Whitby Chronicle, 12 Aug 1875, p. 1

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-'""~4J~mair, XoMJchu, IMAM H E*> OP1 O %K ., ifET. G942W TRUNIRAflsW T Z 2-year oli entire Colt. 4 's ,~ Fi ly 4 8' & IEE~ éATEG, T14S C~opaUan auw B uaihfnq AT WKBiTsy DAIX. l-year old entie Colt, 4 8 mÀ1iS SATTOMM tS SO. y 4ihnbrph*é~sý, hol an hiiWK O'1EIL .PROPMIETOB. "fi >1117 4 8 - ioe ï£" 0TidhET 4h. BolL. LOSES Hrse Colt of 185... 4 8 an to -ý ;A = âý CmpnyinCaad. P rut«alelfng thezinsd es borm MIlY "4 8 'W - L. FGBB, A IR A KZn, J . O MC LOBE ÂSWEL.L L OTEL, Slaran Floei . 648 CouyConAtre.'48 M.DKlayaeog Mtezdo1;, hio Cmpony; 13iOORLIx, OT -yarol ntre . î4 -8 T 6à L ' * Lr'* TPATr£;t:L: 11V 4- e0tnsveLuber diio or.Smith "M.*freoto .CHARLES C.-KELE, o,'tFn bvau Opmedincco.MyXD8STI id.Hr ol f6854 8 A'ZORThéTLÂW Buozoî i m2tedwonId inalm tthe of4h. ae Homss'20 10 Sa' mn.~c.onLn~ LU M B E R VA RD 40M hS1tted, AbOma pêAttroeluab Single HorSeminharniess 106 AdJbl4~h i> ~ o~aut Pdun moadO' heramfSaddle......U ~Y~K EGLStL,. e, b ENEÂLWtEPOES LYA F0b8,II ol, lugea adé n1eestock oI Lumber pus I rtai. n u'aa T>ABVSTEUATLAW, SOLICroIN ct i M dformue"Ih' ml.a ietuLL- 1Jor4h. WNk ........... 4.ll.çbanry, Couvey-amce, hc.,hc. Sira- PioUmm"chseAu k",bias t _________________-&are and FoaL .4 8 Oubwm GO.OOMAK.~ UEN' ~8-year old entire Colt.48 <~,YUNQIXIIILL.B.,wbitby, May 2w, 1878. 22Clt. B I M, ATOMý-AT LW"(LATz commEcLuL,) .2.year aid entire Cl.48 B 0Uierlu ohmncasud Imnuevei fi fRSAEBocmxr, 5 i lMy 4 8 Bok rc teeý Whitb yOntario. X- -1-year old entiie Colt. 4 8 yTAILOB & MçCAZiN, PROPRIETORS. ' " Piuy 4 8 Thst wel.known brin, IdU, Brdl con. cf A. G. MOeMiLliAP, - Whtby, known an The nnderagu.dmire $0 tIjlnfertheir Horse Colt of 1875 ...4 8 (Lgýo0 1 eenwod, &MéMinn.) ARMýfriend and the ebll tht thy hav tke Puly 8 l <L~ Geuwo- MMlln> THE DONALDSON F the, bove eni mU tsi, vhlch th.y Pair -Gencra ups BRSE ATTORNEY, SOLIO:. ~have n Altt.4 nup nr orce4 O1 fc-1ynS et, South 01 Pont Offic, N la- 50cu' c <f ,~ tiôoquedtu. The Bar, whlch fa 4h. hîni. Whtbî, Ontario. cbareZd*Oxg U tbnilng, and ultable éomest In the COUDty, lu wonl upell<I w t DEAU........... E...E. oieanlrd orchaz of 8 *ores in exttbe fineit brandi c w0 e T0N G. ROBINSON, M. Â., Appl'y t- gara. leenclosaeS hSanon............ 48 forN commerciNal tra oil m.8-ycar old entire Colt.48 -4TREGovtlEigratien Office, j. p. TAYLOR, PmRILP MocANN. id d" ily 4 -TONYSOLICITOR, CON. march 25, 1878. lBtt- Toronto. lâte of Tgoeto. 2-year old entire Colt.48 T'EYANCEB, if., fi Pull7 4 8 Orriu x 17 TORONTO STREET, H ISOLATED BISE B M O V A L. 1.year old entire Colt. 4 8 14TORONTO. TRThu ,g i Fily 4 8 ..... ý FirB Insuranc oy of Çaniada. Theuliredlius rerne l orse Colt of 187.... 4 82 ZIUm9 TO1NOOP -_n: 1 - iuchToenoBOOT if SHOE STORE Puy Il. Il... 48 M M C L E R E A N D T R E A S U RI R , -P a ir D ra u g lit H r e . .1 do9te1o'clock. CAPITAL, S5oo.oo to the Proeue.dîcugeWaeneel CaeI-at R. J. (U. r, M. D., Deposf itdwth Goveramsewd..flt $67000ret * 1ier o u COUTY AOL Itwinasinatmliioaea épi1uu para to i e rders for Werk. A TOOG.RD l 1RGONdoe a anlec.tc nhn.Rp#n .Byron Street, Whitby.wlhu eaad el2 oconad. payover the cuh*AT ONCE. JOSEPH A. BAIqDELL. Bl......$6 $4 $2 'Wms.MCDURIES, M.D., lI.R.Cs., Hon. ALEL McKENZIE, m. . p, WlbMy5,17 2Yearl Bll... 4 82 (V'8LONDON, ENG., JOaH ÀGANj N ML.OHAlI PeuidBull Yarlf ......u.l...... 4 82 Gý r. oye"OT".,HOshawa, Ontario. . WTIMüfd Cow, givipig milk orALinSIGNEE,.. .Ca ......... 4 82 CH aBOICCI.1À ASENE 8.year old Cow .....4 82 ENaotoW. SUCE-BAMM F BDDIVSION COURT, 2-ycar old Heifer......4 82 Mr.aBmon'aSNtrona ,AUCTIFoNEER, ,. " 1boerDe. alRoom n daStor .tH eifer Cal! ........ 