Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1875, p. 2

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le Lis let ho ad se id i. in um. ýouth ýVictoria li -Sece týry bas uectsred S afUrr a-lard strngigle. If SoehiiVitoia-looklng elI cf party tstrife te their linaIes, tsl4 taking hbaud ted prominei cf Qoveru- monsnisstancete develope thse resourci or thlr section ofI' ceuntryl 58w, wii . S0 . Wood i hie the. Cabinet, Il Wot s4îcns of giting al l hey vantei >mny! woe a gaieffitl te hlm for pai perusbai.services. Andi aitheegh tl o'dugvs fu cf missliossanle," au .véry psosible Influence was brougit t bear iby oheuaides ýon tise resui t, tics wore the onalinfluences tisaI dicide the centest in favor of Mr. ou j Peepie -arc becomiuk emilientiy practic ai, andi, oxeept Yeur ont-andsl.ut Gr ioarer ansi dyediu.tlto.wooi Tery, si - g ard aIl boastinge aboutîparty piinciple and Êeetlmontality ilu politivesas Bs nsueh 'plilticai humbing. Thse followiul are bise majeribies reporteilu the varicej divaiess: Wund. iludespeti ..n..... Oscn......w........5 Uffi; 281 M1ajes'tlu1r IVucI, 74. Ur. Wood iailnuinaju'ity et' l81h) at tise former leetion, lut Jansnssy lasI. ,It lme chargesi l'y the Mllail tisat thé Catholie vote wa "Ildxoi." Tfiat Il . edeet e 1qFs- I dsare lit pORese "sinot' finally'cals s cf cier bnibery and. corruption. Mr. .%Vood wiil do - Well if 110 escape persensi ditsqnahifscc. te;anà sbelilvesi hie disquali. 7\ l'âato la certain if Jusige Wilson', ' o f Miliîr's conduct lu tise Mus. "koka case be eîststiuîd by his brotiser Thc Globo, per' contra, says M~en'o pelitical convictions are nef -" hangei, uer are their opinions affect. vei, by Illtsninigfor boese l> tty "siclors 310(1 ioliticftilhefiipeckiugs. "Tley huive at riglis, wlien thse coudutio "f publie affaire lii quction and the Jintereets cof thse cosuntry sre et Btaki, "te be tpproacheêd and asIitissees inluà f "saneer r«Qhectfui te tiseir iutelligence, "cecinet witiî thee meAnci4t carpingo, "net te say theotrisotstupid fabrications. Tise lectors cf Sentis Victoria bave 1' "een treaitei. te a seifeit et luise "thirigo duriog tihe past forluiglît, andi thew eleclion of Mn. Weod le f udr ap. * propriate auswer."7 The Rîln--Ttaa Croe. Tue standing' glain lias sufferes inl Ibis iosality by tic laIe -nain, but elili, we are glasi te say, not se nsaterialiy as al irst appreheudesi. Wicn people nuad i(eltc sasi destruction caused in etier places, therc là a great ceuse for bcnuktutieess. Oenerally spîakieg-. taklng oilops of ail kinss-thie larvcst wiii be goosi andi plentitul. Andi vbab wiii sttiifurîher serve te giaiden '>thec farmera icart, tise prospect cf rêtà~uu. oirtive prion ~~ o neyer bitter. taiss~1T qcMarkets. Litosbcbgl'Fail WVheat, $1.80Otb $10;Sps'lug Wlieel, 91.25 le $1.830 Blariey, 8 e8cts ;Oats, .45 te 46eti; 1,0sss, ddc55ts. Ceunty Agricunlural Society. It addition te the ist utr îîi-,s hib- lied cili «the tl'st pago, c sweepstake of a roapiug inacsuliuetise gift of Brcous & Pattenson Mbanufactnniug (iompant', la pfteided fot the-ljoet. ive coite te Mc exibiltes, slndi by aJiy Cincherse. T1s4 le open tea il clussè. .Tice iaclilui0 101I bea0i'andod te tihi oviier cf tue herse viseso colts tlie tihe pizir, lhc * Paylng $15 teb ch et tiiscMsvnens cof tic ise susccsseffi colts. Any sîusxber of colts, andi colts in al tti classes May omrpote, Tlbel,îd4es viii luntue firet place, select froma bhc wiole ntuuer upon tic groun tihe rive best by eaci Ïls-, ansi tiecottitc so seetsI shah hic thogse eligible te cosspebe ln tise sweep- stake. -"01 course aIl tise ansni mt bc exhibitesi by buîuatfldîe owner-. '£JIU CI<jVIte Hesîrsy.-Tlie eis'ic lsli. day, Meudlay ncxl, wiii beclebrates inl biole lave opoestia Dow w I. we sta lent or ise menu-, foté. f eigares on Broek 5,séetý (IWUlitIlY Opposite Tlw eChmrn- '4. 0 T}h~ey havestocks of the ~y ~et H avan asiConnecticu tàbmt li l..f. TieW 'Cigare aMc o 'be bpébrbi-ndssAt pnîscuit tisey lmn ùmùu» andput lup ovesi -one thousansi -6 e dy . n d t i s e y ar e s k in a r a g e . *iot ' liSehé nlaugemust cfô 17 boà«*d the empils7rent ef ad- ne'ston uâ te ie e rscw bi;s super. sanmation hian arrlvel, end that ho 't inust aocopt thie situation-hi, only "fauit belnq that oha l rY inu the service. No côpý t her' "than that bas bei» prefimle aguinst him. , In dlmissinga publie uervant r oecept tetit lu for thebo ot flagrant 'miseonduct, it bas beau the cuatom ta "Iutention, aoei- a olerk at monthly "Wages is entltledi. to, and reeei'ees a "nionth'u notice when lb lu intended té "dispense with 14a services, but in the "case cf Mr., Warr~en a different systena î ha.bieadopted, for ho was not fav. coursif with aven a day'u notice, but on Modyevam a:. tZr fils day'0 ed hia fro theHou. r. Birpee, saying that Mis services wonld be no ::longer rcqtured,, and for. bis» tu baud over bie charge te hie successor, Dr. Caron, on the following morning. The paysncni 4 lte asuunt of Ur. 