoraloc, &fier id noual t ou;h tberse par are planty of persona Who the Swim acrogg waa la saie thing." wOuld iuVest in the Iron Mine, there - At three et. m. ho look mille coffée. . t owner of his vepsel. The amt in. The Jeflerson Borden kept 'OlÉ ber, % did no lication, comnienehig first Oetd. -gAde acurdd, dignéd thlI Petitic very fews indeed lianes Who woula :At ibis time the tide tm-nedlnorthward, 12 0 0 hall 0 an thi uns ai way, speaking a Norwegiian vouai and ber. SUI)UCibers, WUI f= thât- Of the 8PPointâent of -the a Webb -appeared exhal Hie wai when Miller CaUOd ta the Captain thecix Whom dit the Proust "ai Moans a"', Irou ani ta came forwardis - as a man Wu. hurtis getting a eeaman front lier, and arriv- it time, ha CIO go net Only invest in au Mine, but traîner atripl:ýid qnd belli b.;moelf in have 'date receive their papord postage ta do bis bout te injure.,, ing at London on the sixty-firot . day allia in a railway to, make the mine readiliess ta go to, Webb'e assistance, and ho thoughé bis log was brokep. The ont from New'Orieabýs. ' The mutiàéers for.the -prePuid. The nanies of aU stlbkî ÀgaiMtý Dr. Carom, I)erËonally, not Jvailable, but Webb laughiuàly 'dooUi2ed tIIaý OOZ SwMened ý bath the lady sud the Were kept in iroài and'oblied ta belp upon t cri Captain. ne Sprélig ta the r bers in arrear at 1hat date Will -be elle' Word bas b6en Printeil in Tas _ The Proposai. that la flowI proffered aid. colu door,ý 'at the pumps, but Afthough theïr Osed 1 Made, la 1% At twoýtime lie was stiU keeping up thinking go.imzùedistý0l t a -se Ea, 4ruck off the list CEROINICLE, The act and noi tire mail ravivai 61 a former prject fois C'ônneCtý 'linute, -SiOance ý of Dis man but L fôre lie got 'wouads were numerons they wére net bringii and their iýOcO11ntq ingý the, navigation 0- tildes lakës with Pace 0 twenty strokéé, par ü daugerous, and all wore surrendered ta was denouzeed. And no fear-of conse. Outeide' Miller appeared inAha iOuter placed for collectioli, ., which Will the Iron District -by moano of à' t Fesr8 weile eniertained tut the northern the proper authorities in England and tics 'ni qnetice8 prevoitted our speaking ont ram- tide drift would throw Webb -abrasât of ýner itl clitiNc expelise to (1o(àttltors.ý Au W&Y. The distance front 'Noge atterward extradited on dèmaud of the ks, SCalais Bands, as the sequel gàvzD Br az jý1Yiis Wee wlien the fhetë lu connectibu wîtli th Çroek would be l'ose t1lan 1ý,fIftýsen m -proyed, United Statu authoritics. are payable atrictly apeointmont t ' Lnd tire t îeatment received ta the Snowdon Iron blinef and from a tour miles This The Interior of Africa. b * arquaed Mn., Pattersouls silo laE advance. No deriation can bc made by Mr. wa Il were furtlierprogriesdailigbtbroks.' Webb inclons, and She said, "Don't go, WiU." E rre ascertaine& 'We' thiovillàso would; be natter niüeWen. il brandy Ile etc, w ' The ýpped, and thought dit onde thât front the advortïdod terrils of $1 50 bavA Mr. The coit M.*ýYwOuId Were given him. At' hali-pàet, five LdDg, in describing La, race cilla ýO about 860,0W., -was drowey, and' o0zée, au the onicers, on dock would naturally COL nt of little Warren'à own Word tliat lie le Conetraction of such a trît par aituum. ý Particular attollti(JU ja 120W employcil au statedAn theue coi. ive a veryches Bilen's bouys. waro in'.sigfit ana îheir bring Snell, a message, and called, I..ýMr. journey te the interior of Africa, and the CO-is "0 callecl te thibi notice, a coinplianoo unius. Wo do net, And' will not Ir bath ore and iron. Thùs, Oro conla iocaied. At s-eýve-î2 c'elCck a Pattersôn."; I.Coqdon Es Patterocinli the vicinityof the land of the pigulles, thug the cul ýith which ýwill Nave trouble and- jollow tire viciatis practide of abusing bô brought ta this point by the train- westerly bruze fipirung UP And a chop. firet mate, was hà brother, ana charlôs. ducribes tlie hïïdohips lie'underwelIt ggverutuent and uýbolding a par. Way, lqbipped on bar es, convoyed ta ping &sa followed, making the prospect Patterson, the second mate sadigoi 1 1 was bis -Ta cross Atmourli a fearfal, .ýùndei- Perr but the in. cousin. Roceivin no answer, and fInd. taking, I asouÏe ýou., For one hundrêdý ing' th' tY,.UPOU Ali Ocegaloils whether -right aightean y, and- ni, ra lway freiglit of ",,,r",tm,,elly, P ce owimmer nevér thst neithe 9 y'miles the z route, thongh -poix mileil WOUM take it ta port on r one was in the câblui audifift tobsi1mt a loi 01. . wropg. Snell a course of journal- Lake Ontario. A lino of railwsy direct falteied. ý1ne9 refused ta go out, but sent the. igil,! a in close ËroximitY ta dis river, calling for I)APerý"at ' the Office of ism id bath mielending and dëbas' te thé mines could not transport the ore . A smali, skiff kept on the westhe Steward ta leam if a man publication wili 41,4(1 pltýa.