Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1875, p. 3

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cht e wunhouu m«s Idlcess luthé corruptions in tie naIII"sud a Mac# ý founid in a ibIs f ' barnailu, the.localit', liaî beausaMut ou n ýpcon. MÂuua~wuieFstx u;Nxnxu".- The MeMAttin ~m1Mnfcul Comipany, of et. Hfadisstbe, have eséio sýood des),les. Tii.cempan>' star ewith a i rstfleunisb, 1ils opdnili hein g manketi by a grand banquet, t wieh the Koutreai preus were Invited A 11111, les£ expansive dleplay sud mer careful attention (o business -usuali, work more psatifylng repiste. Tum Seciziy'eî FUInps Iii IRElLMeî l'rFom tb. report o!1lii. yeanly meet - ng eoflth. Society o! F ini inluIrelani h ws l1a8,2 12 bshe bumber of membes - attacheS tl0 -tiet ba>'lu'Uloter is 898 inLene..~0 sud lnuMunstpr, 704 .uurnt, je yeaI tî.r. Wure but-,uae mar-45 a , accordlng te. ies" cei?- br à 'C'wee nzingrscf tise body £ke~ ser, lecnevu mrniges"con, *vkr~i$0wtoenil.." One Friend la.su elr joeud tise annn sud suothel "contiuw« to boil h itoffie Deputy' LienLfeant, Wlhh tisese exceptiong :Fr.I04s are fsitiiful in bbanlng Vbrilp Ities testiiny agait ail war. In sorte of thé. souilera, Buro Pes counities gils iae siiwed.by- tbaïlaw to'get marrid at the tender a&ge of twelve, andthle boys aire auhiioried le commit tise'ras st aItourteau, In Turke>', Grgecu, gypt, Portugal, lthe pnio-ociy of tise sexe& s fiauîonling te nonihuru mn n sd women.,In' 1(513 tise logil toaaeable âge, fer women lu' fog s sd or meo lite(,n. ome o! tises. $ outhisemnothers, wisie yet lu thoem yull, tiin notbing of turnu ont & aker'e dosers o! luhaiitauts, Ring. ]y asud b>' lise- pair. Quadruplets are not rare, lu -Slly, accerding te ottabiertie. ai reports i'orwarded b>' Engiieli Consul. tte emovronmut, wiich fa galber. lng nP tIe foýeigu proctioeis fi order to icwer the age eofsnatnimouy lu Bug. DuesAuLTicas CàUOsz.-Nisgra Fails, S. Y., Aug. 21.-Cattle and~ Bonus.>', tbe two ddufnitswiso absounded frora Baltimore iu July liter swiudiigtlsir ereeitors ont cf $100,000, were arested_ lu Canada yesterda;,_uuds.r à capeuL graited by Chie! Justice RIcheards, of Toronto, under saiS RugEnlisis Siatute, cotcuruinýi foreigu abscondiug - debters. Tii. defaultard are le bave s triaIÙundér these tatute messioned, a.ud Il will b. considered a lest case. A WONDICRPITL lWoMAs.-H.idseU, N. Y.,, Aug. 21-),'r . Mary Kilienisense died inu Kindl,snisok last figist, aged âne buPdrâà àsud ix S'eRre, two mouliss sud 'ii.edays. Hon maiden fume watt Lict, sud &ie was hem lu inte tcwn cf .alntdeniseok June 111h, 1769. Me. baSl beeu, married four tlm.,, tise irt at tise âge of 18, sud lthe iaut ah 88. Uer lanî husbsud bas buen deaS evenal -yeari; the *&s vee ~intelligent sud baSl ane- bentive rnemory; sue aiways oejoyed s remankable degresef'tgood hesltis sud diel without auy apparent bodiiy dis- oas; &sie lesaves su extenspive prngeuy scatteredail eover tise couhtry. An