'Warren's superausiuation allbwance nsight have been sssvcd the country Tor somane ars te corne. The new appoint. nmeut as wbolly uncessary, as long as Mr. Warren was W illieg to retain the office. Dr. Carson succeeded in obtain. lng a number cf signatures to a poti- tien in bMa favor, uîskiug for thei ap- pointinent - bkt ulpon the express condition, tisat it was Mr. Warren'.s wish to reigu. Ur. Warren -lenies tiat hli ad, or' ever exprcssed aenscli intention, and if liai be truc, the signa. turcs in'favor cf Dr. Carson were ob. tainesi through wrongfaui miarepresen- tation. liIr. W-Wrren - le now 'cm- Ployed by Dr.' Carson,. et -$25 a nthil,-to (10 the bnsiu'ess cf tic office -the docor havicg ne further trouble tisan the si-ning of bis nanie ;-and perisaps tie mcntiosl et' bis f act' more titan anythiug cisc wili serve te shew how ilntocessary was the appointmxent, and tisat it coûldi exly have beent macde as. the rcward -of partizanship. For this Dr. Carson was net tu bîsime. Ho e vided for him." The New Methodist Tabernacle. rLAYINO OFcH'ErI CORNER STONE. Tise inlcnmtiug cêreamessios connecteS tî tis te laying o! tihe crner tone o! lIshe new Methisit tabernacle, aI Whlit- Fby, viii talcs place te day, comuiuciug ct tii- o'cloek'in the afîcrnoeu. Basides tisa genîleissen of tise boive connecteS withstise ciuec, tiseno are ixpected ta lie prosent, 11ev. Dr. Rycrecu, Dcv: Enochu Wood, D. D., XZov. John Slai-, Div. wVm.Lainil, Hon. T. N. Gibbs, WV. H. Gibs, Esq., Mceezie Boellc, Euq., M. P., &c., &c. 1 Tii tabernacle vitii hi 00 cf the iarg. est chînnei edifices lenlise Demainion. Il vili bc l2l)X78t'emt, ineltidiug vcshry, &o., endd tia iigil of tise sidevall 8 test. Thenus will hachi-e bowes-s-îhe norli- western 165 and tlie castmmu 90 feot lu hiiut. The schsool rom euS. veslry, alliehentiuthcadmastre 67x49-.'A. togetiser liie building '#takes soine five hundnîi asuindIbry lisesauici e!brick, cn uhone foundetiens, tva feet hiick sud seven feet in heigit-thsi hiikues et tic founuicios o! tise tevers iseing tince felTSe ctimatet! coul le $25,- 000. Mn. Mulligan, cf IHaillon, is lie ancîitet; Missera. Iunkicy & Wehtlakc lie contractons for tiseluscon anS plcstter'gsvos'k, ul Mn. Vm. Bannes for tise oarpenten verS. Tise style of« tIse building îviil lue mixeS Gothsie. Il le cxpietîci te hi fully compietesi hy ioxhi Jîssie. Stsish a tisse ansd cosbly etructsme viiinet oiy ie. a creiiit lix lIe dcnomisatieui crecting il, huit au osn-s- nuent late t Iovuatlie usslrtakiug 0on tisaI accoîut-if fou no higlien amui better iotive-suieb as te desmrvo lise Syssssalhîy and lco-oporatieus of eus towus. people gessrally. iisursclay lest Mn. C. Nnn, of Toi-entoe, gave us exibiitioneus tise Lakeo iil]t Caplaisu BY, oysti'u almira ted swisuunuing' eppenatus. Them stlecr Slticlcluessa teok a nsmises' cf excursboists on board t ah Whithy, siortly afteteI o'clock, ansi ficm tlisanete camied lu Osisawva, i-ici- a large isusssber et' exciisineists aiea gai ou board. l.Vin about fi-i miles eut entshie Lake Ms-. Nur'so, in thie svimmieg sinisseanS equipped wivilH pssdui, 'sal, ans] carîset bag, juliipei ovenbcas'd nuSpertes-useS ail tise liaIs o! waikiug lu tisei-aber, cciliig, pacdil-1 ing, îatisug, drlnkiug, Smoking, anS ne-1 scuiîsg a ian trou dsoi-sing-usll in1 aa mos.t satisfaclory masiner. Hc rieiu. cd aiseel tinm.qtas'ters of!au eheurje thic i-duransi desirîd la rneain ouI motl tise boat'si-durne ho Wiiîy, after pnttiug titi Osawa cxcerslenist asione, A fog prîvuiling nt tise lime, lie wes,c hovvîs, nt the suggestion ofcfCplain t Jackson, visa fias-eS thoe migisl be soie ifficlly in flmiug liihe inu uvimmîs-, induscesi to gît cenhc-d ced conclude tisa performance. ievas asivertised ho makce netior trip lu lii evcnissg, but vas preventea by thie fog1 ansi rein. Tic steamer is veny comme- Siens anai ieh appointeS t'enlihe cosufont ef exeunsgienisîs. ARRSusO F ïA DEAD-515T Tscuc'.- Fnlday moring 'lasI cliii! constable Brycu recel-id a tîegrasu fresu Bey- menville wihrsan as folci-, : I"An-E i-eut a ian, 'five fooet cigil incises in helght, agit! aboutlbiry, atemt build, des-k complexion ans! Sain, hcavy black moustachu, clark ceaI, dirtysatcise. strappeil on back; he elele surgical im- phîmeultiut! eut weal lest eorcnin, hiss oeosby tsi naie et Dr. Cueuing.J bas»," 'Slsoniy attes-vards lise consta." hie "p#potod" liii ian, euS findieg biset lueani-oreS lie telegraphia dsc..j eription boock hlm into onstedy.1 ReH is vas hnomgislbitoer li-lusun anSne- nimend, ansi tise antehieIB *- nianvilli bilegnapisesi b. Mr. 'Coicmu, coustable lbt thât place, asriveS flutliiF aftcs-nioon, feund bthatiche'-igisI man hia& hein'gaboded h ook,'iim off te Ater- oram rfriens 1 f apoosa lie lie," anS tisat onceacerîainei, Se vas taken charge cf by tic inetirnuofttic ho- cality. .By tiemhis romains vmeSe;ecônt. iy anS ienorabiy min-irrd. Tiýe dc- tor's hrnnkhbcd hen forwcsdeS fro'. San Francisco, but on arrival il vas feueS le isave bien broken open anS rifleS-lie oniy due te hie idenlily ho- ing a warrant issuid iy tie Court o! Ciusncery, lu a suit teui-hicShie vas c party, cud tb wbichlise naeiof Mn. Weller, o! Cobourg, vas attaclicd.-Mr. Welien vas cousmueicated i siil, anS lie lu teuacommueicate vwihsJuige Dartudil, oet is hown, i-ho gavi lic mmilanchîely information te poon *AI- frie' relatives. Dr. MoBrien 'vas a youug ian o! soine fcsn-and-thirty, lie vas tahentîd ced cliver, andi bcd ce- qeinis] a large praclice lu bis prefessioni, et Nevtonvle, visceehaie sidct! bafore leaviug for Califorula. lb vat lie i-ho man egainet Hou. E. B. Wood Ihîrci yoare ago t'onthe neprcsentatien eof West Durham, anS maie sncb a geai rinn a epranouced nîfeni constitu- sncy ender veny adverse stincummstcn- ce. Mn. McBaiin's firet introduction to business vas lu luis office, viene hi vis an apprnutice lu 1858. Gettlisg tiriS cf tise'"stick"lie tbokep tise scusupel ansi speedihy astailishîd uns- self le a lucrative practici as! a meSicai use. Ho vas brolier le Mn. Jam2es lcBrimu, Counly Inspecter cf Publie Scisooli, anS te Dr. Meulnien, cf Escatuination o! Teechers. LST OF CUCCESSFUL APi'uICÀuc'iS. At thie oaulsiation, noticil lasI îveek, ansi concludei _in lic Higis Sehool, Whsitisy, eus Wedoociay lasI, all he ex. atuiners vire prisent. Tics-i i-re oui heuntimeS anS twenîy-niise applicauts- mos-e thsn I-ici tic numbe n uamy for. mer' year.