~bers in arar at that daté wiil U o.tick off thé Jist, and their e1oount p-igaqfor M oétion, wilc will eau. expoe. flte defautrm. 'Mi oubscriptions are payà 1ble trctly in w1advace, ZNo evlutien eau bc madet from theadveoed uMAtoxnf 51 60 pora un. Partilaur aitentieur-is a1é te tid iS ntice, Et <5miIaz2é wthi whielh wvlli gave t4lui,îo and oulliug for palière nt tie office of pulication wiai rlé ioejo,.4 iote tIre ?ua[msumreîlen mlathe TuriesirPro- nice cf ilorzegoviulla le extenduîîg to lis oiit- lidaIro rovinecq '-whiolà lîAvc s0 long stuffei indter' tjee jitoler- able yak. Of' tl i-t tai Ture. 'l'h. ', ittié eolo ebi;,ggeitiail ail baudi" le etmttilîig portentous profor- lieus, ant tire éotrîi sc long tlut'efttninb' iii a I&Iat'ttbount tri lînltt.Of <onrme the Importance oh g' o rvolution humgely tde- ponds uperi thre attitude inélhé akietiby tIsé greet p6worg ot Lenrrrpo. That thé Turklh i ilé itsin i p, liNgrcful .,ana relie oh' l'ùtîrýn llgi'rca ad tflou r licou, 1l4 uinuwiigieur itq ci dwr>u.l ap. lotit' tie the P':r.ilitivbellot amougat bi éet ù Lcapable of'foi'naing Anuopinion liulonthié ébject. 11-.thl roieet Case Vite Einrojsetcijroweré will héoupeiiéd lu go far-titirtiser ntho tendrl i"ttiendl. lY 1otyictm," nul iiuwillcours thre strieggle. 'Tlhé% i0r tg eprégnant with xgîcat vne-,eetswhiclî Mary terLmlutihe ln tire liseimbermeint ofthIe l'on, Sir, Crodka tn Soutu Oxford. wignéLlyti 4 uwrds of 0nue3thilufni ot tJsthe etei ef South :Oxford. lMr. Cruokls li ieti hie nrlrei&4, li wlich' b.sys r- 1 'tWftbcuh neinà e ualitleattoli, (a seat in theé Legletrtive'Assewnbly), I lied ne in.tention eof ntiuuing a tuenrber oftihe Gonvi-rtuuut, anti froue the timé cf uuy siefeal lu Eest Toronto 1 was désairens ot!bbehug r'eliee'd froruethé poijion, un.u letote oopportunlty aras préscuted i ati- * lu aireasouablé lime betoré tire Loin'la. lire couti dýbe corveiuctl et My boig- elehtifer suothar Onutituepay.' Ai à fartier- " Frem tiraI time te tire présent I havé boeur iducedti laraIsin ciice iu tire Govénument by thé gênerons ajour- ang.etf the premier aud MY coléeagues, * ud ofiq dting fléfommners lu mttuy parts et thé P , 'vlnae, hlît MY ,r:ence fa lie Uoverumont wis dsIli, ndtat efforts ho soeurrenme a seat wunld Dot b. oumitteti," 11fr, Crooas irîet Iîevb krreny feit tire mIelieacy out Irisposition ta r tember cf thué overunierut wltlunut at consitneutey du ring tire peut isevéren on'tliru. 1leia iRsuéti a pamphlet suumuing ip thie sets of lte Cluyurout incé hé becitun blnstere ii whicie hé céis ho défend hie anhteagueanti jatify hie a n iosi. Suggesîe'd Changes lnthie Dominion Cabinet. Ohaug ngetl uevrthe utitOtta. YSa are freely taikei of lun political ir- cles. 111e éltti tiatMse. etlir b'aird amii 'oiynior wil retire, thé tir-et té take tiré1Colieétor-slip cf CtFtoure ahn Quobe, tIlý oecontl théLirru.tnntGov- Yemrnohip of tire Nrtir Wéét Torritor'y, andthie tlilrd_é .bc levetedtu teliré ilt vauelés lulLocal oonslituëeîcr of Ontario. Thé delay ia said tet bave wili b.4for tire ail part pivaté. Speci- al pra en are.tlob. ô'ffered li lb. sever. aI churobeireefor -the Presqe. eo! lb. iâO1y IhIIIw'tthli op~h t 4.Ubèý&t - im. Mo I3ÀuOWN' PMxuTe TUIS AelcInL. 1 uyAà J Qotuii-Te prixe.of tire John. "Per t1ea ,I.lie '8outh <lala-lo AgrlIeursi Scelcl> u renutoaed i Our, là ot t havé beea give by the I3rov à ý0*Mqù rrManufdcturlngCoc., 'seuild cmditfo ýN. W. Browaj Esq. MP. P., Président oft liaICon.' kting. or proimnting soni.body.M )r.. C auieron bua, over hW odwz igature, given the ocharges broughý à g8inse hi e' 'la onneo&lon wlth the h8rbor, by t4$ý sf GatoUd wrlters, a downrlght contraie- jlion, as do.. also Mi. Chester Draper, lu ai latter printed in other oolumria,, > u4ddoubtleso, by andi by, -wlion lier as prolsei by M1r. Draper,, we jh1, agiwâ'nd the gooti "grsnwi«r" gentry a rying pccavi "4 ultenderi#-he, natal' 0, apo1ogleo f«oriir .laiiderous .misrepre.. 1smutations. Itlaje ozie of Our ,business -todefind 31r. Came ron'&politiedi coma!s. go Wii fnoue o Or chosing. 1H. w.., f howvevar, baokecl np and sustaino& hy the llte Gazetie cotericy who, now turn laponri m wlih oharactorietie 'virulence anilinoonsintnoy. To touit 1Mr. (.aaîoron with Ihie veto. ii.the. Riel motter, and lDot to.give the faetis ud rousons which indueed that vote tu bc recordod by M1r. Ca* ercu, mur wèll as cther incuibvis eofthé party', iéndta supproba the vote whiclî 1Mr. (Iemeron clid $ive fur J3fel's expulsion, %when the propor timie carne, lei a piece of bai"eness wltic l shwb the. motives mand tho 1eai'- ne"i of the meni hy %vhom thé untwottl;y sheùt Ja xnâpired. ,'Tô ,i;éet 1Mr. Caméron "f evan boing frieildly die1îoecd towarie \Vbitby Harbouir appeaî'e to b. thé c'd aie front of hie ot'feuding, in the ecrq of triehn jmtrlot.ic Rformers. Andl the bar i egaeetiur iaet lie wonild mes hie iîîilience te obtuathie Scant. illticà of a Governuînt graxit fer Whîby-ieo 1puahlî etter entited tu it titan ofter mueeShippi n'y harbeurs ra. ecivîg udfromthie Domuinion aovern- ment - these raean - mpiritoed fallowa would actlîaliy donoutre aï 110cl"eS thliuiircritue !1h je te îpreveut his they ruiî doWU ilii mniti of Our splen- did hebeOr-" foui their ewn neet," umi Mn. Ijairen te)llethen-aud rsoît to the >muet harefaeri lying asrutte écaps' bilities ut the port,and thé reccut exten- sive improvenemet