Indien% uciioel boy issu w itlen bis usanebiii ulie sereil of falune 'tus lime. M is teachur wsstsd te kuow tisenumben cf zones., "Four," was tise r eply: l'tise horniel, tise figil, lie lotn perate, sud tbp intomporate." H. wili enter tise lecture field Ibis fait. A drniu len i hdis.d r54into a dinee f cisuncistaIPltuSeld, sud bwe carpeuters destroyeid saIsndred dallant wartis of tise building lu getling liii» out. A gUiluPortland, Me. torrifeS b>' liste st o! au habituai brutal methen t- ho ip ier, rau sud jumpod oUL s second. sIen>' indon-, i'scoiviug fatsl ijuries. S' ultune - your -usinel vith grent îisougists. Te believe l iý h eoie tusakes hoes. Nething eau be s real piessunre or cure ta lthe iuman seul but visaI le - Madie by-its owu approbsîion. Chos. alwaYa-tise va>'tisaI soecns best, boy rougi soover It -May' be. ' Osstaînwii mer et-uasynd agne. abie. - hn Ot hie Most fatalitmato t - tise vea lotlîa ligisi devlabiou frin tise tr hutis, for thse sakTe ,pf apparent good. ~ ' Mssy Mfiiip*rsp. are Of les service le the comuity l in o ichte>'reuisle -ha ,Iiare rnavengers itisai deans. lhe e treot. -Ti CoBounoDwnzL SHaw-'BWÀRm. -Tiesayas' e! Cobcurg, vili thse Sp. --- probioU of the T-ow'n Couùeit -liasu efféeet a rfivard of #250 forpICfQmatiOu, tliat vili-loati le lbe deluton sand con. 'viciol f the Party or parties Whio uet Ar tir t esdll.-osud-iately Sstroy.'lUn - BItW&tBo30Us.-The ratappayens et Wboodshck bave grauhed a - housseor 6 20,000 le tbu Woodatock anS Porl Doyen llailway. BmAi *Bovui.-kbonjus cf $20,000 buha been voteS b>' tise ratepayeru o! hNorthb Gwilimbm 40tethe'Lake Sime - hJunello'»Bailiway. TuaGOxuouGgeaA iii returu - le Toronto lu lie eariy part cf Scpbem. Bsoex T4sso.-Tbu amn o,$ b. levieul onu tise.Townhifp,,ef lBrook for Conut', -townshsip and 1relivaV' pupose. - fer theourrent year là 810,1WIC. h -Beasonsd self-love are Ive irree. MCOAW. - 35 ifst.f b3 cd Buobs meGilhi SM 555v ut, rwseg imir, on Thuèd~, uj~st1M~, 187'5 by 'the Boy. 5.T.Gibbs, Mr. Win H. JOIIDIIoD tO MW$s Sarahi J. Joiinoton; ail o!, *ÂSER.-tVhitby, ohiWdnu day, August 25th, 85 Mr. Robert Fraser,, aged se ysars, 8 months, ana Tij4e -muneral wil tak lâc a f rom hie lt tsdeeou<cýbis) (Thursday, 251h mi.) i o'to ,P. ni., te Union Bullgrout2d. G1ÂT-tOntario, X~. Y., on Fn-. daAugust '181h, 1876. Mr'. Peter J. Grant, eldest gon of-the late Alexander Grant, aged 88 yéars ana il mnntiis. DAWES.-Ât Wiiitby, on the 28rd, fuel. Chiarles Aibeit, infant ààn et Cipt. O.Dawes, ag.d il months suda1lO daye. WHITBY MARKETS. > a faWbaaî ........... fiîle 4 #20 Li $pring Wheat ........ 112 @01 15 >Ooe. ............ 5 00 5 25 FTmothy ....... .....es W s Éeas ..............70a75 Bskyé eas. BOcSU5 ae.............. SSO j Me Oas .................... 3@45o Ray................. 80 1 Poituet ................ 40c @ 50c ggs..............4ç 0 150 Butter........ ....l8 @s20o wooi,............. @aiE Ooal, perte......... 97 40 Wood..............