4 8 2 <SUCCES. APPLE TREE8, OFFIE-In ielow's Block, Port 7cho aaia triacatin 01 te raî forth............e....ex. Ç,> N. VARLS, L. D. il ABOUT 40,000, .2-year oldHReifer, do ...4 8 2 ET netdon ail the. -AT MM-AB 1 Yearling Heifer, -do ... 4 8 2 Ago 4asa cheapest, and as good aa the HOM E NURSERYC R !M AN fo irt nld Teeth extracted with:ut ain, byproduciug rom two te four years ef age, embracing &Il T.-' Hot Bul andof h local anseatheala. DneReoou-in 0ev. the beut Varieties. OFCA SINE 0.na nev block, oyer Atukiaon'a Drng Stere, SETH 0. OFJIL SIGE Cls......1 Ring qtreet, Oahawa. 85 WILSOlN, ay geo Lot Ne. 8, sud Con. Pickering, on Kingaton Aime, Agent for the - B tBul faaee or TtASDEVEEILL, Boad, oat Office, Whithy. ROYAL INSURiANCE COMPANY, Boot pairStrayag '.UILDER AND- CONTRACTOR, TTTESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY RVINOUL INSUMEAIOo. or brcod........... 6 tV-V1OFPFIE-ntario...Tn- --- DUNDAR ST.. W]ITBY'. 'r«à AUl Orti.nupromptly .xecuted UEADOFICEz, TORONTO. - ce tretcsa er nBuglan.... ...E VON.** CAPITAL STOCK, - 34OOe=. April 20th, 1874.. 17 2-pear obti Bull ..4 jolie RoaixiNgN'5 AGNT Iso arS OT ràwo. -earlngBul..... AMDSIGA NDalo, rokse, Ul,.- JGOSEpH HOLMANP BBOOZL JJONT. U H' OTEL, Bull Cal!.......... .4 Baise, Agent forhity fI, yMileli CoW, Giving milk JONWOLFENDEN, A8 gntfrteCANAAPA RERS' NONCK neàis, DALTON, Or iu cal! ........4 A GENT FOR1 THE <EL:BRATED - MUTUAL INSURANC3 COMPANY, ROBT. K. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR .2year lg eife ....4 c0Jnth ottl GrantAImda irbHatOfieHà -o;ani Rellable information regardiug tihe coun- Heifer Cal! .-. ...... JOHN CAR-rER, CITIZENS' INSUBANCE cOM',trYet c farisheS te partiez equirang it~- Y5ns JOHNCARTR, OP'Yqample accommodation ton Hauntersansd ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Motre4 Pire, Lite anti Gnarantee -Spotmen. The bar anti larder auelal ... ......... j ith the test et liquora and vianda 40 te 2-pear obti Bull.....4 iCotuties et Ontario, York antiPool. Department, tonuS lu Ihe country. Nous but obh~n erioBl . Reuldeboe-.Lot 8, eth Concession Markham. CAPITAL, - 2,000,000anS attentive servants kept. Cemmotixeus Or ul.. 'Poat Offce-UnioaLilue. Sale ttendeti ou 00,tebling sud prompt hostlen, sivays ou Bull Cal! ............ 4 thes hortest notice, anti on reasonablo tonna. Drolin, Dec. 2,1872. 12M49 hanS. miach Cov, giving mar 'Iferma eau ho matie muS bille printeti at theoROBRT K.YOUNG 4luMIsCLI Office ton Mn. Carter. __- ___RBETK ON, or in cal!......4 - - LumBER & csmfNGLES FOR SALE. Dalton, 6th April, 1875. ProPditor.2-yoar olti Heifer.... 4 GEoureE coRiIAJCE, 16Yearling Heifer..... 4 T UMBER MEROXIANT, 'CARPENTER . The subecniten ha. ou hanS anti- for aie Heiter Cal!......4 .LI1 anti Joiner, Green Street, Whitby. A at hia mii neer Utica, (late Curnio's), aU TiARM TO LET 1 RAE larg 0quantltyet ail Inelumber con. kintiitlumber ant i hlia. BIinintmer ..-FleiCoGRAgDmE. tep.ea n ti er. M2 O O A C R E S. 1Uln bRaKn~.Fuueri ull uA. B. CAMPBELL. 1 lucal....... !lIeti ani tWlendtaonhort notice. CoffIna Utic,Aug. 204h. 84oeu ot tlt o 5sdRs4a .er it Cov ...4 kcpt cntutiyon hanS. A heanse te hire _______________________ or uthej oflotco. Plendst- of-r-r-: -ao libcrsl toei. lt1 i huuhcn- rceig. eil yearold ceW.... _______adapteS for raliug stock andgrn. - 2yar old ....er.a4 flARNESS, SADDLERY. Apply te enigHie . TIE. O'DELL, -L --HENRY HOWELL, Heaingr CW........... H#Tesbcrbj.srs osaet on te T. MOODY. Hie af........ T RLYhoemnben eur eatSetat he Whitby,Stis. June, 1875. 24FAT CATTLE. A TARY ,he o e e A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __H_ _ _ __P ,_ _ P a t O z o r S t e e r . . . . . 