Whitby Chronicle, 26 Aug 1875, p. 1

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~A2i(±NG V j'ON ADA>V~~~ Z . WA -- oIm 7 ~ 4ouitéso0,f ___-1 L ÂN*ài ~ TAM1 FIRO yEM318' and jfunubea7 . ýO dffl for Te fair . adle iee l .4.1 TII L tNeRA=OP='Y. Ofj ONE»9 TO Li rQmauaooaz T ain y r i n g & u T LDnon $ $ .H I y S ? ~ z K f U O I b 4 i u ~ o u I r A r . t a n d fo N e o Hu U. U UiIN8OO CE ph itt-lusormprovoï, 01chage *+wa .;le na ab__y&on a o. Orilâ, Jn Ol7,18 7 swnvollte Tt¶ii, id a HE Do_8__o iKO, M B .G A D R NCB 'À ,I tu L poii Fil orli l&V' l A E S R U L D G ,S O L . P A I R ub s ol a c1 u m K , M th e tpr f n r h e p a ti n l a s p p lei> i n a i neont r ownpub l aton vey. 4 i s lopWu. 'DnnuITZE, xR . - 1OR.tithh i fou; t, Montate -Lir a thos ciy..T t I~,8OO4 B~ ~ j r. L  w , L u>hella coT1ie.4La Canada. an 1 forMIolln'mlro01S.,Wthey ' G To n G b"S baM apI ntla bâtnrnngvrd henteedfo rnr.1 faih ýPAID wH. stoedthoraold oa of tmi.oCross, olrhtuontoBarilsrayd otherh, rkat withor8tocelorOFFICI* 0101 ~~~. :13, oo FA REWELLL.hI',B PésdetOnt. Àgent-an ilbuinssRea t Oa anady"Y lioliauAet fJM TO HO~DEî nrse ibetigp ,Couty rnt Atorny. o ilta zee2eiLy t- *ztenlv, L mber ini c saur.Ofiilaiil..Aasignarieil. EoarAra&6.enMa Ca., ni WJanin.. "aI1s; lias op.ned60 Out ER CF dreazua 2 ooý rÉpeaCodesapreanni,ï'a thodeat01; andBuwhtnaI bsat lecorneds soerofothr Crois, P u b ic _ _ _ _th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _hv e _a i > B r i Mm e7 2 1 à1 emu yovain1my.h . nayi yearu, atd kw rateso ofG. IntAnareut, vir M ÀRRI _er TTN YA . AW~ LOT R hn! e th9ra'neeu, mexte'0,' Bul U N S ,te , O ~ , o , i n ~ U M B E V R Q E~ s "TLOcrem of eF[TdatoLend. di ur"ÀDur-oin lie 1 StreeteWa. jySOntCel ioderaîîon D àApply tuAa-.. -n.BOâèý aku,ý tl with Un tlïfr Émudn, el Col agatabèd, a slte aen snterira "S U nl Ïeoewanti! hebc a.BE-T-A , a tn i berEL monesie Twotu et i OLZITQB 13 ls 4 lagumd ozt.soc o Lnaer BROK e FaeWcEflLé , w GEO T. HR A LL, No l pmin do o ave? nvog brtoI 010 dn, Book,0. LU M 11E Y AQMIMS -Rlengnth ah. conan At odertoherip' Tresolveofdueticieâ th R 'X T ul Pri -t FMayl8th and.W1872. -- PI- sre& fane0 à 00 ------ dJaný Whitby& Port ezom AI LOR & e-MirOÀNN PROPEeuntheTORSe r.~~p Ao lrged rosu de Trock May t6y. L1872. COMM SSION , AND "1W sn love of mm an' d 1lAtriot isame Lk h a mau L1,dsr, ~ o a 0 0 sot-ro h underszgned d n ta inf141 thir I# sahbldOi. " ayhs wipnyutnheurnarow a blkitoee 10, XÇG SMTII ,L , htbMa 7,17 . O ii. ab ntov6 blle 60. 