Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1875, p. 3

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I...J .L~ at Là. the third Prealdel twhoîe romaiue are ln oneseo sd hre 10 a projeet 1< bury hlm allitere»lu ýýNaihvilh, ana cr ct e grand sianunient; but bie fait!7 prefer a simple, grave'lun aul Tennssee,. OmP.' PAUTL RonroN haaý Offred4 -ie *services lu aid eUh. inundation sufer.ý ers by pro coing ta Mme. MacMaison" ta gîve nt !Khe ou the .lGth Imet amerloes cf expsrlmestîie ios faving drsee Hie offer hast boon Aceopted. ,- 11 *-GRSàr TO rt XPROVINCoIAL Exunaz. *TION.-The Conty Council aof lb. Caunty ci Ottawas, Queos, hallgranted 0 1,000 l ind. ai the Provincial Exhibi- tion, ta be hold ln tlse'ety on the 20ts,- 2lit, 22ud, 2rd, snd 24îb praximo. TillEOLI&F.SIP'NQ B ILLpaesGd the* Hanse ai Caînanone. Il waa mueh emendoc inlucoanniutes. plimsoli's MI Ti&ODixIAt(RTxTîANCi.-A sietOr af eloiGa>vsrnor Benter, af Ternnessee, <ell loto a tranceu claeely resembling *doalli that ohe waep preparedl for burial. Upon!revival aseaid se h lbeen wlth ber fallier, wha lad beeu dosd many y057e, *SOUTR Oxoii."At a meeting ai Conservaivee helci at M'.ount Elgin ye. terday, Mr. Benjamin Modkins wat;. * naanlmoueîy ehosen tlhe canidate of the party ta contest Squtla Oxford. CENTRaE MON'REsxf- Mii.DmN OiiMITTZgD TO OAoL.-Tbs Central *Montreal trial cammeuos4l on Mouha7.' Mr. B. Deviîla wsa eammitted ta gaol for eontempt a«Court, lie refupêd la Iks owcrn as awitneese Inasmuolias lie dexsed lihe juridiction ai thîe ,udge. *ANNITAL CONYENTION Or TEAOIER.- Tuéfeisy th. annusl convention aofîte Outario Saliool Tealrs'. Asociation opeud aitishe tbestro "nf the Normal Sabool, Taronto. Tii. opcniug addrepe was dellvered by the. Presideot, Mr. Qoldwbn Sanut h.1 J Tacs New GEISERAL IPITÂL, Guelph, wÙIl li opensd on Monduy usit. ]3IRTHS. 13IREDEN.-At Whitby, on thie 711 Iupt., tbe vile ai Mnr- T. W. Brealon OC tarlo Bank, of a danglîter. WHITBY MARIrRTS. CIOoCcaLe OveICc, Augusit lltlî, 1875. YaIl iaaîst............ 1 80 to el 88 *i Spnng Wbeat ........1 20 0 l 80 Baoney...............00 Wa o 85 .j Choyer. ...... ......... 0cator)25 'wotIiy .............. 8 00 a@088 25 * OR - '> .................0e c@75e Bllack Eya ea es..... 8e@900 Ryle Ub@70e Oats .................50 G 47o Hêy ...... .... 1...... fs l Petatose..... ........ 80 # Butter..............@8 * woolp.................. 80 @ ai. Cbeal, per ton ..........7 Goa * Wood i.....-......... 00@ 84 80 Park, per evI........... 80@88 00 ciceu ............0 @40e per pair - Dluclci per Pr ............î500 Turkeyo, per lb .-.. -p.. 100 * Applei, Par bushiel.1..ou80 V1hoeoc,................ 150 @170 B Pif, biud quarta,....8 85 @ 86 Bo,6tare raquarter....$ et @ 65 ()> 'Charries, per psu.,.... 1 o01 Ei'8, C(OCOA,-GLITEFUL AND Comc,'iicc.Tî agreeashiacharaster of tieprcparstion liai mnderaS it a gana -or ik. Bac paS et in-abe 1.Jà Erres% &Ca., Homcoopathîs Chemit, 48, Tbreadnaedle.ctreet, and. 170, Picadlly. 