4 Clerk Divisio-n Court, Tp. Cferk, AHARNE8SSHO, NIPISSING HOUSE, Fat Cow 'or Houfer..., 4 Coannisiour inh. R ., Ladent. &.,'lu thenmlas eppolte Bey'. Brltiah Am- NClase III-Shee- &o, tgenCoiny.naro. l icsitan Flotel, Dtutias-St., Whitby, where COR. RING A"D OZOEos 5maS, LIET he, ~ ~ ~ ~ h AtelCutwnal. . h il! keep on huana upenlon stock ot ECETR Atherlv Stvt. 2ud, 1872. '86 everythiug lu hi@ linet busuness, anti viliT OR ON TO, O N T A R 10 . Ram ..................6 - -~~~~ s~ell et the Ioest prices. Rie begu te solicit 4 A.T EEL haln a . e D.a hane et public patronage. R.T.JWLL ha Lamb. . c A F.WibFl 4 84 RANE TYLER. -Prpitwo SmLiamb, ....E........8 DRI. & 110<1 BOART, hty e.2,8. gtt Toi-ente, Aug. 12,1878. Po 8LTvo Eves.. »........... 8 Phiyîiclsngt Surgeona, 'Accouchero, &o., &o. HEA r BITH&MRCNLEorvn. W4tby, Sept, 804h, 1874. 408 àP[CBlT RTIH&MRCNIE w w Lms..... LA o - -LUMBER! LUMBEiR!1 ISLRANECMAY~ an.............6 AIWoD FOR SALE. FIli.arlingCOMAN S-The underaignot sno uncep tmSfanirllbe hagsmoeao pop a lm....... The auhacriben ba- tonsaliee t hbi MUsplendid stock et fine a cluered, elPeaOn- saeiemnt d ei,.'harges Evs..........8Ra udâr Utica, e quetity cf four.toot Slab eclitamber; sellung et 810 per thotasauti fot. stlmn lcam. IN.AIl klnds et Lumben for Carpeuten anti GRO. YULE,.Agent. Two Shearling Eves .. ..- A.tin àet.2,17. CMBEL Husebidget oee de.- Whitby, Jane 2,18~75. 28 Two Ev. Lainbs -..8.. P.tca Pept.. B s Lum CO aoa Wfb CetsWold -. Caneadian eO'i- AUA. . .& L.CMIAIHRBOHSO. ANS breed--Shearling Ram, uto u. A U A Y ,lIL.11,. ., W hitby, N ov. 4th, 1874. - 5T w w s . . .. ...-. . cu cý Hheu, i Coroa'er for the A-' Q àCommission Rooma w, SiarigBes.. Çodwtien-t,ollaoil iis, - ITun SES AND spno lep n Ceulu Oter lo nd lmce. ffie 7o RUN S.Opposite Bleck'm Hotel, Kig St, Oshaw. ee ,te cousit O!f BaguIer Sales eveny ,lternate Seturdsy aget Ram, 1 i rlt- LETHRVAIESatornnc atdoe niratsasie on Set- Ram, 2 Ram Lamb-, ARM8TRONG HOUSE, rtiey, th, lOzh JUL nsatatioeck, 8 ageti Eves, 8 Shear. (LArE A&Luioex,) P. ]ni.,Consigument Soliciteti. ling Eves, .2 ive -j.Sales lu Tovu and Ceuntry coauctta as Lima1 W TPONTA]RIO. *...S tis. For Tenu. d&. appiks ale m- mu..... E. ARMSTRONG '- PBOPIIIETOR. ROTAL Rb TE L, WnITSY, o-T. A. H IINDES; Ji., - PROPIjIETOR1. - <lmmodious Sample-roomo. Omnibus mfsetu ailtrains. ) 27 W'LoRHOUSE, POBT P.LftRY, ONT., T. B. WALICEII, PRPET. àA;EWS& MOHANIC'S HQTEL »Beux, A5ONTAIO. -m ~ B,'W&, -PRO1IITOR. c But 4noyea &né[ iara miveps nlan& OsAJAOGA TRUNKS,' &C., &C., at WI-LLIÂM THOMPS.oNl, Sadien antiHmeau Malien, Jane 21, 1874. 24 INURANCE COMPANY'. Loauesd lu courmcf fir£fva e a Olalma 1 oflFine etilmatetat near- ly 8,000,00, mn. Velusg llquldsta"m fua idjsteS vilhot diductin. e.cuely, Prompt Papmiut aud s adjuatin cent et t es = àuri th.raalaa Whltbly, Juiy ilt, 1875. F RSAL, GLF'N AT TEE <LNMAJOR MILLS. 80,00tst ]PleLumbet, val seassued. Inch Boarda, Plocnlng, rd 24Seantling, 2-lucha Plauk, Penclng Beardu, CoPoo ttof Oak, MAP10 1«r iles, lot quaIity, 15,O00f& Square Timbu 01 e vhlci vinbe selS chmp fer caeh. m m fa n g o n . 8 d 7 W S u Ufi l t e e k ,f e g . y Lgto;joTua1il; *0.te ,fr«u L.LUE 4 4. goBest Peu, te cousiet o! - same as above ..10 5 Beet Ram eut 6 o! bis Larnbs, any breeti, the properfy o! Exhibiter. 6 C a$IV-Sw.tno, Bor P........7........8 2 Sow....Of15........... 8 2 LAEGE eucx, Ao yOTE niD Bor.....f18........8 2 80w N9gOf 1875..-8 2 FAFT 5WDe. clamaV-Gr0a ad ,8e« 8 5' 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 One Herse TPhaeton.. 4 vd 1 itli top. 4 8 Two Horse Slcigli....4. 8 One Herse Sbigli......4 8 Iron Pougl..............4 8 Pbougli, any other knd .4 -D o ubl1e m ould-board Poug.......... 8 2 Turnip Drill...... .....4 8 2Set o! Harrovu, voot ..4 8 2iàon ..4 8 2 To Hrse Cutivator... -4 8 2 To Horse RoUler .....4 Gang Pbougli.........4 8 2Grain Drill ............. 