madie by drirdging, aud lunî'ebuilding thii'douk. The veet impravenionts mall. at the harbou' in exteluding the dock, rebllii-.. it frunx rthe îvater'ae erge, are solf-evideà it; tLey .rDirommnend tlemeelvee hu thé wliole tcoirnnunity, and are a standing contra- dicion to the utterances of the Gazette. As te thé depth of the. harbour, we havé peiiionally, with othere, beau afforded thre cpportonihy of wilneseiug soundiuigo bciug taken,oinco the late dredging, sud no wfierc, with the exception o! on. spot, was the dépth lotse than ton feet. At thé particular spot reterrudte tohle depth was 0 fet 6' juchés. The lin- pkivéménts effeched ut thé- harbour oina. thé Goverumneut ingineera visitéti Whitby niuet bc as well known te the Gazceowriteré, asethey are te evpery one in Wlitby ; andi yet tlîey prefer publishing extrats from an unsuthori- tative report, as to a tata of things wbiah no louger exist,to the iveil kuown fsts-taats notorions to every body 1 In nAldiug theee statemneuts we do net réci tot defent Mi'. Chester I)rîqer or the HarbonrrCoupany. Mr. Draper le %vell anle te cale ofé t' iniseit, aud ne âoubt will angvar hin -itacail- ati 3ab I hi; luisuro aud urttcr his own tashion. l3ut%wu atendup for tic Poil t fVitby, z.s the CHBurrCE ci ras éver doue farWhIitby town, againet the iniiscrable rirepri, en Latinons of the Gazelle, wlrolly uniniltienced hy arîy personal motive iu thé éitatenienhe ire inake. lu thecio conme the osiesjon ,of ti. harbor by thé corporation lià e ben nlvocatti upon otiier occaeious. WXe <11<1 co mwlir'irthc Opportunity oifereti our townspeopla orf épreint lëgislation for the purpee, wséu uîwhr'yre at tihe iuliéance o! Gazetite olýatrueton. iis. uIirie would Ire lonig eorry to halte the prméi1tirrutitait vanfe Chueter Drapor & Co. liippérr teo ntiré b11:1. bar, aud wc mutrai l spîté gi ue iht eif hontl hédénunri ajii cie Acckee 1?OM lEAPEL-A YoUng girl e! .rtoea, daughter cf 1Mr. Hep. k.1»,o f Myrtie,lied ue' 0 leg cuoff, indih 1hler sme bm h hat tien, le lit- ti. bope of mving il. 1Il appeai-s that tlb. horat etarlti wlile sire wem stand- ing beforo t1h. machine, tiraIashe was, kumoked do!tuby the rake, 'sud lb.. ÃŽhé uofoÃtÙunle accldi)it wlrich' te 11k.. lyýtO os er ie 1.. Oox'LexTT li LÂT; un. TRos. Brari, eMAUA-Weare pleaieti le lerr ia t.1rcîteee ia'SoolSée.- tien No.4 Mershave *deaideti npou; or éq9ng a hoadoise to th eim mory c0f the. laI. ThoLnnas yrne, aut the exp....e- Pl the secton. Thîis la. a fting tribut. toé the inenrery -p e swho baid con- cluete4 tire cirool, iia'way liraI gave pierA*I sattftioiu, durhug fifisén year81a luu*1106e9.onuîeaten- wiir thé ba1i~p 'rai lxon éve theby liIiiid of death. ' Jelevéns of tlb. - elubs. Wicretm unnauuufacturinrg .Industries of wblih Osbawa eau bonest. Ilt lias been forM- éd "ih scapital cf $100,000, for thre .or&, drille, plantér uowerandsit the'. lier agricultuiral implémerits, té whiaI lhe business cf liée ooacra ah»i bc exclus- lvly do-7otéul. Their extéosivo prémi. ses are jut enuthie ée of01compiétion,'a hurrieti run Ibrongh wici anables n. te supply' lié follewlrmg partiaularm. Tiremalu structure, 1100x4.5 fet-hiwô fftorip-is on tir. site cf tire défenc Hat Compauy'g bnildhrfg. Thé gts dloor tiluivideri mbtb ree large com- paittnents of équl dimeinsions, anti de- slgned le conteinuthédwoodwcrk, ma- Icirya~, tIlihiug sirop, &c. The lipper fl le simnirrly divitiet, anti erubrace paint Shope, sirop for oecting thue ma- chinés, show room, sbipping'rom, &o. Tiré building lias beau strenguméneti witliusînne buttresseés sud teiéige, anti nea presents a ver soli sud quie asr iimposiirg eppearence. Théaiolé lesIréatoti aitir hot ai-; eturl a vary ad- vautageoure arrangement i8 tiré placing cf tire sbaiting lu thé baurrnent tirrby giyiug moeae lu tlueaonrs tbôve anti reliving lire buildinrgfrein thé jar et thé nraoeiirny. Adjoining thé main bitiilding anti mn- ning parallel thiercaitîr, on the'avest side, ire ai ale Irti "tré esî block," 192XC8 feet, eue stor-y. Iu It are cou- taincdtfietréforgés, blceinitli5* sbop, grirrdiug sud polishtLg 'noci, anti e moulding sbop, 8005S, '-lu the dear" Anti furirer ou ho' bue n'est ies alangé ehor-rour, 80x1t'. Tlirre are aise etemiang and bendlug rocuns, a Aira- preot slîaviug r'oom, angine anti bolier oomés, &e. The machiner-y l.adriren by a tixty-tlve horse-power englua; iran <beor. enclose tIhe' differeint spart- meute; tiré as are tieproe.t, andthie wiîole building is eaeteti hy stemi. Tiare la aise a pipe - uning latiit. pend, close ily, anti frotu i clialime %vraIe building eau be icoderi by tira ,oingiuré in a few minutés, Operetions are expectédtet commence by tbe irst cf Octeber, giviug employ. meut tdoe uInurtreti men. Thécal.- culation le ote um ont dvetht usanti seédonas anti drille, anti four tiionsmut hiorse- raketiré présent yésr. Thé en- terprisillrg gentlenmen eCompasiug tire Company tire, il migil ire atideti, Wm. Boanean, présidleil; Dr. MeGii,ý vic.- preéldent; George'-A. Masson, msnug- ing direalor; Waltér Cautthrard, asslet- ul maueging uiecton; J. H. Me- Cielitru, anti F. W, 'Glenu Tii.e tiré acrks ndrt mecliucry are valuéti aI trtieriLaýw EXAIrNeNrIOrtS.