Àý Ilote thQ Ingis lis was hurt, and thus we have water for two litindred. additiOl and the opinions ci those Who do cheaply as fi could lie catried by the ide of Webb, Who waï now swimming and whore the mates were. The stew- miles. Leaving Abou'ilamed, where WOUIA 1 above meaïe. lowly and bail just partaken of a ard came back wUh a report that ho the river describes a greit are weoti;iard, It tecoive Vel-Y little Crodence, and The project of building a ira brauoly straight. could not find the mates, nor ses that we are obliged ta cross a bleak, barren about. never influence the publie ay' Every twenty niluntês any one was hurt. This put thé Ca miud, At muet naturally rely upon many lsuo«uwrees sotindings p. -ses of sand go sufficcating and hot that interast 'rIlf ltuPtCIJ4ntation 0( North Ontario. the proper tirais and on the right a were taken ait eiglit aild leu, n the défensiae, and lie, remained the thermO;ýetor will gcarCely regiiter croase i oeil- for sugort and encouragement. The fathoÃœls' tain 0 'moons or kham ' ne Snell as sOn the Opinions of Taz CURONIOLE tOWEB ipê Of Snowdon nUd Galwayis and Steamers carne out from Calais sud in ]lis cabin till morning. Re then- the'hest. Great si 8ee that 1114ny never fail ta lie Sufficiontly proneuneed. - 8teamed'alongaide the ng satin We hove bee Partions of Harve and Verulami, might gallant swimmer tried ta tallit with the men,'and found blow with roari dg thoir hot tolls ari: on the weatlier aide, the Boa bréaking th would net speak ta him. They brenth, and cause your skin ta crack il' titre intitient'al gentle#nen 41 Ontario The journalis give bonuses ta die estent of twelve ta Cheers upon cheers went 111 the steward that they liad the like parchment. On all-sides a sea of which 0 t thit Conoeives it te bé ffftun thouoand dollars. Whitby Har. ail the while. toi 1 are tirgeutly, but rlo fur, llnouece@rýfuliy, bis dutY te Coudemn one-party and up. bar, Whitby Ta ' up, and Webb lie moliciting the lion, T. %;. (Àillbw ta be. wu, and Port PeM seemed ta feel thoir in. mates in the folocastle, and thast tl sand, bordereil only by delusive mirages -Point, hOltl fiuOther ulion all occasioné mistaks might alg give, a Bmall contribution, and spiring influence. 1 ta thoir death ; for town wi wore all riglit. Thon begau the ski that load maur coule a Caitolidatu f Re laid a direct course for Calais mishin9p which ended big the 01ý_1h() risprofientation hie mission, destroyo Ilin Owil ub.,ful. the Goverameut Might fairly be aRked econs) thora je no we 1 or water (Save one, spirit Of ")f 'ýÇQrtll Ontario fil 010 L'egislative, cess, and neutralj7es th fer A Aubsidy for sa imporjant a pur- Sandli, westword of the pier, and ut day in the' capitulation of the Inuti- balf-way, liko. Epsom salts, and noue Buteh ýIfslutubly, In aut[LÃŽpittion or----ý.What la 0 influence of pýsû as the developeinent of the 'Iron holf-bast ton a. m.. was in shallow nacre. Mrs. Patter8on saidohe fett no butýdaMela may drink il); ilion we bave cqrpenU slow a foregorie uns; at. hi$ joiiru:il, lie Colites in tilne ta be, Dlotrlcto. The prepristors of the Iron water. Isar of the mon hersolf. She did uot water for eiglit dayscarriod on camels' fitted b.' 'cý regarded with, ai; tritich înaifference as Mine %vould littve te ive seule small Aý forty minutes past ton a. m. the imagine that they bad killed the mates, bocks in gant okins.' The camel, a pa. vassale )tr 9 lie -oie Mlebb stoed on Frencli oeil, tired dit tilit if lie aboula ad ti ý t hard working aulugal, withbut trade et O'bl)lf the ellis fliat batke and yelpg lit overy royalty ta the Trî% ul-way Company, and i , but thoq 0 w ou Il itiq'oliti(1, liq wituliýv it(IVCýl'fi(l ta ilaving tl- dieu a little Stock could 1) of courses but very abortly rocovered. with thent witli thom they would give whic it would be im mpa à 1 le latter, a positive The W17itby arla Port Pee disposed of. He was couveyed ta a hotél in as carri- UP thA '*Poor 40YO." possible ta cross Co l'loi Owig liatnc brought forwni'd Ili t vry Railway 6110 w8nt as far the desert, still bas et the extraordin. would b Il t ýVlIi81tu-- in the eç)iuinuiiity, NVO leave Company hav , as we uudergtsun it, age rubbed downs, put ta bed, and est forward on the deck sa the Captaiu ary powers; attributéà 'ta him, and le lu,111111 tu th, leietdicalar and the whitby Ga'. expressed @ O'Clock, wheu th- Èeritld'g cerrese wolild, allow lier ta go, and boggea of waterproof otily for two or three days, ta roklil(ýtit'ul thé Iiiilillg wbu wOuld ,iée-a full xrionopoly or