'Worbi for Dietotie Prîparationae, Eneton- roaid andem n Tv, Landu. A V.uàcrz MEDICcINE. WBWSITO CALL THE ATTEN- TIN cf aIl pernneit uilcrlng tram tiaroal sud luug, diceascai ta a melicinei ilh va hava percenally tlilaSta aur est. sfocli, anS greatly ta tic banait af Onr hosli. }Iavbng suffared torcscaetins pesîtfrant Branchitia, admari or los iroubla vibli bis lunge1 va comaenced tek- Phophîse n5 ailsysn lPebrugry last MUd ilcsdllY improvod iraugi the Seriniz' thi vonet iaao-ti cf lia 8anfocsuli di:. Prepared tram lie Pure Grasse ci ýTH ri CANAIA BEAR, the Hein agt anly .,&luxnniîinc h aseteg raynise, hldneaai, anS BCar'i Gries builong b~eu held 90ema a - vuluablo artileafoc tbe Hein, It hu. been iighîy Idltc asd oibY eonieuf Ceiens lana ciesounutry tie ielasin a oas-S hourd ndeS hy s finaly osgraved vnp. )gS ackage bath oenmaietal anS ývm Ladies' Dreicing Teble. PR rDAVIS A& SON, >1' lUbE-WsenS ire,, s sure mus feaue-do.crs, for Colâ& Ironsiltic, Atima, Catanni., d iiiy leeo01thle Tirsot or iTvou Dohilhlàty, Premahunepe.1 ose, sud &alI dieorders breugh oen ADVERTI8EMENTS, 'oRt SALE -1 iber offaofor ale îte northi tlLaI $1, l insthe hM(Jonces. ovuabluof Wbithv ,urnai,... i anasiu .aaaa iaLin a s=nie alboyofthlie4) vin ao f Greaubgmk. t - he yeuupantiam an d conditions ofsaile «Illbe niadi iwsout Ithei#me ai gusl a sud ich may b. bad previcsîli - hhenoto b; lm 3plu . KIIT GORIDON * ai AUoTIN SALE -te: £tREAL ESTAýTÈ1, monoye &-cy . - .coutlry lb. mot m Ob Tersffl d sld b Fý1îü XLoion wcrld nbai ove, ssu ,b 9 Cro by represelits the lad Ur.Lei ibgnaoM t RodgmllOjl!oWu aePus.of Q Zauin utie villge of Columbuei, on- The. mamuaumr Amatiesa&rd pocul Frtdy, 1t1~ if ptember, 187g, Doesieai thus ent ab 2 o'clock,=~., the foflôwlug Lad sud Inventionsaudrmgi promîme. e t aato 06 wea ofsalecon- tdado. taimed in a certailudeuture ei monîgage T he -bulraingtviW whleh vIilb. produec i bm airofsale, as4c1 est efiae landa being somodo àta parte No Krth Prcusnd'see Eaiîerly part oalLots îunamâër, 0 sud 21,. aeV yle.esitablisb su siatc isoignlslvnefor 13noemmuniaate rodbdsn 8&d 10toi 84 lns ibng des- rom wbhstheyeaou cribed se follove-iThalalaav Ojes Prie esnngt log ou the ucrthornln,, a",fi OUn.Patedning at the Noatth-w ionlec t No. 21 chais bande vill adc Sehoal Hanse Lot, ilu-1he Village Myrle- D o.12AL thOns. luna&Southerly diiction parafe1N*1 with the Esstaru lino aifsaIS lot More or e. lae, ta tho.Notthoru lin. c e iiïarsunov ovned by Jais. WellsAheiins.e Bstariy NOTE-AU mnoue aleng lhe sa.td nortier lions, more or Is York or Express, or ta the gravelled road, on osad lot Na. 20: pald iLy soucier. thence narthhrly abang lihe western Uniit et June 14tla, 1875. the iaid ùrîValied roai, mars or lesta s the ___ Nortbea lino et ld lot Nô,, 20; thons. number 20 sMd2 1. Mars orlions, te tth. place of beglnaicg, (iti the eXeiption cf snch portions hhereat as ýWere ddadd fa cher parties by -ana John Thanipson, i anSsa exceptini;thereaaa 1005lent t c alS land- coovyjbïythé Party cf theo 11mb part aeoo o iin Na. 82 ci 1h. Sono et Temperance.)Aliso ail sud ingular that To 'Yeoman ether part aU iaid lats numberR -10andS 1, sud ci 1h e original alievance for rcaS bl.e'îMayor 