#400@ê84 50 Pork, purcwt........... 07 00760 - Chiclsens ...... ... 80 @400 per pal Dueks per pr. .4........ 50C@ 00 Turkeys, per lb ...1....eo Appies, per bushel....440 @ 850o OhQe1e.............1-1-1Ie U 17o Sefl, lbssquarter ...$5 @16 Beef, fore quarter .....5 4 @ $5 (0 CherriesÃŽ, per poil......$ 1 00 COMoxoRTI.-Thle agrseable charaeter oe tlii prepanation bas rendered il a. general favourite. Made simply with boling water or miik. Bachi packet la bellesV Jà.ur EPPS'is & Co.,, Homoeopathle CLemiet, 48, Threaded1e.streetîe sud 170, Piccadly, Works for Dietetie Préparations, Euston- road aud Cainden Tdwn, London. [)Y 1HOI WÂSTING DISBÂSES Ulalntds oprotracted iu their course., andI ebiIîtatlng n their offet upon the heaith, whlcls0 orlly-depeud upon lhereditary influences, as in consumption and senofuis or are the. resut cf dspraved nutrition, tram impnfedt tassimilation foodi sud lmpoverish- ed biood. Unies, the- digestive procees le complet., suaterial à nfot p ared for fleur. ishiug thse tissues and re a iring the waste resul ing trom mental an~ physical exer- tien ; diinuation of consttutionial vigor i. soon apparent, and the. vital organu, partak. ing etftthe generai debillîy, speedil> manifeit symptons of derangemeut. Itlai lu this 0lss of casée that Dr. Wheelers Compound Elixir ot Phosphates aud Caisa>'. demon. strates ils extraondinar>' nutritive proper. ties, being at once a chemical food an aa medir,êment et the. higieut value, B E A R i N E Prepared frein the Pure Grosse uot THE -CANADA BEAR. This delighttullY perfamed pneparatîois imparti a so t gossy fIniai te tise* ain, in- cliiing ilte remain lu any desired position. It* gives the. Mairnot nulouy a luxuriant grOwth, but arrests greyness, baldne#,- and other diseseis U thle beasi and scal. Genuine Bear'# Grease has long teen huiS '11 Iligh esteem as a valuable article for Dreesing thse Heir. It has been hlghly cumneuded ahd used b>' eminent Chinists and Physiciaus ei svery country, Escis bettie Is encloseS in a card buard box çurrounded b>' a fisal>' engraved wrap- pur, foirming a package bo4h urusmental snd usoful on every Ladies' Dressing Table. Price. 50 ceât$Per packae.S 1 - PERY D &ISON, 19 1Soe Propnielers, Montreal. RItEiE DY Fit É P.-We seud fres, a Simple and sure n eaisoetoself-cure, tor Cen- sumptien, liruuchitis, Asthma, Catarri,, scerfula,aRnd auy disease cf 1h. Throat er Lunga Nevuus Dèility, Premature De- yWeakness, aanS ail dise bruhto byyeuchtul drsrbdence.o TUTTLE & Co, 7 Nassan-it. N. T. ses, so Bérn n i5t&bloe '7cr !Iilier PtiiOuan Ãœ40re i ohn Taylor, Eq., ou Augnt171s, ' 2IoEE JONES# Auut1t1,1875. Oslvaw. ÇENTBAL EXHIITION,17. $8,P&O Offered -in Premlnuma I Winl bu iia ishe of' eGuelphs, ou Ath,- l5th,,-lth, l7th, SEPT. OPEN, TO ALL. lize Listis anS EnItr>'Papursceau b. had aI the Becretary's Office, Guelph, anS alse inom lie Secretanies ci oison Socleties lhreughenl lie Province. Pulisist neceivlng thein entny ti ckets prior le -tie Show wllinSndties aI tie tlecfflary's Office. Tise severai llalways ilRr rit sud Passengers $0 sud freisutle Exibition at single tare. G. MURTON, IH.IL 8WIFORD, 8eQnetary. , Pxesdenl. Gulph, Jl>' 01h, 1875. 