0- oxoa iiB.b3Io G N, ý niy b IoO. CORMÂOM'Yb971d18s8d lii. that tieï av el M JOR MILLS. Agent for the and Ireland'a eau., Aedociail,À <' TARUTRIR, ATTORNRY. AT..L W, heil neboltsdn V wnh to hy, c aad.l ~ ¶n uohave nlatl ndrêtnovana M .Dofuténn ~~ bthe. boat ci order for tii so'pse l 4 M F O S L Eo k s p o s t e d a n d a c c eu n t à M a d e en t ,e e h a a I a i ~ - r - t e h u a r u p n y u e c n o o , v t - r auiB l c u B ook troe t 'i l byO n tario.- tm o t a.5 5t T h e B a r, w h lu g th e M noT . W i T E 1~ a t tentio n g i en tc t e collection T ii. m as i n l a ce h sen ten ce sd t ii a 1 i h t e e v r a e tu n d B s . l w a e i e o bA.untple vel supplld wlthfollea tht Mh Octaoron.87,oiemteécon. OfficeraediR.H. Jaî,au's, uuclasWt',MaOo tthmling snates 1e1 tii87a5,i frai tn- vOuficesud otracei hie tops vih a stut fra su d oi vi r l o h a o i l , w e l h c i i t h i r b é ihoar v o e s i n . a - b y b b i c t l . T e r o f t p M r n f a k f c , s d a aii-;Z tlla, &o, Ditsh.dzoomas P, p ta1,187Sa -liHoPriaic heti rn&c rluu ~~alIa lecudhv eie.Sowuhr~ro < L t G o u v o d o M l a n ) T H E D O N A L D B Nf o r C o m m e r c i a l t r a v e fl e r s . B T E E m p r r oi s pON Y O L C A R Iu rn d e a c h E a n g r y t ý r e-v s h r o . t l k u n , s h u n d c r a y d d ON FARM, ~A" . TR E IG HST PRIC E S A Eacow Y Oadoo rohirfcewî rhua. uly ~~~~aKy-Oa l 19 aes;c bualn, It e WIi PILP OANfor ail quantity of wheat di d~ W HITBv & O w A aavne r owenbe I ia., ih igI OOa1aeapdrmo tem, Wlilby, ntar o.les;ar nii rhr f8 e ne tbe . MM VA L. give entire o atlaction he those Who m thnaeeyaayManicranoferevoueentoe 0hleityo J OUX G. ROBINSON, M AA ply to-Patronize te M it tei -t TW ICE A IDAY 1 , lie.Ïought the fight sd bore h lw a s ld r d na n r er " o 1 o la.47~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~JR A. DON ÂJDON, The un derlg ne bsrevo ie araonYa bere s,ci i ie b e kepi cou- Léaves Ohatw eta , .niad ,p.r. ra yorsie s c endtrn hh.ii;~ I m orIxabia Oshava raaione can feel; aiglit 2 Mansterillnsi î Aheganco"n-om.,nsud,2auPau. F 1 o u~ s u d F e e d cf s n~ L eav es t ù b a t 80,a . nM ., a nd , p . mu. M a i r am e uch m y sti e tem p le d idti h e h a t h o t u e , a h o e b b r f o , c s u r o o c h BÀRRSTERAT.LWlo t Ei grt800ffce T d 'S oubad udfo sle are 25 cents e h ay. That stubbora villa ri[ tyield to rgti brahzglu"~ r~ T o r o n t o.