4 tween saal tas. .in. mentiened snd des: crabeS lu a certain Dieedo f Convyance The undersigned re thremdby Edward Sari Sticknoy ta the party ci t4e finIt part herete, (the Mort.TO\ N I gager) sud centain. abeut Four acres o aLnd,TO N 0 en whieh in racteS a nov anS sammodins roipocttnlly roqualit Dwelliyg Rnse, vith noessîary autbuilid- luge sud offices. Thers le a gond ogarden and erchard au tii promimes well stockeS Mondae, I6th wlti fruit trees, vel tanceS, sud in a valu. abI. property. n-., For partîculares pply ta st WILLIAM BEALL, Anflual Ci' Ageut fer Mortizagee, Clumbns Colutabus, Auguel 10, 1875. 5in.8â for thi Corlporation: Blrowu & Patters Q UE E N J. J. Murphy W. H. Hiigginc. INSURANCE COMPANY WFaJ, aliekie &tCc AN'] FTJRNISHING mmnifior Ave 7, rredoaller gret p Evsry Ar uenli urpoes tOf thli y, se pnlde ln Esch ladivl4ul - A. Prinla. à.1B. 1Taylor. Hatch sBro. Loves &Powell. Jas. H. Garnie & Ca. R. H. Jameson, J. Woodail. J,H. Penny. Wn. Burns. G. Y. Smith. Laing & Stewart. R. J. Gunu., R. & J. Campbell. .Hamilton & Ca. Thos. Lavlar & Co. Gross & MoNacitau, Jas. Joinston. Gibacu A& Span-ell. - Taylor & Barnard. And 11117 othars. lu cosnpliasuse ith the abuta, requliiin i hereby proclaim MOYDÂY, TRîE 16th A U&UST PUBLIC HOLIDAY vwithin tie limita ot the Corporation ot lhe TO0W N 0 F WHSITBY, sud request that ai l psaietOfbusiness Ihoncia -may bc logeâ od atIsIday.j YE OMAN GIBSON, Mayor. Whitby, 27th, July, 1875. 81 IN CHANCERYI (Tra nDLIPE) OF-ýLIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, - - - $to,OOO,0Oo, îSÂtSxlts . 3MrrCuL AnVIREla: MOLSON8 BANK G. A. BAYNES, ESQ, M.Op, Hlead Office fan Caada: jî A& 1938 St. Jamnes Street, Moutreai. FORIES A& MUDGE, Chief Agents. 'R. H. LAWDEII, Agent, Whilhy. Auguit 101h, 1875. ly-88 H OUSE & THEE LOTS FOR SALE! CFor. Sala lu Town et Wbitby 9 roamad Ctottage, cloua cllsr, kard asudscatI ater, table sud ro ?sh PLo ramusea. Tire iota contslunig eue sc ý1. A p piy to- MR. GEO. TULe, Whitby. Anguit loti, 1878. 088 s LRVANT GIRL WA&NTED A goad cervant girl vanteS ta vian good wagos vil be given. Apply to- MES. J, S, CLARK, Whitby, Auguet Dli, 1875. yoStcî NO0T .ICE 1 - Ail parties are isreby caianed 'against giviug credit ta my wif.1 or tla ny otier persan upon sMY account vilioul My vnlttsn order for liesianie. JOHN FYFE. Oshawa, Auguet Oti, 1875.,- in8 'PRSAN t a oderba t Burnett's'.,Cocoalne i'tPlETOIop a' coSay's ru -.theTenyilt dyD.My, È, Pravants the Hair <nom Paib!aj. 1875, sud made su a cauce l insheCOIouf t BrlttsCcan Rubber Bucket'P CIM]uie]rY woenwizrCS nty Oca e e ump Joe orel Svt=e C nsd j :anaarcpiaublfir s anaRat- Peoc t lÃ"ia rwb <EXEMPT FROM FROST AND REQUIRSSNO PRIMINIS'Mr rt uris ege ar ian; Burnett's GCoaine R Iobent Keit are detendante, tliare ylb U'ew~Oc-an $8 firaI Ton lIeet, sud 85oceach aaditionali S viii tbe approbation ot zacieus Blhum-t' 0 caie font. han, Ecquire lie Jasalgaet lie urnateln IarSbe dr CouaaitynfigIate solS. Orderd tan Pompe Cautote c oînty et Ontaraia la ia ure-theooan neai represeutative oet hielande iereatten r-' aunett' greaabine eascribeal), by Lev-i Fairbanks, Anctioneer, - Sbcmtiatr cr Gewing Machiuas sud Organe SoId aJdet s Camberi, Court leuse, iu the B retsCcan P'. C. 4rMES TOWN 0F WHITB3Y, Sctbi the IrriîtataScalp.Skîn. A. ML'M URTY. iflawmauvillO, Ont.