8 2Broat sot Sectio n sd 8 2 Cutivator, combinet... 6 Strav Cutter, fr hrse Power.... .. . .. . 4 $2 Corn Sheller..... . .. 4 2 One Hrse Cutivator.. 3 2 1 Str ev Cutter, orliot by 2 1 ad .... .... ...... 2 1 H orse ake.. ......... 6 2 1 Pea Harvester .........8 Fanning Mil......... 4 2 Cier. Mil anti Press ....g 4 2 Cheese Press .............2 2 1 Washing Machine. .2. 2 1 Turnip Slicer.... ... .. 2 igum ...................2 2 Hra]! Crush r. ......... 4 taf osen Hep Porks .2 2 i a f o en M anure o k u 2 2 1 Hal! dozen Steel Hos .2 2 Hal! dozen Scythes .2. FarmGate..... ..1 5 Specimen Hors. Shoos vifli canike ........... 1.50 Specimcn Herse Shoe ithout caulks...1.50 Spocimen o! Pump mali- r'swok... . Best collection o! Malle-. ables, a sweepatake..-. 4 Clans X-Hortioultnraî paxtment. 12 table Apples, summer, 12 eooking Apples, sum- Smer,na t...... 12 table Apples, fal, n=ae.t.............. $112 eooking-Âpples, fal i12 table Apples, Winter, ranmeti........ ........ -12 ceoking Appbes, winter i nameti....,......... . 1 12 vgieties o! -Apples, *1 namd,sxfeah. ... 4 - Bout tlsplay M f-"Applest grovfl a! Exhibitor, dwinct from the abtè 5 12 table Peste, fall, nem. *2 2 table Peasa.winter.- jýïâm .... A à 8 hnadsCabagefsumer..76 2 ha. . 4 2 8 beads Cabbage,, *inter.. 75i Barrel of flou rfromsprng - 8 h"Bea Cbbag' 7 2 Wlieat....' 4 2 ý28 î......7 2Baaorel of atmeal. ..... 8 -2 Pmns..... 21 table arrots..... '7 oawvx-~~<,t.. 12 table Tarnips.....764 9 i'bs M o a oe , e ~ y 2 .~ S p 6 onen of D ried F ru it 1 2 1j bu" ëtitoésOaimed .-Fruit ........... 1 2 b9'l ott., ae. 2 Sc peeimej of 7j~pe 2 îroots ofTt= *jp $8 $2 $1, served hi - 2 12 roots man ,oid Wuinrt-s*, 2 zel, longre .. ".2 411ey....fP .75e~ 2 dtroots, longyellow do.j 2 6 0ë, Juuibe " r o ts M n o ld , y e o w' I 4 ù agi 75ë 4 loe........ 21, 50a eaeCelery. ..~..76 2 mro is 0o n reP2e . 0o , ie lo .. 7 5 o 2 lroot otsorng.2- '1 5SOc Peck rcd n2<t 75 2cifal VH1ýDairy'ý.Pickuling Onio.....5 B est 10 lb s B utter, W ; .- . Onion ....... 2 H i9,g n s m p riz e , b u tt r -'5 b e l o p s .7 5 e 2 tàk mng prize to becom e Ch ulko l7 75e 2 hie proprty........... $1,0 0 Bet, Collection o garden 2 2 n d . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' v g t be.. . . . . . . . . . 0 2 Brd ........ .. .. . . o C t u........... ... 8 0 a l ol s e . . .. 2 t. . .. . .. 2 OO Ma0e1oas.s75o Sth................bcryyiegr 75o ,j est 25 bs Cheese, ome rUpcWfi m ... 1.500 made, N. W. Brown's ny other varity of 2 prise, Clicese 'taldng Wine.......1.500 2 prize to become bis pro. Clas XI-Domegtio Mfanul 2....................100 4 00 trs 2 Srd...........8 00 10 yards Pull Cloth, 2 4th ...................2 00 home.madeo spun and 2 5t .......... ......... oeyhn.........10 wv y2 2 Best Factory Cheese, not legs 10 yards Pull Cot, lac- 2 than 80 bs ........«... 4 00 tory made ... . 2 2. 2nd ................... a0 10 yards Satinet, home. 2 8 rd ................ .. .2 00 mad, spun and wovc 4 ikno o esta byhband..............2 Best Fri fni esta 0 yards Satinet, faetory. 40 Ibe butter in Shipping made........2 ore.........4 00 10 yards wintor Tweed. 2 2nd...... ........... :8 O0 10 yards summer Tweed 2 ~ Brd............. O 10 Yards Flannel, home. 2 Clase VnîI-pouîtr. madie, spuri aud waee 2Pair Black Spanisli...$1 50e by band, all wool; . 21 2 Brahams, ligit . ....1 50e 10 yards Flansiel, home- Il i dark. i .0 made, -by hand, cotton 2 Game Fowl ............ 1 5Oc10wardp................2 1 "Dorking, white --. 1 . 