-Fourtiou, eont cf luirly. eiglit i-li applied for second olces cen- Ilficatis, failoS lu ohtaiulng cee haift'he marks lu Gramma ndausiAnitimctic. Tie reîaiuing tventy-'oms-acquittcd timiel-es very enedilably-Ihirteen isaving bakin Grade A. Allogetîser lia ixamuutionthue uniS- suminmn Sas immu lie meel suciseful yct lieud befone the beard. Tiihe liev- ing le a hich eof bbc successful canidi- Sales:. Il 5JL&IS-GRUI Â>lA. Armstrong, Mary; BeaU, Laura; liciter, Sopiuia; Ramsay, Mary; Green, Thituas, S.; Lamonian, Wilmot ; Leon- ans], William, H.; MeKay, Donahd ; Riohinson, Edi-ard; Selden, Richard; Sceiny, John ; Slates', Joseph; Young, Jamnes. Il CL.15-55A>E B. Jessej,, AssimIla; MePiail, Sarah; Suyth, Mfangrel; Temluson, Susan; Camerne, Alexander; Hagan, Tisonas; MIeLecu, Aticu ; Lake, Heury; MeAn- tee, James; Pas-k, Henry, C.; suli, James, C. Tic follovîmsg candidates isaviug fabl- eS lu secondusi e ie ai-arduS thirsi las coniflctîs-; ,Bunkioldîr, Annia : McPherson, lingiena; Plillips, ,'Semia; Smith, Esates-; Smith, Rlcu; Tienne, Namcy; lieue, Husirci-;. Pugis, Pnica ; Park, Johun Henry; .Ricicnison, 'Engoe; Umpircy, Robent. Cerreli, RaIe; Gruudy, 'Sadie Anu; Lukle, Serai ; MadSen, Meggie, H.; Paels-on, CicnIssa; Taylor, Carrie; Baldin, George F.; Browis, James; Clegisore, Anthur; MaGillivney,Ciarlis F.; Pollen, A. H. ; Raheliffe, Thomas; Smith, -'Louis; 'Young, DaviS; Mue- tard, James, (unçher cge.) Alexaneur, .Isebelie;- Agar-, Mas-y; Bs-ove, Mary Atm; Bell,Emua; Dale, ténnie; Hasoey, Mas-y Anlo; MeRu-K le, Barbas-a; Mowbray, Emolene; bladdn, Ida; Peliner, -Ada; Swan, Marr6-t; Scndei-s, J-âne; Tiieompeon, Neis; Tisoupson, Saide< V.;, William- son, Amu;Williamsen, Hlattie; Bing. biai. Hmgis; Clinisa, #nesierick; Ognui Sas, Edvcnd; 1H1endersen, 'William; Fockyîar, Charhes; Lewis, 'Tisasisius'; Major, John &S;';McCartiy, Tisonnas;ý Boeu, W. H.; isen, Johnu J.;,Sao-n by, iîI Stilwell, Bonbon; Scott, Join; Webster, Henry. 'in CMÂ55-70R.E C. Boisten, EiSa Gi-ce; Camicisesi, -Mary;, Ciepmun,AÀdiu; Glindanuing, Kate;H usqe , Briigeî B. M. ; Huasey, Eizabethî- nAaan.A....it- V nearly thse maximum oubjects. -lu thc Th lu eqnchly goosi-bli $a'king the leasi with eof Newmarkét.'Nol thb ist izdnaon, il Tey owv proer lisîs sd very vehi Tistinctoniv phefUirsitylnd em ciefdtiond' bbclko t Unlvîrsty eaordablons eansi sic'opeke'teir rùfecd tâthee tw pre oper lime, salie!thal thvey May net pinhaps ha knownte, iseg iraI publi liaI lhi-in rer te obtalu. Seccnd.clcsa cerblficatetGrade A, cand dates musetcitain nol !' only bve-fIlrff of tic aggregabe marks, *but two.týirî aise lu oaci cf tise subjocta, Arithinel ansl Gramm"r. Iu vie oL-tiaase tise suceess cf onycung frlends mui ho as gnatityiug la themselves aned 1] public qs Il is cneditahie ta lic schio frcm visicis hey cerne. We bave not lic aigilesI deubt li bisese intereshing facao çii ccmmesi tiemseives to lie public, for wbcm '% write. It vould hi easy ta pointti moral as ta tic mecning ansi wortht real iducaticu, tihi tesirahility cf ci girls bcbng placed witisin bic neacisofcf andi of oitining certificetes cf sciclai sliip wici ould put liii lu c positi taecarn thir daily ircai, »'if neet b. ansi te finsi aceeptaece fron tise educal ed viscrever tiey mugit go. But ti le quite unneeesscry, thc facts spen: ho seek. Bibi- ve gielicemamea!flise cu, Sidateu i-be have bien amoceseflul ir ohlaieiusg admission istote aRigi Scisool. The examination vas haiS or tic ils anS Otis o! June hast ais lastasi for twc Scys, beling (axcepl ir rmciin,> vi oily on paper. It is vi'l 10 seut! hc public liaI thsse oxamir. ciions cocer buttwice lu tise yecr. lhi candidates te hi succesful muet chIain lic liait' of tise cggrmgate numben cJ marks a! ail tise subjecîs ansiticeue. third iu eacciî It is uunecessary te sey tisat iany failedt! tepaso. George Carlin, wuitiyale, Pic'cenlng. Herber Cole, Uppen Canada Colîgo. Mdiuou Gonsige, Wlrdeon, Nova Seebia. Fred Hadsigon, linookihu Outanua. George Hustau, Hsury.st. meiool, Wbstlby Wmn. H. Ros, Sebornberg, Ontario. Esivard West, London, Oulain. Win. Woliendcn, Hsnry.st. mimdo, Whilby. Bissie Andersonu, Florence Colc, Ps-vale esel, Tarento. Jane A. Cormack,1 Kctiî Cron, Eliza Eppes Eiza Johstn, Annui Lavnie, Annie Anderson,- AgneMiler, 1 Mina Robson, 1 Ileuny-st. sîlioul, Whtby. Pickeing, Ontario. Pnrivale scisool, Montreal. ST. JOHN THSE AnsuONssisPaisasss"oss -Attse negular Ascîîhly o! tise bove Pnecephomy, hl in tic Templar's hall, Whiitby, ou Meniay mvîning lasI, lie felloviug officers vire installeS lu office t'on lie presmnl Mascunie yecr, by Pauf Emineul Precaplor, Sir Knugit G. Hl. Sir isuigsst Y. Gîbsosi, iiuut Ps'ieepoc, (.H.Dartel.Pcet Il D. DBette, Constablec. C. A. Jone, Mareisal. J. Stanton, iExpert. J. B3. BicIscis, Chaplain. J. H. Adslsn, Regstrar. - IL Oflonevan, Trcasuusir. Gl. Hopkins, set Hemali. T. Huston, 2nd ' C. intg, ut Sic'nuarduisarer F. Nuise, 211 .I l-- , T. Dcu'enil, Capi. oeSthe Lsne@;t JT. King, Almaner. W'" 5. Caiveniey, Equmr'. LIsusss WANTED AT THIE RAILi-AT CcPOSsINcs-Tiscrc le no part o!flise loi-n visîni clcmup S se0mci seeiccl as AI tic Wlîitby & Port Penny Ralway eosiug, ou Dundas street. People getting on anS off huore ou Sas-k nigisis, oncounter tie isis et breken bonis anS of bcing run ovin iby paseieg veîlicica. Ins vît veatien tie iecalit y le in a siockieg uidy mess. Tic prisent ïs juet thie rigit linse fa, affeel buis neesful iupnoemînt. Tise Watson Dequst. At a spocial rmeeting ,o! tic Town Councit ou Mooscly cvessinug il vas de- cidesi la prosecutethie' suit in Ibis matten. Tise unlucky b9quesl is iikcly teha tise subject o! long légal conten- tion, anS lie viscie eshahe (as ltbhas heein g'ood part-h auneady) cennup vils haw coos. RYXOVÂL Or THSE DasunsexoN BAN.