-unt'sCcan JitY, 2Ch, lé7à.îf-s aI lie heur ot 2 a!siock p. ini., ou lie Afrds t tiCca e JIRE INSURANCE, 711h DA Y 0F OCTOBER, 1875, Bur&ett'sOocaIn lGNiWN ED te follawing landesud proumise, unaly: la net an Aeioili a Wl. AGE T WTheD Seti hli tLot No. l5, ite 7h Burnietts Cocoaine fon Wliiiby andl Vicînity by the concession o e inyowssip ciEastci ilî hIs Dsndrnif. by, ianbtse(JOUîîty etOlitarin, coutaiuing by CANADIAN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO al measuremeit ana hundreil acres nana or Buneuas.-i.SCocoaine Lib-rl om issors. Adren, l.p' lacsn, aelgo ra cemura or lasi, p art cf <ilvea New Lite ta thae Esir. LNibEa CommIssiont,Adoronto . p. :the nos-tIiif aIthe saiS Lot dSeoibed se D... BoxSI09, orAgntTrot...O.tilove: Cemmcuting at the. Notant ai BLurnettys ocaine nosY 40, To8ont. -angle et said Lot, tien seti sixtean de- Slemaliign a incîluEScî., JuR 285î 185.8in.81. greai,,east toa 5StShce tiare plhtadl, fiqu soath sevsnity.tour deraes ista'elhvnty T~RMTUG -chaîna, tlieuseti sixteen degreai eaut, -50 eid 75 cents ,îp eBil.. twenty choies, to the ceutre af tha saiS lotAy0&SN&LWEO heunanoti Satentytfour dogmeas,Snt lventî PMRY &SO.4UMN ~J I,,,. (.. A thnaine, lien norli ixteen deg, es vest t Welîty chaîna more o hist ts1lcecf AOIIT LP. Q begiuning. of Aotfr Domini 1on of Càiýdi. * Tieralani oueaindred acres cleareS, fie JOSEPH BURNETT & 0O0. BOSTON# nesiswl la etimbered viti iardwood sud .Peuiiai -valeiaecadar. Tio cloaur-d portion lnina luetfe a grodS BItte et cultivationfi vehi vatacad, @A~Vo Dm ~ W~Z.Ç su distant f im -the VIlage of OshawaXRCHSE tlone thifs tiod oaiiformlag lia itizonani ihles.cel ele aig, agn oc-dAYLN 8,3CL xcelen buldgosais grS orhardD"'T LIN 01Nh*î"nl h urouedieg countryS tarin. Ar liaI ha purposas glvlnig short -pleseurs ex- Tha property iib aSa ulcAc omocu uo bn 5hp 7Urscut'On titno vny lo lthe higbest idiler vili pavrto i TusaThur8gda ,d Saturda sod Rel Rpreeutative tram tune htue, oTEX sxxaxxa Y, ,,V urn tîe ca ii, l u hlment, su aflorneens, lcavilg tho dock At 1,9, 8, 4 and adequati pries lanot bld ftom li s lande. t e'lreaiitoextnraslyaveie TepUnciaser e a sacale l opaude llorvshelo ztsexcursions e a? r5.getot prcetrn oda iasie.u r'are for sauh excursion, 98 conta. t> nu.i 50pyh.blac 0 cr t oc5 uses vill ba lu attandanse Athefi. Ditis i dîth ai liii cur eth c À nrica aha etdstatis ase ci tiatter vithin oneiot ia h et. t0bast. pane, bcth ws Perlier psrtiular u andltuaacs a PE' MýAEN, Slpecha arrangmentmad orSeae t o sucâio oD viZ. maI.s ba regul MAr TE n lRout OOY pic.nicsud other excursion Parte - oCR Win Miobuner eItr~mniiga70a 'ar t Whilty, Augusi 1875. Sa tby1875, 2601hdayof1 * * asatm'wih heNe,oCrit, - * ~~Z. BUREHx, -coalpitsd ONZY WANEDEetu...ng: vin les-ve Charlefl(port ~4ONY WJPTD iRosl Repflnive. ~~Rochester)ilî8tah P.mn., oxeept Saturdav -Tbè-Traateee ai