__ _S T O RE__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _T . ll W H T E . W 1 11 c a l i t a u th e h o t e l s an d e t , p r iv a t e te m o p p re s so n e n (d s u g au1 POr1z 1BNTO15R d'c. iLAEDRIR ahoe prolses id ighe Western ôtel, ~the. atel.) Connecta iti W Os haw nGa juoued,*hs ~O','c: 17 TIlONTOSTREE, T"' S~LATE BISEDunatiasStreet, 4iIvee o1 o IST F THE DIVIaid whii Beugte "Fortins e lve, ehie au ok ovrteoin ytpet t asw ecatrhl T O O TO e p r e-t e e c t e a U a r o r f o W ar n o AI V I S I O N C U T a m i ta g e ' a i e i t i , t e h bye a ti - C hG a on t c a &ri e l s c , . t e d u t e s v u l i r c r t , . " h v i y -" e a a r 24., -1 pepaed e eecte l oàer fo Wok, aFrt Blvy u TORONOTTY, Aan1mail t W ty. n it ru.Pt aïorsed pfere auto Isoient.,'fon TO N .hSO , FI-PLIInSurancO Co'y of Canada, dýnon9ausuel, tstock ouniiond- Repairlng O F UB m W alt Mrd ti, 7. im ats ired 11 JOSEPH A. I3ANDELL. - ~~~~~~~~~THOS, HOPPER, And far belonthe Emeralôi e oj o sî uteoain bU sau.' 10 Al avin TPON LERKAND T BASURER, JOSEPH Xhna BpiaiîmusCANtieib osehrsl, iDauE aan, knt, su pgo JL hiby.Ofico RaUl. aurs, rM yÏczig S.,coî. ChurchTorîô euWhlby, 8, 871 Whty ay8 8. a 19 FOR THE TEAR 1875. T -- RJ. IYN, x u. flPoFteITALGovrDmen,o*67,000JOHN L. WATIS, , TREB- 8TAfar beneti Italien skies lmcbreie d.ryntaesueheef-amîeet-y" eS R E NTO TEECOUTY G dj t UI l a illsssvt4 tdeasu F!CI S6lG T~~~ho ghy le hei cent e lmrle tn mr-o oeI rVItuc. NFiByron Street, Witby . ___Sous sÂnt ély ad FICIAL n zvA 8oe< COURT, - 29- 4HORSE au Id tane15^ APodesritios a HrseMc i Risna rn- le t tenlyjuIr:cllatruou. liecrid,"gien H o n. ~ é211xplu esEN ZIE, M. i>. 2 10n b an d an d f r sa le at ltsi ~î G U V O H 0 8p T A L L O N D O N E N G ., J O H N M H & k g r - P re id e t. A U CT I O N E E R , & o ., & c U2 l le 15J 1 c are1or2u m u e atai le p e l y o fi er " ii evd 1r~ ako. ,o aB.eO.OFFICE-I..n BglwsBlock, Port Thorah 112280915 3Mochr efo dvice. "Lfol W. AàDAMS, Perry. Mar.. 2 a 1 1 .R Angoisssse, pat Perr, June 4,1ou2guard I.theRbiner àkeepTI2" backD si~ BrtW.i.clJunior Judge.CT 01RELDS.h Del T - D-Whltby, Jan. -l, 1875. TI AIS h uperstition foeof. '" ns ore Na Idi'rgh1 or t WH a rd.) v C A4 ) ,ma of vmWhtbyaval i. fieson'. store. Nitrona -cofna o colu aoe t ort o l oé .; IR O B E T JO H N Y A N O L D , A N E W R E V E L A T IO N IN T H E 1e o i l u t r g n l a u t e " a a e n c e o r c a g b e o h b~ s o I T. H. cMU I L LA N . CI N E F DR iS M G gooiai andiit y Ai liraest o o ihad cbrua rdhie a.-h. "'Vscsiefsé'.A P P L E T R E E ~ o F Ç . S I N E F IC A GEE - - uFDR'îber l aid py.Aue io yti R nl o " kae , .VfhL.D .A I1;O0(U T 40,000, SINE ubrhdtep ge Tvro r E ZTâ nsrteon a sîlho -AT TUE- Abe, Agent for theFO TH OL V L' SLF-TIN flntbasthi we g nb î f a aetPrinciples of thearru S i e âslOil sth %apoTEE -s g aa te-O bilteH.fot GO UH M N REY OÀt'NUAC CMAY VTY OF? ONTA4RIO. WIT& SLER F.1.ITT InGfe&nd bif ok."huonclie a vi Teei. ét etacteil it Ca.dBli b onwihee o ifeetc Urs t T lie se t e Swiheap uig rm t otefu erso gem rcn n PROVINCIAL INSUANCE C .