- Tii agency o! tisa Domninion Bank bau benuremovesi tus veek inla lie -banS- soie nev building lateiy enictet!, corner et' BrocS anti Dundas etreutle. Tic building is eceedingiy uveli flnisimii, is 60x25, and fosir.slos-icue imhigit, lu. luiing tise baement. Tisebcnk offices cri spucions' aussilofty, witb ceiliugs fifleen feet isigis, acd spienSidly fîtesi upi, TSi tirdstuory busebainrentet! as law officem, buithie topfilt'fon tise occupation cf tic clerku. AA AÂNCED COUPLEzDcov.ussuu&T THE FÂsI.n.-Meunday aflernoion ahX cilizens of Niagara visiteS tiseCave et Wiudîs vithout a guide, as tisey bcd tnequonlly doué e hfe'e. Aftis passlng' througis liecave, tIvofet hL Party, Mi-. Eîboîbîrt Pansons, agea t, vnynn yul-sanut Miss Lothie C. PhllpelI, eget! tvenhy-flve yecre, descen deS toan eSSy, visici 5s neyver visiteaeui by the guides. -Thi lady lost 5cr feethald anS Wa, caUgit b b. hegent1.ipan, but ltse cnreuh carrieS bols oft]bflmu inte tii river hoiow, vie-e tief"wori .Incvned. Tisuy viwesoon to e h marrieSl. ST-. ANRnuaxvs eCROR.-We are ne- 'quilled te state-liat then'Bevd K. MIe- Letrollesi round bthe '_mne dnri-ving their lady fiends round lu buggies*. flefore 7 o'cleck the -grenade were "sain eccûpiei, wben bthe citizens, cern. rnittee sud representativea froni other tevns oeeupied c, platfornzi wbich had bin erîted andi deliveresi asidresoia, Çol. Deacon, Marahal of thec day, mnck- -ng the first speech andi introducleg btse , borchlight procession was formed lu - ie eveulug, cead there wcs aise a niaguificent display of lirîworks. Our Whitby boys speak in thehigheut termes cf the celebratie, ýualebcocf tic kinsi- noms cf. Captain' Dawes, thse owner cf tie "1Ogamak," and the . officers of the Whitby & P. P. Hailway Company. SAn )DEAýTn ov- Da. ALs'zw hMe- Bin-Ui.-We -are very mucii grieved te learu cof the unti*ely deauth cf Dr. Ai. fred MecBrien, which took place at Ccli- fornia morne wceks ago. The facta ne- lating te the sasi avent WC-t e miuni. cated liera a fcw*clays ago efter thc fol- lowiug remrnaiable mauner. He had gene te Btedwced City, 00 cosnpitely ex- fiaustesi and overceme by bedily and mental prostration tiat lie expixid-after a few daye lu iospital-being uuCon. scions dnring the tinse and neable te communicate lxis wishes te these around hlm. Enougi was icarubsi, hewever, by smre Masous present te mîke keown the tact that hi wee "a brother cf thc mye. parties rmsblng inte tise intieg grounds Montneci, Auguet .-Tise O'Conneii eg' ced sccrnug cway lie Buffaloe befone lise Cenhinniai procosien pasqitl off quietly cen grea I atta k co nit! hi m ade-up n them . o-day. The ec rations erc bceIfulhy eag They vire fluet! anS liberatas!. This arrangeS, particuiarlyso in 8t.Paîniek ag sous la ha lise origin anS citent cf lise Churci. The servie.ecceupied thnme i ailegedît! !sbnce inthie Norhi-vesî. heurs,. and aftcr Il,.,procession bcdanlsr Tie Indians ara dissatisiesi laIa made thein marci speechea vos-c given l treety bas.nol bean madeSivilsthem, in tic' Unionu-Roeseby lise AtngR i but s tops have hein teken'hy lise Do. Meyor, Alderman Josepis Duhaàmelandinr minion Govirumont te assure thum tisaI MBass-s Devln, Curran, andi aio Mn. go: a lnocty viii ho madie isct sesen. J. C. Gougi, et New- Brunswick. A Ceuon ý FMEALs POU TRE- EEsCsEzc Kingsten, Augnet'6.ý-Tisc procesan T BrokluStpe-oer vlto-day vas a gneat suýccss . Tise Ring- h JUcv.-TheBokiî ua os oestan seelaties, v.ihs liscc bande anSéii $1,502 75 tor mils for the scandai chigant bannîr e vre jeinîdl by lise the juos 'Belleville 8ne c 'f S. Patrick> anS tiseOn Watertavn, N. Y., Knigisef St. Pal-ofc A~~~~~~~~~ i-us AaxD lsa' e.sik achPcarty 'bcingcocompauled 'B hycîcursion cowds. Aflîr c' parade vos1 samoic Wilt! Cherry.l is âly ea ]aisem». of lie principal abs-iota a mas.. meeting 110: 4I0 eontes tise ballanilo niele (f vas isedj tise City Park, et whieh - ife the Wild Cmnv uSeme iopeîWteïai adidreames wîiuaà 'iv.>P. 'T,.zet,-i hall-ef tise Cooper Iv 0'Ccnuei Cintenun occasion 'f tIls i imeil.8 sys 'Tie G.rand S ecretany, . B . ding,' f e elOcc theapposintai our. -'Âe lnue at BranIfort, 48usuci Presa ita montoa rt h a "oniMekulcn Square, idberahlp 'te be 10,198;., &.-number of (C01169 Gi-écn, peut 'tbe' City Hall, np ,6 lodges 14L. Tise amûount paldtfor bine- Cank HMI, tisiongis Thomas anS ama's et lils fon lise yeer, 817.857., iielpît s ti-tâ, Sbipise's Lane, âeng tise qucys, we ubrdincte losis, 091,481. Invistesi thi-ougi (apelostreet, 1Dorset.sti-eet, anS âofor bbce Widovu' and Qrpieuu' fana, Ûoener's Bey, hoalis, site oetftienation- hi048,667. Invmbosi for tise generalisusi, al monument te 0'Connell on Sackvlle II0128,185. Total,- $166,882. Valuebie mInet. The route vas five miles lu It statisîiclectabies, ced important inter- lenglh, andliseý procession exted n. niotion for cliOdfeliows, vire fuliy over tic entiue distance, 'It is estimaI- e givisiby the Grant! eicrery.' . edtbstthere-venu neanly fonty lieu-1 Temeeting' d!isposée f 'a large sand peiople lu tic lisse. Tise bouses amout ef butiness turing ie lunre asid sidevclkse long lie roule vis-ci dstays' session euS elosea!by bise élection craosi v itis dense masses cfsecte- es ofet iifolloving officirs for lie cenuing tors. Tics-i vas groat elle 'ong astisei tic Year :-Bro. H. . Buttesy. of Lndon, rocessioni macheS past O'onnell's Grand Me.lei-: Bre. J. -T. Heruibronsi, bouse anSthe City tHall, vbei-itic il, ef Toronto, Dapnty GraIna Mater ; greal libenater delivînît! us iret onction lot Bi-o. - Joisnçten, et Godoe-,irGrnda ut lie Union. The members cf le Senior Wanden ; Bro. PesI Grand Mon. tyie