that style of material and moral quppôrt ta the Pendent Obiled for Devers Webb was thom, ta release tire mates. The ilion (lying on the fourtir. Thousandr, thum oItrinýr Rild Iléai-LV ljupport. ly a3lcep, and the doctors bail IvOuld net answer lier, but âgain toid ps)risli, and tire mail for the whole dis- and promises of nid froin otlier ni the steward that the mates wore ail tance shows five tu ton carcaq tran'i of auy serions conse neu. ses for JOUF"Rli-4111- TRE CHRONICLE DIUnt ho, qPu"oair't'otr's 1 à a v a b a a il v a n. no feilrs Sut, WOUI(l thu Punition bO altogether above and beforn everythiug elfie, a Snell theu in the project. Celu IL bc Webb naked beats Boyton woured right. overy mile, bleachod bories that indieate wl re ag3oel)t4ble ta Xr- Gibbb*o Party fiiends 1-elialili,, about two heure. The wiIol.ý t excite- 'rite steward, Akeii, Raid that Smith the de dly route. Add ta this tlje feux. Wtlàe eigiliug accomplislied 2 %Vû liceil ilot waste a t was at the wheel during the second fui suit Ou t'le 1,1 lit 80utIl Outario. Tliey - . pointing out the fin. meut prevails in London, au the prose sawmovement. Aforeedmaroli fartiloir ti Cs)uÃœdAutlY of Dil. Carson',; petition, %ve Ilave bereý lino ofour spac, in 1 t 11, quel, Molise advantage suell a train prouctince the swim the gro tes phy- Inate's watch, which bagau nt ton la neccagary, and day and Ilight, with mine, tire look ta hliu'ýtl' -' t'le Colu'ng n'au" Who tOfoi-e illade tire necessary explanation. »Way ic il font of the century. tee o'clock. At abbut eleven lie obtained occasional uapo and stops for the pur- in destlueil te Win back the constitilùliôy WC rupeut what wu ligvt) ulrtitbdY sui Boboaygeoil. ý%'e now lenve the euh. therefore il would bc ta the back country atiz ta ce Permission ta go forward, and sent pose of eatiug black breail and Cajous wIllit 9PP In, Llie att clectiun with uPon that bel,(,. Chief notice Wood. Limber ta the wheel. eayiug oint the and drinking of nearly putrirl water- Giblis lis a jeet in the bands of our roadorti ta rp. second Mate wantail him there. This all thif; may net give YOU thenaliglitest what Nlr- standard heurer, Are "Dr. Carmin il, ui)tLtin. flece upon and cousider, and in due te luyself fisonger for the fray.t, on time we shall ask them for their de- (1eroui the Manitoba Frce Priseq.) lait the mutinaers, Smith (whose real conception of this tuarch. First t the other signatm-ct; ta a pti. narno id underatood ta il Eph haffil Mr. Gibbo's il 0 It la said that dame are happ Olt Prononce in the Pro. awvoi-. nI l'or the &p- only wLen they arepeo y Clark, of- Boston,) fin Amerioala*; Clew, Spain--Surrender of a Carlist Fortress. mIIonoply" ucial Legislatitie woiild ho, fridu, a pori the express unhaPPY au Es uglislimati; and Miller, a Russiau poiri'n'ent u 'Hie thevagelves or trying to make atherg go- !I ta, whieh tth î pitrty poilit of view, rtiqar(lu(l with the Couditieu, bat it waq Mr. Warren'a S wf, FOR THE MODFI, FAit3t.-Mi- if titis be sa, certainly Chief Justice Finu, all forw rd, and the officers all A despateh to the lVew8 l'rom Bourg parison 1 wi1hbýt1,l Mn W.,re. delties ait. Limber lices net appear to have La Dame pays that Jouvellarig sur- at groatoot lav Vol-, il foi ttéiiierttýtl, it at M. Hodg4on sold last week ta Mr, Wood must bélOug tO titis ClAss- IýAuIt' been concern tant being wniffil net wy Intention, art Stirton, mana-or of- the Model Parm, finding appeau ta bc hie pa oý1 1 or ever exl)l.cued atly sueli rtionlar ad in tire plot. Re was render of Soi; De Urget, occurred on don duiz iÃŽtrengtlien the Party, il if Lliat bé true, the signa- art with the four officors, and the boy Ëriday. The eitadel was handed over but iivould SUFPIY thid ûlgweut of solia ttureq,;Iu fr.,,vor Of Dr. Carson wore ob., at Gnelph, four Rpleudiel Kit earling hobby. The remarks are suggested by Heury Maliliende was asleep in the - Fifty Il th ugil wrongful witirc-presenta. owes, and -four eisve lanibs, lill libre partions of this gentleman's speech at fr,,astle. a Alfonsists on Saturday pariso ragpoutal)ilitv whicil salue people Appro. i n Cotswolois_ the laying of the corner atone of the wounded during the siege. Eight hun. ville, Port 1 Carlists were killed and one hundred à"" ]tend %pfluil nt Vreftnt lacking in the a Winnipeg market building un Tuesday MURDEILING THL SECOND 311TE. ri ha will tel tiberal Coumervativo aide of the Rouge 0;1 the Ktatejljelltu luadc by Dr. last. That was one of those occasions The Rocond mate was on duty and ýred prisoners were aise talion, iuclud. Carson it was taken for gratitind illat IT WILL 1ýJY.