50e yrs Flannel, factory 2 di colored ......1 '500 made, ail wool .......2 1 2 Hasi i........ 10 yards Flanuel, faetory Po2 n........1 50e made, eottn warp.... 21 C o c in C h n a . . . .i 0 e 1 0 y a rd s p laid Fla n n e l. 2 1 Pea olChna........1 50e 10 yards Woolen ape 2 sPauyohr roy 1 500 10 yards Rag Carpet 2 Tukys olored ....... 01 e cotton warp......... 2 1 2 Trl'yswhite....1 50e 1 yards Bag Carpet, diW id Turkeys.... ..1 SOc p oeairp . .. . .. IGeese, large breed ...1 50e ai Woolen -3lnkts, dGeese, mal brod .... 1 50cP home m d . .. . . 2 1 ."Duks .............. 1 50ecP'Ir Wooleu Blankets, Canary Birds......1 50e factory made......... . .2 -1 Pigeons, bet collection. 1 50e Pair Horse Blanket... 2 1 sGuinea Fowli. ......... 1 50e Coverlet, heavy.......... 2 1 Best lot of Poultry lu one pe u Covrlt, lgit - 2 1 owned by exhibitor, dis. Shepherd's Plaid ......... 2 i tinet from, al other en-" Pair Woolen Stokings. 75e 51 tries.... ............. . 5 8 4 di tock ....7à5e1 Clasis IX-PFarm Implements. B ~ ocks ... 75e 51 eaper, ay kind ... 6 $4 $2 PlaW oolen MYaru.....75c M Mowing Machine,...6 4 2 lain crossn ddYarn ... 75e S Threshing Machine ....6 4 2 Plain cdousbe sdtted m 7o5 W aggon (tw o horse team ) 10 6 iY ar e n.. . . . . . . . ..7ed5 Wagglou ( t w o hors. ....7o5 sprng market) ...12 8 Rag Bug. 1.50e 1 TWO Horse Carnge.....4 8 2 Woolen Bug ........... 1.50e 1 One Horse Buggy.....4 8 2 Clase XII-Ladies'. Depart 8 2 ment. 8 2 Chilt's Dross......2 8 2 Gentlemen's Plain Shirt 8 2 haudmade ............2 8 2 Gentieman's Plain Shirt, 8 2 machine matie....S .oe Lady's Bonnet.........2 8 2 Piece vorli Quilt........ 8 8 2 Log Cabin 8ul..... 8 2 Prieudsbip Qit..... 8 2 Tuft Quiit..............2 8 2 Kuit bot covor...........3 8 2 Crotchet verk 'Counter - 82 pn......... 4 Silk Quilt........... Pauey Ntt1... .o i 4 Laysrs.....S Bout collèction o! Lady's 8 2 Underclothing 1 ... S 2 1 Beet idisplay o!. Milhncry 10 2 1 Paucy Knitting ....... .0e Crotchot Work ........1.50oe 2 1 atng.......5e 4 Applique Work......... 1.50oe 2 1 Embreidery on !aguslin.5.0ce 4 'iý t Lace..,. 1.60c 1" W rsted . 50m e 1 1" Cotton .. 1.50e 1 Raisedi-Berlin Wool work 21 i -Fat - 46 -fi 4 2:1 2 German raiseti vork .... 21 1 -Guipure Werk ..........2 1 i Chenille W8k...... 2 1 Moxican Needie Work - 2 1 i Oruamental ."1 .Oe00 1 Specimeus o! Braiting.S5oe 1 ic ý1Qtiltiug ... i.SOc 1 1 66 .1Beativorli 1.60e 1 66 Lace'worý, .5oe1 1 Worked Slippers' , -.N .600 1 Sofa Puov ....... 2 1 2 Toilet Set......... V Cotton Tidy....... V WooIeu Tidy .......... 1M De- Braideti Tidy...1 ..........1 V Worked Camp Chair. '2 1 camp Seo.... .i- Oc1 Ottoan...........2 1 50e WaxFruit.......... 8 2 50 WéatherFloers......... 21 50epr WaxS es. . ... ...... 1 500aRLlBask............01 Wall Psketiv...........-à Haéi n'Iowers... ......75 i0 Sc p P Mc ast........1 75c, i 2 Pency Teb]ÏeMa..........17 4 PancyLsh ek, -2 I 2 1 4jOUOODuc o4&mlroty.1m -,- e d .5e anPhtogr-aplhi.,. 2 1- GOePhotograpbic Portrait k, 500 ; 6nished iniL' M56 as XI-Leather &*Leath. SOc or W'ork 50 Pair MenS F ie .B ots, 50sewed..........2$ 'Pi 500FpýB oo'Pg 1'~~K --irMen--n-ootspe - ~ - !Ohé Ai$ u lie s hore ofit did b freml..- . 0 loc estassStïen-ýê B t .ense,r for be tio nintedis Ie-olh -4 wM il 10 B est aSsMorsmt-o f«<>2 - abs bue fiRt se coa.o! Sng m ialUt arembli a ndadir. ,-- e-500 8-e O PamHl cs,. 8 2 1 Pet, if not àsbolutely fais.But nov. Wlaat more do enOu wsuU,ý T 500 , 1 9~'" 2 1 WhoeVer becane acqua Ke w itty's call a-simple joining of wosl41uySaint déSingle gé ..8 2 1 ruiY'werâaniy nature coula net doubt este, in acordaine withicertain foe . 2 nobler seuitimientu. farce lias lasSeS long eugh. ,lit-te BO ide.........8 2 1- And th. time approached when 111447 lu aetan4 tue meanang of thiiSods 8 Pair Heavy Horse Collars. 