-rsss fittraia."rnn "aon heeilifsereve i ne e localRye glarynp Wuupan ________________ DreseBooms-inm oasromntjthneeieeoatinluncevasahonc asried e'ea og f te cvi'.99c beg A et. bTâ.ti fer tki vii o ti mdrug ilFFIC-FntamotLaste toura years4et egat ehangeofgaail ADD. ta Siià-Oor it Waaaînu'. î hat th 8iBo s-u5v. te ele.oe Fi -Ohawa, Loa. id SevlagaTe tale I have to tlrelates ot the___________ 8 Lot No. , 2nd Cou. Pickel gon IKingston April 20th, 1874. 1 W @ r salviiI 31 INsîrucia, i Bev eae i Up'S"tdUitMciru;sdaathc i r .o _____________________Bal esmPCilice,' Y R E '17Scbland ai thefeudal days ; th acc. begîueacltn ok T*EUMA- DEVE ILL, Bach, st Offce, Witby. -- - ---------L I CE N S-ED ) AUCTIONEER D ESS.aInNG -tooXop W ITY. lies a Du morven o the Coasi, vee 1 a acsm eem i- cu b lie dgmWn£nte tolafad atoy to *begsudanarangitatth..edo dgents vantetYOUNGeral inucemeuts hoGvster's cdghisudmallMenilaoAsd the forgathe liiouqoouethmarinera CA ITLTO Klits,06 Ifpble he a tlie cth h m e of M a ___ 1h. pInformation liat jute oue auto.ail tii.toreleali. Hiezplaniv dliatguthe Thinkfou T-TAR D BSSIG A D S]AVIG jo AGETEEO COTSUNTYX as'Yo ONTAIUrobetoAartis-rhier trade. du, U hÇeOfIDamtrcng we X Sloo, DBookSt., vEitby. S-Hl Mrv B02i P o a C Ic Eodat forÂluTON, ad Toislilp. o "' Gathelght _____ orTONG£__AND __FRONT ___ fr hie t iîeose a e ls iedeoSaeie Evl Ry; o y -yA'lONT'isis pî'omptl Thébuard REsu aibusinesTOcONTO.terslfori, bs mauy andeude anti ti JOhN ROiIII'4SONSe - S4Oaaa8~~ Beliable ln drlard e enu- a e i L'area devefa, vhs aios sonei 1h neat s die t hi yl D1hESSING ND SHA A1NO .go nt foheL CNADAiPARUEN, O t h h ot flqo ant iadesnp ied hIle iY, te the sn te busiessGEORGE BOWN, P OPRI TOR. levid rib Luteupnthe Cland.usbrc a ehiea rugtlieehegi 1eonDokS. L aithy. FAR ndi ho country. N nti -ints 9 a ll ie t th o busoness ai Aorcaneerarma. J O T E CEAITBI eAN E CO Ils u attentive sevane cept. Comm e es i edeavour, b rm tad T i sýlî og a enRi ft tagl.Nouh ti d e uo JOh I OL E B A TEN, MUTUl taun nli e ae at bi C flecti lc th oc i ra.idoabîvyrfin i Aiome .AgentaforrthitCANADAMhrbpromptkgsudnh Promptudorenevehet thonn hautusudess. tas fu lalls.eesiP sndsaelobutenothironsover.nhileiiîb inhiove. deag chg acmseueh bu suit 'OIJOZI&thbuWOIIendenDTnds frai-cassa hanseHAluesONeenndnbad. lit. Strtang ey&Ilouginihiavr fards ouiefîsrucainleher -t eatrat ocrunheusce.e Heavyhtic(fnars., Likbaad aa di! - Gyouraie A abeWrk edOfcHAITN u ad trSalsor o ail ia ayfaarMe wvutien guests. The present Proprietorhas