41n-54 Ca naI En/largemeont. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOUS. SealeS Tenders addnessed te lie Socretan>' et Public Wcrhu, 'ansd endorsed I"Tender ton tise Laches Canal," viii ho e asived abt lus office until lis arrivai efthle Eastern sud Western ;mail. ou Tzuanm thse Siziamihl d«y 0 ptember nent, fteeslargement o!tu onsi consistiug nt the videming sud depnn Ï!0Channel tram near lie new bsnetfWellington Street bridge up yards te tiu river St. Lowrenceuat Lacilue, embraelug tie construction et nev lochs aI St. Gabriel anS Coté St.-'aul,al"ethe taklng Sown anS i-ebuildlug tise upper pertions ut 1.prosent-locke ah hisesplaces: building regnistlng voire, culvorts, bridge piere; 1h. construction of a nov elitrance lock at La- cine, sud lis formation et a cisunel -sud M basin on ties utis or river side et the eiat- Din entrauce. 'ise vurksvwill be let lu sections cf lie frepctive leugtis Indicatod ou a msp 0f1h. Un l isoegetier wih plmanud specifi- rcation etitf&evarions venks eu b. seen at atis o4ce, anS at 1h. Lacine Cansal Office, ZMonîreal, on and atter Fax>Âv, tihe TaXE» da f ep eimber tiezt aIeltier cf*vici' PIÙeerPrinted onus ciTénder cm en hcis Conîractons are reqluestedto bear lu mind thlai Tenders 's-ii net be considenoS unleus îmad. strictlinluaccordauce vili Itso prinledl forme, sud-lu lie ,Case cefifrmu-exeept tiers are attacidlie actel signatlures, 1h e rnature ofthlieoccupatàon end-ýplia ofete- - sidence oft eismomber cet he.saine ; and Lfunther au accepteSl baule c eque, or olien .availse accuril>', for tise 2stisuqin one i t t1rc.thosaend dollars, acccrtllng lu lthe çxteul ut vork en lthe section muet aeera- p dyoc enSr, wvilci h b . foreilld Iflepr> ee riug doclineoon tails le ýeutor conrtron iswok, wieucafleil upen tb do au, allihe rates stalod iu 1h. ofeér suitted. The ameunt nequired. in esci case vil be stated on tsth onsu otTender.- 1 Tise ciseque on moue>' lins sentt iu, vilIbc retuned te tise reupective parties vhoue Ter ar e nqi tlfilment oethlie coutract saisfactoryseurit>' viliibo requiretl on es ustate, or b>' Seposil et mnoue>, publiceor uneipal aceuntos, onrss b stc 0, u 1i lamouulntoftivoper cent oanlise bulk susu t tise co6nînsot, o wvicis iesuxu sent in wviii Ith. Tender vil b. considorud a part.- v maeswirbeapaid nil the cuospf.litien 'et tise vonku. -h - *Tae eis Tendon muet ibe altiI th.,le actual signatures ut two respousible and suivent personu, neidents of lie'Dominion,' villing tCecoeme suretiosti on the carrying t euutofthef'conditions as vlas tise Sue 1 performance ot vorles embraceS is e con- t tract. Tihis Dopanuent. <but net, so-wever binS itàolt te accept tise losl cr an>' Tender. .Dy OrSon, F. BRLAUN, d De artmntof Publie Works 