8 2 1 mueit - ktek he important oteV-tii. man andw if. Amido yolzkuowtbfr 50 taeligTrn....1.50 1 môut important iu a woman'a bfa-of meamlng ?Do'you knev that thora CU 50e Sle Lathe......... 1 -Wlaich uhe had often upokenm ihtly; be ne union unieus mutuallqive hi t1 Uper Leather,.Co...d... 2 1 wheu ohs would give lier fr= 11sa op. conetlug iik?2 Eno~~f lI Uppr Lathr, owhaeý. 21 prtuityto-jud l ow niuch 'o!flier mummeryl- I viii çc ni- vth my 211 "eGrainhdra.w2o1in th. words we have -'fiende regarding the conditions oo ux 2 1 citeti. - l.-'- séparation. No. ne, you neetiuhave, «lie H.ruoag ........ 2 i1 tr jpsage 'ot cigliteen uheblid feeru. You enent v.ep antuling'to Bridie - ...... 2 i agoodlynumbeiof muitoru; butas bemai. m.liib eeouw4-o rac Clsss ~ , never seriouuly, onconrsged. but tvo, w. -Yeu uhail have s mucli of my fortune fac- lasseXV-Misceulanol. will follov lier' exemple, and leiving - ayou demaud." Piano ..... . $ 00,$2 the otheru unneticed,* conslder the enly He pusheti ler frain hlm. 8h. fait- Cabinet W r . .. . .8 O0 2 irèltive adlvantageu and-me nta f er enthe sofa, andi freinthe deths f ler Sculpture in Marlilo.....8 OU 2 fayouantes. :\deàpLir se.cried " Frank 1 Frank 1 lOîb. Hoey u Cob... 1 ~ i If tuia verefnot a tborouglily true vhy, why .did 1 senti you freinme? 101o. lony n Cmb .. 1 0 1atry -woldavail niseif ef the -Pr - .Why vào I1se blinl, iutii flua came B s'a.. ............ 1 o ge f tilteayDx t dpo rieayarlt ni ît~ pou me te open my -eyees 1--ldlba. Honey, etrained . 1 50 t h. two geufimen in mtrong contrast, seo Shela4 tpon th. sofa, sobblng aud 1lbu, Maple Sugar.I 1 50 1 as to highteav h.eaffect; 1 vonit re- veepin*g bitterly. Gradually bar grief TvWo laves o!fBread.... 1 60 1 présent the- one as, a rascai, but rida. ueemed te subside; ah.e breathet calm. Collection o! Confeetionary 8 00 2, But the truth is, our poor genins was ly; bar teasa cease tateflow, andi bar Bouquet of Pbowers, table 2 00 i neither, a gemiue, nor very poor. -Ie heatiqby liglitly on lier arum, over hud 2 OU wuva a lrk in a banli, wltli a unifiaient 'wbich eng lier boouened tresses in al Loter i,~ Prn4hg 15<)1Bana~ te enable, him te hvoe very cern. their liazunions Profusion- Pane Dor......... ~ iorta IY, b ut whlch ofiered no chance ý4'Frank: 1" eh. murmure sUn4enly; Pae 15 àhgever becoming nlch. - "deer Erauk, corne bacti te me, corne Window Sauli.........i 150 i 'Frank Gothvait posuessed insu7 ex- back te me 1 Wmndow Bllnds...... 1 50 1 cellent qualities, which gave -hlm th. "He Rre I açm," said a gentie voice. Graining in Wood .I 50 i reputation, among-the early, andree Shei opened lier cyce, mnd raed eber, Bee Hive................ 1 60 1 diszcnmnatinq portion o! hiu acquaint. liead. Frank etod betlde bier. Taios' ork........ ~ asces s ebeing "a dhll-estimable Il Yen have be-en aaleep," satili e UphloIseerWork. 150 1yegmari;" among bis coiraties as Emiling Speimeeflnsith'serk1 5 1being"l'avery-good fellov;" anti among "lAsleep ?" Bpeiet colletinsCoops's vork 1 50 1 thepYoung ladies ofbeing "jnst- asuic. & AY, anai have been dream'iug.", 1 Beat colecting Mchin .2 oo 1 0 1as liecoulti b.." 9" iDreamPn',"murmm.ed Xifty; BoutSewng achne ....... 200 Kitty leveitErank; fih. couldu't help. "ant i hus *1 a dream. 2' 1, Floral Designu..... .......2 .00 ~14. . euasconvinceti eh.epreferrecl IIhope se,"takinglier band. 'I iknew M&USIC.