h lsscie -~~ rOli LITIZENSOINSTEANCECOMP ,y' sallg an RO tB lR vY oNG crtu$ttn-o- uiestegvefil rdsnop trlolse acco raikli aîravho JiùN CAa'Ee IES UANCECO P'Iil113Bis',draugiteti sud Blank Notes f ih ý ndcîng bnh$onrg ERT -H.nra, YOMeanUNGate lr i eafee0 hre.c rttndt hetdea to d' 'C utiaWlof eOtionYrkuudurtonttla Wbiibl>,. awas onhoal- h ose and Peel.tAasaIhe reti deers oadeafor H.leye&o.eTrsueosic c au ,1874. d Iltheor Sales or Collctiig.h Copcessioo pins9aiIexpethe lu inre aneabrael ned vi -Post 020-Union akham. CAPTAL, el 2Fraul Al nO-LET aeditaeder vers ofice.edbauy idaieIiiaas thtidinngig stars PTer aprauehoma e.a detllafieeed elthcharge.O N S OFvoVItend r va l - is o rigt d etss buzen d m ea g o k , w i i v r f i r r d hc' ' M a n t r e a l , P l i efi c es udoG uMr .t eC aDt eor,2 0 i h A i l ,S .18 7 5 .. W1 8 A i s e % - J S t a m p s s l way sa'o u h a n t in d t e e v a s A U C T I O N E E RS U F O RF O R S A E . eTE E _ _ _ __ol tN ._6_ a d E se m e u t can ho m ati 8 f u rul i : m il S- ' 'i T i s u '-OF ch e eli OaDJA RI lt 16 in t e &tl con Pic erin . MA HOODlongPOWl, etn, l rssbR jE C A T C'~ n iio ARkdPE o Thl. Dri e p nhnaati orriigskaagain. - ---______-- tie LE xiP eflE .WhTbY F bsaiv - g sîsis. .of'usano onaaigb ta acare iesstoutealhfaveursiestaraioMachardus re es ààdJoiner, toienaue. NT, TorehioMlJunyalOUi 187d.and2for sale ieply sudAL erdeevitishieandeseyt.ysa-vionli veron layestavases luokynsifai;, rdqut 01 uaeasi rhai . 4 CAPITAL, - 02 s, %il0 O EsOfceter eiyaeiombl, bcTorvuieig i iebd en a It zgaai on une, C875bOTh cLasOffice fors fMr.alCarter.ll-w-Ne-To - 'lriscTAnh ie antibinrlfitetitby - -- -- - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - -- -- - -- - --Piu cvlbe pAi ery, t. heTe, 182. 89Bt ly.w ral el lte - loi 1 indlia4ih cn. 1onkeshortelnoticMe.H OD VIT L tlvm e sal ai Theclark hane fuitcein.ent udrsatefCottagon prsuedJ acMac 10 GEOR(E CC$âul on bond, .P;Eor landanti au 0d O ERTFe cornerati eonGrani sethise oattentions. andachrdus lais1< goo orenep 'as ~~~~~~~t Peteantilin GreinThCA PENTEt],Theord.crlher n baud4ntiPtoisala '.td rslsig 510 g . MAYFAB t5ge. dtress rotrAforylia servii Stresi, Withy.àA eiU AUflcllaseesuofie's),apeoHleR large uantiy ai a ken e ai aim eacou. O uni ianti t le ve r i n M aer; lont Oth ali t na h u t e c ai s v i o a t u t, s n s i lcgi a t BRT~ N .Psau t ade. iub>, O lnet175.2 01u vlthe rpe ty1 luh. D vie Wi t- (lm2Aue, Stdorm. R W la a f latteei bfoetutighosovsaa hieiA n sor, ntie. Ce jhe Uicoug.gOulur .irst s t 84I11 fi n oial.cairsiceil - . _ Rlb, Yap v se r'r n UCT.Abe iga at ign -Casu1 VATED AT OME I 6# " , e" 1lW vlEe "msaieshonaazga A.Rncza defpoPrf Lu . ndh'sJctoinei. m d- -0'aaan b eas A N D P r o . P aui nu V chnteu M ' E A Y d O . I e a n n a u c e o pW N 0 W H I T v . a n s y p r c , a n ti d r o p p o ti 4 m s a m o k in g " i . E i > . 