-We Woliltl drill the when general félicity id supposed ta bail ta be despatelied first. Smith eut ing three bundred officers. Gen. Jouv- fl'a on an lu Caooý of it change of Governmont. Bir Warren liad sont in bis resignation; ftgetitiou of our rêa(lern in the iiew nid- abound - and when it id the recognized the jib Shoot and called out that it bail aller aoked permission ta rettirti ta lie infavo, Thore can bc 110 donhitthat, with Mr. tËQ'ý e Cuba, as ho consichrs bis prononce hors People 1 t it Win Et foregond eonelnsîoit tliat a orertisement of Iir. J. S. Robertson, duty of every actor ta go deport Min. parted. Charles Patterson, the second danse lette (;Ibbmo talent -and experience, and hie Ilew appointment %voulfl be made lu booliseller. ne ailvertises a liew stock self as to-make all participants feel lis mate, carne forward and went au the no longer necessgry. cerity in di moItnotvledged Iligh standing Ilis pres. possible. The Chief milice boom with 'bsulitil ta maire the glieet ta (lamage sprioasly the cause of Car- The fall of Seo' De Urget îvill be likély He Rays, si ' any évent, and bolievirig titat. In the of Bibles, 17,piscopal ffyma and lrayer hap iý was donc Smith ellec ILI the ANSCLubly wolild he ail im. proooL-(Ietl in a manner utter. fast. Wheu this seranible fur the.viècantphice Dr, Car. Doç)hs.- Aslipply ofelioice Inkstands lyregardiess of nuy snob principle strueli him un the bead with the Ca lism in Spain. The forces of tl)e lire. judge Dér. inuelie gaî,ýl te bis _1jarty. P« tender are disbeartelleil outh, Wh son lino] as good a rtglit to the cilice ne aISO rocciv d. l'atronize liobert. and if lie did, net by one part by frequent m 'a or an- ritan bar, knocking him overboard. anY otlier Grit, several friends holding son, lit will pay ! A full stock of offier of hie oration wound the reverseg, and the governmont at Madrid tain $50,00 Mrival Ofthe Premier, feelings Stnith then calied np the lirait mate, monoply W fa p halfliis immense audience, Who came on dock and asked wijat sectils determined ta inake a guprùine the salue political opinions lis the éditor seliool bocks aitvays ta be hao at BOI). 0 t 1 aNt eut that we Was wantea. Miller and Clew bac, effort ta put down the insurrection in of coal, an' the o%ýie8qioiis thereau, Ur- XLAQIÃŽQIIY-io litrided lit Levid, of Tiié.ý Calloxil"I'v. wflr(l întlu("(itl te aigu crÈ11011%. fsco aflvt.1 t'le North- If proper energy were dis- UtInOst, as Opponite Quebec oit Xon<Iayý niglit. He the Dnetor'N --- ----- liav sequently board go for noth. conte train the forecastle, and Miller played in the rosectition of the witr 25ets-'. Who r(wolumendatieu. flic. Scarcely was lie fairly started in struck the officer ou tire bond with ail loft for Ottawa hy APOCIAItra-lli. Attila 1 Tho oditür àf Tur, c1IauxIcLi,ý is lie. XST. James bi's' address heforc the Poulinion Gov. iron block strap. He fAll moaning,, Spain WOUICI te saved thousauds of les 5ets., M lutter pliçceAl(. Wgt'4 Presollitud, with, an Couïieloin - 11ngau, lias 1,0011 nominateil »y tien crittrient ivere referred te as tilough and the three throw bien Overboîtril. vattlable lives and miieh tre re. Peo- In what vf lifisving wi-ition or spoken ple who titotight Don Carlont'au a Holdon, la wero the Vary peculiar momies of Miller then tried ta lure th(- Captain was bout A(ÃŽ(I-PPOS frOln thu C-Ifiyën,-q allil Corpor. Ono' word tu provolie tilin attacli Leforrn Convention lielil rit Norwooil, btl.lItlhyWiunil)c,- "d Manitoba, Tliat front the cabin, but failed, as hein been to. Occupy Mâtdrid Can now son their pany and il ta contebt Eant Dr. awa Harboi uVOI1 -hin), (lir(.ýuteil by the publisliers of audience contailled niany Who proba. told. The steward says lie wai roused erýor. Tire Spaniah nation does not O'Sullivnii. bly never vaunted their Iteform princi. bY the talk,. and was told by Mrs. look with laver on the theories of social. lillgtOn Hg' the Vilidivator arid for both itic republicans, but the tendeucy of bourg? - at The . Rebellion In the TurkisW Proviii- papt"IA,.Oul. l'Ouilër.qttiay now ntigic-rt;taiid, Ples û7s louil as the speaker, in times patt,*,r-lon that the mates colild net be publie thought in the Pertinsula fa charges spo, ces. - - coAr, %ND ft9t, and yat %voile out, and aanoyed et found, sud rite thonglit Miller muet an aven arc itisucýd by th() -sttuie publishers.- ail Iduds of Coal a'ud Wood fils expressions ; oit the Other band, have beau inaking more tro strongly toward liberalisui The day ai' 1lwý uble. H a 1. Port Whitb, .['lie Nteaily growtlj of the robilion The Ilittilit.