-Thore viiilieoa-* baud bis soclety ta that of Tom Wellntye otait net drive me- avay se cruel - 1 o! mugic cngaged during the ýexhibi bhis onlyrivaL ' ly,; soI1 vaitet inl your father's raom tio, b Ih eomitee avig - This Tom Wellingt<n-i cornradèè where I have beeu 'talkiug vith hlm tie, b th comitee-havngthe callet i huth, "Duke"-Ëau neither au for the asothoufr. I came back topIead arrangements of that department in idiot, or liump.backed, or be.w-leggod, my case'once more, andi founti yen 1 charge. nil of w hich I vlh lie ei bea ; ut. asleep w er , I, left y e." vould hbave mahi my. utory se mmculi " Ah, vbat a frightful dar ana r- more intereeting. -on tue contrary. lie muiret Xitty, rnhhing ber eyes. If Tvo Heartu Beat as One. vae a sezaSibie, hanslsome, vdll.brd vas se like, W:hideous reabity, tiat 1 Young mnu; anti sa fer au I know, tremble -Wbou I'thik of 14. I thougbt A cosEYIx N TIRama ACTe--A W03U WiTRI[ fhera .,sMnetrace of- a rascal lun hie vas nmarderie TWO 11iU81eAiNe-AN EXCITDiG sCEma composition. flesides these ativant- '«If 14 vas sea terrible," saisi Franli, AND IUTY ARI.IAGE. ages, be-the son of one' of oui mer-.'II hýe.Yeo dit net dreain Yeu vtire -chant princes- poesseti an incaree arrieS te mne." It lu very seldom that ve have th.eniuficient tae omble hlm ta liv.e uperbly.-" No;* I theoiglt I bat giyen my oppertunityoet hroiiling a more adn. He eounted hies tliousauds vlicn h iantl b on. viliaduot, andi te vhom ;Oc sationsi. anti amuaiug an event than rival counteti hundareis. I couil neyer gi-vomy liant.11 - ;Oe the feiloving affair; which occuredti tis Frank rosteit bis bepes, therofore, "So, thon, he toawh yen givo pour ,Oc week. The tacts are briefiy these: À entirely on the inffuetice lie peesesseti lant muet frtbae von pourxlieart 2" 0ew fevtys agoe alow comedian came to over Eitty's heart. The "Dnke" ai. 6YesyFankie.muet," saIt Xiftty, i tbls Citp, accompanleti by lais vif., sud thougl 4h. mn ufor lier lu .very partie-..iltgflreglbler tearu; "anti- ;0 bat au engagement in a certain -plce lair, au lie wau ricb,. liantisome, andti ferei14 lî1V' ;OC o! amusement. Everything veut on uensible, coulti net succeed inlu inning Anti at St. Jude'e Churcli, ou a brigbf Ocvery plessantlp until another comedien lber affections; anti the amiable Frank Jiane moruing lu tuh. pear 1862, au any. arrivet anti joinet the troupe. He was could not, or woulti net, belicve abe- body anay see by booking et tlie churcli LIc as ctanuing asua fox, *anti et once vas voulti show flic promptingu o!flier- record, fthen anti ther. vere imiteS in charmet vlth 4h. gracoful figure anti nobler anti botter nature t, be'oer.rul- tue lioly bonds o! vedbock, Mr. Franki excellent style cf Mrs. C-. Finding et byworldly considrations. Gothvait ani MiEss itty.Dale. out that ah. vas iltreateti. by fie man 'Wlien lie, liovever, one day însisteti-______ who vbo uouibe lier pretector, lb. ymp on knoving hie fate, oeh.àstarfiet him How a WU lWoUNvu OoLxD lare athiset trongy vith lier sud gave lier by saying, vltli a deep-drawn segl, MARI1G TnE WaoNG MAii afeair ail the consolation in,'lais pover. "Ah, Frank, I amn Barry v. ever met"l'oCceurreti rocentiy at one of th. minor Night befoe'e laet about etvolv, o'ciock, "Sorry?" batela luinflua city, vhidliF vere it Mr. C. fait a little jealou et 4he attent. 6yeu, I have theuglit 1 ail ever; vo net for flie rather tragio influence oions pait teo biseŽ'srtner byliu rival in enu neyer b, anything but frientis." it bears upon a litmanl lite voulti h0 er affecions an grosly-assuntet iber "la "eciieiFaik utlgle rather comiceL . Acertain un. lu 4h. presetace et "lBepuard." The fox sutitienby, and i meonly tvistinig hiu marrieS individuel, -living et Savon- cotabt stand fIais- ne longer, anti on the, blonde moustache. htarg, bas lied living lun hIieue for a mpet togli r part aut offeret lier mia r- "Nover, neyer 1" sait Kitty, lu a toee er or more a buxom (ýermauvwoman, n a g e s u tp r o t e c tio n h ic h , he e i t b . s c r c ly a u d ib le . i t h v u e i n lie a s m o r e i n t i a a t . t h o n on 4hsa1oz galyacped.