1 e e h , ! o e A ,B o t s Da u ,tr ai n . , O i bT Ru s f r o c e t , S o r e e s , m un a - M a n u u a t e q o p p 0 1o i t e l e " V i n d l s t r " L o t N o . 1 0 i n S e c i o n A ,., fr o t a ntc a v e l I [îra l in i n Sl u c t ' b b c i n o v ." 1 v o a . »o* -e dB c c . A i s n a e e. le my huabaut," ahnuRonaldreoyatre0diaturbet. - re1tliag lipr-e-veiit hi naasah ri S E' 7-T UNK t" za ho g a l>. dsat .P-jOld-Jutiglhac aeFa e W I L i U T I M S N S w n y l v e o n e i y p i q , l o t N o . 8 , o r o k S t . l ,h e r f i n g - v - m r u V4L~~~~ER ~~N ider Lot No. 8, in rear o W uiiam Sîrool S i lokea t iai hlm.ud taon aI the oa u 'out«e- h ae -PR P YOT. OR BIRENO'VATED Setluu.. 'braceletsoIe vore aipOn lber ams san fe;. -PR PRTOT. adler anti Emosa Maker, A eugtenvooymrshifi.arme.ta~nd.h ueu. "Ifr W IL LriieA Mhepro e ci hl ate W illiam Ilperuve luev T.B vi.'t eme Ihpse,"tah. repUimae.tvithe ue. uIIie Wl!, T. E. WALKEB, -. H-TBY Oshawa, Augut I l rne r-sOa - WaI Oabldluto. MILL arkmme LO H EL ine 24, 1874. GO,0fet umer JOENSON HOUSE l' JdOSlgu*. BlBaa xau ottoie okhea f dliberaihel>stud nssluse foa,01 un OK 'I-i NT60,o letT.u LSTEVENSON, 1ncl. or'Ontenph.' rrix 30 Lmbeveil - "Nane&aOr.ate îTdakIt' orloti Ronl, Hnch Pine soasaietGBBON, 'hey areivalae, 1" h s doi?» eiqdet JAS. POWELL .PROPRZIETOR. -LES AITSIAP d G l o b e S K I E ' S U A E -Y O A N G B B N Sa e i e0 1 n i a s i g l d 1 ' 1w i h h v r l g f l v h l r i . ~ c b ________________ "voqiuu2,dnuesnt - g'ABU AND> DWËbLING . FOR SALE, i of'TrUe- Y oIaebisa poraig on "as-N;I r yefleeahieuhsn yu 1 b "Trae. , o I bold mine hon uy e noti n. - - - by he c etobous offcer P-ieh n k, Fn zAssCCOMmodatlen foi-lIe thavel, ,AJ Ja.. ue45 firm y inluene-aI 111sba LOUIS OLEMIIY, - A INULX àCE COMPANI',W . -Fnin iaia cômiu IitY. Sies of apa ents cau acLeopa cfltI , 5s :el< w uanbr -ueI'rpie rialuahae Pe an lb em îmr 10,0 etoak, bla -dontesots notice. o O.1 ec Uchearedti teoxcep- -Rlebeiupon RE Axr Wox baert SURORON, medI for gamplejet rmm.1 Tra. tien cf about 12 or 18 so f blrti ooit- "Yen iMa>'repent- this 1"1 ha crled, bsrau1elok T~7,~i4 y L:esd ld InconXî±îPM , - - nhwor e, batquaihy veier. ati asyau"îo-so - - - - he uvssei- ar ruhin D U P P I N S ; C R E E ER , . O N T . - S u a s Pl 3 u r s lba i m l e g c t t w e li g a n e x u n a lnTh isp a l e i.Mo teal. i e e a n i fs i- l dz Il O H ,tqu a te-- wbiçi vin e s o l o m in u tesf r 'o n t r s e l e ta le a n ti la rg e - . -_ HOTIILre e, haut - datt a u agt asu i o$ eri0n Exr _ - teannst, (vOU 3 uip ~ ave Me I" lrp py 1500 t-Sqae ibe wl O heCiHll'Saio f heNrt-with s tone iouaahtion ; a thirving archard; !I e Wil r. tt ai êdnLthon.si*yurit --. --- -- v. - -rta atisue henntr -- h.