-We are leasAid to notice bh aur ycung tawunsrxrcn, Mr. John A. McGiiiivr-ay, anti Mr. George Bain, miv sturienta, aère arnougoltIrhe most suncestul et brasé aIr a eseii Ibeir tit-lyéar'sa x- arniuiatiour. Tlièy oblaineri firsl-clasa; iorionrd, meking ever aeercty-five per court cf bîeir arittèri exemmnalmons, anti pattnatwitIueuI a n or-ai. 6 tunré t.Xnroers.r-Mra. l1anyellislail l)Inc iieiglibonr-hirod sèlliuig, anrd oblain- iug ruiscribers for Grips cartoonse. We airé rleaeed hto leurre thil tsliéis meeting altr airndant surccesp, but euly sucel as tir e rils cf lIre îaork, alla thé nomI mriuner in a;irielril la sgol up lécerit'. 'lo:Qrrr1 rierr , IOTL , Oshawa, iue ver-y srîiliruîur accommcuodation, anîd jilté Vhesfq mie plrieter, (Uin. MaGna>ltre prarc-uit preprieterg, Meésma. Tauyior -tnt Fuler, irili Ire fud agrécaimiéuand aerIiiy ireée. PAvuirrrTENTrareRIxVr.4'IONSr.-tnventore desirig ta siýeurelepate l u Canada' eau elihrurrél bir ,businress iuto neoumere varthy or surfer lueurletIlu, ru u. Heury Ur-it, u tlawa. l)écîiuunr.-ohr lobmneoi, kucvi &Re t miikmau," occupyIng e ferm a shrtileuine w-et et the tuwn,lias .dseotupeil, èu.viuug uudry coufi'iing 9madilere in lthe luch. He >privteiy dispose-to! éverytliing upon w-hidlilie couirraise iunoury bteno leaairg. FOn 'rmr u LI-,nrrrroy-Tlie yonng Osheair buirgiare, ésuitencadti ltlhe Ré- for-matery, tcere laitontl e~etréauguish. lu@ ou, Tlirrsay lest, in. charge et thé Higi Goustabii, 3Mr. Jacob Bryau. Beece r. L meà a.-Tré peR Show o! lte Townshrip et Brook Agricultumal Seciety ail b.e lti at 'Sunderlarnd!ou Thnriiday and Friday, 7h anti- Sthr o Outeier. MÂrerukaixUrNre Leri.-TIré el-oi olçgng -ara, lbe lnstied -effiaers o! Markleam Union Lotige, A., P. & -A. Ma»tos; Wý. Bru.Géeo. Getfrey, lin. Fret Master; J. B. HallW, .M.; D. Joiuso, S - .;S. -F. Gsi, 'J, ýW,; Bey. s.Carmcraecl Ciaîn; J. Speiglit,' Treas.; Jý. S. Wilson, Sec.;"p Go. Ranidur S. D.; J. ilson , .D.'-;' 3.Cartor, D C;S. lrape it' I. G.; G. R. Vauzaut, Tyler. N013'x VI0omou.-hfIr-.Smith iras bésnu unsealsd for brlbery by agents. WEuOT PxEsaEsamOxOU]-FiVO Oethle- praonal chearges againliUr. Cos, hIvo oe ig os-u r-eeaiibug lo bé, o'eolock sud playinir conotritied t sh'min. .dewn, leéonug ili a' drUw. 'Whltby first lirautilétthé willôw,, sud Ãlue r finst inninka, aýhiair lastlt!Up, bive o'clock, matie -thé e sa l scoeéof 186. Laing irélt isl bat te ùb. lest, frene laf-past lwélve tla dv. c'clek,ý antigel bowleti et by Moore, baving, ru . tlhe spléndid scoe oef 915., Sam. 1ýây maoed 41. tire' balting cf belle was admirable. Thé playine of the Colliorué tléven, sîthougîr oeeof thloir beét mon as absent, -W.%$ aise excella Ont.* A. Amistrorrg, at Payne bld Page .8 IL Gerrett, lé b. w., bld Page' 0 Saum Itay, i ittoore 41 J. Laing, bld Morfe 95 Wm. Maruili, bldl Moore 7 E. H. Osier, bld Moore 0 C. et. aicé, blirI Page A -Fairbanks, bld Page .0 JMattiroason bld Pagé 4 A. Pothhegill, bld Page 1 - Taylor, net ont 0 ]3yes 1 Log Bye. *4 wides 8 No Balle . 1 Total 180 Strnug, rmn eut, 20 JeaalI, et and bld Osier 4 Kelcinum, bititi hereon 1 Mroore, iiutiOsier a Cummins, bld Fairbanks 9 Cesey, ch Fairbauk% bld 1L-aing 1 Pagé net oul 15 Nix net ouI 2 Byau 17 Leg I3yee 1 Wide '2 1Total - -".5, diréetédti laMr. Woodall*u petia an- nouncemenl lunetiror columns. "*Wodll, 'r-ielease airice a cup, Anti ains sur-h higi rénean-" for iris excellent tees. CAulrîÀeze, &o. -r CosvT.-1feurs. ToananlNeaport anneucéa tiret- olass asarîment oetigle anti doublé buggies, Ladies' piratons, &oa., uelling ahceaI. Davis thre Abor-nani3t. ANyTRtER CarrurE Com ea» AOAINST MBE. Tire Hamilton Timesa ehete thsh- "A casé came la théeirnoaletige of aur irutirities sonne iveéltaage, aiiir nea being inves tigurtét, anti May edri mater- Èaiyte tire évidence agminut 'Dr.' Artir Davis, aI préserit irarget i liTeronto aitir lie Irorrible crime cf siîerhiou. It ueénns tiret soin. six aeéks or Iao monthe ago. A young marrietiaomn (wro latelyl1usd nul Ircén living aitr ien iubennI, tio. H. Laing) aéut te Tornt ob evIil it er second-'cousin-thre aife et Davis, aud, as is mlégeti, ae cnt becir a crrrpe loae iys atteru-erds. One et oun city ndeitekers convéyed thé coathute thé oemehery from thtirail- ay dépot, eut hem ruabanti anti friende susprécling toni play on tiré part cf D)avis, luavé directeti su éxaminatian et thé body, ahichistetaking place et * pré- sent. An ,inuet balore Coroner Wiritr ai sîso hé lrklti. Tire urtortunete aoman l8a e iser ta 'Dr.' Davis tiraI aife. anti deuglater te ta tii. laIe George H.Coeéne, et Hannilton." "IlrrBALINGN THucE auees," Say ail aire have matie use o! *Dr. Wistar's Baheen et Wild Cherry, anti 'by sticir use béén cuncti cf couirsh, celte, brou- amblas, acre throut, influenza on con- sinphion. Tiré pr-rdant aill awys kecp tluis stanrrd r-emedy by tîreun. - 0 b o--_ Ens-r-KY.Nr.-r-M. D. McCrney Iras been cirosen as the Tlefcmm candidate in tiré eom-ing eiection lu East Heurt et e mneinber o! tire Ontario Asaembly. M04RicerrAr WEST. - M11r. Thomiam Whrite, lias beén nnmouely nominirl. éd ns tiré Liberal-Cenuervative candi- date te contéat Meulreal West for tiré RougéetfGemmons. NOurrRr n'r.-lil;e elaletiltires tiré nomnateion of Mn Peler White as tho Liiîeruri-Conservalivé candidate for.- Norl1,I Rénfrea lu receeladili ninrai satieation aI Ottawa, fr. Wuhite bé- ing thureugîrly conversent aliutIr.h lumber business. DIPcreÂNce' ]iniOFr1XIeUAirO5 To riUC Sr-Arar.