~ car. Frank est down beuide honr on the either the 1ev or th.e cceptet mystem niage vas erteredti t&cnvey them n sd sofa; put bis .atm round lber valut in Of norality slows, Iu a monfli or so the friendu tea n Alderman, wvli lu pite et a geutie I"Don't, do thatIl anti s chilti vas born anti the father jirom.- iusuer of marriage liceuseu, resitiing on letting hie voice siuk' simeet tea S mur- isei, lu' entier te uettle the iimculty C t ei estreet eut the ra ob i , t e m er, upoke tealier-te the prend ' Kity vhlch ensue dta, m arry the--m other. ' légal document autherizing a minuster -utl suli ept bitterly. ,. ,Yeeterdby 'fie two, steempanlet by a ta unité the toi te Il. holy bonde? "Kitty,saithoe, lu a teefui! et frionti, caet te i tpanti stoppet aI &a. Prom fier, fiep procoe tte ,tender emotieu-"KlRty, I knov'tsthfi.hotel, viaicl i u-on -Walter atreat, résidence of! a clergymena lovspo oem, tynaeped-an netfafr from--the Couneruvihle D.1aot. erouetiont of hie bed et tirée o'eock htiens, -selisfluiIf 14 lu neeiy rn tetmgert a etfr lu tb. mornîng, vbo pertormedthfe vii!that I shoulti leeve Yu, ep andth st obdthat lh. vas expected te Bol. necesuery servicee ta make Id tv vend, ant I î iii go." -- muase a manniage between theveaman, heartu" net euiy te beat "as eue," but "ëo, thon," murmure;ti , vbo cennot-speek a vert o! Englisli, ta logeuse the-set et living au mata anti "Have -yen tnliy tiecideti 2" a siuttue fr e Pwh artcoaies to vite until déath do thean part. The Frank, adpel e .1v p fetinJb btacmait ceeoybeing over andti h. tées paii, ',Yes." lcto ol l lc eieta o s=etica.etfmerriage vas grantei, I"Then, feroeol!" meviva blththyaIl vbe th copl su thinfrludue~ . ooklie lantlu isbeket fo aproper forite go flirougli, sut vas curet rthe bpe and h. er sending - eklirbndi i, okd e ridfalier, hile the Samonburg ose orme the eacean Hosee4h, gmoment et lier pretty, teerful face, anti mansitood ti e elide laughlng et tle a dsud nim t trh e citieRougo th. thon, ainable te centrol hi'mself, presuet cbout The vômun dit net tilisover ta biid An brdegoomdecded li e r passiozately' - àvesinbwom. ah, -Led-beeu- married for su main turing the - day, vwhile thon.aosna firiende returned.tateh. tp. Inthe She nef only enlimitteati tehise m- heur or iv afttervartis, and the !allaer efternoeu fie latter again vent teth brace without a struggle, but, giving o!fben- chil t uf ay o=l Beach, -according ta arrangement., anti wa y te anirresiblo' lm mulse, 1threv eatt4he manuer lu which hlides" vhile lu eeerch et the bappy couple her arms lovinglp arounuhis ueck. th. consequ.nceu eofliimpeviou=.' ! thi.tiey liedgreetlfficulty lu fiait. Suddeuly, .however,', Ecolietiug* L lier cretion. Wlia4 fieresuit-viu -b.e an- lug thera. A at oreetayresolutiln, eh. loosencti ler le, -anti net pet bc toit, but th. emmu anyeetoe.. vwere fount bsthlug lunfthe ] Ba pushthmfele iha ugi. . ayef toou visiteti ssesm gu. ing thimolveu 11ke. mér=m. '%t ci-e "-Shll Igo 2" lieutammeneti. taes thf.erneire oflisving lIa. lu th. afteruoou fie party -Came -back A taint "Yeu," tei! froan Kitty'e lips-matrimonil ncitauntiet, andti~e&. ta tÈe city' , h. mariet couple. ant i. -th, et oet ube lay aan,, obfaing e retmuguan tf kahl.~ C- ritýinl u anecig.sthéeepin on f . oa.But,-144 ittg.t entett-PiùsbcýDia& e. Tlilad seeed e b pqrectvo. àby' litti, ir pt!heerntofea i tentetia ntw h w i as ae.- H efe t e e r e u St l w ni M L T I a o s W e a G h * 1 1.1 i 1 2 2 I i 2 i i laek.A "Quaker' jrueu sa ,net sre that wes sheUlt 7Se 75e L e oria n casa lion to te Th 60 autas -b P May' do thm Bible 1bu Ibeen DO f o~-~ however be., n"k2ov not how rait M.L%, '-vntario Joan and savings ,DMDIL"V'Rllnila'.. -.. Vr-- --à .22- r 0K., IYJIJTksy. . DEVON.

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