-- w... 1,--- -,_eh.h da 'aou -W1 MY, Viutaban taImi e a rts bldding"îà- 4-ehl0Ive9and t brylarola euielére varii on uria 4' * j~~'Zer ha at4 one S piardnto ba4k bI ï ,ariontin' Vae e i le.'filh rcth G7ov ul o u ! oven orhehubs as là teprente ta ie.an diofle>,sd e p- evrl sd enas end roa hcnev her gracele-sand otfeC xnîMjium -pb. -' lutn, uh ervrC idr 'lqicl ac l y i-c. r. rtener , - lvwee aq er hibesd ani iseietao lh di ; but - geddtin l a onbNesadÂleat tall liaisougaevrîes éleasécome b tJxeLàsui 1, sud ber bu ' "I u na'ln baudTabe, a usb0l pryudor irôl, vhch liruutad ep ier fte lwumiodeipp evs a- oat eon anolse u,1 erGiOStivs-a. H aeaccoIlthrlu>, - aIes taieri its poreti 1ioe iOean ti. Vca owre or te , malterae hoelir h h o ai1- ne uwa heianosh loace ae Bipi enhcein aIrow Iaau<iig eye Na appesle c hrîl is ap's sh eorit>', sud 5h0 lIe al lae bosîs on a 1le-ntri sie gh o c smet ' oX O l o n. ui at a r ap ù e c [o lok Wsl," h mvonte cofl'ecuc e ifNsî e ccea- y e an " it's lleîvays e ail nwtlurefuaiug Ior, Ho>' C o- sie rb roh ca.-Nov , c t b vi l ul du a u e Lordreseon. It On88td o treehoeutrtane, hwa ho ua = Y:co peao aimmdforbav otiiofWIIî1e>wiet Isnatdia't brmge ah îne gag oura e, e eaa I ai ze os ehie ausso bol,~ ~ ~ ~~~~cm taen" thertdeec ptfrvr > Mýri -"n oadesOtop k vsals tin.Hacame ug aclo nrdicely Wu gnd V Ok suad Canos govle. Teiog lIceon lu- upon hhe lm er a îepd1iliago look ynin oesou vhtm*b. mig*it odulit eki; tait 0 et 8 ouknve -udhis ciaseif as neatfhable hotre a . se eclamedjoy d conult. 'g disrd give -tho r.tanin Ihalte sipnhroedT si hoeratt,~~ ai~ c t i t t oberve lut -n op ufo-aistîtahe yn Seg Mrlisa ion hbuet ink, tooa'roepaueor ithjuot id ec n opa riesosetoparatel>' antifla h e ne t yoa hi iibotl'eoexpression ai li opino.ar- et he afersb couage,"thleiDeanaossib is ihcid -s I~h sliutderluteta pout wrd BleMr. fo'itber n ,, - ý Cook 'iPithoun ins itertheqRuai - s r, *Ian Wûtder" hu - mi> -o e s e uco agreqesi, bheuh aywinhe ins bnl Iliaueit sou Evil sa Iet la o pinon a hi e e ing book, f wts oheaî t ahe h O Inuno± Buso-' tsîdisîcu va s t r. C o;tideaBiehop ildt ua 'ru ai mmd; iho wlut e t >'ho "autivte" eehi V duel- facl ad»Semd i S'n t t evdent of bs Dopyc Sufrain hirerf, lte-va vîandhie umpitet esto, -r. Ho