iiu Amnesty Association mas-ci- ot er Dr. Gao. Wright, o! Toronte, Gr-ansi id vlis a banncr aIt tcir hbcs hng Reps. te G. L., U. S. Tise Grand Reps. vili olsains. T ýbirin fas vre drapeS to tise G. L., U. S., ho ehiéld eit Iu- withs rape, eut! otier emblinis et'1 et dianapolis Inidiana, lu Sîptemiser are- mourning viee dispîeyesi. Tiseir ap- id Encanipmenî, J. H. Pe&nyWbiîby, garance abinaclei général attention, we So., J. Gibsdis, SI-altos-s. Ga sLosige, ut bise démonstration causesi no dis- se J. Bar-r, Hamilton, do., Dr. Wrighst, ondes-. Dnning tisa progress et' tic,pro- Torente. cession Dr. Isac Bet cmandoCher Homeci of Tis e ixt annuel meeting cf Grand Ruie members cf Parliametst mancheSl un Losige viilbh inluSt. Cathsarines, on vitîs tic Association, Iu ScckvihIe-st.,E t, Srd Auguet, 1876. as tise divisiens cfthe procesion viti Lr- bauds piayiug arrieancd utlok up heir1 Du Tais STEAm Tua 'NiCAGÂt.'-This LinaIposliioe, the sesue vas grand andSteir- ,-essg. Long befone ciils ad arrivesi tic e,9 11111e steamcr bas hina punciasîd for commémoratien cînmonies began ait tise i. lia use of the herbes-, for toviug ves- site o! thse monument. Lord O'Haganj, les sehs lu anS ont cf port. Wenîed scoes.cc hîo vas to have deliversi tise onction8 ofthi day, vas nobe t a cpee ik I BA tht ths wll e o gre s anS. dtise Lord Mayor o! Dublin came or agi b vessels trading ont o! Port Whit foau dh ed1 otcasnbe by, as liey eau nov, etaI tiiug ex. multitude. Tic moment lue appearesi a. pense, be breeghtit I part, cnd takîn tien vwas greal uproar ansi cenuseion. cn ul again, ne matter vîsicisvay the The Fenian Amnesty men bcd moved n ' up l tiste front efthtue 'puahferm, ansd as eh vins]May hlow. e r vhsat ni'y be thi thse Lord MayoS began te cpeak, thsy >n stati cf tise veather. It isnutalepct. shookthie ciains cîtaelsedt! theIn ,d cd liaI lie brade ont Cf Withy vilubé banner iu bis fade, anS drowued iso nsufficieut, at last for soma tume ho voiiOvihsbiuleet' " No- Whiggiry 1" ~ cci, ay iseexpaseshi f - Loua ansd long continueS cries for Dr. bu oe tptheep sso ecpseg c ButI. Tic Mayor made c second aI- tug; su ndirectly sIit ilb fgnealtutmpt ho neasi the speech, but finding il adi-cutagi ho the harbar te havei t * osihîe 1te ake uinssufuuuard, vit-lS- t kuovu tisaI a tug Whi hi aiways'lourd MP [n lu rosairese te asist vesemî in sîrescf ho iisfrom tise pialform, ced proeeîed aî tu a e scamiago uSer lise protection cfa ,fwahransi Othervise asmcy hiec-tic police. Dr. Bull, lu respouse te 0- g is r uqit fmcyo orcii epecled colle, came forvard anSdsuade At zesCeI Seqetrf bas antîfo i ti-eacspececi, seviiwiug tise camiron f O'. 'Y eus Cat. outr bs cnseteato iveCenucil, anS thankiug thi people forF shocrt pleasune ixeursious on thie Lake tiseir pnaiscvcrtîy consinet îuring tise ivmry 'fuesiay, Tiursday,aniSur Hcvs eleniuilicy dandi Stt iicay.H a motetustily cayfliruoous-lleise o! wi-ehecame cieneS. Speeches vine cio mciii iy off on Tuessiay aflornoon lasI. TiseMn. O'Cennor Pover, member c! Par-7 steamer is tastefuily fillîsi np andi ce,- cnen fraao o n d eSMn Sel- mmd vils flue cannase cveing vhiis ivan, mîsher for Leetis. Tic procieul. makîs tic trip on hoard vory onjoyable ings vere brought tala cloise, ansi the anS pleasant. Wecocu coefideuhly iast assemblage pecefeUy disperses]. asserl frasu pereonal experiecc, thiat itictheexceptico! lfseé sceuc lu front moviscne eau c fcv lionne ha spont ho of the piatfanu. tisera vas nu serions bettes- asvantage for recriation ced disteniance tisiougisont tise day. The ieaitb,licn on board the Steamer Niag.ý sermon Slilvered by Dr. Croki yester. 'bc ara on tisi bine waters o! Lake Ontario. r!ay enhei admireS for its cloqeence ; in To us felo dtiznshisueu an cibut itinlesiarpiy criticisel by LiraI to ve vonid eay-Try il for onceý The Catisolice for iirawing a uiv Ultrarnon. û Steameir liai-es the dock ut 2, 8, 4 cenI' tane liue, visicis virtually ixcindes Lib- rn 5 o'ciock cvery 'I'uesday, Tisureday ans]caed rn tcG0nc.Ts'Dhl 1. Sctnrday afterneone. Ertra excursions Mail saysini parts af lie discourse ý% every Scterdcy evening. vas rievoted tae cCienci, ani eue te fi a-Complainte against the Misland Rail. Thei adnss o! Lors] O'Hagau states i t vay. [0- tisaIO'Couneii'e biti vas- lu theaer as THsAsi CÂNNOT bEr 15'5 uNrtcEILSr. vion liii van for'- independeuce in lit - - Auerica. iroke ont, anS tise Aicnican Complainte are matie tisaIthie direct- succee'i unnliseur firsî hattîs at Lexing. to c rs eof tii Midilansi Railvay have brok- ton gave lifi te isationalities in thes daiSu worîd, and aniusate thtie efforts o! tic n en faili viti tic people o! Tiorais anS peoploe foreredons everyviseni. Tise Il se bavc iujuured thiceadit o! liaIteown emancipation triumph o! O'Connell vas ship. By an agrement vithitic Con- net for Irisi Catisalie alors, but aise 5, perchion, lic coespany agne ho pa for Prolttcmts. Tic grant! leeson ofi 'yOCennell's life vas lhe association o! rel 81,500 on thie firet of Jeiy, lu ecci year, civil aed seliglous liberty, ansi tisa snob iw ta mel tise Inhereet on ceupons Ma- liberty le net nîcescnily essociabîd e turinig eh tisatdate. -Letst .year tise witis ievlution, andsi laI mori- al ai-I Company broke faith, ceci &gain thUs' wcys priferable te pisysical force te use- Pa y ear; tisa recuit beiug tisat tise Counuil comphisis gréât politiesil nesuits. li lsas haS te naise "'tisevins]" te avoid Mr. O'Conor Power, lu ilts speech in Pa 1ev cuits hinecîcued on cviry cidc. Sackîville elmeet, afler tise dipartune cf wc TRÂvEL.