-mnnigratien ints the United Statéesirhows a décrease of 80,000 fer theé yéar éndiuig June 80, 1875, ns cour. parad anti thé year enditeg June 80, -1874. D mÂrr mr-PItO.osm.-W-etSfr-om' varions parta a! tiréUnitedti Ste a, adi s fro etivoeral districts in Canaris sInte tiraItirhe frost cof Snray nigit heu dlooe ousdrsilé tiaungé tte réfruit crop-pamtierllarlyto lihe yonug vinées. SPRuEr.i? rCÂTTI.E 0155A5 ir-e Bru- LaND.-Taelve thoussuti caIller-aie mîbseketi aile tir fosilanti mcutk -dis- eau.s luDisn bie"" ir pidiemiei l sfreadbng rapitily -'c"4 ohir'parts b!' Euugland. - " A BuRmisE COMUsz<mS A ND SEAXXX ATTÂCEEx>-ANDi> KiLite 137 PoIsere Ara9asw. - Commodore . Oodenougr.' commandiuig lie Briltis .l .guPmOn. u Australie, 'as 'attacirt b rad e aie onaier. a - arlel Be, as acuniet!byaploôiarwanitei sirortly aflerasa. Tae séamau aIme -tieti fri simuler acundu. Hem Ms-ý jesty's siip -Pearl tiestroyeti. tire.villiage of the natives lu rehallahbou, - STBB3 Smns ro DZÂATU MY -JZALOUB WôXe.rc. rua lu-Paris,: dfln hirough lire atrese from a jesicu. va- -man waio aa iaul hlm -a ir s a kirnfe, tumnétahhe ortf lte' Ororwd, ho ak tee hIedo eee Wbén sué- 'camelnpt Wllo onsiaic sire lung- éd: "tirebaréd ae iou ,u-er fover's lirroat antId ho &= Ob asth tauitly. Axant-arOF as' x AxrrrTres" Prt Dvrngtou IUwbe'r. On, meing tlie. rupicés ,I Ihouglit lIraI perlrapm the GOVrnmenIt wsRe aboîttmaing r vI*rIY nthi avie;wcf elotiug Bseméoee e hse liarbors fer a liarbor ouf refuige, and, beliéving tbat Port Wiitby mar uer-t ih hiougirt te cemmeut iIlt t thé favorable cousiti- eraticue thtie Govérumeut, 1 teck tire liberty cf sddm.sstug a bItter hoalime Mon. tire Minister of Publie Works upon tiré subjec ablùnà lg iimýteo w a 1114r- ve fe Port Wlilby berbcr t lié maode at he bame imé, as -traI cf Frénair- man's Bey andi Port Darlinglon. This' the Mînister kiudly consentedti oe euath tiésur¶éy foillcwé luin a-course. Tis is thré simple,, unvarnisiret tale as te thé Qrigiu tof thé laIe urvey -et Part WVhitby Harbour, sud Mr. KRngsford's report tirereen, about wliihsoeépe- ple seém lauirave. kuewu se littié, anti wrtlr respect tu alibi many' lhave lied 80 muai te Bay. Wirile on titis pitilMay not be aunies fer ue te sdd authat ry soie résen for net coim- munnicatiug aibtirh Hon. M. Cà méron dr-t, wihr respect tb tins snrvey, instesti cf witr tire M iuistqm ni PublireWorko direct, as, tIret 1 feit appréhensive freinabat M1r. Cameren listi lien Bay- iuIg lu Pickei-rig, tiret périrsps lire uiglit feel that Port Wiritby wus well énaugîr at il »was, andti ttlc bid spécial resons for ndvocatinig Fneuachunen's Bay. Net up toe tieliéof lire survpy, non until somnetime lu Jund cf thé présent year, de I recelléct ef 1fr. Caméron aud myséif irsviug haa ntay conversation ahatever with repect te thé Wlritby Hanror. AntiI Imayfirir- or add, that 1 have learnl mare o!f11r. Camemcn's aléas eu tiis -autiJéat froru one of iris récent léhtérm pliblisiied inl tiré Gazet te, Ilium I bird any kuoioedge et hefone. Durng tire laIe, sessien et' tir Do- minionr Paliamant, I madie sororal ap- plications to thie Hou. M. Camnon for a cnpy o! Mn1. inlgéordsnreoansd tiré reply tiret I inrvaiably receiveri, was tIret "no e rportl bi dye béen macle, tint as Boon as oeecoulai hé got, lb oircald Ire sent me.' I dinally, juét lie- foré thé cloue of thé Session, wrabe 1Mr. Kingafonel hiruséIf, sud get s epy te thbe efleat that il Wam tie n ubfol if auy report wculd bcr sent doan te lire bouse dnring tirat session, sud I heard ne more about h until thé grrrb!cd cex- tract appeaed in tire Gazette a short limé since. I have DoetUlisé to.day la taira up Mn. Kiugsforris report, ani aliat thé Gazette ires ba d tesy with reepect ta il, non cau I riel aihh Mm. Holrieu's létter, but next week I will rehuru le tiré subjéat aud éndéavour to sbow who ae thue "Teols et servile monopolies" ireébouts; tire meaning efthbe word Ieforne" as applieti te certain aire puluers; abat thé changes are on Innr- br, Mjin, &o., et Port Whitby. au coin- p arei aitir Oshraa, Boamnanville, Pont Rops, Cobourg, &c.; ahy-iu 1h tiret the Gazette man cau'l sec tire New Docks et Pont Wiiby, and dont mua liaIa any dnerlging iras beau lonrc hier., &o. My ebjeat st tiréproseut arihimrg heu beau impiy t howca hén, andi hua% tir. snrvéy etftiré Harbor came ho take place. C. DRAPER. Augueit 2ftli, 1875. Port Perr'y,Augursî lotir 1875. To tlue Editor cf ifie 1 liiby G'hronicte, DE.ar. es: Whial is tire malter ati yenr aontempemary the Gazvette? People eut lier-e arc beginuîug te tInu tbtis ils rétomnpnnples aré being caut te thé "moles.muid bats." Théebltacits béiug matie fr-cm acelnV te ee on lie Hon. Malcolmu Cemernn aenld seém te indu- cale aomabiig of Ilue tint. How la it, tial -liaI TamirecEYoNicLI, alismys inde- pendent anti libérai, is se baclramrt in bhiunig ligit upon so important a snh- jent ; hén lIre people require liglit, the CNCnnEec esiroulti neyer hé baeitart. TI "Déi" aethlie Standard office i ame tolt islufull et ligIr,uays thé "aoffial aseigneo " business le lui e "mutine" and Iluat Il wéiglîle anti measunea"- are in a a"I tint ", hénce tIre Hour. M1. Caurér-an snddeuily, luthie estimaetion of tiré Ga- zetfrn, becomes on *' olti togruy " wjth lihîlé or ne unfluîcne,anti hip u "ltllvete" le matie to d titury fer blie occasion. Wilieta pfty ir iItra heGazette people, cmui'h secbliénselvesasmeothens sec tireur? Whis e j, tirai kuoase