1 Secrotar>'. IFRm FOR SAL E 1 Tie subuciber effens for sale thie nerti osastquarterolfLot 51, L ian Ihe tCouces-j Rion oft hieTownsiip of Wiitisy, coutalnig au acres, sud lu a geud talt et fcultiva- tien. Thoreareans otle pramisep a gced Moue> Ram Rd ongadao a "nu Oroisard.Dai, e sdas NE£W ADVERTISEMdENT8, . AMSXf . B.; L. M.. DIN. , MSd eUTT Gradnate (iti honora)>outhle University ofISTE 0 EOD' ueso' Celiogu, Canada; -Puladelpils Rubb.er.Buckèt PuMpý 8nlv. t Mediine and u8e; Amsean- Unir, o nouyivanla; EclteCollge of <EXEM PT FRII>EFROST AND REQUIRES NO PRINING.> PenuslansdLiesutiaofet Mcrefie>' cfhieulv tElbrSoiu.Con- .'FOR THE DOMINION, - 0ore to~ il unof Ontiô.o ffice-_ 5frlTnFo Celdwahen sI- #8 ire Tose t Sadd556 esch ioa T ep r Z mt'0O 3 S OLD - - AS That ligible Park ZLai, ecntalûining Io - vingMclesuOrusoSf acre belsg thé ifctsi-dosiblu range vost et P.C<. RIME, B reci, 81, W)sftby, fmmaidlatoly 1seti cf A. MCMURTEY.?)Bownlanfle, ont. tie Court osu. ApplytWe ttaith 175 7 - TROUAS DOW, li>, 51, 57. . Whitby, Augut 4tis,1875. uian8k5 ONEY WAN - pÂT2lNTS PORINVENTION~S' TiTmmesole ,- h Epodteui u reei'sdse n CaOnada MethpdiBt - dlrch Ettni 1prt -Lts ummber 20 and 21, ffla et-of the originel 5l1ewà= e fr at the. North-%west angle o e b. Di,arc ýthenes lu a Sontburly direction Pari= 'inith the Eseteru lisso of saiS lot more or Iistate lortheru, lino te l Lnu tow slng thse selS nocther Unse more or lest. loýtiegravelleS need, cUisiS lot No.20- tbee. 0norhêri> leng tii Wetern liait oU the saiS gravelleS r s, more or leste the' Iothern lin.e of saS lotti20, tieuce " WI 810 he huselS nd hnlielots BUtWOan ,noe or lea, tlii.plc un ite euio»tion of sncb or swere Seeded teo tist PÂrtieehby on.' John ThouI#pson, andalto ezceOptiugthereout 1 fsiiSlUnd conveYedbvhe&jty' of -the fixaipart h'rtoto1) n -ý0."fo t ru$te $,ent-eof Teméracé Isoan aSsingulàrfliat 0 iê rt samiSlotsi numbenago susd 21f àdoi0li, originl silowe forronaShb.- soen si opt s, s ementiened sud des- cibd*luî£certain Deed e1 Conveyance 'hiiereof, auS by ESward Eanl 5ticku t the Part>'e re nt part bereto, (1h. ot gagn)sd ceniains abeu Four sores of land, un hici is erxcted a new sud cesumodieus DwelnR ouas, *with neeeesry onhbuild- ings 'anS offies. ro e a agood gardoen AnS orcbanS ou tbe promises well stockeS wlth fruit Ire.,, well lenced, sud ,s a valu- kble propert>'., Fer particulars appt>' le WILLIAM DEALL', À etl'fr Mrgge, Columbus.j INSURANCE C0MkiP AWNY: 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON, CAPITAL,# ~ $10,0001000, BANIxxUS: MsIKnCIL AIZ MOLSONS BANK O.A. BAYNE8,E8Q.,ýM.D. auso Sreet, Menîneal. -FQIWES & MUDGE, Chiot Agents. B. . LÂWDBB, Aet bIy A ÇARD 1 A Ciengymn, *iie, residlng lu Seth Amonica, as' suialuer, dicoered &a sais anS simple réede>'for lie Cnrs et Nerv',us Weakusu Early Decs>', Disoase ci the. Unînar>' anSdSeoinai Organsasud tiseviole train eof disordens bnought - enb> baneful sud vicions habits. 