-(tloi- lias 'J"eu 1110"t v'rlleut Cheilli fur Cash ; Wood 25 centf, Ver cord tliere werc those prosent, Who, tliaugh went forward, close t1o the three mon wlien a roactionary, divine-right king receiýed Gý MllY. lie iufuvred froin titu following aus. and persistent in . its attack8 upou- Dr. ahateinent il )on usuel piicca. the "blitest" kind of Congerv-itivem, who stood on the deck op the star- was possible in 'Spain bas long since awa and P -1 noveir were straighter followers of Cou. board aide. Re asked for the man passeil-trever, we hope, ta return. coived gran pât0hu- Tho _Montentigro ulicial Carson, persurtally and i)tllerlviq(s, fsirl("e -nment thau lie, and y who bad broken bis log, and Miller y 1 fin rutol)ayllrk; of oervativc Govei Parnal l'in appniutmeut. Anil thiq tiiiiig of ItAitýw,% 1 ý et BURNING 0 THE PROPFLLER PERSTAN. Parliament. were but little legs vexod titan Ïho and Smith told him ho was on the- been askeil 1 ,Illlm IýsurreotioL1 -i4 fast aistilluling. the salut) publisllerg ilt> .111111iltoil liavo past4od a by-law, genut- former nientioneil, On such un occaý forward part of the boat. Thon he fOïmitllable dimensions. Syni 'crus Of ter in the Reformer front charges ili', a bollust of $101),ooo in aitl of the sien it is out of place for any man ta asked for the mates, and the mon made Saturday night. The followi.ng in the Port Whitb serions daigna multiply, are fil of the dioaster. by chances t thoir and faisel Nürth-Wectern liailway. make reforenclie that eau pgssibly no reply but asked Iiim why lie did -net '%"'u'e yearning for war, au(l oiIý tôtIguçil slip. y accusing Detroit, Aug. 28.-The Empire State whi0l' eau bi lQmaê , je impatient ta prevent tbom, Tup nn(1,1. cela rable r rouse partizan blond ; and on suy oc. go ta holp the poor man who was hurt. pendituro of c a il p ç.asion, it fa out of place for a jucige ta Aken said Oh, no, you can't fool me," to-night brought the oflicers and crew meut money '£bis Le Insurrection fa RUro ta rei;tllt text la a littll' tOO MUCII of a good joke Defoe, hotel koep- é1p go. But en ùtterly indiâCreut je sud wcut 'b'a'ch,. Thon ail was quist, of the propeller Parzian. They report In orqanol AtIon. Not ruters Lait Lla- ta lie borne. Tlie publisliers of the er,-Port Perry, nilot himself yesterday Chief sYnstibe Wood ta' titis; commonly until daybreak, the Captain barrieàding that about 9.80 o'clock on Thuraday of saféty for tluils-will (facide What lu ta bc (loue., If lu ail upper room, and was dgail by the ace . ëpted tenct that ho rarely misses an the cabin iloors, thinking that the mon night' when about savon miles from and if the the tebellion becoules goueral, Servia twin omhawa paliers isiloilla have ris Lon Point, the first engineer, Thomas the DOmiDiO bintitenogo Will ilot Élite tlýO6ü wlio wcrû alarmeil Ly the opportiinity, and indeed froquently tra. might have a rush and try ta over. 9 -bd fille apnotatord. little regard for the deconcins of thoir Vels a gooi dàal ont of bis W&Y, t? point power Ilim A double-barrelleil gun Davies of the Persian, discovered firo and that to XOW or nevèr", Position. They- could bearce' diture of moi report went to bis assistance. ad in ]lis cabin was brotiglit in the coal bunkers and promptly gave outlay, I dor ly out, in bis opinion, the ghoricomingti Of thst ho Il the. alarm. The woodwork about the Loudono Aug. a(ý.-A Daily Xeivi have OxIl ct0d tliat the colitor of Tjir, -SITABLE' BULINED AT 01311ÀWA.-Mr. the Governtrient of the day. Chief Jus- Out and Cleatied and loaded with grape. cil. u on bri specteil frein -DerliLi gays, duit advi '00 CUnONICLI" wofflol net reliant an entire. Dingle's stable ut Ofillawa-was burned ý1 sud the flames werc beyond central. tice Wood may be, and undoubtedly is, fillot, and his revolver was loailoil. euginc was almost immediately ou fire thing p I -eau from liersogovina eonfirui the rePprt ly unprovoked attack nlion Iiim pergon. dovr, on Muneay nislit; Ilis bouse and a very clever iizan, but not sufficielitly Whon day broke the Captain look 1 Captain Flint, of the Poisian. ordered. thora if; net E thilit the lixouçgeoig rejectail the advition 1 of the Xtitupenti powors ta Auspenji ally. Thoir etoolpigtlîm Ilaol ÉL innrn se that lie eau affoid ta make himulf gun, ho and the steward went forw, talk out 0ý_r" jury be#er'th&1ý Choatý-, snd--leàý,1 Pol- May hinàïélf Mrý behf ndb à gens , --hiv hezîd, ill'.. the gralu Are l&r!yý- bn,ý the WoÈd'i tbat 1 1 Ëndw, , whaî - w , " thi idé-'ý, chaËsoter'of Webster -, Lkno* whàt;ý i wu to Xaelt"ünder tbe - Magnetiom- _Oý rut À Henry ClAjr; 1 havib »eu-elOýuenc6 iz LO ex: the iron logie of Calhonn ; but au thffl together, novermirpimied, and -110 on, o, oit4m qver ç2uaJted the grest "h, add; In the rat WaCe ha bad-whal ùot.to " -popuir orato, fa half the Power with Uarr8l ý--hehadâmajesticpreoenèe. Ilehad salle ', in early