régazette, évér chargei thon aitlir Irviuîg pnincipies fertirer tien tiret of monopoliziug tiré Pliuc Utiucee li thé gifttcf penly, antid thie printing et lire "liaI et convictions". ]iéyoud tbin, I ara upré no oeeèvéj cleiuur'd thaI thé Gazette people 1usd principlesasîl thèse tsken swmy or erjualliy har-cr wihh othena. Thé Ga- zette ioans imb opposition, sud, as tiré Hou. MalcomnCamerori sptly puits il, "4Foeuitt'e eau net V' , Tirri Gazette lu lruly nréat on gi-Cet princip les, sucli as%" Harbers," IlSaihtiier,"'IlOfices," "Pmiutiug," "lMer-nage Licences;," &c,, ie 1 amIrh it iveuidroorm our Harbor cnt ireéuruatlirnt evcr-ythiug la nicé et Port Wilitby. Ouhy oeeor Ivo care o! tuimber cauni benêt&ed t s lime hère, anti lumbemmen are complainiung bitter- ly thut tire Iailivay Company de net fumnish thlie ucéssry acommodtion aI Ibis oand of. the limé, and until thie le doué, lumbemmen on thé laver Lalrs ajîl net sendtheir lumbér tuile way fer sIipurent to Whitby. Try if yen cen' h ielp le tris muali needtie- torr u t ber-e. More auou. Youre, fsitlilly, - A YOUNG COON. -MEXt. srZ mDercÂ.ricreN UEBÂt0.r.i 1s.-A'blelbias beon fouud, asiét asuro ah Part Hope, Midil., aenlaining waa purporta le hé a memoranda aigu-. *ti by Pr-cf. Doneldimc u dti roplid- rila tire laire air,. lie laIe ùâalicanisll founith lrmuélves in imminent danger. Tire witinïg le iveli preservet an& moatis as follrors :-*Over Lake Miairigan ai 8 p.m. o!, r-eniug oe, sterling,, about tlmrty munies frein' 'Citicago ; abou t tr-eo tieunt feetl hi; gale coiug from the north'easlt. Baieon le gettlng cul- .fot arm a ae g fuel. Can'h r-e- manmp muahlo rngr; a'il smrrely l-nti ia faire; foai'fml sterm. - -pirs anti e dnus, pudté la publie 4by maligrrug tirei cîliero- W. do-nul ca-e for aind, deliieïrstd manuinl eoiepirhsU llMaif g Co-aM risméminate's au ninfama tien upen lie publia, as tir shah e. propar-ad a fais. vers Gee. Planghmnri slà ,tesîlunu -sant tréal ahlh desmr- cent infamona impulatil.1i pol -Brown. 1fr. Ge. pw.ugnu uotiaérI tire itlmu è.rli8h Josepir Hall 'Mauf'g'co., asl ewn accord, i Our ofiae, 1 a followiug statement untiervas basvé 1h. piblic tej'utige wbel cen ire any centitieépIas shalemeuitosuantiepreentatir Josephr Hall MIfatclng C Wbitby, Aug. 28r Te thé Braowa & Pattérson Mi Whritby., Grrnrm,-Heving noticeti a1 porttng la have-ben ar'itten cepy cf aImi I give belein saa haat pôntiotîs o aiantie cd, at ulat portions are teli west Wlr'itbyt Aug. 1 "Te the Edifor of thre Refon IDEÂR Sin,-Tiereas iepers ou my tarin il a ec thIr Jolisten" ileeper,ruai Brcan & Pattensen Mmuf'g Whitby, sud IlChrampion" urmnutactuncti by tii> Josephr ntaatnmiug Company." Tire aboyé I sigueti. (Sligmiedi, GEORGE PLOIJ "Tirougi tire influencet fr-tende sud ueighbours--ý-a11 friands cf Mr. Encan-I.vas] te giva Mn. Broau nopinion te lris machine, aluicIr upen a nation of tiré machinies andi doue, I regretteti ver-yru "Champion'licaper did tari cissu aerk on my tarm, mund tire meut p6rfectly construat 1 luire ever seen, anti cannaI véry<dunable." Tire aboyé le a total fabrica neyer aiguaéd il. (Signéti), PO "Tire matériel usi la 'mhli and tihe woemnsiip cf a'1 grade. TiraIl'Joinstou" R gooti aork on my formm1it v hy one o e uéMost experréneq at contesta lu tis ceunIr-y ai éd té.ai.hramuthé "Cham] dnivén by a ruan aire ias el e Reper-aihrPsgreen teaun Thé shové I sglgé. (Signéd), GEORGE PLOU P*"t*I* is not '> "~'~ ifýte Preatieut of tlié-'Bad of -the lau dlide, tirée lire lu front 'o! llamrsay'scarnagà e. ~ tacinesosf worka. '"' h ebnge-aishétifor. . 0 lire méean H' ouexé-Tireéar-o et présent a Cthci 1Iar~e! -ar aimai tire large number cf vacant lieuses, but stilI - Pickering Cpuuchl. - Pol ttempts to cIrrs are goiug nu ail directions, as art- - ~ ru 1tp;i-I ùaérs, tlle tr edbb miiTirday, Âug. 19, 1875, e 'sta"enrul et évexy eune, aireoa seape hegetier a ien cf Mr. fea irÃuniredi dollrs tealbave a domicile Thé Pickeniug counucl mets pureun u i laÀ taruo uaeu. ' -hdjourzurent. -'Memli.r a allpremeul Ir empt OPtLToe -ex ceu 0 .-rluaMinutes oflest meeting reati anti Sp-et n Dur Mr. PEi OSAI)provee. -thé raU lraving turing îthe tast ee*or 'lén Jaéua~s m The Iléve presenthe'le applicatien litd éd by the Syareoi5teaeme thé centre 1 e! s m t &. Sirarrard for thie office cf Celletor; sun lied, o!riris o' snrga rc i ndn acacleOnh, lu Mr. Gre, preetet! an aà pplicatien o! tht i gavé tIre waimaitire mannes ofDr. amsay', anti Patmia'k Larkiu, for lié sèmecfice; 1Mr. JO) We, mut!aé air aère More or, lége cous aca uerpéett h tlire- tire:short time sine'e ècirroniclfe thé me' rippî,mirefi etPl.i iis'en Md tem*Vof twe Carcin m4teous tumnorm 'lh.side r-atibetweeu lats,20 sud 21 linU lui tire fr; ein faae of an otti oareen'near 8rd Rangée! ýBiokon Fr-ont cou. ah ru etc Maeapersou's-Qýurrry,oF"11ama , aiici Tire Standinig eomznilteon accounts lac ennmpabuy. - apérforuaeti b tthies getlemen, sud r-eonmméndéd;thé payment cf lie foi- mi 'ti, 1870. I'u e ae hae 'arrotheite fà o!Itm Orseleaiu»Dýaceounté,vr - -Dr.Fermier, ffrr ea :nf'g Co., tFpo. ipairhsu- eea héimedical attendancé onSam. ieme ity Dis.. si nd Eessy an 50. ' William ý.Cochrrane, for money letter pur. Sat«u(a r-teek. 