av he ass u l t , 8- Mi. J à teikn u isili arin its . onk oî mouea 1 hn iomf a ot laltefr. <Joo 'O bY Ma hari" 'a'ian r opeiiiog re l ie not. - - lie cahi pand c,-. dfaegonudatat is ut baind an ie d. uuIlyrefe BPticmltrpb heOrThe IFeiduruo t h Dan, o Archainei adtae cevt -frho a i t ue adrsd d cln a i obsreeve t î.rîe-asnt ed' id"ie liebi- urWzitey as lie aI h ofet nuta ieatb onio. i . clre on d aiiehbl, 111lil-vonoue I il ato Yt ; n lo t o anvtra-,,vn l 311 uae,~ ahtaolie oas ; sednmehteb à b e yhaaimor e Bi e xpr> esion of ii p non aIle op d. teard a c me ; a s u leuao, a e cd hi flne le ism flu. fors ttmission t ahiHo>Cmun o fothrig a -go v bv sym a t , -vilIth liaI aurauoical i»o rdlea sîîe ,yt tgau1iio o ma kero a ttvil>' ý ici li b' i t c ilsghion , go ao u te-c nio uwale, eathaescape o lie Vlcar bat bee ar a od i ers. e va s u l, i nouti av be n Il b e h ma ho a uti baz7 that madhi snpeyfuna, 8.alas pieit ongi Mr. dook.'iheo shg iqur ai~o-. ,sde i ai nitelctle iladvîai, h idiar 'rugtin pverhi be, ainlaciiug a hie Oaurcap-f a vies.udlicAthaaithresancSin, arn AT Qthiea.-lo a sent h o l occsin h in ta . hl - acod T hk fplace thm oeauhnaI rciveI, tt»rnebaik cil hfie I Lue hic censhithliie ofvi"nes ,ty s nGa Ci-kfee aImpgrundsci-oran ht i se hube, rattrepltéiffilee fOed ev Tticnta, bTser naniti obai ar a got a'inf ee e ive no -f>' bohefarte Iidpoo icton e -t allBat acei.n manLelialDotronquihé relevant o. siilr hiutb laherng âh, lefa nosepart ' hega nallbdcatian fo ka 's l b, pora n g a nw t Ba l, at aI .vul u i e, i D e- - Iy ite bingcfArtche las ae-izd 11oppoflonjar a E t lu antifwtdecIacbatio, ideheu f ta. île~~f càcni a!'CMmnion . 0 ahe aslCmuion -tier -f Police Am o the I a 'hofAhies, tb ~ ~ we tvhlerdabeifver.Bo,-it ta qnellfa fobsue s toefaI tommnon viprli Cbiob hic iw bioe, ste at l it.li n li! a av 'e à o alclm'e ci ecenthaect usr.edtoenele Lv hic con- rali he Jical Combeunitrefniiasiho sutde Murph, ondein )fja lergman li- pnic3 ith u hiav. vhrlchu6 eo geurailyo4 chelry&a id vale on hao hnk'tbair of hfik hrie ye wlest ouhi Pcmhbebs irt hv "-. ;The &poraulow h -e utr rrat,"eahle-ouavn, siy ciult hl a soetnurofrheatavq in- onId od- ",nd>' I-log fllw Abeu et vio, z-ot anu-rbofhinI hmech, ni se Z wolefI A'VO-M,"-'h forhelaioa a erureo IIneg itof the.~ fbt.fr.Ae ~~t r mugglei A mau in Rhode lWanuawsot-tan rie caught gl for sleep Inltaq.çbrh. t4ng 1, "anov vae"ýdone.to teolgu4nuà ÂYankee eatlor.iiôllciiug the ee in ,ý p o arilci scrlr oU>àve o iedand es- g sdwuilea- danti seamd e olübb"-à hi-efaon, o!Mo of twihtyeik

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