'Great ýnumbens have been cuneS b>' Ibis noble remedv. Prompt. cd b>' s deire b bondI liee iffiicleS and usifotutaàte, I vii meuS 1h.erecélsionpro. Parnn uuingtlus medicins, inu s ealed ..nveiopc, te an>' Que vie nooda lu Fres cf Charge. Addnuesu BE.VD. JOShiH T. INMANt, station 'Bible Houge, Ne. Yerk COity. 2-2 1IN OHANCERY! 'DURSUANT te an order, bearing date -L the Tweiity.lfttiday cf May;A. D., 1875, sud mad. in a cause lu lie Court of Chancer>', vienein Switzer Couva>' anS Jane Conwa> are plaintifs, sud Janet Bat- lfe, Raciel Pernmsn, Thomas Perriman, Margaret Curtis, George Curtis, Elizabeth G"at, lrancis Gant, Thom«uas reInanS nBient Keir are defondents, tiere ;;fl b. solS vithithie sppbatlop of Zacheus Buru. iem, Esquire, the. judge efthle surrugate Court et tise Cont>' cf Ontaria (wite i neal represëttlve et lise lands hieeaflen Sescribed),y Levi Fairbanks, Auclionsen, aI Judges Cisambens, Court Houge, iu tise at tiseisoun of2 o'cloek, p.ni, enlise A GOODý FIT AN]) STYLISH CUT WARRANTE]) Anu e .elais16tseue îeunvo izsîà,-pl"c l'a - Part jwitlh overy .stick. , 'h Mow eofte u fr eni t iy C e rn er' ýh ere Hast thea looked forth on fi, When itting in MY elbow cair1 Toking IPy Teast'and Tesha;~ h IaiwaYs1eove" 'yovoiïn g meàI~ As 5Qdo~ ucls But inerâé clgifld'Ie Sio,-ncel'.est tht whe odsl mstfi 00hnlnwa iIwhnto ans i. Thî~ ~srl~pg'a cg 4, m tue, h CeeMsrgfni pre ôokTaJie h MndIci us -veseme Te6a op Ai ,won. uiuch -wide renownM Mas naeyer been1.le te Iez> Ur, Non yet 1k.ec, iq h1 newx Te udLquoýr oiore, .Uunda S t, Whit.by. ONTARÏO,.LADI ES"-,COLLEGE, où Tùesday, Sept. 7th. Will e-0' 'en' Application for'admbisioni Calendars, 4c.,, to GE NT'S CLOTHJNG AND) FIJRNISING GOODS. 1 For Superior Clothing suitable for Snmmer wear try -the Clothing Store andl Merchant'Tail- BREY. J. E. SANDERBON, M. A., 82OEROI oring estt~bIisnment of JOEI~ FE RGU S 0- lîth DA Y OF OCTOBER, 1875, lie tolleviug lands anS-remluises, namel>': The South halI e Lot Nu. 5, lu lis 7tis concussion, efthe Township ot East Wbil- byin lise Ceui>' tYOutario, cenlaiuing b>' admeylremenî uns inudred acres mure or 1055> lseOrty 'acres suoue anýlêss, part et ïh or] afof tise 'saiS Lot descnued' as follovs: Cemmeueing aI 1h. North Easf angle et saiS Lot, lion, sott> sixtooen' de- gnous,eosîtte a stake tisera planteS, tison souli sovonty.tun egnes -est, Iwonty ecains, tieso etssixteo en e at tvuuty elsains-, ta lise centnp eoft t saiS lot, ien nanti seventy-foun degnees, oaut twouîy cissins, tieunforts sixteen derees vest twussly chains mure or less ho Clic aueto beginmng. ,-,. 