'Tie huAn ' *55 ethaé'exponrietion side oat'btaeon lots 10 M b rmc,- a niainusu.' Icar-act oer, .lyijegfaipo'un thé anud illu tira 71b con., #200; Mn.. gai V' iereby Inarer mm'îlr oe'ia~ilatr -Dnrggsn, for denragés leaslieep by deg it térî igu pssig iras,ýi It By earetut'cdisséc- -0.813. Tiré cemmittea meommendedpl il fabnica- te haaemn I1éeeti anwu00%th tthle eccounts o! W. ]H. Higgins anti 110 mai], Mr. Jamnes ma f' Atherly, le A 1G. H evr bhélaid ovér tliithe Th W11875. r neowadoing 'WOU. On Fiiday lasi' a Otcier-meeting. eti youngld fflo> uCnuell, hi M -1r. Green intretuoia idsy.law wliab hCi ril ofsing aWod attié coficirugiroea'as rrd tiré.oséveral limes anti passeti er n :ta truck tiré Irandie of h egi ne aaseéeing Salicol Sections Nos. S, '1% a ýk bétwoeen neédie ini iis sirir' itir sucb .orcea"seteEat, 5, 7, 12, 18j 14, andt 15 for sabool ýmu -au bnci'-M dél by the drive il cvrntirrequartera of .- .vOur prposés s«trt e n Cemnpauy, iréctly inte iris ciést, Iu entés Mr. a uaib moe - hé hel:ev HallMandri-!g te éxtrach it,lire, infortunatell brS .<rir onai rth Treir ofr$no!0ticnProvince halMm-it off, anti on bing convéye ta lV'- t Ohnefrtr nn f*,0,<.~ o Raméeay's o;ffice', grest difficulhy -ag - ount o! Municipael Lamer 'Fundi appre.-é found inludismecîiug il euh ;.funnlly, boa- ",ition eccrning 10 tris mmriipaltity. th ever, ilb as e achéti asudia néediewasPl",-1Brown introrluci aaby-lmw,wia ir tr 'GHMÀN. extracté erd i itwrc-ta f etnaniy a a s Mi. '1 tbneseverail ime anti paus- km 'influenlial Inchr in léngli. Thé néi ayloma édma tiug a collecter et ratesorcut ýIo hmcideuls, eue very ueenty ettendet viiw pir. vémr * ra o! irsu ftlrésulte occurréthe tira tira aceuntle présent. 'nou f cf.1fr, Hover, tire uts afvrbea aui by tiré urufietDavis, irgetiashunt: cu the t. aourn Ie ifll tu érth rexeImi- sixteén, soucf 1fr. William Davis, o ot té il stadcfs à 0, omernIbmve theé work North Orilie, aire slipping froui a loatid~xt.x-a jir. Thé,cf haywasecauglirton lire prongs fa a set . LmecoLN OuT a7Ãœ - -olu le pro inf CI tirqét- tenir sud féarfully lacerati luntire alido- Chicago, Atg. 22.--MreL.. e eaînmhér Fein o moni sud groin. Dr. Fair was rustsntly nucdal éug ele e . acf ni id Iteaper sn rn uu 0tietnee ntnanti visit lier sisheT, Mme. 'Bdwa rt oi fail ta b thé lad is toing well, aithougi -it is feer- Springfield, D . Il le net lbhrly . , , sue éd his boaels unay be penetrmted. Théesire arîl raturmu ho Believué 'Asyluni, .lirte lion, as aIeraeccideut waalrh atftire younlgest tiare la sonné feeling évincét inluthre chilti cf cur olti fiéni, 3Mr. Collingacoti malter oflirer incarcération by lieue '- Haris,oethtie Namneas Bridge. IhaP- aie refusé te bélieve irer insane. Si. GH, lMA N. peare tire iléfélloa ama rampiug aithi s deciaedly botter, sleéesandtietsallDow sem etIrs pmyete, lé u l ump- and siroas ne tendénay le mny mania8s, tiret-eanes, ing tram a lrnrriy bis mmm cergih in tiré but ahétirér cure is pe rmanent "or' nt ged -very bigla wlreei, 'l;r'~gtiréeiimow nurifra- thétest cfative flei.andti lmé ail'hm eapér <id tnriug tl i-u aboyé tie rae . Dr. "pr-ove. ' ie r-ns drivén Iitnuay on, béing aéut for neudenedthe tiré éd .drivers uécessmny surgical meeltance. ucli "e» WhoD xrs"u.' -ar [th s train-- uympathirlufait for tire fuî'uily aire uo On Ss'tnraaiy aI Utiea, Goldismih Maid ont, tpien" was récantly met aitir sucir sevére loua by béat Luluin thnée Stririglit béats, antiaxai, [oui dnivetu rire total destruction et thein motel ky b as taen lier od iposition as tiré Quééun oat U.1 . - eoft huétrotting hurf, tirough it la -au- coe nn.ià Pà . . aeu an'yptiem f;.i,-&- GHMAN.1 "'I have deaideti, ns my tarm e etnatli -uily 50 acres-ual l akait sReurper is year ; but aaulti slrongiy reeour- menti inlandiug purcasera Ic brty theé "Chmnpion" fon geeti worit aunddura- iiiy." Thé above ila eperteol fmiseiront. I neyer signet i t. GEORGE PLOUGHMAN. I I utfer ataté thiretlugiving e cér- tiicae t t Mr. Brownu thèee was ne suchl Imguage in il, te My tuealedge, as burt tiré "Championi" tailedto le i, liecanse iti lantmue,irise ase mgarrds tire "lTriumph" machine I dit net roter ta it ah ail." TIhe unlove I miglit have sigueri. (Signed), GEORGE PLOUGHIMAN. 'IL dît net aorkt b pleeae me ani I arn very fer tram giving thé "Triumpli" a neccnnmeud." I uiévér signei tiré rbove. GEORGE PLOUGHMAN. *' Tire isatday ahané lira"Jebuston" anti "Champion" acriret, aller rakimg cff tieré eiy I couiti scanaaly tell lia différence in lire atubbie." I bhinit I signul tire abore. (Siguéti). GEORGE PLOUGIRMAN. I neyer tlrctIof reeemmendiug the- Triunnpb" te thé tanner mu a ir-at clase ae nsce." I ne-rer signedthtir aboe, il lu talac. (Signéti), GEORGE PLOUGHMAN. Tisi, andthe elatenueutt hi I pur- clîseae"Champion" on lire spot is unIr-né." I never iguéd thé shevé, il is a faise- licoti. I haro puirciethetiré'Johira- bon" andi gave mny note-a for il, eue irundréti ati tiirty dollars. (Siguérl), GEORGE PLOUGUMAN. Surbcribét anti sivru le, béton. me, eh thli Toan cf Wb'ihby, in the Cenuity et Ontario, by tire abore nummat George Pleuglaman, tua Qlrd ulmy o! Anuna, A. D., C1875. (Signent), J. HAm1 PER1RY, J. .couuty cf Ontario. WHO OFFERED THLE 1JONSTON FOR 050 ? Thé testimouial given iy M1r-. J. C.:- Fox, ulatdt liaI hé wareofféréi a "Jdirnahou" for 850. We ssy tliaIlle au. neyer afférati a "Jairneton" liy us fer liraI prlae, anti - a.Présume lie Reper réterradt lu aa aioguel"Joins- ton' suai saere ruade by thie -Joephi Hlall.Msnrefaeturng Cenpaéiy. Tire- 'jansaui" efrre toteby 1fr.