-Partics goiug le Tornto bbc Mcyor, lun ifîniug ho Lord O'Hc. ch, fsoi bore eau travel vitls gredin ia---gan, declared 1h vas an issul te.ic 1 pedition by going te Oillia and] taking sucmory cf O'Couuîhl te invite a pin- vl lise Norticru Ihere, tian by MidlianS sionîr o! tic Govesnient te tic plat. nt( anS Nipissieg.!, Lut surmmîrthic con- fonsu on sucis an occasion. O'Counel i véniclles of tise public vas consisiermi, aboul! a b onoured as a nationaliet anS ps and clome connections vira made botS imancipalor of'Ireland. morulug anS eveniug, aI Woodvli. A grand banquetait h ici bbc Lord 1 Nov, isevever, tise dovu hrain gehe ta Maypr pnesidci, ves gi-en aItishe Ex- es bise junohicu about isaif an heur cftc- hihition Palace thie evoniug. The ps-o-col tii Nipiseing bcs lefI for Toronto, asd cecings vire marked by ne inciSent -e yeh hothsi-asiseciventise connections ai cf interest utltise nîgular toast, tise Kl tic Junetion. If the formgoiug is met Legisîlive Indéîpendaceet' Irehand an, an evicleece o! tise entire indiffereuce vas riccies]. Thsis tise mayon au- ou lic part eof Mn. Hugîl for tîhe cou- nueîs, anS calhîsi on Charles Gaven vînienos of the travelling public, vi do Defly te respousi. Mr. D<sffy, ounus-- moI kuci- viat in. Se scys a corres-ig, vas grectes i ivhi bemendoue Up- de' pondent of anonîîern papcn. roux, andshsnntsfori huIt. For twenty col The ReporteS Troubles lu the Nomth- ondin. Th i Miyor ade nepeated at- West. temple ta 'gain calscaning, bel in vain, ai - ce~ad i-ceaIeS tLiichair. Dr. Bull tien c Boston, Augun4 6.--,The O'Connel mâeçtin'gat tse Muele Hall to.nigist ivaî oni of- tise'grandemt -demoustratioi oeu vitnsses inlu Iis ýCity ; ,thi im. mense buildings crovded 10o'ovenflov. ing, bundrassunable te gain 'admit. tanice, anti evan to bise'corridors. Tii bail vas .ý1cbcrately decoratesi. some 200 pereclis occupied lisestagi: TisaZE C3MDN-a'sKILLED AND EATEN Bv BEÂRs,-A isorrible. stery corne froni Ripon bov nsiip cn lia eppîn Gatineau o! Ilirce clisissis-nhvin bien killiS cud calcu by becre, a fev sicys age. Tht nicher cf tise cildrin Seul Ivo cf them; litIle boys, ont to gatiser sne Ce dar brashvits vics te make e broosu. *Tiey wvon absent s9 long liaI sic be. came auxions ansesat a tsi-S lithoe boy to look atter tiscu. -'Hi diS not neturs, and vien lueir fatien came home lhc startesi te lock for the-n suppoeiug tiens ta have gene celrcy.in tise voose. Hor rible b relate, be fount! viene tbey Isas bien aticèkes udsi Svaned by heans. Hi pieked np a foot cud oee Iansi of tise clsildnen ands] s'me' t1c cieing. Tic rest iad hein carniesi off iy tise savage inutes. Peddlens' L5'cen éý. To thse Edtor of fthe Whitby, Chronicel. DiisSic: le il possible 1i41 the liet of- Licenes Pedsiuers, fer Coun'ty Ontario, publishîî -lu youn piper les a complete oui? Four licenses for.liais large ceunby. Juslgiug frosu tise sumber of parties vise ccli Saily et oun sinon, of. ferng for sale ail l lda et' foneign man. efacluresi goosis, I siouid tîilnk luicî lie liat mugit hi muitipliad rnany tieses. la Ilîcne ne public presecelor te leok afler tîsese par'ties, or visose duty is il? Iai' 'Yeuns'-respcctfully, Pickerneg, Auguet Olis, 1875. The Execution et Wclkç. misE PEEPETnLATOR 0F 'mUcusisMSUsES sSANGED-ONE MORSE 0F A n3iD GAÂNG ort'NEOIOES SUDoscxc Ci TÂKEN OFF. Ussion Court Honse, Cbaniesîown, S. C., Ag 6, 18751. Alfred Walker, ene of tlîe mest ne,- lorlons of a gang of Sespenadeeos wlse iufested lise upper section o! tls' State fo tiiipast fic Yîears, Lwas isinge] at the Union Court Hlouse te-day for the nurdîr cf tise 1ev. J. C. Miller, an ous 'Iethoist îpreacise, nl April las.- Vaiker c few Scys cge confesseS tisaI se liai commiblei tva othm nur4es- one on ael11111ewiteligirl, visai 'li baS ileS' andi roshesi cf seveuty-five cielts, ani lise 'othmcaNortiseru peidier, vîsos eo kilieS le Sprelaurg ceent *. Tise merder fer wliici lieva bangesi s-day vas cemmitted lu deylsgxI upon apuhblie road. Hi mclt the'eliti, made-iim dlsmount, tien kueci, and thon sscI isim Seasiand roubeSii. The execistion vas wituessid bylciont 5,000 pensons, mostly negroes. Tise sundener, visa baS prcvionsi1y professeS sigion, vas escorteS tthle geileve Ëy >wo coloreS clergymen. After -reigiouns rercises, lenvisici lie jeinîd, Walkir sade a speeclh vithout aiIudiug ho Ibis ?articular crime, and saiSis penisis. sent vasjust. ReHievesi GoS lied ýardonîéI Uns, ansi Iopesi everyhody 'oniS meet hlm luniseaven. -He ltsoe îook bande vili lise Shenliffansi min- Iters, ansi' stood fini cend uninoveS hle tise noose vas esijusleS. A min. le aftervands lie drap fell and tic nurer, alter mlrnggiing tvo minutes, )asssi listoe tirnity. Tise gang le vhici Walker beleugîed 9believesi 10 be lie same Wlso murdîn. A a prominent nîpublican in Laurens ouuty, t'es- viici several- wvile citizîns ceri arresteJi ansi trIeS nhsue Ku ilui ssct. Ail liese have hein arreshesi id viii hi trieS. CosseuiceDRIL SFiED 1URNFD Dow,;. -Tise similished at Cohourg lias hen sstneyed hy fini e og vitsthlise.e outniinents of lie cavairy troop et' Tise jury lu lic case of'*John lD. Lie, cisangmul illi beiug thesilaci t Itise Meenlain Meadow tnassace, nîpcnhed tisaI lîey i-criunable te agiee, anS vers discisarged hy lie Court. I111e reporteS tisat tisey etees ine t'en ac- quittai and liiee1 oeeGentihe ansitii-o Mormotns, t'enconviction.. TItEAsuipRE icov'aus PROUe TisE "SCuIILLcu.'-A deepatai frosu Lon- D TIIr6F<s'TISEDA-isia NeVLIST.- Hlans"Cluiclian Andersen, poil anS noveish, due t Gopeubagasi, agesi 70 ymars. EXPLOSION 0F.AN Ait8SENL.-On Sat. urday uorig u explosion tob place at Bridesbung arsenal, Pc., AbeUl tveuty beys i-ire ujunresi, soie fataliy. PneOOG'nîOis 0FTisE ItIIPEdÂL PAR. LIÂMENT.