1 - Tisere are one isundred acres cleared, lise nuit teil 1 isbered vili lsandyuod and vaînable cedan. Tise 'blearod portion ta lu a good ulule ot cuitivation, is veli vatened, sud distanit fni, lie Village et Oshawa elgit miles. Tiere iu aiss aged orchard and excellent building où said tami. The propent>'vilbu solS aI Publie Anc. tiers luthi. higioest biSSer viti power te, tie saiS Ruai Ropresentalive trum lime le lime, ta adjonu lie sale if lu ils judgmeut, an tequste pnice is nul 155 foi.the saiS landu. The rchaent. ou ssale is topa> aS.e unct rti er-cnt.sonStie day ut saoe,an [stfopay lise balance lut. ceunI lu lihe crs- dit ofth iemalter vithin -une mouli tfrus thoeSa>' etsale vitsoul luloreut. Furtsen parlicnlars anS conditions ct hale ma>'b. had on -anplicstien te D. J. McIntyre, Plaintiffs solicitor, Lindsasy, anS co G. Yong Smiths, Def«nWuls sohilion, [vilhby- Date stIWisitby luis 16th day cf June A. D., 1875. Z. BNmAàM, Roail epresenitalive. 8m-28 -j 75 Acres, boing pari of lie. SautshallmH 0f Lot 27, luiieéli n-on. "Q Whitby; iboût Si5>'acres ninder god cultivauo,gce bulding, gCed vate&0 o.er prlne addr8- ---THOQS. BOBSON, l>'4h, 1875, ms2 AU parties are lssreby ctoe amvng enedil te MY wilefor $0 suy oh =yerean n ltout may vnitteS orSn fr le mme. JOHN' PYPN. 9sas-Agu h, 1975., mB Gent's Furnishing Goods of'al Hats imd Caps, Umbrellas, &o., &-c. Wisitby, luI>' 27tis, 1875 - tf-s' NEW IHAYEN JUJ3ILEE kinde, ut ORCrAN COIS. OItGANS. NOR VILLE has tliem-Splendid Instruments-and wiI sell theni ai prices tisaI wil surprise yen. IU you e'výe expeet -$0 buy one,ý new is the tiue. Be ture te give mes au a11belfore buyingA geod assortment o! Oiocks, at Wblesale prices, $0 close out the lot. Clock,Watceesand Jewel. ry neatiy and promptly repaired. 1 .- ,,. 1 1,".1 1» H. W. NORNrILLE, Dun&is Str~eet-. 81 Opposite tfie Pest Office. 'T e B iýà -eica ,'O;I l) 'ht The B r/troh R O4ericNObTri.0 'Wsesélshi i 161 a snTte]o1 @ tý.OJUUaa g -ëeol in,lic D»omàinion eor' the. Edlceltion 'o Young Men, Middisagd Mon, and m ya-u@mmecial branches. -- - Svoidl attention àtaïven ftha Ils, a CG O ,f lMkAmvjo * 9w, Six Gih4s.,wanted k o O Whi!tby, Âpril 14th. 1875. SOHOOL BOOKS, School Books, a fifl supply of text bobks always oifhand. STATIONERY, Stationery. -We keep the best selected stock of Fancy, lInitial, aud, Com-mercial Note Pàpers and Envelopes inithe county. BLANIÇ BOOKS, Blank Books, l3y ooks, Cash BoolcB,- Journals;, Ledgers, &c., made of the best paper, in good bincling, al ki nds-and cheap. NEWSPAPEII$'AND) MA.GAZINE1S,- Newspapers and Magazines., Those. wanting- their Mggazines and papers delivere d with;promiptnessý and despatchy should leave their. oirderat Robertson'1s. MUSIC, MUSIC, a large stock of Sheet and Haif-dinie Music always on hand, J.S., ROBERTSON, ]Bookeeller, Newsdealer, Stationer, and deale inPanoy Goode, &c. (Bengougl'e 01d Staind,) Brook -Street, Whitby. P. S.