youth, the brow of a Jove or à, ýake a Jupiter, and the, ý ststureý, of . Dk ha littje (),Co atoillo; a nuell woule hava eau Mo 'o te,, O'Connell at all. 8,vdueY Snlith said 00noo- of Lord John Russelr's five lest, whe, than ha went down to Yorkshire, after the Boible. reform bill had beencarried, the gtal- wirt bunters of Yorkshire Raid » Tht ýPER. little shrim 1 Wbat ha earry the, -Bôtorm Bilip ii 1 No, ný,- saw syd.e ha was a large man, but tze ýn0ýr41éf the bill shrunk himý" Do Yeu remember the story of Webster thit Russell Lowell telle, when we jn, tercet lfaoe*&'ohuoetto,- were about to break up le, of the*Whig party 2 ' Websterý came home lesp- te Faneuil Hall to protest, and four )Ugla-- thousaind Whigs went to meet him. of He lifted up that majestic presèbé fýre the'ses of humau faces, bis urow chargea with thuuder, and fie said, -I ».-a a Whij-a Massachusetts Whig-a tory ,,-IutionaLry '\Vhig-a constitutionai OM- Wh4;,. 7a Faneuil Hall. Whig., And if k up the Whig pârty where mois y * ou bretb,- And Russell' Lowell ý or aln I to 1 is 64wé 1» 1 our bresths, thinkin > says., jý tion whérè ha iBhbùM 9,,0- But if ho "Olélsd ally beau five feèt five said Lowel], we who wouldha"-_,,id fI. -W,111 hang it who o. to ares ýhore 701ýgo.1il Vt.ell, O'Connell cir- had alî- that. Mien hé haô what ;aitlý Webster never had, and ivigatcfay bail; re- the magnetir-m and grace that mt,»Its a rith million soulefinto bis. When I al:w Sge him-be was 65-blithe, as a boy; bis na, every attitude was beauty; e!,ery ges- wit- ture was graS. Maer.ady or Booth cir- never equalled him. I heard bian puce vie 'in Exeter Hall iay., IlAffiericano, 1 'Ive izend my-voice,.-career£ug, like the t of thuudet-etorm, acrois the Atlantie, to. kfr. tell South Crolinw that God'a -thunder- are , bolts are hot, afid to, remind the _uegýo, n'o that the dawn of their redemption ig ive. And I seeme4-to bear the 2,ft answer come re-echoing back tô "Lond- ta- On from the Rocky Mountains, - Ancl %m thpu, with the slightest possible> flavor all of eau Irish bro , ha would leR a, m- story that-wonld-make all Exeter Hall GO laugla., And, the naïzt, moment tear-S u- -werein hisvoice, âke an Ola gong, and. U- five thon nd anen'Would ebe in tears, h- Andjhe nover made îù effort. You is. would go out of this hall, after hé-an'n" n- Mr., Sumner, and you- wouldý fi If. "ýVhat a magnificent effort !" We 1: as no man would évier, nos the .,Word ef. o- fort i with O'Connell. 1 hedrd him, n' tw£nty times' and I nevor &aw him a more than three times ait the fall sweep ie of hie power. ' 'Yeu *ould-got.provoked la that ha dia not, and, you would sa - a- "Oh, what à magnificieni cr..eature if 0 1- would onl7-but--&yll" But ho would h net $Itr-Y.1 V ý Vhatever fortune may be tuacle by' perjury, we believe there nevér waa a man who made a fortune by 4weanng a but it seldom, happons th t 1 'th it paid for it. - Dose any man iecçqve pro- a motion because he is a notable'bluster. or 9 Or is any man advanced te dignity becausd ha le au eipert in profarie swearing? Inèxcüsàbletherèibreipust a be the praciice whieh bas néfilaerreason nor asslon tà i uppoit it. , The drankard pis 0 tq 1 lias n ups, lie satirist'ilis »Venge, the ambitions. mm préforment, the i miser hie gold,---wbut the common sivear. . or has nothing; ha sella hie solir for 1 nau t, and drudges in the, service of Sataguligratis. Swearing is 'Void of all po 8, it je not the offapring of the seul not interwýo.ve'n with the texture of the 'body, nor anyhow ýallied to, our frame. For, go Tillotson expresses it, Il thotigh soma men pour dut oaths as'if.the.y were natuial, yet'no man wu born of a swearing confiâtution.', Oh, she was au A 1 1 Conueaut belle'. Of the "very firot *ater," or more ; and she marrie'd a regular. fine-haired sweil who, clerked in a dr tore y.,goode o . And ho clerked, and ha clerkeü, iill et - jast > ha foli into trouble witij soma of %hg money; and they went'oùt,*West, in a' -way, folke tell, not p 'éu ny. And affer a time the bel : 0 o home, the oU folks for tb'sée; àhdý-- r igh- boransked.whenthevfoniifl deltnrào 140 iv jïiUL4k, uval jjjore otirinu to incite the __ Ç'Aptain Preferri piça- vauuun m me suown me in i ng te I'e]Y Ou bis. re- îor-tîi-eýo-LuZ-g -international tuatch al; ehrenibueadt ?Ofifwrl. about the chicanery and falae practiceEi volver. The alaptain at due lime shot Philadelphia - Mostplirts. WF. BW. wAerInlpi., bis ilisinuatiol nalgarians to rios Tjiiý polt'È DOVEU AND L. HultoN of politicians thon we ever thoiight of; fSvjitl, throýj0i the wrist, st which gtrong, Orillia ; Th F"EXAL OF MR, BOBEILT RAILWAY i-lýL3-boun ciiened te and perhaps ho eau toach u4 our v Miller rush ausinet the Porte. ed forward and threw a Chathara ; J. Whelan, London ; B. K. long home, 'tu, the àjlýý'ê thAi twolity-atio There was a very imposing procession of alphabet in municipal ni tors; but e7 1 nt bis "ce of irgn broken from, a stove, Ame-, A. J. Greenfleld, Toronto; the preseut AultrilLu terricory. The whole dis. Odtlfellowg At elle ftineral Of the laie 'w GROÉ, na Boociau Christ" have ileti Nl»'W 208T OFFWm.