-Tîm Impenici Panliament, accending toe ia al al Gazette, is 'le be prrogue nis uFiy. CONVERTED TO TISE CÂTROLIO HCncu. -Lady Fltira Hastieg, lie elsîest of tic hi-o Sasghîerse-o!flIse'lati Cotintess o! Lendotiu and cousin o!flthi Mas-quis et Bute, bac heein îceives inlutic Roman Cetlihl iueis iy Mgr. Capel. Site bias juil neachd liem tviety-finst, ycar. Lady Auna Sisenson, daugister o!thie ile Marquis o! Townshieui, has cisc recîoîiy hecomu a Catholic. BsscRIuTO, (ENGLÂNO,) RÂsEs.-In ltse races' eh Bni'gî,ton, -Eugcnd, mt pact, the principal contînt--'vas'for bise Brighton, cup, çsndvas i-on -iy Marc Stuart ;'Lonisza Victiasecond, anSa Kaiserthird Tise betthng aI lic sînrt, vas S te 2 against marc Stuart and- Raisin.y CARDINAL oCtOaSCExha. salleS ort'on la ssuif Dame.taniake thcectsslemcry visit cf Noin cernimony le the',Pope, anS acceii-fnoate o bite luis tille wiîî tise uit asing leb on v l i c i m s - c t i c i n s i gn i a o ! i e fi lg i s o ffi c e f ' o u l tisi Cathicîl iruis.,givn en NxvcpApRa OMnEz Buc"ip,.T theM'as W o d is t ac k B e ei e s s , o f c e w a c - s ie v u t i u renmve the skull iu the usal vs Ss u ndoig 50attempedt o'remov the bralsW, but il vswue ansavanes stage f deconposition. We exsnini I ' SUiro n d, a nd a saw idd se , foun sith e î8: it'va 8 im ossible to .slie inluhe nas s vay. We noil examinfed tise cisci t- T iere .* as n thing liae ie tha vo nl 0 àse dah. Tihert, I oties, wa -pale, vi imgit pcssbly'" have bei i prosiucesi by hemmonniage. We fousn isaIbbc muscles cf tise left side vir viry, badly breiesi. I conula net sa' b y viat.meane tic heurt camie t e hi r; hbat sîtet. Tiere vas a goot! suai - blosi andsi Bernnou tie- cest t t i rigit iSe. Tii muscles ven a pir fcty hecty condition.- We nct ex amined- thc abdomen, commining ifl thtie stemaci.* Tis eitinal appear tancecf tic stomaci andi bowîle vs r làialbiy. ln tact, tic latter vire h organes lsd seemesi tie:lect dcon. posîs. I niinvd le somach froir liahe body ying lb et iter extremity, ,ansi laid ilbiy ilself. I next examineà lie he iver, 'se fan as an. examinaio i Coulsih' made, but il vas so fa . dca3- 'cda tiat it vas impossible te nemove it 1Thorc vas notiing'.unusual lu ils ai pearence. Tic spins vas aisoexixai c d, but decomposilion- baS set le. The doctor lien procieeditoestate lie con- dition lu whiciha e7founsi tic vomb: lise foliowing -being tise conclusion st vilcishi arivesi:-F1roex my profs. sieuci expenience andi froxu*tie nisuit oc thie excixiation f tic geital- organe, I siseulsi cousider liaI 'liera basi he:n pregncncy. Fros tise appearance ci bbe body 1 should jusige ta 'an ciscs tien iad taken place- ansi judgieg fret tie stae f tie iari tien luca prba- bility tisai death was tie resuit of viol- ece tie genital organ. EVIDENCE 0F THE CÂRPENTER TisÂT SMADE TEE BOX. Wilues, ris-I know tic p isenene. I eaw Davis on Sctucrday cf last viii on York street, near l3nulton street, at Burns' hotel. Heacskîd me if I conld go dowss tovu as3 lic andi another party vanted to sec me. Ti occurnis bc- twcîn oni ansi tva o'clock. Mns. Da- vis vas lu a cab Onîsie vailieg for liii. I vas at vork for Mn. Bures, so I asked iim if I ceuli go off. Davis ands bis vite vint on ln a cci, and I followed on foot te Finnigan'a saleon on King street- Davis vas net tiene tint I 5ev hým shotliy afterwcnsis ai lise connor cf Bay slnde, vien lie béeckonid mi.te cois towards hlm. I %vent te hlm, ansi lie asicesime to cis dowu te bis bouse. -I vent vils iii and vîsen Igot theri ho ased me tc pnepane hlm soie stuifcof a certain lengli ansi brcadti, to hi mcadi Into s bot, as lie vanteS te, taka soe furn. ture int tise country.1He tliSme lise lenglih. Mn, Davis vas prisent. Site sisoees tie tise liiigtis tisaI sic requin. eS tise box to e hii a slrip cf clotis. Ths occurned lu tic firet rcem upstaire lu Davis' house. Tic bex 'vas six fef long anS about Ive fel vide. Afler iaving nîceived tise instructions I. vent home ansi prîpared tic lmber, rcady te hi put together. I took ilt teie bouse abouit six o'ciock. I ieft it inside ,the front dcbr, vils lie beip cf tisa exzpress ian. I ccv bic box nextini tise City Hall station on' Tnesday. I amn sure il vas tic scine box. 5cr. giant-Majer Stuart ansi Dîlective Re.- hurn vire prisent vien I saw it. Crossexcusined ' by Mn. Wcnmll- Tic door'was cicei vian I lîfItich bouse on Scott etreet, cfter depesiting tise lumber for lhc icx. I tiik tise box ltise samne. Mn. Edigar vstldr'sv tise charge againet tise vilness, ansi an crer vas given for is ilciarge. ievas bound ovin lu lus own recu'gnizances te appean as c vituces, luinte Oumuof $1.000. Tise ividenci concludeli cn Fniday, ansi tho prisonirs vire fully committed for trial on tise change cf bavlng mur- dieed bic deccasesi. Jane Vangiban Gil. )v 84:-Chio. Carleton for isieep Icliet! by aSd sige 6-66. ,'vus ncmes tei Ycur commsittaee ol eom eat tbatheOum of 80 o egrnued te ls na vestetu 'tovulue, tse muninality ef 33. Markham hxeving grnueS a like usin ild on tise sanie read; Kirk Beelby Cern; vas eut ist tise Sloer famsily b.o allowed 30n 81pervweek from Ist June to 8lt Dea.- id nuit. Mitd yonr commltlec. veul! ri- ne IIa c met ist no e amonay ha grant. yet! ou any road irng bise rouinodr et in bise ar. .f Al fvw-iisieis respechfullysnbmitted. ho S. J. Green, Ciseirmnic. r- Mr. Broiyn gives netice biset hi viii, t- et -tise ni -meeing cf tbc couneil, it mcfve fornleâve te introduce a by.law teo, br- appoint a collecter of rates- for bise ysar' ffs 1875, vhcse duty it s'hall be ho colleet he lu adilion te ill cher rates, ail scisool n- brustees' rates fric et charge te bisa sec- n lions, provlsiug application is madi te- Y, bieclcerk ou or hefone bise Ausinniet- d lug. nMr. Naenab introducti e by-lav w-viics vas read tsnac several limes ansi t. 