bise M hnbvlaeatpmdrl .'anada Metho&ist Church Ths 5 ýto PO tè adqne rueo t.bm "û . AxFOR SALE. 9 'ulWtertownvLkOnai y@sari an as aise con. a.Who undansida lths ,ho buzs.abondbscoms !tfflitsdkpartX, sud when Iaddt ret lu aur razgnlflsent building the' D'aplace whichin truth, Istm euny 'sud.me. th. Amorisàn peapîs." rn and the liventora of dIlsly intrstd' lu lbth cufasires eau b. sxhlb- coatalu 8,520,000 square ring Banda butors -an éed whers ibey resîde, direct with thls oMfce, 0 bu supplled., »ast#aeagents orto.pur- ExHIBITION CO., Eait 17th Street, B, *sy and diii Ave., IÇow York-City. tyi by dralt on New rpostal erdot-ebharges Gibson, Esq'., aildauts cfithe ýF WH.ITBY yanr Worshlp ho set Day of Àugust for the ývic' Holiday iou mi'g. Ca. s TEÂYED O 0R STOLIX I $200RDo R Strayed or stolsu frein tb. promis thes oubserber on the lat of July, a Br Cow,, celer dark -brownsud,,blaok, white strlpe ou forehsad, usai borne o L" oh à éywlIlreesive thé, à JAMEs WALKýEB, AbrJnly G7th, 1875. S, GzNG-:ooRS. e sud others lutsrested lu muescta th, lowncg worksýas en h oto claie : ,a en ote MUSICAL CHIMES. A New ClIàsa.book for Female Vc Plcs 89Per dozeu. Sample copies, na post-paid, on receipt of $1. AClas-Book for Childreu. Used in the principal publia Scicoob. Price se dozen. Samplo coplis maua, past.paid receipt a1 SOit. The Mil Popular Schoal Slugiug-I3 aver iaubliahed. - Prrise 87 5Vr par do2 Samp[e copis malleS, post.paid on recE of 75 ets. Addraa, J. L. PETERS, Jny 27, 1878 848 Broadway, N. TH E 'National Portrait 81 ss of lndlw vub about rder. ehers s6 fol. thelr lies,. Ipar Bonk Men. mipt LY. 1 LONDON: CASSEL, PETTER'd GALPIý 0F OUR EMINENT MEN. Tie Elght Hou. W. E. Glatone, M. P. Tia Rigit Hou. B. Diaraîli, M. P. The Eighl Hon. John Bright; M. P. The igt Hu. lihe arl of Derby. The Archbishop ai Canterbury. Lord Chiot Justice Cocisidru. Majan-Geuaral Sir Garuetl Wolseley, K. C. B. TheR4%ht Hou, lie Earh et Siafhatsbury, The Rlgbt Hou. Eanj Russeil, K. G. The Right Hou. Lard Cairus. The Rigit Hon. BEsrl Granville, K. G. H. E. H. the Duke of Cambridge, K. G.- The Bisiiop of Manchester. The Ri ht Hou. Sir Stafford Northoole John Walter, Eaq., g. P. Tii. Bigit Hou. Earl Daffarin, K. il,. Thonmas Carlyle. , W. H. Smith, Esq., M. P. Thi Bey. W. Mrleyi'ansbon, D. 15. Hie Grace, lie Duica tf Argyha, K. P. STii. Portraits arc. tram :ecent cf scii graphe vith's bigah-" ket h otoa. Tiie Publisiora have spar3dd-noexpensa lu lie production et s volume unaqalied for artlatie baauty vill as rehiabls record et tiie livee of aur laading nmen. The verk la lasued -comipleta in ona vol. umTniesd niay hy bsrpi tb t IcavssWityabout July 21, 1875. - - 80 il OQDS A- Full Stock of Millinery. Dress and Mautie Main doue tci order under the superintendene of a first-oIass Ifresomaker. Milhiery an& Tailoffiig done to order. Satsfaction- "8' ix Girls waiited to :work on dresses, and Two TAilors tai work on oas.s LOWES & POWELL.> Whitby, Âpril 4th. 1875. 