-UXblid4,0 haq apparent Overweenfug dosire and doter- ibieli out the Captain'a face. 'Duringe Hall, Port Hope , C. B. Brodie, fario, the Hon ilitti a liandgome new li. 0. building mination te do these things, in ke Buch the any the Captain'a party lind bread Ottawa; L. Bristow, Montreal ; 0. Mo. diRtin,ýluisllqtl 1 trice from the Mouitains to the river Robert Fraser, who beloligoil to th myclations. and iustrnction, uniaccept. sud a little sale beef to eat,-, and tliere Lzan, Moutréal ; E. Keimey, Halifax ; lation of the 01 Unn1b Fàud Snunre bée bé@u ilbandoned Order, on Tlicri;day last. The proce o orecteil bY elle P. M., Mr. Wheler. ablè and distasteful in the extreme was luckily a little water aft. The 'Major Moriis, Fredericton, N. B. Mr. not keeping in b thé christians e#- The traditions of Canadians remet Il and d"&Jstated by t'le sien Ombl'"ed upwards of 200 mevaber'ls are snob, mutineers had accen to Plenty of G. Brund will sot as umpire, and Mr. does-not 0 linirke. àttamboàf- collision. thaï; the in thoir simplioity,. would water-, but bad only seraps of food. A. W.. Powell as seorer. The latter was in when il A opecial doRpatoh to the Thpieg, ftom In fâIl î-ogàlia, liesdéa by elle -Oghawa endure La Goveramentpational, pro- The galley was foc exposed a placé for will also supply suy vaosney that may prescrit- compa Berlin gays that.thére Io Do doubt "t 6ýù, Who played the Dead March la TEN LIVES LOST! vincial, and municipal, ratil- t or thau ouf- oither Phrty to attempt t.) cook any- arise. I will ho observed.that the liât outrance beinjý ail of Northern'Boula along the River- 'Sauf. The body was borne edge, with ses' by.brethren NAXnS OF THE SAVED. fe r' one of ther j nages ^te soif his fingers thing. The boy Henry- during the day contains only eleven namee; the 12th l9ave fa In full reLýéUlon. Thé fugitives of the .()Ëder t Ail saines' Church, with the unel-sau thing, Who have Ootfiht isfaty on Auotrian soli ' 0 caineaftto tbè,Captain through the mon will probably be a Toronto player. Elbow entirely plumbir elght thousand, and are mostl -Friday night, about 8.8(), the Cauada hold. Ho osid thst lie boa been wak. Wbatever dM* -roues of opinion may rotten and gonq y ýNEW8 FRON TUE POLAU EXPEDITION. wiven and chilaren of the - robels, Who B"(1- Mr- CAYley, Who attended ope. steamer Manitoba came in ened in the. night WMiller, who gaggea exige se to the merit of the 'individuel pier to the oi have déserted thoir. vUlagpo sud made ai about White. ter written by a member of the polar him 001lision -A desPâteh from London gays, a jet:, with a woolen comforter and teck play ro the reiv;'Ëeiitleman bas ventur. fiaving been ally from Toronto. Tho funeral pro. with the proýol1er Comet, e for the hille. fish Point, àe Superior, sud sunk expédition, on board the biin into the hold, whýn, with smithls êd tO ýRflârM thit the t0aln iS nOt 0121Y GOVernMeUt in -dession thenèe tO tla Union Bnrfal . steamer bie. assistance, ho had tied him te tWO the strongest eveï âot tokether in Can. pprly stated in la lierzégovina the inittligàutg Jiàvo Ground wa * lier almost immediately. Ton ]ives cOverYo Proviens te ber departure froza tauchions. From this confinement lie ada, but aloo the véry belle availàble. Munson bas rec formujl à National Governmoiit Ulider il attended by a large con. lors lost, including the captain and Retteubenk, Greeuànj,- gays, afier saël freed himllelf aiter a time, and had Two You-fG about $20,000, 1 hýnb-o1r&Ueb jeadorm course of friends and -inourtiern.' firet mate of the Comet. ATTEMPT TO 1ÇilýXAP No une was le-iving Upervadick wo strike out in the ve b"n a ' 6 ýn&ýr ---------- W1 au the Minitoba. icO in Melvillc Bay, which ig the nXORt ý,iiijttý hidèlen in the cargo. Miller boa co's LADmo.