'passed, tb auhcrisi tise corporation of' p- Pickening te have: free ingrecs cn! og. L- rosse trongislot'No. 25,.ilu bi,8h con. .e cf tis aid tevnRhip cof Pickering, fer' n. tise pnrpoecf obhaluing. grevel fnem b:tse saisi icI-No 25. at Mn. Marnai movas tisai tbc Beove 8- drcvon tisa- Incasurer cf tic Province if of-Onîcnio, for tse sun cf fourhensana Is, one bundre! dollars <84,100,1) vork eu isaving 1;éen penfonmed fe that axicunt, Of iu ccosdance ilS tie y-lcv eltig T- to disposai of tse Municipal Fan! m mcncy.. Mn. Mccnuih inbrcduced a by-'lav vic vas nead trie sèveral bises andi passiS, ic cssess tse tew-nship cf' Pick. e nng fortise purpesé cf ralelng funss for tise 'inprov!ement of m-ades and bridges and ocher Incidentai expenses Of lia corporation for bic presenf ycsr. 5 On motion .the Couxîcil stands cd- it journasi uuti"-hursday, - tise l9ts cf la day of Anguui ncxt. MMistby Tovnship Council.- Ir BrooirlinAugust 2, 1875. Cotnceil met persuant tca adjourument. Ail tic mimions prisent; Bieve lumlthe chair. Minutes- cf 'tic Icet- meeting rea sut! apps'oved. Tise Reeve, pre- Rentei andi nea tise -pétition of Mys.. ýeMaryAsn Gibbs, indigent, prayiDng1ties counil te pv er rnt;'cso tie apli- ie cation of tic Tm suteps f Union: Secuol, -Section Nc. i vîth Pickering for cuti.. oritiv te bcnrow 01.140 te pay for tse n eecion of a scisol bouse. Tise follovieg account vers or-lire! be h pai-to J. W. Dunnit, ouc- count cf rocS job,' $50; Wm.*Hoar. rocS e job, 15; W m. Pirie,' epairieg scraper, $2.50; Jas. Cutîcli, priutieg,- $829.50 ; M. McTaggart,' ms'ey adivanced -10 Asiigus & Duncan, buildinig.cnlves-t, #1W, J.e B'ni, vo-k o omades, 019.75; J.Blckle, gonds furnisses i vldc *&ooper, indipont,,$28,30; Dr. R-Wgrrsn, medical citendance on indigente, $10.50;. tice state of tise lots S. H. Cochrane, e logal aivic, $10 ; G. Frankisi, vork eon roass, $4.50; B. T. Harrison, on sclcry, $50. Tic folioving ondies grantesi by tise Riave vire aise con- firmed.-to Robent Augus, building cul-- vert, $70 ; R. J. Harrison, on sala-y,, $55; A. T. Turni, Inmurancc faeconý Drill Shed and Tovu Hall,, $2.30.' Ou motion of B. F. Campbell, second., cd by Mr-. Suisl,, c by-lav vas- intro. duceS andi passeS, te appoint >J. W. Palmer Collector fcortise, prisent year. On motion cf J. L.. Smith, secondeS by Mn. Hlli!ey, reselveti, thait Messs. Hislop -anS Crawvford'bei commIises b t do vist tiby dees» expedient lu' covcrn e ccuýlvert cnd! grading bic bul belvecu lots Nos. 22 and 28, 8nd cen., ansi nipertobise council, cio ho expend $5 on lmnpnovleg. tic bih senti of bic oit! seooo bouse ou 4h con.' On motion of Mn. Campbell, seconded- by D. HoliSay, a by.lev vwas intqluoc ot andi passed, granting autsonihy te bic Trustees cf Union Sciseol Section Ne. 1. vils Pickeing te bcrrov $1.140 te pay fcr thec miction e! c school bouse.-1 On motion of B. F. Campbell, second- id by Mn.- Hollidcy, niscivei, TisaItich Reeve hi ant! iisshersby'culionizid te employ a le-cl utbenty to notify bbe Grant! Tru'nk Railvay Comipany to make a propîr crcssing ovin ticir rocS on sude line hehveen lots Nos. 82 'ansi 88, lot con.; aiso» tisaitiseé eeva be iereby sutienlze toecxpcnd tise susu of ten-Sellars ovres ansi ahove tise connsset cnie iScne'helvecenlots lNcs. 82 and 816t sIcon. On motion f D. Holliday, econdeS by Mr. IMcTaggr, a by. - ««vs I-4 ý-i Tise Montairr Meadow Massacre. DttO'sNkc.-MiSS Murray, o! Mionti.e. 1anti a young sou O! Ite'. hr. XVil- en, o! Kiugston, i-ire drowuid ah 'oue, Quebie, ou MeuLinay puli. Two %bunene, oui by dnewvning anSthe bher isy sa low from a iindu isaudhe, et liseir lsves ycslerdcy cI Quebec. Tise. steward cf tiese iip, Trafalgar, issg at Qnebec, committei suicidc by 7lkîug ovenhoari, sfter reaiing soie etIers brouglîlise tm rou tise Post A voman lu Beaciville, namei. Mar- nret Stiuscu, poisonusi herseif vihli 'ans grie yesterday. A Miss Tosisi, fSeuthampton, vas drowued i-hile alhiug ini the Saugmen yîstoriay. A truer o! Miltont, nucuec George Me-, e, wcs killsi lie came daya by bis Orsis rnnning avcy. Ah T!oronto, on Mondeay s.nrniug,tIse flu iiý nelluhe 48n5yar a! huer age, fargarel, ns-loct o! tsi lali J'ames Steek, Sd eldeet dcugite5 of Jo hn Shca, Esq. se deccased lady.,vswube t * ys. ater Sisea, formely lthe este smeS. iest etof Oshawa anS WhiLy. EI.OI'EMENT EXTsîÂoenrcis.-A&td. mcmz treni Huntington, L. IL, seys, usiderahlc oxclteucu I las heen creaI- 1byhe elopesueut cf Mns. Flechler, md 55, vite of a ve5-y vesltiy fariner, ish Tisss. Leahsy, agiS 24, us receut rival frons h-chuS, i-lie vrbe] an letciir'u fanm as a, labourer. Tie ilty pair have taken8.,000 et'f rletcS. s% mneyanS anc supposaS o 10i&v4 )ne ta Ciiiccgo. à. Nscv JOUisiAeucSnC VENTURE.-A 5w ventueailuEngliai jounlieuz is he Obituary, a montmary recors]. ils lo- prcmises 4"net'cnly -to ciucunee îsorrov, but le ced li, e c'grief." et'f ils futures vili be iliutiationso uelebratid tomba.. SAiIILTON' RIFLEI A1ISOCSÂTIOb'Vi, RîôUS.ýe 4 iHauilten R~ sci. n van a vios-ver-, i. 'l...5 of bc Chîine lipset over lu Te bury, à andoe Tenu; S servis ershb3 R' iso' Coasof tion, 1 218t,~ TMs Honus anient ex-Go' deali Upon Sou, Coums berday unanir btse P& CE-î- -Coxxs- depied Tuèssis opinet! scisool, GolSwl BRE: inei.,tE - Fit Wh S-sng'1 Peus. Black Ej Its .... Hcy .... patatoes Eggs.... Butter.. 'Cog ei -'Woodt.. . Pork, pex Olsiekens Ibucks pe Turkcys, -Apples, I Cherries, this pepe S os- milkr. Epps's '. Tisneasine Wcrks foi read and I direct an lîfaicuwu pat froue trouble w! ing tDr. ' Phosphate and iteadi: btse worlk eccîs. c t r y y el et tc w ti se se m JE Pl

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