ý D. Conut -are rsuné, wae alec ode cof lire -Jase h HIlail Mf'g. ,- 'cmpeny'1s malte, as Ire nerer puriaseal a "Jhns- ton" frei tire Broaa & Patterson Mtg. Comnuy..sgaustelieffc 'W. oiesgaue oteefc liaI lie "Cirampion" is -lirelieut ras- céhiné or-or introducetinjte Canada fren Jas.8 rith, livsry stable keer, cf oslisa,-rat lImes agent eoftiré Josephr Hall Mf'g. CcG.;, -Wru. Taylor, irotel Jreeper, Oshave.ý, fernmerly,-foreman ah Jo.. Hlall MI'g. CO.;' "as.' Kennéedy; Oshiawa, for-îxuény employeti by Josephr Hall mfg. Ce;J .Smithr, Oshawa, Furîher as te tira Nègre Plot. ALL THE anR ITE E AND) UGLY WOMEN 'ne ruEKILLEO. AreUreA, Ga., Ana. 23.-Several et rure pranninént negroes ceénécteri aillu lIre troubles in thae countiés irlca irre have matie confessions. Jâte Maoore- rusu, thé iret lieutenant et a nègre Cempmuy, lesîlfies on oath huat I urué leén counties urere te hé émmmacet i n an insurrection. LasI Fritiay as appointéti for lira jpriaing. Ail tié ahibe mon andtihie ugiy awhite ivonen iveré te bé killéti. 'Pa'tty white ivo- mon aéré le Ire épurei, aud tire land anti speileaéré te lic divideti anong negrcers Al aie havé se fer contées- éd testtty ,substantially tirésaule se Jure 1Moeorcmuan. Tire Gaereras. The lia bénu-iug outiré Protection et gamue lunîntario, uili prove invalueblé an tire èeet théeiruuting séaeon. Mocué, reindeur, or Cenioo, deér sud élit rmy liéiilleotit lir-at day cf Séptémber te lire frst day ct.Décanber. Wild lunltéys, grouse, pîreassnta or parriges from e i1lt September ta tire lut Jamurary.* Qei freintire Cet Octeber te the -Cul Janusry. CYcodeocit fr-cm tire lit July le tire Cet Januan'y- Siriipé ofr-cm-thé lôln Auguet to tic Cl et r y.' Water tuai, aluiclu ar-e tuyats maalirard grey durcit, blackttuait, woed or unmmner ducit, sud ailthre itinti cf <udt ituowu ms e bai, tu'om 15 Anguet te l Jaumary. Haras or rebbuts freinilet Séptember be Cet ut Morcli. No pencour ahail havé lu bis possessien any -of thé saiti animais or iirde, cr iany part cm portionoet unch animalz-ce birda lurng thé période ini wliir'hli hearc se prutectei ;, proridei tiraItirey mey Ire expeseti fersamie for one mentir anti ne langer atter auncir erioderend mey'lié mar inl posessinr for Irle prirmute use .of tire Ianér anti lis fmmiy et any limé ; but, lu al, cases tiré proof tetilméet lriliurg or haking $hrel hé upon bic Par-ty lu peaseesion. Il la eneqhéd itiraIne béaver, ineitral, inik, inanlin, acboo, cIter, or fiahi uhall héciruntédti tken or kilati, cr lied iur possession of sny péreon, belaéeu thé tir-st lay crf Mnay antheiit day of Nov-irber. Tlue penaltieuttacbing te Inrasgnes- ions cf tIre-laîr arensi;ollows . Inu cAse o! dén, élit, mobse, reinden or Carico, 50, anti net las-tien $10. Iu cage cf birda on eggs, $25 eud net lasa tien 05.i lu casé of-fuir bearing animais, $25,' anti net leus tiran 05. -Snui-azrxrru-Thé barque Sahera, fran Gloucester, Bugliinti a eoal areat oif 'lié ceasî *éf'n'Nova SColie, -Thé barque Gener-el Woiséîy, . fr-oui Loundon, à s aise a total ]osa on 6-uli -Rock, lu tire-Bay of Fuudmay. The umip Qureen cf Englani, airoré, in flie St. Lawrenice, ailI bavé te discirrge mer dock leeti bétoré sire aill floal. Tire barque Alie,w &led ashore ntr I .eronre, irasfiradtcte mtur e.hoQuebèô 'tom repaiu.! - - EXCLrUSîcreN OpRsr.IOîous ORDEUSis rMar1 Sarrzsauiunen. - 7TIW National Ccouoît pepular ssetbly a! Switzer- land blis Passetia doeeeclriagon ventCs anti slaloms of cirmnlty. frein liat ounltry... By oeeof the aricles of tire furtirr, conte ste, -being close on; lir tacutietiryemr. WildIdie béat Rutirer- ford in feur- mile daeh et Saratoga on tire came day. FÂrÂLLy SnoT.-A young manr nmmet Robent Yatea, cf Guelpir, warsehet ry WVn. Marks', cf the saune place, on Fni- day. Tii.- injunéti man.ribeitwhile unrergoing amputetien cf lire lég.- 11fanit bas cleanéti euh. A Re.1rre'y Cout.LErAureum-Tu Gira onrarFeumeurRTEEI-A. Andrews andi Ellen MrcDouaid, a unaway coupié, trouai Mentroui, aéré arreuteti eh Ottawa on Thnraday by déecative Hammilton, on an erder front theégirls fatîrér. Tiréy opeut tire nigit bu tiré' Pelice Sîtton, but aéré mleaui Friduiy mrrning ou aioaing n. marrimgé cértilicete. Tiré girl is but 14 yeà re-et irge. DÂrire Nf MIL, Rnîrr.A daring mail robbey a connuittéti en Fr-idey - ulgitoenthé ifetepedia Rend. Wien thé oage aihthe malle fer- tiré West was e fea miles aboyé Aséménlqnagen tiré driver was eccoutet by aà ruan aIre akei for. e passage. Thétitaen took' i on, anti aflér prcéédiug e short7 disanuce tirhe mn puiui t u srevolver, anti, poiuting i 1 h é re iver' adi, cntiered im te ehop. He tben cein- pellat i nte cu thtirébags, sud aben thua was iacompliéietihire lidliéhe.driv- er to jnmp euh. Thé moirer thoén druvél off aitir hhe begs. The beg@, aiti hîerai conitents rilér, aère tounti neit morie ing about seven miles distant tram ahane tiré driver as stoppeti. Active efforts .are iéing radc te tracé Anti erréat- tIr mer. DsoaNiureeor' à CANADIAN EBIOuR.