-We pay -speejial attention to the ordering of mis- cellaneous Books, Musie, &a., &o., 94 14 o- Tis Uel is situated l n1he central- portion of the. eity, conivenient t0 the wiielesale establishments and publie bufidings, sud foi tourios and commercial-traveilers la a meut'elîible situation. The houe.bas heen thonoughly re-organized aud re-furnisbed throughoût, and is fittd up in the. moot'comfortable and faihienable style, qua to any first-claus bouge in the. Domninion. The. bedrooms and drawing-rooms are large 1 andary and tiie best eanitary regulatious are obaerved Ti.large and conveniont sample rooms, for the accommodation of Commercial ravellers, are cominodlous, aua conveni6ntly loeated on th. fmtai lia. Onibus., and car etlas ed o he accomnmodation, of guents arniving by alt the teains and steamboats, aud el4o 'te convey lhem $tiith depots and wiiarves- on Ieaving Ge. Kenfiedy, formerly of Queenles Hotel, .Owen Sound, Manager. Telegrapli Ofice ini counection.with tbis Hou. TE~M, - - 61,60 PER' DAY. NEW GROCERY SMTHR Begs to intimate to the inhabitant -s of Whitby and sur- - onnding district tisaI hh s oepéucd eut la the Odd Feliows' Building, Broék-Street, 4 New - Grocery aind Prýoviim Store, Wlhee lie intends to keep >evexytliing in that lime. - He hopes t1hat from pasi ,e preiad by strict -atten- MOETGAGE BSUE or VALUABLE, LAND,, IN TU5E -TOWNSHIP 0F REAOH, in.tls CenI>' cf Ontario, 'Undenandby vintue oia peréreof slé conlaiued in,& mer gs, aleie t s hday of Japff 170uer=y w1l b roue *â lie-tire as lle, terewil b iolN7byui, lie Auctin, atlie-- Walker Hus, Port Penny, l inheSaiS Cousit>' etOntario, on- Fr/day, 2Tth of August, 1875, ait2 o'clck lutie aftrneen, lie folicwlng valnable property usaoely - lot. One acre, Va hie anmo sre or Iss ce0mposed of a Part ofthle North East' quarter ofLot Numsen Il inth. litis cou- cession efthe Towusiif>oiBescb, deicribed -s fdflovi: Censnenoing 50 linIks frora lis North East Angle ef the saiS nurth est quarter of saiS lot No. il, scut i cfhle.con- ceasso, lien Southh, 160 esal along the vo.lonn imil ci lie'said quarter, auci a distance as wiii give eue square acre off lia North Wetcorner cf lie saiS isortlr east- qne.mf i of aiS Lot No. 11, independent of Aise 08 Percies, moore oi lesa; comnposeS eft a cfLot No-il lu l121h concession 01FecdesenibedasBtollowu:- Commenc- ing At tis Snl West angle e1 apoe-o.f vest 8 ciinè and 60,-inksa more or leuste- the senti é.ui angle 0cfa parceoland ouSô- VeYeà teOune George1HuM, lisent, seti 74 0, wesl ou.e belu 75 linssk, lieue saulli 160,,easi5 chaines 60links more or legs te lb. trenteof saiS lot,tlieue norti 74 0, euaI oticihain 75 lkslueltheplace of bosinning. Tie. lua caifontabse Svelliug bons. viliua mile sudsaIsalfof the Vilae !Greeubaule. Pulparticularg and conditions et sale villi e muaSe Insownat- tie lime et sale, and wiehmay behad prvioes tureto by aiÉyn eJ. KEIUGORDON, - - - Veun'. aSolicitor. wlhltby, 101h oe t usl, 1875. %i-W8 Local Agents Wanted. Aus Agent Wanted ifet UBaih Town S' PEC01A LTY.. Eggs, and Farmers' Produci PE1TER SMIII. Âpnil 18, 1875. - * T'EA S A' Caish Paid for Butter, Y~AcaUi s mspectfully se Ã"dd Éellowej' Buildig, Wlitby, Colfege, I - J0H N Whîtby, August 4tb, 1675: DUNDA& STREET, Wl-gITBY.- NEW. GROCE'R.Y > 1 IF AýRM FOR SALE. .05 rel, g l . ýSTORE-- . - PETER

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