16 SOJT ONTA ShlJOBooSORE STATIONEIRy, Slationery. We keep the best seleçted< stock of Fancy, Initial, and Commïercial Note.Pa-pers and, Envelopýes in the county. BLANK BOOKS, Blank Books, Day Book~s,. Cash Books, Journals, Ledgers, &o., made of the, best paper, 1in good binding,,ail kinds-and. cheap. - NEWSPAPERS AN]) MAGAZINES, Newspapers and Miagazines. Those wanting their Magazies and papers deb,,ivered with, pr.omptness and despateli, sliould leave their oraer at R.obertson's. MUSIC, MUSIC, a large stock, of Sheet and Half-dine music always on hand. J. S.- ROBERTSON-, Bookesiler, Newiedeaor, Stationer, sud dealer lu Fancy Gdads, &0. (Banong's ld thed, Brotriof mis-- ror, lai- Lf-8i one, et Bi 0 ýegs to intimate to the inliabitants of-Whitby and sur-, -ranndiug district that ho lias openea onit in e )dd Fellows' -3uilding, Brock-Street, N w Goery à Pbz*stontoe Where heéinends to keep e-verythinig ini that fine. Reh"0p"' that fromp ast experience, and by strict atten- )n tb business, la mîent ôali£are of publie patronage. tah Paid for Putter., Eggs, an.d ramera" Produlce. BOO A oei lu espeofnll sayiiie TH W.sFO1m No. i X Agent for th. couuiy et Onl&ii. $5 o 420 FER sDAY;kfOAepis e.AU cmso oln epe ait ler Beri yeung or. old, smasha mors nay eftwcrk-for na in lhii, Mare mo- ments, or al tha lime than at anytiiu ahe, Particulars free. Pent card la States csta but oee cent. Acdreas, -G. STINSON & c30., 60 Portland, Maine. foin the ]Blood aP,'odeci- as to licao A.gentr, IPaîS in, lie< i *y raci Ittnvigl j, 'Mates every. part of rlepai ring daîzeages, a searciaing ont - nort lions, andi ieaving 2zu disease do'feeci upon. Titis is lkesecret oj derfut suwcess of titis Cssring DIyspepsia, IL plaint, Dpsy, Chrc rhof4 OUlS, Iervous. Chils -and Fevers, Loss of Constitutioli DiseaSeof the RU, Bladder, Fernaiio andi aitdiseases o,'Lql a badtae of thse bloc cornpanka e4bjdebuit stae ofjie.se.. Lesrea, to SEW.nnF ar C. S-e pysecatlenint th 0rein fms ôeluosBokMe>,&. c This Hfotel le sitnated in the central portion of 'the city, convenient ta the wholesale establishments and iPnuiic buildings, aud for touriste 'and commercial travollers lisa most eligible situation. The. hause bas been thoronghly re-argaiiizod and rs-fUiebsed tbx9ughont, an s; j fitted np lu the ict con"fortable ana fashionable style, equal ta ay firit-clase bouse lu the Dominion. The bedroomesuad drawmcg-zoomsa arc large and airy, and flic beet eanitary regulatians are observod. e The large and canvenient sampale roam,for the acc'ommodation of Commercial Travollere, are coinmodione, and covnetylcedn the fini flat. ovnenl octda Omnibuses and Carniages alwaye ready for the accommodation af guse arriving by aIl lb teains and steamboats, and aiea ta convey them. ta the depote aa wharvee on ieaving Geô. Kennedy, formerly of Qusen'. Hotel, Owen Sound, manager. Telegrapli. Offie lun counection witb thie Houe. TEBMS,. - - - $1 50 PER DAY. .EW GROCERy STORE! Cal JOHN SAUN ERS 1 RAS TUE *Latest " q:nges -bismeto J0E12S1à A GOOD FIT AND)STLIH OUT WA BRANTEI Gent's Furnishing Goods of ail kinda,. ildeluing Shý Hats and Caps, Umbrdilas, &a., &C. Whitby, July 27tb, 1875. f NEW HAVEN JUBILEE ORGAN CoGNS NORVILLE lias them-Splendid