-Vour Brookville roughs made of the docks sj Ured by the down twice te look for-bimi bnagli1g a does everything e^ hortl ,Uàmw,&y SwrTc«. Tha à-ail*ay The names of the persone oaved froui 4angeroùs part or file vc)ytige. a bold attempt te kid a couple of olid» that ý When lam the tecond time, but the boy baa pare4l-withý'ite a come W the Coinet are lis we resch open water, et the éntrance of -h y*ung ladies on'Wedn:s:Tiiy. The ladies qwiteh Re the harbour', to the ýVoîson Dwyat, of ý Cleveland, Captain John Smith'a Sound, wormel bis , bêlongedto an excursion Party from We make' for Càr?7 bidTën, himaelf wUi and had aïk Iiiigt time of the tri A»bouoj 10 zlegr'Y COMPletOdt sud Golve, of Troy, N. Y., firet mate, Wm- Prousa UP Smith 8 W 1elinà and' thon - way through the etern. OgdenaburO thât visited BrookVine. enlarge. Thes Appointmont of Officiel AssIgnees. we arc pleased to bc informed thst snob H. ý Wenver, of Cleveland, 2 ,During theï day the for themoelves. na mate, Sound, nâaldug 1ý ==Ing àurvey' CaPts'n' Wth -the They wýfè just starting for a row on , armugementi have becu arrived se by James Rafforty'and Léopold Smi ' th, both < shores, ',we shâll vieil; captain a w@sPon)ý, and the rivir when the roughs jamped in Of bolp of the steward, and umur.(Wlàoýin the erection of TIA$ WýOf the nowly appointed Offi. arties intèrested me %el be fouilà, wheslemett,' John Scath, jookout, 11911, lit. Ëolaris Bay, -ana then make lie 1 did uot trust with elle boàtalct)gwitli them, and made cg liaudling grain ublialied. For th, p il or the bt>1,, did àQý the work abgolutély. , much appreciafi p mutually eat"otory, sud iàho n 1 Porter, Thomas Mur. forour'Iwiuter Mort, fogthe folands. Alarm being given 'by t bo'COulity of Ontario the followino are Ior, the b and Peter neeessarr, lluch ai paraping and clew. munity, all tend Rouiller, deek hauds. q as far'tow a, YOUÙ- lad Who was close bay, at the c llho ltiùky impuntâ protection of the publie ai the- mosing. My one colored fireman, nome un. the Polo oie joeoibl On' beifi.arbd.0- ing dowi the topsails, ti e, oeveral boat's wefit i fýefoilriteieitsenaumdeaidt of offiao. ellwithout towardg ME SURRENDEII. The ladies wererescued but the W11100z, Wlitthy; A. T, knO'wu. Among the drowned are Ba. oot,'alid sÃœb8equéitl:ý retam escaeed, rou . glis present comlWi FIVE MIXUTE0 FOR boy and Binwn, Aret and second éngi. us,îwintericg net not mère tban two On the second night active hosiilities his go ntt,ýn, swi4p. -Evmbody Who - bas travellea bý zmrig and 9 -Others, - whose names are huldred miles froin q t ,.pi«Overy. were enspended, eaoh Party watobing AxOLD LÀxz:,- d4nmN DpjjwxzDw- tailroad hm board th unknown. bis card e nbove ancouncf the:Other closely. On;-tlÏe foUowing Au old lake capt4ffi, named Thomas tion that 1 have rWMý.-à- pic-nio, the procoeds of ment, and hu probably suffored from Co., ofclèveland, and fa valu The COM04 W&$ 0wued by Hart IlomicmE.-John Williams ý wu shot be M>oDonald, wbt)'-formerly gailed the ment favnrs3. 'Y to bi'tppliocl ta the lIqýý eating too hastily, theroby gowing tho OW. Arnonnt of insurance ed at 925,- sud inatantly kiHed nt GUlf SUMMit, gegn, 15ired of #g4thw inst, ààch ïo)ioonér Lucy,-,.J. Zitham: orotoà;' Wâs ho canthat 1 -eV unknown N. Y., on Baturday evening, by Ail Brie ôdao, t'h y T', 0142 4, in p, did"ed; in Ué, 2îý,rboîîr at Oàlborns à jove:gainent fa e -t'ho ne'w Beffl te mode of dyopopilà. It à jý pomfort to here. Railway traakman damed Ramarty. roctu l»I 4 the know thati4:p 'Syrlit, Winou NAVIGATION orTEM SASX&TCHEWAN.- rhe cOutinued 12avigation of the Sa8kat. 3hawan is nôW said te be assured, a eteamer having made a round trip from àé Grand Rapids, to Fort Edmonton ind. back. - The mo8t ccntraaictory )PInions in- roiere-moe to the naviRabiâty >f the river wore î eiprea8ed at Ottawa ast session by the members for Mani- ýoba in the Commons, Meuti. sêhultz Md ByàiL persisting in the declaration bat ît waff'not navigable, in épite of the leclarations of the Hoà. D.IA. Smith hat the Hudsou Bay ëomý3ny had teamers running en ii. The ment diseCuz. of, extensive os, deposits in ia Win add ']UÃ"" tO the PrOsPeritY Of the ý State in 20re wayo than one. Ijàst year the um of #10 900,000 w" paid for iron, rhièh coothfLlf as Much more for tran- Poistation frota Eastern and foreigla WIM MURDFIt î ND SUICME.-Jerome Filcol fatally stabbed his wife in haff dozen places and then eut his own 'rGat at Silver Spfingo,-Pa., on Wed. A Kansas gi - rl pays thst nothing Lakeg herse mad. as ta have a gram- Wer crawl UP' and down ber back Égt sa her lover hm coma to the pro- )Bing point. GmssbOPPerg--dancers on the green. 00109ni) iëeýeaRêd the Scentimental ty.- A man Who is Always in a otew gener. ,y ý goes to pot., ol Pi of e e Io odi ter bui Fur jua tige the imel out] veli, or 13 tari for i bulli it wi Cou, surg, -befoi Z. ý!U satisi a cas and 1 ibilit, spèa; -previ' acet1 p to M Nfith per se good shocki nary mot, swaùm is, not barber Rent TUR Patch i uý Sout'bei The toi the infn claim- in mica Th ere b but it mis Imuch di BLEci Sentlemi to fiûn prires yc ibis lite. Shields U of vue GE fuRing to iiiirtain IL]

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