- On Jniy loti, M1r. Davii Ccurtuéy, o-lilon mand prepriec tliftée Nortiuor, .4dvocatc, publisiét at Eracébritige, Ontario, Cansada, wae fauiti troaneti in lIr iver Muekoka. AI tliré'inquest airicir ias etibuequéutiy hlu onIdis boudy ticevideiccéas offéned asioaingz blor lié gel in thé atér. Déceaséti wa doiurg vcj-eu' ainlubusiness, bavlug ei papen aitlia gooi circulttcn,-aird îtiéîty of job pnintini. Iu 1857-8 the eriiloueofthtie Presect lfeporter, 1fr. J. J. Encawn, edilti lui. Ontaric Timce, a ivokiy pper pub- li.riet inluWhitby, Ontaruo, etfairicir Mr. Gourtney waslire manager. Hé ants deeenvédly réspectéti l y eéey ans; muid though se msny yera hale éepsn5d sruce ouir conuectieun. a li unas -le' crei, té lire prerent lime 0 anb aays adua ebrothenly feeling for bine. .Hé as s native o! Jersey,.euee!ftire 'Chanel Islandis, sud ble nigraeéi ,te Canà da soeéyuars béfoné cuir acquaint- auce eomméncad. Ha possesséti aý wamr ri nd oneut hirn, anti rlser-vét érary werîdly gpoi ahieli onulti couip tea an u.Hie lieuti arstliélaut ae graupet inC anads timd lie gooi aiuir- es thé lesit - ivolisteilct.-Prescat <Eîug.) ltrpartér. HAuRVurT PROSPECTS.-Theé Canada Fatrmtr, lu. ils sunmmarY 'et crcp proeu- pect" aseuti. te say of Canadisu cor-*. émis .-%ith lié. exceéption, cf aleter aireat, abundaucé la hie -uie, saud éen' *ÃŽth lié ajuler aliéet the yieud la greatér tiran caulti have bééennticipateti attei'suolr a terrible aiuiter as it pesseti tiropgir. - Tiue upwar t heuideo f tiue pr-e aofatréat, breuglit ou by tibsestreus #fuoiin France -anti Englanti sîharveet Urie, ll'go far la recocile farriiere te a'shonines in ils yield. Canada le lie teroffsresets hem barvern.et l aud Son andi aih a WC Andi baeW neve bald 'stiff littlE relai de aal oust bald bae Bi tracý 62,e men ire d r-an ésca, -111 Anai mili lu a 80 t Ti paye u thé-1 Ci mixR coun mari] thé ii-i Duse'lrrsever aS y&Iri55 weéêk. On rurrsdy ater-noon a rougir fallow eau- abllie hanse, and-. afler asking Ifs. alvert rufny questions, beggod for &- Ipper aia nighl'slctiging. Héas 1u1éti. Tlrereupan lia aent asy, tuhtéming la himnel!. A litté lalér Ir. Caivérf aeobliget lago eut, sud h-em r-alun tiréVair aman crancing [uiud liedoor lietaeemr lie sitting- )m unti ber liédroru.Hé diti ual uru loeo bler, anul sie saw is'm cnly irougi 'a narrea crack. Tirer. aeré rarma l ie bé ouse, sud Mrol Calvort éew ol use tirem., Willoul an' itcny, sire aeut np stairs andigot a' reolvér, anti bidiug ilititier bem apron rted beiliy for lire roenn in airicli i tramb i urs jurltig. As -Mrs. cal-. wt appreacré thetiré <r, tire man trew it- apen sunddenly, 'junepet-out, id etrnck bher lin tire face. R4ecaver- ýquiakly Iroru thé blow, sire drew rpistol, upon .ueing wabli thé tramp ýnéd te béée. Sire tiréd once andi pndet im, sant en started le pur- it hm. As ire,'tisappearetiarount be ouse 'she dréd irgim,' on alici tumnéti about ant riéti "Deui't shoot in, aeman. Iam a1 dest a ri,' Asrh. seélié slaggered [nt.fonce, anthtin feu. Hoelieg- fer a' , and ra.' alvert arranged a ua" pôsit*o.a - e ci'sir sa-e, for apIrysician,, As appse robti ýr>'î iuse, thre tr , mp to lad first called -. U ie- use, anti ésapet; and un.. or tire reat bernet uh flufabu I noar tire Osidie. Two'honnu à troé as di-18 rerét by frienda,'wbe lialeneri t, br ry sud urenI ta idthle man wbèIsý iba aounde<. "He arslying daaL. Tus Hà ra,-Men' beaomes bald., jy?, Becanns -,,irey aest coe.hâa 1_Caps. CVeurén'r are neyer bldt.. remné, from leurg-conhuinne& ireati. ie, ireat in .thé u'cap, bm<hsimdressing, 1aomnéa ller auaes, aomeu méay- vl'bare spotsa' ipré analtirer-e; b. r mIl thèse combluei, yen névér ueo' varucan aitli'a bere, mriny, blit irat. d yon neyer uee "a man loue ae beir' oa arere the iraIteoaires issikuil. will 'take il off ias Clea as yoenac ve 1h d nlaéaly tiret une, but lei a hair'belca, net if ire'ha. liesu d fiflyyea-s. Thé, cammon black, baht, a impsrvium as shoot iran, luselire heat sud persapiration. Thé leir glanda, aiaibear lie sème tien. la théeirair liaIthe-seeti aet' ) te thre pleut abové greunti, becoune ak tie' presénce of lie inoisume anti t, ant idnsuiy become toc wasit l bain; liéhe Lr. It Lelis ot,"b-end néesa existe. -A fur- e aehave )WU te rotduae coýmplèe blineps lin ugié amz4er. A.ma in ailisgoot! do e! hai etsvery BIlle protectien -réth tiir mgroas. ciii RouiaRYaON TEM-CÂAM-HIlgli 1,aui Iriiman from- Boston, 'aile -éiling enlihe Great Western Rail- 'on Fritay nigirl, a robi ocf eO0 by a gang, a!hhraé-cerd'- meute n.Wirou iretouir hie atlout cf peciret la gel domse smsllchangé, etf tire reibéra seizedth Ie mney1 ont cf tlrd car, jumpei off, antid %poil.- ffUrIIEurNawBEQUEST.TO vIM ]POPE, ihe laIe'Etupéror- Ferdinandi cf strie loft by îe hi i te éPape six Iins of dollars, airicIr ïMoiunt iras- en aireedy paii., Duffiu'u Creék, -Aug. 21.-aà liasebirll ich ig eplayed hlera te.tiay betweécu DeunLleéssClub ir etWitbymuid tire ika Club cf Duffin'm Créek. rsulhlng aViclcry for lie latter by4 meure ef co 18. mer BY.LÂa enumittedto tehie rate-r crs cf-Sott an u emtay lest, fer lbe ,ose et grantiug a bonus e! $10,000 le Lake Simoene Jnnctioui Railway q<efeà lt'byivaj"ujityc-f 80-thé nbeof votes polleti boiug 118 for by-lawandu 148 againut il. 3MUOF itSELLINO THEI BODIES OF ,DzÂD.-A'n rinv-estigathionaa amenceri yùstertiey inte lié cirges do' agaiusl -Dr. Linidsay. cf Rolling remahîu o! persane aha dieti et thé ou e chergé of peuj bine by-bie tictor; -Tîi ROY&A"FA* f I H aI wi j as 'lm au - bu ba t dr lm on Pei amg ed AI1 car an awe i --Dui *rk !Lie cou - non lie la fi eut ]y 1 net l ing. lear N.1 Tort Thé cous diéti oee anti ae tié' lent dled emse lire r re-pl enter flue t carpe 'ivorl ont. the ti Ni thron@r i I - 'j'