Instruments-& will sli theni at prices that will s;urrie yO. If you evr expect ta bwyo -ow le the tinis. Be sure to give nme a call before bnyiog, A- gooa assortir cfCoch, at whlRaleal prias, ta loe ont the ot. Clocks, Wathe, and jeM r, neatly and promptly repaired. H. W. NORVILE, Dundas Street, Il O p p osite th e. P o si 011 'WE INTEND TO. DO 0IT. Cail at Woodall's Old Country Store on Saturday.next, and' purchase for-cash, one pound of' ou4r 70c. 80c. or $1 Tea, and carry home a handsome -japanèd Tea -Canister free. We will also present one -to every cash purchaser of 2lbs. Coffee, 2lbs. 50c. Tea, or $3 worth of ýgeneral groceies. The quality and cheapness-of our Teas and Li- rquors is welli known, biùt we do this with the idea to introduce our Tea more generally to the public and let it stand on its merits. CROSBY'S OLP STAND. i The British A merican Commercial ColIée, Was established in 1861, sd is nOW îe mosi popular ad extensive seluot iu the Dominion for the Eua-aion of Young Men, Middfe-aged Men, and Boyp, lu commercial braxAches. Special attention je givn tb the science ai Bokleeping as applied ta every depanimeut af Trado sud Commence aalota PBACTICAL PENUAN5UIP, COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC, COMMER- Its grduatea are cmpet accntats, sud are snglt for by mrchants sd business mon, in at aoflel, main al parts of tie Povince. tSrTire are zior vacations. Students may cunter ai any ima iei equal a. vantae. Reamambar Ibis la a full course commercial sclîool, sud connectea vith forhy aIlers locaedst Montreai ad the principal cills a tie UnitedStSale. Tarresxasonabe sundloer tia stailaithe aler seoole in tha Association. Any poison sadig heir nmsd addes ad enloing six cents in tamp, ill rceive by raîunr mail a piece cf Omumetal panmsusBhip, aecisena of Business PenanFnehip ad Cirular. - ODELL &TIRQUT, Toronto,. TW65 TRIPS DAMY i Steamer CITY F TOONTO (Cajî. Dck) leaves aly foot f onge trot, 'Toa ont,et 7 a. i., sd 2 .m., raciei Nlg. ara a 9M.ansd Z-80 Pi., Leitn ah 10.m ,sd ô p. m.*Connetions fr the Plle 'Enf Cle veland, Rochester, AteayaN'aw York, Bosten, A' &o. TicS- oie su& i nfrmio7n- i o. o Fon Street. D. MILLOT, Agent. JaIy 27, 1875. 51 IT EM RATES. 0FP PAS8AGEj UTR ste e'R, 1vOS.FR LOTxFO SALE mrxx - Lot Ne. 10Oin Section A., frant ou Gravel BoaL Lo4 no. 10 in rein on Wllllsnaet.: Lot Na.8Vn Brook St. AnaS Lot a8, ÃŽ. Z.einnWiamstriaI setin C. >4 - Thepr~erty uIlate Wilu=Liawi- r e u s . p h l a b l e m a d t c i eh é u n . JOSEPE lUNES, BRU=am T.9 .EVNS Elq.çxoin PABIf ÀND DWRLIMIG poi SALE, uean7 i mpi. A goc e dvîllg b__ onWieummu".., a mi" bass For Superior Clothing -suitable, f Sunmmer wear try- thie lothing ýStore and Merchant Ti SA LE ýUICX TIME. 1 1 1 1 -- 'I'. IL-CI lit 1 27 1 ýý 'ANI .1 i il supplyl'o-f texÉ Co Oallery P. S.-We pay special af.tention- to cellaneous Books, Music, &o., &o. 1 1 T 0 R 0 N T 0 . atti bu j Vu FIUUMIR 1 ý ci ci ucultili. 1 1 oring establisnme* nt of, 1 PE TE IR SMI TH. 15RUCK., STREET,;". WH ITBY. Largest Stock,,

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